APHNYS Newsletter August 2014


APHNYS Newsletter August 2014
The Historian’s Exchange
The newsletter of the Association of Public Historians of New York State
The Fall..
Hold the date
Proposal Form
Form, cont.
Region Map
Region Meet-
Pomeroy Info,
Regional Info. 9
1 9
2 0 1 4
The Fall is Upon Us...
Well, it has happened once
It is important that we
do that, we need to see
each other, talk to each
other, learn from each
The summer is slipping away,
the kids are unhappy about
going back to school, while
the parents feel just the
I have often found that I
learn as much during
the breaks and meals
than I do during the
actual sessions.
The leaves are about to
assume those glorious colors that make us realize that
the year has slipped into
third gear and is about to
coast into the winter season.
Where does the time go — why
does it always surprise us when
we know it is about to happen.
No matter how you feel about
the shift into more layers of
clothing and observing nature at
its finest, it is also the season of
regional meetings.
Some areas had earlier meetings
in the late spring and fall, while
most will have one in the next
few weeks.
It is that time for us all to participate with each other on a much
more local level.
If your area is having a
meeting, please make
every attempt to attend.
It is important for
APHNYS, but even more so — it
is important as you the historian
to learn and network from each
Gerry Smith, President
November is New York State History Month
November is New
York State History
Month. That is the
article title, and we
should all know that
— but most of the
state does not.
The state designed
that month as such in 2000!
Did you know about it —
more importantly, do you
We should. It was actually
pushed by a number of state
and regional history publishers, and it sounded like a
good idea at the time.
But it has languished until
now. There is a movement to
use this as a stepping block to
launch a new initiative to
make people aware of the
history of the Empire State.
There will be more effort put
into this and APHNYS will be a
key player in using this to
help promote our history, our
heritage and our historians.
Stay tuned...
From the President’s Desk...
We all know that expression about which road is paved with good intentions. I
have often felt that I was skipping down that path with the best interests of the various organizations of which I am a part. I am sure we have all felt that way at times.
It seemed to come to a head this summer for me. As a few of you are aware, I took
on another job as newspaper columnist beginning in March — right at the time of
our conference. I now write a weekly piece called Spanning Time which appears
each Thursday to a readership of about 30,000 readers. And yes, they are actually
paying me (what a concept).
It seemed like a doable thing on top of my duties as County Historian, running our
Local History Center, and adjunct professor in history at our community college.
Nothing to it — right? No problem handling that and presiding over APHNYS and
sitting on two other boards at the same time.
Oh yes, and writing 37 scripts as part of our area’s Path Through History involvement in creating 75 video pieces that cover 8 counties.
What I did not count on is getting sick. For the last 3 months I knew I did not feel
well, and my ability to work on APHNYS work got put on the back burner as I battled
both a serious bacterial infection and then a viral infection. Everything stopped!!
I did not tell anyone (and yes, my wife had to force me to go to the doctor and then,
finally, the dentist for some serious work). Why, because I can do it all — right?
No!! Like many of us, I say yes to things I think I can handle all by myself, and fight
asking for help. So typical of my bullheaded temperament. So, things slid a bit.
Now I am the mend (slowly and living on a smaller dose of Vicodin), and work has
once again commenced.
That means you will be hearing more about the 2015 conference as we get on top of
that. It also means that we will once again work on the historians bill, the manual,
and working on cooperatively with groups on both our 2015, 2016 and 2017 conferences.
We are also working with the Council on the Humanities on an effort to revitalize
the New York State History Month.
It also means I will be seriously sharing many of the duties I have been doing the last
two years (and yes, I have said that before). I will be asking for help with the
webpage, social media contact, and the newsletter. This is not to just take the burden off me, but to create a stronger network of historians participating in APHNYS.
I also apologize to our board and regional coordinators who may have thought I was
just out of touch and not communicating. In a way I was — because I was stupid
and did not get help. My advice — make sure you get good medical help, do not be
afraid to ask for help, and tell someone— it doesn't make you weak, only smart.
D A T E!!
APHNYS 2015 Conference
At this time, APHNYS can provide you with the information on the hotel and the cost for lodging. We do
not yet have the cost for the conference registration fee and the meals. We will provide additional information in early 2015.
April 9-12, 2015
Radisson Hotel
125 Denison Parkway East
Corning, NY 14830
Phone: 607-962-5000
Website: www.radisson.com/corningny
Rooms at the Radisson will be $109.00 per night + tax
Remember to bring your tax exempt form to save the tax.
The following expenses are estimated:
Conference Registration (for APHNYS paid members)
For those who have not paid dues or non-members:
Friday, April 10 Dinner
Saturday, April 11 Breakfast
Saturday, April 11 Lunch
Saturday, April 11 Dinner
Sunday, April 12 Breakfast
Tours: Final schedule and costs are still to be determined.
Association of Public Historians of New York State
Radisson Hotel, Corning, NY - April 9-12, 2015
The Association of Public Historians of New York State is pleased to announce that the 2015 Annual State Conference will be held
in Corning, April 9-12, 2015. APHNYS is currently accepting proposals for conference presentations. Proposals can be submitted
for papers, panels and interactive programs. The conference draws between 175 - 200 Local Government Historians and supporters of local history from across the Empire State.
The Planning Committee is especially interested in proposals that offer:
Insights into the history of Corning and its communities
Heritage Tourism
The Historian and the Common Core
Transportation & Trades in New York State
Skills and Techniques for Local Government Historians
To submit your proposal, please complete this form and return to APHNYS by November 15, 2014.
Contact Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Organization: ________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone #: ___________________________________ Fax:
E-Mail: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________________________________________________
State: _____________________________________________ Zip:______________________________
Program Information
Title of Program/Presentation:___________________________________________________________
Will someone else be presenting with you? (If so, provide names, titles and affiliations.)
Please describe your program/presentation. (Feel free to attach more sheets as necessary.)
Offering: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Any special equipment needs? ____________________________________________________________________________
Any size limitations on showings or presentations? (If so, please explain and provide limits.)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with
New York State’s Public Historians!
Please return this form by November 15, 2014 to:
APHNYS, P.O. Box 366, Chenango Bridge, NY 13745
Better yet — send it send it electronically in PDF format to our e-mail: aphnys@yahoo.com
Regional Coordinators Around The State
Region 1:
Sharon Wilkins, Manhattan Deputy Historian, swilkins@manhattanbp.org
Region 2:
Zachary Studenroth, Town of Southampton Historian., zstudenroth@southamptonny.gov
Region 3:
Suzanne Isaksen, Town of Montgomery (Orange Co.) Historian, tomhistorian@frontier.net
Region 4:
Ray LaFever, Town of Bovina Historian, bovinahistorian@gmail.com
Region 5:
Krissy Saddlemire, Village of Schuylerville Historian, krissysaddlemire@yahoo.com
Region 6:
William Zullo, Hamilton County Historian, historian@hamiltoncountyny.gov
Region 7:
Richard Williams, Town of Kirkland Historian, apulia@verizon.net
Region 8:
Justin White, Oswego County Historian, whitej@oswegocounty.com
Region 9:
Matthew Urtz, Madison County Historian, matthew.urtz@madisoncounty.ny.gov
Region 10:
Gerald Smith, Broome County Historian, gsmith@co.broome.ny.us
Region 11:
Peter Evans, Wayne County Historian, historian@co.wayne.ny.us
Region 12:
Barbara Durfee, Town of Sheldon Historian, sheldonhistorian@aol.com
Regional Meetings From Around The State
Meeting Information is current as of the writing of this newsletter. Several regions are still in the planning stage for
the fall meeting. Please consult with the appropriate regional coordinator for further information.
Region 1:
Contact Coordinator
Region 2:
Contact Coordinator
Region 3:
See Separate Page
Region 4:
Meeting will be held on October 4, from 10-2 in Prattsville, contact coordinator for further
Region 5:
Meeting will be held on September 5 in the Montgomery County Archives, Town of Fonda
Region 6:
Held Special Meeting in June
Region 7:
See Separate Page
Region 8:
Contact Coordinator
Region 9:
See Separate Page
Region 10:
Meeting will be held October 11 from 10-2:30 at the Town of Owego Office Building, more details
will be forthcoming
Region 11:
Contact Coordinator
Region 12:
See Below
Region 12 Annual meeting
2218 Judge Road Rt 63 Alabama NY
Sat 4 October 2014 from 11 am - 2 pm registration is at 11 am
For a great Program by Joe Cassidy , Town of Alabama Historian on the Oak Orchard Acid Springs
Hotel and Sanatorium and another wonderful speaker Darlene Warner from the Oakfield Historical
Society on the Cary Seminary from 1840. Looks to be a crowd pleaser again this year.
We will again have a brown bag style lunch ( bring your own lunch) and coffee and water will be provided by the
Historical Society and the museum will be open as well for you to tour. ALL are welcome and requests that the historical societies come and bring a guest.
WGP Foundation Greetings
The next grant round for The William G. Pomeroy Foundation’s Historic Roadside Marker Grant Program in Regions 4-6 is officially open, and we have two exciting announcements. We have expanded the timeframe for the traditional grant program, and
added a new theme program that will change each year!
 Expanded Timeframe: Commemorating historic people, places or things within the timeframe of 1740-1914.
 2014 Theme: Commemorating your community’s participation in the WWII effort during the years 1942-1945.
You may apply for more than one marker within each program, you can apply for both programs, and you can still apply if you
have received funding in the past.
We have now funded over 190 markers in 42 counties within NYS. The William G. Pomeroy Foundation strongly believes that
Historic Markers play an important role in local historic preservation. They preserve your history, educate the public, and foster
historic tourism which in turn can provide much needed economic benefits to the towns and villages where the markers are
The application forms, helpful hints, and a description of the programs are available on our website at www.wgpfoundation.org
under NYS Historic Grant Program, then Historic Roadside Marker Grant Program Section. Under the ‘How to Apply’ section of
the drop down menu there will be a marker image for each program. Just click on the image to get to the proper page.
Important Deadlines for Both Programs:
08/01/14 - Material available online
09/12/14 – Deadline to submit email listing primary source documentation
10/01/14 - Applications must be postmarked
End of Q4 2014 - Awards granted
Also as an FYI: last summer we launched a new program to fund a plaque or a sign if a public property or district has been
placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Applications for this program can be found on our website as well, and will be
accepted anytime throughout the year.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on any of our programs. I can be reached at (315) 476-3000 x2576. We
look forward to our partnership with APHNYS and to assist communities all over New York State preserve their local history
through historic markers and signs. Please help us spread the good news to colleagues in your regions! Regions are defined by
APHNYS at www.aphnys.org.
Paula Miller
Executive Director
The William G. Pomeroy Foundation
315-476-3000 x2576 | info@wgpfoundation.org
PO Box 3327 |Syracuse, NY 13220-3327
September 19, 2014 at the Montgomery County Archives, Fonda, NY hosted by Montgomery County
Historian Kelly Farquhar for town, village, and county historians in the six county Region area
9:30 to 10:00 sign in and mingle, meet fellow historians, network, set up small displays (limited space), enjoy
coffee and snacks
10:00 to 11:00 Kelly will describe the Montgomery County archives which she oversees; a tour
11:00 to12:00 Scott Hafner will present Old Fort Johnson
12:00 to 1:00 lunch time with catered lunches from Winner Circle Restaurant
1:00 to 2:00 Wanda Burch will talk about Sir William Johnson and Johnson Hall
2:00 to 2:30 APHNYS Region 7 Coordinator Dick Williams will present briefly on genealogy for historians, the Pomeroy marker program, and then time for sharing and questions
5 TO Dick Williams, Region 7 Coordinator, 1 Mulberry Street, Clinton,
NY 13323
Winner’s Circle restaurant in Fonda will cater a lunch to the Old Courthouse which will include a fresh fruit tray, antipasto, cocktail sandwiches,
minipizza bites, plus a beverage
PRICE = $8.00
Arrive here at the Old Courthouse 9:30-9:45
Exit 28 NYS Thruway, left on Riverside Dr. to Bridge Street, turn right on Bridge Street, take left (west) on Park Street to Old Court House.
From Route 5- turn onto S. Broadway and then left on Park Street to Old Court House
Visitor parking lot is on the side of the building. Handicapped access is at the back of the building by the stairs.
E-Mail Address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
__________Check here if already a paid APHNYS member for 2014
Registration and Handouts………………………………………………………………
Dues to join APHNYS if not a 2014 member; see “dues structure chart” on website;
Return new member dues form with your personal check or municipality check,
payable to APHNYS
TOTAL- request your municipality pay this amount
$$ ________
Enclose this form with your check to :
Dick Williams, 1 Mulberry Street, Clinton, NY 13323 by DEADLINE September 5, 2014
Call Dick at 315-853-5018 or e-mail at Apulia@verizon.net with questions.
Good afternoon
We are just over two weeks away from this year’s regional meeting we already have close to 30 people signed up this year. If
you have already registered for this year’s meeting GREAT!!!! If you are planning on coming but have not mailed in your check
please let me know so I can have an accurate head count for the lunch order, and remember I need those checks by Friday September 5th.
This year’s meeting will take place on Saturday September 13th at the Town of Clay Historic Park from 9 am to 1 pm. Similar to
last year we will have a lunch of sandwiches, chips and some salads for a fee of $10 for all those interested. After the event
tours will be available of all of the parks historic buildings as well as the Immanuel Lutheran Church, the oldest Lutheran Church
in Onondaga County for anyone interested.
I am very excited for this year as we have an incredibly strong group of speakers and they go as followed:
9:00-9:15 Dorothy Heller (Town of Clay Historian) will speak on Clay and the Historical Park
9:15-10:00 Debbie Stack, the Director of Education and Community Engagement for WCNY, will speak on WCNY’s upcoming
historical initiatives.
10:00—10:45 Diana Wendell, CIS (Curriculum Instruction Secondary) Coordinator and School Library Systems Director for Madison County BOCES will speak on how historians, cultural resources and archivists can help teachers with the implementation of
the Common Core standards.
10:45-11:30 Ray LaFever, Town of Bovina Historian, will speak on utilizing social media (Facebook, Flickr, and Twitter) to promote our communities history.
11:30-12:15 Lunch
12:15-1:00 Paul Mercer of the New York State Public Library will speak on available records and how to research at the New
York State Library
1:00-?-Tours of Historic Park
We must have your notification and check by September 5th. Make checks payable to
APHNYS and mail them to:
Madison County Historian
PO Box 668
Wampsville, NY 13163
As always this meeting is open to any interested party. If you have any questions or just want to reserve your place now feel
free to contact me.
Kind Regards
Matthew Urtz
Madison County, NY Historian
PO Box 668
Wampsville, NY 13163
Madison County, NY History on Facebook
PO Box 366 (regular correspondence) PO Box 2985 (fiscal correspondence)
Chenango Bridge, NY 13745
Setauket, NY 11733
(607) 595-1571
APHNYS Leadership
President - Gerald R. Smith,
Broome County Historian & City of Binghamton Historian (Region 10)
PO Box 366
Chenango Bridge, NY 13745
(607) 595-1571
1st Vice-President - Rosemarie Tucker
Town of Groton Historian (Region 10)
101 Conger Blvd.
Groton, NY 13073
(607) 898-5035
2nd Vice-President- John Scherer
Town of Clifton Park Historian (Region 5)
113 Vischer Ferry Rd.
Rexford, NY 12148
Treasurer - Barbara Russell
Town of Brookhaven Historian (Region 2)
Brookhaven Town Hall
One Independence Hill
Farmingville, NY 11738
Secretary – Nancy Pfau
Town & Village of Sharon Springs Historian (Region 7)
P.O. Box 134Sharon Springs, NY 13459
Jerry Bates
Town of Plattsburgh Historian (Region 6)
151 Banker Rd.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901
historian@ townofplattsburgh.org
Christine Ridarsky
City of Rochester Historian (Region 11)
1115 South Ave.
Rochester, NY 14604
Peter Evans
Wayne County Historian (Region 11)
9 Pearl St.
Lyons, NY 14489
David Sadler
Towns of Stockbridge, Lenox, Lincoln Historians
(Region 9)
P.O. Box 47
Clockville, NY 13043
Raymond LaFever
Town of Bovina (Region 4)
2319 County Highway 6
Bovina Center, NY 13740
Matthew Urtz
Madison County Historian (Region 9)
138 North Court St.
Wampsville, NY 13163
Clifton Patrick
Town of Chester Historian (Region 3)
119 Brookside Ave.
Chester, NY 10918
Sharon Wilkins
Deputy Borough of Manhattan Historian (Region 1)
2186 5th Ave., 7C
New York, NY 10037