THE CRIER © Ill. Sir Kevin Sweeney, Potentate Official Publication of Antioch Shrine • VOL. 115, NO. 2 FEBRUARY 2015 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS ANTIOCH SHRINE Page 2 From the Potentate Ill. Sir Kevin Sweeney Nobles and Ladies All, Well, we finally made it! 2015 is here and your new Divan is installed. We kicked 2015 off with a big party where we saw a couple of new guys get pied and we had a lot of fun! We have a lot in store this year and hope you can join us. First we have a year event pass. If you were not at Installation or the Roast, be sure to pick one up at the office. Each person, Noble, lady, or family member is eligible for the card. We had a special punch made to use on these tickets. Every event in the Calendar Book with a Train Engine icon, is a punch event. See Nobles David Sweeney or Jim Hodde to get yours punched at those events. At the end of the year, 24 punches equals a full card and makes you eligible to trade that card for an opportunity at a large screen LED TV, Computer Monitor, Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo, or one of two Dinner tickets. There are 29 possible events for punches, including each show at the Circus. If you attend the Circus with a paid ticket or show up to work, you can get one punch for each show. You can buy punches for $5 if you are running short, and that money will go to Valeri’s First Lady’s Project fund. This is Valeri’s and my commitment to Membership this year. God Bless Antioch! ANTIOCH CRIER Second, we will have a Salute the Troops Event on April 18th to honor all those who have served our Country. Get your information into the Office or send an EMAIL to “POTENTATE@ ANTIOCHSHRINE.COM” with name, ending rank, dates and branch of service, any deployments/campaigns, and any distinctions of honor. Then plan to attend the Event and we will honor you that day. The Sweeney Family will be proud to have one of our very own as the Officer of the Day, active duty Army Captain Benjamin Sweeney. Ben has expressed his honor to be able to give back to those who have stood on that wall so that he can do what he does every day. God Bless America! Third, each Unit and Club should have a Piggy Bank by now, if not please contact the Office or send an EMAIL to “POTENTATE@ANTIOCHSHRINE. COM”. The Piggy Bank will be used to collect spare change throughout the year. You are not limited to the pig’s size, it is your starter. I would be overwhelmed if groups showed up with their Pigs sitting on top of large tubs or barrels of “Spare Change”. In October we will have a “Calling of the Hogs” event, where these Piggy Banks will be called home. There will be a Pig Roast, a Hoe Down, and all monies raised that day will go to Shriner’s Hospitals for Children. So get your Piggy Bank and get started! God Bless our Children! That’s it for now, to recap our focus this year will be on the Children we serve, Patriotism and Membership. Antioch no longer follows, we lead so others can find calm waters in our wake. Thank you for what you do each and every day, so that we can stand proud and represent you for 2015! May God bless each one of you! YITF Kevin Sweeney Potentate 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 IN MEMORIAM 2015 JANUARY 2015 George Davidson Elmer S. Seifert James E. Houtz Richard E. Groves Peter G. Michael Jack M. Ohmart William Harrison 12/24/2014 12/09/2014 12/13/2014 12/18/2014 12/17/2014 01/05/2015 01/12/2015 inactive 09/10/1955 11/26/1977 12/03/1966 04/29/1972 12/03/1955 11/01/2011 11/25/1949 IN & OUT OF ANTIOCH JANUARY 2015 DEMITTED Richard B. Swinford James L. Tripp Paul S. Wells Robert Wood SUSPENDED 39 Suspended for non-payment of dues LOST IN THE DESERT We need your help in locating these Nobles. If you know anything about them please call Antioch’s office at (937-461-4740) or if out of town call 1-800-790-4740 and provide us with your information - or ask them to contact us. Thank you. Jerold L. Jamieson, Recorder Timothy C. Kaylor 800 Franklin Rd. Apt. 13 Lebanon OH 45036 Miami County SHRINE CLUB By Bruce Adamson, VP Starting a new year with new officers in the club; Bill Garlow, PP, is our new President, Bruce Adamson is Vice President, and Allen Bondurant is Secretary/Treasurer. The club has purchased a brick and a room at the new Lexington Hospital, looking forward to a trip down to see them. A big THANK YOU to our can crushers, I know the barn has been very cold the past few weeks. FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER A February greeting from Lady Valeri, lady of Antioch’s Potentate Kevin Sweeney Ladies, Nobles, and Friends, We are in month two of our amazing journey and we can’t say Thank You enough for your support. Until now, our kids didn’t quite understand the passion and commitment behind being a Shriner or a Shriner lady. After experiencing the Installation and OG Roast, our family now understands the time and dedication of Shriners to support these kids. They have personally seen what it means to be a part of a great organization – Shriners International. Thank You! Installation and the OG Roast brought a lot of laughs. I chuckle as I think of all that camouflage in one room. I thought for a moment I might be standing in the middle of a sporting goods store. Our son laughed as he recalled someone from the back of the room mentioning they wanted a ride on the duck attached to the remote control jeep as it appeared during introductions. Where else could you share this much fun with family and friends? Our first ladies sewing, knitting, and crochet event was a blast. We look forward to sharing more stories and wisdom in the March session. We also are packaging our first Soldier Care Package for shipment. Our soldiers Thank You for your support and love from the home-front. We still need names of soldiers and their information to receive our care packages. Please include the time-frame for their tour of duty to ensure we ship the packages to arrive while they are deployed. For those of you dedicated to the Ladies Physical Fitness activity, it seems January was not so good for me personally but I hope to be able to redirect my focus after the installations are complete. I truly enjoyed the wonderful company of all our members during all those yummy dinners but it seems I need to develop a bit more self-control when it comes to cake, pie, brownies, and all the delicacies that come from the kitchen. Antioch’s soldier of the month for January 2015 Antioch’s soldier of the month for January 2015 is Staff SSgt Steve E. Philpot. Steve was born 5-31-1984 in Dayton, Ohio. Steve is married to Marissa Gleason and is the son of Shirley Garrett and Tim Philpot. Steve’s cousins are Larry Rike and Betty Crusenberry. Steve graduated from Arcanum and Miami Valley Career Technology Center (CTC) in 2003 with a Certificate in Culinary Arts! Steve loved and played all sports throughout his life, but football was his favorite sport especially his last two years of high school! His dream was to play college football! Steve also graduated from the Sullivan University in Louisville, Kentucky in 2005 with an Associate in Culinary Arts! After a couple years of working nights and week-ends at various restaurants in the Dayton area and Ramada Inn in Cincinnati, Steve decided he needed to do more for his country and joined the U.S. Air Force. Airman Steven E. Philpot graduated from Basic Military Training in 2008 at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. Steve went on to Sheppard AFB, Texas to become a Crew Chief for C-130’s. He was then transferred to Hurlburt Field AFB in Fort Walton, Florida where he resides with his wife Marissa and daughter Georgia! Steve has been on two deployments to Afghanistan. His first deployment was in 2012 for Special Operations in Bagram AF, Afghanistan. In 2013 Steve became Staff Sergeant (SSgt). Staff SSgt Steve E. Philpot is now on his second deployment on Special Operations in Bagram AF, Afghanistan. He is due to come back home in early summer 2015. Thoughts and Prayers are appreciated for Steve’s safe return home! Other family members of Steve who are active in the Air Force include Cory Dillon Lett (cousin) serving and deployed at present time in Bagram AF, Afghanistan. Steve’s Cousin Benson A. Maiden is also serving and deployed at present time in Japan. Please keep Steve, Cory, and Benson in your prayers. As we continue into 2015, here’s a few highlights on current and upcoming events at Antioch: -Soldier Monthly Care packages - Continued on page 8 Page 3 The Antioch Shrine Crier Published by and under the auspices of Antioch Shrine Oasis of Dayton, Desert of Ohio 107 E. First St. • Dayton, OH 45402-1214 PHONE: 937-461-4740 1-800-790-4740 FAX: 937-461-3904 EDITOR...............WILLIAM GARLOW, PP SEND ALL NOTICES, COPY & COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING CRIER CONTENT TO “EDITOR” (ABOVE ADDRESS,E-MAIL OR FAX) SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO RECORDER. DALE W STAUSS IMPERIAL POTENTATE OFFICIAL DIVAN 2015 Kevin Sweeney (Valeri)..............................................................Potentate 285 South Union Rd. • Miamisburg, OH 45242-2161 • 937-304-5778 David A. Heizer (Linda)...................................................... Chief Rabban 2000 Erikman Ln. • Xenia, OH 45385-8917 • 937-376-2983 Wes Ramsey (Johanna).............................................. Assistant Rabban 6210 Laurelhurst lane • Centerville, OH 45459 • 937-312-1440 Bret Stahler (Susan)...............................................High Priest & Prophet 6512 Township Rd. 55 • Bellefontaine, OH 43311 • 937-935-9851 Max Richardson (Marion)...................................................Oriental Guide 798 Bolton Abbey Lane • Vandalia, Ohio 45377 • 937-668-4107 Todd Rider (Michelle)..........................................First Ceremonial Master 4470 Walgrove Ct. • Beavercreek, Ohio 45432 • 937-372-4829 Rob S. Fickert (Lissa).................................................................Treasurer 1405 Haven Hill Dr. • Dayton, OH 45459-1502 • 937-435-4899 Jerry L. Jamieson (Carol)...........................................................Recorder 6636 Whitcomb Place • Dayton, OH 45459 • 937-433-2928 Paul A. Weglage (Karen)............................................................Chaplain 5 Fairwood Dr. • Miamisburg, OH 45342 • 937- 866-8832 Imperial Council Representatives Charles A, “Tad” Claypool, 33°, Past Imperial Potentate Kevin Sweeney David A. Heizer Wes Ramsey Bret Stahler EMERITUS REPRESENTATIVES, COLORADO CORP. William T. Harris Dwayne C. Jones, 33° Robert E. “Gene” Walls Douglas R. Boyd Doug Sorrell Horace “Hank” Gladney Gary L. Blackford PAST IMPERIAL OFFICERS Charles A. Claypool, 33° Ben Hardin, Jr., 33° Past Imperial Potentate 2002-2003 Past Imperial Associate Chaplain 2002-2003 Living Past Potentates Frank S. Klugh.....................1977 J. Douglas Elliott..................1979 John W. Shimer, 33°............1980 Ben Hardin Jr., 33°...............1988 Dick Church Jr., 33°.............1989 Charles A. Claypool, 33°......1990 William T. Harris...................1991 Robert E. “Gene” Walls........1992 Dwayne Jones, 33°..............1993 Hank Gladney.......................1996 Robert I. Wagner..................1997 Edward A. Molen..................1998 Douglas R. Boyd..................1999 Doug Sorrell.........................2000 Gary L. Blackford..................2001 Steve Maynard.....................2004 Jim Brewer............................2006 Ray Combs...........................2008 Bob Deam............................2009 Tom V. Schoff, 33°................2010 Bill Garlow.............................2011 H. Jeffery Shaw, 33°.............2012 John Bull Jr...........................2013 P. Scott Lipps........................2014 EMERITUS OFFICERS Jimmy G. Mitchell................................................Recorder and Treasurer Dale Biddle.................................................................................Recorder Dwayne Jones, 33°....................................................................Treasurer Ben Hardin, 33°..........................................................................Chaplain Antioch Shrine Shrine Antioch Chartered Chartered June June 14, 14, 1898 1898 Stated Sessions Sessions are are held held at at 7:00 7:00 o’clock o’clock p.m. p.m. on on the the second second Monday Monday of of Stated April, September and 9:00 o’clock a.m. April, September and 9:00 o’clock a.m. the the second second Saturday Saturday of of DecemDecember of of each each year. year. December December meeting meeting will will be be for for Election Election of of Shrine Shrine Officers Officers ber and and Imperial Imperial Representatives. Representatives. The The Annual Annual Meeting Meeting will will be be held held the the secsecond Saturday Saturday of of January, January, starting starting at at 9:00 9:00 o’clock o’clock a.m. a.m. Additional Additional sessions sessions ond may be held at the pleasure of the Illustrious Potentate, provided may be held at the pleasure of the Illustrious Potentate, provided that that due due notice thereof thereof be be given given to to the the Nobility Nobility as as provided provided for for in in Section Section 3-6 3-6 of of notice the the Shrine Shrine By-Laws. By-Laws. Ill. Dale Sir John Bull Jr. • Building Manager • 937-461-4740 Shafner • Building Manager • 937-461-4740 Rick Rick Maynard Maynard •• Oasis Oasis Manager Manager •• 937-461-4740 937-461-4740 PUBLISHED PUBLISHED MONTHLY MONTHLY ALL ALL ARTICLES ARTICLES MUST MUST BE BE SUBMITTED SUBMITTED BY BY THE THE 10TH 10TH OF EACH MONTH PRECEDING OF EACH MONTH PRECEDING PUBLICATION PUBLICATION Page 4 Springfield Clark Co. SHRINE CLUB By Jim Bentz - Secretary Greetings from the Shrine Club of Springfield/Clark County. First, we hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Isn’t it amazing how quick the years go by? Our club had a good year in 2014 and we are looking forward to another in 2015. Our Christmas Party was a great success and we are looking forward to our installation of officers which will be held on January 21st with Illustrious Potentate Kevin Sweeney presiding over the installation ceremony. Now that the holidays are past we can begin looking forward to Spring and the warmer weather. ANTIOCH GUN CLUB By Noble Tom Hail This year comes in with a big change for the Gun Club. Since we started our club in 2007, we have grown to over one hundred members plus their Ladies, our “Annie Oakleys”. The monthly meetings have alternated between Noble Doug Hague’s Vandalia Range & Armory and the Alpha Lodge on Smithville Rd in Dayton. Noble Hague’s impressive facility was recently expanded to accommodate large groups (like our Gun Club). Our members get a modern and clean environment in which to hold a meeting or fire one of the shooting programs. At our last regular meeting a motion was made and passed unanimously to move the alternate months from Alpha Lodge to our own Antioch Shrine. The February 11th meeting will be at the range for our annual “Pizza Party”. This yearly bash started 7 years ago by then Vice President Frank Kelley who ordered 4 pizzas for the small group. This year we are up to over 20 pizzas and counting! And this time the classroom will be twice as big and have “unlimited” space for our meal and the meeting that follows. Then, March 18th has us at Antioch! ANTIOCH CRIER PHOTO UNIT By Noble Bruce E. Puff What a great start to the New Year, Antioch, even with the snow and zero degree weather, moved quickly from the Christmas Season into the packing Our Steamer Trunks and boarded the Antioch Express for the Train Ride to the change in the Di-Van, Stated Meeting and O.G. Roast. A Heart Felt Thank You to Illustrious Sir Scott and Lady Holly for great Year of Leadership. Welcome to Brett Stahler, H.P. & P. and Max Richardson, O.G. The Photo Unit also with Best Wishes and to Thank Larry and Teresa Cornett for their Time and Service. Noble Larry Cornett had been The Unit Director and with his new toy, the R.V., packed, and right after The O.G. Roast, Larry and Teresa headed South for the warmer weather. We, The Photo Unit, do Welcome Doug as Our Unit Director, and to His Lady Teresa. The Photo Unit meets the 4th Wednesday of the Month, 7:30 p.m. at Antioch. See You All at the Circus, and smile. FEBRUARY 2015 BOBBIE BITS By Noble Charlie Weaver Congratulations to our new Divan for 2015 the Bobbies know you will work hard to make this the best year ever and to keep our temple strong. Congrats to our very own Bobbie Max Richardson for stepping up and taking the role of our Oriental Guide. The Bobbies know you will work hard to keep Antioch the best temple in the new year. It’s circus time Nobles so let’s do our part to keep this circus a successful one, help out when you can because without you the job can’t be done. It’s going to be a fun filled year Nobles so hang on, grab your ladies and get involved because you don’t want to miss out on what our Potentate has in store for us this year. Our parade season looks like a great time so don’t miss out on all the fun Antioch has to offer. Remember without you we can’t spread the word for our children. So have fun and don’t make the Bobbies come looking for you. We'll save a seat for you in the paddy wagon. Greene COUNTY SHRINE CLUB By Todd Rider 1st. Ceremonial Master By Bill Garlow, PP, President In January we presented the Master Mason degree for the Englewood Lodge. We always look forward to the opportunity to confer the MM Degree . If your lodge would like to have the Past Masters confer the MM Degree, or provide some manpower, please contact our Director, Charles Pinney via phone at 937-416-0056 or by email at We have installed our new officers during our January meeting, Chuck Pinney, Director, Bill Garlow, PP, President, WB Greg Clatterbuck, Sec / Treas. and WB Ed Howard, Chaplin. Antioch Past Master’s Club dues in the amount of $10.00 are now due for 2015. There will be no meeting in February. Our next Stated meeting will be on Thursday, March 5th. I hope everyone is doing well and trying to stay warm. I would like to congratulate the new officers who were installed at the last meeting. Thanks for stepping up and filling some offices that have been held for many years by your fellow Nobles. We would like to thank Jerry for the many years of service being our Secretary. I would like to correct a typo I had in the last Crier and apologize for hacking their name up so bad. So I would like to welcome again Jack Bruhn and Lady Rhonda to the club. Remember our next meeting is February 18th at Xenia Senior Center. I would like to remind you of a few upcoming dates at the Shrine, don’t forget the Circus the 6-8 February. Greene Co. SC. is scheduled for Usher duty on the 6th. Please arrive at 4:30 for your assignments. Hope to see as many of you who can make it. Todd will be Dazzle or helping Dazzle again this year. May God bless you and keep you safe. Till we meet again. FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 5 Legion of Honor Mounted Patrol CLASSIC CAR CLUB By Noble Louis Caston, Chaplain By Todd Rider 1st. Ceremonial Master By Rick Snider, Director The Legion of Honor has started the New Year with plenty of activities. We had our Stated Meeting on Thursday, January 8th. We posted Colors for the Divan Installation on Friday, January 9th and also on Saturday, January 10th for the ‘OG Roast and Meet the Divan Event’. Our Change of Command Dinner was Friday, January 23rd where Harry Stanley was installed as Commander for 2015. “On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind. As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind” Dan Lipinski THE ANTIOCH LEGION OF HONOR WANTS YOU! Membership is limited to Nobles that are serving or have been Honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of their country. PROVOST GUARD By Noble Tom Hail Happy Valentine’s Day everyone from the Provost Guard! Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get down to what this month of February is really all about - the Antioch Shrine Circus! The Divan did a lot of planning and set the Usher Schedule (page 12 Jan. Crier) for each unit and club. Provost will be at each of the five shows. We look forward to seeing you and your Lady as we all assist the children in experiencing another great Shrine Circus. The circus seems to run smoother and smoother, which of course is due to you, the Noble and your Lady. The small adjustments learned and implemented every year continue to make our circus grow more successful. To improve the Provost Guard’s role at the shows, Chief Roger DeLong requested an assignment presentation for our unit. The program was given by Noble Peter Dyer at our regular February meeting at Roush’s Restaurant. He outlined each Provost officer’s and Lady’s specific duty prior to and during each show. A tip of the fez to Noble Dyer. See you at the circus! We held our installation of officers and it was very fast as all stayed in the same chairs as last year. I would like to remind the Mounted Patrol that we are schedule to be ushers at the Circus on February 8th. Please arrive at 9:30 AM for assignments. Our next meeting is February 5th at the Shrine center. We usually meet in the Past Potentate's room. If any new member has an interest in coming, please come to the meeting all are welcome. We are always looking for someone to be our cleanup crew at the parades. Hope everyone is healthy and is staying safe in this cold weather. Busting those water troughs up for the horses is always a never ending battle this time of year. May God bless you and keep you safe. Happy trails to you. FAIRBORN SHRINE CLUB By Noble Matt McFarland January was a tough month for our club due to illness and inclement weather. We held our stated meeting on the 8th of January in below 0° temperatures. Attendance was sparse but we still had 16 Nobles and ladies there to enjoy one another’s fellowship. Our club has been scheduled to serve as ushers at the Circus on Saturday, the 7th of February for the evening show (report time is 3:30 pm). I hope you are able to make it to the Circus to help. I think you will find that it is a fun time. Join me in welcoming Bob and Marlene Wagner as the newest members of the Fairborn Shrine Club. Our next meeting is to be held on Thursday February 5th at TJ Chumps on Dayton Yellow Springs Rd. in Fairborn beginning at 6:00pm. At this meeting we will be installing our officers for 2015. I will continue to serve as President, Roger DeLong will be installed as Vice President, and Richard Winters as Secretary/Treasurer. Additionally we will be discussing a few things that we hope to accomplish this year. I hope to see you there. Well winter is here and it’s time to “change the guard” at Antioch and the Classic Cars are excited for a fun packed year with Ills. Sir Kevin Sweeney and the new Divan. We will be holding our installation of officers at our Feb. 10th meeting. Our new officers are Pres. Jim Matthews, V.P. Jim Smart, Treasurer Dir. Emeritus Tom Lees, Secretary Harold Broughton and Director Rick Snider. We are geared up for the Circus and excited about participating. Our next meeting will be April 14th! See you at Antioch! MOTOR CORPS By Noble Pete Boyd Hurrah! Hurrah! One of our own is now Potentate. What a great installation and OG roast. Thirty of the Motor Corps nobles participated in the Honor Guard at the Installation and it was impressive. The OG roast was outstanding, food and music were superb and with this great start, we all know 2015 will be a great year for our fraternity. At the OG roast the Motor Corps Nobles were proud when forming two long lines for the entrance and introduction of our new Potentate, Illustrious Kevin Sweeney. Kevin and his Lady Valeri are extremely popular within the Corps and we were proud to donate a large check to enable their year to be one of the best ever at Antioch. Virgil Neal did an outstanding job in presenting the check and giving a brief history of Kevin’s path leading to this final great recognition. GOOD JOB “SNOOPY” In closing, we in the Motor Corps want to thank Linda Heizer for making an appearance and bringing us all up to speed on Dave’s recovery in the hospital. We all know she has been very busy and worried and this effort, though not expected, was greatly appreciated. This thinking of others is what makes the Heizers great Shriners. Page 6 4 Wheelers By Noble Carl Day The 4-Wheelers are coming off a fantastic 2014 parade year led by our “Cover Boy” Greg Burroughs. We wrapped the year with a Christmas dinner prepared by our own Rick Maynard and his Lady Teresa. Carl Day entertained the group with close up magic. We said farewell to our friend and fellow driver Dave Haines and his Lady Terry. We wish them well as they move to another phase of their lives. We’re looking forward the 2015 parade season. Contact Director Greg Burroughs if you are interested in joining the fastest unit in Antioch. The 4-Wheelers meet on the third Tuesday at the Shrine Center. We are dark in February and March. Marching Patrol By the old ground-pounder Ivan Clark Director Emeritus Our January meeting was again held at the Shrine Center, usual stuff, but this time our Secretary-Treasurer Benny Ulmer advised us that we only have 14 paid members. We need all of the patrol members to help get the inactive members back to the meetings and get involved again, or new members! This year the Patrol will be manning one gate taking tickets for all the performances of the circus. A big tip of the fez goes to those patrolmen! Director Ron Rhoades again discussed the Great Lakes Shrine Patrol Mid-Winter meeting. A budget was set and approved by the Patrol. Hotels are being sought out along with a meeting and hospitality room. The meeting is being set for Mid-March Saint Patrick’s Day time frame. At this point in time we have no idea how many Temples from the Great lakes will attend. Patrolmen, we will need help setting up and manning the hospitality room, meeting and entertaining our guests. Our prayers and thoughts are with those patrolmen and their families having health problems. Until next month, Left, Right, Left, Right ANTIOCH CRIER Antioch Greeters By Bill Garlow, PP Our Antioch Shrine Circus is the big event for February This is where we make the money to support our parades and events. Please come and volunteer the Circus, there lots of different jobs to fill. February Birthdays are: Mary Davis(12th) and Shirley Jones(25th). We wish them a Happy Birthday. "Crier" Deadline is the 10th of the month. PIPES AND DRUMS By Everett Bailey, Director On behalf of the Pipes and Drums, I would like to express our sympathy to Howard Hanshew and family on the passing of Howard’s wife Adeleen. Howard joined the band in 1974 and served as president, and director of the band before retiring from the band. Happy belated birthday to Robert Burns ( January 25, 1721 to July 21, 1796). Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland. He was a prolific poet and lyricist, whose works had a huge impact on literature around the world. His birthday is celebrated by having a Burns Supper, the first of which was held in 1803. A Burns Supper is a formal affair that starts with introductions of guests and toasting with good Scotch whiskey. Then bagpipes play as the Haggis is carried in and cut into serving sized pieces. At this time the poem “Address To A Haggis” is read and supper is served. After supper many of Burns poems are read and the evening ends with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne”. Many of the tunes we play were written by Burns See You At The Circus FEBRUARY 2015 Parade Escort By Bruce Adamson The weather has not been very conducive to riding motorcycles. That being said, every one of our members is looking forward to the start of the parade season. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. If you are not in a unit, consider joining one this year. It’s a fun way to spread the word about the Shrine and our Antioch Temple. Azizah temple D of N By Princess Chaplain, Dees Thompson Another year is underway, and Azizah Temple is going about its business. At the January session we had more discussion about our meeting day and time. A report by the committee appointed to study this situation will be issued this month. In February, of course, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. Please bring a Valentine to the session. Do not address it to anyone, but write a little note in it and sign it. We will all enjoy reading what our “valentine” says to us. Committee reports will be given at this session. Don’t forget the Past Queens’ pasta dinner on February 14 – the perfect day for a dinner out with your special valentine. See our ad elsewhere in this publication. Come on down! Please make plans to attend the session on March 19. It is election day, a time when members should attend if at all possible. Also, we will hold our memorial service, in which we remember members who have passed on in the last year. Have you seen the TV ads about our Shriners Hospital? Makes you proud, doesn’t it? Remember our pledge to the children. Bring white socks, children’s tee shirts (S, M, L) and disposable cameras to the February session. Our committee will see that our gifts get to Cincinnati. Feb. 14 Feb. 19 March 19 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Pasta Dinner Regular session, 1:00 p.m. Valentine celebration Regular session, 1:00 p.m. Election, memorial service REMEMBER: Mark Twain said, “When in doubt, tell the truth.” FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER ELISSA SHRINE GUILD Golf Club By Harry Beam, President The Golf Club will have a planning meeting on April 1st for this year’s activities. All golfers, new and old are invited. It is at Antioch at 7:00 PM. For more information contact Harry Beam at (937) 478-2470 ANTIOCH FUNSTERS Page 7 By Allison Brigitzer, Maharanee The Elissa Shrine Guild is off to a strong start in 2015, showing our support for Antioch’s Nobles. Elissa Ladies attended the ladies Program at the Antioch Stated Meeting and Installation of Officers on January 9, and the Oriental Guide Roast, honoring our own Lady Marion’s Noble, Max Richardson, on January 10. The Elissa Shrine Guild is proud to provide face painting at the 2015 Circus! This is one of our biggest fund raisers of the year and we would be honored to have any Antioch Lady volunteer for this worthy cause. Please contact our 2015 Face painting Chairperson, Anne Thorpe, at 937- 395-9865, if you would like to sign-up. No experience is necessary, just a big heart and a desire to have fun! On March 28, Elissa will host Breakfast with the Easter Bunny! Watch for details in next month’s Crier. By Ed “Squeezer the Clown” Peters We had a great holiday season and enjoyed a little down time with our families, and we are getting charged up for the circus! The clowns have honed their skills and have a special skit planned in honor to the memory of Stroupie Hanneford. Bill, our Ringmaster and Honorary Funster member, asked us to perform the “Lawn Chair” skit. If you’ve never seen it, check us out at the circus! We would like to thank our retiring officers of the unit Mick Lile and Jerry Reed, who decided to retire from their positions this year. Jerry “Stitches” Reed served as our Treasurer for, at least, the last 15 years decided to pass the torch. His years of wise advice and leadership will be truly missed. Mick “Willie” Lile served as Unit Director for a combined 13 years. Mick was awarded Emeritus status by our new Potentate, Illustrious Sir Kevin “ Casey Jones” Sweeney at the Divan and Director’s installation on January 9 at Antioch. A big , “Tip of the Fez” goes to both Jerry and Mick for all of their hard work and dedication to the Funsters! Our new Director is Keith “Gasser” Snyder. Our new treasurer is Tom Ladow; one of our newer members. Steve “ Super Star” Spofford returns as our Unit President this year, Mick Lile is our new Secretary, and Greg “Spanky” Newkirk will be serving as our Sgt.-At-Arms. Congratulations and Thank You to all of our new officers fro stepping up and making a difference. A big ”Tip of the Fez” goes to Bret “Snaptrap” Stahler on his election to the High Priest and Prophet position! Bret will reign as Potentate in 2018. Congratulations Bret! Hoping all your days are “Circus” days! Preparation for 2015’s Salute the Troops In preparation of an Antioch event in April 2015, we are requesting information from any Antioch Noble or lady of an Antioch Noble who served in the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard). All information must be provided to Antioch’s office by Feb. 28, 2015. Please email your information to Antioch’s office at Please title your email as “Salute the Troops” Please send the following details: Your Name and Rank at the end of your Service ●Your Branch of Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard) ●Your Location of deployment (Germany, France, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, U.S., etc.) ●Your years of Service (beginning and end dates) ●Any Wars or Military conflicts in which you served (WW II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam Conflict, etc) If you do not have an email account, you can also call Antioch’s office to provide this information (937) 461-4740 or (800) 790-4740. Page 8 ANTIOCH CRIER FEBRUARY 2015 MonthlySoldierCarePackages2015.pdf - Please remember to pick up a couple of items on your weekly grocery trip to drop in our soldier care package basket at the Shrine. See the Antioch website for more details - php • Ladies Physical Fitness - - Please send all exercise hours to Marion Richardson at • Ladies Sewing, Knitting, and Crocheting - - The next session is March 23. February March April • February 6-8 - The Circus is coming! • February 28 – X-Games • March 14 – St. Patrick’s Day party • March 27 –Friday Evening Adult Easter Egg hunt • March 28 –Children’s Easter Egg hunt • April 13 – Quarterly meeting and ladies painting with Barstools and Brushstrokes • April 18 – Antioch 2015 Salute the Troops • April 25 – Fishing Tournament and Ladies April Shopping Trip May 9 – Antioch Ladies Luncheon and Teddy Bear Tea - Bring your daughters, grand-daughters, nieces, and friends for a luncheon and Teddy Bear tea in Antioch’s great ballroom. Everyone (adults and children) needs to bring your favorite childhood doll or stuffed animal as we venture back into our youth to enjoy the memories and simplicity of life. So dig out that beloved faithful childhood friend you put away so long ago. If they happen to be a bit tattered or torn, it’s OK. Tell them a bit of mending won’t hurt at all. After all, they are going to a party at Antioch! See Antioch Ladies page for more details - Nov 6-8 - Antioch Trip to Holmes County, Ohio – On November 6-8, we welcome you to join us for a weekend trip to Holmes County, Ohio – home of one of the largest Ohio Amish communities. Nobles and ladies can drive or carpool to Holmes County, Ohio where we will stay at the Mohican State Park Lodge ( and enjoy the beauty of nature and comradery of friendship. We’ll travel through the local communities on Saturday as we experience the traditional Amish values of family, community, and faith. See Antioch Ladies page for more details - And finally, a verse for the blessings we received in January for Dave’s recovery Acts 3:16 By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see. God Bless Antioch and the Children we serve -- Lady Valeri Antioch members at East West Shrine Game. Above Leigh Ditman a patient from Tampa hospitals. with Ill Sirs Scott & John. above center, Pam Bull with Cheryl Stauss. Imperial First Lady FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 9 Monthly Soldier Care Packages in 2015 What mother wouldn’t be concerned about the care and well being of our soldiers while stationed on foreign soil? We plan to bring a monthly tradition to Antioch in 2015 to support our soldiers abroad and provide a few conveniences for those far from home and missing the hugs and comfort of a loved one. A tradition currently led by the Blue Star Mothers : . What can WE do? 1. We need Soldier recipients for our care packages We are requesting the following priorities for soldiers receiving our care packages specifically those serving abroad in a war zone or area of military conflict. #1 recipients We are requesting direct family members of our Shriners sons, daughters, grandsons, grand daughters, nephews, nieces, etc. serving abroad in a war zone or area of military conflict. #2 recipients Our second priority will be children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews of friend or neighbor who are s erving abroad in a war zone or location of military conflict. #3 recipients If we run out of soldiers to receive packages, we’re start again from the top of the list. The last package(s) will be sent early November 2015. For each soldier’s name submitted to receive a care package, please provide the following information: Soldier’s Name and Rank Branch of Armed Services (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines) Location of deployment (Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.) Duration of deployment (beginning and end dates) A brief write up on the soldier’s family, interests, etc. 2. We need children to make home made cards to send each month to the soldiers Children can decorate the cards with crayons, colored pencils, glitter, stickers, or whatever these creative minds select for their special card(s). Just has to ship across the world and should last through the soldier’s tour of duty abroad. 3. We need teachers who will allow the students in their classroom to send notes and home made card each month to a soldier. We’ll assign a teacher each month if we have enough volunteers 4. We need sponsors each month to assist in funding the postage to ship packages to our soldiers. Priority Mail International rate for packages to Military FPO/APO/DPO military bases is as follows: Priority Mail --Medium Flat Rate box --11” x 8.5” x 5.5” --$12.65 per box Priority Mail --Large Flat Rate box –----12” x 12” x 5.5” --$15.90 per box I am looking at other options to assist in funding these shipments through crowd sourcing: 5. Items for shipment. The following items are recommended for shipment via our soldier care packages. Food Items* (individual sizes are best) BEEF JERKY (the #1 requested item), pepper jerky, slim jims; Tuna or Chicken Creations / Lunch Kits with condiments; Individual Microwavable foods Easy Mac, canned soups, stews, etc; Instant Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat packets Pringles cans these can be used to ship treats from home Drink Items (smaller containers please) Tea herbal/flavored (in individually wrapped), Good Ground Coffee, Creamer and sweetener and sugar packets, Presweetened powdered drink mixes (Crystal Light, Gatorade, lemonade, etc.), Hot Chocolate/Hot Cider Packets Snack Items* (individual sizes are best) Breakfast Bars, Granola Bars, Protein Bars, Microwavable Popcorn/Chex Mix, Chips (in cardboard containers only) Pringles, Fritos, Doritos, Nuts pistachios, peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, corn nuts, Trail Mix, Salsa (no glass containers) Candy/Sweet Items Candy gummy bears, jelly beans, red vines, twizzlers, GUM, Breath Mints, Fruit Snacks, Rice Krispie Treats, Cookies chocolate chip, Oreos, oatmeal, Girl Scout Cookies, Hygiene/Clothing Items Good razors & shaving cream (non aerosol), Body wash (smaller size) NO BARS OF SOAP PLEASE, Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion (smaller size), Deodorant (no aerosol), Toothpaste/toothbrushes, Good quality boot socks for women and men black, green, Boxer Type underwear all sizes, Tee Shirts all sizes, Sunscreen Recreation Puzzle & word game books, Hand held or board games (small size), Disposable Cameras, Batteries all sizes in original packaging including Lithium 123 size for flashlights, Squishy Balls, Velcro Darts, Nerf footballs, (Any small sport type), Recent magazines especially sports, car, health, women’s (not older than 3 months!), DVDs (TV series, comedy movies, NO VHS tapes please), CDs Rock, Country, R&B, Rap, Alternative Miscellaneous Small plastic bowls to heat microwavable items, Zip Lock Baggies (snack and sandwich sizes), *No Home Baked Goods *No Perishable Foods *No Pork Products CARDS AND LETTERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOMED! For addition information Donate items: APO/FPO/DPO Shipping Guidelines and Restrictions: ANTIOCH CRIER Page 10 FEBRUARY 2015 VALENTINE’S DAY IS COMING!!!!! SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 BRING YOUR DATE FOR SPAGHETTI/LASAGNE TO ANTIOCH SHRINE CENTER 107 E. FIRST ST. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 4-7:00pm $8.00 Includes Entre Salad Bread Beverage AND Dessert!!! PLEASE CALL IN RESERVATIONS TO: DAYNA PINNEY 252-0056 PAT MASON 513-897-9631 Or buy tickets from Daughters of the Nile members SPONSORED BY DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE ATTENTION CLUB PRESIDENTS GAMING UNIT DIRECTORS GAMBLING RAFFLES The Grand Master of Ohio has ruled in the affirmative for lodges and 501(c)3 & (c) 10 entities like Antioch to gamble in accordance with the laws of the state of Ohio. Before we can proceed we must get a ruling from our legal council as to the regulations pursuant to Antioch’s rights and responsibilities. Therefore no club or unit may have such gaming activities until notified by the Potentate and all requests for gaming activities shall be in writing as to the type of activity being considered. This ruling does not impact gaming by ladies organizations or subordinate clubs. Your divan will have a comprehensive informational meeting concerning gaming very soon. Antioch Ambassadors By Blair A. Rowley, Chief Ambassador The Ambassadors are seeking nominations for Ambassador from Shrine clubs that do not have an Ambassador. Ambassador’s represent the Potentate to the clubs. They meet once a month to share club activities and receive updates on Antioch Shrine and communicate club concerns to the Potentate. An Ambassador Fez is provided. Dress is blue jacket, grey pants, white shirt, black shoes & socks, and an ambassador tie. It is not necessary for the Ambassador to be a member of the club but preferred due to the logistics of attending club meetings. An Ambassador can be a member of Antioch Shrine units. Please contact the Chief Ambassador with your nomination. Helping children in need with God’s guidance. FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER 1. We need your teams registered for the Feb. 28 X Games 2. We still need Soldier Package Items and Names of Deployed Soldier Family Members 3. We need fun print fabric/material donations to make Hospital Items Page 11 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 12 A Note from the Circus Office FEBRUARY 2015 The Circus is almost upon us. We need everyone’s help at the Circus! If you have never volunteered and wish to help us, please contact the office. Call (937)228-0052. The office will give your name to these individuals to help in their areas. Matt McFarland – Ride ticket sellers and ticket takers at the rides Tim Carter – Activity book sales Don Craycraft – Ushers If you are not working at the Circus you need a ticket to enter the arena to watch the show from a seat. Do not enter from the Noble’s Entrance and sign in if you are not working some where. The sheets at the Noble’s Entrance are used to give points for working as well as to identify the extra people in the building without tickets. You are welcome to come up to the Oasis in the Time Warner Lounge for refreshments during intermission, but that area is mainly for the people working. Remember you are financially responsible for any Noble Circus Coupons traded for seat tickets. The coupons are not free for you to use for tickets. You will be billed for any coupons used for seat tickets where we have no record of your payment for them. Office hours the week of February 2, are: M, Tu, W, Th, 8:30-5:30 F – 8:30-12:00 2015 Usher Schedule This is the schedule for ushers at the 2015 Antioch Shrine Circus. Please park in the parking lot by Welcome Stadium and come in the entrance marked Noble entrance. Have your Fez visible for the parking attendants, so you do not have to pay for parking. Sign in at the door. Come up to the Time Warner Lounge on the 2nd floor and sign in at the Usher table, make sure you have your shrine number with you. Please be there two hours and thirty minutes before the start of the performance your group is assigned. You will receive a station assignment, armband and or vest, and flashlight. You also need to attend a safety/security briefing by UD. Doors open to the public one hour before show time and ushers should be in place at their assigned place at this time. Wives are welcome to usher. They should sign in with their husband’s shrine number. Wives only sign in if they are working. If not working, they need a ticket to sit in the arena. We may or may not assign both husband and wife at the same area. If you can work at other shows, please do come and work. We need at least 60 people per show. If your group is listed for more than 1 performance, pick one or the other to work. If you can do both, that would be greatly appreciated. Report Doors Open Performance Units/Clubs Scheduled Time Time 4:30PM 5:30PM 7:00PM 09:30AM 10:30AM 12:00PM 3:30PM 4:30PM 6:00PM 09:30AM 10:30AM 12:00PM 2:30PM 3:30PM 5:00PM Greene Co. SC, Past Masters, Classic Cars, Golf Club, Springfield SC, Ambassadors Middletown SC, Warren Co. SC, Miami Co. SC, Gun Club, Lima SC, Aug/Mer SC, Logan Co. SC, Shelby Co. SC Fairborn SC, Brookville SC, 4 Wheelers, Pote's Troubadours, Hillbillies, Parade Escort, Seniors, Motor Corps, Rovers Mounted Patrol, Legion of Honor, Darke Co. SC, Bobbies, Champaign Co. SC, Dirctors Staff, Hillbillies, Boy Scouts Mounted Patrol, Legion of Honor, Darke Co. SC, Bobbies, Champaign Co. SC, Dirctors Staff, Hillbillies, Boy Scouts FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 13 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 14 FEBRUARY 2015 2015 Pote’s Trip Aug. 8, Saturday 6:00am 2:00pm Leave Dayton Airport headed for Chicago Union Station. (5+ Hour Drive Charter Bus) Board Amtrack Train at Union Station, Chicago Ill. Aug. 10, Monday 11:55am 4:00pm 7:00pm 9:30pm Arrive in Seattle. Transport to Marriott Waterfront Seattle, Wa., Store Bags for early check-in. Dinner at Buco di Beppos Seattle. Tour of Observation Deck Seattle Space Needle. Return to our Hotel. Aug. 11, Tuesday 7:00am 9:00am Leave for King St. Station, Seattle, Wa. Board Amtrak Train at King St. Station, Seattle, Wa. Aug. 12, Wednesday 8:10am 9:10am 2:15am Arrive Emeryville, CA. Transport to Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf. Grand City Tour, includes Bay Cruise (The SF Sightseeing Co) Aug. 13, Thursday 9:00am Alcatraz/Sausalito/Muir Woods Tour (6-8 Hours) This tour also includes a free Fisherman’s Wharf Pier 39 Fun Pack valued at over $400. (upon request while supplies last) Aug. 14, Friday 9:00am Charter Bus Napa Valley Day Tour. Aug. 15, Saturday Open China Town, Coit Tower, Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf, Twin Peaks, Ghirardelli Square, Muir Woods, Golden Gate Park, Sausalito, Sunset Beach, Monterey Beach, Pebble Beach. Aug. 16, Sunday Early Go home to Dayton, Ohio. Plan A (Sold Out) ($5,420 per Couple, based on double occupancy ($2,710 each)) Amtrak Train Bedroom (Chicago to San Francisco, including Meals) $542 per month for 10 months Plan B ($4,320 per Couple, based on double occupancy ($2,160 each)) $432 per month for 10 months Amtrak Train Roomette (Chicago to San Francisco, including Meals) Plan C ($3,320 per couple, based on double occupancy ($1,660 each)) $332 per month for 10 months Amtrak Train Coach Seat (Chicago to San Francisco, does not include Meals) Included in all Plans Charter Bus from Dayton Airport to Union Station, Chicago Ill. ● Marriott Waterfront Seattle, Wa. (1 night) Charter Bus to Dinner/Space Needle/tickets for Observation Deck. ● Dinner @ Buca di Beppo ● Space Needle Transport to and from Train stations ● Grand City Tour, includes Bay Cruise (The SF Sightseeing Co) Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf (4 nights) ● Charter Bus day trip through Napa Valley Tour (The SF Sightseeing Co) Alcatraz Tour & Charter Bus day trip through Muir Woods/Sausalito Tour/Ferry ride back to Pier 41 Extras $300 $170 $600 $260 Bus Trip to Yosemite National Park (The San Francisco Sightseeing Co) (14 Hours) Bus Trip to Monterey/Carmel & 17 Mile Drive (The SF Sightseeing Co) not Tu or Th (11 Hours) Fly to Dayton, Ohio (one way) $260 on Greyhound (one way) Greyhound (one way) What’s not included: • • Airport Parking $48 for week • Lunch in Seattle • Coach Meals • Breakfast in Seattle Meals while in San Francisco (4 Nights) • Saturday FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS Page 15 Page 16 ANTIOCH CRIER FEBRUARY 2015 Apply for a Scholarship From the Antioch Shrine Foundation, Inc. High School Seniors Who Will Be Attending College are eligible Submit your application by April 1, 2015 Applications available at: 107 E. First St. Dayton, Ohio 45402 937-461-4740 FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 17 CIRCUS DADDIES Circus Daddies – These Nobles submitted at least $40 and their Noble Coupons between December 12th, 2014 and January 20th, 2015 Thank you for helping us send deserving kids to our Circus. This is the last of the Circus Daddies – if you paid after this date, it is too late to publish and to use for tickets. We need to know how Larry Reed many we have to give out by mid-January.. David Auten Keith Bailey Kyle Binkley John Boone Brian Bowen Randall Breaden Lynn Chadbourne Charles Chamberlain David Coy Sherman Deaton John Dugan Peter Dyer John Forsyth Frank Gordnier Charles Hagedorn Timothy Hammell Walter Harrison Bobby Hornsby David Izor Jay Johnston Charles Keeler William Lewis Roy Livesay Don Mann Rick Melton Michael Melvin Scott Meyerhoeffer Brian Minchew Steven Moore Robert Neff David Orrison Richard Patterson John Rhodes Larry Rike Richard Schumann Ronald Slanker Larry Smith Robert Stewart John Stiltner James Trout Joseph Vanvickle James Wyatt Ronald Morgan Michael Nugent Don Smith William Stamm Don Smith Delbert Brocious Ralph Broyles Ladies Monthly Physical Fitness Checkpoints in 2015 2015 will bring New Year resolutions and heart healthy activities to the ladies of Antioch. Ladies will receive credit for each 30 minutes of physical exercise and need to provide their monthly physical fitness hours on the last day of each month. We’ll break the ladies into three age groups with monthly checkpoints on your progress. Our groups will be (1) The Young and Restless –ages 21-40, (2) The Wild and Restless – ages 41-65, and the (3) The Wise and Restless. We’ll tally the numbers monthly with quarterly incentives to the leaders in each of the three age groups recording the most physical exercise for the past three months. However, you can only win once in the quarterly competition but your name goes back into the hat for the final total of hours exercised per age group from January through the end of November. Remember ladies….this is based on an honor system! No fudging the numbers here or there to get you over the line. Your heart WILL know the difference! All exercise hours for the month should be emailed on the LAST DAY OF THE MONTH to Please do not send hours for previous months already reported. Please Provide: •Your Name •The Month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.) •The number of your physical fitness exercise hours for the current Month One final note to all participants. Sitting in front of the computer or TV does not equate to physical exercise…at least not in the eyes of a licensed physician. So ladies, get up, get going, and be part of the Antioch Ladies 2015 year of physical fitness! Page 18 ANTIOCH CRIER OG ROAST & MEET THE DIVAN FEBRUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 19 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 20 Winners of the top membership awards for 2014 L to R Matt McFarland (Bobbies), Tom Best (Bobbies) and Jim Free (Gun Club ). FEBRUARY 2015 Chuck Gamble Director of Kentucky Colonels receives his Emeritus service award. Springfield/Clark Co. Shrine Club do ate to Shriners Hospitals. The check was for $18,000. l to r Robert Pequignot, Adrian Bowen, Don Hoke, Fred Peare and Jim Bentz Aug-Mer Shrine Club Installation 1. We need your teams registered for the Feb. 28 X Games 2. We still need Soldier Package Items and Names of Deployed Soldier Family Members 3. We need fun print fabric/material donations to make Hospital Items Larry Cornett, Director of the Photo Unit, received Emeritus Service Award. FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 21 Ladies Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, and Crafting Group In 2015, we have several sessions scheduled to bring the ladies of all generations together to share laughter and memories as we create items for the children of the Shrine Hospitals. If you don’t happen to sew, we’ll make fleece blankets and also encourage ladies who are willing to teach their art of knitting, crocheting, or any other craft to other ladies and launch the beginning of many new friendships. The Shrine Cincinnati and Lexington Children’s Hospitals have requested our assistance in creating the following for the children: For Cincinnati Hospital •Hospital surgery caps (materials - 21 inch diameter of material with 3/8 inch elastic) •16 x 16 inch drawstring toy bags (materials – 18 x 36 inch material with 70 inch cord for drawstring) •Fleece blankets 30 x 40 inch finished (materials - 1.25 yds of fleece) For Lexington Hospital •Fleece blankets 30 x 40 inch finished (materials - 1.25 yds of fleece) The Ladies Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, and Crafting group will meet at the Shrine at 6:30 on the following evenings (ladies can catch a ride with their nobles who are attending the Antioch Leadership meetings on these evenings): •January 26 •March 23 •June 22 •September 28 •November 23 We’ve purchased some supplies for the caps, toy bags, and blankets. More materials will be purchased as needed. If providing material or fleece, the hospital has requested all materials be purchased new when making items for the children. Please bring your own supplies (yarn and needles) if you want to learn how to knit or crochet. Come join the fun and bring your friends for an evening of laughter and sharing! Thank you! Valeri Page 24 ANTIOCH CRIER FEBRUARY 2015 ANTIOCH’S LEGACY!! The 2015 Legacy Photo Banner was unveiled at the Divan installation ceremonies. What a great way to show everyone you belong to Antioch’s Legacy! The Imperial Legacy Membership program is a great way for you to get family members energized. Antioch has over 2,400 members. Studies show that we have about 900 potential members just from our own families. Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Brother in laws, Uncles and Nephews can be our NEW Nobles!! What fun you can have showing them why you became a Shriner! Is it the fellowship, the parades, the fun events, or OUR kids in the WORLDS GREATEST PHILANTHROPY! Bring them and their families to one of Ills Sir Kevin and Lady Val’s events this year. They will be come hooked and want to join you as a member of the GREATEST organization. You too can be on this banner as one of Antioch’s Legacy! Get your petitions in now and let's have a HUGH class in May. Be a FIRST LINE SIGNER! You will be invited to the new nobles dinner, receive your special ORANGE TEAM Shirt, and BOARDING PASS for special ½ entry into any event at the Temple. MEMBERSHIP......IT’S A CONTACT SPORT, and ALL ABOARD FOR OUR KIDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are your reservations in for the 141 Annual Imperial Session? Ills Sir Sweeney has a great week planned for you. Rooms downtown a few blocks from the convention center. 3 nights at the Hyatt Regency, Special Antioch Dinner at the Hard Rock Café. Special Imperial Goodies for all that attend. Just $815.00 per couple, or there are still some spots if you wish to take the group bus to Houston. Time is running out to get your deposits in. Just contact Pam Kraska at the office, 937-461-4740 or February 2015 Sunday 1 Monday Divan Divan Ladies Marching Patrol Bobbies Parade Escort 8 2 9 Billiken Klub Noon Circus 15 16 Tuesday 3 Seniors Brass Band Lima S.C. Kentucky Colonels Directors Staff Seniors Ambassadors Brass Band Classic Cars HFD Motor Corps President's Day Seniors Brass Band Lima S.C. Divan 22 23 10 4 Golf Club Pipers Provost Guard 11 Thursday 5 Fairborn SC Legion of Honor Mounted Patrol Past Masters Funsters/Logan Co. Friday 6 Circus 12 Saturday 7 Circus 13 14 Valentine's Day Pipers Aug-Mer Co.S.C 17 Pipers 24 18 Greene Co. S.C. Springfield/ Clark Co. S.C. Gun Club 25 Pipers Darke Co. S.C. Photo Unit Pote's Staff Seniors Brass Band Greeters Temple Guard Cabiri Wednesday Warren Co. S.C. Middletown S.C. Hillbilly Clan #91 19 D.O.N. Miami Co. S.C. 26 Elissa Guild 20 D.O.N. Spaghetti Dinner 4-7pm 21 Bobbies Euchre Party Low Comedian Orientation 27 28 Antioch Shrine Winter X Games Ladies Physical Fitness Check-Point Soldier Pkg Ship March 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Divan Divan Ladies Marching Patrol Bobbies Parade Escort Tuesday 2 Seniors Wednesday 3 Brass Band Lima S.C. Kentucky Colonels Directors Staff 8 Membership 9 Seniors 10 Ambassadors Thursday Friday 4 Fairborn Shrine Club 5 Golf Club Pipers Provost Guard 11 Legion of Honor Mounted Patrol Past Masters Funsters/Logan Co. 12 Saturday 6 7 13 14 Team Meeting Brass Band Classic Cars Day Light Savings Billiken Klub - 11:30 HFD Time Begins Motor Corps 15 22 29 Palm Sunday 16 Divan 23 Cabiri Ladies S/K/C Club 30 Pipers Aug-Mer Co.S.C 17 Pipers St Patrick's Day Seniors Brass Band Lima S.C. Seniors Brass Band Greeters Temple Guard 24 31 Seniors Brass Band Ladies Physical Fitness Check-Point 18 Greene Co. S.C. Springfield/ Clark Co. S.C. Gun Club 25 Pipers Darke Co. S.C. Photo Unit Pote's Staff Warren Co. S.C. Middletown S.C. 19 D.O.N. Miami Co. S.C. 26 Elissa Guild Hillbilly Clan #91 St Patty’s Day Party Cabiri Fish Fry Grand Master’s Reception 20 27 Adult Easter Egg Hunt Soldier Pkg Shipment 21 Book of the Play 28 Easter Bunny Kid’s Party 937-668-4107 Hand crafted custom made leather goods Belts, Wallets, Checkbook Covers, Leather Journals etc. Specializing in Custom Holsters of all types. Western, IWB, Pancake, Waistband, Shoulder Holsters, Under auto dash. Kydex holsters also available. References available on request All genuine USA leather with the exception of exotics Max Richardson Owner-Craftsman Leatherworx01@
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