June 2014 - Friends of the Camarillo Library
June 2014 - Friends of the Camarillo Library
AMIGOS Published Monthly by Friends of the Camarillo Library 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, CA 93010-2539 June 2014, Issue 10 Betty Sullivan, Editor, 482-6340 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, Dorothy Penney I would like to remind you that this is the last Amigos until September. However, during the summer months, our bookstore will remain open our regular hours for your shopping pleasure and we will continue to welcome your donations. There are many Library programs scheduled for the summer for children, teens and adults. Many of these programs have been funded by the Friends. Your bookstore donations and purchases, membership dues and other donations are what make it possible for us to continue to provide such a high level of support to our Library. If you subscribe to the Ventura County Star, you might have noticed in their 2014 Readers’ Choice Winners & Favorites magazine that the Friends of the Camarillo Library Bookstore was mentioned as one of the West County Bookstore favorites. If you drop by the bookstore, you can see our plaque displayed on the wall above the bookstore map. Thank you to all who voted for us. This month, I thought you might be interested to learn a little about some additional staff members of the Library who work hard to make our Library the great place it is. Dayna Canada, Reference Librarian, can be found helping patrons at the reference desk and/or conducting workshops. She also works on ordering books for adults. Rob Paulis, Business Coordinator, is in charge of the new Russell Fischer Business Collection. He works to provide materials and special programs of interest to the local and countywide small business community. Wendy Batstone, Adult Literacy Coordinator, manages the Adult Literacy Center. She trains new volunteer tutors and matches them with area adults in need of one -on-one literacy skill building. There are many other staff members I have not listed who also play important roles in the continued success of the library. Executive Board 2013-2014 President Dorothy Penney 383-6523 Vice President Ted Rains 484-3777 Corresponding Secretary Ele Zorkocy 384-0016 Recording Secretary Barbara Wagner 482-6322 Treasurer Chuck Spence 482-6691 LIBRARY HOURS Mon - Thurs 10-9 Fri - Sun 10-5 Next Board Meeting June 9, 2014 Summer Reading Program @ the Library Sponsored by the Friends of the Camarillo Public Library Children & Families – Fizz, Boom, Read! June 19 – August 14 Star Tours - Special family program. Bring your telescope. Tuesday June 17th - 7 pm Summer Storytimes in the Pirate Ship - Mondays & Tuesdays at 10am PAWs for Reading - Mondays & Tuesdays at 1 pm Crazy Crafts - Mondays at 1pm Science is Everywhere! Tuesdays at 2 pm. Join us for a variety of science activities. Science from Stories - June 24; Get to know Alice - a special computer program - July 1; Friends of California Condors Wild & Free - July 8; Pebble Pups with Louisa - July 15; Project WET! Learn how we can better use our most precious natural resource - July 22; Finale - Pinniped Fashion Show - July 29 Family Storytime in the Pirate Ship - Tuesdays at 7pm Wonderful & Wacky Wednesday - Wednesdays at 10 am & 2 pm o June 25 - Mad Science presents Up, Up and Away o July 2 - Magic & Mayhem with Shawn McMaster. Appropriate for ages 6 and up. o July 9 - Wonders of Wildlife - Live animal guests! o July 16 - One World Rhythm - Interactive music. o July 23 - Flights of Fantasy - Story theater presents “Tales of Tails” o July 30 - Ranger Jack - Interactive music & stories o Aug 6 - Juggler David Cousin o Aug 13 - Finale with Musician Craig Newton LEGO bricks, board games & puzzles with teen volunteers. Thursdays at 1 pm Family Karaoke 10-11am Teen Karaoke 2 pm Saturday, August 2 Teen Movies 6:30 pm - Teens only, 12-18 years old - June 5 Vampire Academy; August 7 Warm Bodies. The Great Game Registration opens June 7! July 12, 2-4:30 p - 2nd annual Great Game for teens 12-18. Check library online calendar for ongoing Teen events! Just for Adults – Literary Elements nd Sci Fi movies invade this summer! 2 through 5th Thursday each month. Check our newsletter. Join the Facebook Science Photo Contest and win fun prizes! Ends August 31st. Science Trivia Challenge – bring 3 friends and show off your science know-how. Win 4 adult passes to Disneyland! Wed August 20, 7-8:30 pm. Teams must register in advance. A Taste of OLLI Lectures – Sun July 13 & August 3, 2-4 pm The Secret Lives of Women – VC Genealogical presentation Sat, July 19 1-4 pm Bach, Brahms & Liszt - Piano Performance by Jonathan Moyer. Sun July 27, 2 pm In Conversation With… Author Interview Series with Arthur J. Gonzalez. Sat July 26, 2 pm Westlake Village Symphony in Concert – Wed August 27, 7:30 pm Internet Security – Threats & Solutions – Mon Aug 11, 6:30 pm Introduction to Cloud Computing – Mon August, 18, 6:30 pm Please note that the library will be closed July 3rd at 5:00 pm. It will be closed all day Friday July 4th, Friday August 15th (for staff meetings), and Monday September 1 for Labor Day. Contact us at www.camarillolibrary.org. Or call us at (805) 388-5225. M-Th 10 am-9 pm. Fri-Sat-Sun 10 am – 5 pm. June 2014 at the Friends Bookstore Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Monday through Saturday, Thursdays open til 7 pm, closed Sundays Phone # 388-5275 Don’t forget Father’s Day June 15th - we have books in all price ranges We also have Tote Bags in many colors and Gift Certificates in any amount Items advertised on this page are available Monday, June 2nd at 10 am These are just a sampling of the variety of books you’ll find each time you visit Classics of Liberty Library, a large selection of titles only $ 10 each Beautifully bound and gilt-edged; privately printed exclusively for members Small sample: Thoreau’s Walden, Booker T. Washington’s Up from Slavery, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and Rights of Man, Douglass’ My Bondage and My Freedom, Emerson’s Essays, Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom The Place No One Knew: Glen Canyon on the Colorado, by Porter, 2nd printing, 1966 $ 40 Each dramatic color image has a commentary by Wallace Stegner, Loren Eiseley, Henry David Thoreau, etc. “Alternate Transportation” Books - most $ 2.50 to $ 55 Books on Tractors, mostly John Deere Books on Motorcycles (such as The Harley-Davidson Century, 2002 for $5) Books on Trains and Racing Cars Adventure Books - these listed and more - hard cover and soft cover - most only $ 2 The Conquest of Morocco (The bizarre history of France’s last great colonial adventure) The Great Mutiny (In 1797 50,000 British seamen expelled their officers to protest impossible conditions) Two Against the Sahara: On Camelback from Nouakchott to the Nile (author & very new wife's journey) Longitude (The race to invent the chronometer; brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clock making) MacDonald of the 42nd (He ran away at 14 & fought in the Crimean War, Indian Mutiny and our Civil War) Hungry for Wood: An American Memoir From the Shores of Iwo Jima to the Tundra of Alaska (signed copy) Civil War books, including Encyclopedia of American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History $ 95 by Heidler, 2000, set of five volumes Lili Marlene: Twentieth Century Military and Political Battles $ 12.50 Two volume set by McCarthey, 2001, gilt titles. Numerous aircraft photos and figures; fully-illustrated mixture of politics, war, culture and government focusing on activities and planes used in the air forces during WWII Thank You! Thank You! We depend on your book donations! Can't easily hand-carry your donations into the store? Come early as you can - before 3:30 pm (6:30 pm on Thursdays) to make sure a volunteer is available to assist you at the back door. Please limit donations to store hours. -3- MEMBERSHIP NEWS, Sandy Roth, 484-5484 We are happy to welcome the following new members: The Golden family, Ronald and Judy Janes, Linda Lowe, Bobbie and Thomas McCaffrey, Gina Abrams, Barbara Arner, Patricia Bayman, Joan Egeris, Francis Giffin, Erma Johnson, Lucinda Meyers, Suzanne Neel-Johnson, Christine Newman, Bonnie Preito. Renewing Patrons are: Al and Elaine Cavaletto, Janis Freeland-Madruga, George Kerrigan, Pat Meredith, Darlene Tegt. MEMORIALS: Thomas and Mary Lou Colman contributed in memory of Jeff Ballow. Beverly and Grant Dannelly gave in memory of Jerome Hess. DONATIONS: Murial Rosenkranz’s birthday was celebrated by her grandchildren, Carly Chohon, Stephanie, Andrea, Ben and David with a donation. Macy’s Foundation gave funds matching those of Michael Timrott. Prudential Foundation gave funds matching those of Barbara Wagner. Thank you to all who joined, renewed their memberships and donated. The Library still has shelves to fill and every donation counts. If you have friends who would like to join the Friends tell them the dues are only $10 a year for individuals, $15 for families, $25 for patrons, $100 for a business membership. They can drop off their check at the Bookstore or mail to Friends of the Camarillo Library (FOCL), 4101 Las Posas Road, Camarillo, CA 93010-2539. SUNDAY PROGRAMS THIS SUMMER June 15 - Jason Love, Comedian. It is Father’s Day, and what’s better than another necktie he’ll never wear? How about an hour of good, hearty laughter? Bring Dad out to hear Jason deliver his unique brand of humor and snappy one-liners. His quick wit and selfdeprecating approach have endeared him to audiences the world over. July 20 - An Antarctic Adventure. Come hear scientist/explorer/ businessman Sam Feola talk about his years in the Antarctic; be amazed at the pictures that illustrate his story and hear about the mountain that is named for him. He spent eleven years on active duty with the Navy, including a one year deployment as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam. With the Navy, Sam flew scientists to Antarctica, then continued that work with Raytheon Polar Services and the National Science Foundation. He spent a total of 20 years on the Antarctica program and flew there more than 50 times. August 17 - David Fraley, concert pianist. Davis is an award-winning young pianist who has played with the Thousand Oaks Philharmonic and has appeared in the Ventura County Music Festival’s “Rising Stars” Concerts. All of the programs start at 2 p.m. in the Community Room at the Library. Free 4 TRAVELING WITH FRIENDS, Helen Andrews All trips depart from the Library parking lot, northwest corner. GLENDALE CENTER THEATER, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, MUSIC MAN. Meet 10:45 a.m., return 7 p.m. SLIDE PRESENTATION, TUESDAY, JUNE 24 in the Community room at 1:00 p.m. Three new tours for 2014 will be featured: Florida in October, Cuba in November, New York City in December. SLIDE PRESENTATION, TUESDAY, JULY 15 in the Community Room at 1 p.m. Heart of the South with New Orleans, April 2015, Scandinavia in May 2015. Laguna travelers pick up your luggage tags, etc. between 1-2 p.m. Tour documents for Eastern Canada at 1:30 LAGUNA PAGEANT OF THE MASTERS, THURSDAY-FRIDAY, JULY 17-18. $259.50 double per person, $296.50 single, add $10 for non-member. Price includes main tier ticket to Pageant, one night accommodation at Dana Point Marina Inn, admission to San Juan Capistrano Mission, breakfast and one lunch. Deadline: June 15. SLIDE PRESENTATION, TUESDAY, AUKGUST 12 in the Community Room. Heart of the South, Scandinavia and South Dakota. GENE AUTRY MUSEUM AND GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY, Thursday, September 11. $88.50 members, $98.50 non-members. The tour of the museum explores the story of the American West and the many cultures, perspectives, traditions and experiences that made the West significant. We will picnic in Griffith Park and then on to the planetarium. Sandwich choices: smoked turkey, roast beef, smoked ham or tomato mozzarella. Meet at 8:15 a.m., return at 6:30 p.m. MYSTERY TOUR, Thursday, October 23. $91.50 members, $101.50 non-members. Menu choice: Meat loaf, fish, chicken or pasta. Wear comfortable walking shoes, moderate walking. Meet 8:30 a.m., return 6 p.m. LAUGHLIN, NV. Wednesday, November 5 Friday, November 7. $164 double per person, $189 single; non-members add $10. Price includes two nights accommodations, one breakfast and one choice buffet. Deadline: September 25. ($50 deposit due on signup.) RESERVATION PROCEDURE: When a trip is offered with the price mail in your check with requested information, such as date, trip, menu choice if requested, traveling companion if one and telephone number. Mail check, made payable to Friends Tours, to Helen Andrews, 104 W. Highland Terrace, Camarillo, CA 93010. Please limit your calls between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 4825269. Seats are assigned on receipt of check. If you are celebrating a birthday or anniversary, let Helen know. CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds will be issued within 45 days of trip unless the spot can be filled from the waiting list. Please advise Helen if someone else is using your ticket. If you are unable to travel on a day trip, let Helen know before 8:00 a.m. so the tour is not delayed. TOUR POLICY: Please note: Friends Tours does not discriminate against persons on the basis of disability. However, Friends Tours regrets that it cannot provide individual assistance to guests in wheelchairs, for walking, dining or other personal needs. Persons needing such assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied travel companion. It is essential that the Tour Manger be notified of any special medical, physical or other requirements as soon as possible. Friends Tours reserves the right to decline acceptance of any person as a member of a tour or travel group at any time when such action is determined by the Tour Manger to be in the best interests of the health, safety and general welfare of the tour. Complete itineraries prior to any trip will be posted on the bulletin board in the bookstore as well as in the bookstore itself. 5 July 2014 at the Friends Bookstore Items on this half page will be available Tuesday, July 1st at 10 am We will be closed July 4 for Independence Day No Strings Attached: The Inside Story of Jim Henson’s Creature Shop, by Bacon, 1997 $ 12 Step-by-step photographs, drawings and models show exactly how Kermit the Frog’s descendants work Art Books, including The Art of Steve Hanks: Poised Between Heartbeats, 1st edition, 1994 $ 35 California, including these titles: A Step Back in Time: Unpublished Channel Islands Diaries, 1995 $ 8.50 The San Bernardinos: The Mountain Country from Cajon Pass to Oak Glen: Two Centuries of Changing Use, 5th printing $ 10 Oil, Land and Politics: The California Career of Thomas Robert Bard, 2 volumes, 1st edition, 1965 $ 18 Shifting Sands: The Early Years of Channel Islands Harbor 1960 – 1985 Hiking in Wildwood Regional Park, Maxwell, 2000, soft cover $2 $6 Old West History Books - most $ 1.50 to $ 3 An assortment including The Bloody Bozeman, Guns of the Old West, The Cherokee Strip, Bear Flag Rising, Legends and Lore of the American Indians, The American West and more
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