Vic Pitre February 2016 Newsletter
Vic Pitre February 2016 Newsletter
The Pirate Picayune February 2016 Vic A. Pitre Elementary School 1525 Spruce Street Westwego, Louisiana 70094 From the Principal’s Desk Greetings Pitre Families, Phone: (504) 341 – 6517 Fax: (504) 341 – 9527 We are in high gear to ensure that all Mr. Wesley P. Taylor, Jr. Principal top priorities are reading fluency and School Website: of our students are really experiencing success, but we need your help. Our reading comprehension. You can help by reading to and with your child as often as possible. The public library is a great place to spend quality family time while getting immersed in a good book! Also, engaging your child in conversations that involve them listening and speaking can increase their ability to think critically. MISSION STATEMENT Encourage them to ask questions and justify their thinking in everyday Vic A Pitre seeks to create a culture of learning that promotes high expectations and mastery of academic content through effective instructional practices that engage and challenge the learner. conversations. By becoming actively involved in the learning process outside of school, you can play a key role in knowing that students will experience a greater level of success in school! Have a safe and fun-filled Mardi Gras! ~Mr. Taylor 1 The Pirate Picayune Page 2 CLASSROOM NEWS & NOTES Pre K Ms. Francis & Ms. Elaine, Ms. Kizzy & Ms. Chrystal Pre-K celebrated 100 days of school on January 29th. We made a 100 day collage, counted 100 fruit loops and raisins, and sang songs. Our celebration was awesome. Kindergarten Mrs. Berry, Ms. Cantelli: In Kindergarten, we are continuing to learn many new things! We had a blast celebrating our 100th day of school! Thank you to all the parents who helped their child with their 100th Day projects. They look beautiful hanging in our rooms. Our list of sight words is growing quickly, so make sure your child is practicing every night. We are very proud to announce that some of our kindergartners have begun to read leveled books on their own. Way to go! In math, we have begun to learn all about addition. We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Mardi Gras! 3rd Grade Ms. Stewart: We are currently working on Equivalent Fractions. We continue to use I-Ready to prepare for upcoming testing. AWESOME JOB to Thaij Rothschild for always having a great attitude! PE Coach Auzout, Coach Dana: PE is ready to kick off some awesome activities. Elmwood Fitness Center and Ochsner will be coming to our school to teach the importance of physical fitness and health. 4th and 5th graders will have the opportunity to exercise on fitness equipment and participate in cardio activities twice a week. Please make sure to turn in your permission form. 1st thru 5th grade will also be led through nutrition courses once a week. Our American Heart Association – Jump Rope for Hearts fundraiser is well on its way. This fundraiser runs through February 29. In PE we are also focused around testing that is coming up in April. We utilize the computer lab during PE once a week. The students work on I-Ready and Lexia. On off days, we continue to get some drills and games of basketball in. The Pirate Picayune Page 3 CLASSROOM NEWS & NOTES 5th Grade Ms Bay: Ms. Bay’s Social Studies classes participated in Vic A. Pitre’s first Social Studies Fair in December! The students presented their projects to their class and at Science and Social Studies Night. Ms. Bay is so proud of the variety of topics and obvious effort that the students put into their projects. ALL of the students benefitted from the individual work done as we learned about so many different topics in history, economics, political science, anthropology, and geography. Tom Gregory from WYES, as well as Mr. Taylor, Ms. Larche, Mr. Rhoden, and Ms. Caiton were the judges of the fair projects. The following students placed in the competition: First Place JhaNiya Jones- The Great Plains Indian Tribe Jerome Victor- The Boston Tea Party Cadince Vincent- Test Anxiety Brent Taylor- The Golden Gridiron Second Place Terrell Luke- The History of Music Madeline Biggers- The History of Lucy Madison Moser- New Orleans Truc Bui- What do you really know about Egyptians? Third Place Bryant Price- New York Brian Riggins- Isis Eric Hill- The Holocaust Dante’ Leyva- The Manhattan Project The Grand Prize Winner that will continue on to the Jefferson Parish Regional fair is Brent Taylor. The winners of the Social Studies Fair were photographed and interviewed by the Times Picayune. This month, the classes will continue test prep for the upcoming state testing as well as continuing to study early exploration and the establishment of The English Colonies in America. The Pirate Picayune Page 4 Pirate Corner Smoothie Days $ 3.00 February 5 & 19 Share news of encouragement, thanks, compliments, friendly messages, etc. Thaij … Awesome job for always having a great attitude! ~ B. Stewart Happy Birthday Ka’Lyn and Nathaniel! ~ Ms. Francis &Ms. Elaine February Birthdays What It Means to Me By: Colton Volkert Ken’dric Williams, Ka’Lyn Joseph, Saniya Caffrey, Hashia Dotson, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man Davon Banks, Nathaniel Wilson, helped initiate the Civil Rights Movement in the United England Green, Moses Charles, Trayvon Toliver, R’Aiona Edmond, Layla Robinson, Theron Sonia, Sinai Caceres-Ruiz, Kaylynn Williams, Antoine Turner, Markayla Moore, Kamryn Foucher, Jamel Nash, Hasham Diaz, Eriyol Hill, Dante’ Leyva, Emile Kirk on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus in 1955. She States. The leaders of the black community organized a Bus Boycott that began the day Parks was convicted of violating the segregation laws. The Bus Boycott was led by a young Pastor named Martin Luther King Jr. The boycott lasted 381 days. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was over. In the struggle to end segregation, I thought Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero. He ended segregation without making war. He was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize. The Pirate Picayune Page 5 Pitre Café Important Dates & Events Have an adult help you make this fun snack! to On the menu this month: Remember Nutty Cheese Ball Ingredients: February 1-5 : Interim Reports issued 8 – 12 : Mardi Gras Break 22 : Early Release Day 22 : Parent Conference Day 1 3-ounce package cream cheese, softened Worcestershire sauce 1 lb Colby or cheddar cheese 1/2 lb. Velveeta Cheese l dash garlic powder Preparation: 1. Grate Velveeta and Colby cheese in a bowl. 2. Mix in cream cheese. 3. Add other ingredients and form in a roll or ball. 4. Sprinkle paprika on wax paper evenly and roll cheese in it. 5. Finely chop pecans and roll in nuts. 6. Serve with crackers. Parents, please sign and return this bottom portion to your child’s teacher for them to receive 2 Tickets !!! Child’s Name ________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature ____________________________________________________ The Pirate Picayune Page 6 PBIS Student of the Month Pre K - 2nd Grade 3rd - 5th Grade Anthony Johnson Myli Price PBIS RULES 1. Be Safe 2. Be Respectful 3. Be Responsible 4. Be a Problem Solver The Pirate Picayune Page 7 Fun Interesting Facts for Kids Clip those box 1. Teachers will receive the most Valentine’s Day cards. tops and turn them in to Lots of information ~ District events ~ Useful resources 2. Over $1 billion worth of chocolate Ms. B. Stewart Happy Clipping !!! is purchased for Valentine’s Day in the United States. 3. 189 million stems of roses are sold in the United States on Valentine’s ~ Faculty directory Day. ~ Important phone numbers Something to think about…… Something to talk about…… Something to research……… Have you ever wondered about this ???? 1. Can metal pieces get stuck together in space? 2. Why do balloons run out of air? 3. Why do babies grab fingers? The Pirate Picayune Page 8 Fun Days for Pirates Upcoming events February 3 - PBIS Meeting 7:45 am February 4 – Gold Coin Event: Computer Time February 5 – Gold Coin Event: King Cake Party February 16 February 18 – Gold Coin Event: Art Day February 24 - Gold Coin Day February 25 – Gold Coin Event: Movie Time PTO CORNER Elected officers: Ms. Sholana Frazier-Johnson : President, Treasurer Ms. Theresa Wiley : Vice President Ms. Tori Hoffman : Secretary PTO is looking for parent volunteers! The Pirate Picayune Page 9 A Piece of New Orleans History Comes to Pitre On January 14, the New Orleans Society of Dance, New Orleans Baby Doll Ladies featuring Musical Ambassador, DJ Hektik visited Pitre. What was so special about this visit? The NOSD Baby Doll Ladies bring—not only a fabulous performance, but the 104 year old history of doll masquerading and parading in New Orleans. The Baby Doll Ladies is a masking, music, and dance group committed to preserving and promoting women’s arts in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. They are the only Baby Doll group that, not only continues the Mardi Gras tradition of masking, but is a professional dance company as well, and are dedicated to teaching others about the history of Baby Doll organizations. In 2014, they were one of eight Performance Groups selected to participate in the 88th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Currently, they are making history once again. This year, on Mardi Gras Day, the ladies will be the first Baby Doll group, in history, to have an official walking parade, in cooperation with the City Of New Orleans’ Economic Preservation Office. Ms. Ricky is a part of the NOSD Baby Doll Ladies. Her name is Baby Doll Lady Fun Size. After the presentation, students were selected to participate in activities that included dance, music, and mask making. Check out the fun activities! The Pirate Picayune Page 10 The Garden Club Ms. Cobb, Ms. Cobb….How does your garden grow? Ms. Cobb wrote a grant for Pitre to receive a garden in our yard. Pitre was granted the funds. Ms. Cobb and the Garden Club has been working very hard and step by step to get this garden up and running. Just look at the progress! Having this garden opens many learning opportunities for our students. There is so much more behind a garden than flowers. Our students will learn how to grow food. This garden will teach our students how to harvest food and cook meals from the land. There are many lessons that we can teach from this garden. Our students can learn about sequence, cause and effect, many science experiments, math lessons, and even health. This is a great experience for our students. Thanks to the students, parents, grandparents, teachers, and Ms. Cobb for the endless efforts! We are excited and looking forward to the end results!
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THE PIRATE PICAYUNE - Vic A. Pitre Elementary School
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