this year`s conference brochure


this year`s conference brochure
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
September 11–12, 2008
Qwest Center Omaha
455 N 10th Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Register on-line at
or call 402/472-1456
To be environmentally sensitive, AIA Nebraska requests you consider green options
such as carpooling, recycling and registering on-line.
Conference Partners
Hyde Speakers Series, UNL College of Architecture
Nebraska Masonry Institute
SCHED U L E OF E V E N TS Thursday, September 11
Getting Green
1.5 HSW – Provided by USGBC Flatwater Chapter
Conference qualifies for
Continuing Education Units
under the AIA/CES
8:30 – 10:00am
University of Nebraska Medical Center
(The Sorrell Center on the Northeast corner of 42nd and Emile)
A look at the future of the LEED rating system through the upcoming release of the USGBC
LEED "Version 2009", along with an review for those considering taking the LEED-AP exam,
and a brief overview of UNMC's LEED Certified Building, the Sorrell Center. Attendees
will walk away with a better understanding of what it takes to become a LEED Accredited
Professional, and with some ideas about what types of green and sustainable initiatives they
can expect to unfold in the future through LEED Version 2009, also with some insight into
how UNMC has been successful in greening their campus with projects like the Sorrell Center.
Speakers: Jean Hansen, HDR & Clayton Miller, Leo A Daly
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
SCHED U L E OF E V E N TS Thursday, September 11 (continued)
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
64th & West Center
Omaha, NE 68108
1.5 HSW
Tours (Limited to 40 per tour)
AkSarBen Village
Located on the former grounds of the Aksarben Racetrack and Coliseum,
the 250-acre Aksarben Village site will be a mixed-use development of
office, retail, and residential uses that will attract investment and presence
to the mid-town Omaha area. Because of its proximity to local universities
and technology centers, it will be uniquely positioned to be a major
economic engine for the Omaha region.
AkSarBen Village
Aksarben Village will combine state of the art research facilities, offices,
retail, housing, open space, recreation, entertainment, and sustainable design to create a
lively 24/7 environment for researchers, office workers, faculty, students, and urban dwellers.
The development will utilize urban design features such as landmarks, focal points and axes
which will create memorable places that will become gathering points for local residents and
a destination for Omahans in search for the unique urban experience.
The major civic park at Aksarben Village will connect to the open space network of the
region, making it accessible by foot and by bicycle, reinforcing the desire to be at the
forefront of the "new urbanism" movement in the mid-American region.
Parking is available in the parking garage at AKV, address 2232 South 64th Ave (NE corner of
67th & Center). The tour will start at the plaza on the east side of 67th and Mercy Road, west
of the parking garage).
2:00 – 3:30 pm
1524 Cuming Street
Omaha, NE 68102
1.5 HSW
Meet at Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture
Model T Ford Building
Tour by project architects will highlight recent renovations in the
area of NoDo. Beginning at the historic building where Ford Model T’s
were once manufactured, tour the TipTop Apartments, conference and
banquet facilities, restaurant, bar and the new offices for Alley Poyner
NoDo – TipTop
Macchietto Architecture. Other areas to be viewed on the tour include
the Old Mattress Factory Bar & Grill and the Saddle Creek Records complex, featuring the
independent record label’s headquarters, Slowdown music venue, and the nonprofit Film
Streams. Available street parking around the TipTop or Saddle Creek Records.
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
SCHED U L E OF E V E N TS Thursday, September 11 (continued)
4:00 – 5:00 pm
2200 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68102
1.0 HSW
Joslyn Museum Garden Sculpture
The garden is the focal point of a campus redevelopment plan that
will dramatically change the face of Joslyn's grounds and includes
a variety of important 19th-and 20th-century sculptures, as well as
contemporary works by internationally renowned artists; flowing
reflective water features; enhanced entrances and drives; renovated
and expanded parking; and landscaped green spaces, rich granite
pathways, and an entrance plaza to welcome visitors.
Meet at Atrium. Free parking is available in the Parking Garden northeast
of the Museum. Metered parking is available on surrounding streets.
The northeast Parking Garden is accessible via the Dodge Street
Joslyn Museum Garden Sculpture
entrance drive to the south or the 24th Street entrance drive to the west.
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Ross Theater
313 N. 13th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508
1.0 HSW
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Paxton Hotel
1403 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68102
1.0 HSW
Hyde Lecture Series Presentation – AIA NE Excellence in Design Jury Chair
Todd DeGarmo, FAIA, CEO, STUDIOS Architecture –
Sponsored by UNL College of Architecture, Hyde Lecture
Tour – The Paxton
In 1882 Brothers CW, WT and JB Kitchen built the first Paxton Hotel for
about $250,000. They named it after Omahan William Paxton, a frontier
entrepreneur active in cattle production, railroading and freight. A $1.5
million demolition occurred in 1929; after 8 months a new Paxton Hotel
opened. The hotel was regarded as one of Omaha's finer art deco buildings.
The interior design was by Marshall, Field & Co. of Chicago, rooms started at
$2.50 a night. In 1966, The Paxton stopped operating as a hotel and became
the location of the Women's Job Corps. The Paxton became a hotel once
again in 1971. Decorated in a "traditional Mediterranean" style, the hotel
featured carpeting on all floors and smoked glass mirrors on the lobby walls.
Virtually every square inch of the hotel was refurbished, with the exception
of three large murals in the lounge. The murals, painted by Nebraska artist,
Leonard Thiessen, were part of the original hotel built in 1929. In 1975 The
Paxton hotel converted to Paxton Manor, a self-care retirement home.
The Paxton
The grandeur of The Paxton in 2004 was restored into an exclusive
condominium residential community with attending shops and offices. Paxton Events, L.L.C
restores the Historic Paxton Ballroom to its original grandeur and reopens the Ballroom as the
premier venue for social, charitable, and business events in Downtown Omaha.
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
SCHED U L E OF E V E N TS Thursday, September 11 (continued)
6:30 – 10:00 pm
Paxton Ballroom
1403 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Excellence in Design Banquet
6:30 pm
Social Hour
7:30 pm
Dinner / Presentation of Awards
Design Awards winners will be presented by
Todd DeGarmo, FAIA, STUDIOS Architecture
Master of Ceremonies, Scott Voorhees – host of NewsRadio 1110 KFAB.
Co n f e r e n c e Di s p lays
Art x Architects
The 21st annual Art x Architects entries will be on display at Qwest Center Omaha for the
duration of the conference.
25-Year Honor Award Winners
In conjunction with the AIA Nebraska Design Program, AIA Nebraska will highlight past recipients
from the 1983 Honor Awards program. Examine how the projects have changed from then to
today. Boards will be on display at Qwest Center Omaha for the duration of the conference.
Design + Technology
Displays will be on site to stimulate your imagination. Exhibitors will demonstrate new
technologies, products, materials and services that may solve issues and broaden your
creative horizons for future designs.
402/472-1456 /
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
SCHED U L E OF E V E N TS Friday, September 12
7:00 am Registration/Exhibit Interaction/Continental Breakfast
Qwest Center Omaha, 455 North 10th Street
Breakfast sponsor Nebraska Concrete and Aggregates Association
8:00 – 9:00 am Opening Session
Design and Construction Overview for 2009 and their Implications for
Architecture Firms (1.0 LU)
Kermit Baker, Chief Economist, American Institute of Architects
9:00 - 10:00 am Exhibitor Interaction
10:00 – 11:30 am Educational Session 1
11:30 – 12:00 pm Exhibitor Interaction
12:00 pm
Prize Drawing in Ballroom C Exhibit Hall /
You must be present to be eligible.
12:15 – 1:30 pm Luncheon and Presentation
Lecture & Critique of Excellence in Design Submissions
Todd DeGarmo, FAIA, CEO, STUDIOS Architecture
1:30 – 2:00 pm
AIA Nebraska Annual Membership Meeting
2:00 pm
Exhibitors Disassemble
2:15 – 3:45 pm
Educational Session 2
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Educational Session 3
5:45 – 6:45 pm
6:45 – 8:00 pm Closing Reception – Sponsored by The Weitz Company
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
Kermit Baker
Chief Economist, American Institute of Architects
Design and Construction Overview for 2009 and their Implications for Architecture Firms
After suffering through weak economic conditions recently, what’s in store for design firms
for 2009? This presentation will review recent economic and construction trends with an eye
toward opportunities over the coming year: regional and national construction trends; key
concerns of firm leaders, and how the economy will influence emerging developments in the
profession, such as sustainability, consolidation, and integrated practice.
Kermit Baker is the Chief Economist for the American Institute of Architects in Washington,
D.C. In this capacity, he analyzes business and construction trends for the U.S. economy
and examines their impact on AIA members and the architectural profession. He originated
the AIA’s “Work on the Boards” Survey, a monthly assessment of business conditions at
architecture firms, as well as the AIA Consensus Construction Forecast Panel, and writes a
regular economics column for the AIA member electronic newspaper, AIArchitect.
Kermit also is the Project Director of the Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center
for Housing Studies at Harvard University. This research effort is aimed at developing an
improved understanding of the dynamics of the U.S. repair and renovation industry.
Prior to joining the AIA, Kermit was Vice President and Director of the Economics Department
at Reed Business Information, where he was responsible for industry forecasting. During his
ten years at Reed, he developed the Top U.S. Construction Markets Report, and served as
editor of Reed Business Information’s Building and Construction Market Forecast newsletter.
Todd DeGarmo, FAIA
CEO, STUDIOS Architecture –
Todd DeGarmo joined the Washington, DC office of STUDIOS twenty years ago. In 1995, he
founded the New York office, and in 2005 was named the firm's CEO. Todd's expertise is
in guiding corporate and institutional clients through complex projects that include site
search, strategic and master planning, design, and construction. The strength of his work
includes helping emerging companies envision new work environments that support and
integrate their culture, work processes, technology and brand. He has helped develop new
work models for such diverse clients as the Pentagon, IAC Interactive, Bloomberg, and the
law offices of Morgan Lewis. He is also a proponent of sustainable design, with projects that
include the Kingman Island Environmental Education Center along Anacostia's waterfront in
Washington, DC, a community center for the New York Restoration Project on the last piece of
natural waterfront in Manhattan and the renovation of the National Headquarters of the AIA.
AIA Nebraska
Todd's work has received numerous awards and has been featured in publications such as
The New York Times, The Washington Post, Metropolis, WIRED Magazine, Business Week, and
Architectural Record. Frequently asked to speak about his work, Todd's past engagements
have included the National Building Museum's Spotlight on Design, the Boston Fulbright
Committee, the annual national conferences for The Association of Legal Administrators, and
CoreNet Global. He is active in the National Building Museum, the Partnership for New York
City, and serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for New York Restoration Project, a
not-for-profit organization that restores, develops and revitalizes parks, community gardens
and open spaces throughout New York City's five boroughs. In 2007, Todd was inducted into
Interior Design Magazine's Hall of Fame, and was recently named as a Fellow in the American
Institute of Architects.
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
10:00 – 11:30 am
Friday, September 12
E d u c at i o nal S e s s i o n 1
The Liberty Memorial: Design Generates New Life, Meaning, Value
A recipient of The American Institute of Architects 2008 National Honor Award For Architecture, The Liberty Memorial project, located in Kansas City, MO, integrates new building additions, adaptive reuse of undercroft space, extraordinary reconstruction, and unique restoration. Enriching our public realm, this project is a cause driven model for redevelopment – it
achieves community goals with design restraint, conservation of resources, and an economy
of means. The presentation will fit together historic and cultural context; public and political process; economic, code compliance, environmental, and conservation drivers; design
solutions that challenge traditional standards for treatment of historic structures; and how
all found expression in the making of a powerful architectural experience. Steve Abend, FAIA,
Self Marketing Power: Branding Yourself as a Business of One
The Liberty Memorial
Whether you're striving to land a big client, close more deals or make a difference in the
community, one thing is for sure: today's world has no room for shrinking violets. The only
problem is that the art of self marketing is difficult for a lot of people. This session will help
you build your personal brand while striking a balance between healthy self promotion and
egotistical boasting. Jeff Beals, Omaha, author of Self-Marketing Power, co-host of Grow
Omaha, a weekly talk-show on News Radio 1110 KFAB. 1.5 LU
The Economics of Redeveloping Downtowns:
From Haymarket to a Field of Dreams
This program will feature a panel presentation and discussion on Lincoln’s expansion and
redevelopment of the Haymarket area and the redevelopment plans for the Rosenblatt
stadium site in Omaha. Speakers will include representatives from the Lincoln Haymarket,
2015 Vision Group, Rosenblatt Stadium, Henry Doorly Zoo, as well as private developers and
city planners. 1.5 HSW
Rosenblatt Stadium
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
2:15 – 3:45 pm
Friday, September 12
E d u c at i o nal S e s s i o n 2
IDP/ARE Bootcamp for Principals and Emerging Professionals
This session will feature a round table discussion on IDP with regional leaders from both
ends of the IDP spectrum. From these two perspectives leading practices on how to establish
IDP support systems at the firm level will be discussed as well as the new IDP Firm and
Outstanding IDP Firm awards. Speakers include Katie Trenkle, AIA, with Gould Evans, Kansas
City, recent IDP firm of the year and Ed Jarboe, AIA, BRR Architects, Kansas City, a senior
leader at his firm. 1.5 LU
Rebuilding Greensburg
After suffering an ef5 tornado that destroyed 90% of the town,
the City of Greensburg, Kansas decided to rebuild by incorporating
sustainability as an organizing principle. In the year after the
tornado there have been many challenges, unexpected twists
and successes. Join us for a discussion about the how the citizens
of Greensburg are rebuilding a stronger economy and trying to
become the greenest community in the country.
Stephen Hardy, AICP LEED AP, Associate, BNIM, Kansas City, MO
Greensburg, KS
Stephen Hardy is the project manager for the Greensburg
Sustainable Comprehensive Plan and has been key to facilitating a grass roots community
process to inform the Plan. 1.5 HSW
LB889 Brings Alternative Delivery to Public Sector Projects in Nebraska: How
Will QBS/D-B and CM@R Impact the Practice of Architecture?
This interactive workshop will focus on an overview of QBS Design-Build and CM at-Risk
for Political Subdivisions – assured to spark lively discussion. Questions and issues to be
explored: The difference of this Nebraska law vs other States and Federal procedures – Does
Design-Build always have to be an unpaid design competition for architects, and is a final
construction price always required before selection in D-B – What steps do public bodies
have to follow for selecting design and construction firms – What things can be asked in
the RFP, and what things are prohibited – What forms of contracts may be used if QBS/D-B
or CM at-Risk is chosen – Is fast-track construction allowed – What is a Performance Criteria
Developer in QBS Design-Build, and how does this role relate to the design role of the A/E of
Record? Dale L. Munhall, AIA, Leo A Daly 1.5 HSW
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
4:00 – 5:30 pm
Friday, September 12
E d u c at i o nal S e s s i o n 3
Integrated Project Delivery
This presentation will provide a brief review of the short history of Integrated Project
Delivery, and an overview of the two new AIA document families. Participants will examine
the structure and concepts behind the transitional A295 family -- an incremental evolution
from the CMc, and the more revolutionary SPE family -- a truly integrated agreement
for project delivery. Bradley Milton, AIA, RDG Planning & Design, AIA National Contract
Documents Committee 1.5 HSW
Midtown Crossing at Turner Park
Mixed use development at the Mutual of Omaha Campus
Midtown Crossing
Omaha’s Midtown neighborhood, which is home to the Mutual of Omaha corporate
headquarters, is being transformed from an expanse of surface parking into a vibrant urban
neighborhood. Midtown Crossing at Turner Park is a $300 million mixed use development
designed as a gracefully curving edge to an existing City park, with residential buildings
overlooking the park and downtown Omaha. The master planned campus encompasses
three city blocks and includes 1,100,000 SF of building floor area, comprised of 565 residential
units in seven individual buildings, street level retail and restaurants, Cinema and Health
Club. Resident parking is integrated within the structures below ground. Landscape and
Streetscape improvements extend along five existing city blocks and along an elliptical
promenade framing Turner Park. The project, which is currently under construction, has
been chosen to participate in the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED pilot Neighborhood
Development Certification program.
Panel members will describe 1) the community planning process which lead to Mutual of
Omaha's commitment to undertake this major redevelopment effort, 2) the design process
that generated the innovative plan, 3) residential unit designs and the unique demands of
the Omaha residential condominium market, 4) special financing and feasibility issues for
residential mixed use development, 5) building systems selections process for structure and
MEP and 6) construction management challenges of this multi-phase project. Panel Members
Include: Robert Keppel, AIA, Cope Linder Architects, panel moderator; David F. Ertz, AIA,
Cope Linder Architects; Michael Laing, ECI Development Services, LLC, developer; John
McClelland, Mutual of Omaha, owner; John Taylor, The Weitz Company, construction
management. 1.5 HSW
Greening Your Office
Flatwater Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council presents key steps to aid professional
firms how to green your business and working process. Panelists active in architecture,
engineering, contracting, and service firms will discuss what they have done as advocates
for change in their institution, such as cleaning techniques and methods, company wide
recycling programs, business streamlining of submittals to reduce paperwork, office activities
to inform and educate your employees and how to go about offsetting your carbon footprint
by purchasing green power. 1.5 LU
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
To u r 5:45 – 6:45 pm
Friday, September 12
Midtown Crossing Sales Center
3333 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68131
1.0 HSW
Construction Site Tour – Midtown Crossing at Turner Park
This residential-over-retail mixed use development under construction adjacent to the
Mutual of Omaha headquarters, covers an entire city block and features post tensioned
concrete structures, below grade parking decks and unique site infrastructure elements.
The tour will show the initial phase of construction, with three of the concrete building
superstructures reaching towards their eight story height. Tour Guides will describe 1) the
overall design concept intended to create a vibrant urban neighborhood as part of this
corporate campus, 2) design and engineering challenges of integrating multiple uses within
single structures on the sloping topography, 3) the unique post-tensioned concrete structural
system design and 4) complexities of large scale urban site infrastructure engineering and
construction logistics.
Tour Guides / Hosts:
David F. Ertz, Partner, AIA, Cope Linder Architects
Nelson Jacobs, P.E., Nielsen-Baumert Engineering
Ken Pollard, P.E., Lamp Rynearson & Associates
6:45 – 8:00 pm
Cocktails and hors d' oeuvres will be provided at the conclusion of the tour,
complements of The Weitz Company.
Midtown Crossing
Illustrator: Sneary Architectural Illustration
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
Art is not what you see,
but what you make others see.
– Edgar Degas
Art x Architects is an opportunity for architects & associates to showcase their creative artistic
talents, whether it was developed for a client or purely for pleasure. The art work will be on
display at the AIA Nebraska Conference.
Jury Members
Laurie Victor Kay
Exploring and interpreting her surroundings through the lens of a camera, photographer
Laurie Victor Kay was given her first camera, a Pentax K1000 at age fourteen. Kay received
her B.F.A. in Photography from Columbia College in Chicago in 2992. After studying painting,
photography and art history in the United States, Italy and France, Kay settled in Omaha
where she owns Laurie and Charles Photographs with her husband, Charles Kay, Jr. In 2007
Kay was awarded a public choice award for the Prix de la Photographie and an honorable
mention in the Pilsner Urquell International Photography Awards. 2008 shows Kay exhibiting
along with her husband, Charles Kay, Jr., at Gilman Contemporary in Sun Valley, Idaho.
Title Pieces of Paris the show will feature Kay’s most recent body of work Kaleidoscope.
Kaleidoscope leaps ahead from her internationally recognized Au Musee series towards a
fresh perspective that is at once dizzying, vibrant and exhilarating.
Elizebeth Murphy
Elizebeth attended Joslyn Art Museum preschool in Omaha and graduated from Iowa State
University with a BFA in Graphic Design several years later. She is president of Emspace
Group, a design communications firm whose clients include Joslyn Art Museum, the Nebraska
Arts Council, Iowa West Public Arts Project and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and is an
executive member of the Iowa State Design Advancement Council.
Bob Wilson
Bob moved to Omaha in 1983 and started Wilson Custom Design Tile Company. Wilson
Tile designs and fabricates architectural details, such as murals, fountains, furnishings and
structural elements featuring materials such as high-fired clay, bronze and glass. Wilson's
client base extends to a national audience and includes Boys Town, Mayo Clinic, Henry Doorly
Zoo, and many University, Municipality and Church projects. Bob creates many designs for
projects at Wilson Custom Tile, and is the major fabricator and sculptor for Wilson Tile, as well
as a fine painter in oil and fresco. In 1999 Bob was a principal member in forming the Guild
by Association, a limited partnership founded to purchase, renovate and administer the Hot
Shops Art Center. He served as President and managing partner of the Hot Shops Project for
six years.
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
Pick up of Entries
All entries must be picked up
between 2:30 -5:00 p.m. on
Friday, September 11, Qwest
Center Omaha, Prefunction Area –
Outside Ballroom C or alternative
arrangements must be made
directly with AIA Nebraska.
AIA Nebraska is not responsible for
loss or damage of entries.
Shipping and handling costs are
the owners' responsibility.
A RT X A RCH I TECTS ( co nt i nued )
Suggested Mediums
Pencil, Pen & Ink, Water Color, Photography, Architectural Sketches, 3-Dimensional Models,
Built Work, Models, Furniture, Sculpture, Renderings, Graphic Design, Accessories.
$20/ entry or $35/ entry non-member
Required: A CD containing (2) images of entry as a .jpg at 300 dpi with a final image size of
5 x 7 inches.
Entries may be submitted by all Registered Architects, Interns, Associate Architects
(members and non-members)
The art is judged as a whole exhibit. Gold, Silver and Honorable Mention awards may be
presented at the AIA Nebraska Excellence in Design Banquet on Thursday, September 11,
2008, 6:30 pm at The Paxton Ballroom, 1403 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Submission of Entry Registration and Payment
Thursday, September 11 between 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Submission of Entries due to Qwest Center Omaha, Prefunction Area – Outside Ballroom C
Delivery of Entries (prior to September 11)
Leo A Daly, 8600 Indian Hills Drive, 402/391-8111
Martin Lane, AIA,
BVH Architects 440 N 8th Street, Suite 100, 402/475-4551
Cleve Reeves, AIA,
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •
A I A N e b r a s k a • d e s i g n awa r d s • co n f e r e n c e • e x h i b i t i o n
R e g i s t r at i o n i s availa b l e o nlin e at w w w. aian e . o r g
AIA Members $135
AIA Associates $40
(A limited number of scholarships are
available for AIAS and Associate Members)
Non-AIA Members
Luncheon Lecture – Critique Only
September 11
(Limited to 40 per tour)
September 11:
Aksarben No Do Joslyn Sculpture Garden The Paxton
September 12:
Midtown Crossing
Additional Guest Lunch Ticket
(1 complimentary ticket with registration)
Art x Architects
Design Awards Banquet
USGBC Flat Water Workshop $30 non-Flatwater members
$10 members/students
free for EGB members
Don’t pigeonhole Omaha as
insurance, Warren Buffett and
mail-order steaks. This one-time
Great Plains pioneer town has a
stereotype-busting cultural scene.
Walk through north downtown
and discover the indie-rock club
Slowdown next to Film Streams, a
cinema art house. In Old Market,
red-brick roads run past open-air
restaurants, galleries and chic
Kiplinger Ranks Omaha as
the 2008 – 3rd best city to
live, work and play.
Add $25.00 if received after deadline, August 29, 2008.
Registrations will not be refunded after August 29, 2008.
Hotel Accommodations
Omaha Magnolia Hotel, 1615 Howard Street, Omaha, Nebraska, 402/342.2500, 1.888.915.1110, Reservations must be made under AIA Nebraska to receive
rate of $119 / double + tax. Reservation Deadline: Monday, August 11, 2008. Shuttle service
will be available to the Qwest Center Omaha.
Scholarship Opportunities for Emerging Professionals
A limited number of conference registrations will be available to AIA Nebraska Associate
members and University of Nebraska College of Architecture students. Several programs
this year are geared to the emerging professional interests, including the IDP/ARE Bootcamp
for Principals and Emerging Professionals. Consider taking part in this year’s conference
by networking and learning from design industry professionals. Please proceed to the
conference registration on the AIA Nebraska website, – there will be a short
application for you to complete. Deadline is August 15, 2008. You will be notified if you have
been accepted on August 22.
AIA Nebraska
P.O. Box 80045 • 102 Architecture Hall • UNL • Lincoln 68501-0045
402/472-1456 •