Rindlisbacher Farm - Ag Pro Consulting


Rindlisbacher Farm - Ag Pro Consulting
Rindlisbacher Farm
Oneida County, Idaho
Executive Summary
Provided by:
Garren Apple - Broker (208) 546-1194
Oneida County - Idaho
Location Description:
The Rindlisbacher Farm is tucked in the northwest boarder of the Malad Valley.
From I-15 head west approximately 9 miles to subject property. The Farm is
located on the southeastern corner of 1000 N. and 5400 W.
From I-15, head west through town until you reach a stop sign. Then turn
northwest on Bannock St. which takes you through the rest of the town for a
couple of miles. Once you drive through town, the road will turn to the north and
your second left on 600 N., take a left. From there head 7 miles west to subject
Historically, this farm was one of the first farms in the Malad Valley. With the
surface water coming from the northwest end of the valley and aquifer has been
the most reliable the further you go up the valley. As a result to being so close to
the surface water
source, the aquifer
is fairly shallow in
the area. The
irrigation well
bowls are set
around 60’ with
static water levels
well under that.
Water cost on
average with the
heavy alfalfa hay
rotation has been
around $63/acre. Yields on this farm have been as high as 7 ton/acre. With this
farm currently being ran as an alfalfa see farm, neighbors are currently growing
seed potatoes with a hay/grain rotation as well. A house, shop and out buildings
could be included in this sale at a negotiated price. The reason why Seller is
Selling is that they are looking to retire and slowdown in the farming business.
Water Rights:
The water rights on this farm are currently all being combined together to make a
blanket water right for the whole farm. These water rights range from 1941 to
1995. According to the Sellers, there has always been adequate water volume for
the farm to grow the crops they desire.
Oneida County - Idaho
For 2015, all the 240 acres was planted in either alfalfa or alfalfa seed. The
highest yielding field for 2015 for alfalfa was 6.85 tons/acre. As for the seed
crop, the highest yield was 460 lbs/acre. Each year can vary depending on the
weather and growing season.
89% of the soils when irrigated are class IIc. According to local soil experts, this
farm is considered to have some of the best soils for growing crops in the whole
The 2015 real estate taxes on this property were $1,675.14. This might include
some of the building improvements that can go with or be withheld from the sale.
There are 2 irrigation wells
that are tied together which
irrigates the whole farm. Of
these two wells, one of them
is 3/5’s owned by Seller and
shared 2/5’s with a good
neighbor. There has never
been any problem with
rotating water with the
neighbor and use of the well
according to the Seller. A
well operating agreement
could be put into place if
needed. Along with the 2 wells, there are 8 – ¼ mile wheel lines that irrigated
each field. These have been kept in good shape and are repaired or replaced when
Listed price is $1,450,000 for 240 cropland irrigated acres. Potential to sell
building improvements as well upon negotiation.
This due diligence was prepared by Ag Pro Consulting. This property is subject
to prior sale, change, corrections or withdrawal. All information has been
gathered from sources that are deemed reliable and no warranty is made by Ag
Pro Consulting. We recommend that you verify all information to your
satisfaction including the condition and utility of the irrigation equipment and
delivery system.
For more information, please visit our website at www.agproconsulting.net
Or contact Garren Apple at (208) 546-1194
Proximity Map