Wege aus der Krise


Wege aus der Krise
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University: from a teacher training
college to a federal university ………………………………………..……….3
Management and governance………………………………………….……..5
Administrative units…………………………………………………..…………..13
Studying at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University ………..42
Scientific and research laboratories…………………………………..…..129
Centres of the IKBFU ............................................................... 169
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University: from a Teacher
Training College to a Federal University
In 1948, the Kaliningrad State Teacher Training Institute was opened in
Kaliningrad. The first cohort was quite small and was comprised of only 161
students. In 1966, in connection with the enlargement of its educational area,
the Institute was transformed into the Kaliningrad State University. Later, the
institution was renamed twice: in 2005 - Immanuel Kant Russian State
University; and in 2011. After receiving the relevant status, the University
was renamed Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU). The IKBFU
today is one of the nine federal universities in Russia and a leading
educational institution in the Kaliningrad Oblast. More than 16,000 full-time,
part-time, and post-graduate students attend courses at the University in more
than 300 degree and non-degree programmes. The IKBFU is a member of the
Association of Traditional Universities of Russia and also one of the founders
of the Association of Russian Higher Education Institutions for entering the
World Education Space. The University has partnership relations with leading
Institutions of Higher Education (HEIs) in Europe and the USA, and
participates in the implementation of large-scale programmes of academic
Present-day Kaliningrad is an interlacing of the German past and the
Russian present. Until recently, these were strictly separated; the pre-war
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
history of the land was under a ban due to ideological
reasons. Today, the chief trend has been an attempt to
perceive the historical heritage in its integrity, to move
from the separation of Koenigsberg and Kaliningrad to
a single vision of Koenigsberg - Kaliningrad, a city
with a remarkable fate. This motive is embodied in the
activities of the IKBFU that retains the memory of its
predecessor – Koenigsberg University. Koenigsberg
University was opened on August 17, 1544 by Duke
Albrecht Hohenzollern, and in 1656 the University was named "Albertina"
after its founder. In spite of the fact that the IKBFU and Albertina are two
different educational institutions that belong to different historical periods and
even states, one can trace historical links and symbolic continuity between
them. The Baltic Federal University is even named in honour of the great
philosopher, a graduate and a well-known Professor of Albertina – Immanuel
The University infrastructure comprises 32 campus buildings in which
classrooms, lab units, dormitories, a botanical garden, and facilities for
students' academic internship and recreation operate.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Management and governance
Andrey Klemeshev
Professor A. Klemeshev was born on July
18, 1957 in Kaliningrad. In 1979, he graduated
(degree with honours) from Leningrad State
University with a specialization in History, and
in 1982, Professor Klemeshev completed a PhD
course at the same University (Doctor of
Political Science, Professor).
Professor A. Klemeshev joined the IKBFU
(formerly Kaliningrad State University and
Immanuel Kant State University of Russia) in
1982 and worked as an Assistant Lecturer,
Associate Professor, Head of research laboratory,
Deputy Director for Research of the Research
Institute of Comprehensive Regional Studies, Director of the Centre for
Continuing Professional Education, and Vice-Rector. From 1998 until 2011,
he was Rector of the Immanuel Kant State University of Russia. By the
decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2011 No.
284-р, Professor A. Klemeshev was appointed Rector of the Immanuel Kant
Baltic Federal University.
In 2006, A. Klemeshev defended a Doctoral thesis in Political Science
with the title "The Issue of Being an Exclave in the Globalized World (as
exemplified by the Kaliningrad Oblast)", and in 2007 he was awarded the title
of Professor of the Department of Political Science and Sociology.
Professor A. Klemeshev's research interests are in the regional strategy,
regional governance, studies of the Kaliningrad socium, and strategy of the
Oblast development. He has published more than 140 research works, among
them are 19 monographs including the following: "Russian Exclave:
Overcoming Conflictogenity", and "Globalisation, Regionalization and
Problems of Exclaves". In 2012, a collection of research papers "Political
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
elites in the old and modern democracies" was published under the editorship
of Professor A. Klemeshev. He is Head of the Editorial board of the journals
"Baltic Region" and "Bulletin of the IKBFU".
A. Klemeshev is a member of the Board of the Russian Union of
Rectors, first Vice-President of the Russian Association of Political Science, a
member of the general committee of the council on political science at the
Academic Methodological Association on Traditional university education, a
member of the Steering Board of the International Studies Association of
Russia, a member of the Russian Council on School Students' Olympiads, a
member of the socio-political council under the Governor of the Kaliningrad
Oblast, and Chairperson of the Council of Rectors of higher education
institutions of the oblast. He is a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian
Federation, 5th term (2014-2017).
In 2006, A. Klemeshev was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of
Higher Education of the Russian Federation".
Irina Kuksa
First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities
Dr. I Kuksa was born on January 9, 1967
in Pavlovsk, Voronezh Region. In 1989, she
graduated (degree with honours) from
Kaliningrad State University (at present IKBFU)
with a specialization in Philology. In 1997, I.
Kuksa defended a PhD thesis for the degree of
Candidate of Philological Sciences with the title
"Means of Expressing Motivational Modality in
the Russian Language of the 11th-14th
Centuries". She is an Associate Professor.
From 1989 I. Kuksa worked as Head of
Department of the radio information of the
"Leninets" newspaper (later "Neman news") of
Neman district, Kaliningrad Oblast. From 1993 she worked at the University
as an Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Executive
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Secretary of the Admission Committee, and Head of Department of Verbal
Communication and Journalism.
From September 1, 1999 Dr. I. Kuksa worked as Vice-Rector for
Academic Affairs, and since January 14, 2009 she has been the first ViceRector – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities.
Dr Kuksa's research interests are in education management, issues of
mass and verbal communication, language and style of mass media, and
linguistic modality as a means of expressing authorial viewpoint in mass
media. She has published approximately 70 research, teaching and guiding
Dr I. Kuksa has been awarded an Honorary Certificate of the RF
Ministry of Education and a second class Medal of the Order "For Merit to
the Fatherland". She is a member of the guild of experts in the sphere of
vocational education, a federal expert of quality of vocational education, and
a member of the Kaliningrad branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
Artem Yurov
Vice-Rector for Research
Professor A. Yurov was born on May 20,
1962 in Kaliningrad. In 1985, he graduated from
the Faculty of Physics of the Kaliningrad State
University (KSU) with a specialization in Physics;
in 1992, he completed a PhD course at the
Department of theoretical physics of the above
Faculty. He is Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
and Professor.
In 1989, Professor A. Yurov started working
at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
(formerly KSU and Immanuel Kant State
University of Russia), and has worked in the
capacity of an Assistant Lecturer, Associate
Professor, Professor, and Head of Department of Theoretical Physics. Since
February 15, 2013 he has been Vice-Rector for Research of the IKBFU.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
In 2007, A.Yurov presented his thesis for a Doctor's degree of Physics
and Mathematics entitled "Research of Scalar Matter Cosmologies Using
Spectral Design", and in 2009, he was awarded the title of Professor of the
Department of Theoretical Physics.
Professor A. Yurov's research interests are in theoretical physics,
cosmology, theory of intergratable systems, field theory, high-energy physics,
and mathematical models in demography. He has published over 100
scientific works including those in the journals of the RF RAS. Professor A.
Yurov has published and contributed to 49 articles in leading international
high impact journals that are part of the Web of Science and Scopus bases. He
has collaborated on a number of works with leading scholars from Spain,
USA, Germany, Brazil, England, India, and Poland. He is an editor of the
Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations Journal (USA), a reviewer of
scientific journals Physics Letters A, European Physical Journal C, SIGMA
and others. A team on relativistic cosmology has been established by
Professor A. Yurov and is carrying out research at the IKBFU.
Professor A. Yurov is Head of two Master's courses at the IKBFU,
namely "Theoretical physics" and "Physics of nanoscale structures and
nanomaterials". The latter course was opened in cooperation with the General
Sattelite Corporation that produces technology-intensive radio-electronic
equipment for Russian and international markets. The training of students
enrolled in the course is aimed at providing qualified staff for the technopolis
that is being established in the Kaliningrad Oblast.
In 2011, Professor A. Yurov was awarded the title of "Honored Worker
of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Timur Gareev
Vice-Rector for Development and Strategic Planning
Dr T. Gareev was born on August 12,
1978 in Kaliningrad. In 2000, he graduated from
the Faculty of Economics of Kaliningrad State
University, and in 2004, he defended a PhD
thesis in Economics entitled "Organisational and
Economic Aspects of Enhancement of
Development Poles in the Region: as
Exemplified by the Manufacturing and
Commercial Zone in the Kaliningrad Oblast".
Since 2000 Dr T. Gareev has been working
at the University, first in the capacity of an
engineer for scientific-and-technical information
and patent and licensing activities, then as a
deputy Head of Department of research and development activities, and later
as Rector's aide on strategic planning. He has also been involved in teaching
in the capacity of an Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor,
and Head of the Department of Firm and Market Economy. On September 30,
2008, Dr. Gareev was appointed Vice-Rector for Innovative Development,
and since May 20, 2011 has worked as Vice-Rector for Development and
Innovative Activities. Since 2014 Dr. T. Gareev has been Vice-Rector for
Development and Strategic Planning.
In 2007-2008, Dr. T. Gareev developed and was in charge of the
implementation of the IKRSU Innovative Education Programme within the
Priority national project "Education". From 2008 till 2014, he developed a
framework of the Innovation Park for the invitation of a group of researchers
to the University.
Dr. T. Gareev is a designated developer and coordinator of the
implementation of the Development Programme of the Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University; he was in charge of the development of the Strategy of the
University Development for 2013-2020 and the Concept of the establishment
of the Hi-Tech Park "Fabrika".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Dr. T. Gareev's research interests are in the area of regional economy,
institutional economics and development economics (the issue of reforms and
development of local economic systems). He has published articles in
"Economic Matters" (Voprosy ekonomiki), "Economic Policy"
(Ekonomicheskaya politika), "Social Sciences and Contemporaneity"
(Obschestvennye nauki i sovremennost), and Baltic Journal of Economics.
Igor Zhukovsky
Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Public Relations
Dr. I. Zhukovsky was born on January 14,
1980 in Yantarny, Kaliningrad Oblast. In 2001,
he graduated from the Faculty of History of
Kaliningrad State University. In 2002-2003, Dr.
I. Zhukovsky took a course on International
Relations and Political Science at Warsaw
University. He has undertaken study placement
at foreign universities, including the University
of California (Berkeley). In 2009, he defended a
PhD dissertation in Political Science at Moscow
State Institute for International Relations
(MGIMO (U) RF MFA) entitled "The
Development of the Party System in the
Republic of Poland in 1989-2009".
Dr. I. Zhukovsky started working at the University in 2001, and has
worked in the capacity of Coordinator in the group of telecommunication
education of the Centre for Continuing Professional Education, a document
specialist of the Centre of the programme "Baltic University ", and as an aide
to the Vice-Rector for Research, Head of Department of International
Relations. From 2003 till 2011, he coordinated activities of the Baltic TransRegional Institute of Social Studies (BaltMION). In 2011, Dr. I. Zhukovsky
was appointed Vice-Rector for International Relations and in 2014 ViceRector for International Cooperation and Public Relations.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Dr. I. Zhukovsky's research interests are related to the issues of
characteristics of the post-communist political transformation, mechanisms of
development of external policies course, issues of Polish-Russian relations,
political modelling, and public diplomacy. He has published 42 research
articles in Russian, Polish and English, including publications in specialized
Russian and international reviewed editions on political sciences (MGIMO
Bulletin, Bulletin of Lomonosov Moscow State University, "Kosmopolis",
"Acta Politica" (Poland), etc.).
Dr. I. Zhukovsky is the laureate of the prize of the Government of the
Kaliningrad Oblast of 2010, and winner of the competition of grants of the
President of the Russian Federation for the support of young scientists in
2011. He is a member of the Russian Association of Political Science,
Association of MGIMO graduates. Since 2014 Dr. I. Zhukovsky has been a
member of the Civic Chamber of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Tatiana Romel
Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance (Chief Accountаnt)
T. Romel was born on January 3, 1972 in
Kaliningrad. In 2007, she graduated from the
Faculty of Economics of the Immanuel Kant
State University of Russia specializing in
finance and credit.
She started working at the University in
1992 in the capacity of Head of the
Administration Department of Accountancy
Office, Deputy Chief Accountant, and Chief
Accountant. Since 2011 T. Romel has been
Vice-Rector for Economics and Finance (Chief
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Olga Usmanova
Vice-rector for Administration Management
O. Usmanova was born on August 11, 1981
in Baltiisk, Kaliningrad Oblast. In 2003, she
graduated (degree with honours) from the Law
Faculty of Kaliningrad State University.
O. Usmanova started working at the
University in 2003 and has worked as a Deputy
Head of the Legal Department, Head of the Legal
Department, and Head of the Administrative and
Legal Department. In 2013, she was appointed
Vice-Rector for Administration Management.
From 2003 until 2009, O. Usmanova worked
as an Assistant Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in
the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of
the University. Her research interests are connected with issues of civil and
labour law, in particular the particularities of legal status of students and
employees of educational institutions.
She is a member of the focus group of the Association of Leading
Universities of Russia for the elaboration of proposals for drafting regulatory
legal acts and local legal acts of higher education institutions.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Administrative units
Students' Services Agency
General information
The Students' Services Agency is in charge of
matters connected with students' extra-curricular
activities covering the following chief areas:
sensitization activities, social support, health and
fitness activities, promotion of students' employment
and graduate employment assistance; development of
student self-governance.
Number of staff members – 13
Head – Ms Maria Saushkina. The Agency is directly subordinate to the
First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Irina Kuksa.
The Agency comprises two Centres:
1. Centre for Student Enterprise – 14 employees.
2. Centre for Graduate Employment Assistance and Promotion of
Students' Employment.
Director – Ms Alina Aleksyuk.
Activity areas:
Students' Services Agency promotes students' social life:
1. engaging in the establishment of public funds and involvement of
sponsors for the implementation of students' social projects;
2. providing information support for the elaboration and implementation
of student social programmes and projects;
3. conducting competitions of social projects of student public
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
4. advising students on social issues;
5. advising students receiving aid;
6. arranging a contest and prepares documentation for awarding
7. arranging work of the University stipend and accommodation
8. submitting proposals on incentives and application of disciplinary
responsibility measures regarding students; and
9. arranging students accommodation in student dormitories.
Main activity areas of the Centre for Graduate Employment Assistance
and Promotion of Students' Employment:
1. contacting employers (assistance in recruitment, organisation of
meetings with students etc.);
2. working with students and graduates;
3. organisation and conducting master classes and workshops including
not only the theory of job search, but also efficient training programmes, role
plays and other practical exercise;
4. organisation and conducting vacancy fairs; and carrying out
monitoring (monitoring of graduate employment, monitoring of employers'
needs for qualified staff).
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Head's biography
Ms Maria Saushkina (born 20/07/1984)
Tel. 7 (4012) 59-55-33
E-mail: msaushkina@kantiana.ru
In 2006, she graduated from the Faculty of History of
Immanuel Kant State University of Russia (at present
M. Saushkina started working at the University in
2010 in the capacity of Director of Centre for Graduate
Employment Assistance and Promotion of Students' Employment, and since
September 2013 she has been Head of the Students' Services Agency.
In addition to her position at the University, M. Saushkina is involved in
various public activities. From April 2010 until
2012, she was a delegate of the 6th Youth
parliamentary assembly at the Kaliningrad
Regional Duma. Since December 2012, she has
been a member of the presidium of the Russian
Students Union.
Since December 2012, M. Saushkina has been
a Chairperson of the Youth Parliament of the 7th
Youth parliamentary assembly at the Kaliningrad
Regional Duma. She is also Head of the Students'
Trade Union of the IKBFU.
M. Saushkina has been involved in election
campaigns (including the establishment of a
network of local branches of political parties). She
is also experienced in scenary meeting scheduling,
in conducting business games and workshops
aimed at the development of a high level of
corporativity in the activities of a team and
individual units.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Public Relations Agency
General information:
The chief aim of the Public Relations Agency is to develop and promote
the image of the IKBFU as a renowned research and education centre of
European level setting technological standards for the area and training highly
qualified specialists possessing prospects of career building in any part of the
Number of staff members – 5
Head – Dr Yulia Shkurkina, Deputy Head - Maksim Grevtsev. The
Agency is directly subordinate to Vice-Rector for International Cooperation
and Public Relations Dr. Igor Zhukovsky.
Activity areas:
The Public Relations Agency is in charge of the following activity areas:
gathering, processing, recording, distributing, analyzing and storing
information about the IKBFU activities;
organising contacts of IKBFU representatives with mass media;
initiation and organisation of various forms of communication with
mass media;
interacting with government agencies, state and non-governmental
monitoring the technical performance of the website www.kantiana.ru;
maintenance support of changes in the site structure, form and content;
placing information materials on www.kantiana.ru;
organisation of special events;
monitoring public opinion, carrying out sociological studies;
planning and conducting University promotional campaigns; and
production of presentation items.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Head's biography
Dr Yulia Shkurkina
tel. +7 (4012) 536260,
e-mail: IShkurkina@kantiana.ru
Apart from the current position, Dr Yulia
Shkurkina is an Associate Professor at the Department
of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass
 Kaliningrad State University, Faculty of
Philology, Kaliningrad,
 Kaliningrad State University, Faculty of
Philology, PhD course.
In 2010, Dr Yu. Shkurkina won the award "Involvement" of the
Government of the Kaliningrad Oblast, and in 2012 she received first prize in
the nomination "Print Advertising in Higher Education Institutions" of the
creative contest at the 8th conference-exhibition of leading higher education
institutions of the Asia-Pacific region QS (Bali, Indonesia). She has
undertaken several in-service training and occupational retraining courses.
She is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and a Jury member of
the Regional contest "Journalist of the Year".
Dr Yu. Shkurkina acted as an expert of the research project "EU4U:
Establishment of the Centre of the European Union at the IKBFU". Her
research interests are in theoretical and applied aspects of PR activities,
geobranding, and technologies of PR communication.
Dr Yu. Shkurkina teaches the following subjects at the IKBFU:
 Theory and methodology of public relations;
 Public relations and advertising;
 Technologies of geobranding;
 Business communication; and
 Verbal communication.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Centre for Translation Support of Analytical and
Publication Activities of the IKBFU
General information:
The Centre for Translation Support of
Analytical and Publication Activities of the
IKBFU was established in September 2013.
The Center aims at promoting the
research-andpublication activities.
Number of staff members – 4
Director - Dr Elena Boyarskaya. The Centre is directly subordinate to
Vice-Rector for Research Dr A. Yurov.
Activity areas:
The Centre for Translation Support of Analytical and Publication
Activities of the IKBFU covers the following areas:
1. assisting in the translation of scientific texts written in Russian by the
authors into a foreign language;
2. linguistic editing (proofreading) of a scientific text, written by the
authors in a foreign language, which is intended for the publication in foreign
scientific journals presented in the citation bases Scopus and/or Web of
Science (the journal's impact factor is not lower than 1.2);
3. translation of the materials of the IKBFU web-site into English,
German and French; and
4. consulting and expert advice on the issues of interlanguage and
intercultural cooperation.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Director's biography:
Dr Elena Boyarskaya
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate
Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice
of Translation and Interpreting.
1986 - degree with honours, Minsk State
Institute of Foreign Languages, Faculty of English,
specialism - English and French languages.
1999 - PhD thesis entitled "Cognitive Bases of
Development of New Meanings of Polysemantic Nouns in the Modern
English Language" (Dissertation Council on German languages of Moscow
State University, specialism – 10.02.04)
2002 - 2011 - Head of Department of Theory and Practice of Translation
and Interpreting of the IKBFU.
2011 - 2013 - Senior Researcher of the IKBFU Institute of Baltic
Studies, Head of the Department of Translation and Information Transfer.
Since 2013 г. - Director of the Centre for Translation Support of
Analytical and Publication Activities of the IKBFU, Associate Professor of
the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting.
Dr Boyarskaya is the author of over 60 research articles; she contributed
to several multi-authored monographs on the issues of cognitive linguistics.
She is the author of several articles of the SCOPUS base. Dr Boyarskaya is a
supervisor of PhD theses.
She has developed the following courses: theory of interpretation,
conference interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, translation, and
practice in speaking (for interpreters). Dr Boyarskaya is a practicing
conference interpreter.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The IKBFU Representative Office in Riga (Latvia)
General information:
The IKBFU Representative Office in
Riga (Latvia) is a separate structural unit of the
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The
office represents the interests of the IKBFU in
the sphere of education activities on the
territory of Latvian Republic; however, it does
not carry out independent education, research, economic, social or any other
kind of activities.
The Representative Office address:
1039 Latvia, Riga, 224 Brivibas Street, block 2, second floor
Number of staff members – 2
Director of the representative office – Boris Katkov
Activity areas:
The IKBFU Representative Office in Riga (Latvia) is involved in the
following kinds of activity:
1. represents in its location the
interests of the IKBFU in the area of
education and research activities;
2. provides citizens residing in
Latvia with consultancy services in the
area of education, science and culture of
3. selects on a competitive basis
candidates willing to study on a state-subsidized basis within the quotas
allocated by the RF Ministry of Education and Science;
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
4. organises and conducts advertising and information activities in the
sphere of education, science and culture;
5. distributes information about conducting international (RussianLatvian, Latvian-Russian) olympiads within the subjects of the university
6. provides Latvian schoolchildren and applicants with the information
on the education programmes implemented at the IKBFU, on admission
regulations and other documents regulating the studies;
7. establishes and keeps contacts
with the IKBFU graduates living in
Latvia; and
8. participates in the organisation of
meetings and other events conducted by
the IKBFU in Latvia.
Director's biography:
Boris Katkov
(born 14/05/1941)
In addition to the position of Director of the IKBFU Representative
Office in Riga (Latvia), Boris Katkov since 1999 has been President of the
Latvian-Russian Association of Cooperation.
1953-1960 - Moscow Suvorov Military School;
1960-1963 - Kolomna School of Artillery;
1977-1982 - Daugavpils Teacher Training University, specialism History.
2005-2007 - Director of the Representative Office of the American
company "Manpower" in Riga;
Since 2008 - until the present day - Director of the IKBFU
Representative Office in Riga (Latvia).
Public activities:
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
- Chair of the Board of the Association of military pensioners "Vidzeme"
- President of the Latvian-Russian Association of Cooperation (1999 - until
the present day).
Also, B. Katkov has repeatedly taken part in the World Congresses of
Compatriots (namely in 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2011)
The IKBFU Admission and Qualifying Committee
General information:
The IKBFU Admission and Qualifying Committee deals with the issues
connected with occupational guidance, preparation for the University entering
and admission to the University.
Number of staff members – 6
Head - Dr Ekaterina Minkova - aide to the First Vice-Rector – ViceRector for Educational Activities, Executive Secretary of the Admission and
Qualifying Committee, and 2 Divisions are subordinate to her:
Administrative and Planning
Division of the Admission and Qualifying
Head – Elena Paderina
Preparatory Division:
Head - Galina Gushchina
Activity areas:
The Administrative and Planning Division of the Admission and
Qualifying Committee is in charge of the following spheres:
admission to the University and occupational guidance;
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
organisation, conducting and
participation in the annual exhibition of the
Kaliningrad Oblast "Education and Career";
participation in vacancy fairs of
the Kaliningrad Oblast municipalities; in
occupational guidance workshops at schools
of the city and the Oblast;
organisation, conducting and participation in educational
exhibitions abroad (Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Kazakhstan);
organisation and conducting annual visits of applicants from
Latvia to the IKBFU;
preparation and conducting the IKBFU Open Days;
elaboration, approval and implementation of the annual
Admission Regulations to the IKBFU; and
conducting admission campaign.
The Preparatory Division is involved in the following activities:
organisation and conducting of preparatory courses for the
applicants; and
organisation of admission and education of "newly mothers"
within the experiment of the RF Government.
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«Structure and Personnel»
Head’s biography
Dr Ekaterina Minkova
Candidate of Education Science (born 19/09/1978)
Tel. +74012 466422
Fax: +74012 466422
E-mail: EMinkova@kantiana.ru
In addition to the position at the
Admission and Qualifying Committee, Dr
Ekaterina Minkova is an Associate Professor
at the Department of Transport Processes
Technology and Service of the IKBFU. She is
also a Deputy Director of the Institute of
Transport and Technical Service of the
2000 - degree with honours, Kaliningrad State University, specialism "Technology and Entrepreneurship";
1998 – until the present day - work at the University (Senior Laboratory
Assistance of the specialized Department "Automobile" at the KSU Centre of
Continuing Professional Education, then Head of the laboratory of the
Department of Engineering Science, later - Head of the laboratory of the
Department of Car Service);
1999 - 2000 - took a further training course on "Accounting, taxes and
2005 – degree with honours, Faculty of Economics of Kaliningrad State
University, specialism - "Finance and credit";
2000 – until the present day - work at the University in the capacity of
an Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department
of Car Service, Department of Transport Processes Technology;
2005 - defended a PhD thesis entitled "Development of Readiness for
Risk-Management among Engineers Specialising in the Organisation of
Transportation and Transport Management".
2006 - grant-holder of the contest for the grant of the V. Potanin's
Foundation among young teachers.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
2006 - until the present day – Executive Secretary of the Admission and
Qualifying Committee of the IKBFU;
2008 - the academic title of an Associate Professor was awarded.
Dr Ekaterina Minkova teaches the following subjects at the IKBFU:
 Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activities;
 Finance, money circulation and credit;
 Accounting;
 Human resource management; and
 Risk management.
Dr E. Minkova is involved in research; she participates in various
conferences (Baltic Education Forum, research-to-practice conference of
students and teachers "Problems of Transport Sector of the Kaliningrad
Oblast"). She has published 50 research works, including 2 monographs,
textbooks and workbooks, she has 6 patents; Dr E. Minkova is working at her
Doctoral dissertation.
Administrative and Legal Department
General information:
Administrative and Legal Department of the IKBFU deals with the
issues connected with legal support of the University activities, legal defense
and representation of the University interests in the relationships with the
public authorities, local self-governance bodies and contracting parties.
Number of staff members – 9
Head – Oksana Arkhalovich. The Department is directly subordinate to
the Vice-Rector for Administration Management Olga Usmanova.
The Department is comprised of the following:
1. Legal Division:
Head – Svetlana Korotina
2. Division for Real Estate Facilities:
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Head - A. Rudenko
3. Division for Procurements and Tenders:
Head – Ekaterina Goncharova
Activity areas:
The Legal Division is involved in the following:
1. legal coverage of the IKBFU activities;
2. representation and defense of the IKBFU's rights and lawful interests
at courts, other bodies of state power, local self-governance bodies,
institutions, organisations of all organisational and legal forms and forms of
3. legal support of conclusion of contracts;
4. legal support of academic, scientific and research and innovation
activities of the University, of the organisation of education process at the
5. legal support of employer-employee relationship and internal
activities of the IKBFU;
6. elaboration of standard form of regulations of structural units,
specifications, instructions, contracts, agreements and other legal documents;
7. legal examination of orders, decrees, regulations, rules, instructions
and other local normative acts.
The Division for Real Estate Facilities is responsible for the following:
1. organisation of efficient inventory and use of the real estate; and
2. coordination and control over the use of the real estate at the IKBFU.
The Division for Procurements and Tenders is executing the following
1. ensuring functioning of the system of planning and organisation of
procurements at the University;
2. performing and improving the University procurement activities;
3. coordination and control of the activities of all the units of the
University aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the legislation, reference
and regulatory documents connected with functioning of the system of
procurement planning and arrangement;
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4. elaborating and maintaining documents of the system of procurement
planning and arrangement;
5. securing the observance of the necessary procedures prescribed by the
local university acts when organising procurements by units;
6. securing the expediency of executing necessary corrective actions
with the identified discrepancies within the system of procurements planning
and organising; and
7. organisation, planning and implementation of measures aimed at the
improvement and introduction of new techniques of procurements
registration, control and planning.
Biography of the ALD Head
Oksana Arkhalovich
Tel. +74012 595563
e-mail: OArkhalovich@kantiana.ru
2003 - degree certificate, Kaliningrad State University, specialism Law.
2011 – degree certificate, Faculty of Economics of the IKSUR,
specialism - Finance and credit.
2004 – until the present day - Lecturer at the Department of Civil Law
and Procedure of the IKBFU .
The subjects taught are as follows: Civil law (special part), Management
of public and municipal procurements.
O. Arkhalovich is involved in lecturing on various in-service training
and occupational retraining courses.
O. Arkhalovich has scientific publications including those in the journals
"Lawyer", "Legal science and law-enforcement practice", "Bulletin of the
IKBFU". Her research interests include the issues of civil law, and also the
implementation of the contractual system in the sphere of procurements of
goods, works, and services for public and municipal needs.
O. Arkhalovich is an independent expert of several contest committees
on conducting a competition to fill the vacancy of public civil service of the
Kaliningrad Oblast.
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Department of Education Programmes and Education Policy
General information:
The Department of Education Programmes
and Education Policy was established with a view
to organising all kinds of academic and tutorial
work at the University, coordinating and
controlling the academic activities of the
Institutes, Higher Schools and Departments,
ensuring the guarantee of quality of education in
conditions of international integration of educational programmes.
Department Director - Dr Dmitry Zhitinevich,
Deputy Director – Dr Kseniya Polupan.
The Department is comprised of 5 divisions:
1. Division of Programmes of Training Bachelors, Masters, Specialists
with Higher and Secondary Vocational Education
Head – Olga Azarova
2. Division of Management of Quality and Organisation of Education
Head - Natalia Barinova
3. Division of PhD Programmes and Dissertation Councils
Head - Dr Anzhela Gribankova
4. Centre for Continuing Professional Education
Director - Dr Elena Maksimenko
5. Centre of Electronic Education Resources
Director - Aleksey Naumov.
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Activity areas:
The Department of Education Programmes and Education Policy covers
the following activity areas:
1. control and modification of the elaboration and implementation of
programmes of training Bachelors, Masters, specialists with higher and
secondary vocational education
2. management of quality and organisation of education activities
3. control and modification of the elaboration and implementation of
PhD programmes and Dissertation councils
4. continuing professional education
5. electronic education resources
Biography of the Head of
the Department of Education Programmes and Education Policy
Dr Dmitry Zhitinevich
Associate Professor
Tel.: +7 (4012) 535425
E-mail: DZHitinevich@kantiana.ru
In addition to the position at the
Department of Education Programmes and
Education Policy, Dr D. Zhitinevich is an
Associate Professor at the Department of Politics, Social Technologies and
Mass Communications.
2001 г. – degree certificate of higher education, specialism – Law,
Kaliningrad State University;
2007 г. - an academic degree of a Candidate of Sciences (in Law),
Russian Academy of Justice.
At the IKBFU Dr D. Zhitinevich teaches the following courses:
Law of copyright;
Fundamentals of Law;
Legal studies;
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Legal fundamentals of journalism; and
Legal fundamentals of advertising and PR activities.
Since 2010 Dr D. Zhitinevich has undertaken several in-service training
Department of Information Infrastructure and Technologies
General information:
The Department of Information Infrastructure and Technologies is in
charge of the technical equipment functioning at the IKBFU. The staff of the
Department creates and supervises various electronic systems, modules,
software etc that allow to simplify, streamline, structure and supervise the
University activities.
Director of the Department – Sergey Kuzin.
Activity areas:
The Department of Information Infrastructure and Technologies is
responsible for the following activity areas:
fabrication of plastic cards for
the University staff and students;
comprehensive administration of
the process of education including the
systems of module programmes construction,
administration and assessment of efficiency
of the use of educational recourses and classrooms, and the system of
independent assessment of knowledge;
supervision of the system of comprehensive management of the
University infrastructure;
supervision of the document traffic system; and
elaboration and control of the automatized systems and modules.
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Department of International Relations and Protocol
General information:
International Relations and Protocol deals
with the matters connected with the
international links of the University.
One of the most important aims of
the DIRP is the promotion of the
development of interest to the Russian
system of education in the Baltic Sea
Region. The DIRP's chief objective is the organisation and management of the
international activities of the University, its students, PhD students, and the
staff. The DIRP's activity sphere covers not only academic and scientific
exchange programmes or organisation of visits of foreign delegations. The
Department also initiates and organises various international events:
conferences, workshops, and reception of delegations and official visits.
Number of staff members – 9
Head – Dr Anna Barsukova. The Department is directly subordinate to
the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Public Relations of the
IKBFU Dr Igor Zhukovsky.
Leading expert – Dr Yury RozhkovYurievsky.
The Department comprises two
Head – Dr Natalia Milyavskaya
2. Division of Protocol and Visa Support:
Head – Marina Tsaplina
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Activity areas:
The Division of International Programmes is in charge of the
1. consultancy on the issues of
education, traineeship and research
abroad for the IKBFU students, PhD
students, and the staff;
2. supervision of international
cooperation with partner institutions,
3. activities involving admission of foreign students, PhD students and
employment of teachers to the IKBFU;
4. coordination of work aimed at the preparation and submission of grant
applications to various international foundations and organisations; and
5. attestation of translation of internal University documentation.
The Division of Protocol and Visa Support is involved in the following
1. issuing visa invitations to foreign students,
PhD students and academic teaching staff coming
to Kaliningrad with a view to studying or lecturing
at the IKBFU;
2. registering the legal status of foreign
students, PhD students and teachers studying or
teaching at the IKBFU (extension of the RF visas
and registration with migration authorities);
3. consultancy and assistance in receiving foreign travel passports at the
MFA RF Representative office in Kaliningrad to the staff of the IKBFU in
case of operational needs and to PhD students going abroad within
international exchange programmes;
4. consultancy on the conditions of receiving visas to the IKBFU staff
and students going to a foreign state for the purposes of work or study;
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5. formalities connected with visa request;
6. reception of high-ranking guests coming to the IKBFU;
7. organisation and protocol issues
international conferences held within
activities of the IKBFU Department
International Relations and Protocol; and
8. reservation of rooms at the dormitory
foreign citizens.
Head's biography:
Dr Anna Barsukova
Candidate of Historical Sciences (born 10/06/1981)
Tel. +74012 595577
Fax: +74012 338322
E-mail: abarsukova@kantiana.ru
In addition to the position at the Department of
International Relations and Protocol, Dr A. Barsukova is
an Associate Professor at the Department of Political
Science and Sociology of the IKBFU, and also Director of
the Centre of the European Union of the IKBFU .
2003 - degree certificate with honours, Department of Foreign History
and International Relations of the Faculty of History of Kaliningrad State
University (at present the IKBFU ).
2005 - 2007 - grant-holder of the French Government and MFA, a PhD
student at the Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences Po Paris).
Dr A. Barsukova is a member of the Russian Association of Political
Science and of the Association of Researchers of the European Integration
At the IKBFU Dr A. Barsukova teaches the following courses:
History and theory of international relations; World politics and
international relations; Present-day international relations; and European
Union: history, institutions.
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Dr A. Barsukova speaks English (at the В2 level) and French (В2).
Division of Financial Supervision
General information:
The Division of Financial Supervision is a structural unit of the Finance
Department and was established with a view to performing functions of an
internal financial audit of the IKBFU.
Number of staff members – 2
Head – Veronika Kirillova
The Division is subordinate to the Vice-Rector for Economics and
Finance (Chief Accountаnt) Tatiana Romel, and Deputies to the Chief
Accountant of the IKBFU.
Activity areas:
The main activity areas are as follows:
bookkeeping of the financial and operating activities and
preparation of reporting;
controlling the accuracy and truthfulness of all the conducted
economic operations on the bookkeeping accounts, and also supervision of
the availability and movement of assets, of the use of financial and material
resources in accordance with the established standards and budgets (of the
latest update on the financial condition of the IKBFU; and
coordination with the relevant units regarding entering financial
indices in the automated control system "Development Programme" of the
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Head's biography:
Veronika Kirillova
(born 29/12/1979)
Tel. +74012 465942
e-mail: VerKirillova@kantiana.ru
In 2002, V. Kirillova graduated (degree with honours) from the Faculty
of Information Technologies and Business of Altaian State Technical
University with the qualification of an economist, specialism - "Information
Systems in Economics".
In 2006, V. Kirillova took a course at Kaliningrad Institute of
International Business majoring in "Financial management", confirming the
compliance with the qualification for conducting professional activities in the
sphere of finance management (graduation project entitled "Setting a
Budgeting System at an Enterprise").
In 2010-2011, V. Kirillova completed a course "Bookkeeping according
to international standards", received a certificate of the International
Association of Book-Keepers (Great Britain) "Level 3 Diploma in Accounting
and Book-keeping", and "International Standards of Financial Accounting" of
the Institute of Certified Financial Managers.
V. Kirillova is fluent in English.
Department of Development and Strategic Planning
General information:
The IKBFU Department of Development and Strategic Planning (DDSP)
is a structural unit of the IKBFU ensuring strategic development and planning
of the IKBFU activities.
The DDSP was established with a view to enhancing the efficiency of
strategic planning and fulfilling the functions of target setting, forecasting,
planning and programming the research and education activities at the
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Number of staff members – 9.
Head – Danil Azhinov. The Department is subordinate to the ViceRector for Development and Strategic Planning Dr Timur Gareev.
Deputy Head – Margarita Yudina.
The Department is comprised of two divisions:
1) Division of Strategy
2) Division of Analysis and Forecasting
Activity areas:
1) identification of internal
and external conditions, trends,
imbalances, and prospective
opportunities and threats of the
2) determining priorities and
aims of strategic planning of the
IKBFU and the role of individual
research and educational units in
3) development and execution of a set of events ensuring the attainment
of the aims of strategic planning of the IKBFU;
4) determining resources for attaining the set aims of the IKBFU
strategic planning;
5) elaboration and implementation of strategic planning documents at the
level of the IKBFU and at the levels of its individual research and education
6) ensuring coordination of activities of those involved in strategic
planning and the events envisaged by the strategic planning documents in
terms of the dates of their implementation, expected results and parameters of
resource provision;
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7) monitoring and control of the implementation of the strategic planning
documents at the level of the IKBFU and at the levels of its individual
research and education units; and
8) scientific and technological, information, resource and staff support of
strategic planning.
Head's biography:
Danil Azhinov
Tel:. +7 (40120 595595 (ext. 7825); +7 (4012)
E-mail: dazhinov@innopark.kantiana.ru
Education: higher, Political Science and
2005 - 2010 – degree certificate, Faculty of
History, Political science, the IKBFU;
2010 – 2013 – PhD course, Faculty of
Geography and Geoecology, the IKBFU.
D. Azhinov is involved in research activities and
is the author of several research works.
1) co-author of the Concept of the establishment of the sports and
recreation centre of the Immanuel Kant State University of Russia;
2) co-author of the Programme of development of innovative
infrastructure of the IKSUR entitled "The development of the University
innovative infrastructure in the sphere of medical biotechnologies in the
exclave region of Russia";
3) co-author of the Programme of development of the Immanuel Kant
Baltic Federal University for the period of 2011-2020;
4) co-author of the Strategy of development of the Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University for the period of 2013-2020;
5) Head of the project of conducting a technological audit at the IKBFU;
Head of the project aimed at the assessment of the efficiency of the use
of the laboratory equipment purchased in the course of the implementation of
the Programme of Development of the IKBFU in 2011.
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Department of Personnel and Social Policy
General information:
The Department of Personnel and Social Policy of the IKBFU is
pursuing a common corporate policy in the sphere of personnel management,
setting up a system of personnel development and appraisal, and it is
supervising the compliance with labour legislation of the Russian Federation
as regards the employment, transfer and dismissal of the staff of the
University structural units. One of the most important objectives is annual
planning and organisation of in-service training of the academic staff. Also,
the Department is responsible for constant monitoring assessment of the
Number of staff members – 11
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Head – Dr Tatiana Kuznetsova. The Department is directly subordinate
to the First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities of the
IKBFU Dr Irina Kuksa.
Deputy Head – Elena Smirnova
The Department is comprised of two divisions:
1. Personnel Division:
Head – Tatiana Ulakhovich
2. Division of Professional Developmental and Social Policy
Head – Natalia Petrenko
Activity areas:
The Personnel Division is in charge of the following areas:
1. employment, transfer and dismissal of the University staff of all
2. maintenance of the records depository of the IKBFU staff;
3. maintenance of the employment record books of the University staff
and their recording;
4. preparation of drafts of organizational-administrative documentation
on the staff;
5. execution and extension of relevant certificates to all categories of the
University staff, certifying documents containing personal and biographic
data and information on the professional life stages; and
6. execution and issuing copies of documents connected with working at
the University to the University staff.
The Division of Professional Developmental and Social Policy is
involved in the following activities:
1. elaboration of the system of development and assessment of
professional competences of the personnel, of the staff awarding;
2. annual planning and organisation of in-service training for the
University staff;
3. organisation and control of studies and in-service training, execution
of relevant documentation;
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4. conducting the assessment of professional competences of the IKBFU
personnel, its methodological and information support; and
5. organisation and conducting appraisal of the academic, administrative
and managerial staff, and auxiliary educational staff of the University.
Head's biography:
Dr Tatiana Kuznetsova
Candidate of Education Science (born 04/05/1972)
Tel. +74012 595553
Fax: +74012 465813
E-mail: tkuznetsova@kantiana.ru
1994 – degree certificate, Kaliningrad State
University; specialism - Chemistry; qualification:
Chemist, Chemistry teacher.
2001 - degree certificate, Immanuel Kant State University of Russia,
specialism - Law, qualification: Lawyer.
2005 - candidate's dissertation: Immanuel Kant State University of
Russia, Candidate of Education Science; title of the dissertation "Procedural
and Institutional Conditions of Enhancing the Efficiency of the Educational
Process at a Higher Education Institution".
Dr T. Kuznetsova has worked at the University since 1996. From 2000
till 2010, she was Head of the Education Department of the IKBFU.
Alongside the administrative work, Dr T. Kuznetsova is involved in
teaching activities being an Associate Professor of the Department of
Entrepreneurial Law of the Law Institute. She teaches the following courses:
Agrarian law; Procedural and institutional fundamentals of higher education
institution operations; Legal bases of higher vocational education;
Educational law; and Personnel management in an educational institution.
Dr T. Kuznetsova has regional and institutional honours:
2007 – Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Education of the
Kaliningrad Oblast
2007– Certificate of Honour of the RF Ministry of Education and
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2014 – Honorary Title "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional
Education of the RF".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Studying at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Institute of Chemistry and Biology
The Institute of Chemistry and Biology was
established on December 4, 2012 by the order of
Rector of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal
The Institute curriculum includes both
general theoretical and professional training
within lecture courses and seminar classes, and
also different kinds of practical training and work
The Institute is comprised of three Departments:
 Department of Bioecology and Biodiversity;
 Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics; and
 Department of Chemistry.
The mission of the Institute of Chemistry and Biology is training
advanced specialists (Bachelors, Masters, Candidates and Doctors of
Sciences) in the sphere of Chemistry, Biology and related interdisciplinary
areas on the basis of integration of scientific investigation and education.
The Institute, being part of the Federal University, also aims at
organising and coordinating large-scale
scientific and technological programmes
of development of the Kaliningrad
Oblast and of the whole of the Baltic Sea
Region. In order to attain these aims, the
Institute is cooperating with the Russian
Academy of Sciences; it is developing
collaboration with the universities of Europe, Asia and America, creating
conditions for academic mobility of students, teachers and researchers, and
integrating in the world education space.
Fundamental and applied research is carried out at the Institute within
the following priority scientific areas of the IKBFU:
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materials science and nanoscale systems;
rational nature management;
technologies of urbanized environment development; and
medical biotechnologies.
Professors and Lecturers of the Institute aim to create a balance between
the education and research when the
modern education enables students to
do research and the results of this
work encourage students to broaden
their outlook and to immerse in the
The scientific research and
participation in large-scale projects
have become an integral part of the studies. The synergism of education and
scientific research is implemented both at the Institute of Chemistry and
Biology and at the Innovation Park, and close cooperation with the
researchers of the latter is a guarantee of a proper training of Masters.
Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Biology
Dr Maksim Patrushev, Candidate of
Biology, Associate Professor. The research
interests are in the following areas:
molecular neurobiology, neurotechnologies,
molecular genetics, and clinical genetics. Dr.
M. Patrushev is a Deputy Chair of the
technological platform "Medicine of the
Future", a member of the expert advisory
board "Life Sciences" of the RF Ministry of Education and Science, a
coordinator of the Research and Technology Board of the Technological
Initiative "Neurotechnologies".
E-mail: MPatrushev@kantiana.ru
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«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Sergey Beloglazov– Doctor of Chemistry, Professor,
Honoured Science Worker of the RF, member of the Russian Academy of
Natural Sciences, member of the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC)
since 1993, member of the Commission on Biodeterioration at the RAS panel.
He is the author of 450 research works (including 4 monographs, over 30
inventor's certificate and patents of invention) in the sphere of metal
corrosion: metal embrittlement by electrochemical hydrogen, electrolytic
metallurgy, soils- rust modifiers, and protection from corrosion in media with
sulfur reducing bacteria and filamentous fungi.
E-mail: SBeloglazov@kantiana.ru
Professor Igor Degterev - Doctor of Chemistry with the specialism
"Biological Physics", the title of the thesis is "Kinetics and the Mechanisms of
Microsomal Metabolism of Nitroheterocyclic Specimen and the Possibilities
of its Regulation”. Candidate of Chemistry, specialism "High-energy
chemistry". Professor I. Degterev took a PhD course at the Institute of
Chemical Physics of the USSR AS (1973). The thesis title is "The Reaction
of "Hot" and Thermal Hydrogen Atoms with Olefins", 1973.
He is a full member of the following:
Since 1996 - Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;
Since 1997 – New York Academy of Sciences; and
Since 1997 – South American Society for Comparative Physiology and
Since 2003 Professor I. Degterev has been a member of the Editorial
board of the "Brazilian Journal of Biology".
Areas of scientific experience:
High-energy chemistry, solidphase catalysis, chemical aspects of rhombformation on artificial surfaces, pharmacokinetics and subcellular distribution
of antitumour nitrosoureas and radiometric analysis, kinetics and the
mechanisms of photolysis of nitroheterocyclic medications, kinetics and the
mechanisms of metabolism of antineoplastic agents in healthy tissues and
tumor cells, peculiarities of xenobiotic-metabolizing system in neo-tropical
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«Structure and Personnel»
fish and bioindicators of water bodies contamination, and photochemical
Professor I. Degterev has been invited to give lectures at universities in
Brazil and the USA. The bibliography (works published in Russian and
foreign journals): original articles - 51, and patents – 2.
E-mail: IDegterev@kantiana.ru
Professor Viktor Dedkov - Doctor of Biology, Professor, Honoured
Science Worker of the RF, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education,
Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, Full Member
(academician) of the Russian Academy of Natural History. Professor V.
Dedkov is the author of over 300 research works and patents in the sphere of
general and applied ecology, botanics, plant ecology and physiology, resource
studies, biodiversity and landscape and ecological area planning; he is the
author of widely-known monographs "Ecological Conditions of desert
Biogeocenoses" (published by "Nauka"), "Ecological Niche and Hydrologic
Balance of Desert Community Dominants" (LGU publishing house), "Spatial,
Area and Landscape Planning in the Kaliningrad Oblast", "Red Data Book of
the Kaliningrad Oblast " (IKBFU Publishing House). More than 30 works by
Professor V. Dedkov published in the 1980s-1990s by the "Alerton Press"
(USA) were translated into English and disseminated in 30 countries in
Americas, Europe and Asia. The monographs published by "Nauka" and LSU
Publishing House have a wide readership not only in Russian libraries and the
libraries of the CIS states, but also in the USA Library of Congress.
E-mail: VDedkov@kantiana.ru
Professor Svetlana Nikitina – Doctor of Biology, Honorary Figure of
Russian Higher Education, Veteran of the System of Education of the
Kaliningrad Oblast. Professor S. Nikitina is the author of over 100 works in
the area of hydrobiology, physiology of invertebrate animals, biomonitoring,
including the monograph "Steroid Hormones of the Invertebrates". Professor
S. Nikitina and her learners were the first to prove the presence of a set of
steroid hormones in identifiable quantities (progesterone, testosterone,
hydrocortisone, corticosterone, estradiol, estrone and estriol) identical to
steroid hormones in the vertebrata, in almost all taxons of the invertebrates
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starting from the coelenterate and sponges; they showed their physiological
activity and the role in life cycles of a number of the invertebrates and in the
animals reaction to human impact.
E-mail: SNikitina@kantiana.ru
Professor Vladimir Panasin – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,
Distinguished Agronomist of Russia, Academician of Energy and Information
Sciences. He is the author of over 400 works (including 11 monographs, and
4 inventions) devoted to the agrochemical aspects of plant fodder nutrition
and general agrochemistry. Professor V. Panasin has for several decades been
supervising research into trace substances in crop farming and livestock
production in the Kaliningrad Oblast; work is being carried out on various
aspects of soil fertility control, optimization of fertilizer application, many
methodological and ecological problems have been resolved.
E-mail: VPanasin@kantiana.ru
Dr Vladimir Panus – Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor. The
research interests are as follows: chemistry of glass-like semiconductors, and
issues of the environmental ecology. He is involved in the international
cooperation on the issues of quality standards. He is the author of 74 research
E-mail: VPanus@kantiana.ru
Professor Vitaly Plemenkov – Doctor of Chemistry, Professor. He is
the author of 230 published works, including 7 monographs and teaching aids.
Professor V. Plemenkov's research interests are in the issues of theoretical
chemistry (quantal organic chemistry, electronic and spatial structure of
organic compounds), the application of physical techniques in organic
chemistry, mechanisms of organic reactions; of chemistry of unsaturated
compounds (reaction of cycloconnection); and of chemistry of natural and
biologically active compounds.
E-mail: VPlemenkov@kantiana.ru
Dr Galina Rybakova – Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor.
She has 88 publications. The research interests are as follows:
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thermodynamics of glass-like semiconductors, environmental protection,
elaboration of methods of identification of heavy metals in different objects of
the environment, techniques of ionometry, AAS, and photomtery.
E-mail: GRybakova@kantiana.ru
Professor Valery Funtikov − Doctor of Chemistry, Professor. He is the
author of over 220 scientific and teaching works, among which are a
textbook, a workbook of problems and a monograph published by an
international publishing house "Academic Press, Jnc", USA. The research
activities include both fundamental aspects, connected with studying
particularities of non-crystalline state of matter and with the possibility of
streamlined synthesis of non-crystalline inorganic substances, and also
applied aspects aimed at creating new types of sensors for chemical analysis
of fluid and gaseous media.
E-mail: VFuntikov@kantiana.ru
Professor Galina Chupakhina - Professor, Doctor of Biology, a Full
Member of the Russian Academy of Unconventional and Rare Plants.
In 1968, G. Chupakhina defended her PhD thesis, and in 1969 she was
invited to work at the newly opened Kaliningrad State University.
She has lectured on different subjects: Microbiology and virology,
Photobiology, Microflora of natural substrates, Antibiotics, Vitaminology,
Antioxidant status of plants, Introduction to biotechnology, Concepts of
modern natural sciences and others. From 2002 to 2012, Professor G.
Chupakhina was Head of the Department of Medical Ecology.
The research interests cover the following areas: physiology and
biochemistry of plants, ecology, biotechnologies and microbiology,
physiologically active compounds, and natural antioxidants.
Professor G. Chupakhina is the author of over 200 scientific and
teaching works, among which are the monographs "The System of Plant
Cevitamic Acid", "Natural Antioxidants (Ecological Aspect)", 8 laboratory
manuals, articles published in the leading scientific journals and also in the
collected papers of numerous scientific conferences, conventions and
symposia. Professor G. Chupakhina has received three patents and an
inventor's certificate.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor G. Chupakhina has supervised approximately 240 graduation
projects, and 10 PhD theses. She is a member of two Doctoral Dissertation
Councils at the IKBFU (on geoecology and theory and methods of
professional education).
E-mail: GCHupakhina@kantiana.ru
Institute of Humanities
The Institute of Humanities was established on
December 12, 2012 by the order of Rector of the
IKBFU No 1546 of December 11, 2012 on the basis of
the Faculty of History and the Faculty of Philology and
Journalism as a result of the reorganisation of the
following Departments: Department of Foreign History
and International Relations; Department of History of
Russia; Department of Specialised Historical Subjects
and Regional history; Department of Philosophy;
Department of History of Russian Literature;
Department of General and Russian Linguistics;
Department of Slavonic and Baltic Languages; Department of Foreign
Philology; Department of History of the Russian Language and Comparative
At present, the Institute is comprised of the following large Departments:
 The Department of History;
 The Department of Philosophy;
 The Department of Slavonic and Russian Philology; and
 The Department of Historical Linguistics, Foreign Philology and
Document Science.
The academic staff of the Institute of Humanities is comprised of highlyqualified specialists. 23 Professors and 63 Associate Professors work at the
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The students are trained along the following specialisms and special
 special
 special
 special
"Philology"; and
 special
"Document and archive sciences".
The Institute is located in the building of the IKBFU at 56а
Chernyshevskogo Street (director's office, Office 30, telephone +7(4012)-2177-81, 59-55-20).
Director of the Institute
Dr Valery Galtsov (born in 1947; Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR), a
Russian scholar, historian, expert in the sphere of archaeography and source
studies, the author of works on the history of Eastern
Prussia, the Kaliningrad Oblast. Dr V. Galtsov
graduated from Moscow State History and Archives
Institute (1971; now Russian State University for the
Humanities). Candidate of Historical Sciences (1976),
Associate Professor (1984), Honorary Figure of
Russian Higher Education (2000). Dr V. Galtsov started
working at the KSU/IKSUR/IKBFU in 1976 and has
worked in the following capacities: Assistant Lecturer,
Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector (1984-91), Head of the
Department of Specialised Historical Subjects and Regional History (19952012), Dean of the Faculty of History (1994-2012), Director of the Institute of
Humanities (since 2012). He is Chairman of the Kaliningrad branch of the
Russian Society of Historians-Archivists. He was awarded a medal (2009).
E-mail: VGaltsov@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Natalia Babenko, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the
Department of Slavonic and Russian Philology, Senior Researcher at the
Research and education centre "Russian Studies and Applied Linguistics".
Professor N. Babenko graduated in 1973 from Kaliningrad State
University, specialism "Philology". She was awarded the degree of Candidate
of Philology in 1981, and that of Doctor of Philology – in 2008.
Professor N. Babenko lectures on the following curricula courses: "Word
formation in the modern Russian language", "Morphology of the modern
Russian language", "Theoretical fundamentals of stylistics", "Research
resources of lexicography", "Philological analysis of a literary text", and
specialised courses on linguo- poetics of prose and poetic neology. She
supervises PhD students' theses and students' course and graduation works.
Professor N. Babenko is a member of the Academic Council of the Institute of
Humanities. The research interests are as follows – linguo-poetics, stylistics
of fiction, linguistics of a text, and word formation. The number of research
and methodology publications is 79.
For the achievements in research and educational activities, Professor N.
Babenko in 2001 was awarded a lapel badge "Honorary Worker of Higher
Vocational Education of the Russian Federation".
E-mail: NBabenko@kantiana.ru
Professor Gennady Berestnev (born in 1953), Doctor of Philology,
Professor of the Department of Slavonic and Russian Philology.
Professor G. Berestnev graduated from Kaliningrad State University,
specialism "Philology". He was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philology
in 1995 (Moscow, RAS Institute of Slavonic and Balkan Studies, the thesis
subject is "Types of Semantic Evolving of the Concept of the Strength/
Firmness in Slavonic Languages. The Experiment of Research"). The degree
of Doctor of Philology was awarded in 2000 (Moscow, RAS Institute of
Linguistics, the thesis was entitled: "The Self-Comprehension of a Personality
as Reflected in the Language").
Professor G. Berestnev lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Lexicology of the modern Russian language" and "Linguocultural studies".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
He supervises PhD students' theses and students' course and graduation
works. Professor G. Berestnev is Head of the research workshop on
lexicology for the first year students, he participates in international education
projects aimed at supporting and promoting the Russian language abroad. He
is Head of the PhD specialism 10.02.19 — theory of language.
The research interests are as follows: cognitive linguistics,
onomasiology, etymology, linguocultural studies, semasiology, philosophy of
language, and semiotics. Professor G. Berestnev is the author of over 100
research publications in both Russian and foreign editions.
For the achievements in research and educational activities, Professor G.
Berestnev was awarded in 2012 an Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of
Education and Science of the RF.
E-mail: GBerestnev@kantiana.ru
Dr Valery Galtsov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Dr V. Galtsov graduated from Moscow State History and Archives
Institute (MSHAI, now Russian State University for the Humanities) in 1971,
specialism "History and archival science". In 1976, Dr V. Galtsov was
awarded an academic degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences, and in 1984
he received a title of an Associate Professor. Dr V. Galtsov teaches the
historiography of national history, supervises course and graduation papers,
and also supervises PhD students within the specialism "National history".
Dr V. Galtsov is Chairman of the Kaliningrad branch of the Russian
Society of Historians-Archivists; a member of the Joint committee of
historians of Russia and Lithuania; member of the Editorial board of the
military historical journal "Modern warden" (Novyi chasovoy) (St.
Petersburg), of the Editorial board of the "Bulletin of the IKBFU. Edition:
Humanities" (Kaliningrad); of the journal "Slovo.ru: Baltic accent "
(Kaliningrad); Editor in chief of the collection of research papers "Issues of
source studies and historiography" (Issues 1—4, Kaliningrad).
Dr V. Galtsov has an Honorary Title "Honorary Figure of Russian
Higher Education".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The research interests are as follows: source studies, archival science,
archaeography, regional studies through history; social history, and history of
institutions. He is the author of over 80 works.
E-mail: VGaltsov@kantiana.ru
Professor Eduard Demidenko, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
Professor E. Demidenko graduated from Bryansk Institute of Transport
Engineering (now – BSTU) in 1959 with the specialism "Machines and
technology of foundry engineering"; in 1971 - took a course at the Higher
Party School at the CPSU CC, Moscow; in 1977 he completed a PhD course
at the Academy of Social Sciences at the CPSU CC, Moscow. Professor E.
Demidenko was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
in 1977 (thesis on the Sociology of urbanization), the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy was awarded in 1993 (thesis "Urbanization: Concept and Policy
of Urban Development").
Professor E. Demidenko lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Philosophical issues of natural science", and "Philosophy".
The research interests are as follows: philosophy and sociology of
urbanization, philosophy of the socio-anthropogenic development of life,
transfer of the biospheric and biological evolution of life to socio-technobiological and socio-techno-natural.
Professor E. Demidenko has published over 250 research and
instructional research works, including 10 monographs and books and
collaborated on 23 books.
E-mail: ESDemidenko@kantiana.ru
Dr Aleksandr Zolov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Dr A. Zolov graduated from Voronezh State University, specialism
"History" in 1970. The degree of a Candidate of Historical Sciences was
awarded in 1980, and the academic title of an Associate Professor - in 1985.
Dr A. Zolov lectures on the following curricula courses: "Contemporary
history of the countries of Europe and Americas", specialized courses
"Political parties and movements of the modern times" and "Foreign policy of
the USA in the 20th century" (for the students specializing in "History"),
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
"World History" (for the students specializing in "Journalism"); he supervises
students' course and graduation works, as well as PhD students' theses. Dr A.
Zolov is a member of the Institute's Academic Council, and a Trade union
leader of the Institute.
The research interests are in the contemporary history of the USA; the
total number of research and instructional works is 57.
For the achievements in research and education activities, in 2004 Dr A.
Zolov was awarded an Honorary Certificate of the Ministry of Education of
the RF, and in 2007 – a lapel badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional
Education of the Russian Federation", and in 2012 – a Commemorative
Medal of the Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad Oblast "Veteran of the
Education System of the Kaliningrad Oblast".
E-mail: AZolov@kantiana.ru
Professor Leonard Kalinnikov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
Professor L. Kalinnikov graduated from Ivanovo State Teacher's
Institute in 1959. In 1969, he defended a PhD thesis at the Institute of
Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and 1981 - a doctoral
dissertation at the Faculty of Philosophy of A.A. Zhdanov Leningrad State
Professor L. Kalinnikov lectures on the following curricula courses:
"History of foreign philosophy", "Ethics", "I. Kant's philosophy system",
"Philosophic issues of specific disciplines", and "German and Russian NeoKantianism".
For 35 years, Professor L. Kalinnikov's research interest has been I. Kant
studies. He is involved in a systemic analysis of Kant's philosophy and its role
in the dialogue of cultures, the present-day significance of Kant's philosophy,
consideration of prospects of the application of ideas and provisions of Kant's
philosophy in resolving global problems of the modern development of the
human society. The number of research and instructional publications is 135.
E-mail: LKalinnikov@kantiana.ru
Professor Yury Kostyashov, Doctor of History, Professor.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Yu. Kostyashov graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State
University in 1977, specialism "History". The degree of a Candidate of
Historical Sciences was awarded in 1982, that of Doctor of History – in 1999,
and the academic title of Professor was awarded in 2002.
Professor Yu. Kostyashov lectures on the following curricula courses:
"History of southern and western Slavs", "Contemporary history of Eastern
Europe countries", and specialized courses on the history of international
relations in the 19th century; he supervises students' course and graduation
projects as well as PhD students' works; he is the leader of the elective course
of Polish language studies and of the research club on the issues of historical
The research interests are as follows: the history of Serbia, the history of
Eastern Prussia, Russian-German links and the history of the Kaliningrad
Oblast; the number of research and instructional publications is 140, including
25 works published abroad - in Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Sweden
and Japan.
For the achievements in research and education activities, in 2004
Professor Yu. Kostyashov was awarded a lapel badge "Honorary Worker of
Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation".
E-mail: IKostyashov@kantiana.ru
Professor Gennady Kretinin, Doctor of History, Professor.
Professor G. Kretinin graduated from Kaliningrad Higher School of
Military Engineering in 1970, in 1977 - from the Military Engineering
Academy. He is a Candidate of Military Sciences (1982), Doctor of History
(2000). Professor G. Kretinin is an Academician of the Academy of Military
Sciences, of the Academy of Military and Historical Sciences. Prior to
starting work at the IKBFU, he taught at Kaliningrad Higher School of
Military Engineering; since 1993 he has worked at the IKBFU in the
capacities of an Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of
Specialised Historical Subjects and Regional History of the IKBFU; he
lectures on specialized subjects "Issues of the history of the Baltic Sea region
in the modern age" and "Russian-German relationships on the territory of the
Eastern Prussia".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The research interests are in the regional and contemporary history,
history of the Russian-German and Russian-Lithuanian relationships.
Professor G. Kretinin has over 250 research and instructional works, among
those are 12 monographs, 6 textbooks, 31 inventions, more than 30 articles in
the peer-reviewed journals, and also a number of articles in journals and
collected books issued in Germany, Poland and Lithuania.
Professor G. Kretinin is a holder of the regional award "Recognition"
(1998), prize winner of the 5th city contest "Person. Event. Time" in the
nomination "Research and Science" (2003) and of the University (2006)
awards and contests. He is a member of three Dissertation Councils (for both
Candidate's and Doctoral theses defense), a member of the Panel of the
Council of Culture under the Governor of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
E-mail: GKretinin@kantiana.ru
Professor Valery Nikulin, Doctor of History, Professor.
Professor V. Nikulin graduated (degree with honours) from the Faculty
of History of Ust-Kamenogorsk State Teacher's Institute in 1970. In 1979, he
defended a PhD thesis with the subject: "Management of Peasants in Siberia
in 1861-1905" at the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy of
Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 2006, Professor V.
Nikulin defended his doctoral dissertation entitled: "The Landed Gentry of the
North-West of Russia in the Second Half of the 19th - early 20th Century" at
St. Petersburg State University.
Professor V. Nikulin lectures on the following curricula courses: part of
the general course of "History of Russia (till the 20th century)" on the events
of the national history of the second half of the 15th – 18th century. Besides
that, he is also a leader of the following specialized courses: "Ivan the
Terrible and his time", "The strife in the history of Russia and in the
historiography", "Peter the Great and his epoch", "The serfdom law in
Russia", and "Decemberists".
Professor V. Nikulin's research interests are in the agrarian relationships
in Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century: landed classes
and farms, peasant's local and seasonal work, the history of peasant's reforms
of the 1861, 1863 and 1866, peasants' community and bodies of peasants' self55
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
governance, and the history of the Livonian war of the 1558-1583. Professor
V. Nikulin has published 7 monographs and over 150 research and
instructional articles in various editions, both Russian and foreign.
E-mail: VNikulin@kantiana.ru
Professor Viktor Sergeev, Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the
Department of History.
In 1970, Professor V. Sergeev graduated from Leningrad State
University, specialism "History". The degree of a Candidate of Historical
Sciences was awarded in 1973, and that of Doctor of History – in 1989, the
academic title of Professor was awarded in 1991.
Professor V. Sergeev lectures on the following curricula courses:
"History of the modern age of the countries of Europe and Americas",
"Historiography of the modern age and contemporary history ", and
specialized courses on the history of international relations of the modern
history and the role of a personality in history; he supervises PhD students'
works and students' course and graduation projects. Professor V. Sergeev is
Head of the Institute's research area "Regional issues of national and world
history", and a member of the Institute's Academic Council.
Professor V. Sergeev's research interests are as follows – socio-political
history of England and USA of the 19th century, the history of international
relations in the 18th – early 20th century, historiography of modern history,
and the history of Eastern Prussia of the 19th – early 20th century; the number
of research and instructional publications is 103.
For the achievements in research and education activities, in 1999
Professor V. Sergeev was awarded a lapel badge "Honorary Worker of the
Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation", in 2009 – the
medal "For Merit to the Kaliningrad Oblast", in 2012 – the badge of honor
"For Merit to the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University".
E-mail: VSergeev@kantiana.ru
Professor Arkady Troepolsky, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor.
Professor A. Troepolsky graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of
Leningrad State University, specialism "Philosophy" in 1968; the degree of
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
the a Candidate of Philosophical Sciences within the area "Logic" was
awarded in 1979, that of Doctor of Philosophy with the specialism "Ontology
and Epistemology" - in 2001, the academic title of Professor was awarded in
Professor A. Troepolsky lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Ontology and Epistemology", "Issues of metaphysics in Kant's critical
philosophy", and "Logic".
The research interests are in the metaphysics, ontology, epistemology,
and logic. Professor A. Troepolsky is the author of over 60 research works.
E-mail: ATroepolskii@kantiana.ru
Professor Natalia Shamardina, Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor.
Professor N. Shamardina graduated from Repin Leningrad Institute of
Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the USSR Academy of Arts,
specialism "Art criticism" (Faculty of Theory and History of Arts) in 1972.
The Candidate's degree in History of Arts was awarded in 1999, and the
degree of Doctor of Art Criticism – in 2004.
Professor N. Shamardina lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Theory and history of arts", "General theory of arts", "History of fine art",
"Religion in the world cultures", "Theory and history of development of art
education", "Cultural studies", "Art and religion", "Culture of everyday life",
"History of culture"; and also the following specialized courses:
"Fundamentals of painting restoration for artists", "Folk art as a cultural
The research interests are as follows: the medieval art of Eastern Europe,
the history of the arts history, the philosophy of art, aesthetics, Orthodoxy and
art, mathematical modelling of compositional patterns of canonical art, and
exact sciences in researching works of art. The number of research and
instructional publications is over 120.
E-mail: NSHamardina@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and
The Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and
Communication was established on
November 20, 2012 by the order of
Rector of the Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University.
Communication (ISHTC) is a unique
integrated school of training specialists
in the sphere of psychology, linguistics, public relations and advertising,
journalism, political science, sociology and welfare activities. The natural
combination of linguistic, managerial, humanitarian and social disciplines of
applied character within the ISHTC structure is a distinguishing feature of
training specialists possessing such competitive advantages as creativity,
expert knowledge, mobility and initiative.
The Institute is comprised of the following large graduate Departments:
the Department of Psychology and Welfare activities;
the Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass
the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting;
the Department of
For the organisation of
students' internship, there is
a special Institute site - the
Laboratory for sociological
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Lecturers work at the Institute, among them are 20 Professors and 80
Associate Professors.
At present, the Institute's Departments have over 70 agreements on
international education cooperation with higher education institutions in
Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Finland, Denmark, Austria,
France, Sweden, Italy, USA and other countries.
Director of the Institute
Professor Irina Simaeva - Professor of the
Department of Psychology and Welfare Activities,
Doctor of Psychology. Director of the Institute of
Communication of the IKBFU. Professor I. Simaeva
is: Honorary Worker of Higher Professional
Education of the RF; Federal Expert in the sphere of
higher professional education (member of the Guild
of experts of Higher professional education of the
RF); Accredited expert in the registry of experts of
the scientific and technological sphere of the RF at
the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution "Institute for Scientific
Research – Republican Research Scientific and Consultation Centre of Expert
Education and research achievements:
1996 – defended her Candidate's thesis in Psychology at Novosibirsk
State Teacher's University under the specialism 19.00.01 General psychology,
history of psychology, psychology of personality.
2006 - presented her Doctoral thesis in Psychology at Herzen Russian
State Pedagogical University (St. Petersburg) under the specialism 19.00.01
General psychology, history of psychology, psychology of personality.
The length of employment in higher education is 20 years.
Professor I. Simaeva is involved in research activities, participates in
scientific conferences. She has published over 70 research works, among
those are 6 monographs. Professor I. Simaeva is a member of the Academic
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Council of the IKBFU. She is Deputy Chair of the Dissertation Council on
Educational Sciences.
E-mail: ISimaeva@kantiana.ru
Professor Lyudmila Bondareva - Professor of the Department of
Linguistics and Linguodidactics of the IKBFU.
She has published over 100 works, among them are 15 research articles
published in leading Russian periodicals recommended by the Higher
Attestation Commission, 11 textbooks and workbooks; she collaborated on 3
joint monographs (among those one monograph was awarded a laureate
diploma at the All-Russian contest for the best scholarly book of 2013).
The disciplines taught: lectures and seminars in "Stylistics", "Language
behaviour of the society", "Fundamentals of eloquence", and "Remedial
course of German".
Professor Irina Ieronova – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Doctor
of Education Science, Professor. In 1994, she defended her thesis for the
degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences under the specialism 10.02.05.
entitled "Development of Parenthesis in the French Literary Language in the
Period from the 16th till the 20th Century as Exemplified in Epistolary
Texts". In 1996, Professor I. Ieronova was awarded an academic title of
Associate Professor of the KSU. In 2008, she presented her thesis for the
degree of Doctor of Education Science under specialism 13.00.08. on the
subject "Development of Professional Intermediary Culture of the Would-be
Translator in the Culture-Congruous University Environment", the IKSUR. In
2009, Professor I. Ieronova was awarded a degree of Doctor of Education
Science, and in 2012 she was granted an academic title of Professor of the
Department of Language Theory and Intercultural Communication.
The main areas of research are as follows:
The significance of A. F. Losev and G. Guillaume's ideas for the
development of the present-day cognitive linguistics; and Peculiarities of the
postmodern literary thought in modern French literature.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
E-mail: LBONDAREVA@kantiana.ru
Professor Anna Budarina - Head of the Department of Linguistics and
Linguodidactics, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and
Linguodidactics of the Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and
Communication of the IKBFU, Doctor of Education Science, Academic
Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 212.084.03 for the academic degree
of Doctor / Candidate of Education Science.
The main research interests are in the theory and practices of
professional linguistics education, concept of development of professional
versatility of linguists, cross-platform technologies of teaching foreign
languages, modern technologies of designing a universal educational
environment, interactive technologies of teaching foreign languages under the
conditions of the implementation of Federal state education standards of
Higher professional education, issues of linguodidactic testing, the use of
professional statistical data analysis in education science, and the endogenetic
potential of didactic games. The applied research is connected with the
evaluation of the establishment in the Kaliningrad Oblast of linguistic centres,
and also with the organisation of in-service training on the theory and
practices of professional linguistic education for the staff of higher education
institutions of Kaliningrad and of school teachers of the Oblast. The research
results have been presented in approximately 100 research works; among
those are 25 articles in the leading Russian periodicals, 16 textbooks, and 2
monographs (2009, 2011).
E-mail: ABUDARINA@kantiana.ru
Dr Vladimir Goncharov - Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor.
Was born in 1948. In 1981, he defended his thesis for the degree of
Candidate of Psychology (general psychology) at the Scientific-Research
Institute of General and Educational Psychology of the USSR APS (now
Psychological Institute of RAE) under the supervision of the academician
V.V. Davydov. In January 2006, Dr V. Goncharov presented his Doctoral
thesis on Educational Psychology at the Psychological Institute of RAE. In
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
March 2006, the academic degree was awarded by the Higher Attestation
Commission. The academic title is Associate Professor.
Dr V. Goncharov works in the capacity of Professor at the Department of
Psychology and Welfare Activities of the IKBFU and at the Department of
Psychology of the Kaliningrad branch of the International University in
Dr V. Goncharov has published approximately 200 research and
instructional works, among those are 5 monographs. (Psychology of
projecting cognitive development . Kurgan, 2005. Basics of projecting
cognitive development of schoolchildren. Kurgan, 2005. Basics of cultural
and genetic psychology. Kaliningrad, 2008. Psychology of cognitive
development: the principle of mediacy. Kaliningrad, 2012. Projecting
cognitive development: cultural and genetic approach. Kaliningrad, 2013). Dr
V. Goncharov has developed teaching materials and lecture courses for the
following disciplines: "General psychology", "Educational psychology",
"Current issues of theory and practices of modern education ", "Psychology of
business activities", "Psychology and pedagogy", and "Fundamentals of
pedagogy and psychology of higher education".
E-mail: VGoncharov@kantiana.ru
Professor Ivan Koptsev - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting of the
The research interests are in the linguistics of philosophical texts (first of
all, texts of I. Kant); issues of communicative and speech structure of
philosophical and literary text; philosophy of language; translation of
philosophical text and poetry; experimental and phonetic research of speech
and pragmatics of spoken text; and linguistics and the issue of argumentation
in scientific and literary texts.
Professor I. Koptsev has published the following works: "Kant and
issues of linguistics of a philosophical text";" Kant and issues of language in
his philosophy. An attempt of reconstruction"; "On the issue of speech subject
in "The Critique of Pure Reason" by Immanuel Kant"; "On the pragmatics of
speech subjects in the story "Mario and a Wizard" by Thomas Mann"; "Kant
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
and the problem of philosophical discourse" and "Kant and linguistics of
philosophical discourse".
Professor I. Koptsev lectures on the following disciplines "Theoretical
phonetics of German", "Semiotics", and "Introduction to the philosophy of
language". He is a member of the Editorial board of the scientific journal
"Kant's collection" at the IKBFU. Professor I. Koptsev was awarded a lapel
badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian
Federation" in the recognition of his contribution to education by the Ministry
of Education of RF in 2002.
E-mail: IKOPTSEV@kantiana.ru
Professor Anna Serykh - Head of the Department of Psychology and
Welfare Activities of the Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and
Communication of the IKBFU, Doctor of Psychology, Doctor of Education
Science, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Welfare Activities,
Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education.
The research interests are as follows:
Clinical psychology;
Psychosomatics; Psychology for Special Needs; Modern techniques of care
and rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities; Psychoeducation in medical
practice; Psychology of professional activities; and Victimology.
Professor A. Serykh has elaborated the following study courses: Clinical
psychology; Disorders of mental development in childhood; Psychology for
Special Needs; Phenomenology of disturbances of development; Theoretical,
methodological and historical fundamentals of correctional psychology;
Conceptual framework of inclusive education; Modern techniques of care and
rehabilitation of children with disabilities; Psychology of professional
activities; Social psychology of education;
Victimology; Theoretical,
methodological and historical fundamentals of medical psychology; and
Social communication in science and professional development of a presentday scientist.
Professor A. Serykh has written 9 monographs, 14 textbooks, and 152
research articles.
E-mail: ASerykh@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Svetlana Soskina - Professor of the Department of
Linguistics and Linguodidactics of the IKBFU.
Professional experience:
1980: defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philology
(Zhdanov Leningrad State University) under the specialism "Germanic
languages" - 10.02.04, was awarded the qualification of "Philologist
researcher"; Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics
of the Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and Communication of
the IKBFU.
Professor S. Soskina has published over 70 works, among those are 11
research articles published in the leading Russian periodicals, 15 textbooks
and workbooks.
The subjects taught: lectures and seminars on the disciplines "History of
language and introduction to specialised philology", and "European
integration in the light of international integration".
E-mail: SSoskina@kantiana.ru
Professor Tatiana Tambovkina - Professor of the Department of
Linguistics and Linguodidactics of the IKBFU, Doctor of Education Science.
Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Linguodidactics of the
Institute of Socio-Humanitarian Technologies and Communication of the
Professor T. Tambovkina has published 1 monograph and over 80
research works, among those are 19 research articles published in the leading
Russian periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 14
textbooks and workbooks.
The subjects taught: "Linguodidactics", "Theory of self-teaching foreign
languages at a higher education institution", "History and culture of
Germany", "Theory and techniques of foreign language teaching ", and
"Techniques of self-teaching foreign languages".
E-mail: TTAMBOVKINA@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass
History of the Department:
The Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass
Communications was established in November 2012 as a result of
reorganization of the Department of Political Science and Sociology and the
Department of Verbal Communication and Journalism. The Department is
headed by Doctor of Political Science, Professor Ilya Tarasov.
The politological and socio-technological area of study at the University
dates back to the first post-perestroika years when a Department of Political
Science was for the first time set up at the Faculty of Law. Then in 2000, the
Department of Methodology of Teaching Russian and Literature was
established that changed its name in connection with the introduction of a new
specialism "Journalism" and change of the character of work. In 2001, the
specialism "Political science" was introduced at the Faculty of History, and in
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
2003 the Department of Political Science and Sociology was set up that was
headed by Rector of the University, Doctor of Political Science, Professor
Andrey Klemeshev. In 2007, the Department of Verbal Communication and
Journalism increased the number of implemented curricula - the first cohort
was admitted for the specialisms "Advertising" and "Public relations". The
Department of Political Science and Sociology in 2009 started admitting
students to the education programme for training Bachelors of Sociology.
At present, the Department is training students within the following
curricula of specialist's degree: "Political science", "Journalism",
"Advertising", and "Public relations"; Bachelor's degree programmes:
"Political science", "Sociology", "Journalism", and "Advertising and public
relations ", Master's degree programmes: "Political science (Baltic research)",
"Political science (State policy and administration)", and "Journalism
(Convergent journalism)". In addition, the Department trains PhD students
under the following research specialisms "Political institutions, processes and
technologies" (political sciences), and "Journalism" (Philological sciences).
The Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass
Communications is a dynamically developing young team. Today, it has on
its staff 7 Professors, Doctors of Sciences, 25 Associate Professors,
Candidates of Sciences, 10 Senior Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers. In the
past five years, the Department members have defended their Candidate's
thesis in political, sociological, historical, philosophical and philological
sciences at Dissertation Councils of the Russian State University for the
Humanities, MGIMO (U), Institute of World History of the RAS (sector of
the History of international relations), Lomonosov Moscow State University,
the IKBFU, and Voronezh State University.
Professor Sergey Vasiliev - Doctor of Philology, Professor of the
Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass Communications.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Since 2012 - Professor of the Department of Verbal Communication and
Journalism, then – of the Department of Politics, Social Technologies and
Mass Communications of the IKBFU.
The subjects taught: "Newspaper production and design", "Issuing a
periodical", "Organisation of editorial staff operations", "Modelling a
periodical", "Hardware and technologies of mass media", "Artistic and
engineering design of printed material", "Fundamentals of photo editing",
"Ergonomics of a newspaper and magazine", and "Photography"; he also
worked at preparation courses.
The research interests are as follows: design and ergonomics of
periodicals, photojournalism and photo editing, artistic and engineering
design of printed material, technologies of composition and graphic modelling
and redesign of newspapers and magazines.
The following courses have been designed and taught: fundamentals of
journalism activities, genres of periodical press, hardware and technologies of
printed media, forms and techniques of working with information sources,
and design of printed media.
E-mail: SVasilev@kantiana.ru
Professor Andrey Klemeshev – Rector of the IKBFU, Doctor of
Political Science, Professor.
Was born in 1957 in Kaliningrad.
Education: In 1979, he graduated (degree with honours) from Leningrad
State University specializing in History, and in 1982 Professor A. Klemeshev
completed a PhD course of the above University. Doctor of Political Science,
Education and administrative experience.
Professor A. Klemeshev joined the IKBFU in 1982 and worked as an
Assistant Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of research laboratory, Deputy
Director for Research of the Research Institute of Comprehensive Regional
Studies, Director of the Centre for Continuing Professional Education, and
Vice-Rector. From 1998 he has been Rector of the IKBFU. In 2003-2012 he
was Head of the Department of Political Science and Sociology.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor A. Klemeshev's research interests are in the issues of political
regional studies, and matters of regional education policy. He is a scientific
director of the Baltic Interregional Institute of Social Studies.
He has published over 100 research works. Professor A. Klemeshev is
Chairperson of the Council of Rectors of higher education institutions of the
Oblast, a member of the InterDepartmental Council on Education chaired by
the Minister of Education and Science, a member of the Panel of the Russian
International Studies Association. Professor A. Klemeshev has earned
Honorific Mention of the RF President, of the Federal Education Agency; he
is an Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The courses taught: political aspects of exclavity, political management,
and the methodology of political science.
E-mail: AKlemeshev@kantiana.ru
Professor Vladimir Krivosheev
1988 - defended his Candidate's thesis (Candidate of Philosophical
Sciences, "Applied sociology")
2011 - defended his Doctoral thesis (Doctor of Sociological Sciences,
"Social structure, social institutions and processes").
Member of the Russian Sociological Association. Honorary Worker of
Higher Professional Education. Head of the research team of the project
"Socio-ecological reality: criteria and indicators of the quality of living in
conditions of the present-day Russia" (The Russian Foundation for Basic
Research grant No 05-06-80281а) (2005-2007).
The major publications are devoted to the issues of social
disarrangement, anomy, and ensuring social security. The total number of
research publications is over 80.
E-mail: VKrivosheev@kantiana.ru
Professor Ilya Tarasov - Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of
the Department of Politics, Social Technologies and Mass Communications.
In 2001, he defended a thesis for the degree of a Candidate of Political
Sciences at Chernyshevsky Saratov State University (the subject "The
Institutional Process of the Post-Communist Democratization in East
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
European Countries "). In 2009, Professor I. Tarasov defended a thesis for the
degree of a Doctor of Political Science (the subject "The Institutional
Development of the Post-Communist Political Systems of the Countries of
Central and Eastern Europe: a Comparative Analysis"). He has undertaken inservice training courses in Russia, Poland and Germany. Professor I. Tarasov
is a winner of the contest of grants of the President of Russia (in 2007 and in
2010), of the Ministry of Education and Science (2006-2009), of the Russian
Humanitarian Scientific Fund, ANO "Ino-centre" and others.
The disciplines taught:
Comparative political science, Political science (general course), Current
issues of the modern times and journalism, Current issues of science and
journalism, Fundamentals of social state and civil society, Recent trends and
areas of modern political science, Organisation and logic of scientific
investigation, and Baltic studies (scientific and research seminar).
E-mail: ITarasov@kantiana.ru
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information
The Institute of Applied Mathematics and
Information Technologies is one of the oldest
Institutes of the University. In 1948, in the
framework of Kaliningrad State Teacher's
Institute a Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
was established, which in 1977 was divided into
the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of
Physics. In 2011, the Faculty of Mathematics was
renamed the Faculty of Information Science and
Applied Mathematics, and in 2012 the Faculty of Information Science and
Applied Mathematics was given the name of the Institute of Applied
Mathematics and Information Technologies.
A highly authoritative school of physics and mathematics developed as
early as in the 19th century at Koenigsberg University. It included such
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
renowned figures as F.W. Bessel, C.G. Jacobi, F.E. Neumann, G.R.
Kirchhoff, F. Helmholtz, R. Clebsch,
O. Hesse, G. Weber, F. Lindemann,
A. Hurwitz, D. Hilbert, and G.
Today, the Immanuel Kant
Baltic Federal University is striving
to perceive and comprehend from the
positions of our national culture the
scientific traditions of the old Albertina, to continue them in creative research
The Institute comprises 4 Departments:
 The Department of Applied Mathematics;
 The Department of Fundamental Mathematics;
 The Department of Computer Security; and
 The Department of Mathematical Modelling and Information Systems.
Director of the Institute – Professor Sergey Ishanov, Doctor of
Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor.
Professor S. Ishanov lectures on the following
curricula courses: programming technologies and
working on electronic computing machine
differential and difference equations (Bachelor's
degree course "Business-Informatics"); mathematics,
applied mathematics (Bachelor's degree course
"Technical service").
The research interests are as follows:
mathematical and computer modelling of processes in plasma medium, near
space physics, and computational mathematics.
E-mail: SIshanov@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Vladislav Malakhovsky, Doctor of Physics and
Mathematics, Professor.
Professor V. Malakhovsky lectures on the following curricula course in
the current academic year:
Master's degree course of the specialism "mathematics" - Research
workshop "Differential geometry of figure manifold" (3rd term)
The research interests are as follows:
Differential geometry, theory of numbers, and history of mathematics.
E-mail: VMalakhovskii@kantiana.ru
Dr Yury Popov - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
The subjects taught:
"Mathematics", "Geometry", "Geometry and topology", "Analytical
geometry", "Fundamental and included objects of compound distributions",
"Transformation groups", and "Compound distributions and hyperbands".
The research interests are as follows: differential geometry of
hyperbands, of compound distributions of projective and affine space.
E-mail: IPopov@kantiana.ru
Professor Vladimir Semenov - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
The subjects taught:
"Mathematical analysis"; "Functional analysis"; and "Certain
applications of partial differential equations".
The research interests are as follows: theory of functions and function
spaces, quasi-conformal mapping, and partial differential equations.
Professor V. Semenov has published over 60 research works (articles,
abstracts, research presentations, textbooks, and workbooks).
E-mail: VlSemenov@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Dr Yury Shevchenko - Professor, Candidate of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences.
The subjects taught:
"Geometry", "Differential geometry and topology", "Clothing of surface
of projective space"; "Centroprojective manifolds"; "Geometry of manifolds";
"Scientific foundations of school mathematics courses", "Differential
geometry of figure manifolds", "Exterior form in classical differential
geometry", "Theory of connexions", "Connexions in figure manifolds",
"Connexions at the surface of projective space", and "Clothing of
centroprojective manifolds".
The research interests are in the differential geometry.
E-mail: IUSHevchenko@kantiana.ru
Institute of Transport and Technical Service
The Institute of Transport and Technical Service was established on
November 19, 2012 by the order of Rector of the IKBFU.
The first admission of students to the specialisms "Organisation of
transportation and transport management" and "Traffic management" was
held at the Kaliningrad State
University in 1998.
On March15, 2001 the
established comprising of two
Entrepreneurship" and "SocioCultural Services and Tourism".
In November 2012, as a result of a reorganization, The Institute of
Transport and Technical Service was set up that included specialisms of
higher professional education within study areas of transport and technical
service, and the Kaliningrad Technical College with its specialisms of
secondary vocational education. This gives the Institute an opportunity to
implement a continuing education process: the secondary vocational
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
education, higher professional education - Bachelor's and master's degree
courses, and a PhD course.
Students are trained at the Institute within several degree fields. First of
all, specialists are trained under the degree field "Technology of transport
processes". Two specialisms are being intensively developed - organisation of
road and air transportations. The Institute's Aviation Centre annually trains
approximately 300 ground service specialists within 30 fields, about 110
flight attendants for domestic and international flights and around 70 aviation
ticket agents.
The degree field "Service" is one of the most popular today; specialists
are trained under three areas: car service, service at enterprises of oil and gas
complex, and service in the residential and public utility spheres.
At present, another two degree fields are under licensing: "Machine
engineering" and "Design-engineering provision of machinery production".
The motor-car construction industry has been recently developing in the
Oblast, and its enterprises badly need qualified staff. The Institute is closely
enterprises, in particular, with the LLC
establishment of a resource centre of
specialists' practical training is planned.
A new education programme has been
elaborated "Quality management (of
manufactured products and foodstuffs)".
Within the degree field of training
academic staff at the PhD course "Mathematics and mechanics", the
following programmes are implemented: "Dynamics, strength of machines,
devices and facilities", "Mechanics of deformable solids".
The specializations of the secondary vocational education are as follows:
Manufacturing engineering; Technical servicing and repair of road transport;
Servicing and repair of radioelectronic equipment; Assembly, adjustment and
maintenance of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings; and
Assembly and technical maintenance of refrigerating and compressor
machines and facilities.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
41 Lecturers work at the Institute, among those are 7 Doctors of Sciences
and 18 Candidates of Sciences.
The Regional Research and Education Centre for Transport and
Shipbuilding Issues, the Laboratory of Strength of Materials and Structures,
and the Mobile Road Laboratory "Route" are operating at the Institute.
The Russian Maritime Register
of Shipping issued to the Institute the
certificate for the following kinds of
works for all types of vessels
regulated by the Register: design
modernisation, reconstruction and
repair of vessels in compliance with
the requirements of the federal state
institution "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping", in particular:
 calculation of structural and local strength;
 vessel inclining experiment; calculation of stability and
 calculations for the increase of vessel carrying capacity;
 works connected with vessel moving; and
 elaboration of documentation in accordance with the requirements
SOLAS -74 and MARPOL -73/78.
The Institute has elaborated the following standards, regulations and
 Standard operating procedure
for repairs of vessel structures with
the use of reinforced coatings;
 Operating
repairs of a part of ship hulls of the
fleet by means of forming a threepane design with polymeric core;
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
 Rehabilitation of strength of exhausted and damaged structures of the
vessel hull.
The Institute of Transport and Technical Service has trained over 3000
engineers. The Institute academic staff has published more than 400 research
works on transport issues, approximately 50 monographs and textbooks; over
40 inventor's certificates and patents of invention have been received; PhD
students are supervised who defend their theses at leading Russian
Director of the Institute
Professor Sergey Koryagin - Doctor of
Engineering, Professor.
Tel. +74012-338284
E-mail: SKoryagin@kantiana.ru
1985 - until the present day - Senior
Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department, Dean, Director
of the Institute of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
The Candidate's thesis was defended under the specialism "Mechanics of
deformable solids". The Doctoral thesis was presented within the
specialization "Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and facilities" on the
subject "Scientific Fundamentals of Securing the Supporting Power of
Assembled Sections Reinforced by Armor-Clad Polymeric Coatings".
Professor S. Koryagin lectures on the course of "Strength of materials
and machine elements".
He is an Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education, Honorary
Worker of Science and Technology of the RF, "Honorary Freeman of
Kaliningrad" and "Honorary Freeman of the Municipal Entity "Zelenogradsk
District ". Professor S. Koryagin was awarded a medal "For Merit to the
Kaliningrad Oblast"; he has been awarded two bronze medals of the
Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR.
Professor S. Koryagin has published over 290 research and teaching
works on the introduction to fracture mechanics, mechanics of deformable
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
solids and strength of composite materials, and also on the traffic organisation
and management, on theoretical and applied fundamentals of automatized
management, mechanization and automation of production processes at
enterprises, among them are 15 monographs and textbooks, 30 inventor's
certificates and invention patents, and 11 certificates of State registration of
application software.
Professor Nikolay Velikanov (born on 04/08/1960) - Doctor of
Engineering, Professor of the Department of Transport Processes Technology
and Service of the IKBFU.
1985 - 1988 - part-time PhD course at the Department of Advanced
Mathematics of Moscow Institute of Chemical Machine Engineering.
2001 - 2003 - part-time Doctoral course at the Department of Water
Resources and Water Management of Kaliningrad State Technical University.
Since 1999 Professor N. Velikanov has been Academician of the Public
Organisation Russian Academy of Natural Sciences within the section
"Noospheric knowledge and technologies", he was qualified as an Energy
Auditor on February 15, 2011.
For the long-term dedicated work, Professor N. Velikanov was awarded
an Honorary Certificate of the State Committee of the RF on Fisheries (2000),
an Honorary Certificate of the Federal Agency for Fisheries (2005), and a
token "Honorary Worker of the Fishing Industry of Russia" (2008).
The disciplines taught: theoretical mechanics; fundamentals of the theory
of reliability and diagnostics; fundamentals of hydraulics; and fundamentals
of scientific investigations.
The research interests are in the mechanics of deformable solids and
structural strength, mechanics of tools of commercial fisheries, management
of water resources, and service of engineering systems.
Tel. +74012 33 82 84
E-mail: NVelikanov@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Valery Sutyrin
Candidate of Technical Sciences (1986) under the specialism: 01.02.06Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and facilities;
Associate Professor of the Department of Management Systems and
Computing Technology (from 1991),
Doctor of Engineering (2009) under the specialism:
05.13.01- system analysis, information management and processing;
05.08.01- theory of naval architecture and structural engineering.
Professor of the Department of Transport Processes Technology of the
Institute of Transport and Technical Service. He graduated from Kaliningrad
State Technical University (KSTU, 1978) with the qualification of engineer marine architect. Length of employment in education and research - since
1978. Teaching activities: lectures on structural engineering, elasticity theory,
resistance of materials, assembled sections, manufacturing engineering,
theory of machine mechanisms, material processing by cutting, robotics
technology, information technologies, system analysis, system modelling,
mathematical modelling, structural modeling, management of socioengineering systems, of systems of computer-generated design, and
fundamentals of logistics and transport logistics; he has developed original
courses, textbooks and workbooks for higher education institutions.
The research interests are as follows:
System analysis, information management and processing, system
modelling, calculated engineering and assessment of technical position of
structures (buildings), systems of information support of decision making in
designing engineering structures, structural engineering, and defense in
Professor V. Sutyrin has published over 70 research articles.
E-mail : ISutyrin@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Institute of Physics and Technology
The Institute of Physics and Technology is known in the region for its
rich history and traditions dating back to almost epic (at present) Faculty of
Physics and Mathematics. Initially, the Faculty was located in the pre-war and
not yet renovated "building with owls" at the address Chernyshevskogo
Street, 56 and trained students under four specialisms within only one degree
field: "Physics". The Institute
Technology today is a modern
and fast developing education
and research unit ranking high
in the region in terms of the
facilities and diversity of
degree fields. The education
at the Institute combines the
applied orientation of the disciplines studied, theoretical courses and
development of hand-on abilities and skills, and the compliance with the
sectoral standards and diversity of the knowledge obtained. Due to this, the
Institute graduates, irrespective of the degree field easily adjust to their
professional activities. The Institute runs scientific research, some of its
findings earned recognition not only in Russia but also worldwide. Active
involvement of students in the scientific activities is one of the distinguishing
features of the institute.
At the Institute, 3 graduate Departments, 4 research scientific and
innovation laboratories, and 30 scientific and education laboratories are
operating. The academic staff comprises 80 qualified specialists who are
involved in training over 500 undergraduate, Master course and PhD students.
The Department of Radiophysics and Information Security
The scientific and research activities are carried out at the
Department within two research areas:
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
"Radio-wave propagation and digital techniques of data processing ";
"Radio techniques of investigating matter".
The main research subjects:
 "Research of short waves propagation in ionosphere" - Head: Doctor of
Physics and Mathematics, Professor V.E. Zakharov.
 "Elaboration of techniques
of optimal radio reception" - Head:
Mathematics, Professor V.A.
 "Development of techniques
of holographic interferometry" Head: Candidate of Physics and
Mathematics, Associate Professor
M.E. Gusev.
 "Research of dynamic processes in high resolution nuclear magnetic
resonance, development of techniques of analysis of organic compounds with
methods of paramagnetic resonance" - Head: Doctor of Physics and
Mathematics, Professor G.S. Kupriyanova.
 "Research and development of techniques of determination of matter
parameters with help of nuclear magnetic and nuclear quadrupole resonance,
development of devices for the identification of chemical compounds and
their parameters" - Head: Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate
Professor G.V. Mozzhukhin.
The Department of Telecommunications trains students of the degree
field "Infocommunication technologies and communications systems" within
the two level system: 4 years – Bachelor in the sphere of telecommunication
facilities and technology (engineer); 4 plus 2 years – Master of
telecommunication facilities and technology (Head of an enterprise, division,
factory manager, developer of telecommunication systems and facilities).
12 specialized laboratories complete with up-to-date equipment are used
in training students. Teachers of highest qualification who had their training at
higher education institutions of Moscow and St. Petersburg work at the
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Department. During their studies, students acquire extensive knowledge in the
area of network technologies, information coding and reduction, sophisticated
modulation techniques, communication standards, setting infocommunication
networks of different levels, technologies of semiconductor fabrication; they
study disciplines on the fiber-optic communication lines, systems of digital
TV and radio broadcasting, mobile communication, radiorelay, satellite and
mobile communication, antennas and super high frequency range devices,
techniques and facilities of data protection etc.; students have their work
placement and research practice at telecommunication facilities.
The Department is cooperating with enterprises of mobile
communications and fixed-line telephony, with manufacturers and suppliers
of telecommunication equipment, with organizations ensuring arrangement
and exploitation of different level networks; carries out basic and applied
scientific research in the sphere of
the theory of communication,
reception and processing of weak
frequency range devices etc.
Theoretical Physics of the IKBFU
is unique in its way. Highly
qualified specialists in the area of
quantum theory, mathematical and computer physics, physics of atmosphere
of ocean, astronomy and cosmology work here. Thus, the Department
researchers have obtained a number of results, connected with studying
mathematical properties of hydrodynamic equations – of the problem, for the
solution of which a prize of one million dollars was announced by the world
mathematical community. Besides that, the Department researchers are wellknown specialists in the sphere of studying black holes, "worm holes" ("time
machines") and the evolution of the Universe consisting, as it is now known,
for 74% of mysterious black energy, the explanation of whose physical nature
is the central problem of physics and cosmology of the 21st century.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the IKBFU
Dr Andrey Shpilevoy (born on February 26,
1963 in Kaliningrad). The Candidate's thesis was
entitled "Development of Techniques of Binary
Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Light Nuclea with
Integral Spin" (2000). Was awarded the academic
title of an Associate Professor of the Department of
Telecommunications (2005). For many years, Dr A.
Shpilevoy worked as an Academic Secretary of the
Academic Council of the Faculty of Physics, later of
the Faculty of Physics and Technology; he was a member of the Dissertation
Council (K 212.084.02), Editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of the
IKBFU: Physical and Mathematical Sciences". As a member of the research
team headed by Professor V.S. Grechishkin, he participated in the
development of detection devices for explosives and narcotics.
Since 2008 Dr A. Shpilevoy has been Head of the Department of
Telecommunications. Since 2009 he has been, on a part time basis, a Lead
Manager of principal educational programmes. In 2012, Dr A. Shpilevoy was
awarded an Honorary Certificate of the RF Ministry of Education and Science
for the long-term dedicated work within the system of higher professional
education. Since 01/10/2013 until the present day Dr A. Shpilevoy has been
Director of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the IKBFU.
The teaching service is 23 years. Dr A. Shpilevoy has published over 90
research works, and received 8 patents of invention. The research interests are
in tools and techniques of experimental physics, and hardware and technology
of telecommunications systems.
E-mail: AlSHpilevoi@kantiana.ru
Professor Veniamin Zakharov
Was born on 10/03/1953 in Kaliningrad; graduated from Kaliningrad
State University (1975); completed a PhD course at Kaliningrad State
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
University (1979). The teachers are: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Professor M. I. Pudovkin (LSU), N. P. Chirkovskaya. The Candidate's thesis
is on the subject of: "Research of Electrodynamic Aspects of IonosphereMagnetosphere Interaction" (1983). The Doctoral thesis is entitled: "Model of
Convection of Plasma State of Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere " (1994).
Associate Professor (1988), Professor (2004). In 1975—1983 — researcher of
KSU Research Department; in 1983—1988 — Assistant Lecturer of the
Department of Quantum Radiophysics; in 1988—1991 — Associate
Professor of the Department of Quantum Radiophysics; in 1991—1994 —
Doctoral candidate of SPbSU. In 1994—2002 — Associate Professor of the
Department of Quantum Radiophysics; in 1995—2002 — Deputy Dean for
Academic Activities of the Faculty of Physics; in 2002—2004 — Professor
of the Department of Radiophysics and Telecommunications; since 2004 till
the present — Head of the Department of Radiophysics. The research
interests are: radio-wave propagation in ionosphere, oscillations and wave in
plasma, and electrodynamics of ionosphere - magnetosphere links. The total
number of publications is 91.
E-mail: VEZakharov@kantiana.ru
Professor Aleksey Ivanov– Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Was born on January 18, 1942. In 1971, he graduated (degree with
honours) from Kaliningrad State University specializing in "Physics" and
started working as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Theoretical and
Experimental Physics of KSU.
Since 1977 Professor A. Ivanov has been Candidate of Physics and
Mathematics, the subject of the thesis is "New Technique of Calculation of
Constants of Nuclear Quadrupole Link".
From 1977 till 1982, he worked as a Senior Lecturer, then as an
Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of KSU. From
1982 till 1989 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics of KSU and Head of the
Department of Theoretical Physics.
In 1992, Professor A. Ivanov was awarded the academic degree of
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, the subject of the thesis is "Theoretical
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Research of Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction and its Links with the
Electrooptical Characteristics of Atoms and Molecules ".
Professor A. Ivanov for more than 25 years was Dean of the Faculty of
Physics (later of Physics and Technology) of the IKBFU, later he was
Director of the Institute; he successfully combined quite complex
administrative work of the Dean and teaching and research activities. He has
published over 150 research works. Professor A. Ivanov was Chair of the
Dissertation Council K 212.084.02 and a member of the Dissertation Council
K 212.084.10.
Since 2013, Professor A. Ivanov has been Head of the Department of
Physics of the IKBFU. The research interests are in quantum techniques of
information receipt and processing.
E-mail: AIvanov@kantiana.ru
Professor Galina Kupriyanova
Was born on August 19, 1955 in Bykhov, Mogilev Oblast.
Professor G. Kupriyanova graduated from Kaliningrad State University
with the qualifications of physicist, teacher of physics. She started working at
the University in 1985.
In 1994, Professor G. Kupriyanova defended her Candidate's thesis
under the specialism "Radiophysics". Since 1996 she worked as an Associate
Professor at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics. Professor G.
Kupriyanova completed a Doctoral course at St. Petersburg State University
in 2001-2003.
In 2004, she defended her doctoral dissertation under the specialism
"Condensed matter physics". The subject of the doctoral thesis is "The CrossCorrelational Relaxation Spectroscopy of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in
Multipolar Spin Systems".
At present, Professor G. Kupriyanova works at the Department of
quantum Radiophysics and Information Security in the capacity of Professor;
she is a scientific supervisor of the laboratory "Magnetic resonance
techniques of researching matter".
E-mail: GKupriyanova@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Sergey Kshevetsky
Was born in 1956. In 1985, he completed a PhD course under the
specialism 01.04.02 - Theoretical physics at Zhdanov Leningrad State
University. The subject of the candidate's thesis is "The Nonlinear Dispersion
of Internal Gravitational Waves in the Atmosphere ". In 2004, he completed a
Doctoral course under the specialisms 25.00.29 - Physics of atmosphere and
hydrosphere, 01.01.03 - Mathematical physics, and defended his Doctoral
thesis with the title "Theory and Numerical Simulation of Propagation and
Destruction of Internal Gravitational Waves in the Atmosphere".
Professor S. Kshevetsky defended his thesis in 2003 under two
specialisms: "Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere" and "Mathematical
He worked at the Research sector of Kaliningrad State University
beginning from the position of a Laboratory Assistant (when a student) and
then moved up to the capacity of a Senior Researcher.
The research interests are as follows:
Mathematical modelling of non-linear physical processes, physics of the
atmosphere, computational calculations, and nanotechnologies.
The subjects taught: Informatics; Computer graphics and mathematical
modelling; Computer technologies; Computer technologies in science and
education; Nonlinear oscillations and waves; Issues of artificial intelligence;
and Thermodynamics, statistical physics.
E-mail: SKshevetskii@kantiana.ru
Professor Valery Pakhotin
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Was born in 1942 in Kurchumsky district, East Kazakhstan Oblast. In
1971, he graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology under
the specialism 210302 "Radioengineering". In 1980, Professor V. Pakhotin
completed a PhD course at the Institute of Earth Magnetism, Ionosphere and
Radio-Wave Propagation of the USSR AS. In 1993, he was awarded the
academic degree of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics at the USSR Council
of Ministers.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The research interests are - radio-engineering, radiophysics, radio-wave
propagation, digital signal processing, and effective signal processing.
The subjects taught: Asymptotic techniques in the theory of radio-wave
propagation; Classical problems of diffraction theory; Techniques of optimal
reception; Optimal reception and processing of signals; Fundamentals of radio
detection and location; and Current issues of radiophysics;
Professor V. Pakhotin has carried out research within the scientific area
"Radio-wave propagation and digital techniques of information processing" at
the IKBFU since 1980.
E-mail: VPakhotin@kantiana.ru
Professor Albert Rumyantsev (born on September 20, 1937).
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor. In 1962, he graduated
from the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In
1969, Professor A. Rumyantsev completed a PhD course (at the above
University) and defended his Candidate's thesis with the title "Research of
Thermal Conduction and Heat Capacity of Metals within the Temperature
Range 1000-2500 K".
Professor A. Rumyantsev started working at the IKBFU in 1973 as a
Lecturer. In 1975, he was awarded the academic title of an Associate
Professor. In 1982-2002, he was Head of the Department of Thermal Physics.
For many years he supervised training of specialists– physicists for the
Russian space industry.
At present, Professor A. Rumyantsev works in the capacity of Professor
at the Department of Physics. He supervises PhD theses; improves the
laboratory base. Professor A. Rumyantsev has published over 180 research
works and two monographs. He has the following awards: a lapel badge "For
the Contribution to the Space Exploration Activities" (2005), and a medal
"Labor Veteran" (2005).
Professor A. Rumyantsev's research interests are in thermal physics.
E-mail: ARumyantsev@kantiana.ru
Professor Artem Yurov (born on 20/05/1962 in Kaliningrad) — an
expert in theoretical physics, cosmology, the theory of integrable systems, the
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
field theory, high-energy physics; Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.
Professor A. Yurov graduated from the Faculty of Physics of KSU (1985) and
completed a PhD course at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the
above Faculty (1992). From 1989, he worked as an Assistant Lecturer of the
Department of Theoretical Physics of KSU, from 1993 — as an Associate
Professor, from 2007 – as a Professor, and from 2003 — as Head of the
Department of Theoretical Physics of Kaliningrad State University (now the
IKBFU). A. Yurov is Professor of the Baltic Institute of Economics and
Finance. The Candidate's thesis was entitled "Darboux Transformations and
Generalized Models of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation" (1993). The
Doctoral thesis was entitled "Research of Scalar Matter Cosmologies using
Spectral Design" (2007); both theses were defended at St. Petersburg State
Professor A. Yurov is an editor of the journal "Dynamics of Partial
Differential Equations" (USA), a member of the editorial board of the journal
"Bulletin of the IKBFU". He is a member of the Faculty Academic Council
and a member of the Dissertation Council of the IKBFU (K 064.34.01) for the
defense of theses for the degree of Candidate of Sciences under the specialism
01.04.02 – theoretical physics.
E-mail: AIUrov@kantiana.ru
Law Institute
The Law Institute of the IKBFU boasts of a rich and proud history. It
dates back to the establishment at the premises of the study support centre of
the All-Union Law correspondence
institute, which in 1967 became part of
Kaliningrad State University as a
Faculty of Economics and Law, in
1994 it was renamed the Law Faculty,
and in 2012 the Faculty was
transformed in the Law Institute.
The Law Institute is a modern
facility, possessing great research and
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
intellectual potential. It is well-equipped in terms of being an information and
technologies centre for the University legal education, legal science and
culture in the region. Its major aim is training highly-qualified legal
specialists possessing fundamental knowledge and hands-on skills, and who
are competitive on the labour market and capable of working efficiently
within the specialization to world standards.
At present, 60 lecturers among whom there are 10 Doctors of Law,
Professors and 41 Candidates of Sciences work at the Law Institute.
In 2014, the Law Institute admitted applicants for the training area
"Legal studies" within the following degrees:
- Qualification (degree) "Bachelor", full-time course of study – 4 years,
extra-mural course – 5 years;
"Master", full-time course of study –
2 years, extra-mural course – 2.5
The Institute continues training
students within the specialism
"Legal studies" (in compliance with
the National Standard of Higher Professional Education of the RF –
specialism 030501.65 – "Legal studies").
Persons who already have a higher professional education can continue
their education or obtain a new qualification on the Master's degree courses
within the area of training 40.04.01 "Legal studies" under the following
Full-time course of study: 2 years
 Lawyers in agencies of state
 International and European law;
 Lawyers in the business sphere
and defense of property rights;
 Criminal justice, law-enforcement and expert activities.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Extra-mural course: 2.5 years
 Lawyers in the business sphere and defense of property rights; and
 Criminal justice, law-enforcement and expert activities.
The Institute continues training Master degree students within the degree
field 030900.68 "Legal studies":
on the full-time course of study - 2nd year along the following curricula:
 Lawyers in agencies of state power and local self-government
 Theory and history of the state and law, history of legal doctrines,
 International and European law (dual awards programme)
 Civil law, family law, private international law,
 Entrepreneurial law, commercial law, and
 Criminal proceeding, criminalistics and forensic enquiry, theory
of operational investigations.
on the extra-mural course - 2nd and
3rd years along the following curricula:
 Criminal law, criminology, criminal
and penal law, and
 Legal technologies in law enforcement
The Student's Legal Aid Centre (Clinic) is functioning at the Institute
where students have their internship and render free legal assistance to the
citizens under the supervision of experienced teachers.
The Centre of International and European Law was established and is
operating as part of the Institute. It deals with the issues of European law,
arranges research and practice workshops and conferences jointly with
foreign partner institutions, invites foreign scholars to give lectures at the
Institute, conducts foreign language courses and also study and research trips.
Since 2013 the Centre for the WTO law has been operating at the Institute. It
is involved in arranging conferences, inviting foreign scholars to give lectures
on the current issues of the WTO law for the students, and in arranging
practical trainings for practicing lawyers.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Director of the Law Institute
Dr Oleg Zayachkovsky
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate
Professor, expert on the theory of state and law,
municipal law.
Dr O. Zayachkovsky graduated from the Faculty
of Economics and Law of Kaliningrad State
University in 1979. He started working at the IKBFU
in 1991; lectures on the theory of state and law, and
municipal law. The research interests are as follows:
issues of the theory of state and law; and issues of
improving the legal regulation of local selfgovernment; has published 45 research works.
Dr O. Zayachkovsky is a member of the Board of Educational
Methodological Association on Legal Education. He is involved in the
activities of legal communities and social and public bodies: Dr O.
Zayachkovsky is a member of the Qualification Board of Judges of the
Kaliningrad Oblast, a member of the Panel of the Public Council at the
Kaliningrad Regional Duma.
E-mail: OZayachkovskii@mail.ru
Professor Tatiana Volchetskaya, Doctor of Law, Professor.
Professor T. Volchetskaya graduated from Kaliningrad State University,
completed a PhD course at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The subjects taught:
Bachelor's degree course: "Criminalistics" and "Judicial expertology".
Master's degree course: "Current issues of criminal procedure and
criminalistics"; "Application of specialised knowledge in criminal procedure";
and "Methodology of conducting research in legal studies".
PhD course: "Issues of criminal procedure and criminalistics" and
"Issues of forensic investigation".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor T. Volchetskaya is Head of the following Master's degree
programmes: "Criminal proceeding, criminalistics and forensic enquiry,
theory of operational investigations", "Legal technologies in law
enforcement"; she supervises PhD students' work within the specialisms
12.00.12 and 12.00.09. 17 PhD students have defended their theses under the
supervision of Professor T. Volchetskaya.
The research interests are as follows: criminalistic situology, modelling
in the investigation of crimes, application of specialised knowledge in the
investigation of crimes, investigation of ecological crimes, and issues of
criminalistic didactics.
Professor T. Volchetskaya has published over 230 works; among those
are textbooks, monographs, teaching and instructional papers.
E-mаil: larty777@gmail.com
Professor Nina Gushchina, Doctor of Law, Professor.
Professor N. Gushchina graduated from Kaliningrad State University in
1973. She has been working at the University for 33 years. Professor N.
Gushchina is Head of the Master's degree programme "Lawyers in agencies
of state power and local self-government".
The research interests are in searching for ways of enhancing the
efficiency of judicial activity. The focus is the necessity to attain the unity
between the practice of the implementation of laws and acts of higher judicial
power in considering civil cases. Professor N. Gushchina analyses specific
cases of errors made by the judges of the Baltic naval circuit court. The
results of the research have been published in the relevant research journals.
E-mail: NGushchina@kantiana.ru
Professor Sergey Milyukov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of
the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has been working at the
IKBFU since 2002.
Professor S. Milyukov graduated from Voronezh State University in
1972, Law Faculty.
He lectures on the current issues of the criminal law and criminology
(Master's degree course). Professor S. Milyukov supervises PhD students
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
within the specialism 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal and
penal law.
Professor S. Milyukov is a member of the NPO St. Petersburg
International Criminology Club, a member of the Editorial boards of leading
Russian journals publishing on criminology: "Russian criminology outlook"
and "Criminology: yesterday, today, tomorrow".
Professor S. Milyukov has over 300 publications.
E-mаil: SMiliukov@kantiana.ru
Professor Mikhail Minenok, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored
Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Professor M. Minenok started working at the IKBFU in 1976. He
graduated from Leningrad State University in 1973, Law Faculty. From 1997
until 2012, he was Head of the Department of Criminal Law and
Professor M. Minenok teaches criminal law, criminology (at the
Bachelor's degree course), criminal law issues of determination of acquisitive
offences against the property; and issues of prevention of organised and
corruption-related crimes in Russia (Master's degree course).
Professor M. Minenok is the leader of the PhD course with the
specialism 12.00.08 – criminal law and criminology; criminal and penal law;
he also supervises PhD students' works of the given specialism.
E-mаil: MMinenok@kantiana.ru
Professor Tatiana Primak, Doctor of Law, Professor. She has worked
at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure since 2009.
Professor T. Primak graduated from Kaliningrad State University in
1983, Faculty of Economics and Law. She teaches Civil law, Current issues
of civil law, Contract law in public and private spheres, and Legal
Professor T. Primak has published over 100 works.
She is a supervisor of the Master's degree programme "Civil law, family
law, private international law". Professor T. Primak supervises PhD students.
She is a member of the Education Board of the Law Institute.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
She is a member of the Editorial board of the federal research and
practice journal "Magistrate" (Moscow), and a reviewer of the IKBFU
For many years Professor T. Primak was Head of the Department of
Civil Law Disciplines of the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the RF Ministry of
Internal Affairs, retired Militia Colonel.
E-mail: TPrimak@kantiana.ru
Professor Olga Serova
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional
Education, Head of the Department. She has been working at the Department
of Civil Law and Procedure since 2013.
Professor O. Serova graduated from Samara Humanitarian Academy in
1998, The Faculty of Economics and Law.
The research interests are issues of the development of legal entities
system in Russia, and matters of juridical personality in private law. Professor
O. Serova has published over 100 works.
She is a supervisor of the Master's degree programme "Entrepreneurial
law, commercial law". She is a leader of the research area 12.00.03 – civil
law; entrepreneurial law; family law; private international law of the PhD
E-mаil: OlgSerova@kantiana.ru, olgaserova1974@mail.ru
Professor Irina Syubareva
Doctor of Education Science (Herzen Russian State Pedagogical
University, St. Petersburg, 2006); Candidate of Legal Sciences (Russian Legal
Academy of the RF MJ, Moscow, 2010). Professor I. Syubareva has worked
in higher education since 1997. She teaches financial law and fiscal law on
the Bachelor's degree course, and fiscal regulation of entrepreneurial activities
and property law on the Master's degree course.
Since 2008 till 2012, Professor I. Syubareva was a member of the DM
Joint Council 212.191.03 at the State Educational Institution of Higher
Professional Education " Lomonosov Pomor State University" (Arkhangelsk)
for the defense of Doctoral and Candidate's theses on the specialism 13.00.01
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
– general education science, history of education science (pedagogic
Professor I. Syubareva has published over 100 research articles and
works on the civil law, education law, and history of education, including 4
monographs and 2 textbooks.
She is a member of the Academic Council of the Law Institute, a
member of the Education Board, and also a reviewer of the IKBFU Bulletin.
Е-mail: ISiubareva@kantiana.ru
Professor Elena Holopova
Doctor of Law, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor. She
graduated from Kaliningrad State University.
Professor E. Holopova teaches the following courses for the Master's
degree students: "Issues of interaction between the parties of the criminal
procedure", and "Issues of the theory of operational-investigative activities".
Professor E. Holopova is a supervisor of the Master's degree programme
"Legal technologies in law enforcement", a leader of the PhD programme
12.00.12. 9 PhD students have defended their theses under the supervision of
Professor E. Holopova.
The research interests are as follows: forensic investigation, forensic
research, application of specialized knowledge in crime investigation, and
investigation of crimes against military security of the state.
Professor E. Holopova has published over 130 works, including
textbooks, monographs, and instructional papers. She is a forensic expertpsychologist.
E-mаil: elchol@mail.ru
Professor Olga Finogentova
Doctor of Law, Professor.
Professor O. Finogentova graduated from the Faculty of History of
Kuibyshev State Teacher's Institute in 1987. She has been teaching for more
than 18 years. In 2004, O. Finogentova defended her Doctoral thesis with the
title "Legislative Regulation of Banking Activities in Russia (First Half of the
18th – early 20th Century)". She has published 36 research articles and 2
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
monographs. The research interests are in the history of legislative regulation
of commerce and industrial activities in Russia of the late 19th century.
E-mail: finogentovaoe@mail.ru
Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine is the
youngest and a rapidly developing
combination of profound classroom
training and annual internship at the
leading hospitals in Russia, Lithuania,
Poland and Germany makes the
Institute's graduates competitive not
only in the Kaliningrad Oblast, but also in all the European countries.
The core of the staff of the Institute is comprised of leading Professors
of medical higher education institutions of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tomsk,
Smolensk, Orenburg, Omsk who moved to Kaliningrad and received a
permanent job at the IKBFU.
The Institute has well equipped theoretical and clinical Departments and
Divisions, and an up-to-date library. The Medical Applied Research Centre
serves as a good facility for scientific
discoveries of different levels –
ranging from students' ideas to
Professors' studies.
cooperating with leading medical
higher education institutions of Russia,
Gdansk Medical University, the
University of Lubeck, Grodno Medical
University, and Klaipeda University.
Lectures given to the Institute students by leading Professors from Germany,
France and Denmark have already become a good tradition. The exchange of
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
students, lecturers and researchers along the line of research as well as
academic activities has been set up.
 The Department of Basic Medicine
The following courses are taught: anatomy, physiology, histiology,
microbiology and others.
 The Department of General Medicine
The following courses are taught: internal diseases, pediatry, neurology
 The Department of Surgical
The following courses are
oncology etc.
 The Department of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology
The following courses are taught: obstetrics, gynaecology, medical
genetics etc.
 The Division of Curricula of Secondary Vocational Education
Students are taught within all the curricula of secondary vocational
 The Division of Post-Graduate Education
Students are taught within the specialisms of internship training and
medical residency courses. Also, courses of in-service training are offered for
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
nurses and pharmacologists. At present, in-service training courses for
doctors have been set up.
 Clinicodiagnostic Centre
The Centre is a consultancy and diagnostic unit focusing on rendering
medical services to the University staff, students and general population.
 Simulation Training Facility
The Facility is intended for exercising students' hand-on skills since it is
equipped with simulators, training devices, homuncles of different levels of
The clinical sites are all the major curative and preventive health care
institutions of Kaliningrad: Regional Clinical Hospital of the Kaliningrad
Oblast, Emergency Care Hospital, Central City Clinical Hospital, Children's
Regional Hospital of the Kaliningrad Oblast,
Regional Perinatal Centre and many others.
Specialisms of the Institute of Medicine
Higher professional education
General Medicine
Secondary vocational education
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
General Medicine, Nursing care, Obstetrical care, Dental orthopaedics,
Pharmaceutical science, Laboratory diagnostics
Specialisms of the post-graduate education
Specialisms of the internship training: Obstetrics and gynaecology,
anatomy, Neurology,
Traumatology and orthopedics, Surgery
Specialisms of the medical residency:
Obstetrics and gynaecology, Allergology and
pharmacology, Pathologic anatomy, Cardiology, Neurology, Traumatology
and orthopedics, Surgery
Director of the Institute
Professor Sergey Korenev - Director of the
Institute of Medicine of the IKBFU, Doctor of
Medical Science, Professor, Physician of Superior
In 2005, Professor S. Korenev defended a
doctoral thesis entitled "Thyroid Cancer with
Adult Population Residing on the Territories
Contaminated with Radionuclides as a Result of
the Chernobyl Reactor Accident (Peculiarities of
Epidemiology, Clinical Findings, Diagnostics and
Treatment)" at the Medical Radiological Research Centre (Obninsk); in 2006,
the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science was awarded by the
decision of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
In 2011, Professor S. Korenev was awarded the academic title
"Professor" by the decision of the State Commission for Academic Degrees
and Titles of the RF Ministry of Education.
Since 2006 until 2012, Professor S. Korenev was Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine of the IKSUR, and since 2013 he has been Director of the Institute
of Medicine of the IKBFU. From 2011 till 2014, Professor S. Korenev was
Head of the Department of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Professor S. Korenev is a Chairman of the Academic Council of the
Institute of Medicine and a member of the Academic Council of the IKBFU.
Since 2006 until the present day Professor S. Korenev has been the Chief
oncologist of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
He lectures on the following courses: "General surgery", "Surgical
pathology", and "Oncology ". 2 PhD theses were defended under the
supervision of Professor S. Korenev.
He has published 176 works; among them are 25 instructional and 137
research works used in teaching. Among the publications are the monographs
"Foundations of Photodynamic Therapy", "Eponyms in Oncology and
Hematooncology", articles in both Russian and foreign peer-reviewed
The research interests are as follows: oncology, mammology,
photodynamic diagnostics and therapy, and pedagogy.
E-mail: SKorenev@kantiana.ru
Professor Igor Barsukov - Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of the
Department of General Medicine of the IKBFU. Born in 1963, RF citizen, in
1987 graduated from the Military and Medical Faculty of Ulianov Kuibyshev
Medical Institute.
The academic degree of Candidate of Medical Science was awarded by
the Dissertation Council at Kirov Military Medical Academy and approved by
the Higher Attestation Commission in 1997.
The academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science was awarded by the
Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Education in 2011.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
He lectures and conducts tutorials on the following subjects: "Topical
diagnosis of disorders and neurotraumas", "Specific neuropathology" for the
4th and 5th year students of the Institute of Medicine specializing in "General
Medicine". Teaching materials have been designed for the above courses.
Professor I. Barsukov has published 56 works; among them are 4
instructional and 52 research works used in teaching.
E-mail: IBarsukov@kantiana.ru
Professor Andrey Zuev, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor.
Department of General Medicine of the Institute of Medicine of the
Since August 29, 2012 he has been Professor of the Department of
General Medicine of the IKBFU Institute of Medicine.
The academic degree of Candidate of Medical Science was awarded by
the Dissertation Council of Tomsk Scientific-Research Institute of Balneology
and Physiotherapy of the RF Ministry of Health in 1997 and approved by the
RF Higher Attestation Commission in 1997.
The Doctoral thesis was defended at Sechenov Moscow Medical
Academy and the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science was
awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF in 2004.
Professor A. Zuev has published 145 works; among them are 6 textbooks
approved by the RF Ministry of Health Educational Methodological
Association, 131 research works, 3 monographs, and 5 patents. In the past 5
years, he has published 55 works, including 6 textbooks and 49 research
works. 5 PhD theses and 2 doctoral dissertations have been defended under
the supervision of Professor A. Zuev.
He conducts workshops, gives lectures and tutorials on the subject
"Dermatovenereology" to the 4th year students, students of the internship
training and medical residency courses of the IKBFU Institute of Medicine.
He is supervising 5 PhD theses.
Professor A. Zuev is a member of the specialized Council DM
208.062.06 for the theses defense on dermatovenereology at Novosibirsk
State Medical University.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
He is involved in pilot research projects with international partners from
the USA – he is a member of the International Leadership Programme "Open
World", and from France – he is a member of the International Club
Tel.: 8 900 561 55 54. E-mail: venzuev@yandex.ru
Professor Vladimir Izranov, was born in 1956, in 1979 graduated from
the Faculty of Pediatrics of Novosibirsk State Medical Institute.
Doctor of Medical Science (1995), Professor (1996).
Professor V. Izranov from 1979 until 2003 worked at Novosibirsk State
Medical Academy at the Department of Human Anatomy, first in the capacity
of an Assistant Lecturer, then - of an Associate Professor and of a Professor.
In 2007, he became Professor of the Department of Basic Medicine of the
IKBFU, and in 2010 – Head of the above Department. He gives lectures on
human anatomy and clinical anatomy to the students of higher professional
education specialisms.
Professor V. Izranov's medical specialization is ultrasonic diagnosis.
The main areas of research interests include the following: ultrasonic
anatomy of organs and systems, and in applied terms - the development of an
automation-equipped working place of the ultrasonic diagnosis doctor
(AEWP for USD doctor). In 2012, Professor V. Izranov received the
certificate of State registration of the programme for the computing device
"AEWP for USD doctor" "Assistant"; in 2013, he received the certificate of
State registration of the programme for the computing device "AEWP for
USD doctor "Female Health". Professor V. Izranov was awarded the Grand
Prix at the International Congress-Exhibition "Global Education". He was
awarded a golden medal at the International Exhibition "Medsib 2014"
(Novosibirsk) for the elaborated AEWP for USD doctor.
Professor V. Izranov is actively developing innovative approaches to
teaching anatomy. He has made a series of video lectures and teaching films
on human anatomy. He was awarded a silver medal at the International
Exhibition "Medsib 2014" (Novosibirsk) for the course of video lectures on
ultrasonic anatomy.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor V. Izranov is Chairman of the Kaliningrad branch of the
Russian Association of Ultrasonic Diagnosis Specialists in Medicine.
He has published over 90 research works.
E-mail: VIzranov@kantiana.ru
Professor Aleksandr Pashov, was born in 1965, graduated (degree with
honours) from Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute in 1990. He defended his
PhD thesis with the title "Pregnancy and Delivery at an Increased Fluoride
Load" in the specialized Dissertation Council at Omsk Medical Academy in
At present, Professor A. Pashov is involved in clinical work at the
clinical base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the IKBFU
Institute of Medicine – State Autonomous Agency of the Kaliningrad Oblast
"Regional Perinatal Centre".
In 2010, Professor A. Pashov defended his Doctoral dissertation entitled
"The Proliferative Processes of the Endometrium. Pathogenesis, Prognosis,
Early Detection" for the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science on the
specialism 14.01.01 – obstetrics and gynaecology, 14.03.03 – pathologic
physiology, at the Dissertation Council D. 001.038.02 of the Russian
Academy of Medical Sciences Institution "Research Centre for the Health
Issues of Family and Human Reproduction of the SD RAMS".
Professor A. Pashov has written and collaborated on 200 research
publications, among them a monograph published by "Nauka" Publishing
House, 35 publications in journals recommended by Higher Attestation
Commission, 39 textbooks and instructional recommendations approved by
the CCMS, Regional Ministry of Health, RF MH and SR, and of three patents
of invention of the RF.
The research interests are in obstetrics and gynaecology, gynecological
oncology, and pathologic physiology.
E-mail: APashov@kantiana.ru
Professor Robert Bogachev, was born in 1947; in 1971 he graduated
from Smolensk State Medical Institute.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The academic degree of Candidate of Medical Science was awarded by
the Dissertation Council at the 1st MOLMI on September 29, 1980 and
approved by the Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers
of the USSR in 1981.
The academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science was awarded by the
Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers of the USSR in
The academic title of Professor of the Department of Hospital Treatment
was awarded by the decision of the Russian Federation Committee on higher
education in 1994.
Professor R. Bogachev lectures on propaedeutics of internal diseases,
intermediate level and hospital therapy; he also gives lectures to the students
of internship training and medical residency courses, as well as to doctors of
the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education. Comprehensive learning
materials have been designed for the disciplines.
Professor R. Bogachev conducts trainings, master classes on current
issues of cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, and prevention of
internal diseases.
21 PhD and 3 doctoral theses have been defended under the supervision
of Professor R. Bogachev. He is supervising research works of students and
Since 1999 until the present day, he has been a member of the
Specialized council for theses defense at Smolensk State Medical Academy.
Professor R. Bogachev is Chairman of the Regional Scientific Society of
General Practitioners of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
He has published 152 works; among them are 20 textbooks and 132
research works used in teaching. He has collaborated on 2 inventions.
E-mail: RBogachev@kantiana.ru
Professor Olga Reshetnikova
The academic degree of Candidate of Medical Science was awarded by
the Dissertation Council at Kharkov Medical Institute on June 10, 1982 and
approved by the Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers
of the USSR on November 24, 1982.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
The academic degree of Doctor of Medical Science was awarded by the
Dissertation Council at Kharkov Medical Institute on February 25, 1993 and
approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ukraine.
The academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of
Pathologic Anatomy was awarded by the decision of the Academic Council of
Lugansk Medical Institute and the Ministry of Education of the Ukraine in
Professor O. Reshetnikova gives lectures on "Forensic medicine".
She also conducts education cycle tutorials on the topics of forensic
Professor O. Reshetnikova has published over 300 works; among those
are textbooks and publications in foreign journals.
E-mail: OReshetnikova@kantiana.ru
Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development and
Urban Planning
The Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development and Urban
Planning is a new and extremely
promising unit of the University.
Almost 200 members of staff work
here, and more than 1700 students
study here on the curricula of
higher and secondary vocational
education, as well as Master's,
PhD and Doctoral degree students.
The Institute was established on
February 15, 2013 through uniting the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology
and the College of Town Planning.
For the academic activities, especially those under Master's and PhD
degree courses, leading Russian and foreign experts are involved. Due to the
University's participation in numerous international programmes (TEMPUS,
Erasmus Mundus, Baltic University, EU4U, and Crossroads), in the projects
of the DBU foundation, students and PhD students of the Institute have an
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
opportunity to take part in round table talks, workshops, and to have trainings
in foreign institutions.
The Institute has extensive capabilities for conducting practical trainings
and internships for the undergraduate and Master's courses students: the
IKBFU bases on the Baltic Sea coast in the village of Rybnoe (near
Svetlogorsk) and the Atlantic
Branch of the Institute of
Oceanology RAS on the Baltic
spit. The maritime internship
(under the specialization of
"Hydrometeorology") is held in
the offshore areas of the Baltic
Sea and the lagoons. Students
studying under the curricula of
secondary vocational education have their work placement at the major
enterprises of the Kaliningrad Oblast: the programmes of social partnership
cover over 30 oblast's enterprises.
The Institute carries out scientific, including international, research into
current issues of the rational use of natural resources and environmental
protection, the offshore and maritime oceanography, spatial planning, the
socio-economic and demographic development of the Kaliningrad Oblast and
of its municipalities, spatial differentiation of the Baltic Sea region. Both
undergraduate and PhD students are involved in research activities.
Structural units of the Institute of Nature Management,
Spatial Development and Urban Planning
Department of Urban Planning, Land Regulation and Design
Division of Design
Education Centre Autodesk
Department of the Ocean Geography
Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Department of Geography, Nature Management and Spatial
Laboratory of Water Chemistry and Soil Sciences
Laboratory of MUNS
Laboratory of Seismology and Geophysics
Division "Engineering Structures"
Division of Orientation and
Correspondence Education
Geodetics and Mapmaking
Laboratory of Network Research
Centre for Regional Markets
Centre for Verifying and Adjustment Works of Geodesic and Surveying
Measurement Instrumentation
Centre for In-Service Training on the Area "Land Regulation and Cadastres"
Director of the Institute
Professor Gennady Fedorov, Director if
the Institute of Nature Management, Spatial
Development and Urban Planning of the
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University is
one of the leading Russian scholars in the
sphere of economic, social and political
geography. He has worked at the University
since 1972 (after graduation from the Faculty
of Geography of Leningrad State University, specialism "economic
geography"; he is the student of Professor N.T. Agafonov). In 1982 – 2012,
Professor G. Fedorov was Head of the Department of Socio-Economic
Geography and Geopolitics, in 1994-1998 he was Rector of the University, in
1990-1994 and in 2003-2013 he worked as a Vice-Rector for Research, and
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
since February 2013 Professor G. Fedorov has been Director of the Institute
that was established through merging of the Faculty of Geography and
Geoecology, the College of Town Planning of the IKBFU and the Division of
Professor G. Fedorov has developed the scientific concept of
geodemographic conditions (monographs: Geodemographic conditions. SPb:
Nauka, 1994; Geodemographic typology. SPb: LSU Publishing House, 1996;
Scientific fundamentals of the concept of geodemographic conditions. SPb:
Nauka, 1991), he has published widely both in Russia and abroad.
In 1997, Professor G. Fedorov was awarded the title of Honoured
Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.
Professor G. Fedorov is a member of the Academic Council of the
Russian Geographical Society, of the Political Council under the Governor of
the Kaliningrad Oblast, a Chairman of the Public Council at the Kaliningrad
Regional Duma and of that at the Kaliningradstat.
He is the co-editor of the scientific journal "Baltic Region" published by
the IKBFU jointly with St. Petersburg State University.
Professor G. Fedorov has published over 440 research works
(approximately 50 of them are published abroad); among those are 33
monographs and 14 textbooks. Approximately 20 PhD and doctoral theses
have been defended under his supervision. He is s member of Specialized
councils for the defense of Doctoral theses in Geography at SPbSU and the
E-mail: GFedorov@kantiana.ru
Dr Galina Barinova – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate
Professor, a well-known expert in the sphere of regional climatology, one of
the founders of geoecology at the IKBFU. Dr G. Barinova is an Academic
Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 212.084.02 – Geographic Sciences.
She graduated from Leningrad State University specializing in "climatology"
and since 1961 has been working in Kaliningrad. In 1981, Dr G. Barinova
defended her PhD thesis. At present, she is a Professor of geography, nature
management and spatial development.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Dr G. Barinova is carrying out research into the issues of regional
climatology, medicinal geography, geoecological monitoring and ecological
mapping. She was Head of the Climatology group of the Complex expedition
for studying the Kaliningrad Oblast (1970 – 1973); she participated in
studying the conditions of subsurface waters in connection with economic
activities (1982- 1984).
Dr G. Barinova has published over 150 research articles, monographs,
and textbooks. Her book "The Climate of the Kaliningrad Oblast" received
first prize of Kaliningrad State University as the best monograph in 2003. Dr
G. Barinova is a Full Member of the Russian Geographical Society, and of the
Russian Geological Society. She is an award winner of the contest of the F. R.
Shtilmark Biodiversity Conservation Center. Dr G. Barinova is an Honorary
Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
E-mail: GBarinova@kantiana.ru
Professor Vladimir Gritsenko — Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
In 1972, he graduated (degree with honours) from the Faculty of Physics
and Mathematics of Kaliningrad State University, specialism "Mathematics".
The academic degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical
Sciences under the specialism "Oceanology" was awarded at the Institute of
Oceanology of the USSR AS in 1985, and the academic title of an Associate
Professor of the Department of Advanced Mathematics was granted in 1991.
In 1999, Professor V. Gritsenko defended his Doctoral thesis under the
specialism "Oceanology" at the Institute of Oceanology of RAS; in 20002013 he worked in the capacity of Head of the Department of the Ocean
Geography of the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology; in October 2014, he
again became Head of the Department of the Ocean Geography of the
Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development and Urban Planning.
6 PhD theses have been defended under the supervision of Professor V.
Gritsenko. He is the Leader of the Standing research seminar on oceanology
and geoecology for students, PhD students and young researchers.
Professor V. Gritsenko is a Deputy Chairman of the Doctoral Council of
the IKBFU (geographic sciences), a member of the Academic Council of the
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Atlantic Branch of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, and also a
member of the Academic Council of the World Ocean Museum. Since 2005,
Professor V. Gritsenko has been a member of the Expert board of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research.
In 2011, Professor V. Gritsenko became Head of the Research and
Education Centre on Oceanology and Geoecology of Coast Waters and
Landscapes that was established on the basis of the Study and Scientific
Professor V. Gritsenko's research is focused on the movement of
density-stratified flows of the World ocean, the variability of its thin structure
and the movement of stratified fluid; he elaborated two efficient models of
movement of density-unhomogeneous fluid that were further used in
researching the phenomenon of bottom gravity currents in the ocean. In 1980,
1982 and 1986, Professor V. Gritsenko took part in three expeditions in the
Pacific Ocean on the research vessel "D. Mendeleev", and in 2005 – in the
Atlantic Ocean on the research vessel "Academician Ioffe". The total number
of publications is over 200. Another research area is connected with the use of
computer technologies in modern education. In 1999 and 2000, Professor V.
Gritsenko was awarded an Honorary Title of Soros's Associate Professor, and
in 2001 – of Soros's Professor in the sphere of Earth sciences.
He is leader of several international projects and grants including those
within INTERREG and TEMPUS EU programmes.
E-mail: VGritsenko@kantiana.ru
Professor Sergey Zotov
was born on 03/01/1956 in Kaliningrad.
In 1986, Professor S. Zotov defended his thesis for the degree of
Candidate of Geographical Sciences with the subject: "Imitational Modeling
of the Natural and Economic System "River Drainage" (as Exemplified by the
River Pregolya)" at Herzen Leningrad State Teacher's Institute. In 1999, he
defended his Doctoral dissertation entitled: "Imitational Modeling of the
Reservoir and Landscape Systems in Conditions of Overwatering" at the
Institute of Geography of the RAS. The academic title of an Associate
Professor was awarded in 1992, and that of Professor - in 2001.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Since 2000 until the present day he has been Professor of the Department
of Geography, Nature Management and Spatial Development of the IKBFU.
The research interests are in the imitational modeling of geosystems,
mapping of ecological situations, and evaluation of ecological consequences
of climate change and economic activities.
Professor S. Zotov has published over 80 works.
He is a member of the Council for the defense of Candidate's and
Doctoral theses at the Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development
and Urban Planning of the IKBFU, a member of the Editorial board of the
journal "Bulletin of the IKBFU" (series "Natural sciences"), and a member of
the Board of the Kaliningrad regional branch of the Russian Geological
Professor S. Zotov lectures on the following disciplines: "Fundamentals
of nature management", "Techniques of geoecological research and
information processing", and "Modelling and forecasting environmental
conditions" at the Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development and
Urban Planning of the IKBFU.
E-mail: SZotov@kantiana.ru
Professor Evgeny Krasnov – Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy,
Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation. He is one of
the founders of the Institute of the Marine Biology of the Far East RAS
branch, of the Department of Marine Geology of Far East State University,
Department of Geoecology of the IKBFU. Professor E. Krasnov is Chairman
of the Dissertation Council D 212.084.02 – geographical sciences. He is
Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Bulletin of the IKBFU".
In 1958–1967, Professor E. Krasnov was a Senior Geologist of the
Prospecting and Survey Crimean Complex Geological Survey Expedition.
When working in the expedition, he completed a part-time PhD course and
in1964 defended a thesis of Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy with the
subject "Stratigraphy and Corals of the Tithonian Age of Baidarskaya,
Varnautskaya and Hantinskaya Valleys of the Crimea Mountains".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
In 1973, Professor E. Krasnov defended his Doctoral thesis "Jurassic
Scleractinia of the South and the Far East of the USSR". He was awarded a
bronze medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements (1975).
In 1987, Professor E. Krasnov was transferred to work to Kaliningrad
State University. At present, he is Professor of the Department of Geography,
Nature Management and Spatial Development.
The research interests are in the biostratigraphy and palaeontology.
Professor E. Krasnov is a researcher of ancient reefogenic formations of the
Crimea, Mildavia, Altai, and the Far East; he is the discoverer of a large
deposit and a province of dolomites in the Crimea; he is the author of an
invention in the sphere of mariculture; an organizer and a participant of
expeditions to the coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Professor E. Krasnov is an Honorary Member of the Russian
Geographical Society and Paleontological Society at the RAS, a Full Member
of the Russian Ecological Academy. He is a member of International
organizations "International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global
Responsibility", "European Union for Coastal Conservation", “Baltic
University Programme”. Professor E. Krasnov is a holder of the International
prize "For the Future of the Baltic Sea".
Professor E. Krasnov has published over 300 research works; among
those are 16 monographs, textbooks, and reference materials. More than 30
people have defended their Candidate's theses and 5 have been awarded the
degree of Doctors of Geographical Sciences, of Geology and Mineralogy and
Biological Sciences under the supervision of Professor E. Krasnov.
E-mail: EKrasnov@kantiana.ru
Professor Pavel Chernyshkov – Professor of the Department of
Geography, Nature Management and Spatial development, Doctor of
Geographical Sciences, Professor under the specialism "Oceanology".
He elaborated the methodology of forecasting the condition of stocks of
large pelagic fish in the areas of Canary and Bengali upwellings in the
Atlantic Ocean on the basis of simulation modeling (2005). Professor P.
Chernyshkov has many times participated in marine expeditions aimed at
studying biological resources and ecology of the World Ocean. In 2000, he
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
was Head of the Russian party of the International synoptical survey of the
biomass of the Antarctic krill in the area; he was Head of the expedition on
the research vessel "Atlantis".
The research interests are as follows: research with a view to establishing
the scientific bases of ecology and rational use of the biological resources of
the World Ocean. This subject was covered in the research publications that
amount to 150 in both Russian and foreign editions, among those 5
monographs and the textbook "Estimation of Stocks and Fisheries
Management" (SPb, RGGMU, 2013).
Since 2010 Professor P. Chernyshkov has been working at the IKBFU
in the capacity of Professor. He lectures on the following courses: "General
oceanology", "Commercial oceanology", "Techniques of marine forecasts",
"Hydrometeorological foundations of the environmental protection", and
"Designing the representation of research and development findings". 8 theses
for the Candidate's degree under the specialism "Oceanology" have been
defended under his supervision. Professor P. Chernyshkov is a member of the
Dissertation Council for Candidate's and Doctoral theses defense under the
specialism "Oceanology"; in 2013, he was an official opponent at the defense
of two doctoral theses at the Dissertation Councils at Shirshov Institute of
Oceanology RAS (Moscow) and Russian State Hydrometeorological
University (St. Petersburg).
E-mail: PCHernyshkov@kantiana.ru
Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Physical Education
The Institute of Recreation,
Tourism and Physical Education of
the IKBFU was established in
November 2014 by merging the
Higher School of Tourism and the
Education and Sport. The Institute is
comprised of two Departments: the
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Services and Tourism and the Department of Theory and Methodology of
Physical Education and Sport.
The Department of Socio-Cultural Services and Tourism was set up in
1997 within the Center for Continuing Professional Education, and in 2001
the Department became a unit of the newly established Faculty of Service.
The Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and
Sport was established in 2000 on the basis of the Department of Physical
education that had been set up as a structural unit of the Faculty of Education
in 1983. From 1988, the Department was a constituent unit of the Faculty of
Physical Education. In 2012, the Department of Theory and Methodology of
Physical Education and Sport functioned within the Higher School of
Physical Education and Sport.
On November 25, 2014 the Department of Theory and Methodology of
Physical Education and Sport and the Department of Socio-Cultural Services
and Tourism became educational units of the Institute of Recreation, Tourism
and Physical Education.
The Institute has extensive infrastructure comprising the following:
Training and sports centre including a swimming pool, a Centre for training
specialists in the service sphere, computer labs with Internet access, a
multifunctional centre No 6 of
periodical publications on the
training specialisms, and a
multimedia library.
Students are trained under
the following degree fields:
• 43.03.02
(Bachelor's course): specialism
"Technologies and organisation of
domestic and international tourism".
• 43.03.03 "Hotel Industry" (Bachelor's course): specialism "Hotel
• 51.03.03 "Socio-cultural activities" (Bachelor's course): specialism
"Management of socio-cultural activities".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
• 43.04.02
(Master's course): programme
technologies of international
and domestic tourism".
• 49.03.01 – "Physical
• 49.04.01 – " Physical
education " (Master's course);
• 071200.62 – "Choreography" (Bachelor's course): specialism "Dance
and aesthetic pedagogy";
• 13.00.04 – "Theory and methodology of physical education, athletic
training, recreational and adapted physical education " (PhD course);
• 13.00.08- "Theory and methodology of professional education" (PhD
Employment of graduates of the degree fields "Tourism", "Hotel
industry", "Socio-cultural activities" is feasible in different sectors of tourism
industry, hotel business and the cultural sphere.
On completion of the University course, graduates of the degree fields
"Choreography" have a possibility to
get jobs in the sphere of education:
academic schools; supplementary
sports schools; as choreographerteachers for dance companies, and
also at educational institutions of
continuing and secondary vocational
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Director of the Institute
Professor Valentin Korneevets
Professor, Doctor of Geography, Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Honorary Worker of Higher Education.
In 1989, Professor V. Korneevets defended
his Candidate's thesis at the Dissertation council
on Economics of Leningrad Agricultural Institute
with the title "Technical and Economic Feasibility
Study of the Modernization of HydroReclamation Systems (as Exemplified by the
Kaliningrad Oblast)"; in 2011 he defended his
Doctoral thesis at the Dissertation Council of St.
"Transnational and Transborder Regions as
Specific Forms of Territorial Organisation of the
Community" under the specialism 25.00.24 – economic, social, political and
recreational geography.
In 1991, he started working at the University and has worked in several
capacities: of a Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory for Regional
Forecasting, an Associate Professor of the Department of Economic
Geography, Director of the Centre for Continuing Professional Education, and
Head of Department of Socio-Cultural Services and Tourism. From 2000,
Professor V. Korneevets was Vice-Rector for Economic Issues, and from
2011 he worked as Vice-Rector for Property Complex Management and
Operations. In 2014, Professor V. Korneevets became Director of the
established Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Physical Education.
He has published approximately 200 research works, including journals
published in the USA, Sweden, Germany, Poland, and France.
The research interests are in the issues of regional and interregional
development in the Baltic Sea Region, the development of border and
transborder cooperation, and the development of tourism and recreation
complex of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
E-mail: VKorneevets@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Natalia Zaitseva - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary
Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation.
In 1994, Professor N. Zaitseva defended her thesis for the degree of
Candidate of Economics entitled "The Role of the Workforce Potential in
Enhancement of the Performance Efficiency of Enterprises of Different
Ownership Forms (as Exemplified by the Shoe Making and Shoe Repair
Enterprises)"; in 1999, she defended her Doctoral thesis for the degree of
Doctor of Economics at the Dissertation Council of the Faculty of Economics
of Lomonosov Moscow State University with the title "Investment Activities
in the Sphere of Public Services at the Present Stage". The academic title of
an Associate Professor was awarded in 1999, and that of Professor was
granted in 2002.
From 2008 until 2014, Professor N. Zaitseva was Chairperson of the
Doctoral Dissertation Council D 212.150.02 on Economic Sciences (08.00.05
– Economics and management of the national economy (marketing; labour
economics; organisation and management of enterprises, industries,
complexes – services sphere услуг), 08.00.10 – Finance, money circulation
and credit) at Russian State University of Tourism and Service. From 1999
until 2014, she supervised 20 PhD students who presented their theses for the
degree of Candidate of Economics.
Publications: 8 work books on management in the service sphere,
finance management and personnel management in tourism and hotel
business, over 200 published works in the area of management and tourism.
Since 2014 until the present day she has been Professor of the
Department of Socio-Cultural Services and Tourism of the IKBFU. Besides
that, Professor N. Zaitseva is Head of the Department of Development of
Education Activities of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers,
Director of the Research and development centre for studying the
development of tourism and interregional cooperation in the Baltic Sea
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Viktor Pelmenev
Professor, Doctor of Education Science, Merited Coach of the RF,
Meritorious Physical Culture Worker, and Honorary Worker of Higher
Professional Education of the RF.
For 30 years, Professor V. Pelmenev has been elected Dean of the
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport that was established at his initiative
at the KSU. In 2012, he was appointed Director of the Higher School of
Physical Education and Sport. At present, he is Chairman of the Dissertation
Council for the degrees of Candidate of Education Science and Doctor of
Education Science.
Professor V. Pelmenev supervised training of over 1200 specialists of
highest qualification, among whom are Merited Coaches of the RF, Heads of
educational institutions, and employees of administrative and managerial
bodies of the Kaliningrad Oblast.
Professor V. Pelmenev lectures on the following courses: "Theory and
methodology of physical education and sport"; "Research and methodological
fundamentals in physical education"; "Technologies of scientific research in
the sphere of physical education"; "Current issues of sciences on physical
education" and others.
The research interests are in the issues of development of physical
education and sport.
Professor V. Pelmenev has published over 150 research works and
textbooks among which are articles published in research journals, and also in
collected papers of numerous scientific conferences, congresses and
symposia. Professor V. Pelmenev supervised over 200 graduation works and
8 theses for the degree of Candidate of Education Science.
E-mail: VPelmenev@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Institute of Economics and Management
The Institute of Economics and Management (formerly the Faculty of
Economics) is one of the most fast developing institutes of the IKDFU. It
traces its history back to 1992 when the economic Department was
established at the Faculty of Economics and Law of Kaliningrad State
professionals in Management. In
1995, the Faculty of Economics
was established where students
were trained within the specialism
"Marketing", "Finance and Credit"
and the study area "Economics".
Besides that, in 2007 a Master's
course was set up within the degree areas "Management" and "Economics".
In 2014, the Faculty of Economics was reorganized in the Institute of
Economics and Management, and Dr Aleksandr Barinov became Director.
The Institute of Economics and Management offers education
programmes within the study areas "Economics" and "Management" which
grew from large-scale international projects and close cooperation with the
representatives of the regional business community.
Director of the Institute
Dr Aleksandr Barinov (born on February 16,
1955) - Director of the Institute of Economics and
Management of the IKBFU, he has been Rector of
Kaliningrad School of International Business since
1991. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate
Dr A. Barinov is a Lecturer-consultant on the
following areas: elaboration and management of
strategy implementation, system of balanced
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
indicators, managerial controlling, and organization development and
organization design.
Dr A. Barinov is the leader of open programmes of the KSIB: "Develop
your firm", "Building a competitive company", "Development of business:
best international practices".
1978-1981: PhD course at Leningrad Institute of Economics and Finance,
Department of Efficiency and Analysis of Economic Activities.
1972-1976: Kaliningrad State Technical University. Student of the
Economic Faculty, specialism "Bookkeeping and analysis of economic
E-mail: AYBarinov@kantiana.ru, telephone 595-518.
Professor Vasily Bilchak - Professor of the Department of Management
and Marketing, Chair of the Dissertation Council on Economics.
Date of birth: 04/11/1948
1988 г. – defended his Candidate's thesis at the Specialised Dissertation
Council of Leningrad State University in the area 11.00.02 – economic and
social geography;
1994 г. – was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Economics as a
result of the defense of the Doctoral thesis at the Dissertation Council of St.
Petersburg University of Economics and Finance within the area 08.00.05 –
economics, planning, organisation of management of the national economy
and its sectors; in the same year he was awarded the academic title of
Professor V. Bilchak lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Regional economy", "Investment management", "Investment", and "Basics
of the profession".
The research interests are as follows: regional economy, development of
border regions of Russia, economic integration, and transborder cooperation.
E-mail: bilchakvs@mail.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor Vladislav Ivchenko - Doctor of Economics, Honorary Figure
of Russian Higher Education, member of the Russian Academy of Transport,
Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing.
Date of birth: 1936
Education: Professor V. Ivchenko defended his Candidate's thesis in
Economics at Kaliningrad Technical Institute in 1967; upheld a Doctoral
thesis of Doctor of Economics at the Central Economic and Mathematical
Institute of the USSR AS in 1987.
Professor V. Ivchenko lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Innovation management" for the students of the specialism area "Enterprise
management"; a course for Master's degree students "Organisation of research
activities and research-based entrepreneurship"; and a course for PhD students
"Fundamentals of research activities and writing a thesis"; he supervises
Master's and PhD students' theses.
The research interests are as follows: programmed and innovative
development of maritime regions of the country; economic issues of
development of resources of the World Ocean and development of maritime
regions of the country. In the past 5 years, Professor V. Ivchenko has
supervised the execution of two research subjects within the plans of the
Ministry of Education and Science. He has also supervised 3 PhD students
who have successfully defended their theses.
E-mail: ivchenko_kantiana@mail.ru
Professor Rosa Levina - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the
Department of Management and Marketing.
PhD course, 1993, specialism - 08.00.05. Economics and management of
the national economy. The Candidate's thesis is entitled "Research and
Development of the Marketing Strategy at Construction Works"
Doctoral course, 1999, specialism 08.00.05. Economics and management
of the national economy. The thesis is entitled "Theory and Methodology of
the Motivation of Consumer Behavior in the Russian Private Enterprise".
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Professor R. Levina lectures on the curricula course "Planning and
organisation of marketing activities"
The research interests are in the verification of the theory and
methodology of marketing activities of an enterprise.
E-mail: Levina_Roza@mail.ru
Professor Lyudmila Samoilova - Professor of the Department of
Economics and Finance.
Professor L. Samoilova lectures on the following curricula courses:
economy of a firm; organisation, remuneration, and performance standards of
labour; and economy of fishing industry.
The research interests are in the issues of integration of business entities.
Professor Ravil Hadzhaev - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the
Department of Management and Marketing.
Defended his Candidate's thesis on 25/02/1970 within the specialism 594
"Economics, organisation and planning in mining industry".
The doctoral thesis was defended on 08/07/1982 within the area 08.00.05
– "Economics, organisation of management and planning of the national
economy (manufacturing industry)" with the title "Economic Problems of
Enhancing Efficiency of Exploitation of Coal Occurrences with Complex
Mining and Geological Conditions".
Professor R. Hadzhaev lectures on the following curricula courses:
fundamentals of marketing; and marketing management.
The research interests are as follows: economic issues of small business;
efficient use of resources.
E-mail: hodghaev@yandex.ru
Dr Lidia Shekhovtseva - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor.
Position at the IKBFU: Professor.
Dr L. Shekhovtseva lectures on the following curricula courses:
"Strategic management of regional development" for the PhD students,
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"Current strategic analysis" for Master degree students, and "Strategic
management" for specialists and Bachelor degree students.
The research interests are as follows: modelling of strategic target setting
and strategies of the region's sustainable development; elaboration of tools of
innovative development of regions (cluster, industrial parks etc.); and multicriteria systems of determining competitive power of regions, municipal
entities, and business entities.
E-mail: shehovcev47@mail.ru
Higher School of Education Science
General information:
The Department of Education Science and Education Technologies was
established in 2013 by merging of the Department of Education Science and
Psychology and the Department of Education Technologies. It provides
instruction on the disciplines of psychology and pedagogy both to the students
of Higher School of Education Science and to other structural educational
units of the University.
The Department of Education Science and Education Technologies is a
graduate Department for the Bachelor's degree students of the following 4
degree fields: 050700.62 "Education science", 050400.62 "Psychological and
pedagogic education", 050100.62 "Pedagogic education", 050200.62 "Physics
and mathematics education", - for Master's degree students of the following 2
degree fields: 050100.68 "Pedagogic education", 050400.68 "Psychological
and pedagogic education", - for the specialism 050708.65 "Education science
and teaching techniques of primary education ". Also, the Departments trains
PhD students under the specialism 13.00.01 - General education science,
history of education science and education, 13.00.08 - Theory and teaching
techniques of professional education.
The history of establishment and development.
In 2005, a new structural unit of the University – the Institute of Modern
Educational Technologies (IMET) was established in the framework of the
Centre for Continuous Pedagogical Education, the Centre for Continuing
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Professional Education and the Centre for Pre-University Training at the
IKSUR (later renamed IKBFU). In 2012, the IMET was transformed in the
Higher School of Education Science as part of the IKBFU.
Director of the Higher School of Education Science
Dr Natalia Nikulina, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate
Telephone: 595-530
E-mail: NNikulina@kantiana.ru
Since 1977 – Assistant Lecturer, Associate
Professor of the Department of Specialized
Historical Subjects and Regional History, of the
Department of History of Kaliningrad State
University (IKSUR, IKBFU). Since 2001 —
Director of the Centre for Continuous
Pedagogical Education of KSU, since 2005 —
Director of the Institute of Modern Educational
Technologies of the IKSUR, and since 2012 –
Director of the Higher School of Education Science of the IKBFU.
Dr N. Nukulina took a PhD course under the supervision of Professor
G.A. Zhidkov. In 1986, she defended her Candidate's thesis with the title
"Apanage Land Ownership in Russia in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century."
at Lobachevsky Gorky State University. Dr N. Nukulina is an expert on the
history of agrarian relations in Russian of the second half of the 19th – early
20th century. She ran a general course of the history of Russia and specialized
courses at the Faculty of History. Now Dr N. Nukulina gives lectures on
technologies of history teaching. She has been supervising teaching practice
of history students. Dozens of graduation projects have been developed and
defended under her supervision. N. Nikulina has published over 130 research
and instructional works.
Under her leadership, the University opened resource centres "Pedagogic
Education" at the premises of Yu.A. Gagarin Gymnasium No 40 and
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"Psychological and Pedagogic Education"
at the premises of Nursery School No 56.
The research interests are as follows:
agrarian history of Russia of the late 19th –
early 20th century, apanage land ownership
and farm, and issues of modern education.
Tel: 595-530
E-mail: NNikulina@kantiana.ru
Professor Svetlana Bryzgalova – Professor, Doctor of Education
In 2006, she defended her doctoral thesis with the title "The
Development of Teacher's Readiness for Educational Research". Professor S.
Bryzgalova is a scientific supervisor of Candidate's theses, and a consultant of
Doctoral candidates. She is a member of the Dissertation Council D
212.084.03 at the IKBFU.
The research interests are in the methodology of education science and
pedagogic research, problem-based education at school and higher education
institution, and modern education technologies.
Professor S. Bryzgalova has published over 150 research works.
The disciplines taught at the IKBFU: "Introduction to pedagogic
activities", "Introduction to pedagogic research", "Methodology and
techniques of problem-based research", and "Problem-based education".
E-mail: IBryzgalova@kantiana.ru
Professor Tatiana Grebenyuk – Professor, Doctor of Education
In 2000, she defended her Doctoral thesis with the title "The
Development of the Personality of a Would-be Educator during Professional
Training". She is a Certified founder of the School of Thought "Pedagogy of
a Personality" (certificate 00162 (2008) on conferral of an Honorary Title
"Founder of the School of Thought "Pedagogy of a Personality"). The
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textbook "Learning Theory" (M., 2003) written by Grebenyuk O.S. and
Grebenyuk T.B. became widely known. Professor T. Grebenyuk is a member
of the Dissertation Council D 212.084.03 at the IKBFU.
The research interests are in the issues of the pedagogy of a personality,
competence approach, and integration processes in education.
Professor T. Grebenyuk has published approximately 200 research works.
The disciplines taught at the IKBFU: "Current issues of science and
education, including laboratory manual", "Theoretical foundations of
development of information competence ", "Pedagogy of a personality", and
"Methodology of psychological and pedagogic research".
E-mail: TGrebeniuk@kantiana.ru
Professor Svetlana Konyushenko - Professor, Doctor of Education
Science, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics.
In 2005, she defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Development of the
Information Culture of an Educator within the System of Continuing
Professional Education".
The research interests are as follows: information resources; information
technologies; technology support of information systems; information culture;
theory and technology of elaboration of electronic education resources; and
pedagogic design. In the area of the personality's information culture, she
deals with the issues of the use of information technologies in education, with
the elaboration of techniques of formalized elaboration of information
products, and of technologies of electronic resources elaboration.
Professor S. Konyushenko has published 122 works.
The disciplines taught at the IKBFU: Pedagogic and information
technologies in education, Theoretical foundations of development of
information competence, Processing and interpretation of scientific data,
Information technologies in professional activities including laboratory
manual, Psychological and pedagogic interaction in modern information and
education environment, and Fundamentals of pedagogic design of educational
E-mail: SKoniushenko@kantiana.ru
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Professor Alla Matushak (Prisyazhnaya) – Professor, Doctor of
Education Science.
In 2006, she defended her doctoral thesis with the title "Pedagogic
Forecasting in the System of Continuing Pedagogic Education (Methodology,
Theory, Practice)". Professor A. Matushak supervises PhD theses. She is a
prizewinner of the all-Russian contest "Best Scholarly Book of the Year 2005,
2006", established by the Foundation of Development of National Education
(Sochi), in the nomination "Psychology and Education Science".
The research interests are as follows: forecasting results of learning,
forecasting competence of schoolchildren and students; forecasting as a
function of an educator; current theories of mentoring, intercultural education,
poly-cultural education, and innovative approaches in teaching foreign
Professor A. Matushak has published over 100 research works.
E-mail: AMatushak@kantiana.ru
Professor Elena Mychko – Professor, Doctor of Education Science,
Head of the Department of Education Science and Education Technologies.
In 2002, she defended her Doctoral thesis with the title "PracticeOriented Technologies of Development of Educator's Communicative
Culture". Professor E. Mychko supervises PhD theses. She is a member of the
Dissertation Council D 212.084.03 at the IKBFU.
The research interests are in the issues of psychological readiness of the
would-be educators for working with children, the development of
professional pedagogic culture in students, and pedagogic and psychological
support of the participants of the education process.
Professor E. Mychko has published approximately 100 research works.
The disciplines taught at the IKBFU: "Higher school didactics", "Philosophy
of education and science", "Methodology and techniques of scientific
investigation", and "History of pedagogics and education".
E-mail: EMychko@kantiana.ru
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Professor Valentina Yunovidova (Dubinina) - Doctor of Education
Science, Professor of the Department, academic title – Associate Professor.
Expert of Public Education, Honoured Educator of Mariy-El Republic.
In 2010, she defended her Doctoral thesis with the title "Pedagogic
Readiness of a Teacher-Researcher for the Diagnostic and Technological
Activities within the System: Higher Education Institution – Internship
Training Course". Professor V. Yunovidova supervises PhD theses.
The research interests are connected with professional training of a
teacher-researcher within the system of continuing pedagogic education.
Professor V. Yunovidova has published over 100 research works.
The disciplines taught at the IKBFU: "The development of
psychologically comfortable and safe education environment", "Theoretical
fundamentals of competence approach in higher education", "Fundamentals
of pedagogic research" and others.
E-mail: VDubinina@kantiana.ru
European Business School
The International system of European Business Schools - EBSI
International) was established in 1965.
It comprises more than a dozen
throughout Europe – namely in Madrid,
Dublin, Milan, Munich, and also in the
USA and China. The Head School that
determines the education policy of
Business education is located in Paris.
In Kaliningrad, its equal partner is the European Business School of the
Being a constituent part of the University, the European Business School
is successfully implementing its major study area – "Economics",
specialization "World economy". This is the only in the region curriculum of
economic specialization that is implemented in two languages at the same
Single University catalogue (glossary):
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time that enables the graduates to apply the acquired skills in their
professional activities at an adequate level.
The unique character of the school manifests itself, first and foremost, in
the appropriate combination of European and Russian curricula. The system is
built in such a way that the students in their third and fourth years of
education go to study abroad. During a term, students meet and study together
with students from different countries: French, Spanish, Italians and other
bearers of different cultures thus
enriching their vocabulary and
receiving an invaluable life
The Russian curriculum is
based on the national standards of
higher education. These include
the mandatory studying of
advanced mathematics, history,
legal studies, and other general scientific and general professional subjects.
The aim of the European Business School of the IKBFU is to train
qualified and competitive economists-managers who are to be able to work at
the 21st century enterprises.
The European Business School enrolls applicants to the full-time and
part-time (distant) courses of study within the curriculum "Economics",
specialization "World economy", and also on Master's degree courses: 1)
"Economics", programme "European economics and entrepreneurship", 2)
"Management", programme "Innovative systems of business development".
The history of establishment and development:
The European Business School as a higher education institution started
functioning in Kaliningrad in 1994 implementing the programme "World
In 2011, the EBS became part of the IKBFU as its structural unit.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Head's biography
Dr Varvara Altunina - Doctor of Education
Science, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate
Professor - Director of the European Business
Was born on April 24, 1975.
1997-2001 - full-time PhD course, specialism
"Economics and management of the national
2004-2007 - full-time Doctoral course,
specialism "Theory and methods of professional
2003-2011 - Rector of the "Institute European
Business School-Kaliningrad"
2011- present - Director of the European Business School of the IKBFU.
Dr V. Altunina teaches the following courses: "Industrial management",
"Economics", "Management", "Organizational theory", "Managerial
Dr V. Altunina has published 72 works including research articles and
tutorials, and in the past five years she has published 40 research works and
five collected books of teaching materials.
E-mail: VAltunina@kantiana.ru
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Scientific and Research Laboratories of the Immanuel Kant Baltic
Federal University
Laboratory of Coherent and Optic Measuring Systems
Head: Dr Igor Alekseenko
For conducting research, the Laboratory is equipped with up-to-date
laser stations INNOLAS, COHERENT, and PLASMA. They can function
both in continuous and in pulsed modes of emission make up. The wavelength
range is from infrared (1064 nm) to ultraviolet (325 nm). Also, the Laboratory
has advanced digital tools for optical information detection that differs
depending on the sensitivity to the radiated spectrum, resolution and the
image capture rate.
The areas of scientific activities:
• the development of optic techniques of nondestructive inspection of
behaviour of physical objects of various spatial scale;
• techniques of holographic microscopy;
• the development of algorithms of dynamic visualization of optical
• the development of techniques of measuring movements of nanometer
• the development of new measuring systems using optical techniques of
nondestructive inspection;
• conducting interdisciplinary research in medicine, biology, applied
optics, applied mechanics, mathematical modelling and digital holographic
interferometry; and
• the development of prototypes of facilities of optical nondestructive
Dr Igor Alekseenko
was born in 1972 in Yuzhnouralsk of Chelyabinsk Oblast. In 1995, he
graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Kaliningrad State University within
the specialism "Radiophysics and Electronic Engineering"; in 2006, Dr I.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
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Alekseenko completed a PhD course at the Immanuel Kant State University
of Russia. From 1998 until 2002 and from 2004 until 2008 he worked in the
capacity of an Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Radiophysics of the
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
In the period from 2002 until 2004 and from 2008 until 2011 he was a
Researcher of the Laboratory of Coherent Measurements at the Institute of
Optical Engineering (University of Stuttgart, Germany).
Since 2012, Dr I. Alekseenko has been working at the Immanuel Kant
Baltic Federal University; he is Head of the Laboratory "Coherent and Optic
Measuring Systems".
The research interests are as follows:
Holographics, holographic interferometry and microscopy, digital
holography, optical nondestructive inspection, and the application of optical
technologies in Medicine.
Laboratory of Molecular-Genetic Technologies
Head: Dr Ilya Mazunin
The laboratory activities are
aimed at the development of
technologies of introducing alterations
in the structure of the cell genetical
The main equipment of the
• high-performance
synthesizer of DNA/RNA of the ASM-2000 model;
• a unit for the oligonucleotides purification OPS-1000;
• hardware and software package for conducting digital amplification of
nucleic acids comprising of the following:
-a system for conducting digital amplification of nucleic acids
-a device for heat induction "Heat sealer"; and
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-a thermocycler for the nucleic acids amplification T100 Thermal
• a system for researching nucleic acid sequence comprising of:
- hardware and software package for preparing samples and analyzing
nucleotide sequences SET Applied Biosystems/Beckman Coulter/Labconco;
-a system of simultaneous genetic analysis of 48 samples (Analyser
3730), Applied Biosystem.
Dr Ilya Mazunin
In 2006, he graduated from Chelyabinsk State University specializing in
"Genetics"; in 2010 Dr. I. Mazunin completed a PhD course at the Institute of
Cytology and Genetics of the RAS Siberian Branch (Novosibirsk) under the
specialism "Molecular Genetics".
The research interest:
Techniques of detecting mutations in DNA and approaches to DNA
At the IKBFU, Dr I. Mazunin for two years has been carrying out
research into the area of mitochondrial human genetics. On the basis of
molecular and genetic technologies, Dr I. Mazunin is developing the
techniques of molecular and genetic diagnosis of mitochondrial DNA
mutations which are associated with particular diseases, first of all, with a
wide range of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative impairments. Dr I.
Mazunin is a grant holder for the implementation of the project "The
Development of the Test System on the Basis of the Technology of Next
Generation Sequencing for the Molecular Diagnosis of Mitochondrial
Impairments" aimed at the development of the technique of determination of
absolute count of mutations in mitochondrial DNA.
Laboratory of Optical Radiation
Head: Dr Dmitry Shitts
The Laboratory researchers have developed a dual-channel high-voltage
power supply with regulation of out stabilized voltage within the range from 131
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40 000 to +40 000 Volts. Also, the
researchers have invented a facility of
narrowband ultraviolet radiation which can
be applied in modern medicine, for example,
in the treatment of skin diseases, in the area
photochemical reactions) and biology (in
stimulating plant growth). Besides, such a device will be useful in the
disinfection of air, surfaces and liquids, and also in industry (decomposition
of industrial waste, thin-film deposition, photopolymerization, and
The main areas of Laboratory activities:
• the reception of spontaneous narrowband radiation within the optical
range of wave lengths and studying the interaction of the narrowband
radiation and matter;
• the development of portative and efficient sources of narrowband
ultraviolet light for the phototreatment of skin diseases, photoreactors, and
also laboratory and industrial facilities where powerful ultraviolet radiation is
required; and
• the development of powerful pulse power sources, including high
Dr Dmitry Shitts
Was born in 1974 in Tomsk Oblast. In 1998 Dr D. Shitts graduated from
Tomsk State University specializing in "Optics"; in 2003 he completed a PhD
course of Tomsk State University specializing in "Optics". From 1998 until
2003, he worked as an Engineer at the Laboratory of Optical Radiation of the
Institute of High-Current Electronics of the RAS Siberian Branch in Tomsk.
From 2003 until 2008, Dr D. Shitts was a Junior Researcher, a Researcher and
a Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Optical Radiation at the Institute of
High-Current Electronics of the RAS Siberian Branch in Tomsk. Since 2013,
he has been Head of the Laboratory of Optical Radiation at the Innovation
Park of the IKBFU.
The research interests are:
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Sources of spontaneous radiation based on gas discharge and their
application; and high-voltage power supplies for the gas-discharge light
sources.Zainteresowania naukowe:
Źródła promieniowania spontanicznego na podstawie kategorii gazowej i
ich zastosowanie; wysokonapięciowe źródła zasilania dla rozładowania źródeł
Laboratory of Digital Techniques of Data Processing
Head: Professor Valery Pakhotin
The subjects of scientific research are connected with the development
of a new technology of signal
processing in the systems of detection
and ranging, position measurement,
navigation, in communication systems,
in frequency and angle spectroscopy,
in atomic and nuclear spectroscopy, in
optics, in the sphere of image
processing, in the field of detection and
ranging of objects with the help of aircrafts, and in medicine.
The major achievement: the Laboratory researchers have developed a
new technology of signal processing based on the consideration of the vector
difference between the received message vector and the signal copy vector.
The new technology removes the fundamental restrictions, connected with the
Rayleigh criterion and with the Shannon's theorem on the communications
system capacity. The new technology of signal processing allows to perform
the following:
•increase from five- to ten-fold the resolution capability of equipment
complexes compared to Rayleigh resolution,
•remove temporal and spatial interference with the correlation factor
regarding the signal reaching the value of 0.9, and
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•increase the message transmission rate in communication systems 2-5
times compared to the limiting transmission speed (by Shannon).
Professor Valery Pakhotin
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor.
Was born in 1942 in Kurchumsky district, East Kazakhstan Oblast. In
1971, he graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology under
the specialism 210302 "Radioengineering". In 1980, Professor V. Pakhotin
completed a PhD course at the Institute of Earth Magnetism, Ionosphere and
Radio-Wave Propagation of the USSR AS. In 1993, he was awarded the
academic degree of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics at the USSR Council
of Ministers.
The research interests are - radio-engineering, radiophysics, radio-wave
propagation, digital signal processing, and effective signal processing.
The subjects taught: Asymptotic techniques in the theory of radio-wave
propagation; Classical problems of diffraction theory; Techniques of optimal
reception; Optimal reception and processing of signals; Fundamentals of radio
detection and location; and Current issues of radiophysics;
Professor V. Pakhotin has carried out research within the scientific area
"Radio-wave propagation and digital techniques of information processing" at
the IKBFU since 1980.
Laboratory of Genomic and Proteomic Research
Head: Dr Vitaly Kasymov
equipment gives the researchers an
opportunity to analyze the majority of
genome performance indices. The
facilities can be used for both scientific
and applied research.
The main activity areas:
- genomics, proteomics, molecular biomedicine;
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- immunology;
- cell technologies;
- bioinformatics and medical statistics; and
- non-clinical assessment of pharmaceutical preformulations.
The Laboratory possibilities:
Identification of the target fragment of nucleic acids;
Quantitative analysis of a target fragment;
Analysis of gene expression;
Analysis of point and systemic mutations;
Analysis of allelic polymorphism;
Genetic screening;
Analysis of DNA methylation status;
Comparative genotyping; and
Gene therapy.
The technologies developed by the Laboratory are as follows:
Technologies of routine analyses on the basis of quantitative
estimation of small interfering RNA.
Technologies of routine analyses on the basis of determining the status
of DNA methylation.
Technologies of correction of genetic disorders in in vitro fertilisation.
Genetically engineered antitumor vaccines.
Head: Dr Vitaly Kasymov
Dr V. Kasymov graduated from Tashkent State University. After
graduation, he came to the Centre for
Biological and Medical Investigations in
Pushchino where he completed a Master's
course, and a PhD course and was awarded
the academic degree of Candidate of
Biological Sciences.
The research interests are in the
interaction of neurons and astrocytes in the
cerebrum. The staff of the Laboratory of Genomic and Proteomic Research is
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
planning to develop both optogenetic and chemistry-genetic techniques. "If
special virus elements are introduced in the brain, we can influence the
astrocytes which will reveal either photosensible ion channels or special
In 2014, Dr V. Kasymov received a grant for the development of the
technology of managing brain cells.
Laboratory of Immunology and Cell Biotechnologies
Head: Professor Larisa Litvinova
The main areas of the Laboratory scientific research:
- studies of molecular and cellular mechanisms of development of
metabolic syndrome ingredients: obesity, pancreatic diabetes, endothelial
dysfunction, and arterial hypertension;
- the development of highly-efficient techniques of cellular therapy of
musculoskeletal system disorders (dislocations, dysplasia, and sprains) for the
use in veterinary medicine; and
- cellular and humoral regulation of the processes of activation,
differentiation and self-maintenance of immune
memory cells.
The Laboratory possibilities:
cryoconservation of the organism cells (monolayer,
suspension cell cultures);
The determination of functional cell
The quantitative analysis of cytokines
in different body fluids (serum, plasma, cell culture
The determination of membrane-associated and solvable forms of
cytokine receptors;
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The determination of the level of antigens and antibodies in
blood serum;
The analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of
peripheral blood;
The comprehensive study of the hemostasis system; and
The analysis of aggregatograms (monitoring of anticoagulant
Professor Larisa Litvinova
was born in 1975. In 1999, Professor L. Litvinova graduated (degree
with honours) from the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the Siberian State
Medical University with the qualification of Doctor-Biochemist. In 2002, she
defended a Candidate's thesis with the title: "The Cytogenetic of Peripheral
Blood Lymphocytes in Children with Glandular Fever". From 2004 until 2007,
Professor L. Litvinova took a full-time Doctoral course at the Department of
Pathophysiology of the Siberian State Medical University. In 2007, she
defended her Doctoral thesis with the title: "Mechanisms of Disregulation of
Cooperation of Eosinophils and Immunocytes in High Eosinophil Count".
Since 2008 until the present day, she has been Head of the Laboratory of
Immunology and Cell Biotechnologies of the IKBFU.
The research interests are in current issues of cellular and molecular
biology, molecular medicine, and immunology.
Professor L. Litvinova has published over 120 scientific works in the
area of current issues of molecular medicine and pathophysiology; among
those more than 60 articles are published in the leading peer-reviewed
Russian journals. She has been head and co-author of over 20 federal grants,
in particular, she is Winner of the Contest for state support of young scientists
– Candidates of Sciences (2007-2008) and Doctors of Sciences (2012-2013).
Laboratory "Clinical Pharmacology"
Head: Dr Svetlana Babak
The Laboratory possibilities:
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-Conducting therapeutic drug monitoring;
-The determination of the character of interaction of the complex
components drug-protein;
- The determination of the constitutional formula of the unknown target;
- The determination of the bioaccessibility of the medicinal agent in a
particular organism;
-The identification of reasons of emergence of adverse concurrent
reactions in the course of medicamentous therapy;
-The analysis of oligonucleotide replacements;
- The analysis of the activity of multidrug transporters; and
- Forecasting pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of medications
on the basis of pharmacogenetic assessment;
The Laboratory has organised the Baltic School on Clinical
Major facilities:
- a facility for the analysis of medicinal substances and their metabolites
with the use of highly-efficient tenuous chromatograph Agilent 1200 with the
triquadrupole mass-spectrometer detector Agilent 6940; and
- a programmable waterbath with the top temperature margin of 200
Dr Svetlana Babak
In 2002, she defended her Candidate's thesis entitled "The
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Chronic Viral Hepatitis Types
В and С"; in 2004, the academic title of an Associate Professor was awarded.
Until 2011, Dr S. Babak worked at Mechnikov St. Petersburg State Medical
Academy in the capacity of Head of the Clinical Pharmacology curriculum.
She is a member of the Russian Professional Association of Clinical
Pharmacologists and of the European Association of Clinical
Pharmacologists; Dr S. Babak organised in the Kaliningrad Oblast a regional
branch of the Russian Professional Association of Clinical Pharmacologists;
she supervises pharmacovigilance (gathering and analyzing information on
the development of adverse drug reactions). Dr S. Babak has published over
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70 scientific works; she has participated in the development of the National
Guidance on Clinical Pharmacology (2009 and 2012).
Laboratory "Analytical and Numerical Simulation of Physical
Head: Professor Sergey Kshevetsky
The main areas of scientific activities are as follows: the development of
mathematical methods and software applications for solving applied physical
and engineering problems; the application of developed mathematical models
and software applications for simulating and studying physical processes in
the atmosphere, in solar plasma and in the ocean; and computer-aided
calculations in nanotechnologies.
The developed mathematical techniques and computer technologies are
used at the Institute for the Physics of the Atmosphere of RAS, at the Institute
of Earth Magnetism and Radio-Wave Propagation of RAS, at the Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research of the MSU, at the Scientific-Research Institute
of Physics of the SPbSU, and at Gdansk Polytechnic Institute (Poland). The
Laboratory is closely collaborating with the above institutions, and running
joint scientific and technological projects.
Professor Sergey Kshevetsky
was born in 1956. In 1978, he graduated from Kaliningrad State
University specializing in "Physics". In 1985, Professor S. Kshevetsky
completed a PhD course under the specialism 01.04.02 - Theoretical physics
at Zhdanov Leningrad State University. The title of the candidate's thesis is
"The Nonlinear Dispersion of Internal Gravitational Waves in the Atmosphere
". In 2004, he completed a Doctoral course under the specialisms 25.00.29 Physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere, 01.01.03 - Mathematical physics,
and defended his Doctoral thesis with the title "Theory and Numerical
Simulation of Propagation and Destruction of Internal Gravitational Waves in
the Atmosphere".
The research interests are as follows:
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Mathematical modelling of non-linear physical processes, physics of the
atmosphere, computational calculations, and nanotechnologies.
Laboratory for Risk Analysis, Simulation and
Head: Dr Efim Fidrya
Objectives of the Laboratory:
The research of risks of socio-political, international and interethnic
tension, of criminal situation, their interrelation with social, economic,
demographic and migration factors.
The research of risks in the sphere of health of the Oblast's population,
the analysis of the interrelation of the socio-demographic and economic
parameters and the population's morbidity, and simulation and forecasting of
epidemiological processes.
The development of forecasts and elaboration of recommendations on
the regulation of socio-political risks.
Carrying out intra- and interorganisational research for studying the
micro-sociological aspects of social unrest and risks of intraorganisational
Inter-country and inter-regional comparative studies into risk factors.
The development of the system of risk monitoring and forecasting.
Conducting methodologic and project workshops for students, PhD
students, lecturers and researchers of the socio-humanitarian sphere.
Involving students to conducting experimental activities at different
stages of research and development activities.
Dr Efim Fidrya
Was born in 1981 in Magadan. In 2003, Dr E. Fidrya graduated from the
Northern International University (Magadan) under the specialism 040101
Sociology. In 2008, he completed a PhD course at the Institute of SocioPolitical Studies of RAS.
Dr E. Fidrya has been working at the IKBFU since 2010.
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The research interests are in simulating social processes, economic
sociology, sociology of uncertainty and risk, concept of multiple forms of
capital, sociology of the social space, and the theory of conventions.
Head of the Laboratory, Candidate of Sociology. Dr E. Fidrya is a member of
the Russian Society of Sociologists, European Sociological Association
(ESA), and Council of the research network RN 22 on the sociology of risks
Laboratory of the Microorganisms Genomics
Head: Dr Stepan Toshchakov
The Laboratory was established in November 2013 with a view to
developing a research area new to the
University and devoted to bioprospecting of
natural microorganisms. The research is
focused on searching and identification of
genes and encoded enzymes that can be
applied in industry.
The chief objects of the Laboratory are
microbes – extremophiles which can exist in
severe conditions of the environment that are
intolerable for living for the majority of organisms on Earth: at elevated or
subnormal temperature, and in conditions of high salinity.
The main areas of activities:
- providing services for the analysis of genomes, metagenomes and
transcriptomes by techniques of next generation sequencing;
- processing and conducting primary annotation of the data obtained; and
- providing services for consulting in the sphere of organisation of
genome laboratories and experiment design for the analysis of genetic
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The Laboratory was established in November 2013 with a view to
developing a research area new to the University and devoted to
bioprospecting of natural microorganisms. The research is focused on
searching and identification of genes and encoded enzymes that can be
applied in industry.
The chief objects of the Laboratory are microbes – extremophiles which
can exist in severe conditions of the environment that are intolerable for living
for the majority of organisms on Earth: at elevated or subnormal temperature,
and in conditions of high salinity.
The main areas of activities:
- providing services for the analysis of genomes, metagenomes and
transcriptomes by techniques of next generation sequencing;
- processing and conducting primary annotation of the data obtained; and
- providing services for consulting in the sphere of organisation of
genome laboratories and experiment design for the analysis of genetic
Laboratory of Fundamental and Applied Materials Science
Head: Professor Vladimir Leitsyn
Areas of scientific activities:
- the research into the fatigue life
and material strength fatigue in different
loading conditions (bend, stretch –
compression, and three-point bending);
nondestructive materials testing;
- X-ray high resolution computer
- the standardized and universal measurements of material hardness;
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- the research of the influence of production and processing technology
on magnetic material properties with the aim of attaining a high degree of
reproducibility of phase transformation parameters in them; and
- the elaboration on the basis of these materials of operating components
of highly-efficient straight beam transducers of heat energy and sensitive
elements of detectors and actuators.
- electrodynamic testing system – ElectroPuls E1000 with tools for
conducting periodical temperature and mechanical tests;
- microfocus X ray tomographic scanner Y.Cheetah produced by
- microhardness tester HMV G21DT, manufactured by SHIMADZU,
Vickers indenter; and
- induction furnace Ind500 manufactured by Arcast for making samples
by induction and circular smelting, temperature of no less than 2000 С.
Professor Vladimir Leitsyn
In 1975, Professor V. Leitsyn graduated from Kuibyshev Tomsk State
University within the specialism 160701 Ballistics. In 2011, he took part in
the symposium at the National Centre for Scientific Research "Democris".
The subject: 11th International Symposium on self-propagating hightemperature synthesis. In 2011, Professor V. Leitsyn undertook an in-service
training course at the Israeli Institute of Technologies. The work subject:
Biomedical materials science and engineering. In 2012 – an in-service
training course at the European Institute of Public Relations Studies. The
research subject: Innovations in university management: European aspect. In
2012, he underwent a training course at the Institute of Mechanics of Fluids
and Solids. The research subject: Special techniques of material welding and
strengthening, industrial introduction of materials obtained in the said
techniques. In 2013 - an in-service training course at Texas University. The
research subject: World trends and recent achievements in the field of selfpropagating high-temperature synthesis of modern materials.
The disciplines taught: Intellectual property, and Intellectual property in
innovation activities.
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Laboratory of Novel Magnetic Materials
Head: Dr Valeria Rodionova
Areas of scientific activities:
- non-conventional materials for the development of encoding systems
and information identification (Amorphous ferromagnetic microwires of
micron and submicron diameter, biphase microwires);
- non-conventional materials for the development of elements of
magnetic memory and logical systems (multilayer thin-film constructions,
spin- barrier layer structures, materials with enhanced perpendicular magnetic
- materials with the shape membraneless for medical applications
(magnetic coolers),
- non-conventional materials for making self-contained power supplies,
highly-sensitive sensors;
- non-conventional materials for making micro- and nano- manipulation
mechanisms and magnetic tweezers (laminates with cylindrical symmetry);
- magnetic techniques in medicine (magnetic nano-particles and a wide
range of their application in the given area).
Dr Valeria Rodionova
In 2007, Dr V. Rodionova graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State
University within the specialism 010701 Physics; in 2010, she was awarded
the academic degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Dr V.
Rodionova was involved in active scientific activities at Lomonosov Moscow
State University; she took a PhD course at the Basque Country University in
Spain; then she came to work at the IKBFU. Dr V. Rodionova supervises PhD
students in researching dynamics of domain-wall motions in nano- and microstructures that is currently important for creating memory systems or
encoding constituents; magnetic and plasmonic effects which implies the
development of magnetic sensors based on magnetic and plasmonic crystals;
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Heusler alloys (microwires and films); and two-phase magnetic wires and
nanoparticles in medicine.
The subjects taught: Condensed-matter physics, and Physics of
unordered and low-dimensional systems.
Laboratory of Highly Correlated Electronic Systems
Head: Dr
Areas of scientific research:
1) The research and development of new functional materials based on felectronic systems with anomalous properties;
2) The development of experimental methodologies of material research:
- the development of a complex for studying macroscopic properties of
materials under extreme conditions;
- the development of the methodology of studying structures of materials
and nanosystems with X ray and synchrotron techniques with the help of
anvils on the basis of metastable cubic boron nitride with the pressure of up to
200,000 atmospheres; and
- activities aimed at the development of the RF instrumentation pool for
neutron spectroscopy, the elaboration and production of neutron spectrometer
3) Research in the sphere of fundamental condensed matter physics:
highly correlated electronic systems, heavy fermions, rare-earth magnetism,
intermediate valence, neutron spectroscopy, magnetic and lattice excitations
in solids; magnetic properties of systems with singlet ground state; the effects
of crystalline electric field; structural phase transitions with electronic shell
collapse; X-ray diffraction study, synchrotron spectroscopy of valence states,
band magnetic materials, systems with spin density waves, quadrupole
ordering in 4f electronic systems; fundamental issues of actinoids, and
studying the particularities of 5f- electronic systems.
Dr Evgeny Klementiev
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Was born on April 12, 1968. Dr E. Klementiev graduated from Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the Faculty of General and
Applied Physics (FGAP); in 1994 he completed a PhD course at the above
Faculty. He is a winner of Kurchatov First Class Prize for the best scientific
work at the Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute" in 1997. Dr E.
Klementiev has published 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The areas of scientific interests: highly correlated electronic systems: heavy
fermions, rare-earth magnetism, intermediate valence, neutron spectroscopy,
magnetic and lattice excitations in solids; magnetic properties of systems with
singlet ground state; the effects of crystalline electric field; structural phase
transitions with electronic shell collapse; X-ray diffraction study, synchrotron
spectroscopy of valence states, band magnetic materials, systems with spin
density waves, quadrupole ordering in 4f electronic systems; fundamental
issues of actinoids, studying the particularities of 5f- electronic systems,
physics of high pressure, and devices and techniques for neutron scattering.
Laboratory of Functional Powder and Carbon Composite Materials
Head: Professor Aleksey Chesnokov
The Laboratory was established in 2014. It is planned to develop design
and production of new spatial and reinforced carbon-carbon and carbon
composite materials with nanoscale incorporations for obtaining special
properties of thermally-loaded parts, friction systems, medical implants and
other specialized articles. The research is going to be carried out in
collaboration with the Laboratories of the Research and Technological Park
"Fabrika", Scientific-Production Association "Fakel", Kaliningrad, in
cooperation with OJSC Scientific-Research Institute Grafit, Moscow and LLC
"Uglerod", Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk Region.
Professor Aleksey Chesnokov
Was born on February 18, 1974 in Poltava, Ukraine. From 1991 until
1996, he studied at the East Ukrainian State University (EUSU) where he
received the qualification of a mechanical engineer under the specialism
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"Metal-cutting equipment and facilities". From 1996 until 1999, Professor A.
Chesnokov took a PhD course at the above University. On completion of the
PhD course, he worked as an engineer and a Junior Researcher at the EUSU.
In 2011, he defended his thesis for the academic degree of Doctor of
Engineering under the specialism 05.07.04.
The scientific activities are connected with the development of scientific
foundations of the technological preparation of production of thermallyloaded parts from carbon-carbon composite materials, with enhancing the
efficiency of production due to lowering labour intensity, materials
consumption and energy intensity of the process regarding the manufacturing
of aircraft details.
Professor A. Chesnokov has published two monographs, over 80 scientific
works and has 12 patents of the Ukraine.
Laboratory "Magnetic Resonance Techniques of Researching
Head: Professor Galina Kupriyanova
The main areas of the Laboratory's scientific activities:
– the development of radiophysical techniques (nuclear magnetic
resonance, nuclear quadrupole resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance)
for researching various nature matter, including nanostructures, body fluids,
polymeric structures, glasses aimed at increasing the
sensitivity of signal recording, of data retrieval on
the structure and dynamics of molecular structures,
at the enhancement of the information value of
magnetic resonance techniques;
- studying magnetic and magnetic resonance
properties of multilayer nanostructures aimed at the
identification of their functional properties;
pharmaceutical drugs and synthesized organic
substances and determination of the correlation of
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magnetic resonance properties and their functional characteristics; and
- digital processing of magnetic resonance signals, enhancing sensitivity
and resolution capability of magnetic resonance techniques.
The laboratory facilities comprise the following:
1. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer Varian 400MHz with the
superconductive magnet for 9 Tesla;
2. Laboratory unit for determining NMR and NQR matter spectra with
dual NMR / NQR arm of the Apollo company.
3. Spectrometer of electron paramagnetic resonance Radiopan
functioning within the X- zone at 9 GHz frequency. An electric magnet is
used, the magnetic field value is В=1 Tesla.
Student's graduation projects as well as Master's and PhD degree's theses
are performed at the laboratory.
The Laboratory staff takes an active part in scientific conferences both in
Russia and abroad.
Professor Galina Kupriyanova
Was born on August 19, 1955 in Bykhov, Mogilev Oblast.
Professor G. Kupriyanova graduated from Kaliningrad State University
with the qualifications of Physicist, Teacher of Physics. She started working
at the University in 1985.
In 1994, Professor G. Kupriyanova defended her Candidate's thesis
under the specialism "Radiophysics". Since 1996 she worked as an Associate
Professor at the Department of Quantum Radiophysics. Professor G.
Kupriyanova completed a Doctoral course at St. Petersburg State University
in 2001-2003.
In 2004, she defended her Doctoral dissertation under the specialism
"Condensed matter physics". The subject of the doctoral thesis is "The CrossCorrelational Relaxation Spectroscopy of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in
Multipolar Spin Systems".
Professor G. Kupriyanova did her research into the issues of nuclear
magnetic resonance at Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg (Germany), in 1998
and 1999 she conducted research at the Institute of Physical Chemistry
(RWTH) in Aachen (Germany), in 2001 and 2003 - at the University of
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Leipzig (Germany), in 2003- 2004 she carried out joint research on the issues
of nuclear quadrupole resonance at the Laboratory of the Institute of RadioWave Propagation in Qingdao (China).
Laboratory of Analytical and Numerical Simulation of Non-Linear
Head: Professor Sergey Leble
The Laboratory developed the following programmes:
“Plazmat” – calculation of 2d plasma disturbance in
magnetohydrodynamics approximation.
“Hartri-Fock” – numerical solution of equations of selfconsistent Fock field by finite-difference method. Solution of problems of
transfer of energy, spin, charge in polyatomic systems.
“АНВ” – calculation of atmospheric acoustic and gravitation
disturbances. Numerical solution of problems of energy exchange between the
troposphere and upper atmosphere.
Electromagnetic scattering on cylindrical form objects.
Detection of wave disturbances. Extraction of contribution of
directional waves with targeted dispersion relationship in compound
disturbance of continuous medium.
Solution of inverse problems of diffusion equations.
Solution of inverse problems of intermolecular potential recovery
based on thermodynamic measurements data.
Professor Sergey Leble
Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Theoretical and
mathematical physics
Was born in Sretinsk, Chita Region in 1945. He finished secondary
school in Arkhangelsk. In 1968, Professor S. Leble graduated from Leningrad
State University under the specialism – Physics (Theoretical physics). In 1974,
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he defended his Candidate's thesis with the title "Theory of Elementary
Particles in Curved Spaces"; in 1987 - Doctoral Thesis entitled "Waveguided
Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in Stratified Media".
Professor S. Leble has published approximately 200 scientific works in
the sphere of theoretical and mathematical physics, and also applied
mathematics. 13 PhD students defended their theses under the supervision of
Professor S. Leble.
The major areas of scientific research:
The theory of elementary particles and quantum field theory.
Mathematical ecology.
Theory of coherent processes: polarization echo.
Theory of waves in stratified media. Waveguided propagation.
Theory of integrable systems, Darboux formations. Solitons and
Free building, boundary-layer theory.
Laboratory of Microseismic Monitoring
Head: Dr Pavel Bortnikov
Objectives of the Laboratory:
supervision of the processes of
hydrocarbon deposit development;
monitoring of the site of construction
and exploitation of electricity
generation facilities; and
- the elaboration of nondestructive techniques of assessment of
engineering status of buildings and facilities.
Subjects of scientific and research activities:
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1. “Microseismic Monitoring of oil and gas fields”;
The mobile hardware-software complex, developed at the Laboratory
for recording microseismic emission, allows to conduct data processing in a
real-time environment. The technological solutions found by the Laboratory
make it possible to speak about the establishment of such a standard
technology that can be built into the current manufacturing instructions of oil
recovery. The distinctive features of the technology is its high mobility, fast
time of deployment, high-resolution capability, low cost of reception, transfer
and processing of microseismic data.
2. “The development and implementation of technologies of
microseismic monitoring of construction and exploitation site of electricity
generation facilities”.
For controlling the engineering status of hydraulic engineering structures,
the specialists have developed and installed an automatized system of
earthquake record and the dam engineering status monitoring at Krasnoyarsk
The system allows to perform an unlimited number of monitoring
sessions daily.
Laboratory of X-ray Optics
Head: Dr Anatoly Snigirev
The primary key theoretical objective of the Laboratory is the
foundations and models of functioning
of X-ray and optical tools based on
nanostructured elements of second
lifetime, and the main experimental
objective is conducting a complete set
of structural, phase, morphological
and other kinds of research of physical
and chemical properties of various
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origin nanostructured elements of second lifetime with a view to creating
diffraction optics constituents on the basis of the least radiopaque, the most
resistant and functional materials. The further objectives within the
development of the said technology in the experimental area are connected
with obtaining PRDS based on the chosen materials, conducting their
functional research and creation of hardening and cover coatings for them.
Dr Anatoly Snigirev
Scientific Head of the research area "Coherent Optics"
Research interests are as follows: coherent X-ray optics and microscopy:
phase contrast, holographics and interferometry; the development of
refracting and diffraction optics for the hard rays X-ray microscopy.
Citation index: 3700
Hirsch index: 32
Scientific works:
- "Thin-Film Cover Coatings of Beryllium Windows and Lenses for
Powerful Sources of X-Radiation";
- "Laminated Structure of ZrOx/SiO2 Type as a Testing Object for the
High-Resolution X-Ray Microscopy";
- "The Issue of Refractive X-Ray Optics Metrology"; and
- "High-Resolution X-Ray Diffractometry with 1D and 2D Refracting
Laboratory of 3-D Seismic Survey and Inverse Problems of Wave
Head: Dr Leonid Pestov
Objectives of the Laboratory:
- the development of techniques, algorithms and software for the
exploration and prospecting of accumulation of hydrocarbons based on
scattered seismic waves, isolated from the seismic 2D and 3D data; and
- the development of techniques, algorithms and software for simulating
wavefields in 2D and 3D modular-nonuniform and stratified media.
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Research activities:
1. The development of techniques of direct exploration and prospecting
of accumulation of hydrocarbons with unconventional collectors based on
scattered seismic waves and their practical testing (in collaboration with the
Laboratory of complex techniques of geological simulation of oil deposits).
A large-scale experimental and methodological testing of the developed
technique of processing seismic data 3D MOGT is carried out. The techniques
are aimed at the identification and mapping (based on seismic data) in
sedimentary deposits and basement rocks, areas with increased filtrationcapacity properties connected with jointing, cavernosity and karsting of rock
Inverse problems of wave processes and problems of beam
Techniques are developed for the determination of hyperbolic equations
coefficients by end data and a numerical modelling has been conducted.
Laboratory of Geological Simulation
Head: Dr Leonid Starikov
The chief objective of the Laboratory is carrying out scientific
investigations and solving topical applied scientific and research as well as
design and experimental works including the following:
Comprehensive interpretation of geologic-geophysical data and
prospecting of new oil and gas deposits.
The development, testing and introduction of new methods of
analysis of geologic-geophysical data.
Comprehensive geological simulation of hydrocarbon deposits
and geological processes with a view to elaborating new prognostic
prospecting criteria and enhancement of the efficiency of reserve recovery.
The objectives of the Laboratory are as follows:
- The development of a new technique of direct search and prospecting
of hydrocarbon deposits with unconventional collectors on scattered seismic
waves and its practical testing (in collaboration with the Laboratory of
complex techniques of geological simulation of oil deposits); and
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- the development of a revolutionary pattern of studying hydrocarbon
deposits, taking into consideration all the available geological and
geophysical data that allows to develop deposits with ultimate efficiency.
Laboratory of Communication Technologies,
Systems of Monitoring and Telemetry
Head: Dr Anton Kozlov
Objective of the Laboratory - the development and introduction of the
- advanced information technologies for the high-efficiency data
processing, its storage and high-rate transfer through computer
telecommunications networks;
- software products, information systems, communication facilities,
electronic facilities, computing tools, automatic equipment, hardware,
software and methodological facilities;
- servicing works and services of maintenance of computer equipment,
office machines and equipment, and communications and data transmission
- design, production and operation and maintenance of
telecommunication networks, automatized systems, centres, connections and
systems of communication; and
- technical protection of confidential data.
Subjects of scientific and research activities:
1. Studies in the area of information security and protection in
telecommunication and computing systems in the course of geophysical data
2. Research in the field of virtualization and cloud computing.
Laboratory of Virtual Technologies
Head: Dr Lyudmila Alsynbaeva
Objectives of the Laboratory:
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 The organization of scientific research into the application of computer
virtual technologies in different spheres of society activities: science,
education, business, manufacturing etc.
 The development and customization of software for the organization of
virtual education on the basis of technologies of 3D simulation, virtual reality
and 3D multiuser virtual worlds.
 The development of web-resources and digital educational content for
the systems of electronic education based on current internet technologies and
virtual reality.
 The participation in international, federal, regional and municipal
programmes in the area of computer virtual technologies and electronic
The Laboratory staff possesses considerable experience of creating
virtual educational environments, including those for distant learning and
electronic support of traditional learning and teaching, of the implementation
of distant education projects for wider population, and of the elaboration of
socially-customized electronic courses.
Dr Lyudmila Alsynbaeva
Was born in 1954. She graduated from Novosibirsk State University in
1976 specializing in "Mathematics" and "Applied Mathematics".
In 1997, Dr L. Alsynbaeva was awarded the academic degree of
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics within the specialism 05.13.16 –
"Application of computational tools, mathematical modelling and
mathematical techniques in scientific research (information science)". In 2004,
she was awarded the academic title of an Associate Professor.
The sphere of research interests comprises the following:
The technologies of development and application of multiuser virtual
education systems, education content customization, models of multi-level
specialist training for the sphere of professional education.
Dr L. Alsynbaeva has published over 100 research works and textbooks.
At present, she is Head of the Laboratory of Virtual Technologies of the
Scientific-Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical
Geophysics of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University.
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Laboratory of Earth's Remote Sensing (ERS) Data Monitoring and
Head: Dr Arkady Evtyushkin
Objectives of the Laboratory:
- primary processing of ERS data coming from Russian and foreign
natural-resources satellites;
- data archiving, data bank filing;
- catalogue and database management providing multiuser access to the
staff of the Institute and units of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University;
- distribution of ERS data and results of their thematic processing; and
- carrying out scientific and research as well as production works for the
development of technologies of monitoring of the condition of natural and
manmade objects with the use of optical and radar ERS data and quasisynchronous subsatellite experiments on testing fields.
Scientific and research works:
The development of information technologies of thematic processing,
cataloguing the representation of ERS data and other geographicallyreferenced data.
Dr Arkady Evtyushkin
Graduated from Altaian State University in 1988.
In 1988-89, he was an intern researcher at Moscow State University.
In1989, he took an in-service training course at the firm ROBOTRON, GDR.
In 1989-2003, Dr A. Evtyushkin worked in the capacity of Head of Sector of
image processing of the CISTa of Altaian State University. In 2003-2011, he
was Leading Research Associate of Yugor Scientific-Research Institute of
Information Technologies, Khanty-Mansyisk. He is the author of 240
publications. Hirsch index in the Russian Science Citation Index is 11.
The sphere of research interests is as follows: synchronous subsatellite
experiments, thematic processing of ERS data from the outer space in optical
and radiofrequency ranges, satellite radar interferometry, and geographic
information systems.
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The major subsatellite projects:
MCKP "Nature", space station "MIR"module, 1992-1999. "NaukaNASA", site E-80 Altai of missions Space Shuttle "SIR-C" - STS-59 and 68
(April and October, 1994), "SRTM" - STS-99 (February, 2000). RussianAmerican project "Validation of Crop Productivity Assessments in Russia and
Kazakhstan", 1998-2002. ESA Cat-1 "Agricultural applications of remote
sensing in West Siberia", 2006-2010. JAXA "Detection of earth surface
displacements in area of intensive oil production by radar interferometry",
2007-2008. JAXA "Study of topography and geology of the Baikal region
using optical and radar ALOS data", 2009-2011.
Laboratory of Geographic Information Intelligent Analysis
Head: Kamil Alsynbaev
Objectives of the Laboratory:
- the creation of geographic information systems;
-the execution of scientific and applied works on the assessment of the
condition of natural and manmade objects on the basis of Earth's Remote
Sensing data, data of ground measurements and other data sources; and
- supporting modern geographic information technologies in the interests
of other Laboratories of the Institute and the IKBFU units.
Subjects of scientific and research activities:
"Research in the area of integration of geographic information,
3D- and virtual technologies"; and
2. "Development of grid services of storage, processing and visualization
of ERS data for monitoring hydrocarbon production".
Laboratory of Immunohistochemical and Pathoanatomical
Head: Professor Larisa Volkova
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The Laboratory conducts comprehensive diagnosis research in the course
of examination of patients with cancers (in particular, those with breast
cancer), women with gynaecologic
impairment, infertility and habitual
Different research techniques are
used in the Laboratory, including
both traditional pathohistological
immunohistochemical identification
of various antigens in tissular and
cellular structures in histologic sections with the help of specific antibodies.
The Immunohistochemical techniques are used in scientific and research
activities and clinical practice for the diagnosis of oncological diseases,
infections, and connective-tissue diseases.
The Laboratory is the first in the Oblast to introduce in the clinical
practice a number of modern diagnostic techniques that are used in the
examination of patients with breast cancer.
The Laboratory of Immunohistochemical and Pathoanatomical
Diagnosis was established at the IKBFU at the initiative of Larisa Volkova,
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, and Academician of the Russian Academy of
Natural History. She moved to Kaliningrad on the invitation of the University
in 2012 from Kursk. At the IKBFU, L. Volkova is Professor of the
Department of Basic Medicine where she teaches pathologic anatomy.
Laboratory of Information and Education Technologies
Head: Dr Aleksandr Petrushchenkov
The Laboratory was established with a view to enhancing teachers'
competences in the field of IТ-technologies, studying and researching current
issues of application of information and education technologies, and
introduction of new educational forms. The Laboratory staff conduct courses
on the development of information competence of students, organise
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corporate education and consultancy in the sphere of information technologies,
introduce information and education technologies in educational institutions
of the city and the Oblast within the two programmes of the project "1C:
Teletesting": "Proforientator" and "Subject computer testing".
The Laboratory carries out research in the area of solving problems of
elaboration and implementation of new education technologies on the basis of
enlarging information and telecommunication possibilities for enhancing the
qualification of the academic staff and improving teaching and learning at the
Higher School of Education Science.
The major scientific activity areas are as follows:
- the formation of personality's information culture at educational
- the development of information competence of a teacher within the
system of continuing professional education;
- the introduction of information and education technologies to the
process of training Bachelors; and
- the information content elaboration and rendering technical support of
the electronic library of educational experience.
Laboratory of Inclusive Education
Head: Dr Natalia Starovoit
The main objectives of the Laboratory activities are the following:
Carrying our practice-oriented research into the issues of
inclusive education at all the levels and the development of techniques and
tools of psychological and pedagogic assistance to the education process
subjects in conditions of pre-school, general and higher professional
education; and
The validation of research results and findings.
The key areas of practice-oriented research are:
• the analysis of the situation in the sphere of educating children and
young people with disabilities, scientific development of approaches to
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solving the problems of inclusive higher education, creation of accessible
conditions for the education of students with disabilities at the University;
• scientific and methodological and consultancy support to educational
institutions involved in solving problems of creating conditions for receiving
pre-school, general and professional education by children and young people
with disabilities; and
• educational – participation in the elaboration of educational
programmes of training and in-service training of staff in the sphere of
inclusive education.
Dr Natalia Starovoit
Was born on September 17, 1967 in Pionersky, the Kaliningrad Oblast.
From 1985 until 1989, she studied at Kaliningrad State University
specializing in "Pedagogy and teaching methods in primary education"; the
qualification "Primary School teacher" (degree with honours).
On September 1, 1989 Dr N. Starovoit started working at Kaliningrad
State University at the Faculty of Education Science. From 1992 until 1995,
she took a full-time PhD course at the Department of Pedagogy and
Psychology of Kaliningrad State University. In 1995, Dr N. Starovoit
defended her thesis for degree of Candidate of Education Science under the
specialism 13.00.01 — General pedagogy.
From 2001 until 2005, she studied at Moscow Open University for
Social Studies. On completion of the course, she was awarded the
qualification "Psychologist. Teacher of psychology under the specialism
"Psychology" (degree with honours).
Dr N. Starovoit has been working at the IKBFU for over 25 years,
starting from the position of an Assistant Lecturer to the Deputy Director of
the Institute of Modern Educational Technologies of the IKBFU.
Laboratory of High-Performance Computations
Head: Dr Sergey Matsievsky
The main objectives:
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- the maintenance of performance
organization of the University staff's
access to computational resources;
- the assurance of education
connected with construction of parallel
- the organization of the Centre of multiple access of a regional scale for the
access of enterprises and organizations, bodies of state administration and
- the development of modern mathematical models with the use of algorithms
of concurrent programming; and
- Russian and international cooperation.
The technical capabilities of the equipment available enable to perform
the following kinds of activities:
- physical and mathematical modelling with the use of ANSYS, Fluent
packages (gas and hydro dynamics, mechanics, electromagnetism, fast
- 3D visualization with the use of
available packages of 3D modelling and visualization; and
- testing the software for the scalability and heavy loads.
Dr Sergey Matsievsky
Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
In 1982, he graduated from Kaliningrad State University specializing in
010101 Mathematics. In 1992, Dr S. Matsievsky defended his thesis at the
Higher Attestation Commission at the UUSR Council of Ministers; was
awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. In
2011, Dr S. Matsievsky took a short in-service training course at Moscow
Institute of Physics and Technology. The subject of the work was:
Parallelizing of algorithms and programmes.
The subjects taught: The analysis of requirements to information
systems, analytical and numerical techniques of planning, information
technologies in GMU; and computer simulations.
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Laboratory of Information Protection Software and Hardware
Head: Olga Volodko
Laboratory of Information Protection Hardware
Head: Aleksandr Romanyuk
The Laboratories are fitted with
complexes of information protection in
computer systems and with special
equipment that allows to control attempts of
unauthorized access to information and to
efficiently oppose to such attempts.
Laboratory of Technologies of Rehabilitation of Persons with
Head: Dr Alla Lifintseva
The Laboratory was established in 2007 within the National project
The aim of the Laboratory is to assure conducting laboratory, practical,
and discipline training of students of various subject areas envisaged by the
curriculum: hardware, software and methodological support of sessions for
general and specialized courses including psychological trainings, general
psychological practical courses and specialized practical courses.
The additional aim of the Laboratory activities is supporting professional
students' training not envisaged by the curricula: conducting workshops and
training seminars.
The Laboratory also organizes and supports scientific and research
activities of students and the academic staff of the Department of Specialized
Psychological and Pedagogic Disciplines; does comprehensive experimental
and applied special psychological research into the Department's research area.
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Laboratory of Maritime Education and Research Centre
Head: Pavel Ivanov
The Maritime Education and Research Centre is the basing site of
offshore marine expeditions and comprehensive ecological, geomorphological
and geophysical research of the Institute of Nature Management, Spatial
Development and Urban Planning.
Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering and Modelling
Head: Aleksandr Ovodenko
The Laboratory is developing two main research areas:
1. carrying out applied and exploratory research in the area of advanced
computer technologies on the basis of a comprehensive approach uniting the
following categories of modern software:
- engineering design and 3D modelling in articles design;
- automatized engineering numerical analysis and estimation of
performance characteristics of technical objects and equipment;
- visualization and development of presentation materials by means of
computer graphics; and
- automatized preparation, systematization, storage and management of
repositories used in manufacturing processes;
2. the organisation and conducting training of engineers in skills and
techniques of professional activities in the sphere of computer design and
development, and also commercial art:
- training specialists, in particular, in architecture and construction
(architects, civil engineers, specialists of related professions), design
engineering etc. skills and techniques of professional and efficient work with
design-and-engineering software;
- the consultancy and development of recommendations on the choice
and optimal use of hardware and software for design and visualization;
- the transfer of paper copies of archived drawings to electronic form;
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- the creation of 3D representations (solid state virtual prototypes) of
design object on the basis of 2D drawings;
- the development of additional user libraries of standard and nonstandard design elements, keys etc.; and
- the visulaization of design objects (creation of photorealistic models).
Laboratory of Fine Synthesis
Head: Dr Vitaly Plemenkov
Objectives of the Laboratory:
- monitoring and analysis of the environment in a wider sense (studying
of the region's plant resources). The research into medicinal plants, their
internal structure is carried out. The Laboratory staff is involved in a
comprehensive development of techniques for the analysis: chromatography,
spectral techniques – use of modern physical techniques for analysis.
- synthesis of new compounds with pharmacophore groups, i.e. with
pharmacological activity, based on naturally occurring compounds. The
Laboratory staff extracts the essential from naturally occurring compounds,
modifies and conducts further check studies, monitors the effect of drug
plants on different microorganisms.
In 2013, the Laboratory conducted research along the area - synthesis
and determination of medical and biological activity of new substances with
latent pharmacological activity based on naturally occurring compounds
(producing drug substances of new generation).
Laboratory of Photodynamics and Photosensitizers
Head: Professor Igor Dyagterev
The Laboratory is involved in the development of techniques of
photodynamic therapy of oncological and transmissible diseases. The research
is carried out under the supervision of Professor I. Dyagterev who had
conducted similar studies in Brazil. At present, the Laboratory uses and
applies local plants for the scientific research.
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The chief scientific area of the Laboratory activities is:
- photodynamic therapy which is also called healing light. It is used to
treat skin and mucous membrane cancer.
Professor Igor Dyagterev
Professor I. Dyagterev graduated from Gubkin Institute of Chemical and
Petroleum Industry (Moscow) specializing in "Radiation chemistry". After the
graduation, he worked at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR
Academy of Sciences, whose Director had for a long time been the Nobel
prize winner, Academician Nikolay Semenov. In 1973, Professor I. Dyagterev
defended his Candidate's thesis within the specialism "Physical Chemistry";
in 1990, he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences
under the specialism "Biophysics". He continued working at the Institute of
Chemical Physics and in some time he was invited to Brazil as a Professor of
one of the leading universities where he continued the research that he had
started in Russia into the mechanisms of toxical and therapeutic action of
anticancer drugs. Professor I. Dyagterev worked in Brazil for
approximately20 years at different universities varying the sphere of scientific
research from molecular pharmacology to medical physics.
Recently, Professor I. Dyagterev has been carrying out research in the
area of photodynamic therapy studying the mode of treating oncological and a
number of transmissible diseases different from those which are mainly used
in medicine - surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
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Centres of the IKBFU
Centre for Continuing Professional Education
Director: Dr Elena Maksimenko
The Centre is the largest educational unit of
the Oblast for staff training and further training.
The aim is to offer the population the education
which will increase their chances of getting a job,
ensure a high level of social integration,
development and accumulation of human and
social capital in society.
The students on the courses acquire skills of
new kinds of professional activities that are in
demand at present. The total number of courses
comprises over 100 items aimed to meet absolutely
different needs.
The education at the Centre is conducted in the following formats:
 in-service education. On courses ranging from 16 to 250 hours,
specialists of various areas can upgrade their skills. On completion of studies,
students are awarded a certificate of in-service education of a standard form.
 occupational retraining. On completion of a course of occupational
retraining (over 250 hours) students are awarded a diploma of occupational
retraining of a standard form. The diploma confers eligibility to perform a
new kind of professional activities.
Advantages and priorities:
 short period of studies;
 flexible study schedule allowing to minimize the off work period;
 flexibility in choosing classes venue;
 use of modern interactive teaching techniques oriented at the
experience, needs, and age of the students; and
 special requirements to the teachers (possessing theoretical and
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practical experience; an ability to develop and implement education programs
on customers' requests; and skills of working with adults).
Address: 6, Frunze Street, Kaliningrad, (entrance - Law Institute, 3rd
floor, Room 25 а); tel. /fax: +7 (4012) 59-55-50; e-mail: cdo@kantiana.ru
Centre of Electronic Educational Resources
Director: Aleksey Naumov
The Centre was established on September 8, 2014 and is a structural unit
of the Department of Education Programmes and Education Policy of the
The activity areas:
 the establishment of a single integrated electronic educational
environment of the IKBFU,
 the transfer to modern techniques of students' performance assessment,
 the interaction with federal higher education institutions aimed at the
development of the electronic education site (project "Open University"),
 the improvement of teachers' working conditions due to the use of
training resources and facilities of students' performance
assessment, and
 conducting training workshops on the use of electronic educational
resources for the academic staff of the IKBFU.
Aleksey Naumov
was born on 20/03/1986 in Vorkuta. From 1993 until 2003, he studied at
Vorkuta gymnasium No 3. In 2003, A. Naumov entered the Faculty of
Mathematics of Kaliningrad State University (now the IKBFU). In 2008, he
completed the course of University studies within the specialism
"Mathematics"; in the same year he took a course of occupational retraining
under the specialism "Local network administrator" at the IKSUR (now the
In 2006, while being a 3rd year student, A. Naumov started working in
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the capacity of a research technician of the Division of Quality Management
of the Department of Education Programmes. Since 2010 he worked as a
programmer of the Division of Quality Management of the Department of
Education Programmes. Since November 2014 until the present day A.
Naumov has been working as Director of the Centre of Electronic Educational
Resources of the Department of Education Programmes and Education Policy
of the IKBFU.
Centre for Graduate Employment Assistance and Promotion of
Students' Employment
Director: Alina Aleksyuk
The Centre was established in May 2010. The aim of the Centre is the
establishment and development of the system of graduate employment
assistance, and also University students' employment assistance, their
adaptation to the labour market. The activities of the Centre are of critical
importance. The chief areas are as follows:
• contacting employers (assistance in recruitment, organisation of
meetings with students etc.), regional and municipal authorities, area
employment agencies, and public organisations;
• working with students and graduates (consultancy on the issues of
employment, assistance in searching for vacancies, in resume drawing up,
making "CV - video", and informing on the situation on the labour market
• the organisation and conducting master classes and workshops
including not only the theory of job search, but also efficient training
programmes, role plays and other practical exercise (E.g. a master class "How
to behave at a job interview", "How to write a resume" and others);
• the organisation and conducting vacancy fairs, including those in
collaboration with employment agencies, personnel departments of
enterprises, organisations and institutions of the Oblast; and
• carrying out monitoring (monitoring of graduate employment,
monitoring of employers' needs for qualified staff).
Address: 14, Nevskogo Street, building 10, 1st floor.
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employment@kantiana.ru Tel. 59-55-78, 59-55-95 (9390).
Director – Alina Aleksyuk
Tel. 8 (4012) 595 578; e-mail: AAleksiuk@kantiana.ru
Centre for Non-Linear Chemistry
Director: Professor Vladimir Vanag
The world is becoming more and more complex, and linear dependences
that we used to be satisfied with earlier cease working today. The non-linear
frame of reference is becoming more and more significant. This frame of
reference was implemented in different theories which are called Dynamical
System Theory, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complexity Theory and Catastrophe
Theory, Synergetics, Theory of Dissipative Structures Development, Chaos
Theory and Theory of Coupled Oscillators etc., and also in such widely
known notions as Chaotic Attractor, Fractals, Self-organization, Turing
structures and many others. The Centre for Non-Linear Chemistry (CNLC) is
implementing and developing those concepts relating to complex (oscillatory)
chemical systems of the type of Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction that takes
place within a structured medium. In such a medium, the self-assembly at the
nano- and micro-levels facilitates the process of self-organization at a higher
level. The Centre researchers would like to see a chemical computer as a
result of this self-organization, functioning on the principles of neural
networks (artificial intelligence) and also intelligent customizable materials.
The Centre was established in 2012 by Doctor of Physics and
Mathematics Vladimir Vanag who returned to Russia from Boston where he
worked for over 13 years. At present, the Centre for Non-Linear Chemistry is
a well-equipped laboratory where both theoretical and experimental works are
carried out. The Centre's researchers (A. Lavrova and I. Kozenkov) give
lectures on biophysics sectors connected with neurodynamics, complex
systems, mathematical modelling and current physical and chemical
The Centre for Non-Linear Chemistry maintains contacts with
Laboratories worldwide, in particular, Laboratories in Germany, Poland,
England, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Belgium and USA. Joint research is also
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done with Russian scientific centres at the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty
of Physics of MSU, LPI RAS, and the Institute of Applied Physics of RAS
(Nizhny Novgorod).
The major areas of research are:
1. Pulse related time-delayed chemical oscillators.
2. Development of dissipative structures in reaction and diffusion
systems, in particular, in Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction going on in
nanodroplets of reversed microemulsion. Intelligent materials.
3. System of coupled microoscillators. Microfluidics. Customizable
links. Neural networks. Memory. Chemical computer.
4. Compartmentalization of complex chemical systems and information
exchange between compartments.
Dr Vladimir Vanag
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor
of Biophysics
An expert in the sphere of non-linear sciences,
chemical oscillating reactions, fluctuation kinetics,
dissipative structures, theory of coupled oscillators,
self-organization and synergetics, enzymology,
photochemistry and magnetic spinning effects in
chemical reactions; he is the author of over 90
scientific articles and a monograph.
In 1985, Professor V. Vanag defended his
thesis at the Dissertation Council of Lomonosov Moscow State University
with the title “The Effect of Constant Magnetic Field on Enzymatic Reactions
of a Certain Type” and was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of
Physics and Mathematics. The degree of Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
(the defense took place at the Dissertation Council of Semenov Institute of
Chemical Physics of RAS) was awarded in 1996 for the thesis entitled
“Fluctuation Kinetics, Oscillating Reactions and Chemical Reactivities in
Macrovolume as a System of Interacting Microvolumes”.
In March 2012, Professor V. Vanag established the Centre for NonLinear Chemistry at the IKBFU. In December 2012, he was appointed
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Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Biology by the order of Rector of
the IKBFU.
Professor V. Vanag is included in the reference book Marquis Who's
Who in Science and Engineering 2011-2012 (11th edition), the Hirsch index
is 19; and the total citation number of his works (Citot) is over 1400.
Clinicodiagnostic Centre
Head Doctor: Vitaly Tupilenko
The Clinicodiagnostic Centre
(Medical centre) is a consultancy and
diagnostic unit focusing on rendering
medical services to the general
The aims are as follows: to
establish a clinical base ensuring a high
level of medical assistance with the use
of up-to-date medical equipment; to participate in the process of continuing
education, training specialists possessing skills of practical and research work.
The main objectives are the following:
Conducting preventive and curative interventions and diagnostic testing
for the staff and the students of the University;
Rendering skilled healthcare under outpatient treatment conditions to
assigned residents within the programme of compulsory medical insurance
Rendering skilled healthcare in the outpatient setting to the population of
the Kaliningrad Oblast within the programme of VMI (voluntary medical
insurance) and on a contract basis;
The development of financial and organizational mechanisms for steady
rendering medical assistance; and
The enhancement of relationship mechanisms with the Ministry of
Healthcare Service of the Oblast.
The chief activity areas are:
- the participation in activities aimed at the improvement of the process
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of specialist training in the sphere of Medicine;
- the development of the system of post graduate education within the
much-in-demand areas; and
- the establishment of study laboratories for the post-graduate continuous
education within the specialism: functional diagnostics, ultrasonic
diagnostics, molecular and cellular technologies, and genomic and proteomic
Адрес: 60, 9 Aprelya Street, Registration desk 313-339
Head Doctor of the Centre - Vitaly Tupilenko
Centre for Translation and Continuous Language Education
Director: Evgenia Nikolaenkova
The Centre for Translation and Continuous Language Education offers to
the citizens and students courses of the following foreign languages: English,
German, and French.
The training programmes are as follows:
In-service training courses (period of study 4-6 months):
- Conversational English/German/French/Swedish;
- Conference translation and interpretation (consecutive interpretation +
On successful completion of the course, the students are issued a
certificate of in-service training.
Occupational retraining courses (duration of study 1-2 years):
- Foreign language and cross-cultural communication (teaching
- Foreign language and cross-cultural communication (translation and
On successful completion of the course, the students are issued a
diploma of occupational retraining in a state-approved format.
The Centre offers courses for the preparation for international certificate
exams in English, German and French: TOEFL, IELTS, TestDaF, and DELF.
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To those willing to test their knowledge and skills in German and
to continue their education in higher education institutions in Germany, the
Centre offers an opportunity to take an exam for the international certificate
TestDaF (for the timetable visit www.testdaf.de).
Evgenia Nikolaenkova
Was born on March 31, 1985 in Murmansk. Since 2002, she has lived in
Kaliningrad. In 2002-2007 E. Nikolaenkova studied at Kaliningrad State
University; in 2006 she took an internship course at the University of Turku
(Finland); in 2007, she graduated from the IKSUR within the qualification of
a "Philologist, Teacher of English and Literature". Since 2007 E.
Nikolaenkova was a lecturer at the Faculty of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural
Communication, and also a Secretary at the Department of Theory and
Practice of Translation and Interpretation. In 2009, she was appointed
Director of the Centre for Translation and Continuous Language Education of
the IKSUR. In 2010, E. Nikolaenkova took an in-service training course
within the programme of training experts for the Unified National Exam in
Since graduation, E. Nikolaenkova has been involved in both translation
and teaching. Over 200 people have completed courses of studies at the
Centre for Translation and Continuous Language Education.
Address: 56 Chernyshevskogo Street, 3rd floor, Room 316 а
595595 (ext. 3700)
mobile +7 911 4515649 (E. Nikolaenkova)
Aviation Training Centre
Director: Dr Zoya Grinko
The Aviation Training Centre was established in 2007 within the Faculty
of Service of the Immanuel Kant State University of Russia as the
"Kaliningrad Centre for Aviation Personnel Training".
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In 2011, after renaming of the
University the Center also changed
its name and became the Aviation
Training Centre of the IKBFU.
In July 2011, the Aviation
Training Centre opened an air
ticket office at the premises of the
IKBFU which is also functioning
as a centre for training and inservice training of aviation ticket agents.
The Aviation Training Centre conducts initial training in the occupations
of flight attendants for domestic and international airlines, ticket agents
(operators) for the reservation and sales of air tickets, it trains staff for
servicing passengers at the airport within the initial training programmes and
in-service training programmes.
Training sessions are held in especially equipped classrooms using
simulators, in groups ranging from 10 to 24 students.
Mode of study - full-time.
Dr Zoya Grinko
Associate Professor with the academic degree of Candidate of Education
Was born on January 5, 1956 in Kostroma Oblast in the family of a
military man. After finishing secondary school, she took a course of studies at
the Medical College in Kaliningrad, worked at the Regional Hospital as a
nurse anesthesiologist (1974-1979). From 1979 until 2008, Dr Z. Grinko
worked at Kaliningrad air group starting from the capacity of a flight
attendant to Head of Flight Attendants Agency. In 2006, she graduated from
the IKBFU (under the specialism "Psychology"); in 2009, Dr Z. Grinko
defended her thesis and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Education
Science. In 2007, she established the Aviation Training Centre within the
Department of Service.
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Simulation Training Centre
Director: Dr Vladimir Dovgyi
The project partners are Kaliningrad Regional Clinical Hospital, Medical
Institute and Clinical Hospital of Warmia-Masuria University (Poland), and it
is implemented with the financial support of
the European Union. The main aim of the
project is the establishment of the transborder Centre for Doctors' In-Service
Training and Training Medical Students in
Kaliningrad (RF) and Olsztyn (Poland).
The Head of the Centre is Vladimir
Dovgyi, Candidate of Medical Science, and
Associate Professor of the Department of General Medicine of the Institute of
Medicine. In addition to that, the following persons actively participate in the
activities of the Centre: Head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines Dr
Igor Vaisbein, and also recent graduates of the Institute of Medicine - A.
Kraitser, V. Mengis, Z. Nashemuk, and S. Langolf.
The Simulation Training Centre is comprised of classes of endovision
surgery and emergency treatment.
One of the objectives of working with simulators is the development of a
clear algorithm of decision making, and also overriding a psychological
barrier in students regarding the critically ill patient. While working in a team
in accordance with a particular scenario of rendering urgent medical aid,
students do not only practice hand-on skills but also reveal their leadership
qualities. The obtained experience of working in a team will be useful in
every-day activities of a doctor not only in rendering medical assistance to
sick people but, if necessary, in taking the responsibility for their life.
Resource Centre (Department) of Foreign Languages
Director: Dr Natalia Andreeva
The Recourse Centre (Department) of Foreign Languages was
established in June 2013 by merging of the Department of Foreign Languages
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for Professional Purposes and the Department of Foreign Languages. Since
the academic year 2013-2014, the chief educational activity for the Centre's
staff has been teaching foreign languages (English, German, French and
Spanish) to non-linguist students of the IKBFU. The Recourse Centre
organises entrance exams in foreign languages and also final (candidate's)
exams in foreign languages for PhD students.
The Centre's staff is involved in translation and interpretation covering
various subjects. Some of the Centre's academic staff is experts in the Unified
National Exam in English and German.
Since 2008, the Kaliningrad Association of Teachers of English (KATE)
has been operating with the support of the Resource Centre. The Association
unites over 250 lecturers and teachers of English of Kaliningrad and
Kaliningrad Oblast. KATE regularly conducts methodological workshops,
round table talks and conferences involving leading Russian and foreign
experts in the sphere of linguistics and techniques of teaching English.
Another area of activities of the Resource Centre is rendering research
and methodological assistance to schools, other educational institutions of the
Oblast not only by means of organizing and conducting methodological
workshops and conferences, but also holding in-service training courses.
Thus, the Resource Centre's staff has developed an in-service training course
on testing and assessing language skills for English teachers of secondary
schools of Kaliningrad and the Oblast.
Another socially significant activity area is working with disadvantaged
children within the Programme of the USA Embassy in Moscow "Access"
under which schoolchildren get an opportunity to have free of charge lessons
of English at the University.
The Centre is involved in project (grant) activities including those within
international projects, such as:
TEMPUS "The development of competence and practical skills of
assessment of linguistic knowledge of English language teachers. Aim: the
development and introduction of teaching modules in the area of testing and
assessment of linguistic skills"; and
Erasmus Mundus Aurora. Aim: the development of academic mobility.
Address: 56, Chernyshevskogo Street, Room 333, Kaliningrad; e-mail:
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Director of the Resource Centre (Department) of Foreign Languages –
Dr Natalia Andreeva; e-mail: NAndreeva@kantiana.ru
Dr Natalia Andreeva
Director, Candidate of Education Science, Associate Professor
Dr. N. Andreeva graduated from Kaliningrad State University in 1990
with the qualifications of "Philologist, Teacher of English, and Translator". In
1999, she defended a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Education Science
with the title "Multimedia as an Instructional Tool in Higher Education".
The sphere of research interests is: information and communication
technologies in teaching foreign languages, media-education, and teaching
foreign languages to adults. Dr. N. Andreeva is an expert in the Unified
National Exam in English. She has over 70 publications.
Dr. N. Andreeva has been translating and interpreting in the spheres of
culture, law, economics, education, medicine etc. Since 2006 until the present
day she has been a part-time official interpreter at the Agency for
International and Interregional Relations of the Government of the
Kaliningrad Oblast. Dr. N. Andreeva is involved in corporate English
Vocational Training Multimedia Centre
Director: Dmitry Bovin
Multimedia Centre of the IKBFU is a
modern technological base for the
University students. Within their
studies, the students of the degree fields
"Journalism", "Advertising and Public
Relations", as well as students of other
areas work at their artistic projects,
acquiring necessary skills for their
further professional activities.
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Centre for International Language Testing
Director: Dr Lyudmila Lipilina
The Centre for International Language Testing of the IKBFU was
established in June 2013 with a view to testing the University students and
staff in order to determine the level of their competence in foreign languages.
The Centre is a structural unit of the Department of International Relations
and Protocol of the IKBFU.
The main activities of the Centre are aimed at improving the level of
foreign language training of both students and the staff of the IKBFU, the
enhancement of their academic mobility within international education
programmes, the enhancement of the level of professional competence, and
also promotion of the efficiency of the internationalization process of Russian
higher and post-graduate education.
The Centre is an authorized Cambridge English Language Assessment
examination centre RU 126; it has an agreement with the French Institute at
the French Embassy in Russia.
Director – Dr Lyudmila Lipilina.
Areas of activity:
The Centre for International Language Testing is in charge of the
following areas of activities:
the organisation and conducting the whole range of Cambridge
exams, both in general language (Cambridge: Key, Cambridge: Preliminary,
Cambridge: First, Cambridge: Advanced, Cambridge: Proficiency), and
professional (Cambridge Business: Preliminary, Cambridge Business:
Vantage, Cambridge Business: Higher, ILEC, ICFE, TKT) with issuing a
relevant international certificate;
conducting testing and certification of knowledge in French
rendering information and consultancy assistance on the format
of international exams in English and French; conducting courses of
candidates' preparation for efficient exam passing, including mock testing;
the participation in the development of the strategy for the
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integration of international qualification exams into the University curricula
as a tool of control and assessment of knowledge in foreign languages of the
IKBFU students studying within the programmes of Bachelor's, Master's,
Specialist's and PhD courses; and
organisation and conducting conferences and workshops for the
teachers of foreign languages of secondary schools and higher education
institutions of the region on different aspects of language education, including
issues of international language testing and certification.
Dr Lyudmila Lipilina
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the European Business
School of the IKBFU
1981 – Kaliningrad State University, qualification – philologist, teacher
of English, translator; 1992 - 2006 – Assistant Lecturer, Associate Professor
of the Department of English Philology of KSY; 1998 - defense of the thesis
for the degree of Candidate of Philology with the title "Cognitive Aspects of
Metaphorical Innovation Semantics (a Case Study of Nouns that have Entered
Modern English in the Past 30 Years"; 1999 – 2000 - guest professor at the
Department of English Studies of Christian Albrecht University in Kiel
(Germany); 2006-2007 Associate Professor at the Department of
Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication of the IKSUR; 2007 - 2009 –
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Kaliningrad Regional Institute of
Education Development; 2008 – 2013 Chairperson of the regional Branch of
the National Association of Teachers of English; 2009 – regional coordinator
of the British Council; 2009 – Associate Professor of the European Business
School of the IKBFU; 2012 – certified examiner of Cambridge exams
Cambridge English: Key, Cambridge English: Preliminary; 2013 - Director of
the Centre for International Language Testing of the IKBFU.
The research interests are in cognitive linguistics, theoretical and
practical aspects of language testing and assessment. Dr L. Lipilina has
published over 30 research articles.
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Research and Education Centre on the WTO law
Director: Dr Igor Antonov
The Centre is a research and education structural unit of the Law
Institute of the IKBFU. The Centre was established with a view to carrying
out education and organisation of research activities on the issues of the
World Trade Organisation (WTO) law in connection with Russia's accession
to the WTO and further integration of the Russian state in the international
economic system.
The Centre is directly subordinate to the Director of the Law Institute.
The main aims and objectives of the Centre are as follows:
- the development and practical implementation of educational
programmes within the Centre's specialization;
- conducting education and applied as well as scientific investigations
into the international economic law
and the WTO law;
- the development of in-service
training programmes and programmes
of further training of specialists in the
sphere of legal sciences, teachers and
researchers on the WTO law;
conducting scientific and research
work on the issues connected with legal support of international economic
relations within the WTO system, preparation and publication of monographs,
textbooks and instructional aids;
- the preparation and conducting international and regional research-topractice conferences, scientific workshops, summer schools and round table
talks on the WTO law; and
- the development of recommendations and amendments to the
legislation of the Russian Federation on the WTO issues.
Address: 6, Frunze Street, Kaliningrad, 236006.
Single University catalogue (glossary):
«Structure and Personnel»
Dr Igor Antonov
Candidate of Legal Sciences
The sphere of professional interests includes the following: theory of
state and law, international law, international economic law, WTO law, and
German studies.
Dr I. Antonov gave lectures on the International law, international
economic law and the WTO law at higher education institutions in Moscow:
The Russian Academy for Foreign Trade, MVD Administration Academy,
National Research University "Higher School of Economics", Russian
Humanities University, Russian Academy of Intellectual Property, and
International University. The experience of practical activities in the RF and
abroad - jurisconsult at commercial organisations.
Dr I. Antonov is the author of over 100 research and instructional works.
Centre for International and European Law
Director: Anastasiya Turkina
The Centre for International and European Law was established by the
decision of the Academic Council of the Immanuel Kant State University of
Russia. At present, the Centre is an education and methodological as well as
research structural unit of the Law Institute of the IKBFU.
The main areas of activities are as follows:
International programmes of student exchange and study trips
("Law of Europe ", "Erasmus Mundus" (AURORA), "EU4U" etc.);
Lectures of guest professors in a foreign language;
Summer schools at the Law Institute;
International and Russian contests (F. Jessup contest, F. F.
Martens contest, J. Pictet competition, W. Vis competition, "Lex Mercatoria"
Studying foreign languages; and
Scientific and research activities.
Contacts: Address: 6, Frunze Street, Room 418 (4th floor), Kaliningrad,
236006. tel./fax: 453-212. E-mail: center.eurolaw@gmail.com