Guide for International Students
Guide for International Students
Welcome to the School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan Summer Term 2016 1 Welcome to the School of Life Sciences of Technische Universität München! We are delighted that you have chosen our university for advancing your academic studies. Living and studying in a foreign country will certainly be an exciting experience for you. But it could also be quite daunting, as there is a lot to organize. We have put together some information in this leaflet in order to try and help you in this endeavor. We sincerely hope that you will feel welcome here! Please feel free to contact our international officers and/or the staff at our Campus Office if you have any questions or need some guidance or help. We’ll be more than happy to assist you. Get in touch! Prof. Dr. Dieter Langosch International Affairs Delegate, Weihenstephan 2 Contents Who can help me? Welcome Office TU Munich and Mentoring Program International Team at Campus Weihenstephan 4 5 What has to be done first on arrival? Registration Formalities Open a Bank Account 7 8 How to get from A to B? Bus, Train and Suburban Trains 10 What is necessary to organize my studies? Student card TUMonline, Moodle E-Learning System University Library Information Services ITW University Sports 12 Where can I obtain an introduction to my studies? FirstContact@WZW / Welcome 14 How can I improve my German language skills? German language courses in Weihenstephan 16 Things to be done at the end of the term Transcript of Records Re-enrollment De-register at Residents` Registration Office 28 Good to know 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers / Useful Links 39 3 Welcome Office TU Munich and Mentoring Program TUMinternational provides help as well as a cultural program at the beginning and during academic studies in Munich. It takes aim at international exchange students, as well as international fulltime students at TUM. Many activities are also open to German students of TUM, as TUMi aims to be a meeting point between international and Germans students of TUM. Orientation Week: TUMi will connect you with offices and people on campus and introduce you to the exciting city of Munich before you begin classes in your school/academic department. At the beginning of each semester TUMi arrange Orientation Weeks. Tutors accompany you to get along in general and much more. Besides this, TUMi offers sight-seeing tours, visits to museums, excursions and parties. Contact: TUMinternational TU München International Center, Room 0187 Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München Tel.: +49 89 289 25477, Email: Additionally to the Pre-Study Course, Pre-study workshops are offered for students entering the first semester of their studies at TUM. The courses are open to international and German students and free of charge. Please note that the workshops will be either held in German or in English. Please check the homepage for details: 4 Campus Office Weihenstephan (Alte Akademie 8): The Campus Office International Team (, (0) 8161-71 5498/3711) is available to answer any queries that you may have. As you arrive we would like to be sure you are comfortable making this step, meeting new faces, new opportunities. If you start feeling a little stressed about that, you are not alone! Don’t worry, we are here to help! We'll answer your questions, introduce you to academic and support services. Head of International Team WZW: Prof. Dr. Dieter Langosch Chair of Biopolymer Chemistry Weihenstephaner Berg 3 Exchange Students: For questions concerning your academic work, please contact the International Coordinator of your Study Program Division: Agricultural /Horticultural Sciences – Dr. Markus Gandorfer ( (Agricultural Sciences) Dr. Sybille Michaelis ( (Horticultural Sciences) Biosciences – Dr. Markus Gütlich ( Brewing and Food Technology – Prof. Ludwig Niessen ( Nutrition ScienceDr. Kai Hartwig ( Forestry and Resource Management – Dr. Martin Döllerer/Dr. Thomas Schneider ( Landscape Architecture and Planning – Dipl.Ing. Andreas Printz ( 5 Degree Seeking Students: For questions concerning your academic work, please contact the Coordinator of your course of study: Agricultural/Horticultural Sciences – General - Dr. Susanne Papaja ( Horticultural Science, Master – Dr. Sybille Michaelis ( Life Science Economics and Policy, Master – Richard Smart ( Biosciences – Dr. Michael Scharmann ( Dr. Astrid Bauer ( Brewing and Food Technology – Manuela Stöberl ( Dr. Meike Meissner ( Nutrition ScienceGeneral – Dr. Sabine Köhler ( Nutrition and Biomedicine, Master – Dr. Kai Hartwig ( Forestry and Resource Management – General – Klara Abt ( Sustainable Resource Management, Master – Renate van Beek ( Landscape Architecture and Planning – Dipl.Ing. Andreas Printz ( 6 First Steps after your Arrival Important Information for all Nationalities In Germany, all residents and visitors staying for longer than three months must register with the authorities. There are different procedures for: EU citizens and citizens of Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland Citizens from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, PR of Korea, New Zealand and USA Citizens from all the other countries EU citizens and citizens of Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein only have to register with their local registration office (Bürgerbüro in Freising or Kreisverwaltungsreferat in Munich depending on where you have your room), citizens of Switzerland get a residence permit on the basis of an agreement between the EU and Switzerland. Documents to bring: Passport Rental Agreement Written confirmation by your landlord or property owner - so-called "Wohnungsgeberbestätigung” If you want assistance, join us on Thursday, 7 April at 9 a.m. (Meeting Point in front of Campus Office building Alte Akademie 8 at 8.30 a.m.) All others must get a regular residence permit. Apply for your residence permit with the following documents: • Application form filled out in full • Valid national passport • One photograph of biometric compatibility • Statement of the current purpose of stay • Certificate of Enrollment • Proof of adequate health insurance (e.g. policy document) • Proof that you have enough money to study and live in Germany for at least one year (usually a bank statement – please enquire details at the German embassy in your home country when applying for your visa) • Rental Agreement giving proof that it fulfills the legal requirements in terms of area (square meters per person) 7 If you need a residence permit, please ask for an appointment with the Foreigners’ Office (Landratsamt) by writing an e-mail to: giving the following information: your Name (Last Name/Surname, First Name) your Date of Birth which Country you come from Copy of your current Visa (with Expiration date) Copy of your Passport your Status (student-enrollment certificate, if available) You will then receive an e-mail from the Ausländeramt for your personal appointment. Address: Landratsamt Freising Landshuter Straße 31, Freising (take Bus # 621) Should you need support, please contact: Please do not lose the confirmation of registration (keep it in a safe place!). You may be asked to hand it in to confirm the opening of your bank account and also on other occasions. Opening a bank account Having a German bank account is convenient for your monetary transactions, e.g. you pay your rent via bank tranfer. We therefore recommend that you open a checking/current account ("Girokonto") as soon as possible after your arrival. Banks generally offer the following benefits: • Free account management for students (free withdrawals at cash points (ATMs), free national bank transfers, free bank statements) • Internet-banking • Cash card ("EC-Karte", for cashless (card) payment and withdrawing money at cash points/ATMs) In general, the conditions of the different banks are quite similar. 8 Bank branches located in Freising are: Sparkasse Freising, Untere Hauptstr. 29 – Vöttinger Strasse 60 and others HypoVereinsbank, Untere Hauptstraße 5 Commerzbank AG, Obere Hauptstraße 10 Deutsche Bank, Untere Hauptstraße 36 Oberbank, Johannisstrasse 2 Spardabank, Obere Hauptstrasse 14 Bankhaus Ludwig Sperrer, Marienplatz 5 Postbank, Bahnhofplatz 1 You should take the following documents when opening an account: Passport Registration confirmation Student-ID / enrollment certification (can normally be handed in later) Public Broadcasting Fees In Germany, all radio and television reception devices require a license. This applies to all devices capable of receiving or transmitting radio and television programs (e.g. internetPCs, television sets, radios and smartphones). A basic, all-inclusive fee is charged to every flat. The occupant of the flat, i.e. the adult residing there, is liable for this fee. As a rule, every resident of a flat and all persons registered to this address are considered the legal occupants and are thus jointly liable for the fee. In the case of a shared flat, this means that one of the residents is required to submit payment to the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice (ARD ZDF German Broadcasting Fee Service) and collect the relevant contributions from his or her flatmates. People of low financial means (including BaföG recipients) can apply for an exemption from this fee. For more detailed information, please consult the ARD ZDF German Broadcasting Fee Service website at 9 How to get around in Freising – Public Transportation How to get from A to B? The most convenient way of getting around Freising is by bicycle! Some bike shops in Freising have good offers on second-hand bikes. Public Transport Base rate of Semester Ticket – included in tuition fee- valid every night from 6 p.m. till 6 a.m. plus weekends and public holidays. Additional rate “Isarcard Semester”, 146.50 € per semester, i.e. up to 30 September 2016 (valid 24 hours– only in combination with Semester Ticket and passport). The semester ticket is valid for second class travel within the entire MVV network, on all forms of MVV transport (S trains, U trains, trams, busses and certain regional trains). Bus connections in Freising: Bus # 635 – Freising Railway Station – Flughafen München /Terminal 1 /Terminal 2: Bus # 621 – Freising Railway Station– Neustift (Landratsamt) – Obere Hauptstraße – Freising Bahnhof/Railway Station: Bus # 638 – Freising Bahnhof/Railway Station - Weihenstephan – Hittostraße / Fraunhofer Institute: Bus # 639 – Obere Hauptstraße - Weihenstephan – Lange Point – Freising Bahnhof: 10 Call-a-Bus Service rufBUS Freising For those of you who live in the small villages outside of Freising with no or poor public transportation services at night, the rufBUS Freising, a call-a-bus service, may be helpful. This service is available on Fridays and Saturdays between 8 PM and 3 AM the next day and may be used by young people up to 26 years of age in the Freising district. The telephone line of rufBUS Freising 08161-600 500 is open to accept your call or reservation between 7 PM and 2 AM. The cost is 1€ base plus 1€ per kilometer – but maximum 7 €. Regional and Suburban Trains to and from Munich: There are about 3 train connections per hour; travel time on regional trains is approx. 25 minutes, 45 minutes on the S-Bahn/Suburban Train. The semester ticket is valid on both DB-regional trains and MVV Suburban Train and needs to be carried with you at all times. For details please see The best connection to go to Technische Universität Main Campus in Arcisstrasse 21 is to take Bus # 100 from the Central Railway Station Munich Arnulfstrasse rd (3 stop is Technische Universität) . The “Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft” (MVG for short) offers monthly, weekly, daily or single-ride tickets to suit your individual needs. To find more information for the fastest and easiest way to your destination go to: 11 Organizing your Studies Student Card: (Student I.D., access card, library card, electronic payment card for the canteen/Mensa, cafeterias and to make photocopies at TUM ..) will be handed out for degree students after 29 March 2016 (up to 8 April) at the SSZ Service Desk (Munich, Arcisstr. 21, Raum 0140). Exchange students have received separate information on when to collect their student card. Before you can use the Student Card for the first time, you must validate (activate) it at one of the available card stations. The stations in Weihenstephan can be found in the staircase near the mailroom in Alte Akademie 1 (Administration Building with the tower clock) and in the library’s entrance. You can credit your Student Card with funds at any credit station in the Student Union/Mensa. TUMonline is TUM’s electronic Campus Management System and helps you organize your studies online. You can register for seminars and examinations, change personal information like your address, communicate with lecturers and seminar participants and much more. You need to organize the following: Arrange your mytum address and always keep your TUMonline contact information up-to-date: all important emails will be sent to your TUMonline address. Download Certificate of Enrollment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) Confirmation for MVV-Ticket Registration for courses, if needed (respect. Moodle) Problems: Introduction into TUMonline and Moodle: Thursday, 7 April at 3 p.m. Lecture Room HS 1 Alte Akademie 8, Campus Weihenstephan After that we invite you to participate in a Tour of the Campus Weihenstephan and a Get-together where you will have the opportunity to meet staff members of the International Team and fellow students. 12 The TU München credit system is based upon the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) One credit corresponds to an average student workload of 30 hours. A 3-year bachelor degree consists of 180 ECTS, a 2- year master degree 120. TU München grading scale is as follows: German Grade 1 – 1,5 1,6 – 2,5 2,6– 3,5 3,6 – 4,0 International Scale sehr gut / excellent gut / good befriedigend / satisfactory ausreichend / sufficient This is the minimum passing grade. mangelhaft / deficient - fail 4,1 - 50 A B C D E Some Abbreviations WZW Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan WS SoSe HS VO SE Ue PR VU KO EX SWS FPSO Wintersemester Sommersemester Hörsaal Vorlesung Seminar Übung Praktikum Vorlesung/Übung Kolloquium Exkursion Semesterwochenstunde Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung Winter term Summer term Lecture Room Lecture Seminar Exercise Practical/Lab Course Lecture/Exercise Colloquium Field Excursion Semester weekly hours of instruction Examination and Academic Regulations PF WF ZHG RSTV DaF Pflichtfach Wahlfach Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude Rat der Studentischen Vertretung Deutsch als Fremdsprache Compulsory subject/course Elective subject/course Central Lecture Room Student Representatives Weihenstephan German as a foreign Language Mo Di Mi Do Fr Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13 Dates to Remember Semester Duration Summer Term 2016 Lecture Period 01.04.2016 11.04.2016 Re-Registration Deadline for winter semester 2016/17 30.09.2016 16.07.2016 15.08.2016 Lecture-Free Days and Holidays: May Day Ascention Day Whit Monday Corpus Christi Day Assumption Day 01.05.2016 05.05.2016 16.05.2016 26.05.2016 15.08.2016 Welcome for International Students 2 weeks in March and April, 2016 Orientation Week TUMi Munich Fit for TUM (Munich) Monday 4 April 2 – 4 p.m. 10 a.m. 2 p.m. Thursday 7 April, 2016 3 p.m. approx. 4.30 right after Campus Tour en/welcome-to-tum/internationalexchangestudents/tuminternational/ Introduction into IT at TUM TUM HQ in Munich Room Assistance with registration at “Bürgerbüro” Freising Meeting Point: 9.30 a.m. in Entrance Hall of Building 4102 Alte Akademie 8, Weihenstephan Welcome for newly matriculated International Students (Degree and Exchange Students) Introduction to TUMonline, Moodle and IT on Campus Tour of Campus Weihenstephan Get-together Lecture Room 1, Building 4102 Alte Akademie 8 Lecture Room 1, Building 4102 Alte Akademie 8 Meeting Point: Entrance Hall Building 4102, Alte Akademie 8 Semniar Room HSG, Hohenbacherner Strasse 9, FreisingWeihenstephan In addition, there are Orientation Sessions offered by the individual Study Program Divisons, which we highly recommend that you attend. Monday 11 April 14 1.30 p.m. Horticultural Science, M.Sc. Semester Opening Seminar Room S80 in Dürnast Library Courses during the Summer Term 2016 Classroom Training Level Day Time Room Registration Library Course Advanced Thursday 2 June 2 – 4 p.m. HU34A Citavi Course Basics Monday 2 – 4 p.m. 13 June All courses take place in an IT-room in Weihenstephan DG L 01 Library WebpageTUMonline Library Webpage Webinars Level Library Course Basics Day Monday 25 April Advanced Monday 9 May Endnote Course Basics Tuesday25 3 May All courses are online via Adobe Connect 15 Time Registration 2 – 4.30 p.m. 10-12.30 a.m. 2 – 4.30 p.m. Library WebpageTUMonline Library Webpage Library Webpage German Language Courses on the Campus Weihenstephan Language is a code to the culture and key to the people of the country you live in. The TUM Language Center offers you the opportunity to take part in its regular“German as a foreign language” courses as well as other language classes. We sincerely hope that you will find a course that fits into your curriculum. Level Lecturer Time A1.1 Kötter-Mendt M. Monday 6 –8.30 p.m. (18 April – 20 June 2016 and 27 June 2016) A1.2 Bauer G. Place SeminarRoom 7b 4277.EG.073A Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, EG TUMonline 220000DE08 Monday 4. – 5.30 p.m. Friday 8.30 – 10 a.m. Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor TUMonline 220000DE23 A2.1 Bauer G. Monday 5.45 – 7.15 p.m. Friday 10.15. – 11.45 a.m. A2.2 Bluhme R. TUMonline 220000DE25 Monday 5.30 – 7 p.m. Thursday 5.30 – 7 p.m. B1.1 B1.2 Kraut-Schindlbeck S. TUMonline 220000DE27 Tuesday 8.30 – 11. a.m. Wednesday 3.30 – 6 p.m. B2.2 Kraut-Schindlbeck S. TUMonline 220000DE28 Tuesday 11.15 – 12.45 a.m. Wednesday 3.30 – 6 p.m. A1.1 Bauer/Stolz/Bluhme A1.2 Stolz TUMonline 220000DE30 22 Feb – 4 March, 2016 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 1..15 p.m. Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor SeminarRoom 7b 4277.EG.073A Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, EG Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor TUMonline 220000DE17 7 Mar – 18 March, 2016 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 1.15 a.m. TUMonline 220000DE18 16 Language Lab Weihenstephaner Berg 13(4153), First/Ground Floor The yellow-marked block-courses are a special offer for students of our international Master-courses. Registration will be possible as of 15 January, 2016. TUM Language Center: German Intensive Courses: Registration in TUMonline for Courses in German as a Foreign Language starts already on Wednesday, 30 March ! Registration for Courses in German as a Foreign Language All courses during semester are free for TUM students including exchange students and employees. Please sign up for only one course per semester to give other students a chance to get a place on a course. Apart from that, please take into consideration, that a lot of self study is required. Beginners please sign up for courses level A1.1 or A1 intensive (A1.1 plus A1.2). All others please do a placement test first at Click “Site home”, then “Course categories”. Choose semester in the lower middle, then select Weitere Einrichtungen > Sprachenzentrum > Einstufungstests > Deutsch als Fremdsprache > Einschreiben. Choose a placement test and click „Test jetzt durchführen“. Then sign up accordingly via TUMonline: Log in at Look left, choose Central Service Institutions / Language Center / Courses. Join the first class meeting and bring your result from the placement test. Otherwise you risk being expelled from the class. If you are on the waiting list, you will be given preference if you ask for free places at the first meeting. When you sign up for courses at the level B1-C1, your name will automatically be placed on a waiting list. To get a place on the course, you need to attend the first class meeting and bring your certificate from the Moodle placement test. 17 University Library Location Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 1-3, Freising-Weihenstephan Opening Hours Mo – Fri Sat – Sun Holidays 8.00 a.m. until midnight 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. – 8.00 p.m. The library building provides a handicapped accessible elevator and may be accessed with a wheel-chair. If you wish, they will reserve a workplace for you. Please contact the Information Team by e-mail: A wheel-chair accessible bathroom is available. ** At its nine branch libraries situated at the TUM campuses in Weihenstephan, Garching, Straubing, and Munich, the university library offers students and researchers a comprehensive library service and a modern environment for learning, studying, and researching. At the Weihenstephan campus, we run the Life Science Branch Library with a collection focusing on agricultural and horticultural sciences, biosciences, brewing and food technology, nutrition science, forestry and resource management, as well as landscape architecture and planning. Library Card Your door opener to all library services is your TUM student card. Please visit our branch library, fill in the registration form and have your library account activated. 18 Loan Services The university library holds more than 1.5 million items. They are all listed in the online catalog (OPAC). You can order books via the OPAC from any branch library and have them sent to the Weihenstephan branch library free of charge. Through dokumenTUM, the library’s document delivery service, all TUM members can order scans of individual printed articles. For literature not available at the TUM, there is an interlibrary loan service. Electronic Media The library’s electronic collections include more than 26,000 electronic journals, 84,000 e-books, and over 2000 specialized databases. Access is possible on-campus via a special proxy configuration or off-campus via eAccess, the library’s remote access portal. Study Areas Long opening hours until midnight and on weekends make the library a favorite location for learning and networking for many students. At the branch library in Weihenstephan fully equipped study areas are available with computers, internet access and scanning facilities. Also available are carrels – small study rooms - which can be reserved for one month as well as three group study rooms. Courses & Webinars Conducting an effective literature research, citing correctly, knowing the benefits of reference management software could be essential for your study success. In practical courses the library offers you a modular training program on information literacy and reference management. Courses are also available in English at the Weihenstephan campus. For individual and distanced learning there are e-courses, online tutorials and webinars. More information on the website: Library Helpdesk Chat: Phone: +49 (0)89 189 659 220 WhatsApp: +49 (0) 173 861 8412 Email: 19 Information Technology Weihenstephan - ITW Our campus provides access to a full range of distributed computing capabilities. Ten IT rooms host about 210 high-quality workstations. All students can apply for a 24h access. With the access you can enter into six of our IT rooms 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. All rooms are available for lessons, tutorials and personal use. In order to ease your work in our IT rooms and make your start at our university more comfortable we suggest that you read the following information: Use of personal computers You can access the computer with your TUM-ID. Your login data was sent to you with your enrolment documents. The computers’ login data is the same as your access data for Information & Help Contact the Help Desk for any and all technology needs including troubleshooting. The ITW Helpdesk is located inside the long building between the refectory (Mensa) and the library. The address is: InformationsTechnologie Weihenstephan ITW Helpdesk Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 3 2. Stock, Raum DGL 05 85354 Freising-Weihenstephan Telefon (0 81 61) 71-3245 Email web Helpdesk opening hours are: Monday – Thursday Friday 10:30 - 15:00 10:30 - 13:00 Information regarding printing, WIFI connection, 24 hour access and IT room maintenance operations (NEWS) is available on 20 ITW services: - 21 Installation and Maintenance of Hard- and Software in the IT-Rooms Support of Web-, Mail- and Print Services Sale of Printing Quota Commissional Printing Laptop Loans 22 ProLehre – a Study Skills Program Studying Successfully with 'ProLehre Lernkompetenz' A Study Skills Program: Offers for international students At university students are expected to be highly motivated, to take responsibility for their own learning and to organize their resources and time efficiently. However, fulfilling all of these expectations can be difficult, especially when crucial study skills are not at hand and the university system is different from the one you know. In order to give you the necessary equipment to master all kinds of studying situations at a German university, we support international students with the workshop “Study Techniques – Study Smart” as well as consultation and online material. For further information and registration visit the ProLehre website or e-mail at We look forward to hearing from you! your ProLehre Lernkompetenz-Team Social Life on Campus NEW - International Language Café Weihenstephan Thursday 2– 4 p.m. at the UniBar first meeting: 14th of April, 2016 The international Language Café is the place for inter-cultural exchange where you can share your ideas, culture and language in a relaxed environment. All international students are invited and encouraged to come and meet with other internationally minded people, make new friends, learn and improve your German or talk to your fellow students in your own mother tongue. Free coffee/tea and cake will be provided. 23 Social Life on Campus Sports Munich and its environs is a dream-come-true for sports enthusiasts. There is the Alps and the Bavarian lakes but also the Olympic Park built for the 1972 Games and now home to the University Sports Center. For those of you who do not get enough exercise riding your bicycles to and from the Campus, Hochschulsport (University Sports Center) offers an exciting range of sporting opportunities for you in Freising-Weihenstephan as well as Munich. To take part in any sessions a Sports Pass and semester stamps are required. Please see for a list of offers and courses and the Sports Department in Alte Akademie 1 Weihenstephan for further details (cost of basic stamp 7.50€/term). There is a gym and a beach volley ball pitch on the Weihenstephan Campus. There is also a varied program of fitness courses like pilates, aerobics, yoga, zumba etc. and other sports on offer. Check the website for details. Freising has 3 local recreation areas, several beer gardens and more to explore… Pullinger See Stoibermühle Vöttinger Weiher In winter: Freising has a newly-built ice-skating stadium. th The 15 of October is also the start of the skiing and snowboarding session of the Freising Skiing-School. They offer courses or day-trips to various skiing areas. Contact: Obere Hauptstraße 53, 85354 Freising 08161-9868080 or E-mail: 24 Arts & culture For those who are interested in culture or history, the Munich area has a lot to offer: Events in Munich This Munich- magazine is available free of charge in the Mensa/refectory, the Info-desk and other places • Music and arts at TUM and in Munich: • Tips for the city of Munich: • Museums in Munich • Castles in Munich: • Bavarian State Opera • Churches and monasteries in and around Munich: Offers by the Student Union: Culture Freising (only in German) Weihenstephaner Musikwerkstatt – Music Workshop Weihenstephan with Choir – classical and modern Contact: Felix Mayer Rehearsals on Wednesdays 8 – 10 p.m. in Lecture Room 16 Orchestra - Felix Mayer Rehearsals on Wednesdays 6.30 – 8 p.m. in Lecture Room 14 Bigband – Karl Muskini Rehearsals on Thursdays 7.45 – 9.45 p.m. in the basement of the Central Lecture Building in Weihenstephan 25 HSG (Hochschulgemeinde / Freising - Christian Ecumenical Academic Society The Freising Christian Ecumenical Academic Society (HSG) provides services for all students, staff and residents of the Technische Universität München and Weihenstephan Academic Center or the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan. Address: Hohenbachernstrasse 9, 85354 Freising Tel.: +49 (0)8161 4874-10 E-Mail: Campus Treff International Would you like to meet people from all over the world? You are invited to talk, laugh, discuss and enjoy simple dishes from Africa, Asia, America, Australia and Europe in a colourful community! Come and take part. We look forward to meeting you! when: Wednesday: 13 April, 11 May and 08 June, 2016 at 7.30 p.m. where: contact: HSG, Hohenbachernstrasse 9, 85354 Freising ( Anna & Sem Haikali, Buddhist Community Freising Domberg 10, Freising Islamic Community Freising Wippenhauser Strasse 3, Freising 26 Travel - Leisure Term When you have a break from your studies, you are in a fantastic position to explore the rest of Germany and Europe. Munich airport has a lot of destinations, and flights can be found at reasonable prices. In Germany all major cities can be easily reached by train or long-distance bus. A number of special fares is available. The InterRail is very popular among students from European countries, students from non-European countries can get a EuRail pass . Please check the internet for details or ask your fellow students for tips. The Bavaria-ticket offers you (and 4 friends) one day of unlimited access to Bavaria's regional and local transport (including suburban trains, trams and buses). The price for the first person is 23€ and 5€ for each extra person. Important to know: tickets normally cannot be purchased on the train. You have to buy them either at ticket desks or ticket machines at the stations. Links: Discover Germany (by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Info on the travel destination Germany Deutsche Bahn MVV Network Driver's licence: Foreign driver's licences remain valid in Germany for stays of up to six months, but you may need a German translation or an international driver's licence. Non-European driver's licences lose their validity after six months and a German driver's licence will need to be obtained. 27 End of Term If you are planning to return back home after the summer term 2016: You will receive results for every examination you have completed at TUM. You can easily print out a Transcript of Records from your TUMonline account. Log in and select "transcripts" in the "studies" column on your business card. Select the option "print certificate" to generate an official academic transcript of records. If you need a signature please contact personally the examination office ‘Prüfungsamt Weihenstephan’, Alte Akademie 1, 1st floor. If not all your grades are available by the time you leave, it is your responsibility to check in TUMonline when your grades are validated and then send an e-mail to requesting the document. (Exchange students do not need to exmatriculate, this will be done automatically by TUM at the end of the semester you applied for. Just in case you need a confirmation of exmatriculation e.g. to cancel your German national insurance, you need to do it by your own.) If you had a room in a dorm, please be sure to clean it up properly so your deposit will be fully refunded to you by Studentenwerk. Same applies of course,if you lived in a private room, and don’t forget to cancel your rental contract on time. When leaving Freising, you have to give notice of your departure to the Residents’ Registration office (Bürgerbüro)! You should close your bank account a few days before departing Germany to avoid unnecessary charges or fees. If you are planning to stay for the winter semester 2016/17: re-enroll by paying your semester fee (113€) by the 15th of August, 2016! and validate your student card for the next term. 28 Good to know Mobile Phone There are several providers of mobile communication services. The network providers as well as some other telecommunication companies offer different solutions for mobile communication. Basically, there are two alternatives: mobile contracts/plans and prepaid tariffs. Mobile plan A mobile plan can be concluded with any telecommunication enterprise of your choice. It is a good idea if you make a lot of calls because the calling rates are low. However, there is a monthly fee that you have to pay. Some plans include a certain number of free minutes, internet data, text messages, or even a cell phone. Most plans have a fixed duration and can only be cancelled after that period (generally two years). Prepaid tariff Alternatively, those who need a cell phone only for a few phone calls can use a prepaid tariff. After buying a cell phone with a prepaid plan you need to charge it with money. It can be charged in supermarkets, kiosks, and other points of sale. The calling rates are higher than those with a contract, but there is no monthly fee. Generally, cell phones can be bought in electronic markets such as Media Markt, Saturn etc. or directly at the stores of the telecommunication providers – regardless whether you want a contract or a prepaid plan. Important: Please note that international calls can be very expensive using a cell phone! Websites of some mobile providers: • T-Mobile • Vodafone • Debitel • E-Plus • O2 • simDiscount Please note: this is not an exhaustive list of mobile service providers! © Martin Berk / 29 Living expenses Living expenses in Germany are slightly above average in a European context. They are below those of countries such as Denmark, Luxembourg or Switzerland, but are quite high compared to countries such as Asia, Africa or Latin America. Prices: approx. 1 loaf of bread 1.20 – 3 € 1 kilo of apples 2€ 1 kilo of potatoes 1€ 1 liter milk 0.60 – 1 € 1 bottle of mineral water (0.75 liters) 0.30 - 0.80 € 1 cup of coffee (in a café) ~2.50 € 1 beer (in a pub) ~3 € 1 pizza in a restaurant 5– 15 € Canteen on Campus : Dishes of the day 1.00 € - 1.55 € - 1.90 € - 2.40 € Cinema Tickets (example Cineplex Neufahrn): Fr/Sat/Sun and holidays after 7 PM Fr/Sat/Sun and holidays before 7 PM Mo/Wed/Thu after 7 PM Mo/Wed/Thu before 7PM Tuesday 30 depending on seat category 8 - 12.50€ 6 - 10.50€ 6 - 10.50€ 5.50 – 10 € 5 - 9.50€ Medical Services Doctors have different opening times and are generally closed on Wednesday afternoons. It is advisable to make an appointment by telephone. In urgent cases you can see a doctor during consultation hours, but there may be long waiting times. In the case of a non-life threatening emergency, you should contact a doctor on emergency duty (Tel. 116 117). For life-threatening emergencies please call 112. Medication is often only available on a doctor’s prescription at the pharmacy. The health insurance scheme generally pays for such medication, but you will have to pay an additional pharmacy charge between 5 and 10 Euros yourself. Pharmacies are mostly open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and on Saturday morning. Outside these opening times you will have to look for a pharmacy on emergency duty. Details of which pharmacy is open ‘Apotheken-Notdienst’ can be found on the internet. Opening Hours During the week from Monday to Friday, most shops in the big cities are open between 10 a.m and 8 p.m. Supermarkets open between 7 and 8 a.m. Most shops in Freising close around lunchtime on Saturday. At night and at the weekends, a selection of bakery products, food, newspapers and other articles are available at gas stations. Some shops and food stores at the airport and in the main railway stations are also open on Sundays and public holidays. Pfand In Germany, a deposit (Pfand) of between 8 and 25 cents is charged for most beverages sold in bottles and cans. When purchasing beverages in returnable bottles you therefore also pay a small additional charge, which is reimbursed when you return the empty containers to the shop. Depending on the type of bottle, empty bottles can also be returned to the supermarket and fed into a machine which adds up the refundable amount you will receive at the checkout. A deposit is also charged for bottles which you buy in our canteen or the cafeteria. Smoking Smoking is forbidden in all public buildings, railway stations, airports, on public transport, in pubs and restaurants. 31 Waste disposal System Germany has a selective system of waste disposal. Every household in general has 3 bins: a black for domestic waste like leftover food, dirt, nappies etc., a brown for organic waste, a blue for paper waste. Packaging which bears the “Green Dot” symbol and recyclable waste such as plastic or aluminum - yellow sack or bin. For glass there are special containers in public areas Dead batteries go into special disposal containers in supermarkets and cork can be handed in at the local refuse center. Working Whether as a waiter in a café, a research assistant, at the airport or elsewhere: many international students need to work to finance their studies. Students from the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) have free access to the German job market and are practically equivalent to German students. International students from other countries can work a total of 120 full or 240 half days per year. If you want to work more, you need a permit from the "Agentur für Arbeit" (Federal Employment Agency) and the foreigners' authority. This does not include work as a research assistant. No time limits apply for this activity. However, you will still need to inform the foreigners' authority. In addition, international students from outside the EU or EEA are not permitted to work in a self-employed or freelance capacity. If you are unsure about what kind of job you have been offered, please consult the relevant authority. Regulations are particularly strict for participants in language courses or in preparatory courses ("Studienkolleg"). You may only work in lecture-free periods and only with the consent of the Federal Employment Agency and the foreigners' authority. What about taxes and social security contributions? Students can generally earn 8354 euros per year tax free, i.e. they can hold a mini-job and earn 450 euros a month without paying taxes. Sometimes the employer still withholds income tax, despite the low income, but you generally get this back after submitting your income tax statement. Anyone who works for less than two consecutive months or 50 days over a period of one year does not have to pay any social security contributions. Anyone who is employed, or holds a mini-job, for a longer period of time normally has to make pension insurance contributions. If you work more than 20 hours a week, you not only risk your course performance, you generally also have to pay health, unemployment and nursing care insurance. 32 Support Offices Psychological Advice, Psychosocial and Psychotherapeutic Counselling Location Freising-Weihenstephan , Alte Akademie 1, Room 306 Opening Hours Contact E-Mail Tel Tue - Thu 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Dipl.-Soz.Päd. Alexandra Pöller 08161 71-2496 Student Union Munich : Counselling for International Students Locaation OpeningHours Email: Tel. Munich, Alte Mensa Helene-Mayer-Ring 9, Entrance h Tue 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Thu 2 – 6 p.m. 089 357135-27 Family Service (Childcare/Nursery School) In addition to our existing childcare facilities nursery/daycare, after-school care, vacation daycare, parent-child room and babysitter service, the Weihenstephan campus now offers 3 spots in a group daycare administered by independent nannies. Contact E-Mail Monika Laschinger familienservice[at] Gender Office Location Opening Hours Contact E-Mail Alte Akademie 8, Room 053, Freising-Weihenstephan Mo – Tue 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.; Thu 9.30 a.m. – 3.30 p.m. Dr. Stephanie Handschuh-Heiß Security on Campus Weihenstephan 0160-96713334 Munich (and its surroundings) is one of the safest cities in the world. Among German cities it is ranked third place. Nevertheless, should you ever feel unsafe on the Campus, don’t hesitate to call the Campus Security. 33 Scholarships Scholarships for international students attending the TUM funded through budget resources from the Bavarian government – contact the scholarship office of TUM for details. Deutschlandstipendium/Germany Scholarship for currently enrolled undergraduates and graduates with university entrance certificates from Germany or abroad. The scholarship amount is €300 per month Qualification Requirements: Primary criteria are academic achievement and aptitude. Social engagement, a sense of responsibility and special circumstances such as physical handicaps or a minority status (immigrant background) are also taken into consideration. Application period is May/June for the next winter term. Link to TUM homepage: The Student Union’s advisory service ** Research in Germany The “Research in Germany” portal is the central information platform of the initiative to "Promote Innovation and Research in Germany" by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Editorial responsibility for the Portal lies with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). 34 Impressions of Freising and Weihenstephan Support Offices In the year 724, Korbinian first came to Freising on his way to Rome. He was going on foot with a mule carrying his belongings when a wild and hungry bear attacked his pack animal. As punishment, Korbinian made the bear carry his baggage to the Eternal City. At the invitation of the Duke of Bavaria, this resolute and holy man later came to Freising where he miraculously brought a spring to life on the side of the Weihenstephan hill. Korbinian is considered the first bishop of Freising and founder of the archdiocese of Munich and Freising. The bear carrying Korbinian’s luggage is today incorporated in Freising’s coat-of-arms, and Weihenstephan is a campus that unites traditional and modern elements in a unique way. The location is a closed campus on the outskirts of the town of Freising, which means that all lectures and seminars can normally be reached within a few minutes on foot. Three bus stops provide connections to the public transport system, which takes you to the town center in about five minutes. The designation “Green Center” is related not only to the numerous course-offers, but also to the campus itself. Located in a charming landscape of a tertiary hill region, there is a mix of historic buildings combined with modern architectural features surrounded by well-kept park areas, which are connected through a network of tree-lined footpaths. Together with 35 large lawns where summer festivals and special outdoor events are held, there are also four historic gardens for students to visit. A refectory and two cafeterias offer a variety of meals, including vegetarian dishes, at low prices: starting at around one Euro for a hot main meal. One specialty is the “Bavarian Breakfast” comprising: Bavarian “Weißwurst” sausage with a pretzel and a beer. The Unibar is a popular meeting place, which has a selection of beverages and offers a different hot meal daily. A Segafredo Coffee Bar rounds off the choice. For entertainment, there are bars and pubs, a well stocked municipal library, and various cultural events to suit every taste and taking place all year round. A number of theater performances and concerts take place in three separate locations, and there are guided tours through the town of Freising with special themes, and events such as the Old Town Fest, Mountain Fest, and the Christmas Market, to name just a few. The high number of students amongst the local population ensures a great diversity for student life in Freising. Other festivals such as Uferlos, Kino am Rang, Vöttinger Weiher Open Air, and various parties, as well as the joint events of the residences and student bodies several times a week allow you to make new friends easily and quickly. A new cinema center is under construction but will not be available this summer term. 36 The Weihenstephan campus isn’t only home to the TUM (Technische Universität München) but also to other research institutes as the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, the Bavarian State Research Center for Forestry, Germany's National Meteorological Service - Agri-Weather, the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging and the Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan. Weihenstephan - the oldest still existing Brewery of the World Almost a thousand years ago the Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan was the monastery brewery of the Benedictine monks. It is nowadays operating as a state directed enterprise under the control of the Bavarian Government. As the oldest still existing brewery in the world it stands upon the Weihenstephan hill, surrounded by the comparatively very young School of Life Sciences of the Technical University of Munich. The former monastery building is nowadays home to the Administration Division of the School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan (WZW). It has a beautiful baroque hall on the first floor, called Asam-Hall which used to be the guest dining hall of the monastery and is named after the famous painter-family that also ornamented the Freising Cathedral. Freising is located 35 kilometers north of Munich on the river Isar with a population of approx. 45,800. Freising. The Mayor of the City of Freising attaches great importance to a good relationship with the university. He makes a point of welcoming freshmen students in a separate event in Freising every year and awards a unique prize in the amount of 20.000 € every two years for an outstanding scientific project carried out in international or national cooperation. 37 38 Emergency Telephone Numbers in Germany/Bavaria: Police 110 Ambulance 112 Doctor on-call (weekends) 116 117 Dental Emergency Service +49 (0) 1805 911660 Crisis Hotline (Telefonseelsorge) +49 800 1110111 Security on Campus Weihenstephan 0160-96713334 Central blocking number for lost or stolen credit card 116 116 Some Links that may be of interest for you: Learning how to Learn During your Studies Students’ democratic representation University Sports Library Culture TUM_Events Munich/Freising Events Freisinger Studentenleben e.V. Club Ausländischer Weihenstephaner Facebook 39 Campus Maps: Map of all institutions at Weihenstephan Campus Map of all lecture rooms and halls at Weihenstephan Campus: Computer Rooms for Students: This info is also available on 40