Brochure One day rhythm experience-V12
Brochure One day rhythm experience-V12
HEART BEAT EVOLUTION Een één-daagse evolutionaire ritme beleving A one-day evolutionary rhythm experience Dag / day 7 DEC 2013 Evolutie vindt plaats tijdens deze dag. Ritme is overal: Onze hartslag, onze adem, dag & nacht en de seizoenen Evolution is happening during this day. Rhythm is everywhere: Our heartbeat, our breath, day & night and the season zijn voorbeelden. Mensen die in ritme leven met hun omgeving, ervaren een meer natuurlijke manier van zijn. Het ervaren van verschillende ritmes are just some of them. People that live in rhythm with their surroundings, experience a more natural way of being. Experiencing several rhythms at the same tegelijkertijd, opent nieuwe perspectieven die ons activeren en vitaliseren. Deze muzikale workshop is gebaseerd op TaKeTiNa en drumcirkel facilitatie. Beiden bewezen methoden. time, awakens new perspectives that open us, activate and vitalize. This playful workshop is based upon TaKeTiNa and drumcircle facilitation. Both renowned methods. locatie / location tijd / time prijs / price ORION, ROTTTERDAM 11.00-17.30 Early bird price, including lunch: €80 WOLLEFOPPENWEG 91A ( prijs na 11.11/ regular price after 11.11: €110) Meer info/ more info? Doe met ons mee in vreugde, overvloed, liefde en tijdloosheid. Join us in abundance, joy, love and timelessness. Deze dag is een excellente kans om kennis te maken met het ritme werk door Mikael Khei uit Noorwegen. Een speciale uitnodiging om in 1 dag te schoonheid daarvan te ontdekken. This day is an excellent opportunity to get introduced to rhythm work with Mikael Khei from Norway. A special oneday invitation to explore the beauty of it. "TaKeTiNa generates a profound activition of the nervous system: An indispensable state for any kind of cure" [prof. dr. Laczika, University of Wien] "My whole body relaxed, and then all of a sudden I felt free". [participant] HET PROGRAMMA. THE PROGRAMM. 1E ERVARING: IK VERBIND 1ST EXPERIENCE: I CONNECT TaKeTiNa is ontworpen om je direct in de ritme-matrix van het leven te brengen. Met muziek en beweging ontwaken we een staat waarin perceptie veranderen kan. TaKeTiNa is designed to bring you direct into the rhythm-matrix of life. With music and movement, we evoke another state where perception is likely to change. 2E ERVARING: IK SPEEL 2ND EXPERIENCE: I PLAY Een hands-on beleving met speelsheid. Iedereen speelt Afrikaanse drums en andere exotische instrumenten in gezamenlijkheid. De muziek ontstaat op verrassende wijze wanneer er vreugde is in verbinding in diversiteit! Being playfull in an hands-on experience. Everbody will play African drums and other exotic instruments together. You might be surprised of the music that appears as we are having joy with unity in diversity! 3E ERVARING: IK ONTVOUW 3RD EXPERIENCE: I EVOLVE In deze benadering is chaos een natuurlijke weg voor evolutie. De afwisseling tussen chaos en orde verbetert coordinatie vaardigheiden Zowel voor fysieke beweging als in het leven. Uitdagingen aangaan gaat met minder stress en meer gemak. This work teaches chaos as a natural part of evolution.The fluctuation between chaos and order improves coordination skills. This goes for physical movement as well as life. Challenges are handled with less stress and more ease. PRAKTISCHE GEGEVENS. Een 1-daagse evolutionaire ritme beleving (voertaal Engels) Zaterdag 7 december 2013, 11.00-17.30 Cultureel Centrum Orion, Rotterdam Prijs met biologische lunch: “Early bird” €80 tot 11 november. Daarna €110. Voor deelname: email and bevestig het door betaling op 0254.6662.80 (1957.NU) met vermelding van je naam. PRACTICAL INFORMATION. A one-day evolutionary rhythm experience (in English) Saturday 7th december 2013, 11:00-17:30 Cultureel Centrum Orion, Wollefoppenweg 91a, 3069 LX Rotterdam Price with biological lunch: "Early bird" €80 until 11 november. After that: €110. To participate: email and confirm it by payment at 0254.6662.80 (1957.NU) with your name in the comment field. ________________________________________________________________ FULL RHYTM TaKeTiNa workshop 2014 (€295 including/inclusief lunch) Start: Friday 28th February, 19h00 End: Sunday 2nd March, 16h00 VOOR WIE? Heb je interesse voor evolutie en persoonlijke ontwikkeling? Dan is deze beleving zeer waardevol. Als je ervan houdt om actief te zijn, te dansen, sporten of spelen dan zijn er veel coördinatie vaardigheden te ontdekken. Werk je met groepen? Als facilitator, instructeur, leraar of in soortgelijke rollen dan kun je perspectieven and benaderingen ontdekken die je werk ondersteunen. Werken met ritme en drums is vitaliserend en erg vreugdevol. Het geeft persoonlijke voeding aan iedereen die zich gezond voelt om een actieve en ontspannende workshop te ervaren. FOR WHOM? Those who have have an interest in evolution and self-development will find this experience most valuable. If you like like to be active, dance, sport or play there will be many coordination skills to discover. Those who work with groups as facilitators, instructors, teachers or similar will find perspectives and approaches that support the work. Working with rhythm and drums is vitalizing and very joyful. There will be A drumcircle video: with Mikael Khei A TaKeTiNa video: personal nourishment for all who feels healthy to do an active workshop that also relaxes. A ONE-DAY EVOLUTIONARY RHYTHM EXPERIENCE ABOUT MIKAEL KHEI (47) ABOUT BRENDA VAN BROEKHOVEN LOCATIE “ORION” (ROTTERDAM) Mikael is a certified TaKeTiNa rhythm teacher and international renowned drum-circle facilitator endorsed by REMO Inc. He has a big heart and a talent to make participants feel safe and at ease. Mikael is also NLP Master Practioner and soon Biodanza facilitator. Brenda is organizer and co-developer of the program. Her heart is passionate for good quality. Brenda is a certified NLP trainer and a "fresh out-of-box" drum-circle faciliator. Every Monday she gives Biodanza in the same venue “Orion” in Rotterdam. A very beautiful, open space with good acoustics inside. The surroundings are green and very close to water. Perfect for a walk during the lunch break. The venue is located on the eastern edge of Rotterdam. Ta Ke Ti Na TaKeTiNa is one of the most efficient learning methods available today. It is a process for activating human and musical potential through rhythm. It is a path in which musical learning always goes hand in hand with personal development. TaKeTiNa conveys rhythm the way people naturally grasp and learn it: by direct physical experience of fundamental rhythmic movement. The capacity for this is inborn; all infants come into the world with the sensory and motor skills that become the rhythmic foundation of all music. Fundamental rhythmic movement are the underlying matrix of an form of music. The body is the instrument, the rhythm experience therefore is very intense and direct. TaKeTiNa is just as appropriate for musically persons as for professional musicians. Source: The Drum Circle Everybody plays drums and other good rhythm instruments together. In musical terms this drum circle is like a big jam session. However most of the people are not musicians and there is something else than music knowledge that makes the drum circle work. The “secret” is the facilitation, we can say facilitation of human potential just as well as we say facilitation of music. This is a setting where enthusiasm unfolds together with listening skills. Creativity blossoms and allowance of everybody’s participation more than control of what to play gives real joy in the circle. The facilitator skillfully guides the rhythms made, in a direction that gives musical meaning. Participants learn to play by doing it, not from trying to manifest instructions. As the participants make up the rhythms in a “jam session like” way every drum circle is unique. When entering the drum circle at the beginning; a journey starts. From maybe being a bit uncertain and hesitating, to finding out that daring to make sounds really works. A beginner can personally evolve from not knowing that he/she can play music to knowing from experience that he/she can. A musician can evolve from being bound by concepts that limit the expression, to more freedom. From thinking that music is something to perform for listeners, to a bigger understanding; that music is for community interaction as well. The group will also evolve. The beginning is as individuals being guided by the facilitator. After a while the group usually is like an entity with it’s own consciousness. The ability to adapt, and to be in tune and rhythm with each other, gives the whole thing a more dance like feeling. Transitions from one rhythm to another are made with ease and grace. Hesitation is gone and so are a few limitative belief systems.