TV market snapshot
TV market snapshot
TV MARKET SNAPSHOT 2015 Q1 NIELSEN AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT AVERAGE DAILY VIEWING TIME PER PERSON 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1, Live+Playback 450 400 407 405 350 ATV (minute) 300 311 307 250 261 200 205 257 196 150 Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 100 50 0 TOTAL 4+ AGE 4-17 2014 Q1 AGE 18-49 AGE 50+ 2015 Q1 © Nielsen Közönségmérés Total individuals spent 5 hours 7 minutes watching TV on an average day, 4 minutes less compared to the same period of 2014. 2 LIVE AND PLAYBACK TIME VIEWED PER DAY(ATV) 2015 Q1, Total day Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. TARGET LIVE MINUTE PLAYBACK MINUTE PLAYBACK % TOTAL 4+ 304 3.1 1.0% 4-17 194 2.5 1.3% 18-49 254 3.3 1.3% 50+ 402 3.1 0.8% Live: Viewing of TV broadcasts at the actual time of transmission Playback: Viewing of TV contents recorded and viewed within 7 days of the original broadcast time © Nielsen Közönségmérés Total individuals spent 1% of their total TV viewing time on time-shifted content. 3 SHARE OF CHANNEL NETWORKS 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1, Total 4+, Live+Playback* 2015 Q1 4.4 2.6 General entertainment channels 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.8 20.2 Lifestyle channels 4.7 2.8 19.0 Public channels 5.1 4.7 4.5 4.2 National commercial channels 2014 Q1 2.0 2.0 4.6 Channels for children News channels 15.9 9.0 14.8 9.6 Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Movie channels Documentary channels Sport channels 27.6 Music channels Other channels 26.6 *In the 2014 Q1 dataset, Playback is the part of „Other channels” category. DVD/video/video game © Nielsen Közönségmérés Audience share of general entertainment channels has increased, while share of public and national commercial channels has decreased compared to the same period of 2014. 4 EMISSION AND RECEPTION SHARE OF TYPOLOGY 2015 Q1; Total 4+, Consolidated data 0.3% 0.2% 100% 11.0% 90% 80% 70% 60% Religion 17.0% Movies 13.5% 2.9% 3.1% 4.6% 4.4% 8.3% 4.7% 5.6% Arts, science, culture 11.1% Information 2.2% 2.7% News (political, economic) 8.6% 50% Sport 40% 29.7% 30.9% Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 30% Music Non-musical entertainment 20% 10% 22.3% Non musical fiction (series, TV-film, etc.) 16.9% Other (advertising, promo, etc.) 0% EMISSION SHARE RECEPTION SHARE © Nielsen Közönségmérés Consumption rate of Movies and News has been greater than their emission rate. 5 FMCG TOP CLASSES BY GRP 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1; Total (4+) GRP Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CHOCOLATE BAR PUDDING, SWEET DAIRY PRODUCT TOOTHPASTE FACE CREAM SWEET BISCUIT/WAFER TEE DISHWASHING LIQUID YOGHURT, KEFIR HAIR DYE CANDIES HAIR CARE PRODUCTS PERFUME, SCENTED WATER FEMALE PERFUME TOILET CLEANER OTHER FROZEN FOOD CAT FOOD WASHING POWDER/LIQUID DETERGENT OTHER BASIC FOOD COFFEE CRISPS 2014 Q1 2015 Q1 14 576 7 822 7 422 5 848 3 068 5 096 4 845 6 970 3 381 4 769 2 675 3 942 2 025 2 957 3 172 2 222 4 141 873 4 253 2 479 12 811 8 090 7 488 6 193 5 118 4 940 4 431 4 427 4 345 4 340 3 872 3 649 3 465 3 298 3 252 3 217 3 169 3 128 3 110 3 022 © Nielsen Közönségmérés 6 NOTES: AVERAGE DAILY VIEWING TIME PER PERSON Period: 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1 (1/January– 31/March) Daypart: Total day (02-26h) Target: 2014: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 079 858 Cases: 2 491), 4-17 (Universe: 1 318 922 Cases: 372), 18-49 (Universe: 4 147 427 Cases: 1 171), 50+ (Universe: 3 613 509 Cases: 948) 2015: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 026 542 Cases: 2 580), 4-17 (Universe: 1 341 474 Cases: 380), 18-49 (Universe: 4 091 551 Cases: 1 193), 50+ (Universe: 3 593 517 Cases: 1 007) Channel: Total TV Variable: Live+Playback ATV LIVE AND PLAYBACK TIME VIEWED Period: 2015 Q1 (1/January– 31/March) Daypart: Total day (02-26h) Target: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 026 542 Cases: 2 580), 4-17 (Universe: 1 341 474 Cases: 380), 18-49 (Universe: 4 091 551 Cases: 1 193), 50+ (Universe: 3 593 517 Cases: 1 007) Channel: Total TV Variable: Live and Playback ATV (min), Playback % Copyright ©2012 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. SHARE OF CHANNEL NETWORKS Period: 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1 (1/January– 31/March) Daypart: Total day (02-26h) Target: 2014: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 079 858 Cases: 2 491), 2015: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 026 542 Cases: 2 580) Channel groups : Public: m1, m2, m3, Duna TV, Duna World; Lifestyle: Fishing&Hunting, LifeNetwork, Spektrum Home, TLC, Travel Channel, TV Paprika, Viasat Explorer; General entertainment: BBC Entertainment, C8, Comedy Central, Cool, Fem3, Fix TV, Galaxy, Hatos Csatorna, PAX TV, RTL+, PRO4, RTL II, Sorozat+, Story4, Story5, Super TV2, Viasat3, Viasat6; Movie: AMC, AXN, AXN Black (AXN Sci-fi), AXN White (AXN Crime), Cinemax, DIGI Film, Film+, Film+2, Filmbox, Filmbox Extra, Filmbox HD, Filmbox Plus, Film Café, Film Mánia, FOX, HBO, HBO2, HBO Comedy, Paramount, Sundance Channel, Universal Channel; Children: Boomerang, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, JimJam, Megamax, Minimax, Nickelodeon; News: ATV, EchoTV, Euronews (magyar), HírTV, P+; Documentary: Animal Planet, BBC Knowledge, CBS Reality, D1, Da Vinci Learning, DIGI Animal World, DIGI Life, DIGI World, Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, Discovery World, DoQ, History Channel, Investigation Discovery, National Geographic Channel, Nat Geo Wild, OzoneNetwork, Spektrum, Viasat History, Viasat Nature; Sport: DIGI Sport 1, DIGI Sport 2, Eurosport, Eurosport2, Extreme Sport, Sport1, Sport2, Sport Klub, Sport M; Music: H!t Music Channel, Music Channel, Muzsika TV, MTV (Music Television), SlágerTV, Viva; Other: foreign channels, other unidentified Hungarian channels, other TV-screen usage Variable: SHR% (2014: Live data based on Live+Playback Total TV; 2015: Live +Playback data based on Live+Playback Total TV) EMISSION AND RECEPTION SHARE OF TYPOLOGY Period: 2015 Q1 (1/January– 31/March) Daypart: Total day (02-26h) Target: 2015: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 026 542 Cases: 2 580) Channels: ATV, AXN, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Cool, Discovery Channel, Disney Channel, Duna TV, Duna World, Fem3, Film+, Film+2, FOX, Galaxy, Investigation Discovery, Life Network, M1, M2, M3, Muzsika TV, National Geographic Channel, Nickelodeon, OzoneNetwork, Paramount, Pro4, RTL+, RTL II, RTL Klub, Sorozat+, Sport1, Sport2, Story4, Story5, Super TV2, TLC, TV2, UNIVERSAL Channel, Viasat3, Viasat6, VIVA Main items of ’Non musical entertainment’ typology: 1. Game; 2. Quiz show; 3. Entertainment magazine; 4. Talk-show; 5. Cabaret, satire; 6. Circus, show; 7. Reality show Variable: EST%, Consolidated RST% FMCG TOP CLASSES Period: 2014 Q1 and 2015 Q1 (1/January– 31/March) Daypart: Total day (02-26h) Target: 2014: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 079 858 Cases: 2 491), 2015: Total Individuals (Universe: 9 026 542 Cases: 2 580) Channel: all channels in Nielsen Audience Measurement spot database in the given period Product: TV-spots categorized in the following sectors by Nielsen Audience Measurement: baby care, food, drinks and beverages, household products, beauty care Variable: GRP 7 About Nielsen Audience Measurement Nielsen Audience Measurement is the only company in Hungary that is engaged in television audience measurement. The data provided by Nielsen Audience Measurement ensures a "common currency" for the media agencies, advertisers and television channels, based on an independent and transparent measurement system. The independence, professional reliability and credibility of our audience measurement system have been confirmed by various independent audits. About Nielsen Nielsen N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global performance management company that provides a comprehensive understanding of what consumers Watch and Buy. Nielsen’s Watch segment provides media and advertising clients with Total Audience measurement services across all devices where content — video, audio and text — is consumed. The Buy segment offers consumer packaged goods manufacturers and retailers the industry’s only global view of retail performance measurement. By integrating information from its Watch and Buy segments and other data sources, Nielsen provides its clients with both world-class measurement as well as analytics that help improve performance. Nielsen, an S&P 500 company, has operations in over 100 countries that cover more than 90 percent of the world’s population. For more information please visit our websites : Contact: Nielsen Közönségmérés Kft. H -1146 Budapest, Hermina út 57-59. Phone: 461-7050, Fax: 461-7051 e-mail: internet:
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