KOSCIUSKO BOARD OF REALTORS® February 2016 NEWSLETTER V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 F e b r u a r y 2 01 6 February 2016 KBOR President’s Letter FIND IT ON PAGE….. Dear Fellow REALTORS® and Affiliates, President’s Letter What a great time of year! The anticipation of what new commitments and good planning can bring and the spring season with all it holds. We all have November 2015 IAR Housing Stats 1 2 December 2015 IAR Housing Stats 3 Sign Ordinance Update 4 DOM and CDOM Discussion 5 Upcoming Events 6 KBOR Helps Military Families 7 1st Quarter General Membership Meeting Recap 8 Builder’s Association Announcement 9 10 Meetings and keep watching for the speaker announcement. Remember that Thank You And Volunteers! you will want to attend three of the four General Business Meetings in order New Member Update 11 those resolution we may have committed to memory or possibly wrote down on paper; resolutions pertaining to our personal lives and our business goals. I encourage learning, refreshing and fine tuning our professional skills and actions. We have so many avenues available to our trade and sales occupation. Keep watching for opportunities for continuing education as they are offered and scheduled. (See Page 6) Your board would also value your suggestions for education opportunities. I truly enjoyed our first General Business Meeting; the smiles, laughter! Our attendance was a little low between the icy weather and missing the members wintering in warmer climates. It will be good to have them back soon. I look forward to seeing everyone in April. Mark your calendars for all the Quarterly to get your name in the hat for the annual 2017 dues! Our Board will be continuing to meet our NAR Core Standards for 2016. Our public relations and participation are so important. I welcome your input as to where we can strengthen our presence. I want to invite the membership to participate in Board events and Committees throughout the year. Keep up with what is happening with your Board as the bi-monthly approved meeting minutes are approved and posted on our website and via links on the MLS bulletin board for your review. Much appreciation, Kim Clark President, 2016 KBOR Board of Directors V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 P age 2 November 2015 Indiana Housing Market Data HOME PRICES RISE, CLOSED SALES DIP Strong Pending Sales Suggest Promising Start to New Year (INDIANAPOLIS, IN) — Outpacing last year for the 11th straight month, November’s average sale price rose 6.7 percent statewide to $158,175—the largest jump since March 2015. This is according to the most recent Indiana Real Estate Markets Report today released by the state’s REALTORS®. The report’s other year-over-year comparisons show: • Pending home sales increased 10.1 percent to 5,387 • Closed home sales decreased 0.5 percent to 5,355 • Median sale price of homes increased 5.7 percent to $130,000 • Number of new listings increased 6.4 percent to 6,796 • Percentage of original list price received increased 0.4 percent to 93.9 percent “We’re approaching the end of a year when home prices hit pre-recession levels in many markets across the state,” said Brownsburg’s Bruce Bright, 2015 President of the Indiana Association of REALTORS®. “And despite a small dip in closed sales, November’s increase in pending transactions suggests closed sales will get a head start going into 2016.” IAR represents approximately 15,500 REALTORS® who are involved in virtually all aspects related to the sale, purchase, exchange, or lease of real property in Indiana. The term REALTOR® is a registered mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of America’s largest trade association, the National Association of REALTORS®, and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. Statewide Housing Market Overview: View File Kosciusko County- One Month and Year-to-Date Report : View File V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 P age 3 December 2015 Indiana Housing Market Data 2015 MARKS STRONG YEAR OF HOUSING PERFORMANCE Indiana Home Sales and Pricing Climb Again in December (INDIANAPOLIS, IN) — There were 80,244 existing, single-family homes sold in Indiana last year, a 6.9 percent increase from 2014. Median sale price of those 80,244 homes increased 5.6 percent to $133,000. This is according to the Indiana Real Estate Markets Report today released by the state’s REALTORS®. Other annual comparisons (2015 vs. 2014) show: • Pending home sales increased 9.7 percent to 80,168 • Average sale price of homes increased 5.0 percent to $159,702 • Number of new listings increased 1.0 percent to 115,370 • Percentage of original list price received increased 0.8 percent to 94.3 percent Monthly comparisons (December 2015 vs. December 2014) show: • Pending home sales increased 9.6 percent to 4,810 • Closed home sales increased 7.8 percent to 6,464 • Median sale price of homes increased 3.9 percent to $129,900 • Average sale price of homes increased 2.1 percent to $156,930 • Number of new listings decreased 4.4 percent to 5,241 • Percentage of original list price received increased 0.3 percent to 93.7 percent “Many housing markets across the state are past the slump of the Great Recession,” said Shelbyville’s Nancy Smith, 2016 President of the Indiana Association of REALTORS®. “High-energy activity— from buyers and sellers—is keeping up, and many indicators suggest the momentum seen last year should bridge over into 2016. If the job market and wages remain strong, even healthier market conditions are yet to come.” IAR represents approximately 15,500 REALTORS® who are involved in virtually all aspects related to the sale, purchase, exchange, or lease of real property in Indiana. The term REALTOR® is a registered mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of America’s largest trade association, the National Association of REALTORS®, and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. Statewide Housing Market Overview: View File Kosciusko County- One Month and Year-to-Date Report : View File P AG E 4 V ol um e 3 I s su e 2 Sign Ordinance Discussions Continue As reported beginning in April of 2015, there has been much work and discussion on the County and City’s Sign Ordinances. The discussions began due to numerous member complaints to KBOR Staff and the Directors on existing corner clutter; signs not being pulled in a timely manner, the size of signs, etc. Both the KBOR and MLS Board of Directors recognized the need for KBOR to admit there is a problem and begin leading by example as good stewards of our own County. In September 2015 a Joint Board of Directors meeting was held with KBOR’s Managing Brokers to assure they had and understood the Ordinances to convey back to their offices/agents. Matt Sandy, Area Plan Commissioner, and Tim Dombrosky, Warsaw Assistant City Planner were in attendance at that meeting. Resulting from that meeting was the Board of Directors complete support for Matt Sandy in stepping-up enforcement of the Ordinance. The Board was beginning to see the positive results of the education process and Matt’s efforts when we were informed that the County Commissioners had requested Matt to cease his enforcement efforts. KBOR Officers were informed that the issue was being escalated to the Kosciusko County Area Planning Commission’s meeting agenda as arguments against the current County Sign Ordinance had been received directly by the Commissioners from a minority of KBOR Managing Brokers. At the January 6, 2016 monthly Commission meeting the Commissioners had a robust discussion which ranged from defining Right-of-Way, to a fining schedule, to all real estate directional signs being eliminated. No consensus was reached on any of the issues. KBOR was well represented at this meeting by Board Officers and multiple Managing Brokers from various firms. Dan Richard, Area Planning Director, was tasked by the Commissioners to put together a proposal to update the Sign Ordinance to be presented at the February 3rd Area Planning Commission Meeting. It was also noted that other signs other than real estate signs have also become a problem and should also be addressed. As Matt Sandy shared at the First Quarterly General Business Meeting, this is a healthy discussion as the Ordinance is an evergreen document that should be reviewed periodically. But meantime, the Board of Directors would like to remind the membership that the current ordinance is still the law and should be abided as per our own MLS Rules and Regulations: Section 4.3 Violation of Kosciusko County Sign Ordinances: All Kosciusko County Sign Zoning Ordinances must be followed. In the case of a reported violation to the KBOR MLS; a first warning will be issued and compliance requested in 48 hours. If not compliant in 48 hours, a fine $50 fine will be assessed each day of non-compliance. Violations can be reported to KBOR staff via email including a picture of the sign in violation. Staff will notify the owner and enforce the MLS Rule as needed. All complaints are handled anonymously. KBOR officers urge the membership to attend the County Commissioners monthly meetings. P AG E 5 V ol um e 3 I s su e 2 Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) And Days on Market (DOM) There have been some questions on when and how the Cumulative Days on Market (CDOM) and the Days on Market (DOM) reset to 0 days. After a fresh review with our IRMLS Executive Assistant, here is the latest explanation of how it works per the IRMLS. DOM = The number of days the listing has been on market by the same listing agent. Cumulative DOM = (DOM for that listing) + (DOM of previous renditions of that property which have not been off market more than 30 days) The keys to the CDOM and DOM reset process are: Even if a Seller might not want the home to be shown for a period of time on the MLS, if you still have an ACTIVE contract behind the scene the DOM will continue to tick. The CDOM will reset after 30 days of the contract becoming inactive (Expired or Cancelled Status) and is reentered as a new listing (not copy cloned). The DOM will reset after 1 day of the contract becoming inactive (Expired or Cancelled Status) IF it is relisted by a different agent. The DOM will not re-set until after 30 days of the contract becoming inactive (Expired or Cancelled Status) if it relisted by the same agent. For example: 1) Lauren lists a house at 123 Main Street on December 2, 2015. That particular house was listed previously by John on May 1, 2015 and expired December 1, 2015. So in this scenario, the DOM would be reset to 0; however, the CDOM would be calculated from January 1st - the current date. 2) Kevin has clients that want to take their home off the market during the winter months. They sign a Mutual Re lease to cancel their contract with Kevin, so their listing is then put into a “Cancelled” Status in the MLS on November 1, 2015. They decide to put their home back on the market on February 1 st, 2016. Because it has been 30 days since their home became inactive, it gets entered into Paragon as a new listing and the DOM and the CDOM are reset to 0. Under the MLS Rules and Regulations, if the seller wants the listing out of the MLS and the contract is still valid; Temporarily Off Market Status can be utilized, but it does continue to count Days on Market because the contract is still active. The listing would need to be expired or cancelled for at least 30 days for the CDOM and DOM to reset. Cancelled vs Withdrawn’, if the Seller truly cancels the contract the listing would be ‘Cancelled’ in the MLS and the count would stop. V ol um e 3 I s su e 2 P ag e 6 Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission Meetings (Discussion on Sign Ordinance) Held: February 3, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. Place: Commissioners Room on the 3rd floor of the Courthouse. For the full agenda please click here. Next Commissioners Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 23 at 9:30 a.m. at the Kosciusko County Courthouse. NEW! 12-Hour Broker Continuing Education Dates: Tuesday, May 10, 2016: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday, May 11, 2016: 8:00 a.m. - noon Where: The Meeting Place 475 Anchorage Road, Suite 6 This 1212-hour Session is FREE to KBOR members. 2016 General Business Meetings 2nd Quarterly General Business Meeting Wednesday April 20, 2016, 11:30 a.m. Tippecanoe Lake Country Club 3rd Quarterly General Business Meeting Wednesday July 20, 2016, 11:30 a.m. PLEASE NOTE: RECP registration not open yet. When available for registration, register directly with RECP. NO local registration can be taken. Tippecanoe Lake Country Club 4th Quarterly General Business Meeting Wednesday October 20, 2016, 11:30 a.m. Tippecanoe Lake Country Club For Your Information…... 2016 Kosciusko Board of REALTORS® KBOR Board of Directors Meetings: Thursday February 11, 2016 Thursday April 14, 2016 Remember: YOUR ATTENDANCE AT 3 OUT OF 4 OF THE GENERAL BUSINESS MEETINGS GOES TOWARDS BEING ENTERED IN THE “PERFECT ATTENDANCE” DRAWING TO WIN YOUR 2017 ASSOCIATION DUES! Thursday June 9, 2016 Thursday August 11, 2016 Thursday October 13, 2016 Thursday December 8, 2016—(Joint BOD/MLS Participants) KBOR MLS Board of Directors Meetings: Tuesday February 2, 2016 Tuesday April 5, 2016 Tuesday June 7, 2016 Kosciusko Board of REALTORS® Charity Golf Outing Tuesday August 2, 2016 Tuesday October 4, 2016 Thursday December 8, 2016—(Joint BOD/MLS Participants) Have questions/suggestion for either Board of Directors? Submit to Liz Decker, AE one week before meetings to be placed on Agendas. kbor@kbor.com Date: Monday June 6, 2016 Where: Tippecanoe Lake Country Club 7245 North Kalorama Rd. Leesburg, IN More information to come! V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 P age 7 Helping Military Families in Need At the Annual Christmas Party held in December, the Kosciusko Board of REALTORS® raised $5,215 in cash and Gift Cards that went to three Kosciusko County Military families in need. That equals out to $1,738 per family! Here are two of the families that were able to have a better Holiday season because of our wonderful and generous membership: Annual Christmas Auction by the Numbers Live Auction = $3,425 Silent Auction = $1,125 Gift Cards donated by our Affiliates = $665 Thanks to all that donated Wreaths, Stockings and Gift Cards. Your generosity made three Kosciusko County Military Family Lives special during the Holiday Season! The Streby family pictured with Joyce Needler, Marcia Anderson and Kim Clark The Thompson family pictured with Marcia Anderson and Linda Riley P AG E 8 V ol um e 3 I s su e 2 1st Quarterly General Business Meeting January 20, 2016 Marcia Anderson, 2015 KBOR President, passing the gavel to our 2016 KBOR President, Kim Clark Mark Skibowski, 2016 KBOR Vice President, inducting new KBOR REALTOR® members Kim Clark, 2016 KBOR President, Matt Sandy, Assistant County Planner, and Mark Skibowski , 2016 KBOR Vice President Thank you to all 42 REALTOR® and Affiliate Members that attended the First Quarterly General Business Meeting despite the typical Indiana January weather! The meeting kicked off with the annual installation of your 2016 KBOR and KBOR MLS Board of Directors including the passing of the gavel from the 2015 KBOR President Marcia Anderson to the 2016 KBOR President, Kim Clark. This was followed by the induction of new KBOR REALTOR® members and a “re-presentation” of the 2015 REALTOR® of the Year Award to Marcia Anderson, CBRWG. Unfortunately, Marcia was unable to attend the original presentation at the Christmas Party. Then guest speaker, Matt Sandy, Assistant Planner, Kosciusko County, covered the revised Kosciusko County Flood Insurance Rate Maps and revised Flood Control Ordinance, which became effective in September of 2015. Along with his presentation, Matt answered many attendee questions and has provided the following links for our membership’s use. (simply click on the title) REALTOR GUIDE 2015 INSURANCE CHANGES CONSTRUCTING IN A FLOOD PLAIN GUIDE OUT AS SHOWN PROCESS FAQ IDNR FLOOD PLAIN MAPPING SITE FLOOD SMART WEBSITE NOAA WEBSITE TO SEE GUAGE LEVELS Click on the link below to take a look at our 2016 1st Quarterly General Business Meeting Album on Facebook! Make sure to “like” it! 2016 1st Quarterly GBM Album V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 P age 9 JONI TRUEX RESIGNS FROM THE BUILDER ASSOCIATION OF KOSCIUSKO FULTON COUNTIES INC. Joni Truex, who has served as executive officer for the Builders Association Kosciusko Fulton Counties for the past 11 years has submitted her notice of resignation. Her last day in the office will be February 5, 2016. Truex shared, “After prayerful consideration, I have decided it’s time to make a change and leave this great organization. I will be teaching business courses at Ivy Tech Community College. This opportunity will also allow me to spend more time with my family. Thank you again for the opportunity and the great memories.” A search committee has been created to find a new executive officer for the BAKFC. “I know the board will find a great person to serve as the EO,” stated Truex. As many of our REALTOR® and Affiliate members know, Joni has been a wonderful friend and colleague to KBOR, most recently even supporting and participating in our 1st Annual 5K run benefiting Habitat for Humanity. Thank you Joni for all you have done for your members, KBOR and Kosciusko County. KBOR looks forward to continuing our Relationship with the new Executive Officer. InkFree News Article V o l ume 3 Iss ue 2 P age 1 0 To Our Retiring Directors As we induct our 2016 Boards, and they begin their terms, we want to stop and take a moment to thank the Directors that concluded their terms on December 31st. In addition to the review and monitoring of KBOR’s regular business, these volunteers worked on decisions ranging from the new KBOR website; to the SUPRA Lockbox conversion to Strategic Planning; to NAR Core Standards. The next time your paths cross, please thank these members for their service to the Boards: Kosciusko Board of Directors: Marcia Anderson Kosciusko MLS Board Of Directors: Mark Aker, Kim Beaman and Carolyn Leiter Volunteering The Modern Association Way (It’s not your Granddad’s Committee anymore!) During 2015 Strategic Planning, the Board of Directors embraced the concept of “Leaner/Meaner” Committees and the use of Task Forces. With the knowledge that all of our members are very busy, many of KBOR’s Committees moved to meeting as needed vs. monthly keeping the time commitment to a minimal amount. In addition, many 1-time only business items are now done with special Task Forces. For example, the Supra Lockbox Task Force was created to research the new Supra Lockboxes. With two targeted meetings and follow-up email updates, the Task Force’s work was done and complete in a just a few months. Although the commitment time has shorten, the benefits of volunteering has not. Volunteering helps connect you not only to the REALTOR® and Affiliate membership but to your community. Consider volunteering for one of KBOR’s many Committees or Task Forces. PR/Community Service/Scholarship Committee RPAC RPAC Trustee Golf Committee REALTOR® and Affiliate of the Year Committee Social Committee Board Nominating/Election Committee ...and more... If interested, contact one of your KBOR or KBOR MLS Officers or Directors, or Liz Decker, AE at kbor@kbor.com Get involved, you will not be sorry! P AG E 11 New REALTOR® Members: Sandy Hatcher, CBRWG Crystal Rose, Century 21 Bradley Scott Schramm, CBRWG David Sivicek, Pier 13 Andrew Tatman, Todd Realty New Affiliate Member: Mid America Mortgage, Lauri Tatich, Responsible Member V ol um e 3 I s su e 2