View Our Genealogy Resources - Orange County Regional History
View Our Genealogy Resources - Orange County Regional History
Joseph L. Brechner Research Center Genealogy Resources Hours: Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Appointments are preferred Staff: Whitney Broadaway, Collections Manager, 407-836-8587 Garret B. Kremer-Wright, Archivist, 407-836-8584 Adam Ware, Phd, Research Librarian, 407-836-8541 1 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Archival Collections……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 Abstracts of Title……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Harold M. Beardall Collection…………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 City of Orlando Mayor’s Court Docket Ledgers………………………………………………………………………….3 City of Orlando Municipal Court Ledgers………………………………………………………………………………….3 City of Orlando Register of Births and Deaths…………………………………………………………………………...3 City of Orlando Voter Registration Ledgers………………………………………………………………………………3 Orange County Automobile Tag Ledger……………………………………………………………………………………3 Orange County Sheriff’s Department Collection………………………………………………………………………..3 Orange County Tax Collector Collection……………………………………………………………………………………3 Orange County Voter Registration Ledgers……………………………………………………………………………….4 Orlando High School Commencement Programs……………………………………………………………………….4 Photographic Collections……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 Biography……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Business…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18 Research Collections………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21 Biography Vertical File Index…………………………………………………………………………………………………..21 City Directories………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………36 City of Orlando Record of Building Permits……………………………………………………………………………...36 Newspaper Collection…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….36 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps………………………………………………………………………………………………....37 Survey of the Historical and Architectural Resources of Orange County, Florida………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..38 Telephone Books…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...38 Yearbook Collection……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….38 2 T Introduction he Joseph L. Brechner Research Center in the Orange County Regional History Center houses the special collections of the Historical Society of Central Florida. These collections document nearly 200 years of Central Florida’s history from the 1820s to the present. The Research Center was created with a donation from Marion Brody Brechner in honor of her husband, Joseph L. Brechner, a prominent journalist, community leader, and freedom of information advocate. The archival collection consists of over 300 cubic feet of primary source materials including personal and company papers. The photographic collection is home to over 16,000 photographs and postcards. Finally, the research collection includes more than 5,000 library volumes, a map collection, and vertical files. The following is a listing of the genealogical materials available for use by researchers at the Joseph L. Brechner Research Center. This is not a comprehensive list, and due to the nature of the collections should be considered a living document that is constantly growing and changing. We hope that you find this information useful in your search for family history. 3 Archival Collections Abstracts of Title (Various) Land transaction histories in Orange County (some surrounding counties) by detailing the earliest record of land purchase. Included in the abstracts are names of grantor and grantee, legal land description, legal proceedings (ex. wills, divorce), and business incorporations to name a few. The identified abstract end date is used on the folders (ex. March 28, 1919). *Harold M. Beardall Collection (1979.027.0005) Personal record of births (435 entries) of Dr. Harold M. Beardall of Orlando he performed from 1920-1939. Each entry includes name of child, date of birth, and names (including ages) of the parents. The records are arranged in chronological order. City of Orlando Mayor’s Court Docket Ledgers (1983.127.0001) Includes fifteen ledgers of cases brought against individuals who violated Orlando city ordinances from 1875-1923. Each entry includes case number, defendant’s name, ordinance violated, and sentence. City of Orlando Municipal Court Ledgers (2003.001.0008) Includes six ledgers of cases of brought against individuals who violated Orlando city ordinances from 1923-1926. Each entry includes case number, defendant’s name, ordinance violated, and sentence. The Municipal Court was the successor of the Mayor’s Court. City of Orlando Register of Births and Deaths (1964.004.0001) This ledger details births and deaths of citizens of Orlando from 1910-1922. Birth records contain date and place of birth, child’s name, gender, race, parent’s names (includes occupation and place of birth). Death records give date, name, marital status, gender, race, location of death, occupation, place of birth, and cause of death. This ledger is arranged in chronological order. City of Orlando Voter Registration Ledgers (1964.004.0001) Six ledgers listing registered voters name, age, occupation, race, mailing address, and political party. The span dates for this collection are 1870-1931, not inclusive. Orange County Automobile Tag Ledger (1985.067.0001) The tag ledger lists vehicle owner, license tag number, make of vehicle, and primary function of the vehicle (ex. taxi). The span dates for this collection are 1912-1918. #Orange County Sheriff’s Department Collection (1993.138.0001) Arrest record ledgers these records detail arrests made by the department for a variety of offenses. Each of the thirty-two (32) ledgers include name of arrestee, date, time, sex, gender, arrestee address, arresting officer, and offense. The span dates for the ledgers are 1938-1972. Orange County Tax Collector Collection (1966.008.0001, 1995.031.0001 and 2009.001.0238) 1966.008.0001: Thirteen property tax receipt books that show Orange County residents paid their taxes from 1884-1885 and 1891-1894. The taxes were paying for the previous year. An index has not been created for this collection. 1995.031.0001: This ledger assesses the amount of tax collected on land and voters (poll tax) in Orange County in from 1891-1892. Entries for the property taxes include: date of payment, legal land description, owner of property, and amount of tax paid for each taxable item. The poll tax list is an alphabetical listing of residents that were added by the tax collector for that year (in back of book). 2009.001.0238: Eight Orange County Tax Collector ledgers listing land in the county sold for failure to pay taxes. Each entry includes the legal description of land, land owner, amount of tax owed, and the reason why the land was sold. Many of the properties sold were due to foreclosures. The span dates for this collection are 1896-1940. 4 Orange County Voter Registration Ledgers (2005.030.0001) Primary and General election ledgers (547 total) from various cities in Orange County. Each ledger includes voter name, whether they paid their poll tax, political party affiliation, occupation, age, and address. The span dates for this collection are 1919-1947. Orlando High School Commencement Programs (various) Each program includes a list of students who graduated from 1898-1960 Symbols: # -- Denotes that a partial index has been created * -- Denotes that a complete index is available No symbol indicates that an index has not been compiled 5 Photographic Collections Biography Abbott Baker John Abbott Barbara Hills Baker Walter Abrams Alexander St. Clair Baker John G. Adams George E. Baker Patricia Brown Randall Ahik Elsie Baker Dr. Thomas R. Allemon Mrs. F. Monroe Baldwin Stacy E. Barber Carl Allen Allen Frank Barber Dixie Allen Mabel Barbour Don Allen Mary Lee Barfield Sam Allen Linton E. Barker Corrine Peoden Allen Linton Barker Minnie Ammerman Don Barker Roger A. Andersen Martin Barksdale Dr. M. T. Andersen Martin Barley George Anderson Flora Charlotte Barnard Antonie Anderson Jacob Barnard Mrs. Antonie Andrews Senator Charles Barnard Rose Andrews Daisy Barnard Rudy Barnes W. F. Armstrong Arness James Barrington Arthur Allen Basie Count Ashley Willie Baskin Norton Ashley Pearl Baxter Francis "Bunk" Ashley Albie Baxter Mary Elizabeth Ashley Effie Baxter Carrie Ashley Lillian Beach Rex Askew Governor Reubin Beacham Roberta Branch Asquith Leonard M. Beacham Braxton Attema Henry Beachey Lincoln Autrey L. M> Beardall Harold Bacon C. E. Beardall Dr. Harold Martyn Baer Bill Beardall Jack Baer Bill Beardall Mayor William Bafalis L. A. "Skip" Beary Kevin Bagdigia Robert Z. Beasley Ed Bailey Eunice Beasley Ray Bailey George Beasley Earl K. Baird Lillian Beatty Mary 6 Beck Donald Branch William S. Jr. Beeks Nell Branch Mrs. W. S. Sr. (Jessie) Beeman Lester Branch William S. Sr. Belitz Nick Brand Charles Belk Dr. J. Blanton Branham Belue Frank Branham Mary Bench Johnny Brantley Mary Rogers Bermann Zelda Brechner Joseph Berry Mrs. Bill Brechner Marion Berry Billie Brewer David L. Bethune Mary McLeod Brewer Julie Bettison Alix Brice William Oscar Blackman Dr. William Fremont Bronson Thelma Blair Russ Brooks Bertha Blanchard Jay Brooks Sophronia Blanchard Jack Brooks Osborn Blanton Bill Brossier J. Clement Bliss Mrs. E. LaRue Brossier R. B. Boardman Caroline Brown Ralph Boardman Grace Brown James Boardman Frank Browne George H. Bruce Carol Boghosian Boone William Bryan William Jennings Boone Mabel Bryan John L. Boone Cassius A. Bryant Governor Farris Boone William R. Bryant Farris Borge Victor Bryant Farris C. Boucher Jane Patterson Buchan Mrs. M. E. Bowles Bob Buck Frank Boyer Chauncey A. Bullard Daisy Boyer Esther Caroline Gerrish Bullard Dena Mae Brabson Sam Bullard Estrella Brack W. J. Bullard Jacques Braddock Jim Bumby Bradshaw George Bumby Harry E. Bradshaw Buddy Bumby Joseph Franklin Jr. Bradshaw C. E. Bumby Joseph Franklin Sr. Bradshaw James Neal Burcham Brantley Brame Dr. Dorothy Burchan Mrs. Brantley Branch Eliza Berta Burchan Brantley 7 Burden George Christ Dr. Calvin D. Burden Jim Christ Elizabeth Burden John Clark Elizabeth Ann "Betsy" Burke Delta Clark Mercerdese Burns Governor Haydon Clark Mary Bush Frances Clarke Arthur Bush President George W. Clenney Bussey Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cleveland Yancy Butler Mabel Clow Elizabeth Butler Mabel Cochran Wayne Butt Arthur Cofino Nora Cabot Mrs. Bruce Cohen Barney Calloway Sandra Cohoon Robert S. Calvert Francis Cohoon Carey Tom Coith A. T. Carlton Fran Coith Stephen Carnegie Dale Cole A. L. Carr Mayor Robert Coleman Annie Carr Jeanne Coleman Bessie Carr Mayor Robert Collins Governor Leroy Carroll Frances Moss Collins Dr. Charles Carter Betty Colman Mel Carter Vera Colman Melvin G. Caruso Austin A. Colt Mr. & Mrs. Charles Caruso Mrs. Phillip Cone Governor Fred Caswell Bradley Conklin Hartwell Chamberlain Edy Conner Doyle Chapin Linda Contella Sandy Chapman Maude Contella L. P. "Sandy" Chappell Dr. John Rocher Conway Cary Cheney Donald Cook Ann Turner Cheney Judge Donald A. Coombs James B. Cheney Fannie Robinson Cooper James T. Cheney John M. Cooper Richard Holcomb Chewning Robert Coran Raymon (Deek) Chewning Grace Corbett Letitia Chicone Jerry Sr. Cost Bruce Chiles Governor Lawton Cox Doyle Chiles Dr. J. C. Cox Elijah Chira Lee Cox Maud Yothers 8 Craig Colonel John Dickerson Robert D. Craney Dr. Edward T. Dicksinson C. P. Crawford Bob Dicksinson Dr. Robert Crawford George Dickson Henry Hill Cronk Maude Dieffenwierth James E. Dirkson Senator Everett Crooms Crooms Moses Dodd Daniel Crotty Rich Dolive George Curtis Ken Dolive Billy Daetwyler M. J. Dolive Marion Dann Carl Dolive Gweneth Dann H. Carl Sr. Dolive W. H. Dantzler Beverly Dolive Josephine Dantzler Sherman Dolive Louis S. Davies Lorraine Dolive William Davis Davell R. Dolive Mrs. William Davis Jimmie Dollins L. J. Davis Orville Dorman Tom Davis Adelaide Doss Billy Davis Dabney Doyle Joe Davis Dr. J. J. Drake Beulah R. Davis Mayor J. Rolfe DuBose Dr. Pierre Davis Orville R. Duckworth E. G. Davis Wilbur H. Duckworth Robert T. Dawkins M. Emory Duke Buford Kerr Day Dr. Horace Duke Eliza Wright Dean Buford L. Duke James Dean Chief William Duke Mary Kerr Dean Gideon Dukes Earl K. Dean William Duncan Patricia Jones Decker, Jr. Clifford A. Dunn-Rankin Jonathan Decottes George A. Dyke Edwina C. Delaney Eunice Eagan Robert S. Delaney James A. Ebsen Buddy Demopolous Steve Ebsen Vilma Demps Robert Jr. "Sonny" Edgar DePugh Mary Edwards Bruce Despalj Majda Edwards Dr. Gaston Halcome Dewards Dr. Gaston Edwards Warren Hardin Dial William H. Eisenhower General Dwight 9 Ekdahl Margaret Fox Gustin Ellars Raymond O. Fox Josephine Emerson Faye Fox Frederick Eppes Francis Fox Queryn Essaro Elizabeth Fox Karl Estes V. W. Fox Gweneth Estes Mayor V. W. Fox Herman Evans Maxine Fox Jack Evans Maynard Fox Father Michael Evans Willie Fraser Malcolm Evans Beulah R. Frederick Mayor Willard "Bill" Evans Dale Freeman Cliff Fahnestock Kenneth Ernest Freeman Whilhelmina Falls Leone French Bernice Farmer Judge Mattie Frey Louis Farran Dr. Fries Kena Fenning Gus Fries J. Otto Ferguson Sarah Fries Mrs. J. Otto Ferlinghettie Lawrence Fritz Edith Fernandez Mary Elizabeth Fulford William Fikret Halouk Funkhouser Solon I. Fillman Wesley Funkhouser Cornelia Fischer Dick Furney Ed Fisher Eleanor Gadeberg Fisher Colonel Russell Gainous Robert Flanders R. L. Galloway Carl Gammon James Fletcher Flippo Bob Gard Bess Floren Myren Gard Jesse Folsom Dr. Spencer A. Gardner Frank Ford Napoleon Gaston Gay Ford President Gerald Gay Clarence M. Forney Hannah Gay Mrs. Clarence M. Forney Martha Gettier John Wesley Harrison Fosgate Chester C. Giles Foster Clara Giles Mayor James L. Foster Ollie Gilman Toni Fox Arthur Gilmore Bill Fox Irene Glenn Billy Fox Thomas Glichstein Felix 10 Godeburg Hanna Dr. Katheryn Abby Goldwater Barry Happerset Ike Gong Luc Kim Hardin Ruth Audley Gordy Bruce Harper Della Mizell Gore E. H. Harper Della Mizell Gore Mayor Mahlon Harrington Ana Janette Gore Martha Harrington David C. Graham Bob Harrington Edward Gray Dr. Frank Harrington James Gray Bishop William Crane Harrington Lucinde Irene Bush Green Lucy Farran Harrington Sayres B. Green Raymond Harris Mrs. Jesse R. Green Doshia Harris Rev. Frederick Brown Greene Harry E. Hart Ernestine Crux Greene Raymond W. Harvey Hannon Griffin Gene Hawkins Paula Griffin Stanley Hawkins Paula Grissom Gus Haydon Julie Groover Sandy Hayes Walter Lee Guernsey Joseph L. Hays "Duck Lady" Guild Alice E. Henderson Francis F. Gunter Bill Hendricks Joe Gunter William Hendricks Ruth Laycock Haden Mrs. Algernon Henkel Dr. Miller A. Haden Algernon Henry Jim Hagan Charles Herlong A. S. "Syd" Hagan Robert Herson Bill Hagerty James Herson Billie Hale Tim Hilchuk Constantine Hall Bertha Hill C. T. Halstead Marguerite Hill Mary Lou Halterman Frankey Hillman Herman Hamer Shadie Livingston Hillyer Ronald Hamilton A. C. Hodges Melvina Hancock Dave Hodges Lemuel Hand Carey Hoffman Autrey Hand Nellie Hoffner Harry A. Handby Mildred Hoffstetter William Hankins Dr. I. Sylvester Holbrook J. P. Hanna Dr. A. J. Holcomb Cheryl 11 Holloway General Bruce Jernigan Holloway Jack Johnson President Lyndon B. Holshauser Cynthia Ann Dickerson Johnson Buddy Holshauser Iola Johnson Mary Holshauser Kitty Reynolds Johnson Grace Phillips Holshauser Cory Johnson Ted Holt Hamilton Johnson Buddy Hood Mayor Glenda Johnson Beth Hoover Margaret Johnson Beulah Horley Bishop Johnson Dr. Hewitt Howard Florida Johnson Jimmy Howe Robert Johnson Mary Howe S. Waters Johnson Norah Hrvol Anna Jones David "Deacon" Huddelsten Jesse Jones J. S. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Jones Johnny J. Hudson Hattie Jones L. C. Huffstetler William Jones Sam Hughes Lena Smithers Jones Penney Hughes Russell V. Jouett Albert Hull William Benjamin Kadel Dr. William Humphrey Vice President Hubert Kaeser Anna Humphrey Muriel (Mrs. Hubert) Karel Frank Karel George H. Hunt Hunter Mrs. Vernon Kazanzas Leon Huppel Alexander Ernest Keene Kizzy Hurston Zora Neal Keene R. D. Hutchins Victor Keith Robert C. Ingraham Dr. L. C. Kelly E. M. Ischy John W. Kennedy Arthur "Pappy" Ives Sidney E. Kerouac Jack Kerr J. C. Ivey Jackson Sammy Keyes Helen Eloise Jacocks Rosina Kiehl Kenneth James Randall Kienth Ken Jamieson Mamie Kilmer Jamisson Milton Kilmer Jamisson Katie King Janssen David King Roy Jennings Peter King Byron H. Jr. Dr. Washington 12 King Franklin O. Lewter King Murry S. Lewter Frederick Kirk Governor Claude Lewter Linnie Kirk Governor Claude Lewter Dorol Kirklands Tom Jr. & Sr. Lewter Elva Kittinger Joe Lewter Jewell Kobey Jean Lewter Irma Koehne Wilhlmine Lewter Laura Kowalski Sudye Lewter Medora Inez Kremar Michele Lewter Zelma Kuhl Carl Lewter Benjamin "Benny" Kuhr Dixie Lewter Dora Kulty Tom Lewter Frederick Lab Pam Lewter Dr. John Lake Forrest Lewter Laura Land Henry W. Lewter Robert Dickenson Langford Mayor Carl Lewter William Langford Thomas Lines Barbara Langford Frances Linkletter Art Langford Mary Etta Little Edith Tadd Langford Anne S. Little Lucy Latham David Litton Canie Lauder Sir Harry Livingston Emma Laughlin Chaney Adams Lonnberg Eva Fries Laughlin James Jr. Lott Dottie Lavin Mildred McNeil Love Clyde Lavinghouzez Bill Lovell W. A. Lawson Sherry Luff John Lazarus Emma Luff John P. Lazarus William C. Lyon Annette Lee T.G. MacAdoo W. G. Lee Thomas G. Mack Connie Lee Beth Magruder Jeb Lennon Janet Magruder J. B. Leonhart Jeanie Maguire Sara Correy "Skippy" Leonhart Johnny Majors Lee Leu Harry A. Mallory George Leu Mary (Mrs. Harry) Mallory Dr. Meredith Leu Harry P. Manuel Mrs. J. G. Marble Robert D. Levy 13 Marks Matthew R. Merrill Arthur Marston Hal Mettles Mrs. Isaac W. Martin Dr. Elijah Miller Clinton Dewitt Martin Dr. Elijah Milligan Jimmy Martin Glenn L. Mills J. H. Martin Jack Mills Robert Aaron Martin William Miranda Frank Massey Louis C. Mixon Lola Mather-Smith Grace Phillips Mizell David Jr. Matthews W. M. Mizell Della Matthews Harvey W. Mizell John Randolph May Fred G. Mizell Joshua Mayfield Linda Mizell Mollie McAdoo W. G. Mizell Sally McCall Ken Mizell Thomas G. McCallum Archibald Monroe Max McCallum Minnie Peckham Morgan Misty McCoy Colonel Michael Mortiz Herbert McCree Linda Mortiz Floe McCulloch George E. Morton Dr. Rosalie Slaughter McCulloch Mabel Mueller Jacob "Brother Jacob" McDowell Jack W. Munger Amelia McElroy James N. Murdock Jack McElroy J. Merle Murphy Joseph McElroy Dr. Sylvan Murphy J. Hugh McEwan Brigadier General John Murphy William Milton McEwan Dr. John Singer Murr Daisy McGee Wilson Chandler "Red" Musselwhite A. Peyton McHatton Donna Musselwhite John Plyla McMillan Majorie Musselwhite Peyton Jr. McMillan J. D. "Jeter" Nash Clarence "Ducky" McMillan Lee Nausley Corrine Barker McNutt M. H. Nausley Dr. Rollo Mead Dr. Theodore Luqueer Nehrling Henry Meisterman Mrs. Joseph Neidig Egbert "Bert" Meloan H. Nelson June Merrell Medora Newell George R. Merrill Arthur Newell Gertrude Sweet Merrill Gwendolyn Radford Newell Harry Alexander Merrill Gladys Newell Leigh G. 14 Newhart George Parshall Sally Nicholson Delmar "Radio Nick" Pataky John Nicholson Augustus M. Patterson Mary Beatty Nilson Edgar C. Patterson George Beatty Nix Jeannie Payne L. L. Nixon President Richard Peeples Fleet Nixon Pat Pell Duncan Norman Jessye Pengrie Doc Norris Leslie Kim Pennington Paul Norton Bernice Pepper Claude Oatley Ernest Pepper Senator Claude O'Brien Hugh Person Dr. William Odham Brailey Person Dr. William Carter O'Neal W. R. Phelps Captain John J. O'Neal Mabelle Phillips Della O'Neal William R. Phillips Howard Orr Dr. Louis Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Joel P. Orr Dr. Louis M. Phillips Dr. Phillip P. Osborn Frank Phillips Walter Osborn Frank Charles Pickett Tom Osceola Cory Pignone Frank Jr. Osincup Dr. Gilbert Pillans Dr. Porter P. Overstreet Moses O. Pinder Rev. Nelson Overstreet Murray W. Pittman Jean Owens Lollie Platt Ruby Padgett Sanford W. Poe Ralph Page Ernest Poezer Diana Gale Weber Palmer Cal Pons Lily Palmer E. H. Porter Panella Palmer Kate Porter Palmer W. L. Pounds Park Leland Pounds Johnny Park Arthur Pounds John Park Dr. Leland Pounds Hoyle Parramore James B. Pounds Ruth Parramore Minnie Graves Powell Ron Parrish Pete Power Tyrone Parshall Blanche Pratt Dorothy Irene Parshall James Pratt Natalie Parshall Ella Pratt Mardie 15 Pratt Ezra Robinson Mary Pratt Lucinda Robinson Owen Pratt Helen Louisa Harrington Robinson Samuel A. Pratt Sarah L. Robinson Thomas Pickett Pratt Walter Ruthvan Tremain Rock Charles Presley Elvis Rogers Floyd Preston Gracie Rogers Irma Lewter Price W. K. Jr. Rogers Floyd Proctor Richard Rogers Will Purcell Janet Rogers Bulldog Quale Dan Rooney Quinn Jane Roosevelt President Franklin D. Raborn Margaret Roosevelt Eleanor Radcliff Joan Roper Frank Radebaugh Adelma Giles Rose Walter Radford Gwen Rosenberg Rosalie Ragin Annie Mae Bullard Rosenbloom Ramsdell Leonard Ross Eddie Royal Edith Randall Randall Bo Royal Gertrude Randall Mr. D. J. Ruble Betty Rawlings Marjorie Kinnan Ruester Ray Rees John Rush Elizabeth Knox Relford Rev. William B. Russ James M. Reynolds Mayor William H. Russell Annie Richard Henry Ryan Ida Annah Rickenbacker Eddie Saine Lizzie Riddle Cash Sanford Henry Shelton Riley Z. L. Sawyer Abe Ritchie Billie Scarborough Ritchie Peggy Schmidli Margaret Robbins John Raymond Schoeffner Minnie Robertson H. Clark Schoen Arnold F. Robinette Warner R. Schumann John F. Robinson Owen S. Scott Dr. Stanley Robinson Alice Beauclaire Scott Minna Koehne Robinson Captain Benjamin M. Scott Selma Robinson Elizabeth Scott Ruth Robinson Harriet Scruggs Mary Robinson Laura Sears Edwin L. 16 Seidel Smathers Senator George Seidel Gus Smith Ben Seidel Betty Jean Smith Howard K. Seidel William J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sellers "Aunt" Sally Smith Dr. H. H. Sellers Uncle Bunyan Smith G. Max Serros Andy Smith Alton Sewell Gus Smith Charlie Shader Israel Smith Frank Shawn Ted Smith Dr. James R. Shellhaus Esther Smith Leona Shephard Alan Smith William Shepherd Martha Smyth Ellan Shepherd Forney Smythe Arthur Shepherd Sanford Paine Smythe Manara Shepherd Martha Funkhouser Smythe Mrs. Arthur Shepherd Forney Southwick Clara Spears Harriet Rose Shepherd Shepherd Kathleen Speer James G. Shepherd Dorothy Spellman Anna Sherman William Spellman Ella Shevin Robert L. Spellman James Shine Lilla Spellman Mary C. Shine Thomas J. Sperry Mayor E. Frank Shofner Dr. Jerrell H. Spiers Dr. Henry Shuften John T. Stanford Sickle Charles Stanton Curtis Simmerson Dodie Starbuck J. Holland Simmons George Starbuck L. G. Simmons Nancy M. Starr Dave Sinclair Dr. William Ewing Starr Annie Singhouse Samuel A. Stearley Ralph Sipple Karen Stedman Gordon C. Sleinmeyer, Jr. F. E. Steimetz John B. Slemons Phil Sterchi Elizabeth Allen "Happy" Slettedahl Barbara Reppard Sterchi John Sligh S. J. Stevenson Adlai Smathers Senator George Stevenson Dick Smathers George Stewart Jonathan C. Smathers Bruce Stine Paul 17 Stone Van Tassel Robert D. Stone Mrs. Allen Hiram (Mary) Vanderpool Isaac Stone J. C. Varn Laura Livingston Beardall Stone J. C. Jr. Verigan William Stone Richard Voorhis Harry M. Story W. L. Voss Colonel Thomas S. Strout Jill Galloway Wade John L. Stuart George Wade Davita Holshauser Stufts R. W. Wade Virginia Wade Agnes Morgan Sullivan Summerlin Jacob "Brother Jacob" Wade Edith B. Sumpter Davis Wade Ernest Swearingen Francis Roberson Wade Vida Swearingen Hugh Wade Malcolm L. Swearingen Lottie Wade Malcolm Sr. Takeo Shingo Wadsworth Charlie Talton John H. Wallace G. L. Tannen Ernie Walley Deborah Tanner Juanita Walton Sandra Taubensee Eddie Warfield Karl Taylor William Warlow T. Picton Taylor Mary E. Roberts Warner Ross Tedger Lucille Warren Governor Fuller Terrance Dr. Harold Warren Governor Fuller Thomas Lamar Watson Sheldon Thornal Burton Way S. Y. Thorndike Bertha Way W. Delaney Tieman Lu Halstead Jerome Weatherford Debbie Tiger Dr. Weeks Dan Tilden Wilbur L. Weeks John Tillinghas S. R. Weidenbeck Ted Tinker Mr. & Mrs. Joe Welk Lawrence Tinker Rubye Wendel Clara Tizel George Wheeler Frank Tracy Missy Wheeler Hughlette Treadway Lou White Claude Trovillion Mr. & Mrs. Allen White Ben F. Truman President Harry White Collis Tyler Martha Jernigan White Hank Urban Alice Steed White Lassus 18 Whitfield Beverly Wood J. C. Whitman Dr. Alton B. Woodruff Seth Wicks Lila Woodward Joseph Hersey Williams Roy Woodward Martha Burt Metcalf Williams Charles G. Woodward Ellen Williams Elayne Wright Williams Champ Wyman Betty Williams Frances Howen Yacobian Max Willie John Yaros Shirley Willis Edward Yergey D. Arthur Wilson Andy Yonce Earline Wilson James Weldon Yothers Ada A. Winegard Isaac Yothers Jean Winfree Flossie Yothers William Walter Winn Elizabeth "Sissie" Young Mr. & Mrs. William Wittenstein Joe Young John Wolfe Claude H. Youngblood Elva Lewter Wolfe Claude Youngman Henry Wood Anna Yowell Newton P. Wood Earl K. Zan Zhin Business Nye, A. J. Packing House Allen & Co. Jewelers Marchand, Alton L. General Blacksmithing American Pioneer Insurance Company American Rug Company Atlantic Refining Company Bailey Motor Equipment Company Beacham Theater Baer, Bill TV and Stereo Behr's Shoe Center Believe Ford Agency Blackwood Cleaners Bouton's, C. F. Shoe Hospital Branch's Bookstore Brown Printing Company Bumby Hardware Hand, Carey Funeral Home Caruthers & Gore Grocery Chinese Chop Suey City Cab Company Colonial Plaza Colyer & Williams Merchants and Tailors Cook Auto Company Covingtons, Ruth Cox's Meat Market Coytown Shopping Plaza Curry Electric Company Cox-O'Neal Furniture Company Curtis & O'Neal Company Dickson Ives Company Dixie-Kuhn Service Station Downyflake Doughnut and Coffee Shoppe Dutch's Arcade Ebsen Dance Studio Eiselstein Brothers Funeral Home Hand, Elijah & Son Furniture Store Emrich's Pharmacy Enzor's Drugstore 19 Estes Pharmacy Fairbanks Morse Irrigation Equipment Fairchild Funeral Home Fidelity Storage and Warehouse Company Fidelity Title and Guaranty Company Flamingo Café Florida Motor Line Food Palace Fosgate's Market Franklin Motor Cars and Service Station Fry's Hat Shop Fulford Van and Storage Company Golden Jade Restaurant Gordon's Transfer Office Grand Theatre Hall Brothers Insurance Wadsworth, Harley Used Cars Harper's Dress Shop Leu, Harry P. Inc. Heiss Old Curiosity Shop Hill Laundry Holler Chevrolet Home Ice Company Imperial House Restaurant Ivey's Drugs Burkhard, Jacob Plumbing Penney, J. C. Company Duke, J. K. Grocery Kissam Building Supply Company La Cantina Restaurant La Moda Trenda Lasater's Garage Latchstring Tea Room Lawton's Jewelry Store Lovett's Food Store Lucerne Pharmacy Marcliff Restaurant Martin Marietta McCrory's 5 & 10 Cent Store McDowell Transport, Inc. McElroy's Drugstore McKellar Cadillac McMurtrey Realty Merita Breach Company Mill, The Mutual Millwork Moses Pharmacy National Beverage Corporation National Standard Insurance Company New Ice Company Orange Belt Truck & Tractor Company Orange Buick Company Orange County Reporter Orlando Day Nursery Orlando Ice Deleiver Company, Inc. Orlando Morning Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Steam Laundry Orr Clinic Hand, Oscar and Son Furniture Store Our Friends Cafeteria Overstreet Crate Company Palms Auto Company Parramore Service Station Patrick Brothers Service Station Perrydell Tea Room Phillips Theatre Piggly Wiggly Markers Pounds Motor Company Rialto Theatre Rockne Motor Cars Roper's Dairy Royal Palm Barber Shop Rutland's Clothing Store Rybolt's Grocery Sam's Greek Restaurant Shivers, Sam Shell Station Johnson, Sam Company San Juan Pharmacy Scott & Galloway Auto Repairs Slemons Department Store Smith, Marion Antiques Smith and Smart, Inc. Morticians South Atlantic Gas Company 20 South Florida Foundry & Machine Company Southeastern Manufacturing Company Sothern Bell Southerland's Place Southern Fertilizer Company Standard Oil Stroud's Rexall Drugstore Lee, T. G. Dairy Mann, Tom Grocery Tramor Cafeteria Travelers Insurance Company Trovillion Drug Store Tupperware Tuthill Store Vogue Theatre Slaughter, W. A. Plumbing and Heating Merriam, W. H. Electrical Contractor Walker Fertilizer Company Walker-Smith Drugstore WDBO Radio Western Union Westinghouse - Turbine Division White Turkey Drive-In Restaurant Wilson's Shoes Winn Dixie Grocery Store Winter Park Telephone Women's Exchange Tea Room Yowell-Drew Company 21 Research Collections Biography Vertical File Index Multiple Profiles Aa – Af Ag - Ao Ap – Az Abramowitz, Avie Adams, Kattie Adams, Tom (Tin Cup Tom) Akerman, Alex, Jr. Akerman, Emory Speer Akerman, Hugh Albertson, Charles L. Alexander, Dedrick B. Allen, Linton E. Alling, Edward B. Ames, Oakes Andersen, Gracia Andersen, Martin Anderson, Charles Anderson, John (singer) Anderson, Julius Caesar Anderson, Jacob and Jessie Anderson, Robert T. Andrews, Charles Andrews, Oakley Argett, LeRoy Arnold, Chesty Arnold, William Wilson Ashlock, Grover C. (Pete) Atkinson, Evan Lawrence Austin, Jeanie Austin, William Frederick Autrey, Latta M. Aycrigg, Ben Ayers, Dolores Gaston (Tootsie) Ba – Bf Bg - Bo Bp – Bz Bacheller, Irving Bacon, Eve Michael Baer, Bill Bagley, Bill Baker, John G. Baker, John A. Baker, Joe (Judge) Baker, Mary Francis Balch, Henry N. Baldwin, Harry A. Baldwin, Ralph L. Ball, Edward (Ed) Ballenger, John E. Barber, Dixie Barber-Mizell feud Barker, Donald Joseph Barks, Orville Barnes, Doug Barnes, Joyce Barr, Grace Bass, Ethel (Mrs. Walter C.) Bass, Laura Minta (Mrs. John Burris) Bass, Walter C. Battaglia, Sylvester Caruso Batchelor, Dick J. Baxter, Francis (Bunk) Beach, Rex Beacham, Bonny Braxton Beacham, Roberta Branch (Beulah Backwoods) Beachey, Lincoln Beall, Jesse Otis Beardall, Harold M., Dr. Beardall, John R. Beardall, William (Mayor) Beardall, William, Sr. Beasley Merle Beeman, Harry L. Behr, Sam Belitz, Jerry Bellows, Frederick Bentley, Altermese Bentley, Edwin R. (Colonel) Berger, Phil Bethune, Mary McLeod Black, James Allen (Sheriff) Blackman, William F. Blankner, Mrs. L. F. Bishop, George D. Boone, Cassius A. Boone, William R Booth, Charles E. Bourne, Harold (Hal) Bowden, Terry Bowlegs, Billy (Cho-fe-hat-cho) Bowser, Arda C. Boyer, Chauncey A. Boyle, Lloyd F. Brack, William J. Bradshaw, George S. Bradshaw, John N. Branch, William S. Branham, Dorothy Branham, A. G. Branham, Ellen (Mrs. A. G.) Branham, John T., Sr. (Jack) Brandstetter, John William 22 Brass, Basil Franklin Brawner, William A. Brechner, Joseph L. (2 folders) Brecht, Jacob Ernst Breeze, Louise Brewer, Albert M. Bright, William Britt, Morgan C. Brogan, Frank Bronson, Charles H. (Shang) Bronson, Irlo O., Sr. Brooks, Rufus Brossier, Joseph Clement Brossier, R. B. Brown, Earl Westfall Brown, Haywood Burbeck Brown, Mary E. Browne, George Brownrigg, Charlotte Brumbaugh, Eunice Brummer, Frederick C. Bruton, Beatrice M. Bryant, Thomas Wesley Bryson, John C. (Judge) Buchan, Melissa Bumby family Burke, Delta Burkhard, Jacob Burnham, Martin & Gracia (missionaries) Burns, Gene Bush, Edyth Bush, Noelle Butler, Mable Butt, Noah B. Butts, Eileen Hubbard Byrd, James (Judge) Ca – Cf Cg - Co Cp – Cz Caine, Lou S. Calder, Hiram Calhoun, William B. Cambron, Charles Ray Camp, C. Jack Carlton, Fran Carlton, Vassar B. Carpenter, Malcolm Scott Carr, Robert S. (Bob) Carr, Jeanne Carroll, Cole, Dr. Carter, George B. Carter, Vera Caruso family Caruso, Joseph M., Sr. Carver, Alva R. Casselberry, Hibbard Chapin, Linda (4 folders) Chapman, Beverly Chapman, F. S. (Mayor) Chapman, Robin Chase family Cheney, Donald A. Cheney, Fanny Cheney, Joseph Y. Cheney, John M. Cherry, Charles W., Sr. Chewning, Grace A. Chewning, Robert J. Chicone, Jerry, Jr. Chicone, Jerry, Sr. Chihuly, Dale Chiles family Chioji, Wendy Chisholm, Shirley Chittenden, Edna F. Christ, Calvin D., Dr. Chubb, Henry Clark, Forrest S. Clark, Mercedese Richardson Clarke, Pat Clarke, Susan Strother Cloud, Holman R. Cobb, Tyn, Jr. Cody, Aldus M. Cody, Robert S. Coe, Ray McCormick Coffin, Charles E., Dr. Coffman, Leroy B. Cohoon family Coith, Al T. Cole, Russell A. Coleman, Annie Coleman, Benjamin R. Coleman, Bessie Coleman, Lewis A. Coleman, William C., Jr. (Bill) Condict, Harold V. Cook, Ann Turner Cooke, Elwood and Sarah Cooper, Milo Cooper, Richard H. (Judge) Cox, Ben Crenshaw, Donald L. Crews, Walter Lee, Jr. Crist, Charlie (Governor) Crittenden, Earl M. (Duke) Crofton, Lemuel C. Crosby, Phillip Crotty, Richard T. (Rich) (Mayor) Culpepper, Daunte Da – Df Dg – Do 23 Dp – Dz D’Agosino, Joe Daetwyler, M. J. Dann, H. Carl Damsel, Charles H. Datson, Clarence Daugherty, H. A. David, Joffre Davis, George C. Davis, J. Rolfe Davis, Orville R. (2 folders) Dawkins, Darryl Dayton, Howard L. Dean, Beauford L. Dean, Donovan Decker, Allan George DeGroff, Ellis I. Delaney, Eunice and Claudia Demens, Peter Demetree, William C. Demings, Jerry L. Demopoulos, Stevros Densch, Wayne Dial, William H. (Mayor) Diaz, Eddie Dickinson, Charles P. Dickinson, Joy Wallace Dickinson, Robert Monroe Dickson, Harry N. Dickson, Henry H. Dike, Mrs. Disney, Walt Disston, Hamilton Dobbins, LeGrand G. Dobbs, Burney S., Jr. Dolive family Douglas, Marjorie Stoneman Dovell, Junius E. Drage, Tom Duckworth, Eugene G. (Mayor) Duda family Dudley, Thelma Duke, Eliza Duncan, Henry H. Dunlap, Ericka Dyer, Buddy (Mayor) Ea – Ef Eg – Eo Ep – Ez Earnhardt, Dale Eaton, Josiah C. Ebsen, Buddy Edison, Thomas Edmunds, John D. Edward, Gus C. Edwards, Arthur T. Edwards, Gaston H., Dr. Edwards, LeMarcus C., Jr. Edwards, Warren H. Edwards, William Eiselstein, Dana P. Ekdahl, Margaret (Miss America 1930) Ellicott, Joseph R. Ellis, John Engle, Walter E. Eppes family Erving, Cory Etheredge, Ezekiel Y. Evans, Donald S. Ewell, James Lafayette Fa – Ff Fg – Fo Fp – Fz Fair, Lucile Fairchild, James S. Fairchild, Olsen G. Farmer, Mattie H. Fay, Rick Fernandez, Mildred Finne, Harold A. Fishback, Blance G. Fishback, Edward W. Fisher, Bill Flagler, Henry M. Flemming, Dawn Flemming, Howard Fletcher, Madison K. Floyd, Bruce Ford, Napolean (Nap) Fowler, Harold E. Fowler, Jessica and Adam Fowler, Joe Franklin, C. M. (Neil) Frederick, Bill Frederick, Herbert B. Freeman, Bob Fries, J. Otto Fries, Kena Fulford, Jesse C. Fuller, Edna Giles Furlong, Larry Ga - Gf Gg - Go Gj – Gz Gahr, Lloyd F. Gaines, Davis Gallatin, Albert Gallatin, J. C. Galloway, J. K. (Joe) Gardiner, Curtis H. Gardner, Helen Garrett, George 24 Gates, Sylvester James, Jr. Gibbs, Irving B. Giles, James L. (Mayor) Giles, LeRoy B. Gleason, Albert Glenn, John (watchmaker) Glenn, John H. (Astronaut) Gong, Lue Gim Gooch, Stapleton D. Gooding, Jim Gordon, Alfred L., Sr. Gore, Eldon H. Gore, Mahlon Gore, Shashi, Dr. Graham, Bob (Senator/Governor) Graham, Rob Granberry, Edwin Grant, Wilbur C. Gray, G. Wayne Gray, J. Charles Griffin, Ben Hill Griffin, C. V., Sr. Griffin, John Griffin, Willa Vick Grindle, Art Grizzard, Beverly Grinnell Guernsey, Joseph S. Guessaz, Louis A. Guetzloe, Doug Gurney, Ed Gurney, J. Thomas Guthrie, Paul A. Ha – Hf Hg – Ho Hp – Hz Haight, John H. Haiman, Richard Hale, Tim Hall, Leighton T. Hamer, Shadie Livingston Hamilton, William H. Hand, Carey Hankins, I. Sylvester, Dr. Hanna, Alfred Jackson, Dr. Hansen, Alice McBride Hansford, Diane Happel, Vivian Hardage, Gerald Hardaway, Franklin D. Hardee, Jim Hardeman, Louise Dann Hardin, James L. Hardy, Robert Hardy, W. H., General Harney, William S. (General) Harney, William Wallace Harper, John T. Harrell, Bob Harrell, Hazel B. Harris, Charlie Harris, Jackson, Rev. Harris, Jamie Harris, Jim Harris, Lester A. Harrison, Herb Harrison, John Harrison, Peg Hart, Charles L., Jr. Hart, Margaret I. Hartage, Homer (Commissioner) Harthern, Roy, Rev. Hartley, James L. Hartsaw, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harvey, Louisa Harvey, Gen. William. S. Hatfield, James S. Hathaway, Fons A. Hawk, Ernest E. Hawkins, Charles R. Hawkins, Paula Hawthorne, Thomas Hay, A. Rees, Rev. Hayes, Edward F. Hayman, William Hays, Walter L. Hayward, Emma Hayward, Joy Heasley, S. Merle Herbert, Oscar J., Jr. (Jay) Heckinger, Elmer Hedinger, Bud Hedrick, David W. Heidrich, Herman J. Heidt, Clarence Heil, Marilyn Tessmer Heirs, Mary Elza Heitz, John J., Dr. Helie, King Heller, Harvey Hellinger, Frankee Helmer, L. Bryant Helms, Albert, Jr. (Butch) Helvenston, Lou Hemenway, F. V., Colonel Hennig, E. Glenn Henrickson, Rex Henry, Gloria Henry, Jim Henry, Mercer Henson, Ralph C. Herbert, Henry 25 Herlong, Syd Herndon, Pat Herring, Larry Herron, Donald Hewitt, Harry Hewitt, O. P. Hicks, John Higbee, Lenah S. Higginbotham, James M. Hill, Brian Hill, Christine Hill, Coite Hill, Elsa Hill family (Maitland) Hill, Mary Hillenmeyer, John Hinn, Benny Hinshaw, Robert E. Hise, Kenneth and Franca Hitchcock, Jack Hitt, John Hoag, Victor Hobart, L. C. Hoche, Henry Hodgson, Clifford W. Hoenstine, Clarence Hoepner, Theodore J. (Ted) Hoequist, Ken Hoffman, Annie Autrey Hoffman, Carld D., Sr. Hofmann, Philip Hoiser, James Walker Holbrook, J.P. Holbrook, Margie Holcom, Thomas E. Holderman, Chauncey H., Mrs. Holger, Oswald Holland, Felicia Hollands, Norman E., Mrs. Holler, Roger Holloway, Jack Holt, Hamilton Holton, Jack Homayssi, Ruby Homer, Joy Homer, Louise Hone, Ellen Hood, Glenda Hood, Ted Hopkins, Harry Horne, Brenda Hoskins, Hazel Hoskins, Tom Hoss, James M., Jr. Houseman, Will Houser, James C. Housholder, Ernest Howard, Clarence E. Howard, George M. Howard, Julian D. Howard, Laura Howden, Sara Howe, Bertha W. Howe, Maurice Howe, S. Waters Howe, Sammie Howell, Augustus V. Hoyle, Betty Wager Hrusitzky, Anatoly Huang, Soo Hubbard, Frank Hubbard, Robert G. Huber, Lillian B. Hudson, Walter E. Hudspith, Lucy Huffstetler, William Hughes, David Hughes, Russell S. (Hughes Supply) Hughes, Russell V. Hughes, Wallace E. Hughes, Winston Hughlett, William Leland Hulen, W. Bert Hull, James Warren Hull, William Benjamin Hull, William Thomas Humphrey, Martha William Hundley, Walter Hunt, Carl Hunt, Deeley A. Hunt, Frank R. Hunt, Harold M. Hunter, Daniel H. Hunter, Vernon D. Huntley, Carolyn Jane Hupp, Thomas Huppel, Al Hurst, Leonard Hurston, Zora Neale Huseman, Richard C. Huskey, E. Everette Hutcheon, Robert James Hutchins, Arthur Knowles Hutchins, Victor Hutchinson, Robert Lamar Hutchinson, William A. Hutter, Robert T. and Alana Hyatt, William W. Hyer, Julian, Mrs. Hyer, Robert Lee I Igou, Francis I. 26 Iles, A. D. Ingham, W. W., Jr. (Sam) Ingle, Cheryl Ingram, Hollis C., Dr. Inks, Michael Irwin, Darrell Ison, S. W. (Happy) Ives, Marion B. Ives, Sidney E., Jr. Ivey, Grover F. (Doc) Ivey, Keen Gist Ivey, Tom Ja – Jf Jg – Jo Jp – Jz Jackson, Carl J. Jackson, D. H. Jackson, Iris Jackson, James W. Jackson, Joseph C., Colonel Jackson, Mabel French Jackson, Timothy Jackson, Velma Jacobs, Teresa Jaeger, Marjorie Leach Jahn, Michael James, Frances Jammal, Jim Jaramillo, Vicki Jarvis, Nathan S. Jenkins, David Jenney, Sherman Jennings, Toni Jernigan family (4 folders) Jewell, Maurice L., Dr. Joel, Jack Johnson, A. B. Johnson, Charles E. Johnson, Charles H., Jr., Mrs. Johnson, Cheryl Johnson, Clarence A. Johnson, E. Harold Johnson, Guy (Rattlesnake) Johnson, James M. (Acrefoot) Johnson, Johnnie Johnson, Leonard A. Johnson, George W. Johnson, Grace P., Mrs. Johnson, Mary I. Johnson, Robert Johnson, Rusty Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Stephen J., Jr. Johnson, Theodore R. Johnson, Tony Johnson, William Johnston, Frances, Lt. Johnston, Ira Johnston, Jay B. Jones, B. Philip, Jr. Jones, Candee Jones, Dale S. Jones, David (Deacon) Jones, E. Austin Jones, Ernest Jones, Ken Jones, Ralph W. Jones, Walter Jordan, J. J. (Jeff) Jore, A. R. (Doc) Judge, Joseph K. Justice, B. J. Ka – Kf Kg – Ko Kj – Kz Kahn, Wolf Kafka, Robert Kaimowitz, Gabe Kane, Debbie Kane, Jack Karel, Frank III Karel, George H. Kausek, Al Kautter, Tina Kazanzas, Jack Kazarian, Harry and Carl Keene, Rudolphus (R. D.) Keezel, James E. Keith, James B. Keith, LeRoy Keller, Rick Kelly. Howard A., Dr. (Kelly Park) Kelly, Joseph P. Kelly, Tom Kenaston, Thomas C. Kennedy, Arthur (Pappy) Kennedy, Ethel G. Kennedy, George Kennedy, E. Howard Kennedy, Lee Kennedy, Ralph Kennedy, Tom Kenton, Buster Kerouac, Jack Kerr, Mary Kersey, James Kessler, Richard Kettles, Robert C. (Bob) Khouzam, Nagui, Dr. Kienth, Kenneth Kiether, William Kilday, G. William, Jr. 27 Killen, Henry L. Kilmer family Kilroe, Frances Kim, Yung T., Dr. Kimanski, Walter King, David King, John H. King, Harry E. King, Martin Luther, Jr. King, Murry S. King, Robert E. King, Willard V. family King, William G. Kinlaw, Nelva I. Kinzey, Dean Kirchman, Kenneth Kirk, A. C., Dr. Kirk, William (Bill) Kirkhorn, Robert Kirkland, Chira Kirkland, Edward B. Kirkland, Elmo R. Kirkland, Thomas E. Kirkwood, Debbie Kirton, Laura Scott Kittredge, George H. Kittinger, Joseph Kittsley, Andy Kizziah, J. Robert Klawe, Richard Kline, Jack H., Sr. Klingler, Bob Klug, Julia Knight, Margot Knobeloch, William Knowles, Bill Koch, Robert A. Koehler, John Koffman, Harold Koo, Dominic Koonce, Izetta Copp Kotsuji, Abraham Kouchalakos, Tom Kowalchuk, Stephen Krauss, George Kreibich, Dot Kress, Lauretta and Daniel Kreider, Vi Kreidt, Martin Kreinheder, Arthur Krivan, David Kugler, Hilda Huhn, Cameron Kuhr, C. A. (Dixie) Kutcher, Jim La – Lf Lg – Lo Lp – Lz Laird, Mac J. Laird, Norman N. Laite, Luther V., Rev. Lake, Forrest Lake, Harriett Lamar, Lawson Lamarr, Hedy Lamborn, Rolf Lancaster, Cornelia Lancaster, Watson (Babe) Land, Bennett, Jr. Land, Henry W. Land, John Lander, Mamie Landes, William S. Landwirth, Henri Lane, Richard Lang, James D. Lang, John A. Langford, Anne S. Langford, Carl T. (4 folders) Langford, Frances Langford, Robert E., Jr. Lainer, Sidney Larkin, Chuck Larkin, John E. LaRoche, Francis A., Captain Larson, Roy E. Larson, Sherry Lasseter, Hugh Lasseter, Mary Laughlin, James, Jr. Laughlin family Lawfersweiler, Judy Lawrence, Lucy Hayes Lawrence, William H. Lawson, William G., Mrs. Lawton, Ces Lawton, Thomas W. Layton, Sarah Leach, Mary Lee, Jeffrey H. Lee, Robert W. Lee, T. G. Lee, Walter C. Leeb, David Leedy, Loomis C. Leedy, Robert F. Leffler, William A. LeGette, Charles E. LeGette, Eugene S. Leigh, Douglas Leinster, Ed Leitch, Judith 28 Leonard, Agnes M. Leonard, Mell D. Leonhardt, Frederick W. Lerman, Arnold Leu, Harry P. Lewter, Jewel May Littlefield, Alex D. Lloyd, Joseph S. Logan, John Logan, Stanley C. Long, Latimer A. Losh, Norman L. Lovell, Narcissa (Wofford) Ludecke, Kristin Lyman, Daisy Ma – Mf Mg – Mo Mp – Mz MacAdam, Kenneth W. MacArthur, Allen MacCubbin, Tom MacFarlane, Ellen Mack, Sylvester MacKay, Helen H. MacMahon, Alice T. MacMillan, Ronald G. Madison, James, III Madlee, Dorothy H. Maddron, Dallas Magee, Joseph W., Sr. Maggard, V. N., Rev. Magruder, Bruce, Maj. Gen. Magruder, Chesley G. Magruder, James B. Maguire, Charlotte C., Dr. Maguire, Raymer F., Jr. Maguire, Ruth McCullough Magus, Virginia Mahaffey, T. O. Maher, Michael Mahoney, James J. Maile, Lisa Mairs, Robert W. Mallory, Loren Mallory, Meredith Maloy, John Mann, Homer Mann, Roy Manning, Robert Mansfield, Todd Manuel, Doris Manuel, J. G; Mills, N. M. Marks, Mathew R. Marlowe, Dick Marsh, John G. Marsolf, Harold E. Martello, Sherry Martin, Ann Martin, Jack Martin, John, Dr. Martin, Robert Martin, Stanley S. Martin, Walter Martinez, Mel Marvel, Germaine Masek, John S. Massey, Betty-Jo Massey, Harvey Massey, Louis C. Masson, Stanley Matheison, Robert K. Mather, Cotton Mathers, Solomon Elisha Matheson, Malcolm, Rev. Matthes, Paul Matthews, Harvey Matthieson, R. P. (Pete) Mattox, James Palmer Mattox, Talmadge L. (Bucky) Maull, Ed Maxey, Juanita Maxwell, Fred, Rev. Mayer, Henry D. Mayfield, I. A. (Ike) Mayo, C. L. Mayo, Ed Maytag, Christopher Mazer, Henry Mazzotta, Sam McAllister, Timothy W. McAllister, William D. (Don) McBath, Michael S. McBride, Charles McBride, Thomas Elliot, Sr. McCabe, Julia R. McCall, Charles P., Dr. McCall, Mercedes Figueroa McCall, Willis V. McCammon, Noel (Becky) McCann, Allen McCaslin, Robert E. McCaw, Andrew McClain, John McCloud, Tom McClune, Helen K. McClure, Nancy Clara McComas, Marie McConaughy, David, Dr. McConnell, Julius E. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Huland McCoy, Michael, Colonel McCoy, Rose 29 McCutcheon, William M. S. McCollum, Bill McCoy, Mike, Colonel McCulloch, Elizabeth McCulloch, Mabel McDonald, Parker L. McDowall, John W. (Jack) McDowell, Ed McElroy, John McElroy, Merle McEwan, Bruce McEwan, John S., Dr. McEwan, Oswald Beverly McGahey, Ben McGarry, John McGee, Wilson McGirr, Michelle McGuire, Jean McJordan, Walter McKay, Kirk McKean, Hugh F. McKean, Jeannette McKee, Arthur G. McKeen, Sara McKellar, John C. McKenney, Paul K., Jr. McKinnon, Anne McKinnon, Daniel McKnight, Milton McKown, Bobby McLean, Anne McLean, W. E. (Buck( McLean, Will McLendon, Homer B., Dr. McLeod, James A. McLeod, Johnie A. McLeod, L. B. McMillan, Henry McMillan, J. D. McMillan, O. J. McMurtrey, William C., Jr. McPherson, John R. (Dick) McQuagge, Archie Gillis McTureous, Edwin Williams McWhorter, James F. Meadors, Gene Mears, Patrick, Rev. Mears, Paul S., Jr. Mears, Peter Mederos, Carolina Medin, A. Louis Medina, Rafael Medsger, Oliver Meeks, James A. Meeske, Milan, Dr. Megow, Tom Mehl, Duane Meierhenry, Lester Meiner, Henry T. Mekdeci, David Melcher, William, Mrs. Mellon, Charles Meloon, Walt Mennello, Marilyn Merhill, Harriette Dick Meredith, I. H. Meredith, William V. Meridith, Debbie Merks, Robert Merrill, Newton Merrill, Tim Bond, Sr. Meyer, Alfred M., Dr. Meyer, Fred Michaels, Augustus P. Michel, Pat Mickler family Mickler, Thomas and Georgine Middlebrooks, Billy Middleswart, William H. Middleton, Clyde Downing Mikell, Ovid Milanich, Jerald (Jerry) Miller, Anita M. Miller, David Miller, Edwin L. Miller, Jane Millter, Jack Miller, James King, Rev. Miller, Jeffords (Judge) Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Miller, Robert Miller, T. William Miller, Wanda Millington, Joseph T. Mills, Edmund S., Jr. Mills, John Milman, Ady Milne, Leon Mims, A. D. Miner, Edward Miner, Erin Minor, John T. Mitchell, Cathy Mitchell, E. B. Mitchell, Lila Meares Mitchell, James Mitchell, Thomas H. Mizell family (2 folders) Mizell, Bone Mohr, Herman F. Mole, Martha Mole, Robert 30 Montuori, Rahya Moody, Eldred Lonnie Moody, Joseph Moon, Robert Mooney, Alice Mooney, Tom Moore, Byron Moore, E. A. Moore, Harry T. Moore, Joan Moore, K. C., Sr. Moore, Ruth E. Moore, Yogi Moorhead, Frank Moorland, James Moraras, Stephanie Mordt, Rhea Belle Moreno, Tirso Morgan, John (attorney) Morley, Patrick Morrell, Albert Morrell, Dorothy Morrill, Eve Proctor Morris, Bob Morris, Linda Morrison, Glenn W. Morse, Charles H. Morse, Fannie French, Dr. Morse, Lucy C. Morton, Augusta Morton, John Morton, Julia F. Moses, E. B. (Doc) Moses, Tom Mott, Don Moughton, Charlotte St. Pierre Moughton, Lucy Whitner Moynihan, Michael Mulkey, Rachel Mullahy, James F. Mullen, Charles G. Muller, Ouida Gean Mumaw, James F. Munns, Rulon Murdoch, J. T. (Jack) Murphy, Emma Murphy, Jeanette Robinson Murphy, Kim Murphy, William E. Murphy, William M. (Judge) Murr, Day Murrah, Rachel D. Murray, Perry E. Murray, Margaret C. Murray, John T., Mrs. Murray, Thomas Murrell, Samuel E. Murrell, William, Jr. Musselwhite, Troy Cornelius Musso, James John Myers, Margaret Hosack Myrick, Mike N Nally, Edward Nally, Julian Nance, Ellwood C. Nants, Bruce Nants, Jack A. Nason, Walter Natale, Rebecca Nau, Emmanuel Neal, Sergio Neal, Thomas A. Neder, George A. Nehrling, Henry Neill, Robert, Dr. Nelidsky, Georgia Nelson, Albert Nelson, Ed Nelson, Leslie Nelson, Stephen Nelson, W. Wickliffe Neville, Robert Newald, Edward Michael Newell, Arthur Newell, George Newell, Leigh Gibson Newell, J. J. Newhouse, Mitzi Newton, Joan Ney, Donald Nicholson, Donald J. Nicolson, Luree Nickesn, Ann B. Niemann, Walter H. Nix, Jennie L. Noble, Stanley Nock, Rodney Nuckols, W. H. Nyce, Barbara O Oakes, Joel and Eric Odham, J. Brailey Oden, Leonard N. (Len) O’Dell, Alice, Dr. O’Donnell, John Ohse, Bennie Olsson, Nils O’Neal, David P. O’Neal, Mabelle O’Neal, Shaquille O’Neal, William Russell 31 O’Neill, Patrick H. O’Rork, Robert Orr, Louis M., Dr. Orr, Phil O’Rourke, John Ortenzi, Anthony Orton, Travis E. Osann, Kate Osborn, Leon Osborne, Charles E. O’Shaughnessy, Thomas Michael Ostalkiewicz, John Ostermeyer, Henry W. (Hank) Oswald, Ed Otis, Robert Ott, Eloise Robinson Overstreet family Overstreet, John Lewis Overstreet, Murray W. Overstreet, Moses Oscar Owen, Edward Troy Owens, Bud Owsley, Ollie M. (Jack) Oyler, Thomas L. Pa – Pf Pg – Po Pp - Pz Pace, J. W. Pace, Murl Erickson Packwood family Paden, Ed Padgett, Ernest L. Page, Calvin A., Dr. Page, Ernest Page, John Page, Ron Pa Hud, Daniel Paine, Mary Palaigros, Marge Palmer, Arnold Palmer, Howard Palmer, Potter Palmer, Winnie Pankey, Paul Pantelias, Jack Pappas, Harry Parker, Allan Parker, W. Lawerence (Bud) Parker, Mark Parker, Maxine Parker, Paul Parkinson, Richard, Jr. Parks, Jane Parramore, James B., Mrs. Parrish, Charles E. Parrish, Enoch S. Parrish, Herschel and Almeida Parrish, Jesse J., Jr. Parrott, Haskell Q. Parsons, Carolyn, Rev. Parsons, Dee Partin family Partin, Steele H. Partington, William M., Jr. Paschall, Ray Pataky, Tibor Patrick family Patterson, Carl and Jane Patterson, Donis Dean, Rev. Patterson, Terry B. Paul, Maurice Paulos, Joseph, Rev. Payne, Hattie Paythress, Ann Payton, Lewis J. Pearlman, Louis Pearre, Nell Pease, Frank Pedrick, Jac M. Peeper, Bill Peeples, Fleet Peikin, Helen Pellicer, Joseph E. Pell, Duncan Penberthy, Pierce Edward Pendergrass, Edward J. Penn, Les Pennington, George, Jr. Pennington, Paul (Fire Chief) Pent family Peoples, David Pepper, Claude, Representative Peral, Thomas, Sr. (Chico) Perkins, Glendon W. Perkins, Kay Perkins, Paul C. Perry, Belvin, Jr. Perry, Dan Perry, July Person, Agnes Persons, Mabel Clark Peter, Michael Peters, Phil Peters, Roger Peterson, Alice Peterson, Angela Petris, Joseph Pfeiffer, Elizabeth (Betty) Pfeiffer, Frederick Pfeil, George Pham, Hoa Phelps, John Jay 32 Phillips, Howard Phillips, Joel P., Jr. Phillips, Philip Phillips, Walter Piazza, Gene, Jr. Pickup, Estes Pierce, Francis E. Pierce, Paul L. Pignone, Fran Pignone, Frank, Jr. Pikes, Hugh Pilat, Hugo Pilcher, Dianne Pillans, William Pinder, Nelson, Rev. Pino, Laurence Piper, Margaret Pitchford, Kim Pitman, Deanna Pittman, James A. Pitzer, Dan Pizam, Abe Pizzuti, Ron Plant, Henry B. Platt, Lawrie Platts, Ethel Ann Pleus, Robert J. Poe, Frank Poe, Lillian Pohlman, Louis, Dr. Polasek, Albin Polfer, Al Poll, Argentina (Gene) Ponticelli, Anthony J. Poor, Peggy Poorbaugh, William R. Pope, Dick Pope, Ted C., Jr. Porcher, Edward P. Portinga, Judy Potter, Becky Potter, Charles C. Potter, Charles M. Pounds, Arlie Pounds, Hoyle Pounds, Russell S. Powers, James Powers, Ormund Pownall, Tom Poyntz, Oliver Prather, Charles Pratt, Charles Pratt, Dorothy Irene Presley, Wayne Preston, James Prevatt, Jennings Bryan Price, Phillip Price, Tom Price, William Kyle, Jr. Prince, Walter R., Jr., Rev. Pritchard, Peter Prizer, Edward L. Proctor, Richard Proctor, Robert Pruett, Gene Purpura, Frank Pyne, Walter C. Q Quinn, Jane Ra - Ri Rj – Rz Radebaugh, Cushman S. Radebaugh, James, Mrs. Raehn, John S. Randall, Carter Randall, Walter Doane (Bo) Randi, James Rajchel, Mary Lou Rajchel, Thaddeus Ralston, Sam Ramb, Barbara Ramsey, Anne K. Randolph, Patricia P. Rankin, Victor L., Rev. Rano, Ernest Anthony Rauch, John Henry Rashy, Morris Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan Rawls, Verlon Ray, Edgar Wayne Ray, Margaret Mary Ray, William D. Rayam, Lee Norris Raymond, Paul E. Ream, Helen Reddick, Alzo Reedy, Willie Horace Reese, Charley Reese, David Reeve, Charles, General Reeves, Keith Reeves, Malcolm, Rear Admiral Reeves, Mary Reeves, Orlando Reich, Stephen, Mrs. Remington, Thomas Augustus Remington, Thomas T. Reneau, Paul (Buddy) Rennie, Robert, Jr. Repasky, Nadine Reppert, Sandy Reutter, Rita 33 Revels, Julian L. Revels, Julian Vernie Rex family Rex, Charles Walton Rex, Walton Rexroad, Harvey N. Reynolds, Gene Reynolds, John Rhodes, Tom Rice, Charles E. Rice, John K. Rice, Willie G. Rich, Newton Dyckman Rich, Philip Richard, Andre Jean, Dr. Richards, Edward A. Richards, George M. Richardson, Dot Richardson, Scott Richmond, Carlos Ricker, Mary Jane Ricketson, Myrtle Rickett, C. C. Riddle, Cassius E. (Cash) Riddle, George W. Riddle, Oscar Rider, Donald G. Rigante, M. C. (Mo) Riggle, John Riggs, Belle Riggs, Tim Ring, Ronald Risener, Fred L. Ritter, Mark L. Robb, Dave Roberts, Charles V. Roberts, Isabel Roberts, Jimm Roberts, Vera Robertson, Jesse James Robinson, Benjamin M. Robinson, E. A. (Red) Robinson, Goldie M. Robinson, Isabell and Walter Robinson, J. E. (Robbie) Robinson, James C. Robinson, John Robinson, Nora E. Robinson, Samuel A. family Robinson, T. P. (Thomas Pickett) Rock, Charles, Sr. Rockefeller, John D. Rodgers, Lizzie Rodgers, Ralph Rodriguez, Anibal (Rod) Rodriguez, Jeanne Rodriguez, John Lado Rodriguez, Tony Roess, Gus Rogers, Arthur S. Rogers, Cranston R. Rogers, Donald C. Rogers, Fred (Mister Rogers) Rogers, James Gamble, II (Architect) Rogers, James Gamble, IV (Musician) Rogers, Linda Rogers, Lyman Rogers, William J. Rogers, Vivian Rohrer, Charles Roller, Herbert H. Romita, Joseph W. Rondinaro, Steve Rooney, Paul Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roper, Bert H. Roper, L. Frank Roque, Julio, Dr. Rose, L. S. (Pappy) Rose, Sylvester Rose, Walter W., Senator Rosen, Harris Rosenfelt, Margaret A. Rotter, Flossie Rouse, Ida Rowan, Felder Roy, William Royal, Edith Royal, William A. Ruble, Roberta Rudd, George Rudzik, Frank Ruffier, Joan Rupert, Jay Rush, Fletcher Gray Rush, James Knox Russ, James Russ, Ola M. Russell, Annie Russell, Charles W. Rutland, Mark, Rev. Rutland, Joseph, Sr. Rutherford, Billy E. Rutherford, Sybil Ryan, Helen E. Ryan, Lavergne Ryan, Ida Ryan, Sheelah Sa - Si Sj – Sz Sachse, Walter Safford, Mary 34 Sager, Arnie Sain, Gary St. Pierre, Omer Salapa, George Salisbury, Samuel Salmons, Joan Sammone, James Sample, Dwight Samuel, Robert Sanderlin, W. M. (Wally) Sanders, Wilson Sanford, Henry Shelton Sandhaus, Mynette Sands, O. L. (Sandy) Sapp, J. Hilbert Sargeant, John Boyd Sargeant, Ralph George Sargent, Linda Sarkis, Henry, Jr. Sarli, Frank Saunders, George Savage, Rosalie Savill, Albert A. (Al) Savelle, Edna Sawicki, Carol Sawyer, George E. Scanlon, John J. Scarbeary, Earl, Rev. Scarbeary, Frances L. Scarlett, Joseph A. Schad, Ray L. Schaeffer, William C., Dr. Schenck, Page Schiavo, Terri Schneider, Albert Schultz, Arthur Schwartz, Pat Schweizer, Nils Schott, James Scott, Stanley Hill Segal, Martin Selden, Ray Leonard Self, George T. Semento, Larry Serros, Andrew N. (Andy) Sharpe, Marty W. Sheehan, Patty Shepherd, Sanford P. Sheppard, Frank H. (Zeke) Siegel, David Silas, Lawrence Silsby, Harry Z., Dr. Sinclair, John G. Sloan, Daniel H. Smedley, Larry Eugene Smith, Chesterfield H. Smith, Olar Smith, Dorothy Shepherd Smith, Frank A., Judge Smith, Levie David Smith, Lisle W. Smith, Tom Snipes, Wesley Snively, Harvey B. Snively, John A. Snow, Bob Socas, Jose Soileau, M. J. Soriano, Enrique Sowers, Gary Sowles, M. Duncan Spearman, Craig Speer, James G., Judge Spelzhouser family Spence, James Spencer, Garland W. Spencer, John Spiers, Mae Bell Spinks, Sarah Spivack, Tibby Spivey, Jack Sponaugle, Winnie Squires, James D. Srour, Ray Stabell, Norman Stabell, Richard N. Stafford, Carlos B. Stanaland, E. C. Stancil, Clyde Standridge, George M. Stanger, Beverly Staples, James E. Starbuck, Victor Starke, Mattie L. Starks, Bob Starr, Clair Edwin Starr, S. D. (Dave), Sheriff Stauff, Fred Stebbins, Frank W. Steib, Walter Stein, Charles Stelling, Mary Ellen Stevens, Dee Stevens, Raymond C. Stevens, Richard W. (Dick) Stewart, Payne Stewart, Harry Stiefel, E. Marshall Stilwell, Kathryn Elizabeth Stilwell, Nancy Stimpson, D. Harold Stine, Paul J. 35 Stokes, Doris Stokes, Lela Stokes, Wilbur Stoll, Frances A., Dr. Stolz, Bob Stolz, Patricia Stolz, Sam Stone, Frank Stone, J. C. (Jake), Jr. Stone, Jesse and Evelyn Stone, John C. Stone, Mari (Mrs. Wendell C.) Stonebreaker, Donald B. Stonerock, Robert F., Jr. (Bob) Stooke, James G. Stopinski, John M., Mrs. Storms, Kirsten Strange, Don Strates, E. James Straumanis, Joan Strong, Marge Stroud, Joseph A. (Joe) Stuart family Stuart, George L., Sr. (Businessman) Stuart, George L., Jr. (Commissioner) Stuart, Robert F. Stump, Charlie Suarez, Anthony Sublette, Bill Suggs, Lincoln (General) Sullivan, Barney J. Sullivan, James B. Sullivan, Kirby Sullivan, Martin D. (Marty) Sullivan, Millard C. Sullivan, Polly Summerhill, James E. Summerlin, Jacob Sunbrock, Larry Surguine, F. B., Jr. Surdyka, Jayne Sutton, Bill Sutton, Roberta Sutton, Norma Svore, Ferdinand L. Swalstead family Swann, Doris Swann, Richard R. Swann, Thomas B. Swanson, Chandler Swanson, Henry Swartz, Albert Swayne, Wilhelmina Sweetman, Steve Swift, Bill Swindle, Frank P. Ta - Ti Tj – Tz Taylor, Richard Thomas, James Bishop Thomas, Richard Thompson, Emerson R., Jr. Thompson, Geraldine Tiedtke, John Tindall, Young Tinker, Joe Tinker, Joe, Mrs. Titus, Henry T., Colonel Tosh, Daniel Treadway, Lou Trofimoff, George (espionage) Turner, Glenn Tyler, Martha (nee Jernigan) U Uhran, Vernon F. Ulrich, Carolyn F, Ulster, John W. Underwood, Retha Unkovic, Charles M. Updike, Walter Upson, Mack Upson, Marie Ure, Sarah Deadrick Ustler, Harry John V Van Gundy, Stan Van Horn, George Vargo, Vicki Varner, Clarence Velez, Anjelica & Vistoria Vick family Wa - Wi Wj – Wz Wadsworth, Charlie Watson, Kip Watson, Sheldon Weeks (Mays), Kimberly Wendel, Clara Wershow, Jeffery Wheeler, Hughlette Wilke, Jean and Joan Williams, Champ family Wilson, James W. (Chief) Winbush, Nelson Winegard, Isaac W. Wittenstein, Joseph Wolfe, Claude H. Wood, Earl K. Woodsby, Charles Woodard, Joseph XYZ Yancey, Frederick D. 36 Yahn, Mark Yandee, E. W. Yeager, Maurice R. (Bud) Yeargin, Olon C. Yesawich, Peter York, Mary Bess Young, A. Thomas Young, Douglass A. Young, John (2 folders) Young, Wade H. Young, William Youngblood, Deborah Yothers, Jean Zabriskie, George A. Zaleski, Judith Zeak, Dorothy Zellers, Sharon Zeiberg, Seymour Zimmerman, Bette Zink, Dennis Zinser, Roy Zorian, Edward Zweck-Bronner, Stanley City Directories Apopka: 1969-1971, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1981, 1986, 1987, 1989-1991 Cocoa/Cocoa Beach/Merritt Island/Rockledge: 1986 Florida Gazetteer and Business Directory: 1886-87, 1911-12 Greater Daytona Beach Area: 1985 Kissimmee: 1977, 1981 Leesburg and Lake County: 1926-27 Orange County: 1997 Orange County Gazetteer and Business Directory: 1887 Orlando City: 1891, 1907, 1912, 1913, 1921-1941, 1943-1951, 1953-1981, 1983, 1985-1991, 1993, 1997, 1998 Orlando Suburban: 1969, 1970, 1972-1983, 1986 St. Cloud: 1991 Sanford: 1965, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1990 Seminole County: 1997 Titusville: 1986 Winter Garden: 1959, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967-1972, 1975, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1984, 1986, 1987 City of Orlando Record of Building Permits The permit books span the years 1906-1947. Each entry includes the permit number, date, name of owner, name of contractor, kind of building, kind of roof, number of stories, for what purpose the permit was issued, lot, block, cost of improvements, fee, and additional remarks if necessary. The books are arranged alphabetically and then chronologically within each letter section. Unfortunately, the actual permits no longer exist. Newspaper Collection (Please call to find out which issues are in the collection) Central Florida Advocate Florida Sentinel Star Central Florida Future Florida Times Union Central Florida Times Florida Topics Daily Reporter Star Florida Tourist News Down Orlando Leader Orange County Chief Evening Reporter Star Orange County Citizen Florida Magazine Orange County Reporter Florida School Journal Orange County Times 37 Orlando Evening Reporter-Star Orlando Evening Star Orlando Free Press Orlando Morning Sentinel Orlando Reporter-Star Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Star Orlando Sunday Sentinel Orlando Times Osceola News-Gazette Sanford Daily Herald Sentinel Star Special Edition Reporter-Star St. Cloud Tribune Sun Herald Sunday Reporter Star Sunday Sentinel and Star Society Sunday Sentinel Star The Amorac News The Apopka Centennial The Central Florida Times The Christmas Sentinel Star The Corner Cupboard The Daily Capital The Daily Reporter The Daily Reporter-Star The Evening Report Star The Evening Star The Florida Cracker The Florida Post The Florida Recorder The Florida Republican The Florida Sun The Floridian The Great Apopka The Kissimmee Gazette The Leesburg Commercial The Morning Sentinel The Orange County Citizen The Orange County Reporter The Orlando Daily Record The Orlando Morning Sentinel The Orlando Post The Orlando Reporter Star The Orlando Sentinel The Orlando Star The Pine Needle The Polk County Record The Reporter Star The Sanford Herald The Semi-Tropical The Sentinel-Star The South Florida Sentinel The St. Augustine Record The Sunday Reporter-Star The Sunday Sentinel The Sunday Sentinel Star The Times The West Orange News The Winter Garden Times The Winter Park Herald The Winter Park Sun Winter Haven Daily Chief Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps are highly detailed city plans that were originally produced for the purpose of assessing risk and cost of insurance for city structures. The plans were drawn at a scale of 50 feet/inch and were printed in color. They provide detailed information about streets, businesses, residences, building materials, and utilities. Apopka: 1924 Dunnellon: 1917 Eustis: 1922 Kissimmee: 1926 Leesburg: 1924 Orlando: 1883, 1887, 1892, 1903, 1908, 1913, 1919, 1925, 1956 St. Cloud: 1924 38 Sanford: 1922 Tavares: 1920 Winter Park: 1924, 1927, 1958 Survey of the Historic Architectural Resources of Orange County, Florida Comprehensive cultural resource survey of all unincorporated areas of Orange County and those incorporated communities in the county, including Belle Isle, Edgewood, Oakland, Ocoee, and Windermere, that had not been documented as of October 1995. An inventory and site files for each property surveyed are available. The files contain a photograph of the property along with any information recorded during the survey. Telephone Books Apopka: 1988-89 Apopka/Winter Garden: 1965 Central Florida Hispanic Directory: 1992, 1999 Hispanic Yellow Pages of Greater Orlando: 1998 New Smyrna Beach: 1959 Orlando: 1908-2010 (not inclusive Sanford: 1968, 1976-77 Winter Park: 1913-1962 (not inclusive) Yearbook Collection Apopka Junior High School: 1985 Apopka Memorial High School: 1966, 1969, 1971, 1974-1977 Bishop Moore High School: 1956-1958, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1966-1968, 1980 Boone High School: 1953-1974, 1976-1979, 1998 Cathedral School of Saint James: 1989 Cherokee Junior High School: 1956, 1959-1961, 1965-1968, 1970-1973, 1978 Colonial High School: 1962-1966, 1968, 1969, 1975-1977 Conway Junior High School: 1978-1987 Eastland Christian School: 1983 Edgewater High School: 1953-1976, 1979, 1981-1992, 2000-2005, 2010 Evans High School: 1960-1962, 1964, 1966, 1969-1976, 1983, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995 Florida Sanitarium and Hospital: 1954 Freedom High School: 2004 Florida Technological University: 1970, 1973 Greenwood Lakes Middle School: 1989 Hampden DuBose Academy: 1940, 1962, 1963 Howard Junior High School: 1969 Howey Academy: 1971, 1978 Hungerford High School: 1954 Jackson Heights Middle School: 1987 Jones High School: 1969, 1977, 1986, 1987, 1991-1996, 1998 Lake Brantley High School: 1976 Lake Forest High School: 1973, 1974 Lake Gibson Middle School: 1996 39 Lake Highland Preparatory School: 1976, 1985 Lake Howell High School: 1977, 1982 Lake Mary High School: 1989 Lake Wales High School: 1986 Lakeland High School: 1977 Lakeland Junior High School: 1959 Lakeview High School: 1949-1951, 1953-1957, 1959-1961, 1963-1975 Lakeview Middle School: 1998 Liberty Junior High School: 1981 Lyman High School: 1956, 1966 Meadow Woods Middle School: 2002, 2004-2007 Meadowbrook Junior High School: 1982 Memorial Junior High School: 1957-1959, 1962, 1963, 1982 Mid-Florida Technical Institute: 1967, 1971, 1972, 1974 Milwee Middle School: 2001 Naval Training Center: 1969 Oak Park Middle School: 1993 Oak Ridge Junior-Senior High School: 1964-1968, 1972-1975, 1978, 1979 Oakland-Winter Garden School: 1922 Oakland-Winter Garden High School: 1926 Ocoee High School: 1968 Orlando High School: 1926-1952 Orlando Junior College: 1948, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1961-1964 Orange Memorial Hospital School of Nursing: 1947-1973 Robert E. Lee High School: 1956, 1957, 1960-1965, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1976, 1979, 1982 Rollins College: 1920, 1923, 1925, 1929, 1930, 1932-1943, 1946, 1948-1950, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1968, 1971, 1981 South Seminole Middle School: 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991 Seabreeze High School: 1945-1948 Seminole High School: 1973, 1974 Saint James School: 1931 Stetson University: 1953-1955, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1969 Stonewall Jackson Junior High School: 1966, 1967 Teague Middle School: 1983, 1995, 2003 Trinity Preparatory School: 1969-1974 University High School: 1997-1999 West Orange High School: 1976-1983, 1994 Winter Park High School: 1943, 1960, 1964-1970, 1972, 1973, 1975-1981, 1984, 1985 Wymore Career Education Center: 1979 40
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