grow in safe hands of - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy


grow in safe hands of - Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy
Your Child
grow in safe hands of
I use Homoeopathy for my child...
(An Autonomous Body of Deptt. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Jawahar Lal Nehru Bhartiya Chikitsa Avum Homoeopathy Anusandhan Bhawan
61-65,Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi110058
Tel: 91-11-28525523 Fax: 91-11-28521060
LOW IMMUNITY – The most common reason
to the diseases.
for your child's illnesses
Be assured then ...
If your child is being brought up
on Homoeopathic medicines…
He or she is in
'Safe Hands'!
ith the changing lifestyle in
today's era, the habits and
patterns of the growing
children are changing too.
Owing to the new
adoptions in the ways of
living, the children today
are not as healthy as in
the past and their
immunity level seems to be
comparatively weaker. It
sometimes becomes quite a challenge for the parents to keep their children away from one or the other
infection for long, as they seem to be falling ill more often than not. Children usually take on to various
diseases because of their vulnerability to the external influences that cause diseases. Since the immune
system in children is not fully developed, it is only natural for children to fall ill more frequently than
The child mortality rate is quite high in India. While some diseases of childhood could get serious and
prove fatal, others may cause considerable loss of time from school or work. So, it is important that
children are well protected and treated for various illnesses in time.
Homoeopathy – The safe option
for your growing child
Homoeopathic medicines are not only free from adverse side effects but also
stimulate child's immune or defense system.
On the other hand, conventional medicines sometimes may do more harm than good
to the tender health of children and might cause the body's immunity to weaken
further. The massive doses of such medicines might not only suppress a child's
developing immune system, but even produce a number of side-effects.
By using Homoeopathy for your children, you can help your child develop resistance
A few common ailments of children which can be treated successfully in Homoeopathy
are mentioned below along with the indications of medicines:
Infants often swallow air (aerophagia) while sucking
milk, which causes flatulent colic. Besides, when the
child is weaned to solids from an all-liquid diet, gas is
formed, which may cause colicky pain.
• Presence of gas in intestine leads to griping colic.
Due to this, the infant becomes irritable and cries
Here, Homoeopathy can come to the child's rescue with
the following medicines:
Chamomilla 30
This medicine is given when the child is bad tempered or
irritable. He wants to be carried or pushed in the stroller.
Tummy is distended with wind. There is a tendency for
diarrhoea which is green, mucoid and offensive.
Pulsatilla nigricans 30
It is indicated for colicky pain when a child is weaned on other
foods besides milk. Child cries pitifully, unless he is picked up. He wants to be cuddled all
the time. In diarrhoea along with colic, the characteristic symptom is that no two stools of
the child are alike in colour and consistency.
Nux vomica 30
When the child becomes irritable and develops gastro-intestinal disorders due to
overfeeding, Nux vomica is the right medicine. The child usually complains of pain in
stomach some time, after eating but not immediately after.
Magnesia phos. 6x
Use this medicine when you see your child feeling better by lying on abdomen and by
warmth. The colic, in this case, results due to excessive gas in the stomach. This medicine
works better if it is given after dissolving in a little warm water.
Constipation is a common problem for children. If a child
passes less than 3 stools per week and there is associated
difficulty in passing them, then it is called constipation.
• A child may pass stool daily but if there is accompanying
difficulty in passing it (due to hard consistency or large
size) then also it is called constipation.
• The first step to correct constipation in your child is
making sure that he or she gets enough fiber. Fiber is bulky
and holds water in the stool, making it softer and easier to
• Eating more fruits, raw vegetables, bran and whole-grain breads and cereals can help
and so can drinking plenty of water. Regular physical activity is also a great remedy.
• Toilet training is another step that should be taken to form a habit of passing stools
regularly in children.
A few homoeopathic medicines that can work remarkably in treating this problem are:
Alumina 30
Alumina is given when the child is not able to expel the
stool due to inactivity of the rectum (the end part of the
intestines where the stools are stored before they are
passed ). Child has to strain a lot even when stool is soft.
He has abnormal cravings for chalk, charcoal and other
indigestible things. This medicine is also very useful for
treating constipation in the bottle-fed babies.
Nux vomica 30
You can think of this medicine when the child complains of a constant, but ineffectual
urge for passing stool. Even after trying hard, the child is able to pass only a small quantity
each time. The stools are unsatisfactory and unrefreshing. The child usually has an
irritable mood and gets easily angered.
Bryonia alba 30
This is a very useful medicine for constipation in children, with hard and dry stools. The
stool is thick, sometimes even bloody due to excessive straining.
Opium 30
Opium is often used when there is an absolute inaction of rectum, with no desire for stool.
The child passes stools infrequently, which are round, hard, black and ball like in shape.
Cuprum metallicum 30
For constipation of bottle fed babies, with spasmodic colicky pains and black, painful
stools, Cuprum metallicum is generally indicated.
Diarrhoea is a term used for loose, watery stools occurring
more than three times in one day.
• Diarrhoea can cause dehydration, which means lack of
enough fluid in the body to function properly.
• Because a small child can die from dehydration within a few
days, the main treatment for diarrhoea in children is
rehydration. O.R.S., (Oral Rehaydration Solution) should
invariably be given to all children with diarrhoea to keep the
body hydrated.
You would know your child is getting dehydrated when you see one or more of the
following signs:
• Dry mouth and tongue
• No tears when crying
• No wet nappies (diapers) for 3 hours or more
• Sunken abdomen, eyes, or cheeks
• High fever
• Listlessness or irritability
• Skin that does not flatten when pinched and released
Along with O.R.S., which is given to prevent dehydration, right
homoeopathic medicine can help check the problem from worsening:
Aethusa cynapium 30
It is given for diarrhoea in the children who cannot tolerate milk. They vomit milk as soon
as it is taken. Stools are watery, greenish and preceded by stomach pains. Great weakness
and drowsiness follow after passing the stools. Absence of thirst and desire to cover up
warmly are other important symptoms of Aethusa.
Pulsatilla pratensis 30
When diarrhoea results due to intake of cold food or drinks, ice-cream or fruits, Pulsatilla
should be your medicine of choice. Stools are watery, greenish-yellow, very changeable and
are passed soon after eating.
Arsenic album 30
Diarrhoea occurring after eating fruits or tinned food calls for this medicine. It is also given
when there is associated vomiting, which gets worse after eating or drinking. The child
becomes extremely restless and anxious and takes little sips of water frequently.
Magnesia carbonica 30
Consider this one when there is diarrhea with frothy, green, sour smelling stools. The
nursing child passes milk undigested.
Podophyllum peltatum 30
Podophyllum is given for diarrhoea that occurs during teething and after eating. It is
generally accompanied by profound weakness and is worse in the mornings. Green, watery,
profuse stools with a foetid odour and undigested particles are other important indications
for prescribing Podophyllum.
Dentition, even though an important milestone of
growth, can lead to a variety of problems in children.
Most babies suffer gum discomfort and gastric troubles
while cutting teeth. Some children even become irritable
and restless.
The irritation in gums, which is an associated feature of
dentition, compels them to put everything in mouth. This
can further lead to problems like diarrhoea and vomiting.
Following medicine are known to check the teething troubles in children:
Belladonna 30
Infections of the throat (larynx), or the main airway
(trachea), or the airways going into the lungs (bronchi)
are collectively called URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract
Infection). The term URTI is generally used to include
any, or all, of these infections.
Besides medicinal treatment, adequate rest and taking
plenty of fluids help in overcoming the problem.
Most URTIs are due to some viral infection. These
infections, although self-limiting, should be treated to avoid
further complications.
If you see the child has a flushed face, is irritable, restless and feverish (sometimes even
delirious), giving Belladonna will be the right thing to do. Another indication is that the
child strikes or bites others in his delirium.
A few homoeopathic medicines used in treating respiratory infection in
children are as under:
Chamomilla 30
Antimonium tart. 30
When a child is going through a very painful dentition
and gets irritable, especially at night, Chamomilla is
strongly indicated. The child cries excessively and
nothing seems to please him. He wants to be
carried all the time. Chamomilla is also very
good for swollen gums. Stools passed by the
child are greenish and give an offensive
It is very useful for the noisy, rattling cough, without any expectoration, which causes rapid
and difficult breathing. Tongue is coated thick white. Thirstlessness and vomitting are
usually associated.
Calcarea carb. 30
Bryonia alba 30
Dry and spasmodic cough, aggravated by the slightest movement is the chief characteristic
for this medicine. Child holds his chest firmly every time he coughs. Fever, constipation
and dry tongue with thirst for large quantity of water at long intervals are other important
This is a medicine most suited for
plumpy, yet weak children, who have
delayed dentition. The child sweats
profusely, especially on hea and smells
sour. This medicine also effectively
checks abnormal cravings for chalk, pencil, lime and other indigestible things.
Ferrum phos. 30
Calcarea phos. 6x
Constant coughing, often associated with retching and vomiting. Cough with rattling of
mucus in chest. Tongue is clean and child is thirstless.
Contrary to Calcarea carb., think of this medicine for a child with thin body and delayed
closure of fontanelles (an opening in the skull of an infant, which normally closes by the
end of first year). Child develops diarrhoea during dentition and has a peevish mood. For
delayed or difficult teething, as well as colic frequently associated with teething, Calcarea
phos. is a good medicine.
It is usually indicated for dry, spasmodic and painful cough, with expectoration sometimes
streaked with blood. Fever is always present with rapid and weak pulse.
Ipecacuanha 30
Sambucus nigra 30
Dry coryza of infants; nose dry and completely obstructed, preventing breathing and
nursing. Difficult breathing, child awakens suddenly nearly suffocated; can inhale but
cannot exhale. Feels suffocative, worse about midnight with spasm of chest.
Rheum 30
Spongia tosta 30
Rheum can be given during difficult dentition in a restless and irritable child. The whole
body, besides the stools, smells sour.
Cough, dry, barking, worse taking sweets, cold drinks, lying with head low, dry cold winds;
better eating or drinking warm things.
Following medicines are chiefly indicated in measles:
Pulsatilla pratensis 30
Next to the common cold, ear infections are the
most commonly diagnosed childhood illnesses.
Acute otitis media (Middle ear infection) is one of
the leading causes of earache in childhood. It is
characterized by the presence of fluid, typically
pus, in the middle ear with symptoms of pain,
redness of the eardrum, and possible fever.
Children develop ear infections more frequently
in the first 2 to 4 years of life.
It is used for affections of mucous membranes with thick, bland, yellowish-green
discharge. Eyes are extremely watery. Child doesn't feel thirsty and feels better in open
air, despite being sensitive to cold.
Arsenic album 30
This medicine is used for acrid, burning, hot watery discharge from eyes and nose. Child
feels extremely weak, and desires water for small quantities of water at short intervals. The
child is restless, more so at night and cannot bear even the slightest exertion.
Bryonia alba 30
Apis mellifica 30
When the eruptions are not fully developed, Bryonia is usually the indicated medicine.
There is congestion in the chest, which causes violent dry cough and pain in chest. Child is
constipated and thirsty.
It is commonly given when the ear is red, inflamed, sore and the child complains of
stinging pains.
Gelsemium 30
Belladonna 200
Along with the usual symptoms of measles, the child feels dull, drowsy and chilly. The
child takes very limited or no water.
Belladonna usually relieves severe pain in ears. The pain is generally accompanied with high
fever with redness of face.
Squilla maritima 30
Pulsatilla pratensis 30
It is indicated for the cough after measles. Cough worsens after taking a deep breath or
cold drinks, exertion and change from warm to cold air. .
You can think of following homoeopathic medicines when your child complains of pain in ear:
It is indicated for severe pain in ear in children with a pitiful cry, worse at night.
Chamomilla 30
Pain in ears with soreness, swelling and heat are the general indications of this medicine.
The child complains of stitching pain in the ear, which feels clogged-up.
Magnesia phosphorica 30
This is given for severe neuralgic pain in ears, which gets worse by going into cold air, and
washing face and neck with cold water and better by warmth.
Measles is a highly contagious respiratory
infection that's caused by a virus.
It causes a total-body skin rash and flu-like
symptoms, including fever, cough and runny
The measles rash typically has a reddish brown
blotchy appearance, and first usually shows up
on the forehead, then spreads downwards over
the face, neck, body and then down to the feet.
A child affected by measles should be given
plenty of fluids and rest and kept from
spreading the infection to others.
Drosera rotundifolia 30
Drosera is given for spasmodic cough during and after measles. The child vomits food
after coughing . The cough is generally loose and productive, worse after midnight and on
lying down after getting warm in bed.
Bedwetting is a very common problem of
• Parents mostly consider bedwetting as the child's
fault resulting due to his or her laziness to get up
in the night. But this is not usually the case.
Parents need to realize that bedwetting is
• It is assumed that every young child will wet the bed upto some age. Therefore, the
term ‘bedwetting' is usually reserved for children (and adults) who are well beyond the
age (usually 7 years), at which night- time bladder control is expected.
A few homoeopathic medicines that have a good role in treating bedwetting in children are:
Belladonna 30
Belladonna is given when child's sleep is deep and stuporous and, therefore, the child is
not able to sense the urge for urination to wake up. Child is sensitive to change of weather,
or being chilled.
Causticum 30
Child wets the bed during the first sleep and his problem generally aggravates in dry, clear
Equisetum hyemale 30
A very useful drug for habitual bed wetting in children. The child dreams of urination;
sometimes gets up horrified after nightmares in his dreams.
Keep the following medicines ready at home for giving to your children, as soon they
get injured:
Arnica montana 30
This is a very good medicine for injuries due to blunt instruments. It also takes care of the
injuries to soft parts or sprains that cause black or blue appeareance of the sprained areas.
Arnica also relieves the soreness all over the body.
Hypericum perforatum 30
Kreosotum 30
It is very effective for injuries to parts rich in nerves (e.g. toe, finger tips), spine and coccyx.
The urine of the child is offensive. Child dreams of urination while sleeping and passes
urine involuntarily.
Symphytum officinale 30
Embelia ribes 30
It is usually given for injuries due to blow with blunt instruments and fracture of bones.
A very useful medicine for bedwetting due to pin worms.
Ledum palustre 30
This medicine is used for punctured wounds from pointed instruments. It is also given for
scanty bleeding with pain in the wound, accompanied by puffiness and coldness of the
part. Ledum also takes care of the wounds caused by rusty nails.
• Diaper rash is a very common infection that can cause a baby's
skin to become sore, red, scaly and tender.
• In most cases, the rash occurs because the skin is irritated by
diapers that are too tight or due to soiled diapers that are left
on for too long.
• To prevent diaper rash:
• Change your baby's soiled or wet diapers as soon as possible.
• Soak your baby's buttock with warm water between the diaper changes.
• Allow your baby's skin to dry completely before you put on another diaper .
Homoeopathic medicines that can be useful in such rashes are:
Calendula officinalis 30
This is a very good medicine for lacerated wounds. Its tincture (Calendula Q) is also useful
for cleaning and dressing of the wounds to prevent suppuration.
How to select the medicine?
To pick the right medicine, match the symptoms of the medicines given in the handout,
with the problem you are suffering from. The medicine with majority of symptoms similar
to yours will be the right choice for you.
Apis mellifica 30
It is given for small, bright red eruptions, which are hot to touch; itching gets better by cold
Children: 3 to 4 globules (Size No. 20), 3-4 times a day, for 2 to 3 days.
Adults: 6 to 8 globules (Size No. 20), 3-4 times a day, for 2 to 3 days.
Petroleum 30
This medicine is indicated for rashes on skin that itch and burn. The redness of skin with
cracks or sores occurs especially in winters.
Calendula ointment
Locally, Calendula ointment may be applied on the affected area to prevent suppuration.
• Children are more susceptible to injuries since they,
particularly those younger than 8 years old, are less
coordinated and have slower reaction times than adults.
• Also, children may not assess the risks of certain
activities as fully as adults might. So they might
unknowingly take risks that can result in injuries.
General instructions
Medicine should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably in empty stomach.
Strong smelling substances like onion, garlic etc. should not be taken
within half an hour before and after taking the medicine.
The medicine should not be taken if the white globules turn yellow.
If improvement occurs within 2-3 days, then medicine should be
If patient doesn't improve within 48 hours or becomes worse at any
time, then a qualified homoeopathic doctor should be consulted.
During homoeopathic treatment, no other medicines should be
taken, unless suggested by a qualified homoeopathic doctor.
Keep the medicines:
• Away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol etc.
• In a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.
• Away from the reach of children.