SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Presenters: Lindsay Nersinger, Director of Activities Charna Kay Chambers, Senior CNA Ann Catalfano, Administrator A special thanks to Nicole Fernandez, former Director of Activities Who was instrumental in the formation of the program SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE The Key elements of our Performance Improvement System include the following steps: 1.) Identification of the problem 2.) Assignment of a performance improvement team and a leader from the appropriate departments or disciplines by the Administrator; 3.) The leader convenes the performance improvement team; establishes ground rules for the team and begins the root cause analysis process to ensure thorough identification of the problem; 3.) The leader and / or facilitator utilizes techniques and tools such as brainstorming, round robin format and fishbone cause and effect diagram; multi-voting to identify the root cause or causes; SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE The Key elements of our Performance Improvement System include the following steps: 4.) The team sets up goals for the problem that are time specific; 5.) The leader and / or facilitator assign team members to be accountable for specific actions and time periods to address the goals; 6.) The team re-convenes at a future time usually within one to two weeks to review the action plan and assess progress; 7.) The team continues to meet until the problem has been resolved satisfactorily and the issue is closed. SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE The team identified two main areas of focus: 1) Using non-pharmacological interventions, to reduce the number of residents utilizing antipsychotic medications on a regular basis Penfield Place 2nd quarter 2012 Trend Tracker Anti-psychotics(LS) – 34.7% (NYS Peer Group = 22.5%) 2) To enhance the person-centered care approach through customization of the spa program according to individual resident preferences. SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Shangri La Spa Program QAPI trial program – planned for 2nd quarter of 2013 Goals: To utilize the recently renovated whirlpool spa setting, and have the residents benefit from the calming effects of a warm water bath in a quiet environment; utilize a pampering approach at the facility beauty salon to allow a day of peace and harmony; promote feelings of well-being; diminish anxiety; reduce the use of anti-psychotics SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE IDCP team met with representatives from Activities, Nursing, Dietary, and Social Work to plan the program The secondary goal is to make this an individualized, person-centered program for each participant, and to provide pampering to reduce anxiety and improve well-being. The team selected residents who they believed would benefit from this oneon-one program. Residents were chosen who exhibited heightened anxiety, frequent elopement attempts, and/or profound sadness as well as those who may have received anti-psychotics on a regular basis SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Trial Group: Four residents chosen A day at the Spa included: a special written invitation with appointment times: 9am 10:15 am 1:15pm or 2:30pm Some elements of the Aromotherapy spa experience were a Whirlpool bath, foot soak, hand massage, nail care and/or polish. We chose the music included in the spa experience based upon the preference of the individual resident (nature sounds; big band; Broadway hits, etc.) We did the same with a special snack preference; choices included: ginger ale/sparkling juices or hot beverage, cheese and crackers, fruit, fancy cookies, and sherbet. SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE A Senior CNA was assigned to prepare the resident for the special day and provide a relaxed Whirlpool spa bath in faux candle-lit setting with music preference. Plush robes and slippers were provided as well. For residents who declined the whirlpool bath option; the CNA would provide a relaxed foot soak and hand massage in warm water Activities team members accompanied the residents to the beauty salon for more pampering with special nail care, hand creams, aromatherapy infused warm water, beverages and snacks in a calm and peaceful setting with music of their choice SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE The Director of Activities and Senior CNA recorded resident testimonials and anecdotal accounts of residents’ demeanor following the spa treatments from the chosen participating residents. All recorded data, and residents’ responses to the treatment and ‘experience’ were shared with the IDCP team the following day in morning report. SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Case Study of Resident A: Physically fit female in her mid 80’s, with moderate dementia who is ambulatory with a wheeled walker Resident A exhibited: Daily signs and symptoms of general anxiety including; exit-seeking behaviors Worry, sadness, and tearfullness Anxiety with and around her peer group at the facility Frequent concern over feelings of not being accepted by others Perseveration regarding her personal appearance and attire – often asking “Do I look ok?” and “Do these slacks fit me alright?” Frequently has impulsive behaviors and she often requires team intervention to maintain safety during ambulation. T SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Goals for Resident A for participation in the Shangri-La Spa program included: 1) Focus on getting her to slow down and decrease her anxiety by providing a calm atmosphere with soft tranquil music 2) Giving one-on-one attention while in the whirlpool spa 3) Providing an outlet for energy release; decreasing anxiety, and promoting self-acceptance and reassurance of her appearance through one- on- one attention at the beauty salon to helping her to feel special Resident A experiencing the individualized spa treatments SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Case Study for married couple: Mr. and Mrs. B Residents Mr. B and Mrs. B are a married couple who are recent LTC residents of Penfield Place. Most activities that they enjoy are together; so the goal of this program was to give them private, special time together. Mrs. B has multiple medical problems that slow her down physically; mentally she is sharp Mr. B is physically quite healthy, but suffers from dementia with many trust issues, and elopement attempts SHANGRI LA SPA EXPERIENCE Evaluation of spa program April 4, 2013- July 17, 2013 Completed 17 appointments at the spa. Initial trial group of 3-4 residents with one of the goals being to alleviate behaviors of anxiety and agitation. Another goal of the spa program was to reduce chronic pain; residents reported less discomfort from their usual aches and pains following the spa treatments. The trial group of residents showed positive effects and a more relaxed mental state following the spa experience July 17, 2013- November 20, 2013 Since July 17, 2013, a total of Twenty Three residents participated in the spa experience. Resident feedback included comments such as: “I loved it.” “I wish I had done this sooner.” “This is so nice, such a blessing.” Do you feel pampered? “Yes like a baby. I would like my feet done next Thursday.” The Shangra La Experience The Shangri-La Spa experience has been expanded to a routine weekly program and a second day has been added to the program. On day one the team continues to focus on residents with difficult behavioral symptoms, including those who routinely take anti-psychotic or anti-anxiety medications. On day two, the team focuses on those in need of physical comfort from musculoskeletal pain, skin integrity issues or short-term rehab residents. Feedback continues to be positive from participants of the program. We would like to thank NYSHFA for the opportunity to share this program. Also, a big thank you to our team leaders at all of the Hurlbut® Care Communities for their support and encouragement to continually try new and innovative ways to help residents achieve an improved level of dignity and comfort.