lawsuit - Truth In Advertising
lawsuit - Truth In Advertising
Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Document 1 Filed 04/09/15 Page 1 of 65 PagelD I; -9 PM IL S. ROTIISTEIN 4 10: nlihstvillimit/shcc.coin fll 626 N.E. First Street EE 32601. Telephone: (352) 376-7650 Facsimile: (352) 374-7133 Prorneys und the Proposed (7ass UNITED STATES DISTRICT MERV MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA Joyce Kuhl. indivklually flul on behal I. of herself and all others shnilariy situated. Plaintiff_ V. SE•WORLD Elk'. a Delaware company: SEAWORLD OF FLORIDA EI.C. (fik(a SEA WORLD OF FI)RIDA. INC.) a Florida company: SEAWORED& BUSH GARDENS CONSERVATION FUND. INC.. a Delaware corporation: SEAWORED PARKS & ENTERTAINMEN V. INC.. a Delaware corporation, Defendants. No. 35 1 Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Page 2 of 65 PagelD CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT JURY TRIAL DEMANDED TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. OVERVIEW 11. PARTIES 9 III. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 10 IV. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 11 A. Sea World Markets. Advertises and Promotes Captive 13. The an Enchanting. Allurinu Illusion of 11 Killer Whales Biology of Orcas 1. Distinct 2. Orcas urea are ecotypes exist in all the oceans highly communicative. intelligent, of the and 14 social. 3. Orcas 4. Orcas in are organized nature can in matriarchies and close-knit. live ScaWorld's a. Captive Oreas captured families and removes destroys urea 17 17 family values ScaWorld launches its business with b. SeaWorld 17 long healthy lives. C. The Undisclosed iruth About SeaWorld's 16 2 orcas calves 17 2 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK from their mothers for 2. profit. These sitar in orcas Page 3 of 65 PagelD I9 Sca World orcas' livin2 conditions in a. Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 captivity 20 tiny and unnatural chemical tubs b. Shallow c. pools expose the Sea World hides orca fatal risks. orcas to sunburns with black zinc Oxide d. The orcas are 3. SeaWorld's purposefully deprived captive whales deteriorate offood. as a resuh 24 of their treatmem a. Sea\Vorld's captive orcas b. Sea World orcas' not e. normal Captive or live shorter lives collapsed dorsal fins arc healthy. oreas' teeth are gmund down and dama2ed. d. SeaWorld's orcas are injured at SeaWorld. 4. Sea World "science- and forced breedine a. Sea World is not a scientific research orca institution. b. SeaWorld impregnates young female orcas with spenn from relatives and different ecotypes. c. Trainers masturbate the orcas for 3 profitable 24 3 Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Page d. Sea World drugs its a. dangers Risks faced b. Aberrant 3-3 oreas. that SeaWorld publicly denies behavior is caused by 39 Documentary 1?/ockti.ch1lei2ins Curtain E. The on to Pull Back the 40 Sea World -Materiality" of SeaWorld's Treatment of Orcas is Conlirmed by Polls and the Public Drop in Following Black/is/land F. 36 36 trainers by orca captive confinement. I). 'File PagelD 35 sperm. 5. Established 4 of 65 Popular the Attendance Growing Controversy Musicians Cancel Sea World 41 Appearances and Association G. In the Wake of Blackfish. Long-Standing SeaWorld Sponsors and Strateuic Partners Jump Ship II. Sea World Continues I. Sea World I las a to 45 48 Omit the Truth Dutv to Disclose Hoi^ it Actually Treats the Orcas and their Actual Condition V. CLASS ALLEGATIONS 54 VI. CAUSES OF ACTION 58 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION VIOLATIONS OF TUE FLORIDA DECEPTIVE AND I:NI:AIR TRADE PRACTICES ACT .38 (Fl, A. STAT.; 501.201. ET SEQ.) 4 4 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Document 1 Filed 04/09/15 Page 5 of 65 PagelD SECOND CAUSE OF ACTIoN DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVF 62 Fl I1RD CAUSE OF ACTION IINJUST ENRICHMENT AS TO DEFENDANTS PRAYER FOR RELIEF 64 JURY DEMAND 65 5 5 Plaintiffloyce others similarly Kuhl situated brings Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK this action in her individual SEAWORlD 1.1.C. against a capacity. INC.) a Florida BUSH GARDENS CONSERVATION FUND. INC.. a Delaware a and 6 of 65 PagelD behalf of all on Delaware company: SEAWORLD OF FLORIDA tIC. (flia SEAWORLD OF FLORIDA. PARKS & ENTERTAINMENT. INC.. Page Delaware company: SEAWORLD corporation: SEAWORLD corporation: collectively relerred to as ("SeaWorld") Plaintitfs investigation which are alkgations against Defendants of Plaintiff s counsel, except for based upon Plaintims personal are based upon in Formation and belief and upon allegations specifically pertainink, to Plaintiff. knowkdile. I. OVERVIEW 1. SeaWorld is the leading park showcases killer whales in special amphitheaters marine life theme ()micas arca. the park mighty in the world. Each SeaWorld theme and iconic apex SeaWorld makes hundreds of millions of dollars harmony and sea called Shamir Stadium that seat thousands. 2. Crowds of children and adults have been mesmerized shows and its massive predators of the as a public marketing campaign: playing together for by SeaWorld's orca shows. direct result or the illusion created by these Orcinux public entertainment. arca and Homo Napiens livino, in Killer whales "in the care of man.- as SeaWorld's mantra tells it. 3. This illusion masks the whales. This is decision to lead them a truth that. if known visit SeaWorld. to ugly buy a truth about the to the unhealthy purehasimi public membership. or seek entertainment elsewhere. 6 pay for an at and despoiring lives of these the time families make the "exclusive park ex peri en cc:" would 6 4. Orcas are uncommonly complex and special the wild. These whales They years. ihey are are Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK any land larger than are and highly inkiligent predator. and they family-orientated. "[hey are amiti. each of the SeaWorld profit at PagelD 7 have existed for millions of lonu-lived and sell-aware. varied ecotypes. 5. For the past several decades. dozens of orcas have lived in entertaininent and corporate 7 of 65 animals of singular beauty and mi.,tht in with distinct cultural traditions socially complex Page parks. captivity for public either captured or bred for that exclusive purpose. 6. Orcas in the wild matriarchal societies and tpically arc rely social animals which live within low...I-established hip_hly on sound for communication and and ecotypes does not occur orcas can roam 7. The public approximately hundred I MO miles morpholouy. only a day. the mistreatment of these animals. but also concealed 8. Concealed from the confined space. the tbrced of whales that do not captivity public is the at SeaWorld is luirmfoi impact separation of young have the same of vounia female whales_ the routine on to psycholoEical manipulation these animals of captivity in at orca a tiny whales from their mothers. the unnatural mixine times food 7 breeding and inbreeding products to onnaturall druti the deprivation to which are of pharimiceutical and for the their welfare. culture in small spaces. the forced use orcas. and endurance. in deceptive and false illusion carefully scripted by SeaWorld and created has concealed not the one They Interbreeding beMeen populations in the wikl. Because of their size. behaN ior that evidences how their orcas. maintain group cohesion. live in stable_ kin-based social eroups that range in size from 2 to 1 5 (or more) Orcas of different matrilines have distinct calls and whistles. nature to they subjected. the deep rake marks many other Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK their bodies that result from on life-shortening and painful experiences 9. As a result of these and other conditions and incompatibility from which kept from Page humans on concrete can unreasonably monotonous. empty. and dangerous a pools 1-rom (what to an unnatural and forced resienation life of eaptivity. 10. SeaWorld conceals the truth about the conditions and treatment of its and attacks without restraint those who breed captive orcas. triegers a To question and predimble desperate radicalism.- -extremism.- misrepreseinations and SeaWorld. for SeaWorld adults (or would have orcas of harboring and profiting decision from response from SeaWorld. accusinu the to Lucas keep captive and orcas questioners of ample opportunity wellbeine or the captive to provide orcas. accurate information to consumers SeaWorld instead makes which shield the truth about the motivations and effects of captivity., 12. Plaintiff. and SeaWorld's propriety continuing business captive or worse. 11. While SeaWorld has regarding the health the the question described as down and break wear and metal, and bane their heads into the walls of their only describe as fear. anxiety. sadness. and escape. view, and public below. Sea World whales die many years before they Nvould in the wild, their teeth no PagelD conditions. and cramped have they 8 of 65 in tens of thousands of consumers. would memberships, paid captivity a for SeaWorld animal have was paid for admission -experiences- for children far less for the same) if the trtuh about the 13. As SeaWorld's stock i.emoved. alone ^vith or not treatmem to or and behavior of known. price has plummeted decline in attendance at its SeaWorld's material omissions who unwittingly parks. and 8 since its 1PO and the CF.0 has been the public customers regrettably paid nionc, subjected to to SeaWorld based 8 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK upon a false understandim.= misinformation campaign. 14. As discussed 501.201. and et seq. Injunctive Plaintiff seeks of Nk hale conditions and are entitled fully more to Filed 04/09/15 treatment caused have those funds returned return by to 9 of 65 PagelD SeaWorid's them. below. SeaWorld's conduct violates: (i) Florida Statute (Florida Unfair and Deceptive 1 rade Practices Act): Relief: and OH) Page trittgers warrants claims for restitution because of its of money she and others simitarly situated paid SeaWorKs concealment of the truth reLtardinu the condition and to (iit Declaratory Lnjust Enrichment. SeaWorld treatment of its as a result ol captive orcas. II. PARTIES 15. Joyce Cole Kuhl. is proper pally to bring an this action individual who at all times mentioned herein as a visitor to Florida and as a was, and is. a resident and citizen of South Carolina. 16. At all times relevant to this action. since November 30. 2009. Defendant SeaWorld LLC. is and has been 2010 its principal a limited address and liability company. mailing address are incorporated listed as in Delaware. Since 9205 S. Park Center April 20. Loop. Suite 400. Orlando, FL 32819. 17..At all times relevant to this action. since February 23, 1971. Defendant SeaWorld of Florida 1.1..C. fka Sk..aWorld of Florida. April 29. 2010 its Inc.) is and has been incorporated in Florida. Since principal address and mailing address are listed as 9205 South Park Center Loop. Suite 400, )lando, H. 32810 18. Since October 29. 2013 Defendant Sca\Vorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund. Inc. is and has been mailing a address listed non-profit corporation. incorporated in Delaware with as 0205 South Park Center 9 I.00p. its principal Suite 400. Orlando. FL 32819. and 9 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Document 1 Filed 04/09/15 Page 10 of 65 PagelD 10 19. At all times Televant to this action. since February 4_ 2010. Defendant Sea World Parks N.: Entertainment. inc.. is a profit corporation, incorporated publicly traded company (NYSE: SEAS) is and has been in Delaware with its reinstered office located Suite 900. Dallas_ TX 75201 and its mailing akIress listed as at a for 1999 Bryan St.. 9205 South Park Center 1.00p. Suite 400. Orlando, FL 32819. 20. If Seifforld had ol its captive properly disclosed the true facts ahom the conditions and behavior whales. Plaintiff and the memberships. or Sea World orca proposed Class members w.ould not have bought tickets. "experiences.MIUSDICTION AND VENUE 21. This Court has diversity jurisdiction because the amount members who are over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1332(d) in controversy for the Ckiss exceeds $5.000.000. and each Class includes citizens of a different 21 This Court has state than Defendant. personal jurisdiction over Plaintiff Kuhl personal jurisdiction over all Defendants as she submits to the Court's jurisdiction. 23. This Court has collectively referred SeaWorid- hecause they conduct substantial business in this District and to as throughout the State of Florida. 24. Venue is proper in this Couri under 28 ti.S.C. marketed and sold its omissions alleged product in this within this District, and Complaint a 1391(b) because SeaWorld has substantial number of the occurred within this District. 10 acts and Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Page 11 of 65 PagelD IV. FACTUAL ALUGATIONS 25. On December 30. 2013. Orlando located total Plaintiff..layee Cole Kuhl. purchased ticket 7007 SeaWarld Drive. Orlando, FL 32821. Plaintiffs ticket at Plailuiff of $97.98 inclusive of tax. and she used her ticket coast to a as to cost Sca Wadd $92.00 for admission a to Sea Workl in Orlando. Florida. A. Sea World Markets, Advertises and Promotes Captive Enchanting, Alluring Illusion of killer Whales 26. Sea World's They an arc marketed the centerpiece as a to enter its global ticket to marine park empire is built upon the backs of its al-traction and have been since the late 1960s. A ticket the magic of areas livintl performing areas. to SeaWorld is happily and performinQ for those lucky enough gates. 1 rgfStaWorld 'Acmte 41:: itII 27. SeaWarid describes itself as follows: Seall'arlel is widely recognk:ed as world Our .CealForld theme in the leading Inarine-Iik theme park hratul iii ilk parks rank among industry and otter np-elose varic1.1. llw pcilormancc v Ihtel interactive tnimene 11 111C most highly attended thenw parks. experiences. thrilling aill'aclirWs alid a guests in the marine-lite theme. Each 11 S'ea;f.orld (hone which !moire shast.Eases killer whales park orcas who The in the open Biology I. Distinct all parts of the orea separated orcas as are the most are most They what arc have attracted millions of visitors um-11110n 10 ordas captivate bv siuniticant a oceans 31. Alone tropical. subtropical, and offshore races, or may have sliuhtly ecotypes. At least distance, others living in the I:eotypes feed as on Those aniont2. di fferent orientations. cuts catching the wind have favored those huge tins to space as speed and sizes. but on multiple the back dependinu on the slightly different shapes. male orcas have developed a they dash toward their meals. toward booty. The forces of for purposes of temperature 12 (sympatric) and uray capes shapes, sea. through the water distinct ecotypes ten each ecotype will have patches mammals whose habitat is the same waters. different prey and vocalize in distinct dialects different dialect). The white eye like black-sailed corsairs seem to both children and adults. widely distributed of all marine mammals. found in also found in ways. dramatic sword-like dorsal fin that evolution captive of the world. ecotype. Even the dorsal fins of different ecotypes may have looking annually for how thev live. using different languaucs (known fiunilies. each usinu 12 speciallt- desig)ed ainplutheaters, abundant in colder waters. Mc !tiding Antarctica. the North be tenned can genetically and in other ways. akin to awe at ecotypes exist in all the They oceans. 30. Oreas exist different in seas are Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. some PagelD of Orcas 29. Killer whales exist. parks SeaWorld dazzle. fascinate and perform at study orcas B. 12 of 65 In 2012. 5.35 million guests visited Sea World in Orlando. Honda. The Years. that In Page inspiring shows. underwa(er viewing and special clining experiences. 28. SeaWorld's water-based theme several Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK regulation. The dorsals with the help bursts up to enormous elevated temperatures 32. Killer whales I.lowever. genetic are species less taxonomically distinct than 33. or subspecies or same c)cle swim in dispersing the overheat. to one cclaccan species). biologists to now of killer whales worldwide ((hat is_ Other scientists consider ecotypes larger scrutiny and therefore provide us w of a killer whale. In this reuion. there area: residents (lish-eaters); transients northern resident killer whale to they be population. most which is are ith the hulk of what is three ecotypes (tnammal-eaters): detail and there are two uenerally front mid-Vancouver Island to co-existing and oll'shores the poindations: spread generally from southern Alaska throuult to mid-Vancouver Island: and the southern resident killer whale population. ranging Washington State. but with members observed as far central California. 34. Orcas' is headed make up 13 sub-species. (shark-eaters). The residents have been studied in as can PagelD Among the various populations of killer whales. the whales of the Pacific Northwest known about the life south 13 of 65 who core. not evidence have led many sub-species). or species have received the most scientific within the body-s that the killer whales do morphological multiple species different are so hear away front the generally considered monotypic (helonuinu studies and consider the existence of believe ecotypes shifting the extremities to Page generated by the speeding oreas eneruies by 30 miles per hour Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK by a a sense ofcommunity matriarch and all of their calls form family members that is. families dialect a pod: pods is bolstered with speak the by what use same some common 13 the we same might call languaue. Each family calls and other various sounds that "lamivage.- Various families that share calls form what scientists call a clan. most 35. Different clans have behaviors interbreeding no cans in certainly play southern residents do common. with each other form of three clans: the southern residents dialects almost a are one role in interbreed. not Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK a but clans population. not mate w preventing inbreeding. interbreed. Somehow. these whales recognize ill) related 14 of 65 Nfore PagelD genetics and The northern residents clan. Whales do although w Page are made up ith close relatives: remarkably. the northern and the three clans of the northern residents do common lines or ancestry and can distinguish northern from southern. Genetic field research has confirmed this, 36. Orcas sliow considerable sexual develop larger pectoral Adult males are (a mother and her highly social animals. offspring) that groups of 50-100+ animals of limod much larger and also They live in stable social groups based range in size from 2 occasionally form. hut are to temporary 15 or more resources likely account or on animals. Larger groupings of smaller that congregate lbr seasonal concentrations of prey. social interaction. availability are and dorsal fins and tail flukes than remales. 37. Killer whales kinship -"dimorphism.- mating. families Differences in fbr much of the variation M group size within orca populations. 38. Different populations of killer whales exhibit different patterns, social structures, and home populations or ecotypes_ despite 2. Oreas are range sizes. Interbreedinu does the occasional overlap of home not occur hetween different ranges. highly communicative, intelligent, and social. 39. Like all cetaceans, killer whales reeding. dietary prelerences. behavior and communication. They produce depend heavily three pulsed calls, 14 on underwater sound Cur orientation. categories or sounds: clicks. whistles. and 14 40. Echolocation clicks diseriminaling heard during prey and other are objects are resemble squeaks. structure. and are screams, and characterized are the are a to to pods to increase the 43. longer than brain is more cells and our in species. urea Studies usinil a consc commonly during with time) with Nllost calls are highly distinctive imlse repetition in rate. a unique repertoire high levels of discrete calls serve as or family badges of noise. killer ^vhales as a to basis for and are superiority. orcas explains awareness. have larger humans) and have had them for millions 1IU technoloiy reveal that the brains. An examination of the iousness and our neocortex human brain, and thus, has greater volume. There endowment these animals have. and level of also amplitude of their calls. -wrinkled- than neurons ear. transmitted. These dialects brains (and their brain-to-body-size ratio is similar years and type of vocalization in killer whales and possesses humans often cite brain size Although arc PagelD have distinct calls and whistles. In resident killer pod culturally (pitch changes in tone and used to maintain ilroup cohesion. In instances ‘vith known navigation be used for communication and the human by rapid changes learned and for 15 of 65 communicative function. most common wfiales of the eastern North Pacific. each are primarily modulated sounds squawks 42. Killer whales oldifferent which he used Page in the surroundinil environtnent. but frequency harmonics. Pulsed calls dialects to puked calls are believed social activities. Whistles multiple Ix:hexed social interactions and may have 41. Whistles and Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK urea brain shows us of an are more orca brain the natural the social nature of (yeas and their of sophisticated 15 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 3. Orcas Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 44. Both the northern and southern resident family is and dauelners: sons in the stay PagelD led made up of clans and 16 pods by a reproductive-aged female (a matriarch) and comprises mother and all her a populations are offsprinu form the basic unit of orca within reach. NIales live with their mothers their whole lives. Whales within family usually travel less than a mile apart and are often within a sinde both society. Eyerythimt revolves around the matriarch. Even when her dattatters become adults. their family families 16 of 65 organized in matriarchies and ckse-knit. are and families. Each Page body lenath own a of other family membe•s. 45. Everyone in the matriarch's immediate her like surrounding includes all her suns. In some offspring are are matriarch, her status a and oceanic hive, a to her few body lenuths younger than I 0-1 5 years old own and as well generation nephews (the a place in join sonic apart from their mothers the faini lies (Ilan aunt or or an sons sister equivalent or or her adult as older of deceased outcasts repeated attacks to communal hierarchy. Same brothers have travelled maintain social together outside of rare. and engages in other often the female. At the death of niece, just 47. As discussed further below. SeaWorld forces motherlessness are Her circle away. male and female part of the entourage. Sometimes no status will sans matriline. but this is orcas. physically. part of the group. 46. Males have a an oi.these fmnilies. male relations of the matriarch's (brothers and uncles) sisters) queen bee in a stays close court acts that destroy of the societies that by not Cosier emer2e mane the other whales. 16 family bands. Sea orld's on many It is areas. of its male these males who subjected to icious 4. Orcas in nalure 48, tinder as long as objectively Ltood human beinus. Both birth approximately ever^ fix e have a mean an (aka "Granny") is believed 1. SeaWorld's a. natural environmental conditions. reach sexual sexes years and en maturity own accidentally cauht set about capture business to turn lishiml owner net October 31. 1965. She a was the then-nascent water theme spelled 40 14. Feinaks cive or so years an of aile. Females estimated maximum of southern Resident 32 or more Captive Orcas captured areas. history ol'SeaWorld begins amusement whales into young lemale urea a in his own yearned to capture here. After obtaininu Seattle a an aquarium (named business, ln 1965. Griffin's urea Sea World). Shawn landed park at from Puget Sound. off the Washington named Shamu (She-Namul. and thc leuend born of man's conquer and incarceration of uller whales beilan. The was at from Seaitle. for several years for his capturing these captured 17 roughly began. 50. Griffin's team coast. on a should live values entertainment. The in PagelD be close to 100 years old. to aquarium an orcas approximately through menopause SeaWorld launches its business with killer whale for his Nam). he at estimated maximum of 80-90 years famil) 49. Ted Griffin. 17 of 65 long healthy lives. The Undisclosed Truth About SeaWorld's C. Page life expectancy of 50 years: males 30 years. Males live 60-70 years and females urea live can Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK in San Diego. customers 17 to purchase Shamu California. called SeaWorld (at that lime SeaWorld's Mission 1965. lined up Bay marine park on December 29. 51. Sea World continues to whale- as from the the aggressively market the attraction of its entertainment signature inspirational Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK -man caring myth for beast- explosives were used to an orca herd the from its orcas into Orcas may be killed in the process_ and several deaths were session. In a woman 54. Shamu was as a Young following a where violence and force. At the time. they during the could be isolated and 55. Sea World. when into the world of captured currently in nets used to captured. confine the pod earl• captures. Sea World (as was forced to a was transformed secretar^1 during a by violence and phow promotion acknowledge prior attacks b^ Shams]. bacterial infection. This whale taken from her multi-million-dollar marine entertainment orcas of Shamu is far taken out of performance and died only four months later. when she still less than 10 years of age. early death SeaWorld the killer exception. Shamu's mother died during the was no employed by subsequent litigation. story PagelD aggressive act by an outside intruder an abduction or the calf. Even six years later. Sham. whose life aggression, attacked The actual they can get entangled knotvn to have occurred 53. The abduction of Shamu now-proverbial --Shamu empire. .family by areas 18 of 65 that SeaWorld perpetuates. 52. A whale capture itself. of course. involves (the human hunters) stripping Page family. entertainment_ performing were the cruelty associated with its initial prefers to an more complete ocean and telling truth is that homes I-or SeaWorld's Sea World) have survived. "[hese abductions not 18 venture misleadingly claim that only 5 of its 29 taken from the wild. The by who died became the brand that built SeaWorld's only 5 of the 32 wlmles violently abducted from their families and business purposes (each owned orca. empire. pressed to acknowledge orca captured was only tore 18 apart these whalesfamily kil ling them units. Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK they usually included violence against an approximately 34-year-old urea the others. for a othk.'r whales. somclimes who later became the Sea World followine the death of trainer Dawn Brancheau and the at PagelD outright. 56. Tilikum. captured 19 of 65 Page approximately away from his was torn of aue two years by an orca face of new urea BlacM.sli documentary. was capture operator in Iceland. Tilikum. like family auainst his will and confined to a small tank concrete hefty profit. b. Sea World destroys orca families arid cakes from their mothers for removes profit. 57. Sea World has mothers within its separated nearly captive orca usually before the calf is live observable suffering and population. years even SeaWorld from her mother at atze Spain: 59. Takara lie is performing obvious hut orcas. high degree of familial as two can animals who have are shown to without his mother stress to at plight at for preservation. together. In truth. Kohana was taken arratwements to rua SeaWorld Orlando. When I akara while persisted entertain in Texas. military plane) Takam her as cohesion. also robbed of her second call: Trua. when l a years of age and only be described currently performine under leasing her mother is forced was separated w youne maintain this illusion of merciful familial three and is Vexas from Florida (via adding to at as of age. This results in •akara and her calf Kohana oreas audiences in picture used a dozen calves (niale and female) from their sometimes agony for these millions of years in the wild with 58. In the two the was same 1.9 also time seven as also three was vears transported old. to months pregnant at the time. separated Irom her child. 19 60. Before this. Takara's mother. Kasatka. earlier. Kasatka was began Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK was ser)arated never 61. Years later. when Takara's vocalizations extremely agitated by work ended after the to orca be as caused the to the 2. SeaWorld 63. numerous packs :It. secs regardless result. All of this is problems at SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorkl that ''have separated to for Kasaika in San daughter's Weals. Diego. voice. Kosaika performance. lone before all orcas are commodities. to of the obvious psychological and publicly denied by SeaWorld for dispose are create dolphin's rusty which could cause hazard." At the Shaun! Stadium during their December expired nearly and "might became abrasive to the were work long-range was water be moved and physical fear of lost harm revenue. orcasliving conditions in captivity which the report found that water were Agents from the I JSDA .Animal and Plant I lealth Inspection inspector's ordered or played of hearing her captured and captive of medical sutures that had patches" torture weRr taken. was deteimined ihat was Tilikum killed trainer Dawn l3rancheau. corporation orcas as a the danuerous for too 62. To SeaWorld. these relocated 20 SeaWorld. Kasatka emitted by from her in her years of captivity. It previously heard eventually determined PagelD her li le of captivity when taken from her mother in the wild. As Takara the vocalizations. which continued lonu after her dauehter Kasaika grew 20 of 65 from Iakaia herself. Even taken from San Dieuo from her mother for business purposes vocalizations Page a decade before t he a of them. There loose, were longer are no health risk" skin. The 2012 if the inspectors also found peeling and flaking inspectors found 20 lose inspection, "painted concrete are not concrete two of flooring were and the & concrete in uood chips repair" were ingested overhead metal beams that could "also create areas tAP1115) found inspection. There durableand especially Service a potential health which could easily be dislodued and fall into the found inspectors area had "worn areas are not a health risk Live in in water problems in where one they would of the shde-out paint exposing the underlyinu good repair. do not facilitate these whales." See David to Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK health risk create a areas concrete cleaning Page where out of the Auric.. Animal & Plant I lealth Inspection and disinfection. and can world. Who often S\\iifl up them. are Ihe size or a In Service. captive oreas 100 miles sinule duration of their lives, the a Inspectirm Report. ITS Deplt ot 64-65 (Dec. 26. 2012), a one of the day in the wild largest marine predators to unnatural and in the uithealthy tanks that. room. water in which the" cramped conditions light orcas are are fated to subsist at SeaWorld for the held does not resemble an ocean environment. so-called "med actually performing. SeaWorld's captive pools- only eiuht circumstances. bm instead for 68. The enhance issues of incompatibility and orcas rake each other's with unnatural levels and durations a violence. 67. When not during, to series of interlockinu chemical baths. 66. Tlw bodies and cause Kirby. flity is Searl'orld Allowing its Killer Oinks 65. In addition to the tanks in which these Instead. it is potentially stiffer ill filly and unnatural chemical tubs. orcas 64. SeaWorld confines its to ftc water. matrix, 'The report continued that "these http:!/•07/SeaWorld-bad-living-conditions: These 21 (March 7. 2013). Crumbling Pools. a. PagelD inuested. Finally, the haul oreas 21 of 65 orcas are feet deep. These pools are orcas mostly spend many hours utilized not a day in lb!. emergency daily, routine staging for the Shamu Shows. often in these staginu and after each show. Sometimes the^ tubs for up to are an hour several times there for extended 21 periods a day. before. to ensure that visitors have enough such conditions time (exposed 10 see to Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Page 22 of 65 PagelD 22 them: SeaWorld does not inform these visitors of the stress 01 the elements above the water surface for extended periods) for the orca S. 69. The chlorine solution SeaWorld several limes chemicals: (known to sulfate (the acidity of which developed damage have such no from the habits which provides enough to open their cannot for extended these periods with oreas endanger their health h. Shallinv is also treated with two other things) sun. and aluminum at times have been addressed with emergency own eyes of time. The at all. Some trainers_ oreas as a result_ themselves. of course_ pools expose the plain-N‘ alled chemical baths of their time floating listlessly at ithin Inch whales and shorten their tire spans, areas to fatal risks. 71. Due to the shallowness of their tanks and their eonlinement. Most in the tanks is itself reprieve. 70. SeaWorld develop water quality sisznificant burnin2). Orea trainers have eye burns from this water serious kept water water the Imo and eyes. among other can cause medical attention. At times, trainers have been maintain than household bleach. Tank stronuer ozone uses to the surface of the water orcas at with little to no SeaWorld spend shade from the Each SeaWorld location is l'ound in sunny. hot parts of the United States: San Dieu.o. San Antonio. and Orlando. ln nature. by spending -loL.Lting- behavior is rare and whales escape the sun's 11V up to 95% of their time submerued below the surface. but SeaWorld their tanks the ocean: too light-relketive. at are finding far too shallow_ the Ivater 22 too shade in the rays depths clear, and the surfaces of Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 72. In contrast to the claims hv Sea World footed. in part. front show so. have pools depths of 40 sunlight easily penetrates reflective nature of the the --med pools-- noted above. To this oreas as left unattended depicted in the pool walls. the feet (in Texas) and 36 feet (in San the bottom due to in Page Captive the unnatural to also orcas 23 of 65 section Diego clarity of the PagelD abo\ e f. only the and Orlando). Even water and the several hours several times spend a light- day in day. Goode-image pictures (captured randomly) show in these essentially roasting eiebt-loot-deep pools for lone periods of time. following photograph: Y. t 11111.11" 1/7 kil 73. This would inescapable never occur ARE_ 'v and inhumane exposure in nature) can to sunlight be fatal. Two SeaWorld from bites they received orcas while and high temperatures (which have died from mosquitomotionless the surface transmitted diseases resulting Of these small suffering in the hot and humid climates orcentral Texas and Florida. r. pools SeaWorld hides arca day) also cause near on sunburns with black zinc oxide. 74. These harsh elements (i.e.. exposure hours each floating perpetual obvious I-act that SeaWorld's unnatural to sunlight sunburns for (he and heat orcos. captive environment 23 is near the Rather than water surface for acting unhealthy a-1r these on the oreas. 23 Sea World shields this from Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK view with the public Page 24 of 65 PagelD 24 of black zinc oxide. iAltich conveniently help matches the orcas- skin. d. The oreas are of food. purposefully deprived 75. Sea World's fleet of orea trainers maintain relative by simple virtue of the monopoly these trainers have 76. Orcas aei both their nutrition and consume reality. each by 78. In tact. this just one a practice. deprivation day. but several days and SeaWorld has vehemently denied this 3. Sca World's a. captive SeaWorld's captive practice to orcas uninterrupted compliance occurs the to depriving the orcas receive their necessary hunger strike by an orca. with respect to several orcas over not inhumanity of such behavior. public. as a result of their treatment live shorter lives. a mean orca. upon this fundamental Enrichment.- weeks. Because of the life expectancy of SO ycars for females and 30 the estimated maximum life span is 60 for kmales. Burnett. orcinus deliver the sell-initiated whales deteriorate 79. Orcas in the wild have Ibr males or a has occurred and even to and maintains that the medical condition supply. shows. SenWorld resorts hardly "Behavioral is 77. SeaWorld denies this volume of food absent training scheme rests public performance deprivation the orcas- food from the dozens of pounds of fish they reinforcement fail positive SeaWorld for its of food. Food hydration Sea World's entire behavioral When the trainintl and demanded orcas day. over authority over the captive whales Animal to Diversity 70 years tOr males and 80 to than 90 Web (2009). littp://animaldiversity.uminz.utnich.edmsitefaccountslintbrrnationiOreintis_orca1. 24 more years see also. Culik. Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Page 25 of 65 PagelD Odontocetes. 'Me 'Foothed Whales: "Orcinus Orca." I.:NEP/CII1S Secretariat. Bonn. Germany (2010). Intp://www.cms.inureportsismall_coaceansiindex.litm. ("Mean life expectancy is 50 years and longevity up to )0 years.").At least about 100 years old. In captivity. most OICaS reached 35. The annual mortality rate in the Pacific Northwest is believed one orca die in their for captive orcas teens or 20s and only is 2.5 times higher a be to handful have than that of orcas in the iild. 80. Among captive whales, only neither has yet achieved the the species in captivity and mean out two females currently living life espeelancv of SO. This is after of do/ens of orcas held kir no captive males is ill his late 30s). and less than lived past the mean their early 20s. 82. The Adnntting public and capture were not living one or two were known. the exact lemales in their 30s are the at ages of wild-caught a have lived longer than 40 years (the oldest. handful have reached 30. Only life expectancy. The vast many four of maintaining be determined). captive whales cannot 81. To date. exact ages at the age of 40: passed ti 1 .1 t.eca_es display. Only currentlyin their 30s. and of the females who have died. only time of their deaths (as have still in their longevity the obvious early of orcas in iriajority of captive two males orcas at current living. SenWorld have of either sex die before teens. captivity has been disparity between longevity in a sensitive subject for SeaWorld. and out of captivity would concern the damage SeaWorld. The following table is reproduced from David Kirby's Death SeaWorld: this death table has been carefully concealed by SeaWorkl: 25 at 25 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Page 26 of 65 PagelD urea Sea World Death .1. able Shainu (1'). lived 6 Winnie (F). lived 24.5 years Years Ramu (NI). lived 15 years Kilroy (NI). Kolar (111). lived 16.5 years lived 11.5 years Shawn (F). lived I year Kandu (1'). lived 4 years Orky Kahana (F). lived 12.5 2 (M). lived 20 years Nootka 4 M. lived 12 years I Nootka (F). lived 20 years Winston (M). lived 15.5 Haida 2 (1'). lived 19 years Samoa (F). lived 8.5 Years Kandu 3 (1'). lived 4 years Sandy (F). years Bjossa (H. lived ears 21 years Katerina (F). lived 10.5 years lived 4.5 years lived 15.5 years kona(1:). lived 6 years Splash (M). Canna (M). lived 2.5 years Taku (M). lived 14 years Frankie Nyar (1'). lived 2 (M). lived 5 months Kanduke (M). lived 15 13aby. •ears lived 38 days (I iaida 2) Ilalyn (F). Kenau (17), lived 15 years. years lived 2.5 vears (1). lived 21 Years (iudrun (7). lived 19.5 years Taima Canuck 2 (M). lived 4 years Baby Sharon 2. lived I Kona 2 (H. lived 10 Surnar (M). lived 12 years Kandu 5 'ears I days (F). lived 12 years 83, it is unlikely that the scientific staff at scientific literature indicating much Defendantsparks are "unaware of the longer killer whale longevity than they & Rose. Observations of Disparity Between Educational Materials Related 26 assert." to Hoyt. Garret Killer Whales 26 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Page 27 of 65 PagelD (Orcinus orca) Disseminfued by Public Display Institutions and the Scientific Literature 8 (1994), There is spanning more a great deal or hie, h1v reliable scientific literature. than 30 years_ Olesiuk. Ellis & Ford. Life and History long lilt:span which wild the detailing including Population Dynamics MVOs at least one study typically enjoy, of Northern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus arca) in British Columbia (2005). 84. In 1990 the scientific. peer reviewed literature indicated that female killer whales had an averarie life Olesiuk. M. A. expectancy of 50.2 years. with Bigus Whales (Orcinus & 1\1. LIB. urea) in at 85. Delendanis Iiifl to seen 86. However. wafers longevity of about 80-90 in even years. P. F. Life History um/ Popuhrann Dynamics qf Reskkni ilashinom State. RD', 209. 209. h. SeaWorld orcas' predominantly maximum the Crnistal Waters of British f'nlumhia and WI1AL.COMMN, 1990. fins a collapsed provide dorsal fins accurate are not information normal regarding or the healthy. cause oldroopy dorsal captiVe areas. in 1994. it was understm)d that fewer than I% of killer whales in the surrounding Vancouver Island. B.C. had droopy dorsal iins whereas in captivity. male killer whales who survive the I I( iv-r. supra at I O. 87. This is in explanations captivity or overheating Northwest maturity "invariably exhibit droopy dorsal fins." See. of onset for tin disagreement collapse with relevant scientific literature which include alterations in water dietary changes, lowered blood pressure due of the collagen hrought Regional Office. on Proposed halance caused to by states the that stresses reduced activity patters by greater exposure of the of or tin to ambient air. NMFS: Conservation Plan lOr Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) 38 (2005) (emphasis supplied). The report continues. "[c]ollapsed 27 or collapsing 27 dorsal tins sueh as are rare in most froin beini.-1 shot or wild Exxon Valdez suspected to spill populations colliding with male resident whales in Alaska in l 989 and began were be in poor health and public would learn the truth of this to a 88. Below is a and usualI soon matter a example. two serious mislead the public and PagelD injury to 28 the lin. "the dorsal fins of two years to oil long public view deny during the both animals "were died." Id. 117. SeaWorld has (as it is harder to hide frorn to 28 of 65 after their pod's exposure completely flattened within subsequently Page result from vessel." fd. For Ibld sins of captivity), and therefore cominues SeaWorld's conditions Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK the wonied the than the other plain truth that ol'captivity cause collapsed dorsal lins. typical picture of a male orca at SeaWorld with a collapsed dorsal fin: Jbh. ..0 ....omm 4.!=-- Alp ...-...4.-, i i i0A11101114 s 4-: _AK 89. A reasonable or she knew the truth consumer that this viewing this collapsed lin is urea a SeaWorld. 28 would have a far different experience result a the orca-s conditions of captivity if he at Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 90. Most public telling how SeaWorld the obvious is was importance a posi made able to Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 former SeaWorld public by a avoid showing the of the issue lo r SeaWotid. s collapsed Page 29 of 65 PagelD employee. disclosing lin in a commercial. to pointing the to public relations: ( fin.lcvoip.AuM): SenWorkdTotaliyCar What do you think of our new commercial? We were able to edit the whole thing without showing a collapsed dorsal fin! youtu.belfrmicvoipAuM DYouTude 11111111111=111.1111.1 I •Pr 6 LTI 1... SeaWariciD Killer Whale Experts: Why We Care Watch SeaWatid anznal tare experts talk oboili !he wriportance of inspirm gueits to palled Wet' whales in the w.kt Learn more about StaWorld Cares at Iv c. 9 from the ground their forced con linement at SeaWorld. and public, a and are 1. In reaction This is like dow Captive oreasteeth the to orcas routinely rip prisoner usinti a spoon instead ola metal instrutnent. The floors. gates. and to the paint n also kept hidden by SeaWorld off the walls of their grind slowly through orcas damaged. the prison wall. obsessively tlrind their pool stages. 29 pools by using their teeth. but with teeth teeth along the ledges. 29 92, To those m the nibbling human fear. great the wall on terms or the floor of the reactiAms anxiety, and alienation. The intelligences. with pool. to orcas obsessively Page who witness the behavior, it looks viewing puhlic compulsive as Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Instead. these behaviors confinement. repetition. are if the as PagelD 30 orcas are better understood in boredom. frustration, ennui. occupy themselves. stimulating their meticulous work and 30 of 65 repetitive enormous jaws and behaviors (also known as stereotypies). 93. One whale. Vilna. in SeaWorld San Antonio. friuhtening vigor floor of the This creates 94. with the tooth pool that she bloodied and bruised her jaw. So much that the familiar significant hazards for both the This is in and those that do suction-feeding. where fish column) that offer a touch their ihod dead fish bmken teeth in wild 95. In ing complexes there are orcas prey (such wearing the dropped directly shows or aggression where as broken and populations most sharks) peeling. worn teeth show little feeding methods (such or teeth. The teeth of captive down the whalesgullets. orcas or no as water do not Therefore_ the injury is radically different in the wild than in captivity. Indeed. the abrasion and breakaue walls or be to as many as seven animals in conies not from prey or feeding methods, but steel gates that separate the various sections of an enclosure usually at least two enclosures can her and trainers, orcas wild ti-om the vacuumed into the mouth rather than grabbed from the wear or on concrete are contrast to stripped was literally transformed by damaged dentition. primarily specialize in are was paint with such paint orcas are rare. captivity. complex (there show clear mechanism for mechanism lot any tooth from gnaw geography of the pool C'ainive orcas routinely pulp exposed. wear, the wall went at a primary and enclosures, all neighborinu medical separated by enclosures 30 a or due to metal and in larger gates). often in other frustrations. 96. Irnigcs online soliciting fish. showing Once the exposed. become blocked and 97. In infection areas many broken or worn the orcas. 98. no Judging complete, the tooth out tooth two to bacteremia. and open-mouth position. t^ pical teeth. Tooth down its teeth Car food in the plugs body. According drill is used to drill holes manual drills with in the enough. a breakage pinhole anesthetic exposed cavity of PagelD limns that will 31 an arca invariablv leaves the the provided to pulp. the in pulp ultimately not scaled three times each or capped a a modified tooth breaks. pulpotomy. painful a routes for variable speed Trainers also use for the whale. Once the drilling is and therefore trainers must da^ for the direct oreas. from behavioral reactions, this is is can serve as lOrmer trainers. when to direetl^ through rest irrigate (flush) the bored- of the orca's life. to prevent abscess. sepsis. 99. Ihe f011owing is a photo of such deanilw: .-'7.2'. .V I. 7 '111....."'l-7'14.' -'114-4-41-1;41111114114=: A F I fr i ..1: -'4P-1— m•mo., '‘'19 illY ''''.‘4 i 47-fr<ori, ..11.. Ip.:, _44 c i s..A. f Pf 4:--;-IF 4,, I. r_sk, 7 ...ii•. Ilrir F. 31 of 65 Page require drilling. captive to enter depict car orea wears Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK P 1 A 1 a. 1 11A1•171..1 lir Ilia pip k drilkd -411ftimec Capiiiiotreribmolcihoir ttydt on hoc imolai sled lita and con61.a. stypvisitrat, exproilaki Osa palp_afthe tatAIL out via 4, 1tO1llial:VOillArP".__Sukiekqent1ihe 4r1i.aT4l$ Tegluke:!P,kAgibin.P POrintio!., fowl cohliI•aigit-Ig 1 PdAteridlo etioxibP.bootisttcorn, 'Len.: 'qfy.TILL Aiow.sAmermi:clfwmoj,, ZInte 111e-piiturtd I LuNdlihi5*IitgirThWefir Me pivviliiii6t duniaiini: in listiva inaoses, Wil)i Ti Klan. and shc, aic, pudiecatih. age. ntitnika*tenth ja-svx_nf ca04 imas'ate A OM ray rriattlitcd, haihemakiitt*Iii0 1 topic- Win a Ohl k triathaannindpotd. v.:iits rnoltiltOing explainiii in 1'64" -as •Nnperint" lavas :diing. ror wimple, ho Inoldhi, re on the 16wojnw..Thr do: i muted 31 c 100. Poor dental health is including heart disease and direct route for pathogens a known to enter though routinely regurgitate their food. This. can lead to of captive case further organ body, such not as Page 32 of 65 PagelD of many veterinar%:medical conditions. the blood stream where tissue of various organs throughout the animals. It cause in the pneumonia, 101. Additionally. and Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK they can the heart as observed in in humans, nature. creates damage through oreas. the or these open holes represent then be deposited a into the kidney. SeaWorld's confined significant body, weight oreas health risk fOr these issues and further destruction of licalthy teeth. SeaWorld has lon g. known of this. but accepts that abnormal (even desperate) orca behavior among those in entertainment and company d. ScaWarld's 101 Due boredom. to anxiety, what stress. captivity areas arc can injured only be described a variety orca adorning SeaWorld is not !W. SeaWorld has daughter/sister) as the product of unnatural confinement. attacks on one SeaWorld's another orcas. its as treatment evidenced captive by orcas are the injured and a scientific hreeding urea research institution. forcibly bred and inbred interbreed in the wild: indeed, a SeaWorld. of ways. 4. SeaWorld "science" and forced a. at fear. disorientation, and the overall poor conditions and and unnatural rake marks damaged in for this ibrm of human price paid profit. described above. including routine violent persistent is the has occurred a case at orcas of extreme incest (a of varying ecotypes that would son mating with his SeaWorld. The creation of these 32 mother orcas serves no to never produce conservation 32 function and leaves these orcas Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK a species markedl^ social b^ Page with nature 33 of 65 no PagelD 33 social identitV whatsoever. h. Sea World impregnates young female oreas with sperm from relatives and different ecotypes. 104. In July 2013. the very Sea World's treatment of captive Old urea. At that young age. age at which orcas month that Blackfish first focused national attention orcas. an orca Sea World is not artificially inseminated Kalia. fully developed naturally first conceive in the VS ild. publicly acknowledge 105. This is age six not surprisinu given (possibly earlier). two-years-old despite at the aue a SeaWorld's orca on the whale history ol a a hiuh- Sea World tbrced to toreibl^ breedinu was necessity. They were never younu whales. captivity). taken kom her when he seven captive orca taken from her mother and preunant with her second call by was bred at less than was reunited. and Kalina died Spanish trainer Alexis Martinez in December 2009 Spanish facility. 107. Another breed when she was ae at age three, the age of She and the second died within its first year of life. The father of both in Was with of 25. of only killed Quest call successfully born in I ler calf named Keel lack of any medical 106. Kohana. another aue ear- it, Kalina. the oriuinal "Baby Shanm- (the first only eight- and is fir short of the 12-14 years 01 Only after a park powered lens filmed the ultrasound procedure performed an on was was bred rejected by the both calves her uncle. Kew. Kew both he and Kohana. although living owned lw SeaWorld. captive SeaWorld only eight orca. Katina. who years old. Now she is used 33 was as a cauuln in the wild, virtual breeding was forced to machine and has Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK produced Taku. several calves since 198.5. She pairintl Sea World termed a have and should have a Filed 04/09/15 produced even -mistake." but one an inbred 34 of 65 Page daughter with that proper husbandry her responsible an records ot.wild killing situation, would oreas orcas disregards the science on arc this routinely aware interfered with its business their mothers and in unnatural some as a mates that there of oreas that are two dog or are no a Keto is calves. In bull or a historical so is a high deuce of much else in order half-siblings. to ofkirced offspring instances die early deaths no never occur in nature as a nature. breeding il, TOW and its orca nephews. and at times have been rejected by result. of California. Davis. who spent has stated. these SeaWorld conservation value and with 34 aunts SeaWorld. SeaWorld program have biogeographer at University observing oreas in with ould sustain and uncles and nieces. and the produced hybrids NA inbreeding at breeding a immature. SeaWorld also socially that the actual results of its planning, decade of summers interbred and noting captivity. and has sired a the children hybrids. nature. it does Ill. As Dr. Deborah (iiles. nearly orcas known human killer (whether it be breeding 110. Alsoand unknown in cousins. SeaWorld is captive populations and ecotypes: these pairings offsprimi franchise. SeaWorld to are killing lnnnan beings. from distinct and the resultant a attributed be bred at all. It is worth not 109. In addition to forced breeds for three human deaths in his 32 years in responsible for the fourth human elephant) would prevented. anyother captive breeding tiger or 34 own son. sminailement 108. Further. several of the calves born within the confines of Sea World Tilikum. the whale PagelD no natural orcas -were identity.. Trainers masturbate the e. 112. ln on a basis. Male regular them to nature. orcas Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK choose their orcas are trained orcas for float 1:htt at SeaWorld. 35 orcas are forced breed to collect their sperm. an unnatural and foreien upon these animals. that Sea World trainers involved in tlw process swim with the whale from %Shorn the speeinwn the process halal water might trigger potentially d. SeaWo rld 111. l.rnlike SeaWorld to orcas administer goes without saying interventions they a that are drugs its captive to treat are procedure forced routinely not permitted to collected for fear that the association with WO r k aggression or sexual behavior. orcas. variety of powerful drugs treatment of ScaWorld's orcas leads them. sometimes for their entire lives. It to in the wild have lived for millions of years without these medical necessary solely prof-ain,. because of their ulcers which captivity at SeaWorld and SeaWorld's from them. 115. Amonil the drues forced upon its Tagamet. used was in the wild, the conditions and orcas interest in controllinit and are captive nrcas are themselves the product antacid products. including of stress and behavior associated captivity. II 6. Antibiotics. orcas. These confinement. oreas PagelD their bucks, and their trainers masturbate on 113. This process carries such risk. and is such with 35 of 65 profitable sperm. own mates. to Page drugs treat ineludinv with whonl they including Clindamycin. a are also commonly given variety of infectious maladies caused by crammed into pools unnaturally. 35 SeaWorld's captive their conditions oh infections of thc teeth and infections caused are to by injuries Often these drugs to are them by other administered through their rood along Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK with vitamin supplements 36 of 65 Page PagelD 36 needed because fish lose nutritional value when frozen. Strong contraceptive products such I I 7. captive to orcas. SeaWorld Perhaps personnel themselves react would never dangerous that tellimt. SeaWorld's with antipsychotic be consumed in dominate its captive 1 9. There tlw wild. The thev were orcas also loreed upon SeaWorld's are female trainers are not even allowed are no 12(1. in and to captivity, given. among other keep from public view by to drue.ging by reasons. to calm the drugs are dangerous are captive for the such areas orcas additional tools SeaWarld the reactions oreas have to and uses confinement. trainers historical records al orcas killing arose not because or seriously injuring human [wines in areas were known to kill the close confines of a tank make escape difficult and hyper-aggressive voluminous record of captive whale orca aggression keep from public view. SeaWorld continues never act vi subject people but because kill other whales. aggressive interactions, whales also psychoactive drues. including benzodiazepines but in confinement they nature -killer whale-- name known are orcas are dangers that SeaWorld publicly denies Risks faced a. which and captive their conditions al confinemem. These against 5. Established to so most Diazepam (generic Valium) which to drugs are Regu-Mate administer them. 118. as These as at to ith aligressiye intent (though it SeaWorld maintains that any behavior is nov1/4 to impossible during Wel kestablished. Despite SeaWorld that SeaWarld has worked falsely maintain in acknowledges public that its the actual truth in mightily captive private). unwanted whale behavior is the fault of the individual trainer. 36 a 121. On Februar. 24.2010. by Tilikum (the orca taken deceased Emerging from 122. a into a pool. on Those formally blessing 123. and death was to that the trainer's pony toil in the during of the a a few months training session orcas at provided TO iI at facility representative began and rushed to knulish to as orca that she had true slipped and fallen circumstances of her abduction campaign: so trainer Alexis Martinez it then falsely stated was killed h the orca Keto Parque marine park in Tenerife. Canary Islands. Spain. Each are owned the scene responded of his death Sheri Ms Office he informed the media of this confirm the by SeaWorld protocols at to all and and were for I.oro trained and bred by Parque and its employees. A after the young trainer's death. the death or Alexis Martinez with the actual circumstances of his death lbr news coverate profit, by SeaWorld) business-und-control-the-messate-at-all-costs- mentality. on this to protect its caused the "accident.- water prior. 125. ScaWorld similarly reportint killed through Orange County rethink its misinfOrmation the I...oro were 37 cartipaitn. hich also trained and established the SeaWorld. SeaWorld the Brancheau's death. the witnesses SeaWorkl forced 124. Just was false information death own ives stood behind the officer park PagelD with SeaWorld's President and other corporate private meeting the misinformation after Onl^ blame fbr her was to talse information exCc 1.1 37 of 65 Sea World trainer Dawn Braneheau experienced investigation. SeaWorld spread leadership immediately following reported (based Page young call from his family and home in the wild). In the wake of as a her death and immediate OSI1A pr)xies implying the Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK mil) published. 37 as one Again. long small as a -protect-the- SeaWorld management possible. Indeed, there Spanish-language news delayed was no item Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 126. Fven after that. SeaWorid lirst offered the phyed what a role and. contrary happened abdomen with to ihe there. The autopsy injuries and crashed him: it to pointed the and was not a over variously hit pulled into the tbr their excellent and estigation challenge the objection. SeaWorld's strone water at ereat 2012 veracit)of any explained pool were ‘vall were unearthed then madc part or In twill. several SeaWorld trainers have and knocked unconscious. suffered broken limbs and ribs, and been July error crushing of ihe thoracic examples of ageression toward trainers peril. Many physical conditionine. in its and drownine would have on by ruling. painted statement have survived a at all only hy mere grabbed fortune and. but perished. the adniinistrative court handling the OSHA picture of the SeaWorld-orehestrated campaign whale supportine document incidents that should be reported. and to aggression.10 frequently mislead the public about the to refuse to nature and extent of captive whale attacks. 129. As the administrative court's the hazard and no posed by working plain, opinion reads: -SeaWorld insists it did not in close contact with killer whales. The court linds this recounize implausible reasonable person could conclude that. 130. As the OSHA 38 simple drowning. 128. This evidence. commented 1il\ -compression panic the OSI IA investieation followine Dawn Brancheou's death. and public record been to that PagelD that trainer the 1...nal oritans.- In short Keto slammed Martinez into the 127. 1)ozens of documented during expected explanation Spanish autopsy performed. 38 of 65 Page testimony and evidence sunnnarized in the court's the fact that SealVorkl trainers and executives monitor aggression, document ifIL! ageressive episodes several times 38 urea over behavior so findings makes carefully for the past decades all while faise1 stating puhliclv (and even Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK durine the OSI IA proceedings) aggressiveiy. shows that the company has long known its unnatural that orcas 39 of 65 do PagelD 39 not ever act conditions of confinement cause aguession. 131. Sea World has done its best noted in its by Page "SeaWorld failed to keep these incidents from being reported. As the court document several known events of undesirable behavior to killer whales when workine with trainers. 132. Amone other things. directed all incident reports incident' so 133. that to court Judge Judith Rogers case of "unprovoked' and "violated its duties opinion and as an 134..fhis known fact of captive acknowledge public to this day_ is disfavor: rather. this conic to conclude treatment las overwhelming kept urea evidence that SeaWorld error pkiyed a role in any aggression would he established. of the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. writin2 in affirmation of Judge Welsch-s 051.1A irresponsibly' noted the automatically indicate that trainer documented no the from deception order_ found that SeaWorld -acted employer. orea public aggression. view not is maintained ZI fact SeaWorld utterly refuses to for fear that the whales would IA into by SeaWorld for scientists have) that these aggresskins are a fear that the product public would of SeaWorld's of them. b. Aberrant 135. The orca behavior is caused only recorded fatal attack hy incompatibility among physical aggression SeaWorld's by confinement. one urea on captive orcas is another has occurred in frequent. with certain toward others. resultine, in lacerations and 39 worse. orcas captivity. using ln the wild. unnatural a!zgression has been only wild. the provides ample The obvious subordinate animal can animals with whom he scrious Was. lr room phYsical aninml cannot escape and has a it rarely observed: Whelk:. ocean injuries she is regarding up of unrelated animals who often do not get Sea World, which Sea World also or cut deeply hiuh energy levels. does occur 138. The aberrant behavior psychological development and people in are or D. or even compulsive The in her an captive in companions aggressor and subordinate In the wild. captiyit). can orea groups actively avoid to wholly artificial. made are serious public. Raking. whereby captive or supported by aggression. at smash their heads behaviors are also a orcas injury for many an orca uses Sea World and with at orcas at teeth to unnaturally reflects the abnormal social and born into artificial social groups and the host ()Ember history of aggressive interactions between to orca behaviors against the pool walls. What never seen we in the pool would describe as walls neurotic routinely witnessed by trainers and others at SeaWorld. Documentary Bfirckfivh Begins the Sundance Film Festival captive SeaWorld. Oreas will rub their faces auainst 140. On January 19. 2913. (iabricla at or frequently occurs of animals raised in manifest behind-the-scenes incessantly his a captivity. 39. In addition to wild 40 ill the wild, hut with much lower energy levels. seen habitats.- This conclusion is limber orcas PagelD result. 11tension erupts in the -habitats'. is that two along. This leads from the keeps into another's skin, Raking 40 of 65 incompatible. 137. The obvious social difference is that scratch Doi Page orcas to maneuver, flee in three dimensions from or did difference between the choice no Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK glowinu to Pull Back the Curtain on SeaWorld Cowperthwaite's documentary. Mackfish. premiered reviews and sold-out screenings. On Januar): 22. 2013. 40 CNN Films and Pictures Magnolia broadcast of Mewkfish was acquired the most 141. inackfi.vir follows the Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK widely the rights to Page 41 of 65 PagelD Black fish. CNN's October 24.2(113 watched program of the year for the network. 32-year wmultuous history of Tilikum. living an urea at SeaWorld since 1992. who has been involved in the death of three humans. Bleickfish is comprised of interviews with former SeaWorld trainers. SeaWorld spectators, and other experts including OSI LA's expert witness, 142. The film during and imposition an orca carefully describes suffoumling field researcher. much of the misleading conduct SeaWorld the OSI-h\ investigation. That decisions that of (nominal) fuics atlainst SeaWorld D.C. Circuit and are now resulted in the still-current complete ban were affirmed a in citation and the on appeal by the disappointing fo• SeaWorld. the investigation Most dispositive. investigation resulted in engaged on trainer performance in the water with orcas. 143. hiack/ish reveals to those who have viewed it. among other things. which conditions ol confinement at SeaWorld mistreated its orca also reveals how are population urea SeaWorld continued causing confinement to feature stemming from his capture and E. unnatural and physical unhealthy orcas, and that Seall'orld has harm and mental distress compromises urea an orca for its trainer safety and that had killed several people to its urea as a urea safety. population. a It cl :tow result of frustration captivity. The "Materiality" of SeaWorld's Treatment of Oreas is Confirmed b^- Polls and the Public Drop in Attendance 144. In order to L.!atige publications conducted public surveys to Following Bbielifish and the Crowing Controversy sentiment poll the on Biackfish. various media uroups and public regarding 41 the controversy. CNN. tbr example. 41 ran a poll October. 25. on of the information revealed similar was by BhwAlish. SeaWorld. Ultimately. responding changes to SeaWorld's that For Point Loma the parks example. just High School was manipulate the a were schools swear to either cancel off attending the on retired I recei Ved nationwide attention. was poll an was began. it IP address cleansed. two- Mackfish. parks annual field long-standing until SeaWorld changed its CNN. in November 2013. San striking video response were from results or a answered in the affirmative. weeks arter Mocktish aired produced to uncovered and t he of SenWorld- prompted publicly 42 kids to Sea World- in light which asked whether --CNN's until the whales and animals 6-Dear SeaWork1, numerous or attempting than 50% or the responses this tactic poll perception your parks more once PagelD 01' approximately 3.000 responses. 86% stated caught red-handed was group du news 146. Similarly. Mackfish to your conducted by the Orlando Sentinel in January 2014. Shortly after the poll documentary to you take poll by SeaWorld --1w1ould 42 of 65 Tellingly. thirds of voters trips iewers asking Page 145. revealed by the owned I 3 J Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK rom aired to the film, vowing Diego's never to return show business. The video entitled on CNN and reported on by publications. 147. As reported by CNN in December 2013. Point Dume Marine Science School in Malibu. California prompted by canceled its long-standing to trip SeaWorld the objections over concerns Elementary of a 10-vear old female student about the treatment of whales revealed ror the first time in Blackfish. These cancellations and others indicated that children and (the individuals w.ho drive parents and ramilies to SeaWorld. 42 travel to the parks were no longer teens supporting F. Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Sea World Popular Musicians Cancel PagelD 43 Appearances and Association 148. For years Sea World hosted "Bands, Brew & SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens in 43 of 65 Page BBC).- li‘ a c concert series at 'Tampa during February and March. featuring top classic rock and country bands and artists. BBQ from Central Florida's top local smokehouses. and other festivities. The concerts 149. "Bands. Brew and increase season non-peak demand attendance in prime during the to perform significant at as of the seasonal and to the BBcr concert parks. Company's stated business strategy special events and concerts- markets. SeaWorld Orlando and Busch Gardens in typically 150. In late 2013. included with reenlar admission Blicr is part through the annual "Bands. Brew and revenue were series to increase park i.e.. Tampa depend on attendance and overall the Blacklish controversy continued ablaze. --Bands Brew and 1313Q- received a nearly every change by offering them platforms) imploring, ihe act petition through (hange.Ort, (alone the hand or ability to start a slated with artist to cancel its performance. is the \vorld's lareest online petition platform and seeks to create dri•e off- slow midwinter months. pressures from other social media individuals to to to empower campaign and mobilize supporters. 151. These to perfonyi and at through particular petitions were successful, the series in February and March 2014 mid-January 201-1. the following artists. to prompting nearly every withdraw. Beginning artist scheduled in November 2013 among others. canceled their performances: (1) The Barenaked Ladies: (di Willie Nelson: (iii) Cheap Frick: iv !kart: (v) IVIartina McBride: (vi) 38 Special: tvii) 1 risha Yearwood: RH) Boys. 43 Speedwagon: (ix) Pat Benatar: and x Beach Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 152. For example. petition signed by page: "This is comfortable petitions at a 11.782 supporters. as prompting the group proceeding with the uig al we to alert the e•ery condemned SeaWorld-s it wasn't that hard this time.- Activists PagelD on instance. the artist a specifically their Facebook we don't feel explaining deal for me.• Likewise. sisters their decision to cited the controversy surrounding his decision cancel at SeaWorld over the was Nancy -due that they would cancel. Willie Nelson they treat their animals. and Ann Wilson of Heart to the controversial as news sources documentary reported seven-week-period beginning November 27. The Barenaked Ladiesannouncement and announcement to 1 don't agree with the way practices. stating_ each successive cancellation not continuing thmugh January per1brm at 'Bleicklis11backlash?" noted that. 'threatened depended more to at a 15. 2014 with the Beach SeaWorld. minimum. withdrawals from the concert sabotage ScaWorld's 'Bands. Brew and BBQ" prouram.- which the on "to drive traffic during the typically slow midwinter months.- damaging, the article noted that the cancellations miuht public consciousness. raising on 2013 with 155. A December I I. 2013 thiamin Sentinel article entitled. -Will SeaWorld face term a successtiOly directed similar online 154. These cancellations attracted international attention, Boys' pubhc don't claim to understand all of it. but the basis for the cancellation. ln acknowledged 44 of 65 performers including Willie Nelson. Trisha Yearwood. and Cheap Trick. 153. In nearly Blue/Os/I Page the pop band .1-he Barenaked Ladies (the Iii•st to withdraw) received complicated issue, and other Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 long- series park Potentially help -sustain Blocklish much in the the risk that the film and its criticisms could do lastinu damage SeaWorld's brand.- 44 to 44 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 156. Dethroned Sca Work! CEO Jim Atchison admitted in with the Or/mulo Sentinel that the cancellations "ended up storv of [their] own." Atchison further December 2013 open letter full-page refute what he described as as on as were "Open Letter from was to publish newspapers in order to major "concerned Amu to that coverm1e. potential long-term according was. "impact a a Sea World's Animal Advocates- Orlando Business, Inu, nal. concerned about both 131acklish's brand key part very on a was CNN and the to by Blackfish and the accompanying audience- and "the attention generated PagelD coverage and became floating around related the Sol line/. and reported by more Company decided social media and within evidence that the Company danuwe from Black/1, 4C that the "misconceptions that 157. Sea World's ad. entitled widely viewed explained 45 of 65 December 20. 2013 interview a getting Page of their musical guest cancellations. C. In the Wake of Partners Blackfish, Long-Standing Sea World Sponwrs ing negati•e publicity Period. pressure from activists to cut directed at example. relationship with 27.000 signatures. In Southwest's a in October 2013. SeaWorld in Dallas respond. According10 reports. response to a was widely-reported headquarters ScolVorld throw4hout the Class tics with SeaWorld. and extensive media pressure. many SeaWorld corporate partners terminated their end its Strategic Jump Ship 158, Amidst the grov, 159. For and on a relationships with petition urging launched. By co\ Januar.- 2014. the crag of this SeaWorld. Southwest Airlines petition had garnered story, dozens of protesters delivered the petition airline to publicly .lanuary 9.21)14. prompting the Southwest contacted SeaWorld and inquired slew of negative Facebook and Twitter messages Southwest 45 to to about Blacktish in was receiving due 10 45 Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Page ssociation with SeaWorld. Southwest did not cut ties with SeaWorld evemually did in the We arc 46 of 65 immediately (though it of 2014). but acknow1edi2ed the controversy, summer ennaned with ScaWorld related to the recent concerns PagelD being raised. We are stating: in a listeninn and education mode. 160. In November 2013_ in the annual Macy's also Macy's Thanksgiving received more 161. The individuals. was 2014 article on impact amplified by on ending tickets 16. 2014. STA Travel, expeditions to sinned by seekinn hundreds of thousands of pressured to example. a January 15. break ties with SeaWor1d-- alone. Riaciyish inspired Channe.orn petitions. ScaWorld's relationships with corporate Toys R and SeaWorld. to cut company which for 2.5 million students and young sponsors and partners. Groupon. also effective in SeaWorld in Orlando and San petition Geographic article reporting on the Blackfish than twenty-one (21) was to a online .-inspired January 13. 2014 National petition an participating the Holiington Post. to directed at Southwest and noted that "on petition them Southwest Airlines. offering discounts trips at According extensive media coverage of them. For were more many aimed 163. A citizen May a ban SeaWorld from signatures. petitions. collectively than two dozen -1thwkrish effect noted that there ammui than 80.000 to this end. while to CNBC entitled. "Southwest Air. others. 162. Similarly. including more of these discussed the Channe.or2 are more Parade later that month. than 80.000 emails similar bon likewise recei•ed there petitions implored Macy-s persuading Taco Bell. which had been ties with SeaWorld in May 2014. Likewise. provides flights. accomntodation. people. Diego. 46 tours announced that it would stop and booking on 46 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK i 64. By this point. association with June 22. 2014. Outdoor Play, to !Ulan order Sca World specializing company was perceived in outdoor Page being as apparel Sea World. The C1:0 of Outdoor Play wrote in placed by AhhouiTh I would love a Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 to take your money. our and a 47 of 65 SO PagelD toxic that to on declined equipment. letter 47 Sea World, company does not support the ethics of Your business model.- 165. Likewise. coupons. was on Ju lv 24. 2014, stopped offerin e. deals on a company that Sea World tickets after specializes in digital's chief executive officer contacted by PETA and watched Macktish. 166. This trend of companies terminating their with SeaWorld relationships was amplified when Southwest Airlines. after enduring the intense and well-publicized elThrts Of activists for almost its ten 26-year partnership and based on (10) months, announced on with Sea World. While press release stated that the break -shifting priorities.'" every iMor that Southwest had been signed bv a more subject than 32.000 to July 31. 21114 that it would not be renewini2 news So Urce reporting it terminate the to Sentinel reported that Virgin promotional partnerships sunscreen citizen petition important corporate partners Sea World. In October 2014. the (Mande, America. Jet Blue. and Alaska Airlines also had terminated their with Sea World. 168. In November 2014. the Orlam lo Sentinel based a partnership. 167. Followint! the Southwest Airlines announcement. other relationships with mutual the announcement noted massive pressure in the form of protests and peopleurging followed suit. and ended their on was company. would end its relationship 47 reported that Panama Jack, with SeaWorld effective an Orlando- February 2015. Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Finally. on November 14. 2014. Chris Flosford confirmed that 169. Page 48 of 65 PagelD Ilyundai Motors America Communications Executive Director IIyundai had --ended its relationship with Scaworld.- Remaining sponsors similar pressures Filed 04/09/15 American Express and British Airways signed through petitions, by are currently subject to 75.000 and 265.000 individuals. respectively. 170. The fallout for Sea World from January 15. 2015. the Orlando Sentinel offered ticketholders free admission to Bhw4lish-gencratcd controversy reported that the Miami Sea World. had ended its Dolphins. is oneoing. which had On previously marketing partnership with SeaWorkl. SeaWorki Continues to Omit the Truth 171. Despite the obvious truths revealed in Elacflish, and Sea World's account of its treatment of captive Continues its efforts product are not to 172. Stung to convince the public by the public reaction attempting continue its saturation of the public to go and their life conditions, SeaWorld challenges to its centerpiece entertainment to Blackfish, on and anticipating the offensive. further criticism. recently launching a campaign) to so. not only through its own publications. but also front group called Awesome Oceans. 173. Awesome Oceans even challeneing with the notion that its treatment of killer 1.vhales is humane, scientifically sound. and caring. It does a that such books be believed. SeaWorld has continued through orcas recent was initially funded. in whole announced the Awesome Ocean Project in huns:/.'s3L.amazonaw s.cont' 24484 an email. 980 48 or in park posted here: by SeaWorid. SeaWorld 48 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 174. news Despite funding Filed 04/09/15 from Sea World. the site markets itself as website.- The Fditor-in-Chicf. Eric M. Davis. is neither His I.inkedIn profile Page lists him as an --experienced marketer a 49 of 65 PagelD "independent an conservationist ocean journalist. nor a with extensive SEO.- who has worked for travel sites like Travel(' lick and Hilton Worldwide. I lis Facebook page lists him the owner of Purple Moon Media. a "revenue-focused destination include SeaWorld. The site has several pieces 175. In 2014. SeaWorld became a aware that purport that to -debunk- the book called "Benewh the Surface: Killer Whales. Sea fl'orkl. published web. cii, t(ih designed to impeach Mr. Hargrove's book, calling the 176. N1r. Hargrove \vorked for several years personal observations. Yet Davis. with to publish no "the truth.- but went hands-on so fat as firm whose clients myths of Blackfish. Troth ilcmod Blackfish- in March of 2015. In response. SeaWorld and Eric Davis began statements purported marketing- as former trainer. John Hargrove. would have a at publishing, hook a or the on "wlude of a tale. SeaWorld and his book is based experience to scientific training. on not his only threaten N1r. I largrovc last year about publishing his book: From: Erie Davis eridru To: John Hargrove Subject: People are digging .Thst your Irwinliv /hvesonieOcean gut• Eric here! ii DEEP witcd uno denp l'ott I/ pnIr past. hoe und ler you know Mai TIwy have come crazy 49 49 some sniff Hull is journalist Rid reaclv to are digging drop when your hook .hisi drops. Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK eolailing.voo Lv p‘111 0/1111. (fgrcelneni Page give you (1 50 of 65 PagelD heads. up 1 hope yon are designed attack all a well, Slav 177. SeaWorld itself has critics. including directly published continuing R1; s,I r. and marine scientists. those associated with „..eit4, 178. This is part of SeaWorliis continuing cifori disclosure of the facts true regarding I 79. The misinformation the material facts about the condition of its 180. A SeaWorld Happy.- experienced by these employee. .fhat chipper captive ri animal prerogatives and behind claims that are themselves that SeaWorld's orcas 181. Most heading. belied acti\ ists- "claim that to a our public captive on and challenge orcas. its wehsite and in its by an article titled "SeaWorld's the demonstrable unhappiness the rhetorical trilecta by research- behind anchallenge killer whales suffer. are so common to on orcas: to (2) the this to thrive in growing challenge to testimony bill that would ban holding stressed or are exploited.- 50 mantra our care. SeaWorld's on cetaceans pejorative SeaWorld's business "blatantl^ Use": and. finally. (3) the empty and misleading the Washington State Legislature during opposition are Mr. Ilargrove. mislead. misinform. distort, and omit penned performs "valuable "have and continue recently to years ago now to meas. animals. is followed rights any it continues captive mislead the began Laura Mathieson. SeaWorld: II) the claim that SeaWorld reli:ain that "know SeaWorld changed: to and condition of its treanuent campaign other marketing materials has not \nimals Are content February in prerogatives played out before 5. 2013. in support and in captivity. Though Washington docs not 50 have any effect at captive the state cetaceans on Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK display and the bill is 51 of 65 PagelD 51 IZIV}I.ely symbolic. SeaWorld l'ears a domino level. 182. In support of the ban. former SeaWorld follow* Page orca trainer Carol hidden (nubs about Sea World and in support of the I'm here todin. to share I had while Far working us example, a SiMk' of the Ray testified legislation: marine manmial trainer. wohlting an winh male Urea. Kandoke, who dav after dal% into the cement walls. anti glasspanels in the shoir pool. His chin. teeth, atul we were not allowed to bring hhn to lie /031 le)i)k.v fou bad fin• the fililnagemeihr Stdd. enough 1.v it'll weren't had u) ola condition metal,f,.!•ates rostrum were so bloodv do shows because see." puhtie watch him injure himself. I recall the heartache watching him he physically attacked hy tlw other orcas kanduke &eel the personal experknces regularlv rammed himself as hard as possible and beat up to that natthl never in/ regnhir basis. the Wild: Occur of a maStimieJ transmitted encephalitis. I also watched in horror removed from the as kalnut, onlyfamily she knew lag fOur years old I mother Katina. who original baby Shrum!, wasPrriblv to saw the unmistakable was Icit behnut To this din.. katino has be MoVed 10 another park when she mourning and desperation of her haelfh-e of her seven offspring taken.from her. 5J was Uthl arr ages that ape em urea skin and on, 183. Rather than engiwe or come are Page 52 of 65 PagelD in annuntruI intervals (mei chipped. broken. in and unheahlw 'ye all in my handslrom sunInn-n. unfinunately enkl these live in when the real ;Fmk/ whales spokesperson from impregnated often way 100 yfiaH.V. Tlwir teeth had handfuls of coulel go Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK really are only a Jew glimpse.v into they live in captivity. rebut any of these factual assertions_ the Alliance of Marine 11,laminal Parks and an It 's heat-an-yoking..." industrv. funded Aquariums testified challenge to the letdslation, 184. The the same public spokesperson. the general unsubstantiated rhetoric ill us.on or CetaLeans •n the 185. This most recent captive orcas public are HOW to public treatment both animal and known care to deployed previously by SeaWorld or on the This maintain the propriety atthe status quo as it that SeaWorld's chief concern is plainly of (wens is above man. to provided man. debate SeaWorld demonstrates illusion that its beneficial I. at Alliance's esecutive director Ms. Kathleen Dezio. reproach concerns to and that its whales live maintain the happy lives. misleading message and its related material omissions be demonstrably' false. SeaWorld Has a Duty to Disclose llow it Actually Treats the Orcas and their Actual Condition 1 g6. Plaintiff and the Class members identified belcm while unayY are concerning of the tlilsity the overall of SeaWorld's well-being and purchased SeaWorld's products misrepresentatMns and its material omissions treatment of its captive expectancy and physical and emotional well-heini.t ‘Yhile 52 at orcas. including their life ScaWorld. 52 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 187. Based on the material omissions described in this of each Class \Vac SeaWorkl, SeaWorld or Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 induced to urea and did purchase tickets to injuries or SeaWorld orca purchase price other urea treatment. were on -experience- products. they relied upon of SeaWorkrs treatment lonuevity misled and orcas. likely to membership(s) to position to their detriment and for admission to of the be misled. and SeaWorld. or purchased SeaWorld a false tickets. understanding orcas. memberships. of the conditions and regarding Plaintiff and other similarly situated they reasonably and justinably relied. to the consumers their detriment. SeaWorld's omissions of material facts. 190. IC SeaWorld had disclosed the truth about the overall well-being SeaWorld-s of its orcas. a Plaintiff and Class members would result of the alleAted misconduct. SeaWorld has from the sale of its amusement product showcasing its captive 192. Plaintiff individually and restitution and business treatment. conditions. lons.levity. have purchased generated substantial not and products. 191. As injunctive practices and its 53 Plaintiff and members niven SeaWorld's material omissions of fact vell-being and PagelD -experiences." I 89. At the time Plaintiff and Class members or 53 of 65 -experiences. that include payment of the SeaWorld. membership at Complaint. SeaWorld. 188. Plaintiff and members of each Class altered their suffered Page relief to put on an orcas. behalf of all others similarly situatedseeks end to SeaWorld's unjust enrichment. 53 revenues deceptive. damages. unfair. and unlawful Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Page 54 of 65 PagelD V. (LASS ALLEGATIONS Class Definition 193. Plaintiff brings this action persons or entities who purchased experience-- that includes an Orlando. Florida at an --orca individually and admission ticket. membership_ a 194. Excluded from the Class the are following: out of this proceeding: family or any frorn the claims asserted in this Complaint. have tiled complaint: all persons who have undersitmed counsel a to non-class action claim maintain the claims contained in this employees of Paul staff. and other signed an as well as to the date of the with an timely modify or to of this tiling attorney other than the this or in part on Paul S. Rothstein. and any their immediate families: and all before the Court determines whether certification is case. as well as Judgets). judicial their immediate amend the definition of the proposed class appropriate. of the Class 196. The Attendance and the Defendants for claims asserted in this w2reement employees of the lucke(s) assigned 195. Plaintiff reserves the rinht to Numerosity prior undersigned counsel. the or employees of the same individual andior class action based in whole complaint: S. Rothstein against retainer a subsidiary given valid releases releasing the Defendants all persons who, complaint: in of action. such persons: all persons and entities who all persons who have park amusement Defendants. any parent. servants, or Class: All Sea World or a preceding the brinuint! of this cause affiliate oatanizations. and the officers. directors. agents. opt thllowing experience-- from the ScaWorkl Orlando any time in the thur years the members of the immediate behalf ot.the on at purlxwted Class Members SeaWorld Orlando during are So numerous as to the preceding 51 make joinder several years is impractical. approximately as follows: 54 Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK a. 2010: 5.10 million visitors. b. 2011: 5.20 million visitors. c. 2012: 5.35 million visitors. Ascertainability, Typicality, Commonality and Predominance Page 55 of 65 of Common PagelD Questions of Law and Fact. 197. The Class is ascertainable. and notice those customarily used in other consumer fraud can cases be provided through techniques similar to and complex class actions, and through Sea World's business records. 198. There are questions of law and fact similarly impact all Use statements and omissions or more or SeaWorkl's products Sea World's paid true subjected products. As a to the are same typical of represented by class action one park. of the Class members. Plainti II and all Class products which site otherwise would orcas not have paid had the been disclosed by Sea World. Representation. 200. Plaintiff will fairly and Plaintiff is purchased wronuful conduct because they all have purchased conditions and treatment of Sea World's Adequacy Class members. all olwhom result, and like other members or the Class. Plaintiff purchased and of money for Sea World's a sum the Class. Defendants' unlawful for the SeaWorld Orlando amusement 199. Plaintiff asserts claims that mernbers have been common to adequately represent counsel competent and litiginion. There is no hostility and protect the interests of the Class. experienced in both consumer between Plaintiff and the unnamed. Members. 55 protection purported and Class 55 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 201. Class certification is apply generally to the Class, appropriate respecting. so appropriate because Del'endants that final the Class as a over Class. includinc. infer (ilia. the (a) appropriate because common questions to a crounds that of law and fact reasonable consumer: practices statements in violation of the Florida 501.201 constitute Deceptive el and Unfair Seq. Whether Defendants' nondisclosures and/or false statements constitute unfair practices in violation of Florida law: Whether Defendants' nondisclosures and/or false deceive a reasonable consumer Whether Defendants significant concerns or knowincly associated with SeaWorld's Whether the challenced (g) Whether Defendants practices were statements were or willfully failed to to disclose products: harmed Plaintiff and members of the Class: unjustly enriched by making deceptive representations regarding the health and wellbeine of their captive Whether Plainli Wand members of the Class restitution, likely in violation of. Florida law: intentionally (f) (h) relief is following: Whether Defendantsnondisclosures and/or false business (e) PagelD that may affect only individual members of the Trade Practices Act (FM:PTA) FLA. STAT. (d.) on injunctive relief or corresponding declaratory questions unlawful business (e) have acted 56 of 65 Whether Defendants' nondisclosures and/or false statemems would be material (I)) any Page whole. 202. C'lass certification is also substantially predominate Filed 04/09/15 equitable relief, and/or injunctive 56 are entitled relief. to orcas: damaces. and 56 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Requirements 203. of Fed. R. Civ. P. Prosecuting would both create purported LI adjudications or practical would judicial against individual varying adjudications matter. dispositive of the purported resources PagelD 57 and the individual to incompatible standards oleonduct for the party adjudications with respect interests of the other members as a Class Members with respect substantially impair or impede their ability the conduct of this action conserves or or Class Members that would establish members would be contrast. separate actions by as a 57 of 65 Page 23(h)(1) risk of inconsistent the class and opposing Filed 04/09/15 to not to individual class parties to the individual protect their interests. In class action presents far fewer management difficulties. partiesresources. and protects the rights of each Class mernher, Requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(2) 204. Defendants have acted. class. Specifically. or refused Lo act. on Defendants have disseminated false. grounds that apply generally to correct continue promulgate to Requirements inaccurate. false and questions oVer any forth above. All claims on the Defendantssame urea of law and fact question set their disseminated false. orcas as deceptive deceptive compared to wild orcas. and inaccurate inffirmation and information. of Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3) 205. The predominate previously the deceptive and inaccurate information reizarding the health. wellbeing and lifespan of their captivc have failed Lo by of law or common fliet to Plaintifrs and each Class Member's claims affecting onl^ indi idual members Plamtilk and the =tamed. 57 as purported Class Members are based deceptive marketing and advertisement shows. of the class scheme used to sell tickets to 206. Common issues wide basis. even different ticket predominate When_ when there will be some here. liability can 58 of 65 be determined PagelD on a individualized damauc determinations based a result_ when determining whether common questions predominate. the liability issue, and if the liability issue is COMMOn as Page questinns will class- on be held predominate to common to over the class, individual as is the case at courts focus bar. questions. Superiority 208. A class action is adjudication superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient of these controversies. Because of the size of the individual Membersclaims. few. ii any. redress for the wrongs their wrongful purported complained conduct and many and practices Class Members could afford to purported Class Members Defendants have_ and acts purported Class Members. and other individually seek legal prospective are. ticket MIN still he unaware entla!led in. Absent continue to retain the a of the class action. the purchasers. will continue damage and Defendants' deceptive and unfair trade practices will proceed remedy while Defendants purported Class of herein. Defendants have illicitly and Unfairly concealed deceptive to suffer unabated and without proceeds of their ill-gotten gains. VI. CAUSES OF ACTION COUNT I Deceptive and unfair trade 209. Plainti If rcalleges and 210. This claim is practices in violation of FI, A. incorporates by on reference all 501.201 et seq. preceding paragraphs. behalf of the Class of SeaWorld Orlando PurchaseN. who purchased SeaWorld tickets. memberships. and amusement 58 prices. 207. As on Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK "orca- park. 58 experiences for the SeaWorld Orlando 211. Plaintiff and the Class Deceptive are "consumers- Trade Practices Act ("FLIDTPA-) 212, At ail relevant times. Plaintiff_ Members were "consumers" as ithin the Page meaning defined in Ha. Sint, Joyce 59 of 65 PagelD 501.203(7). Cale Kuhl and all other erwaged were in "trade or purported Class commerce" as defined FDI1TPA. 214. Ft lDTPA prohibits ILI In rair methods of competition. unconscionable practices, and unfair or deceptive Ha. Stat. acts practices in the conduct of any tr acts or commerce 501.204(1). SeaWurldls business practices violate these prohibitions because its material omissions associated with its unconscionable. and about facts material deceptive, to those 215. Defendants Class Members that the all than they other or arc and products. in likely to were regard to captive areas. were unfair. and did in fact deceive reasonable consumers consumer's. expressly orcas at and hnpliedly represented SeaWorld Orlando are: to Plaintiff and all other healthy. happy, purported well cared for and better in the wild. Deiendants made material omissions which caused Plaintiff and all purported ('lass Members to purchase tickets to SeaWorld Orlando. 2)6. Defendants omitted material characteristics inherent to orca captivity at SeaWorld Orlando: (a) SeaWorldls origin based on violence. separation from family and capture: (Li) SeaWorldls separation of families and violation of the orcals natural matriarchal structure and other social 59 norms: 59 of the Florida t 7n fair and defined lw FDIJTPA. as 213, At all relevant times. Defendants by Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK The et negative aspects including and chemical collapsed use of physical pools. living shallow Page conditions tOr the pools. sulthurns. 60 of 65 i1 orcas PagelD 60 SeaWorkl injuries. damaeed teeth dorsal 1ms: and (d) .1-he techniques used the Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK of food to unnaturally maintain deprivation. drug treatment the orcas in captivity, including and forced incestuous breedimt condititms. 217. Defendants violated (a) Representing provisions of FIDUTPA bv: that Sea World Orlando is of a particular standard. quality and/or Ltrade. when it is of another: (hi Engaging in deceptive conduct confusion or as alOresaid which has created a likelihood of of misunderstanding: (c) Will fullv Wed to disclose and concealed the condition and treatment of its captive oreas: true facts surroundim! the and (d) SeaWorld's intentional and knowinil omission kifinaterial facts regarding its captive oreas was done with intent to deceive and mislead Plaintiff and the Class. 218. SeaWorld knew or should have known that these in violation or tile acts were FUIYIPA. 219. SeaWorld had and has a dut to facts about the condition and treatment of its (a) its superior known or refrain from these captive oreas. The practices dut^ to and to disclose material disclose arises from: and exclusive knowledue of these material tarts. which reasonably accessible 10 of these material facts: and (c) its Plaintiff and the Class: (b) its ;mix marketing 60 and sale ofSeaWorld c were not concealment products. which Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK is likely to mislead the material facts 220. As a direct and consumers. at and has misled Page consumers. 61 of 65 absent full disclosure of result of ScaWorld-s conduct. Plaintiff and the Class have proximate injury-in-1'w the Class would have spent For SeaWorld and accrued actual condition and treatment of SeaWorld's damages products captive had in the Corm or they known the their actual damattes. 222. BY Members a true facts about the orcas. private cause of action against Derendants. and plus attorney's reason are putative entitled to recover costs. of Defendantsconduct entitled to are lees and Plaintiff and money 221. Pursuant to R.A. STA r. 501.211 (2) of FDI :TPA. Plaintiff and all other Class Members have PagelD issue. suffered substantial MIL Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 as aforesaid. Plaintiliand the damages. equitable relief, and attorney's lees and purported costs as Class provided in FINITPA. 223. As a direct and foreseeable result of SeaWorld's advertising and education purchasing a ticket to campaiims. the public is not ubiquitously omissive equipped accurate information upon SeaWorld. 224. Plaintiff requests that this Court enter such orders to with marketini2. or judgments as may be necessary enjoin Defendant .from continuing its unlawful. unlair. and deceptive business practices. restore to and Plaintiff and members of the Class any money that Defendant deceptive conduct and to provide acquired by such other relielas deemed fair and just. COUNT II Declaratory and injunctive relief. 61 to its unfair 61 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 225. Plaintiff realleges and 226. Pursuimt to Dw.i.N. Document 1 Filed 04/09/15 incorporates by rCreTence all Powericl. inc. declaratory and Page 62 of 65 PagelD preceding parailraphs. injunctive relief are available to Plaintiff under FDI 1-PA. 776 So. 2d 971 (Ha. 1st DCA 20(10). 177. As detailed above. Defendants engaged in regarding reasons a campaign of misinformation. the suitability of their for the droop) Promulgating habitats. the orca dorsal tins and have been for at least the past decade. are, seen in captive factually inaccurate information expected lifespan of oreas. as well as the orcas. COUNT III Unjust enrichment 228. Plaintiff as to Defendants. realleges and incorporates by reference all precedinu parauaphs. 229. In alternative to claims under this action lack the compensatory damacs an adequate remedy purported Class Members. requests omissions under the theory this Court of-unjust at requested above, law. Plaintiff, to uram equitable fraudulent and condition of its 231. As at reason the behalf of herself and relief from Defendants' acts and enrichment. 230, l)crendant SeaWorld has been. and continues detriment of and on if for any the expense of Plaintiff and the Class. misleading statements to be. as a unjustly enriched, to the result of its unlawful. unfair. and material omissions retardinu the treatment and orcas. a direct and foreseeable result of SeaWorld's advertising and education purchasing a ticket to campaigns. the SeaWorld. Instead is public public SeaWorld with the story line that the orcas at with trainers. SeaWorld' s presentation of its not ubiquitously equipped with accurate consciousness has been are well cared for and orcas 62 onlissive marketinit. information upon shaped and satunited thriving and enjoy and has saturated America's culture_ holt(' 62 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK 232. Defendants and deceptive Fhis was consistently misleading over information the Filed 04/09/15 of at least course regarding a Page 63 of 65 to attract The fact that Defendants have well the suitability of their habitats makes circumstances such that it would be as Defendants 10 captive paving customers parks. misrepresented 63 decade disseminated false, the health and wellbeing of their pail of Defendants overall advertising strategy PagelD the health and wellbeing to of their retain the benefit of the ticket sales at the expense of Plaintiff and orcas. their orcas as inequitable for purported Class Members. 231. Payments for admission tickets. have been wrongly payments is and unjustly collected inequitable given condition of its purchased and paid tax. per materiality purported by orca "experiences... SeaWorid and the retention of such of the true facts regarding the treatment and for their tickets Class Members conferred to this resulted in Defendants purported receipts they and taken and SeaWorld orcas. 234. Plaintiff and purchased. the memberships. SeaWorld Orlando. being enriched Class Member. Defendants have issued to 235. Defendant purported accepted depending knowledge Class Members and their matches with what Defendants advertised and on of this reported Defendants when the particular as evidenced by they ticket plus the income. these payments. and retained the benefits conferred Class Members in the form of ticket sales. without on tiorneV6here hetween S77 and S235. Noluntaril;^ accepted and retained 236. Defendants benefit a providing a by Plaintiff and purported product promised through and/or experience that their various marketing campaigns. 237. SeaWorld should not bc allowed upon it by Plaintiff and the Class. who to retain the proceeds seek restitution and 63 from the benefits conferred disgorgement of Sea World's unjustly acquired profits restitution manner or Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK and other monetary benefits resulting from PagelD equitable an and efficient by the C'ourt. 238. Plaintiff and the Class are entitled to the imposition SeaWorld such that its enrichment. benefit, and ill-e_otten equitably by the 64 of 65 Court to gains of a constructive trust upon be allocated and distributed may and Cm the benefit of Plaintiff and the Class. PRAVER FOR RELIEF WilEREPORE. Plaintiff: the Defendants as on behalf of all others the Ckiss. certifying appointing die undersigned Injunctive requirinv as situated demand reliefagainst by class relict' as Plaintiff as Class Class Counsel injunctive members pursuant to Fla. Stat. Florida law its Use. misleading, to cease and represent the Class: relief requiring appropriate under SeaWorld to Represenuive purchase price oftickets and accompanyine SeaWorld Orlando. and taxes to payments made C. appointim.. counsel 13. Actual damai/es includino_ the and similarly 1011ows: A. An order on return fees of all 501.211(2): behalf class members and deceptive business practices: interest at the maximum rate: D. Prejudgment E. Costs of the F. An award of attorneyslees to (lass Counsel pursuant to FLA. STAT proceedings herein: 51)1.2105(1): and C. Such other and further relief under alI other relief the Court deems just and 61 64 their unlawful conduct. and who sea rescission for thc benefit of the Plaintiff and Class. in determined Page applicable appropriate_ state and federal law and any Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK Filed 04/09/15 Document 1 Page 65 of 65 PagelD Ain' DEMAND Plaintiff jury as to DATED: individually and all issues April so on behalf of the purported Class Nlembers demand a trial by triable, 8. 2015 Paul Rodrxiehi Paul S. Rothstein Attorney for Plaintiff and die Proposed Class Florida Bar No.: 310123 626 N.E. First Street Gainesville. Florida 32601 Phone: (352) 376-7650 Fax (3521374 7133 Email: psrrothsteinforjustice.corn s, 65 65 i1I, .1'• IS Filed 04/09/15 Document 1-1 Case 6:15-cv-00574-ACC-GJK th) Omni!: 1..tsWd Illamult tti Residem:e mit Fiuuii .1 (..-0^ES?)..V1 Ci (c) .41Ssilne'!!" cAsi S. I .s1. IN I ANT) .1.11E .1R.w.1. 01- LAND INVICI yid) Lo( roN 1, 1. fttiuttne±'s m/ icAlqionc rim ro s,. Paul S_ Rothstein, FL Bar No. 310123 626 NW 1st Street Gainesville, FL 32601 III. CITIZENSHIP OF PR1NCIPAI. PARTIES H. BASIS OF JURISDICTION 1-cden.1!, ml. C1^13^11.1^I FL Orange County, tst.oti ..m1.111'A.i4c-sidenc. County, SC Aiken C .f.titSr T1 H il Non: I i1C:C1,1 lo; :lic SEA WORLD I:LC, a!Detaware 'Company: SEAWORLD OF FLORIDA LLC, Pia SEA ViORLD OF FLORIDA, INC.) a Florida Comp: SEAWORLD & BUSH Cole Kuhl (LA.C1-.TT 1 I pkatiingN or otisct paryrif.a.... nsilinc4,1 k laIA_ 1, :icEithrt.Lt Is.11 Itic 15:1A:1411.11i.c krk of 4Couill DEFENDANTS PLAINTIFFS Joyce 66 PagelD CIVIL COVER SHEET.. 1.: 1:- Thr iS 44 mil o$‘4.1 Okd Ls11d Ills: trifoniunnn,_orturrteet ticry111 fie iiliei :4:1, 1.R.i.. for 511prkificii She illim: and M'n icy el pcos idea 1.”. h+c;i1 ii11es, i1 comi .1 biz. tiltm :tprro+cd ht 111c bidiu 141 Conteletlec of ale 1:111lizel Sules m September 1,07.1 I lf. H:1:5 I OR t! r.‘I I. 12..71Ri .1 "I.W., r? .2 4 i Ir, J rmrrom: 01 maidtint Mk- cim it Lbmcke.t :died I. (n) 1 of 1 Page 141-./1 1'1 F i.ui. Prim/pal 'I Hu, SZJIC X -1 Place i ...1.1(kuntel, lu Th/.5 State 1 2 A 1 1.(1, 0, 117,('L.(1.7un 1 2 1 111.77urtmit.cil Fiut..1(1c— Ill Inot1wr Slaty Su1.1(:,:t ()Li etql 1 1 id .1 I r. CPIALTIP. IV. NATURE OF SUIT 7,1 111, Nri 7 1 To 1, 7 .110 ..111.1.11Am, 1 130 \Wk.!! ..V_I n 1411 tiqomddi Ito.limamia 1 315 .11.911anc lim,11., 1 1 i(113, 1M.. 1 1 go Ite.0,,cuy oi Or cipir.IL., (1 .(k Lilltuseincni fif Jiithilicruc 1 120 11s, audi '1 151 11cdkale 1i:i 1 ---7.1( Loans 11.7tclutIc. VCICINUCI 1 1 1 14.15. roosta,:t Produd 1 11111.1, 1d l 1 .111 01111011111^1111, 11 rl 12111 /rieel, wie Lunii.107.11.1oHt 11ouspniz 7,..511 AllInilko ((LA 1 1 mu -I SOCIAL M.:c.o.:wiry 1_4101.1.. 1, --1 1 10., ..l. I 1.11111: f ''12 •3 111114' 11111, 11 I li 5, E, ^:1, 11', 1 al; 1 1 1 .:7,,, ..1 X 7 Prodih..A. 1 1.11, ^11.17. 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ORIGIN >74 r i ..-1., irit,:iii.i1 l'Im .r,,, r;, Removed 7 i, 1. th: VI. ('AlSE 1 Rom W ICTION lh, r1 S '1_ 28 USC i, REQUESTEI) IN Ci/NII)I.AIN't: N'III. RI41, :VI'14:1) CASE(S) IF ANY 11, 1 -1 bop, 11 Statotc tindo v.lildi ItuiriN1.11cd -1 1:111, 1c1 red irLmrii Anothci Dislncl I....?V'L %fill .tce 111mg fno nof cite juriudicTional !".11.1.1:idt.drici I Itmg, ilmn a ii %mind, marie^I diurrAirur l';1.1.1-4.. Unjust Enrichment t'11141, `ITS viol,. ikft:IoarsIttil 11111N1 ANI) S rire, is, et.A!, s .^crlos i'NDFIR 1(1.1 1 2..",. 1' 14. I.,. 1' L'IlEL'ic 11 .1111..HY DENIA NO: 111.(Lkl:1 .1111(11 .4U Pi.-111 RI. 1>.511. 1 m... 1:' 1 Roviened L'orit: i.. lli rier ri.r.!:,..rIpill‘ll 0 troilailicd 1332(d):FL Stat. 501.201 FLUDTPA: VII. 1 ;It/Toil:1W SE.):c 11. owl cedirlu.: (it (1 NI'NIFil'71( >1 V11".7: til cornp4, 1iiit :7 N.. 15CV66CI CAB RBB 1"11: 1117(-( 11(11 Is/ Paul S. Rothstein 04/0812015 wit aril( F tSL(1%I .1 (-1: :PI p,-(LitiLD /7(a cla, 0.1(11 I \1111.'11 1%1 111' Jr 11.10". 16—C V 11.1t11/. 5,)/-/-001-, )6-5)(