The Fair Facts - Mentor Public Schools


The Fair Facts - Mentor Public Schools
Mentor Public Schools
The Cornerstone of the Community
The Fair Facts
“Our Tomorrows are Learning and Growing Here”
Volume 13, Issue 6
A Message from the Principal
Dear Fairfax Families,
Our student council and Olweus committee held our Kick Off “Let
Character be your Guide” Assembly today. You can see us in action by
going to: - The students who
show their “true character” through the 3R’s will be recognized at the
end of each quarter. They will earn a bracelet for clipping up on the
classroom clip charts throughout each quarter. Please discuss this
with your child/ren this weekend to reinforce the importance of being
respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. Thank you for your support.
Fairfax Elementary
6465 Curtiss Court
(440) 255-7223
Office Hours: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm
Mrs. Christine Kryz
Think about it…
Congratulations to our Mentor High School Soccer team for making it
to state. They visited Fairfax today. We welcomed them and wished
them luck this weekend.
Have a great weekend.
11/12 Picture Retakes
11/14 Student Council
Meeting 8:15 Sci. Lab
11/18 United Way Week
11/19 Board Meeting 7pm
Board Office
11/20 PTA Meeting 7pm
Sci. Lab
11/25 1st Grade American
Congratulations to the following students who have received Fish
awards for the 1st half of November:
Legion Pledge of Alle-
Addison Collins, Cole Rigsby, Jonathan Shields, Cora Gedeon,
Ryan Mattox
11/27-11/29 No School
giance/Flag Program 1:30
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To the following students that made the
1st Grading Period “Honor Roll”
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade
Jordan Aston
Olivia Abate
Brixton Bright
Mollee Ansorge
Hallee Crawford
Omar Attia
Kassandra Hanslik
Connor Beck
Ryan Fry
Jayden Leapline
Camden Fuerst
Felicity Lojek
William McClure
Vinson Moats
Deleanna Nutting
Janelle Olix
Kenneth Garcia
William Goellner
Brooke Hickman
Ryan Horkan
Megan Huntington
Aidan Place
Kelly Hux
Allison Potoczak
Cameron Kaska
Riley Rupert
Olivia Kennedy
Connor Smith
Olivia Kodrich
Peyton Smith
Grace Kroeger
Angelina Snyder
Keith Lee
Autumn Stockmaster
Callie Lessick
Patrick Swan
Kevin Liggett
Oswald Vaughn
Alexander Lippert
Katrina Wagner
Anna Maguire
Gwendolyn Weagraff
Kayla Marzec
Cameron Rigsby
Cole Rigsby
Hannah Rosen
Gabriel Ruzycki
Erin Schivley
Jonathan Shields
Robert Walker
Sadie Zeedrich
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Congratulations to our November Gold Badge Winner, Ryan Fry! Great work
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Congratulations to our Star Students of the Month! Super job following the fish philosophy!
Mrs. Nykiel
Mrs. Stropko
Student’s Name
Kaelyn Moore
Joey Snyder
Mrs. Brickman
Mrs. Bakula
Andrew Dubeansky
Alexa Stockman
Mrs. Dennison
Addison Collins
Mrs. Robinson
Jared Hines
Mrs. Host
Mrs. Bissett
Alex Babul
Mrs. Parker
Rachel Kroeger
Mrs. Cody
Janelle Olix
Miss Hill
Isabel Quiroz-Rizo
Miss Mandato
Brixton Bright
Mrs. Grasso
Darya Evsikova
Mrs. Marconi
Grace Kroeger
Structured Language
Mrs. McPeek
Kaitlyn Palinkas
Mrs. Lindberg
Eric Winans
Related Arts
Mrs. Loovis
Devon Ambrus (Parker)
Miss Lo/Mrs. Meola
Elise McGaffick
Alana Cook (Robinson)
Mrs. Mentch
Mr. Meyer
Devin Olix (Stropko)
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First in Math news! (week of 10/28)
Team of the Week: Mrs. Marconi’s team
Player of the Week: Kenna Hamilton (2)
First in Math News! (week of 11/4)
Team of the Week: Mrs. Cody’s team
Player of the Week: Felicity Lojek (4)
Month for October: Cole Rigsby
Top Ten Players: Xander Lippert, Cole Rigsby, Felicity Lojeck, Gabriel Ruzycki,
Ryan Horkan, Omar Attia, Manav Malik, Sadie Zeedrich, Jamie Luptak, Darya Nelson
Vision Statement IV: Provide a safe and secure environment in which students can grow
academically and socially.
As part of our District Strategic Plan, Mentor Public Schools seeks to ensure the safety of students and staff in our buildings. As part of our district safety plan, every building completes
at least one “Lock Down” drill each year. These unannounced drills, in addition to the regularly scheduled fire and tornado drills can be frightening for younger students as they begin
their school experience. Please take a few moments to talk to your young child about safety
and security at school. The adults in the buildings take their job of keeping students safe very
seriously; as always, if you have any questions please contact your school principal.
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First Grade Proud Crowd for October
The following students have work displayed on the Proud Crowd Wall for the month of October.
Andrew Dubeansky
Katie Polanz
Cecelia Jarc
Ethan Guizlo
Peter Kennedy
Antonio Bistak
Rania Brown
Addison Muha
Rebecca Toth
Nathan Perdue
Hailey Ambrus
Abigail Harps
Jackson Dauenhauer
Tyler Philip
Maddy Gagliardi
Gracie Murtaugh
Alexa Stockman
Jackson Dauenhauer
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Fifth Grade News
This week in fifth grade we did many things. In reading, we read a book
called “Jake Drake Know It All”. It is a book about a boy and his friend making
a project for the science fair. In social studies we learned about the landforms
and geography of the East. In math, we learned about dividing numbers by
tens, hundreds, and thousands. In science we did our labs. This week we
made posters and had a gallery walk on Thursday. A gallery walk is when we
walked around and looked at other people’s posters. We made comments
about what we liked about them and what we wanted to know more about
them. These are some things we did this week in fifth grade.
by Ryan Fry
Job Opportunity
School Nutrition Subs Needed
The school Nutrition Service
Department is looking for subs that
are available 3-4 hours a day during
the school day as needed. The sub
pay is $7.85 an hour, if you have
any questions about the position
you can contact the Nutrition
Service Department at 974-5227.
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The signs in the flower bed are markers where each class planted red
tulips last week. They symbolize our commitment to being drug free.
When they bloom in April we will be reminded of Red Ribbon Week.
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Thank you to everyone who helped chaperone and bring in items for the Halloween Parties. The
kids had a great time and we saw so many great costumes in the parade.
Thank you to our PTA volunteers, Leslie Stockmaster, Amy Fuerst and Heather Lippert for helping the staff with Cookie Dough Fundraiser pickup.
Are you working on your Reflection entries?. They are due by November 22nd. This year’s theme is
Believe, Dream and Inspire. If you have any questions, please contact our Reflection’s chairperson, Heather Ambrose at
Thank you to everyone who ordered Spirit Wear. We will notify you when the order is ready for
Holiday Shop is coming on Friday, December 6th! We will be sending home information in the
next few weeks and contacting the volunteers to help the kids shop.
Please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00pm in the Science
Lab. We hope to see you there.
If you have any questions about PTA, please feel free to contact us:
Kim Crawford – or 575-494-6594
Nicki Smith – or 440-255-6272
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