wh@t`s on mombasa - whats on mombasa
wh@t`s on mombasa - whats on mombasa
www.whats-on-mombasa.com Issue No.1 - November 2012 wh@t‘s on mombasa Free Magazine for Entertainment & Advertisement on the Coast SOON AVAILABLE! Free advertisement of all public events – info@whats-on-mombasa.com wh@t‘s on mombasa Free magazine for culture, entertainment & advertisement All events of a Month in a clearly arranged Calendar Articles & Stories about Culture and Places of Interest on the coast Largest Hotel Guide for the Coast Largest Guide for Eat Out & Nightlife More useful guides (Car Hire, Safari Operators, Airlines, etc.) Tide Table for the whole Month Centerfold Maps of Town and the Coast Deutsche Seiten / German Pages All important Emergency Contacts Tips & Tricks Guideline for Business & Shopping at the Coast Daily updated Website www.whats-on-mombasa.com Advertisement of Events free of Charge! Business Advertisement at affordable Rates! Contact us: info@whats-on-mombasa.com or 0711 507 968 w ww.w hats - on- momba s a .c om Largest Online Event-Calendar in the Web for Mombasa & The Coast Daily Updated All events of the current Week at a Glance Largest Hotel Guide for the Coast Largest Guide for Eat Out & Nightlife Many more guides Tide Table for the whole Month Daily German TV Programme (ZDF) for download Many Contacts Advertisement of Events free of Charge! Business Advertisement at affordable Rates! Contact us: info@whats-on-mombasa.com or 0711 507 968 EDITORIAL Dear Reader, dear Customer, we are looking forward to welcome you in wh@t’s on mombasa, the first free monthly magazine for culture, events & entertainment on the Kenyan coast. We provide you with the largest event calendar on the coast. All events can be seen on a daily calendar at a glance. The events may be: Sport Events, Competitions Live Music Exhibitions/Fairs Dance Shows Social Events Acrobat Shows Cinema Program Hotel Functions Theatre Performances etc. Fashion Shows We publish all events we can get aware of. In order to stay the largest event calendar on the coast we need your support! The advertisement of public events in the calendar is absolute free of charge! Please contact us, when you are planning a public event or when you have recurring functions as described above. Send the details of the event/function to info@whats-on-mombasa.com or use the contact form on the website www.whats-on-mombasa.com. We additionally provide you with a lot of interesting information about culture, events, entertainment and places of interest along the Kenyan coast. Residents as well as tourists will find a lot of useful information, tips and contacts for the daily life and for holiday. Let yourself be surprised by the content of the magazine. How to get wh@t’s on mombasa? The magazine will be available at all important places like hotels, shopping centers, museums, book shops, bars & restaurants from Ukunda to Malindi. The magazine is also available on our website for download. Advertisement Our advertisement pages will give to everyone a reliable guideline for business and shopping along the coast. We offer advertisement space for an affordable price. Subscribers will get discount. In the following you will find detailed information about advertising in our magazine. It is also possible to advertise in the website. Classified We offer private classifieds for free and commercial classifieds at competitive rates. Internet We are already online under www.whats-on-mombasa.com. The event calendar on the website is being updated every day. The website is growing every day. You may also advertise in the website for affordable rates. With kind regards Your wh@t’s on mombasa team CLASSIFIED Freelancer - we are looking for good advertising sales people on a freelance base. Contact us on info@whats-onmombasa.com IT-Solutions Webhosting. Webdesign, Nettworks, Data Rescue, Software Solutions, Quick Response Codes & much more Call 0716 453781 Property for Sale! Big house and 2 Cottage on the north shore of Mtwapa Creek. More information in the internet under: www.rudymaeder.com Panorama Photographs up to 360 ° - interactive flash panoramas call 0711 507968 or mail to info@mombasa-event.com Free private classifieds! Fill out the above form and send it to our office or send an e-mail to info@whats-onmombasa.com. Private classifieds are free of charge. They are not allowed to have any commercial contents. Commercial classifieds are 400/- KShs per line. Minimum is 3 lines, pics are 1000/- per 1 cm height. Commercial classifieds are also available in our website. www.whats-on-mombasa.com. ADVERTISE YOUR COMPANY WORLDWIDE FOR ONLY 100/= PER DAY! on our website www.whats-on-mombasa.com ADVERTISE YOUR SPECIAL OFFERS ON AN EXTRA PAGE WORLDWIDE FOR ONLY 50/= PER DAY! 1 Month on main page = KShs 3000/= 1 Month on link page = KShs 2500/= 1 Month extra page from 1500/=* No Duration Place Size Rate 1 1 Month Main Page 200 x up to 600 pixels KShs 3,000/= 2 1Month Link Page 1024 x up to 200 pixels KShs 2,500/= 3 1 Month Extra html-page ~ 1 A4 page KShs 1,500/= * Extra page only in connection with advertisement in main page or link page. On request we design the artworks for your extra html-page at affordable rates. DEUTSCHE SEITE MUSIC Bilenge Musica Du Zaire In Ostafrika äußerst erfolgreiche Formation, ursprünglich aus dem Kongo (ehemals Zaire). Schwungvolle, zeitgenössische Musik Ostafrikas mit deutlich traditionellen Wurzeln. Nach dem ersten Album „Rumba is Rumba“, in dem die vorwiegend kenianischen 20 Musiker um Alo Lesasa hauptsächlich traditionelle , kongolesische Rumbatitel interpretierten, wird in der vorliegenden Produktion deutlich, welche Entwicklung der Allroud-Komponist, Sänger und Musiker Lesasa Jocker in der Zwischenzeit gemacht hat. Die Musikrichtung hat sich erheblich differenziert, was auch den überwältigenden Erfolg in weiten Teilen des afrikanischen Kontinents rechtfertigt. Ihm ist eine beeindruckende Mischung aus überlieferten Melodien und Texten zusammen mit zeitgenössischen Rhythmen, Percussioninstrumenten gelungen, die stellvertretend steht für den Facettenreichtum der heutigen afrikanischen Musikszene. Seine Salsa-, Soukous-, Blues-, und Lingala-Musik in Suaheli, äthiopischer und kongolesischer Sprache sowie in verschiedenen kenianischen Dialekten drängt mit Macht von den Dancefloors in Kenia, Äthiopien, Simbabwe, Botswana, Mozambiquie, Uganda, Südafrika, Dubai, Oman, Muskat Lagos und Abidjan auf BÜCHER Mein Abenteuer Kenia Von Anah Chenza - Biografie Das Buch enthält Lebenserfahrungen der deutschstämmigen Autorin, ergänzt durch Empfehlungen und einen speziellen Führer für Touristen, die außerhalb des Hotels leben sowie für Einwanderer aus Europa. Ergänzt wird das Buch durch Tipps, wichtige Gesetze und Bezugsquellen. Quelle: Amazon Das Buch ist nur in deutscher Sprache im Buchhandel erhältlich. In Mtwapa kann es direkt von der Autorin unter +254 721 436985 zum Sonderpreis bezogen werden. Die CD ist in Kenia bei Kelele-Records in Nyali, in Europa bei Bella Musica Edition J. Rinschler. Shimba Hills National Reserve Shimba Hills National Reserve is one of the reserves, which are not as well attended as many others. The national reserve lies approximately 33km south of Mombasa town, in Kwale district of coast province. The coastal ecosystem comprise of a heterogeneous habitat including forestlands, exotic plantations, scrublands and grasslands. The ecosystem holds one of the largest coastal forests in East Africa after Arabuko-Sokoke forest. The scenery is very varied. The mountains, which are up to 448 m in height oofer an magnificent view over the coastal plains. One of the highlights are the 20 m high Sheldrick Falls. The reserve is rich in flora and fauna and hosts the highest density of African elephant in Kenya. Other animal species found in the area are Sable antelope, black and rufous elephant shrew, bushy tailed mongoose and other small mammals like fruit bat. PLACES OF INTEREST The forest is an important bird area and is endowed with forest birdlife while the grasslands hold localized species such as red-necked-Spurfowl, Croaking Cisticola and Zanzibar Red Bishop. From Mombasa, take the ferry at Likoni to access the southern coastline where Diani and Tiwi beaches are. Then, take the main A14 coast road 10 km southwards until you join the main crossroad. Take the road climbing to Kwale Town (C106). The main gate is located at 1 km from the C106 road and 3 km from Kwale. The Reserve is appropriate for day trips. The Shimba Rainforest lodge offers overnight accommodation. Book tip: BUS OPERATORS FROM / TO MOMBASA Modern Coast Express Coast Bus Mombasa Limited Scandinavia Express Akamba Public Road Services Autobus Ltd Mombasa Eastex Kenya Ltd Horizon Bus Service Co Ltd Mash Bus Services Ltd Mombasa Liners Ltd Randa Coach Ltd Royal Star Bus Ltd Simba Coach T S S Express Ltd Tawfiq Bus Service Vanga Express Ltd +254 705 700 888 222 0158 +0254 41 490 975 +254-412490269 41512-80100 +254-412492468 +254-202444634 +254-733531295 +254-412225716 +254-722417311 +254-720798944 +254-722355544 +254-412221839 +254-413432066 +254-735722217 CAR HIRE Glory Car Hire Budget Car Hire Namak Tours, Safaris & Car Hire Rollard Tours & Car Rental Ltd David Tours & Car Hire Ltd Avenue Motors Ltd Distance Car Hire Tours & Travel Ltd Europcar Kenya Faruat Tours & Travel & Car Hire 041 23 13567 020 358 1027 0722 564 403 +254-412221657 +254-722410661 +254-412229390 +254-412222869 +254-412311805 +254-736640062 AIRLINES Kenya Airways Fly 540 JetLink Air Kenya East African Safari Air Express Executive Turbine Safari Link Air Italy Air Mauritius Blue Panorama Martin Air Monarch My Travel Neos Precision Air Thomsonfly +254-725516329 +254-722-55573 +254-041-3434019 +254 (0) 20 3916000 +254-057-827585 +254-20-604317/20 +254-720-888111 +254-41-3434648 +254-20-229166/7 +254-020-6422000 +254-74-825395 +44-1582-398-184 +44-161-498-4496 +39-02-5857-8130 +254-20-32823596/06/08 +44-2476-282828 SUDOKU BOOKRIEVIEW The book introduces fastidious Mombasabased detective Daniel Jouma and Jake Moore, a former member of the British Flying Squad who has fled to Kenya after a near-fatal shooting and now runs an ailing game fishing business. The two men are reluctantly brought together after a game boat skipper disappears, presumed killed, in an onboard explosion. Jouma's investigations, together with Moore's more robust legwork, uncover a sinister sex trafficking network based in east Africa, and allow Jouma to expose a deep well of institutional corruption within local government and police. How to do it? Place a number between 1 and 9 in each cell, such that every row, columns and 3 x 3 group contains the numbers 1 to 9 only once. Sms us the numbers in the red marked fields 1, 2 and 3 to 0711-507 968 until 20. July or send an e-Mail to info@whats-onmombasa.com. Win a voucher 2500/KShs worth for dinner for two in a restaurant of your choice. Advertisement: wh@t’s on mombasa Friday 02|11 Club Lambada Mtwapa Divas Nite 20.00 hrs Pirate Beach Club Campus Night 20.00 hrs Club Why Not Uptown Raggae 18.00 - free entry Club Legend Mtwapa Mbuzi Party 20.00 - free entry Kahama Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 21.00 – 24.00 Neptune Beach Hotel Tabasamu Band? Live Music 20.00 Nyali Int. Beach Hotel FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 21.30 - free entry Safari Inn Shady Hazy Band Live Music 20.30 - free entry Casaurina Nomad Disco Nghtt 100/= Entry 20.00 Le’Club Karaoke Night 21.00 - free entry Casaurina Nomad Acrobatic Show 22.00 – 100/- entry Mombasa GoKart Karaoke 20.00 - free entry Event Calendar June 2012 All data has been included without warranty. Diani Reef Hotel The Sweet Mountain Band Live Music 20.00 - free entry Bottom Up Shanzu Live Music 20.00 - free entry Saturday Sarova Whitesands Hotel FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 21.30 - free entry 1 cm height 02|06 Club Lambada Mtwapa Havoc Nite 20.00 Pirate Beach Club Non stop party mix Live sexy cabaret show from 24 hrs ??? Whitesands RhythMms Cub Celebrate Soul Music Live Video Mix 20.00 - free entry Nyali Int. Beach Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 20.00 – 22.30 Club Legend Mtwapa Ricky Mulolo 20.00 - free entry Travellers Beach Hotel Sweetwaves Band Live Music 20.00 Serena Beach Hotel Pioneer Band Live Music 21.00 Safari Inn Sweet Mountain Band Live Music 20.30 - free entry Casaurina Nomad Show time 22.00 - 100/- entry ADVERTISEMENT IN CALENDAR SECTION 1 cm height KShs 1260/Bottom Up Shanzu Live Music 20.00 - free entry Tembo Disco Disco Night 21.00 Cafesserie Nakumatt Nyali Happy Hour Live Music 19.00 - 21.00 free entry Sunday 03|11 Pirate Beach Club Family Fun Day and SUPA JAMSESSION Live performance with Amitie Musica 14.00 Cuba Libre Bold & Beauty Club Lambada Mtwapa Family Day Live Music & Swimming 14.00 Monday 04|11 Club Lambada Mtwapa Rhumba Nite 20.00 free entry Voyager Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 20.30 Bob’s Bar FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 20.00 - free entry 05|11 Club Lambada Mtwapa Soul Nite 20.00 Mina Love Sports Bar FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 20.00 - free entry Leopard Beach Hotel Tabasamu Band? Live Music 20.00 Sarova Whitesands Hotel Sweetwaves Band Live Music 21.00 Mina Love Sports Bar FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 20.00 - free entry Casaurina Nomad Disco Nite Safari Inn FAHMY’OKE Karaoke Night 21.00 - free entry Mombasa GoKart Live Band Karaoke 20.00 - free entry Friday 08|11 Club Lambada Mtwapa Divas Nite 20.00 Club Lambada Mtwapa Divas Nite ??? Club Why Not Uptown Raggae 18.00 - free entry Cafesserie Nakumatt Nyali Happy Hour Live Music 19.00 - 21.00 free entry 07|11 La Luna Club House Mtwapa Ambro Superstars la Musica Live Music 20.00 - free entry Voyager Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 20.30 The Solitaire Band Pirate Beach Club Campus Night 20.00 20.00 100/- entry Club Rio Karaoke Night 20.00 free entry Bella Vista Sports Bar Casaurina Nomad Disco Nite 22.00 - 100/- entry Nyali Int. Beach Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 20.00 – 22.30 Thursday Kaskazi Beach Hotel Sweetwaves Band Live Music 20.00 Live Music 19.00 Msa Continental Resort Kaingu Band? Live Music 19.30 – 22.30 20.00 ö 100/- entry Safari Inn Maranda & Band Club Lambada Mtwapa Passa Passa Reggae Nite 20.00 The Base Pub Cloud 9 Karaoke with Salim 18.00 - free entry Casaurina Nomad Disco Nite 20.00 ö 100/- entry 06|11 20.00 20.00 Casaurina Nomad Disco Nite Wednesday Pirate Beach Club Jam JAM Kahama Chill out Nite Kick Off The Week Tuesday 20:30 – free entry Club Legend Mtwapa Mbuzi Party 20.00 - free entry Kahama Hotel Mombasa Roots Band Live Music 21.00 – 24.00 Neptune Beach Hotel Tabasamu Band? Live Music 20.00 Casaurina Nomad Disco Nite 20.00 ö 100/- entry Nyali Int. Beach Hotel FAHMY’OKE MUSIC REVIEW; SHADZ O’BLACK Serengeti Groove Fiona Mungai and Laura Mutua are mostly welcome in all Kenyan recording studios whether as backup voices or lead singers, as they proved to be hardworking and striving for perfection. This professionality is monitored on this disc. The well manifested launch took place in Carnivore in 1997 and was a Kenyan affair that music lovers could not afford to miss. Their vibe got tide when they both realized that they had similar interests in music and together they form not just a dynamic duo but an unstoppable music force. A bright future for Kenyan Urban music is coming up at very necessary time. Turn the volume up! Label: Kelele Records LC 3168 CD-No: ke-31017 www.kelele-records.com HARDSTONE Nuting but the Stone Hardstone, alias Harrison Ngunjiri, first rocked a talent search show, after that there was no stopping him. He hit the scene with his Kikuyu raps and has surfaced them with something that is his own. Being the Champion of the 1996 national talent show, he impressed with his tremendous stage presence and vocal range. “Nuting but the Stone” became the fastest and best selling album in Kenyan history, when it was released in 1998, well worth waiting for. In Hardstone’s songs you see the guy who is doing it, because he loves it. This certain level if roots authenticity comes out in his music, in his personality. Label: Kelele Records LC 3168 CD-No: ke-31018 www.kelele-records.com Advertisement: Kinondo Poa Holiday Retreat P.O.Box 5475 80401 Diani Beach Mombasa - Kenya +254 712 296 018 +254 789 479 126 www.kinondopoa.com Recharge your Batteries, Relax and Unwind in this Oasis of Peace and Tranquility While Getting Spoiled by the Best Service and Hospitality Africa Can Offer Surrounded by lush tropical gardens, on the edge of the sacred Kaya Kinondo forest 12 km south of Diani, Kinondo Poa is a tranquil haven away from mass tourism and its dynamics. Just 100 m off the crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches of Kenya’s Indian Ocean coastline four traditionally makuti (palm leaves) thatched chalets provide eight spacious air conditioned rooms with en-suite bathrooms and private patios. Facilities include a swimming pool, a pool bar, a beach chillout area, a spa, coffee lounge and an in house diving center. Free WiFi internet access is available all over the compound and within the rooms. Kinondo Poa’s intimate ambiance makes it the perfect getaway for couples, family groups or honeymooners but also provides privacy required for corporate team building events or meetings. Starting from US$ 55.00 per person and night on full board. Look for special offers on the website! PARK ENTRANCE FEES: valid from 1st January to 31st December 2012 East Afr. Citizens East Afr. Residents Non Residents (Kshs) (Kshs) (US$) Premium Parks – Amboseli, Nakuru Adults / Children & Students 1.000 / 200 1.000 / 500 80 / 40 Wilderness Parks –Tsavo East, Tsavo West, Meru & Kora Adults / Children & Students 500 / 200 1.000 / 500 65 / 30 Aberdare National Park & Kihari Gate Adults / Children & Students 300 / 200 1.000 / 500 50 / 25 Urban Safari – Nairobi National Park Adults / Children & Students 300 / 200 1.000 / 500 40 / 20 Mountain Climbing – Mt. Kenya National Park (Day Trip) Adults / Children & Students 400 / 200 750 / 500 55 / 25 Mt. Kenya National Park- 4 Day Package (Entry or exit through Sirimon or Naromoru gate) Adults / Children & Students 2.000 / 600 3.500 / 1.500 220 / 120 Mt. Kenya National Park -5 Day Package (Any entry or exit through Chogoria, Burguret or Kamweti gates) Adults / Children & Students 2.500 / 1000 4.300 / 2.500 270 / 145 Mt. Kenya National Park -6 Day Package- (Exit or entry through Marania gate) Adults / Children & Students 3.000 / 1200 5.250 / 3.000 320 / 170 Scenic & Special Interest Parks – Hells Gate, Mt Elgon Adults / Children & Students 300 / 200 500 / 300 25 / 15 Scenic & Special Interest Parks: Marsabit, Oldonyo Sabuk, Mwea, Arabuko Sokoke , Ruma, Saiwa Swamp, South Turkana, Mt. Longonot, Sibiloi, Central & South Island, Kakamega, Shimba Hills, Ndere Island & Chyulu National Parks and Reserves Adults / Children & Students 200 / 100 500 / 250 20 / 10 Marine Parks: Kisite-Mpunguti Adults / Children & Students 200 / 100 300 / 150 20 / 10 Other Marine Parks: Kiunga, Watamu, Mombasa, Malindi Adults / Children & Students 100 / 100 300 / 150 15 / 10 Nairobi Safari Walk Adults / Children & Students 150 / 50 300 / 150 20 / 10 Sanctuaries: Kisumu Impala & Animal Orphanage Adults / Children & Students 150 / 50 300 / 150 15 / 10 CATEGORY Source: Kenya Wildlife Service Space for Your Advertisement! TIDES KENYA: KILINDINI TIDES - June 2012 - Latitude 4°03‘s - Longitude 39° 38‘ E Day Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Date 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Low Water High Water Time Ht. m Time Ht. m Time Ht. m Time Ht. m 0534 0603 0634 0710 0757 0906 1049 -0102 0152 0235 0316 0356 0437 0518 0600 0644 0732 0828 0941 1116 0017 0121 0209 0248 0322 0552 0421 0449 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 -2.8 3.1 3.4 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 1758 1828 1902 1945 2046 2217 2354 1220 1328 1420 1505 1546 1627 1708 1750 1834 1922 2018 2127 2253 -1246 1351 1438 1515 1548 1618 1648 1718 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.6 -2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 1151 1221 0015 0051 0135 0242 0435 0615 0719 0810 0854 0936 1016 1056 1137 -0018 0108 0206 0328 0514 0639 0741 0828 0906 0940 1010 1039 1108 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 2344 -1255 1335 1426 1538 1718 1835 1928 2012 2053 2132 ● 2212 2252 2334 1220 1305 1354 1452 1607 1733 1844 1938 2020 2056 2129 2200 2229 2300 0.7 -0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 Note: Add 40 min for Lamu and 5 min for Malindi, no change for Kilifi and Diani. ACCOMMODATION A C K Guest House Mombasa Alfajiri Villas Bahari Beach Hotel Bamburi Beach Hotel Baobab Holiday Resort Ltd Baobab Sea Lodge Big Tree Beach Hotel Castle Royal Hotel Darajani Hotel Ltd Diani Reef Beach Resort Diani Sea Resort Danpark Mtwapa Driftwood Beach Club Ltd Edelweiß Kikambala Emrald Beach Resort Shanzu Emrald Flamnigo Flamboyant Glory Grand Hotel/Sizzling Haveton Hotel Hemingways Resort Malindi Indiana Beach Apartments & Hotel Mombasa Kahama Hotel Kendas Ocean View Hotel Kenya Bay Beach Hotel Kinondo Poa Boutique Hotel Lambada Holiday Resort Lantana Galu Beach Leisure Lodge Resort Malaika Holiday Villas Malindi Breeze Point Hotel Manson Hotel Maweni & Capricho Beach Resort Melinde Hotel Midview Hotel Mombasa Beach Hotel Mombasa Continental Resort New Palm Tree Hotel North Coast Beach Hotel Nyali International Beach Hotel Papillon Lagoon Reef Papillon Mombasa Pinewood Beach Resort & Spa Platinum Resort & Spa Plaza Beach Hotel +254-(0)723-712588 +254 40 3202217 0414472822/310 0415485611 - 7 0720631113 +254 731 964016 0721437448 +254 722 207361 +254 (0) 734 796 376 +254-020-3742657 +254 (0)40 320 3437/8 +254-715-365977 0721 724489 254 725 086645 +254 787602851 +254 787602851 +254 720 843 585 041-2313564/2314284 0704554506 0733 411112 949 171 +254 729 +254 719 582 131 (+254) 041 5487600.1.2 +254 712 296018 0412324012 +254 (20) 260 4434 + 254 (0) 40 3203624 (254) 720 925 401 0734-519575 + 254 2024 08470 +254 -722 328 365 +254 711524842 0713-726 290 +254 20 344201/2/5 020341797/8 020 8025682 0722 209458 +254 727 228 344 +44 (0) 20 8741 5333 +254 7 29 75 36 54 254 723 957080 +254 726 363 437 0415485321-4 Royal Reserve Safari & Beach Club Safari Beach Hotel Sai Rock Hotel Salama Beach Resort Sandies Coconat Village Sandies Tropical Village Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort & Spa Sentido Neptune Beach Resort (North Coast) Serena Beach Hotel & Spa Sentido Neptune Palm Beach Resort (Ukunda) Severin Sea Lodge (E A) Ltd Southern Palms Beach Resort Sunrise Resort Apartments & SPA Temple Point Beach Resort The Sands at Nomad Travellers Beach Hotel & Club Turtle Bay Beach Club Wogect Hotel Diani Palm Hotel The Holley's Seafront Acommodation Mombasa Watamu Aquarius Beach Resort 254-20-2057155 +254 20 4443357 + 254 726 270036 +254 735 453 253 +254 422130714 +254 422120444 +254 41 2128000 +254 / 41 52485705 0203548771/2/3 +254 40 3202353 +254 (0) 41 2111 805 +254722203166 +254 724 930261 +254 722204131 0733 610455 0720648708 +254 734 601066 041-2000515 + 254 40 320 2523/4043 0731484989 +039 0365 503387 EATING OUT & NIGHTLIFE Casaurina Nomad Canton Malaysian Chinese Restaurant Chinese Galaxy Club Lambada Club Rio Club Seafront Mombasa Il Covo La Marina La Marina Restaurant & Dhow Adventures Maharaja Restaurant Mombasa Go-Kart Mvita Grill Pirates Beach Club Safari Inn Sher-E-Punjab Singh Restaurant Tamarind Restaurant Tamu Tamu Dishes Mtwapa Thalassa Restaurant & Bar The Moorings Restaurant The New Big Tree Restaurant Volume Lounge & Restaurant 0734 872 968 0733 939 228 0720 631 113 0721 325 030 0721 777 494 +254 41 2015024 +254 725 ILCOVO 0723 223 737 +254 723 22 3737 (254 11) 485977 +254 (0)721 48 52 47 (254 11) 471551 0716 694 817 0722 671 475 (254 11) 485121/6 041 493283 0722205160 +254 702145141 +254-736-547923 0716 786 014 0706 872 602 6 MOMBASA TOWNMAP 1 Mackinnon Market 2 Mandhry Mosque 3 Tamarind Restaurant 4 Jain Temple 5 Tusks 6 Likoni Ferry 7 Fort Jesus 5 4 1 7 2 3 sizes & prices Magazine size of the first issue will be A5 (148 x 210 mm). 44 to 52 pages extend. Edition: 20,000 copies. First issue will be published in July 2012. The Magazine is also available on the website www.whats-on-mombasa.com for free download (PDF). Description Size* KShs Cover Inside Front Page left side (page 2) 13.8 x 19 cm 81,940.00 pages Full Back Page (last page) 13.8 x 19 cm 88,490.00 Full Inside Back Page (second last page) 13.8 x 19 cm 81,940.00 Normal Full Page 13.8 x 19 cm 65,550.00 Pages Half Page Portrait 19 x 6.65 cm 34,750.00 Half Page Landscape 9.25 x 13.8 cm 35,100.00 Quarter Page Portrait 6.65 x 9.25 cm 18,450.00 Quarter Page Landscape 13.8 x 4.4 cm 18,110.00 Eighth Page Landscape 6.65 x 4.4 cm 9,090.00 1 cm column height in calendar section 4.2 x 1 cm 1,260.00 Website Start page (200 px width x max. 600 px height) 3,000.00 Link page* (1024 px width x max. 200 px height) 2,500.00 Extra HTML-page, artworks delivered by customer 1,500.00 All rates for Advertisement are valid for one issue. All advertisements in the website are valid for 1 month after posting. 5 % Discount for 3-Months-Subscribers 10 % Discount for 6-Months-Subscribers 20 % Discount for 1-Year-Subscribers We also carry out design works on request. Ask for our rates. materials to be sent We accept the following file formats: Print-ready PDF files TIFF files at 300dpi at full size JPEG files at 300dpi at full size, not compressed PSD files at 300dpi at full size EPS files with fonts converted to outlines / curves Contact us in case you want to send different file formats. Ensure all images are converted to CMYK. Spot colours may lead to changes. how to deliver On CD / DVD to our office or via e-mail to advertise@whats-on-mombasa.com. CDs / DVDs have to be clearly labelled deadline for delivery The acceptable deadline for submitting of final artworks is 10 (ten) days before the date of publishing. sizes & prices sizes & prices EIGHTH PAGE LANDSCAPE (4.38 x 6.65 cm) KSh 9090/- Your Advertisement Space HALF PAGE LANDSCAPE (9.25 x 13.8 cm) KSh 35100/- Your Advertisement Space HALF PAGE PORTRAIT (19.0 x 6.65 cm) KSh 34750/- QUARTER PAGE PORTRAIT (9.25 x 6.65 cm) KSh 18450/- QUARTER PAGE LANDSCAPE (4.38 x 13.8 cm) KSh 18110/- Contact us, in case you want to have a different size! Contact us, in case you want to have a different size! order form Quantity Business name: Product description Unit Price (KSh) Full Inside Front Page left side (page 2) 81940.00 Full Back Page (last page) 88490.00 Full Inside Back Page (2nd last page) 81940.00 Full Page 65550.00 Half Page Portrait 34750.00 Half Page Landscape 35100.00 Payment* Quarter Page Portrait 18450.00 Quarter Page Landscape 18110.00 Cash Eighth Page Landscape 9090.00 cm column height in Calendar Section 1260.00 Advertisement on website start page 3000.00 Advertisement on website link page 2500.00 Person placing order: Total Extra HTML-page on website Months subscriber % Discount Total Total amount Remarks Address: Phone / mobile: Fax: E-mail address: Wire transfer PayBill I, the undersigned confirm that I have read the terms and conditions of wh@t’s on mombasa. I acknowledge request for advertising space in the wh@t’s on mombasa magazine detailed on this form and attest that I am authorized to buy such space. I authorize the above advertising booking to be processed and acknowledge that an invoice for the amount will be sent in due course. Payment is due immediately once space order form is signed, and prior to printing. This form must be signed and returned to wh@t’s on mombasa before the advertising is booked. All adverts are to be emailed to advertise@whats-on-mombasa.com or brought on a CD / DVD to the office. Once the booking has been processed, a cancellation fee of 30% will apply. Advertisement on the website has to be ordered online. Name: Stamp Signature: Date: Signature of the Seller: NOTE: ONLY PEOPLE WITH VALID COMPANY-ID ARE AUTHORIZED TO SELL ADVERTISEMENT SPACE IN THE MAGAZINE ID of the Seller: www.whats-on-mombasa.com - our website is powered by www.eastafricahost.com terms & conditions All advertisements in the magazine wh@t’s on mombasa (publisher) are accepted under the following terms and conditions: 1. Artworks for advertisement have to be delivered until the booking deadline for the reliant issue. Booking deadline is 7 working days before the first of the next month. 2. The advertisement materials have to be delivered on CD / DVD into the office or via e-mail to the e-mail address as specified in the order form. CDs / DVDs have to be clearly labeled. Materials have to be delivered with the specifications in the price list / order form. 3. If the advertiser fails to submit material on time, the publisher reserves the right to or run a house ad or blank page. In any case the advertiser will be liable to pay one hundred (100) percent of the contracted advertising rate. 4. The publisher reserves the right to add the word “advertisement” at the top or anywhere within any page. The publisher reserves the right to place the advertisement within the magazine and within the page at any place. 5. The advertiser is jointly and severally liable for payment of all invoices for advertising placed. Payment is due immediately once space order is signed, and prior to printing. All payments should be made in the currency as stated on the invoice. 6. Advertisement in the publisher’s website will be posted immediately after payment for the advertisement. 7. Advertisement duration in the publisher’s website is one (1) month after posting and payment. 8. Advertisement of public events (basic data) in the calendar section and on the publisher’s website is free of charge. The publisher reserves the right of publishing an event or not. All events on the calendar are without warranty. 9. Payment has to be done as specified in the order form. 10. A 1.5% per month service charge (18% per annum) will be added to all invoices 30 days or more past due. 11. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. 12. Cancellation of confirmed bookings is required in writing before the booking deadline of the relevant issue. The advertiser is liable to pay a service charge of ten (10) percent of the contracted advertising rate. If the advertiser insists on cancellation after the booking deadline, the advertiser will be liable to pay one hundred (100) percent of the contracted advertising rate. 13. Cancellation or postponement of an advertising contract nullifies all discounts for the entire contract. 14. The advertiser will be held solely responsible for the contents of the advertisements. The publisher and its appointed agents cannot be held liable for any claims if material is not supplied to the specifications laid out in this rate card. 15. In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser will indemnify and hold the publisher, their officers, agents and employees against losses and expenses (including legal fees) and losses resulting from the publication of the contents in the advertisement, including, and without limitation to, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, defamation, trademark or copyright infringement, misappropriation or plagiarism. 16. In case the publisher is asked to compile advertising material / artworks for an advertiser, the publisher reserves the right to raise a charge for doing so and will do so prior to proceeding with the work. The Publisher will endeavor to seek the final approval of the advertiser before going to print, but reserves the right to proceed with publication of said material if the advertiser has not responded with authorization before the print submission deadline. 17. If the publisher has compiled material for an advertiser, the Publisher or its appointed agents assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies or misrepresentation thus caused as outlined above. 18. The publisher reserves the right to change advertising rates on 3-months’ notice. 19. Only persons with staff identity card are authorized to sell advertisement space in the publisher’s magazine wh@t’s on mombasa.