120312-Arctic Fibre Presentation to Fed Gov-IEDE
120312-Arctic Fibre Presentation to Fed Gov-IEDE
Federal Government Presentation Ottawa - March 2, 2012 Iqaluit – October 6, 2011 – A Single Point of Failure 2 Technical Comparison - Satellite versus Fibre Telesat Canada Arctic Fibre • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Low bandwidth solution Limited bi-directionality (2 channels) Speed limited to 150 Mbps Reaches 99.5% of population Subject to atmospheric interference No adjacent channel interference Limited burstable capacity Subject to catastrophic failure Upfront capex $300 mln – 15 year life No economies of scale with 4 Gbps Requires external dish Virtually unlimited bandwidth Fully bi-directional pairs Speeds to 100,000 Mbps Reaches 89%-90% of population Highly physically secure network Pure signal-minimal packet loss Virtually unlimited burstable capacity OADM design for five-nines reliability Upfront capex $264 mln – 25 year life Tremendous economies of scale to 12.8 Tbps@40G > 32 Tbps @ 100G 3 The Logic Behind Arctic Fibre • • • • • • • Creates a physically diverse 15,439 km route from Japanese/Korean/Northern Chinese markets to Europe avoiding problematic Luzon Strait, South China Sea, Red Sea, Suez Canal and Mediterranean subsea issues. Reduces the physical routing risk from earthquakes in Western Pacific and Mediterranean as well as cable cuts or political unrest in Egypt. Eliminates the need for transAmerica or transSiberia terrestrial crossings and political/security risk concerns of Asian and Middle Eastern carriers at U.S. cable landing stations Provides the lowest latency route from Shanghai, South Korea and Japan to London 168 (ms) coveted by financial services clients and video-intensive services. Bridges the digital divide between Alaskan and Canadian Arctic communities and the south by displacing temperamental satellite feeds north of 64 degrees north. Provides virtually unlimited bandwidth for Alaskan and Canadian communities to address the many intra-territorial and federal issues identified in the Arctic Communications Infrastructure Assessment, including CHARs and DND Cambridge Bay Satisfies 52% of Nunavut population on backbone with secondary network reaching 89%-90%. Satisfies large unfibred markets in Labrador, Kativik and Mackenzie Delta 4 Internet Traffic by Application 5 Demand Only Goes Up 6 The Fastest Route Over the Top Estimated Arctic Fibre Latency (Milliseconds-RTD) Halifax Boston NYC Toronto Shanghai Seoul Tokyo Hong Kong 191 171 158 210 199 179 166 218 204 184 171 223 Least Latency Alternative Carrier (Advertised) Halifax Boston NYC Shanghai Seoul Tokyo Hong Kong 213 193 180 232 Arctic Fibre Advantage Halifax Shanghai Seoul Tokyo Hong Kong 22 22 22 22 205 185 172 224 200 180 167 219 214 194 181 233 Toronto 192 172 159 211 (Disadvantage) NYC Toronto Boston 6 6 6 6 -4 -4 -4 -4 -22 -22 -22 -22 Chicago 224 204 191 243 Chicago 182 162 149 201 Chicago -42 -42 -42 -42 London 201 181 168 220 London 212 201 188 215 London 11 20 20 -5 Frankfurt 210 190 177 229 Frankfurt 199 200 187 224 Frankfurt -11 10 10 -5 7 Milton BMH to Iqaluit BMH Start Position: 48° 13.33718' N, 53° 57.45940' W End Position: 63° 44.80158' N, 68° 31.01802' W 3D Distance on Surface: 2305.4 km Vertical Difference (Start to Finish): 33.8 m 8 Bude BMH to Chikura BMH Start Position: 50° 49.59816' N, 4° 32.62068' W End Position: 34° 59.97547' N, 139° 58.46851' E 3D Distance on Surface: 14903 km 9 Primary and Secondary Networks 10 Past Arctic Telecommunications Ventures • • • • • Original BT “Project Snowboard” subsea fibre proposals dating back to early 1980s were abandoned due to proliferation of transAtlantic and transPacific crossings.” The Alaskan-based ArcticLink $1.2 billion project through the far North West Passage was promoted on the basis of U.S. Broadband stimulus funding ($350 million) which never materialized. The Polarnet Project is proposing a $860 million Russian-financed system (RUTACS) from Bude, UK through Murmansk, north across the Siberian Sea through the Bering Strait south into Vladivostok and south into Tokyo. Arctic Fibre is a $640 million Canadian-led initiative through the southern Canadian portion of the Northwest Passage to achieve economies of scale by providing bulk bandwidth between Northern Europe and Japan with the need to provide primary bandwidth to citizens in remote Arctic communities and to the Canadian Government. Any northern project requires profitable domestic demand because international commodity pricing across the transAtlantic-US-transAtlantic routes cannot support capital expenditure. 11 Ice Creates Installation Time Issues 12 Global Warming Has Created Window • • • • • • • • Along most of the Northwest Passage (southern route) route, the sun shines 24/7 from early June to late July. The ice now melts long enough for Arctic Fibre to have an ice-free window from August 20th until October 5th either side of the Boothia Peninsula. Global warming has shrunk polar ice cap to point by 40% from 1968-2010. Ice thickness in Arctic Fibre’s marine routing reaches maximum 2.6m thickness vs. 3.2m in 1971. ArcticLink routing through northern portion of the Northwest Passage crosses permanent polar ice cap and would require icebreakers. Siberian ice now melts sufficiently to enable Polarnet Project installation: concerns exist about ice ridge damage to cable in shallow Siberian waters. In 2003 Tyco built SSOTS 2,800 km from Norway to Svalbard Islands (78 N) without incident or subsequent technical issues. In 2009 Tele-Greenland constructed Newfoundland-Greenland segment to Nuuk (64N). No issues in “Iceberg Alley” but iceberg incident within Nuuk, Greenland harbour being rectified with horizontal drilling. Offshore pipelines buried off Alaska North Slope for decades without incident. 13 Project Timetable • • • • • • • • PHASES 1 & 5 Newfoundland to Iqaluit & Nain spur PHASE 2 Hudson Strait BU to Cambridge Bay CLS PHASE 3 Cambridge Bay CLS to Tuktoyaktuk LP PHASE 4 EAST UK to Hudson Strait BU PHASE 4 WEST Japan to Tuktoyatuk BU inc. Alaska PHASE 6 Nunavik Spur PHASE 7 Kivallik Spur PHASE 8 Baffin Spur • • • • • Marine survey2012Q3, Cable lay 2013Q3 RFS November 2103 Boothia terrestrial and CLS 2013Q3 Cable lay 2014Q3 RFS 2014Q4 CLS 2013, Cable lay and RFS 2014Q4 • Marine survey 2013Q2, Cable lay and RFS 2014Q4 Marine survey 2013Q3, Cable lay and • • • 2015Q3 tentative 2015Q4 tentative 2015Q4 tentative 14 Phases One and Five RFS November 2013 15 Ice Management – Design for the Worst 16 Arctic Challenges and Risk Mitigation Challenge Scope Icebergs Greenland icebergs 80-170m deep Bergy Bits Smaller icebergs (depth to 20M) can scour seabed to 1.0-1.5 m Ridge Ice Scouring (bummocks) Ice ridges to 18 m deep, scour depth 1.2m Ice Covering (seasonal) Approx 37% route ice-covered >5 months CLS Approaches Landing at Cambridge Bay CLS Approaches at Taloyoak, Boothia Ithmus Risk Mitigation Routing is 600-3500 m deep in Davis Strait Ice Scour study integral part of marine survey Burial to 3m where required Deepwater approach to Milton CLS Satellite monitoring of bergs Choose deepest routing > 50m depth Burial in all prone waters <40m depth Avoid nearshore ridges, shoulders Double-armored fibre in ice-prone waters Rock armour where appropriate Select deepest routing > 50m depth Burial in all prone waters <40m depth Choose wind-protected shore approaches Rock armour where appropriate Enlist icebreaker support with ROV capability Utilize Canadian Ice Survey, C-CORE data Minimize ice-covered route Choose deepest routing > 50m depth Horozontal drilling to 40 m Duplicate, disparate shore approaches 17 Risk Mitigation (continued) Remote Spur Breaks Between 11-14 Arctic community spurs Utilize deepwater Bus and spurs Distinct fibre pair from express routes Horozontal drilling to 40 m depth No service to vulnerable communities Electrical Supply Lacklustre, spikey supply in remote hamlets End feed from Tokyo, Cambridge Bay, Bude DND multiple backups at Cambridge Bay Insulate festoon system from express Amplifier Failure 34 %subsea plant inaccesible 7 months p.a. Ensure amplifer spacing is adequate Minimize spur amplifiers Employ flexible OADM design Utilize proven technology Maintenance Interval 34 %subsea plant inaccesible 7 months p.a. Over design and over build Join Pacific and Atlantic mtce associations Enlist icebreaker support with ROV capability Adapt local shallow-hulled vessel for repairs Other Physical Threats Trawling Little trawling in ice prone Arctic Anchorages Proactive charting and communications Establish "No Anchor" zones Proactive Canadian Coast Guard program Seismic Install BU offshore Japan for China link Take wider SE approach to Japan fault zone Few seismic issues in Arctic Pipelines Avoidance or burial where appropriate Learn from Beaufort experience18 Risk Mitigation (continued) Ice Scour Risk and Mitigation Region NORTH PACIFIC/BERING SEA Length km Seabed Depth Shallow Deep Average (m) (m) (m) Ice bergs Ridge Maximum Margin Ice Keel (Shallow(m) Keel) (m) Scour Depth (m) Risk Level Ice Bound (weeks) 5,803 n.a n.a n.a No No 0 n.a. 0.0 Low 0 BERING STRAIT/CHUKCHI SEA 982 42 65 45 No Yes 12 30 1.0 Low 20 ALASKA NORTH SLOPE 879 200 1850 500 No Yes 27 173 0.8 Low 32 BEAUFORT SEA (CANADA) 213 221 1830 340 No Yes 30 191 1.0 Low 31 1,052 120 567 310 No Yes 16 104 0.3 Low 32 SPENCE BAY/CAMBRIDGE BAY 627 24 100 50 No Yes 10 14 0.3 High 38 BOOTHIA GULF 592 41 260 70 No Yes 8 33 0.5 Moderate 44 FOXE BASIN 688 40 210 125 No Yes 10 30 0.6 Low 38 HUDSON STRAIT 890 165 650 250 Limited Yes 40 125 3.0 Moderate 26 NORTH ATLANTIC 4,189 600 3800 1800 Yes No 540 60 4.0 Low 0 LABRADOR SEA/NEWFOUNDLAND 1,787 155 3620 2800 Yes Limited 70 85 1.0 Low 0 ADMUNSEN SEA/CORONATION GULF 19 Network Design and Connectivity •Three intercontinental pairs with 80 wavelengths @40 Gbps = 9.6 terabits total capacity. Additional festoon pair with similar capacity 80@40Gbps = 3.2 terabits. Theoretical capacity at 100G = 32 Tbps. •AFI-1,AFI-2, AFI-3 are express fibre pairs from Tokyo-London without terrestrial landings aside from Cambridge Bay midspan CLS. •AFI-4 (in the same cable sheath) will be festoon system Tokyo to NYC with spurs to: Alaska – Gambell, Nome, Point Hope, Wainwright, Barrow, Prudhoe Bay Canada–Tuktoyaktuk, Cambridge Bay, Gjoa Haven, Taloyoak, Igloolik, Hall Beach, Cape Dorset, Iqaluit •Community access spurs segregated electronically and electrically so express backbone survives any nearshore incidents. OADM allows east and west sections of network to operate autonomously. Backbone will operate from east or west in unlikely event of backbone incident. •Cable landing points in Bude, United Kingdom and Chikura, Japan facilitate access to other international and domestic networks in Europe and North Asia. Offshore BU stubbed SE of Japan will eventually connect to Chongming (Shanghai) and reduce seismic risk. • Duplicate approaches from east and west into Cambridge Bay CLS and Boothia Peninsula reduce risk of backbone failure due to ice scouring. • Eventual mesh ring connected through Tuktoyaktuk, NWT and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska will provide terrestrial links to North American networks. 20 21 22 Network Maintenance • • • • • • • No failures of TE Subcom subsea optical amplifiers in more 30 years Amplifier spacing and design can accommodate failure of single amplifier OADM architecture permits routing around any problematic areas Arctic Fibre will belong to maintenance consortium or private agreements in North Pacific and North Atlantic with repair vessels based in Yokohama and Halifax. For repair in Canadian Arctic or Alaskan North Slope, company will either: 1. Modify Class-1 rated shallow draft vessel to serve as repair ship; 2. Lease vessel from a private Arctic operator; 3. Negotiate agreement with Canadian Coast Guard to accommodate grappling equipment and spare cable and ROV; 4. Combination of above arrangements. Critical time frame is during spring melt (May-July) with MTTR of six weeks Arctic Fibre will lease redundant satellite capacity to ensure continuity for small communities. Backbone customers will use alternative mesh fibres. 23 Corporate Structure and Governance •Arctic Fibre Inc. incorporated within Ontario, Canada to hold assets within Canada and its territorial waters to comply with Telecommunications Act foreign ownership restrictions. • International segments owned by Bermudian company to facilitate low-tax treatment. •Hybrid ownership consisting of Canadian financial institutions, pension funds, territorial development corporations and management. International carriers permitted to own IRUs or minority equity interest. 24 Experienced Board of Directors Chairman – The Hon. James Farley QC, Counsel to McCarthy Tetrault, has extensive telecommunications experience both as an investor to fibre projects and as a bankruptcy court judge in several telecommunications matters. President – Douglas Cunningham, has 40 years telecom investment experience and has constructed or financed such projects as TeleBermuda, GlobeNet Communications, Antilles Crossing, TeleBarbados and TeleCayman and North Atlantic Fibre. Former top-ranked telecommunications analyst with experience in 13 countries. Former senior executive with major international investment dealers and Canadian chartered banks. Director – Jim Meenan, is a retired President of AT&T Canada, and former CFO of AT&T Long Distance Company Inc. Until recently he was a Director of 360 networks. He serves as a Director of a number of technology start-ups and is a mentor at the MaRs Discovery District. Director – Mike Cunningham, is the President of Storemarker Inc., an internet location software company. He previously founded Speak Telecom, sold to Distributel in 2008 and has managed wholesale telecommunications carriers in the Caribbean. He holds a Masters in Finance degree from Queens University 25 Utility Pricing Structure • • • Canadian wholesale is pricing based upon traditional rate-of-return utility model which: 1. Provides a satisfactory return for investors on the actual invested capital; 2. Facilitates capital raising; 3. Enables use of U.S. Exim Bank financing at low rates to provide the lowest overall cost of capital; 4. Ensures non-discriminatory pricing between user groups on the backbone network; 5. Reduces per gigabit unit prices as volumes increase due to lack of variable cost. Based upon fibre mileage allocation, 27.7% of foreign revenues will accrue to Canadian company, subject to $20 million ceiling. Foreign carriers will subsidize Canadian backbone between $15-$18 million per annum, thereby reducing Canadian tariffs by 40%-44% from standalone model. 26 Project Financial Summary . Segment Start Point End Point Primary Network One Milton, NL Iqaluit, NU Two Segment One UBU Cambridge Bay, NU Three Cambridge Bay, NU Tuktoyaktuk, NT Canadian Total Four (East & West)Frobisher Bay-UK Tuk-Alaska-Japan Primary Total Secondary Network Five Segment One UBU Nain, NL Six Segment Two UBU Kuujjuaq, QC Seven Segment Two UBU Arviat, NU Eight (main) Frobisher Bay UBU Pond Inlet NU Eight (extension) Pond Inlet NU Resolute Bay, NU Secondary Total Capital Cost Revenue Gov't/Carrier Reqm't Funding Reqm't $64.7 $134.6 $75.2 $274.5 $328.1 $602.6 $11.3 $21.2 $11.7 $44.2 $54.4 $98.6 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $13.5 $45.4 $47.9 $54.6 $30.6 $192.0 $2.3 $8.5 $9.3 $9.6 $5.5 $35.2 $2.3 $8.5 $9.3 $9.6 $5.5 $35.2 27 International Carriers Subsidize Canadian Traffic Year Phase One Rev Rqmt One Two $11,351,532 Three $10,988,008 Four $10,700,155 Five $10,413,216 $10,127,213 Less: Intl Revenues Net Revenue Reqmt Monthly Revenue Rqmt Forecast Throughput GBps Monthly Price per Mbps $0 $11,351,532 $945,961 $0 $10,988,008 $915,667 -$3,830,895 $6,869,260 $572,438 -$4,035,843 $6,377,374 $531,448 -$4,002,784 2.0 $473 2.4 $382 3.0 $191 3.5 $152 4.0 $128 Phase Two Rev Reqmt Less: Intl Revenues $0 $0 $21,174,131 $0 $20,427,636 -$8,712,197 $19,836,954 -$9,178,287 $19,247,384 -$9,103,105 Net Revenue Reqmt Monthly Revenue Rqmt Forecast Throughput GBps Monthly Price per Mbps $0 $0 $21,174,131 $1,764,511 $11,715,439 $976,287 $10,658,667 $888,222 $10,144,279 $845,357 0.0 $0 0.5 $3,529 2.0 $488 2.1 $423 2.2 $384 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,700,496 $0 $11,700,496 $975,041 $11,279,465 -$4,510,570 $6,768,894 $564,075 $10,946,362 -$4,751,879 $6,194,482 $516,207 $10,613,800 -$4,712,955 $5,900,845 $491,737 0.0 $0 0.5 $0 1.0 $0 1.0 $0 1.1 $0 $11,351,532 $0 $11,351,532 $945,961 $43,862,634 $0 $43,862,634 $1,890,709 $42,407,256 -$17,053,662 $25,353,593 $1,136,515 $41,196,532 -$17,966,009 $23,230,523 $1,047,657 $39,988,397 -$17,818,844 $22,169,553 $1,002,108 2.0 $473 3.4 $556 6.0 $189 6.6 $159 7.3 $137 0.0% 0.0% 40.2% 43.6% 44.6% Phase Three Rev Reqmt Less: Intl Revenues Net Revenue Reqmt Monthly Revenue Rqmt Forecast Throughput GBps Monthly Price per Mbps Total Cdn. Rev Reqmt Less: Intl Revenues Net Revenue Reqmt Monthly Revenue Rqmt Forecast Throughput GBps Monthly Price per Mbps Foreign Rev Subsidy $6,124,429 $510,369 28 Relative Economics of Satellite and Fibre Telesat Canada Mhz per transponder Mbs per transponder @ 1.4 mbps Wholesale Cost per month Cost-bidirectional 100 Mbps circuit/month Wholesale Cost per Mbps Year One Fibre Cost per Gigabit/month Year One Wholesale Cost per Mbps Initial Percentage Savings Year Three Fibre Cost per Gigabit/month Year Three Wholesale Cost per Mbps Year Three Percentage Savings Arctic Fibre 36 50.4 $120,000 $240,000 $2,381 $473,000 $473 80.1% $159,000 $159 93.3% 29 Strong Carrier Interest Foreign Carriers & HFTN Domestic, U.S. & Content Providers • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • China Unicom, China Telecom, China Mobile, PCCW Chunghwa, Korea Telecom, SK Telecom, LG Softbank (Japan Telecom), NTT, KDDI British Telecom, Cable & Wireless Telia Sprint International Vigilant, BATS, Interactive Brokers, Interactive Data, Citi-Hub Northwestel, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant, Ice Wireless (Rogers), Lynx Mobility Tamaani Internet, SSI Micro, AT&T, ACS Alascom, GCI Alaska Century Link, Verizon Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Microsoft/Skype 30 Decision Making Time is Near • • • Long lead times for manufacturing of 17,000 km of fibre Long lead times to procure increasingly few cableships Ice interval forces Arctic Fibre into tight late July-September window • Phase 1 – Newfoundland to Iqaluit – need decisions by May for 2013Q4 RFS • • • • • Phase 2 – Iqaluit to Cambridge Bay – need decisions by August for 2014 RFS Phase 3 – Cambridge Bay to Tuk – need decisions by August for 2014 RFS Phase 4 – Major carrier commitments secured by mid-June Phase 5 – Nain Spur – need decisions by May for 2013Q4 RFS Phases 6 & 7 & 8- Nunavik, Kivaillik, Baffin – BU decisions need be made by May • Failure to respond within these time lines will result in project cancellation due to carrier defection to other competing Russian terrestrial and subsea projects. 31 3 Otter Crescent, Toronto, ON, Canada M5N 2W1 416-613-6263 doug@arcticfibre.com 32