Legend - Irish
Legend - Irish
ille St Gai nsb tco oro llye u rS Dea gh Dr t con Gle St nco llye r St Par km oun t Dr on lR d d m Belfast Dry Dock 2 Rd eS t Sinclair Wharf ru Ritchie St Ivan St ey No rth ern Rd Arosa Pk Ave a He cc au gh ark l ne an h nC rdm rd Gotto Wharf nc ra P Sea Da rg ad Duncrue Ro St He Glasgow St and un eG le Lim n est o Ch an ne lR York Alex Mo Th eA ve Divis Berth an St e ld G dns S k eg on Dr eill Jellicoe Ave val Duncrue Pl Dr Sea b Pdeank Dr i er Seav iew Antrim Rd Glantane Dr Glandor e Dr Glanwor th Dr ell Duncrue Du ok ss Fire St t Bro Duncrue Pa Stena Line Ferry Terminal nC ma rd He n ha 1 d lR ne ink Piitsburg St Ave Alexandra Park m Teberw rr rue L Richardson Wharf Workm an Rd East Twin Rd nv le ark J visit-belfast.com Stormont Wharf M ifto va The Grove Playing Fields York St de Cl es Tor ren P Cr ok Lin sR d l len P Ardg St aica Jam s ra P Dunc M2 Seaview Stadium St Vincent St Keadyville Ave nS Bro ren and I Mineral St Nor th Q uee To r Ca Alex Cas t Gdnleton s d lan dR We st Solitude Stadium Ch nG dn Gdestn s ns ut Ro sap Cli D en E Ma Cli fton r na asto n no fton Dr Or ien Cre rS tre Cre tG s s et dn s Clif ton vill eA Bro ve okh ill A ve Cre s ce Vancouver Dr Old oun tG nke ns ld G dns Du nbl ane Ave Du no we nG dn Ol d s par kT err Ma rm Du n Allia e v A e c n Allia ns d G ford Strat dns ale G k s E d wick Dr th Nor y Pk thro Stra ene d s Holm Gdnbury HigGhdns Park pton Brom P e A s h fi Du n m Ave ore We Rd stlan d mo u nt Park ount Gdns an Joanm Dr erp ark De de Antrim Road Waterworks Skegoneil l Av H Duncrue Cres A2 wood NortChres eP k Rd anc ar Oldp Alli e Seabourne Pd e ro v Ave hg ere As sm g de Kin nP lvi e K De Jellicoe Dr Hopefield Ave Marsden Gdns Willowba nk Gdns Rosemou nt Gdns Belfast International Airport, 18 miles Pre m Glandore Ave Cedar Ave Dr rd Gd fto ns nd ene erp Cre ark s Rd 2 k Par r o tsf Cli by an ns De Gd ton den e dD Ardavon Pk G F bert Dr Dunlam r Seaview D Rd Indiana Ave Madison Ave Kansas Ave Waterworks Playground u Kn Clif Fortwilliam & Macrory Evelyn Gdns Cavehill Rd d lan Belfast Zoo Hughenden Ave Fire Station d We st E n erto S om Cliftonville Golf Course D Belfast Castle ve Jo C B Playing Fields A ury Salisb 1 kR ar dp Ol Copyright Compass Maps Ltd. (UK). © 2013. All rights reserved. Whilst every care has been taken to check the accuracy of the information in this guide, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors or omissions or the consequences thereof. No part of this map and guide may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. This material is based upon Crown Copyright and is reproduced with the permission of Land & Property Services under Delegated Authority from the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, © Crown Copyright and database right. A d rR Sin cla i Rd gr av n’s ee M us Qu rt Rd Air po Rd Qu ee n’s Done Quaygall Banbury St Redcliffe Dr C on n Dr Av on ie l Ch erry v k Lin by Or St Oakle ig Pk h Fe Ardenle de rat eC ion res Ranelagh St Lismain St Ravenhill Pde Millar St dns Dr as Lad Ardenlee St Arde nlee G k Ra ve Gdnhil ns l Pa r es Ct Ravenhill Rd Hugh Ave rk err ion Pa Moun tM Park errion M ou nt M sh Flu ark Eden P Bapaum Ave e Ravenhill Rd Ailes b Rd ury Knock Kimb erley Dera Gdnmore s Walm Kimb er St e Dera rley St m Rush ore Ave field Ave Hayp ark A ve Ava St Ava P ark Ava D r Yu k St on Frome St Dee St Gaw Juli n St a St Hornby St Chamberlain St Belvoir St Pa xo Ca stle Pl reagh uth nt S o Lawn mo St unt Mou Orme au E Cross Pde Dr ts Haywo od s ll Vauxh a Newcastle St Derwent St Harla Dr nd Short Stra nd eW alk S ers id Riv ale ad ale Fla Ava C re Park Park Park n Willes de dere Belve eC ha nn el Rd ffe rin Rd Du Cor St t ac S River L a St Ann ga Anad de an St vale Lag eP ern Luc k Par ond Ric hm Danesfo r 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Worship Pedestrian/ Restricted Access RestrictedMarket Access Graham Gdns Crega Rd Anna Ba Gdns Dr olme eau Orm illis Rd k Clanmorris St St een de ria Car rick Hill phe nS t Ste Millfield t ll S mi Ha Ba rr St ack d Distillery St Tu r St in Wes tlink Roden St Sou da Don egall Kitchenn St er S Ave t Fane St ke S t St Molt Kilb urn St agh t le S Tava n Vict o Dr op e Sta nh St Boyd Gardiner St nd St Townse M ilf St ord eR C Devo ulli ns ng hir tr e e St via Ser Gib s St on Viole St t Leca St Ebor Pd Ebo e r Dr Ebo r St han mac Glen nr St osa Gle St Par Lep ade pe r d rlis le R Pl Ca H Eglin ton De St nm ark St West link Boundary St er St Dov Percy St Carlow St d St N Howar Shankill Pd e Malveri n St Agnes St Northumberland St Snugville Wilto n St Argy Conwle St ay St Berlin St Carnan St St Cri me aS t Silvio St Tennent St Snugvil le St t Cam brai S ar Bat k Wa y ten ber gS t G Law len nbr woo ook d S t A Mo ve unt Ne joy ls St Can Ct on N mo re S Selson t q Lan Pk ay Dub lin R Colum b 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St Victoria Ln rch Chu e dg Bri St Co Donegall Pl Great Victoria St Belt St Roden St Richview St St Empire e St er Rydalm St Maldon Rodn l Ave t horn St Ct way Broad en St Bouch er W St k ar Lin St DunbDunbar all Roya am S n ma Os St College Sq St Rd wt Ha Irwell Nans lm o g ne Durh ert ss Ro St d rd ar fo on er Cl at t W S Rd Dr Iris ve Iris G Ba Ln Do t t Alb way ConSt s ill M se t Ro S dn dG nar eld gfi rin St est For ort St F Dr rk Yo gent S s Sq Brown Percy S Clo Sp far For ay W ea No rth ern Av e tic Atl an Sh an Ma no nS no rS t Fo t yle Ct Avo ca St Cli fto np ark Av e Hi llv l yC t Bra St Bray Disr aeli Woodvale Rd Lis l Antrim Road Thorndale Ave Pollock Rd Flax St Ct ef S ng St ham iew rkv Pa Ed li Rd Chi Rd Gl Broenar ok d ark Old p Dr aica Jam Etna O ld par k Ave St or 3 m Mile on wate ne W tR N r Rd olf Rd Rd Der orth d fR by S Ne Holy Family Oldpark d t w Presbytery St Eia Pollock Po A ing Playing t e n o v r S son e n M2 Ha u t Basin Fields ve M n oun by Ro rcou lly eA tco s Av Ba St r oyn Belfast llye e Titanic’s Dock y eleig t Dr Ard r Av W Upper Mervue Royal Academy hS ne M a e o erv Alexandra & Pump House Ro t St t m S Rdtkins u t y s H ava eS a ll S o e a g Dock l art t St le St James B di hS Bru Ar St Pollock Hi D ra t HMS cev Prospect Milewater bert rre Up llman unca Her ale ua Caroline Dock Ke St P A2 g Harbour Pk ti k i p n Basin A St Up Sp er St rn G P d Police pe dn ea Str amo Mea 4 4 Crum rC Yorkgate s ath un do lin All a seh r Station oa St nnin ed t St w S Victoria Ro D Barnett Ballast Holy Rd Duncairn Ave St g en d t R Wharf Cross St Dock Quay iew Ne Sp wL Isle of Man a o m dg Crum Titanic Bro ou eR Ferry Terminal lin R ug nt Studios d d Ohio ha St Titanic S m t dvale Slipway St Vic St Mary’s et i Rath Crumlin Lin nage TITANIC Albert lin S nd Cityside c Dan oln Pk Ca Road Gaol t Building Do Quay ube QUARTER Movie Retail Park rli Ave Sydn P ck St York sl e Dock Co St ey St House Titanic West r Dock r y Belfast He Mater Crum Lin Sydney St nry T13 Urban 5 lin R 5 Hospital West Crumlin Road Clifton St k S t d Sports Pil St Joseph’s Court House Cemetery ot Academy Enfi S Ho t eld Harland & Carlisle p ewe Ambleside St ry ll Ave St Wolff Drawing vale Gt G SS Circus en Samson & Clarendon eorg Offices Nomadic Cli k Victoria Northside Goliath e’s S Dock f t t La Park & Ride on Clifton Cranes M Park at ch H et ncast Belfast St Str House a e Shankill Eccles St m rS Hammer Con ee Metropolitan ilto Hopewell t t nsba Woodvale Rest F r College n Belfast ede Playing Cres M3 Re Rd Rd nk rick Abercorn Pat Little (Titanic Campus) Harbour Garden Fields rick St Riga St Office Basin St St Patricks Spectrum Hu s s R George Best Belfast w Odyssey Premier Public Record Centre Urban Belfast City Airport Cale University The Sports Park Inn Office of don The Odyssey 2 miles MAC Sh S ankill Road 6 6 t of Ulster Northern Ireland Pavilion, Belfast Arena & W5 Shankill Rd St Anne’s M3 Rd Telegraph Sydenham Leisure St Anne’s Sq Sydenham Rd Peter’s H Nort Ninth Lagan Centre Dover Pl ill Central Cathedral Ramada hstan Old Channel Rd Bridge d St St Encore Library The Oval t o Percy Pl Writers’ Talb t Dargan Titanic Big Fish Bridge S Sq Sq Medway Fifth St Quarter CATHEDRAL AlbertCustom St Island M3 Rd Lagan Mersey St Mersey St The N Howard Station Smithfield No House St re t t rth QUARTER Clock Laganside Beverley St Presbyterian O Link Peace Wall Ashmore Third Weir Market ac ar val St Premier r Cupa m St y l S l p a t Sev Tower Bus Centre B rW tU Inn Tam ern Ct Queen ay Middlepath St rS Castle Court ar S Merchant St pa Elizabeth w First u Fir t Belfast St George’s st e Centre St C vi St Presbyterian a ry St Metropolitan Berry St Eastside Conway Malmaison Bridge olin t Rd igh Ca Connswater 7 Pl Rosem r End D i H ge College Belfast iv Park & Ride Brid Conway 7 C S is r St Wye St t hm Falls St ew Community Queen’s Ann St Newto Mill nS Kas s Rd St Mary’s wnard Swim Fall Bridge lca Centre s Rd Clonard St Matthews Castle St Vu Centre Ibis n St P n A Monastry Stormont Parliament d s St R s Belfast e Fountain o Ln Odeon R Castle d St Peter’s Buildings Barge for Centre Belfast A501 Cathedral Victoria Laganside nt s Rd Major St Erskine College St Welcome Square Bus Depot Courts ou Ave St Ros d l M Belfast Linenhall St fie Centre nn Chichester St ing sw Library Rive hfield Waterfront RBA ll Sq N Spr St St Martin St Beec Clo Lw r La Royal Courts Albert St Wellington Donega t Institute adrid an St kan d t L l S rr M r n a A a S e ster M n o uce Pl eso B Glo of Justice Du ard Lk R pto Hilton P S a Iris e e t y Templemore rch nv St nS City Hall St dg ebo Belfast Ski ille t Jurys Inn Spires ClanGddns St Complex ertbri A12 St ione St Cl May St b adrid Mall l M s S A s Sq P i all s Doneg Ir Dunville May St Fitzwilliam Hotel Ten Square Albert Avoniel Cave St George’s East Bridge St Park Grosvenor Rd Grand Opera 8 Connswater 8 Travelodge Bridge Leisure Cromac Market t ndish St S n House Shopping Central Frie a r Rd g no Centre St Paul’s i The The Mount Europa ve m Sq os a Playing Gr k H t Oa Centre Station t Conference e Bus Centre S Crown Bar Ca GAELTACHT Field Stre St St Albertbridge stl Centre n Europa h Great Royal Victoria t e t Ulster r ood Congregational QUARTER r o S e T t w Hotel a nfield ag Victoria St Hospital Mo he Ep ingsw St Mary’s Hall Park Inn h St un K Station Eliza St Malachy’s University Belfast Ca St t Gro St BBC Hope St vefie lvi College d R t n ld Premier S S d Days t t l Holiday S r McA d t Orm Rap Distillery Inn fie oa Hotel uley wa Inn h eau Lin Ct St te ls R St ael Movie Bal Avis Row Bankm Ave Royal Belfast Fal t lar land S House o re a Hospital for Wy Radisson t St St Aunt Sandra's ille o St Sick Children Blu Candy Factory Westlink A12 Bendig ETAP Fire St t ld M The fie Hotel Cultúrlann yL illow t Station W ra S n t e S m a Gasworks k 9 9 Ki dy’ l Cla n er Grove y St Dona l d a St sR ba iln erna C t indsa Iv L t S S r d M Baptist m h n Lond d St Pl Albion St Iveag Cres Blyt cely ld Dr 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M1 Raven la hill Ave p Fren Queens k St o Arnie’s University Dun Lo Par ch Kate’s Queen’s Bog Fitz Backpackers luce Ibis land ld St Don park St will Magdala St B&B ve Ave Film Theatre Loop res Ulst Hatfie Ulste Cregagh ega Meadows iam St Tate Ormeau yA o m e C zr a Loo ll r it r h F v v d s Av St Gdn ille Methodist Gdn ille pla Elm Farn d St Ardenlee G lan Natural QUEEN’S e Ave Park s s woo Students’ ve r Loop Loopla Rd nd Rutlan Ave rsity A A d e Reserve n iv v d Gd n QUARTER e U r e Ash Union Av ou t y lf C S ns b a ley g h B u ia R esh Dr am Co Titan Ash Elmwood Visitor A1 Rave lleg Pk ley Centre Queen’s College Park Ave Martyrs’ n Hall A Olym e h v il A24 l Gdn e Gar Tate Memorial Whitla University pia s d sA Dr t Methodist ens Olympia Palm Hall Don ve Gibson Park Gibs Reid S Arde College nyb on P Leisure Windermere House n e Kelvin W le v more rook e Ave ark A t Ormeau ro e Melr A D l n Centre l e t e Camera sley St t ve r Monument S ose B ro Tropical u m u Bridge g Windsor k o hton P S Edin Ave 11 11 Marine Guesthouse Ulster k an inc Ravine burg t b Park W g House e A Cregagh h St m lling Brough Museum E Ormeau Rd t ton s ton l n Cricket l e i G L Malone d e wr W ns Friar’s Bush Par St Thomas Avenue Eg Balmoral da Library m P Club lee Pd k Botanic lant Lodge Hotel inds nm nk BaroSt Pirrie Cemetery Plaza Arden House ine ra or A ba Ormeau Ave Wellington Park Gardens ve Park dns G n Em ra St n Malo to Golf Course ing Hotel t Ag i St ne A Hadd Queen’s aS r Rd Downey Apo h ve ori University Del llo Ravensden House Pr e t ns t Ulster College W Rd e S r Pk Sports Centre ow Gd a sl s Fisherwick Win n h i i n O l a of Music l dso i d Ch dsor Park Rd r Av Can Rd lo anm e Surr s rin Str Pk Le ey Windsor Der w Pde dn Ave n a ryvo Belfast North Pde Ethe St Onslo G v A Bla Rav t lgie Lawn Tennis l St Metropolitan hurs ckw enh d Ave A Club n v L a a is S Dr Pde ood ill P burn College Adelaide South Pde St k A Station 12 12 Wind Ade ve St Brigid’s la sor P Hay Ave ide ark St woo King’s Ulidia d Av Bartholomew’s Ridgeway St Sa Bridge e Lyric ns So Playing Fields P Ade u ci Lisburn Ravenhill OSNI Theatre laide Pk St Jude’s Pde H Road PSNI Stadium Park Bank Elm olyroo Tourist Information Ra Theatre Post North Office Police S P v e A d h Be s D Information by St Theatre Post Office Police S P SuTourist nnys ec r Cad Jameso ide S hla Queen’s ogan Emerge n St t M n P H Governor’s a a r ampto rk A1 rlb o ds Elms O Emerge Place of Interest Cinema Train Station D P Contact ak A roug Ma Bridge Kno Hamel Pde n ve h Pa rlbo Place of Interest Cinema Train Station ck Dr Cherryvale Contact rk N Ede rou St Jud e’s Ave n g Marl Hotel Playing hP Parador Cr bor ark Museum/Gallery lbert Bank A Place of Worship St Jude’s h e Bus Station t C Fields o e AileTourist sc Information Theatre Post Poli PHotel Drumglass ug Dr Sou Office Museum/Gallery vill Fitzwilliam sbur Place of Worship Tourist Theatre Office Poli Bus Post Station hP nce rP y Rd Information dale 13 13 Ave Park ore Ave e D Guestho kS l nna rn F A m Tourist Information Theatre Post Office PsGuestho m ire Poli G Ailesbury Clea h o ra Eme S n Shopping ver P w PN Ailes Tourist Information Theatre Post Office Poli o Market D Taxi Rank Eme All Seasons nm Cres k bu Not Pk B&BCon Place Interest Cinema Train Station or Shopping Cr GTrail ting dns ryof Market Victoria Mt Merrion Titanic Taxi Rank Theatre TaxiPost RankOffice Theatre Poli P Place ofInformation Interest Cinema Train Station eA Eme an Con Stranmillis Hill HaypTourist e ht B&B ir h College ve ig m s a a r Eme n rk G of Interest University Place Cinema Train Station St Cr or Con Pedestrian/ DowPk C Hot dnsof Interest TheStation eG an College Library Public Toilets Hostel Place Cinema Train City of Merchants Trail Public Toilets Cinema Museum/Gallery Eme Hot Con e DTheatre Pedestrian/ mo Place of Worship Pr Bus Station Tourist Information Office Police Sta Theatre P Post dn P Access r Museum/Gallery Tourist Post Office Police Station P llegRestricted Library Public Toilets Hostel Ed Information Good Shepherd Rd Place of Worship US Consulate re Tourist Theatre Post Office Police Station Bus Station P s Place of Interest Cinema Train Station Hot CoTourist Con wa Information Tourist Information Theatre Post Office Police Station Ravenhill Restricted Access P Post Roseleigh Pa rn Information Theatre Office Police Sta P Rd Carolan Rd Gue Museum/Gallery General da u re rdInformation Tourist Theatre Post Office Station RPolice Ba Hot P rk kb Place of Worship Lagan Maritime Trail Station Place of Worship Bus Station oc b o House Kn Gue s s P wn Tourist Information Theatre Post Police Sta Emergenc Museum/Gallery ett Office Emergency k Li Maryville of Worship Cloreen Bus Station Rd P Shopping tta ParkPlace Tourist Information Theatre Post PoliceHot Sta Emergency Os aOffice P Rose mo e Ave Market Rosetta St Andrew’s r Taxi Rank Gue R i Emergency Place of Interest Cinema Train Station Place of Interest Cinema Train Station House Shopping Museum/Gallery Emergenc Wellington Contact P bo d sh re Park Contact Point Market Place of Worship B&B Taxi Rank Bus Station Emergency Place of Interest Cinema Train Station Visitor Information Emergency Contact Market Gue Contact rn wn Point RPoint Rd Place of Interest Cinema Train Station College o B&B Emergenc St Finnian’s o Place of Interest Cinema Train Station Contact Point Shopping Lisburn eD D Contact P r Rd eda Market set Ulster Knockbr Place of Interest Cinema Train Station Taxi Point Rank Emergenc Rosetta Contact Cranmore Gue nD r ta Shopping Rd Hotel Road Library Place of Interest Cinema Train Station a Pedestrian/ o B&B d Hotel Clinic e Contact P t Market Taxi Rank Dr r r Rd e Hotel Place of Cinema Train Station Museum/Gallery Place ofInterest Interest Hotel Library Library Public HosP Pedestrian/ Playing Fields Museum/Gallery Tourist Information Theatre Post Office PoliceToilets Station Contact P Station of Worship Bus Station Station B&B Bus Hotel Place of Worship Belfast StPlace John’s ckb Shopping Museum/Gallery E Ev Hotel n’s Joh Restricted Access Library Public Toilets Hos o Market St Place of Worship Taxi Rank Bus Museum/Gallery Hotel n Rd King’s Hall Tourist Information Theatre Post Office Police Station P Station Museum/Gallery (RBAI) Place of Worship Worship Pedestrian/ 14 K 14 Boat Club Bus Station Station Restricted AccessAve Place of Worship B&B Bus Hotel Museum/Gallery Stranmillis Os Guesthouse Guesthou ank Place of Library Public Toilets Hos Bus Complex pe r Pedestrian/ Wy Hotel Hos Museum/Gallery Museum / Gallery Guesthouse Post Office Crickle Ma Tourist Information Theatre Post Office Station bo P Station e Allotments Emergency wb Place of Worship vPolice Restricted Access Bus Up My Museum/Gallery Library Toilets Guesthouse wood rne ryv h APublic Pk Worshipnchurch illo Pk Guesthou Place of cStation e Dr redaRank Bus Shopping r d ckb si Kno P u rtle Pedestrian/ Shopping ill W Emergency i Guesthouse Restricted Access Market a Market h Place of Interest Cinema Train Station H T l rk c Taxi Taxi Rank A55 e l rr Pa yn Contact Point eP Shopping W Ma fiel Hos Library Public Toilets Guesthou Market r Taxi Rank B&B Shopping B&B Osborne Park ark k Shopping Shopping Train Station Station dP Place of Interest Cinema Train Broo Ann Market lon Emergency Taxi Rank Rank Guesthou Restricted Contact Point Dr Market Taxi Rank B&B Shopping adale Access mhil ark Market eP Taxi B&B e Playing Fields Shopping B&B l Par Place of Interest Lagan Lands Cinema Train Station Hotel Point Market Ave ark Taxi Rank Contact B&B rov Pedestrian/ Shopping k Pedestrian/ racken Pk kbStation Market Museum/Gallery oc hg Taxi Rank Kn B&B (RBAI) c Place of Worship Pedestrian/ Library Public Toilets Pedestrian / Restricted Access Hostel Bus Station Library Public Toilets Hostel Hotel Bus e East Bladon Park Pedestrian/ B&B Be Library Public Toilets Hostel Pedestrian/ Restricted Access Museum/Gallery Restricted Access Place of Worship Pedestrian/ Station Library PublicBus Toilets Hostel Hotel Restricted Access Library Public Toilets Hostel Guesthouse 11219 D G H I A B E F Pedestrian/ J C Library Public Toilets Hostel Restricted Access Museum/Gallery Restricted Access 3 Public Guesthouse Public Toilets Toilets Guesthouse Hostel Hostel eS t us M Q Ha Belfast Metropolitan College (Titanic Campus) d Air po rt R Harland & Wolff Drawing Offices d Samson & Goliath Cranes m ilto Con BT1 5GJ 8-9 Donegall Square North, Belfast nsba nR Rd +44 (0)28 9024 6609 d George Best Belfast City Airport 2 miles 6 Beyond Belfast Attractions Arena & W5 M3 Sydenham Rd Old Channel Rd LISBURN Banbury St Redcliffe Dr Sydenham Rd The Oval Hilden Brewery Irish Linen Museum Hillsborough M T: 028 9266 3863 edway S& Castle Gardens Castle Tours t d Island Mersey S R Mersey St t Main Street, Hillsborough taproomhilden.com T: 028 9266 3377 St et t r r Presbyterian O a T: 028 9268 9406 ac val Sev Ballym Lagan Valley Drumbo Tam Park ern Ct a S r Leisureplex Greyhound Coca-Cola Visitors t St Stadium T: 028 9267 2121 T: 028 9061 0070 Experience Eastside C a Hill, Lisburn Park & Ride 7 rew Connswater Knockmore Wye St drumbopark.com t S S Community N t T: 028 9264 2267 ewtow n nards lca Centre u Rd St Matthews V For further visitor information Stormont Getting there Parliament Rd e d BuildingsService please contact Ulsterbus for t St Erskine Lisburn Information Centre 22, 24, 38, 51, 103, 104, 109A, un MajorTourist Bus Depot St Mo 15 Lisburn Square, Lisburn 521-523, 572. Belfast - Lisburn St nn ld e fi sw h T: S+44 (0) 28 0038 t t M in S9266 Beec rt a id t r S d St NI Railways Mad Email: tic.lisburn@lisburn.gov.uk Arran Lk Roa ton P Templemore Belfast Central/Great Victoria Street dge Skip eboye www.visitlisburn.com i d r n la t b C Gdns S Complex ert id r d Station Lisburn Rail Station Ma Alb Bridge End Short Stra nd t Parker S Yu k St on Frome St Dee St Gaw Juli a n S St t Middlepath St Newcastle St Derwent St Titanic Quarter Station M3 nk info@visit-belfast.com Premier Public Record The Odyssey Inn Office of Northern Ireland Pavilion, Lagan Weir 5 Interact with Belfast and Northern Ireland like never before at our new visitor centre. Plan your trip, take advantage of offers and deals, get your tickets for tours and events and submergeVictoria yourself in all the information you need to make your visit special. Park Harla Dr nd t Official Visitor Information for Belfast & Northern Ireland T13 Urban Sports Academy Odyssey Queen Elizabeth St George’s Malmaison Bridge Belfast Queen’s Ann St Bridge P ee n’s R Qu Abercorn Basin Done Quaygall pora tion St Tomb St Cor e Belfast Harbour Office Visit Belfast Welcome Centre Building Dock rne Westbou St Titanic Belfast SS Nomadic Clarendon Dock Tower Bus Centre Ann Albert Quay Big Fish Dargan Bridge t Sq Alber Custom Merchant t hS Hig York Dock visit-belfast.com TITANIC QUARTER e ford Sea St de for M o unt r D St Mary’s Castle St Gar mo yl t Ne lso nS rth No Yor kS een Qu ria l Av Roy a Boyd Castle Court First Centre Presbyterian a ry St Berry St Rosem Lin k Pil St Joseph’s ot St Cor por atio n St Yor kS t de St St Car rick Ste Hill ph e nS t St Gardiner St Premier Inn Co rry Lagan Bridge CATHEDRAL House QUARTER Clock Laganside S t St Titanic Studios Titanic Slipway Oxford St Durh t rth kt St m Arthur Ba rr St ack Millfield Boundary St Townse nd St M3 St Anne’s St Anne’s Sq Cathedral Ramada Encore ot Writers’ Talb t S Sq rn Co d ck Northside Park & Ride Pat Little rick St Donegall Pl M ilf St ord Vict o Pl Ca H Dr Sta nh West link Shankill Pd e er St Dov Percy St Carlow St Do Belfast Urban University The Sports Park MAC of Ulster No Ibis St St Victoria Ln rch Chu t t e dg Bri St t Divis S d e’s S ncast er S t Fre der ick St St Patricks l Ave Roya Sq Percy S Belfast Metropolitan College am Cityside Movie Retail Park House He nry St eorg La Smithfield Market Isle of Man Ferry Terminal k ar Lin St DunbDunbar ill Bro ug h St Gt G Belfast Telegraph Central Library Peter’s H s Brown erley St P Ln t rk ll S Yo ga ne Do Shankill Rd Leisure Centre Dover Pl Percy Pl ry en Cli fto n S Clifton tre House et Re t Malveri n St Hopewell Cres Carlisle Circus op e ewell Ave gent S mmer aying ields d le Clifton St Cemetery ll S Ho p Mater Hospital Eglin ton De St nm ark St Crum lin R Crumlin Road Court House Par Lep ade pe r Ca rli s ve d Crumlin Lin nage Road Gaol coln Pk A rlis le R yle Ct Av Cli ft o Fo ntrim Road ndale Ave Vic i Sp wL am od ge ou Rd nt Mou Hornby St Chamberlain St Belvoir St C on n Pa xo Dr k Lin by Ranelagh St Lismain St Ravenhill Pde t Millar S dns Dr Arde nlee G Ardenlee St Bapaum Ave e es Ct Hugh Ave rk err ion Pa sh ark City Centre Departure map k Ra ve Gdnhil ns l Pa r M Ravenhill Rd den P Knock E Ailes b Rd ury Av on ie l Or St Ava St Walm e r Kimb St e Dera rley St m Rush ore Ave field Ave Hayp ark A ve Ava P ark Ava D r s Kimb erley Dera m o r Gdn e s Flu Dr ts Haywo od ale Fla Anad Ava C re LPS © Crown Copyright and database rights, NIMA ES&LA211 Moun tM Park errion ale ad Lag M2 Motorway Belve dere Park Willes den Park Vauxh all Park Cross Pde River L a St Ann ga M5 Motorway an St vale de eP Luc ern k Par ond hm Ric 3759 060212 M ot or wa y ou nt M Rugby Rd Oakle ig Pk h Fe Ardenle de rat eC ion res Ravenhill Rd y Rd Universit Rd rn bu Lis Mal one Rd as Orme au E St lfin M 1 e nshir Dowrk East Pa Haw th Dr orn m a o re Pk Syc e al Ave Thiepv As d an ex Al end Way 7B, 7D Laurelgrove ve yA ard gh Rd Crega ney B tollet Danesfo r t Pk Lad Riv Lawn mo St unt Ch erry v Ca stle Pl reagh outh nt S Wa lk ers ide S Mar y Dub lin R d ville S t Apsley St Norwood St S Sandy R ow Charles St cD r Brita nn Terr ic Ma j esti Fel tS t Crom G ac S race St t mi Ha eR C Devo ulli ns ng hir tr e e Distillery St Tu r St in Wes tlink ia St Eger Coo t St ic ir P Mayfa Ave Kilbro Burn 76 rS Grove Graham Gdns nd an Be Killag Burren Way 4. Laganside Buscentre 5. Europa Buscentre 503, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 530, 531, 538, 551 503, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 503, 528, 523, 530, 524, 531, 525, 538, 526, 551 527, 528, 530, 531, 538, 551 H Cairnshill Park & Ride HI H I I Cairnshill Park &Park Ride& Ride, 600 East/Northside Cairnshill Park & Ride East/Northside Park & Ride, 600 East/Northside Park & Ride, 600 Single direction routes indicated by arrows Outbound timetables Circular Route Inbound Dedicated colour-coded are available for each of the 12 corridors. For more information visit www.translink.co.uk or call the Contact Centre on 028 90 66 66 30. 028 90 80 90 80 www.valuecabs.co.uk Tesco we Flo s gh Rd Crega Rd er at Avoniel Rd k Gdn 78 n Par Cairnshill Road 77, 78 77, 78 Ulsterbus Station 7A, 7C 77 Gibso Belvoir Drive Dr Newforge Lane Upper Malone Road Main Interchange Stations NIRailways Station St Tudor Drive 1. NIR Central Station 2. NIR Great Victoria St 3. NIR Yorkgate Station ay kin W Shes gh Grillaay W en Way e Coon Upper Knockbreda Road 79 7A, 7C Park P & Ride Newtownbreda Road Beechill Dennet End Newton Park Lagan Maritime Trail Wynchurch R d 7B, 7D etet etStre Stre oria oria oriaStre VictVict Vict Saintfield Road 652 t t t per pSepreSr S SkipSkSipkip Road Four Winds t e tSt ge SgegS BridBriBdrid 77, 78 School Road ANLLEG ALL ALL ODN OEG DONDEG DEADAEDE ARCAARC ARC Cregagh Park a Rosett Park 5 6 8A/B/C Malone Malone (Erinvale) Rosetta Pde Mount Merrion Knockbreda Beechgrove Road r Ormeau (Forestside) Forster Green Hospital City of Merchants Trail Titanic Trail Get there now with Value Cabs Belfast’s number 1 taxi company. Glen Road 30, 31 Montgomery Road Titanic Trails • £3.50anywhere,anytimeontheMetronetwork,anyone • Theintegratedtop-upsmartcardforunlimitedday,weekly E 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 5 Castlereagh Road (also 18, 19, 31) day,Monday–Saturday ormonthlybusandrailtravelwithin5specifiedzones F 13, 13A, 13B, 14, 14A, 14B, 96 6 Cregagh Road • £2.90anywhereontheMetronetworkafter9.30amany acrossNorthernIreland. Leaflet Key (copy of master) oneday,Monday–SaturdayoralldaySunday 7 Ormeau Road (also 29, 29C, 30) • Availableforadultsandchildrenandidealifyoutravelby 503, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, Leaflet KeyG (copy of master) Leaflet Key (copy of master) 528, 530, 531, 538, 551 • Childfaresarehalfoftheabove 8 Malone Road (also 93) bothbusandtrain.Visitwww.translink.co.uktocheckout AA 80, 80A, 81 CC 77, 78, 79 G E 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 • BuyyourMetroDayTicketfromthedriver ifiLinksuitsyou. H Cairnshill Park & Ride A CD EF 81 77, 26A, 78, 7926B, 26C, 600 89, 13A, 90, 91, 92,14, 95 14A, 14B, 96 G BA D C 26, 13, 13B, 61,80A, 64, 64B B 80, 9 Lisburn Road AA 80, 80A, 81 CC 77, 78, 79 G E 89, 90,tTranslink 91, 92, 95 • Buyonlineatwww.translink.co.ukandtop-up East/Northside Park Ride, F60013, a13A, BB 61, 64, 64B I DD 26, 26A, 26B, 13B, 14, 14A, 14B, 96 26C,& 600 DD 26, 26A, 26B, 26C, 600 10 Falls Road (also 10A*,10H*, 82, 82A,104, 532, B536) F 13, 13A, 13B, 14, 14A, 14B, 96 B 61, 64, 64B salesoutlets. Metro Smartlink • Flexibilityofbuyingupto40journeys,1weekor1 11 Shankill Road (also 57, 57A) AllservicesonthehighfrequencyMetro month’sworthofunlimitedtravel 12 Oldpark Road corridorsareoperatedbylowfloorvehicles. • Useasfewas5journeyswithin12monthswithSmartlink 16 Other Routes 90%ofMetrobusesallowunassisted • BuyyourcardandtopupjourneysatMetroKiosk, T Terminus P Park & Ride 13 City Express wheelchairaccess. DonegallSquareWestorparticipatingSmartlinkagentsin theGreaterBelfastarea Old Dundonald Road 19 Melfort Gilnahirk Road Drive 5 Braniel / Gilnahirk Ballygowan Road 29/C 6 re D 7C/D 30, 79 smo 8A/B 30 Ros 652 Belvoir Road 93 Balmoral Finaghy Road South 29/C 29/C all iteh Wh Pde 93 30, 31 Ladas Drive olme d Stranmillis Whincroft Castlereagh Way Road 30 29 18, 29 18 5 h Willow R eau 9A/C Conway Orm d View var ide er s Riv Twinbrook Estate Ballybog Road Mount Merrion Avenue 652 King’s Road 18, 29 Clara Road Cregagh Road Queen’s 77, 78, 79 University Stranmillis Ormeau Road Road Annadale Avenue 8A 29, 30, 77, 78, 79 93 Kingsway St le ou Balmoral Sicily Park 29/C 31 6 5B Grand Parade University Road 8B/C King’s Hall 9B/C Woodstock Road mah eB Th oad Musgrave Park Hospital 5A 78, 79 29/C 9 Lisburn Road 9A/C Summerhill 10D/E/F Road 8 7 92B Ravenhill Road Bur t in S le da na s t An Cre en m Mount Eagles P Park & Ride University Avenue Boucher Tates City Crescent Avenue Hospital Boucher Road Cherry Road Lagmore View 10D/E/X Finaghy Road North Blacks Road 10D/E 2. 92, 92B 10F/X 10D/E/F/X nk 10F a mb e E d al Stockman’s Lane 10X Bell Steele Upper Road Dunmurry Lane 5. Donegall Road 89,90,91,92,92A 92,92A,92B 650 Kennedy Centre Sharman Rd 90, 92A 81A, 82A wR kvie 10A/B/C/D/H Andersonstown Road 10B 10C/D/H Brian’s Well Road Loc 90, 91 Riverdale 10A Park 8C 81A, 82A 10H/X Ladybrook 10B/C/D/E/F/X St. Annes Poleglass Stewartstown 10H 650 Estate Road 10B/C/X Anna y wa or ot M Hosp. Park Centre Falls Park 18, 19 6 78, 79 77, 30 Belfast City Centre Elg urst SandDhr 2 M Glen Road Albert Bridge 95 Royal 82, 82A Victoria ton Eus e St ur Av au Rd y St ade illis Rd Road 80/A, 81/A Falls Road k Rd stoc od Wo Balfo rd Carlingfo ry Rosebnes Gd Rosebery Rd Roslyn St e or m Lis St rr e River T Orme Dudle el d Par Stranm Shaws Road 10B Single direction routes indicated by arrows Trillick St rl PeaSt St d St iro Ca St em sal Jeru St rm Ca yR gb so len 82, 82A 10E/F 81/A, 82/A Suffolk Road 13 t dS S eau R te St Eblana St Ru Co Road 81/A, 82/A 10B/E/F 81A, 82A 16 P Lor ore Ave ly nd Orm t Charlo t Pine S Oak W ay ve nic A ley Wolset S Bota d e ale xv no Road 81, 82 Glencolin From every 15-30 mins Co ad Ro Templem er ng Joy St Alfred St Adelaide St Linenhall St Bedford St Great Victoria St R millis Stran Metro Belfast’s Bus Service From every 5-10 mins St t ti ot tp on S n ou M n ga t Victoria St am S College Sq t rt S Brys Belfast Fountain Odeon Castle Ln Barge Centre Belfast Victoria Laganside St ge lle Co Welcome Square Courts Belfast Linenhall Centre Chichester St Library Rive Waterfront RBA all Sq N r La Royal Courts Albert St Wellington Doneg Institute Pl Gloucester of Justice Hilton St City Hall St ch Belfast Jurys Inn Spires A12 St ione May St Mall ss P Donegall Sq S May St Fitzwilliam Hotel Ten Square Albert Avoniel St George’s East Bridge St Grosvenor Rd Grand Opera Connswater 8 Travelodge Bridge Leisure Cromac Market House NORTH DOWN Shopping Central Frie g Centre i The The Mount Europa Sq a Playing H t Centre Station t Conference C Bus Centre Crown Bar Field tree St S t North Down Museum as Bangor Castle S Albertbridge Cockle Row Cottages Centre n tle S Europa h Great t t Ulster d r Congregational o rea o Stan Walled Garden Castle Park Bangor Groomsport Harbour Hotel pw gswo Victoria St MoThe field E Hall g Park Inn h S Park, Bangor St Castle T: 028 9127 1200 T: 028 9127 0069 un Kin Station Eliza St Malachy’s Belfast C t t G S rove t BBC T:al028 northdownmuseum.com northdowntourism.com Hope St vin 9127 0069 d fi R e t l Premier St d Days northdowntourism.com ld Holiday O St rt S M Rap Inn fie rme Hotel wa Inn hael cAuley Crawfordsburn North Down Lin au A te S S Movie t B t Avis v Row Bankm alla e Pickie Funpark Country Park Coastal Path la St House ore S r a e l Wy nd Radisson t St Aunt Sandra's t il Marine Gardens Bangor Bridge Road South Holywood – Portavoe t S o Blu ig d Ben T: 028 9145 0746 Candy Factory Helen’s Bay T: 028 9127 0069 ETAP Fire St t ld My The Hotel pickiefunpark.com T: a028 northdowntourism.com Station Willowfie ra S 9185 3621 ent L m l a Gasworks k 9 K t dy’ C n Grove doeni.gov.uk/niea/ il d a t ay S Dona sR ba t S Linds S r d Baptist m dS n L l o y P l c n e Albion St don t Blyt Dr Croma Ozone e St Joc eFor Bentha he S St fi ld further visitor information Isolin k Getting there Complex mD t c low please contact Rd l y ss lo i a r r r P a ll Ulsterbus Service a v W on Doneg NewSt Glen St St Anthony’s d Eure St 502. Belfast - Bangor Shaftesbury Belfast n Bangor Visitor Information Centre Indoor Tennis A24 n1,g 2, i Abin St ka D o n lm E n L Sq International gd o r Centre Cha 34ldQuay Pde Street, Bangor n Rd fie UTV ow Crescent ill Hostel W T: hr +44 NI Railways Townhouse St (0) 28 9127 0069 F Benedicts n Ardenvo City Ra lorid car An Droichead Donegall Rd E: tic@northdown.gov.uk Belfast Central/Great Victoria Street Botanic Tara Ver eath St v sto e Crescent Om edSt en a D Hospital non St u R d t Station E S hil r www.northdowntourism.comP Station - Bangor Bus & Rail Centre Lodge Arts Centre r Cres Cooke Station Park Educational l Woodstock Rd e A Maranatha t S t w Cro ve Lo S Resource Centre sbury Library mw McClure te n af r Crescent a Sh r ell R D w Ave perial D gh d Church go Ulster St Im gh Belfast City ou Jub Ard Madisons Essex NEWTOWNABBEY ou bor e Temple Clar r ilee Hospital 10 Lavinia o em arles lls Pd r Rd Holiday Inn Hillsb Sq Mt Ch Dukes at Hi nd Dat St ont Express Museum the Mill Sentry Hill Theatre at the Mill a Rave l nhill Ave Queens Arnie’s University St Loop Park Kate’s 40 Ballycraigy Road Carnmoney Road North Mossley Queen’s Fitz Backpackers t ndMill S Ibis a l ld p e e Av St will Magdala B&B ve Film Theatre Carnmoney Road North T: 028 9083 2363 T: 028 9034 0202 Loo Hatfi t Cregagh e iam A Ormeau Cres L o am S Fitzroy St T:p028 sentryhill.net theatreatthemill.com Methodist pl Elm Farnh d St e Av Ardenlee G lanLdo9034 o0064 QUEEN’S Park o e w v r o e A opla Rd and L newtownabbey.gov.uk/ Rutlan Ave Aveood Students’ ersity n iv d n QUARTER U r e G Union Av dns Che museumatthemill Ballyrobert The White Balfou ia St House Rugby sha Co Titan Centre Elmwood Visitor Cottage Garden m PHeritage A1 ve Rave Queen’s Colle lleg A Centre k k Martyrs’ r a ge P nhill Hall eG Patterson’s Spade Mill 154 Ballyrobert Road 28-34 Whitehouse Park University A24 Gdn Memorial ard Whitla s Antrim Road, Ballyclare Ballyclare T: 028 9080S1690 t Methodist ens Palm Hall Gibson Park Gibs T: 028 Reid Arde T: 028 9332 2952 thewhitehouseni.com on P 9443 3619 Windermere W College re House n e o Kelvin le v m e a t ro e rk Av Ave D t nationaltrust.org.uk ballyrobertcottagegarden.co.uk en Ormeau Camera llesley rt A Monument S e B ro Tropical u m u Bridge g k o hton P Ave 11 Marine Guesthouse Ulster k an inc Ravine b W g House ellin A Cregagh Brough Museum For further visitor information Getting there Em Ormeau Rd gto t to s n l n Cricket nP il Gdns Malone e please contact Metro Friar’s Bush as Avenue Eg da Library me ark P Service: 1, 2 Club lee Pd Botanic lant Lodge Hotel nm nk BaroSt Pirrie Cemetery Arden Borough Council House ine Newtownabbey Ulsterbus Service: 163/563, ra ba Ormeau Ave Wellington Park Gardens Park dns n Em ra St Mossley Mill, Newtownabbey 166/566, 168/568, 300 Mal gton G Golf Course Hotel t one ddin Ag i St Ha28 T: +44 (0) 9034 0000 Queen’s aS i r Rd Downey Ave r h l o n e Main Metro Corridors t e s av University D R e d E: info@newtownabbey.gov.uk NI Railways ene House Pr Main Metro Metro Corridors Corridors St Gdns r Main P w Win Sports Centre a k lo s s Fisherwick n h 1 Antrim Road 9 Lisburn Road 5 Castlereagh Road O www.newtownabbey.gov.uk Belfast Central/Great Victoria Street dso illi da Ch Park Rd 99 Lisburn Road 55 Castlereagh Road Antrim Road Road r Av Also: 18, 19, 31 Can 11 Antrim Castlereagh Road lo Lisburn Road anm Station - Whiteabbey & Mossley West e s Also: 18, 19, 31 rin Str Pk e d n e Le Also: 18, 19, 31 P 10 2 6 Shore Road Cregagh Road Falls Road Windsor v w n Belfast 10 Falls 2 Shore Road North Pde Road 6 Cregagh Road Onslo Gd va A Also: 10A*,10H*, 82, 82A,104,532,536 A Lawn Tennis 10 2 6 Shore Road Cregagh Road Falls Road R t s B ave lack Also: 10A*,10H*, 82, 82A,104,532,536 Metropolitan or call 028 9066 6630 hur Timetables available on: www.translink.co.uk 11 Shankill Ave Also: 10A*,10H*, 82, 82A,104,532,536 AvShowing Club 7 Ormeau Road nhi Road woo 33 Holywood Road a PdeHigh Frequency SandDr College ll P South Pde 11 Shankill Holywood Road Road d SAlso: Also: 57, 57A Also: 29, 29C, 30 Road 27, 28 Corridors within the 3t Holywood 11 77 Ormeau Ormeau Road Road k Shankill Road Main Interchange Stations Also: 57, 57A Also: 29, 29C, 30 Also: 27, 28 Metro Network 12 City Centre Departure Map Also: 57, 57A Also: 29, 29C, 30 Also: 27, 28 N’ards 8 Malone 4 Upper 12 Oldpark St Brigid’s Rd Road Road H 12 Oldpark Road Upper N’ards Rd Road ayStation discovernorthernireland.com/titanictrail NIRailways Also: 93 St Also: 20, 20A, N’ards 23 88 Malone 44 Upper woo 12 Rd Malone Road Oldpark Road King’s Main Corridors within Metro Network Also: 93 Ulidia Also: 20, 20A, 23 Monkstown indicates changes to stops on denoted services d Av Also: 93 Rid Monkstown 1D Bartholomew’s Mossley 1E Roughfort Also: 20, 20A, 23 gew(Devenish S a Milewater ay StDrive) Bridge1 NIR Central Station e Road indicates changes to stops onpassing denoted services (Check departure bills at stops for other services) 1, 13, 14 Lyric ns Drive PlayingMetro Fields indicates changes to stops on denoted services 2 NIR Great Victoria Antrim StreetRoad Sou Carnmoney / (Check departure bills at stops for other passing services) Metro 1, 13, 14 1 Ravenhill Jordanstown (Check departure bills at stops for other passing services) Fairview Ballyhenry Metro 1, 13, 14 2C/D/E/G 2C/D/EOSNI c Theatre i 3 NIR Yorkgate Station P Road Metro 11 St JuCAS Road 2 Shore Road k 1A/C Ho Ballyearl de ’s Pd Stadium TLEC e OURT 14/A/B/C 13/A/B/C Metro 1B 3 Holywood Road Metro1112 North Bank Elm lyroDrive 13C, 14C 2G SHO Metro 11 Monkstown 1A/C CAS PPIN 2A/B 1A/C TLEC G CEN Manse OURTRE od New T Upper Newtownards Rd v e 4 Station Forthill CAS Metro 12 A Avenue TLEC 13/A/B Ulsterbus OUR R Way Mossley T 13B Circular abSHO PPING CENTRE Metro 12 Drive h y 5 Castlereagh Road SHO Be s D Road PPIN S G CENTRE t S 2C/D/E 14B u Manse Carnmoney Ballyduff 2B 1B/C/D/G n Cregagh Road 6 ec r nysid 4 Laganside Buscentre Jameso Metro 1, 2, 13, 14 Station Doagh hla Queen’s Road 14/A/B/C Road Hydepark 7 Ormeau Road e St Road Road 61, 64, 64B, 96 n SMetro 13, 14 t 1, 2, 13, 2H 8 Malone Road nd Elms Metro 1, 2, PRIMA 14 Hamp 5 Europa Buscentre t 64, 64B, 96 Governor’s 61, r Cloughfern 13/A/B/C RK Rathfern 2A tree 64, 64B, 96 9 Lisburn Road Oa1Gk D t s Ballyhenry o 14A h S 61, P t n 13C, 14C PRIMARK Bridge Hig Streeet Kno Hamel P 10 Falls Road d A Derrycoole Leaflet Key (copy of master) PRIMA East e e RK 61, 64, 64B, 96 h 1B/C/D ve Road tr Castle Street ck Hig Dr Antrim hS Cherryvale 14/C 11 Shankill Road 2D/E/H ig Leaflet Key (copy of master) 61, 64, 64B, 96 H 13/A/B/C Northcott Institute Cast*le E Rathmore Stree Leaflet Key (copy of master) St t d 61, 64, 64B, 96 12 Jud Oldpark Road e’s Ave Carnmoney Cast 13/C en Shopping 10 Drive 2B 13A 10 le Street 14/A/B/C Centre Playing Road * Metro 12 Metro 11 1B/C k Parador Doagh C n 10 * 10 0 Other Routes a 1A Sandyknowes Metro 11 Antrim Road re Road Albert Metro 12 1D 2C h B1 Antrim Road Antrim Fields City Express Park & Ride Terminus Metro 12 Metro 11 Ailes sc le 101010A1000 tzSt Jude’s VICTORIA Dr 2E/H 1E Sout 11 Antrim Road Glengormley Road william bury evil 10AA10AAFi ARE 1F le SQUORIA VICT c Shore Road 1B/C/F/G 2 a n r Metro Ticket & ORIA d 13/A/B VICT 13 A Rd Information re Kiosk 13C, 14C 2A/B na n SQUARE Ave Shore Road eD 2 Shore M2 Motorway 1E/J Metro TicketA &ve Braden FloTicket SQUARE Metro 11,12, InboundAn Outbound Circular Route Church College Street RoadRoad 23 Holywood r Metro & 57, 57A G Park Road located at Donegall Clea Mallusk Information Kiosk omm wnshire II Metro 11,12, Street Ailesbury S Colle 11 BB ge Stre 11 Metro 11,12, 6 et Information Kiosk 2D Bellevue veIndustrial 6 A ge 57, 57A Sq. Westat(3Donegall on map) Holywood Road Colle 3 27, located o 14/A/B ilesb Also: 28 r II 1J D P GG 12 N 11 57, 57A BB Holywood Road Lib 3 Cres located at Donegall 12 East/Northside 11 k 6 II 6 Not Sq. West (3 on map) Pk 11 Estate BB AbbeyRoyal DD Also: 27, 28 11 66 Gdn ury Sq. GG Park & Ride West (3 on map) CC Lib 12 ting 12 G East/Northside Also: 27, 28 N’ards Rd centre Mail 1E/J 1F Mt Merrion 64 4 Upper Lib 12 DD s 12 G East/Northside 2B Belfast Zoo 14/A/C 2A/B Stranmillis Park & Ride Hill CC Hayp DD Blackrock Hightown t Rd 2B/D Upper N’ards hto 4easier Park & Ride CC 20, 20A, hire Dock & Pump-House. ig23N’ards 64 EE Square It has never beenAlso: discover as Titanic’s s Rd a 4 SUpper a Arthur r n 13C r t University k w Belfast Castle Gdn Also: 20A, 23 Road e 20, EE DoFrom ThAlso: 20, unique 20A, 23 33 EE88 k C the Belfast Barge, a floating s Castlereagh Road 5its Whitewell 11 P Belfast’s links to Titanic College 12C 13/A/B 2B/C/D/E/G/H Road e 33 Pr Shore 88 Castlereagh Road 5 Castlereagh Also: 19, 31 1 3434 CITY Antrim Ballysillan 898 lleg Dr 64 RoadBelfast maritime exhibition, the blue Lagan 5 18, 122 Ed Road Good 11Shepherd and maritime heritage, now 9 US Consulate12C Silverstream Carr’s Road Glen Road Also: 18, 19, 31 L HAL CITYRoseleigh Co 44 wa Also: 19, 31 Road 99 22 61 11A 80A 4455Ravenhill CITY Cregagh 2A 6 18, Ligoniel Ligoniel Rd Carolan Rd a General 99 22FF HALL d 27 Dargan West Bank Holywood re 64/B City Council has introduced Maritime Trail takes you through r Cavehill R kb L d oc HAL 57 57A 55 ose Road a House 6 Cregagh Road Kn Road (Stena) Exchange (IKEA) Holywood Road Road Donegall Downview FF 55 Pk Road 27 FF 3 (Knocknagoney) 96 96 28 Park Ave (Innisfayle Rd) 64B ttawaymarked Ormeau Road right Rd 76 Cregagh Cloreen Mountainhill 26, 26A series of trails Belfast’s wider maritime heritage, along Oldpark Rosetta Park e Ave 12 64 Rosetta Road St Andrew’s r Ormeau Road 7 29, Dargan Somerton 64B R i (Westland Rd) Also: 29C, 30 Wellington 7 Ormeau Road Crescent George Best Departs for Road Park 80 27 Loughside 77 through thed city.RAlso: the Lagan to the nautically themed nsh Also: 29, 29C, 30 H Cairnshill Belfast City Airport 96 w Limestone Departs for 29, 29C, 30 Skegoneill Park Oldpark 80A College 11A o 7 8o Malone Road St Finnian’s 600 7 Departs for 27 Road H Park & Ride D Avenue Road Ulster Knockbreda Rd Church, Belfast H Cairnshill 12A Dr Sinclair RSeamen’s tta 77 Malone Road 8 se93 Rose Cairnshill Seaview Duncrue 600 Also: t Park & Ride 3 n d t Malone Road 8 Football Jellicoe Road 57, 57A 13/A/B/C a R the Belfast o Park & Ride Cliftonville Alliance Old Clinic Airport Rd Also: 93 and Dr reda Office, Clarendon Dock and Stadium Avenue From Belfast City Hall Harbour ert Road Avenue Holywood Connsbrook 28 West Also: 93 b 14/A/B/C v d Lisburn Road 9 k E Queen’s 26, 26A 61 12A 1D Road Avenue Belfast St John’s Cairnburn E yellow 80, 80A n’s Alexandra Grove oc Road Road 9 Lisburn Road Welcome Centre follow the Crumlin Other Services St Joh Rd Park Ave 12B/C 27 Road 9 Lisburn 2 Baths 26, 26B Victoria Kn Sailortown. 14 Club 600 Glencairn Road Park Boat 10 Falls Road Stranmillis nk Other Services AveE Circular Holywood a82A, er Follow the green City of Merchants 3. 11C/D Other Services 61, 64/B Massey Ave. b p Titanic Trail which takes you over the AA 80, 80A, H Cairnshill Park & Road Road W 10 Falls Road Twaddell 81 Ride E 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 York C Carlisle Duncairn Also: 10A*, 10H*, 82, Sydenham p ri e Allotments w 11A c y v 10 Falls532, Avenue 3 27, 28 oRoad Circus Gardens klew Belmont Road AA 80, 80A, 81 H Cairnshill Park & Riden ch EE 89, 90, 91, 92, 95 536 Also: 104, 10A*, ood Road k 82A, U ill10H*, Forthriver e Dr 57, 57A BA A HII East/Northside EFEF 13, 12B/C bre 13B, 14B, 96 da Pk 600 Road rch Apast the P82, rch Terr B 61, 80, 64, 80A,64B 81 89, 13A, 90, 91, 92,14, 95 14A, Cairnshill Park &Park Ride& Ride,u ock Lagan Weir Odyssey trail from Belfast City Hall to explore Also: W 10A*, 10H*, 82, 82A, complex Kn Pa96rk 26/B/C Sydenham Road H80,il80AlsidWoodvale 104, 532, 536 20A, 23, 29 20, 20A, 23 20 Main Metro Other A55 Yorkgate BB 61, FF 13, 13A, II East/Northside Road Wynchu 64, 64B Corridors within 13B, 14,Network 14A, 14B, 96 Park & Ride, 600 Titanic 600 By-pass 532, 536 Mater 11 104, Shankill Road you will G CB B FG II East/Northside Park & Ride, 600 Ulster 78, 79 523,13B, 524,14, 525, 526, 527, 61, 64,every 64B 13, 13A, 14A, 14B, 96 C 77, F 503, Quarter 11B/C/D Hospital and into Titanic Quarter where Belfast’s unique and still tangible From From every Broo Services A Stoney Hospital Hawthornden Castlehill Stormont 4. 12 1 r 11 Shankill Road GG 528, Cn 77, 78,mins 79 503, 530, 523, 531, 524, 538, 525, 551 526, 527, Also: 57, 57A Ballygomartin 3 C n26, Road (Dundonald) Way Road Estate a D mhil 5-10 15-30 mins 11 26A, 26B, 26C, 600 Shankill Road D Queen’s G C d 77, 78, 79 503, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, D G 528, 530, 531, 538, 551 C Newtownards Connswater Road al A 26C, 600 Also: 57, 57A discover SS Nomadic, TitanicroBelfast, heritage, including the buzzing l Par Bridge ve Shankill Road Bridge 528, 530, 531, 538, 551 DD 26, 26A,e26B, Lagan Lands Also: 57, 57A Pk en 12 Oldpark Road Road k 80, 80A ck e 19 20, 29C 3 A 600 1 Antrim Road 4B D 20/A, 29 19 80, 80A, 81 ra g D 26, 26A, 26B,v26C, Knockb West Circular Upper ch 12 Oldparke Road Harland & Wolff Drawing Offices, Cathedral Quarter and the historic Coopers 11 Comber East Road Bladon Park Sandown Albertbridge 4 North Newtownards Mount12 Oldpark Road e B 2 Shore Road 61, 64, 64B Mill Park Road Ballybeen 4A 19 B Belfast Divis Springfield Road Road Road Road Road pottinger 5 Estate Street 23, 27, 28 TitanicI slipways and all the other buildings of Belfast. 1. Road City 18, 19 19 19 29 C 77, 78, 79 3 Holywood Road (also 27, 28) 11B/D 11219 E F G H J C 80/A,D 81/A 81, 81A Lower 82, 82A 10 Centre Beersbridge Metro Day Ticket iLink Falls East Link Road Knock 18 important sites in Titanic Quarter such D 26, 26A, 26B, 26C, 600 4 Upper Newtownards Road (also 20, 20A, 23) Monagh Whiterock Grosvenor Road Springmartin Road 19, 29 St Peter’s Cathedral