16 Annual NICF Golf Tournament 16 An NIC Golf Tour
16 Annual NICF Golf Tournament 16 An NIC Golf Tour
16 16thth Annual Annual NICF NICF Golf Golf Tournament Tournament AAday dayat atthe thePlayers PlayersClub Club helps helpsset setthe thecourse coursefor forhigher higher education educationand andassists assistsmore morethan than 20,000 20,000students studentsenrolled enrolledat atthe the following followingcolleges collegesthat thatmake makeup up the themembership membershipof ofNICF: NICF: Monday Monday July July27, 27,2015 2015 BBELLEVUE ELLEVUEUUNIVERSITY NIVERSITY BBELLEVUE ELLEVUE The ThePlayers PlayersClub Club Omaha Omaha CCOLLEGE OLLEGEOF OFSSAINT AINTM MARY ARY OOMAHA MAHA CCONCORDIA ONCORDIAUUNIVERSITY NIVERSITY SSEWARD EWARD DDOANE OANECCOLLEGE OLLEGE CCRETE RETE HHASTINGS ASTINGSCCOLLEGE OLLEGE HHASTINGS ASTINGS M MIDLAND IDLANDUUNIVERSITY NIVERSITY FFREMONT REMONT NNEBRASKA EBRASKAW WESLEYAN ESLEYANUUNIVERSITY NIVERSITY LLINCOLN INCOLN UUNION NIONCCOLLEGE OLLEGE LLINCOLN INCOLN YYORK ORKCCOLLEGE OLLEGE YYORK ORK Questions? Questions? Nebraska NebraskaIndependent IndependentCollege CollegeFoundation Foundation 4940 4940South South114 114Street, Street,Suite Suite5,5,Omaha, Omaha,NE NE68137 68137 Office:402-339-1660 402-339-1660| |Fax: Fax:402-339-1929 402-339-1929 Office: E-mail:nicf@nicfonline.org nicf@nicfonline.org E-mail: Web:www.nicfonline.org www.nicfonline.org Web: Monday, July 27, 2015 The Players Club 12101 Deer Creek Drive, Omaha 402-963-9950 Driving range and practice green open at 9 a.m. Check-in beginning at 10 a.m. Shotgun start at 11 a.m. Please mail completed registration form with payment by check to: NICF 4940 South 114 Street, Suite 5 Omaha, NE 68137 Alternatively, registration and payment by credit card may be made online at www.nicfonline.org 4 – person scramble $300 — HOLE SPONSOR Name as it should appear on sign: _________________________________ $100 — PIN PRIZE SPONSOR Name as it should be listed for recognition: __________________________________ Please contact me regarding additional event sponsorship opportunities available: Name: ____________________________ Telephone: ________________________ Name (Captain) ____________________ $600 per foursome | $150 per golfer Entry fee includes 18 holes of golf, green fees, riding cart, driving range, practice green, continental breakfast, two beverage tickets, snacks on the course, buffet dinner, awards ceremony, team prizes, pin prizes, and raffle drawing. Company _________________________ Address ___________________________ City/State/Zip _______________________ Telephone __________________________ Email _____________________________ $ ______ Golf Registration ($600/foursome; $150/golfer) $ ______ Hole Sponsor ($300/hole) $ ______ Pin Prize Sponsor ($100/prize) Team members: Name (2) __________________________ $ ______ Other ________________ $ ______ Total Name (3) __________________________ Name (4) __________________________ Entry Deadline: July 20, 2015 Email: _____________________________ Checks payable to ‘NICF’
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