The Channel Islands The Monthly Magazine of the CLCA–Channel Islands Chapter August 2013 Vol. 6 No. 8 Now available online at The Next Event FAMILY DAY AT MB2 RACEWAY STATE CONVENTION • Thursday, August 15 in Newbury Park • See page 5 for details ANGELES NATIONAL Golf Club in Sunland, the site of the Sept. 26 SFV Golf Tourney in which Channel Islands Chapter will be participating, offers some spectacular views along with great golf. NOVEMBER 13–16 Tentative Schedule on Page 6 Register today at GOLF ENTHUSIASTS at last year’s CI Tourney – Gene Cajrborreau, Jim Osweiler, Foster Cornelius and Steve Cornelius – are shown in front of the John Deere Skiploader Hole-In-One prize from Coastline Equipment. Coastline’s Hole-In-One prize this year is a John Deere Compact Excavator. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED California Landscape Contractors Association Channel Islands Chapter c/o El Dorado Communications, Inc. 19055 Abdera Street Rowland Heights, CA 91748 President’s Message Can’t Miss Events Ahead; Join Our Board! T he Chapter may have had a break in activities in July to allow for some family fun time, but your Board has been working straight through to make sure CI has a full plate of worthwhile activities for the rest of the year. Our first big event is the CI Family Go Cart Race Night this Thursday, August 15. Bring yourself and your big kids to MB2 Raceway in Newbury Park for a night of laughs and challenges. If you have never taken the indoor go cart experience before, you are in for an E-ticket ride of major proportions. If you have, then you know there is a night of good, clean and zany family FUN awaiting you. Please join us. Don’t miss out. (See details on page 5.) BRANDON BOGEAUS Channel Islands President American Nurseries Another big event is the Golf Tournament with the San Fernando Valley Chapter on September 26. We have put together some small golf tournaments on our own in the past, but this time we thought it a good idea to join in with SFV in their larger tournament, to give our Associate Members and Sponsors the opportunity to “mingle” with a larger crowd. Also, that western BBQ hosted by Valley Crest Tree Company across the street from Angeles Crest Golf Club is a food-filled and raffle-prize-filled bonanza. (See details on page 5 and the Registration Form insert.) Before I go any further, I would like to congratulate our fine Legislation Team on the great job they are doing keeping us It’s All About YoU 24 hours a day, 365 days a year FIND US: TALK TO US: 800.343.9464 abreast of the latest ways Sacramento is trying to shaft us, and what we can do about it. Our Chapter Vice President of Legislation, Pete Dufau, is also Director of Legislation at the State Level and sits on the CLCA State Board. A Past State President, we are indeed blessed to have our “inside man” advising us on State activities, and working in Sacramento on our Chapter’s behalf. Now we have two Chapter members covering our legislative backs, as our Chapter Secretary, Atty. Michael Martin, has been named State Legislation Committee Chair. Congratulations Mike! Our legislation duo recently discussed the need to support the CLCA PAC (political action committee) in its efforts to champion our causes with State and Federal representatives. The CI Board voted to donate $500 to a fund that is earmarked for the PAC’s support. Other chapters are being asked to do the same. Finally, if you are interested in taking part in the leadership of the Channel Islands Chapter, the CI Election of Officers and Directors for the 2014 CLCA year will take place at the September 12 Board Meeting at Cisco’s Mexican Restaurant, 925 So. Westlake Blvd., Westlake Village, CA 91361; (805) 778-1191. We could sure use your ideas and your energy. Contact me (818) 222-0440, or President Elect Sarah Corbin (805) 498-9495 and let us know that you are interested in running for and joining the CI Chapter Board. You’ll be working with a great bunch of dedicated and bright people who truly care about what goes on in our industry and in our communities. – Brandon FREE Family-Friendly Regional CLCA ‘Day at the Beach’ Set for Saturday, October 12 at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point •Chapter Event is Sponsored by the LA/SGV and O.C. Chapters Free Techline® calculaTor app Calculating Netafim Techline Installations Has Never Been Quicker or easier – Download the app Today. WWW.neTaFiMuSa.coM 2 August 2013 The Channel Islands Clipper Netafim.CLCA_BusCardAd_9-13.indd 1 7/18/13 9:48 AM E veryone’s invited to attend a family-friendly “Day at the Beach” on Saturday, October 12 at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The LA/SGV Chapter and Orange County Chapter are sponsoring this fun event, which is open to all CLCA members and their families, at Picnic Area “B.” It’s FREE to attend; just pay $15 to park. Food, non-alcoholic beverages and games will be supplied. All you need to supply is an RSVP by October 8! For questions or to RSVP, contact Barbara Alvarez at or (626) 917-1614. Coming Events, Contact Numbers & More Channel Islands Chapter 2013 Board of Directors STATE AND LOCAL EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE – CHECK WITH A BOARD MEMBER FIRST Aug. PRESIDENT Brandon Bogeaus American Nurseries (818) 222-0440 VICE PRESIDENT EDUCATION Shari Collins Gardens 4 the Soul (805) 517-1971 TREASURER/PRESIDENT ELECT Sarah Corbin Grounds Maintenance Services (805) 498-9495 x 303 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD/ EVENTS Julio Gomez Coastline Equipment (805) 485-2106 VICE PRESIDENT LEGISLATION Pete Dufau Dufau Landscaping (805) 642-1239 EVENTS COMMITTEE MEMBER Claudio Sandoval Claudio’s Landscape Innovations (805) 483-1070 (805) 732-5156 cell 15 Family Day at MB2 Raceway in Newbury Park Sept. 26Golf Tourney w/San Fernando Chapter at Angeles National Golf Club, Sunland Oct. 10Santa Barbara Stone & Masonry event Tour and dinner 4:30 p.m. Nov. 13-16 State Convention, Quail Lodge, Carmel December 6Holiday Party at The Tower Club in Oxnard (Lunch Time party), noon to 2 p.m. Board Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at noon unless otherwise noted. Locations vary. SECRETARY Atty. Michael S. Martin Myers, Widders, Gibson & Jones, LLP (805) 644-7188 ASSOCIATE MEMBER REP. Matthew Romsa Bamboo Pipeline (805) 764-2600 (805) 914-7785 cell VICE PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP Dan Dvorak Landscape Contractors Insurance Services (877) 527-5247 CHAPTER AMBASSADOR/ LIFE MEMBER Tom Lucas Performance Nursery (310) 925-8075 2013 CLCA State Board of Directors PRESIDENT – Frank Niccoli cwm (650) 592-9440 The Village Gardener, Inc., PRESIDNT-ELECT – Chuck Carr (805) 732-3705 ValleyCrest Companies, IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT – Eric Watanabe (818) 993-0200 Signature Pools and Landscape, SECRETARY-TREASURER – Ted Sandrowski (530) 345-6101 Sandrowski Landscaping, Inc., DIR. OF CHAPTER SERVICES – Richard Sheffield (661) 245-1147 Antioch Nursery Landscape & Tree Service, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS – Jessica Centeno (310) 768-4089 Centeno’s Landscaping Co., Inc., CHANNEL ISLANDS CLIPPER EDITOR John Hernandez (626) 965-5015 19055 Abdera St. Rowland Heights, CA 91748 FAX (866) 591-5093 ASSOCIATE EDITOR/ ART DIRECTOR Jerry Robin (626) 794-2674 DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION – Steve Jacobs clt, cwm, clp (760) 945-4321 Nature Designs Landscaping, SteveJ@NatureDesigns.Net DIRECTOR OF EVENTS – Eric Briner (559) 453-2539 Briner & Son Landscape Management, DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATION – Pete Dufau clt (805) 642-1239 Dufau Landscape, Inc., DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP – Javier Lesaca (661) 836-0229 Lesaca Landscape Co., DIR. OF RESOURCE MGMT. – Tom Noonan, cid, clia (916) 812-5034 Ewing Irrigation Products, ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIR. – Rick Zinn (925) 864-1088 SANTA BARBARA STONE & MASONRY, INC. Jim Osweiler Horizon, CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL (North) Aaron Huxley (805) 235-9503 Hunter Industries/FX Luminaire, CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL (South) Steve Beckstrom clt (714) 379-1140 27 North Nopal St., P.O. Box 4809, Santa Barbara, CA 93140-4809 Phone (805) 963-5891 FAX (805) 962-7993 Email Tierra Verde Landscape, Inc., EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – Sharon McGuire (916) 830-2780 The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 3 Water Management Four Signs You Are Overwatering Your Plants By Richard Restuccia, Director for Water Management Solutions at ValleyCrest G iving plants too much water is one of the as well as new leaves are falling at the same accelerated rate you are biggest issues I see in landscapes today. providing too much water. The mistake of overwatering plants is not Check your soil regularly. Don’t be afraid to push your finger easy to diagnose. In many instances too much into the soil and see how moist it is an inch or two down. If the water mimics the soil is moist and you have some of the RICHARD signs of too little conditions above it’s an excellent sign to RESTUCCIA water. Below are reduce your water. Also, many stores sell Overwatering, in simple ValleyCrest four signs you can inexpensive but accurate moisture meters. easily recognize to determine if you are terms, drowns your plant. You simply insert them in the root ball giving your landscape too much water. they will tell you how much water is Check your soil regularly… and 1. Y our plant is wilting, but it looks in the soil. This is a simple and inexpenlike it has plenty of water. Roots Don’t be afraid to push your sive tool that will take much of the guess are critical to plant life. They are the work out of watering a landscape. primary source for water, food and finger into the soil and see Richard Restuccia is a water management evanthe intake of oxygen. The roots of the gelist. He believes passionately in water efficiency plant take up water but they also need how moist it is an inch or and sees the financial and social benefits far too air to breathe. Overwatering, in simple often to keep a secret. two down. terms, drowns your plant. Oxygen fills the space between the particles of soil. Soil that is constantly wet won’t have enough air pockets and plants will not be able to breathe by taking up oxygen with their roots. 2. L eaves turn brown and wilt. Leaves turn brown and wilt when plants have too little and too much water. The biggest difference is too little water will result in the leaves feeling crispy when you hold them in your hand. Too much water and the leaves will feel soft and limp in your hand. 3. E dema. When roots of plants absorb more water than they can use, water pressure begins to build in the cells of the leaves. The cells will eventually burst, killing them and forming blisters and these areas will look like lesions. Once the blisters erupt, tan, brown or white warty growths begin to form where the blisters originally were. Plus you will see indentations forming directly above the growths on the top sides of the leaves. 4. Y ellow leaves. Stunted slow growth with yellowing leaves is a symptom of overwatering. The other sign to observe during this condition is leaf fall. If you have yellowing leaves and old leaves 4 August 2013 The Channel Islands Clipper Water Education Foundation Launches Aquapedia T he Water Education Foundation has recently launched Aquapedia (, an interactive, FREE online water encyclopedia that provides easy-to-understand factual information on topical water issues. This is a great resource for students, educators, water resources professionals and anyone with an interest in the subject. The resource articles are vetted by the Water Education Foundation and supplemented with photos, graphics, videos, maps and other online tools. There is also a water terms glossary, timelines of California water use and how water issues have evolved, a directory of federal and state water agencies and water organizations, and background and context on breaking news found on and much more. Once you take a look at the site, visit the Contact Us page and let us know what you think! The Next Event CI Chapter Joins in SFV Memorial Golf Tourney September 26 Go Cart Fun Ahead at MB2 in Newbury Park •1 5th Annual Classic Set for Angeles National in Sunland • CI Family Race Night Thursday August 15 T he Channel Islands Chapter will join its neighbors in San Fernando Valley in their 15th Annual SFV Chapter Memorial Golf Tournament on Thursday, September 26 at Angeles National Golf Club, 9401 Foothill Blvd. in Sunland. Past CI Chapter Golf Tournaments have drawn participants from Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties, so the Chapter is encouraging all its golfer members and friends to join them in this very special event in San Fernando Valley. This yearly Tourney at Angeles National has always been well organized, features booths and information tables at various holes, and has several longest drive and closest-to-the- pin type challenges throughout the course. Special thanks go out to Coastline Equipment for sponsoring the hole-in-one special hole with the prize of a FREE John Deere Compact Excavator. It could be your lucky day. A Tournament Registration Form is included in this issue of the Channel Islands Clipper. egistration begins at 9 a.m., with R shotgun start at 11 a.m. (Modified Scramble). Following the golf day, Valley Crest Tree Company will be hosting a delicious Southwest BBQ Dinner at their Specimen Nursery located directly across the street from the golf course. Tournament cost is $135 per person and includes green fee, cart, lunch, range balls, and dinner. Consider getting some great visibility for your company, while supporting the Channel Islands Chapter by becoming a Tournament Sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities include Corporate Sponsor ($1,000), and Tee Sponsor ($125). There will also be On Course Sponsorships ($250 per location), where a vendor can have a table and representatives presenting the company’s products or services. Sign up for a foursome, a sponsorship…or whatever…but we need you there! A Tournament Registration Form is included in this issue of the Channel Islands Clipper. For more information, please call Julio Gomez at (805) 485-2106, or Otto & Sons NurSery Landscaping Materials from 1-gal to 24” Roses (hundreds of varieties) Ornamentals • Shade Trees • Citrus I t’s just days away, and you don’t want to miss it. Your big kids won’t want to miss it either! We’re talking about a fabulous evening of fun and indoor go cart racing, at MB2 in Newbury Park. If you are someone who has never floored it around an MB2 indoor go cart track before…then you are really in for a special treat. CI Chapter’s Family Race Night will be held Thursday, August 15 at MB2 Raceway,1475 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park (Thousand Oaks), CA 91320; (805) 214-9999. Just so there is no confusion, the community of Newbury Park is located in the western portion of the city of Thousand Oaks…so don’t get lost! Things will get started at 6:15 p.m. For only $23 per person, attendees will race against their fellow CI members, friends and family. Our Chapter will have the entire place to ourselves until 8:30 p.m. Junior racers must be between 48” and 57” tall and able to reach the gas and brake pedals and drive safely. Juniors and adults do not race together. All guests must wear closed-toe shoes on the day of the event… MB2’s only dress-code requirement. MB2’s snack bar will be open that night for those who get the munchies or want to buy a soda pop or other refreshment. Bring your big kids and their friends to this, our major FUN EVENT of the summer. You’ll be glad you did. For more info and to RSVP, please call or email CI Events Chair Julio Gomez at (805) 485-2106; BOOKMARK THIS PAGE for specification-grade lighting solutions, including the industry’s most advanced LED technology; all expertly crafted and American made right down the line. 800-766-8478 | VISTA PRO: 1/8 Page Brand Ad in CLCA 2013; Final 2/6/13 PUBS: CLCA 2013 SIZE: 1/8 Page-Horizontal; Size= 3.625" x 2.375" tall, No Bleed; B&W Swanson Russell JOB # V800-029721-13 1835 East Guiberson Road • Fillmore, CA 93015 Tel: (805) 524-2123 • The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 5 Convention Schedule State Convention Schedule Has Plenty to Offer • Set for November 13-16 at Quail Lodge in Carmel J oin friends and colleagues in the beautiful Carmel Valley, inland about 12 miles from Carmel-by-the-Sea. Connect, grow, learn, celebrate, exchange, blossom, play golf…and in all other ways simply have a great time at CLCA’s State Convention November 13-16 at Quail Lodge and Golf Club. SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Wednesday, November 13, 2013 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. CLCA Board Meeting 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. LEAF Meeting 5 p.m. – 6 p.m. Wine & Jazz Welcome Reception, with music performed by talented members of the Central Coast Chapter Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:30 a.m. – noon Operations Tour A behind-the-scenes look at the Green Building and gardens at the Hilton Bialek Habitat. 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. Recognition Luncheon 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. General Membership Meeting NOTICE! CI BOARD ELECTIONS Thursday, September 12, Noon Cisco’s Mexican Restaurant 925 S. Westlake Blvd., Westlake Village All CI Members invited…especially potential candidates! Call Brandon Bogeaus (818) 222-0440 or Sarah Corbin (805) 498-9495 if you plan to attend. WOW! Our Complete Plant Database is Now Online! Search for plants by common or botanical names, get all the info you need, and save your selections. Great for designs, bids and helpful for your clients. 800-525-5446 6 August 2013 The Channel Islands Clipper Friday, November 15, 2013 7:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Associate Members Meeting 9 a.m. – 12 noon Education Headliner Vicki Suiter, National Speaker: Learn how to make a consistent profit in your business 3 p.m. Auxiliary Meeting 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. A Taste of California: Trophy Awards Dinner and Ceremony Saturday, November 16, 2013 9 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. Education Seminar with Beth Ziesenis will take the mystery out of online tools and smart searching to increase productivity and make working with others easier. 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Education Seminar: Water Update 12 Noon AMO/LEAF Golf Tournament Evening TBA A dinner honoring former Executive Director Sharon McGuire Schedule is subject to change. To register visit YOSEF AMZALAG SUPPLY AKA IRRIGATION EXPRESS INC. Wholesale Irrigation, Outdoor Lighting, Landscape Products NOW EXCLUSIVELY OFFERING YA-Synthetic-Turf Before After IF YOU ARE NOT INSTALLING IT…YOUR COMPETITION WILL! ER RF ORD U T R U O D* F ON Y TRAINE N E 10% OF E B E OU HAV scount) i ONCE Y d 0 5 2 tomer (UP TO $ FREE TURF TRAINING r cus *one pe Come to Our ATTEND TRAININ G AND RE C E IVE A $20 SU BWAY ® COUPON *one pe * r attend e In English and Spanish – send your employees for free (Check our website for upcoming dates and details!) WWW.YASYNTURF.COM 800-778-0830 13650 Vaughn Street • San Fernando CA 91340 13449 Excelsior Drive • Norwalk, CA 90650 e WE OFFER: • No cutting fee • F ree 1-1/2’ x 2’ turf display samples! • No minimum cut size • F ree 1’ x 1’ turf samples • No delivery charge – No quantity limit! • Free 2-hour delivery • F ree training at our location • F ree magnetic car signs! or your job site! (as many as you need, with your phone number) • Free marketing materials! • F ree lawn signs! • F ree website full of (as many as you need, with your phone number) information to help you! …AND THE BEST INDUSTRY-WIDE FIFTEEN (15) YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY OUR S FOR Y CALL U 10 N O P U O C R* % OFF E RF ORD U T R U O t) ON Y discoun 0 5 2 $ (UP TO*one per customer FOR RESIDENTIAL JOBS (10 years for commercial jobs) ATTEND TRAININ G AND RE C E IVE A $ 20 SUBW ® A COUPON * Y *one pe r attend ee IF YOU ARE NOT INSTALLING IT…YOUR COMPETITION WILL! CALL US AT 800-778-0830 OR CHECK WWW.YASYNTURF.COM CLCA Channel Islands Chapter In Conjunction with the San Fernando Valley Chapter, invites you to CLCA – SFV 15th ANNUAL Memorial Golf Tournament Angeles National Golf Club 9401 Foothill Boulevard • Sunland, CA Thursday, September 26, 2013 Registration Begins at 9:00 a.m. Shotgun start at 11:00 a.m. sharp • Modified Scramble Southwest BBQ Dinner sponsored by At their Specimen Nursery located directly across the street from the golf course. There will be many door prizes and a raffle. TOURNAMENT COST: $135 TEE SPONSORS: $125 Includes green fee, cart, lunch, Sign with your name or company name range balls, and dinner on tee box MULLIGAN PACKAGE: $25 Includes 2 Mulligans, 1 raffle ticket, 1 putting contest, 2 closest to pin, and 1 longest drive CORPORATE SPONSORS: $1,000 Includes golf for 4, Mulligan packages for 4, banner placement at registration and dinner, newsletter recognition, 2 tee sponsors REGISTRATION IS LIMITED – PLEASE REPLY BY SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 Total Tournament Packages ____________ @ $135 per golfer Contact Information & Phone #: Total Mulligan Packages ____________ @ $25 per package __________________________________ Tee Sponsors: ____________ @ $125 per tee sponsor __________________________________ Name of Tee Sponsor _______________________________ Golfer’s Name Corporate Sponsor: ____________ @ $1,000 per sponsor 1 __________________________________ Name of Corporation _______________________________ 2 __________________________________ Email 3 __________________________________ 4 __________________________________ Total Due: $______________________ Mail registration & check to CLCA-Channel Islands Chapter, c/o Sarah Corbin, Treasurer Grounds Maintenance Services, P.O. Box 879, Newbury Park, CA 91320 Call Julio Gomez at (805) 485-2106 or for more information. All are welcome: CLCA members and non-members. Resource Guide John Roche 4684 Runway Street Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 306-1730 Fax (805) 306-1731 JOHN R. HERNANDEZ Publisher / CEO 19055 Abdera Street / Rowland Heights, CA 91748 tel 626.965.5015 / cell 626.715.1757 / fax 866.591.5093 The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 7 Support Our Advertisers! ® Anti-oxidant…alkaline…super-hydrating. Stop wasting your health and money on bottled waters! Jerry Robin Certified Molecular Hydration Specialist Independent Distributor 7275173 (626) 644-4239 Meets ANSI/NSF Standards 42 & 372 RICHARD BARTO LOS ANGELES / VENTURA TERRITORY MANAGER 1589 N. MAIN STREET, ORANGE, CA 92867 800-542-0209 / 714-279-3171 / CELL: 714-920-4389 / FAX 714-279-3199 / October 16th & 17th ALL Landscape Things 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Bringing the Industry Together With More than 15 Major Associations Participating All in One Place Irrigation/Water Management · Pest Control · Turf Management · Tree Care/Ornamentals Landscape Design · Business Management · In English & En Español At the inar Early Bird Sem es at R e Packag Long Beach Convention Center OW! REGISTER N Registration & Seminar sign-ups are quick & easy at 2013 SPONSORS For more information go to or call 714-979-5276 x130 8 August 2013 The Channel Islands Clipper Workplace Safety Is Your Company in Danger of Having an Accident? By Ed Laflamme & Bill Arman, The Harvest Group O SHA could come and visit your job site at any time, and that’s a good thing, as long as you’re prepared. Here are 6 tips to create a safety culture and prepare your business for an OSHA visit. 1. Conduct an internal OSHA audit at least once a year. 2. Schedule weekly 5-10 minute safety tailgate talks, and document them. Have people sign that they attended. Do your documentation in both English and Spanish. 3. Ensure your personal protective equipment (PPE) is properly used. OSHA will look for your PPE. This includes ear protection, eye protection, gloves, cones, ladder protection, helmets, and any other equipment required to keep your employees safe. Be sure you have them and employees know how and when to use them. 4. Create a safety culture within your organization. This must come from the top down. The company leadership must pave the way and must live these values and lead by example. use the checklist to confirm the yard is in order. Finally, conduct an audit of your accounts at least quarterly. This involves checking the customers’ property, in person, using a checklist. [Personal protective equipment] includes ear protection, eye protection, gloves, cones, ladder protection, helmets…to keep your employees safe. 5. Conduct smaller audits too. Audit your vehicle at least once a week, or more if required by your local ordinances. Conduct a yard audit at least once a month; use a formal checklist and designate who is responsible for this task. That person should BILL HARMAN (L) and ED LAFLAMME The Harvest Group 6. Ensure the OSHA 300 report is completed and displayed on time. If you have more than 10 employees, you must complete the OSHA 300 report by February 1st of each year (covering the prior year). It must stay available until the end of April. If OSHA comes in and this report is not displayed during that time, there will be a fine assessed. By following these tips, you will be prepared when OSHA shows up. Ed Laflamme & Bill Arman are harvesters at The Harvest Group ( This article is an excerpt from their video outlining five quick tips to prepare for an OSHA visit, available at: YOUR INVESTMENT GETS SMARTER EVERY YEAR. 0 % for 60 months * On Select Cat Machines ® Offer available on the following new machines: • Backhoe Loaders • Compact Track Loaders • Compact Wheel Loaders • Mini Hydraulic Excavators • Multi Terrain Loaders • Skid Steer Loaders • Small Track-type Tractors • Small Wheel Loaders Caterpillar helps your business succeed every day – by ensuring you’ve got the h right machine for the job, making parts readily available, giving you the work tools you need, and providing expert service. Don’t miss this limited time opportunity! Contact your Quinn Company today for more details. *Offer good for qualifying customers from June 1, 2013 to September 30, 2013 on select new models at Quinn Company. Not all buyers will qualify. Financing is subject to credit application and approval through Cat Financial. Offer is available to qualifying customers in the USA and can be combined with select Cat Work Tool offers—see Quinn Company for details. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Offer subject to change without prior notice. Quinn Company 801 Del Norte Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93030 Rene Monsivais (805) 432-9356 The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 9 Business 101 If You Don’t Have a Systematic Sales Program, You Don’t Have an Effective Sales Program By Jonathan Goldhill, The Goldhill Group A re you getting the most out of your sales efforts? Many small businesses aren’t. Stop wasting time and losing business opportunities when you could be doing so much more with just a little more effort! By organizing your sales activities into a systematic program, you greatly enhance your sales results and improve other aspects of your company’s performance. Believe me, this is something I spend a lot of time with my clients addressing and it works! JONATHAN GOLDHILL CEO The Goldhill Group A sales system takes into account all of the elements and events integral to and related to the sales process with the goal of maximizing performance, efficiencies and customer satisfaction I recommend you consider these components of a systematic sales organization and watch how you can profit from them: Does your discount fertilizer run out of gas before it’s supposed to? Leads Management. Evaluating your leads can help you understand how to organize your sales efforts. For example, a sudden surge in leads may indicate that you might consider increasing your sales staff to capitalize on the opportunity. Assigning leads to specific sales reps helps to avoid duplication efforts and increases accountability. More than one salesperson calling on the same prospect or working the same geography is a waste of time and may irritate customers. Track Conversion Rates. Why do some leads become customers and others do not? Perhaps your lead qualification process requires some fine-tuning to increase conversion rates and ensure that sales calls become more efficient. We recommend and teach a structured sales process that practically guarantees increases in your lead conversion rates. Track Individual Sales Performance. By tracking performance, you know who to reward and who might need some additional training or motivation. You can begin by identifying characteristics of top performers, adding those traits to sales job benchmarks, and looking for similar qualities in employees to support your efforts to develop a high-performing sales team. Working with a sales coach on this can take the burden off of management and insure it gets done and done right. Evaluate Marketing. Correlate sales to specific marketing campaigns to assess how sales relate to a given promotional campaign within a given time frame. By doing so, you can more accurately assess the effectiveness of your marketing programs. For example, analyzing a campaign pilot effort may lead to a decision to discontinue (and save money) or expand (and make money) the effort. Track Sales by Geography. Some areas may be more productive than others. Some may not be productive at all. Tracking sales by geography allows you to allocate your resources more productively. For long lasting performance use Turf Gold or Super Turf from... by Simplot ... the One that works! Contribute to Sales Forecasting. Are you on target or do you need to increase your sales efforts? Don’t wait until it is too late to make necessary adjustments to your sales strategy. Help with Inventory Management and Order Management. There is nothing worse than closing a deal only to find that you can’t deliver on it. I have a client that sells outdoor furniture who is disappointed when he loses sales because he doesn’t have inventory in stock. Tracking your sales will help you project inventory and resource ordering needs so that you can fulfill customer expectations. Take the guesswork out of the sales process. Understand your sales efforts and objectively adjust sales strategies as well as other operations with a systematic program. What systems do you have in place to improve the sales process? Jonathan Goldhill is a business coach, business owner, strategic sales and marketing specialist. Want one-on-one help growing your business? Request a FREE Profit Strategy Session with the Goldhill Group and spend 60 minutes focused on overcoming your top business challenges today. He can be reached at (818) 716-8826. 10 August 2013 The Channel Islands Clipper Advertising Index Call Our Advertisers First! Best/Simplot.............................................................................10 Birch Equipment Finance...................................................... 111 Coastline Equipment.............................................. 7, Back Cover Cragoe Pest Services................................................................... 8 El Dorado Communications, Inc............................................... 7 Ewing......................................................................................... 2 Green Thumb Super Garden Centers........................................ 7 Gro-Power................................................................................. 7 Kangen Water®......................................................................... 8 Kellogg Garden Products............................................................ 4 Landscape Contractors Insurance Services.................................. 8 Landscape Expo (Long Beach)................................................... 8 Myers, Widders, Gibson, Jones & Feingold, LLP..................... 6 Netafim....................................................................................... 2 Olson Irrigation Systems............................................................ 5 Otto & Sons Nursery................................................................ 5 Pacific Sod.................................................................................. 6 Performance Nursery................................................................. 6 Quinn Company........................................................................ 9 Rainmakers Irrigation Supply.................................................... 7 Santa Barbara Stone & Masonry, Inc...................................... 3 Smith Pipe & Supply...............................................................11 Southland Sod...........................................................................11 Village Nurseries........................................................................ 8 Vista Landscape Lighting............................................................ 5 Yosef Amzalag Supply..........................................................Insert The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 11 SAVE THE DATE! The Channel Islands Clipper August 2013 12