June - The Yahara Fishing Club
June - The Yahara Fishing Club
June 2008 Editor: Tom Raschke (traschke@globaldialog.com) 608-233-6765 Editors Emeritus: Stan Nichols (sanicol@facstaff.wisc.edu) Jayne Meyer (mshazmat@tds.net) Don’t Give Up That was Carl Kaufmann’s biggest theme when he spoke to our shing club on May 13th. Carl, of Woodstock Il, often guiding on Lakes Geneva and Delevan. He said that to be successful you need to keep you boat in the water, and to keep looking for the prime shing pattern. That means looking for the right place at the right time with the right presentation. He gave the example of a recent trip on Lake Mendota. He had only modest success in places like University Bay, where the water temperatures were in the low 50’s, but nally found a lot of sh near inlets where the water temp was 56 degrees. He said that sharing ideas with the shing club was the best way to learn this kind of information. Carl then went on to share many specic tips or suggestions: • Use a standard weightless Senco rigged wacky style (hooked in the middle). • Spool with yellow Power Pro so you can see the line move when a sh hits, and set the hook right away. He suggested tying the Power Pro to a fluorocarbon leader such as the Yozuri Hybred to make the line disappear. The line weight he uses is a 10 lb superbraid with a 2-4 lb mono diameter. He uses a double uni knot to tie the lines together. • Fore picking up Bass, he skips a wacky-rigged Senco, Tiki Notes by Tom Raschke stick, Yum Digger or Gulp bait under trees and twitches the bait back to the boat. He looks for docks, trees, boat cradles, lots of wood and 2-3 feet of water. Just lift up on the rod a bit and let the bait fall. • With the superbraid you need to lift up before reeling to prevent a snarl. He suggests that you only spool 50 yards of the expensive line and backs it with mono. • When he uses mono, and is shing regularly, he will respool every two weeks. Soaking mono in hot water will take the memory out. • The superbraids require a less aggressive hook set. You will lose a lot of sh if you sh the same way you fish with mono. • In spring look for rocks, sea walls, off-color, silty or incoming water, all which should indicate warmer water. Two degrees can make a big difference. • The Senco baits sink more slowly than Yamomoto. (I hope I got this right, editor) • This time of year he fishes Delevan from 11:00 to 2:30, as the water will be too cold earlier in the day. • He recommends using the drop-shot technique, where you tie a light wire hook to the line above the sinker using a Palomar knot. He often uses a Birkeley power worm, or a “Chomper” bait that has a garlic smell. He will throw the bait out 10-15 feet, let it sink, then retrieving it slowly, while twitching shaking. He will go down to 20 feet with this method. • Another technique for smallmouth is to use a snakehead jig with a small brown Robo Worm. • For tying a conventional hook to the line he uses the improved clinch knot. He closed by taking a lot of questions, and there were many members up front with follow-up questions and to check out his gear up front after he nished. I can see why he is a good guide. Yahara Fishing Club June 10th Club Outing July 19th Club Outing - Spoonplugging Lake Waubesa, 6:00 pm Lake Mendota, 7:00 am This year I will lead the June outing on Waubesa, again with an emphasis on bass shing techniques. I will review some of last years topics (ipping, pitching weeds and docks) and also talk about the Carolina Rig. Plan on meeting at the Babcock Launch site with the “seminar” staring at 6 pm at the pier next to the launch. The talk won’t be long and then we’ll head out on Waubesa. Any questions, email me at esox4me@hotmail.com Date: Saturday, July 19 (Sunday, July 20 if weather on Saturday is bad –very windy or heavy rain) Eric Olson July 8th Club Meeting The July meeting is on July 8th at Olin Park on Lake Monona. It is a 6:00 start time and we will be having brats and hotdogs as main course. Contact Jim Pankratz or Bonnie Miller for details. RUSSELL Clay Russell, RFC, CEP FINANCIAL SERVICES 4885 Larson Beach Road P.O. Box 319 McFarland, WI 53558-0319 Telephone: (608) 838-8811 Toll Free: (800) 789-5660 Fax: (608) 838-4808 Fishing for Good Investments? Call me... 838-8811 Securities and Advisory Services offered through Harbour Investments, Inc. Time: 7:00 am to 1:00 pm or so Location: Warner Park boat launch. (If wind is an issue, we may change this.) Equipment: Medium heavy or heavy casting/trolling rods are preferred. Casting/trolling reels (not spinning) with either non-stretch mono, one of the super lines (i.e. Power Pro) or single strand wire line. I do have some extra rod and reels that several people can BORROW for the outing. If you have “marker buoys” bring them. I don’t use normal leaders -- I use a snap (not snap swivel) tied directly to the line or about 18 inches of uorocarbon leader material. Lures: I can LOAN some of my spoonplugs to whoever wants them. However, if you have deep-running lures that can bump bottom (like the old Hellbenders, etc.), they are suitable. Boats: Tiller steering is much preferred over steering wheel boats. Only two sherman to a boat. We don’t use planer boards or rod holders. Basic Strategy: We will probably troll from the edge of the weed line out to approximately 30 feet. Because of the irregular weed line and breaklines in Mendota, we may want to throw out some markers to aid us in our trolling passes. And, since the weed line in Mendota is usually around 16 feet, using two to three passes on the same stretch of water, but at three different depths would make sense. Depending on the water level in mid-July, there is a breakline in Mendota that averages about 28 feet. In some areas it is closer to 25’-26’ and in some areas it may be slightly deeper than 28’. Species Sought: Our best bet is northern pike. However, it would not be surprising to catch a smallmouth or walleye. Last summer, the Northerns were on the smallish size. But, if they run what they have in the past, (and the weather cooperates), we should catch Northerns from 32” to 39” – but, with the possibility of catching a 40” plus sh. Clay Russel Full Color Copies (608) 257-8900 & ting P r i n g , LLC in Copy 703 , WI 53 adison 300 M reet, #P St t Wilson 131 Wes One- and Two-Color Printing Copying up to 36” x 48” Large Format Posters Posters, Banners, Wide Format for Trade Shows, displays, parties, advertisements, etc. 22 Yahara Fishing Club This is Jack Hurst receiving a check for $12,500 from the Madison Fishing Expo. This will be provided to construct the second basket sediment trap that the DNR has designed for an existing channel that feeds Warner Park lagoon. This sediment trap is intended to be cleaned out 2 to 3 times per year. The WDNR source loading model predict they could prevent about 76 cubic yards of material from washing into the lagoon annually. In terms of the grant, WDNR could provide as much as $12,000 and the preliminary estimated total cost of the project is $30,000. The Yahara Fishing club sent a check for $300 to the WDNR for the permit. Congradulations Jack! Fishing Has No Boundaries needs volunteers to help with the annual event held at Governor Nelson State Park on Lake Mendota. This year it will be held July 12th and 13th. Boats, especially Pontoon boats that can accommodate wheel chairs, shing guides, and shing assistance are needed. To pitch in call Dan Hartwig, 608-846-4098 for more information. The Board of Directors has been discussing possible ways to save and raise much needed money for our club. One idea is to have an E-mail club newsletter option for all members who choose it. Did you know that it actually costs almost $22 for you to get the newsletter sent to your home during the year? Currently we spend $2200 dollars on printing and another $700 on postage annually. Going to an E-mail version would eliminate ALL printing and postage costs for each member that chooses this option. If only half of our current members choose this then our club would save $1800. The more members the better! Also don’t worry if you don’t have a computer or e-mail because you can still choose to get the current paper copy! So let me know what you guys think and who would be willing to go to this option. Talk to me or other board members at our meetings, outings, by e-mail or phone. So far only two people have gotten back to me after I announced this during our May meeting so I hope to hear from the other 130 of you soon! Jim Pankratz Gary Engberg, a local shing pro and frequent contributer to this newsletter,(See article page 6) wants us to know that the Boat House of Madison at Highway M and Highway 113 is offering great deals on all boats to members of the Yahara Fishing Club. They carry the made in Wisconsin Mirrocraft Boat which makes a complete line of boats for all fishermen from the entry level to tournament boats. They sell Evinrude, Mercury, Yamaha, and Suzuki motors and give great service on all motors. Tell Don or Bill that Gary sent you and you’ll get a great buy! V.F.W. Post 1318 133 Lakeside St. Madison 608-255-5955 3 Yahara Fishing Club Family Fishing Day Lake Marion, Mazomanie, May 10,2008 The Yahara Fishing Club Charities again helped in sponsoring the Lake Marion Family Fishing Day with a $250 donation. The event was started by Pete Jopke and Terry Frey in 2007. They would like to thank the Club for the donation made for yesterday’s event . Gary Enberg had three life camera crewman taking video for an up coming show. Even More Shocking news - Eric Olson lands a large Bass on Mendota. Fished Mendota last nite, water temps in the lake were 54. Fished U Bay and Picnic Point for bass. Mostly used a 4’ Storm perch swim bait. Ended with 10 pike, mostly hammer handles, a crappie, walleye and 4 bass, the largest was a 19.5 smallie. All sh were in 6-10’, weeds are barely up. The swimbait is pretty cool, the hits are very different, just a slight bump. The fish seemed to just swim up and overtake the bait, not really hitting hard. 4 Shocking news - Jeff Western lands a large Walleye on Mendota. Caught this nice 25 1/4” Walleye on Lake Mendota on May 22 on a crank bait. Also, caught a 26 1/2” Catfish. We also caught a few LM, other walleyes, catfish, bluegill and whitebass as well. A nice outing. More Shocking news Jennifer Western lands a large Catsh on Mendota. Jeff’s cousin caught this 32” sh on a nightcrawler Notes From the Prez I need to start this column out by letting everyone know that we will not have a meeting in June. I repeat, there will not be a meeting in June. In place of the meeting will be a bass shing seminar put on by Eric Olson. Keep you eye open for information on this elsewhere in this newsletter. Thanks to Eric for volunteering to head up this outing. Even if you are an experienced sherman, you can always learn a new way to skin the cat. If you know anyone on the Madison Fishing Expo Board, thank them for donating $1000 to help fund our Kids Fishing Day. I just sent a check for $1000 to Brad Czebotar to put into our account. This really helps our situation and we need to thank the Expo Board. I will be sending a “thank you” letter to them. Clay Russell will be leading a spoonplugging outing for pike on Mendota in July. Make sure you find the information in this newsletter. The largest sh I can ever remember having on a rod and reel was the result of trolling a spoonplug on the Wolf River. I had it on for about 45 minutes, but I never got to see what it was. I had no chance getting it up to the surface. I wonder what it was??? July’s “On The Water” meeting will be on Lake Monona at Olin Park. Jim Pankratz and Bonnie Miller will be putting this together for you. The food is always good and there is always something to Yahara Fishing Club quench your thirst. Take advantage of this opportunity. Info on place and time is contained in this newsletter. KIDS FISHING DAY IS JUNE 7TH. I think you will get this newsletter before the event and I would like to see everyone there to help. We especially need people there from 7:00am -9:00am to rig up the rods. I have three hundred rod/reel combos in my garage right now along with 100 tackle boxes. My van hasn’t seen the inside of the garage for a while now. A reminder that Fishing Has No Boundaries is set for July 12 and 13. They are counting on our club BIG TIME! See you there. We will need people bringing in some sh. Please pay attention to the questions you will be asked on having your newsletter sent to you via email. This system could save our club quite a bit of money every year. I will be leaving right before Eric’s outing. I am headed to Winneconne to do the annual shing trip with my brothers. My Dad started this whole thing and we have continued it for many years. We have a great time and usually catch a large number of sh. I say that because I sh better when I am under pressure. I’ll come back home and then head out a few days later for Northern Wisconsin for a muskie tournament. There is a lot of water up there and we never get enough time to sh everywhere we want. 5 I will complete this column with the fact that I will be teaching Autistic kids how to sh near the end of July. If anyone has the time to help, I could sure use it. Fishing Season Never Closes, Duffy Kopf - Prez May 28, 2008 Madison Fishing Expo Board, On behalf of the Yahara Fishing Club, I would like to thank you for your donation of $1000 toward our Annual Kids Fishing Day. The cost for everything keeps going up and we have struggled to cover all of these costs. We are making every effort to continue to put on this event on, along with our Kids Ice Fishing Day, for the people of the Dane County area. Your willingness to support us is much appreciated. Sincerely, Larry “Duffy” Kopf President - Yahara Fishing Club Yahara Fishing Club Lake Wisconsin, Something for Everyone Lake Wisconsin is one of the best all-round sheries in the state. The lake offers very good fishing for most fish species from spring thru the fall. This outstanding shery includes; walleyes, saugers, crappies, bluegills, muskies, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, sturgeon, white bass, drum, and catfish. Walleyes Walleyes and saugers are the most sought after sh on the lake. The shing season is open year-round for both species. Soon after ice-out, anglers begin shing the upper stretches of the lake where the Wisconsin River enters the lake. Good early season locations are; Fockes Bluff, Camp Rest Park, Tipperary Bluff, Stoners Point, and the lake’s north shore because it gets more sunlight and warms quicker than other lake areas. The warmer water attracts baitsh and the walleyes are close behind looking to feed. Concentrate on water less than 10 feet deep or near the lake’s rst breakline. The best spring techniques include; the jig/minnow combination, jig/plastic combinations, and a plain hook, a bead, and split shot. During April, May, and into June, live bait (minnows) dominates the fishing techniques. Anglers should slowly work off their trolling motors to vertical jig, rig, and cast. As the weather warms, switch to using night crawlers and leeches. I’d recommend using a 6 foot medium-action rod (G. Loomis) with a fast tip, a spinning reel (Daiwa), and spool the reel with 6 to 8 pound monofilament line (Berkley). I like monolament because it is forgiving and gives you a little stretch. Always have plenty of jigs in assorted sizes and colors and plastics in chartreuse, white, black, purple, yellow, and electric blue. The jig and live bait shing continues into June when the shing methods change to trolling crankbaits and pulling spinner rigs. Lake Wisconsin has a “slot’ size which allows you to keep sh from 15 to less than 20 inches. No walleyes may be kept that are between 20 and 28 inches. One trophy walleye over 28 inches may be kept. The daily bag limit is 5 sh of any combination. Walleyes average 14 to 18 inches, but the lake does have walleyes over 10 pounds. DNR Fisheries Biologist, Tim Larson, recently told me that the slot is working on Lake Wisconsin. They recently seined and netted on the lake and were amazed at the number of LARGE walleyes that they caught in their nets. To quote Larson, “The slot is denitely working here with lots of large females in the slot and above.” The summer walleye action switches to the river channel edges and the lake’s stump covered ats. Lake Wisconsin has few weeds in the main lake, so walleyes use the wood for structure. You can still jig and cast crankbaits in summer, but open-water trolling is becoming more popular and successful. Anglers use planer boards (Off Shore OR-12) to get their crank- 6 By Gary Engberg baits (Shad Raps in # 5 and # 7) away from the boat and to cover more water or bottom bouncers and spinner rigs baited with night crawlers. The best color crankbaits are; blue/silver, black/ white, fire-tiger, and black/gold. Good summer locations are; the stumps and wood near the Ferry and Merrimac, the north shore of Pine Bluff, the points around Sunset Bay, the channel edges at Moon Valley, the points entering Weigand’s Bay, and outside the first breakline and channel edge from Weigand’s to the dam. Troll both sides and watch your electronics for suspended fish. Crappies The crappie population on Lake Wisconsin is good year-round. April and May are the best months to catch crappies. This is their spawning time and they are in shallow water. Good early locations include; Okee Bay, Weigands Bay, Whalen’s Grade, Moon Valley, Gruber’s Grove, and Sticky Bay. Lake Wisconsin has many classic crappie locations which include warm, quiet, and calm water away from the main lake. Secluded bays, boat channels, and canals are good spots for early crappies. Look for sh around the wood, stumps, boat hoists, and wood piers. Wood piers are excellent locations because Yahara Fishing Club Lake Wisconsin, Continued they warm faster while absorbing sunlight and helping to get the food chain moving. Remember, wood is the key to nding sh of all species! Good crappie gear is not that complex or expensive. The best rod for a serious crappie angler is a G. Loomis (GL2-SJR781), but Berkley and Fenwick also make good rods. You need a rod with a fast tip and a light power rating. I suggest a rod 7 feet long, so that you can make long casts to the spooky crappies. A stealth approach is needed when sh are this shallow. Next, get an ultra-light spinning reel (Daiwa) and spool it with 4 pound monolament in green color. Use your trolling motor to quietly approach the fish and anchor a long cast away from the crappies. The Bait Rigs Cobra jig works wonders in 1/16th and 1/32nd ounce with a plastic tube under a weighted oat. The weighted oat allows you to make long casts. Then, slowly Moon Valley Resort (608-493-2706). work the rig while occasionally There are quality resorts and resstopping and twitching the oat. taurants in the local towns of Lodi, Colors can change, so have an Sauk City, and Prairie du Sac. assortment. For bait, I recomI recommend the Moon Valley mend shiners, fatheads, and wax Resort. They have 4 nice cabins, worms. Fresh and lively bait a full-service baitshop, boat slips, is always very important. and fishing boat and pontoon In summer, the crappies rental. They are owned and by move deeper and suspend Madison’s Boathouse. throughout the lake near the wood If unfamiliar with the and fish cribs. Again, use your lake, hire a guide. Local guides electronics to locate sh. Anchor- are; Wally Banfi (608-644-9823), ing near wood and fishing a Tony Puccio (608-212-6464), Terry minnow under a slip-oat works Frey (608-220-6366, Ron Bareas does trolling # 5 Shad Raps eld (608-838-8756) and Gary Engthru the wood. The average crap- berg (608-795-4208). pie is 10 to 12 inches, but there Copyright Gary Engberg Outdoors 2008 also are bigger sh. Lake Wisconsin has good boat landings; Sunset Bay, Note from the editor: Gary also the Grade, Moon Valley, and Okee provides tips for Muskie, largemouth are all good lauches. Bait is avail- and smallmouth bass fishing on able at Wilderness Fish and Game Lake Wisconsin in this article. I’ll (608-643-2433) in Sauk City and at continue this in the July newsletter. Annual Dues: Yahara Fishing Club Membership Application Individual.........................$25 Family..............................$35 Youth Member..................Free (with paid membership) P.O. Box 3271 Madison, WI 53704 Except for special Summer “On the water” dates, meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at the Lakeside VFW Hall, John Nolan Dr, & Lakeside St. in Madison. Name Street City State Zip An Orgainization to Educate, Protect and Propagate the Interests of All Fishermen in the Yahara Basin Area Including all of Madison’s Lakes 7 There is no club meeting in June. June Events Calendar of Upcoming Events June 7th Kids Fishing Day - Willow Island at the Alliant Energy Center Organizer: Yahara Fishing Club June 10th Outing - Lake Waubesa, Babcock Park , 6:00 PM, Organizer: Eric Olson See article page 2. June 15-16th The Wisconsin Outdoor Education Expo Dodge County Fairgrounds July Events July 8th Club meeting - On the Water, Lake Monona, 6:00 PM Organizers: Jim Pankratz and Bonnie Miller. See article page 2. July 12th and 13th Fishing Has No Boundaries, See article page 3. July 19th Outing - Spoonplugging, Lake Mendota, 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. Organizer: Clay Russel See article page 2. The Yahara Fishing Club’s doors are open to EVERYONE, so invite a friend to the meeting! Director - Jayne Meyer..............662-9374 Director - Rick Seeger...............849-3714 Editor - Tom Raschke...........233-6765 Fishing Expo - Jeff Western....831-1092 Yahara Fishing Club P.O. Box 3271 Madison, WI 53704 Director - Rick Lane ....................873-5228 Director - Eric Uram.....................233-9022 Director - Jim Pankratz.................288-9789 Director - Bonnie Miller................824-9792 Check out our web page at: www.yaharafishingclub.org President - Larry Kopf..................849-7245 Vice President - Paul Marunich...219-4449 Secretary - Jim Zegers...................848-6299 Treasurer - Brad Czebotar ..........838-9458
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