File - Chesapeake Bay Decorative Painters


File - Chesapeake Bay Decorative Painters
June 13 — 10 AM
Glen Burnie Regional Library
Paint: “Ahoy!” with Candy Mollica
Barbara Hoage 210 Rock Ridge Road Millersville, MD 21108 410‐647‐7826 John Triple MAILINGS:
Jenny Simmons jscra 1 Calendar of Events
June 13, 2015 Chapter Mee ng: 10:00 AM—Glen Burnie Regional Library Paint “Ahoy!” with Candy Mollica Pick Up Prep Instruc ons for Janice Miller Seminar Deadline to register for “Blue Heron Ba k” Summer Paint‐In June 26‐28, 2015 July 25, 2015 Janice Miller Seminar
Summer Paint‐In
10:00 AM—Severna Park Library Paint “Blue Heron Ba k” with Alice Dudley August 19, 2015 Deadline to register for “Raggedy Snowman” (Prep instruc ons will be mailed) Deadline to register for “Winter Yard Sign” (Surface order due July 15) September 1, 2015 Deadline to register for Cheri Rol Seminar September 19, 2015 Chapter Mee ng: 10:00 AM—Linthicum Library Paint “Raggedy Snowman” with Michelle Pollhein Pick Up Prep Instruc ons for “Winter Yard Sign” October 2‐4, 2015 Cheri Rol Seminar (Oils)
October 17, 2015 Chapter Mee ng: 10:00 AM—Severna Park Library ‐ Paint “Winter Yard Sign” November, 2015
Chapter Mee ng: 10:00 AM—TBD ‐ Paint “Fall Tangled Plaque” December 5, 2015 January 9, 2016 10:00 AM—Linthicum Library ‐ Paint “Mar e” Birthday Luncheon
March 31 ‐ April 3, 2016 CBDP Sail Away— Clarion Hotel, Ocean City
June 3‐5, 2016 Brenda Stewart Seminar
September 23‐25, 2016 Janelle Johnson Seminar (Colored pencils)
2 2015 Board and Committee Chairs
Janet Davis
Debbie Reeder
Carol Burns
Linda Miller
Kathy Veltman
Jeni Bearce
NEWSLETTER Robin Pohlman
Barbara Hoage Jenny Simmons 410‐674‐2131
410‐647‐7826 301‐884‐8577 Pain jscra LIBRARIAN Linda Brandt 410‐544‐7213 jm WEBMASTER WAYS AND MEANS COMMUNITY SERVICE John Triple Judi Graham Linda Brandt Carole Shuey 301‐383‐1125 410‐761‐9191 410‐544‐7231 301‐776‐5513 Jm PUBLICITY Kathy Veltman Kathy Anthony 410‐643‐0883 410‐766‐6924 HISTORIANS SUNSHINE 2016 BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Honey & John Corkran Laura Murphy Erin Triple 410‐255‐1674 410‐969‐3516 301‐383‐1125 SAIL AWAY 2015 Carolyn Troy 410‐480‐4733 Community Service It’s me once again to bless those in need. We will be collec ng items at our June 13th Chapter Mee ng to donate to Grassroots. Grassroots Day resource Center was opened in July 2008 to help the homeless who are struggling to get back on their feet. The center provides showers, laundry, clothing, internet access, phone, mailing addresses, basic living supplies, conversa on, and referrals to Social Services. The Center helps men, women, and families. Visit them on the Web at The center’s current “wish list” can be found at h p:// 3 Hi everyone,
Special thanks to Debbie Reeder for covering the April meeting for me while I was on vacation. I
had a great time and I knew you all were in good hands. I did feel a bit bad, as she was also
teaching that day. Thanks for doing double duty, Debbie!!
Thanks also to Michelle Pollhein for teaching our May project. I’m heading off to the SDP conference. When you see me at the June meeting, I’ll let you know what’s new in the Society. I’ll share
the highlights at the meeting and put more in the Newsletter.
Also, stay tuned for a new look to our website, coming soon. I promise it will look more snazzy!
I hope to see many of you painting at the Janice MilJune Meeting
ler seminar. She is a wonderful painter and a joyful
person. You will all have a great time.
 Raffle Drawing
Paint with joy,
Grass Roots Donations
Pick up Janice Miller Prep Instructions
Paint with Candy Mollica!
Last Business Meeting before the Summer
Hospitality Table
It’s nice to have a li le snack! If you don’t a end mee ngs regularly, please bring something to share when you do come even if it is not your month. February A – C June A – C March D – J September D – J April K – Q October K – Q May R – Z November R – Z December Everyone bring Christmas cookies to share Meeting and Seminar Addresses
SEVERNA PARK LIBRARY - 45 West McKinsey Rd. Severna Park, MD 21146
GLEN BURNIE REGIONAL LIBRARY - 1010 Eastway, Glen Burnie, MD 21060
LINTHICUM LIBRARY - 400 Shipley Rd, Linthicum, MD 21090
KENT ISLAND LIBRARY - 200 Library Cir, Stevensville, MD 21666
EMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH - 8615 Fort Smallwood Road, Pasadena, MD 21122
CENTER AT GLEN BURNIE - 6711 Ritchie Highway, Glen Burnie, MD 21061
4 Activities!!
Membership Corner
5 Programs & Seminars
Chapter Projects
Thanks go to Michelle Pollhein for teaching A Day at the Beach at our May chapter mee ng. It was an excel‐
lent class and we all had lots of fun. Candy is teaching Ahoy, a very cute Jamie Mills‐Price project at the June mee ng and that is sure to be another great class. Michelle is up again on September 19 for Raggedy Snowman. She painted her sample on a repurposed kitchen cabinet door from the Habitat for Humanity Restore on Ft. Smallwood Road in Pasadena. Check out their website at for loca ons. The sign up form is in this newsle er. Please be aware that the prep instruc ons will need to be emailed or mailed to you prior to the September mee ng. Debbie Reeder will be teaching the Winter Snowman yard sign at the October mee ng. Perhaps you took my Spring yard sign class at Sail Away 2014 and have an extra panel or I have a few addi onal yard signs for sale. They are quite expensive to ship and I am going to try to them up at HOOT in August. There is an order form in this newsle er if you want one so I know in advance how many I need to pick up. Send no money now because I don’t know the exact cost. I expect they will be $22‐$24. Remaining projects for the year are: October 17 – Winter Yard Sign November TBA – Fall Tangled Plaque December 5 – Mar e Please remember that most chapter projects require you to pick up surfaces and prep instruc ons at the mee ng BEFORE the class date. Please respect the teacher’s deadlines. Kent Island and Summer Paint‐ins
By this me Shelley Moore’s Tangled Snowman class at the Kent Island Library will be a thing of the past. This is the last “Kent Island” paint‐in and next year we will have a weekday spring class in one of the Anne Arundel County libraries. Alice Dudley will be teaching Blue Heron BaƟk on Saturday, July 25 at the Severna Park Library. The registra on deadline for this class is the June 13 chapter mee ng and the form is in this newsle er. Thanks to Kathy Anthony for doing the scheduling and registra ons for these two paint‐ins. Seminars
Registra on for the Janice Miller seminar is closed and we are looking forward to pain ng with her on June 26‐28 at the Centre at Glen Burnie. The registra on response for her seminar is fantas c. Janice said she has not had this many students in a long me! Please pick up your prep informa on at the June chapter mee ng. Cheri Rol’s oil seminar is scheduled for October 2‐4 and the registra on form is in this newsle er. We have given you some op ons for surfaces for the Friday and Saturday classes and there is one price listed for each op on/class which includes the class fee, prepped surface, instruc onal materials and paint. Please note that unless you register at the June mee ng you will have to mail your check to me before September 1. This is a firm deadline because Cheri needs to prep the surfaces. Other scheduled seminars are: June 3‐5, 2016 – Brenda Stewart and September 23‐26, 2016 – Janelle Johnson (colored pencils) Looking forward to Summer! – Debbie Reeder 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CHESAPEAKE BAY DECORATIVE PAINTERS MONTHLY MEETING ‐ MAY 2, 2015
There are 3 op ons for surfaces for these two projects. Sunday will be the Simply Silver s ll life and there is an op on to buy the oak frame at the seminar. The fee for the seminar includes the prepped surface, paint and pa ern. Janet Davis called the mee ng to order at 10:01 a.m. a quorum was present. Minutes: The minutes were sent out via email and no correc‐
ons were indicated; they were accepted as wri en. Treasurer’s Report: Robin reported that the SunTrust account has been closed and a PNC account has been opened. Total in savings is $5,133.91 and in checking is $5,444.42. The net gain from Sail Away was $2,168.02 with $1,970.00 of that from the auc on. The report was accepted as wri en. Newsle er: Deadline is May 15th. Ways and Means: A basket by Lucy Jo will be raffled off in June. Judy will be stepping down as chair of this commi ee a er more than 20 years! Sue Myer will be taking over from Judy. Membership: Carol Burns was not present at the mee ng but reported to Janet that we have 92 total members. Commi ee Reports: Memory Boxes: Kathy will be buying more boxes soon. Erin reported that only about 25% of the boxes hand‐
ed out have been returned. She asked that if you have painted one, please bring it to the next mee ng. Member News: Carol Shuey had surgery on Thursday, April 30, to insert a s nt. She has a blockage in her le kidney and is wai ng for results of the biopsy. Joyce’s shoulder surgery was a success. Michelle asked to be recognized to report that her niece’s art‐
work was selected for a Harford County Exhibit and she was awarded for ar s c excellence. Elaine reported that she did NOT have knee replacement sur‐
gery, but instead had arthroscopic surgery on her knee and thanked everyone for the cards, thoughts and prayers. Sunshine: A card for Carol was available for all to sign today at the mee ng. Community service: The Grass Roots dona ons will be accepted in June. Remember to bring receipts and a ach them to the back of your donated items. Publicity: Kathy reminded everyone that September 20 is the County Fair demo from 12 noon – 5 p.m. She urged everyone to come and paint. She also remind‐
ed us that November 9 is the demo with the home‐
makers. Programs: Debbie reviewed the remaining projects for the year: June – Ahoy! Taught by Candy Mollica September – Raggedy Snowman, taught by Michelle. Registra‐
on forms will be in the next newsle er. Michelle report‐
ed that the cabinet door that it is painted on came from Restore (part of Habitat for Humanity) and has 17” x 12” outside measurements. October – Winter Yard Sign, taught by Debbie. If you want the sign holder, please let Debbie know; she is going to try to get some for us. November – Zentangle pumpkins, taught by Shelley Moore December – Quickwood Snow Man on a margarita glass, taught by Elaine. This class is free. Kathy Arnold reported that Kent Island is May 13 and there is s ll room for more to par cipate. Summer Paint‐In is July 25. We will be pain ng the Blue Heron , taught by Alice Dudley. Janice Miller Seminar deadline is May 9. There are 14 signed up for Friday, 23 for Saturday, and 16 for Sunday. Cheri Rol Seminar is Oct 2‐4. Registra on deadline is the Sep‐
tember mee ng. Friday will be the Lemons and Daisies project and Saturday will be the Pansies in a Bowl project. Historian: There was no historian report. Sail Away: May 27 there will be a kick‐off mee ng At the Linthicum Library at 7 p.m. Birthday Luncheon: The restaurant has been booked for January 9, 2016 (both rooms) and Janet will drop off the deposit today. Erin has volunteered to chair the commi ee. Old Business: It was announced that Bobbie King donated paints and a few surfaces for anyone to take. Linda Walls shared that she has more of Kathy Shownewise’s surfaces and is currently going through them. She indicated that many are very nice surfaces. Some ideas were discussed about what could be done with the surfaces; bring some to the birthday luncheon, give surfaces to people to paint and bring to Sail away or the county fair and raffle them off then possibly donate the money to St. Agnes Cancer Research Center. Some 13 Erin suggested we set up a private Yahoo group where mem‐
bers can share ideas, get ideas, discuss pain ng topics and issues, get advice, etc. She would be the moderator. Michelle moved that we set up the Yahoo group with se ngs that allow all to see it, but only members to access and share in it. Kathy seconded the mo on. The mo on passed. Jennifer recalled the young woman who came to a mee ng and wanted to stay to paint, but couldn’t because she hadn’t registered prior to the mee ng, and felt that it may be a good idea for the chapter to fund one addi onal person each month so that if someone dropped in like this or if a member found a friend to bring to the mee ng, they could stay to paint. If there were no drop‐ins or guests, then the extra surface could be purchased by a member to paint. Concern was expressed about having to prep the addi onal surface and the possibility that the person not be at the same level as the project re‐
quires. Robin reminded everyone that October is Decora ve Pain ng Month and we should all plan to bring a friend! The member bring the friend would need to take them under their wing so that the me is not monopolized by beginner painters. At any other me, should a member have a friend to bring, it was suggested that the member call the teacher to see if it’s OK to bring another person. Janet read an email from a woman who is looking for someone to paint pictures of animals on leather. Some names were suggested, but no one at the mee ng could do it. Kathy Anthony shared a pain ng she inherited that was paint‐
ed by her great grandfather, Henry Hanzel. She will be having it restored and wanted us to see the “before” condi on first. Janet will be going to the SDP conference in a couple of weeks. Kathy Anthony moved that up to $200 be set aside for pur‐
chasing books at the conven on and at Hoot. Alice Dudley se‐
conded the mo on. The mo on passed. Alice Dudley shared a wastebasket she panted at the Southern Maryland Sandy Scales seminar. will be available at the November auc on. There is a paint‐in (Art from the Heart) being held May 29 at Salem Lutheran Church in Catonsville. New Business: The Board of Directors voted last Monday to move the website from its current host to another host that will only cost us $4.00/month. Erin’s husband has volunteered to take over the website and make it more user friendly. He will also be joining the chapter! The new address will be Adjourn: Kathy Anthony moved and Michelle seconded that we adjourn the mee ng. We need a chair for the nomina ng commi ee as soon as pos‐
sible to get a slate of officers ready for publishing in June for the September vote. The mee ng was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Respec ully submi ed, Debbie reported that the goose eggs that Shirley Eppard’s daughter brought to Sail Away ne ed $150 which was donated to charity (Diaconia). Jennifer Bearce Recording Secretary Kathy Mollica shared that she went to Texas for the Rosemary West seminar organized by Della We erman. She said she had a wonderful me and expressed a desire for us to consider having Rosemary come here to do a seminar some me. It was reported that we had checked into doing that, but she is very expensive. Alice then suggested that Kathy A. teach a class using JoSonja paints so we can get a taste of how they behave without having to put out a large sum in new paints. Jennifer suggested that the website and/or the Yahoo group list the tles and if possible, the cover pictures of the books in our library and allow for a simple way to reserve them so they can be brought to the chapter mee ngs for pick up. This will be looked into by Erin and her husband. Currently if you want a book you need to call Alice Dudley. Some confusion as to whether an updated membership infor‐
ma on list had been distributed this year, so Janet stated that she would ask Carol to be sure to do that. 14 15 Jenny Simmons 30020 Hun Road Mechanicsville, MD 20659 NEXT EVENT: “Ahoy!” - Glen Burnie Regional Library, June 13