Get a Member… Get a Grand - American Chamber of Commerce


Get a Member… Get a Grand - American Chamber of Commerce
A Publication of
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
In Partnership with The Daily Reflector
June/July 2007
Chamber Enhances Web site with Photo
Gallery and Cost of Living Calculator
Volume XXXI No. 05
Small Business Drives
The U.S. Economy
Small business accounts for 50% of U.S. private
nonfarm gross domestic product (GDP) according
to a study by the Small Business Administration.
“The study confirms the vital role of small business in the U.S. economy,” says Bruce Josten, U.S.
Chamber executive vice president, Governmental
Affairs. “We must make sure the government
policies are shaped to help small business do what
they do best-innovate, create jobs, and grow the
The study, which compiled data on 16 industry
sectors from 1998-2004, found strong small business growth in health and social services, arts and
entertainment, and food services. 2004 data are
the most recent available.
According to the study, small business contributions amounted to more than 50% of GDP in 5 of
the 16 sectors and more than 80% of output in 2
sectors-construction and “other” services. SBA
defines “other” as such things as equipment repair
and dry cleaning. Small business share of total
GDP peaked at 50.7% in 2004.
Excerpt from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
– June 2007
In today’s world, Web site
Research) Cost of Living Index
addresses can be more important
(COLI) Web Calculator allows visithan physical addresses.
tors to make their very own cost
The Greenville-Pitt County
of living comparisons between
Chamber of Commerce is no excep- U.S. cities. Visitors can compare
tion. To keep its members and the
the prices in Greenville to those in
community updated and
many other cities. They
involved, the Chamber is
can also enter their afterThe photo gallery tax income and “calculate”
always looking for ways
will provide extra how much they would need
to “tweak” its site to
make it a “one-stop” site exposure for mem- to make in a new city to
bers as all pictures
for information regardmaintain their current stanfrom events will
ing Greenville and Pitt
dard of living. be posted and all
visitors will have
The calculator uses
Among the latest addi- the opportunity to continuously updated data
view the gallery.
tions to the site, www.
pulled directly from the which
highly regarded C2ER Cost
is hosted by Evolve Inc.,
of Living Index to make
are a Photo Gallery and a Cost of
these comparisons. The C2ER
Living Calculator.
COLI data is based on the prices of
The photo gallery will provide
more than 60 goods and services,
extra exposure for members as all
updated quarterly. The C2ER COLI
pictures from events will be posted
is highly regarded as the most
and all visitors will have the oppor- accurate and reliable source of data
tunity to view the gallery. A link
comparing costs from city to city.
entitled “photo gallery” has been
The site, which receives approxiadded to the navigation bar on the
mately 10,000 hits per month, also
left side of the Chamber’s site.
allows Chamber members access
The C2ER (Council for
to a “members only” section which
Community and Economic
allows them to register for events,
Get a Member… Get a Grand
Yes, that’s right! Bring in a new member who joins at the fair share rate and you could
win ONE THOUSAND dollars!
The Chamber is asking for your help to recruit new members and ensure the strength of the
organization as we continue to grow beyond ONE THOUSAND members. The campain, which
started in April, will run through July.
Every current Chamber member who personally recruits a new member will be eligible for
the drawing for ONE THOUSAND Dollars. Your name will be entered into the drawing EVERY
time you recruit a new member. So, the more new members you GET, the better chance
you’ve GOT….to win ONE THOUSAND dollars!
Call John Bacon at 752-4101 or email
(top) Cost of living calculator, (below)
Photo Gallery
purchase Chamber publications and
update their business information.
All visitors have access to a calendar of events, community statistics,
chamber news, and links to other
helpful community Web sites.
DSM-Enhancing the Community
LEADERSHIP. What a wideranging word. But what an important word. Without leaders, we
don’t create visions or make plans.
Without leaders, we would wander
aimlessly and live in chaos.
Over the past couple of years,
I have enjoyed being a student of Jim Collins’ “Good to
GREAT,” the book on how some good businesses grew
to great. One of the chief reasons was because of leadership. Collins terms it “Level 5 Leadership” and describes
it as an unwavering combination of professional will and
personal humility. Just imagine if we had Level 5 Leaders
at the helm of every governmental body, every business,
every non-profit and human service agency, everywhere.
Leaders who would go to the ends of the earth for what
they were leading but have the humility to put ego aside
and not care who got the credit for success.
Jim Collins says everybody can move up the leadership
ladder from Level 1, which is a “competent individual,”
through the ranks and up to Level 5. I think it’s a LOT
harder than it sounds just reading about it.
Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, all kinds of personalities and all levels of resources. It’s a good thing
because our community’s challenges come in all shapes
and sizes too. The bottom line is that leadership is critical,
essential and invaluable. It makes our world go round and
it makes our communities prosper. And that is why our
Chamber of Commerce places such importance on helping
people grow in leadership.
Just last month, we graduated 30 high school students
from the Chamber’s Teen Leadership Institute. Over the
past five months, these students have learned about leadership traits and developed skills; they have looked at issues
in our community that need leadership. And they have
been challenged to provide leadership at their schools. I
am confident to say that these teens will continue to nurture their leadership skills and climb the leadership ladder.
Likewise, our adult leadership class is graduating this
week, and I can’t wait to see their projects and how they
have made a difference in our community. I especially
look forward to seeing members of the Leadership Class
serving in future leadership positions in our community.
And finally, on the note of LEADER, congratulations
to Mary Parons for the honor recently bestowed on her
as Small Business Leader of the Year. If graduates of
Teen Leadership and graduates of (the adult) Leadership
Institute provide leadership and give as much to this community as folks like Mary Parsons do, then we have a
bright future ahead for Pitt County.
Thanks to all who participate in leadership programs,
and thanks to the bosses, spouses, moms and dads who
support their efforts. And thanks to the present leaders
who set good examples.
Susanne D. Sartelle, CCE
2 - June/July 2007
DSM Pharmaceutical Products is a
global provider of contract manufacturing and development services, from
clinical to commercial scale, to the
pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
Services include: advanced intermediates, active ingredients (API’s), amino
acids and derivatives, mammalian
cell culture production of monoclonal
antibodies and proteins, finished dose
manufacturing of solid dose, scheduled drugs, liquids and aseptic liquid
and lyophilized products.
The Greenville, NC location is
Greenville’s facility
home to two of DSM’s Business
Units, DSM Pharmaceuticals and DSM Dyneema. Encompassing over 600 acres, the site employs over 1,200
people and is one of the largest U.S. manufacturing sites in the DSM system.
DSM is one of the largest private employers in Pitt County and understands the importance of good corporate
citizenship through their involvement in many local charities in the community. This commitment to the Pitt
County community resulted in the DSM Greenville site being selected as the 2007 Industry of the Year. Each
year the North Carolina Pitt County Development Commission solicits nominations from Pitt County citizens to
recognize a local company that has made a significant impact on the community. DSM was selected because they
exemplified commitment to the community, employees and to being the best in their industry. “Being selected as
Industry of the Year is a true reflection on the dedication of our employees and their willingness to give back to the
community in which they live and work,” says Hans Engels, Chief Operating Officer of DSM Pharmaceuticals.
In 2006, charities and community events supported by DSM raised almost $500,000. DSM partners with a
variety of local organizations including the Pitt County Schools, March of Dimes, United Way, Relay for Life, Pitt
Community College, East Carolina University, Rocking Horse Ranch Foundation, and the Drew Steele/ Skip Holtz
Endowment Foundation.
On June 3-4th, DSM will, again, be the Title Sponsor for the second annual Drew Steele/ Skip Holtz Golf
Classic. This two day event includes a gala dinner and auction and a golf outing that attracts over 500 people. The
event was a huge success in 2006 raising over $200, 000 in support of the special needs populations of Pitt County
and the Drew Steele Endowment Fund.
The Summer Significance Academy is another example of effective community partnerships. DSM along
with Pitt County Schools, the United Way and the police department participate in a ten week summer program,
which provides opportunities to middle school students to build positive life skills and empower them for success.
Through these influences, the program has an impact on future students’ academic successes.
Other recent activities included: the March of Dimes Walk America, which raised over $30,000 in donations,
the Pitt County Relay for Life which raised over $4,700 in contributions and the American Red Cross Blood Drive,
which collected over 77 units of blood.
“We are very proud that our support of the various charities has made such a positive impact on the people of
Pitt County,” Terry Novak, Chief Marketing Officer of DSM Pharmaceuticals, “and it is always great to see the
faces of the people helped when attending the events.
At DSM, making a difference in the communities in which we operate is an important part of how we conduct
business and would not be possible without the enthusiasm and participation of our employees.
For more information, please visit
Images of Greenville-Pitt County 2008 is Coming Soon
The 2008 edition of Images of Greenville-Pitt County, a community magazine sponsored by the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of
Commerce, will publish this December.
Chamber members will have the opportunity to reserve advertising
space soon. More than 10,000 copies of the magazine will be distributed through the Chamber and key local businesses, as well as at
trade shows, conferences and events throughout the year.
Visit Images of Greenville-Pitt County online at www.greenvillnc.
org. For more information about the magazine, contact the GreenvillePitt County Chamber of Commerce at (252) 752-4101.
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Institute Graduates 23
Chamber Polls Membership
In May, the following opinion poll was put forth to Chamber members in the weekly ChamberGram:
“Your opinion please...we want to know what chamber members think about the possibility of
a penny or penny & a half property tax increase to fund public school operations. According to Pitt
County Schools, the most recently recommended funding level would leave the system short $1.27 million of what is necessary to operate at the current level (with no new programs). This is for operations
only - not school construction. Some county commissioners tell us they want to hear public opinion on
this one. What are your thoughts? Please email the president directly with your comments: susanne@ We will share a compilation of opinions with our elected officials.”
Participants from the Leadership Institute Class of 2007 celebrated their graduation at Ironwood Golf & Country Club on June 14. The participants and their
sponsors enjoyed a round of golf following the graduation ceremony and luncheon.
The Leadership Institute is an innovative program sponsored by the Chamber
that is designed to meet our communities’ needs for the active participation and
networking of informed and dedicated community leaders. Leadership Institute
2007 started in January with participants attending 11 all-day sessions through
May and concluded with the graduation. The Chamber would like to thank
Michele Miller with Pitt County Memorial Hospital for her dedication and time in
chairing this year’s class with Frances Faust, Chamber vice president.
Congratulations to the participants and thank you to their sponsors!
Ken E. Anderson
Health Access, Inc.
Roger Robertson
Sally J. Hamilton
Metrics, Inc.
William P. Hodges
Teresa B. Anderson
Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Sue Taylor
Amanda S. Holliday
Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Jeff Dial
Vera J. Blackwell
Greenville-Pitt County CVB
Debbie Vargas
Mark A. Holmes
Select Bank & Trust Company
Parker Overton
Kimberly O. Branch
City of Greenville
Bernita Demery
Kevin M. Keyzer
Greenville Utilities Commission
Patrice Alexander
Anthony C. Cannon
Greenville Utilities Commission
Ron Elks
Corey A. King
East Carolina University
Dr. Marilyn Sheerer
Barbara D. Dunn
Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Anissa Davenport
Steven T. Kirkman
McGladrey & Pullen
Ray Edwards
Myers W. Chandler
Dennis Alexander
J. David Laney
C.A. Lewis, Inc.
Tony B. Lewis
E. Bradley Evans
Ward and Smith, P.A.
A. Charles Ellis
David J. Lusk
Pitt Community College
Dr. G. Dennis Massey
Thomas L. Forrest
Greenville Police Department
William J. Anderson
Donnie J. Rogers
Greenville Housing Authority
Cordell Avery
William P. Franklin, Jr.
First Citizens Bank
Gordon Jethro
David D. Singleton
The Daily Reflector
Betty Williams
Stacy B. Gaskins
Ayden Chamber of Commerce
Donald Skinner
Susanne Sartelle
John W. Graves
Dukes & Graves, LTD.
June P. Graves
Allen C. Smith
Greenville-Pitt County
Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber received 45 responses. Several of them did not give an opinion or said they could not
answer due to lack of information. There were 39 responses shared with County Commissioners in preparation for the decision on whether to increase Pitt County’s property tax for education. In this case, the
Chamber did not take a formal position but rather provided insight from members to the commissioners.
Twenty-three people responded in favor of (or not opposed to) a tax increase to fund schools. Sixteen
responded against.
Comments were varied, from as brief as “I support a tax increase for education” to as long as two
typed pages of comments.
Chamber President Susanne Sartelle said she was surprised at the low number of responses. “We
thought this would be a really hot issue and would generate much more response,” she said.
“Still, we thought it was a good idea to ask our members what they thought since we have the means
to do that in a timely manner through electronic methods.” It is something the Chamber will likely do
more of in the future, she said.
Network the Night Away
Celebrate the great business opportunities we have in Greenville and Pitt County at the
next Business After Hours, Thursday, August 16, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Greenville Country
Club. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments while building new business relationships
and strengthening established ones.
Tracy and Ron DeMatteis of Easy Living Blinds
at the June Business After Hours.
Kelli Heverley (left) and Michelle Quick
of Executive Personnel Group at the May
Business After Hours.
Celebrating 17 Years Of Excellence
Clerical • Administrative • Technical • Professional • Medical
• Temporary, Elect to Hire & Direct Hire
• Certified Personnel Consultants on Staff
• Client Interviewing Facilities
1706 East Arlington Boulevard, Suite B - Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 756-5820
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
June/July 2007 - 3
Focus on Business… Spotlights
The Annual Greenville Jaycees Flat Out 5k & 1 mile Fun Run, presented by Flatout Breads, will take place on Saturday, June 30. The 5k and the 1-mile
will start at the Greenville Town Commons on 1st St. at 8AM. Entry fee is $17 in
advance, $22 after June 26 for adults. Children are $12 regardless of when they register and 5k runners have the option to enter as a team and each team member can run
the 5k for $15 per person if registrations are received by June 26. For more information on the race, contact Emily Price at (252) 717-0974 or Claire Blum at (252) 3536030 or email
Atlantic Wireless/US Cellular is proud to announce the promotions of Lisa
Currin and JD Toler. Currin was promoted to manager of the store located at 3740-B
Jones Family Medicine (JFM), located at 1006D W.H. Smith Blvd., held
a ribbon cutting on May 2 to celebrate its grand opening. JFM, founded by Dr. Gary
Jones, opened its doors in February 2007. Dr. Jones and his staff are committed to
providing comprehensive, compassionate healthcare to their patients. Dr. Jones offers
preventative care, treatment of acute and chronic disease management as well as occupational healthcare. Call (252) 695-0424.
The Charmed Peacock held a ribbon cutting on May 3 to celebrate its
relocation to Arlington Village, 809-A Red Banks Rd.. The Charmed Peacock offers
designer clothing, denim, handbags, accessories, fusion glass, candles, fabulous
custom made and costume jewelry, and so much more! They also offer a wide assortment of home décor and novelty items. Unique and exclusive merchandise arrives
daily. Visit
Paradise Bed &
Breakfast held a ribbon cutting on
May 15 to celebrate its grand opening. Paradise Bed & Breakfast,
located at 3993 Bill Adams Rd,
offers a private romantic getaway
in a tranquil country setting only 15
minutes from Greenville and New
Bern. The candlelit aroma, collection of classic romantic movies
and the inviting hot tub add to the romantic atmosphere. They also have a masseuse
that can add more relaxation to your stay. Come unwind at Paradise and wake up to an
enticing hot homemade breakfast. Contact Randy & Melissa Adams at (252)746-2748
for reservations.
Affordable Suites of America
held a ribbon cutting on May 23 to
celebrate the grand opening of its
Greenville franchise. The 43 suite,
24,000-square-foot facility is located at
101 Dansey Drive. Affordable Suites,
based in Pawleys Island, SC, provides
extended-stay accommodations with a one-week minimum. All suites include utilities,
local phone calls, cable, high-speed Internet and maid service once per week. For more
information, visit
4 - June/July 2007
South Memorial Dr. Currin has more than 20 years of retail experience. She is also an
ambassador of the Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce.
Toler was promoted to manager of the store located in Colonial Mall. He has more than
10 years of experience in retail and customer service.
Atlantic Wireless has four locations in Greenville. Call (252) 353-2007 or (252) 215-0031.
The Disney Institute is bringing its renowned professional development program, “The Disney Keys to Excellence” to Morehead City on August 21.
Sponsored locally by Carteret Community College, the full-day event will introduce participants to innovative Disney business strategies that they can easily implement in their own
organizations. Thousands of business leaders from more than 35 countries and 40 industries
have attended business programs at Disney Institute. At the Walt Disney World Resort in
Florida, Disney Institute offers customized programs, workshops, business presentations, and
behind-the-scenes tours tailored to meet the needs of groups meeting at Walt Disney World.
The Early Bird registration fee is $299 per person, and includes course materials
and lunch. The registration fee will be $349 after August 6. Group rates are available.
Businesses registering five people will get the sixth seat FREE! For registration information, call (252) 222-61213.
Don’t delay! Register for the Morehead City program today by calling (252) 222-6127!
For more information about Disney Institute, call (407) 566-2620, or visit
Newsweek Magazine has named Greenville’s J.H. Rose High School as one
of Americas Best High Schools. The magazine ranked Rose at number 471 out of all
high schools in the country. Newsweek identifies the top public high schools based on
the total number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or Cambridge
tests given at a school, divided by the total number of graduating students. Visit www.
Easy Living Blinds & Shutters along
with Hunter Douglas offer hot summer savings! For many
consumers, the warming weather signals the time for gardening, cleaning, and refreshing their surroundings in time
for summer entertaining. From now until August 31, you
can save with rebates up to $100 per unit and free upgrades
on a selection of the most stylish Hunter Douglas window
fashions during the first ever Hunter Douglas Summer Sale
Event. Easy Living offers a wide array of distinctive styles on the market: from window
shadings, sheers, and louvers, to energy-efficient shades, wood blinds, shutters, woven woods
all your
Easy Living
car- Summe
& solutions.
is here again and for many consumers, the warming weather signals the time for g
(252) 321-6060.
and call
their surroundings in time for summer entertaining. Between June
can save, with rebates up to $100 per unit and free upgrades, on a selection of the
On Thyme,
chef service,
is pleased
the launch
of its
the First
Ever toHunter
Sale Ev
offers a wide array of distinctive styles on the market: from windowleishadings, sh
surely way to learn about the services Chef on Thyme provides. The personal chef service is
energy-efficient shades, wood blinds, shutters, woven woods and other innovativ
a fairly new concept to the Greenville, Pitt County area. Owner/chef Mark Davies feels it’s a
For allthat
Living also
a full
line and
of Kathy
is much
needed in needs,
our growing
If you
are hosting
a party
want Ireland
get out ofShutters,
the kitchenand
and spend
Greenville - Pitt County
s, Ribbon Cuttings and News!
U.S. Cellular customers will benefit from an aggressive program to expand
Walk-a-thon for Gary and Susan Alford is Sunday, June 24 at 3 pm. The walk-a-thon
North Carolina network. U.S. Cellular is pleased to announce the conwill start at Innovative Mortgage Solutions located at 300 W. Arlington Blvd. Everyone
towers inMortgage
eastern North
This $5.5
is to register/sign-in new
at Innovative
is $20.
those investpart of
U.S. Cellular’s
$20 million
who ment
are needed.
Any and
all donations
and deeplyplan for
the remainder
of 2007.
will receive a number and be registered for door prizes.
is going
to be aretail
so please
Please across
a wideDixon
range @
of 252-756-4207
wireless products
services. For the location nearest you, visit www.
or Natasha
questions. and click on store finder.
“Field of Dreams,” Bethel’s new recreation complex, celebrated its grand
opening. The new complex has basketball, baseball and softball facilities. The park is
also home to a walking trail and a concession stand. Sponsorships are still available.
For more information, contact Ken Perry at (252) 825-6891.
The Pitt County
Health Sciences Academy
and Pitt County Schools are
piloting a Pharmacy Technician
Training Program this year. The
program, developed by pharmacists, is offered as an online
program through the PassAssured
Multimedia Training Systems program, a Texas-based group who
has had a 98 percent pass rate. The
program is rigorous in math and science. The program consists of 90 hours of class
work, 60 hours of homework and 45 hours of practical experience in a pharmacy. An
important aspect of the program is that students are able to learn at their own pace.
At the conclusion of the program, students are able to take the National Pharmacy
Certification Exam. The Pharmacy Technician pilot program is being offered to seniors
through the Medical Sciences II curriculum.
Liz Freeman of RE/MAX Preferred Realty has successfully completed the REALTOR e-PRO® course to become
one of a select few real estate professionals to earn the prestigious certification offered through the National Association of
REALTORS®. The REALTOR e-PRO® certification course
is an educational program unlike any other professional certification or designation course available, comprehensive and
interactive. It is specifically designed to provide real estate
professionals with the technology tools needed to assist consumers in the purchase or sale of a home. With more than
70% of consumers beginning their real estate research on the Internet, e-PRO certified agents
have the experience and expertise to meet the demands of today’s buyer and seller. For more
information, email Liz Freeman at or call (252) 439-4000.
Walk-a-thon for Gary and Susan Alford is Sunday,
June 24 at 3 pm. The walk-a-thon will start at Innovative
Mortgage Solutions located at 300 W. Arlington Blvd.
Everyone is to register/sign-in at Innovative Mortgage solutions.
Registration is $20. For those who cannot walk, volunteers are
needed. Any and all donations are needed and deeply appreciated. Participants will receive a number and be registered for
door prizes. Parking is going to be a problem, so please arrive
early. Please contact Rhonda Langston or Natasha Dixon @
(252) 756-4207 with questions.
The World Affairs Council of Eastern North Carolina will be sponsoring the Delegation on Thursday, June 21. The purpose of their visit is to speak with community members and business leaders in the area on current economic developments in
South Korea. This is a great opportunity to try and develop business and economic relationships between Eastern NC and South Korea. For more information, email Brandi Dudley at
Dr. Beverly Reep, Superintendent of Pitt County
Schools, is this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Service Award at
the 174th Commencement of Oberlin College in Ohio. Dr. Reep has
more than 25 years experience in education. She earned a BA degree
in science education and an MA degree in school administration at
Appalachian State University and went on to earn a PhD degree in
education at Vanderbilt University.
She began her career as a science and math teacher in the
McDowell County Schools in Marion, North Carolina, her hometown.
She then served three years as director of community schools and staff
development followed by six years as an elementary school principal and superintendent of
Westlake (Ohio) City Schools.
Dr. Reep became superintendent of the Oberlin City Schools in 2001. Her five-year
tenure included the passage of two school levies and the development of Oberlin’s all-day,
every-day kindergarten program. She also raised the achievement levels at both Eastwood
and Prospect schools, involved teachers in achievement-based and brain-based training,
streamlined school operations, and tightened the hiring process.
In January 2006, she left Oberlin to return to North Carolina, where she is now superintendent of Pitt County Schools.
SPOTLIGHT Continued on page 7
Terri Williams
Chamber of Commerce
“Serious About
Real Estate
The Williams
Janelle Banks
Client Care
Buying or Selling...
Let Our Team Give You The
226 Commerce Street
Greenville, NC 27858 Personal Attention You Expect
Office (252) 756-3991 ext. 261 and Deserve From A Full Service
Cell (252) 714-2597
Real Estate Professional
June/July 2007 - 5
Parsons, Wilkerson Honored at Awards Breakfast
Like many others who have won the award, this year’s recipient has not only demonstrated successful operation of their business, but has also made significant contribution to the community.
Mary B. Parsons of Parsons & Robinson Insurance Co. was recognized as the 2006
Small Business Leader of the Year at the Chamber’s annual Small Business Breakfast.
Parsons began her insurance career in 1972. After stints in Georgia, Virginia and
Oklahoma she resided in Greenville, NC in 1990. From 1990-2002, she founded and
managed BB&T-Parsons Insurance Service. In 2002, she formed Parsons & Robinson
Insurance. Parsons & Robinson Insurance is committed to maintaining the financial
security of its clients
through professionally designed
insurance solutions.
Representing a large
number of insurance
Mary Parsons (left) stands with Chamber
carriers allows them
Chairman of the Board, Dorson White, after
to match an insurance
receiving the 2006 Small Business Leader of
company’s products
the Year Award.
with a particular business need which usually results in the broadcast coverage and the
most competitive prices.
Also, highlighting the breakfast was the presentation of the First
Citizens Bank Customer Service Award to S. G. Wilkerson & Sons,
Inc. Since 1932, they have helped thousands of families during the
most difficult time of their lives and they have done it with fairCharles Wilkerson, III (middle) of S. G. Wilkerson & Sons, Inc.
ness and kindness. For 75 years, they have been a trusted name for accepts the First Citizen Bank Customer Service Award from
Gordon Jethro (left) of First Citizens Bank.
funeral arrangements.
First Citizens Bank
Pitt Community College Small Business Center
BB&T/BB&T Insurance
Bank of America
NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.
Suddenlink Communications
Ward and Smith, P.A.
AXA Advisors - Bert Powell
Brown & Wood Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick-GMC
Domino’s Pizza
The East Carolina Bank
Faulkner & Associates Advertising
First Flight Federal Credit Union
The Liz Freeman Team
Southern Insurance Agency, Inc.
State Farm Insurance - Polly Piland
Chamber Attends Legislative Reception
Changes in Tax
Credits for Work
First Employers
Changes in T
Recent changes in the tax credit guidelines for employers of Work First clients have
resulted in an added target group, easier application process and increased dollar credits. Pitt County employers can access this updated information in several ways:
• Request a step-by-step tax credit packet from the Chamber by calling
(252) 752-4101
• Visit and click the Work First link featured on the
home page
• Visit the Chamber office for the newest brochures and packets
Employers can take advantage of these tax credits by hiring employees from the
Work First program. The Chamber provides marketing and education for Work First in
Charming New Garden Community Starting at $219,500
Real Estate Team
Put your dreams in our hands
6 - June/July 2007
The creative and
open designs include
2 car garages,
screened porches,
bonus rooms (in
most plans) and
brick exteriors.
• Monitored neighborhood entrance
• Luxury garden community
• Club House • Community pool
• Professional lawn care
Hwy. 11 South past Sam’s Club to Davenport Farm Rd.,
Approx. 2 miles take left on Frog Level.
Joel Butler (left) of PCMH and the Chamber talks with Rep.
Marian McLawhorn
North Carolina’s
Eastern Region
recently sponsored
a legislative reception in Raleigh. Representatives from
chambers, tourism
boards and cooperative extensions were
on hand to speak
with Eastern North
Carolina’s elected
officials. The NCER
and local chambers
of commerce have
partnered in addressing the critical issues
facing the region
including infrastructure, education and
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
SPOTLIGHT from page 5
Evolve Inc., a full-service marketing, advertising and public relations agency,
recently celebrated its five-year anniversary. Since opening its doors in 2002, Evolve
has experienced an enormous amount of growth and is expanding their client list,
employees and capabilities.
Some recent client wins over the past year include Greenville OB/GYN, Jenni K
Jewelry, the Greenville Hilton, AXA Advisors and the Medical Foundation of ECU.
Evolve has grown from two employees in 2002 to more than 13 full-time employees
in 2007. Together, the client and company expansion allows for creative and constant
advancement towards excellence in marketing, advertising and public relations.
“This is a very exiting time for us,” said Will Daugherty, President and Founder of
Evolve. “We are thrilled about the number of new clients coming though our doors.
These new clients provide us with the opportunity to partner with them in strengthening their organization while constantly challenging the skill set of the Evolve team,
together we both improve.”
Lt. Phipps Honored at Annual
Law Enforcement Dinner
Table Sponsors
Adams & Longino Advertising
Brown & Wood Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick-GMC
Cambridge Behavioral Health
Carolina Vision Care/Dr. Thomas C. McIntosh
The Daily Reflector
Daughtridge Oil Company
Eastern Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentristry
Elmhurst Elementary School
Farrior & Sons, Inc.
Faulkner & Associates Advertising
First Flight Federal Credit Union
Garris-Evans Lumber Company, Inc.
Grady-White Boats
Greenville Housing Authority
Hastings Ford
Jenni K Jewelry
Law Office of Earl T. Brown
Metrics, Inc.
Tony P. Moore
Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Pitt County Sheriff’s Dept./Sheriff Mac Manning
S.G. Wilkerson & Sons
Suddenlink Communications
US Cellular
Vanrack, Inc.
My Sister’s Closet, the resale store benefiting the Family Violence Program,
Inc. of Pitt County, is in need of volunteers to assist with daily operations. The store,
at 2810 E. 10th Street, is open Monday-Friday from 10a.m. until 6p.m. and Saturdays
from 10a.m. until 3p.m. For more information, please contact Sara Munzer at (252)
Lt. Earl L. Phipps (left) was presented the
Greenville-Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
Officer of the Year award by B.J. Whitley at the
2007 Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner.
Eat Smart by adding color to your plate with fruits and vegetables that are
coming into season. Many of them can be found at the local Farmers’
Market which opens on April 14.
Eat Smart and decrease calories by consuming water as
the standard beverage with meals and snacks.
Move More by learning about public facilities and
opportunities for physical activity in your neighborhood
and develop an activity schedule for your family.
Move More and burn up some of those unwanted calories with outdoor
activities such as walking, biking, tennis, lawn care and gardening.
Grand Sponsors
RR Miller Construction, Inc.
Minges & Associates, LLC
Suddenlink Communications
Officer Sponsors
Action Advertising
Judy Beckert-Jones
Pat Dunn, City Council Member
Eastern Plumbing
Eneco East, Inc.
Firetower Work Shoes, LLC
Greenville Contractors, Inc.
Millennia Community Bank
Mount Olive College - Washington
Safe Communities Coalition of Pitt County
Speight Properties
Door Prizes Sponsors
Century 21 The Realty Group
The Hair Cafe
Bellerie Fischer
Arbonne International Skin Care
Elaine Anderson
The First Amendment
Len Troiano & Leslie May
Krispy Kreme
Panera Bread
Get A Strong Team
To Pull for You
Purchase or refinance your next home with Wells Fargo
Home Mortgage and you will receive a one year
membership to Core Fitness & Wellness Center.
The Next Stage
Call today for more details!
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
1350 E. Arlington Blvd. • Greenville, NC 27858
252-758-4334 Phone
Meridian Park
Setting the Highest Standards in Quality Apartment Home Living
Now Leasing Brand New One and Two Bedrooms!
1& 2 Bedrooms
✔ Beautiful Swimming Pool
Large Floor Plans
✔ 5 Hole Putting Green
Furnished Apartments
✔ Fitness Center
Pet Friendly
✔ Gorgeous Clubhouse
Fenced Dog Run
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Tennis Courts
✔ Professional Community
Intrusion Alarms
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Great Locations!
24hr Emergency Maintenance
2707 Meridian Drive (off Arlington Boulevard) ✔
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm • Satruday12:00 - 5:00pm
321 - 1948
Visit Our Website:
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
June/July 2007 - 7
of Events
19 Power ‘07 Luncheon
21 Executive Committee Meeting
27 Ribbon Cutting for Vinnie’s Steakhouse
28 Board of Directors Meeting
Ribbon Cutting for Frames by James
Chamber closed in
honor of Independence Day
24 Coffee with the President
27 Ribbon Cutting for
Community Christian Church
14 Ambassadors Meeting
The following businesses have recently
joined the Greenville-Pitt County
Chamber of Commerce. We welcome
them and encourage you to do business
with them.
Alarm Team
Mr. Ken Carraway
2215-D Locksley Woods Drive
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 916-6688
Security Systems
8 - June/July 2007
Easy Living Blinds, Inc.
Mrs. Tracy DeMatteis
740 SE Greenville Blvd.
Suite 400
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 321-6060
Home furnishings/Home decor
EnviroFresh, LLC
Mr. Dennis Jones
407 S. Harding St.
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 412-6264
Ms. Christy Winter
3040 Evans Street
Greenville, NC 27834
(540) 563-3500
Liberty Fitness & Weight Loss
Mr. William Monk
610 Lynndale Court, Suite G
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 758-4456
Health & Fitness Programs
Mr. Fred Austin
PO Box 633
Bell Arthur, NC 27811
(252) 714-4478
Computer & Web Services & Products
Riz Oriental & Continental Restaurant
Mr. Maurice Galloway
2601 E. 10th Street
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 695-6360
Shepco Lawncare
Mr. Jesse Sheppard
2519 Old River Road
Greenville, NC 27834
(252) 757-8724
Landscaping - Design and Maintenance
Vinnie’s Steakhouse
Mr. Alan Arcara
658 E. Arlington Blvd.
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 414-3746
WECU-1570 AM RadioTrue Venture Media Group, LLC
Mr. Mark Woodson
PO Box 1534
Greenville, NC 27834
(252) 367-4084
Radio Stations
2007 Chamber Champions
Pitt Community College
The following businesses have recently
renewed their Chamber membership for
another year. Remember to do business
with fellow Chamber members.
AW Enterprises Inc. Insurance Agency
Baywood Racquet Club
BB&T Insurance Services, Inc.
Billie Jean Trevathan-Wheeler, Realtor, Broker, SRES
Brone & O’Donahue Chiropractic
Clegg’s Termite & Pest Control
Cornerstone of Greenville
Edible Arrangements of Greenville
Ernie’s Famous Subs
Fourth Street Wine Shop
Greenville Automotive Center
Helen’s Grooming & Pet Motel
Hinton Media Group
Impressions Group, LLC
Inner Banks Media, LLC
Jon Day & Associates, Inc.
Parker & Associates Land Surveying
Pirates Pub & Restaurant
Ramsey Smith Group
RBC Centura Bank
Reeds Jewelers
ServiceMaster By Beasley
The Appraisal Advantage
The College Foundation of NC
The Terri Williams Team GOLD
Pitt County Memorial Hospital/
University Health Systems of
Eastern Carolina
Suddenlink Communications
BB&T/BB&T Insurance
Bank of America
The Daily Reflector
First Citizens Bank
NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.
U.S. Cellular
Ward and Smith, P.A.
AXA Advisors-Bert Powell
Brown & Wood Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick-GMC
Domino’s Pizza
The East Carolina Bank
Faulkner & Associates Advertising
First Flight Federal Credit Union
The Liz Freeman Team
Southern Bank
Southern Insurance Agency, Inc.
State Farm Insurance Company-Polly Piland
Who will win
the $10,000?
The “Find Your Treasure on Chamber Island” Reverse Raffle will be held on
Thursday, September 13, at the Rock Springs Center. Only 300 tickets will be sold
and the winner will receive $10,000 with an additional $1,000 going to the winner’s
local charity of choice. Tickets are $100 each and admits 2 adults into the raffle.
Your ticket includes food, drinks and your 1/300 chance of winning $10,000. There
will also be side raffles and door prizes.
To buy tickets, become a sponsor or donate a door prize for this great event,
please contact Scott Senatore at (252) 752-4101 or
In Greenville:
Imaging and Neuro Center
9 & 10 Doctors Park
Greenville MRI
2200 Beasley Dr.
Breast Imaging Center
2101 W. Arlington Blvd.
Eastern Interventional Radiology
8 Doctors Park
In Washington:
Eastern Radiologists, Inc.
630 E. 11 Street
Radiologists are board certified by the American Board of Radiology
Greenville - Pitt County Chamber of Commerce