OCR #3 - Mattina - Lawyers - Mattina Mechanical Limited


OCR #3 - Mattina - Lawyers - Mattina Mechanical Limited
The Ontario Construction Report
Mattina Mechanical Limited
Professional engineers, skilled trades
people provide exceptional service
STAFF WRITER – The Ontario Construction Report Special Feature
The Ontario Construction Report
Continued from page C7
Mattina Mechanical
Limited in Hamilton is rapidly evolving from a traditional local family-owned
business into a highly
adaptable, responsive and
creative enterprise.
Most of the changes, at
present, are under the surface – if you visit the company’s offices on Imperial
Street you’ll see what looks
like a very busy and successful mechanical contractor, where the focus is on
providing skilled trades
people and solid service to
industrial and commercial
These traditional markets and services, and conventional bid work, are still
very important to the company, founded by Sam
Mattina and now led by son
Domenic Mattina with his
brothers Vince and Sammy.
“But we are actually a
very new business, that has
changed incredibly in the
past six years,” says
Domenic. Soon these
changes will be manifested
as the company prepares for
a relocation and expansion
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical
96 Cascade Street, Hamilton, ON L8E 3B7
Tel: (905) 664-7046 Fax: (905) 662-9941
Congratulations to
Mattina Mechanical!
to a new building with the
latest office technologies
and systems, and shop areas
designed for efficiency and
high employee morale.
There are other changes,
as well, less visible but
equally important.
Mattina Mechanical
remains grounded in the
skilled trades, and truly
respects and appreciates the
hard work and sills required
for mechanical contracting
Please see page B4
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical Ltd.
We wish you continued success.
3 Burford Road, Hamilton, Ontario L8E 3C6
Tel: (905) 573-5100 Fax: (905) 573-3032
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical.
Residential & Commercial Water
ITT Fluid Products Canada
ITT Water Technology (Canada) Inc.
55 Royal Road, Guelph
Ontario N1H 1T1
Tel 519 821 1900
Fax 519 821 5316
Simpson Wigle LLP
Derek A. Schmuck
400-21 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4W7
Tel: 905-528-8411 Fax: 905-528-9008
The Ontario Construction Report
1901 Barton St. E.
Hamilton, ON L8H 2Y7
Tel: (905) 544-0803
Fax: (905) 544-9853
“Building our Business on Service”
Proud supplier of concrete grouts, epoxies &
construction materials to Mattina Mechanical.
Cement Grouts
Epoxy Grouts
Wire Mesh
Floor Hardeners
Concrete Sealers
Colour Release Agents
Textured Mats
Repair Mortars
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical on your continued success.
40 Ackland St., Hamilton, Ontario L8J 1R3
Tel.: (905) 575-3686 Fax: (905) 575-7908 1-800-368-8441
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical.
Wishing you continued success!
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical.
FRP Tanks
PRECISIONGRATE Molded Grating Fans Master Scrubbers
Oil/Water Separators Ducts Pipes Strainers FRP Structures
110 Lancing Drive, Building 1, Unit 3
Hamilton, Ontario L8W 3A1
Tel: (905) 308-7780 Fax: (905) 308-9573
303 Nantucket Boulevard Scarborough Ontario M1P 2P2
Tel: 416-751-9200 Fax: 416-751-9382
Toll Free 800-465-1800
E-Mail sales@precisioneering.com
The Ontario Construction Report
much greater level of freedom than they would otherwise enjoy. (Domenic
Mattina is treasurer of the
Open Shop Contractors
Mattina says as well that
while the company still gets
much of its work through
the conventional bid-spec
public tendering process,
the company is building an
increasing portfolio of
repeat business, invited bid
opportunities, and ongoing
maintenance contracts. As
well, it has opened a thriving residential service business, with a distinctive marketing focus and identity.
“I am very aware this
business is cyclical and we
have had the good fortune
of working through several
excellent years,” said
Dominic. “We can’t entirely anticipate the future, but
we’ve taken measures to
ensure that the business will
be diversified and strong
enough to succeed even if
conditions are not so good
in the future, he added.
The company has regular office and staff meetings, with a focus on safety
and sharing knowledge and
insights. “We bring everyone together for an annual
picnic in the summer and
Christmas party in the winter, but go beyond that with
special weekend trips and
excursions, and bi-monthly
Continued from page C2
work. Domenic Mattina has
an engineering degree from
McMaster University, and
he has hired two additional
engineers, Joel Chew and
James Parco (Parco is completing his degree).
“With the engineers here
we can work with our
clients on the big picture
and introduce creative solutions really quickly,” said
Domenic. “I believe in providing a better product for
our customers, we must
invest from within our own
organization, meaning
looking towards higher levels of training and education. And of course our
engineering professionalism is not divorced from
the real practical work of
the trades,” he said.
The company has also
achieved the flexibility and
independence as an Open
Employees of course
receive wages comparable
to union shops, plus excellent benefits and retirement
packages. They are able to
work extra hours and adapt
their work schedules with a
Please see page C5
Proud to be associated with Mattina Mechanical
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical
Emco – with 30 branches throughout Ontario.
Serving you since 1906!
innovative control solutions
286 Attwell Drive, Unit 7, Toronto, Ont. M9W 5B2
Fax.: (416)213-1697
Congratulations on 30 years of business excellence.
Proud supplier to Mattina Mechanical.
P: 905-664-5007
F: 905-561-4562
P: 519-624-0060
F: 519-624-0067
P: 416-679-8480
F: 416-679-8492
P: 519-988-2000
F: 519-988-1155
R S Construction & Contracting
Operated by 1044030 Ontario Inc.
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical
397 Gage Avenue, N. P.O. Box 429 LCD1
Hamilton, Ontario L8L 7W2
Tel: (905) 543-9330 Fax: (905) 543-8626
The Ontario Construction Report
Continued from page C4
evening meetings,” he said.
“No one has to attend these
meetings but most of our
employees want to attend.”
These meetings are supplemented by weekly management and office staff
meetings to keep everyone
in the loop and address
issues before they become
problems. “This is just
good management and
reflects the approaches
required to oversee a successful and growing business,” he said.
Domenic said the company remains committed to
the Hamilton market, but
will explore other areas, if
its current customers ask it
to work there. “We don’t
want to expand in open-bid
competitions outside of
Hamilton, where we know
our market and can be competitive, but we are always
interested in joint projects
and invited initiatives with
our current clients elsewhere,” he said. “This
allows us to provide them
with better service and of
course we can be comfortable in delivering the service and value that the
clients expect.
But all of these
approaches and improvements are only of signifi-
cance if the business retains
the good will and support
of its clients, along with
suppliers and associated
sub-trades. “We still have
many of our original customers from 25 years ago,”
he said.
For more information,
phone (905) 544-6380, or
visit Mattina’s website at
Proud to be associated with
Mattina Mechanical
Hamilton’s Fastener Specialists
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical
on nearly 30 years of continued success.
84 Mead Ave., Box 3458, Station “C”, Hamilton, Ont. L8H 7M1
Phone: (905) 547-5992 Fax: (905) 547-5681
Congratulations to Mattina Mechanical.
Halton Sheet Metal Ltd.
Air Conditioning • Heating
Sheet Metal • Ventilation
75 Covington Street, Hamilton ON L8E 2Y4
Tel: (905) 560-0141 Fax: (905) 560-9964
“Professionals in Air Distribution”
1200 Speers Road Unit 36
Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X4
Tel: (905) 338-0808
Fax: (905) 338-6252
The Ontario Construction Report
Mattina Mechanical has been working on more than the expert installation of
mechanical systems for industrial, commercial and institutional clients during the
course of the past two and a half decades. Mattina Mechanical has also invested a
lot of hard work into building an enviable reputation for quality, safety and customer
service excellence. It takes a high degree of craftsmanship, experience and proven
ability to meet deadlines to participate in service & maintenance and major construction projects on a regular basis, and Mattina Mechanical Limited appears to
have developed core competencies in all three areas.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank
everybody who has made our company so successful.