otterdo park
otterdo park
LongagoJesuscalii people to Dehisdisciples, to learn fron himandto texh others. .resus callsustodayto witness to thegoodnewsthathe broughtanclto shareJesus, .-, STATION OB'ECTIVES poges3-6 By the end of thie unit children will * discoverthe lirst disciplesthat Jesus called were ordinary fishermen: * discoverJesus calls peopletoday to lollow and be disciples; * experience ways we can follow Jesus: * discover Jesus calls people who aie less thar perfect to be his disclples, STATION SETUP Remove tables. chairs, and other obstacles from the center of the room. Photocopy the Main Idea, Objectives, Bible Background for lraders, Shepherd Tips, and Check Your Facts for each leader and shepherd. [Seepages3-6.) wANr ro Do riloRE? Cut footprints from construction paper. Write sections of the Bible story, or other sayings ofJesus, on each footprint. Tape the footprints caning th. Disciel.s P€rnl$iod grured b lbotocow Resources ror lo@i chrrch cd o 2oo3 Abingdon press Supplies optionol: pencil scissors iope to the lloor around the classroom to create a labyrinth lor the children to follow as they arrive. SAFETY CHECK tr The church should be a place of secudty a place where children can count on things alld people being reliable. tr Shepherds should know the whereabouts of every child in the shephead s group. and they should know where to reach a parent in case oI an emergency. tr Make sule the children havc plentv of space to play games. Remove any obstacles. E Make sure the children use equiprnent in a sale nanner. lnvite extra adult help. il needed, Ior the number of children in lhis station. tr Monitor the dilference between high ener{y levels and rowdiness. tr For the fishir-lg galnes, be certain that cl]ildren alre thr enough aparl thir[ they will not hit another child with their pole. J l,_orthe trusl walk. bc certain there are no dangerous obstacles in the way. BIBLE STORY Resources Bibles (5-10 rrinules) tlolcl your Bible open 10 Mark l: 16. 'fell the (ihildren thal you will ncecl their help telling the Bible story. As you read the slory, sornewords will be nissing. When that happens.ask Lhechildrcnto shoui appointed twelve... out the word thzrt comcs |ext. NOte: tlyo" are early in the unit, or have many new children in the group, you nlay want to read through the story once belbrc askhg children Lo fill in thc missing words. )dli to be withhim,andto be sentoutto proclaim the message. (l'lark314) One day Jesus was walking on the shore ofthe Sea oI (Galileel. lvhen he saw Sinon and his brother Ar1drew casting hets) into the sea. Jesus said to (Follow) n1e and I will make you lish for them. "_ (people)." Immediately they left their nets and lollowed him. Then. Jesus saw James son oI Zebedee and his (brother) John, who were _ (n-lending) (callecl)them, and they left their nets. Jesus (nets or boats] and followed him. their _ AsK: What did Lhe disciples do to follow Jesus? (Obeyed God, l]elped others, loved others.) Pe.nission g':ni.d ro photo.opy Io.locar church rse. O 2003 Abrngdon lress. pow6rxlressro Bibre E:p€ StanonE@ How have 1ou IollowedJesu. this \eek? 0ptiOn: witfr older children. tell the story again. leaving out names or more words until ttre children are telling the story by themselves.Youngerchildren nay enioy this as well, but may need some prompting. Note ACTIVTTY OPTIONS Fesoufces andlxeby slesarccofstanl chang ng.Check wwwpowerxpress.c0m forupdates tlratmay helpyoulnplann ng. (45-50 minutes] Choose liom the following activities as your Lime :rnd the children's interesl allow. ForYounger Children Supplies Jesus Soys... newsprint/morkers or cholkboord/cholk Work with the children to create a list oI things that Jesus said to clo. (For example: pray, be kind. love one anothet) Flelp tlte children makc up pantomines lor each itellr on lhe list (knecling lor prayer. hugging sonlcone lbr love one another). Play "Jcsus Says using thc s:rnre nrkrs irs Simon Says." Give each chilcl a turn leading the gamc'. Encouragc tlte chilclren to add new things thnt they can do eveF/dav 1()be a lbllower of Jesus. tlOtg: f" tr.rclitional Sirron Says cllilclrcn arc 'out iriler Drissing a command, but Jesus Says docs not have outs." Renlind the children that anyone can lbllow Jesus. even Lhough we all n)essup sonetimes. ForYoungerChildren Follow Jesus Ask a volunLeer to be Jesus. The other children line up in singlc file behind 'Jcsus.'They will do whatever "Jesus does and say whatever "Jesus" says ([or example wa]k. hop, skip. shout hoolay). Stop alter or-reor two minutes and ask another volunteer to be "Jesus." Continue until all the cltildren who want to lead ltave been the leader. ASk: How dicl it feel to lead? to lbllow/ This was simply a game. but what does it mean to follow Jesus todaJt cdling th. Discipt.s fe.nissilr g.mred io lor ld&'l chultr use. o 2oo3 Abingd.n rrrtss ForOlderchildren Supplies blindfolds lrusl Werlk Divide the children into pairs. Talklips Shorethestoryof Jesus colming the storm{Mork/:35'y'1). Remind thechildren thoteventhedisciples sometimes hodo hord timekustingJesus. Assure thechildren thotevenwhenbod thingshoppen, we conlruslJesus lo wolchoverusond corelor us. ASk: On o of one to ten, how much do you trust your par.tner? On a ""rt" scale of one to ten. how much do you trust Jesus? Explain that the disciples had to trust Jesus in otder to follow him. Divide the children into pairs. Blindlold one child in each pair. The other child must lead the blindlolded partner around tl-reroon {or another room if space allowsl. It is the leader's job to make certain thc blindfolded child does not bump into anj.thing or get into harm's way. After a few minutes the childlen switch roles. NOte: ou"r-r with older children, you may tincl a child who cioes not fecl comfbrtable being blindlolded. Invite any cttildren who are rrncornfortable wilh the activity to be lead with their eyes closed, but without a blindfbld, so that lhey nlay open their eyes iI Lhey necd to. Encourage the children to talk about how it lclt to lead and to trust and lbllow. ASk: wf1nt clocs i1 nrcarl 1o l)-usl Jesus enough to lbllow him loclay? Arc you ever nervous aboLlt lbllowing Jesus? What can you do to r-emenrberto trust him? )dli Over-r the disciples clidn't always trust Jesus. Someljmesthey were afraid. and Jesus had to rcmincl them to trust him. Evetl when we arc aliaid. we can alwzrystrust Jcsus to care for us. It carr be scary io tmst solneone to leaclyou. wlral if your partncr stopped paying attention and you ran into something? But when we decide to Lrust Jesus, wc should remenber thaL he will neve:' sLoppaying attention to our lives. Even when we are scar€d ar]d leel like rve are stumbling in the dar.k, Jesus is watchir-rg over us and caring lbr us. ForOlderchildren Follow Me Invite the children to sit in a circle. Ask a volunteer be the lollower and stand in the center of the circle with eyes closed. Sitently, select one child to be "Jesus." Jesus" begins with a]l activity such as clapping hands. At random "Jesus" changes the activity to snapping fingers, stamping feet, and so forth. All the children fotlow Uesus ' lead. The follower has three li-resses to identitT "Jesus." If the guess is cor_rect.the two trade places. If the guess is incorect, tl-refollower chooses someone else to be in the middle. Pemjssjon g.ani.d l. lborotory lor locar ch!..h nse ri 2003 Ablrg.lon Prcss. Powerxprt$lo Binc StartonE@ Play until all who want to be "Jesus" have had a turn or the children dc+ +ir4,-1 ^f nlal;nd ASk: wtrot nt. some things that we do as followers ofJesus? (Praying.helping others, loving one another.) How do we know thal Jesus wants us to do these things? )dli tn the game wejust played, the leader decided which activity to do. Everyone else followed the exarnple oI the leader. Jesus also taught by showing his followers how Lo live. His example of love and kindness shows us wl-rat we need to do if we want to be followers ofJesus ioday. ForAllAges xes0urces Gone Fishin' Two opiions are available for this activity. Choose one or n.lke aranger-Dents 1()(rse both. The setup is Lhe salne. Prepare CULlish shapcs (scc pagc 51)oul ol lhe posterboirrd.nltirch a lwo inch sl p of lD:rgrnii( lapc to tllc back oI each lish. Tie nagoels onl() slrin{ irnd atiaclr lhc strjr-rgtrolishing poles or-long dowcls. M?rkcsrlrc any lrooks irc rclllovcd li-onrfishing poles. Optron 0ne Ask older children to wr_iteone word oI lhe ScripLure on e:rch fish: "Follow me and I will makc you lish 1br people." (Prepare this ahead of timc lbr youngcr childrer-r. For nortreaders draw pictures oI Jesus and his followers on the 6'ont of the fish.) I'lace the lish magnet side up iD the wading pool. Divide into groups of thr-ee or lbur childreD depending on class size. The children will take turns with the tishing pole as they toss the line into the pool and try to catch a fish. When they catch a fish they \e.ill lay it word side up on the floor. As more fish are caught. challenge the children to place the words oI the Scripture in lhe correct order. This game can be played by one group while other groups are playing other ganres. 01 you can set up other pools and use the gane as a race arnong teanns. With0lderChildren When the fish have been 'caught" and the Scripture sp.ead out in the co(ect order, invite the children to read the Scdpture verse. Remove one lish (word) and have them repeat the entire verse. cg]rinc the Discilles Permission gl.3nied io phoi.c.pv f.. r..,l.hurc]r !s. o 2003 Abingd.n F.css Supplies wodingpool{s) pole(s) fishing or long oowets stnng weighted mognels posbrboord morkers mognetic sirips scissors Talk Tips Askthechildren whot theythinkit meons io be "cough(by Jesus. Continue removingfish (words)until the childr€n can repeat the Scripture without any words. Option Two ASk: Oo yo., know anyone who is in er.tra neecl oI our prayers? Write the names suggested on separate fish. Glue a two-inch strip of magnetic tape on the back of each fish. Once the game has been set up, divide the children into teams of four. ($/hile one group is "fishing" the other children can be involved in olher activities.) The children take turns fishing. Once they have caught a fish. they are to pray fbl the person whose narre is on the fish. NOte: vo,t recycle the fish for each team or have enough fish ibr each"ur-t child Lo kecp what the.y catch aDd pray lor that person all week. ForAllAges Four Disciples Play a version of lbur corr,ers by designating the comers ol your roo l wiLh llre nanles ol lbe tilsl disciplesJesus callecltpeter, Ancl'_cw. .lamcs, and John, One person volunlccr.sto be Jesus. Jesus ( loses her or his eyes and counts to 10. 'fhe othcl children move to one oi the corners ol the room. Jesus calls out llle name of one of the disciples. The children in that corner are caught by Jesus. Play Llntii all cl-rildren zrre caught. Or. give each Jesus" three turns and ohoose soDleone clse 10 play the palt. GtoslNO in a cfcle caiher the children - r ^.,rre\rer. Everyone who s", i';.'i1i't;ii"l,l'l[:";;J;:'1"1ii'l' ";' ;;i ;J""" chooses r IrkeIIIrn'r'rrinA Je'..t' follow Helr . ^ ' , " ways \.\s. H us- your teach to Jesus you lol serrLling Thank God' Dear by rls follow him close $.ith everyone to contribute, lrnity has had an oPPort When everyone saYingAmenl temission g.:uned i. Dh.locolv for use. o 2oo3 ^brnedon Prcss. pderxpr€sslo Bible Dxperie \ o) \ N$ N I ) |/\ I e i\l I )A c.Iirg tlle Dieipld PelTisdm gmt€d to phoimopy for rosr chrrcn tA0 I \ U use. o 2003 Abi.gdon Pr€ss.