Current Flyer - James D. Julia Auctioneers
Current Flyer - James D. Julia Auctioneers
Spectacular 4-Day Fine Art, Asian & Antiques Auction August 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd, 2014 at our Fairfield, Maine Facility Dept. P, P.O. Box 830 Fairfield, ME 04937 PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID AUGUSTA, ME PERMIT NO. 121 Spectacular 4-Day Fine Art, Asian & Antiques Auction August 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd, 2014 at our Fairfield, Maine Facility Auction Times: Day 1: Tuesday, August 19th at 10:00 a.m.; Day 2: Wednesday, August 20th at 10:00 a.m; Day 3: Thursday, August 21st at 10:00 a.m.; Day 4: Friday, August 22nd at 10:00 a.m Preview Times: Monday, August 18th – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, August 19th – 8 to 10 a.m.; Wednesday, August 20th – 8 to 10 a.m.; Thursday, August 21st – 8 to 10 a.m.; Friday, August 22nd – 8 to 10 a.m. There will also be preview noon-5 p.m. during each auction session. Special preview can be arranged by appointment. 2700+ LOTS OVER 4 DAYS Important Jade Scepter including Montague Dawson, Antonio Jacobsen & more; Folk Portraits including a portrait of Captain Jefferson Devereaux of Castine, Maine; A Selection of Child Portraits; 4 Antique Automobiles from the Estate of John Cichocki (Norridgewock, ME) & the Estate of Annie Chase (Randolph, ME); Tall Clocks; Silver; Porcelain; Books by Victor Hugo; Oriental Rugs; Fiske Fountain & much more! (See artist listing for complete offering of signed paintings.) Day 1: Tuesday, August 19th at 10:00 a.m. MA Chippendale Fine Selection of Weathervanes Ansel Adams “Moonrise, Hernandez, NM 1942” 465 lots of American & European Paintings, Prints, Bronzes & Photography: Including a fine selection of Gloucester/Rockport & Cape Ann School paintings and a very nice selection of French & European paintings. 100+ photographs by Harold Haliday Costain; Fabulous Ansel Adams Gelatin Silver; Bergman Bronze table lamp & more. See artist listing for complete offering. (Folk art paintings, portraits & nautical paintings will be sold in Day 2.) Day 3: Thursday, August 21st at 10:00 a.m. 742 Lots Divided into 2 Parts: Part 1: The first 123 lots will include 20th Century Silver including Flatware, Tea Sets, Two Tiffany & Co. Center Bowls & more; Coins including graded & ungraded silver & gold; Fine Selection of 35+ Doorstops & Windmill Weights; Furniture & Oriental Rugs. Part 2: 619 Lot of Asian antiques including Paintings, Scrolls, Furniture, Jade, Bronzes, Porcelain & Textiles (Asian Artist Listing available on our website.) Day 2: Wednesday, August 20th at 10:00 a.m. 785 lots of American & European Furniture & Accessories: Including over 60 weathervanes; an outstanding selection of furniture from a fine NY private collector; Folk Art including Trade Signs, Carved Eagles, Textiles, & more; Historical including the Norman Flayderman Collection of Civil War Recruitment Posters; Wonderful Luis Emilio letter; “Bull Run” wartime letter w/ sword; Pair of British Flintlock Dueling Pistols; Rare Cased Pair of French Percussion Two Barrel Coach Pistols; Large Archive of Letters, Photographs & Ephemera Associated with Chester W. Burton (Upstate, NY) & Other Family Members; Large War of 1812 Painting Depicting Admiral Perry & The Battle Of Lake Erie; Nautical paintings Edmund William Greacen “In A Giverny Garden, 1909” Day 4: Friday, August 22nd at 10:00 a.m. 700+ Lots of Asian Antiques: To include an outstanding selection of: Paintings, Scrolls, Furniture, Jade, Bronzes, Porcelain & Textiles. Also included in this day is The Estate Collection from a Renowned Taiwan Diplomatic Family-Collection of Cai Wanjun (? 2011), Xu Shaochang (1913–1999), and Ye Gongchao (1904–1981) Unique 360° view on special lots | Download Absentee Bidding Form | Access entire catalogs | Zoom Function on All Lots James D. Julia, Inc. is extremely pleased & honored to offer: The Estate Collection from a Renowned Taiwan Diplomatic Family Collection of Cai Wanjun (? -2011), Xu Shaochang (1913–1999), and Ye Gongchao (1904–1981) Phenomenal Selection of 60+ Weathervanes Representing Several Private Collections! Federal Inlaid Mahogany Sofa Cooper/Reddington Family Clock Queen Anne Walnut High Chest Adams, Albert 1330 Akers, Vivian 1033 Albert, E Maxwell 1179 Ali, J Sultan 1230A Amorsolo, Fernando C 1233, 1234 Ariza, Gonzalo 1232 Arnold, George 1252 Bailey, T 1418 Baker, J. 2328 Bakhuyzen, Hendrik 1393 Baldwin, William 1178 Beal, Gifford 1100 Beauquesne, Wilfrid C 1255 Bentley, John W 1118 Berthelsen, Johann 1144 Bjareby, Alfred G 1168 Blanchard, Antoine 1226 Blue, Bob 1088, 1089 Blunt, John A (Attr) 2393 Bolden, Mel 1363 Borstel, Reginald Arthur 2000 Boutigny, Paul Emile (After) 1256 Bradbury, Gideon Elden 1124 Brady, Mathew 2296A Braguin, Simeon 1435 Brainard, J.C. 2004 Breenbergh , Bartholomeus 1251 Brewster, John (Attr) 2197 Bricher, Alfred T 1383 Briggs, Warren C. 1437 Briscoe, Franklin 1417 Brown, John Appleton 1162, 1163 Bruestle, George Matthew 1268 Buckman, Percy 1403 Burchfield, Charles E 1149, 1150 Cady, Emma (Attr) 2474 Cafferty, James Henry 2202 Cahoon, Ralph Eugene Jr. 1111-1113 Cambiaso, Luca(Attr) 1426 Candee, George E 1269 Carelli, Giuseppe 1399 Carlo, C 1372 Carlson, John Fabian 1267 Carr, Samuel S. 1139 Carter, Benny 1329 Carter, R 1448 Cartwright, Isabel P.B. 1160 Chagall, Marc 1335 Chamberlain, Samuel V. 1451 Champney, Benjamin 1122, 1123 Chase, William Merritt 1156 Cheney, Russell 1125-1129 Christensen, Anthonore 1373 Cikovsky, Nicolai 1339 Colao, Rudolph 1423 Colburn, Robert 1036, 1037 Connaway, Jay H 1027 Constable, John (After) 1388, 1389 Cook, Nelson 2410, 2411 Corey, Bernard1097-1099, 1108, 1109 Cornoyer, Paul 1145 Corso, Frank P. 1274 Cortes, Edouard Leon 1223 Coxe, Reginald C 1277 Crawford, Ralston 1322 Curran, Charles C 1155 Davis, Fred 1132 Davis, William R 1022-1025 Dawson, Montague 2023 De Grailly , Victor 1135 De Jongh, Oene Romkes 1238 De Vos , Paul (In Manner Of ) 1249 Deckelmann, Andreas 2780 Demetropoulos, Charles P 1103 Derain, Andre 1397 Despres, Jules 1352 Detti, Cesare A 1237 Diaz, Narcisse 1246 Dou, Gerrit (After) 1248 Du Bois, Yvonne Pene 1431 Duchamp, Louis 1449 Dunbar, Harold C. 1175 Durrie, George Henry (School) 1174 Dyf, Marcel 1349 Ellis, C? 1392 Elting, N.D. 1377 Emerson, Charles Chase 1272 Etnier, Stephen M 1019 Fiene, Ernest 1167 Fery, John 1292 Fitzgerald, James Herbert 1043 Forster, George 1157 Foster, Ben (Benjamin) 1115, 1116 French, D. 1413 Fuller, Alfred Russel 1026 Gage, Ian 1321 Galien-Laloue, Eugene 1224, 1225, 1228 Gay, George 1285 Geoffroy, Henry J J 1245 Gerry, Samuel Lancaster 1121 Gieberich, Oscar C. 1379 Giradet, Leon 1401 Glendenning Sr., Alfred 1369 Goenuette, Norbert, (Attr) 1402 Goodman, H.K. (Attr) 2081 Gore, Ken 1096 Gow, Mary L. 1264 Grasso, Salvatore Fortunato 1424 Graves, Michael 1084, 1085 Greacen, Edmund William 1151 Green, Charles Edwin Lewis 1110 Greer, James Emery 1180 Gruppe, Charles Paul 1081 Gruppe, Emile A 1061-1063, 1073, 1074-1077 Gruppe, Robert C 1090 Hare, David 1325 Hare, John Cuthbert 1354 Harris, Lawren (Attr) 1143 Hausmann, George 1421 Havell, George 1390 Hays, George Arthur 1294 Hayward, Alfred Frederick Wm 1376 Heitkamp, Irving 1420 Hennessey, Tom 1038 Henry, Edward Lamson 1265 Hibbard, Aldro Thompson 1066-1068 Hill, William Lee 1298 Hilliard, William H 1120 Horlor, George W 1391 Hotz, Jonathan 1101 Howe, William Henry 1293 Howes, Jerome 2337 Qty of Ptd Furniture MA Chippendale Walnut Dressing Table Artist Listing Hudson, M.S. 2779 Hunt, Lynn 1365 Indoni, Philippo 1235A Irvine, Wilson H 1169 Jacobsen, Antonio N G 2019-2021 John, Augusts 1242 Johnson, Eldred 1147 Johnson Jr, Marshall 1380 Jones, Leon Foster 1119 Kargl, Franz 1370 Kelly , John Melville 1262 Kennedy, William W (Attr) 2473 Kensett, John F 1433 Knowles, Kenneth J. 1083, 1086, 1087 Koekkoek, Johannes Hermanus 1239 Koekkoek, Marianus A. 1239A Krieghoff, Cornelius David1141, 1142 Kroll, Leon 1261 Kuehne, Max 1059, 1060 La Pira, Gioacchino 1398 Laeverenz, Gustav 1244 Lane, Leonard C 1353 Lang, Heinrich 1404A Laubenheimer, Rudolph P (R.L.)1290 Laurencin, Marie 1263 Lee, Doris 1114 Lebduska, Lawrence A 1331 Lepine, Stanislas 1230 Lewis, Edmund Darch 1283 Lippman, Lillie 1136 Littlefield, William 1323 Lobingier, Elizabeth Miller 1407 Longhi, Peitro 1236 Lorrain, Claude 1253 Magni, Mick (Attributed To) 1440 Malyavin, Filip 1338 Marc, J. 1378 Mass, Helene 1375 Mcconnell, George 1355, 1405 Mellen, Mary Blood (Attr) 1058 Merrick, A.T. 2322 Meyerowitz, William 1327 Miller, William Rickarby 1436 Monticelli, Adolf 1247A Moore, Edwin A 1404 Morrell, Wayne 1093-1095 Nelson A. Moore 1133 Nicholas, T.M. 1092 Nicholas, Tom 1082 Nichols Jr., Hobart 1176 Nicholson, George Washington 1137 Nickerson, Reginald E 2327 Owen, Robert E 1273 Packard, Cynthia 1326 Palumbo, Alphonse 1295 Pancoast, Morris Hall 1381 Parton, Arthur 1275 Peck, Sheldon (Attr) 2220 Peirce, Ivy & Waldo 1056 Peirce, Waldo 1000-1016, 1045- 1054 Peirce, Waldo (Attributed To) 1052 Pels, Albert 1288 Peterson, Jane 1152-1154, 1361, 1362 Pfeiffer, Heinrich Herman R. 1409 Phillips, Ammi (Attr) 2211 Place-Canton, Paul 1351 Pleuthner, Walter Karl 1410 Plummer, Leanderi 1367 Post, William Merritt 1165 Preble, Mary 1041 Prentice, Levi W 1270 Presnal, William Boleslaw 1419 Radcliff, Persis Clayton 1297 Rai1324 Rathbone Jr., Charles H 1430 Reckard, Gardner 1408 Redoute, Pierre J 1346 Renaudin, Alfred 1350 Riccardi, Cesare A. 1411 Richards, William T 1140, 1172 Richards, William Trost - Attr 1276 Ritschel, W (Wilhelm) Frederick1382 Rizzi, James 1320 Robbins, Frederick Goodrich 1450 Roberts, Yan 1415 Romney, George (After) 1444 Rovello, E. 1400 Ryder, Henry 1287 Sanborn, Percy A. 1017 Schaeffer, H. 1416 Schaeffer, Henri Alexis 1227 Schouten, Henry 1291 Schumacher1241 Shaw, Thomas Mott 1158, 1159 Simkhovitch, Simka 1337 Simon, A. 1446 Simone, Antonio De 2011-2013 Sloane, Eric 1117 Smith, Frederick W. 1105, 1106 Smith, Henry Pember 1271 Smith, Xanthus R 1020, 1021 Sprinchorn, Carl 1042 Stansbury, J A 2313 Staples, Roy Harvard 1284 Sterling, Ansel B. 1356 Stevens, William L 1069-1072 Stock, Joseph Whiting 2394 Stonebreaker, Alicia 1177 Strater, Henry 1018 Strisik, Paul 1091 Stuart, Gilbert (After) 2264 Temple, T. 1394 Thaulow, Frits 1374 Thieme, Anthony 1064, 1065, 1078-1080 Thom, James Crawford 1170, 1171 Tompkins, Frank H (Hector) L. 1286, 1412 Thomson, Stoars 2334 Travis, Paul Bough 1332 Trouillebert, Paul 1229 Troutman (Peirce), Ivy 1055 Troyon (Follower), Constant 1254 Turland, George (Goosey) 1279-1282, 1357- 1360, 1384-1386, Turner, Bruce Backman 1104 Tyler, James G. 1173 Tyner, William 1368 Ubeda , Augustin 1231 Unterberger, Franz Richard 1240 Vernet, Carle 1395 Wainwright1396 Walker, Hank 1039, 1040, 1368A Wall, William G 1146 Watson1131 Webber , Wesley Elbridge 1166 Webber, Wesley 1278 Weber, Paul 2232 Wengenroth, Stow 1366 Wiggins, Guy 1148 Willis, Thomas H. 2335, 2338 Willroider, Josef 1371 Woo, Gary 1328 Wood, Hunter 2003 Woodbury, Charles H. 1028-1031 Wouwerman(School)1250 Wyant, Alexander Helwig 1138 Wyeth, Andrew N 1044 Wynne, Madeline Y 1406 Young, Harvey Otis 1161 Zampighi, Eugenio 1235 Zehler, Linda 1032 Zorach, Marguerite 1035 Zorach, Marguerite Thompson 1034 PHOTOGRAPHY Adams, Ansel Costain, Harold H Early 18th C.Mirror w/ Scenic Needlework Selection of Rugs Federal Philadelphia Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke Table Cvd Tobacconist Figure Washington Sulfide Knob Inlaid Mahogany Corner Sideboard Nantucket Windsor Chair Chippendale Rhode Island Shell Carved Mahogany Slant Front Desk MA Chippendale Figured Maple Corner Chair with Walton Prov Lg. Carved Trade Sign PA Tiger Maple Clock Federal Banjo Clock Fabulous Country Accessories QA Chest of Drawers Federal Salem Inlaid Mahogany Card Table Renaissance Revival Walnut Bracket Clock Selection of Tiger Maple furniture Trade Figure of Admiral George Nelson 1181 1182-1222 PRINTS Audubon, John J (After) 1443 Bellows, George W 1438 Benson, Frank W 1434 Bingham, George C. (After) 1439 Chagall, Marc 1335 Currier & Ives 1441, 1442, 2690 Hassam, Childe 1432 Kent, Rockwell 1003A, 1003B Lemmel, Charles 1452 Nechita, Alexandra 1336 Picasso, Pablo (After) 1333, 1334 Poiteau, Pierre A (After) 1348 Redoute, Pierre J (After) 1347 Remington, Frederick S 1299-1301 Schreyvogel, Charles (or Carl) 1302, 1303 Wyeth, Andrew N 1044 Russian Kovsh w/ spoon by Maria Semyenova Selection of Gameboards Important 18th C 5-Pc Delft Garniture Set William Adams Coin Silver Tureen George Jones Massive Vase Norman Flayderman Coll. Civil War Posters 17th/18th C Italian Work Table Tea Caddies & Treen Selection of Windmill Weights 2 of 6 Knife Boxes Salem Corner Chair Lawrence Irvine Fish (1 of 8) BRONZES & SCULPTURE Bergman, Franz X 1309 Chotka, Anton 1312 Fitzgerald, James H 1043 Gressel, Michael L. 1316 Gross, Chaim 1318 Kauba, Carl (After) 1307 Kelety, Alexandrew (Attr) 1319 Lachaise, Gaston (After) 1317 McGary, Dave 1306 Milo1314 Remington, Frederick (After) 1308 Szczeblewski, V (After) 1257 Vanderlei, Phil 1315 Inlaid Sideboard Paul Goth Art Nouveau Chest Philip & Kelvin Laverne Center Table Tiger Maple Recamier Cars from the Estates of John Cichocki (Norridgewock, ME) & the Estate of Annie Chase (Randolph, ME) 1926 Franklin Boattail Roadster 1964 Oldsmobile Cutlass 1948 Chrysler New Yorker 1955 Dodge Lancer Harold Haliday Costain War of 1812 - Depicting Admiral Perry & The Battle of Lake Erie Antonio Jacobsen (1 of 3) Archive Collection: 100s of photographs from the Studio of Harold Haliday Costain from the Costain family Franz Bergman Collection of Doorstops Victor Hugo Notre-Dame De Paris: Nouvelle Edition Illustree Dave McGary French Shelf Clock Louis Mynuel 1 of Several Quilts Carved Eastern Wei Period Gilt Manjushri, Yong Torso Lo Mark & Period 19th C Pair of Ku Form Porcelain Vases 17th Century Thangka Famille Rose Porcelain Vase Wan Li Bowl Chun Yao Planter Yellow Porcelain Stupa 19th Century Oviform Vase Selection of Plaques Orange Glaze Porcelain Bowl Attr. to Mary Mellen after Fitz H. Lane’s “The Annisquam River Looking Toward Ipswich Bay, 1848” Celadon Porcelain Vase Pair Of Cloisonné Vases Japanese Bronze by Masatune Kimura 18th Century SinoTibetan Buddha Cloisonné Enameled Burner Cloisonné Gourd Shape Censer 14th C Carved Hindu Image B&W Vase Jade Ring Vase Manner of Paul de Vos Charles H. Woodbury (1 of 2) Anthony Thieme (1 of 3) Tzu Tan Brush Pot Cornelius David Krieghoff Chinese Export Goose Montague Dawson Charles C. Curran Wu Tsai Ware Porcelain Bowl Max Kuehne (1 of 2) Yung Lo Period Hui Hui Ching Bowl Charles E. Burchfield Emile Gruppe Cornelius David Krieghoff School Of Wouwerman Eugene Galien-Laloue Pair of Famille Rose Table Screens Jane Peterson Aldro T. Hibbard Pierre J. Redoute Samuel Carr Eric Sloane Outstanding Large Selection of Waldo Peirce Works Descending Through the Family Attr. to Zhang Daqian Scroll Marble Bust M/T Carved Table Large Meiji Bronze Carved MOP Armchair Carved Rocking Armchair Screen w/ Porcelain Plaques Carved Stone Guardian Figure 19th C Ming Style Porcelain Bowl Unser Kent Book - Family copy Carved Wooden Screen Aloeswood Scepter Lac Burgaute Table Pair of Armchairs Pr of Horseshoe Back Armchairs Percy Sanborn Marble Fragment Onion Vase Pr of Cloisonné Censers Aloeswood Bowl Cloisonné Vase Rose Quartz Urn Lg. Aubergine Glaze Vase Pair of Fine Porcelain Wall Vases Pair of Porcelain Teapots 3-Part Fitzhugh Warming Dish Bronze Drum Franz Unterberger Jade Pendant w/ diamonds Jadeite Carving Carved Pale Yellow Jade Pendant Carved Jade Pendant Selection of Textiles Sino-Tibetan Gilt Bronze Figure Marie Laurencin Paul Cornoyer Soapstone Seal Polychrome Bottle Vase Pair of Figures Dragon Bottle Vase Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove signed “Chen Muqing” Carved Altar Table Green Jade Scepter Ting Form Cloisonné Incense Burner Round Porcelain Box Jade Carving Fine Yellow Carved Jade Censer Porcelain Cricket Cage Fine Jade Incense Box Pair of Large Rose Medallion Vases Korean Court Apron Decorated Bronze Censer Carved Jade Finial Pair Of Cloisonné Censers Jade Resonance Stone Jade Handled Cup Porcelain Garden Seat Limestone Architectural Fragment “Garlic Mouth” Porcelain Vase Large Fang Hu Porcelain Vase Stone Head of Buddha Jade Carving Cinnabar Snuff Bottle James Crawford Thom Cesare Detti John Bentley William T. Richards Joseph W. Stock Portrait of Capt. Jefferson Devereux, Castine, ME William H. Hilliard Samuel Lancaster Gerry Benjamin Champney Fernando C. Amorsolo (1 of 2) Wilson Henry Irvine Eugene Zampighi Russell Cheney Xanthus Smith (1 of 2) Paul Weber (1 of 2) 1 of 15 Early Child Portraits Henry J Geoffroy Attr. to John S. Blunt Votive Stele of Bodhisattva Lg Mandarin Covered Jar Doris Lee Marguerite Zorach Carnelian Carving Oene Romkes De Jongh Leon F. Jones William Davis (1 of 4) Alexandre Kelety (Attr) Questions: Please contact Tony Greist, Katya Tilton or Megan Phinney. Email: Catalogs: $40 each by U.S. Priority mail. Buyer’s Premium: Reduced to 18.5% if payment is by check or cash. If payment is made by credit card the standard 21.5% buyer’s premium applies. Terms: Cash or good check (buyer is liable for interest and legal fees incurred in the collection of bad accounts). Finder’s Fee: Please remember we are always willing to pay a generous finder’s fee for information resulting in the purchase or consignment of fine antiques. Please check our website at for the latest additions. The entire catalog with illustrations is now online. All descriptions subject to error. All legal d isputes resulting from this auction will be settled in the State of Maine court system. This auction conducted in compliance with Maine UCC statutes. Directions: Exit 133 off I-95, 1 mile North on US Route 201. Bid Live during the auction: Fine Jade Carving of a Cicada Edouard Cortes Seated Figure Of Rouleau The Buddha Porcelain Vase Carlos Maria De Bustamante Crest Chinese Export Ware Pitcher Porcelain Beehive Form Water Coupe Johann Berthelsen Selection of Archaic Bronzes 1 of 15 Early Child Portraits Lung Chuan Vase Frederic Remington (After) Soapstone Seal Stephen Etnier Fine Green Jade Fang Lu Form Censer Eugene G. Laloue (Dupuy) Eugene Laloue (1 of 3) Attributed to Lawren Harris C.E. Cider Jug William L. Stevens (1 of 3) Buddha Bronze Image Jay H. Connaway Jadeite And Diamond Pendant Ralph Cahoon (1 of 3) Jane Peterson | (formerly Artfact) Dept. P, P.O. Box 830, Fairfield, ME 04937 | Tel: + 1 207 453 7125 | Fax: + 1 207 453 2502 | Fairfield, ME | Woburn, MA | Lic#: ME: AR83 | MA: AU1406 | NH: 2511
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