26th July 2016 - Gardenvale Primary School


26th July 2016 - Gardenvale Primary School
26th July
Principal’s Report
On Monday I arrived back to school and was greeted by an
almost brand new school, courtesy of the hard working, working
bee attendees on Sunday morning. Thanks to the Year 4
families, our staff and all others who made this working bee so
successful. Working bees and other volunteer opportunities are
an important part of why our school has a strong history, a
proud tradition and is a very proud local community of learners.
Today we sent home to almost 100 randomly selected families a
Parent Opinion Survey that asks for anonymous feedback
around their child’s education, their school and transition into,
across and out of the school. These surveys need to be returned
to school no later than Friday this week so we can collate and
send them back to the consultants. Thanks for your assistance in
this important school improvement project.
The weather conditions have been challenging for everyone
over the past weeks. The colder weather and strong winds have
seen the Department of Education issue ongoing weather alerts
and we ask families to send children with the right attire and
have these items clearly named.
The oval re-development has also fallen victim to the weather
with our contractors waiting for a wider window of good
weather so the sports surface can be placed, glued and then
weighted down with sand.
Over the past weeks we have had a steady increase in parking
issues and related parent altercations. In my time as the
Principal of our school, this issue has been a constant and
despite all our best efforts, initiatives and signage we still have
problems related to parking and the picking up and dropping off
of students. For the majority of our 400 plus families at
Gardenvale they manage these challenges with little difficulty
and they simply obey the signs, park and walk or make other
arrangements. We are aware of the main issues and have had
meetings with affected parents to reduce the problems and
support the better management of parking around the school.
Follow the directions, obey the signage and consider others as
the safety of our children is our priority.
Inside this Issue
Principal's Report
Pg 1
Pg 2
Guy & Dali
Pg 2
MS Readathon
Pg 2
Student Awards
Pg 3
Calendar of Events
Pg 3
Parent’s Association Pg 4
Year 4 Working Bee Pg 5
Pg 6
Long-jump practice Pg 6
Healthy Hints
Pg 7&8
Having an extended break from school was a real change for me and my family. In my role as the Principal I am
fortunate to have the support of a great Assistant Principal and senior staff who ensured the school operated
effectively and as usual during my time away. I would like to thank these people for their professionalism and care of our
We travelled to the United States and enjoyed some time in San Francisco, Cleveland, Boston and on a tiny island in Maine.
We enjoyed the beautiful weather, the sights and the chance to spend time with our friends from Ohio.
Recent news from a neighbouring school highlighted the misuse of electronic media and the implications for the users and
the targets of their posts. At our school we educate our students around cyber safety and the appropriate use of electronic
media. All students have filtered internet access at school and we suggest to families that they should know which sites are
being accessed, what platforms are being used and what the content is of their online interaction. Are your children
accessing their devices unsupervised? Do you regularly check browsing histories and are your children engaging online
appropriately? Please watch out for your children and make sure these types of sordid activities are not repeated again.
This week we farewell Mr. Andrew Cock, Assistant Principal at Malvern Central School who has spent four weeks at our
school undertaking a Professional Learning program. Thanks to Andrew for his involvement, his professional sharing and his
assistance around the school.
Chris Chant
MS Readathon turns 37!
It’s that time of the year again so dust off your books, Kindle, iPad or tablet and get ready to take
part in the MS Readathon. The MS Readathon was launched 37 years ago in Australia and over the
years thousands of students have picked up their books and raised over $40 million - all to support
Australians living with MS.
Registrations are now open at www.msreadathon.org.au
The program is open to all ages, and we encourage everyone to register and fundraise. As little as
$50 will help a newly diagnosed person attend an information session where they can learn about
their diagnosis and get much needed support.
Certificate of Appreciation will be awarded to all students and schools and the Top 100 individual
fundraisers will each receive their very own digital tablet!
For more information call 1300 677 323 or email msreadathon@ms.org.au
2 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
Calendar of Events
July 2016
Tuesday 26:
School Council Meeting 7.45pm
Wed 28:
Year 6 Ceres Excursion
Student of
the Week
Rafael B, 1D - For the tremendous effort you
have put into your reading and writing. It is
great to see you always striving to do your best!
Year 3 Healthy Lifestyle Expo
August 2016
Tuesday 2:
PA Meeting—Jnr Campus 7.30pm
Wed 3:
Year 2—Bollywood Incursion
Scarlett E, 2C - For the magnificent quality of
school work and homework she always
produces. Also, for her beautiful manners at
school everyday.
Wed 3—Fri 5: Ski Camp (Years 5 & 6)
Mon 8—Tue 9: Year 3—Life Education Van Visit
Monday 8:
Preps 100th Day of School
Tuesday 9:
Roald Dahl Inspired Invisit:
Obi H, 4C - For the intelligent and considered
manner in which Obi approaches his work and
his positive interaction with others.
Whole school
HERRRby Award
Wed 10:
Years 4—6 House Athletics
Saturday 13:
PA Event—Bogan Bingo Parent’s Night
Thursday 18:
Whole school musical Dress-up day
Tuesday 23:
District Athletics
Wed 24:
Year 2, Buddhist Centre Excursion
Thursday 25:
Year 1 Drama Incursion
Honesty Empathy
Responsibility Resilience Respect
Maddy D, 1A - For her respectful listening and
consistently displaying HERRRBY values. You are
3C & 3D Museum Excursion
Friday 26:
Read in Red Day
Sunday 28:
Year 1 Working Bee
Tuesday 30:
Beachside Division Athletics
Wed 31:
Year 4—Immigration & Chinese Museum
September 2016
Thursday 1:
3A & 3B Museum Excursion
Friday 2:
Father’s Day Breakfast 8am—9am
Year 3 Healthy Lifestyles Expo
Roy M, PB - For being a welcoming and inclusive
friend to all.
William B, 6B - For showing the HERRRby value of
honesty, including active listening in the classroom
and respectful manners when communicating with
Mon 5—Thu 8: School Musical—Besen Centre
Thursday 8:
Year 3, St John’s Ambulance visit
Monday 12:
Year 6—Sustainability Expo
Wed 14:
Years 5 & 6—Matilda Musical Excursion
Friday 16:
Footy Fever Day
Daniela S, 5C - For taking care of the garden and
picking up rubbish in the courtyard. Well done
for remembering HERRRby turned green. Keep it
Last Day of Term 3
2016 Term Dates
Term Three:
Term Four:
3 | GPS
Green HERRRby
11 July - 16 September
3 October - 20 December
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
Parent’s Association News
PA Communication
With lots of fundraising and social events going on at GPS, the Parent’s Association uses three key ways to
communicate with families to ensure that as many families as possible know what is going on.
The school newsletter and the Class Rep email are weekly updates and offer comprehensive information,
dates, and requests for help. The GPS Parent’s Association Facebook page is a closed/private group, meaning parents need to request to join, and only those in the group can access it.
The Facebook page was set up to assist families with quick updates, to ask questions, to share information
and help further enhance the school community. Lately it has been used for parents to complain about
the school parking issue, and also make inappropriate comments.
Issues can be raised in this forum, parents are welcome to offer opinions, but anything that is
deemed derogatory, divisive or inappropriate will be deleted.
The school car parking issues have been raised with Bayside Council and the school and will be dealt with
by the people with the authority to do so. Whilst our children's safety is paramount, parents are asked to
behave respectfully and with tolerance, and not take matters into their own hands.
Bogan Bingo - Saturday 13th August
Tickets for this event are now limited with 2/3 tickets already sold. Grab a ridiculous outfit, join a table,
and get in on the action as there will be heaps of prizes, games and fun to be had - and a great way to get
to know some of the other parents at the school.
Cost is $30 per person for a hilarious 80s and 90s rock-themed game of bingo, at the Brighton Town
Hall, kicking off from 7pm til midnight. Bogan snacks provided. Beer, wine & soft drinks available for purchase.
Tickets can still be purchased at: www.trybooking.com/MFNS
Father’s Day Gift & Brekkie - Friday 2nd September
We have a group of Foundation parents that have offered to help sort out a great gift for Dad (Thanks!!),
but we still need some Grade 1 parents to help with organising the Father’s Day breakfast.
We will need at least 10 parents to help out on the Friday morning to help cook and serve brekkie for dads
and children, which includes a BBQ of eggs/bacon & pancakes. Help required from 7.30am til 9am.
Footy Fever Day—Friday 16th September
Grade 2 parents - We need you to help run this event on the last day of term. The Footy Fever Day has a
long history at GPS as a fun way to finish off the term, with footy drills, face painting and other activities,
along with a sausage sizzle lunch. If you're a bit of a footy fanatic, or just free on Fridays, please drop us a
line to indicate your willingness to help.
Tricia Ciampa
4 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
Another very productive Working Bee was held last Sunday. I am constantly amazed by the many
wonderful parents we have in our school community that are prepared to work so hard for our school! I
am certainly indebted to all the parents that come along to working bees and cheerfully work hard to
make our school look so much tidier and cleaner.
Amazingly the weather was perfect working bee weather (sunny but just on the chilly side) and with a
large team of hardworking parents and children all tasks on our list and more were completed. It was so
gratifying at the end of the Working Bee to marvel at how much tidier and neater our Senior Campus
looked inside and out.
Some of the tasks completed included: painting a second coat of paint on the fence near the container,
repainting the seats in the volley court, cleaning the windows on the MPC, weeding and pruning,
clearing drain pits, tidying the Senior Campus staircase, cleaning drinking troughs, sweeping and
mowing and preparing morning tea for the workers.
Thank you to the following school community members and families for helping to make our Junior
Campus look extra neat and tidy or gave a donation:, Brigitta Suendermann, Vernita Anderson, Gustavo
Gomberg, Marianne and Frank Chiodi, Kristine Lepp, Elise Weiss, Terri and Brad Green, Virginia Neill,
Mark Sweidan, Fiona Katsieris, Ireena Allen, Damian Colless, Morven Watts, Suzi Redlich, Finola
Tyler, Robyne Dimant, Peter Kay, Tanya Kentera, Daniel Raczkowski, Yuri Graham, Michelle
Alexander, Daniel and Michelle Levy, Lara Mattatia, Niko Karaula, Michele Slatem, Jinming Cui, Vlad
Finn, Candice Bracka, Atchison family, Boyd Family, Lekhtman Family and McCormack Family.
Thank you also to all of the children that worked so hard and including those that polished up the sports
shields and staircase in the Senior Campus foyer – it looks a treat! We must give special mention to
Jake Edward’s grandfather, Greg Anderson, who travelled all the way from New Zealand to attend our
Working Bee and worked really hard!
Sincere apologies if your name is not on this list but we appreciate your help all the same!
Our next Working Bee will be for our Year 1 families on Sunday August 28h .
The dates for the rest of the working bees this year are as follows:Term 4 – Year 3 – Sunday October 16th, Prep - Sunday November 13th
A very heartfelt THANK YOU,
Janine Hall
Assistant Principal
5 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
6 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
7 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
8 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au
Principal - Chris Chant
Assistant Principal - Janine Hall
School Council President - Anna Wellington-Boyd
Camp Australia (OSHC) - 0452 247 820
9 | GPS
66 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 2871 (Snr)
Fax: 9596 5198 (Snr)
44 Landcox St.
Brighton East, Vic. 3187
Tel: 9596 8550 (Jnr)
Fax: 9596 0617 (Jnr)
Email: gardenvale.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Web: www.gardenvale.ps.vic.edu.au