Emerald Lakes Village Update


Emerald Lakes Village Update
Emerald Lakes Village Update
June 2015
Editor: Kathleen Donovan
Mini-Triathlon Returns in More Ways Than One
Happily for us, Amber and Mark Barbieri are the new hosts for the ELV Mini-Triathlon, which returns for its 13th year this July.
What also is returning is the original course laid out by Matt Dombrowski. That’s because the race will begin and end at the
Barbieri’s house at 6245 Atkins — Matt and Christie’s former address. Check out the map below to see if the “Mini-Tri” participants
will be coming past your house so you can cheer them on or to learn the course so you can begin your training. What goes around
comes around when it comes to this fun afternoon of swimming, biking, running, and eating.
The athletically ambitious and the socially susceptible of Emerald Lakes Village are invited to:
Men & Women Swim 375 yds, Bike 5.5 miles, Run 1.8 miles & EAT!
Hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages will be provided and participants are asked to
bring a side dish or dessert to pass. All are welcome to attend even if you do not want to
participate in the mini-triathlon. To register or volunteer, please contact Amber at
Red Fox in ELV
No, not the comedian. He is no
longer living and he spelled his first
name with two “d”s. This is the
beautiful 4-legged mammal that the
Loftuses saw walking across their
patio on Sandy Point and Emerald
Lake Drive at 7 o’clock one morning.
Like coyotes, foxes have adapted quite
well to suburban living. They live in parks and
edges and will eat what is readily available. To that end I would
recommend that you go outside with your cat or small dog. I also would
not keep a rabbit or guinea pig outside. Keep pet food indoors and your
garbage cans in your garage, if possible.
Foxes can easily be scared away by making loud noises, such as
yelling, blowing whistles, or banging on pots and pans. You can also
douse them with water from a hose, squirt gun, or a sprinkler system
with a motion detector. Make it an unwelcome place for them to visit.
I wish this fox would come eat the voles that are tunneling throughout
our lawn.
Check-In 3:15-3:50 pm at 6245 Atkins. Race starts at 4:00 pm
Bring a bike, helmet, swimsuit, towel, running shoes, change of clothing,
a dish to pass, and a fun attitude.
Volunteers are also needed to lifeguard, work the stopwatch, or
assist at a water station.
BBQ following (~5:15/5:30 pm) at 6245 Atkins
Saturday, July 18—Rain or Shine
Treasurer’s Report
Megan Marx, Treasurer
Jan. — May 2015
Dues, Current Year
Late fees, liens
Total: $104,496
Jan. — May 2015
Special Projects
Total: $39,270
Any New Neighbors?
If you are new or know of
someone new to ELV
contact Andrea Allemon at 248-879-1111 or
Andrea48085@yahoo.com so she may greet
you and provide you with important village
ELV Directories
Not only is the Emerald Lakes Village phone
directory chock-full of the phone numbers of
our residents it also has a lot of other useful
information in it. Want to know how far you
jogged in the neighborhood? There’s a map you
can use to figure that out. Wondering about the
things you should do to keep our lakes great?
That information is in the directory. Rules for
our lake access lots are also included. Need a
dentist? See Dr. Belian’s ad. And there are ads
for businesses that can help you with home
improvements or help you sell your home.
If you haven’t already picked up your ELV
phone directory you can take one from the ELV
mailbox on the side of Kathleen’s driveway on
Lovell (street address 6653 Emerald Lake), get
one from Andrea by calling her at 248-8791111, or get one from any Board member.
Swim Tags & Beach
Party Permits
School is out and summer is almost officially
here. Let the water fun begin!! If you will be
swimming, fishing or just lounging at one of
our neighborhood beach lots on Emerald Lake,
Walker Lake or Sandshores Lake you will need
a swim tag. Swim tags let the security guard
know that you are a resident. Each swim tag
allows you to bring two guests to the beach, but
you must remain at the beach with your guests.
If you would like to host a party at one of the
beach lots you will need a permit to show the
security guard. Please be aware that while you
have permission to host a large number of
people at the beach lot you will not have
exclusive use of the beach lot. You also cannot
cook there or have glass containers.
Swim tags and party permits are available from
Andrea Allemon, 1586 Pebble Point, 248-879111 or andrea48085@yahoo.com.
Taking Action vs. Phragmites
Getting Rid of Phragmites on our Creek and Lakes
Our Spring Homeowners Meeting guest speaker, Bob
Williams, gave an excellent presentation on getting rid
of the highly invasive Phragmites plant. The most
effective way to eliminate Phragmites is via chemical
treatment, which LakePro takes care of on our lakes
because they have the necessary MDEQ permit. Bob
said that the treatment schedule should be to spray in
mid-August, wait 10-14 days, and spray any green
Native Grass
that remains. Wait another 2 weeks and spray again
every 2 weeks, if necessary, until October 1. After the
last spray wait at least 2 weeks before cutting the
Phragmites down. He recommended cutting and removal in January.
There are Phragmites on the creek (Oakland County drain) between South
Boulevard and Lovell that need to be eradicated. Kathleen and Megan Marx
walked along the east side of the creek in this area and identified 6 houses that
have huge patches of Phragmites in the water behind their homes. Four houses
north of these homes have patches of native cattails. Kathleen contacted the
Oakland County Water Resources Commission, which said that Phragmites in the
creek could be chemically treated as long as residents or a contractor had a permit
from the MDEQ. LakePro has an MDEQ permit to treat Phragmites on a creek, but
cannot treat cattails. The MDEQ will only issue a permit to treat invasive species,
not native plants like cattails. Ken Grand and Kathleen walked the creek south
from Lovell to Emerald Lake Court and did not see any Phragmites there nor in the
creek at Walker and Diane, the dead end street east of Rochester Villas.
At their June meeting the ELVHA Board voted to pay for the chemical treatment
and cutting of Phragmites at those 6 houses along the creek this season. LakePro
will perform the chemical treatment and the Board is looking for a contractor to cut
and dispose of the Phragmites later in the year. There is money available this year
to do this.
If you have a small patch of Phragmites in the lake or in the creek you can attempt
to get rid of them by cutting the stems of the plant below the waterline once the
Phragmites are at least 4 feet above the waterline. This will drown the plant. This
action does not require an MDEQ permit. Put these in the trash. Do not compost
help them spread. If you aren’t sure if you have Phragmites on your property
contact Kathleen (248-879-7364, jbktroy@aol.com) and let her put her Biology
degree to use by identifying your plants.
Write the City to Act Against Invasive Phragmites
There is also a huge area of Phragmites along John R across from Fire Station #5.
Some of these Phragmites will disappear with the widening of John R, but not all
of them.
The ELVHA Board is asking that all residents email City Council members and
the City Manager urging them to take action against Phragmites citywide. Tom
Kuhn does not think that an obviously generated form letter would be effective;
however, Tom has provided us with some things that the City could do. Please
email our City Council members and City Manager and explain that the highly
invasive Phragmites are choking out native plants, such as cattails, which are
beneficial to wildlife; reducing our property values; and are a fire hazard and the
City needs to take action. Suggest that the City:
Establish a Phragmites Committee to work on this problem
Obtain a city-wide permit from the MDEQ for the chemical treatment of
Amend the city noxious weed ordinance to include invasive species such as
Phragmites as a noxious weed to bring Phragmites under City oversight.
Email addresses are: djlkslater@aol.com, jim.campbell@troymi.gov,
davehenderson@wideopenwest.com, ellen.hodorek@troymi.gov,
ed.pennington@troymi.gov, doug.tietz@troymi.gov, and b.kischnick@troymi.gov.
Lakes Report
Water Safety
There are no lifeguards on our Association beach lots — meaning
everyone is responsible for their own safety when swimming or boating
there. Follow these common sense rules when using any of our lakes:
 Never swim or boat alone.
 Parents, watch your children very carefully. Do not take your eyes off
of them when they are in the water.
 Don’t dive headfirst into the water. There are many shallow areas.
 Swim parallel to shore if you wish to swim long distances.
 Have Coast Guard-approved, properly fitted life jackets on your boats
for each person onboard and wear them.
 Have your children wear life jackets when near the water. Young
children can drown in less than 2” of water.
 Bring your cell phone to the beach in case of emergency. Signs near
the boat ramps and on the yellow emergency boxes give the beach lot
address. Call 911 to report an emergency and give the address.
 Be aware that the blue dye in our lakes decreases water clarity and
reduces visibility under the water. Be cautious.
 Alcohol and swimming don’t mix. Alcohol is not allowed on our beach
lots. Nor are glass containers.
Lake Treatments
LakePro will be applying special treatments in Walker and Emerald Lakes
this month to combat Curly Leaf and Clasping Leaf pondweeds. These are
very hardy aquatic plants. Further treatments may be needed.
Lighten Their Load
I know it is easy to just pull a weed out from your shoreline or underwater
and then just let if float away. And it’s really easy to watch floating weeds
drift by your property. You probably don’t even realize when you mow
you’re shooting grass into the water. Please think about those homeowners
that are at the end of the lake that get all that organic matter coming to rest
on their property. For them it is a continuous and endless battle to keep
their beach and water clear of debris. Please lighten their load of work by
disposing of any aquatic weeds on your property in compost containers.
Also make sure your grass clippings shoot back onto your grass. Thanks!
Aquatic weeds also tend to clog the drains between the lakes. Tom Kuhn
notified the city that the drain between Pebble and Walker lakes was
blocked and the City cleaned it out on Monday, June 8. Thanks, Tom, for
your quick action — and the City, too.
Beach Weed Treatment
Our lawn maintenance company, Lakefront Lawn Care, has been
instructed to weed whack, spray, and rake up any weeds growing on the
beaches on our Association beach lots. No rototilling will be done as this
makes nice fluffy soil that washes into the lakes or makes a great planting
bed for weed seeds to take root. Parent’s, have your kids bring sturdy,
metal shovels to the beach to help them build their sandcastles.
We suggest that homeowners also spray weeds on their beaches and do
not rototill. LakePro is selling Beach Spray for $40 that can be used for
multiple treatments. Call them to schedule a delivery at 810-635-4400.
Seawalls & Beaches
If you do any work below the Ordinary High Water Mark of your lake you
need a permit from the MDEQ. Go to www.michigan.gov to learn about
the application process. Click on “Do I Need A Land/Water Permit?” for
useful information. Contact Restrictions Chairman Jay Reynolds, 248-828
-3647, if you have any questions before doing any major work outside.
Contact Tom Kuhn [248-227-2462 (cell, text) and/or tekuhn@aol.com
(email)] if you have any questions or concerns about our lakes or creek.
Community Spirit
Who Knew 60 Could Be So Fun! Come to the Party!
Join all your friends in Troy in a celebration of the
City’s 60th birthday on June 20th from 4 pm — 11 pm
at Boulan Park. There will be a petting farm; obstacle
courses, climbing towers and bouncers; face painting
and balloon animals; food trucks; Police, Fire and
DPW vehicles; and Beaumont Hospital’s helicopter
and security vehicles. Live entertainment from Athens
High School Spirit Band at 4 pm, Crossroads Family
Band at 4:30 pm, Police K-9 Demo at 5:30 pm, Carl
Cafagna & Soundlove Concert at 7 pm and a “DriveIn” Movie – Disney’s McFarland, USA at 9 pm.
Fireworks Restrictions
Please be reminded that our Restrictions
state that no fireworks are to be launched
from our Association beach lots or from a
raft in any of our lakes. Violation of
these restrictions can result in a $500
fine for the first offense, $1000 for the
second offense, and a $2,000 fine for
subsequent offenses. You can launch fireworks
from your property, but I suspect there are many
neighbors who wish you wouldn’t.
City ordinance permits fireworks to be discharged
only on the Fourth of July, the day before, and after,
between the hours of 8 a.m. and midnight. You are
subject to a fine from the City of up to $500 if you
disregard these hours and if you discharge fireworks
from public property or another person’s property
without the organization or person’s permission.
Your neighbors — and especially their dogs — would
greatly appreciate it if you follow our neighborhood
and City rules.
What are Those Kids Doing?
Did you think this was going to be a bad news story
when reading the title? Too often there are stories of
kids getting into trouble. Let’s celebrate our kids that
are doing good and great things! If your child — be
they a minor or an adult out on their own — has done
something to make you proud, email me the good
news at jbktroy@aol.com and I will put it in the
newsletter. Please use the tag line “Kid’s News” so I
don’t think it is spam.
This month I have learned:
 Brianna Naughton is one of 16 teen winners in
the Sooper Art 2015 environmental art
competition hosted by the Grand Rapids Art
 Haley Zemmer appeared on ESPN when pitching
for Oakland University against the University of
Michigan and Pittsburgh in the NCAA Division I
Softball Championship Ann Arbor Regional.
Oakland’s women’s softball team is the 2015
Horizon League season and tournament champs.
Lightning Strikes . . . Again
For a second consecutive year the house of an
ELV President has been struck by lightning
causing damage and aggravation. Last year
Doug Haxer recommended that homeowners
look into getting a whole-house surge
suppressor. I would say that this is an excellent idea, although
it does not provide surge protection for a direct strike.
Two electricians that you may want to contact about
installation are Dave Hetrick of LG Electric, 248-895-6011,
or Robert Matthes at 248-895-3344.
To protect yourself follow these guidelines from the National
Weather Service:
Indoor Lightning Safety
 Stay off corded phones, computers and other electrical
equipment that put you in direct contact with electricity.
 Avoid plumbing, including sinks, baths and faucets.
 Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches.
 Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls.
Outdoor Lightning Safety
 Immediately get out and away from pools, ponds, lakes
and other bodies of water.
 NO PLACE outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the
area!! If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike
you. Immediately move to safe shelter — a substantial
building with electricity or plumbing or an enclosed, metaltopped vehicle with windows up.
 Stay in safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last
sound of thunder.
Caught outside with no safe shelter anywhere
 Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain
ridges or peaks.
 Never lie flat on the ground, shelter under a tree or use a
cliff or rocky overhang for shelter.
 Stay away from objects that conduct electricity.
Lawn/Garden Pest Control
Here are some natural ways to combat lawn or garden pests:
 Try an insect plant repellant spray of 2 T red pepper powder,
6 drops liquid soap in 1 gallon of water. Let it sit overnight.
You may need to strain it when putting it into a spray bottle.
Spray weekly on tops and bottoms of leaves.
 To deter Japanese beetles plant a ring of garlic and chives
around the affected plants or put a handful of larkspur or
delphinium leaves into a blender, blend thoroughly with
some water, strain,
and add water to 1
gallon in a sprayer.
 To discourage
moles try dropping
some crushed
garlic cloves into
the mole runs.
 To deter rabbits
shake garlic
powder on mature
plants, surround
plants with small
branches of spiny
holly leaves.
Town & Country
Ross Martin
Associate Broker, GRI, CRS
Selling homes in Emerald Lakes
for over 40 years.
4820 Rochester Rd.• Troy, MI 48085
An Evening with
Alan Trammell
ELV residents are invited to enjoy an evening
with former Detroit Tiger Alan Trammell at
Holy Redeemer Grade School in Detroit on
Thursday, August 6, 2015. The event will
raise funds to support Holy Redeemer
grade school scholarships, with all pr oceeds
going directly to this cause.
The central event will consist of a dinner
catered by Detroit's celebrated Slows Bar B Q
as well as a question and answer session with
the legendary shortstop and 1984 World Series MVP Alan
Trammell. The minimum donation for dinner and this event is
$100. Doors open at 6 p.m.
New this year is the VIP Room, which will be open from 5:006:00 p.m. Here, for a $200 donation, VIPs will be able to meet and
greet Alan Trammell and receive 1 autographed item, in addition
to the dinner and Q&A session. For a donation of $250 VIPs will
be able to attend the meet and greet and receive 2 autographed
items in addition to the regular event. Wine and cheese will also be
served in the VIP Room.
For more information or to purchase tickets, contact ELV resident
Dan Ewald at 248-828-8153 or ewald@wowway.com.
Mosquito Control
With all the rain we have been having can
mosquitos be far behind? To help control the
mosquito population:
 Drain water from boats or store them upside
 Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps that hold water
 Change water in bird baths and wading pools regularly
 Drain water from outdoor potted plants and drip trays
 Aerate ornamental pools
 Clean out roof
Dean Moser
 Cover trash
Licensed & Insured
To keep the
New Construction  Remodeling  Repairs
mosquitoes from
Water Heaters All Piping
bugging you when
Sump Pumps
Sinks and Faucets
you’re out on your
Gas Lines
patio set up an
Work Saturdays and Evenings, Too
oscillating fan to
Rates for ELV Residents
blow across where
you are seated.
BACK PAIN have you feeling blue?
Let DANA help you!
Licensed Massage Therapist
Gentle Myofacial Release
Reiki Therapy
Located in the neighborhood.
Special ELV discounts
Call Dana at 248-506-1106
Still Have Things
Left After the
Garage Sale?
If you were unable to sell all your stuff at
the ELV Garage Sale here are two
organizations that would happily accept
your donation of furniture, household
goods or clothing.
The Furniture Bank of Southeast
Michigan will pick up furniture in
functional, gently-used condition for $20.
Your furniture and monetary donation
help families living in poverty,
transitioning from homelessness, or
working with child protective services.
For pick-up service one item must be a
mattress or box spring, sofa, dresser or
kitchen or dining room table and/or at
least 4 kitchen chairs. Call 248-332-1300
Monday—Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm
or go to www.furniture-bank.org.
The Salvation Army has a thrift store on
Auburn Road just west of John R that
will accept your donations of furniture,
household goods, or clothing. You can
also find out if pick-up service is
available by calling 1-800-SA-TRUCK
or going to www.salvationarmyusa.org.
The Owens’ write: We had Dr.
Sweep Brick Repair (888405-4355) clean and adjust
the gas flow on our gas
fireplace. Bill was very
profession and neat. We
also had tuck pointing done a week later.
Two guys came out and did a nice job on
the mortar between the bricks all around
the house and the foundation. The office
is on point with appointment
confirmation and a reasonable time
frame for scheduling. I would call them
back again.
Bottle Drive
 The Kotchers are asking for donations
of returnable bottles and cans to
raise money to help pay the medical
bills of their nephew, who has cancer
and is unable to work. Call 248-8790848 for pick up or drop your
donation off at 6281 Emerald Lake
Drive. Thank you.
For Rent
 Three bedroom cottage on beautiful,
all-sports lake. Located in Elk Rapids.
Call Julie, 248-879-9337, for details
and availability.
For Sale
 12’ aluminum boat with oars on
Walker Lake, $125. If interested, call
Bruce at 248-879-8009.
 Oak, 50” x 20” Nilo children’s play
table with peg holes. Great for
Legos/trains! Includes stor age
drawer and play mat. Like new
condition. Was $400 new, asking $60
FIRM. Call 239-919-6437.
 3 cu ft. mini-fridge with freezer for
college/basement. Black/Silver. $40.
Call 248-879-7687.
 Colonial on Emerald Lake. 3 bdr ,
3½ bath, finished lower level
walkout, 3-car garage, fantastic
westerly view. Move-in condition.
Call 248-703-6360.
 Blue and white paddleboat with 4
adjustable seats and canvas top.
Asking $200. Call 248-879-0848.
 GT 14-6 glass and ceramic kiln
(120V x 15A) with books and
manuals. Used, but in excellent
condition. Asking $500, was $1285
new. Call Joe, 248-879-8344.
Your parents want to stay
in the place they call home.
We can help.
Bert & Stephanie Copple
725 S. Adams, Suite 205
Birmingham, MI 48009
Residents of Emerald Lakes Village
Each Home Instead Senior Care® franchise office is independently owned and operated ©2014 Home Instead, Inc.
Home Services
 For lawn maintenance and mulch,
call Dan at Lakefront Lawn Care,
 A/C service. Call ELV r esident
John, 248-828-1795. 35 years
 A large, metal rowboat and a longhandled paddle board paddle on
Emerald Lake. If found, please call
Marcia at 248-879-1287.
Moving Soon Sale
 32” round, marble coffee table, $125;
older dresser, large drawers, nice
mirror, $65; 3 sewing machines,
portable and wood cabinet; wood
coffee table with glass top, $110;
Seadoo helmet with shield, $35;
paper shredder. All in excellent
condition. Call 248-879-6002.
Other Services
 Love “Tastefully Simple”? Interested
in having a party? Tired of hearing
“What's for dinner?” I have an
answer! Freezer meals and several
menus for an entire month. Call
Ann at 248-840-9419.
 Home/Pet Sitting Needs? Mother
and son team able to pet sit, dog walk,
pick up mail, water plants, etc. Call
Julie or Jake, 248-879-9337.
 Wedding DJ entertainment,
photography, and videography.
Call Jeff (248-219-1650) or Sherri
 Looking to purchase a lakefront or
lake view ranch home in ELV.
Please contact Steve at 313-530-5501.
 Looking for a tandem kayak. Please
contact nitroderrek@yahoo.com.
Wash your car
on your lawn
and use nonphosphorus soap
to help keep our
waters clean.
Next deadline: July 3, 2015.
Mail/deliver info to 6653 Emerald Lake
or email to jbktroy@aol.com.
Mailing underwritten by Ross Martin,
Century 21 Town & Country.
P.O. BOX 113
TROY, MI 48099-0113
Firewood/Wood Chips
Tree Removal
1990 E. Auburn Rd. (corner Dequindre)
Dine In  Carry Out  Drive Thru
Vinyl Kraft Home Improvement
Your Premier Siding Company
Also, Window Replacement t Awnings t Roofing
Porch Enclosures
Lawn Care
All State Tree Phosphorus-Free
& Lawn Service Inc. Consultation
Licensed & Insured
17655 14 Mile Rd  Fraser, MI
“The Tree Doctors”
Dana Stevens
Certified Arborist
(248) 689-5750
(248) 273-4800
Since 1974
Highly Recommended by Your Neighbors in Emerald Lakes Village
(586) 415-4000
Fully Insured
Storm Damage
ELV Resident