See the Playbill - Warehouse Theatre


See the Playbill - Warehouse Theatre
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Catering & Delivery
Head Chef / Glenn Sawicki
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Our Role Supports You
Advancing Health Care for Generations. For more than a century, Greenville Health
System has been making curtain calls as the Upstate’s premier healthcare resource.
We lead the way in medical education and clinical research, transform patient care
through integrated programs and interconnected teams, and ofer community
residents the right care at the right time in the right place—at every stage of life.
Like you, we strive to perform at the highest level every day and play a dynamic role in
supporting the betterment of our community.
3 Theatre Program Ad.indd 1
215 Pelham Road
(Next to Publix)
3023 Wade Hampton Blvd
(In front of Wal-Mart)
2115 Old Spartanburg Road
128 Rolling Hills Circle
(Across from Kohl’s)
Snow.indd 4
120 Dorman Commerce Drive
1931 East Main Street
(Next to Panera Bread)
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by Stephen Metcalfe
In Partnership with Greenville Health System
Directed by Chip Egan
Time: Saturday, April 4, 1981
Place: he Flanagan Home
Act I
Scene 1 – 5:00 AM
Scene 2 – 11:00 AM
15 minute intermission
Act II
Scene 1 – 7:00 PM
Scene 2 – 8:30 PM
Scene 3 – 11:00 PM
Jason D. Johnson
Paul Savas*
Kerrie Seymour
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.
Actors’ Equity Association (AEA) was founded in 1913 as the irst of
the American actor unions. Equity’s mission is to advance, promote
and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our
society. Today, Equity represents more than 40,000 actors, singers,
dancers and stage managers working in hundreds of theatres across
the United States. Equity members are dedicated to working in the
theatre as a profession, upholding the highest artistic standards.
Equity negotiates wages and working conditions and provides a wide
range of beneits including health and pension plans for its members.
hrough its agreement with Equity, this theatre has committed to
the fair treatment of the actors and stage managers employed in this
AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO and is ailiated with FIA, an international organization of
performing arts unions. For more information, visit
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Production Crew
Production Stage Manager
Scene Design
Light Design
Costume Design
Sound Design
Props Master
Technical Director
Assistant Stage Manager
Set & Electric Build crew
Chip Egan
Bill Muñoz*
Shannon Robert
Todd Wren
Kendra Johnson
Jim Breitmeier
Morgan Blaich
Timothy Ford Cobb
Elisa Golden
Kelly Wallace
Alex Brady, David Ryder, Grady McEvoy,
Terry Brannen, Montana Kern, Jonathan Bull,
Stefan Berkowitz, Dalton Cole, Michael Mathis,
Matt Cobb, Steve Cobb, Erika Whatley
Executive & Artistic Director
Paul Savas
Director of Development
Katie Leckenbusch
Director of Education
Anne Kelly Tromsness
Associate Artistic Director
Shannon Robert
Production Manager
Bill Muñoz
Technical Director
Timothy Ford Cobb
Operations & Front of House Manager
Andy Croston
Director of Marketing
Jason Johnson
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Special Thanks
Upstate Warrior Solution
Greenville Health System
Paul Feraldi
Matthew Leckenbusch
Justin Neil Ames
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Director’s Note
As a baby boomer, I grew up during the height of the Vietnam War and
became eligible for the draft in 1969. My Selective Service lottery number
was 27 and, had I not gone to college from 1969 – 1973, thereby qualifying
for a student deferment, I would have been drafted. he war ended during my
senior year of college with the signing of the Paris Peace Accord.
I attended graduate school with a number of Vietnam veterans and irst began
to sense the psychological weight of their experience. he dedication of the
Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982 (the same year Strange Snow premiered
at Manhattan heatre Club) helped bring national attention and greater focus
to the hardship Vietnam veterans faced returning to a country indiferent or
sometimes resentful of their service and largely disinterested in the pain of
their trauma.
Strange Snow is a play I was familiar with because of a 1986 student
production at Clemson University. When Paul Savas approached me with the
opportunity to direct it, I frankly wondered why the Warehouse heatre was
producing a 30-year-old Vietnam play 40 years after the end of the war.
But once I read it, I understood, maybe
for the irst time, that the play is not
just about Vietnam. Nor is it tied to
its era as a period piece. It is about
the physiological and human cost of
any war, both in lost lives and in the
forever-altered psyches of its soldiers.
Its eloquence lies in its timelessness and
in the craftsmanship Stephen Metcalfe
brings to a hopeful and heartfelt love
story. In this era of greater awareness
of and empathy for the toll of combat,
Strange Snow reminds us that listening
and simple understanding are essential
to both healing and love.
Save the Date!
Warehouse Gala
January 17th, 2015
...expect the unexpected....
To learn more about the ongoing efort
to serve and honor the veterans of
Vietnam, go to the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial Fund at
Chip Egan
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Mailing address:
he Warehouse heatre
37 Augusta St.
Greenville, SC 29601
Website address:
Latecomers: Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of management and in seats that
avoid disrupting other patrons and the performance. Refunds are not available except in
the case of performance cancellation. If you cannot attend, we can accept your unused
ticket as a donation. Please return your ticket to the box oice to obtain a tax receipt.
Smoking: Smoking is NOT PERMITTED anywhere in the building. hose who must
smoke should do so on the public sidewalk away from the building, so as not to bother
other patrons. Please do not smoke just outside the doors as the smoke drifts back inside;
instead, go to the end of the ramp to the “patio” area.
Cameras and recording devices: It is ILLEGAL to record a performance, with any
media, in whole or in part. If you record a performance in whole or in part we will ask
you to stop recording during the live performance. You will be embarrassed.
he videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
Cell Phones, Beepers & Alarm Watches: Please turn them of BEFORE the performance
begins. Please do not use the vibrate option but, instead, turn them completely of.
Lost and Found: Found items should be given to the House Manager. Queries regarding
lost items may be made by calling 235-6948.
Recycling & Trash: Please help us keep the theatre clean by discarding trash in the lobby
trash cans or by handing it to us for recycling. hank you!
Your Image: Attendance at he Warehouse heatre is your tacit permission for us to use
your still image for marketing and/or fundraising purposes. Attendance at he Warehouse
heatre is your tacit permission for us to use your moving image and recorded comments
for marketing and/or fundraising purposes.
Attending he heatre:
When coming to the theatre, at he Warehouse or anywhere else, you are taking
part in a 2500+ year old tradition that engages you with the community in which
you live. With this in mind, please be courteous to the other audience members.
You are part of their experience and they are part of yours.
Watching a play requires you to think. Enjoy yourself with your brain ON. You can’t
go back if you miss something – this is live and in the lesh.
here are many diferent types and styles of plays. We ofer you the opportunity to
attend a pre-show talk before our Sunday matinees which will put the play you are
about to watch into context, and we also have information about our production
available to you in our lower lobby, but do your own homework. You will enjoy the
experience more if you do a little bit of research into the play and the playwright.
he Internet is your friend!
Don’t be afraid to laugh...there are laughs even in tragedies. Go’s ok!
The Warehouse Theatre is sponsored in part by a grant
from the Metropolitan Arts Council, which receives
funding from the City of Greenville, SEW Eurodrive, BMW
Manufacturing Company, LLC, Michelin North America,
Inc., and the South Carolina Arts Commission with support from the National Endowment for the Arts.
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A Note From The Executive & Artistic Director
his season marks the next 40 years of he Warehouse heatre. By then
I will have handed the baton to some young turk (I hope…It would be a
strange Warehouse heatre if you have me at the helm at 85!)
It is now that we build he Warehouse heatre’s future, it is now that
we build the the support, programming and inancial security for the
audiences and artists who will come over the next 40 years.
How are we going to do that? he Board and I have brought together
a superlative staf that is dedicated to he Warehouse, the art form,
the community and to you. Get to know them (we’ll all try to wear our
name tags) and I know you will be impressed.
he board, staf, and I have created a business model that can redeine
the small market regional producing theatre. A model built on the
excellence of professional and gutsy artistry; a ground-breaking
conservatory program that bridges the gap between educational and
professional theatre by developing recent BA theatre graduates into
professional and entrepreneurial theatre artists; a Southeastern regional
touring program recognized nationally for excellence; and a thriving
summer festival. It’s missing only one thing…you.
For the next 40 years of he Warehouse heatre to be as successful and
transformative as I know it can be…I need to engage you. here are so
many ways for you to help and to be a part of our future. If I don’t reach
out to you personally soon enough, please reach out to me. I’d like to
give you a real opportunity to make a diference…and everyone can
make a diference.
Every theatre, regardless the size of its budget, is a community theatre.
hat’s how it started, 40 years ago as well as 2000 years ago. We love this
community and are dedicated to making it as wonderful a place as we
possibly can and think our role as a cultural institution can do real and
great things.
You are our community – let’s talk.
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The Medici Society
Your gift to he Medici Society, he Warehouse heatre’s annual
fund, is an altruistic act which supports our annual operations. he
Medici Family of 15th century Florence was largely responsible for
the lowering of arts during the height of Florentine and European
Renaissance. he Medicis gave ample patronage to the arts and
literature in order to encourage a prosperous city.
When you give to he Medici Society, you join a rich history of giving
to the arts which was born in ancient Greece, revived through the
Medicis, and is ours to perfect.
For more information please contact:
Katie Leckenbusch
Director of Development., 864.235.6948
Donors at the Patron Level and above receive invitations to our
Backstage Pass events!
Backstage Pass events are a personal and intimate look at the many
aspects of theatre production. Events will take place throughout the
season encompassing a wide range of activities.
Drinks and refreshments served, all events held at WHT.
Strange Snow: “In the Director’s Chair”
Behind the scenes with director Chip Egan and the cast of Strange Snow.
Discussion and observation of rehearsal.
• hursday, July 31st, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Streetcar Named Desire: “Stella!”
Tennessee Williams workshop with Dr. Peter Smith, artistic director of
he Tennessee Williams Center and founding artistic director of WHT.
• Saturday, December 6th, 3:00pm-5:00pm
he Whipping Man: “Clothes Make the Man”
Costume design and technology discussion with Kendra Johnson, WHT
costume designer in residence and associate professor of costume design
and technology at Clemson University.
• hursday, July 31st, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Richard III: “Back to school with WHT”
his Wooden O Workshop on Richard III with WHT teaching artists.
Special opportunity to experience the classroom residencies our
nationally recognized his Wooden O education program brings to
over 3,500 students each year!
• Saturday, April 25th, 1:30-4:30pm
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The Medici Society Listing relects gifts received prior to July 15th, 2014
Generous Support From:
Arts Midwest, in partnership with The
National Endowment for the Arts
The Harriet Wyche Endowment
Fund for Professional Artistic
Excellence at The Warehouse
Alliance for Full Acceptance
Bank of America
The Derrick Family Foundation
Elbert W. Rogers Foundation
The Graham Foundation
Greenville Health System
Greenville Kiwanis Foundation
Hollingsworth Funds, Inc.
The Jolley Foundation
The Metropolitan Arts Council
Jean T. and Heyward G. Pelham
The Shubert Foundation
The South Carolina Arts Commission
The TD Charitable Foundation
Chairman’s Circle $10,000+
Susan and Steven Bichel
BMW Manufacturing Co., LLC
Tom and Debra Strange
Jackie and John Warner
Mimi Wyche and Davis Enloe
Producer’s Circle ($7,500-$9,999)
Marsha and Wallace Lightsey
Crissy and George F. Maynard, III
Glenn Sawicki, Safron’s Catering and
Wyche, P.A.
Director’s Circle ($5,000-$7,499)
Current Tools, Inc.
Stinson Ferguson
Danielle Fontaine and Bill McLendon
Shane Clary, Good Life Catering
Beth Lee and Chip Lee
Northwestern Mutual, Greenville
Ethel and John Piper
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Harry Wilkinson and Cecily Mango
Susan and Russell Stall
Sharon and Adrian Steinmann
Playwright’s Circle ($2,500-4,999)
Claire and Joe Blake
Elliott Davis, LLC
Design Strategies, LLC
Pat Dilger
Sharron and Norman Glickman
Michael Granata
Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Melissa and Roy Janse
Andrea and Carson Johnson
Fairway Automotive Group
Ruth and John Mansure
The Priester Foundation
Rogers Financial Group (Jeanette and
Jon Rogers)
Don Rizer
Dianna and Eric Schmid
Luba and Edvard Tchivzhel
The Traveling Peddler
VidiStar, LLC
Bianca and Craig Walker
Ellen and Alan Weinberg
Beverly and James S. Whitten
Grand Benefactors ($1,000-$2,499)
Helen and Neil Ames
Linda Archer
Elizabeth Barwick and Roy S. Fluhrer
Dan Belbey and Tom Donnelly
Mary Biebel
Ken Betsch
Vicki and Craig Brown
Sue and Jim Burford
Ann and Mike Chengrian
Randall Clark
Susan and Randy Clark
Amy and Mark Clary
Judith L. Coe
Mary Anne and Bob Cooper
Kathi and Joel Daniel
Diane and Chip Egan
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The Medici Society Listing relects gifts received prior to July 15th, 2014
Andrew Elash
Frances and David Ellison
Ingrid and Rick Erwin
ExxonMobil Foundation
Jack Ashton and John Fagan
Don Faircloth and Mark Blonstein
Lara and Eric Farnsworth
Sarah and George Fletcher
Keller Freeman
Mary and Caleb Freeman
Patricia and Bill Fuller
Kevin Gentry
Heather Haley
Christina and Eric Harrell
Kay and Monte Hart
The Hasert Memorial Trust
Bev and Bob Howard
Margaret Jenkins
Andrea and Carson Johnson
Steve Johnson
David E. Maguire Foundation, Inc.
Basia and Paul McHugh
Beth and Scott McMillan
Heidie and Keith Miller
Diane Perlmutter
Philip NÖe
Teri and Jorge Pena
Heather and John Petrusick
Ginger and Brian Phillips
Jane and Donald Pilzer
Sue Priester
Vernell and Kenneth Rogers, MD
David Ryder
Shirley Sarlin
Carol and Andrew Savas
Dianna and Eric Schmid
llyn strong
Judson Suber, West End Dental
TD Bank, N.A.
Emilie and Nick Theodore
Dr. Tom and Lucy Tiller
Kelli and John Tripoli
Liz and Fabian Unterzaucher
Snow.indd 12
Bobbi and Bill Wheless
Marsha and Knox White
Susie and Andrew White
Maxim Williams
Lorraine and Robert Wooten
Sharon and Jerry Youkey
Benefactors ($500-$999)
ADG Preferred Payroll, Inc.
Paul C. Aughtry, III
Joseph Blalock
Ann Bible and Tom Batson
Laura Blume
Anne and John Crabtree
Crawford Strategy, LLC
Community Foundation of Greenville
Fannie I. Cromwell
Stanley Crowe
Jane Davenport
Kathleen Davis
Rosa Eisenstadt
J. Michael Evans
Mark Fernandez
Nita Finley
Donna and Steve Graddick
Laura and Jim Gossett
Susie and Jim Grow
Nancy and Bruce Halverson
Kay and Monte Hart
Trude Heller and Family
Mary and Ellis Johnston
Blake Kingsbury
Brock and Staci Koonce
Alice and Jerry Lenz
Billy Long
McCallum Sweeney Consulting, INC
Mary Louise Mims
Ellie and John Mioduski
Dolly and Louis Pardi
Diane Perlmutter
Piedmont Arthritis Clinic
Sherm Rounsville
Bob and Pat Shufeldt
Dr. Peter Smith
Diane Smock and Brad Wyche
Trish and William Springield
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The Medici Society Listing relects gifts received prior to July 15th, 2014
Graham and Greta Somerville
Diana and Mike Staford
Nancy B. Stanton
Mae and Dennis Tavernetti
Sydney and Ed Taylor
Jill and Lou Vales
Harriet and Philip Van Hale
Think Up Consulting
Steve VonFange
Kelly Wallace
Jeanette Wilcox and Craig Stine
Alex and Philip Whitley
Wade Wilson
Bernard Zaidman
Patrons ($250-$499)
Melinda Aud
Maegan and Thomas Azar
Mark Cerniglia
Anne and John Crabtree
Billie Cleveland and Carroll Rushing
Wade Cleveland and Travis Seward
Eileen Culbreth
In Memory of Dale Davis
Desi Duncker
Dr. Jerry and Natalina Ferlauto
David and Jackie Firstenberg
Belinda and Gary Gerrack
Julie and Berry Garrett
Terry and Mark Gordon
Greenville Army Navy Store, Jef Zaglin
Lochrane Grant
Marcy and Dexter Hagy
Kathryn and Geofrey Hardaway
Darrell and Georgia Harrison
Anna Kate and Hayne Hipp
Marilyn and Paul Jones
BJ and Don Koonce
Linda and Harry Law
Helen B. Maish
Sarah and Tim McHenry
William Page
Anne Parker
Ellis Pearce
Donna Reiss and Arthur Young
Amy and Martial Robichaud
Snow.indd 14
Lucy and Roger Rollin
Michelle and Michael Shain
Amanda and Steven Shrum
Minor and Hal Shaw
Christian and David Sims
John Sisson
Carol and James Smeaton
Delores and Barney Smith
Elizabeth P. Stall
Cindy and Stan Starnes
Carolyn G. Stirm
Sydney and Ed Taylor
Tracy Tiddy
Sherri and Chuck Timmons
Christine and Dudley Tower
Jo and Harry Ussery
Diana and Greg Valente
Leslie and Eddie Vann
Marilyn Vanvick and Bill Page
Eleanor and Irv Welling
Jeannette Wilcox
Stephanie and Brian Wildrick
Partners ($100-$249)
Steve Acres
Robin and Michael Aleksinas
Traysie Amick
Karen and Ralph Baehr
Tim Baiden
Donnie and Ed Barnes
Dorothy Beling
Deborah Bell
Bernice Bloom
Pat and David Borenstein
Mary and William Bradshaw
Robert Cancelliere
Signe and Ron Cann
Capehart Dentistry
Dr. Kim and Katherine Capehart
Elvin and Connie Clark
Maureen and Andrew Coburn
John Cocciolone
Diana and Mark Coleman
Kerstin and Adrian Craven
Susan Cyr and Mark Johnston
Elizabeth Daly-Korybski
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At TD Bank we strive
to provide legendary
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The Medici Society Listing relects gifts received prior to July 15th, 2014
Debbie Dailey
Steve and Peggy Davis
James Davis
Debby and Joe DeRosa
Doug Dorman
Beverly Duhon
Sally and John Eastman
Dot and Alan Elmore
Carol Estep
Valerie and Timothy Estes
Ildiko and Rich Everly
Alice Anne and Ben Farley
Caroline Fratturo
Rebecca and Thomas Faulkner
Pamela Fjeld
Elizabeth Foxworth
Kathryn Freedman
Annette Garver
Paul Gilbert
David Hames
Mireille and Viktor Hanuska
Joe Haynes
Peter Helwing
Carol and Walter Hinton
Frank S. Holleman
Stephen Humphrey
Sue and Sam Inman
David Johnston
George Michael Jamra
Margaret L. Jenkins
David Johnston
Don Kamb
Cherie Keese
Lauren Blair Knobel
Vickie Kroeger
Sandra Lamberson
Lynn and Kent Lantaf
Linda and Harry Law
Diane L. Lawrence
Linda and Howard Levy
Heather Lyndon
Glenda Manwaring
Grady Marshall
Sharon and Charles Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Fleming Mattox
Jackson and Pamela McCarter
McPhail Animal Hospital
Bob and Valerie Muller
Nancy Muller
Lisa and Miles Nason
Lois and Gregory Parker
Kelly Poteat
Mary Principe
Nicole and Trevor Ream
John Reed
Susan and Tim Reed
TJ Saad
Sandra Sanderson
Pat Scales
Susan Schneckenberg
David T. Scott
Gail and Bruce Schoonmaker
Steve and Mandi Shrum
Barney and Delores Smith
Donna Smith
Allison Steadman
Maris and Neil Steinberg
William Stephenson
Tod Tappert
Cheri and Dennis Tesolowski
Joni and Larry Thompson
Kelli and John Tripoli
Frankie and Monty Tucker
Valda and Donald Vandersloot
Thea and Ruud Veltman
Judy and Eric Verhoeven
William Volz
Leigh Walker
Emmie Watson
Jack Williams
West End Spirits
Barbara and Don Willoughby
Shelby and Michael Wirt
Charles Woford & Nancy B. Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Zander
Mary Lou Zill
Thank you to all of our donors! Please let us know if you ind an error in
your information - we want to represent your support correctly!
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Playwright Biography
Stephen Metcalfe was born in New Haven, Connecticut on July 4, 1953. He
attended Westminster College in Pennsylvania where he received a B.A. and
Boston University, where he earned a M.A.. His stage plays include Loves and
Hours, Vikings, Strange Snow, Sorrows and Sons, Pilgrims, Half a Lifetime,
Emily, White Linen, he Incredibly Famous Willy Rivers, White Man Dancing,
A World of heir Own, and he Gift Teller. His work has been produced
in New York City and at regional theaters throughout the United States, as
well as in Europe and Japan. Screen credits include Half A Lifetime, Cousins,
Jacknife (adapted from his play, Strange Snow), Roommates, El Abuelo,
and Beautiful Joe. He also wrote the production drafts of Pretty Woman,
Arachnophobia, It Could Happen To You, and Mr. Holland’s Opus. Other
original and oft-optioned screenplays include Time Flies, he Old Boy, Jonah,
he Inield, he Harrower, Scylla, Passing Fancy, Rock, Paper, Bone and An
Innocent Abroad, as well as numerous rewrites. He is an Associate Artist at
he Old Globe heatre in San Diego. His irst novel, he Tragic Age, will be
published by St. Martin’s Press in the fall of 2014.
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Snow.indd 18
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The Scars We Don’t see
Although the Vietnam War oicially ended some thirty-nine years ago,
the repercussions are still being felt today. For the almost 830,000 Vietnam
veterans still sufering from PTSD (Post- traumatic Stress Disorder), as a result
of their service in Vietnam, this prolonged war of containment has yet to end.
he incidents of PTSD have been recorded as early as three thousand years
ago in Egypt when a soldier named Hori, facing death on the battleield wrote,
“You determine to go forward. . . . Shuddering seizes you, the hair on your
head stands on end, your soul lies in your hand.” A term often interchangeable
with PTSD, “shell shock,” was coined during the First World War. It was
believed the impact of the shells produced a concussion that disrupted the
physiology of the brain; thus the term, “shell shock.” As we know it today,
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is marked by a re-experiencing of the trauma
in thought, feeling, or dream content, which is in turn evidenced by emotional
and psychological numbing.
When Megs and Dave, the Vietnam vets in Strange Snow, reunite for a ishing
outing some ten years after the war, they are still exhibiting symptoms of
PTSD. As Dave tells Megs, “Look, as far as I’m concerned it never happened.
It’s done with, understand?” For Dave and a number of vets, the pain that
comes with rehashing war stories and memories of battles fought can be
too traumatic to bear. As a classic defense measure, they blank it all out,
thus allowing the wounds to fester. his persistent avoidance of triggers (i.e.,
Bobby’s Red Sox cap) and escaping through drugs and/or alcohol is a classic
symptom of PTSD.
Another major symptom experienced by both Dave and Megs is the reliving of
the traumatic events surrounding the death of their battle comrade, Bobby. All
the survivor’s guilt and second guessing begins to take its toll on vets like Dave
and Megs. As Megs tells Dave, “Maybe we never shoulda jumped outta that
helicopter.” Flashbacks are a key indicator of PTSD. Megs confronts the ghost
of Bobby in his waking and sleeping hours ---”I’d see old Bobby standin’ at the
side of the road . . . there in his combat fatigues.” Finally, when Dave shares
his pain and wish that Bobby disappear from his thoughts entirely, it is Megs
who implores Dave to “embrace him [Bobby] . . . You and me, we got enough
shithole memories to last a lifetime. He ain’t one of ‘m.”
Of course, PTSD and “shell shock” are not restricted to battleield experiences.
Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel also sufers from reliving the atrocities he
witnessed at the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. By putting
his thoughts on paper as the Egyptian soldier Hori did, Wiesel gives voice
to all who have borne and continue to bear these invisible yet virulent scars.
Wiesel states it best when he writes, “Nobody is stronger, nobody is weaker
than someone who came back. here is nothing you can do to such a person
because whatever you could do is less than what has already been done to him.
We have already paid the price.”
By Elisa M. Golden
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The Harriet Wyche Endowment Fund for Professional
Artistic Excellence at The Warehouse Theatre.
The purpose of the endowment fund is to provide inancial support, in
perpetuity, to WHT in its ongoing mission to provide Greenville, The Upstate and
South Carolina the highest quality professionally produced theatre art possible.
This fund helps inance eforts to maintain and coninually augment the level of
professional aristry on The WHT’s main stage.
The Harriet Wyche Endowment was established in August 2013 with a $500,000
git from Mimi Wyche in honor of her mother. The endowment is managed by
The Community Foundaion of Greenville.
The Graham Foundaion has awarded the theatre a $50,000 challenge grant
to support the endowment! The foundaion will match, dollar for dollar, gits
given to the endowment up to $50,000. The completed campaign will result in a
$100,000 increase in the fund and must be fulilled by December, 2014.
We are just over ½ way there! We need your help to take advantage of this
one-ime opportunity! Not only will your dollars have double the impact, they
will live on permanently in the endowment – year ater year providing support
for the Main Stage season and enabling WHT to excite, amaze, and challenge
generaions to come.
Please take advantage of this limited-ime opportunity to give generously. Gits
of $1,000 and above will be recognized in permanent signage in the theatre
lobby next season.
Jackie and John Warner
Playwrights Circle
Harry Wilkinson and Cecily Mango
Debra and Tom Strange
Grand Benefactor
Juanita and Steve Acres
Ronn Carroll and Anne Calhoun
Susan and Randy Clark
Jan and Ken Bruning
Bev and Bob Howard
Crissy and George F. Maynard, III
Sharon and Adrian Steinmann
Shirley Sarlin
Snow.indd 20
Helen B. Maish
Pat and David Borenstein
Harry and Judy Curis
Pamela Fjeld
Lucy Foxworth
Anne Garret
Jackie Highley
Carol and Walter Hinton
John and Elinor Mioduski
Kathy and Greg Nielsen
Paul Savas
Cheri and Dennis Tesolowski
Barbara and Don Willoughby
7/27/2014 4:59:44 PM
100% Committed to Local, Seasonal, Artisanal Food & Drink
Cultivating & Sustaining the Arts in the Historic West End District
Serving Dinner Tuesday – Saturday
Reservations Recommended
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Strange Snow
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August 14th
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$10 Of Admission and a free drink 7 pm refreshments, 8pm Show
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For the irst ime in 13 years, the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts
and Humaniies will have an important addiion to its campus. A new Visitor’s
Center will house Admissions, Enrollment, Outreach and Foundaion oices,
and will showcase the school to prospecive students and parents. The GSA
Foundaion is seeking $1 million to complete this vital project.
Naming opportuniies are available.
Governor’s School for the Arts Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 8458 • 15 University Street • Greenville, SC 29604
p 864.282.1570 •
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Louise Lister, Owner
Alison Landreth, Manager
131 North Main Street
Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 232-3861
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Manufacturing Co.
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to the economy, but by playing a positive role in the community. That’s why
we are engaged in many cultural partnerships throughout South Carolina.
Our platform of commitment ranges from support of the performing arts to
architecture and design. Together, we are helping to make South Carolina a
better place to work and live. To learn more about our cultural commitments,
please visit
©2011 BMW Manufacturing Co. The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks.
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Who’s Who
Jason D. Johnson (David) credits with WHT include Blood Wedding, he
Lion in Winter, Catish Moon, Metamorphoses, Eurydice and Laughter on the
23rd Floor. Other credits include performances with the Virginia Shakespeare
Festival, Highland Repertory heatre, Southern Arena heatre, National Audio
heatre, ACT, Centre Stage, INSP, and the Kennedy Center for Performing
Arts. Jason received his MFA from the University of Southern Mississippi. He
thanks his great love Jen and Robby Davis for the road.
Paul Savas (Megs) is WHT’s Executive & Artistic Director. In addition to
producing all shows at he WHT, Savas has played Macbeth, Salieri, Shylock,
Roy Cohn, Prior 2, he Angel Antarctica in Angels in America, Bill in August,
Osage County, Max Prince in Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Harold in K2, Charles
in he Clean House, Bottom and President Smith in November. Directing
credits at WHT:Sight Unseen, he Diary of Anne Frank, Hamlet, Sada,
Screwtape and Romeo and Juliet (2013).
Kerrie Seymour (Martha) returns to he Warehouse where she has appeared
onstage in a number of productions including Angels in America, August:
Osage County, Reckless, Season’s Greetings and Lost in Yonkers and directed
Laughter on the 23rd Floor. Kerrie earned an MFA in Acting from Trinity
Rep in Providence, RI, and is an Assistant Professor of Acting at Clemson
University. For Stephan Wolfert, whose work reminds me exactly how
important it is to tell this story.
Chip Egan (Director) is dean emeritus of the College of Architecture, Arts
and Humanities at Clemson University. He received his BA from Hanover
College and his MFA from Northwestern University. His irst directing credit
at the Warehouse heatre was Kennedy’s Children in 1980. More recent
credits include 4000 Miles, A Little Night Music, he 39 Steps, Something
More han a Game, Almost Maine and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. He also played
George in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Charles in August: Osage
Bill Munoz (Production Manager/Stage Manager/Fight Choreographer) is
elated to be a part of WHT! Professional career spans over 25 years, working
as Actor, Stage Manager and Fight Choreographer as well. He has worked in
theatres including Flat Rock Playhouse, NC Stage Company, Mill Mountain
heatre, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, heatre Virginia, and Charlotte
Repertory heatre. Favorite acting roles include, Richard et all (Love Child),
Macduf (Macbeth), Marc (Art), Passpartout (Around the World in 80 Days),
Payaso and others (Stalking the Boogeyman – World Premiere) and One-Man
Shows: Fully Committed and Mambo Mouth. Fight Choreography credits
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Who’s Who
include, Peter Pan, hree Musketeers, Miracle Worker, August Osage County,
Taming of the Shrew, Macbeth, Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, and Romeo and
Juliet. Bill resides in Hendersonville, NC, with lovely wife and daughter.
Timothy Ford Cobb (Technical Director) graduated in 2009 from he
University of the South with a BA in heatre Arts. Since then Tim has worked
in several Eastern states, from Maine to Florida. He has worked in many
diferent aspects of technical theatre, including set construction, lights, and
sound (he even sewed a costume once - it was rough). He is very glad to be
back in the Southeast and close to his home and family.
Shannon Robert (Set Designer) see Artists in Residence bios
Todd Wren (Lighting Designer) happily returns to the Warehouse heatre.
Previous Warehouse credit: Turn he Screw directed by David Mathews.
Todd’s world premiere designs include, Stand by Your Man with Jim
Lauderdale and directed by Gabriel Barre; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
conceived and choreographed by Chase Brock; Turned Funny directed by Fred
Chappell; and the NYC premieres of he Fall to Earth directed by Joe Brancato
and A Dash of Rosemary conceived and directed by Douglas Kampsen. Todd’s
regional credits include, Goodspeed Musicals, he Cleveland Playhouse,
Penguin Repertory heatre, Seaside Musical heatre, he Barter heatre, Palm
Beach DramaWorks, Pittsburgh Playhouse, Casa Manana, Coconut Grove
Playhouse, Gainesville heatre Alliance, North Carolina Shakespeare Festival,
Charlotte Repertory heatre, and Flat Rock Playhouse. His lighting design
work has earned him three South Florida Carbonell Award nominations. Visit for more information.
Kendra Johnson (Costume Designer) see Artists in Residence Bios
Jim Breitmeier (Sound Designer) Jim Breitmeier (Sound Designer) has been
creating sounds for theatre for over ten years. He is currently the Technical
Coordinator for the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts at Clemson
University. He Received his BA in production studies in performing arts from
Clemson University. Most recently, he worked on Four housand Miles at
Warehouse heatre and South Carolina Reperatory heatre. A sampling of
other work includes he Really Big Once, Ten Blocks on the Camino Real and
A Family of Perhaps hree with Target Margin heatre Company and Tripod
Vs the Dragon at MassMoCA. Jim would like to thank his wife for her support,
and everyone involved with this production.
Morgan Blaich (Props Master) grew her theatre roots in Greenville, SC
where she attended the Fine Arts Center and worked at he Warehouse
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Who’s Who
heatre as a tech apprentice. During the years in between then and now, she
acquired a BA in scenography and studio art while working as a freelance
technician in theatres from Santa Fe Opera in NM to Of Broadway in SoHo.
She has been employed by some major festivals including NYC Fashion Week,
the Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston, and Bard Summerscape Festival in NY.
She now works as the Production Manager for the Governor’s School for the
Arts and is excited to be working with WHT again!
Kelly Wallace (Assistant Stage Manager) has been backstage at he
Warehouse for he Tempest, A Little Night Music and 4000 Miles. You may
have seen her on the WHT stage in Elvis People, Lost in Yonkers or August:
Osage County. he deadline for bios was too early for her to know if she wants
to thank anyone. At this point, they all seem like nice people, but this is being
written before the irst rehearsal. So, really? Who knows?
Elisa M. Golden (Dramaturge) see Artists in Residence Bios
Laurenda Norris
Owner & Operator
300 South Line Street
Greer, SC 29651
Phone: 864.848.3012
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In Partnership with
Service and Sacriice: Conversations and Celebrations
Honoring Our Veterans and Their Families
In partnership with Greenville Health System
Members of our military and their families make many sacriices for our
country, both during their active service and afterwards. What are the efects
of these sacriices on their lives? How can the community support these
heroes and their families? How can we create awareness and a system which
encourages ease of access to resources for transition, medical treatment, and
connect veterans with employment opportunities which optimize the skills
and talents they bring to the table?
his year, three of he Warehouse heatre’s mainstage productions deal with
war and its after efects. Greenville Health System and he Warehouse heatre
are partnering for a series of events over the course of the 2014-15 season
which will encourage dialogue, connect veterans and families with resources
and skill-building, and make community members aware of opportunities to
support those who serve. Oh – and there will be plenty of chances to see some
great theatre, too! It is our aim to promote education, increase awareness, and
encourage constructive, compassionate conversation. For more information
on any of these events, please contact For a full
listing, visit:
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Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
proudly supports
The Warehouse Theatre
and arts in the Upstate.
Boyd B. (Nick) Nicholson, Managing Director
ONE North Main Street, 2nd Floor
Greenville, SC 29601
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Ar tists in Residence
Tony Penna - Lighting Designer in Residence
Tony Penna’s lighting credits at he Warehouse include 4000 Miles, he Rocky Horror
Show, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Amadeus, Metamorphoses, he Diary of Anne
Frank, Tru and Topdog/Underdog. Other regional theatre credits include Centre Stage
SC, Cincinnati Playhouse, Huntington heatre Company, Berkshire heatre Festival
and four seasons as resident lighting designer at Actors heatre of Louisville. Mr.
Penna is a member of United Scenic Artists, the theatre faculty at Clemson University,
and the resident design stafs of he Warehouse heatre, South Carolina Repertory
Company and the Eleventh Hour heatre Company in New York.
Shannon Robert - Set Designer in Residence
Shannon received an M.F.A. in scene design from FSU and studied design at the
Moscow Art heatre Conservatory. A painter, designer, and teacher, she was Director
of heatre at William Carey University. She has designed internationally for venues in
Edinburgh, Nairobi, Bratislava and Moscow. She worked with KCACTF as Region IV
design chair and vice chair and served on the board of SETC. Shannon managed he
Spoon Group Productions in NJ/NY and worked on the Broadway productions of he
Grinch, Grease, Xanadu, Legally Blonde, Inherit the Wind, he Pirate Queen, Coram
Boy, Jersey Boys, Spamalot, Hairspray and he Color Purple. Shannon is a member of
the Clemson University Faculty.
Elisa Golden - Dramaturg in Residence
Elisa is a native New Jerseyan, attended Kean University, graduating with a BA in
Visual Arts. She moved to Greenville in 1990, and received an MA in Education from
Furman University. Elisa continues to pursue her art (mostly watercolor and drawing),
and has had her paintings on display at a number of Artisphere Juried Exhibits. She
has recently had her poetry published in the Emrys Foundation’s Book of Haiku. Her
love of literature and theater brought her to he Warehouse heatre in 1999. his year
marks her “lucky thirteenth” season as resident dramaturg. Elisa is often asked, “What
is a dramaturg?,” to which she replies, “A dramaturg, or literary manager functions a
lot like a theater’s own Sherlock Holmes—always searching for answers, turning up
new evidence, and drawing conclusions—in hopes of uncovering the secret to a killer
Kendra Johnson - Costume Designer in Residence
Kendra Johnson is the resident costume designer at he Warehouse heatre and an
associate professor of theatre specializing in costume design at Clemson University.
Laughter on the 23rd Floor marks her ninth season as a costume designer for he
Warehouse theatre. Her work at WHT includes A Little Night Music, Eurydice,
Elephant Man, A Lesson Before Dying, Macbeth, Reckless, and he Subject Was Roses.
She received her BA in theatre from James Madison University and her MFA in
Costume Design from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
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12 Person Passenger Van
24’ Box Truck
Flat Black Paint
Gift Cards of All Kinds
Guest Artist Housing
Home Cleaning Supplies
New (or gently used) Washer and
Plastic Storage Bins
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To make an in-kind donation please
contact Katie Leckenbusch at
305 Rutherford Road
Greenville, SC 29609-4657
(864) 370-4787
Snow.indd 38
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Education at The Warehouse Theatre
In 2013-14, WHT’s education programs reached over 8,000 students, youth, and
adults. We partnered with over 2 dozen non-proit organizations and community
partners and 40 elementary, middle, and high schools. Education is an integral
part of our mission and values.
Our lagship outreach program, his Wooden O, sends WHT teaching artists
into elementary, middle, and high school classrooms to teach arts-integrated units
on classical dramatic and literary texts from the actor’s perspective; last season we
partnered with over 50 teachers in 37 schools.
In 2014-2015, for the 4th year in a row, his Wooden O received support
from the TD Charitable Foundation, which allows us to ofer the program to
schools throughout the upstate, serving students from all socio-economic
backgrounds. With a revitalized curricular approach, new assessment tools
and an energetic, talented team of teaching artists, we look forward to
partnering with MORE teachers to bring classrooms to life with innovative,
arts-integrated learning.
Altruism and Angels was a partnership between WHT, Year of Altruism, AID
Upstate, SC Equality and Gender Benders, sponsored by George and Crissy
Maynard, supported by an Alliance for Full Acceptance grant. Over 800 people
participated in this series of events which lead up to Angels in America on the
mainstage - including a panel on Religion and the LGBT Community, a forum
on the early years of AIDS, an evening of LGBTQI History with a Resource Fair
for Youth and Families, presentations on the state of marriage equality and on
homophobia in the McCarthy era, applied theatre workshops for transgender
youth, and a visual arts exhibition by Michael Brodeur.
his season we are building on this model with a focus on issues facing
veterans and their families. In partnership with Greenville Health System,
we began the Service and Sacriice series in August 2014, which will continue
throughout the 2014-2015 season. More information is included in this
Our educational tour presented Julius Caesar to over 1600 upstate students as
part of the Peace Center’s POP Series, and traveled to Charleston to perform for
400 more students at the SC heatre Association Convention.
Just Announced! WHT’s Educational Tour has been awarded a Shakespeare
in American Communities Grant through the National Endowment for
the Arts, partnering with Arts Midwest. Only 40 theatres nationwide were
selected for this honor. WHT will tour A Midsummer Night’s Dream to 5
South and North Carolina cities, reaching almost 10,000 students regionally
with performances and educational programming!
hese highlights represent only a small portion of our programming. For more
information on Education at WHT email me at
Anne Kelly Tromsness
Education Director
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Mission Statement
he Warehouse heatre is a professional
live theatre dedicated to theatre as a
serious art form; to high-quality, diverse
and challenging productions; to training
theatre professionals; to community
outreach; and to student education.
he Warehouse heatre chooses plays
that stretch the imagination of Upstate audiences, energize and excite the community
with Intense, Intimate and Unexpected performances that explore and celebrate
the complexities of our time. he Warehouse heatre does this to encourage an
adventurousness of spirit, and to develop a hunger for the visceral impact of theatre, in
the mind, heart, and soul.
Because of generous grants from he Metropolitan Arts
Council, he South Carolina Arts Commission and he Wachovia
Foundation, he Warehouse heatre proudly supplies its audience
with assistive listening devices free of charge. If you would like to
use a device please return to the box oice and check one out. Just
leave your ID and listen to theatre afresh! We have hearing aid loop
devices, ear buds and headphones! We give you a choice so you can
be comfortable!
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From corsets to cloaks,
collars to caps,
The Warehouse Theatre
constructs its costumes
with fabric from
Mansure &
fine fabrics and trims
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The Warehouse Theatre’s Summer Season
Upstate Shakespeare Festival
presented by
he Upstate Shakespeare Festival is a thriving part of he Warehouse heatre’s
summer programming and community outreach. USF presents the magic of
Shakespeare and other classic plays to the Upstate community in an outdoor
setting. Using actors from all around the Upstate community, USF presents
entertaining, inclusive, and family-friendly productions that enhance Greenville’s
calling card as a summer destination.
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Board of Directors
Tom Strange
Senior Director Research &
Development, St. Jude Medical
Vice President
Linda Archer
Controller, BMW Manufacturing
Susan Bichel
Health Care Consultant
Claire Blake
Community Volunteer
Laura Blume
Creative Director
Crawford Strategies
Immediate Past President
Bianca Walker
Program Manager, Global Visitors Center,
Furman University
Ingrid Erwin
Past Presidents
1974-75 J. Lake Williams, Jr.
1975-76 Jourdan Jones Newton
1976-77 Aubrey Bowie
1977-78 Tom Brodnax
1978-79 Keller Freeman
1979-80 Bill Wheless
1980-81 Jane Mattson
1981-82 Don Koonce
1982-83 Brad Wyche
1983-84 John Huebner
1984-85 George Corell
1985-86 Rita McKinney
1986-87 George Fletcher
1987-88 Nancy Muller
1988-89 Bob Cooper
1989-90 Tom Bruce
1990-91 Rob Wagner
1991-92 Jackie Warner
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1992-93 Karen Lawton, Bond
Isaacson, Warren Mowry
1993-94 Warren Mowry
1994-95 Jan Bruning
1995-96 Susan Reynolds
1996-98 Brad Parham
1998-99 BJ Koonce
1999-00 Brad Parham
2000-01 Kelle Corvin
2001-02 Bill Pelham
2002-03 Sherm Rounsville
2003-04 Tami McKnew
2004-05 John Rose
2005-07 Wade Cleveland
2007-09 Travis Seward
2009-11 Nicole Pascoe-Ream
2011-13 Bianca Walker
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Board Members
Randy Bell
Mary Biebel
Charles Brewer
Donnell Drummond
Stinson Ferguson
Sky Foster
Norman Glickman
Wallace Lightsey
George Maynard
Scott McMillan
Heidie Miller
Teri Pena
Diane Perlmutter
John Petrusick
Jon Rogers
Ken Rogers
Glenn Sawicki
Eric Schmid
Jennifer Z. Snow
Greta Somerville
Trish Springield
Russell Stall
Robin Stilwell
Fabian Unterzaucher
Jackie Warner
Alan Weinberg
Marsha White
Susie White
Snow.indd 45
Senior Vice President, Bank of Travelers Rest
Owner, Supercuts
Operations Manager, he Poinsett Club
Community Development Manager, CertusBank
Associate, Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
Department Mgr., Corporate Communications BMW
Manufacturing Co.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Member, Wyche P.A.
Vice President, Greenville Health System
Owner, F. Scott McMillan Design, LLC
Community Volunteer
Artist & Development Consultant
Non-Proit Organization Management Professional
Vice President, Commercial Portfolio Manager,
TD Bank
Owner, Rogers Financial Group
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Greenville
Health System
Owner, Safron’s Catering and Delivery
Shareholder, Elliott Davis LLC
Dir. of Accountable Communities & Medical
Neighborhoods, GHS
Community Volunteer
Retail Banking Executive, Palmetto Bank
Executive Director, Greenville Forward
Broker-in-Charge, Chippendale Properties, LLC
General Manager and Partner, Westin Poinsett Hotel
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Community Volunteer
Managing Member, Susie White Consulting, LLC
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Snow.indd 48
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Life’s better
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Learn more about what we’re doing at
Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. © 2013 Bank of America Corporation. ARHMSJB3 | CSR-118-AD
Snow.indd 49
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2014 Festival Season
Peace Center, Gunter Theater
July 31-August 9
La Bohème (Giacomo Puccini)
July 31, August 7 @ 8:00pm
August 3 & 9 @ 2:00pm
Rent (Jonathan Larson)
August 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 @ 8:00pm
August 2 @ 2:00pm
Tickets available at the Peace Center Box Office
w w w. g l o w l y r i c . c o m
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