Board Agenda - Passaic Valley High School
Board Agenda - Passaic Valley High School
Passaic V alley Regional H igh School District #1 Regular M eeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 _______________ ___ ______ _______ O rder of Business R O L L C A L L O F M E M B E RS PL EDG E O F A L L E GIANC E RE ADING O F ANNOUNC E M ENT Public Notice Public notice of this meeting in compliance with the O pen Public Meetings A ct was given by the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator on T uesday, September 16, 2014 by mailing notices to the North Jersey H erald and News, the Record, the Township C ler k of L ittle F alls, the Borough C ler k of Totowa and the Business Administrator of Woodland Par k, and by posting the notice on the bulletin board of Passaic V alley Regional H igh School. 35(6,'(17¶65(3257 A C K N O W L E D G M E N T O F C O R R ESP O N D E N C E T O T H E B O A R D O F EDUC A TI ON A PPR O V A L O F M I N U T ES O F PR E V I O US M E E T I N G T he M inutes of the Regular Meeting of T uesday, September 9, 2014 will be presented for review and approval. R E P O R T O F T H E SUP E R I N T E N D E N T ST U D E N T R E PR ESE N T A T I V ES T O T H E B O A R D O F E D U C A T I O N C A L L F O R M E M B E RS O F T H E PU B L I C T O B E H E A RD Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW¶V5HSRUW 1. Back-to-School Night 2. ³:HHNRI5HVSHFW´± O ctober 6 to O ctober 10, 2014 3. Staff In-Service ± Raymond Reddin, Esq. 4. E nterovirus ____ ___________ Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW¶V5HSRUW 1. Report of Suspensions ± September 2014 T he Superintendent wishes to report the following suspensions for the month of September 2014: G rade 10 Student S-1-14 ± Return pending CST review ± Reason: Continued willful disobedience G rade 11 Student S-2-14 ± September 16, 2014 ± Reason: T heft (1 day) and 20 minute lunch from September 17 to September 30, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ H arassment, Intimidation & Bullying Impact Board Meeting Date: September 23, 2014 Incident #14-15-01 Location of Incident: Par king Lot Consequences/Under Code of Pupil Conduct: None Intervention Services: Investigation and counseling by the bullying specialist O ther Action: Counseling from Ms. Shue, Counselor Determination: Not H I B Board of E ducation Review: _______________ A ffirmation ____________________ Rejection __________________________________Board of E ducation _______________ Modification (Signature) Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 1. A pproval/Home Instruction T he Superintendent, in consultation with the recommends approval of the following Home Instruction: H .I.-5-14 H .I.-6-14 2. G rade 12 G rade 12 A dministration, Woodland Par k L ittle F alls A ppointment/Substitute T eacher(s) T he Superintendent recommends the following Substitute T eacher(s) for the 2014-2015 school year effective September 24, 2014 through June 30, 2015: M r. Jack Pohlman 3. C ty. Sub. Cert. $70.00 per diem A pproval/Alternate Placement T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following alternate placement for the 2014-2015 school year: Student C P-2-14/C A P -14 ± C hapel H ill Academy, L incoln Par k and C apri Institute, Paramus ± Portal-to-portal transportation will be required. 4. A pproval/Field T rip Request(s) T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following F ield T rip Request(s): M r. T imothy Donnelly, Social Studies, is requesting permission to accompany 40 students to the United States Holocaust Memorial M useum on F ebruary 26, 2015 from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. T his trip has been an integral part of the Holocaust & G enocide elective course. Cost to the Board: Substitute T eacher. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 4. A pproval/Field T rip Requests (continued) M r. K evin K etcho, Business Department, is requesting permission to DFFRPSDQ\VWXGHQWVWR%URPLORZ¶V&KRFRODWHRQ6HSWHPEHUIURP 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. T he students will learn how to ma ke the chocolate products they sell and mar ket. Cost to the Board: Substitute T eacher M r. John M azzo, Baseball T eam, is requesting permission to accompany 20 team members to O rlando F lorida from A pril 4 to A pril 11, 2015 (Spring B reak) for training and team unity. M r. John Pelosi, M r. Robert A dams and M r. C raig A nderson will also accompany the students. Cost to the Board: None 5. A pproval/F und Raiser Requests T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following F und Raiser Requests: M r. John M azzo, Baseball T eam, is requesting permission for the team members to sell clothing apparel from M arch 6 to 14, 2015 for V arsity/J V and from M arch 14 to 21, 2015 for F reshmen to raise funds for future trips. M r. John M azzo, Baseball T eam, is requesting permission to have the team members sell ads for the A nnual A d Journal/Press G uide from O ctober 1 through F ebruary 2015 to raise funds for the annual Spring trip to Florida in A pril. M rs. W endy M adonia/Passaic V alley Soccer Parents Assn., is requesting permission for the team members to sell $O]KHLPHU¶V DZDUHQHVV EDQGV IURP 2FWREHUWR2FWREHUWRUDLVHDZDUHQHVVRI$O]KHLPHU¶V'LVHDVHDQG UDLVHIXQGVIRUWKH$O]KHLPHU¶V$VVRFLDWLRQ M rs. W endy M adonia/P V Baseball Booster C lub, is requesting SHUPLVVLRQ WR FRQGXFW D ³ C an SKDNH´ RQ -DQXDU\ DQG 0DUFK throughout L ittle F alls, Totowa and Woodland Par k to raise funds to support the baseball program. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee 5. F und Raiser Requests (continued) 0U:LOOLDP5REHUWD]]L*LUOV¶9ROOH\EDOO, is requesting permission to FRQGXFWD³&DQ6KDNH´RQ1RYHPEHU8, 2013 at Fairway, A & P and Dunkin Donuts to raise funds for the Gold Medal Squared Summer C amp. M r. K evin K etcho, P V E I Business C lub, is requesting permission for the FOXE PHPEHUV WR VHOO %URPLORZ¶V +DOORZHHQ %DJV ZLWK FKRFRODWH FRYHUHG pretzels and H alloween lollipops from September 25 to October 31, 2014 to raise funds for the business, senior business, student scholarships and donations WRFKDULWLHV7KHSURGXFWVZLOOEHPDGHDW%URPLORZ¶V Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ O perations Committee 1. A pproval/Use of F acilities T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Supervisor of Buildings & G rounds, recommends approval of the following Use of F acilities: T he Passaic V alley U N I C O organization would like to have permission to par k cars in the par king lot for a bus trip on Sunday O ctober 26, 2014. U N I C O has sought permission before from the Board for other bus rides. T he number of cars should be less than 12 and they will be here for approximately 12 hours. Montclair State University would like to once again use Room 207 on T uesday afternoons for the period of September until the end of December. MSU will have their future high school teachers attend class in Room 207 and have various guest speakers from the high school interact with the college students. T his partnership that was started under M r. M atthew Conforth, has been board approved in the past. T he V I T A L L eague is requesting use of the G riswold and Far rell G ymnasiums on Sunday mornings from 8:30am until noon for the purpose of hosting a basketball league for adults. For over forty years this relationship between V I T A L and P V has been in place providing a place to play basketball on Sunday mornings. T he starting date would be November 9, 2014 and end on A pril 12, 2015. A certificate of insurance will be filed with M r. Paul G erber. T he Hornet W restling C lub would again request use of the W restling G ym on T uesdays, T hursdays and F ridays for the purpose of practice and instruction of wrestling technique. T his would begin during November (depending upon school activities) and end F ebruary 24, 2015. T he C lub has been granted permission for more than last 30 years to use our facility for this type of activity. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ O perations Committee 1. Use of F acilities (continued) T he Hornets W restling C lub would like to use of the F ar rell G ym on Saturdays (again depending upon school need) from January 10, 2015 until F ebruary 28, 2015. T he purpose of this request is to have the young wrestlers scrimmage against other towns to gain experience. T he time is from 1:00pm until 5:00pm. T his has been done for many years and will be wor ked into the schedule with the help of M rs. Pat L ynch. T he Passaic V alley H igh School W restling Coaches and the Region 4 W restling grouping would like to use the G riswold G ym on Sunday September 21, 2014 from 8:00am until noon to host a coachs¶ clinic. T hey will be bringing in a guest speaker who was a two-time N C A A C hamp and a four-time A llA merican. F inally, the Hornets W resting Club would like to hold their P V A lumni M atch on Saturday January 17, 2015 in the G riswold G ym from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. T his would be the fourth time for such an event. Previously, the C lub has wor ked with M r. Paul G erber and the insurance company to make sure P V is covered in case of injury to any of the former P V wrestlers who would be participating in the alumni match. Such precautions will once again be taken to protect the district. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ F inance Committee 1. Acceptance of Donation T he Superintendent is requesting permission to donate furniture from his office including an executive desk, two chairs and a love seat valued at $500.00. 2. A pproval/Portal-to-Portal T ransportation T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval for portal-to-portal transportation of Student W H-1-14 presently attending W ayne H ills H igh School, W ayne, NJ. 3. A pproval/Special T ransportation T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval for portal-to-portal transportation and an aide for Student ST-1-14 for the 2014-2015 school year. 4. T ransportation T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, recommends approval to enter into the attached agreements with the Passaic County E ducational Services Commission for transportation for the 2014-2015 school year. (A ttachment A) 5. Receipt of Reports T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, recommends acceptance of the following reports: - Report of the Board Secretary ± A ugust 2014 (A ttachment B) Report of the T reasurer of School Monies ± A ugust 2014 (A ttachment C) Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ F inance Committee 6. A pproval of O bligations for the Month of September 2014 B E I T R ESO L V E D that at the recommendation of the Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, the Board of E ducation does hereby authorize for payment the attached list of expenditures for general obligations for the month of September 2014. (A ttachment D) W ar rant #13274-13428 A mount G eneral $876,140.69 Improvement Account #1306 7. T rane $ 37.32 A pproval of Risk M anagement Consultant Agreement T he Superintendent, in consultation with the Board Secretary/School Business A dministrator, recommends approval of the Agreement Between the Board of E ducation and Polaris G alaxy Insurance, L L C. Polaris G alaxy provides risk management consulting for the Board. T he Agreement is effective from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ A thletic Committee 1. A pproval/Para-Professional A thletic A ides T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following Para-Professional A thletic A ides for the 2014-2015 school year: M r. Sebastian C ano M r. A ndrew M iller M r. K enneth Bur ke 2. BoyV¶6RFFHU %R\V¶)HQFLQJ/Spring T rack %R\V¶)HQFLQJ/Spring T rack $SSURYDO6FKHGXOH³(´$SSRLQWPHQWV T he Superintendent, in consultation with the A dministration, recommends approval of the following Schedule ³(´ DSSRLQWPHQWV IRU WKH 2014-2015 school year: M r. Jeffrey F rancisco Supervisor/Weight Room - $28.08 per hour Supervisor/A thletic E vents - $65.00 per event M iss L isa Clar k Supervisor/Weight Room - $28.08 per hour Supervisor/A thletic E vents - $65.00 per event M rs. K athy H ill Supervisor/A thletic E vents - $65.00 per event Regular Meeting of the Board of E ducation T uesday, September 23, 2014 __ __ ____ ___________ E ducation Committee O perations Committee F inance Committee A thletic Committee Negotiations committee Community A lliance Committee/Student W elfare Committee Public Relations Committee Policy Committee $WWRUQH\¶V5HSRUW 3DVVDLF&RXQW\6FKRRO%RDUG¶V$VVRFLDWLRQ± Report of Delegate 1HZ-HUVH\6FKRRO%RDUG¶V$VVRFLDWLRQ± Report of Delegate O ld Business New Business C all for members of the Public to be heard E xecutive Session A djournment
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