Aprons Farrier aprons listed here are all high quality. Some are all
Aprons Farrier aprons listed here are all high quality. Some are all
Aprons Farrier aprons listed here are all high quality. Some are all leather and others are made of light weight Cordura with leather knee pads. BC Black/silver XL TBCA1 150.00 for 1+ Pro style blue/black TBCAPRO4 187.50 for 1+ Pro style blue/black S TBCAPRO4S 187.50 for 1+ Hipster Flamemaster L TGAHFML 247.95 for 1+ Hipster Flamemaster S TGAHFMS 224.75 for 1+ Davis 28" apron - green TKDA28G 154.86 for 1+ Myron McLane Apron- Blue TMMAMBLUE 185.60 for 1+ NC leather apron - heavy TNCAPRONLH 133.50 for 1+ NC leather apron - long TNCAPRONLL 136.50 for 1+ NC leather apron-regular TNCAPRONLR 121.50 for 1+ Bee's wax Miscellaneous items from Bee's wax to Hoof picks and magnets. 2 oz tin Bee's Wax MBW 6.83 for 1+ Boxes tool Needs non-html description NC tall 3 shelf tool box TNCTB3 279.85 for 1+ NC tall 2 shelf tool box TNCTBT 230.55 for 1+ Thorobred Model 90 tool box TTBTB90 176.18 for 1+ Toolbox-Classic Yoder TYOTBC 229.10 for 1+ Clinch Blocks Metal, usually steel, blocks used in the "clinch blocking" process. Bloom Clinch Block TBFCB 38.07 for 1+ Clinch Block-Mustad TMUCB 28.28 for 1+ Clinch Cutter/Undercuts Clinch cutters are used to straighten and cut the old clinches prior to pulling the shoe from the hoof. Clinch undercuts (gouges) are used to remove a tiny piece of hoof below the exit holes of nails just prior to clinching the new shoes. BF right clinch cutter TBFCCRH 48.95 for 1+ BF left combo cutter TBFCUCLH 56.90 for 1+ BF right clinch undercut TBFCURH 40.50 for 1+ Clinch Cutter - Mustad TMUCC 35.97 for 1+ Clinch cutter -Nordic TNORCC 20.93 for 1+ Clinchers Needs non-html description Foot Pro angled clincher TFPROCLA FP clincher TFPSHCL 87.41 for 1+ GE curved jaw clincher TGECLCJ 170.20 for 1+ GE curved jaw low nail clincher TGECLCJL 170.20 for 1+ Clincher - Mustad TMUCL Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 127.50 for 1+ 70.93 for 1+ Page 1/30 Driving Hammers Farrier driving or nailing hammers. ONLY for driving horseshoe nails. 12 oz waffle hamr AB TABDH12W 59.55 for 1+ SS driving hammer 14 oz. TLGDH14 82.50 for 1+ Liberty 6 oz. hammer TLIDH6 117.00 for 1+ Liberty 8 oz. hammer TLIDH8 117.00 for 1+ Liberty 9 oz. hammer TLIDH9 117.00 for 1+ 11 oz. Mustad hammer TMUDH11 56.22 for 1+ 17 oz. Mustad hammer TMUDH17 58.16 for 1+ NC 10 oz. hammer TNCDH10 64.50 for 1+ NC 12 oz. hammer TNCDH12 64.50 for 1+ NC 14 oz. hammer TNCDH14 72.00 for 1+ Nordic 12 oz.hammer TNORDH12 37.02 for 1+ Nordic 14 oz.hammer TNORDH14 37.02 for 1+ Files Files for sharpening hoof knives. Veneer files have rounded edges, flat files have crisp, square edges. 6 inch file- flat veneer TSEFILE6FV 6.29 for 1+ 8 inch veneer knife file TSEFILEF8V 39.12 for 1+ hoof gauge brass THGB 26.66 for 1+ W & S Hoof gauge TWSHG 55.10 for 1+ W&S replacement arm TWSHGA 17.40 for 1+ Hoof Gauges Gauges for determining the angle of the hoof. Hoof finishing tools Tools to put show finishes to the equine hoof. Sanding Bar MSB 1.69 for 1-14 Hoof Buffer attachment TGRHB Hoof Buffer air bladder TGRHBAB 100 grit 2"x4" 10/pack TGRHBS100 21.75 for 1+ 60 grit 2"x4" 10/pack TGRHBS60 23.20 for 1+ 80 grit 2"x4" 10/pack TGRHBS80 22.33 for 1+ 1.58 for 15+ 72.45 for 1+ 4.13 for 1+ Hoof Picks These hoof picks are all heavy duty, built for the serious horse owner, farrier and veterinarian. Hoof pick JC TJCHP 14.93 for 1+ Jackhammer ultimate pick TULHP 15.00 for 1+ Jackhammer Jr. hoofpick Blue & Black TULHPJR 14.03 for 1+ Hoof Stands Hoof stands and cradles for holding the horse's hoof when clinching, cleaning or shoeing. Hoofjack hoof stand THJHS HoofJack reg. cradle THJHSCR 56.80 for 1+ Hoofjack large cap THJHSLC 9.00 for 1+ Hoofjack small cap THJSC 9.00 for 1+ Hoofjack tension knob THJTK 12.00 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 197.38 for 1+ Page 2/30 Hoof Stands (continued) NC adjustable hoof stand TNCHS Cradle for NC hoof stand TNCHSC 150.00 for 1+ 30.00 for 1+ Hoof Nippers Needs non-html description Foot Pro 12" nipper TFPRONIP12 195.05 for 1+ FootPro 14" hoof nipper TFPRONIP14 201.30 for 1+ FootPro 14"Race nipper TFPRONIP14R 201.30 for 1+ FootPro 15" hoof nipper TFPRONIP15 201.30 for 1+ FootPro half round niper TFPRONIPHR 202.50 for 1+ GE 12" nipper Classic TGENIP12 223.48 for 1+ 12" GE EZ nipper TGENIP12EZ 223.48 for 1+ GE 14" nipper Classic TGENIP14 227.92 for 1+ GE 14" Easy Nipper TGENIP14EZ 227.92 for 1+ GE 14" race nipper Class TGENIP14R 227.92 for 1+ 14" GE EZ race nipper TGENIP14REZ 227.92 for 1+ GE 15" nipper Classic TGENIP15 227.92 for 1+ GE 15" Easy nipper TGENIP15EZ 227.92 for 1+ GE 12" Halfround nipper TGENIPHR 244.20 for 1+ 12" Hoof Nipper TMUNIP12 88.58 for 1+ 14" Hoof Nipper Mustad TMUNIP14 92.51 for 1+ 15" Hoof Nipper Mustad TMUNIP15 100.91 for 1+ Nordic 12" hoof nipper semi polished TNORNIP12 92.03 for 1+ Nordic 15" hoof nipper semi-polished TNORNIP15 97.10 for 1+ W-Brand Nipper Springs TWBNS 9.98 for 1+ TKHTR 46.25 for 1+ Hoof Testers Needs non-html description Round hoof tester SS Knives Farrier hoof knives, right and left handed, straight or drop blade and loop knives. Classic knife RH long TABKCRHL 39.30 for 1+ Classic knife RH reg. TABKCRHR 39.68 for 1+ The Knife RH long TABKRHL 31.73 for 1+ The Knife RH reg. TABKRHR 31.73 for 1+ Bloom Loop knife TBFKLOOP 56.27 for 1+ Bloom knife Offset RH TBFKRHDB 42.27 for 1+ Bloom knife Reg. RH TBFKRHRB 42.27 for 1+ Bloom Special knife RH TBFKSR 42.27 for 1+ FP knife RH narrow TFPKRHN 17.24 for 1+ FP knife right hand wide TFPKRHW 17.24 for 1+ Frost RH narrow blade TFRKNR 17.73 for 1+ Frost RH wide blade TFRKWR 18.56 for 1+ Hasting GoldDot RH knife THASKGDR 18.75 for 1+ Hasting ProCut RH Knife THASKPCR 19.50 for 1+ Stasharp knife righthand THASKSS 30.00 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 3/30 Knives (continued) Tosaky Pony Knife RH TTFKPONY-RH 72.50 for 1+ Tosaky knife left reg. TTFKWLREG 72.50 for 1+ Tosaky knife Wide Long TTFKWRLONG 72.50 for 1+ Tosaky knife Wide reg. TTFKWRREG 72.50 for 1+ Knife Sharpening tools Knife honing tools. Abrasive steel for final honing of hoof knives. Grinding and buffing equipment FP knife sharpener TFPKS 37.92 for 1+ 6" buff/sharpening wheel TGRBSW6 79.16 for 1+ 6" Grooved Felt Wheel TGRKBW6 28.93 for 1+ Knife sharpener Mustad diamond/steel TMUKS 32.04 for 1+ Savedge knife sharpener TSEKS 30.45 for 1+ Nail Cutters These nail cutters are intended for use on horseshoe nails ONLY. They are built well for this purpose, NOT for household or common nails. Knipex 8" nail cutter TKXNC8 38.36 for 1+ Knipex Power nail cutter TKXNCPC 54.48 for 1+ 11" Nail Cutter Mustad TMUNC11 73.94 for 1+ Nail Pullers-Crease These tools are specifically designed to extract horseshoe nails from the crease of the shoe. FP blackened nail puller TFPCNP 67.83 for 1+ FootPro nail puller TFPROCNP 99.60 for 1+ GE crease nail puller TGECNP 112.50 for 1+ Crease nail puller-Musta TMUCNP 71.18 for 1+ Rasp Handles Needs non-html description Bellota rasp handl-clear TBERH 5.64 for 1+ Rasp handle drive on TLURHDO 4.37 for 1-3 4.08 for 4+ Rasp handle screw on TLURHSO 3.83 for 1-3 3.57 for 4+ T-9 rasp handle screw on TLURHT9 4.29 for 1-3 4.01 for 4+ Rasp handle Mustad TMURH 5.33 for 1+ Savedge rasp handl black TSERHBLACK 8.36 for 1-5 7.81 for 6+ Savedge rasp handle blue TSERHBLUE 8.12 for 1-5 7.58 for 6+ Savedge rasp handle red TSERHRED 8.12 for 1-5 7.58 for 6+ Savedge rasphandle white TSERHWHITE 8.12 for 1-5 7.58 for 6+ Rasps Needs non-html description Bellota Classic rasp TBERASPC 23.74 for 1-5 22.10 for 6+ Bellota Razor 14" rasp TBERASPR 25.02 for 1-5 23.29 for 6+ Bellota Razor Plus rasp TBERASPRPLUS 25.64 for 1-5 23.87 for 6+ Bellota Top Sharp rasp TBERASPTS 23.74 for 1-5 22.10 for 6+ Exim MaxCut rasp TEXRASPMAX 24.65 for 1-4 22.95 for 5+ FootProT Sandbox Tool TFPROSBT Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 130.00 for 1+ Page 4/30 Rasps (continued) Heller red tang rasp THERASP 24.48 for 1-4 22.79 for 5+ Heller Blk Master rasp THERASPBM 27.98 for 1-4 26.05 for 5+ Heller eXceL rasp THERASPEX 27.98 for 1-4 26.05 for 5+ Heller Legend rasp THERASPLEG 24.48 for 1-4 22.79 for 5+ Heller Legend blk. rasp THERASPLEGBL 34.79 for 1-4 32.39 for 5+ JV rasp holder aluminum/vinyl lined TJVRH 25.05 for 1+ Mercury Hoof Rasp TMERASP 22.62 for 1-5 2 T-Flex rasp tip covers TRASPCOVER Savedge 14" rasp TSERASP14 24.21 for 1-5 22.54 for 6+ Savedge 14" Beast rasp "Beast" TSERASP14W 29.56 for 1-5 27.52 for 6+ Savedge 17" Beast rasp TSERASP17W 31.49 for 1-5 29.93 for 6+ 8" Wing Divider TABWD8 10.13 for 1+ FP hoof balance ruler TFPHBR 25.58 for 1+ 24" folding brass ruler TFPR24 52.10 for 1+ 6" spring wing divider TFPWD6 13.80 for 1+ W-Brand Hoof Evener hoof measuring tool TWBRHE 10.50 for 1+ W-Brand horseshoe rule TWBRHR 22.05 for 1+ FP shoe pullers TFPPO 67.20 for 1+ GE 12" Pulloff TGEPO12 166.75 for 1+ GE 14" Pulloff TGEPO14 166.75 for 1+ 14" Pulloffs Mustad TMUPO14 91.05 for 1+ 21.06 for 6+ 7.13 for 1+ Rulers Needs non-html description Shoe Pullers Needs non-html description Standard Needs non-html description #0 Standard SKST0 4.71 for 1-14 4.40 for 15+ #00 Standard SKST00 4.61 for 1-14 4.30 for 15+ #1 Standard SKST1 4.71 for 1-14 4.40 for 15+ #2 Standard SKST2 5.22 for 1-14 4.88 for 15+ #3 Standard SKST3 5.22 for 1-14 4.88 for 15+ #0 Standard Extra SKSTEX0 4.76 for 1-14 4.44 for 15+ #00 Standard Extra SKSTEX00 4.76 for 1-14 4.44 for 15+ #1 Standard Extra SKSTEX1 4.86 for 1-14 4.54 for 15+ #2 Standard Extra SKSTEX2 5.09 for 1-14 4.75 for 15+ #3 Standard Extra SKSTEX3 5.49 for 1-14 5.13 for 15+ #0 Standard lite SKSTL0 4.28 for 1-14 3.99 for 15+ #00 Standard lite SKSTL00 4.28 for 1-14 3.99 for 15+ #000 Standard lite SKSTL000 4.28 for 1-14 3.99 for 15+ #1 Standard lite SKSTL1 4.28 for 1-14 3.99 for 15+ #0 Standard lite rim SKSTLR0 4.26 for 1-14 3.98 for 15+ #00 Standard lite rim SKSTLR00 4.26 for 1-14 3.98 for 15+ #000 Standard lite rim SKSTLR000 4.26 for 1-14 3.98 for 15+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 5/30 Standard (continued) #1 Standard lite rim SKSTLR1 4.26 for 1-14 3.98 for 15+ #4x0 Standard Pony SKSTP40 4.56 for 1-14 4.26 for 15+ #6x0 Standard Pony SKSTP60 4.56 for 1-14 4.26 for 15+ #8x0 Standard Pony SKSTP80 4.56 for 1-14 4.26 for 15+ #0 Standard rim SKSTR0 4.98 for 1-14 4.65 for 15+ #1 Standard rim SKSTR1 4.98 for 1-14 4.65 for 15+ #2 Standard rim SKSTR2 4.98 for 1-14 4.65 for 15+ #0 SX7 front QC SK7CF0 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #00 SX7 front QC SK7CF00 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #000 SX7 front QC SK7CF000 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #1 SX7 front QC SK7CF1 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #2 SX7 front QC SK7CF2 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #0 SX7 hind SC SK7CH0 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #000 SX7 hind SC SK7CH000 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #1 SX7 hind SC SK7CH1 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #2 SX7 hind SC SK7CH2 6.57 for 1-14 6.14 for 15+ #0 SX7 front SK7F0 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #00 SX7front SK7F00 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #000 SX7 front SK7F000 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #0000 SX7 front SK7F0000 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #1 SX7 front SK7F1 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #2 SX7 front SK7F2 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #0 SX7 hind SK7H0 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #00 SX7 hind SK7H00 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #000 SX7 hind SK7H000 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #0000 SX7 hind SK7H0000 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #1 SX7 hind SK7H1 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #2 SX7 hind SK7H2 4.44 for 1-14 4.15 for 15+ #0 SX8 front QC SK8CF0 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #00 SX8 front QC SK8CF00 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #1 SX8 front QC SK8CF1 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #2 SX8 front QC SK8CF2 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #3 SX8 front QC SK8CF3 7.68 for 1-14 7.17 for 15+ #4 SX8 front QC SK8CF4 7.68 for 1-14 7.17 for 15+ #0 SX8 hind SC SK8CH0 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #00 SX8 hind SC SK8CH00 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #1 SX8 hind SC SK8CH1 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #2 SX8 hind SC SK8CH2 6.83 for 1-14 6.37 for 15+ #3 SX8 hind SC SK8CH3 7.68 for 1-14 7.17 for 15+ #4 SX8 hind SC SK8CH4 7.68 for 1-14 7.17 for 15+ #0 SX8 front SK8F0 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ SX-7 Needs non-html description SX-8 Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 6/30 SX-8 (continued) #00 SX8 front SK8F00 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #1 SX8 front SK8F1 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #2 SX8 front SK8F2 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #3 SX8 front SK8F3 5.60 for 1-14 5.23 for 15+ #0 SX8 hind SK8H0 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #00 SX8 hind SK8H00 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #1 SX8 hind SK8H1 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #2 SX8 hind SK8H2 4.91 for 1-14 4.58 for 15+ #3 SX8 hind SK8H3 5.60 for 1-14 5.23 for 15+ #1 SSP front 22x8 SKSSPF1 6.36 for 1-14 5.94 for 15+ #2 SSP front 22x8 SKSSPF2 6.36 for 1-14 5.94 for 15+ #3 SSP front 22x8 SKSSPF3 6.36 for 1-14 5.94 for 15+ #4 SSP front 22x10 SKSSPF4 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #5 SSP front 22x10 SKSSPF5 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #3 SSP hind 22x8 SKSSPH3 6.36 for 1-14 5.94 for 15+ #4 SSP hind 22x10 SKSSPH4 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #5 SSP hind 22x10 SKSSPH5 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #00 Triumph front QC SKTCF00 7.25 for 1-14 6.77 for 15+ #1 Triumph front QC SKTCF1 7.25 for 1-14 6.77 for 15+ #2 Triumph front QC SKTCF2 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #3 Triumph front QC SKTCF3 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #0 Triumph hind SC SKTCH0 7.25 for 1-14 6.77 for 15+ #00 Triumph hind SC SKTCH00 7.25 for 1-14 6.77 for 15+ #1 Triumph hind SC SKTCH1 7.25 for 1-14 6.77 for 15+ #2 Triumph hind SC SKTCH2 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #3 Triumph hind SC SKTCH3 7.59 for 1-14 7.09 for 15+ #0 Triumph front SKTF0 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #00 Triumph front SKTF00 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #1 Triumph front SKTF1 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #2 Triumph front SKTF2 5.66 for 1-14 5.28 for 15+ #3 Triumph front SKTF3 5.66 for 1-14 5.28 for 15+ #0 Triumph hind SKTH0 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #00 Triumph hind SKTH00 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #1 Triumph hind SKTH1 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #2 Triumph hind SKTH2 5.66 for 1-14 5.28 for 15+ #0 Triumph light front SKTLF0 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #00 Triumph light front SKTLF00 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #000 Triumph light front SKTLF000 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #1 Triumph light front SKTLF1 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #0 Triumph light hind SKTLH0 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #00 Triumph light hind SKTLH00 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ SSP Needs non-html description Triumph (steel) Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 7/30 Triumph (steel) (continued) #000 Triumph light hind SKTLH000 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #1 Triumph light hind SKTLH1 5.10 for 1-14 4.76 for 15+ #3 DF front 22x10 QC SKDFCF10MM3 8.27 for 1-14 7.72 for 15+ #4 DF front 25x10 QC SKDFCF10MM4 9.23 for 1-14 8.61 for 15+ #5 DF front 25x10 QC SKDFCF10MM5 9.92 for 1-14 9.26 for 15+ #1 DF Front 22x8 QC SKDFCF8MM1 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #2 DF Front 22x8 QC SKDFCF8MM2 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #1 DF hind 22x10 SC SKDFCH10MM1 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #2 DF hind 22x10 SC SKDFCH10MM2 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #0 H DF Select 20x8 SC SKDFSCH0 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #1 H DF Select 20x8 SC SKDFSCH1 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #2 H DF Select 22x8 SC SKDFSCH2 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #3 DF Select H 22x8 SC SKDFSCH3 8.31 for 1-14 7.76 for 15+ #4 DF Select H 25x10 SC SKDFSCH410 10.40 for 1-14 9.71 for 15+ #5 DF Select H 25x10 SC SKDFSCH510 10.40 for 1-14 9.71 for 15+ #0 DF front 22x8 TC SKDFTCF0 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #1 DF front 22x8 TC SKDFTCF1 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #2 DF front 22x8 TC SKDFTCF2 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #3 DF front 22x8 TC SKDFTCF3 7.71 for 1-14 7.20 for 15+ #4 DF front 25x8 TC SKDFTCF4 9.06 for 1-14 8.46 for 15+ #0 hind G.Prix 20x8 SKGPH0 8.40 for 1-14 7.84 for 15+ #1 hind G.Prix 20x8 SKGPH1 8.40 for 1-14 7.84 for 15+ #2 hind G.Prix 22x8 SKGPH2 8.40 for 1-14 7.84 for 15+ #3 hind G.Prix 24x8 SKGPH3 8.75 for 1-14 8.17 for 15+ #4 hind G.Prix 25x8 SKGPH4 8.97 for 1-14 8.38 for 15+ #0 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF0 9.47 for 1-9 8.84 for 10+ #00 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF00 9.47 for 1-9 8.84 for 10+ #1 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF1 9.81 for 1-9 9.16 for 10+ #2 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF2 9.81 for 1-9 9.16 for 10+ #3 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF3 10.85 for 1-9 10.13 for 10+ #4 CR front 24x8 QC SKCRCF4 10.85 for 1-9 10.13 for 10+ #1 Classic Roller Eggbar SKCREB1F 25.11 for 1-4 23.44 for 5+ #2 Classic Roller Eggbar SKCREB2F 25.11 for 1-4 23.44 for 5+ #0 Clas. Roller Fst Brek Fast Break SKCRF0 9.47 for 1-9 8.84 for 10+ #1 Clas. Roller Fst Brek Fast Break SKCRF1 9.47 for 1-9 8.84 for 10+ #2 Clas. Roller Fst Bre Fast Break SKCRF2 10.50 for 1-9 9.80 for 10+ DF Series Needs non-html description Classic Roller Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 8/30 Eventer plain (no clips) Needs non-html description #0 Evntr fr.n/c 20pr/bx SSCEVF0 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #00 Evntr fr.n/c 20p/bx SSCEVF00 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #000 Evntr fr.n/c 20p/bx SSCEVF000 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #1 Evntr fr.n/c 20pr/bx SSCEVF1 4.68 for 1-19 4.37 for 20+ #2 Evntr fr.n/c 20pr/bx SSCEVF2 5.00 for 1-19 4.67 for 20+ #3 Evntr fr.n/c 10pr/bx SSCEVF3 5.21 for 1-19 4.86 for 20+ #4 Evntr fr.n/c 10pr/bx SSCEVF4 5.62 for 1-9 5.24 for 10+ #0 Evntr hd. n/c 20 pr SSCEVH0 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #00 Evntr hd.n/c 20p/bx SSCEVH00 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #000 Evntr hd.n/c 20p/bx SSCEVH000 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #1 Evntr hd. n/c 20p/bx SSCEVH1 4.68 for 1-19 4.37 for 20+ #2 Evntr hd. n/c 20p/bx SSCEVH2 5.00 for 1-19 4.67 for 20+ #3 Evntr hd. n/c 10p/bx SSCEVH3 5.20 for 1-19 4.86 for 20+ #0 Evntr fr. clips 10pr SSCEVCF0 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #00 Evntr fr. clip 10pr SSCEVCF00 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #1 Evntr fr. clip 10pr SSCEVCF1 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #2 Evntr frnt clip 10p SSCEVCF2 7.08 for 1-9 6.61 for 10+ #3 Evntr frnt clip 10pr SSCEVCF3 7.39 for 1-9 6.90 for 10+ #4 Evntr frnt clip 10pr SSCEVCF4 7.53 for 1-9 7.03 for 10+ #0 Evntr hd. Clips 10pr SSCEVCH0 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #00Evntr hd. clip 10pr SSCEVCH00 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #1Evntr hd.clips 10p/bx SSCEVCH1 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #2Evntr hd.clips 10p/bx SSCEVCH2 7.08 for 1-9 6.61 for 10+ #3Evntr hd.clips 10p/bx SSCEVCH3 7.39 for 1-9 6.90 for 10+ #4Evntr hd.clips 10p/bx SSCEVCH4 7.53 for 1-9 7.03 for 10+ #0 Evntr fr. t/c 10p/bx SSCEVTCF0 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #1 Evntr fr. t/c 10p/bx SSCEVTCF1 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #2 Evntr fr. t/c 10p/bx SSCEVTCF2 7.08 for 1-9 6.61 for 10+ #0 Plain 20pr/bx SSCP0 4.18 for 1-19 3.90 for 20+ #000 Plain 20pr/bx SSCP000 4.18 for 1-19 3.90 for 20+ #1 Plain 20pr/bx SSCP1 4.42 for 1-19 4.13 for 20+ #2 Plain 20pr/bx SSCP2 4.68 for 1-19 4.37 for 20+ #3 Plain 10pr/bx SSCP3 4.98 for 1-19 4.65 for 20+ Eventer with side clips Needs non-html description Eventer with toe clips Needs non-html description Plain Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 9/30 Light Plain A lighter version of the St. Croix Plain horseshoe, thickness of shoe is 5/16" #3 Plain Lite 10pr/bx SSCPL3 4.64 for 1-9 4.33 for 10+ #0 Lite V-Crease/20pr SSCPLV0 3.87 for 1-19 3.62 for 20+ #00 Lite V-Crease/20pr SSCPLV00 3.87 for 1-19 3.62 for 20+ #000 Lite V-Crease/20pr SSCPLV000 3.87 for 1-19 3.62 for 20+ #1 Lite V-Crease/20pr SSCPLV1 4.11 for 1-19 3.84 for 20+ #2 Lite V-Crease/20pr SSCPLV2 4.35 for 1-19 4.06 for 20+ #2 Rim 20pr/bx SSCR2 4.83 for 1-19 4.51 for 20+ #3 Rim 10pr/bx SSCR3 5.15 for 1-19 4.81 for 20+ #0 Rim V-Crease SSCRV0 4.32 for 1-19 4.03 for 20+ #00 Rim V-Crease SSCRV00 4.32 for 1-19 4.03 for 20+ #000 Rim V-Crease SSCRV000 4.32 for 1-19 4.03 for 20+ #1 Rim V-Crease SSCRV1 4.57 for 1-19 4.27 for 20+ #2 Rim V-Crease SSCRV2 4.83 for 1-19 4.51 for 20+ Rim Needs non-html description Lite Rim The lighter version of the regular weight Rim Horseshoe. Shoe thickness is 5/16". #0 Lite Rim V-Crease SSCRLV0 3.99 for 1-19 3.73 for 20+ #00 Lite Rim V-Crease SSCRLV00 3.99 for 1-19 3.73 for 20+ #1 Lite Rim V-Crease SSCRLV1 4.25 for 1-19 3.97 for 20+ #2 Lite Rim V-Crease SSCRLV2 4.49 for 1-19 4.19 for 20+ #0 Heel 10pr/bx SSCH0 4.58 for 1-9 4.27 for 10+ #00 Heel 20pr/bx SSCH00 4.57 for 1-19 4.27 for 20+ #1 Heel 10pr/bx SSCH1 4.93 for 1-9 4.60 for 10+ #2 Heel 10pr/bx SSCH2 5.32 for 1-9 4.97 for 10+ #3 Heel 10pr/bx SSCH3 5.73 for 1-19 5.35 for 20+ Heeled Needs non-html description Lite Heeled A lighter version of the regular weight heeled horseshoe. The shoe is 5/16" thick. #0 Heel Lite 10pr/bx SSCHL0 4.23 for 1-9 3.95 for 10+ #00 Heel Lite 20pr/bx SSCHL00 4.23 for 1-19 3.95 for 20+ #000 Heel Lite 20pr/bx SSCHL000 4.23 for 1-19 3.95 for 20+ #1 Heel Lite 10pr/bx SSCHL1 4.59 for 1-9 4.29 for 10+ #2 Heel Lite 10pr/bx SSCHL2 4.95 for 1-19 4.62 for 20+ #3 Heel Lite 10pr/bx SSCHL3 5.34 for 1-19 4.99 for 20+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 10/30 Toe & Heel Needs non-html description #0 Toe/Heel 10pr/bx SSCTH0 4.77 for 1-9 4.46 for 10+ #00 Toe/Heel 20pr/bx SSCTH00 4.77 for 1-19 4.46 for 20+ #000 Toe/Heel 20pr/bx SSCTH000 4.77 for 1-19 4.46 for 20+ #1 Toe/Heel 10pr/bx SSCTH1 5.05 for 1-9 4.71 for 10+ #2 Toe/Heel 10pr/bx SSCTH2 5.34 for 1-9 4.99 for 10+ #3 Toe/Heel 10pr/bx SSCTH3 5.69 for 1-9 5.31 for 10+ #0 T&H Lite10pr/bx SSCTHL0 4.39 for 1-9 4.10 for 10+ #00 T&H Lite 20pr/bx SSCTHL00 4.39 for 1-19 4.10 for 20+ #000 T&H Lite 20pr/bx SSCTHL000 4.39 for 1-19 4.10 for 20+ #1 T&H Lite10pr/bx SSCTHL1 4.66 for 1-9 4.35 for 10+ #2 T&H Lite 10pr/bx SSCTHL2 4.92 for 1-9 4.59 for 10+ #0 Ultra Lt Rim 20pr/bx SSCULR0 5.33 for 1-19 4.97 for 20+ #00 Ultra Lt Rim 20pr/bx SSCULR00 5.33 for 1-19 4.97 for 20+ #000 Ultra Lt Rm 20pr/bx SSCULR000 5.33 for 1-19 4.97 for 20+ #1 Ultra Lt Rim 20pr/bx SSCULR1 5.48 for 1-19 5.11 for 20+ #2 Ultra Lt Rim 20pr/bx SSCULR2 5.65 for 1-19 5.27 for 20+ #0 Polo fr. 20pr/bx SSCPOLOF0 5.38 for 1-19 5.02 for 20+ #00 Polo fr. 20pr/bx SSCPOLOF00 5.38 for 1-19 5.02 for 20+ #1 Polo fr. 20pr/bx SSCPOLOF1 5.53 for 1-19 5.16 for 20+ #0 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF0 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #00 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF00 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #1 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF1 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #2 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF2 7.08 for 1-9 6.61 for 10+ #3 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF3 7.39 for 1-9 6.90 for 10+ #4 EZ fr. clips 10/bx SSCEZCF4 8.28 for 1-9 7.03 for 10+ #0 EZ hd. clip 10/bx SSCEZCH0 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #00 EZ hd. clip 10/bx SSCEZCH00 6.89 for 1-9 6.43 for 10+ #2 EZ hd. clip 10/bx SSCEZCH2 7.08 for 1-9 6.61 for 10+ #3 EZ hd. clip 10/bx SSCEZCH3 7.39 for 1-9 6.90 for 10+ #4 EZ hd. clip 10/bx SSCEZCH4 7.53 for 1-9 7.03 for 10+ #0 EZ front 20pr/bx SSCEZF0 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #00 EZ front 20pr/bx SSCEZF00 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #1 EZ front 20pr/bx SSCEZF1 4.68 for 1-19 4.37 for 20+ #2 EZ front 20pr/bx SSCEZF2 5.00 for 1-19 4.67 for 20+ Light Toe & Heel Needs non-html description Ultra Light Rim Needs non-html description Polo Shoes Needs non-html description EZ Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 11/30 EZ (continued) #3 EZ front 10pr/bx SSCEZF3 5.20 for 1-9 4.86 for 10+ #4 EZ front 10pr/bx SSCEZF4 5.62 for 1-9 5.24 for 10+ #0 EZ hind 20pr/bx SSCEZH0 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #00 EZ hind 20pr/bx SSCEZH00 4.67 for 1-19 4.36 for 20+ #1 EZ hind 20pr/bx SSCEZH1 4.68 for 1-19 4.37 for 20+ #2 EZ hind 20pr/bx SSCEZH2 5.00 for 1-19 4.67 for 20+ #3 EZ hind 10pr/bx SSCEZH3 5.20 for 1-19 4.86 for 20+ #4 EZ hind 10pr/bx SSCEZH4 5.62 for 1-19 5.24 for 20+ #0 Xtra 20pr/bx SSCX0 4.76 for 1-19 4.45 for 20+ #00 Xtra 20pr/bx SSCX00 4.76 for 1-19 4.45 for 20+ #1 Xtra 20pr/bx SSCX1 4.86 for 1-19 4.54 for 20+ #2 Xtra 20pr/bx SSCX2 5.09 for 1-19 4.75 for 20+ #3 Xtra 10pr/bx SSCX3 5.49 for 1-19 5.13 for 20+ #4 Xtra 10pr/bx SSCX4 6.11 for 1-9 5.70 for 10+ #5 Xtra 10pr/bx SSCX5 6.81 for 1-9 6.35 for 10+ Xtra Needs non-html description Mule Shoes St. Croix brand mule shoes are drop forged and are available in flat heels or with heel caulks. #0 St. Croix Mule SSCM0 4.22 for 1-19 3.94 for 20+ #00 St. Croix Mule SSCM00 3.96 for 1-19 3.69 for 20+ #000 St. Croix Mule SSCM000 3.66 for 1-19 3.41 for 20+ #0 Heeled Mule SSCMH0 4.51 for 1-19 4.21 for 20+ #00 Heeled Mule SSCMH00 4.27 for 1-19 3.99 for 20+ #000 Heeled Mule SSCMH000 3.98 for 1-19 3.72 for 20+ #0 steel Elite hind cl SVSEHC0 8.66 for 1-9 8.08 for 10+ #00 steel Elite hind cl SVSEHC00 8.66 for 1-9 8.08 for 10+ #1 steel Elite hind clip SVSEHC1 9.00 for 1-9 8.40 for 10+ #2 steel Elite hind clip SVSEHC2 9.00 for 1-9 8.40 for 10+ #0 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB0 8.66 for 1-9 8.08 for 10+ #00 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB00 8.30 for 1-9 7.75 for 10+ #1 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB1 8.66 for 1-9 8.08 for 10+ #2 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB2 9.00 for 1-9 8.40 for 10+ #3 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB3 9.00 for 1-9 8.40 for 10+ #4 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB4 10.52 for 1-9 9.82 for 10+ #5 Natural Balance n/c SVSNB5 10.88 for 1-9 10.15 for 10+ #0 Lite Nat. Bal. n/c SVSNBL0 7.52 for 1-9 7.02 for 10+ #00 Lite Nat. Bal. n/c SVSNBL00 7.52 for 1-9 7.02 for 10+ #1 Lite Nat. Bal. n/c SVSNBL1 7.52 for 1-9 7.02 for 10+ Natural Balance Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 12/30 Century Support Needs non-html description #0 Century Suprt frnt QC SKALCSCF0 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ 00 Century Suprt frnt QC SKALCSCF00 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ #1 Century Suprt frnt QC SKALCSCF1 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ #2 Century Suprt frnt QC SKALCSCF2 12.68 for 1-14 11.83 for 15+ #3 Century Suprt frnt QC SKALCSCF3 12.68 for 1-14 11.83 for 15+ #0 Century Suprt hd SC SKALCSCH0 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ #00 Century Suprt hd SC SKALCSCH00 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ #1 Century Suprt hd SC SKALCSCH1 12.14 for 1-14 11.33 for 15+ #2 Century Suprt hd SC SKALCSCH2 12.68 for 1-14 11.83 for 15+ #0 Century Suprt front SKALCSF0 9.87 for 1-14 9.22 for 15+ #00 Century Suprt front SKALCSF00 9.87 for 1-14 9.22 for 15+ #000 Century Suprt front SKALCSF000 9.87 for 1-14 9.22 for 15+ #1 Century Suprt front SKALCSF1 9.87 for 1-14 9.22 for 15+ #2 Century Suprt front SKALCSF2 10.49 for 1-14 9.79 for 15+ #0 Century Suprt degree SKALCSW0 11.36 for 1-14 10.60 for 15+ #00 Century Suprt degree SKALCSW00 11.36 for 1-14 10.60 for 15+ #000 Century Suprt degre SKALCSW000 11.36 for 1-14 10.60 for 15+ #1 Century Suprt degree SKALCSW1 11.36 for 1-14 10.60 for 15+ Qtr. Horse Toe #5 Front SKALQHF5 6.32 for 1-9 5.90 for 10+ #6 Trad. QH Toe Hind SKALQHH6 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #3 Trad. Reg.Toe Hind SKALTRT3H 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #4 Trad. Reg.Toe Hind SKALTRT4H 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #4 Trad. RT hind TC SKALTRT4HTC 7.46 for 1-9 6.96 for 10+ #5 Trad. Reg.Toe hind SKALTRT5H 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #5 Trad. RT hind T/C SKALTRT5HTC 7.46 for 1-9 6.96 for 10+ #6 Trad. Reg.Toe hind SKALTRT6H 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #6 Trad. RT hind T/C SKALTRT6HTC 7.46 for 1-9 6.96 for 10+ #7 Trad. Reg.Toe hind SKALTRT7H 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #7 Trad. RT hind T/C SKALTRT7HTC 7.46 for 1-9 6.96 for 10+ #3 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF3 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #4 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF4 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #5 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF5 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #6 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF6 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #7 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF7 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ #8 Tradition XT front SKALTXTF8 6.44 for 1-9 6.01 for 10+ Quarter Horse plates Needs non-html description Tradition Series Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 13/30 St. Croix Needs non-html description #0 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF0 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #00 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF00 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #1 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF1 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #2 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF2 11.65 for 1-9 10.87 for 10+ #3 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF3 11.65 for 1-9 10.87 for 10+ #4 al. Evnt front clips SSCALEVCF4 11.65 for 1-9 10.87 for 10+ #0 al. Evnt hind clips SSCALEVCH0 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #00 al. Evnt hind clip SSCALEVCH00 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #1 al. Evnt hind clips SSCALEVCH1 11.01 for 1-9 10.28 for 10+ #2 al. Evnt hind clips SSCALEVCH2 11.65 for 1-9 10.87 for 10+ #3 al. Evnt hind clips SSCALEVCH3 11.65 for 1-9 10.87 for 10+ #2 Elite 3 degree Al. aluminum SVALE3L 20.10 for 1-9 18.76 for 10+ #1 Elite 3 degree Al. aluminum SVALE3M 19.53 for 1-9 18.23 for 10+ #0 Elite 3 degree Al. aluminum SVALE3S 19.53 for 1-9 18.23 for 10+ #00 Elite 3 degree Al. aluminum SVALE3XS 18.96 for 1-9 17.70 for 10+ #1 Elite Flat (med.) Al. aluminum SVALEFM 10.29 for 1-9 9.61 for 10+ # 0 Elite Flat (small) A aluminum SVALEFS 10.20 for 1-9 9.52 for 10+ # 0.5 Elite Flat (S+) Al aluminum SVALEFSP 10.20 for 1-9 9.52 for 10+ #00 Elite Flat (XS) Al. aluminum SVALEFXS 10.20 for 1-9 9.52 for 10+ #0 Elite Navicular Al. aluminum SVALEN0 30.30 for 1-9 28.28 for 10+ #1 Elite Navicular Al. aluminum SVALEN1 31.83 for 1-9 29.71 for 10+ #2 Elite Navicular Al. aluminum SVALEN2 33.42 for 1-9 31.20 for 10+ #1 Elite 2 deg. wedge Al aluminum SVALEWM 10.62 for 1-9 9.92 for 10+ #0 Elite 2 deg wedge Al. aluminum SVALEWS 10.40 for 1-9 9.71 for 10+ #0.5 Elite 2 deg wedge A aluminum SVALEWSP 10.40 for 1-9 9.71 for 10+ #00 Elite 2 deg wedge Al aluminum SVALEWXS 10.40 for 1-9 9.71 for 10+ #0 Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL0 16.13 for 1-9 15.05 for 10+ #00Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL00 16.88 for 1-9 15.75 for 10+ #1 Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL1 16.13 for 1-9 15.05 for 10+ #2 Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL2 16.88 for 1-9 15.75 for 10+ #3 Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL3 16.88 for 1-9 15.75 for 10+ #4 Alum. Nat. Balance SNBAL4 17.25 for 1-9 16.10 for 10+ #0 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW0 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #00 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW00 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #000 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW000 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #1 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW1 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #2 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW2 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #3 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW3 18.38 for 1-9 17.15 for 10+ #4 Alum. PLR NB Wedge SNBALPLRW4 18.75 for 1-9 17.50 for 10+ Victory Needs non-html description Natural Balance Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 14/30 Sidewinder Needs non-html description # 0.5 Sidewinder XT aluminum STBALSW0.5 11.70 for 1-9 10.92 for 10+ #00.5 Sidewinder XT aluminum STBALSW00.5 11.70 for 1-9 10.92 for 10+ #000.5 Sidewinder XT aluminum STBALSW000.5 11.70 for 1-9 10.92 for 10+ #1.5 Sidewinder XT aluminum STBALSW1.5 11.70 for 1-9 10.92 for 10+ KB Open Heeled shoes These therapeutic shoes are open heeled, not barshoes. They are degreed (2 degree wedge heel). #0 KB open heel wedge SKBT0 23.76 for 1+ #00 KB open heel wedge SKBT00 22.62 for 1+ #1 KB open heel wedge SKBT1 24.78 for 1+ #2 KB open heel wedge SKBT2 25.83 for 1+ #0 KB eggbar SKBF0 25.91 for 1+ #00 KB eggbar SKBF00 24.87 for 1+ #1 KB eggbar SKBF1 26.45 for 1+ #2 KB eggbar SKBF2 27.59 for 1+ #4 KB eggbar SKBF4 29.84 for 1+ #0 KB wedge eggbar SKBW0 32.18 for 1+ #00 KB wedge eggbar SKBW00 31.17 for 1+ #1 KB wedge eggbar SKBW1 32.94 for 1+ #2 KB wedge eggbar SKBW2 33.98 for 1+ #3 KB wedge eggbar SKBW3 35.27 for 1+ #4 KB wedge eggbar SKBW4 37.04 for 1+ #0 KB navicular bar SKBN0 36.53 for 1+ #00 KB navicular bar SKBN00 35.49 for 1+ #1 KB navicular bar SKBN1 38.07 for 1+ #2 KB navicular bar SKBN2 39.62 for 1+ #3 KB navicular bar SKBN3 41.67 for 1+ #4 KB navicular bar SKBN4 44.24 for 1+ #0 open heel navicular SKBNT0 23.76 for 1+ #00 open heel navicular SKBNT00 22.62 for 1+ #1 open heel navicular SKBNT1 24.78 for 1+ #2 open heel navicular SKBNT2 25.83 for 1+ #0 JB Alum Blunt Toe Straight Bar shoes SJBSBBT0 27.00 for 1+ #00 JB Alum Blunt Toe Straight Bar shoes SJBSBBT00 27.00 for 1+ #1 JB Alum Blunt Toe Straight Bar Shoes SJBSBBT1 27.00 for 1+ KB Egg Bars KB aluminum egg bar shoes. Flat and wedge styles KB Navicular Shoes Needs non-html description Brandau Bar Shoes Needs non-html description #0 JB Alum Blunt Toe Wedge Straight Bar shoes SJBSBBTW0 28.50 for 1+ #00 JB Alum Blunt Toe Wedge Straight Bar shoes SJBSBBTW00 28.50 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 15/30 Brandau Bar Shoes (continued) #1 JB Alum Blunt Toe Wedge Straight Bar shoes SJBSBBTW1 28.50 for 1+ JB #0 al. strtbar flat SJBSF0 24.00 for 1-9 22.40 for 10+ JB #00 al. strtbar flat SJBSF00 24.00 for 1-9 22.40 for 10+ JB #000 al. strtbar flat SJBSF000 24.00 for 1-9 22.40 for 10+ JB #1 al. strtbar flat SJBSF1 24.00 for 1-9 22.40 for 10+ JB #2 al. strtbar flat SJBSF2 24.00 for 1-9 22.40 for 10+ JB #3 al. strtbar flat SJBSF3 27.00 for 1-9 25.20 for 10+ JB #4 al. strtbar flat SJBSF4 27.00 for 1-9 25.20 for 10+ JB #5 al. strtbar flat SJBSF5 27.00 for 1-9 25.20 for 10+ JB #0 al. strtbar wdg SJBSW0 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ JB #00 al strtbar wdg SJBSW00 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ JB #000 al. strtbar wdg SJBSW000 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ JB #1 al. strtbar wdg SJBSW1 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ JB #2 al. strtbar wdg SJBSW2 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ JB #3 al. strtbar wdg SJBSW3 28.50 for 1-9 26.60 for 10+ GC al. Egg/Heartbar #8 SGCALEH08 32.25 for 1+ GC al. Egg/Heartbar #9 SGCALEH09 37.50 for 1+ GC al. Egg/Heartbar #10 SGCALEH10 37.50 for 1+ GC al. Strt/Heartbar #5 SGCALSH05 28.13 for 1+ GC al. Strt/Heartbar #6 SGCALSH06 28.13 for 1+ GC al. Strt/Heartbar #7 SGCALSH07 32.25 for 1+ GC al. Strt/Heartbar #8 SGCALSH08 32.25 for 1+ Grand Circuit Barshoes Needs non-html description Standard bar shoes Standard bar shoes are available in eggbar shape. They are not clipped. 8mm thick #0 Standard Eggbar SKSTEB0 18.83 for 1-4 17.57 for 5+ #00 Standard Eggbar SKSTEB00 18.83 for 1-4 17.57 for 5+ #1 Standard Eggbar SKSTEB1 18.83 for 1-4 17.57 for 5+ #2 Standard Eggbar SKSTEB2 18.83 for 1-4 17.57 for 5+ #0-14oz Arabian TW SABA0 11.18 for 1+ #00 14oz Arabian TW SABA00 10.95 for 1+ #1-14oz Arabian TW SABA1 11.18 for 1+ #2-14oz Arabian TW SABA2 11.48 for 1+ Arabian Horseshoes 14 oz. Arabian Show shoes in flat or half round Pony Shoes Needs non-html description #0 Pony St. Croix SSCPONY0 3.54 for 1-39 3.30 for 40+ #1 Pony St.Croix SSCPONY1 3.76 for 1-39 3.51 for 40+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 16/30 Mule Shoes St. Croix brand mule shoes are drop forged and are available in flat heels or with heel caulks. #0 St. Croix Mule SSCM0 4.22 for 1-19 3.94 for 20+ #00 St. Croix Mule SSCM00 3.96 for 1-19 3.69 for 20+ #000 St. Croix Mule SSCM000 3.66 for 1-19 3.41 for 20+ #0 Heeled Mule SSCMH0 4.51 for 1-19 4.21 for 20+ #00 Heeled Mule SSCMH00 4.27 for 1-19 3.99 for 20+ #000 Heeled Mule SSCMH000 3.98 for 1-19 3.72 for 20+ 1"x11" Pride Sliders SKSL111 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1"x11.5" Pride Sliders SKSL111.5 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1"x12" Pride Sliders SKSL112 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1"x13" Pride Sliders SKSL113 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1-1/4"x11" Pride sliders SKSL11411 10.95 for 1-14 10.22 for 15+ 1-1/4"x12" Pride sliders SKSL11412 10.95 for 1-14 10.22 for 15+ 1-1/4"x13" Pride sliders SKSL11413 10.95 for 1-14 10.22 for 15+ #0 1/4x3/4 slider SKSL340 6.18 for 1-14 5.77 for 15+ #00 1/4x3/4 slider SKSL3400 6.18 for 1-14 5.77 for 15+ #1 1/4x3/4 slider SKSL341 6.18 for 1-14 5.77 for 15+ #2 1/4x3/4 slider SKSL342 6.05 for 1-14 5.65 for 15+ 7/8x10 Sliders SKSL7810 7.38 for 1-14 6.89 for 15+ 7/8x11 Sliders SKSL7811 7.38 for 1-14 6.89 for 15+ 7/8x12 Sliders SKSL7812 7.38 for 1-14 6.89 for 15+ 1x10 slider Fine punch SKSLF110 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1x11 slider Fine punch SKSLF111 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ 1x12" slider Fine punch SKSLF112 7.76 for 1-14 7.24 for 15+ Sliding Plates Needs non-html description Centerpunched Needs non-html description #0 1/2x1 centerpunched SICCP1210 11.99 for 1+ #1 1/2x1 centerpunched SICCP1211 11.99 for 1+ #2 1/2x1 centerpunched SICCP1212 11.99 for 1+ #3 1/2x1 centerpunched SICCP1213 11.99 for 1+ #0 3/8x1 centerpunched SICCP3810 10.64 for 1+ #1 3/8x1 centerpunched SICCP3811 10.64 for 1+ #2 3/8x1 centerpunched SICCP3812 10.64 for 1+ #3 3/8x1 centerpunched SICCP3813 10.64 for 1+ #0 3/8x3/4 light shod SICCP38340 9.75 for 1+ #00 3/8x3/4 light shod SICCP383400 9.75 for 1+ #1 3/8x3/4 light shod SICCP38341 9.75 for 1+ #2 3/8x3/4 light shod SICCP38342 9.75 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 17/30 Toe Weights Needs non-html description #0 1/2x1 TW no caulks SICTWCP120 11.99 for 1+ #1 1/2x1 TW no caulks SICTWCP121 11.99 for 1+ #3 1/2x1 TW no caulks SICTWCP123 11.99 for 1+ #0 3/8x1 TW no caulks SICTWCP380 10.64 for 1+ #3 3/8x1 TW no caulks SICTWCP383 10.64 for 1+ Plantation Toe Weights These are Plantation shoes, with measurments of 1/2" x 1 1/2". They come with tapered branches to create a strong toe weighted Plantation shoe. #0 Toe Wt. Plantation SICTWP0 20.16 for 1+ #1 Toe Wt. Plantation SICTWP1 20.16 for 1+ #2 Toe Wt. Plantation SICTWP2 20.16 for 1+ #0 Heavy Plantation SICHPLANT0 22.29 for 1+ #1 Heavy Plantation SICHPLANT1 22.29 for 1+ #2 Heavy Plantation SICHPLANT2 22.29 for 1+ #3 Heavy Plantation SICHPLANT3 22.29 for 1+ #0 1/4x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH140 8.45 for 1+ #1 1/4x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH141 8.45 for 1+ #2 1/4x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH142 8.45 for 1+ #0 3/8x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH380 9.75 for 1+ #1 3/8x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH381 9.75 for 1+ #2 3/8x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH382 9.75 for 1+ #1 5/16x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH5161 9.75 for 1+ #2 5/16x3/4 Walking hind SICWHH5162 9.75 for 1+ Heavy Plantation Shoes Full heel, no taper Walking horse hind shoes Needs non-html description Gaited Shoes Needs non-html description 1/2x1x15 punched SABGP0015 15.60 for 1+ 5/16x1x13 punched SABGP0413 12.00 for 1+ 5/16x1x14 punched SABGP0414 12.00 for 1+ 5/16x1x15 punched SABGP0415 12.23 for 1+ 3/8x1x13 punched SABGP0713 11.78 for 1+ 3/8x1x14 punched SABGP0714 12.00 for 1+ 3/8x1x15 punched SABGP0715 12.30 for 1+ 3/8x1x16 punched SABGP0716 12.53 for 1+ 3/8x1-1/4x13 punched SABGP0813 12.30 for 1+ 3/8x1-1/4x14 punched SABGP0814 12.60 for 1+ 3/8x1-1/4x15 punched SABGP0815 12.90 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 18/30 Kerckhaert Draft Shoes Kerckhaert Draft Horse shoes are available in 3/8" thickness and 1/2" thickness. 3/8" shoes are available with or without toe clips. They are available in both front and hind patterns #5 Draft Fr.1/2" TC SKD12CF5 16.89 for 1-9 15.77 for 10+ #6 Draft Fr.1/2" TC SKD12CF6 16.89 for 1-9 15.77 for 10+ #7 Draft Fr.1/2" TC SKD12CF7 17.18 for 1-9 16.03 for 10+ #8 Draft Fr.1/2" TC SKD12CF8 17.18 for 1-9 16.03 for 10+ #5 Draft Hd 1/2" TC SKD12CH5 16.89 for 1-9 15.77 for 10+ #6 Draft Hd 1/2" TC SKD12CH6 16.89 for 1-9 15.77 for 10+ #7 Draft Hd 1/2" TC SKD12CH7 17.18 for 1-9 16.03 for 10+ #8 Draft Hd 1/2" TC SKD12CH8 17.18 for 1-9 16.03 for 10+ #5 Draft Fr 3/8" TC SKD38CF5 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #6 Draft Fr 3/8" TC SKD38CF6 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #7 Draft Fr 3/8" TC SKD38CF7 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #8 Draft Fr 3/8" TC SKD38CF8 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #5 Draft Hd 3/8" TC SKD38CH5 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #6 Draft Hd 3/8" TC SKD38CH6 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #7 Draft Hd 3/8" TC SKD38CH7 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #8 Draft Hd 3/8" TC SKD38CH8 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #5 Draft Fr 3/8" SKD38F5 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #6 Draft Fr 3/8" SKD38F6 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #7 Draft Fr 3/8" SKD38F7 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #8 Draft Fr 3/8" SKD38F8 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #5 Draft Hd 3/8" SKD38H5 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #6 Draft Hd 3/8" SKD38H6 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #7 Draft Hd 3/8" SKD38H7 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ #8 Draft Hd 3/8" SKD38H8 14.25 for 1-9 13.30 for 10+ Books and magazines Needs non-html description Am. Farriers Journal BAFJ 8.00 for 1+ Horseshoeing guide BCHG 26.60 for 1+ Elements-Farrier Science BEFS 36.05 for 1+ Hoof Problems-van Nassau BHP 59.43 for 1+ Understanding horse feet BUHF 41.16 for 1+ Understand Laminitis BUL 19.17 for 1+ Anvil, hammer, tongs VHIDVD1 25.20 for 1+ Cowpies/Clips basics VHIDVD4 25.20 for 1+ Tool Maintenence VHIDVD5 25.20 for 1+ 12 Pts./Limb Balance DVD VHIDVD7 25.20 for 1+ Shoeing The Jumper VHIDVD8 25.20 for 1+ Videos. DVD's & CD's Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 19/30 Anvil Brand Needs non-html description Arabian flat AB PABAF 8.48 for 1-9 7.91 for 10+ Castle Castle Plastics makes a variety of flat pads and wedges. #1 bar wedge Castle PCA1BW 2.70 for 1-9 2.52 for 10+ #1 oval wedge Castle PCA1O 3.45 for 1-9 3.22 for 10+ #2 bar wedge Castle PCA2BW 2.85 for 1-9 2.66 for 10+ #2 jumbo wedge Castle PCA2J 4.80 for 1-9 4.48 for 10+ #2 oval wedge Castle PCA2O 3.60 for 1-9 3.36 for 10+ #2 wedge Castle PCA2W 3.98 for 1-9 3.71 for 10+ #3 bar wedge Castle PCA3BW 3.00 for 1-9 2.80 for 10+ #3 jumbo wedge Castle PCA3J 5.55 for 1-9 5.18 for 10+ #3 oval wedge Castle PCA3O 3.98 for 1-9 3.71 for 10+ #3 wedge Castle PCA3W 4.80 for 1-9 4.48 for 10+ #4 clear flat Castle PCA4C 3.38 for 1-9 3.15 for 10+ #4 black flat Castle PCA4R 3.00 for 1-9 2.80 for 10+ Cushion Heel pad 7/16 #4 PCACH4 4.05 for 1-9 3.78 for 10+ #10 Hoof Print rim PCAHPR 3.15 for 1-9 2.94 for 10+ 1/4" #4 performance PCAP414 7.50 for 1-9 7.00 for 10+ 3/16" #4 performance PCAP4316 6.75 for 1-9 6.30 for 10+ 1/4" #5 Performance pad PCAP514 8.63 for 1-9 8.05 for 10+ 3/16" #5 performance PCAP5316 8.25 for 1-9 7.70 for 10+ Pour pad (screen) Castle PCAPP 2.40 for 1-9 2.24 for 10+ Thin Liner black Castle PCATL 2.48 for 1-9 2.31 for 10+ #2 Bar Wedge CH PCH2BW 6.75 for 1-9 6.30 for 10+ #4 Short Wedge CH PCH4WS 7.94 for 1-9 7.41 for 10+ 1/8" speed pad CH PCHSP 5.93 for 1-9 5.53 for 10+ #1 Dura Shock 1/8" flat PDS1 6.65 for 1-9 6.21 for 10+ #2 Dura Shock 3/16" flat PDS2 9.57 for 1-9 8.94 for 10+ #4 Dura Shock 1/8" rim PDS4 4.17 for 1-9 3.90 for 10+ #4 heavy leather pads 7/32" first quality PL4H 7.43 for 1-11 6.93 for 12+ #4 regular leather pad 5/32" first quality PL4R 6.90 for 1-11 6.44 for 12+ #6 heavy leather pads 7/32" first quality PL6H 8.70 for 1-11 8.12 for 12+ #6 regular leather pad 5/32" first quality PL6R 8.18 for 1-11 7.53 for 12+ #4 heavy branded leather bundle of 12 pair PLB4H 51.33 for 1-1 48.86 for 2+ #4 reg. branded leather bundle of 12 pair PLB4R 46.11 for 1-1 43.89 for 2+ #6 heavy branded leather bundle of 12 pair PLB6H 60.90 for 1-1 57.96 for 2+ Curtis Hamilton Curtis Hamilton pads and wedges Dura Shock Needs non-html description Leather pads Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 20/30 Leather pads (continued) #6 reg. branded leather bundle of 12 pair PLB6R 56.55 for 1-1 53.82 for 2+ Frog support pads Needs non-html description Large cushion frog pad PCACFL 6.38 for 1-9 5.95 for 10+ 2 frog cushion pad PCAF2 6.38 for 1-9 5.95 for 10+ cushion frog pad Castle PCAFC 4.88 for 1-9 4.55 for 10+ #1 Thera Flex frog support pad PTF1 19.74 for 1-4 18.43 for 5+ #3 Thera Flex frog support pad PTF3 21.87 for 1-4 20.42 for 5+ #4 Full support pad frog support pad PTF4F 23.93 for 1-4 22.33 for 5+ #10 1.5" rivets - 1 LB. PCR1.50 20.28 for 1+ Shoeband w/bolt and nut PSHOEBAND 4.15 for 1-9 3.88 for 10+ bolt & nut for shoebands PSHOEBANDNB 0.12 for 1-9 0.11 for 10+ Misc. Hoof Pads Heel Lifts, heel springs, rivets Snow pads Snow pads are available in "rim" style for front or hind shoes and in the traditional "ball" style. Snowball pad regular PCASB 3.53 for 1-9 3.29 for 10+ Snow rim front clear PCASRF 7.13 for 1-9 6.65 for 10+ Snow rim front - black PCASRFB 6.75 for 1-9 6.30 for 10+ Snow rim hind clear PCASRH 7.13 for 1-9 6.65 for 10+ Hoof Coatings Needs non-html description 16 oz Hoof Guard HHG16 21.17 for 1-11 18.82 for 12+ 32 oz Hoof Guard refill HHG32 23.02 for 1-11 20.46 for 12+ 4 oz. RATE hoof dressing HRABALANCE 5.25 for 1-3 4.90 for 4+ 32 oz. RATE hoof dresing HRABALANCE3 2 17.99 for 1-3 16.79 for 4+ Hoof Packing Material Needs non-html description Pine Tar - pint HHAWPT 9.71 for 1+ Sole Pak 2 oz. paste HHAWSP2 2.66 for 1-11 Sole Pak 4 lb. paste HHAWSP4 50.91 for 1+ Ortho-Pak Firm Support Pink 32 oz. HHLOP32 61.56 for 1-2 57.46 for 3+ Magic Cushion 4# packing HMUMCHP4 58.90 for 1-3 54.97 for 4+ 1 lb. Oakum HOAKUM 8.28 for 1-4 7.73 for 5+ 1 lb. roll packing plus HRAHP+ROLL 9.50 for 1-3 8.86 for 4+ 1 lb. roll RATE packing HRAHPROLL 9.50 for 1-3 8.86 for 4+ 180cc EquiBuild HVBU180 26.36 for 1-5 25.27 for 6+ 180cc Equi-Pak HVP180 25.77 for 1-5 24.71 for 6+ 180 cc EquiPak CS HVPCS180 28.04 for 1-5 26.88 for 6+ 180cc EquiPak Soft HVPSOFT180 27.89 for 1-5 26.74 for 6+ 180cc Sole-Guard HVSG180 30.37 for 1-5 29.12 for 6+ 180cc SilPak HVSP180 16.21 for 1-5 15.54 for 6+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 2.48 for 12+ Page 21/30 Hoof Repair Needs non-html description Allen's Super Mesh HASM 9.03 for 1+ 50 cc Adhere Kit HVA50 19.42 for 1+ 180cc Adhere (beige) HVABE180 32.42 for 1-5 31.08 for 6+ 180cc Adhere (black) HVABL180 32.42 for 1-5 31.08 for 6+ 6x6" Foam Board HVFOAM 0.60 for 1-49 0.57 for 50+ 6"x8'Mesh screen HVMESH 7.09 for 1-5 6.79 for 6+ 180cc SuperFast HVSF180 32.42 for 1-5 31.08 for 6+ 50 cc Superfast Kit HVSF50 19.42 for 1+ 50 spacers for Adhere HVSPACE 12 mixing tips 180cc HVTIP 11.83 for 1+ 100 mixing tips 180cc HVTIP100 96.15 for 1+ Allen's Blue Powder HAP9 12.06 for 1+ Fungidye 4 oz Bottle HFUN4 11.55 for 1-11 pint Venice Turpent. HHAWVT 16.58 for 1+ Nail Hole Solution 4 oz. HKNHS 13.42 for 1-11 12.49 for 12+ Kera-Mend Crack and White Line Paste 4oz. HKVKMCWLP 28.99 for 1-5 26.99 for 6+ Kera-Mend Hoof Dressing 8 fluid oz. HKVKMHD 19.94 for 1-5 18.57 for 6+ Kera-Mend Thrush Paste 8 fluid oz. HKVKMTP 31.90 for 1-5 29.70 for 6+ 3.07 for 1+ Hoof Treatments Needs non-html description 10.88 for 12+ Magnets Round pot magnets and small hammer handle magnets 2" round pot magnet MM2 3.11 for 1+ 2 5/8" round pot magnet MM258 5.97 for 1+ 3 1/8" round pot magnet MM318 7.13 for 1+ hammer handle magnet MMH 5.12 for 1+ Vector Needs non-html description 3.5 Race Vector 250 ct. NVE3.5RA250 18.05 for 1-23 17.15 for 24+ 4.5 Race Vector 250 ct NVE4.5RA250 18.78 for 1-23 17.84 for 24+ 4.5 RaceXS Vector 250ct NVE4.5RXS250 18.78 for 1-23 17.84 for 24+ 4.5 Vector Slim 250ct NVE4.5S250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ 4.5 Spec. Vector 250 ct. NVE4.5SP250 18.78 for 1-23 17.84 for 24+ 5 City Vector 100 ct. NVE5C100 8.11 for 1-23 7.71 for 24+ 5 City Vector 1250 ct. NVE5C1250 89.55 for 1-3 85.07 for 4+ 5 City Vector 250 ct. NVE5C250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ 5 Race Vector 100 ct. NVE5RA100 8.11 for 1-23 7.71 for 24+ 5 Race Vector 250 ct. NVE5RA250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ 5 Slim Vector 1250 ct. NVE5S1250 89.55 for 1-3 85.07 for 4+ 5 Slim Vector 250 ct. NVE5S250 17.88 for 1-11 16.99 for 12+ 5 Spec Vector 250 ct. NVE5SP250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ 6 City Vector 250 ct NVE6C250 18.86 for 1-11 17.92 for 12+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 22/30 Vector (continued) V-Trak 5 city 100 ct NVEVT5C1 47.60 for 1-23 45.22 for 24+ VX50 Vector 250 ct. NVEVX50250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ VX60 Vector 250 ct. NVEVX60250 18.78 for 1-11 17.84 for 12+ Capewell Needs non-html description 10 Reg Capewell 100 ct. NCA10R100 7.96 for 1-7 7.56 for 8+ 12 Reg Capewell 100 ct. NCA12R100 7.96 for 1-7 7.56 for 8+ 3.5 Race Capewell 250 ct NCA3.5RA250 18.41 for 1-15 17.49 for 16+ 4.5 Race Capewell 250 ct NCA4.5RA250 18.59 for 1-15 17.66 for 16+ 4.5 Slim Capewell 250 ct NCA4.5S250 18.59 for 1-15 17.66 for 16+ 4 Race Capewell 250 ct. NCA4RA250 19.15 for 1-15 18.19 for 16+ 5 City Capewell 250 ct. NCA5C250 18.41 for 1-15 17.49 for 16+ 5 City Capewell 500 ct. NCA5C500 36.11 for 1-7 34.31 for 8+ 5 City XL Capewell 250ct NCA5CXL250 19.14 for 1-7 18.19 for 8+ 5 PS Capewell 250 ct. NCA5PS250 19.51 for 1-15 18.54 for 16+ 5 Reg. Capewell 250 ct. NCA5R250 18.78 for 1-7 17.84 for 8+ 5 Race Capewell 250 ct. NCA5RA250 18.78 for 1-15 17.84 for 16+ 5 Slim Capewell 250 ct. NCA5S250 18.41 for 1-15 17.49 for 16+ 5 Slim Capewell 500 ct. NCA5S500 36.11 for 1-7 34.31 for 8+ 6 City Capewell 100 ct. NCA6C100 6 City Capewell 250 ct. NCA6C250 6 Reg. Capewell 100 ct. NCA6R100 6 Reg. Capewell 250 ct. NCA6R250 18.78 for 1-7 17.84 for 8+ 6 Slim Capewell 250 ct. NCA6S250 18.78 for 1-7 17.84 for 8+ 7 City Capewell 100 ct. NCA7C100 7 City Capewell 250 ct. NCA7C250 19.51 for 1-7 18.54 for 8+ 7 Reg. Capewell 250 ct. NCA7R250 19.51 for 1-7 18.54 for 8+ 8 City Capewell 250 ct. NCA8C250 19.51 for 1-7 18.54 for 8+ 8 Reg. Capewell 250 ct. NCA8R250 19.50 for 1-3 18.53 for 4+ 9 Reg. Capewell 100 ct. NCA9R100 7.96 for 1-7 7.56 for 8+ 10 Lite Cooper 100 ct. NCO10L100 7.60 for 1-7 7.22 for 8+ 12 Lite Cooper 100 ct. NCO12L100 7.60 for 1-7 7.22 for 8+ 5 Lite Cooper 250 ct. NCO5L250 18.29 for 1-15 17.38 for 16+ 3 E-slim Delta 250 ct. NDE3ES250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 4 E-Slim Delta 250 ct. NDE4ES250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 5 City Delta 250 pc. NDE5C250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 5 City Delta 500 pc. NDE5C500 34.92 for 1-7 33.17 for 8+ Delta 5 Combo 250 NDE5CO250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 5 Combo Delta 500 pc. NDE5CO500 34.92 for 1-7 33.17 for 8+ 5 Slim Delta 250 pc. NDE5S250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 7.96 for 1-15 18.41 for 1-7 7.96 for 1-15 7.96 for 1-15 7.56 for 16+ 17.49 for 8+ 7.56 for 16+ 7.56 for 16+ Cooper Needs non-html description Delta Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 23/30 Delta (continued) 5 Slim Delta 500 pc NDE5S500 34.92 for 1-7 33.17 for 8+ 6 E-slim Delta 250 ct. NDE6ES250 17.46 for 1-11 16.59 for 12+ 10-E Mustad 100 ct. NMU10E100 7.40 for 1-7 7.03 for 8+ 12 E Mustad 100 ct NMU12E100 7.40 for 1-7 7.03 for 8+ 12 Reg. Mustad 100 ct NMU12R100 7.40 for 1-7 7.03 for 8+ 5 City Mustad 250 ct. NMU5C250 17.13 for 1-7 16.27 for 8+ 5 Reg. Mustad 250 ct. NMU5R250 17.30 for 1-7 16.43 for 8+ 6 E Mustad 250 ct. NMU6E250 17.81 for 1-7 16.92 for 8+ 6 Regular Mustad 250 ct NMU6R250 17.64 for 1-7 16.76 for 8+ 7 E Mustad 250 ct. NMU7E250 17.81 for 1-7 16.92 for 8+ 7 Regular Mustad 250 ct NMU7R250 18.15 for 1-7 17.25 for 8+ MX50 Mustad 250 ct. NMUMX50250 17.13 for 1-7 16.27 for 8+ MX60 Mustad 250 ct. NMUMX60250 17.47 for 1-7 16.60 for 8+ MX70 Mustad 250 ct. NMUMX70250 17.81 for 1-11 16.92 for 12+ Mustad Needs non-html description Borium/Drill Tek Needs non-html description 1/4" traction rod RHARB14 4.04 for 1-9 3.78 for 10+ 5/16" traction rod RHARB516 7.77 for 1-9 7.27 for 10+ 100 Tungsten pins w/bit w/ drill bit RFPPIN100 40.79 for 1+ 5/16" drive in stud RFPSTUD516 35.25 for 1+ Plugit cotton stud hole RMUPLUG P11 Drive in stud 50/Box RMUSTUD11 50.10 for 1+ P13 Drive in stud 50/Box RMUSTUD13 44.54 for 1+ I-7 Ice studs 5/16" RMUSTUDI7 48.66 for 1+ I-8 Ice studs RMUSTUDI8 48.66 for 1+ Shoe Studs Needs non-html description 9.60 for 1+ Weld on clips Needs non-html description 3/4x1-1/2 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA3 5.25 for 1+ 3/4x2 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA4 5.25 for 1+ 1X1 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA5 5.25 for 1+ 1x1-1/2 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA6 5.25 for 1+ 1x2 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA7 5.25 for 1+ 1x 2-1/2 clips 10 pr. RCLIPA8 5.25 for 1+ Draft flat clip RCLIPBDRAFT 5.25 for 1+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 24/30 Forge Welding Compound Needs non-html description Iron Mnt. flux 24 oz WIMF 26.85 for 1+ White Mnt. Flux 16 oz. WWMF 23.93 for 1+ Creasers Handles for Creasers, forging hammers, driving hammers and punches BF right creaser w/handl TBFCRSHRH 52.49 for 1+ Creaser City Head Mustad TMUCRWHC 83.21 for 1+ Creaser E-head wood hndl TMUCRWHE 83.21 for 1+ BF forepunch CH -stem TBFFPC 48.95 for 1+ BF forepunch CH w/hndle TBFFPSHC 52.49 for 1+ BF forepunch EH w/hndle TBFFPSHE 52.49 for 1+ BF forepunch RH w/hndle TBFFPSHR 52.49 for 1+ BF forepunch gauge TBFGA 3.06 for 1+ TSEAD 4.33 for 1-5 Forepunches Needs non-html description Hardies Needs non-html description Anvil Devil triangle 3.91 for 6+ Pritchels Needs non-html description BF pritchel long TBFPRITL 43.76 for 1+ pritchel Mustad TMUPRIT 33.93 for 1+ BF firetongs 1/4 inch TBFT14 66.42 for 1+ BF firetongs 3/8 inch TBFT38 66.42 for 1+ BF firetongs 5/16 inch TBFT516 66.42 for 1+ BF hot fit shoe tongs TBFTHF 83.63 for 1+ Diamond 15" fire tongs TDITF15 36.62 for 1+ 1/2 in. fire tong Mustad TMUT12 52.77 for 1+ 1/4 in. fire tong Mustad TMUT14 52.77 for 1+ 3/8 in. fire tong Mustad TMUT38 52.77 for 1+ 5/16 in. fire tong Musta TMUT516 52.77 for 1+ W-Brand Hot fit tongs TWBTHF 64.05 for 1+ Fire Tongs Needs non-html description Clipping Hammers These hammers are used to start and draw clips on horseshoes. Forging skill is needed to properly use these hammers. BF 1.75lb. clip hammer TBFCLH1 Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 114.00 for 1+ Page 25/30 Driving Hammers Needs non-html description 12 oz waffle hamr AB TABDH12W 59.55 for 1+ SS driving hammer 14 oz. TLGDH14 82.50 for 1+ Liberty 6 oz. hammer TLIDH6 117.00 for 1+ Liberty 8 oz. hammer TLIDH8 117.00 for 1+ Liberty 9 oz. hammer TLIDH9 117.00 for 1+ 11 oz. Mustad hammer TMUDH11 56.22 for 1+ 17 oz. Mustad hammer TMUDH17 58.16 for 1+ NC 10 oz. hammer TNCDH10 64.50 for 1+ NC 12 oz. hammer TNCDH12 64.50 for 1+ NC 14 oz. hammer TNCDH14 72.00 for 1+ Nordic 12 oz.hammer TNORDH12 37.02 for 1+ Nordic 14 oz.hammer TNORDH14 37.02 for 1+ FootPro 1 3/4 lb. hammer TFPRORH1 95.03 for 1+ FootPro 2 lb. hammer TFPRORH2 95.03 for 1+ NC 1 1/2 lb. "Cavalry" rounding hammer TNCRH1 69.00 for 1+ NC 2 lb. "Cavalry" rounding hammer TNCRH2 69.00 for 1+ Nordic 1.5 lb. Hammer TNORH1 44.46 for 1+ Nordic 2 lb. Hammer TNORH2 46.23 for 1+ Rounding Hammers Needs non-html description Hammer Handles Needs non-html description handle-Bellota 2 lb. TBECPHH2 5.45 for 1+ handle-Bellota 6 oz TBEDHH 4.70 for 1+ Handle for Bloom creaser TBFCPH 5.90 for 1+ BF hammer handle TBFRHH 6.35 for 1+ Shoein Shop driving hand for driving hammer TLGDHH 4.50 for 1+ Lee Green rounding handl for rounding hammer TLGRHH 5.13 for 1+ Liberty hammer handle TLIDHH 16.31 for 1+ hammer handle sm. Mustad Mustad TMUDHH 13.20 for 1+ NC Calvary 10 oz. handle TNCDHH10 5.55 for 1+ NC Calvary 12 oz. handle TNCDHH12 5.55 for 1+ NC Calvary 14 oz. handle TNCDHH14 5.55 for 1+ NC handle 1.5 lb. Calvar TNCRHH 5.63 for 1+ Top tool lock pkg of 2 (for handled tools) TWBTTL 5.25 for 1+ NC 112 lb. Cavalry anvil TNCA112 408.96 for 1+ NC 70 lb. Big Face anvil TNCA70BF 288.26 for 1+ NC 70 lb. anvil w/ turning cams TNCA70TC 264.12 for 1+ Anvils Needs non-html description Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 26/30 Anvil Stands Needs non-html description NC folding Anvil Stand w/ step vise TNCAS 239.98 for 1+ TPFBBL 26.82 for 1+ Brushes steel Needs non-html description Jumbo block brush w/hndl Forges Needs non-html description Blacksmith forge FM FFMB 777.00 for 1+ Companion forge FM FFMC 483.00 for 1+ E-1 forge FM FFME1 686.00 for 1+ Excaliber forge FM FFMEX 735.00 for 1+ Farrier forge FM FFMF 630.00 for 1+ Whisper Momma forge w/back door NC FNCWD 559.70 for 1+ Whisper Momma forge w/end ports NC FNCWM 613.35 for 1+ Door Liner FM FFMDL 12.18 for 1+ Fuel distributor FM FFMFD 21.75 for 1+ LP fuel gauge FM FFMG 19.51 for 1+ 28 inch LP hose FM FFMH28 20.30 for 1+ 9 foot LP hose FM FFMH9 39.01 for 1+ Hearth clip w/screws FFMHC 3.99 for 1+ Ignitor button FM FFMI 14.07 for 1+ LP orifice FM FFMO 3.27 for 1+ Reliner-Blacksmith FFMRB 152.25 for 1+ Reliner-Companion FFMRC 116.00 for 1+ LP Regulator Kit w/gauge FFMREG 89.32 for 1+ Reliner-Excaliber FFMREX 152.25 for 1+ Reliner-Farrier FFMRF 130.50 for 1+ Swingmaster arm FM FFMSA 304.50 for 1+ Portable forge stand FFMSTAND 880.00 for 1+ Spark ignitor wire 24" FFMW24 Forge Parts and Accessories Needs non-html description 3.56 for 1+ Grinders/attachments Needs non-html description 1/4hp Baldor No wheels TGRBAL14 Green buffing compound TGRBCGREEN Gray buffing compound TGRBCGREY 6.13 for 1+ White buffing compound TGRBCWHITE 6.13 for 1+ 3M Cubitron 10" 36 grit TGREXP3MF36 10" Expand Wheel w/guard w/ guard TGREXPW10 216.90 for 1+ 6" Expand Wheel w/guard w/ guard TGREXPW6 181.26 for 1+ 40 gr belt-10" Expander TGREXPZB1040 4.40 for 1-9 4.16 for 10+ 100 gr belt-6" Expander TGREXPZB6100 3.05 for 1-9 2.89 for 10+ Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 285.29 for 1+ 12.01 for 1+ 10.13 for 1-9 9.24 for 10+ Page 27/30 Grinders/attachments (continued) 40 gr belt-6" Expander TGREXPZB640 3.32 for 1-9 3.14 for 10+ FootPro2"x48" Grinder TGRFP48 24 grit 2x36" zirconia TGRZB23624 5.17 for 1-9 4.89 for 10+ 24 grit 2x48" zirconia TGRZB24824 6.34 for 1-9 6.00 for 10+ 418.66 for 1+ Pad Cutter Needs non-html description Duval Pad Cutter TDUVALPC Duval replacement blades TDUVALPCB 298.50 for 1+ 48.00 for 1+ Stalljacks Needs non-html description Valley Stalljack (Tall) TVSJ 213.20 for 1+ Tapping Tools Needs non-html description 17/64" drill bit TDB1764 4.50 for 1+ 5/16 Black Oxide bit+ TDB516 4.28 for 1+ Countersink drill bit for use w/ 3/8" tap TFPCSDB Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 58.47 for 1+ Page 28/30 Index Aprons 1 Natural Balance 12 Bee's wax 1 Century Support 13 Boxes tool 1 Quarter Horse plates 13 Clinch Blocks 1 Tradition Series 13 Clinch Cutter/Undercuts 1 St. Croix 14 Clinchers 1 Victory 14 Driving Hammers 2 Natural Balance 14 Files 2 Sidewinder 15 Hoof Gauges 2 KB Open Heeled shoes 15 Hoof finishing tools 2 KB Egg Bars 15 Hoof Picks 2 KB Navicular Shoes 15 Hoof Stands 2, 3 Brandau Bar Shoes 15, 16 Hoof Nippers 3 Grand Circuit Barshoes 16 Hoof Testers 3 Standard bar shoes 16 Knives 3, 4 Arabian Horseshoes 16 Knife Sharpening tools 4 Pony Shoes 16 Nail Cutters 4 Mule Shoes 17 Nail Pullers-Crease 4 Sliding Plates 17 Rasp Handles 4 Centerpunched 17 Rasps 4, 5 Toe Weights 18 Rulers 5 Plantation Toe Weights 18 Shoe Pullers 5 Heavy Plantation Shoes 18 Standard 5, 6 Walking horse hind shoes 18 SX-7 6 Gaited Shoes 18 SX-8 6, 7 Kerckhaert Draft Shoes 19 SSP 7 Books and magazines 19 Triumph (steel) 7, 8 Videos. DVD's & CD's 19 DF Series 8 Anvil Brand 20 Classic Roller 8 Castle 20 Eventer plain (no clips) 9 Curtis Hamilton 20 Eventer with side clips 9 Dura Shock 20 Eventer with toe clips 9 Leather pads 20, 21 Plain 9 Frog support pads 21 Light Plain 10 Misc. Hoof Pads 21 Rim 10 Snow pads 21 Lite Rim 10 Hoof Coatings 21 Heeled 10 Hoof Packing Material 21 Lite Heeled 10 Hoof Repair 22 Toe & Heel 11 Hoof Treatments 22 Light Toe & Heel 11 Magnets 22 Ultra Light Rim 11 Vector 22, 23 Polo Shoes 11 Capewell 23 EZ 11, 12 Cooper 23 Xtra 12 Delta 23, 24 Mule Shoes 12 Mustad 24 Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 29/30 Index Borium/Drill Tek 24 Shoe Studs 24 Weld on clips 24 Forge Welding Compound 25 Creasers 25 Forepunches 25 Hardies 25 Pritchels 25 Fire Tongs 25 Clipping Hammers 25 Driving Hammers 26 Rounding Hammers 26 Hammer Handles 26 Anvils 26 Anvil Stands 27 Brushes steel 27 Forges 27 Forge Parts and Accessories 27 Grinders/attachments 27, 28 Pad Cutter 28 Stalljacks 28 Tapping Tools 28 Spanish Lake Blacksmith Shop - Prices Effective 10/24/2016 Page 30/30
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