PDF of the Powerpoint used in the Call
PDF of the Powerpoint used in the Call
Fall 2015 Session Week #3 Welcome Invocation Questions? preparatory postures Child’s Pose Down Dog uttanasana standing baby cradle, 2 stages standing pavanmuktasana, 2 stages uttanasana to down dog Warm Ups Sun Salutations variation with jumpings handstand down dog, with hands out handstand with hands out hands on blocks stretch and extend *reclined ab work lower legs together Standing Poses utkatasana 2X utkatasana, variation 2X eaagle, upright eagle, nested ab work eagle abs, 2 variations back extensions locust variations makrasana legs wide legs together arm balances mayurasana eka hasta mayurasana paryankasana on blocks, 2 variations pinca mayurasana, 2 different hand positions with block seated postures sukhasana, twist at wall sukhasana, forward bend closing pavanmuktasana windshield wipers constructive rest position savasana questions?