Dear ILGC Members - Data Systems Associates


Dear ILGC Members - Data Systems Associates
Volume 34 Issue 4
Dear ILGC Members –
Summer DID arrive finally around mid-July and
activities have begun to pick up quickly after a lull
during the record monsoons of May and June.
While the weather has posed a huge challenge to
our greens and grounds team, I am happy to report
that we have not lost an outing or league event as a
result. We have suffered however, in that play and
participation in outings and club events has been
considerably diminished. The only goodness I can
see is that this lull has allowed Greg and his
marvelous team to congeal a bit and fine tune their
operating procedures. Kudos of course to Charlie
and the greens crew who have somehow managed
to keep the course in marvelous condition.
Let me quote from a recent letter the Board sent
to all assessment-eligible members regarding the
financial straits we are trying to work through.
“… the financial aspect of the Club is struggling.
It is apparent that we will need a sizeable
assessment to remain viable. Membership
numbers are improving, though we still have a
ways to go to recover from past losses. Further
cutbacks to operations would be disastrous to
services, and we have exhausted our line of credit
and bank assistance. Thus, it is up to us to take up
the slack at this time.
We feel strongly that the plan being
implemented by our current management team
August 2015
positions us well for success. Members and guests
have repeatedly commented that they have noticed
a positive change in all aspects of the Club. With
continued support, further increases to
membership, and more outings and guest play, we
feel that our situation can be turned around. But as
we noted previously, this will take some time and
continued forward momentum.”
In the same letter, I announced that we will hold
a Mid-Season Meeting on Saturday, August 22,
beginning at 9:00 am at the Clubhouse. I hope that
each of you will be able to attend this important
meeting where we will discuss all aspects of club
operations and our financial condition. We truly
need your input and suggestions, as well as
approval of the necessary assessments to allow us
to meet our financial obligations. In the short term,
we are appealing to the members to pay ahead on
their dues, as well as anticipated assessment
amounts (pending approval by the membership).
On a more pleasant note, social activities and
club-sponsored golf events are picking up and we
encourage you to plan ahead and sign up! We
have some wonderful events and activities planned
through the remainder of our season; support your
club … use it!
Thanks for your continued support!
Clair Gill, President
This past month of July was a busy and “wet”
month for the golf club and course. We weathered
through the storms to host several outings and
member events. The Birdhouse July 4th celebration
was well attended and the Disco Divas Party was a
SMASH…HIT. There was a John Travolta sighting
in the Pro Shop as the ladies were collecting their
prizes, or was it Kevin in his white cart suit?
Anyway we felt good about our performance for
that gala event.
We hosted the biggest local golf event of the
year, the 15th annual Somerset County Amateur on
Saturday July 11th. The tournament was well
attended by 70 local players. They appreciated the
efforts put forth by our entire staff to get the course
in shape in spite of several straight days of heavy
rainfall. It was a great for us to showcase our
course to these players who have not played the
course for several years. May I quote a letter from
Mike Jones, tournament coordinator to Charlie and
myself: “The course was in great condition and was
a fair test of golf for all players. The greens were
exceptional. Your hard work and attention to detail
made my job as tournament director much easier.
The players that I talked to all complimented you
and your staff for the course preparation. You did a
great job considering all the rain we had during the
last couple weeks. Thanks Again, Mike Jones.”
The club and most importantly the membership
should be proud of the hard work of our staff and
the time devoted to the event by several members
who spotted for the players on #6, #7, #14 and #16
and starter, Terry Stahl. The comments from the
players were outstanding making our staff very
proud to be a part of the club. We are setting a
trend for exceptional service thus making these
events memorable for all our special guests. Due
to their extra effort we are now scheduled to host
the 20th annual golf tournament in 2020.
We hosted the Stoystown VFD outing on the
19th of July and this outing fielded 72 players. We
are scheduled to host the event next year on
Sunday July 10 and we look forward to hosting
them again.
The Member-Member was played on July 25th
and 26th for the men and the 26th for the ladies.
The Golf Committee suggested we use a unique
scoring format called a “ringer scoring system.”
The scoring made the event exciting right down to
the last score posted! The winners were: 1st Place:
Jon Clapper and Gavin Guarino with a 53. Second
Place was Dave Finui and Tom Wozniak who won
a USGA Tiebreak with Bob Wilk and Joe Yock;
both teams shot 55. Coming from behind to win 4th
Place was William and Brad Carney who used a
last nine surge to beat out Rick Brickley and Bob
Lothrop; both teams shot 59. Ladies Champions
were Allison Finui and Lisa Guarino who finished
with a 26 for their ringer score.
Golfingly, Greg
Flag Tournament
First Place … Jerry Yock, who planted his flag on the
19th hole (not surprising).
Second Place … Bob Wilk who planted his flag on the
green side of Palmer on #18.
Third Place … Brad Carney, finished in a close to
second, but his flag was on the tee side of Palmer.
Member – Member Winners
Men’s Division
First Place … Jon Clapper and Gavin Guarino
Second Place … Dave Finui and Tom Wozniak
Third Place … Bob Wilk & Joe Yock.
Fourth Place … William and Brad Carney
Ladies Division
Winners: Allison Finui & Lisa Guarino
L-R: Gavin Guarino & Jon Clapper, Men’s
Member/Member Winners and Lisa Guarino &
Allison Finui, Ladies’ Member/Member Winners.
Thursday July 30th  Guys & Gals Nights Out
Friday August 14  Champions Party TGIF
Come out and celebrate our club winners including
the men’s invitational, ladies invitational, membermember, husband/wife, reigning couples
invitational, and of course, our newly crowned Club
Champions. Entertainment provided by the Scott
Hall Band and we might just get a guest
appearance by our own DOG Greg Ortman
Both events begin at 5:00 PM.
ILLGA Ladies Wine Connection
ILLGA members bring wine or an appetizer to share.
Heather Phillips’ home at 418 West Shore Trail
Bros & Brews
Tonight the guys take over club for beers, food and fun
Monday Mornings  Yoga at 9:00 AM (Thru
August 24th)
Drop by the club and join Ange Merendino of Red
Brick Yoga for a great workout that is as
challenging as you desire it to be.
Saturday August 1st & Sunday August
2nd  Club Champions
Sign up in Pro Shop.
Format: USGA Rules Stroke Play with 9:00 SG
Thursday August 6th  Guys Night Out
While the girls are away the boys will play … golf!
“Guys Night Out” features golf, and a happy hour
with a Beat The Pro.
Reservations: RSVP due by Monday, August
Thursday August 8th  7 Springs Girls Getaway
ILLGA Girlfriend fun at 7 Springs including golf,
shooting, spa, hospitality suite and more.
Saturday August 8th  Docktail Party
Come “by land or by sea” to the Lyon’s lakefront at
462 Mohawk Path Circle and enjoy food and
beverages arranged by the club and entertainment.
Reservations: RSVP due by Tuesday, August 4th
Wednesday August 12th  Nine & Wine Tapas
Come out and play nine-holes in this pick-up game
then enjoy wine and “Hawaiian Luau” tapas.
Format: Scramble with 4:00 SG
Entry Fee: Free Greens/cart fees applicable
Reservations: RSVP due by Monday, August 11th
Saturday August 15th  Husband/Wife Champs
AKA: The “Divorce Open” for “presently marrieds
couples;” non-married teams may compete for
honorary mention. Entry includes lunch and prizes.
Format: Modified Alternative Shot with Handicap. SG 9:00
Entry Fee: $30 / couple Greens/cart fees applicable
Sunday August 23nd  Holman Cup
9-hole fun scramble featuring the famous Holman
Sangria and lite lunch post golf.
Format: Scramble SG 9:00
Entry Fee: $15 / person. Greens/cart fees applicable
Friday September 4  Labor Day TGIF with
entertainment by Red Paint
Mark your calendars, invite your friends and plan
on a lively TGIF party with entertainment by the
newly re-booted Bird House band … Red Paint!
Watch for more details in coming e-blasts.
Saturday September 12th  Couples Invitational
Line up your guests and plan to attend the “Fifty
Shades of Green” couples invitational; this is
always a fun event so please plan early.
Saturday September 19th  Shoot & Toot
This new event is sure to be a blast : ) Clay
shooting will take place at nearby Stoney Creek
Shooting range followed by an old fashioned-Chili
Cook-off at the clubhouse. Watch for more details.
Rain, Rain, Rain is there no end? June 1st
though mid-July, we have had 14 inches of rain, as
opposed to a normal summer of just 12 inches for
the entire summer! The obvious benefit of
abundant rain for a golf course is lush greens,
fairways and rough. As a member of ILGC for 14
years, I have never seen the course look as good
as it does this year. However, there are also
negatives associated with too much rain.
Foremost, the course becomes so wet that playing
conditions are not ideal, plus the “cart path only”
rule goes into effect which makes a round of golf
extra challenging. The wetness also causes
obstacles for the Greens Team. Mowing becomes
extremely difficult, trying to keep the grass at an
acceptable height and not create ruts in the turf.
Our mower operators are experienced and know
where the “usual” wet areas are located however,
there are always new “bogs” that develop as the
ground becomes over saturated. Obviously, the
rain causes grass to grow faster, consequently the
need to mow more frequently. Our rough mower
has been virtually in use 40 hours per week since
early June. The member contributions that allowed
us to purchase the used rough mower last year has
paid huge dividends this year. We would never
have been able to keep up with the rough mowing
without this machine. The major negative impact of
too much rain is turf disease, primarily greens,
since they are cut extremely short. You will notice
brown spots on some greens; this is fungus and is
being actively treated. Getting air, nutrients and
fungicide to the turf root system is essential. That
is the reason greens are being “punched”
frequently; it initially makes for difficult putting, but
heals quickly. This is another case where a
machine purchased two years ago has “saved the
day” for our greens team and allowed us to keep
ahead of the overly saturated greens. A positive
aspect of the frequent greens “punching” has been
the opportunity to over seed the ice damaged area
on some of our greens. Greens on #7, #8 and #11
have recovered very nicely from the TLC
administered, primarily by Charlie, as he hand
seeded bent grass seed after each “punching”.
Going forward, the two major project focuses of
the Greens Team are creating the four new tees
boxes and preparing the “Zubek Initiative” for
seeding. Last month’s article stated that our
objective was to have the new #14 tee box
completed by the end of June. Unfortunately, the
wet conditions inhibited us from bringing heavy
equipment onto the course. This remains our top
priority and will be aggressively addressed once
conditions dictate. Regarding the “Zubek Initiative,”
all work has stopped until dry conditions prevail.
Once the Club-side of Palmer Drive has been
addressed by the Zubek brothers, their work will
cease until next year. At that time they will start the
work from Palmer Drive out to # 18 tee box. In the
meantime, the Greens Crew and the volunteer
army will be raking and “picking stone” to prepare
for seeding all the way down to Palmer Drive.
Greens aerification is scheduled for August 24,
25, and 26. The reason we aerify at this time is to
give the greens ample time to completely heal
before cold weather sets in. At this elevation,
cooler temperatures precede many neighboring
communities by two to three weeks. Plus, the
greens heal faster when the temperature is warm.
This year many of the greens will be over seeded
with bentgrass seed, in hopes that less ice damage
will occur next year.
Last but not least, a “thank you” is in order for
some individuals. Rick Brickley was the person
who did the rehab work to get “Arnie looking good.”
Charlie Fox did the design and implementation for
the placement of Arnie on his pedestal outside the
Club House. Larry Holman donated a door for the
maintenance shed and had his crew install the
door. It never fails to amaze me how people are
willing to “step up” for this Club - our thanks to all of
you. As always, we look forward to seeing you on
the course. Don’t forget to wave and say “thanks!”
Our annual meeting and coinciding dinner dance
will take place on Saturday, October 3rd. Please
mark your calendars and attend our important end
of season meeting and then join in on the fun later
that evening. The committee is seeking donations
of trips, vacation homes, golf, art and other
significant items to be auctioned off at the event. If
you are interested in donating, please contact
Sherry Gill, Chair on her cell (571-213-8001) or
lake home (814- 754-1793) or via email
The July “Docktail Party” was a wonderful,
refreshing summer evening; a big thank you to
Gavin and Lisa Guarino for hosting this first of its
kind event for the club. Attendees enjoyed great
food catered by Rizzos, cool beverages and
relaxing music by The Craigs.
Our final Docktail Party of the 2015 season will
be held at Laurel and Jim Lyons’ lakefront at 462
Mohawk Path Circle on Saturday night August 8.
Arrive by boat or by car (there’s plenty of parking
for both and there’s anchors for boats) and enjoy a
great night on the lake with your club family and
friends. Cocktails will begin at 6:00 p.m. and food
service will be available from 7-9:00 that evening
with a bonfire and acoustic duo entertainment.
There will be special giveaways and surprises too!
The Chuckwagon of Somerset will be catering this
event which will include Chuckwagon’s famous
beef sandwiches, chicken, parsley potatoes, green
beans and cole slaw. Please note that this is a
very casual gathering; bring your lawn chairs and
blankets for seating. RSVP by Tuesday, Aug. 4th.
Sinking Valley and Donegal Highlands
Glengarry Golf Links
Piney Run
Blue Knob Resort
Down River GC
Ebensburg CC
Summit CC
Cumberland CC
* Greens fees waived for ILGC golfing members;
core/non-golfing members would pay applicable
greens fees plus cart fees. Pro Shop will make your
tee times for you one week in advance.
For those who missed these nights out you are
missing out! One would have thought it difficult to
top the first Mexican tapa night but Chef Melanie
outdid herself once again with her Italian night in
July. Between the food, the company and the
weather this was one of the highlights of the year
as it was just such a lovely and enjoyable night at
the club.
Next up is a Hawaiian Luau night for Nine &
Wine Tapas on Wednesday, August 12th. Sign up
in the Pro Shop for a 4:00 shotgun for the 9-hole
scramble followed by wine and tapas happy hour.
Mark your calendar for our final night on September
9th; can’t wait to see what Mel cooks up next!
We are in desperate need of either wine or
spirits for our basket of cheer. All donations will be
greatly appreciated. Members of the ILLGA are
ready to start selling tickets. The drawing is
scheduled for the Couples Invitational on
September 12th. Please have your donations into
the club by July 30th. If each member would donate
one or two bottles of wine or spirits, we would be
able to offer one awesome basket of cheer! Thank
you so very much for your support of this activity.
All proceeds go back into the operation of a
signature first class golf club. Any questions,
contact Sharon Clapper at 814-442-0096.
The first ILGC Night at the Races was a HUGE
success held on Friday, July 24th. We had one of
our larger turnouts with approximately 65 members
and guests …sporting a wide array of stylish, and
not so stylish hats… gathered at the race track.
The “racecourse” of 32 furlongs was set up
around the putting green, with owner boxes set up
in front for the groups who purchased a horse
during the Memorial Day Weekend auction. The
six horses entered were: Yank My Doodle It’s A
Dandy, Rum Runner, Tignanello, Anita Cocktail,
Elmer and Fly Pegasus Fly.
Owners went all out on their horse decorating
and the Bustamante/Constantine horse, Fly
Pegasus Fly, won “Best In Show.”
The first three races were 16 furlong half-track
events. The crowd quickly learned who the sprinter
in the group was as Tignanello won races one and
two. He was overtaken though in races three and
four by Elmer, who saved himself from the glue
factory by winning those races and keeping his
owners happy! Races four and five were 24 furlong
¾ track events. Race five had the most exciting
finish of the night as 3 horses were neck and neck
at the finish line and the win went to Fly Pegasus
The final race of the night was the marathon full
track 32 furlong event, the Palmer Crown. Pulling
away from the pack at the end of the race and
leaving the other horses in his dust was Yank My
Doodle It’s a Dandy, jockeyed by Brenda Wasson!
Event Chair Lisa Guarino said “Thanks to
everyone for coming out for this fun night, to Beth
Walters and Allison Finui for helping with the
organizing of the event, and special thanks to Dave
Finui and Mike Merendino for running the betting
windows!” A great big thank you to Lisa Guarino
with an assist from Gavin for taking charge of this
new event and making it so much fun for everyone!
Triple Crown Winners and Owners (l-r): Brenda
Wasson, Jon and Sharon Clapper, Lisa and Gavin
Guarino. Absent from picture: Orland Wasson.
Linda & Chris Meyer of Indian Lake
Susie & Mike Miscoe Family of Indian Lake
Kristina & Tom Wozniak of Indian Lake
Somer & Peter Jefferiss of Alexandria, VA
Patrick McGough of Somerset, PA
Meghan & Ned Ehrlich Family of Vienna, VA
Sarah & Jonathan Cooper of Greensburg, PA
Dave Barnhart of Stoystown, PA
Jane & Mike Baker of Berlin, PA
Jesse Burkholder of Central City, PA
Philip Scott of Johnstown, PA
Randy & Linda Musser of Central City, PA
Tom O’Toole of Indian Lake, PA
Karen & Joe Lazzaro of Greensburg, PA
Karen & James Hargreaves, Johnstown, PA
Scott Swank of Indian Lake
Beth & Michael Bowman of Allison Park, PA
Joshua Swick of Johnstown, PA
William Mohler of Greensburg, PA
Kinsey, Elisabeth. Digital image. Flora's Forumn. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 July 2015.
Mark your calendars and get your foursomes
lined up for “Fifty Shades of Green”. This year’s
Couples Invitational Scramble is scheduled for
Saturday, September 12th. Chair Maurie Burger is
working out the details so watch your e-blasts for
more information but get your group together now,
we need your support and participation at this great
event. Non-golfers are welcome to attend the
dinner and evening festivities.
Sherry Gill is also seeking basket donations to
be raffled off at this event; please contact Sherry if
you are interested in donating! She can be
reached at or call her at
571-213-8001 or at her lake house at 814-7541793.
SWATS games are being handled by the Golf Shop
on Saturdays and Sundays with typical tee time at
8:30 AM however it may vary by weather and
circumstances. Please call the Golf Shop to signup and then come and play and win! Greg has a
different game each day to cover all levels of play.
It’s hard to believe we are heading into August
already but there’s a lot of great fun to still be had
starting with our Seven Springs Girls Getaway on
August 6th and continuing with the Couples
Championship, the Shoot & Toot and the Annual
Dinner Dance to name a few; these are all great
events for which our ladies put forth great time and
effort to facilitate for our club and its members.
At a recent ILGC board meeting, the board was
impressed by our fantastic turnout for our ladies
invitational … seventeen teams and 68 gals turned
out for our invitational, a testament to our ability to
put on a great event! A good time was had by all
our members and their guests and I personally
want to thank you all for the work and support that
you showed … from playing in the event, bringing
guests, working registration and sales functions,
planning the food and other events of the day, your
dedication and commitment showed through to all
in attendance. Thank you!
For more information on membership or events,
please contact me at or
- Together we make good things happen!
Allison Troy Finui, President, ILLGA
Join the ILLGA Now
If you would like more information on the Ladies
Association and our events such as the Ladies
Connection, Girls Getaway or our golf events,
please contact President, Allison Troy Finui at 814754-8195 or
Ladies Association Monthly Meetings
Our next meeting will be held on the second
Tuesday of the month, August 11th. Lunch will be
served at 12:00 Noon and followed by the meeting.
Please RSVP to the club office for the luncheon.
Tuesdays Are Fore Ladies at the Club
Every Tuesday is Ladies Golf Day, and we tee
off at 9:00 AM and play nine holes. It’s a good way
to get to know the other ladies in our club. If you’re
not a golfer you are welcome to join us on the deck
for casual lunch off the menus around 11:30.
Disco Divas Ladies Invitational was a Hit!
The Ladies Invitational “Disco Divas”, held on
Friday, July 10th was a big success! We had 17
teams made up of 68 gals boogying around the
course for a great day of golfing fun.
Once again we including a charitable element
and donated kid-friendly, non-perishable food to the
Rockwood School Districts’ Food For Kids
backpack program. Our contact, Sharon Clapper,
was pleased with the amount of food items and
generosity shown by our members and guests.
Thank you to all who contributed!
Golf was the main focus of the day and the Low
Gross winning team consisted of Beth Walters and
her guests who shot an impressive 64 gross!
Second place low gross went to members Maurie
Burger and Joy Saileronbuvee and guests with a
75. Third place low gross, with a 77, went to a
Bedford area team sponsored by member Robin
First place low net went to member Nikki Platt
and her guests with a 50 gross / 18 net. Second
place went to Lisa Guarino and her guests with a
50 gross / 19 net and third place went to Kathleen
Landy and her guests. Our ‘most fabulous” award
went to Beth Lothrop’s team.
Skill prizes went to Pam Rietscha for long drive
on #10. Cathy Bustamante won member closest to
pin and guest Debbie Alsippi won the guest prize
on #5. Kathy Moore won the longest putt on #15.
Thank you to all of our staff at the club, the
volunteers, basket donators, the committee and our
great ILLGA for everything that you did to make our
event such a success! Together we raised
approximately $1500 that will put to good use for
projects at the club.
7 Springs Girls Get-away Is Ready to Go!
We have a great response to our girls’ getaway
with 16 gals ready to hit the road for some fun and
bonding at Seven Springs Resort on Thursday,
August 6th and Friday, August 8th!
We have four tee times booked at Seven
Springs beginning at 9:44 on Thursday; golfers
should plan to arrive at the golf course no later than
9:00 so that we can check in and be ready to go.
Several gals are seeking ultimate indulgence and
relaxation at the spa and others are planning to
shoot it up at the sporting clays lodge. We will all
gather at our reserved hospitality suite for happy
hour so we will take our “Ladies Connection” idea
on the road; bring your wine, beverages, and
appetizers to share. Unlike last year, we do not
currently have a dinner reservation made. More fun
can continue in one of the lounges! Plan on lots of
laughs and fun!
ILLGA Secretary Beth Walters and President Allison
Finui show off the food donations from the Disco
Divas Ladies Golf Invitational; the food is being
donated to the Rockwood School District’s Food for
Kids program. Sharon Clapper, at right, is shown
accepting the food on behalf of the school.
Ladies Connection Monthly Open House
Thank you to Heather Tokar Phillips for hosting
another great night for our Ladies Connections!
The gatherings are held from 5-7:00 pm (wink,
wink!) on Thursday evenings (usually the last
Thursday of the month or closer to our holiday
weekends). The “host” simply provides the location
and then all attending bring either an appetizer or a
bottle of wine to share. Simple. Simply fun! Here
are our remaining dates for 2015:
• Thursday, Sept 1 hosted by Kathy Moore
at 120 Cherokee Lane
• Thursday, Oct. 1; Jenny Machak at 1630
Peninsula Drive
Please sign up in ladies locker room and
indicate if you will bring wine or an appetizer.
Golf And Go
Six girls managed to land a beautiful, rain-free
day of golf at Somerset Country Club on Thursday
July 16th . This was a great opportunity for us to
use our reciprocal membership by golfing and
finishing the day with lunch in the Grill Room.
Since we are having our Girls Getaway to Seven
Springs in August, no other planned outings are on
the schedule however we could always pick up a
day somewhere if there were any interest. The
next official Golf & Go is scheduled for Bedford
Springs on September 10th which is always a nice
day out on a beautiful course. Our Western
Pennsylvania Golf Association affiliation has paid
off as we are eligible for a $69 round (versus the
originally quoted $119) … a big thanks to Beth
Walters for spotting this deal and for arranging our
schedule. Also a thank you goes out to our Pro
Shop team for their scheduling assistance.
Please sign up in the ladies locker room for
these events.
The Book Club
The Book Club met on Friday, June 26th at the
home of Judy Brant. We reviewed “All the Light We
Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr. The group felt it
was one of the best books we read in some time,
and if you haven’t read, put it on your book list as a
‘must read’.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Friday, July
31. The selection is “Leaving Time” by Jodi Picoult.
Annette Bryant is hosting at her home (137 East
Fairway Road). Lunch will be served at 12:30.
Please RSVP to Susan Mandarino by July 27th at or call her at 814754-4578.
As a reminder, the titles, authors and the
dates/locations of our upcoming meetings are as
• July 31: “Leaving Time” by Jodi Piccoult /
Hosted by Annette Bryant (137 East
Fairway Road)
• August 28: “The Invention of Wings” by
Sue Monk Kidd / Hosted by Sherry Gill
(1646 Peninsula Drive)
• September 25: “The Sandcastle Girls” by
Chris Bohialian / Location TBD
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. It’s
never too late to join the group. If you would like
additional information about the Book Club, please
contact Susan Mandarino at or 814-754-4578.
Monday Morning Yoga Continues
Yoga continues with our member Ange
Merendino or Red Brick Yoga. Yoga sessions
begin at 9:00 am on Mondays through August 24th.
Yoga strengths and lengthens the muscles and
connective tissues used for your golf swing; these
sessions are designed to open the hips, strengthen
the glutes, increase rotation and promote spinal
stability. $10 for members, $15 for non-members.
FRIDAY July 31
Mexican Night!
FRIDAY August 7
No TGIF; attend Docktail party on Saturday, August 8
FRIDAY August 14
No TGIF; due to Berlin Lumber Outing
FRIDAY August 21
Champions Party with entertainment by Scott Hall
Featuring a “Grill Night” with choice of steak, salmon or
chicken and a selection of seasonal sides.
FRIDAY August 28
Menu TBD; watch your e-blasts
Thursday August 6 & Friday August 7
Girls Getaway @ Seven Springs
Tuesday, August 11
Ladies Luncheon & Meeting @ Club
Friday, August 28
Book Club @ Sherry Gill’s
Thursday, September 3
Ladies Connection @ Kathy Moore’s
FRIDAY September 4 l Labor Day TGIF
Old Fashioned Fish Fry! With entertainment by
“Red Paint” (formerly Birdhouse)
Buffet: $23.95 includes $5 cover charge
Kids 10 & Under $8.95
Fried fish, cole slaw, macaroni and cheese, green beans
and berry desserts! A fish substitute of baked chicken is
available by pre-order only (state so with RSVP).
9AM – 5PM
8AM – 7PM
8AM – 7PM
8AM – 7PM
8AM – 7PM
8AM – 7PM
8AM – 7PM
10AM – 10PM (LEAGUE)
10AM – 11PM (TGIF)
8AM – 4PM
8AM – 4PM
Board of Directors
Clair Gill, President
Joe Mandarino, Treasurer & Vice President / Finance Chair
Don Brown, Secretary
Rick Brickley, Director
Dick Bryant, Director / Greens Chair
Allison Troy Finui, Director / Membership, Marketing & Events Chair
Joe Gallo, Director
Beth Walters, Director/ House & F&B Chair
Greg Ortman, PhD & PGA, ILGC Director of Golf
Melanie Ortman, Sous Chef
Alecia Zimmerman, Office Administrator
Charlie Oster, Greens Superintendent
Newsletter Editor
Allison Troy Finui, Member & Editor