Set your table with imagination... Let our tablecloths inspire you!
Set your table with imagination... Let our tablecloths inspire you!
Set your table with imagination... Let our tablecloths inspire you! In Partnership with Total Table Total Table ev ent l i nen rental Table of Contents Total Table BEEThOvEn 9 BEngalinE Chair SaShES & COvErS hElix 23 18-19 krinklE 10 26-27 lava e ven t l i n en r e nta l 4 CharTrES 9 maTTE SaTin 6-7 ChOPin 8 mElaniE 16 CirquE/BOmBay 20 mETalliC Swirl 24 CirquE/ShEEr 20 OrganZa 21 ClaSSiC POly 3 PinTuCk DarCy 8 PrinTS 26 15 12-13 ETErniTy STriPE 17 riBBOn rOSES FanCy DOT 22 rODEO FanCy lEaF 22 rOma Silky DuPiOnE FanCy STriPE 22 rOSETTE 5 FirEwOrkS 23 SuTaSh 21 14-15 waTErlOO 24 gingkO 25 wEllESlEy 24 harlEquin ShEEr 19 galaxy iriDESCEnT CruSh 5 11 Ordering Guidelines white Plains linen/linens á la Carte appreciates the opportunity to provide you with extraordinary linens for your next event. Please carefully read the following terms and conditions. hours: monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm EST PhOnE: 1-800-825-4646 Fax: 914-737-2186 Email: To ensure that you receive the linens you need, we request that you place your order 7 days in advance. all specialty linen pricing is based upon a 1 week rental. any items not returned within 7 days from delivery date will be assessed an additional week’s rental charge. if any item is lost or damaged, a replacement fee will be charged based on the replacement cost of that item. all specialty linens will be delivered along with the appropriate number of special orange soil bags. These bags must be used exclusively for the soiled specialty linens. Please do not put orange bags in with your regular soil, as a separate pick up will be arranged. Thank you again for your cooperation. Photo Credits: Penncora Productions • Todd Zimmerman • Feastivities Events • Off Shoots Decor 2 Classic Poly Additional new colors and sizes are now available. Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al lEmOn OrangE BurnT OrangE COPPEr TErra COTTa waTErmElOn viOlET Plum PEriwinklE Classic Poly is the basic tablecloth for the hospitality industry. Durable, colorful and ready for any event. aqua TurquOiSE JaDE Other color options may be available. Please check for availability on any colors not displayed on this chart. we will gladly attempt to accommodate your needs. ClOvEr nEOn limE kElly Fabric width is 62” 3 Lava lava is a bold, contemporary Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l woven design that shows off the texture and light of the random curved stripes that flow through this fabric. Fabric width 122” 4 whiTE ivOry POmEgranaTE rED SilvEr BlaCk/whiTE gOlD aqua ChOCOlaTE kiwi Rodeo Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al naTural yEllOw gray OrangE raSPBErry mOSS rodeo faux burlap has the rustic look and feel of natural burlap. This elegantly attractive fabric is well woven and does not shed. Fabric width 59” BluE Rosette Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE ivOry hOnEy anTiquE gOlD yEllOw aPPlE OrangE rED rosette is a solid taffeta fabric adorned with flat ribbons in a circular pattern, which gives this tablecloth both great texture and pizzazz. CEriSE aqua PlaTinum Fabric width 53” 5 Matte Satin Total Total Table Table even e ventt lliinnen en rreenta ntall Satin lamour is a satin fabric with a matte finish. The subtle luster and wonderful array of colors makes it an elegant choice for your table. 100% Poly | Fabric width is 60” 6 whiTE vanilla CrEmE gOlDEn SanD CaShmErE Canary yEllOw viCTOrian gOlD rEgal gOlD PlaTEau gOlD nu mink DriFTwOOD ulTra BrOwn SPiCED CiDEr iCE Pink nu PEaCh FiESTa COral PaPaya PumPkin TigEr lily Matte Satin continued POwDEr PuFF DaPhnE rOSE garDEn FuChSia ulTra graPE valEnTinE rED garnET lavEnDEr BaJa viOlET PEriwinklE Bahama BluE PurPlE TEal TiFFany BluE CaPri BaJa TurquOiSE COrnFlOwEr rESOrT BluE DESErT BluE rOyal BluE navy kiwi SagE PaTina OlivinO aPPlE grEEn CiTrOn ShamrOCk hunTEr BlaCk SilvEr 7 Chopin a stunning swirled scroll damask that is simply gorgeous. Coordinates with Beethoven and Chartres in select colors. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Fabric widths are 54”& 120” anTiquE whiTE ivOry CamEl grEEn gOlD nOugaT Pink BurgunDy gOlD rED ruSSETT TruFFlE BluE haZE navy TurquOiSE gOlD willOw BlaCk PlaTinum Darcy Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l a vivid damask pattern printed on taffeta that is chic and timeless. Fabric width is 54” garnET 8 aPPlE BlaCk Beethoven Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE ivOry CamEl grEEn gOlD BurgunDy gOlD rED TurquOiSE gOlD kiwi This dynamic medallion damask pattern is perfectly elegant. Coordinates with the Chopin and Beethoven patterns in select colors. willOw BlaCk 100% Poly Fabric width is 120” Chartres Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al BOnE anTiquE nOugaT BluE haZE PETal Pink TruFFlE ruSSETT navy Our tone on tone one inch woven stripe is dashing and bold. Coordinates with the Chopin and Beethoven patterns in select colors. CElEry grEEn gOlD PlaTinum Fabric width is 54” 9 Krinkle a one directional, linear, crinkled taffeta that adds depth and dimension to your table. a wonderful complement to our pintuck pattern. Total Total Table Table even e ventt lliinnen en rreenta ntall Poly/nylon Fabric width is 48” whiTE 10 ivOry BEigE nECTarinE OrangE COPPEr BrOwn valEnTinE rED waTErmElOn FuChSia Pink viOlET lighT BluE rOyal TurquOiSE SagE aPPlE mOSS BlaCk SilvEr Roma Silky Dupione This linen has the luster and look of silk dupione. The subtle slubbing and designer color range of this fabric bring a sophisticated elegance to the table. Total Table Table Total e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al Fabric width is 60” whiTE nEw gOlD TauPE BrOwn SunSET Bark PumPkin Canary COralinE Dark rED nEw rED amEriCan BEauTy hOT Pink PurPlE anTiquE PurPlE TEal DEnim TurquOiSE nEw aqua aqua CyPrESS CuCumBEr CiTrOn aPPlE kiwi BlaCk PEwTEr 11 Pintuck Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Fine diagonal pleats form a stunning diamond pattern that is the signature feature of our taffeta pintuck. Fabric width is 54” whiTE 12 ivOry maiZE whEaT ParaDiSE gOlD yEllOw PumPkin OrangE COPPEr BrOwn rED Pintuck continued CEriSE ShErBErT Pink waTErmElOn BurgunDy lilaC anTiquE viOlET wiSTEria winE PurPlE amEThyST BluE haZE PEriwinklE rOyal nEw TurquOiSE aqua TurquOiSE willOw aPPlE BluE limE limE PurPlE graSS grEEn SagE mOSS BlaCk PEwTEr PlaTinum OlD gOlD gOlD navy Total Table event linen rent al 13 Galaxy Iridescent Crush iridescent crushed shimmer brightens every event. an eye catching tablecloth for any party that needs sparkle. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Poly/rayon Fabric width is 50” 14 whiTE ivOry BEigE/gOlD Canary/ maiZE CharTrEuSE gOlD navy COPPEr BrOwn gOlD BriCk/ OrangE grEEn rED rED/valETinE BurgunDy/ rED waTErmElOn Pink/ lighT Pink FuChSia gOlD FuChSia gOlD viOlET lilaC Pink aqua/ lighT BluE DElFT BluE/ Sky BluE SilvEr rOyal rOyal Galaxy Iridescent Crush continued Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al gOlD TurquOiSE PEaCOCk TEal Pink limE limE willOw/SagE mOSS Pink EmEralD EmEralD magEnTa gOlD BlaCk SilvEr BlaCk Ribbon Roses Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE ivOry COlOr SunBurST TangErinE rED CEriSE TurquOiSE CElEry Soft ribbons are sewn on a mesh background to create a bouquet of roses for your table. This look is lush, luxurious and fresh. glassware sits perfectly flat on this tablecloth as the fabric is very fine. BlaCk PEwTEr 15 Melanie Swirling taffeta ribbons create a marvelous texture and pattern. The contrasting ribbons and tone on tone colors are spectacular. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Fabric width is 54” 16 whiTE ivOry BraSS OrangE COPPEr BrOwn BurgunDy rED FuChSia mOSS limE/ waTErmElOn rOyal aqua limE CElEry Pink/ mOCha iCE BluE/ BrOwn rED/ gOlD BlaCk/ whiTE Eternity Stripe Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE CrEam ivOry Dark ivOry BuTTEr anTiquE gOlD ChOCOlaTE PiSTaChiO hunTEr This tablecloth has alternating sheer and translucent 3 inch stripes that create an elegant effect. ruBy Pink lilaC auBErginE 100% Poly Fabric width is 60” PEriwinklE navy SilvEr BlaCk 17 Bengaline Bengaline is a faintly ribbed pattern, creating a distinctive textured feel. The elegance of this fabric comes from its simplicity, great luster and splendid color range. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Fabric width is 60” whiTE ivOry CrEam Canary BrighT gOlD BurniShED gOlD PECan ShEll BurnT OrangE TurkEy rED raDianT Pink ra 18 CEriSE anTiquE whiTE COrnSilk DEauvillE SanD TOaST hOnEy BEar ChOCOlaTE mangO inDiES COPPEr BurgunDy BluSh wOOD rOSE iriS OrChiD winE BErry BluE hEavEn BuTTErSCOTCh Bengaline continued wOOD viOlET COrSair BluE ulTra rOyal grOTTO CrEPE TEal CElaDOn aPPlE grEEn FErn grEEn OlivE DraB hunTEr SmOkE BlaCk Harlequin Sheer Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE ivOry COPPEr BrOwn FuChSia viOlET aqua ClOvEr mOSS an exquisitely styled sheer fabric with fine organza ribbon in a lattice pattern. 100% Poly | Fabric width is 54” SilvEr 19 Cirque/Bombay Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l This crisp taffeta is embellished with embroidered circles. available in 16 unique color ways. whiTE/BlaCk ivOry gOlD BrOwn/ TiFFany COPPEr OrangE rED BurgunDy FuChSia lilaC PurPlE CiTrOn SagE/gOlD SilvEr/gray BlaCk/gOlD BlaCk/SilvEr Fabric width is 60” Cirque/Sheer Total Table e ven t l i n en renta l whiTE gOlD Pink aqua PEaCOCk OrangE limE a fine mirror organza embellished with embroidered circles creating a subtle illusion of color. Fabric width is 60” 20 Organza Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al gOlD BrOwn PEaCh Sheer and shimmering organza adds color to your table top. it also makes the perfect sash to compliment a chair cover or can be used alone to dress up any chair. Fabric width is 60” whiTE ivOry maiZE Pink raSPBErry rED BurgunDy lilaC PurPlE lighT BluE rOyal navy SagE SilvEr BlaCk Sutash This taffeta has been adorned with ribbons and fine sparkling filament thread for a truly impressive look. whiTE ivOry COPPEr mauvE Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al Fabric width is 54” CElaDOn mOSS 21 Fancy Dot a woven dot pattern available in our four Fancy colors. Coordinates with Fancy leaf and Fancy Stripe. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l whiTE TangErinE POmEgranaTE limE whiTE TangErinE POmEgranaTE limE Fabric width is 54” Fancy Leaf Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l whiTE TangErinE vines and leaves are woven throughout this fabulous linen and feature all the colors in our Fancy color collection. Fabric width is 54” POmEgranaTE limE Fancy Stripe Total Table even t l i n en r e nta l a woven pencil pinstripe features all the colors in our Fancy color collection. Fabric width is 54” 22 Helix Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE gOlD whiTE SilvEr CaramEl DEEP rOSE hOnEy gOlD FirE OrangE BrOwn rED rED BluEBErry SilvEr gOlD TurquOiSE CEriSE aPPlE mOSS BlaCk Shimmering sequins in a spiral helix pattern that is fabulous and will put sparkle in every gala. Fabric width is 54” Fireworks Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al gOlD PurPlE BrOwn Pink CEriSE grEEn BluE anTiquE viOlET rED OrangE aqua PEwTEr This organza is embellished with large bursts of glimmering sequins in a showy display of sheer brilliance. Fabric width is 54” whiTE/SilvEr BlaCk 23 Waterloo Striking metallic silver threads are woven in a delicate filigree pattern available on three colors. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l Fabric width is 54” BluE SilvEr SilvEr BlaCk SilvEr Metallic Swirl Striking metallic silver threads are woven in a large scroll pattern available on three colors. Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l FuChSia OrangE limE TurquOiSE Fabric width is 60” BluE SilvEr whiTE SilvEr BlaCk SilvEr Wellesley Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l This damask has an intricately woven medallion pattern that defines old world taste that is updated in rich couture colors. Fabric width is 60” OrangE 24 raSPBErry gOlD kiwi BluE Ginkgo Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al whiTE ivOry gOlD COPPEr BrOwn OrangE BurgunDy rED Fluttering taffeta leaves make this linen fun, frivolous and flirty. Fabric width is 58” ParaDiSE Pink BuBBlEgum CEriSE lilaC graPE TurquOiSE navy Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al willOw aPPlE PlaTinum PEwTEr BlaCk 25 Prints Total Table e ven t l i n en r e nta l in addition to the basic patterns below, we have a vast array of over 1200 patterns available on our website. BlaCk whiTE ChECk PiCniC grEEn PiCniC rED PiCniC BluE PiCniC BlaCk whiTE BlaCk DOT BlaCk whiTE DOT whiTE rED DOT BluE BanDana rED BanDana harlEquin rOyal STriPE BlaCk STriPE BluE DEnim BurlaP *SalE Only Chair Sashes Total Table even t l i n en r e nta l Our chair sashes are available in all colors in the following patterns: matte Satin, Pintuck, Organza and Bengaline. 26 Chair Covers Matte Satin Chair Covers whiTE ivOry gOlDEn SanD viCTOrian gOlD rEgal gOlD DriFTwOOD garDEn FuChSia valEnTinE rED TiFFany BluE CaPri BaJa TurquOiSE OlivinO BlaCk Total Table e v e n t l i n e n r e n t al SilvEr Smoothie Chair Covers Black & White Spandex Chair Covers whiTE ivOry BrOwn Pink TuSCan OlivE BurgunDy BlaCk 27 4 John Walsh Boulevard Peekskill, New York 10566 Phone: 1-800-825-4646 • Fax: 914-737-2186 Why Buy... When We Supply? Tablecloths for just a few friends or a few thousand friends, we have the inventory to cover your tables. with over 1200 patterns and designs, we can set your tables in your style. Please visit our websites to see all of the possibilities. To Place an Order: Call: 1-800-825-4646 Total Table e v e nt l i ne n r e n t a l