P030816: Page 1 - Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
P030816: Page 1 - Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
MARCH 8, 2016 DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS 8:00 AM Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call President’s Remarks Public Comment REGULAR AGENDA R-1 Recommendation to Authorize Funding Agreement for Salt Creek Restoration Page 3 at Oak Meadows (Neidy) R-2 Disposition of Surplus Personal Property of the FPDDC (Pubentz) Page 19 R-3 Recommendation to Authorize the Execution of an Intergovernmental Page 31 Agreement between the FPDDC and the Winfield Township Road District Providing for Trail Signage along On-Street Portions of the West Branch DuPage River Trail: Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods (Horsfall) CLOSED SESSION AGENDA(S) Closed/Open Session(s) Adjournment P030816: Page 1 PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK P030816: Page 2 water quality impairments, and expand the overall environmental quality of the preserve, not to mention reduce golf’s ‘footprint’ within the preserve, while at the same time deliver a sustainable recreational functionality within the preserve. Cost Revenue/Funding Source of $2,250,000.00 Funding Source The DRSCW is funded by membership dues principally from local government agencies, POTW’s, professional companies, and environmental advocacy groups, within the aforementioned watersheds. Public Impact • Direct revenue stream to offset District obligations for the total construction costs of the river improvements project. • Restoration of degraded and further degrading stream, wetland, and prairie habitat to natural sustaining communities able to withstand constant urban influences. Attachments • Resolution #16-045 • DRSCW/FPDDC Oak Meadows Agreement R01 P030816: Page 4 DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. 16-048 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DUPAGE COUNTY AND THE DUPAGE RIVER SALT CREEK WORKGROUP FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE OAK MEADOWS DAM REMOVAL AND STREAM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (hereinafter the “FPDDC”) with offices at 3 S 580 Naperville Road, Wheaton, Illinois 60189 and the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup (hereinafter the “DRSCW”) being a not-for-profit watershed management organization with offices at 10S404 Knoch Knolls Road Naperville, IL 60565, organized and both existing under the laws of the State of Illinois. WHEREAS, Section 5 of the Downstate Forest Preserve District Act, 70 ILCS 805/5, grants the DISTRICT power to hold lands capable of being restored to a natural condition for the purpose of protecting and preserving the flora, fauna and scenic beauties; and WHEREAS, Section 5 further authorizes the FPDDC to acquire lands along or enclosing water courses, drainage ways, lakes, ponds, planned impoundments, or elsewhere which, in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners, are required to store flood waters, or control other drainage and water conditions within the FPDDC, and WHEREAS, the FPDDC owns and manages the property commonly known as Oak Meadows Golf Course address 900 N Wood Dale Rd, Addison, IL 60101 which contains approximately 1.5 linear miles of Salt Creek; and WHEREAS, the DRSCW has developed an adaptive management plan to improve stream resource quality and to enact the implementation of total maximum daily load plans to achieve the totals prescribed for Salt Creek and the East and West Branches of the DuPage River; and WHEREAS, it is the DRSCW’s objective to implement its adaptive management plan; and WHEREAS, the FPDDC and the DRSCW recognize the benefits of river and wetland restoration may include storm water management, water quality enhancement, improved wildlife habitat, scientific study, public education and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, the FPDDC has extensive experience in successfully creating, enhancing, restoring, maintaining and managing aquatic systems within holdings of the FPDDC under its Natural Resource Management Programs; and WHEREAS, the adaptive management plan identifies several physical measures to be implemented on Salt Creek within the Oak Meadows Golf Course and the two parties have developed a construction plan for the measures (hereinafter the “PROJECT”); and 1 R01 Resolution No. 16-048 P030816: Page 5 DRAFT WHEREAS, the FPDDC has agreed to be the manager and fiscal agent for the Project, including construction, operation and maintenance, and to own the improvements on their property; and WHEREAS, the DRSCW agrees and desires to finance a finite part of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the size and scope of the Project would be substantially reduced but for the DRSCW’s commitment of financial and technical resources; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County as follows: 1. The preambles set forth above are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 2. The President is hereby authorized and directed to sign on behalf of the FPDDC, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to attest thereto, two originals of the Agreement with the DRSCW entitled, “An Agreement by and between the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County and the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup for Construction and Maintenance of the Oak Meadows Dam Removal and Stream Enhancement Project" which by reference is incorporated herein and made a part of this R e s o l ut i o n . 3. The President, Executive Director, Director of Finance, and Attorney for the District are hereby authorized to take such action as may be necessary to carry out the terms of said Agreement. In connection therewith, the Director of Finance is hereby directed to deposit monies received under the Agreement described herein for the aforementioned designated District purposes as the Board of Commissioners hereby ordains. 5. The Secretary is hereby directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution to the Executive Director, Director of Resource Management and Development, Director of Finance, and Attorney for the District. PASSED and APPROVED by the President and Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County this 15th day of March, 2016. BY: ____________________________________ JOSEPH CANTORE PRESIDENT FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DUPAGE COUNTY ATTEST BY: ___________________________________ SECRETARY 2 R01 Resolution No. 16-048 P030816: Page 6 DRAFT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DUPAGE COUNTY AND THE DUPAGE RIVER SALT CREEK WORKGROUP FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE OAK MEADOWS DAM REMOVAL AND STREAM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter the “Agreement”) entered into, by and between the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (hereinafter the “FPDDC”), being a unit of local government and body corporate and politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and the DuPage River/Salt Creek Workgroup (hereinafter the “DRSCW”), being a notfor-profit watershed management organization organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the FPDDC is owner in fee simple of the Oak Meadows Golf Course address 900 N Wood Dale Rd, Addison, IL 60101 which contains approximately 1.5 linear miles of Salt Creek; and WHEREAS, the DRSCW has developed an adaptive management plan to improve stream resource quality and to enact the implementation of total maximum daily load plans to achieve the totals prescribed for Salt Creek and the East and West Branches of the DuPage River; and WHEREAS, it is the DRSCW’s objective to implement its adaptive management plan; and WHEREAS, the adaptive management plan identifies several physical measures to be implemented on Salt Creek within the Oak Meadows Golf Course and the two parties have developed a construction plan for the measures (hereinafter the “Project”); and WHEREAS, the FPDDC has agreed to be the manager and fiscal agent for the Project, including construction, operation and maintenance, and to own the improvements on their property; and WHEREAS, the DRSCW agrees and desires to finance a finite part of the construction; and R01 P030816: Page 7 WHEREAS, the FPDDC agrees to furnish the DRSCW with details on the work completed, copies of as-built plans, and any easements or deed restrictions placed on the improvements; and WHEREAS, the FPDDC’s proposed plans for the Project may be approached more effectively, economically, and comprehensively with the FPDDC and the DRSCW cooperating and using their joint efforts and resources; and WHEREAS, the size and scope of the Project would be substantially reduced but for the DRSCW’s commitment of financial and technical resources; and WHEREAS, on February 24, 2016, the DRSCW’s Board authorized the DRSCW to enter into an agreement with the FPDDC; and WHEREAS, on March 15, 2016, the FPDDC Board of Commissioners authorized the FPDDC enter into an agreement with the DRSCW; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the matters set forth, the mutual covenants and terms contained in this Agreement and, for other good and valuable consideration, the FPDDC and the DRSCW hereby agree as follows: Article 1. Incorporation of Recitals. 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Article 2. Scope of Work. 1. The Project is shown in Exhibit 1. 2. The work contemplated by this Agreement will include only those activities covered by the Project that relate to surface water management; including but not limited to the removal of the dams, modification of the stream channel, bed and or banks, and alterations of the riparian zone. 2 R01 P030816: Page 8 3. The funds released under this Agreement are solely for construction and construction management of the Project. 4. The Project shall realize the Public Benefit of improving aquatic biodiversity in the restored channel (the “Public Benefit”) 5. The FPDDC shall provide the DRSCW with a copy of complete construction plans (hereinafter “Construction Documents”) for the DRSCW’s approval as to the Project’s intended benefit to the public. 6. The FPDDC shall construct the Project in accordance with the final Construction Documents agreed on with the DRSCW. 7. The FPDDC, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide final project design, land acquisition and remediation, and construction oversight and administrative support for the Project. 8. The DRSCW shall reimburse the FPDDC for $2,250,000 of the construction costs for the Project, hereinafter referred to as the Maximum Reimbursable Amount. DRSCW reimbursement funds are generated by a voluntary annual assessment on DRSCW members and the reimbursement set out in this Agreement is contingent upon the receipt of the aforementioned annual assessments. All reimbursement provided by the DRSCW of this Agreement shall be used exclusively for the construction of the Project. For purposes of this Agreement, “construction” shall mean all work necessary to remove the dams and construct the physical features of the stream channel, including any related habitat improvements such as planting of native vegetation, natural community restoration and subsequent long – term maintenance for such work. The FPDDC shall be solely responsible for change orders, overruns or any other increases in cost of constructing the Project. The DRSCW shall disburse funds to the FPDDC in accordance with the following schedule: a. DRSCW will reimburse up to 100% of relevant construction invoices for the project up to a total of $2,250,000. b. DRSCW will reimburse up to $500,000 by March 30th 2016 3 R01 P030816: Page 9 c. DRSCW will reimburse up to $1000, 000 total by February 28th 2017. d. DRSCW will reimburse up to $2,000,000 total by February 28th 2018. e. DRSCW will reimburse up to $2,250,000 total by December 31st 2018. f. DRSCW may reimburse up to the maximum amount of $2,250,000 ahead of the schedule set out in sections b through d. g. Payments made by individual DRSCW members, working in collaboration with DRSCW, directly to FPDDC for the Project during the scheduled reimbursement period, will reduce the Maximum Reimbursable Amount payable by DRSCW to FPDDC for the Project. h. Subject to the Maximum Reimbursement Amount, the remaining amount necessary to cover the sum of $2,250,000 shall be paid upon receipt of invoices for final completion and after final inspection by the DRSCW or their representative. i. The FPDDC will submit invoices for reimbursement to the DRSCW representative identified in Article 23 of this document. Invoices shall be paid upon receipt and after Project inspection by the DRSCW or their representative. 9. As of the date of this Agreement, DRSCW has spent approximately $37,550 and the FPDDC $550,000 on direct Project engineering and other Project design-related Project costs. The FPDDC will also contribute approximately $3,000,000 towards total construction costs, including construction inspection and construction engineering. 10. As a condition for reimbursement, the FPDDC shall submit copies of relevant construction invoices to the DRSCW for review and approval. 11. The FPDDC shall return all funds provided by the DRSCW if the Project is not completed within two years of the signature of this Agreement unless the DRSCW approves extension(s); such approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the FPDDC does not use all of the DRSCW’s funds for the Project, then the FPDDC shall return any unused funds to the DRSCW within 90 (ninety) days after the expiration date of this agreement. Article 3. Permits and Fees. 4 R01 P030816: Page 10 1. Federal, State, and County Requirements. The FPDDC shall obtain all federal, state, and county permits required by law for the construction of the Project, and shall assume any costs in procuring said permits. Additionally, the FPDDC shall obtain all consents and approvals required by federal, state, and/or county regulations for the construction of the Project, and shall assume any costs incurred in procuring all such consents and approvals. 2. Maintenance. The FPDDC shall obtain any and all permits necessary for the performance of any maintenance work associated with the Facilities in connection with the Project. Article 4. Property Interests. 1. The FPDDC shall record all easements, licenses or deeds acquired for the Project. 2. Whereupon the FPDDC acquires permanent easements for maintenance and access from property owners, the rights and obligations for maintenance and access shall be the sole responsibility of the FPDDC, subject to the provisions in Article 5 below. 3. The FPDDC shall own the improvements located on their property. The FPDDC will control the operation and use of these improvements. 4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an ownership or property interest for the DRSCW in any of the improvements constructed pursuant to this Agreement. Article 5. Maintenance. 1. The FPDDC, at its sole cost and expense, shall perpetually maintain the improvements and any other appurtenances associated with this Project in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Plans. 2. The FPDDC and the DRSCW shall conduct annual inspections to ensure adequate maintenance for three (3) years following completion of the project. The FPDDC and DRSCW shall prepare a report detailing the annual inspection, observations and conclusions including the geomorphological, biological and dissolved oxygen conditions at the site. The annual report shall be provided to both parties within sixty (60) days of its completion. 3. The DRSCW shall have the right (including any necessary right of access) to conduct its own annual inspection of the constructed Facilities upon reasonable notice to the FPDDC. 5 R01 P030816: Page 11 The FPDDC shall coordinate site access rights to the constructed improvements on FPDDC owned property. 4. The DRSCW and any DRSCW membership agencies who independently contribute toward the Maximum Reimbursable Amount will be identified as appropriate on signage displayed at the project site during construction, and in project specific displays, presentations or educational materials. Article 6. Effective Date. This Agreement becomes effective on the date that the last signature is affixed hereto. Article 7. Duration. Subject to the terms and conditions of Articles 5 and 6 above, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for perpetuity. Article 8. Non-Assignment. Neither party to this contract may assign its rights or obligations hereunder without the written consent of the other party. Article 9. Waiver of Personal Liability. No official, employee, or agent of either party to this Agreement shall be charged personally by the other party with any liability or expenses of defense incurred as a result of the exercise of any rights, privileges, or authority granted herein, nor shall he or she be held personally liable under any term or provision of this Agreement, or because of a party’s execution or attempted execution of this Agreement, or because of any breach of this Agreement. Article 10. Indemnification. The FPDDC shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the DRSCW its officers, employees, and other agents, from liabilities of every kind, including losses, damages and reasonable costs, payments and expenses (such as, but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements), claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgments or settlements, any or all of which are asserted by any individual, private entity, or public entity against the other party and arise out of or are in any way related to: (1) the design, construction, or maintenance of the Project that is the subject of this Agreement; or (2) the exercise of any right, privilege, or authority granted to the either party under this Agreement. 6 R01 P030816: Page 12 Article 11. Representations of the FPDDC. The FPDDC covenants, represents, and warrants as follows: 1. The FPDDC has full authority to execute, deliver, and perform or cause to be performed this Agreement; 2. The individuals signing this Agreement and all other documents executed on behalf of the FPDDC are duly authorized to sign on behalf of and to bind the FPDDC; 3. The execution and delivery of this Agreement, consummation of the transactions provided for herein, and the fulfillment of the terms hereof will not result in any breach of any of the terms or provisions of or constitute a default under any agreement of the FPDDC or any instrument to which the FPDDC is bound or any judgment, decree, or order of any court or governmental body or any applicable law, rule, or regulation; and 4. The FPDDC has allocated $3,550,000 of funds for the Project in addition to funds to be provided by the DRSCW under this Agreement. Article 12. Representations of the DRSCW. The DRSCW covenants, represents, and warrants as follows: 1. The DRSCW has full authority to execute, deliver, and perform or cause to be performed this Agreement; 2. The individuals signing this Agreement and all other documents executed on behalf of the DRSCW are duly authorized to sign on behalf of and to bind the DRSCW; and 3. The execution and delivery of this Agreement, consummation of the transactions provided for herein, and the fulfillment of the terms hereof will not result in any breach of any of the terms or provisions of or constitute a default under any agreement of the DRSCW or any instrument to which the DRSCW is bound or any judgment, decree, or order of any court or governmental body or any applicable law, rule, or regulation. Article 13. Disclaimers. This Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to confer any rights, privileges, or authority not permitted by Illinois law. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to establish a contractual relationship between any parties other than the DRSCW and the FPDDC. Article 14. Waivers. Whenever a party to this Agreement by proper authority waives the other party’s performance in any respect or waives a requirement or condition to performance, the waiver so granted, whether express or implied, shall only apply to the particular instance and shall not be deemed a waiver for subsequent instances of the performance, requirement, or 7 R01 P030816: Page 13 condition. No such waiver shall be construed as a modification of this Agreement regardless of the number of times the performance, requirement, or condition may have been waived. Article 15. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability will not affect any other provisions of this Agreement, and this Agreement will be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein. The remaining provisions will remain in full force and will not be affected by the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision or by its severance. In lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision, there will be added automatically as part of this Agreement a provision as similar in its terms to such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible and be legal, valid, and enforceable. Article 16. Necessary Documents. Each Party agrees to execute and deliver all further documents, and take all further action reasonably necessary to effectuate the purpose of this Agreement. Upon the completion of the Project, the FPDDC shall provide the DRSCW with a full sized copy of “As-Built” drawings for the Project. The drawings shall be affixed with the “As-Built” printed mark and should be signed and sealed by the FPDDC’s resident engineer or designee. Article 17. Deemed Inclusion. Provisions required (as of the effective date) by law, ordinances, rules, regulations, or executive orders to be inserted in this Agreement are deemed inserted in this Agreement whether or not they appear in this Agreement or, upon application by either party, this Agreement will be amended to make the insertions. However, in no event will the failure to insert such provisions before or after this Agreement is signed prevent its enforcement. Article 18. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, and any exhibits or riders attached hereto, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. No other warranties, inducements, considerations, promises, or interpretations shall be implied or impressed upon this Agreement that are not expressly set forth herein. Article 19. Amendments. This Agreement shall not be amended unless it is done so in writing and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. 8 R01 P030816: Page 14 Article 20. References to Documents. All references in this Agreement to any exhibit or document shall be deemed to include all supplements and/or authorized amendments to any such exhibits or documents to which both parties hereto are privy. Article 21. Judicial and Administrative Remedies. Both parties agree that this Agreement and any subsequent Amendment shall be governed by, and construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Illinois in all respects, including matters of construction, validity, and performance. The parties further agree that the proper venue to resolve any dispute which may arise out of this Agreement is the appropriate Court of competent jurisdiction located in DuPage County, Illinois. This Agreement shall not be construed against a party by reason of who prepared it. Both parties agree to provide a certified copy of the ordinance, bylaw, or other authority to evidence the reasonable satisfaction of the other party that the person signing this Agreement for such party is authorized to do so and that this Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of such party. Both parties agree that this Agreement must be executed in quadruplicate. The rights and remedies of the DRSCW or the FPDDC shall be cumulative, and election by the DRSCW or the FPDDC of any single remedy shall not constitute a waiver of any other remedy that such party may pursue under this Agreement. Article 22. Notices. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, any and all notices given in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed adequately given only if in writing and addressed to the party for whom such notices are intended at the address set forth below. All notices shall be sent by personal delivery, UPS, Fed Ex or other overnight messenger service, first class registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, by e-mail transfer or facsimile. A written notice shall be deemed to have been given to the recipient party on the earlier of (a) the date it is hand-delivered to the address required by this Agreement; (b) with respect to notices sent by mail, two days (excluding Sundays and federal holidays) following the date it is properly addressed and placed in the U.S. Mail, with proper postage prepaid; or (c) with respect to notices sent by e-mail or facsimile, on the date sent, if sent to the e-mail address or facsimile number(s) set forth below and upon proof of delivery as evidenced by the e-mail system or sending fax machine. The name of this Agreement i.e., 9 R01 P030816: Page 15 “AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DUPAGE COUNTY, AND THE DUPAGE RIVER SALT CREEK WORKGROUP FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE OAK MEADOWS DAM REMOVAL AND STREAM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT” must be prominently featured in the heading of all notices sent hereunder. Any and all notices referred to in this Agreement, or that either party desires to give to the other, shall be addressed as set forth in Article 23, unless otherwise specified and agreed to by the parties: Article 23. Representatives. Immediately upon execution of this Agreement, the following individuals will represent the parties as a primary contact and receipt of notice in all matters under this Agreement. For the FPDDC: Manager of Natural Resources Forest Preserve District of DuPage County 3S580 Naperville Road Wheaton, IL 60189 Phone: 630.933.7675 Fax: 630.933.7227 For the DRSCW: Stephen McCracken DRSCW Watershed Manager DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup 10 S 404 Knoch Knolls Road Naperville, IL 60565 Phone: 630.428.4500 ext. 118 Fax: 630.428.4599 smccracken@theconservationfoundation.org Each party agrees to promptly notify the other party of any change in its designated representative, which notice shall include the name, address, telephone number and fax number of the representative for such party for the purpose hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, the parties hereto, have each caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers, duly attested and their seals hereunto affixed. 10 R01 P030816: Page 16 Forest Preserve District of DuPage County DuPage River Salt Creek Workgroup BY:_______________________________ BY:_____________________________ Joseph Cantore, President David Gorman, President Date:______________________________ Date:____________________________ ATTEST: ATTEST: BY: ____ BY:_____________________________ Secretary Robert Swanson, Secretary Date: _____________________________ Date:____________________________ 11 R01 P030816: Page 17 PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK R01 P030816: Page 18 Exhibit A - Auction Items (List #1 - March 8, 2016 ) # of Description Items Department Unit # Year Make Model Explanation Kline Creek Farm 1 Extended Cab Pick-up Truck #014 2000 Chevy K2500 Retired from service Groounds/Trails & Streams 1 Extended Cab Pick-up Truck #025 2003 GMC K25000HD Retiring from service Facilities Management 1 Dump Truck #045 1992 Chevy C3500HD Retiring from service West Division 1 Extended Cab Pick-up Truck #069 2003 Chevy C2500HD Retiring from service Facilities Management 1 Dump Truck #100 2003 Chevy C4500 Retiring from service Facilities Management 1 Work Van #144 1999 Chevy G3500 Retiring from service Grounds/Forestry 1 Flatbed water truck #151 1992 GMC W6R042 Retiring from service Grounds/Forestry 1 Dump Truck #159 1999 Chevy C7500 Retiring from service Grounds/Roads 1 Dump Truck #161 1999 Chevy C3500HD Retiring from service Grounds/Landscape 1 Dump Truck #162 1999 Chevy C3500HD Retiring from service West Division 1 Service Truck #169 2001 Chevy C43500 Retiring from service Fleet Long Term Loaner 1 Blazer SUV #174 1999 Chevy S10 Blazer Retiring from service Grounds/Administration 1 Regular Cab Pick-up Truck #183 2002 Chevy K2500HD Retiring from service Facilities Management 1 Work Van #188 2001 Chevy G3500 Retiring from service Fleet Management 1 Crown Victoria Sedan #269 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Retired from service Fleet Management 1 Retired Police Car #271 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Retiring from service Law Enforcement 1 Retired Police SUV #278 2005 Ford Explorer XLS Retiring from service Law Enforcement 1 Retired Police SUV #365 2006 Chevy Tahoe Retiring from service Law Enforcement 1 Retired Police SUV #378 2006 Chevy Tahoe Retiring from service Fleet Management 1 Handheld Blower #B0212 2003 Stihl BG85 SN#261236832 - Not cost effective to repair Fleet Loaner 1 Handheld Blower #B0339 2005 Stihl BG85 SN#264322741 - Not cost effective to repair unit Grounds/Forestry 1 Backpack Blower #B0477 2009 Stihl BR420D SN#362490307 - Not cost effective to repair West Division 1 1-Person Kayak #B0515 2011 Jackson V103 SN#JKQ19076F111 - Not repairable to District Standards for boat rentals West Division 1 2-Person Kayak #B0556 2012 Wilderness Retarpont130E SN#WEMMEEXS9G212 - Not repairable to District Standards for boat rentals Fleet Management 1 Handheld Blower #B0598 2015 Stihl BG86CE SN#501400634 - Not cost effective to repair NRM 1 Chainsaw #CS264 2008 Stihl MS361CQ SN#271212336 - Not Cost effective to repair NRM 1 Chainsaw #CS317 2014 Stihl MS362 SN#297413633 - Not cost effective to repair unit Facilities Management 1 Mortar Mixer #M0112 1995 Stone 855PMS East Division 1 Fire Pumper #P0187 2002 NFFC Needs some repairs, no longer used in sign shop 14270 Retired from service/ replaced FY15/16 East Division 1 Fire Pumper #P0240 2003 NFFC GTR100-NFF3 West Division 1 Fire Pumper #P0243 2003 NFCC GTR100-NFF3 Retired from service/ replaced FY15/16 Retired from service/ replaced FY15/16 West Division 1 Fire Pumper #P0245 2003 NFFC GTR100-NFF3 Retired from service/ replaced FY15/16 West Division 1 Utility Vehicle #T0154 2005 Kubota RTV900W Transmission issues, not cost effective to repair Grounds/Forestry 1 Tree Cutter Attachment #TC-8 1998 Agra 241C Maple Meadows 1 Battery Charging System #TE-5 1995 Bear ARBST Facilities Management Grounds/Roads Grounds/Roads NRM 1 1 1 1 #TR053 #TR098 #TR115 #TR143 1995 2001 2003 2005 Dyna Weld Custom Bakerbuilt Imperial 20 TALT ST222EDPT Flatbed LB-10-16 Empire SuperBlast 680 Retired from service, no longer used Stored at Churchill, Maple Meadows no longer has need for unit Retiring from service Retiring from service Retiring from service Retiring from service Obsolete Parts District no longer has equipment to use these parts on; too old to return to Vendor Obsolete parts, District no longer has need to keep in stock No longer used - will be sold at auction No longer used - will be sold at auction No longer used - will be sold at auction No longer works - will electronics scrap No longer used - will metal scrap No longer used in sign shop No longer used in sign shop No longer used in sign shop No longer used in sign shop Removed from office at Churchill, no need for fixture any longer No longer have vehicles or equipment that these tires will fit. Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Churchill Stockroom-Parts Trailer Trailer Trailer Trailer Various Obsolete vehicle & equipment parts from Churchill 109 parts supply room Districtwide Warehouse 3 Various obsolete districtwide parts from Warehouse stock Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities Facilities 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Management Fleet Management Brown Office Chair Podium Entertainment Cabinet/Armoire Television Black office chair - broken Large Sandblaster with additional accessories Small Portable Sandblaster airpump with helmet respirators Large Laminator Leeson 2004 GBC 1 Vintage Ceiling Light Fleet Management 18 Various Vehicle & Equipment Tires Golf Enterprises 100 Used wooden chairs in varying condition Golf Enterprises 13 Used banquet tables in varying condition Golf Enterprises 27 Used wooden stools in varying condition Golf Enterprises 9 Used restaurant boothes in varying condition Golf Enterprises 5 Used wooden high chairs in varying condition Golf Enterprises 3200 (Approx) - Assorted used glassware & cups Golf Enterprises 17 used carts for glass racks Golf Enterprises 184 used plastic glassware racks Golf Enterprises 7 Used baker's racks Golf Enterprises 41 used plastic baking trays Golf Enterprises 102 used metal baking trays Golf Enterprises 1 Used Commercial Grade Hot Dog Bun Warmer Golf Enterprises 8 used rolling metal 3-shelf food service carts R02 Roundup Arctic Titan P030816: Page 20 # of Description Items Department Golf Enterprises Model 2 Used Metal 4-drawer file cabinet Golf Enterprises 10 used pool cues with 1 used metal stand/rack for cues Golf Enterprises 1 Used Commercial Meat Slicer Golf Enterprises 1 Used Commercial Mixer Golf Enterprises 18 Various used metal and wood restaurant tray stands Kline Creek Farm Kline Creek Farm 1 Cash Register 1 Vintage Crock Kline Creek Farm 1 Office Desk Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline Kline 1 1 1 1 1 1 Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Unit # Year Make Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Law Enforcement Sharp XF440 Splitting Wedge Wrench Vintage tool box Doily Knitted baby pants Picture of a barn Clothing Law Enforcement 1 DVD Box Set Law Enforcement 1 Folding Chair Law Enforcement Law Enforcement 1 Confiscated Vehicle #541 VIN#1HGES16571L044846 1 Confiscated Vehiucle #536 VIN#WVWBA21JOYW695548 Maple Meadows 22 Hunter Legacy satelllites & miscellaneous parts (irrigation) Maple Meadows Stockroom Parts 52 Various Obsolete golf equipment parts from Maple Meadows Fleet supply room 2001 Honda 2000 Volkswagon Civic LX Golf Explanation Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items Salvaged from Oak Meadows fire, have been stored for years, no use for items No longer use in department No longer use at locations, has cracks in it No use for this item in using department, no takers districtwide No longer use in department No longer use in department No longer use in department No longer use in department No longer use in department No longer use in department Items left in Forest Preserves (Lost & Found) - will be donated to PADS Shelter Items left in Forest Preserves (Lost & Found) - Will be sold at auction Item left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) - will be sold at auction Confiscated Vehicle to be scrapped or auctioned Confiscated Vehicle to be scrapped or auctioned Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Obsolete Parts, District no longer has equipment to use these parts on; too old to return to Vendor Mayslake 4 Office Chairs No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 1 Large Computer Desk on Casters No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 1 Office Credenza - wood No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 1 Television with DVD player No longer used - will be sold at auction or electronics scrap Mayslake 1 Metal occasional chair No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 1 Small Office Desk No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 1 ABC Office Shrink Wrap Machine w/manual No longer used - will be sold at auction Mayslake 2 Holiday Wreaths No longer used - will be sold at auction NRM/Ecology 1 Brown Metal Shelf w/3 shelves No longer have use in District for unit NRM/Ecology 1 Black 2-drawer filing cabinet No longer have use in District for unit NRM/Ecology 2 Light Green 4-drawer filing cabinets No longer have use in District for units NRM/Ecology 1 Bank of 3 tan lockers No longer have use in District for units NRM/Ecology 1 Large Hang-on Tree Stand Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 1 Extra wide ladder Tree Stand Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 2 Small Hang-on Tree Stands Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 2 Platform ladder Tree Stands Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 1 Portable Propane Heater Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 2 Q-Beam Spotlights Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 2 Q-Beam Replacement Lights Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Ecology 3 Handheld Spotlights Used for Deer Program, no longer need NRM/Nursery 1 Projector Screen No longer used in Department NRM/Nursery 1 Multi-Tiered Shelving Unit No longer used in Department NRM/Nursery 1 Cloth Cubicle Wall No longer used in Department NRM/Nursery 1 Electric Water Cooler Dispenser No longer used in Department NRM/Nursery 1 Small Bulletin Board No longer used in Department Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Items no longer needed, will be renovations Oak Meadows 197 1-1/4" swing joints (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 136 1-1/2" swing joints (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 183 2" slip T's with gaskets (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 126 700 series nozzle assembly/good case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 44 700 series nozzle assembly/bad case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 29 750 series nozzle assembly/bad case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 153 900 series nozzle assembly/good case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 48 900 series nozzle assembly/bad case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 9 950 series nozzle assembly/good case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 8 950 seriies nozzle assembly bad case (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 38 small round valve covers (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 24 large round valve boxes (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 27 large round valve covers (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 2 large rectangle valve boxes (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 2 large rectangle valve covers (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 2 xlarge rectangle valve covers (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 8 4" orange metal valves (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 1 6" orange metal valve (irrigation part) Oak Meadows 40 Quick coupler valves (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 1 Rainbird Par+ES satellite (irrigation part) Oak Meadows 27 900 series used irrigation parts Oak Meadows 87 750 series nozzle assembly/good case (irrigation parts) R02 replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course replaced during course P030816: Page 21 # of Description Items Department Oak Meadows Unit # Year Make Model 30 small round valve boxes (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows Explanation Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Items no longer needed, will be replaced during course renovations Obsolete Parts, District no longer has equipment to use these parts on; too old to return to Vendor 2 75 HP submersible pumps (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 15 Rainbird Par+ satellites (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows 18 700 series used irrigation parts Oak Meadows 20 1" swing joints (irrigation parts) Oak Meadows Stockroom Parts 18 St. James Farm 23 Various Riding Pads for under saddles on horses No longer used in department St. James Farm 13 Horse Lead Ropes No longer used in department St. James Farm Various Obsolete golf equipment parts from Oak Meadows Fleet supply room 3 Horse Halters St. James Farm No longer used in department 17 Horse saddle girths No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Box Miscellaneous horse gear No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 English Riding Saddle, pair of riding boots, helmet No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Set of Stirrups No longer used in department St. James Farm 2 Space Heaters - Radiator looking on wheels No longer used in department St. James Farm 12 Various Window Shutters No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Portable Air compressor No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Airless Car Painter No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Gas Mask No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Fuel Tank No longer used in department St. James Farm 1 Fill-Rite Pump No longer used in department St. James Farm 2 Circular Saws with blade No longer used in department West Division 3 Wood Occasional Chairs w/Leather & fabric No longer used - will be sold at auction West Division 2 Office Chairs West Division 1 Cash Register West Division 3 ADA Porto-Pots with Ramps No longer used, use rental service West Division 1 Standard Porto-Pot with Ramp No longer used, use rental service West Division 1 Wood Office Credenza No longer need West Division 1 Small wood cabinet No longer need West Shop Stockroom Parts 84 Various Obsolete vehicle & equipment parts from West Fleet shop parts supply room No longer used - will be sold at auction Sharp XE-A201 Needs repairs Obsolete Parts, District no longer has equipment to use these parts on; too old to return to Vendor Willowbrook 1 Canon Camera with bag, light, lens, film No longer use camera Law Enforcement 1 yak trax for boots Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 Silver pendant Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 fishing tackle box w/ lures Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 plano tackle box w/ lures Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 pager Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 baby blanket Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 horse whip and water bottle Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 red ipod Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 rawlings baseball glove Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 nylon kite Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 fitbit Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 game of thrones dvd's Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 nike hoodie Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 arizona jacket Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 nintendo ds w/ 7 games and case Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 3 fishing poles Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 cigar cutter in box Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 black ipod Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 bike chain, ear buds, book light Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 blue/white ipod and rope Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 Fax machine Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 Schwinn boys bicycle Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 computer speaker Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 laptop w/ hard drive Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 Hp laserjet printer Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 computer monitor Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 computer Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 trek 820 mountain bicycle Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 red schwinn bxx bicycle Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 printer/scanner/copier Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 black roller suitcase Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 red fold up chair in bag Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 soft sided cooler w/ wheels Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 clothing and sunglasses Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) Law Enforcement 1 golf clubs Left in Forest Preserve (Lost & Found) R02 P030816: Page 22 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 ID 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 Description Buyer's City 1998 Chevrolet C/K 2500 Ext. Cab 6 5‐ft. Bed 4WD Saint Joseph 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD Deatsville 2005 Ford Explorer XLS 4.0L 2WD Memphis 2001 Dodge Ram Wagon B2500 Durham 2002 EZ‐Go TXT Golf Cart Lockport 2005 Scag Rotary Riding Mower La Follette 1996 Ingersoll Rand Vibrating Roller Independence 2001 Towmaster Roll Off Tilt Trailer Gary 1994 Honda Generator Mitchell 1992 Atwater Walk‐Behind Blower Wheaton 1995 Atwater Walk‐Behind Blower Bartlett 2006 Air Systems Stationary Blower Villa Park Two Stihl Backpack Blowers Lombard Six Stihl Handheld Blowers New London Twelve Stihl Chainsaws Mooresville 2000 Chevrolet C/K 2500 Reg. Cab 4WD Cedar Rapids 1998 Chevrolet C/K 3500 Reg. Cab 2WD Racine 2004 Ford Explorer XLS 4.0L 2WD palatine 2004 GMC Sierra 2500HD Work Truck Ext. Cab Short Bed 4WD Dayton 2002 Toro 455D Groundsmaster Wide Area Mower Franklin 1995 John Deere 6400 Tractor/Loader Chatham 1990 Evens UT10020 Utility Trailer Enterprise 1996 Dyna Weld Roll Off ‐ Tilt Trailer Bellevue 2 Stihl Hedge & Brush Cutters / 4 Stihl String Trimmers Wheaton One 2011 Stihl MS260 Chainsaw Wheaton 2001 Job Pro Pressure Washer palatine 1999 Lesco Vegetation Sprayer Boise 2000 Kawasaki Vegetation Sprayer Boise 2002 Yamaha Utility Vehicle Bethalto 1 Box of Miscellaneous Cushman Parts central city 1 Box Miscellaneous Equipment Parts I central city 1 Box Miscellaneous Equipment Parts & Cables Elmhurst 1 Box Golf Equipment & Tractor Parts central city 1 Box Misc Toro Parts Ahoskie 1 Box Miscellaneous Equipment Parts II Elmhurst GE Master 2 VHF Repeater Lombard 1997 SEPPI Brush Grinder Attachment Willoughby Hills 2008 21" Honda Push Mower Warrenville 2002 Yamaha Utility Vehicle Manhattan 2000 Imperial Small Equipment Tilt Trailer olmsted falls 2007 Chevrolet HHR LS Wildwood 1996 Ford Explorer XLT 4‐Door 4WD Westchester 1995 Oldsmobile Achieva S Series I coupe Lakemoor 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT milwaukee Three (3) SUV Storage Containers arlington heights Portable Dance Floor Westchester Fuelmaker CNG Compressor Pryor Gamewell Fire Control Panel arlington heights Tow Behind Grounds Rollers Mississauga Stihl Backpack Blower Lockport Partner Concrete Saw Lockport Stihl Chainsaw palatine John Deere Backhoe Attachment van meter, Iowa 2002 Toro Wide Area Mower Valparaiso International Flail Mower Attachment Ripon Woods Flail Mower Attachment Lynn Center 2008 Cordless 60V Power Push Mower Villa Park R02 Buyer's State Sold Amount GovDeals Fee Net Results Bids Hits Visitors MO AL TN NC IL TN MO IN IN IL IL IL IL OH IN IA WI IL $2,210.00 $2,261.00 $2,500.00 $2,217.07 $1,000.00 $2,040.00 $5,800.00 $2,075.00 $325.00 $160.00 $150.00 $16.00 $85.00 $101.00 $1,594.99 $4,011.00 $3,265.00 $2,320.00 $110.50 $113.05 $125.00 $110.85 $50.00 $102.00 $290.00 $103.75 $16.25 $8.00 $7.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.05 $79.75 $200.55 $163.25 $116.00 $2,099.50 $2,147.95 $2,375.00 $2,106.22 $950.00 $1,938.00 $5,510.00 $1,971.25 $308.75 $152.00 $142.50 $11.00 $80.00 $95.95 $1,515.24 $3,810.45 $3,101.75 $2,204.00 OH $6,900.00 $345.00 $6,555.00 TN VA AL NE $6,769.58 $18,015.00 $1,458.99 $6,055.00 $338.48 $900.75 $72.95 $302.75 $6,431.10 $17,114.25 $1,386.04 $5,752.25 IL IL IL ID ID IL IA IA $51.00 $66.00 $100.99 $770.00 $460.00 $968.58 $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.05 $38.50 $23.00 $48.43 $5.00 $5.00 $46.00 $61.00 $95.94 $731.50 $437.00 $920.15 $1.00 $1.00 $10.00 $6.00 $10.00 $18.03 $25.00 $5,550.00 $21.00 $2,315.00 $2,510.00 $5,740.00 $905.00 $850.00 $831.00 $40.00 $201.00 $3,550.00 $25.00 $40.00 $76.00 $51.00 $242.00 $630.99 $8,711.58 $130.00 $100.00 $102.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $277.50 $5.00 $115.75 $125.50 $287.00 $45.25 $42.50 $41.55 $5.00 $10.05 $177.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $12.10 $31.55 $435.58 $6.50 $5.00 $5.10 $5.00 $1.00 $5.00 $13.03 $20.00 $5,272.50 $16.00 $2,199.25 $2,384.50 $5,453.00 $859.75 $807.50 $789.45 $35.00 $190.95 $3,372.50 $20.00 $35.00 $71.00 $46.00 $229.90 $599.44 $8,276.00 $123.50 $95.00 $96.90 IL IA NC IL IL OH IL IL OH MO IL IL WI IL IL OK IL ON IL IL IL IA IN WI IL IL 43 37 58 35 0 54 48 65 49 13 1 4 15 5 83 58 49 17 2,211 1,876 1,704 1,082 0 2,130 1,377 2,017 1,030 351 2 384 547 354 2,042 1,482 1,044 718 1,563 1,441 1,099 668 0 1,297 680 1,316 736 209 1 284 425 272 1,134 783 728 450 104 2,002 1,294 110 113 43 84 1,808 3,633 1,096 2,190 1,051 2,229 671 1,150 5 665 19 719 11 331 40 412 14 343 38 1,218 1 131 1 133 427 529 245 107 113 866 107 97 3 1 3 9 1 73 6 71 101 46 17 16 20 16 25 22 1 3 15 6 43 13 72 4 1 13 131 231 126 199 200 1,196 384 1,285 1,717 2,677 793 512 989 343 541 940 105 338 567 540 945 753 1,998 270 219 227 79 183 95 137 109 174 122 384 376 323 137 122 168 115 163 193 66 124 153 141 178 179 273 97 92 82 P030816: Page 23 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 Buyer's City Villa Park Buyer's State Sold Amount IL $110.99 Salem Warrenville Villa Park West Chicago IN IL IL IL $1,010.00 $1,087.00 $1,165.00 $11,150.00 $50.50 $54.35 $58.25 $557.50 $959.50 $1,032.65 $1,106.75 $10,592.50 Chicago Romeoville Houston Charlotte Dyer Cherryvale Sycamore Lakemoor Mason City Fort Pierce Rockdale Dyer Elmhurst Elmhurst Clinton Rockdale Villa Park Tarzana Warrenville Knightdale IL IL TX NC IN KS IL IL IA FL IL IN IL IL MT IL IL CA IL NC $1,900.00 $2,850.00 $255.00 $1,605.00 $3,090.00 $3,340.00 $500.00 $320.00 $2,530.00 $1,210.00 $450.00 $136.00 $45.02 $495.00 $9,910.00 $485.00 $52.00 $2,950.00 $17.00 $3,150.00 $95.00 $142.50 $12.75 $80.25 $154.50 $167.00 $25.00 $16.00 $126.50 $60.50 $22.50 $6.80 $5.00 $24.75 $495.50 $24.25 $5.00 $147.50 $5.00 $157.50 $1,805.00 $2,707.50 $242.25 $1,524.75 $2,935.50 $3,173.00 $475.00 $304.00 $2,403.50 $1,149.50 $427.50 $129.20 $40.02 $470.25 $9,414.50 $460.75 $47.00 $2,802.50 $12.00 $2,992.50 Sullivan Minooka Port Clinton Northville Chicago MO IL OH MI IL $3,510.00 $3,150.00 $2,040.00 $1,605.00 $1,760.00 $175.50 $157.50 $102.00 $80.25 $88.00 $3,334.50 $2,992.50 $1,938.00 $1,524.75 $1,672.00 Rockdale Bartlett Newton Villa Park Wheaton Burbank Wheaton Winfield Winfield Demotte Demotte Demotte Naperville Elgin IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IN IN IN IL IL $120.00 $7.00 $26.00 $37.00 $20.00 $20.00 $100.00 $50.00 $75.00 $50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 116 Solid Wood w/Window 1‐Panel Vintage Door Elgin IL $10.00 118 Vintage Arched Top Solid Wood Entry Doors Naperville Solid 1‐Panel Vintage Wood Door with Elgin 119 Casing Elgin 120 Solid 1‐Panel Vintage Wood Door IL IL IL ID Description 63 2008 Cordless 60V Power Push Mower 2008 Weed Badger Hydraulic Rototiller 64 Attachment 65 2003 Club Car Utility Vehicle 66 2000 Toro Utility Vehicle 67 2002 Morbark Chipper 1998 GMC Sierra C/K 1500 Ext. Cab 6.5‐ft. 68 Bed 2WD 69 2000 Chevrolet C/K 2500 Reg. Cab 2WD 70 Eight (8) Various Landscape Equipment 71 2008 Scag Zero Turn Mower 72 Toro Workman Golf Utility Vehicle 73 12 Ton Flat DeckTrailer 74 Coats Tire Balancing Machine 75 30 HP, 2‐Cycle Outboard Motor 76 16 Ft. Tilt Deck Trailer 77 Howard PTO Driven Rototiller Attachment 78 Gill 3‐Point Rake Attachment 79 Maxim Garden Rototiller 80 Earthbird Garden Rototiller 81 Ryan Overseeder 82 2005 ASV Compact Track Loader 83 Land Pride Box Blade Attachment 84 Curtis Model 2000K Key Cutter 85 CNG Re‐Fueling Compressor System 86 Fellowes Shredder 87 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD John Deere 15' Flex Wing Mower 88 Attachment 89 Scag 61" Zero Turn Riding Mower 90 Toro Workman Golf Utility Vehicle 91 Solid Skid Steer Tires & Extras 92 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD 1995 Mott Hammer Knife Flail Mower 93 Attachment 94 Stannah Model 260 Curved Chair Stair Lift 95 Stannah Model 300 Straight Stair Chair Lift 96 2,000 Lb. Peerless Chain Hoist 98 Two 24x80 6‐Panel Doors 102 Four White 2‐Panel Doors 18x80 103 Ten 6‐Panel Solid 30x79.5 Doors 106 90,000 BTU Goodman Furnace 107 Gibson Air Conditioning Condenser Unit 109 15 Window/Wood Vintage Door 110 Vintage Solid 7 Panel Wood Door 111 One Panel Vintage Solid Wood Door 114 (Four) Vintage 5‐Panel Solid Wood Doors 115 Solid 1‐Panel Vintage Wood Door 121 122 123 124 125 126 1997 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor 1997 Land Rover Range Rover 4.0 SE Specialized Men's Bicycle Gary Fisher Men's Bicycle Schwinn Men's Bicycle Lot of 7 Bicycles R02 Chicago Lithia Springs West Chicago Streamwood Romeoville Chicago IL GA IL IL IL IL GovDeals Fee $5.55 Net Results Bids Hits Visitors 5 174 71 $105.44 35 507 32 1,429 35 1,562 62 1,281 19 30 25 50 41 84 9 13 100 42 0 42 10 27 130 20 15 42 12 26 136 221 226 202 666 965 1,052 1,300 1,595 1,421 482 1,084 1,908 1,192 0 427 430 817 3,301 551 266 1,145 220 1,020 138 157 172 189 218 203 142 167 193 194 0 112 118 182 265 138 90 189 84 165 33 1,032 91 1,540 37 968 52 1,107 14 874 176 192 179 208 188 $114.00 $2.00 $21.00 $32.00 $15.00 $15.00 $95.00 $45.00 $70.00 $45.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 4 2 4 13 1 1 4 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 382 190 202 235 142 107 348 267 243 303 80 37 105 43 130 89 84 103 79 63 134 111 94 114 50 23 46 25 $5.00 $5.00 1 37 25 $200.00 $10.00 $190.00 9 386 125 $10.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 1 1 40 51 18 29 $350.00 $2,400.00 $165.00 $70.00 $50.00 $54.00 $17.50 $120.00 $8.25 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $332.50 $2,280.00 $156.75 $65.00 $45.00 $49.00 4 242 22 1,715 27 744 3 311 1 272 7 243 84 204 164 133 123 107 P030816: Page 24 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 Buyer's City Chicago Winfield Romeoville Brooks Indianapolis Buyer's State Sold Amount IL $240.00 IL $10.00 IL $100.00 KY $250.00 IN $110.00 Lombard Chester Gap Elgin palatine Zephyrhills IL VA IL IL FL $20.00 $10.00 $323.00 $251.02 $41.00 $5.00 $5.00 $16.15 $12.55 $5.00 $15.00 $5.00 $306.85 $238.47 $36.00 1 1 12 22 4 181 133 424 691 398 65 71 106 124 120 Brown Deer WI $20.00 $5.00 $15.00 1 187 60 Brown Deer Little Rock Bensenville Saint Charles Bartlett Momence Melbourne Gardner Augusta WI AR IL IL IL IL FL IL IL $150.00 $485.00 $6.00 $94.00 $131.00 $267.00 $3,365.00 $15,273.00 $243.99 $7.50 $24.25 $5.00 $5.00 $6.55 $13.35 $168.25 $763.65 $12.20 $142.50 $460.75 $1.00 $89.00 $124.45 $253.65 $3,196.75 $14,509.35 $231.79 28 1,103 51 945 1 173 15 335 28 353 25 379 46 2,093 82 2,276 7 261 55 152 56 95 89 87 205 209 73 Marengo Brown Deer Lombard Carmel IL WI IL IN $2,260.00 $632.00 $51.00 $330.00 $113.00 $31.60 $5.00 $16.50 $2,147.00 $600.40 $46.00 $313.50 23 70 14 28 983 426 151 247 136 70 51 57 Cullom Chesterton IL IN $106.00 $161.00 $5.30 $8.05 $100.70 $152.95 14 20 131 301 50 67 Clinton TN $9,625.00 $481.25 $9,143.75 58 1,981 211 158 Two Dell 19" Flat‐Screen Computer Monitors Chesterton Bartlett 159 Printer Stand on Wheels IN IL $37.00 $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 $32.00 $5.00 13 1 114 54 33 36 160 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #1) Ahoskie NC $45.99 $5.00 $40.99 13 185 66 161 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #2) Villa Park IL $32.31 $5.00 $27.31 4 181 60 162 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #3) Ahoskie NC $76.99 $5.00 $71.99 7 190 69 163 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #4) Villa Park IL $28.93 $5.00 $23.93 3 180 64 164 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #5) Villa Park IL $143.91 $7.20 $136.71 9 214 73 165 1‐Box Misc. (New) John Deere Parts (Box #6) 166 (4) Used Office Chairs 1999 Chevrolet C/K 2500 Ext. Cab Long Bed 168 2WD 2004 GMC Sierra 2500HD Work Truck Ext. 169 Cab Long Bed 4WD 170 1995 New Holland LX885 Skid Steer 171 (3) Misc. Stihl Landscape Equipment 173 2001 Diamondback APEX Bicycle 174 2003 KHS Competition Soft Tail Bicycle 175 2000 Trek 6000 Bicycle 176 2001 Schwinn MOAB Bicycle 177 Reese Hitch‐Mount Bike Rack 178 Six (6) Used, Adult Bicycle Helmets 179 Five (5) Used, Rear Rack Bicycle Bags Villa Park Brown Deer IL WI $163.56 $10.00 $8.18 $5.00 $155.38 $5.00 12 1 287 74 91 37 Elgin IL $1,950.00 $97.50 $1,852.50 14 545 89 Hanover Park orland park Pembroke Township Geneva Bartlett Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Woodstock West Chicago Lombard IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL $6,900.00 $12,500.00 $139.99 $135.00 $150.00 $185.00 $85.00 $50.00 $15.00 $15.00 $345.00 $625.00 $7.00 $6.75 $7.50 $9.25 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6,555.00 $11,875.00 $132.99 $128.25 $142.50 $175.75 $80.00 $45.00 $10.00 $10.00 39 1,895 1 9 11 723 5 316 16 406 13 501 8 255 5 175 1 74 1 112 164 4 125 82 93 111 69 59 40 51 ID 127 128 129 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 151 152 153 154 156 157 Description Lot of 10 Adult Bicycles Garden Cart K&E Hudson Drafting Table Double Arched Solid Wood Doors DeWalt Panel Saw Lot of Miscellaneous Office Electronics/Machines Twenty (20) Japanese Beetle Traps Various Ladders & Scaffolding Stihl MS200T Chainsaw 3‐Misc. Stihl Trimmers & Cutters Vehicle Air Conditioning R12 Charging System Vehicle Air Conditioning R12 Recovery/Recycle System 15 HP Outboard Motor McCullough Household Pressure Washer Honda Trash Pump Mi‐T‐M Job Pro Pressure Washer Aladdin Pressure Washer John Deere Gator 6x4 Utility Vehicle ASV RC100 Compact Track Loader Panel Spotter Spot Welder 2003 Ford Explorer XLS Retired Police Vehicle Cisco Routers & Switch; HP Switch Compaq Server Rack HP Designjet 5000 PS Plotter (Network) Misc. HP Network Printers; Color Print Cartridges; Ricoh Business Scanner Three Sentry Safes APPROXIMATELY 6,000 Linear Feet of USED White Vinyl 3‐Rail Fencing R02 GovDeals Fee $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $12.50 $5.50 Net Results Bids Hits Visitors 32 572 157 $228.00 1 222 101 $5.00 9 201 106 $95.00 1 3 3 $237.50 4 275 93 $104.50 P030816: Page 25 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 ID Description 180 Miscellaneous Bicycle Parts 181 182 183 184 186 187 188 189 190 191 194 195 Six (6) Used Sets of Nite Rider Bicycle Lights 1998 Cannondale M500 Bicycle 1998 Schwinn MOAB Bicycle Outfitter Hitch‐Mount Bike Rack 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Work Truck Long Bed 4WD, w/Plow&Salt Sprdr. 1999 Toro Snowblower 1994 Toro Snowblower 2001 Honda Snowblower EPI ‐ SUV Cargo Caddy Storage Drawer ‐ Beige EPI ‐ SUV Cargo Caddy Storage Drawer ‐ Beige 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD 2WD 2001 John Deere Skid Steer Buyer's City Glen Ellyn Buyer's State Sold Amount IL $107.00 GovDeals Fee $5.35 Net Results Bids Hits Visitors 9 152 53 $101.65 West Chicago West Chicago Hanover Park Glen Ellyn IL IL IL IL $110.00 $55.00 $50.00 $30.00 $5.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $104.50 $50.00 $45.00 $25.00 Chepachet Villa Park Bensenville Lombard RI IL IL IL $7,589.36 $54.00 $25.00 $157.00 $379.47 $5.00 $5.00 $7.85 $7,209.89 $49.00 $20.00 $149.15 Parker CO $65.00 $5.00 $60.00 Huntley Fulshear Newton IL TX NH $100.00 $4,109.00 $5,100.00 $5.00 $205.45 $255.00 $95.00 $3,903.55 $4,845.00 5 2 1 2 236 380 252 118 72 104 72 49 50 1,861 7 188 1 251 27 293 166 74 85 98 9 229 57 7 172 25 1,240 1 7 49 134 3 198 1 Tan Fabric "President's" Board Room Chair Roselle IL $6.00 $5.00 $1.00 1 31 17 202 Four (4) Retro Ice Cream Tables & 12 chairs Westmont IL $20.00 $5.00 $15.00 1 141 63 203 Three (3) Retro Ice Cream Tables & 11 chairs Westmont Villa Park 207 Metal Garden Cart IL IL $15.00 $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $10.00 1 1 95 172 46 70 $132.00 $700.00 $8,250.00 $7,550.00 $1,550.00 $6.60 $35.00 $412.50 $377.50 $77.50 $125.40 $665.00 $7,837.50 $7,172.50 $1,472.50 10 311 17 909 75 1,359 55 1,293 23 611 83 170 151 163 127 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 Vintage Wood Ice Box converted to Cabinet 2004 Yamaha 25 HP Outboard Motor 2004 Rotary Hammer Mower 2005 Rotary Hammer Drum Mower 1995 Ditchwitch Trencher 20 Motorola VRS‐750 Mobile Data Radio Modems Nine (9) Parking Lights & Poles Two (2) Federal Signal Corp. Emergency Vehicle Lights Industrial Machines Floor Drill Press Altman 360Q Stage Light Delta Radial Arm Saw ATD Engine Stand Pro‐Lift 3‐Ton Engine "Cherry Picker" One Set of Western Uni‐Mount Snow Plow Wings Lincoln HD Wheel Jack One Hein Werner 1/2 Ton Floor Trans Jack Eleven Vinyl Windows ‐ Various Sizes Barco Graphics Overhead Video Projector Two Landscape Rollers 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD 1999 Chevrolet Blazer 4‐Door 4WD 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD 4WD 2004 7 Ft. Skid Steer Snow Plow 2003 Baker Built Utility Trailer Amco Air Compressor Franklin Stove Replica 2002 Chevrolet C6H042 2001 Chevrolet Tahoe 4WD 2000 GMC Sierra Classic 3500 Reg. Cab 4WD 237 8Ft. Box 238 2003 GMC Sierra 2500HD Ext. Cab 2WD 240 10 Ft. x 8 Ft. Utility Trailer w/sides & ramp 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 R02 Villa Park Vickery Dublin Dublin Joliet IL OH VA VA IL Plainfield Chicago IL IL $292.00 $255.00 $14.60 $12.75 $277.40 $242.25 34 5 345 481 78 104 University Park IL Bensenville Villa Park Bensenville Villa Park Villa Park IL IL IL IL IL IL $160.99 $72.00 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 $50.00 $8.05 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $152.94 $67.00 $5.00 $20.00 $45.00 $45.00 34 10 1 1 1 1 310 200 152 166 93 137 83 57 69 52 52 62 Plainfield Villa Park Villa Park Villa Park Topeka Chicago IN IL IL IL KS IL $132.99 $109.99 $50.00 $296.00 $30.00 $26.99 $6.65 $5.50 $5.00 $14.80 $5.00 $5.00 $126.34 $104.49 $45.00 $281.20 $25.00 $21.99 34 5 1 36 1 3 298 130 174 520 160 323 90 63 74 105 65 82 Silver Lake Franklin Park West Chester Dayton Hiawatha Chicago Hinsdale Chicago Grandview loudonville WI IL OH OH IA IL IL IL MO OH $1,622.00 $2,300.00 $2,000.00 $4,101.00 $1,300.00 $1,400.00 $110.00 $100.00 $5,600.00 $1,900.00 $81.10 $115.00 $100.00 $205.05 $65.00 $70.00 $5.50 $5.00 $280.00 $95.00 $1,540.90 $2,185.00 $1,900.00 $3,895.95 $1,235.00 $1,330.00 $104.50 $95.00 $5,320.00 $1,805.00 8 10 6 21 19 12 7 1 18 8 1,019 1,102 673 1,539 780 823 446 430 1,593 959 130 160 125 173 153 148 105 119 178 150 Gallatin Cambridge West Chicago TN IL IL $3,500.00 $2,910.00 $1,550.00 $175.00 $145.50 $77.50 $3,325.00 $2,764.50 $1,472.50 23 1,817 23 1,243 28 944 174 148 137 P030816: Page 26 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 ID 241 242 244 245 246 247 248 249 251 252 253 254 256 257 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 279 282 283 284 285 286 287 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 Description 8 Ft. 1990 Wells TC8 Cargo Trailer w/1990 Kubota GL55006 Generator 2009 Polaris 6x6 Utility Vehicle Boxes of Miscellaneous Equipment Filters Lot of 3 Handheld Blowers, 1 Backpack Blower Lot of 8 Chainsaws on a Pallet Lot of 10 String Trimmers, Brush Cutters, Clearing Saws on Pallet Boxes of Miscellaneous Vehicle & Equipment Stock Parts Boxes of Miscellaneous Vehicle & Equipment Motor & Electrical Parts 3 Bench Seats for 2002 Chevy G2500 9 Passenger Van 2005 GMC Sierra 2500HD Ext. Cab Long Bed 4WD ‐ With Plow 1999 Chevrolet C/K 3500 Reg. Cab 2WD Five Ice Cream Churns Grizzly H‐6453 Heat Sealing Machine 2 Boxes of Glue Dots Oil Filter Crusher Motorola Radio Chargers (Various Models) 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD Front & Rear Fenders for 2003 Honda TRX500FA ATV Sioux Tools Bench Grinder 2004 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLT Ext. Cab Long Bed 4WD 1998 Men's Cannondale M500 Bicycle 1992 Men's Diamondback Apex Bicycle Reese Hitch‐Mount Bike Carrier Dymo Label 400 Label Writer Sun Tools Digital Scope Mastertech Diagnostic Code Scanner Werner Aluminum Ladders Unicover Pick‐up Truck Cap Digital Deluxe 27" Laminator w/cart 2 ‐ Outdoor Motion Activated Cameras 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS‐T Box of Miscellaneous Red & Blue Emergency Lighting Hawk Radar Speed Detector by Kustom Mastercom Siren (Never Used) Miscellaneous Rifle Scopes & Bipod Two (2) MPH Industries Speed Radar Guns w/Cases Lot of Seven (7) Adult Bicycles (Men's/Women's) Cameras & Photography Accessories Large/Army Size Backpack Three (3) Hitch Mounted Bike Carriers 2002 Aaladin 41‐530B Pressure Washer 3 Boxes of Miscellaneous Vehicle & Equipment Parts 2 Boxes of Various Golf & Landscape Equipment Parts Garbage Dumpster Garbage Dumpster Scotsman Model CME1656 Ice Machine & Extra Mechanical Unit 1983 Mack R685ST R02 Buyer's City Buyer's State Sold Amount GovDeals Fee Net Results Bids Hits Visitors Chicago Fowlerville Piqua IL MI OH $2,023.00 $2,100.00 $8.00 $101.15 $105.00 $5.00 $1,921.85 $1,995.00 $3.00 21 1,474 26 2,483 1 171 167 215 49 Chicago Wheaton IL IL $89.00 $1,586.00 $5.00 $79.30 $84.00 $1,506.70 3 81 153 940 72 147 Chicago IL $50.00 $5.00 $45.00 1 249 73 Virginia Beach VA $15.00 $5.00 $10.00 3 205 90 Grant Park IL $10.00 $5.00 $5.00 1 139 75 Dayton OH $100.00 $5.00 $95.00 1 58 42 Dayton Glendale Heights Rehoboth Piqua Piqua Burlington Manchester Lombard OH IL MA OH OH IA MO IL $3,900.00 $7,558.00 $65.01 $11.00 $8.00 $85.00 $17.00 $2,100.00 $195.00 $377.90 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $105.00 $3,705.00 $7,180.10 $60.01 $6.00 $3.00 $80.00 $12.00 $1,995.00 23 1,525 34 1,258 10 613 2 94 1 71 5 156 2 148 10 693 152 129 107 37 41 67 63 108 Springville Bartlett TN IL $10.00 $11.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 Addison Winfield Winfield oak lawn Sac City Ottawa Tinley Park Cicero Marietta chicago Luther Addison IL IL IL IL IA IL IL IL GA IL IA IL $5,600.00 $130.00 $60.00 $10.00 $10.00 $85.00 $133.00 $72.00 $50.00 $200.00 $33.57 $1,150.00 $280.00 $6.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.65 $5.00 $5.00 $10.00 $5.00 $57.50 $5,320.00 $123.50 $55.00 $5.00 $5.00 $80.00 $126.35 $67.00 $45.00 $190.00 $28.57 $1,092.50 Moncure Moncure Villa Park Ottawa NC NC IL IL $50.00 $80.00 $150.00 $155.00 $5.00 $5.00 $7.50 $7.75 Moncure NC $280.00 Chicago Naperville Glen Ellyn Chicago Bartlett IL IL IL IL IL Lockport 1 2 232 204 71 70 25 1,531 5 396 2 239 1 162 1 89 5 177 10 219 48 317 1 83 3 200 11 248 8 694 170 123 91 83 40 63 75 79 50 60 77 129 $45.00 $75.00 $142.50 $147.25 7 9 15 15 320 349 343 980 96 95 92 170 $14.00 $266.00 17 377 93 $70.00 $60.00 $30.99 $20.00 $206.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $10.30 $65.00 $55.00 $25.99 $15.00 $195.70 5 8 4 1 26 758 414 237 198 181 157 114 83 80 70 IL $42.00 $5.00 $37.00 6 225 75 Lockport Wheaton Wheaton IL IL IL $102.00 $100.00 $100.00 $5.10 $5.00 $5.00 $96.90 $95.00 $95.00 6 3 2 240 171 103 84 63 54 Naperville Tremont IL IL $50.00 $9,100.00 $5.00 $455.00 $45.00 $8,645.00 1 11 28 1,416 9 176 P030816: Page 27 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 Description Buyer's City 2003 GMC Sierra 2500HD Ext. Cab Short Bed Jamestown 300 4WD with Plow Indian Creek 301 2003 Ford Escape XLT Popular 2 4WD ID 302 303 305 306 307 309 310 312 313 314 317 318 Two Hevco KM‐7C Flail Mower Attachments Garbage Dumpster Garbage Dumpster Garbage Dumpster Two Garbage Dumpsters Two Garbage Dumpsters Garbage Dumpster Two (2) Garbage Dumpsters 2004 Chevrolet Silverado C1500 Work Truck Ext. Cab Short Bed 2WD 1997 Volkswagen Jetta GL Jack Plane (no blade) Rubbermaid Janitor's Cart 319 2000 Cannondale F300 Retired Police Bicycle 320 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD Retired Police 321 Vehicle 322 2005 Ryan Aerator Attachment 323 2005 Club Car Carryall 2 324 Rapid Print Time Clock 325 1998 Honda Accord LX sedan 326 2001 Ford Ranger Edge SuperCab 4.0 4WD 327 2000 Trek 6000 Bicycle 328 2002 KHS Soft Tail Bicycle 329 2005 KHS Competition Soft Tail Bicycle 330 2001 DPM Nursery Jaws 331 1989 Whitfield H200 Tree Digger 332 1999 Swenson RT5 Tailgate Salt Spreader 333 2009 Kubota V4208 Snow Plow 2003 Monroe MS969RFDD304 Tailgate Salt 334 Spreader 335 2002 Cimline 110 Magma Crack Filler 336 2005 Ford Explorer XLS 4.0L 2WD 337 2010 Stationary Blower 338 1998 Frame Mounted Generator Stanley‐Bostitch FM15 Series Finish Nail Air 339 Gun 340 2004 Alumacraft Row Boat 341 2007 Pamlico Single Person Kayak One Pallet of 6 Stihl Backpack Blowers & 1 342 Stihl Handheld Blower 343 Two Stihl Chainsaws One Pallet of 3 Stihl String Trimmers & 2 344 Stihl Hedge & Brush Cutters 345 Ten (10) Garbage Dumpsters ‐ Various Sizes 347 Reel Walk‐Behind Greens Mower 348 Reel Walk‐Behind Greens Mower 349 Rotary Riding Mower 350 Utility Vehicle w/300 Gallon Turf Sprayer Dakota Topdresser/Fertilizer Spreader (300 351 Gallon) Lawn Trailer for Toro GR1000 Walk Behind 352 Greens Mower 12 Emergency Vehicle Light Bars (Various 353 Models) One Pallet of Misc. Radios, Chargers, 354 Repeaters, Etc. R02 Buyer's State Sold Amount TN IL GovDeals Fee Net Results Bids Hits Visitors $3,502.00 $1,500.00 $175.10 $75.00 $3,326.90 $1,425.00 11 1,214 6 736 161 106 Des Plaines Wheaton Wheaton Wheaton Rockdale Rockdale Wheaton Rockdale IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $105.00 $50.00 $100.00 $160.00 $12.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.25 $5.00 $5.00 $8.00 $237.50 $95.00 $95.00 $45.00 $99.75 $45.00 $95.00 $152.00 1 5 2 1 7 1 2 8 215 86 80 6 272 3 79 166 77 45 41 3 96 2 39 60 Cedar Rapids Bensenville Cicero Hanover Park IA IL IL IL $1,455.55 $220.00 $10.00 $10.00 $72.78 $11.00 $5.00 $5.00 $1,382.77 $209.00 $5.00 $5.00 9 3 1 1 783 381 104 88 146 82 61 51 Arlington Heights Mason City IL IA $110.00 $351.00 $5.50 $17.55 $104.50 $333.45 10 1,210 1 23 185 19 Lombard Hobart Summit Hobart Plainfield Denver Homewood Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Lombard Pomaria Mason City Milan IL IN IL IN IL NC IL IL IL IL SC IA IL $2,000.00 $250.00 $3,250.00 $10.00 $1,050.00 $3,900.00 $85.00 $196.00 $120.00 $961.00 $92.00 $139.58 $375.00 $100.00 $12.50 $162.50 $5.00 $52.50 $195.00 $5.00 $9.80 $6.00 $48.05 $5.00 $6.98 $18.75 $1,900.00 $237.50 $3,087.50 $5.00 $997.50 $3,705.00 $80.00 $186.20 $114.00 $912.95 $87.00 $132.60 $356.25 7 976 1 447 29 2,211 1 71 5 613 33 1,661 5 549 15 324 9 471 19 552 5 636 7 175 12 661 145 122 206 43 114 126 108 104 165 117 131 58 112 Waukegan Cedar Rapids Lombard Hartwell Bartlett IL IA IL GA IL $310.00 $8,800.00 $2,455.00 $60.00 $197.00 $15.50 $440.00 $122.75 $5.00 $9.85 $294.50 $8,360.00 $2,332.25 $55.00 $187.15 15 51 11 2 8 168 981 694 226 391 60 132 155 89 116 Willowbrook Hubbard Aurora IL IA IL $10.00 $360.00 $150.00 $5.00 $18.00 $7.50 $5.00 $342.00 $142.50 1 140 19 1,135 6 534 71 203 149 Montgomery Zephyrhills IL FL $365.00 $185.00 $18.25 $9.25 $346.75 $175.75 13 10 501 587 144 129 Montgomery Asheville Palatine Elmhurst Newark Green Cove Springs IL NC IL IL IL FL $170.00 $500.00 $255.44 $250.00 $4,702.00 $3,701.00 $8.50 $25.00 $12.77 $12.50 $235.10 $185.05 $161.50 $475.00 $242.67 $237.50 $4,466.90 $3,515.95 7 323 3 522 6 198 6 163 28 1,299 24 1,468 124 130 47 45 137 154 Puryear TN $4,650.00 $232.50 $4,417.50 34 810 110 Summit IL $235.00 $11.75 $223.25 9 261 59 Grovespring MO $635.35 $31.77 $603.58 17 610 126 West Chicago IL $2,222.00 $111.10 $2,110.90 46 788 111 P030816: Page 28 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 ID 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 390 391 392 394 Description Buyer's City CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign â Hole 2 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Elmhurst CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 4 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Afton CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 6 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Elmhurst CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 8 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Elmhurst CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 11 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Elmhurst CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 14 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Naperville CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 15 from Oak Meadows Golf Course Chicago CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 1 from Maple Meadows East 9 Bensenville CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 3 from Maple Meadows East 9 Elk Grove Village CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 6 from Maple Meadows East 9 Elmhurst CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 7 from Maple Meadows East 9 Medinah 2006 Mack MR690S Garbage Truck Burlington 2004 GMC C7C042 ‐ TRUCK TO BE SOLD AS PARTS VEHICLE Elizabethtown 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup Truck ‐ CONFISCATED VEHICLE Addison 5 Passenger Aluminum Row Boat Alburnett CONFISCATED VEHICLE‐2007 Ford Ranger Sport SuperCab 2WD Hartwell Herd Sure‐Feed Broadcaster Seed Spreader Mosheim 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe 2WD West Chicago One Lot of Miscellaneous USED Office Roselle Furnishings & Accessories One Lot of Six (6) Used Adult Bicycles, Two (2) Used Children's Bicycles Glen Ellyn Used Snowmobiles Suits, Jackets, Pants, Gloves, Helmets Glen Ellyn Three (3) Hunting Tree Stands with One (1) 3‐piece peg ladder Baker City Used Cameras & Camera Accessories Bartlett Three Used Helmets Roselle Raywick Miscellaneous Fishing Items ‐ USED Youth Genesis Original Compound Bow Chicago PSE Typhoon Compound Bow Aurora Used Metal Gun Locker Bartlett Used Metal Gun Locker Bartlett Used Tools Glen Ellyn 1996 Chevrolet Tahoe 4‐Door 4WD Elburn 2010 Honda Trash Pump Elgin 2011 Polaris Utility Vehicle with Dump Box Addison Three (3) Garbage Dumpsters (3.5 Yd/4 Yd/6 Yd) Wheaton APPROXIMATELY 88 Rolls Erosion Matting Joliet 1989 Puma Portable Air Compressor Raywick 2000 Schwinn MOAB Retired Police Bicycle Wood Dale 395 2004 Toro Rough Mower w/10" Mower Deck 396 Nite Rider Storm HID Bicycle Helmet Light Nite Rider Digital Patrol Handlebar Mounted 397 Lights 398 Two Electronic Cash Registers R02 Buyer's State Sold Amount GovDeals Fee Net Results Bids Hits Visitors IL $190.00 $5.00 $185.00 14 197 84 MN $420.00 $5.00 $415.00 27 374 202 IL $230.00 $5.00 $225.00 16 143 58 IL $170.00 $5.00 $165.00 13 161 58 IL $200.00 $5.00 $195.00 18 181 90 IL $300.00 $5.00 $295.00 17 191 81 IL $240.00 $5.00 $235.00 18 222 82 IL $95.00 $5.00 $90.00 13 141 70 IL $90.00 $5.00 $85.00 9 95 52 IL $80.00 $5.00 $75.00 10 112 53 IL IA $95.00 $57,500.00 $5.00 $2,875.00 $90.00 $54,625.00 14 111 82 1,177 41 398 PA $1,000.00 $50.00 $950.00 IL IA $605.00 $410.00 $30.25 $20.50 $3,835.00 $55.00 $1,698.00 IL 487 364 $574.75 $389.50 6 776 14 1,153 520 918 $191.75 $5.00 $84.90 $3,643.25 $50.00 $1,613.10 19 1,520 3 175 1 6 956 154 1 $32.99 $5.00 $27.99 9 197 172 IL $156.99 $7.85 $149.14 13 270 152 IL $120.00 $6.00 $114.00 16 310 168 OR IL IL KY IL IL IL IL IL IL IL IL $50.00 $80.00 $15.00 $20.00 $50.00 $130.00 $90.00 $71.00 $68.33 $700.00 $41.00 $3,635.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $35.00 $5.00 $181.75 $45.00 $75.00 $10.00 $15.00 $45.00 $123.50 $85.00 $66.00 $63.33 $665.00 $36.00 $3,453.25 4 260 3 282 1 124 1 234 1 90 5 283 16 534 7 543 5 236 3 459 3 208 25 1,916 153 221 102 191 77 220 471 486 195 338 180 1,488 IL IL KY IL $150.00 $300.00 $130.00 $175.00 $7.50 $15.00 $6.50 $8.75 $142.50 $285.00 $123.50 $166.25 1 2 7 12 296 145 326 300 243 127 243 174 Marion Glen Ellyn IA IL $4,000.00 $81.00 $200.00 $5.00 $3,800.00 $76.00 1 6 1 153 1 78 Lexington Montgomery KY IL $80.00 $35.00 $5.00 $5.00 $75.00 $30.00 9 3 171 42 109 32 GA TN IL 4 P030816: Page 29 EXHIBIT B Sold Asset Report Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, IL Date range: August 2013 ‐ December 2015 ID 399 401 403 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 Description Handheld POS/Credit Card Terminal Machines Portable Kerosene Heater Four Gun Cases Remote Control Pick‐up Truck (Toy) CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 8 from Maple Meadows East 9 CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 5 from Maple Meadows East 9 CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 2 from Maple Meadows East 9 CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 3 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 5 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 7 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 9 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 10 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 12 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 13 from Oak Meadows Golf Course CHARITY AUCTION ‐ Golf Tee Sign ‐ Hole 17 from Oak Meadows Golf Course A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That R02 Buyer's City Buyer's State Sold Amount GovDeals Fee Net Results Bids Hits Visitors Raywick West Chicago Roselle Raywick KY IL IL KY $110.00 $6.00 $38.33 $6.00 $5.50 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $104.50 $1.00 $33.33 $1.00 4 1 7 1 115 44 207 170 66 39 171 154 Elmhurst IL $25.00 $5.00 $20.00 1 68 41 Elmhurst IL $25.00 $5.00 $20.00 1 56 37 Elmhurst IL $25.00 $5.00 $20.00 1 67 47 McHenry IL $90.00 $5.00 $85.00 4 140 87 Addison IL $100.00 $5.00 $95.00 6 123 73 Lisle IL $125.00 $5.00 $120.00 8 207 82 Elmhurst IL $50.00 $5.00 $45.00 1 137 92 Naperville IL $180.00 $5.00 $175.00 15 251 113 Clarendon Hills IL $140.00 $5.00 $135.00 10 183 81 Elgin IL $160.00 $5.00 $155.00 12 221 114 Mount Prospect chicago IL IL $90.00 $103.99 $462,451.94 $5.00 $85.00 $5.20 $98.79 $23,476.54 $438,975.40 5 11 138 603 81 477 P030816: Page 30 Planning Agenda Item R-3 Recommendation to Authorize the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the FPDDC and the Winfield Township Road District Providing for Trail Signage along On-Street Portions of the West Branch DuPage River Trail: Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods Department Planning Meeting Date March 8, 2016 Staff Recommendation Authorizing the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the FPDDC and the Winfield Township Road District providing for trail signage along on-street portions of the West Branch DuPage River Trail: Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods at the next Commission meeting. Previous Commission Action • • • • PS: 4/8/14 – Discussion of an IGA with the Village of Winfield C: 5/20/14 – Approval of IGA with Village of Winfield PS: 6/24/14 – Discussion of Phase II Engineering Agreement and Local Federal Participation Agreement C: 7/1/14 – Approval Phase II Engineering Agreement and Local Federal Participation Agreement Background • The FPDDC is nearing completion of Phase II engineering for the West Branch DuPage River Trail: Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods. This project involves construction of approximately 3 miles of trail which includes approximately .5 miles being located on local roadways. • An IGA is required between the District and the Winfield Township Road District to allow the District to install trail signage in the Right of Way of Barnes, Sunset, and Forest Avenues in unincorporated areas near West Chicago. • All project agreements have to be executed and submitted back to IDOT by April 22, 2016, in order to be considered for IDOT’s letting and bid opening schedule for June 2016. Rationale • 80% of the project costs are covered by the CMAQ grant for the project. The District is responsible for the other 20% and has fully accounted for it in existing budgeted line items for the project. • The Winfield Township Road District has agreed to maintain the signs in perpetuity. R03 P030816: Page 31 • Installation of the signs ensures proper and safe marking of on-street trail segments per the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices • The District’s attorney has reviewed and approved the Ordinance and IGA. Cost $2,777,918.28 for the entire project of which 80% ($2,222,334.62) is covered by CMAQ grant funding and 20% ($555,583.66) is covered by a local match. The local match is split between the Village of Winfield and the FPDDC. The cost of the trail signs are included in the overall project costs above. Funding Source Budgeted In: • FY 12/13, Construction and Development Funds, Planning • FY 13/14, Construction and Development Funds, Planning • 2008 Bond Funds Public Impact Signage clearly marks, identifies, and connects off-street and on-street portions of the West Branch of the DuPage River Trail: Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods reassuring trail users. Attachments • Ordinance #16-061 • IGA with Winfield Township Road District R03 P030816: Page 32 ORDINANCE # 16-061 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DUPAGE COUNTY AND THE WINFIELD TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT PROVIDING FOR TRAIL SIGNAGE ALONG ON-STREET PORTIONS OFTHE WEST BRANCH DUPAGE RIVER TRAIL WINFIELD MOUNDS TO WEST DUPAGE WOODS WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (hereinafter the “FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT”) owns certain property commonly known as the Winfield Mounds and West DuPage Woods Forest Preserves; and WHEREAS, the Winfield Township Road District (hereinafter the “ROAD DISTRICT”) owns Right of way associated with Forest, Sunset, and Barnes Avenues near unincorporated West Chicago Illinois; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and the Village of Winfield separate to this agreement have entered into an intergovernmental agreement for the establishment of the West Branch Regional Trail / Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods (hereinafter the “PROJECT”), which involves the construction of a regional, multipurpose trail approximately 3 miles in length, and the construction of a bridge, fences, retaining walls, and other improvements; and WHEREAS, when completed, the trail will extend from the north side of West DuPage Woods Forest Preserve, on-street along Forest Avenue, Prince Crossing Road, Sunset Avenue and Barnes Avenue, through West DuPage Woods east toward Lions Park, on-street along Beecher Avenue and Winfield Road, cross High Lake Road, and continue north along the West Branch of the DuPage River through Winfield Mounds Forest Preserve and connect to the Geneva Spur of the Illinois Prairie Path; and WHEREAS, approximately .5 miles of the PROJECT will be signed along shared use roadways within the Jurisdiction of the ROAD DISTRICT; and 1545019KSH R03 Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 33 WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT desire to work cooperatively to plan, design, install, and maintain trail signage within portions of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT will provide numerous public benefits, including (a) directly serving the transportation and recreational needs of the region’s residents, (b) linking those individuals to thousands of acres of public open space, existing trail systems, parks, the Winfield METRA station, the Winfield Commercial Center, schools, major employment centers such as the Central DuPage Hospital, and other businesses; and (c) providing an alternative means of transportation for individuals commuting to work, shopping, recreation and other destinations; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT are municipalities as defined in Section 1(c) of the Local Government Property Transfer Act, 50 ILCS 605/1(c), hereinafter referred to as the “TRANSFER ACT”; and WHEREAS, Section 2 of the TRANSFER ACT authorizes transfers of real estate, or interests therein, between municipalities for any public purpose upon such terms as are agreed to by the corporate authorities of the respective municipalities; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2 of the TRANSFER ACT, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT, pursuant to a duly passed ordinance, has determined that it is necessary to use, occupy or improve real estate held by the transferor municipality for a portion of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT have determined that it is reasonable, necessary and in the public interest and welfare to use, occupy, and improve Road Right Of Way for directional trail signage for a portion of the PROJECT, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Agencies are authorized to enter into this Intergovernmental Agreement pursuant to the provisions of article VII, section 10, of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, which 1545019KSH R03 Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 34 provides in part that units of local government may contract or otherwise associate themselves to “obtain or share services and to exercise, combine, or transfer any power or function, in any manner not prohibited by law or by ordinance,” and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein and made a part hereof. 2. The President and Board of Commissioners have determined that it is necessary to use and transfer ownership of proposed trail directional signage within the Right-OfWay of Forest, Barnes and Sunset Avenues to the Winfield Highway Road District for construction of the West Branch DuPage River Trail / Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods. 3. The President is hereby authorized to sign, and the Secretary is hereby directed to attest thereto, the attached Intergovernmental Agreement between the District and the Road District Entitled “An Ordinance Authorizing The Execution Of An Intergovernmental Agreement Between The Forest Preserve District Of DuPage County And The Winfield Township Road District Providing For The Establishment Of Shared Use Roadway Trail Signage Along Portions Of The West Branch DuPage River Trail Winfield Mounds To West DuPage Woods. 4. The President, Executive Director, Director of Administration and Finance, Director of Resource Management and Development, and Attorney for the District are hereby authorized to take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement. 5. The Secretary is directed to transmit a certified copy of this Resolution to the Executive Director and to transmit two certified copies of this Resolution to the Director of 1545019KSH R03 Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 35 Resource Management and Development. PASSED AND APPROVED by the President and Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County this ______day of____________, 20___. APPROVED: ________________________________________ President ATTEST: _________________________________________ Secretary 1545019KSH R03 Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 36 AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TRAIL SIGNAGE ALONG ONSTREET PORTIONS OF THE WEST BRANCH DUPAGE RIVER TRAIL WINFIELD MOUNDS TO WEST DUPAGE WOODS THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the “AGREEMENT”) is made and entered into this ____ day of ______________, 2016 by and between the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, a body politic and corporate (hereinafter referred to as the “FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT”) and the Winfield Township Roadway District, a body politic and corporate (hereinafter referred to as the “ROAD DISTRICT”). Each of the foregoing are hereinafter sometimes referred to as an “AGENCY or together as “AGENCIES”. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the continued development and organization of the Chicago metropolitan area has increased public awareness of the importance of maintaining open space and providing recreational opportunities for individuals throughout the metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and the Village of Winfield have separate to this AGREEMENT have entered into an intergovernmental agreement for the establishment of the West Branch Regional Trail / Winfield Mounds to West DuPage Woods (hereinafter the “PROJECT”), which involves the construction of a regional, multipurpose trail approximately 3 miles in length, and the construction of a bridge, fences, retaining walls, and other improvements; and WHEREAS, when completed, the trail will extend from the north side of West DuPage Woods Forest Preserve, on-street along Forest Avenue, Prince Crossing Road, Sunset Avenue and Barnes Avenue, through West DuPage Woods east toward Lions Park, on-street along Beecher Avenue and Winfield Road, cross High Lake Road, and continue north along the West Branch of the DuPage River through Winfield Mounds Forest Preserve and connect to the Geneva Spur of the Illinois Prairie Path; and WHEREAS, approximately .5 miles of the PROJECT will be signed along shared use roadways within the jurisdiction of the ROAD DISTRICT; and WHEREAS, the DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT desire to work cooperatively to plan, design, install, and maintain trail signage within portions of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT will provide numerous public benefits, including (a) directly serving the transportation and recreational needs of the region’s residents, (b) linking those 1545007KSH R03 -1- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 37 individuals to thousands of acres of public open space, existing trail systems, parks, the Winfield METRA station, the Winfield Commercial Center, schools, major employment centers such as the Central DuPage Hospital, and other businesses; and (c) providing an alternative means of transportation for individuals commuting to work, shopping, recreation and other destinations; and WHEREAS, the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Agency informed the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT that it had been awarded a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant from the United Stated Department of Transportation in the amount of $2,050,924 in order to fund a portion of the Phase 2 Engineering, Phase 3 Engineering and construction costs for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the CMAQ grant will be administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation (hereinafter “IDOT”), which shall be responsible for approving all reimbursement requests; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT has been designated as the lead AGENCY for the PROJECT with responsibility for coordinating all aspects of the PROJECT and for monitoring the PROJECT in conjunction with IDOT; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT are municipalities as defined in Section 1(c) of the Local Government Property Transfer Act, 50 ILCS 605/1(c), hereinafter referred to as the “TRANSFER ACT”; and WHEREAS, Section 2 of the TRANSFER ACT authorizes transfers of real estate, or interests therein, between municipalities for any public purpose upon such terms as are agreed to by the corporate authorities of the respective municipalities; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2 of the TRANSFER ACT, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT, pursuant to a duly passed ordinance, has determined that it is necessary to use, occupy or improve real estate held by the transferor municipality for a portion of the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT have determined that it is reasonable, necessary and in the public interest and welfare to use, occupy, and improve Road Right Of Way for directional trail signage for a portion of the PROJECT, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Agencies are authorized to enter into this Intergovernmental Agreement pursuant to the provisions of article VII, section 10, of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, which provides in part that units of local government may contract or otherwise associate themselves to 1545007KSH R03 -2- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 38 “obtain or share services and to exercise, combine, or transfer any power or function, in any manner not prohibited by law or by ordinance,” and the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act, 5 ILCS 220/1 et seq; and, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, terms and conditions set forth herein, and in the spirit of intergovernmental cooperation, the AGENCIES agree as follows: 1.0 INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. 1.1 The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein and made a part hereof as representing the intent of the AGENCIES and as substantive terms and conditions. To the extent that they may be interpreted as inconsistent with the main body of this AGREEMENT the main body shall control. 2.0 USE, OCCUPY, IMPROVE AND TRANSFER INTEREST 2.1 In accordance with the contract documents for the PROJECT, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT and ROAD DISTRICT agree to construct directional trail signage and transfer ownership of said signage to the ROAD DISTRICT where certain portions of the PROJECT will be on street within the Right of Way of Forest Avenue, Prince Crossing Road, Sunset Avenue and Barnes Avenue as depicted in the PROJECT Contract Documents (attached herein as Exhibit A). 3.0 S COPE OF WORK 3.1 All proposed signage shall be in accordance with the latest version of the Federal Highway Administration Agency’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). 3.2 THE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT shall coordinate the trail directional signage with appropriate regulatory review agencies, prepare construction plans and specifications, oversee the implementation and obtain all permits for the trail directional signage plan 1545007KSH R03 -3- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 39 3.3 The FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT shall be responsible for all initial costs associated with the planning, design, permitting, placement and installation of the trail directional signage. 3.4 The ROAD DISTRICT shall have final approval of all quantities types and sizes and locations of trail directional signage. 3.5 The FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT has agreed to not mark, stripe, or paint any pavement surfaces denoting bike lanes or routes. 3.6 Upon completion and final acceptance of the PROJECT, the ROAD DISTRICT shall be responsible for all maintenance, repair and replacement of the trail directional signage in perpetuity. 4.0 COOPERATION 4.1 If an AGENCY has reason to believe that a violation of this AGREEMENT has occurred or is occurring, written notice thereof specifying in detail the violation and the facts supporting the claim shall be served upon the AGENCY that allegedly committed or is permitting such violation to occur. 4.2 The AGENCIES agree to act in good faith and to cooperate with each other to resolve any disputes which may arise in the performance of this AGREEMENT. 4.3 In the event an AGENCY is required to institute any legal action or proceeding, whether at low or in equity, to enforce any provision of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing AGENCY in such action or proceeding (as determined by the court) shall be entitled to recover all its costs and expenses, including but not limited to, reasonable expert witness and attorney fees. 1545007KSH R03 -4- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 40 5.0 INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Each AGENCY shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the other AGENCY, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims, liabilities, causes of action, losses, judgements, settlements, damages and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable expert witness and attorney fees) that may at any time arise or be claimed by any person or entity as a result of bodily injury, sickness, death or property damage, or as a result of any other claim or suit of any nature whatsoever, allegedly arising out of or in any manner connected with, directly or indirectly, the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the indemnifying AGENCY’s performance of its obligations under this AGREEMENT. This provision is not intended to waive any statutory or common law privileges or immunities as they relate to other persons or entities. There are no third party beneficiaries of this AGREEMENT. 6.0 INSURANCE. 6.1 In furtherance of this indemnification provisions set forth in Section 5 each AGENCY shall maintain insurance coverage in minimum amounts and form acceptable in the reasonable judgement of the Chief Administrative Officer of the other AGENCY. Each AGENCY shall provide the other AGENCY with its insurance binders upon request. 7.0 TRANSFERS. 7.1 No AGENCY shall sell, assign or otherwise transfer its interest under this AGREEMENT without the written approval of the other Agencies. The provisions set forth in this AGREEMENT shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the approved successors and assigns of the AGENCIES. 8. NOTICES. 8.1 1545007KSH R03 All notices required to be given under the terms of this AGREEMENT shall be in -5- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 41 writing and either (a) served personally during regular business hours; (b) served by facsimile transmission during regular business hours; or (c) served by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, properly addressed with the postage prepaid and deposited in the United States mail. Notices served upon FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT shall be directed to the Executive Director, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, P.O. Box 5000, Wheaton, IL 60189-5000. Notices served upon the ROAD DISTRICT shall be directed to the Highway Commissioner, Winfield Township Road District, P.O. BOX 617, West Chicago, Illinois 60186-617. Notices served personally or by facsimile transmission shall be effective upon receipt, and notices served by mail shall be effective upon receipt as verified by the United States Postal Service. 9.0 S EVERABILITY 6.1 In the event any provision of this AGREEMENT is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision of this AGREEMENT, providing that the spirit and intent of this AGREEMENT can be given effect. 10.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 10.1 The provisions set forth herein represent the entire AGREEMENT between the AGENCIES and supersede any previous oral or written negotiations and agreements. No provision may be modified in any respect unless such modification is in writing and signed by all AGENCIES. 10.2 In event of a conflict between the terms or conditions of this AGREEMENT and any term or condition found in any exhibit or attachment, the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT shall prevail. 11.0 M ISCELLANEOUS TERMS 1545007KSH R03 -6- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 42 11.1 Each Agency shall approve this AGREEMENT pursuant to a duly passed ordinance or resolution. This AGREEMENT shall be executed in multiple counterparts, and each copy shall be deemed an original. After all the original signature pages have been received, the FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT shall provide each AGENCY with a fully executed copy of this AGREEMENT. 11.2 This AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois as to both interpretation and performance. The forum for resolving any disputes concerning the AGENCIES’ respective performance, or failure to perform, under this AGREEMENT, shall be the Circuit Court for DuPage County. 11.3 The FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT shall be responsible for recording this AGREEMENT, at its expense, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, DuPage County, and for providing the ROAD DISTRICT with a recorded copy. 11.4 This AGREEMENT may be amended or modified only by written instrument duly approved and signed by all AGENCIES to the AGREEMENT. 11.5 No course of dealing or failure of any AGENCY to enforce strictly any term, right, or condition of this AGREEMENT shall be construed as a waiver of such term, right, or condition. No express waiver of any term, right, or condition of this AGREEMENT shall operate as a waiver of any other term, right, or condition. Signature page follows on Page 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the AGENCIES have entered into this AGREEMENT as of the _____ day of _________________, 2016. 1545007KSH R03 -7- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 43 FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF DU PAGE COUNTY WINFIELD TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT Street Address: 3S580 Naperville Road Wheaton, IL 60187 Street Address: 30W575 Roosevelt Road West Chicago, IL 60185 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5000 Wheaton, IL 60189-5000 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 617 West Chicago, IL 60186-0617 BY:___________________________ Joseph Cantore, President BY:______________________________ John Dusza, Highway Commissioner ATTEST: ______________________ Judith Malahy, Secretary ATTEST:_________________________ Cliff Brown, Clerk 1545007KSH R03 -8- IGA Winfield Township Road District - WBRT Ordinance No.16-061 P030816: Page 44