Winter-Spring, 2016 - San Pedro Presbyterian Church
Winter-Spring, 2016 - San Pedro Presbyterian Church
Winter-Spring, 2016 Concert Babes by Jonette Simpson Musical Bridges Around The World Concert Babes attended a fabulous performance of Musical Bridges Around the World at San Fernando Cathedral on January 17th. The concert by Colombian harpist Edmar Castaneda & the St. Petersburg Quartet performed works of Schumann, Castaneda & Becenti. Coker Methodist Church Concert Babes witnessed a fabulous performance on April 10th at Coker Methodist Church by Francois Minaux on flute and Silvia Santinelli on piano. This was our first encounter with Arts at Coker, organized by Elaine Ehlers. We were all extremely impressed, so we will definitely return! Heads up, ladies ... Mark Twehues just told me that in celebration of its 20th anniversary, NESA plans to pull out all the stops this fall and will be presenting The Phantom of the Opera. We definitely don't want to miss that show!!! Sassy Scrappers-Libby Fleming Sassy Scrappers had a fine time making Valentine's cards. A lot of thought went into the selection of paper and sentiments. It was fun to see the different styles we have. Fellowship was warm and the chili was hot! Attending: Libby , Bobbi Kelner, Charlotte Noll,and my neighbor, Emily Youngblood. Jean Judy made an appearance-cedar suffering. Lit-N-Lattes-Betty Hayes If you are interested in gaining more perspective on the following summer selections, please come to the meetings of Lit-N-Lattes. We meet every third Monday at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room. June’s book selection-A Dog’s Journey by Bruce Cameron ReviewBuddy is a good dog. After searching for his purpose through several eventful lives, Buddy is sure that he has found and fulfilled it. Yet as he watches curious baby Clarity get into dangerous mischief, he is certain that this little girl is very much in need of a dog of her own. When Buddy is reborn, he realizes that he has a new destiny. He's overjoyed when he is adopted by Clarity, now a vibrant but troubled teenager. When they are suddenly separated, Buddy despairs―who will take care of his girl? A charming and heartwarming story of hope, love, and unending devotion, A Dog's Journey asks the question: Do we really take care of our pets, or do they take care of us? More than just another endearing dog tale, A Dog's Journey is the moving story of unwavering loyalty and a love that crosses all barriers. July’s book selection-The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion ReviewThe art of love is never a science: Meet Don Tillman, a brilliant yet socially inept professor of genetics, who’s decided it’s time he found a wife. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which Don approaches all things, he designs the Wife Project to find his perfect partner: a sixteen-page, scientifically valid survey to filter out the drinkers, the smokers, the late arrivers. Rosie Jarman possesses all these qualities. Don easily disqualifies her as a candidate for The Wife Project (even if she is “quite intelligent for a barmaid”). But Don is intrigued by Rosie’s own quest to identify her biological father. When an unlikely relationship develops as they collaborate on The Father Project, Don is forced to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie―and the realization that, despite your best scientific efforts, you don’t find love, it finds you. August’s book selection- Mrs. Sinclair’s Suitcase by Louise Walters ReviewRoberta, a lonely thirty-four-year-old bibliophile, works at The Old and New Bookshop in England. When she finds a letter inside her centenarian grandmother’s battered old suitcase that hints at a dark secret, her understanding of her family’s history is completely upturned. Running alongside Roberta’s narrative is that of her grandmother, Dorothy, as a forty-year-old childless woman desperate for motherhood during the early years of World War II. After a chance encounter with a Polish war pilot, Dorothy believes she’s finally found happiness, but must instead make an unthinkable decision whose consequences forever change the framework of her family. The parallel stories of Roberta and Dorothy unravel over the course of eighty years as they both make their own ways through secrets, lies, sacrifices, and love. Utterly absorbing, Mrs. Sinclair’s Suitcase is a spellbinding tale of two worlds, one shattered by secrets and the other by the truth. Spring Luncheon by Charlotte Randolph Girlfriends hosted its Spring Luncheon, a mother/daughter/sister affair, on May 7 th in Fellowship Hall. The luncheon opened with an illuminating and captivating demonstration of Ikebana flower arranging by Don Olsen, a master of the Ichiyo School of Ikebana. Don explained the history of the Buddhist art of Ikebana and how, after over 40 generations of being headed by males, the school and temple will be headed by a female descendant. The previous strict rules on materials and methods to be used are easing. A catered lunch followed the presentation, after which Secret Sisters, matched up by Linda Tutko, were revealed. Door prizes of miniature Ikebana arrangements were then awarded. Diana Grippi, leader of Girlfriends, recognized Nancy Brown and Bev Harris for making the over 200 origami decorations, and Charlotte Randolph for planning the event. Diana announced that Charlotte Noll will be next year's Girlfriends leader, and asked that all offer Charlotte their help. The group agreed to purchase a backpack for a San Antonio student, whose name will be provided by Christian Assistance Ministries. It thanked Leslie Anderson, Missions Deacon, for making arrangements and explaining the need. Diana Grippi deserves the thanks of all, for her outstanding leadership this past year. Who are the “Girlfriends” of San Pedro Presbyterian Church? - By Nancy Brown If you are a woman (18 or older) and a member of SPPC, then you are a part of the Girlfriends Ministry. “Girlfriends” is the title for all women’s ministry groups at San Pedro. The Girlfriends program was introduced to give all SPPC women a way to become closer in their Christian lives through fellowship, prayer, bible study and missional projects. If you don’t know many other women in the church, this program allows you to become involved with groups and activities that interest you. The larger group gatherings enable fun fellowship with all other Girlfriends in the church. As an active participant of the Girlfriends program, I have found the values and caring hearts of these joyful women a great asset to my life as a Christian. The new season is about to begin with Dianna Grippi handing the torch to Charlotte Noll who will assume the leadership role and will need a supporting cast to carry on this production. Cast members are needed as group facilitators, three people to organize one event each and ideas of what you would be interested in adding to the program. Do you want day trips, lunches out, a bible study group that meets in homes, the continuation of the secret sister program? As you read this newsletter you can see what has been happening over the past few months. Judy Thurow has done an outstanding job of capturing the essence of the Girlfriends Program. She is retiring as newsletter editor after this edition, therefore; a replacement is needed for this as well. If you want to be a part in this dynamic program and help out with volunteering your ideas or time (any length of time would be helpful) contact Charlotte Noll at We live such busy lives and having a chance to serve in a ministry of any kind helps us refresh with Christ as the center point of that life. Girlfriends is SPPC Women’s Ministry This program includes: G! Groups Smaller Common Interest Groups G! Events Larger Themed Experiences Girl’s Night Out Casual Fun Filled Gatherings Girlfriends Leadership Coordinator-Diana Grippi Girlfriends Assistant Coordinator-Charlotte Noll Newsletter Editor & Coordinator-Judy Thurow G! Group Facilitators: Purpose Concert Babes-Jonette Simpson, Charlotte Randolph Discover in a whole new way a significant relationship M & M’s (movie & a meal)-Kara Juhl with Jesus Christ and nurturing the heart, mind, Gardening Gals-Susan Guerrero and soul of friendships. Urban Explorers-Jonette Simpson Goal Lit-N-Lattes-Betty Hayes Empower! Get giggles! Encourage! Inspire! Get God! Sassy Scrappers-Libby Fleming We follow the four B’s: Needlework Circle-Velma Deats Befriend, Belong, Believe, Become Lunch Bunch-Kay Kelly We BEFRIEND women, so they feel like they Mary Martha Circle-Lynn Hodges, Charlotte Noll, Janet Osterloh BELONG. Then they will be open to hear about what we BELIEVE, which will open their hearts to BECOME someone different...a follower of Christ. To complete the circle, we want women to FRIEND others, and help them BELONG, too.
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