TimeValue Software


TimeValue Software
For Banking
TCalc Online Financial Calculators
Now Optimized for Mobile Devices
Presentation Staff
Welcome to the TimeValue
Software, TCalc Financial
Calculator presentation. I’m
Mo Mora, the TCalc product
manager and will be
speaking to you today about
the benefits of using TCalc
Financial Calculators on
your website.
Mauricio “Mo” Mora
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
I'd like to begin by going over the
agenda for today's presentation. First,
I'd like to provide some background and
history about our company, TimeValue
Software. Then, I will let you know about
the TCalc Financial Calculator Product,
which will include a demonstration of
what the product looks like live, and a
demonstration how quick how quick and
easy they are to set-up. I’ll finish by
talking about pricing, and by answering
some "Frequently Asked Questions"
about the TCalc Calculators.
About TimeValue Software
Located in Irvine, California.
Software Developers, for over 25 years.
TimeValue Software has more than a million global users
for all product lines in 100 countries.
Experts in Time Value of Money Calculations
Products used by many Fortune 500 Companies, top banks,
top credit unions, all the top100 accounting firms.
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
Now, let's get into a
specific discussion
about the TCalc
Financial Calculators.
About TCalc Financial Calculators
TCalc calculators are quick an easy to set up.
TCalc calculators are installed on your website.
TCalc calculators are highly customizable.
TCalc calculators are maintained remotely.
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
At this point, I'd like to
show you our
calculators, starting
with one of our two "out
of the box" solutions,
we call the Long List.
Our “out of the box” set-ups are
great because they can take as
little as five minutes to set-up and
still have a custom look and feel.
This is South Bay Credit Union’s
website. They use our long list
calculator set-up. The long list
interface is when each calculator
suite can be found on the same
page in a linear sequence with one
suite of calculators found stacked
upon another, separated by a suite
This interface is great when you
want your website visitors to be
able to see all of the calculators
you have available on one page.
Mauricio Mora
The first thing you'll notice is that
the calculators have taken on the
specific style and appearance of
the existing website. Notice that
the fonts, and font size are an
exact match, which gives the
appearance of a custom design for
this website.
The TCalc financial calculator
code is dynamic, which means
that it picks up on your
website’s style sheets.
The style sheets dictate font,
font size, color scheme,
functionality, and spacing.
One thing you'll notice on this
webpage, is that when I hover
over a link from an individual
calculator, it changes color.
That is not dictated by us it
was done automatically
though the websites existing
style sheets.
Another thing I would like you
to notice is the print and email
buttons located in the upper
right corner.
These are options provided
free of charge and take zero
time for a developer to set-up.
Mauricio Mora
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
Now let's take a
look at a
different out of
the box option,
the Tab List.
This is what the Tab List design
looks like on the Abilene
Teachers Federal Credit Union
website. You will notice with this
design, the calculator suites can
be revealed by clicking the
individual tabs.
This is a great interface when you
don’t want your customers to
have to scroll down the page to
see all of your calculators.
Once again, you'll see that the
calculators have automatically
taken on the unique appearance
of the site.
Mauricio Mora
I'd like you to take note of when I hover over
a calculator link, unlike South Bay’s website
where the link font changed color, the
underscoring will disappear and a call-out
box will appear on the lower right.
This is unique to this website and its style
Mauricio Mora
Mauricio Mora
Let's go ahead and click on one
of the calculator links so I can
show you what the calculator
looks like.
This is what a typical TCalc
Financial Calculator looks like. The
calculators are actually imbedded
on your website which allows for
the background and look of the
webpage to come through.
Unlike many of our competitors,
our calculators are not found in a
pre-determined box, with a look of
its own which may or may not
match the look of your website.
Another thing we focus on is
making the our calculators as user
friendly as possible. In an attempt
to do this, we keep the fields of
information one would need to fill
out to a minimum and we always
display example information in
those fields.
Mauricio Mora
Often, a person may not know the
necessary information to fill out all
of the fields, but they may still want
to calculate an estimated value.
The pre-populated fields offer a
guide to accomplish this.
Another great feature is that the
pre-populated information is
customizable. You can put
information in the fields that best fit
your business.
This adjustment can be made in
minutes and can be done at any
time, not just during setup.
Lastly, I want to mention that all 45
of our calculators are run directly
on this one page.
The advantage of this is that only
one page needs to be updated or
Mauricio Mora
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Custom Interface
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
Even though we make it very simple
to get TCalc Calculators up and
running on a website with our
standard solutions, we also have
customers that take advantage of the
fact that TCalc is easily customizable.
Let’s look at a few examples of what
some of our customers have designed
that gave them the unique and custom
appearance they were looking for.
In this example we see a
custom TCalc installation of
on the CFE Federal Credit
Union website.
You can see that this custom
interface is quite different
from both the Long List and
Tab List examples previously
Mauricio Mora
This is something that CFE
did themselves to provide a
more custom fit for their
Notice that they added their
own categories on the left.
Under the Calculators
Introduction heading, you are
given additional information
about the calculators and given
the option to click on individual
calculator suites or categories.
Mauricio Mora
You can see as we open the
Home Financing set of
calculators, that all the
calculators are listed.
Notice on the left, you are still
able to reference the other
calculator categories.
Mauricio Mora
Here is another custom example
on Central Virginia's website.
Once we click on a calculator
Mauricio Mora
can see the same basic
Live You
calculator we've shown before
but the calculator is now a
custom fit to the look of Central
Virginia's site.
Mauricio Mora
The Federal Reserve recently
published a report that showed a
dramatic increase in the number of
people using mobile devices for
banking purposes.
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Custom Interface
 Mobile Web
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
One of the biggest advantages of
using TCalc Financial Calculators, is
that we work on any website, and
that includes the mobile web.
When a customer tries to view TCalc
calculators on a mobile device, such
as an iPhone, IPad, Android, or other
smart phones or tablets, they work
Here's an example of a TCalc customer that
has a website designed for a desktop or
laptop, however , when their site is
accessed by a mobile device you are
redirected to their mobile site.
If you have access to an IPhone, Android,
or some other mobile device , you can see
this website by going to this site
www. 1cb.com/home/calculators/
Now Optimized
for the Mobile Web
When you arrive at their
mobile site, you will notice
that the interface has been
customized to function
properly on this mobile
Now Optimized
for the Mobile Web
Now let’s click on one of the
calculator links.
Now Optimized
for the Mobile Web
Unlike the Calculators on
their regular site, on this
mobile site the calculators
have been resized and
formatted to be easily read
on a much smaller screen
providing a seamless
mobile interface.
This is unique to TCalc.
We are one of the few
calculator providers that
offer a mobile friendly
calculator solution.
The best part is that setting
up the calculators for the
mobile web does not
require any extra effort.
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Custom Interface
 Mobile Web
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
One of the best features of
TCalc is how easy they are
to set-up.
Let me show you what I
When a customer first purchases the
calculators , we create code that is
specific to their website’s URL.
Next, we send an email with detailed
instructions on how to install the
calculators on their website.
The Ease of Setting-Up TCalc
Thank you for choosing TimeValue SoftwareTM TCalcTM online financial calculators. TimeValue
Software wants to ensure that adding the calculators to your website results in a final product that
you are pleased with. TCalc calculators are designed to match perfectly with the style, background,
and colors of your website. Please let us know if you should have any difficulty adding or styling
the calculators. Also, make sure to take a look at the PDF documents at the bottom of this email
for helpful tips.
To install TCalc calculators on your website, please follow these simple instructions:
1.Create a new empty page on your website with the look and feel you desire for your new TCalc
calculators. Name this page "calculators.htm". This is where you will access the calculators.
2.Determine where you want your TCalc calculators to appear on this new page and copy the
contents of the attached file "PasteText.txt" onto that area of the calculators.htm page that you
created. The calculators should now appear matching your website’s style.
3.If at this point your calculators are not functioning properly, you may need to take some
additional steps. Some websites, especially those that use a content management system (CMS),
may require additional code to ensure that the calculators function properly. Please take a look at
the TCalc Product Options PDF document below for additional help.
Trouble Shooting (addressed in TCalc Product Options PDF)
Set Up Code
Attached to the email will be a text file
that contains all of the code
necessary to run the calculators on
your site.
<!--Begin Calculators-->
<div class="cTimeValue">
When opening the text file, you'll be
<script type="text/javascript">
instructed to highlight, copy , then
// Developers: If you should have any questions or concerns
paste the code onto the page in which
regarding the use of this script, please call
you want the calculators to run.
TimeValue Software Support at 800-426-4741.
<a href="http://www.timevalue.com/tools.aspx">online financial
Once you save the text as code, the
calculators will magically appear on
TEMPLATE_ID = "www.thesubygroup.com_1";
your site with your own custom look
and{ feel.
if (document.location.href.substring(0,5) == "https") { URL = "https://"; } else
URL = "http://";}
URL += "www.TimeValueCalculators.com/timevaluecalculators/includes/calculators_script.js";
Remember, the code is dynamic so it
scriptTag = 'SCRIPT ';
will automatically pick up your
languageAttr = 'LANGUAGE="JavaScript" ';
website's style sheets.
srcAttr = 'SR' + 'C="' + URL + '" '; //split for DNN
typeAttr = 'TYPE="text/javascript" ';
document.write('<' + scriptTag + languageAttr + srcAttr + '></' + scriptTag + '>');
// Purchase <a href="http://www.timevalue.com/tcalc.aspx">financial calculators</a> from TimeValue
The Ease of Setting-Up TCalc
Supporting Documentation:
Also attached to your email will
be three PDF documents that
can be used to further
customize the appearance and
function of the calculators
along with solutions for trouble
TCalc Product Options.pdf
Documentation to describe some plug-n-play extra features for your TCalc calculators
TCalc Applying Style.pdf
Applying style to your TCalc calculators
TCalc Setting Defaults.pdf
How to set the defaults of your TCalc calculators
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Custom Interface
 Mobile Web
 Set Up
 Pricing
Even though we have one of the
highest quality calculators on
the market, one of the biggest
advantages of choosing TCalc
Financial Calculators is that we
are also one of the LOWEST in
TCalc Financial Calculators are
priced to fit everyone's budget.
On the right side of the TCalc
product page on our website,
you can view the a-la-cart
pricing sheet, where the cost
for one calculator is listed as
$50 per year.
that the pricing
1. BackgroundYou'll
on notice
according to the quantity
2. About TCalctiered
calculators you
want to buy.
We also
a bundle
for all of Calculators
3. Demonstration
of offer
all calculators for $1,200 per
A. Long List
B. Tabbed List Interface
C. Custom Interface
D. Mobile Web Interface
4. The Ease of Setting-Up” TCalc Financial Calculators
5. Pricing
6. Questions
At TimeValue Software we take
great pride in our customer
This includes walking our
customers step-by-step
through the calculator set-up
and making sure that the look
and function is exactly the way
you want.
We charge a small one-time
setup fee for this service and
as you can see in the box on
the right, the cost is based on
the number of calculators you
 TimeValue Software
 TCalc Financial Calculators
 Demonstration
 Long List Interface
 Tab List Interface
 Set Up
 Pricing
 Questions
I'd like to conclude our
presentation by answering some
questions we regularly encounter
from customers.
Frequently Asked Questions…
 Does TCalc require Java or Flash?
 Will TCalc work on all web browsers?
 Is TCalc fully SSL compliant?
TCalc does not require Java, Flash or
any additional technology in order to
work flawlessly.
In addition, TCalc works on all of the
many web browsers on the market
Along with being SSL compliant and
can be used on all secure websites.
Frequently Asked Questions…
 Does TCalc require Java or Flash?
 Will TCalc work on all web browsers?
 Is TCalc fully SSL compliant?
 Does TCalc offer usage tracking reports?
 Can you add links to promotions or loan applications to TCalc pages?
 Are there any guarantees?
We also offer usage reports upon request to
 Can I trust TimeValue Software?
help validate the value of web calculators,
We also provide the capability to add application
links or promotional buttons to their calculator
Frequently Asked Questions…
 Does TCalc require Java or Flash?
 Will TCalc work on all web browsers?
 Is TCalc fully SSL compliant?
 Does TCalc offer usage tracking reports?
 Can you add links to promotions or loan applications to TCalc pages?
 Are there any guarantees?
Thank You
1-800-426-4741 or info@TimeValue.com

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