Kodak Total Blue™ Lens
Kodak Total Blue™ Lens
NOW AVAILABLE! Kodak Total Blue™ Lens Innovation in Spectrum Protection Exclusively available to Independent Eyecare Professionals UV Protection and HEV Blue Light Filtering Kodak Total Blue Lens is a hybrid of lens material and AR lens coating that delivers excellent vision indoors, outdoors, every single day. Features: • F ilters up to 80% of High Energy Visible (HEV) Blue Light* •B locks 100% of direct UV rays •R educes squinting caused by bright outdoor light •R educes glare and reflections caused by digital devices, LED lighting and headlights, and energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) •H elps with object recognition in low-light and nightdriving conditions •S cratch resistant and easy-to-clean •C lear and polarized options in progressive, single vision and computer lens designs Learn more at www.KODAKLens.com/PRO or www.SignetArmorlite.com *HEV Blue Light designation as 380-440nm The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak by Signet Armorlite, Inc. Total Blue is a trademark and See the Colors of Life is a registered trademark of Signet Armorlite, Inc. © 2016 Signet Armorlite, Inc. PN 360-079 JS 5/16
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proprietary process used in the creation of Total Blue Lenses. The combination of lens material and coating helps SURWHFWDJDLQVW89UD\VDQG½OWHUV HEV Blue Light.
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