information - Plastipolis
information - Plastipolis
INFORMATION LOCALISATION VENUE Le premier jour du congrès, du 17 juin, se déroulera au NH Hotel de l‘aéroport Lyon Saint Exupéry. Pour rejoindre l‘hotel, vous pouvez suivre la direction de l‘aéroport Lyon Saint Exupéry, en voiture, ou prendre le tramway, depuis la gare de Lyon Part Dieu, qui rejoint l‘aéroport (pour plus d‘informations : Le second jour, du 18 juin, se déroulera pendant le FIP, salon de référence de la Plasturgie en France, au parc des expositions Eurexpo. Vous pouvez vous référer au plan suivant, pour rejoindre Eurexpo ou suivre les indications sur le site:,70-. html#fragment-3 The first congress day, of June 17th, will be held at the NH Hotel of Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport. In order to reach the hotel, you can follow the direction of Lyon St Exupéry airport by car, or use the tramway line from Lyon Part Dieu train station, which will directly arrive at the Lyon airport (for more information: The second congress day, of June 18th, will be held during the FIP, reference trade show for plastic industry in France, at the Eurexpo fair ground. You can refer to the following indications to reach the location or refer to 1 7 / 1 8 JUIN 2 0 1 4 LYON, FRANCE 3ÈME CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL DES PLASTIQUES INTELLIGENTS REGISTRATION FEES FRAIS D‘INCRIPTION 420 VAT Included MEMBRES DU RESEAU POLES PLASTIPOLIS, CLUSTERLAND OU PROJETS EUROPEENS AVEC LE POLE 420 TTC EARLY BIRDS BEFORE MAY 30TH 600 VAT Included INSCRIPTION ANTICIPEE AVANT LE 30 MAI 600 TTC FULL REGISTRATION, NONE OF THE ABOVE 840 VAT Included PLEIN TARIF, HORS CAS CI-DESSUS 840 TTC MEMBERS OF THE NETWORK PLASTIPOLIS, CLUSTERLAND OR EUROPEAN PROJECTS WITH THE CLUSTER CONTACT AND DETAILS All presentations will be given in English. Simultaneous translation from English to French will be offered. Toutes les présentations seront en anglais. Une traduction simultanée de l‘anglais vers le français vous sera proposée. If you need other information, please contact us: Pour toutes autres informations, vous pouvez nous contacter : EVENT ORGANISED IN CONNECTION WITH Pour s‘inscrire ou pour plus d‘informations, vous pouvez vous référer au site suivant : ORGANIZED BY 3 RD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SMART PLASTICS CONTACT ET DÉTAILS For registration or for further information, you can refer to: Salon fip : stand F37-G48 1 7 / 1 8 JUNE 2 0 1 4 LYON, FRANCE PROGRAMME PROGRAM PROGRAMME PROGRAM: 1ST CONGRESS-DAY PROGRAMME : 1ER JOUR DE CONGRES TUESDAY, JUNE 17TH, 2014 MARDI 17 JUIN 2014 NH HOTEL LYON ST EXUPERY AIRPORT REGISTRATION 16:30 - 17:00 ENREGISTREMENT VISIONARY APPLICATIONS FOR SMART PLASTICS 17:00 - 19:00 VISION PROSPECTIVE SUR LES PLASTIQUES INTELLIGENTS Panel discussions animated by designers on the current status and future trends in smart plastics applications Table ronde animée par des designers sur l‘état actuel et les futures applications des plastiques intelligents Chairman: Ekkehard Redlhammer, Manager, Dynaxity Consulting (A) Speakers: Antti Backman, CEO, Delektre (FI) Jérome Pouey, Innovation Projects Manager, Weenov Performance (F) COCKTAIL DINNER AT THE NH HOTEL Moderateur : Ekkehard Redlhammer, Directeur, Dynaxity Consulting (A) Intervenants : Antti Backman, PDG, Delektre (FI) Pierre Talou, Responsable des projets d‘innovation, Weenov Performance (F) From 19:00 COCKTAIL DINATOIRE AU NH HOTEL TRADE FAIR TOUR TARGETED ON ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, 3D PRINTING, MID 11:45 - 12:30 VISITE DU SALON CENTREE SUR L‘ELECTRONIQUE ORGANIQUE, L‘IMPRESSION 3D, LES MID LUNCH 12:30 - 13:30 DEJEUNER SESSION 2: HOW TO INDUSTRIALIZE SMART APPLICATIONS? RESULTS OF THE E.U. KNIGHTS EUROPEAN PROJECT SURVEY, FOCUS ON PLASTICS SESSION 2 : COMMENT INDUSTRIALISER DES APPLICATIONS INTELLIGENTES? 13:30 - 14:00 Bertrand Fillon, VP of European Affairs and President of Plastipolis Scientific Committee, CEA-LITEN (F) SUCCESS STORIES AND CASE STUDIES ON SMART PLASTICS Bertrand Fillon, VP des Affaires Européennes et Présidents du Comité Scientifique Plastipolis, CEA-LITEN (F) 14:00 - 16:00 Plastic Logic paradigm: Manufacturing printed electronics PROGRAMME : 2EME JOUR DE CONGRES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18TH, 2014 WELCOME - REGISTRATION - COFFEE 9:00 - 9:30 ACCUEIL - ENREGISTREMENT - CAFÉ OPENING OF THE CONGRESS 9:30 - 9:45 OUVERTURE DU CONGRES Jean-Yves Gomez, President, AFELIM (F) SESSION 1: OVERVIEW OF THE SMART PLASTICS VALUE CHAIN Films for printed electronics Stéphane Dhume, Engineer, TECHNIFILMS (F) Machines for printed electronics Martin Schmitt-Lewen, Head of New Print Application, Senior Manager, HEIDELBERG (D) Integration of 3D MID and printed electronics technologies Lionel Tenchine, Program Manager for Microsystems on Plastics, PEP - Technical Center for Plastics and composite (F) Functional polymer, hybrid and multilayer composites Yves Leterrier, Maître d‘Enseignement et de Recherche, EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH) 1 MERCREDI 18 JUIN 2014 MEZZANINE SALLE 4 EUREXPO BOULEVARD DE L’EUROPE CHASSIEU 9:45 - 11:45 Jean-Yves Gomez, Président, AFELIM (F) SESSION 1 : VISION D‘ENSEMBLE DE LA CHAINE DE VALEUR DES PLASTIQUES INTELLIGENTS Films pour l‘électronique imprimée Stéphane Dhume, Ingénieur, TECHNIFILMS (F) Machines pour l‘électonique imprimée Martin Schmitt-Lewen, Chef des nouvelles applications d‘impression, Senior Manager, HEIDELBERG (D) Intégration des technologies 3D MID et de l‘électronique imprimée Lionel Tenchine, Manager du programme des micro-systemes sur plastiques, PEP - Centre technique de la plasturgie et des composites (F) Polymères fonctionels, hybrides et composites multicouches Yves Leterrier, Maître d‘Enseignement et de Recherche, EPFL - École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (CH) SUCCESS STORIES ET ETUDES DE CAS SUR LES PLASTIQUES INTELLIGENTS Le paradigme Plastic Logic : L‘industrialisation de matrice pixelisée Vincent Barlier, Senior Research Engineer, Plastic Logic Ltd. (UK) PROGRAM: 2ND CONGRESS-DAY RESULTATS DE L‘ENQUETE DU PROJET EUROPEEN E.U.KNIGHTS CENTREE SUR LES PLASTIQUES Vincent Barlier, Ingénieur de recherche Senior, Plastic Logic Ltd. (UK) Case studies issued from European projects (interest of collaborative R&D initiatives) Etudes de cas issues de projets européens (intérêt des initiatives de R&D collaboratives) Mohieddine Boubtane, R&D Manager, A.Raymond (F) Jurgen Dienstl, Project Manager, Clusterland Oberösterreich (A) Mohieddine Boubtane, Manager R&D, A.Raymond (F) Jurgen Dienstl, Manager de projets, Clusterland Oberösterreich (A) Open session: how get a better smart plastics business? Session ouverte : Comment obtenir un meilleur développement commercial des plastiques intelligents? Introduction, Bertrand Fillon, CEA-LITEN (F) Interaction with the audience via a paper board Introduction, Bertrand Fillon, CEA-LITEN (F) Interaction avec la salle via paper board COFFEE BREAK 16:00 - 16:15 PAUSE CAFE Wrap-up of the open session 16:15 - 17:30 Résumé de la session ouverte Bertrand Fillon, CEA-LITEN (F) SESSION 3: OPPORTUNITIES AND BOTTLENECKS FROM THE END-USERS POINT OF VIEW Moderator: Ekkehard Redlhammer, Manager, Dynaxity Consulting (A) Medical applications: Nicolas Shan, Coreteam Leader R&D, SORIN CRM (F) Medical applications : Damien Maréchal, R&D Senior Engineer, Becton Dickinson Medical (F) Solar energy : Stéphane Poughon, CEO, Disasolar (F) Electronic devices: Guillaume Chansin, Technology analyst, IDTechEx (UK) Bertrand Fillon, CEA-LITEN (F) SESSION 3 : OPPORTUNITES ET FREINS DU POINT DE VUE DES UTILISATEURS FINAUX Modérateur : Ekkehard Redlhammer, Directeur, Dynaxity Consulting (A) Applications médicales : Nicolas Shan, Coreteam Leader - R&D, SORIN CRM (F) Applications médicales : Damien Maréchal, Ingénieur R&D Senior, Becton Dickinson Medical (F) Energie solaire : Stéphane Poughon, PDG, Disasolar (F) Equipements électroniques: Guillaume Chansin, Technology analyst, IDTechEx (UK) 2 SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION Mag. Dr. Ekkehard Redlhammer Mr. Antti Backman Jerôme POUEY Jean-Yves GOMEZ ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DYNAXITY Consulting Gmbh DELEKTRE WEENOV AFELIM POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION Managing director CEO Artistic Manager of Easign, the Design office of Weenov Chairman TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE Moderator Mass customization of consumer and industrial products Challenges and opportunities of large area printed sensors Visionary applications for Smart Plastics Introduction of the Smart Plastics congress BIOGRAPHY Ekkehard has more than 20 years of consulting & coaching experience in major fields of management and is managing director of DYNAXITY Consulting ( He studied marketing, organization and finance at Johannes Kepler University in Linz and holds a Ph.D in Business Administration (master thesis on complexity sciences and knowledge management). ABSTRACT Ekkehard is an expert for strategic development of businesses and provides extensive know how in marketing related issues as well as in change management matters. Ekkehard combines deep know-how in state-of-theart management methods with excellent communication and leadership skills and has profound expertise in managing multinational projects. Experiences on large area printed sensor matrix as integrated part in building. Design guidelines, possibilities and limitations when compared to conventional sensors. Since 2008 he is involved in the development of the Smart Plastics Initiative (ISP) and is member of the ISP steering group. Ekkehard is certified expert for exportation/internationalization at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and founded the business platform “France Contact” ( Since 2007 he is Honorary Consul of France in Upper Austria and has been awarded in 2012 with the french National Order of Merit (Chevalier de l´Ordre national du Mérite). 3 3D printing has opened new doors for design, manufacturing and income. Products and services are combined to fulfil end customers needs. How 3D printing can enable mass customization and how mass customization can be turned into a profitable business? BIOGRAPHY Mr. Antti Backman is professional industrial designer with background of electric engineering, physics and material knowledge. He has been working for years with electronics, metal and food industries. Design projects have been from consumer food packages to military devices. Also solar powered products have been designed and produced for consumer markets. Lately the author’s focus have been on mass manufactured and mass customizable products made with 3D printing. COMPANY Since 2006, 10 people. Strategy, Marketing, Engineering, Design, Eco innovation, Project management. Keywords : Innovation by use and customer benefit / Technology at the service of the function / Creativity as a source of demarcation / A methodical process to succeed. More than 100 ETI and SME, industries and services accompanied. Participation in the emergence of more than 60 new products and services. BIOGRAPHY 15 years of design expertise, Certificated in industrial design (Moulin Iseure), Degree in applied art(DESS) BIOGRAPHY Jean-Yves Gomez, experimented CEO in the Hi-Tech electronics industry (microelectronic and equipment) for multinational groups and PME (small and medium company) for 26 years. Jean-Yves Gomez, aged 50, is specialized in the management of disruptive technologies and the optical industry with 26 years’ experience. He worked for STMicroelectronics: named CEO Deputy for the Mobile Phone Division, he became Vice-President for the Personal Multimedia Group. In 2004, considering his success, he was named Vice-President for the Mobile Multimedia and Consumer Group to manage Imaging Division. Jean-Yves Gomez then became CEO of Vi TECHNOLOGY (Automated Optical Inspection equipment manufacturer for the electronic industry). End of 2010, he left VIT Group to become the CEO of ISORG. 4 SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION Stéphane DHUME Martin Schmitt-Lewen Lionel Tenchine Yves Leterrier ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Kurfuersten-Anlage 52-60, D-69115 Heidelberg/Germany Pôle européen de plasturgie, PEP EPFL POSITION POSITION POSITION Program line manager - Plastronics Business Unit-PHD Maître d’enseignement et de Recherche Technifilms POSITION Engineer Senior Manager and Head of “New Print Applications” TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE Films for printed electronic applications Functional Printing – Processes and Equipment Results of the EU knights europeens project survey focus on plastics Fonctional polymer, hybrid and multilayer composites COMPANY BIOGRAPHY ABSTRACT BIOGRAPHY 3D-MID (Molded Interconnect Devices) technologies are now applied in a growing number of application fields, including telecom, automotive and medical. Electronic functions of these devices are in most cases obtained using standard packaged components, soldered or glued on the selectively metalized surface of injected plastic parts. Yves Leterrier was born in Nancy (F) in 1964. He holds a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (INPL, F) and was a research associate at NIST (USA). He joined the Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Technology (LTC) at EPFL in 1993 and is a lecturer in the Materials Science Institute, where he created a course program on sustainable materials and processes, taught since 1994. In the meantime, printed electronics is revolutionizing the world of electronic industry, with new technologies to produce flexible smart functions. Printed electronics do not try to compete with Silicon technologies for high-level integration and high-level complexity functions, but it brings new opportunities: advantageous cost-to-performances ratio, large functional surfaces, flexibility, etc. However, one of the main limitations to the use of flexible electronics in smart products is their integration. For now, there is indeed no simple and optimized solution for the interconnection of flexible electronic components to standard components. In 2006 he was nominated as a faculty member of the EPFL Materials Science Institute. His research work is devoted to multifunctional polymer-based composite materials including photopolymerized nanocomposites and thin film multilayers for which he won the 2001 Wasserman prize. Focus is on fundamentals of surface and interfacial phenomena in view of cost-effective processes for flexible electronics and renewable energy applications. Yves has authored more than 200 technical papers and is regularly invited to conferences and institutes worldwide. In order to address this challenge, PEP has set-up with CEA-LITEN a platform dedicated to the development of the technologies for the integration of printed electronic functions in plastic parts. The PICTIC platform (Printing facilities for Smart Systems on Foils) combines 3D-MID technologies and overmoulding process in order to optimize the functionalization of smart plastic products. The presentation will give an overview of the activities carried out at the LTCEPFL in the field of polymer and multilayer nanocomposites. Focus will be on novel methods such as photo-rheology and electro-fragmentation in-situ in microscopes, cost-effective roll-to-roll UV nanoimprint lithography processes, and on recent integrative synthesis approaches for hybrid polymer composites. Applications examples will include light-trapping encapsulation materials for thin film solar cells and bio-inspired functionally graded nanocomposites employing magnetic field gradients. The lab activities in smart and selfhealing composites will also be briefly described. Technifilms Manufacturing, converting, and distribution of technical films, laminates for industrial applications. BIOGRAPHY Stéphane DHUME, 40 years old Engineer in chemistry – Polymer materials –Clermont-Ferrand School of chemistry From 1997 to 2001 : Product development engineer at Décathlon Production Since 2001 : Sales engineer at TECHNIFILM Martin Schmitt-Lewen has been working for Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG since 1997. As Senior Manager and Head of “New Print Applications” he works within the Research and Development department. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Würzburg (Germany) His current focus topics are: development of new print applications like inline refinement for sheet-fed offset presses, new combination of printing processes to realize special effects, security features and printed electronics for the graphic arts market. Martin Schmitt-Lewen works together closely with the Technical University of Darmstadt (Institute of Printing Science and Technology, IDD) and further R&D groups to develop new features for printed matter. ABSTRACT: Introduction to printing processes, graphic arts equipment, functional print applications in printed electronics with adapted regular print equipment, configurations of specialized narrow web presses (R2R), specialized sheetto-sheet (S2S) systems for lab environment in printed electronics (e.g. OLED, OPV). BIOGRAPHY Lionel Tenchine received his master’s degree in micro and nanoelectronics from the Aix-Marseille University (France) in 2007, and graduated from Centrale Marseille (France) the same year. He obtained his PhD degree in 2011 from Grenoble INP and CEA-LETI for his work on the vacuum packaging of MEMS using thin films getters. Since 2011, he is working at the Pôle Européen de Plasturgie, first as R&D project manager in the Plastronics Business Unit, and then as “Microsystems on Plastic” program line manager since 2013. 5 ABSTRACT 6 SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION Bertrand Fillon Vincent Barlier Mohieddine Boubtane Jurgen Dienstl ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION CEA Plastic Logic Ltd (UK) ARaymond Center Of expertise Clusterland POSITION POSITION POSITION POSITION VP of European affairs Senior Research Engineer Advanced development Manager Project manager TITLE TITLE TITLE TITLE Results of the EU knights europeens project survey focus on plastics Plastic Logic paradigm: Manufacturing printed electronics Empowering innovation & Networking by the support of the European projects Case studies issued from European projets ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT BIOGRAPHY The European FP7 program is a platform that allows companies to work together collaborate; share resources and expertise, especially in the context of breakthrough innovation like a MID (Molded Interconnected Device) and In order to achieve their goals, boost their innovations and provide them a support. The 3D-Hipmas project is a concrete example of project supported by European commission, it will offer to the industry a pilot factory able to provide customized solutions with the MID technologies. Jurgen Dienstl is a project manager at Kunststoff-Cluster in Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH. After a degree in mechanical engineering, he held various positions in sales and project coordination both in private companies and clusters. He worked for industrial Austrian firms like Schmachtl KG, Greiner Perfoam, or A. Haberkorn & Co GmbH. As a project manager at Clusterland, he is charge of the coordination of cluster cooperation projects. Key Enabling Technologies for high growth and sustainable globalization The European Commission wants to improve research in Europe, facilitate procedures to earning grants and insure support for European projects to reach the market through better KETs integration. The project EU Knights stands for a EU Kets supported inNovative Industry for hiGH growTh and Sustainable globalization. The presentation will give the first results of the project at mid term. These results are based on 240 interviews on four industrial sectors (plastic & rubber, ceramics, printing and equipment manufacturing). In general the main difficulties during the development stage of a product appear at medium TRL (3-6) during technological and the scale up development. Among 25 criteria identified from the State of the Art split in five domains (technology, manufacturing, organisational, market and societal), 12 criteria are highlighted as main barrier or advices for success factors. Some criteria look as major barrier whatever the companies or institutional project for KETs integration: some main barriers appear in both panels like the reproducibility, manufacturing implementation, scalability, access to human resources, access to markets and user acceptance. BIOGRAPHY Plastic Logic is a world leading technology provider in the field of plastic electronics. The company has turned the concept of printed electronics into a high yield large area manufacturing technology. Today, Plastic Logic leverages its R&D and manufacturing facility to allow partners such as OEMs, system integrators and device manufacturers, to integrate organic transistor (OTFT) arrays into flexible display and sensor products. BIOGRAPHY Vincent Barlier is Senior Engineer at Plastic Logic. Vincent joined the research team in 2011 to investigate new polymer materials for flexible electronics. He is now managing customer projects to develop new display and sensor products. Previously, Vincent held a research position in Pr. Mark E. Thompson Group at USC College Department of Chemistry (Los Angeles, USA) with a focus on OLED and OPV materials. He has obtained a doctorate degree on Polymer and Nanocomposites from the University Claude Bernard (Lyon, France) and a Master degree in Material Sciences from Mines Paris tech (Sophia Antipolis, France). Vincent has now over 10 years of experience in organic electronics. BIOGRAPHY He is the Advanced Development Manager for ARaymond Center of Expertise (Rayce). In this role, which he first assumed in 2011, he is a leadership and in charge for the Rayce Team in Grenoble and serves as its liaison to the Head Quarter in Saint Louis (France), he is member of the Global Management Team of Rayce. With over 12 years’ experience in innovation & advanced development, Ideas Management, Collaborative Program management and applying a strong expertise in how integrate a high added value to product. Mohieddine Boubtane, initiate and Launched the Plastronics Project (13 partners), it was the first French collaborative project related to the MID (Molded Interconnected Device), he was also the Program Manager for ConProMi Project with 16 partners and others similar projects. Mohieddine is also active as a member of scientific committee of Plastipolis Cluster. He has been working on several European funded projects like Alplastics, Wiintech and Alpscluster2020. He is also in charge of the animation of the Smart Plastics initiative in Austria and the organization of the Smart Plastics Congress every 2 years in Linz. In that respect, he will be a valuable speaker for the first edition of the Congress in Lyon. Doctor Bertrand FILLON is currently the European VP of CEA/LITEN for new energy technologies (fuel cells, batteries, photovoltaic cells,…) , and micronanotechnologies for new energy applications and organic electronic. He defines, organizes and follows the CEA/LITEN international project portfolio. He is also the scientific president of Plastipolis and involve in different board and expert groups at national and European levels. 7 8 SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION Nicolas Shan ORGANIZATION Sorin group POSITION Coreteam leader CRM BIOGRAPHY Engineering background in materials science (IST materials chemistry, Paris France) 15 years in the medical device field: NYCOMED, B|BRAUN MEDICAL, ALCHIMER, SORIN GROUP R&D and project management: new products introduction involving development, clinical and regulatory approval. More recently involved in innovation and European projects. COMPANY Sorin Group is a global medical device company and a leader in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The group employs over 3,500 employees in the world and is present in more than 100 countries. Focusing on 2 core business units (cardiac surgery and cardiac rhythm management), it is number 1 globally in cardiopulmonary products, number 1 globally in heart-lung machines, and is the 2nd Heart valve company in Europe. The company is currently developing new therapeutic solutions for heart failure and mitral-valve regurgitation. Damien Maréchal ORGANIZATION BD Medical Pharmaceutical Systems POSITION Senior engineer TITLE Medical applications ABSTRACT How BD is competing in an evolving healthcare market Medication non-adherence is becoming a major public health consideration, affecting health outcomes and overall healthcare costs. Consequences of non-adherence include worsening condition, increased comorbid diseases, and increased healthcare costs estimated to hundreds of billions dollars per year worldwide. The World Health Organization notes that the average nonadherence rate even reaches 50% among those with chronic illnesses. BD develops solutions for innovative Biotech injectable drugs brought to the market by our customers, Pharmaceutical Companies, to treat chronic diseases including Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. BD product range includes disposable prefillable syringes and self-injection devices intended to be used at home by patients and ensuring medication efficacy to be maximized. 9 Next generation devices are expected to embed new features improving safety, reliability, comfort and ease-of-use for the end-user, patient or caregiver. To improve medication adherence, these devices are becoming keys for collecting, transmitting, and then allowing centralization and high level data analysis, linked with emerging e-Health systems. This also follows the massive trend of healthcare connected devices. The mission of BD Medical Pharmaceutical System remains to help people live healthy lives, by delivering to the market high-efficacy parenteral drug delivery systems, available throughout the world ; implying these products to be disposable, reaching the market at an affordable level of cost and being manufactured in large volumes. The key challenges BD faces today are the following: • Functionalizing disposable products : adding sensing, feedback and connectivity; • Maintain an affordable price level while adding new features to the devices, to serve global markets; • Managing the environmental impact associated with the disposal of consumable electronic featured devices. BD currently takes interests into Smart Plastics and Printed Electronics technologies as potential candidates to fulfill its expectations in terms of costeffective functionalization of disposable devices for the healthcare market. COMPANY About BD BD is a leading global medical technology company that develops, manufactures and sells medical devices, instrument systems and reagents. The Company is dedicated to improving people’s health throughout the world. BD is focused on improving drug delivery, enhancing the quality and speed of diagnosing infectious diseases and cancers, and advancing research, discovery and production of new drugs and vaccines. BD’s capabilities are instrumental in combating many of the world’s most pressing diseases. Founded in 1897 and headquartered in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, BD employs approximately 30,000 associates in more than 50 countries throughout the world. The Company serves healthcare institutions, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and the general public through its 3 segments BD Medical, BD Diagnostics and BD Biosciences. BD Medical Pharmaceutical Systems Business Unit, Headquartered in Le Pont de Claix, France, providing high-quality prefillable parenteral drug delivery systems is the partner of choice for the pharmaceutical industry. With innovative prefillable syringes, self-injection systems and needle technologies, we offer an extensive selection of solutions designed to protect, package and deliver drug therapies. Our products reflect more than a century of experience and market knowledge, and our experts provide comprehensive system-based service and full product solutions. Stéphane Poughon Guillaume Chansin ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION Disasolar IDTechEx POSITION POSITION CEO Dr, technology analyst TITLE TITLE Solar energy Electronic devices COMPANY COMPANY DisaSolar is a leading French company in custom-made solar modules. The company commercializes and installs flexible, conformable and customized solar panels. It also pursues other activities in the development of “third generation” OPV (Organic Photovoltaic) cells, using organic materials. DisaSolar is on the way to becoming a world leader in the manufacturing of printed organic solar modules, incorporating numerous prestigious laboratories. Since 2009 DisaSolar has started the development and industrialization of third generation plastic photovoltaic modules, Organic Energy using printing techniques. DisaSolar conducts R&D programs to become a manufacturer of Organic Energy. DisaSolar’s inkjet printing technology makes it the only industrial company intent on developing and designing custom-made, flexible solar panels for a broad and extremely diverse range of applications. Such a novel approach to photovoltaic opens up a vast range of possibilities for transforming everyday products into sources of energy. The organic energy generates a real technology breakthrough for the solar field. DisaSolar will change the future of solar with a freedom range of colors, custom-made shapes, semi-transparency… the “Haute-Couture” of solar panels. IDTechEx provides insight, intelligence and networking services on emerging technologies, helping clients with their critical strategic business decisions. With bases in the US, UK, Germany and Japan, IDTechEx has served clients in 80 countries since 1999. BIOGRAPHY Dr Guillaume Chansin is a Technology Analyst with IDTechEx. Based in Cambridge (UK), he interprets the latest trends and market data in the field of printed, organic and flexible electronics. As well as writing market research reports, he has also delivered custom consulting projects to several large organisations in Europe, North America and East Asia. Guillaume obtained a Diplôme d’Ingénieur at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées in Toulouse, followed by a PhD in Chemical Physics at Imperial College London. Before joining IDTechEx in 2012, Guillaume worked in R&D with a leading company in the flexible display industry. BIOGRAPHY Stéphane Poughon is a HEC graduate and an experienced entrepreneur with a solid scientific background. Stéphane’s many years of professional expertise and accomplishment in various technical domains, both domestic and international, confers him legitimacy and vision in assisting DisaSolar since 2008, in its climb to success. BIOGRAPHY Damien MARECHAL Damien MARECHAL hold an Engineering degree in Applied Physics & Instrumentation. He previously worked for 12 years in varying research labs and private companies, aiming at functionalizing and implementing electronic features in consumer products. He joined BD in 2013, as Senior Engineer within the BD Medical Pharmaceutical Systems R&D department, with the responsibility of developing a platform for electronic technologies. 10