Ortho:c Holdings, Inc.


Ortho:c Holdings, Inc.
Ortho&c Holdings, Inc. Presented by: Stu Wi;ner, CPed. Vice President Strategic Programs Dr. Langer Reminder “ Provide great pa&ent care, do the right thing and everything else will fall into place.” Ortho&c Holdings, Inc. • 
ArizonaAFO Langer Biomechanics SafeStep The Ortho&c Group PedAlign Central Cas&ng Program •  We provide our Cer&fied Pedorthist to see pa&ents in your prac&ce on a scheduled basis. •  Our CPed can see pa&ents for AFO’s, footwear and custom ortho&cs. •  Our CPed will follow up from your mechanical exam and further evaluate, measure, cast and dispense. •  The office does all pre cer&fica&on and submission and as such keeps all the revenue Central Cas&ng •  Recommended plan calls for 2 or 3 hour &me blocks once or twice a month with 30 minute appointments. •  4-­‐6 pa&ents pre scheduled to see the CPed. •  Our CPed will see each pa&ent twice Day 1 to measure or cast Day 2 to dispense Central Cas&ng •  Moore Balance Brace •  3 Codes L1940, L2330,L2830 = $1,100 bi lateral $2,200 •  Each brace cost $350 x 2 = $700 •  Net profit per case = $1500 •  2 MBB’s per month ($3k) and 1 Diabe&c Shoe Case per week, 4 per month @ $200 net each = $3,800 per month/$45,600 per year net profit. Minus $55 per hour fee for the CPed Central Cas&ng Currently in: Massachuse;s, New York , New Jersey, Maryland, DC, Northern VA, South Florida, Cincinna&/Dayton/
Columbus, Phoenix/ Tucson, Sea;le/ Portland. Will add 4-­‐6 addi&onal markets in Q4, more in 2015 Next markets TBD Contact Informa&on Stu Wi;ner 201-­‐924-­‐2730 stu@tog.com