“Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agro
“Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agro
Final Report of “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agro-climatic Zones” Submitted To National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 By National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Gwalior Road, Opp. Pahuj Dam, Jhansi - 284 003 (U.P.) 1 FINAL REPORT OF PROJECT On “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones” Submitted To National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi By Coordinating and Lead Centre : National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Gwalior Road, Opp. Pahuj Dam, Jhansi 284 003 (U.P.) Ph. (O): 0510- 2730 213 - 214, Fax: 0510-2730364 e.mail: krishivaniki@nrcaf.ernet.in Associate centers :5 1. Agroforestry Centre, Assam Agriculture University Kahikuchi, Guwahati, Assam. 2. Agroforestry Centre, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishva Vidhyalaya, Jhargram, Midnapur, W. Bengal. 3. Agroforestry Centre, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka. 4. Agroforestry Centre, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Orissa. 5. Agroforestry Centre, Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Distt. Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Compilation and Editing: S.K. Dhyani S.P. Ahlawat D. R. Palsaniya FINAL REPORT OF NATIONAL BAMBOO MISSION FUNDED PROJECT ON BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS 1. Project title : “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones” 2. Sanction No. : No. 44-11/2006 – Hort-NBM, Dt. 21st August, 2007 3. Report period : From 1st October, 2007 - 31st March, 2011 4. Date of start : October, 1st, 2007 5. Date of termination : March, 2011 6. Name of Institute : National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi-284003 (U.P.) 7. Total grant sanctioned : ` 106.44 lakh 8. Total grant released : ` 93.51 lakh CONTENTS S. No. 1 Chapter Preface Page No. 1 2 Executive Summary 2-3 3 Introduction 4 4 Project Objectives 5 5 Technical Programme 6 6 List of Centres 6 7 Final Progress Report of the Centres 7-149 (i) NRC for Agroforestry, Jhansi 7-20 (ii) AAU, Kahikuchi, Assam 21-33 (iii) BCKVV, Jhargram, W.B. 34-72 (iv) UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka 73-84 (v) OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Orissa 85-140 (vi) B.S.K.K.V. Dapoli, Maharashtra 141-149 Tel. Office: 91-510-2730214/2730213 Telegram: KRISHIVANIKI Fax : 91-510-2730364 E-mail: Shivkdhyani@gmail.com, krishivaniki@nrcaf.ernet.in National Research Centre for Agroforestry (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Gwalior Road, Near Pahuj Dam, Jhansi 284 003, U.P. Preface Bamboo is playing a significant role in the economy and providing livelihood support to millions of people in rural and urban India. Recognizing bamboo's enormous potential in the country, there has been lot of R&D activities on various aspects of bamboo plantation. NRC for Agroforestry (NRCAF), Jhansi initiated a coordinated research project in October, 2007 on Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones with funds under R&D project of National Bamboo Mission. NRCAF is the lead and coordinating centre and five other associated centres under the State Agricultural Universities are located in different agro-climatic zones at Guwahati (Assam), Jhargram (West Bengal), Bhubneshwar (Orissa), Dharwad (Karnataka) and Dapoli (Maharashtra). Project aims to develop bamboo based agroforestry models for different agroclimatic zones at each centre. Different species of bamboo and crops suitable to the agro-climatic conditions were selected for each centre. Intercrops were also taken along bamboo species. The trials were conducted at the research station and in farmer’s field at all the Centres. The final report of the project is presented here. The Coordinated project generated valuable information on bamboo-crop-legume interface under different edapho-climatic situations. It also gave insight to farmers’ choice and preferences to opt for bamboo or the intercrops. The Centres organized a number of training programs, Kisan Mela and interaction with stakeholders which gave strength to the project. Since, the project was sanctioned only for three years, hence, the results on interactions between bamboo and crops, soil properties under different systems and initial economic analysis are indicative and could have been strengthened if at least one rotation of bamboo was complete. However, all the coordinating centres did good work and a number of research publications were brought out. I congratulate all the PIs and Associates at the Centres for achieving the targets and contributing significantly. Dr. S.P. Ahlawat and Dr. D.R. Palsaniya deserve appreciation for compilation of the report. (S.K. Dhyani) 1 Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones Executive Summary Importance of bamboo for the rural poor, farmers, industry and ecology are very well known. Being one of the fastest growing plant, perennial nature and ability to produce culms every year, it gives very high return in comparison of timber trees. Under agroforestry system, it provide higher economic returns than mono-cropping systems to the farmers, conserve and improve the soil, fill the gap of national forest cover (33%) and provide raw material to the industry as well as for domestic use for the rural community. Because of the use of various intercrops, products are obtained even in the early stages of plantation and the income would be much higher than any other system. Bamboo can be harvested every year and hence regular income will start much earlier than expected from any other woody component. The project envisaged to develop and standardize bamboo based agroforestry systems for six agroclimatic zones of the country. For this purpose six research centres of ICAR and State Agricultural Universities at Jhansi (U.P.), Kahikuchi (Assam), Jhargram (West Bengal), Bhubneshwar (Orissa), Dharwad (Karnataka) and Dapoli (Maharashtra) situated in different agroclimatic zones of the country, were taken. Bamboo based agrisilviculture systems evaluated at these centres revealed that growth of bamboo in terms of clump height, canopy and number of culms in bamboo were higher under the agroforestry situation as compared to pure bamboo. Bamboo and intercrops did not exhibit any adverse effect on each others survival, growth and yield. Further, there was no much variation in the growth of bamboo and growth and yield of intercrops in 12 x 10 m and 10 x 10 m spacings, though, their performance was slightly better in closer spacing (10 x 10 m). The intercrops found suitable for bamboo based agroforestry are chickpea and sesame for Jhansi (U. P.); turmeric, pine apple and banana for Kahikuchi (Assam); paddy, groundnut, pigeon pea, turmeric, elephant foot yam and colocasia for Jhargram (W. Bengal); cotton for Dharwad (Karnataka); toria and sesame for Bhubaneswar (Orissa) and Nagli (Eleusine corasana), sweet potato (Ipomea batata) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) for Dapoli (Maharashtra) region. The study also indicates that bamboo can tolerate diverse soil moisture regimes and with an extensive underground root-and-rhizome system it effectively binds the top soil, and help in soil conservation. The bamboo based agroforestry systems had positive effects on soil profile and surface soil properties as the organic carbon and organic matter content and available phosphorus increased. The exchangeable K, Ca and Mg decreased with increasing distance from the bamboo clumps. Soil pH and EC also improved under the system. In the current coordinated trials as bamboo has not completed a rotation of even four years, therefore, the economic analysis attempted in these studies can only be an indicative. However, experiments conducted at NRC for Agroforestry, Jhansi and under the All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Agroforestry Centres in different agroclimatic regions reported better economic returns from bamboo based agroforestry systems in comparison of sole cropping. These studies revealed that the bamboo based systems yielded B-C ratio higher than one, indicating high profitability. In middle Gangetic plain region, bamboo based silvipasture system in non-arable land under rainfed condition is reported to provide economic returns in terms of B:C ratio of 1.76 with IRR 55 in ten years. Introduction Bamboo is a fast growing, perennial, renewable natural resource and wonderful gift of nature to mankind. Importance of Bamboo is very well known in daily life of human beings especially in rural areas. There are more than 1500 recorded uses of bamboo. It provides food, fodder, construction material, tool and implements for agriculture, raw material for pulp and paper, and for handicrafts. In addition, it conserves soil, stabilize slopes and river banks, regreens wastelands. Many cultural traditions in rural areas are intimately connected with bamboos. Commercial consumption of bamboo in the world is to the tune of $ 10 billion (`46,000 crore), which is expected to double by 2012. Based on current trends, it is estimated that the bamboo industry in India could grow to $ 5.6 billion (` 26,000 crore) by 2015. The international trade represents only a small proportion of total bamboo usage, domestic use is estimated to account for at least 80 per cent. Bamboo is thus a major world commodity and backbone of handicrafts and small-scale cottage industries. Currently there is a mismatch in demand and supply. At present the demand for bamboo is 26.9 million tonnes as against the supply of 13.47 million tonnes. A coordinated action plan could put this skewed equation right, especially given the wide availability of bamboo in India. Government of India has established National Bamboo Mission to boost the bamboo sector in the country. With this background and keeping in view the objectives and targets of National Bamboo Mission, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi, this project was proposed for the resource enhancement of bamboo and improve economy of farmers through bamboo based farming systems in the country. Bamboo as a woody grass is perfectly suited to agroforestry. Under agroforestry systems, it is suitable for intercropping, soil conservation, wind break, riparian filter, permaculture and yields value added products, timber, forages, edible shoots, fiber and craft wood. Economically its cultivation ensures IRR of more than 25%, almost equal to eucalyptus but returns are recurrent on annual basis after 5-6 years upto 30 years or more without recurring investments on plantations. Indian farmers have been growing bamboo since ancient times at their homesteads, small scale farm lands and farm/field boundaries for livelihood support, various purposes including as live fence to protect their agricultural crops. They are managed as grooves or following some agroforestry models. Different agroforestry systems based on bamboo i.e. agri-silviculture, agri-horticulture, silvi-pasture etc. are prevalent in different states namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Chhattishgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand and Bihar. Shade loving crops like, turmeric, zinger, large cardamom, vanilla, tea and some medicinal plants are ideal intercrops with bamboo for agroforestry systems. For extending bamboo cultivation through agroforestry system to other states, the compatibility of food crops with bamboo based system, need to be tested so that, a complete package can be provided to the farming community. In China, bamboo based agroforestry models based on mainly Bambusa, Dendrocalamus and Phyllostachyus species are very popular and have given best economical, social and ecological benefits to the farming community at large. Bamboo based agroforestry models will provide higher economic returns to the farmers, improve the soil, fill the gap of national forest cover (33%) and provide raw material to the industry as well as for domestic use of the rural community. Because of the use of various intercrops, products are obtained even in the early stages of plantation and the income would be much higher than any other system. Bamboo can be harvested every year from fourth year onwards and hence regular income will start much earlier than expected from any other woody component. Agroforestry practice will also benefit the bamboo plants by sharing the inputs of irrigation, manure and fertilizers, weeding etc. applied to agriculture crops, and hence bamboo quality and yield would be better than unmanaged plantations. So, the total returns can be much higher than other woody plantations. Throughout the country, farmers and field foresters are cultivating bamboo following traditional practices and majority of them are not aware of the new techniques of propagation, farming and management of bamboo plantations. Recent developments in any field do not reach to the grass root users without demonstrations and extension activities. Due to lack of knowledge, poor management, unscientific method of culms extraction and over harvesting makes most of the clumps and bamboo plantations unproductive. Therefore, National Bamboo Mission has kept a target of improvement of 7,500 ha existing stock of bamboo plantation in initial phase. State Forest Departments have been creating bamboo plantations in forests, on degraded lands to check soil erosion and ecological rehabilitation. If potential of quality-planting material giving high returns, proper management and harvesting practices of bamboo clumps are demonstrated, farmers and foresters will definitely come foreword to take up its cultivation. That will not only fill the gap in demand and supply of bamboo, but will also meet national forest cover target, save significant amount of foreign exchange by reducing the import of timber, pulp and paper and more importantly improve the economy of rural poor. Keeping above facts in mind this project was proposed with following objectives: Objectives To develop and standardize bamboo based agroforestry systems suitable to different agroclimatic conditions. To demonstrate the scientific management practices and potential of bamboo based agroforestry systems at farmer’s fields for economic gain. To evaluate production potential, economics and impact of bamboo based agroforestry system on natural resource base. Technical Programme The study was proposed to conduct at the research farm of each centre (six centres) and on farmer’s fields in the respective region. Accordingly, different technical programmes were made for both type of farms and develop the suitable systems. Following experimental treatments were proposed. 1. Agroforestry Experiments at Research Centre’s Bamboo species : 1 at 4 centers, and 2 species at Assam and Jhargram center Spacing :2 (10x10 m = 100 clumps/ha and 12x10 m=84 clumps/ha) Clumps per plot : 12 (3 x 4, rows x clumps) Plot area : 1200 m2 in 10x10 m spacing, and 1440 m2 in 12 x10 m spacing Inter-crops : Locally grown rainy (kharif) and winter (rabi) season crops Control : Pure crop (without bamboo), and Pure bamboo plantation (without crop) Replications : Three Design : RBD 2. Demonstrations on Farmer’s Fields Species : 1 (best adapted and preferred by the farmers of the region) Spacing : 4 - 5 m clump to clump in single row on field bunds Intercrops : Locally grown crops (as per farmers choice) Treatments : Soil forking and soil mounding Manure & fertilizer application (twice) Pruned and un-pruned culms (branches from node) Control (unmanaged clump) Area : 2 ha (along field bunds at different locations according to the availability of land in farmers fields) List of Rsearch Centres with a name of bamboo species and intercrops Research Centre Bamboo species Intercrops NRCAF, Jhansi Dendrocalamus strictus Chickpea in rabi and sesamum in kharif Kahikuchi, Assam Bambusa tulda & B. Turmeric, pine apple and banana balcooa Jhargram, Bambusa tulda and Paddy, groundnut, pigeon pea, turmeric, W. Bengal Bambusa balcooa elephant foot yam and colocasia Dharwad, Bambusa bambos Cotton Karnataka Bhubaneswar, Dendrocalamus strictus Toria in rabi & Sesame in kharif Orissa Dapoli, Pseudo-oxytenenthera. Nagli (Eleusine corasana) and sweet Maharashtra stocksii potato (Ipomea batata) in kharif & cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in rabi FINAL PROGRESS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES National Research Centre For Agroforestry, JHANSI - 248003 (U.P.) NRC FOR AGROFORESTRY, JHANSI (U.P.) Investigators Principal Investigator : Dr. S.P. Ahlawat, Senior Scientist (Pl. Breeding) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. Ram Newaj, Principal Scientist (Agronomy) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. R. K. Tewari, Principal Scientist (Horticulture) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. R.V. Kumar, Sr. Scientist (Pl. Breeding) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. Ramesh Singh, Sr. Scientist (Ag. Engineering) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. R.S. Yadav, Scientist, Sr. Scale (Soil Science) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. A. Venkatesh, Sr. Scientist (Forestry) Co-Principal Investigator : Dr. R. P. Dwivedi, Sr. Scientist (Agril. Extension) Project title: “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones” Technical programme 1. Agroforestry Experiments at Research Centre Bamboo species Spacing Clumps per plot Plot area Inter-crops Control : Dendrocalamus strictus :2 (10x10 m = 100 clumps/ha and 12x10 m=84 clumps/ha) : 12 (3 x 4, rows x clumps) : 1200 m2 in 10x10 m spacing, and 1440 m2 in 12 x10 m spacing : Chickpea in rabi and Sesamum in kharif : Pure crop (without bamboo), and Pure plantation (without crop) : Three : RBD Replications Design Treatments: T1 : 10x10m Bamboo + Gram T2 : 12x10m Bamboo + Gram T3 : 10x10 m Pure Bamboo T4 : 12x10m Pure Bamboo T5 : Pure Gram 2. Demonstrations on Farmer’s Field Species : D. strictus, B. bambos and B. vulgaris Spacing : 4 - 5 m clump to clump in single row on field bunds Intercrops : Locally grown crops (as per farmers choice) Treatments : Soil forking and soil mounding Manure & fertilizer application (twice) Control (unmanaged clump) Area : 2 ha (along field bunds at different locations according to the availability of land in farmers fields) 1. Agroforestry Experiments at Research Centre Experimental site at research centre The experimental trial was laid out at the Research Farm of the National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh), which is located on 4 26’N 78 8’E and 251 m altitude from MSL. The soil type is red and black. Selected field has mix of both type soil i.e. sandy soil. The climate of the experimental site is tropical with short winter followed by long and hot summer. In this area, the summer temperature is generally very high and during winter temperature remains moderately low. Maximum and minimum temperatures were found to vary between 39-24.10C and 26.7-6.20C respectively. Average relative humidity was found to vary from 90.6-33.5 %. Average rainfall of Jhansi is 850mm per year. However, it is drought prone area, where recurrent drought occurs at interval of one or two year. Field Preparation A field of 1.4 ha area was selected for conducting experiment in the research farm of the centre. Ploughing by mouldboard plough, disc-harrow and then leveling, etc operations were carried out before planting of bamboo at the end of August. The field was then ready for planting of bamboo plants. Drainage channels were made to remove excess water. Soil status Soil of the experimental site is low in fertility. Initial status of soil was pH 6.54, EC 0.180 dSM-1, organic carbon 3.92 kg-1 soil, available N213 kg ha-1, available P 5.28 kg ha-1 and available K 185 kg ha-1. Experimental design, layout and digging of pits The experiment was laid out in simple randomized block design with three replications. The gross plot size is 1200 m2 (Spacing - 10 × 10m) and 1440 m2 (Spacing 12 × 10m). The layout of experiment was done using 30 m tape, rope and rods for planting bamboo as per the technical programme. Pegs (2 feet long wooden sticks) were put in the field at a spacing of 10 × 10m and 12 × 10m. Pits having a dimension of 60 × 60 × 60 cm (length, width and depth) were dug during second week of September, 2007. Then pits were filled up with the mixture of 15-200 kg FYM + Top soil of same field + 100 g DAP per pit. Chloropyrophos (2 g per pit) was applied in each pit as an anti-termite treatment. Procurement and transportation of bamboo plants Seedlings of D. strictus (200 nos.), were procured from the Agroforestry Research Centre, GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, which were raised under a project supported by NMBA (National Mission on Bamboo Applications). Then those plants were transported to the site of plantation i.e. at the NRCAF, Jhansi for planting in the experimental field. Layout of bamboo experimental plot : D. strictus R2 East R1 North 10 x 10 m 10 x 10 m Aonla Pure field crop Pure bambo o 12 x 10 m R3 12 x R3 10 x 10 m R2 10 m 12 x Pure Bambo o 10 x 10 m R1 10 m 12 x 10 m Planting and maintenance of bamboo plants in field Though as a thumb rule planting should be done during the second rain of monsoon normally in the first week of July. But, due to delayed commencement of the project (September, 2007) the seedlings of D. strictus could be planted on 25th September 2007. Due to the drought there was no rain after planting of the bamboo plants. That’s why the plantation was needed to be nurtured with water and nutrients. Basin of 1-1.5 m around the plant and a mound of 15 cm high around the seedling were made. Each plant was given 60 litres of water immediately after plantation. Thereafter, plants were irrigated periodically as per requirement. Irrigation is generally done through the tankers available at the centre. Due to the drought, life saving irrigation was very essential and hence same was provided through water tanker at an interval of 10-15 days. Time to time weeding and soil forking was done for better growth of the plants. Gap filling of bamboo plants Since the optimum season for transplanting from nursery to fields is onset of rainy season and hence if planted before this time, there are further chances of high mortality. So, bamboo plants are being raised in large size (60 x 60cm) polybags containing mixture of soil, FYM and vermin-compost, for better growth and to match with the plants growing in fields. They are planted in place of un-survived plants in the month of July, 2008. Results 1. Bamboo The initial data has been recorded on survival and their growth parameters of bamboo plants (D. strictus) during April 2008, after harvest of rabi crop, as given the following tables. The survival rate in April 2008 was 70 per cent. The mean plant height, culms/plant and internode length was 61.27cm, 2.86, 6.49 cm, respectively. Results indicated that maximum plant height (73.38cm) and culms/plant (3.88) were recorded in T1 (10x10m), while internode length was maximum (8.46cm) in T4 i.e. sole bamboo (12x10m). At the time of submission of report the bamboo plants have picked up very good growth and full size of bamboo culms were sprouting and growing in almost all the clumps. The mortality and poor growth performance of bamboo plants is due to the fact that plantation was done at the end of September, when the planting season was over. The Bundelkhand region was under severe drought from last four years and during the period of plantation to growth assessment (from Oct.2007 to April, 2008) there was no rain in the region. Another major reason is that the bamboo plants were of very poor conditions, because by the receipt of the sanction of the project all the tall and healthy seedlings were sold by the nurseries. The plants available at that time had about 15-25cm height. To ensure the plantation of certified species and improved quality planting stock all the possible sources were explored. Hence, the material was procured from the Agroforestry Research Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, (Uttarakahand). This material was multiplied under the programme supported by National Mission on Bamboo Applications, New Delhi. However, the plants were maintained in large size poly bags (40cm dia. and 60cm height) each consisting around 35 kg media of soil:FYM: vermicompost in ratio of 1:1:0.05, to ensure the casualty replacement by the plants of same size as growing the field. In fields also the plants were regularly watered at an interval of 10-15 days by providing 60 lit. water per irrigation. Availability of the quality planting material of bamboo species is always a constraint. The culms of Dendrocalamus strictus are comparatively thin and smaller size, which are generally not preferred by the farmers for cultivation, as they demand for large culm size of bamboos. In order to conduct trial at farmers fields and to meet their demand, at the same time two potentially species of the region i.e. B. vulgaris (green) and B. tulda, which were originally proposed in the project, also procured from the Agroforestry Reserch Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Haldi, Pantnagar, (Uttarakahand). Two hundred plants of B. vulgaris and 60 plants of B. tulda were procured. The plants of B. vulgaris were multiplied by culm cuttings and had attained good enough size for field planting. On the other hand, the plants of B. tulda were in very poor condition similar to the D. strictus. These plants were also planted at 10x10m spacing in three replications in another field to conduct agroforestry trials. The growth performance of the plants of both species is presented in table 2 and 3. Performance of B. vulgaris is better than D. strictus and B. tulda, because initial size of the plants of B. vulgaris was much higher than other two species. Table 1. Growth of D. strictus planted at different spacing Treatment Plant height (cm) No. of culms /plant T1 73.38 3.88 T2 58.00 2.25 T3 66.25 3.75 T4 68.30 3.55 T5 Mean* 61.27 2.86 Minimum 25.00 1.0 Maximum 102.0 5.0 * - mean of the total population Internode length (cm) 7.72 6.36 8.12 8.46 6.49 4.60 9.60 Table 2. Growth performance of B. vulgaris Plant height (cm) No of clump/plant Mean 119.40 3.33 Minimum 60.0 2.0 Maximum 194.0 10.0 Internode length (cm) 6.49 7.60 14.0 Table 3. Growth performance of B. tulda Plant height (cm) No of clump/plant Mean 68.10 3.40 Minimum 40.0 2.0 Maximum 100.0 7.0 Internode length (cm) 5.90 4.60 7.40 2. Intercrop Chickpea (variety Samrat) was taken as intercrop during rabi with D. strictus. Lentil was taken with B. vulgaris and B. tulda. The crop was sown in the end of October and harvested in March 2008. The data on both the crops was recorded and same is presented in Table 4-7. The observations on germination of gram was cent per cent in the initial tests. Among different treatments, T5 treatment i.e. sole gram was found best due to highest values of all the parameters. Average mean of plant height, number of branches /plant, number of pods/ plant , grains weight / plant, grain yield (kg/ha) and test weight was 43.4 cm, 6.60, 66.87, 12.66g, 1853.0 kg/ha, 178.98g was found highest in T5. This was followed by T1 and T2. In case of lentil as intercrop with B. vulgaris and B. tulda, the maximum yield of intercrop was recorded in pure lentil as shown in Table 6 and 7. 2. Demonstrations on farmer’s fields Simultaneously, on farm trials were initiated to assess the suitability and acceptability of the bamboo based agroforestry systems at the fields of selected farmers. Bamboo species, D. strictus, B. bambos and B. vulgaris, suitable to the agroclimatic conditions and preferred by the farmers have been planted on farmers fields. Intercrops were grown by the farmers in the fields as per their choice. Generally, mustard was grown by all the farmers. Table 4. Growth and yield attributes parameters of gram under bamboo based AF system Treatment Plant stand/ m2 area Plant height (cm) No. of branches /plant No. of pods/ plant No. of grains / pod Grain wt./ plant (g) Test wt. (g) Straw wt./ plant (g) T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 42.27 36.8 43.87 42.97 43.26 43.52 6.45 5.82 6.60 65.09 66.73 66.87 1.96 1.89 2.2 11.79 12.23 12.66 178.43 178.88 178.98 17.74 17.40 18.02 Table 5. Yield parameters of gram under bamboo based AF system Treatment Grain yield Straw yield Biological yield (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) T1 1720.21 2301.91 4022.12 T2 1735.59 2269.77 4005.36 T3 T4 T5 1853.00 2413.00 4266.00 Harvest index (%) 43.00 43.00 43.43 Table 6. Growth and yield attributes parameters of lentil under bamboo based AF system Treatment B. vulgaris +Lentil B. tulda + Lentil Pure Lentil Plant Plant stand/ height m2 (cm) area No. of branches /plant No. of pods/ plant No. of grains/ pod Grain wt./ plant (g) Straw wt./ plant (g) Test wt. (g) 61.53 33.68 5.61 54.11 1.68 2.58 5..86 26.90 68.00 69.00 34.00 36.50 5.41 5.86 44.12 58.16 1.78 1.96 2.24 2.62 5.60 5.90 26.81 27.18 Table 7 . Yield parameters of Lentil under bamboo based AF system Treatment Grain yield Straw yield Biological Harvest index (kg/ha) (kg/ha) yield (kg/ha) (%) B. vulgaris + Lentil 661.12 1235.12 1896.51 35.00 B. tulda + Lentil 531.46 1242.95 1774.41 30.00 Pure Lentil 682.86 1246.80 1985.18 34.86 Selection of farmers A team of scientists surveyed the prospective areas and visited the progressive farmers interested in its cultivation. Based on the farmer’s interests and prospects, the team has finalized the farmers in different villages of district Jhansi. Planting of bamboo On farmers fields also the pits having a dimension of 60 × 60 × 60 cm (length, width and depth) were dug during third week of September, 2007. Then pits were filled up with the mixture of 15-200 kg FYM + Top soil of same field + 100 g DAP per pit. Chloropyrophos (2 g per pit) was applied in each pit as an anti-termite treatment. The bamboo species D. strictus was planted in farmers fields and their growth performance is given below. Growth performance of Bamboo in farmer’s fields in March 2008 (Planted in Sept. 2007) 1. Farmer: Sh. Harprasad, Vill. Ganeshgarh, Jhansi, land holding 2.0 acre Table 8. Growth performance of 182 plants of D. strictus in farmer’s field Attribute Plant height (cm) No of clump/plant Internodes length (cm) Mean 41.99 6.13 19.52 Minimum 24.00 2.0 Maximum 83.00 13.0 • Crop: Mustard; Yield : Av. 1026 kg/ha 13.80 24.60 2. Farmer: Sh. Ram Kumar, Vill. Ganeshgarh, Jhansi, land holding 5.0 acre Table 9. Growth performance of 145 plants of D. strictus in farmer’s field Attribute Plant height (cm) No of clump/plant Internodes length (cm) Mean 69.00 2.89 18.12 Minimum 21.00 2.0 12.15 Maximum 120.00 4.00 20.30 Crop: Mustard;Yield : Av. 1217 kg/ha 3. Farmer: Sh. Shobha Ram Rajput, Vill. Nayakheda, Jhansi, land holding 60 acre Table 10. Growth performance of 85 plants of D. strictus in farmer’s field Attribute Plant height (cm) No of clump/plant Internodes length (cm) Mean 210.67 3.07 18.82 Minimum 90 1 13 Maximum 310 6 26 Field crop : Mustard; Grain yield : Av. 1352 Kg/ha, Gap Filling Due to the drought from last four years and non availability of water in the Bundelkhand region, severe mortality occurred on farmer’s fields. Hence, all the unsurvived plants were again planted in the fields of above farmers during July 2008. This year very good rain (>1200mm) was received and bamboo was planted well in time hence, all the plants are surviving as well as picked up good growth. Intercultural operations are being carried out time to time as per the requirements. Besides the vacancy filling, more plants for taking additional plantation were provided to all the farmers. A total of 1450 plants of D. strictus were provided for vacancy filling and planting in the fields of the farmers. Trials on Farmer’s Fields initiated in 2008 Several farmers have shown their interest for planting of bamboo on the bunds of their fields and approached at the centre. In order to conduct the agroforestry trials on large scale in varied soil conditions and test their viability, some more farmers were selected in 2008. Details of farmers and plantations done on their fields are given below: 1. Sh. Ram Singh, vill. Hastinapur, Jhansi Species B. vulgaris: 85 plants – 100% survival Intercrop: Lobia (Vigna unguiculata) in kharif 2. Sh. Lakshman Singh, vill. Chaurari, block: Mauranipur, Jhansi. Species D. strictus: 200 plants – 100% survival Intercrop: Nil in kharif Field has black soil and due to continuous rain kharif crop could not be sown. 3. Sh. Ghanshyam Prasad, vill. Piplokhar, block: Mauranipur, Jhansi. Species D. strictus: 250 plants – 100% survival Intercrop: Nil in kharif Field has black soil. Due to continuous rain, kharif crop could not be taken. View of trial during rabi crop, 4 months after planting D. strictus with Chickpea – Intercrop (4 months after planting) Trials view during kharif crop, 10 months after planting Sesamum (Til) intercrop with D. strictus Growth performance of bamboo in 2009-10 Growth attributes of D. strictus were recorded after two years age (November2009), under various treatments and presented in table 1. The results revealed that the average height was maximum under T1 (423.56cm) followed by T4 (412.5cm) and T3 (369.40cm) and least under T2 (352.91cm). Average clump diameter was found maximum under T1 (460.97cm) followed by T3 (424.82cm), T2 (391.83) and T4 (324). The total number of culms/clump were highest in T4 (25) followed by T3 (24.32), T1 (20.39) and T2 (20.16). The mean number of new culms/clump was in the order of T1>T3>T4>T2. Mean height of five culms was maximum under T1 (283.5cm) and lowest in T4 (232.1). Among different treatments T2 had highest length at 3rd internode, while T4 had lowest. Treatment T1 had maximum culm diameter at 3rd internode. Treatment T1 exhibited maximum canopy followed by T3, T2 and T4 treatments. At this stage, there was no definite pattern in growth parameters due different treatments of spacing and intercropping with in the same bamboo species. Growth behavior of three bamboo species under a uniform spacing of 10x10m under agroforestry system is presented in Table 2. Mean plant height was recorded maximum in B. vulgaris (548.55cm) followed by D. strictus (423.56cm) and B. tulda (175.36cm). Clump diameter was heights in D. strictus (460.97cm) followed by B. vulgaris (351.73cm) and least in B. tulda (153.865cm). Highest mean number of culms/clump was recorded in B. tulda (33.12) and least in B. vulgaris (18.28). Average number of new culms/clump was highest in B. tulda (4.88) and lowest in D. strictus (1.73). Further B. vulgaris was found superior to D. strictus and B. tulda in respect to the length and diameter of 3rd internode. The lowest values of B. tulda are due to the smallest size of seedlings at the time of planting. Table 1. Growth performance of D. strictus under different treatments Treatments and spacing (m) Plant Clump New Total Length of height diameter culms culms 3rd (cm) (cm) Internode (cm) 423.56 460.97 1.73 20.39 13.69 T1(10x10m) Bamboo+ crop T2 (12x10m) 369.40 424.82 Bamboo+ crop T3(10x10m) 352.91 391.83 Bamboo alone T4(12x10m) 412.50 324.00 Bamboo alone Diameter of 3rd internode (mm) 18.76 Canopy diameter (cm) 333.66 1.36 24.32 13.05 16.95 282.24 0.76 24.32 13.72 17.13 277.25 1.00 25.00 12.89 15.37 265.75 Table 2: Performance of different species of bamboo under agroforestry systems Species Height (cm) Clump diameter (cm) B. vulgaris B. tulda D. strictus 548.55 351.73 175.36 153.87 423.56 460.97 New Total culms culms 4.51 4.88 1.73 Length of 3rd internode (cm) 18.28 20.35 33.12 15.77 20.39 13.69 Diameter Canopy of 3rd diameter internode (cm) (mm) 27.98 6.81 18.76 459.99 333.66 Growth and Yield of Intercrop in 2009-10 This year chickpea and sesame was grown in rabi and kharif with D. stictus, Bambusa vulgaris and B. tulda. The data of growth and yield of chickpea, lentil and sesame intercrops are presented table 3 to table 5. Data reveal that under different spacing of bamboo based agroforestry system, growth, yield and yield attributes were better under 10x10m as compare to 12x10m spacing of D. strictus. However, performance of sesame was better under control in comparison to the intercrop. The grain yield of sesame varied from 260.47 to 352.11 kg ha-1 in different spacing and species of bamboo. The performance of crop under pure system was better than of intercrop of bamboo and grain yield in pure was 509.47 kg ha-1. The harvest index of till varied from 17.02 to 22.99% in pure as well as in intercrop with bamboo. It indicates that the grain yield was 17 to 23 per cent of the biological yield. Growth and yield of sesame under three bamboo species i.e. Bambusa tulda, B. vulgaris and D. strictus is presented in Table 4. The value of growth, yield attributes and yield of sesame indicates that species of bamboo did not exhibit any definite trend in respect of all characters. Plant population, plant height, grain yield and harvest index was higher under D. strictus, while number of pods/plant, grain weight/plant, and straw weight/plant, straw yield and biological yield was higher under B. vulgaris. Number of branches /plant was better under B. tulda. The data pertaining to growth, yield attributes and yield were also recorded at different distances (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 m) from bamboo plants. The values of these characters were less in most of the cases at 0.5 m away from bamboo as compared to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0m away from the bamboo plant but differences were non-significant. Table 3: Growth and yield attributes of chickpea intercrop in D. strictus based agroforestry system Treatment Plant (Spacing intensity lineXplant) (m2 area) Plant height (cm) 10 x 10m 42.27 42.97 12 x 10m 36.80 43.26 Distance from bamboo plant (m) 0.5 38.83 41.20 1.0 38.00 41.40 2.0 40.84 43.97 3.0 38.84 44.47 4.0 43.17 44.87 Grain wt./ plant (g) 11.79 12.23 10.24 12.72 13.10 12.03 11.94 Straw Test wt. wt./ (g) plant (g) Grain yield (kg/ha) Straw yield (kg/ha) 17.74 17.40 178.43 178.88 1779 1759 2326 2311 Biological yield (kg/ha) 4103 4069 17.35 17.88 18.67 16.56 16.80 178.48 179.78 180.72 178.33 178.97 1622 1730 1945 1765 1778 2100 2217 2525 2420 2480 3722 3809 4320 4185 4245 Harvest index 0.435 0.438 0.450 0.422 0.422 0.434 0.432 Table 4: Growth and yield attributes of lentil intercrop in bamboo based agroforestry system Treatment Plant (Bamboo intensity species) (m2 area) Plant height (cm) B. vulgaris 61.53 33.68 B. tulda 68.00 34.00 Distance from bamboo plant (m) 0.5 62.33 30.87 1.0 66.00 33.40 2.0 65.67 34.43 3.0 64.67 35.00 4.0 65.17 35.20 Grain wt./ plant (g) 2.58 2.24 Straw wt./ plant (g) 5.86 5.60 Test wt. (g) Grain yield (kg/ha) Straw yield (kg/ha) Harvest index 1274 1289 Biological yield (kg/ha) 1936 1784 26.90 26.81 668 534 2.39 2.22 2.54 2.43 2.54 6.05 5.35 5.72 5.73 5.83 26.98 26.78 26.93 26.94 26.67 509 660 628 596 611 1147 1348 1340 1248 1302 1617 1947 1970 1871 1897 0.313 0.348 0.320 0.320 0.308 0.338 0.305 Table 5: Growth and yield attributes of sesame intercrop in D. strictus based agroforestry system Spacing Treatm ents 10X10 D. strictus 12x10 D. strictus Control Plant Plant No.of No. of Grain Popula Height pods/ branch/ Wt./ tion/ (cm) plant plant plant (m2) (g) Straw Grain Straw Wt./ yield yield plant (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (g) Biological Harvest yield index (kg/ha) (%) 27.87 132.08 30.27 2.49 4.61 15.25 352.11 1392.1 1744.21 20.19 21.13 120.04 23.99 2.09 3.28 11.28 301.46 1240.13 1541.59 19.56 42.00 134.27 43.27 4.23 7.07 15.01 509.47 2233.93 2743.40 22.99 Table 6: Growth and yield attributes of till (sesame) intercrop under different species of bamboo Species (10X10 m) Plant Plant popula height tion/ (cm) 2 m No.of No. of pods/ branc plant h /plant Grain Wt./ plant (g) Straw Grain Wt./ yield plant kg/ha (g) Straw yield kg/ha Biologica Harvest l yield index kg/ha % D.strictus 27.87 132.08 30.27 2.49 4.61 15.25 352.11 1392.10 1744.21 20.19 B.vulgaris B.tulda 24.2 130.29 41.37 18.13 129.35 32.21 2.48 2.56 5.23 4.19 15.99 323.33 1575.66 1898.99 13.09 260.47 1003.73 1264.20 17.02 20.60 Fig. Bamboo based agroforestry systems at NRCAF, Jhansi Agroforestry Experiments on Farmers field’s in 2009-10 In order to assess the on farm potential and preference of bamboo cultivation, experimental trials were also taken on the farmers fields of the region Farmers have shown their keen interest and desired to adopt the bamboo in their field boundary under agroforestry. Plants of Bambusa vulgaris were planted (85 in 1.0 ha) at village Hastinapur in the field of Shri Harpal Singh Rajpoot. During kharif season ground nut (282kg/ha) and in rabi season Wheat (3756kg/ha) were taken. Dendrocalamus strictus was planted (280 Nos. in 2.0 ha) at village Nayakhera in the field of Shri Shobha Ram Rajpoot. During kharif season Urd (515kg/ha), Mung (525kg/ha), Ground nut (550 kg/ha) and in rabi season Wheat var. Malviya 234 (3260 kg/ha) were taken. Any adverse effect of bamboo on the crop was not observed. The details of growth of bamboo species are given below: Table 7: Performance of different bamboo species on farmer’s fields Clump Clump New Total Length of 3rd Diameter of 3rd Height diameter culms culms Internode internode (cm) (cm) (cm) (mm) Bambusa vulgaris vill.- Hastinapur 517.83 235.87 1.16 7.16 17.42 27.81 Dendrocalamus strictus: vill.-Nayakhera 264 167.5 6.63 0.38 15.13 13.43 Canopy (cm) 426.5 173.92 FINAL PROGRESS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES From Horticulture Research Station, Assam Agricultural University, Kahikuchi, Guwahati - 17, Assam Name of Centre Technical programme Location Main plantation Bamboo species Spacing Intercrops Design Treatments : Horticulture Research Station, Assam Agricultural University, Kahikuchi, Guwahati - 17, Assam : : Horticultural Research Station, AAU, Kahikuchi : Bamboo : 2 (Two) i) Bambusa tulda ii) Bambusa balcooa : i) 10 x 10 m for Bambusa tulda ii) 12 x 10 m for Bambusa balcooa 3 (Three) i) Turmeric ii) Pineapple iii) Banana : 3 RBD T1 Pure plantation of T5 Pure plantation of bamboo pineapple T2 Bamboo + pineapple T6 Pure plantation of banana T3 Bamboo + banana T7 Pure plantation of turmeric T4 Bamboo + turmeric Table 2.1. Meteorological data of the centre (2010-11) Month No. of rainy days Rainfall (cm) Jan, 10 1 Feb, 10 Temperature (0C) Humidity (%) Sunshine hours Maximum Minimum M* E** 0 22.4 11.0 89 70 5.36 0 0 26.7 15.0 72 50 5.21 Mar, 10 2 7.4 31.6 17.1 66 51 5.26 April, 10 4 55.5 28.3 21.4 99 89 7.70 May, 10 24 154.9 30.2 23.5 88 71 6.25 June, 10 22 92.5 30.8 26.2 90 84 4.83 July, 10 19 303.8 32.8 27.6 97 82 3.60 Aug, 10 14 202.5 33.0 26.5 98 86 4.70 Sept, 10 18 198.0 31.3 25.5 99 84 6.60 Oct, 10 6 82.0 28.9 23.1 99 84 6.70 Nov, 10 2 2 27.1 18.1 99 78 7.10 Dec, 10 10 167 28.2 21.0 99 91 6.50 142 1265.6 -- -- -- -- -- Total M* = Morning at 8-30 a.m. E** = Evening at 5-30 pm 1. Meteorological data during the period (January to December, 2010) of experimental site of AICRP on Agroforestry, Horticultural Research Station, AAU, Kahikuchi Centre 2. Mean annual rainfall of the area: 2000 mm (approx.) 3. Climatic aberration: About 36.7% less amount of total rainfall with 52 days more number of rainy days 4. Agro climatic region: Himalayan zone Methodology A. On station Bamboo rhizomes of one year old culm was selected as planting materials for both the species viz. Bambusa tulda (Jati) and Bambusa balcooa (Bhaluka). Bamboo rhizomes with one meter length culm length having atleast 2 – 3 internodes were taken for the purpose. Rhizomes were planted in pits at 450 angle inclined towards North and the base were tempered in the month of March-August, 2008. Gap filling was done twice in the month of May, 2008 and June, 2008 in B. tulda. Likewise, gap filling in B. balcooa was done thrice in the month of June, 2008, July, 2008 and April, 2009 in Research Station. Three intercrops viz. pineapple (var. Kew), banana (var. Chenichampa) and turmeric (cv. Tall Clone) were selected for both bamboo species. Pineapple suckers and banana suckers were planted in the month of September, 2007. Turmeric was sown in April, 2009. Initial soil samples during 2008 were collected from the depth of 0-30 cm, 15 cm – 30 cm and 30 cm -50 cm and analyzed with routine procedures. During 2009 it was collected from the depth of 0-30 cm. B. Farmer’s field In farmers’ field bamboo was planted in single row in the border of crop field at a distance of 5 m x 5 m. Other methodologies for bamboo and intercrops were similar to that of the Research station. Four members of the farmers in 3 different villages were selected as follows for experiment: S. No. Name of Farmers 1. Sri Lohit Rabha 2. Md. Ratul Ahmed 3. Md. Amrul Hoque Village Malong Pura, Rongjuli Block Pordupara, Rongjuli Block Bijoypur Bongaon, Area (ha) 0.8 Crops Banana (Chenichampa), Pineapple (Kew) 0.75 Banana (Malbhog), Turmeric (Tall Clone) 0.75 Banana (Chenichampa), Turmeric (Tall Clone) 4. Md. Abdul Hamid Rongjuli Block Pordupara, Rongjuli Block 0.60 Areca nut and pineapple (Kew) Soil samples from the farmer’s field were collected from the depth of 0-30 cm. In Research Station Table 1. Growth of different species of bamboo under agroforestry system Species Clump Clump New Total Length of Diam. of height diameter culms culms 3rd 3rd (m) (m) internode internode (cm) (mm) Bambusa 13.04 2.02 9.97 20.57 33.66 67.8 tulda Bambusa 9.34 0.85 3.2 14.2 16.48 59.97 balcooa Table 2. Growth performance of Bambusa tulda Treatments Clump Clump New Total Height diam. Culms culms (m) (m) (no.) (no.) Bamboo (Sole) Bamboo + Pineapple Bamboo + Banana Bamboo + Turmeric Pineapple (sole) Banana (Sole) Turmeric (Sole) 13.0 11.7 13.2 12.7 - 1.7 1.7 2.3 1.7 - 8.0 11.3 8.3 12.3 - 15.3 16.3 19.7 22.7 - Length of 3rd internode (cm) 36 35 36 32 - Canopy diameter (m) 8.33 6.80 Diam. of Canopy 3rd diam. Internode (m) (mm) 45.0 7.4 46.0 7.0 56.6 9.1 73.0 7.5 - Growth of Bambusa tulda in agroforestry system is described in Table 1&2.Maximum plant height (13.2 m) and spread (2.3 m) of Bambusa tulda was recorded in the intercrop plot with banana while average culms (12.3 no.) was the highest in bamboo intercropped with turmeric in 3 years after plantation. Table 3. Growth performance of Bambusa balcooa Treatments Clump Clump New Total Length of 3rd Diam. of 3rd height diam. culms culms internode internode (m) (m) (no.) (no.) (cm) (mm) Bamboo (Sole) 8.9 0.7 3.5 8.5 20.5 20.1 Bamboo + 9.2 0.6 2.8 6.2 18.7 19.6 Pineapple Bamboo + 13.2 0.9 3.6 6.8 18.8 23.2 Banana Canopy diam. (m) 6.8 6.7 5.9 Bamboo + Turmeric Pineapple (sole) Banana (Sole) Turmeric (Sole) 8.5 0.9 3 7.8 18.3 22.1 5.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Growth of Bambusa balcooa in agroforesry system is described in Table 1&3.Maximum plant height (13.2 m) and spread (0.9 m) of Bambusa balcooa was recorded in the intercrop plot with banana while average culms (8.5 no.) was the highest in bamboo as sole in 3 years after plantation. Table 4. Growth and yield attributes of pineapple under different species of bamboo Species Pl. ht. Canopy Leaf Fruit Fruit Fruit Plant Plant Fruit Biological Harvest (m) spread /plant length girth yield wt yield yield yield index (m) (cm) (cm) (kg/pl) (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) B. tulda 1.3 0.85 39.3 19.3 35.2 0.90 5.5 333.6 63 396.6 15.8 B. balcooa 1.0 0.85 50 17.5 33.5 0.88 6.2 427.2 10.7 437.9 2.4 Pineapple as intercrop with Bambusa tulda registered fruit yield of 63q/ha while with Bambusa balcooa fruit yield was only 10.7q/ha because of less flowering. Fruit yield was maximum (60.2 q/ha) in pineapple at 4.0 m away from the base of Bambusa tulda. Similar results were observed in Bambusa balcooa (Table 4,5,6). Table 5. Effect of Bambusa tulda on growth and yield of pineapple Distance Pl. ht. Canopy Leaf Fruit Fruit Fruit Plant Plant from (m) spread /plant length girth yield wt yield bamboo (m) (cm) (cm) (kg/pl) (kg) (q/ha) (m) 0.5 0.9 1.0 36.3 18.5 33.1 0.9 5.5 330.6 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 S. Ed. (5%) C. D. CV 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.1 0.11 NS 13.17 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.15 0.33 23.40 22.5 32.2 38.0 38.9 1.83 NS 8.03 17.2 16.5 19.2 19.3 0.68 1.48 5.88 29.2 35.2 30.1 35.5 1.81 3.95 7.85 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 0.17 0.36 17.54 5.2 3.5 4.8 5.3 0.40 0.87 12.77 243.0 355.6 291.6 353.6 7.47 15.28 3.25 Fruit Biological Harvest yield yield index (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) 55.0 385.6 14.26 58.0 48.0 55.9 60.2 0.97 NS 14.83 301.0 403.6 347.5 413.8 18.94 41.29 8.00 19.27 11.90 16.09 14.54 1.08 2.35 9.94 Table 6. Effect of B. balcooa on growth and yield of pineapple Distance Pl. ht. Canopy Leaf Fruit Fruit Fruit Plant Plant from (m) spread /plant length girth yield Wt. yield bamboo (m) (cm) (cm) (kg/pl) (kg) (q/ha) (m) 0.5 1.1 1.0 32.0 15.5 33.1 0.9 5.1 322.6 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 S. Ed. (5%) C. D. CV 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.11 NS 13.17 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.15 0.33 23.40 30.5 32.2 33.0 32.9 1.83 NS 8.03 17.3 16.4 15.2 17.3 0.68 1.48 5.88 29.2 35.2 30.1 35.5 1.81 3.95 7.85 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.8 0.17 0.36 17.54 5.0 3.8 3.8 4.3 0.40 0.87 12.77 263.0 405.1 300.0 336.6 7.47 16.28 3.25 Fruit Biological Harvest yield yield index (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) 9.6 332.2 2.8 8.0 9.6 8.6 10.6 0.97 NS 14.83 271.0 414.7 308.6 347.2 18.94 41.29 8.00 2.9 2.3 2.7 3.0 0.32 NS 16.9 Banana as intercrop in Bambusa tulda was3.09 m plant height and recorded 16.0 q/ha fruit yield (Table 7&8).Statistical analysis showed that fruit yield of banana was significantly higher (18.3 q/ha) in 4.0 m away from the base of bamboo clump in comparison to 3.0 ,2.0 and 1.0 m distance. While in Bambusa balcooa fruit yield in 4.0 and 3.0 m was at par and was significantly higher than the fruit yield observed at 2.0 and 1.0 m distance from the base of bamboo(Table 9). Table 7. Growth and yield attributes of banana under different species of bamboo Species Plant Suckers Leaves Plant Hands Fingers Finger Finger Hand Fruit Plant Fruit Plant Bio. Harvest height per Per girth per per girth length weight yield weight yield weight yield Index (m) Plant plant (cm) bunch hand (cm) (cm) (kg) (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) per plant (kg) B. tulda 3.09 1.0 32.0 15.5 33.1 0.9 5.1 322.6 9.6 12.4 47.6 16.0 4760 4776.0 0.335 B. balcooa 3.21 0.8 30.5 17.3 29.2 1.2 5.0 263.0 8.0 13.1 Table 8. Effect of Bambusa tulda on growth and yield of banana Distance Plant Suckers Leaves Plant Hands Fingers Fruit Fruit Hand Fruit from height per Per girth per per length girth weight yield bamboo (m) Plant plant (cm) bunch hand (cm) (cm) (kg) per (m) plant (kg) 1.0 3.20 2.92 10.8 39.8 8.00 16.3 13.1 12.1 2.63 13.0 45.3 15.4 4530 4545.4 Plant Fruit Plant weight yield weight (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) 0.338 Bio. yield (q/ha) Harvest index (%) 41.0 14.0 4545 4369 0.36 2.0 3.04 3.18 5.1 28.7 7.25 15.3 13.0 12.0 2.69 13.0 42.3 16.3 4303 4318 0.35 3.0 2.93 3.26 5.2 41.6 7.29 15.4 13.2 11.6 2.98 13.2 40.0 15.6 4563 4580 0.37 4.0 3.20 3.49 9.5 48.1 8.12 17.2 13.8 12.5 3.20 13.2 41.6 18.3 4763 4780 0.36 S. Ed. 0.21 0.14 0.59 3.40 0.58 0.95 1.0 1.07 0.18 0.53 2.12 0.87 18.7 112.95 0.03 C. D. NS 0.31 1.29 7.41 NS NS NS NS 0.39 1.15 NS 1.91 NS 246.22 NS CV 10.8 6.9 12.2 13.6 11.9 9.3 11.9 14.0 9.8 5.6 8.1 8.6 6.5 3.9 13.7 (5%) Table 9. Effect of Bambusa balcooa on growth and yield of banana Distance Plant Suckers Leaves Plant Hands Fingers Fruit Fruit Hand Fruit from height per Per girth per per length girth weight yield bamboo (m) Plant plant (cm) bunch hand (cm) (cm) (kg) per (m) plant (kg) 1.0 3.23 3.03 12.0 49.2 8.05 17.2 13.2 11.7 2.70 12.4 Plant Fruit Plant weight yield weight (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) Bio. yield (q/ha) Harvest index (%) 42.6 16.0 3408 3424 0.47 2.0 3.14 3.30 5.6 38.6 8.25 15.3 13.5 11.2 2.85 11.1 45.2 15.0 3616 3631 0.41 3.0 3.00 3.40 5.6 55.3 7.20 18.2 14.0 11.0 3.20 13.2 45.3 17.2 3624 3641 0.47 4.0 3.45 3.63 10.1 62.0 8.55 19.0 14.5 12.0 3.55 13.5 46.6 17.0 3728 3745 0.45 S. Ed. 0.25 0.12 .088 3.30 0.58 0.95 1.0 1.07 0.18 0.53 2.12 0.87 60.13 59.75 0.03 C. D. .054 0.26 1.92 7.18 NS NS NS 2.33 .39 1.15 NS 1.91 131.0 130.3 NS CV 12.2 5.59 16.7 12.6 11.9 9.3 11.9 14.0 9.8 5.6 8.1 8.6 2.7 2.6 12.1 (5%) Turmeric as intercrop yielded 77.0 q/ha and 222.8 q/ha with Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balcooa respectively (Table 10).With the increasing distance from the base of bamboo all the growth and yield parameters were recorded higher significantly in both the species of bamboo (Table 11 & 12). Table 10. Growth and yield attributes of turmeric under different species bamboo Species Plant Leaves Rhizome Plant Rhizome Plant Biological Harvest height per yield/plant weight yield yield yield Index (m) plant (kg) (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) B. tulda 1.03 10.33 1.9 0.35 77.0 703.5 780.5 9.86 B. balcooa 1.16 20.3 2.0 0.37 222.8 777.0 999.8 22.28 Table 11. Effect of B. tulda on growth and yield of turmeric Distance Plant Leaves Rhizome Plant Rhizome Plant Biological Harvest from height per yield per weight yield yield yield Index bamboo (m) plant plant (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) (m) (kg) 0.5 1.00 6.3 1.2 0.3 68 495.4 563.4 12.1 1.0 1.23 10.1 2.2 0.2 72 568.3 640.3 11.2 2.0 3.0 1.33 1.13 9.9 13.2 2.3 2.0 0.3 0.4 78 80 720.3 755.3 798.3 835.3 9.7 9.6 4.0 1.50 S. Ed. (5%) 0.14 C. D. 0.30 CV 15.81 15.0 0.62 1.35 8.03 2.1 0.23 0.51 16.68 0.3 0.03 0.06 12.45 79 3.37 7.35 6.32 765.0 4.35 9.47 0.93 844.0 6.36 13.87 1.22 9.4 0.49 1.07 6.67 Table 12. Effect of B. balcooa on growth and yield of turmeric Distance Pl. ht. No. of Rhizome Plant Rhizome Plant Biological Harvest from (m) leaf yield per weight yield yield yield Index bamboo plant plant (kg) (q/ha) (q/ha) (q/ha) (%) (m) (kg) 0.5 0.98 6.3 1.2 0.2 102.3 495.4 563.4 12.1 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.11 1.01 1.05 7.3 9.9 11.6 2.0 2.3 2.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 213.2 213.6 218.0 568.3 720.3 755.3 640.3 798.3 835.3 11.2 9.7 9.6 4.0 S. Ed. (5%) C. D. CV 1.30 0.04 0.09 5.46 12.0 0.61 1.34 9.21 2.4 0.21 0.46 14.47 0.4 0.03 0.06 13.03 221.3 2.38 5.19 1.74 765.0 5.24 11.42 1.14 844.0 4.21 9.17 0.81 9.4 0.49 1.06 6.63 The initial characteristics of soil under bamboo plantation has been shown in Table 13 and Table 14. In the Bambusa tulda (Jati) plot soil textural class was found to be loam down to the depth of 50 cm. Available N and P2O5 was medium from top soil to 30 – 50 cm depth. However, available K was high (350.70 kg/ha) in top soil and it decreased with depth. On the other hand, soil texture was sandy loam to loam in Bambusa balcooa (Bhaluka) plot. High organic matter was observed in the soil. Available N was medium in top soil. Available P was recorded to be medium from surface down to the depth of 50 cm. However, available K was recorded low. Table 13. Initial soil characterstics of Bamboosa tulda Depth Texture Organic pH Available nutrients (cm) (kg/ha) matter (1:2.5 soil:water) N P2O5 K2O 0-15 l 0.95 5.5 378.3 31.4 350.7 15-30 30-50 l l 0.66 0.57 5.3 5.4 329.3 316.2 26.1 23.1 315.7 306.2 Classification: Fine, loamy mixed, hyperthermic DystricEutrudepts Table 14. Initial soil characterstics of Bamboosa balcooa Available nutrients (kg/ha) Depth Texture Organic pH (cm) matter (1:2.5 soil:water) N P2O5 K2O 0-15 sl 1.69 4.6 275.4 M 29.4 M 133.2 L 15-30 sl 0.91 5.2 218.7 L 32.0 M 130.1 L 30-50 l 0.85 5.3 206.6 L 34.2 M 122.6 L Classification: Fine, loamy mixed, hyperthermic Fluventic Dystrudepts After three years of experimentation soil analyses revealed no definite built up in a spell of only three years (Table 15 &16). Table15. Soil status in Bamboosa tulda (2010-11) Treatment Organic matter(%) Bamboo(Sole) Bamboo + pineapple Bamboo + banana 0.84 0.86 0.96 Available nutrients (kg/ha) N P2O5 K2O 372.5 25.7 349.5 387.4 32.7 345.6 393.3 32.7 336.7 Bamboo + turmeric 1.06 395.7 36.72 362.4 Pineapple (Sole) 0.90 385.9 36.5 342.6 Banana (Sole) 1.04 395.3 38.50 359.6 Turmeric (Sole) 1.06 392.6 37.7 375.9 Table16. Soil status in Bamboosa balcooa (2010-11) Available nutrients (kg/ha) Treatment Organic matter (%) N P2O5 K2O Bamboo(Sole) 1.62 270.2 25.6 142.7 Bamboo + pineapple 1.68 292.6 32.4 140.6 Bamboo + banana 1.72 286.4 31.4 144.5 Bamboo + turmeric 1.78 292.4 35.6 150.2 Pineapple (Sole) 1.62 285.1 35.4 143.6 Banana (Sole) 1.68 290.4 33.6 150.2 Turmeric (Sole) 1.75 300.5 39.2 165.9 From the data it is observed that there is no significant difference among the treatment in respect of soil nutrient builds up after 3years of experimentation both in Bamboosa tulda and Bamboosa balcooa. However, the lowest amount of of organic carbon, available N, available was recorded in the soil under sole bamboo. Experiment in farmer’s field: Growth of bamboo and yield of intercrop in farmers’ field are presented in Table 17. Survival percentage and growth of Bambusa tulda was better than Bambusa balcooa (Table 17). Out of 400 banana plants cv.Chenichampa 350 yielded fruit in Farmer 1. 75 per cent pineapple plants as intercrop in Bambusa balcooa yielded fruit (30.5 t/ha) in third year. In Farmer 2, 300 Malbhog banana plants recorded fruit yield of 32 t/ha as intercrop with Bambusa tulda. Turmeric as intercrop yielded 60 q/ha. Farmer 3 had grown Chenichampa banana and turmeric cv. Tall Clone as intercrop with Bambusa tulda. 72 per cent produced fruits in second year and yielded 38 t/ha. Turmeric yield was 142 q/ha. Pineapple and arecanut were grown as intercrop with Bambusa balcooa by Farmer 4. Arecanut is in vegetative growth stage. Fruit yield of pineapple cv. Kew was 184 q/ha Table 17. Yield of intercrop in farmers’ field Yield (t/ha) Farmer Banana Pineapple Turmeric Areca nut 1. 36.0 30.5 --2. 32.0 -6.0 -3. 38.0 -7.2 -4. -18.4 --- Bamboo spp./height/culm B. balcooa / 7.5 m / 4 no. B. tulda / 11.8 m / 12no. B. tulda / 10.9 m / 10 no. B. balcooa / 8.2 m / 5 no. Budget and Expenditure: 2007 to 31 January, 2011 Budget (lakh `) Particulars A. R/C 1.SRF 2. FA 3. TA 4.Chemical & Glassware 5. R/C Total of A B. Non R/C 1. Drip irrigation 2. Lux meter 3.Digital soil moisture meter Total of B Total of A+B Instl charge10% Grand Total 07-08 08-09 09-10 1.04 0.48 0.50 0.25 1.04 0.48 0.40 - 1.16 0.48 0.40 0.25 2.00 4.27 2.00 3.92 2.00 4.29 1.35 0.08 2.00 - 3.43 7.70 0.77 8.47 3.92 0.39 4.31 4.29 0.43 4.72 Expenditure (`) Total 3.24 1.44 1.30 0.50 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11* Total (`) 75877 62710 49978 38346 19775 18289 - 120000 258587 - 88324 38064 6.00 113155 138373 223840 12.48 182908 270885 286550 97230 217230 572598 957573 96289 4098 199775 28364 3.43 96289 228139 4098 15.91 182908 367174 502913 221328 1.59 159000 17.50 182908 367174 514689 380328 96289 4098 199775 28364 328526 1286099 159000 1445099 1.35 0.08 2.00 Expenditures in addition to the amount mentioned in the Table: Salary of Field Asstt for the month March drawn in April,2011=` 4,000/- R/C for the month March drawn in April,2011 =` 15,732/- Anticipated expenditure(arrear pay of SRF due to pay enhancement as per ICAR norms) to be paid =` 1,16,774/- Total * (Enclosure attached)_____________________________________ =` 1, 36,506/- Final expenditure up to March, 2011 Sanctioned budget Fund released i) F5/Bamboo/ 07-08/Audit; dt.3.11.07 ii) NRCAF/NBM/3/2007/Dtd 5.10.09 (` in Lakh) 17.50 8.47 1.35 iii) NRCAF/NBM/3-7/Bamboo/07-08/2489 /dtd 31.01.2011 3.00 iv) FNo.44-14/2006-Hort ((NBM)/dtd 28.03.2011 2.55 Total fund released 15.37 st Total expenditure mentioned in the Table up to 31 January, 2011 14, 45,099 Expenditure up to March, 2011 in addition to the amount mentioned in the 1, 36,506 Table Grand total of expenditure 15, 81,605 Minus balance (-) Rs 44,605 *Enclosure: Arrear pay of SRF in the adhoc project on “Development of Bamboo baed Agroforestry for six agro climatic zones” functioning at Horticultural Research Station, Kahikuchi centre during 2007 – 2011 1. Sri Pinkudhar Barman, SRF His arrear consolidated pay to be drawn with w.e.f.16-05-08 to 06-01-09@ ` 12,000/p.m vide Memo No.AAURG-1.3(78)/2008-09/1527-607 Dtd 24-04-08 (Pay=` 12,000/-x 7month 22 days) =` 92,516.00 Less already drawn as follows: (Pay=` 8,000/-x 7 month 22 days)= ` 61,677.00 Net payable arrear= ` 92,516.00 - ` 61,677.00 = `30,839.00 … (A) 2. Miss Himadri Rabha, SRF Her arrear consolidated pay to be drawn with w.e.f.06-01-10 to 31-03-10@ ` 12,000/p.m vide Memo No.AAURG-1.3(78)/2008-09/1527-607 Dtd 24-04-08 (Pay=` 12,000/-x 2month 26 days) =` 34065.00 Less already drawn as follows: (Pay=` 8,000/-x 2 month 26 days)= ` 22710.00 Net payable arrear= ` 34065.00- ` 22710.00= ` 11355.00 … (B) 3. Miss Himadri Rabha, SRF Her arrear consolidated pay to be drawn with w.e.f.01-04-10 to 10-01-11@ ` 16,000/p.m vide F.No.15 (1)/2010-A&P (Edn) Dtd 26-10-10 (Pay=`16,000/-x 9month 10 days) =` 149161.00 Less already drawn as follows: (Pay=`8,000/-x 9 month 10 days)= ` 74581.00 Net payable arrear= ` 149161.00 - ` 74581.00= ` 74,580.00…(C) Grand total (A+B+C) = `1, 16,774.00 Certified that the bills are verified as per Acquaintance Roll. Also certified that the overdrawn if any detected against the incumbent shall be deducted and deposited in the University account. Sd/Illegible Chief Scientist Horticultural Research Station Assam Agricultural University Kahikuchi, Guwahati-17 FINAL PROGRESS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES From Regional Research Station, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram-721507, Dist. Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The performance of bamboo-based agroforestry systems (bamboo intercropped with rice, pigeon pea, bottle gourd and turmeric) was investigated at the Research Farm, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in a strip-split plot design, replicated thrice keeping spacing (with two levels i.e. 10 x 10 m and 12 x 10 m) in the main plot, bamboo (with two levels i.e. Bambusa tulda Roxb and Bambusa balcooa Roxb) in the sub-plot and four levels of intercrops (i.e. rice, pigeon pea, bottle gourd and turmeric) in the sub-sub-plot. Each plot contains 12 clumps (3 x 4, rows x column) and altogether 12 such plots have been maintained in the experiment. The four arable crops were cultivated during the kharif season of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Results indicated that the survival rate of both the bamboo species was 100%. Significantly better growth parameters of both the bamboo species were higher when grown under intercropping situation than sole bamboo plantation. Significantly higher mean for most of the growth parameters of both the bamboo species were observed when planted at closer planting (10×10 m) as compared to wider spacing (12×10 m) under both sole and intercropping situation. Significant improvement in the soil fertility was observed under intercropping system as compared to sole bamboo cultivation. The yield of all the intercrops was slightly higher in sole cropping than intercropping system. Further, yield difference of the intercrops under the two bamboo plantation was negligible. However, the yield of all the intercrops was higher in wider spacing (12×10 m) as compared to closer spacing (10 ×10 m). Estimates of the B:C ratio for the different bamboo based agroforestry systems revealed that bamboo-based agroforestry system have immense potentiality for providing livelihood security to the poor farmers through self-employment and higher income. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Centre : Regional Research Station, (Red & Laterite Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram-721507, Dist. Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India 2. Telephone : 03221-205500 (Office)/09433890079 (Mobile) 3. E-mail : dr_pratap_dhara@yahoo.co.in /hirak.bckv@gmail.com 4. Project Title : Development of Bamboo-based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agro-climatic Zones 5. Date of Commencement : October, 2007 6. Funding Agency : National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 7. Name, Designation & Address of PI : Dr. Pratap Kumar Dhara Associate Professor in Soil & Water Conservation Regional Research Station (Red & Laterite Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram – 721507, Dist. Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India 8. Name, Designation & Address of Co-PI : Dr. Hirak Banerjee Assistant Professor in Sr. Scale in Agronomy Regional Research Station, (Red & Laterite Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram-721507, Dist. Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India 9. Name of the SRF : T. Vanlalngurzauva M.Sc. (Ag.) in Soil & Water Conservation, BCKV INTRODUCTION Bamboo is a large grass belonging to the subfamily Bambusoideae (Family Poaceae). As a plant, bamboo is straight, hollow, smooth, light yet hard and strong. It is pliable, flexible and can easily be bent and split. Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on earth, gaining approximately 121 cm in 24 hrs. It is one of the most important non-wood forest products as well as agricultural plants in the world. About 18 million hectares of bamboo are distributed in world forest ecosystems particularly in Asia, Africa, and America. Worldwide there are more than 1,250 species under 75 genera of bamboo. It is found to grow practically all over the country, particularly in the tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions where the annual rainfall ranges between 1,200 mm to 4,000 mm and the temperature varies between 16oC and 38oC. The most suitable conditions for the occurrence of bamboo are found in between 770-1,080 meter above sea level. However, two-thirds of the growing stock of bamboo in the country is available in the north-eastern states. This natural resource plays a major role in the livelihood of rural people and in rural industry. This green gold is sufficiently cheap and plentiful to meet the vast needs of human populace from the "child's cradle to the dead man's bier". That is why sometimes bamboo is known as "poor man's timber". Bamboos are distinct and fascinating plants, with a wide range of values and uses. They play a significant role in bio-diversity conservation and contribute to soil and water conservation. They are important for biomass production and play an increasing role in local and world economies. Furthermore, bamboo provides considerable environmental benefits. Bamboo produces over 35% more oxygen than trees generating a significant increase in carbon sequestration (12 tonnes/ha/annum), which can repair and sustain our rapidly diminishing atmosphere. Bamboos are good soil binders owing to their peculiar clump formation and fibrous root system and thereby play an important role in soil and water conservation. Because the extensive rhizome system of bamboos lies primarily in the top layers of soil, they often play a major role in stabilizing soils on slopes and river banks, preventing erosion and land slips. An estimated 8.96 million ha forest area of the country contains bamboo. Bamboo generally forms the under-storey in the natural forests. Bamboo is not only grown in forests but also it can be planted under agroforestry systems. In agroforestry systems where each plant receives individual care, bamboo shows promising results. Bamboo reaches structural maturity within three years and the mean annual increment (MAI) of medium or large sized bamboos is as high as or higher than that of many of the fast growing tree species. The economic impact of the bamboo based agroforestry system considerably influences general economic development and this system is especially important as well as significant for developing country like India. Under this system because of growing of various intercrops, products are obtained even in the early stages of plantations and the income is much higher than any other system of cropping. It is also believed that the scope for bamboo in agroforestry in India, more specifically in West Bengal, is very wide because of the uncertain weather conditions and the increasing cost of labour involved in raising agricultural crops on marginal lands rendered the later option less attractive. With this background and keeping in view the following broad objectives, the project entitled “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agroclimatic Zones” has been initiated during September, 2007. OBJECTIVES i. To develop and standardize bamboo-based agroforestry system suitable for red & laterite zone of West Bengal. ii. To demonstrate the scientific management practices and potential of bamboo-based agroforestry systems at farmer’s field for economic gain. iii. To evaluate production potential, economics and impact of bamboo-based agroforestry systems. iv. To create awareness among the farmers about bamboo and its importance in agroforestry system both in state as well as national level. EXPERIMENTAL SITE Location The research farm where the experimental work was carried out is located at Regional Research Station, Jhargram, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. The station is situated at 22.5° N latitude and 87.0° E longitudes and at an elevation of 78.77 m above mean sea level under red and laterite zone of West Bengal. Topographically, the land is located on higher situation. Soil characteristics The soils of the farm where the experiments were conducted fall under red and laterite type. The upland soils are coarse textured and strongly acidic (pH 4.58) and poor in organic matter, available phosphorus and potassium content. Soils are very deficient in available plant nutrients and highly susceptible to erosion hazards. Meteorological features of the experimental site The details of meteorological parameters pertaining to the period of experiment i.e. October 2007 to December 2010 have been depicted in Table 1. Table1. Agro-meteorological data during experimentation (October, 2007 to December, 2009) Month Average Temperature (ºC) Maximum October November December 32.0 29.0 27.5 January February March April May June July August September October November December 24.1 26.7 37.4 38.8 39.6 36.7 32.6 32.2 32.7 32.6 28.0 26.5 January 22.0 Average Relative Humidity (%) Minimum Maximum YEAR 2007 21.0 87.3 16.4 89.9 13.1 80.5 YEAR 2008 12.6 77.8 15.0 79.0 22.8 83.5 26.4 85.5 27.5 86.2 26.3 88.4 25.8 90.5 25.2 91.6 23.0 91.4 20.2 90.2 15.4 85.2 13.2 81.5 YEAR 2009 10.5 76.0 Total No. of Rainfall rainy (mm) days Minimum 59.6 53.3 45.6 19.8 2.4 - 2 1 - 42.8 46.9 50.3 51.6 52.8 58.4 56.2 60.8 72.1 59.8 50.8 47.3 3.5 35.5 48.6 102.8 258.4 462.6 498.8 320.6 58.0 - 1 5 8 11 14 15 18 14 2 - 43.1 - - Month Average Temperature (ºC) Maximum February 25.4 March 35.8 April 44.9 May 41.6 June 43.4 July 37.5 August 36.9 September 36.4 October 34.4 November 28.5 December 28.5 January February March April May June July August September October November December 26.6 34.0 36.9 37.5 39.8 40.2 38.4 37.6 36.5 35.6 30.4 26.6 Average Relative Humidity (%) Minimum Maximum 15.6 80.2 23.0 82.7 23.1 76.1 25.8 83.1 27.9 82.1 27.4 92.6 26.1 93.2 25.9 94.2 21.2 94.8 13.6 92.3 11.2 93.4 YEAR 2010 7.8 86.7 13.9 78.8 18.7 68.2 19.6 69.4 22.8 70.8 26.8 88.8 26.4 89.6 26.6 91.4 25.8 92.4 24.6 80.6 20.2 84.6 14.8 82.8 Total No. of Rainfall rainy (mm) days Minimum 46.8 50.6 54.5 0.5 1 57.7 59.4 34.0 5 68.3 219.5 23 72.2 342.0 21 68.2 337.0 15 55.8 88.5 7 42.7 1.0 1 36.7 33.9 28.9 29.3 34.2 46.8 66.4 72.8 79.8 82.4 62.4 46.4 44.2 1.5 11.5 30.5 56.8 106.6 235.4 240.5 60.8 - 2 2 3 5 6 12 15 7 - Source: Zonal Agricultural Research Station, B.C.K.V., Jhargram, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal) Climate The climate of the experimental site is humid sub-tropical with short winter and long hot summer. The crop season of this region are broadly classified as summer or prekharif (March to May), rainy season or monsoon or kharif (June to October) and winter or rabi or boro (November to February). Temperature In this area, the summer temperature is generally very high while during winter temperature remains moderately low. The average maximum and minimum temperatures were found to vary between 22.0°C (Jan., 2009) to 44.9°C (April, 2009) and 7.8°C (January, 2010) to 27.9°C (June, 2009) respectively during the whole period of experimentation. Relative humidity During the period of experimentation the average maximum and minimum relative humidity was found to vary from 68.2% (March, 2010) to 94.8% (October, 2009) and 42.8% (January, 2008) to 76.6% (August, 2009). Rainfall The annual precipitation of this area generally varies between 1000 mm to 1800 mm, about 80% of which are usually precipitated during the monsoon period. Even within this short period, the rainfall may be unevenly distributed. Monsoon sometime commences early or late and retreat before time. Even within this period there may be prolonged breaks. As a result, partial or even total crop failures are the usual feature of the rainfed agriculture in this region. The rainfall characteristics of the experimental site showed that the total rainfall received during 2007 (October – December, 2008 and 2009) was 22.2 mm (3 rainy days), 1788.8 mm (88 rainy days) and 1021 mm (73 rainy days) respectively. Year 2010 was faced severe drought in West Bengal and received lowest rainfall i.e. only 50% of the average rainfall (730.6 mm in 48 rainy days). Establishment and Management of Bamboo Based Agroforestry System Preparation of field Firstly, all shrubs and weeds were removed from the area (2 ha) demarcated for the experiment. Then the field was prepared by ploughing with disk harrow. For a nice field preparation, this operation was repeated three times so that most of the weeds which had emerged out were well incorporated into the soil. After the third harrowing, levelling of the field was done for uniform distribution of irrigation water in the intercropped area. Shallow depressions in the field in which water can accumulate were filled up. This activity was carried out 15-20 days prior to actual plantation. This allows stones to be removed and the soil to be loosened before planting commences. The field was then ready for planting of bamboo plants. Preparation of experimental design and layout The experiment was laid out in a strip-split-plot design with three replications. The same layout plan was followed in the same site during the whole period of experimentation (Fig. 1). The gross plot size is 1200 m² (for 10m x 10m spacing) and 1440 m² (for 12m x 10m spacing). There are twelve (12) plots altogether in the experiment. Procurement, collection and transportation of culm cuttings Culm cuttings of Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balcooa were procured from the National Mission on Bamboo Applications (NMBA) supported existing Vegetative Propagation Centres (VPC) network situated at Directorate of Research, BCKV, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal. When the culm cuttings attain a height of 0.5 – 0.6 m, they were transported to the site of plantation i.e., at the Regional Research Station (Red & Laterite Zone), BCKV, Jhargram, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal. Layout and digging of pits The layout for the plantation was made using 50 m tape and rope. Wooden pegs of 1 foot were put in the field at a spacing of 10m x 10m and 12m x 10m for B. tulda and B. balcooa. Pits were dug having a dimension of 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm (length, width and depth). The pits were filled up with 20 kg FYM + top soil of the same field + 100g DAP per pit. Chloropyriphos or Malathion (2g per pit) was also applied in each pit as an antitermite measure. 5m 5m R1 5m 5m 5m 70m 70m 10m 10m 5m 6m 12m 12m Bambusa tulda, Bambusa balcooa Fig 1: Layout plan for bamboo-based agroforestry system Planting of bamboo plants in the field, making basins and watering 6m The culm cuttings of B. tulda and B. balcooa were planted on 4th October, 2007. The plantation was then nurtured with water and nutrients. Culm cuttings were placed in the pit and covered with soil. Basins were made 50 cm around the plant and a mound of 15 cm high around the seedling. A dug well was constructed near the experimental plot for providing irrigation water. Each plant was given 15-20 litres of water immediately after plantation. Irrigation is usually done through can/ bucket. For the first two weeks, watering was done at every alternate day @ 5-6 litres/plant. Maintenance of the bamboo clumps The maintenance of the bamboo clump involves application of irrigation water, fertilizer application, intercultural operation, plant protection measures etc. Irrigation is usually done through can/ bucket watering @ 5-6 litres/plant at every alternate day in the basins which were made 50 cm around the plant and a mound of 15 cm high around the bamboo plant. FYM @ 3 kg/clump was applied to each bamboo plant. Immediately after fertilization, soil forking followed by mounding at the base of the bamboo clump was done. For protection measures against insect-pests, 200 g chloropyriphos were also applied to each bamboo plant. Manual weeding was done as and when required to keep the rhizosphere zone weed-free. Pruning of the lateral branches of bamboo was done to maintain proper clump growth. Vacancy / gap filling of bamboo plants Since the survival percentage was 100% for both B. tulda and B. balcooa, there was no need for gap filling. Sowing of the intercrops After the bamboo plantation is well established, intercropping of the four arable crops was undertaken during the kharif season of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Rice (cv. Annada), pigeon pea (cv. UPAS 120), bottle gourd (cv. Pusa Summer Prolific Round) and turmeric (cv. Sugandham) were sown between the widely spaced rows of the bamboo plants. Separate plots of sole cropping (for the intercrops) were maintain in the adjacent area. All the intercrops were grown following the recommended package of practices under both Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balcooa based agroforestry system. Detail information regarding the intercrops management practices have been presented below: Rice (Oryza sativa) The cultivated variety was “Annada” having duration of 110 days. The seed rate was 80 kg/ha. Chemical fertilizers (N: P: K) were applied @ 40: 20: 20 kg/ha respectively. Rice was sown at a spacing of 20cm x 10cm. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) The variety cultivated was “UPAS 120” with a seed rate of 10 kg/ha. Inorganic fertilizers (N: P: K) were applied @ 20: 50: 20 kg/ha respectively. In addition, ZnSO4 @ 10 kg/ha was also applied. Seeds were sown at a spacing of 30cm x 15cm. Bottle-gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) The cultivated variety was “Pusa Summer Prolific Round” having duration of 65 days. The seed rate was 3 kg/ha. FYM @ 30 t/ha was applied. A spacing of 2.5m x 1.5m was maintained for this crop. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) The cultivated variety was “Sugandham” with 7 months duration. Rhizome cutting @ 2500 kg/ha was cultivated in the field with a spacing of 30cm x 15cm. Compost @ 1015 t/ha was applied along with chemical fertilizers (N : P : K) @ 80 : 60 : 60 kg/ha. Fertilizer application All the intercrops, as mentioned above, were given fertilizers as per their recommended doses. Also, chemical fertilizers (N: P: K) were given to the bamboo plants @ 50: 25: 50 kg/ ha. Intercultural operation Thinning of the intercrop was done during the second week after sowing. Manual weeding was done 45 days after sowing in each crop. Experimental details The rainfed field experiments on bamboo based agroforestry system was conducted at Regional Research Station (Red and Laterite Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, during kharif season in 2008, 2009 and 2010 with two different levels of spacing and four levels of intercrops viz., rice, pigeon pea, bottle gourd and turmeric, fitted in a strip-split plot design and replicated thrice, keeping the spacing in the main plots, bamboo species in the sub-plot and the intercrops in the sub-sub plot as: Main plots (Spacing) i) S1 = 10m x 10m spacing ii) S2 = 12m x 10m spacing Sub-plots (Bamboo species) i) ii) B1 = Bambusa tulda Roxb. B2 = Bambusa balcooa Roxb. Sub-sub-plots (Intercrops) i) ii) C1 = Rice (Oryza sativa) (cv. Annada) C2 = Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan ) (cv. UPAS 120) iii) iv) C3 = Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) (cv. Pusa Summer Prolific Round) C4 = Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (cv. Sugandham) Treatment Information Bamboo species : 2 (Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balcooa) Spacing : 2 (10 x 10m = 100 clumps /ha and 12 x 10m = 84 clumps/ha) Clumps per plot : 12 (3 x 4; rows x columns) Plot area : 1200 m2 in 10 x 10m spacing, and 1440 m2 in 12 x 10m spacing Intercrops : Rice, Pigeon pea, Bottle gourd and Turmeric during kharif season of 2008, 2009 and 2010 Control : Sole intercrop (without bamboo), and Sole bamboo species (without crop) Replication : Three Design : Strip-split-plot Design Treatments combinations a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) S1 B1 C1 S1B1 C2 S1 B1 C3 S1B1 C4 S1 B2 C1 S1B2 C2 S1B2 C3 S1 B2 C4 S2 B1 C1 S2 B1 C2 S2 B1 C3 S2 B1 C4 S2 B2 C1 S2 B2 C2 S2B2 C3 S2 B2 C4 Control - Sole bamboo species and Sole intercrop Methods of recording observation on bamboos Survivals of bamboo plants, numbers of culms per clump, height of the leading culm, length and diameter of the fifth internode of the leading culm, length and diameter of the lowest internode of the leading culm, number of internodes of the leading culm and clump diameters were recorded for both the bamboo species. Methods of recording biometrical observation on the intercrops Yield of arable crops grown as an intercrop in bamboo plantations was recorded after harvest of each crop every year. Collection and analysis of soil samples Initial soil samples were collected at different depths viz., 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-60 cm before the experimentation. The collected soil samples were completely airdried in the shade at room temperature and were grinded by a wooden mortar to break the soil aggregates and passed through a 2 mm sieve and analyzed for pH, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium status of the soil and recorded. Soil samples were again collected from both the intercropped plots as well as from the control plot (sole bamboo plantation) at the end of the second year after harvesting the different intercrops and analysis was done as initially. Statistical analysis For correct interpretation of the results, all the data generated in this experiment was analyzed following the method of analysis for strip-split-plot design as described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). All main and interaction effects were tested by F test. Standard error of mean i.e. S.Em (±) was also calculated for mean comparison. Critical difference (CD at 5% level of significance) was also calculated for interaction means where the no. of means is more than two. Production economics of bamboo-based agroforestry systems The value of the yields obtained with the different intercrops (t/ha) were calculated on the basis of the local market prices. The cost of cultivation and gross returns were also calculated plot-wise and converted to hectare area. B: C ratio was also calculated. OBSERVATIONS ON BAMBOO PLANTS AND INTERCROPS For this study, all the growth parameters of bamboo as affected by year, spacing, intercrops and its interaction with the various factors are recorded and statistically analyzed. Also, their interaction effect on the yield of various intercrops was also recorded and statistically analyzed. In addition, the influence of bamboo-based agroforestry systems on the soil nutrient status was also statistically analyzed. The production economics has also been discussed to give an idea of the suitability of this agroforestry system for this zone. Growth attributes of bamboo species Average no. of culms per clump It was observed that all the main effects and interaction effects for increasing the no. of culms/ clump were significant due to spacing of bamboo, species of bamboo and the intercrops and its various interaction effects (Table 2). It was also observed that irrespective of the bamboo species, a spacing of 10m x 10m resulted in a significant higher mean no. of culms/ clump than a spacing of 12 x 10m. Among the two bamboo species, the average no. of culms/ clump was observed to be significantly higher in case of B. tulda than B. balcooa, irrespective of the spacing at the end of December, 2010. Under intercropping situation, significantly higher mean values for increasing the no. of culms/clump was observed under Pigeon pea and Bottle gourd irrespective of the spacing or species of bamboo than sole or other intercrops. Thus, it was observed at the end of the second year that for maximizing the number of culms/ clump, the best treatment combination was found to be 10 x 10m spacing vs. B. tulda vs. pigeon pea. Table 2. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average no. of culms/clump of bamboo species at the end of December 2010 10 x 10m 12 x 10m Overall B. B. B. B Treatment B.balcooa Mean B. balcooa Mean Mean tulda tulda tulda balcooa Sole 27.65 11.94 19.80 22.56 11.68 17.12 25.11 11.81 18.46 bamboo Bamboo + 30.70 14.98 22.84 26.62 14.69 20.66 28.66 14.84 21.75 Rice Bamboo + 35.37 15.10 25.24 26.83 14.98 20.90 31.10 15.04 23.07 Pigeon pea Bamboo + 33.75 15.06 24.40 26.71 14.89 20.80 30.23 14.98 22.60 Bottle gourd Bamboo + 31.28 15.02 23.15 25.58 14.82 20.20 28.43 14.92 21.68 Turmeric 31.75 14.42 23.09 25.66 14.21 19.94 28.71 14.32 21.51 Mean Spacing Bamboo AxBx A x B Intercrop(C) A x C BxC (A) (B) C 0.1292 0.1333 0.1667 0.1336 0.1890 0.1890 0.2673 SEm(±) 0.7861** 0.8111** 1.0143** 0.3848** 0.5444** 0.5444** 0.7699** CD (P=0.05) Average height (m) of the leading culm All the main effects and interaction effects for the height growth of the two bamboos were significant due to spacing of bamboo, species of bamboo and the intercrops except for spacing vs. intercrop interaction effects (Table 3) during December, 2010. A spacing of 10x10m resulted in significantly higher mean height than 12x10m irrespective of the two bamboo species. Also, B. tulda showed significantly higher mean for the average height of the leading culm than B. balcooa, irrespective of the two spacing. While in B. tulda, 10x10m showed better height growth than 12x10m spacing, the reverse was observed for B. balcooa. Among the four intercrops taken, pigeon pea intercropped with bamboo showed significantly higher mean height of the leading culm of B. tulda with 10 x 10m while it was 12x10m spacing for B. balcooa. Overall, pigeon pea showed significantly higher mean for increasing the height followed by bottle gourd and turmeric whereas the least was observed for rice, irrespective of the spacing or species of bamboo. Table 3. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average height of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December 2010 10m x 10m Treatment B. tulda 12m x 10m Overall B.balcoo B. B.balco B. Mean Mean B.balcooa Mean a tulda oa tulda Sole bamboo 10.33 7.61 8.97 10.33 7.93 9.13 10.33 7.77 9.05 Bamboo + Rice 10.52 8.63 9.57 10.36 9.15 9.75 10.44 8.89 9.66 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 10.87 8.96 9.91 10.75 9.33 10.04 10.81 9.15 9.98 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 10.75 8.84 9.79 10.53 9.29 9.91 10.64 9.06 9.85 Bamboo + Turmeric 10.57 8.65 9.61 10.42 9.18 9.80 10.50 8.91 9.70 Mean 10.61 8.54 9.57 10.48 8.98 9.73 10.54 8.76 9.65 SEm(±) CD(P=0.05) Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) 0.0205 0.0062 0.1247* 0.0377** A x B Intercrop A x C (C) 0.0270 0.0174 0.1643 0.0501** ** BxC 0.0246 0.0246 NS ** 0.0709 AxBxC 0.0347 0.0999** NS – Non significant Average length (cm) of the 5th internode From the data presented in table 4 revealed that all the main effects due to spacing of bamboo, species of bamboo and the intercrops were significant while all the interaction effects for increasing the length of the fifth internode were insignificant at the end of December, 2010. A spacing of 12 x 10m resulted in a significant higher mean length of the fifth internode than a spacing of 10 x 10m irrespective of the bamboo species. Of the two bamboo species, B. tulda resulted in significantly higher mean for the average length of the fifth internode than B. balcooa irrespective of the spacing. Out of the four intercrops, pigeon pea resulted in a significantly higher mean length of the fifth internode than sole or other intercrops. The best treatment combination for maximising the average length of the fifth internode was found to be 12m x 10m spacing vs. B. tulda vs. pigeon pea. Table 4. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average length (cm) of the 5 th internode of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December, 2010 10 x 10m Treatment 12 x 10m Overall B. B. B. B. B. Mean B.balcooa Mean Mean tulda balcooa tulda tulda balcooa Sole bamboo 41.98 21.49 31.74 42.29 21.55 31.92 42.14 21.52 31.83 Bamboo + Rice 44.41 23.86 34.14 44.74 23.98 34.36 44.58 23.92 34.25 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 45.26 24.51 34.86 45.93 24.63 35.28 45.60 24.57 35.08 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 44.55 23.98 34.27 44.71 24.18 34.44 44.63 24.08 34.36 Bamboo + Turmeric 44.49 23.78 34.13 44.72 23.89 34.30 44.60 23.83 34.22 Mean 44.14 23.53 33.83 44.48 23.65 34.06 44.31 23.59 33.95 SEm(±) CD (P=0.05) Spacing (A) 0.0283 0.1722* Bamboo A x B Intercrop A x C (B) (C) 0.1554 0.0526 0.0576 0.0815 0.9455** NS 0.1659** NS BxC AxBxC 0.0815 NS 0.1153 NS NS – Non significant Average diameter (cm) of the 5th internode It was revealed that all the main effects and interaction effects at the end of the second year of the experiment for the diameter growth of the fifth internode of the two bamboos were found to be significant due to spacing of bamboo, species of bamboo and the intercrops except for spacing vs. bamboo, spacing vs. intercrop and the three factor interaction effects (Table 5). Irrespective of the two species of bamboo, a spacing of 10x 10m resulted in a significantly higher mean diameter of the fifth internode of the leading culm than 12 x 10m. However, unlike the first year, it was also observed at the end of the second year that B. balcooa resulted in a significantly higher mean for increasing the growth of the fifth diameter than B. tulda. Among the four intercrops taken, intercropping of bamboo with pigeon pea showed significantly higher diameter of the fifth internode of the leading culm than the other intercrop and the sole bamboo followed by Bottle gourd. Intercropping with Turmeric and Rice (which are homogeneous) also showed better results than the sole bamboo plantation. Table 5. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average diameter (cm) of the 5th internode of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December 2010 10 x 10m Treatment 12 x 10m Overall B. B. B. B. B. B. Mean Mean Mean tulda balcooa tulda balcooa tulda balcooa Sole bamboo 4.31 4.56 4.44 4.26 4.47 4.37 4.29 4.52 4.40 Bamboo + Rice 4.41 5.12 4.76 4.31 5.09 4.70 4.36 5.10 4.73 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 4.62 5.17 4.90 4.51 5.13 4.82 4.57 5.15 4.86 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 4.51 5.23 4.87 4.46 5.18 4.82 4.49 5.20 4.84 Bamboo + Turmeric 4.46 5.11 4.78 4.36 5.03 4.70 4.41 5.07 4.74 Mean 4.46 5.04 4.75 4.38 4.98 4.68 4.42 5.01 4.71 Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) AxB Intercrop (C) SEm(±) 0.0057 0.0087 0.0047 0.0190 CD (P=0.05) 0.0347* 0.0529** NS 0.0547** AxC BxC AxBxC 0.0269 0.0269 NS 0.0380 0.0775** NS NS – Non significant Average length (cm) of the lowest internode At the end of December, 2010 it was observed that all the main effects and interaction effects are significant at 5% level of significance (Table 6). It was observed that a spacing of 12x10m resulted in a significantly higher mean length of the lowest internode than a spacing of 10x10m. Of the two bamboo species, B. tulda was observed to have significantly higher mean length of the lowest internode than B. balcooa irrespective of the spacing. Intercropping of pigeon pea in the bamboo plantation resulted in a significant higher mean length of the lowest internode than sole or other intercrops, followed by turmeric intercropped with bamboo. Sole bamboo plantation, irrespective of the species and spacing showed the least mean length of the lowest internode. Thus, the best treatment combination for maximising the average length of the lowest internode was found with 12x10 m spacing vs. B. tulda vs. pigeon pea. Table 6. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average length (cm) of the lowest internode of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December, 2010 10 x10m Treatment 12x10m Overall B. B. B. B. B. B. Mean Mean Mean tulda balcooa tulda balcooa tulda balcooa Sole bamboo 31.62 15.39 23.51 31.29 15.39 23.33 31.46 15.39 23.42 Bamboo + Rice 31.98 18.73 25.36 31.41 19.52 25.46 31.69 19.12 25.41 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 34.92 18.87 26.90 34.77 20.14 27.46 34.85 19.51 27.18 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 31.89 18.77 25.33 31.73 20.09 25.91 31.81 19.43 25.62 Bamboo + Turmeric 33.78 18.71 26.25 33.56 19.49 26.53 33.67 19.10 26.39 Mean 32.84 18.04 25.47 32.55 18.93 25.74 32.70 18.51 25.60 SEm(±) CD (P=0.05) Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) AxB Intercrop (C) 0.0267 0.0567 0.0350 0.0277 0.1625 * ** 0.3450 0.2130 ** ** 0.0798 BxC AxBx C 0.0392 0.0392 0.0555 AxC * ** 0.1129 0.1129 0.1599** * Average diameter (cm) of the lowest internode Experimental revealed that all the main effects and interaction effects for increasing the lowest internode diameter were significant due to spacing of bamboo, species of bamboo and the intercrops and its various interaction effects (Table 7). It was observed that irrespective of the bamboo species, a spacing of 10x10m resulted in a significant higher mean diameter of the lowest internode than a spacing of 12x10m. However, of the two bamboo species, the average diameter of the lowest internode was observed significantly higher for B. balcooa compared to B. tulda, irrespective of the two spacing. Under intercropping condition, bamboo + pigeon pea and bamboo + bottle gourd were found homogeneous statistically, but resulted in a significantly higher diameter of the lowest internode than sole or other intercrops. Table 7. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average diameter (cm) of the lowest internode of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December, 2010 Treatment 10 x 10m 12 x 10m B. B. Mean B. B. tulda balcooa tulda balcooa Overall Mean B. B. tulda balcooa Mean Sole bamboo 5.13 5.94 5.53 4.81 4.86 4.84 4.97 5.40 5.19 Bamboo + Rice 5.20 6.31 5.75 5.09 5.68 5.38 5.14 5.99 5.57 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 5.48 6.38 5.93 5.37 5.93 5.65 5.43 6.16 5.79 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 5.39 6.47 5.93 5.28 6.03 5.66 5.34 6.25 5.79 Bamboo + Turmeric 5.24 6.29 5.77 5.14 5.84 5.49 5.19 6.06 5.63 Mean 5.29 6.28 5.78 5.14 5.67 5.40 5.21 5.97 5.59 SEm(±) CD (P=0.05) Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) 0.0186 0.0124 0.1132 ** ** 0.0754 A x B Intercrop (C) AxC BxC AxBx C 0.0291 0.0312 0.0312 0.0441 0.1771 * 0.0221 ** 0.0637 ** ** 0.0899 0.0899 0.1270** Average no. of internodes of the leading culm At the end of December, 2010, it was observed that all the main effects and interaction effects for the average no. of internodes are significant at 5% level of significance except for the interaction effect of spacing vs. intercrop and the three factor interaction effects. It was observed that, for B. tulda, a spacing of 10m x 10m resulted in a higher mean for average no. of internodes (Table 8). The reverse was observed for B. balcooa. However, irrespective of the bamboo species, a spacing of 12x10m resulted in higher average no. of internodes. Overall, of the two bamboo species, B. balcooa was observed to have significantly higher mean value for the average no. of internodes than B. tulda as far as increasing the average no. of internode is concerned. Out of the four intercrops, bamboo intercropped with pigeon pea resulted in a significantly higher average no. of internodes than the other intercrops. Sole bamboo plantation, irrespective of the species and spacing, showed the least mean value with respect to increase in the average no. of the internodes. Table 8. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average no. of internodes of the leading culm of bamboo species at the end of December, 2010 10x10m Treatment 12x10m Overall B. B. B. B. B. B. Mean Mean Mean tulda balcooa tulda balcooa tulda balcooa Sole bamboo 23.04 28.95 26.00 22.55 29.73 26.14 22.80 29.34 26.07 Bamboo + Rice 25.57 32.09 28.83 25.07 32.42 28.75 25.32 32.26 28.79 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 28.48 32.33 30.41 27.41 35.42 31.42 27.95 33.87 30.91 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 27.31 32.26 29.79 26.90 33.67 30.29 27.11 32.97 30.04 Bamboo + Turmeric 26.10 32.18 29.14 25.34 33.45 29.40 25.72 32.82 29.27 Mean 26.10 31.56 28.83 25.46 32.94 29.20 25.78 32.25 29.01 Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) AxB Intercrop AxC BxC (C) SEm(±) 0.0434 0.1080 0.0684 0.1332 CD (P=0.05) 0.2641* 0.6571** 0.4162** 0.3837** 0.1883 0.1883 NS AxBx C 0.2663 0.5424** 0.7670** NS – Non significant Average clump diameter (m) It was observed that all the main effects and interaction effects are significant at 5% level of significance except for the interaction effect of spacing vs. bamboo, spacing vs. intercrop and the three factor interaction effects (Table 9). It was observed that a spacing of 10x10m, irrespective of the the bamboo species, resulted in a significantly higher clump diameter than a spacing of 12x10m. Of the two bamboo species, it was observed that B. tulda resulted in a significantly higher clump diameter than B. balcooa. Intercropping of bamboo plantation with pigeon pea resulted in a significantly higher clump diameter than the other intercrops or sole bamboo plantation, followed by intercropping of bamboo with bottle gourd and turmeric whereas the least was observed with rice, irrespective of the spacing and bamboo species. Sole bamboo plantation, irrespective of the species and spacing, was again observed to have the least mean value with respect to increase in the average clump diameter. The best treatment combination for maximising the average clump diameter was thus found with 10x10m spacing vs. B. tulda vs. pigeon pea. Table 9. Effect of spacing and intercropping on the average clump diameter (m) of bamboo species at the end of December, 2010 10x10m Treatment 12x10m Overall B. B. B. B. B. B. Mean Mean Mean tulda balcooa tulda balcooa tulda balcooa Sole bamboo 0.61 0.52 0.57 0.56 0.48 0.52 0.53 0.50 0.54 Bamboo + Rice 0.87 0.64 0.75 0.79 0.58 0.68 0.83 0.61 0.72 Bamboo + Pigeon pea 1.05 0.81 0.93 0.98 0.77 0.88 1.02 0.79 0.90 Bamboo + Bottle gourd 0.97 0.76 0.87 0.91 0.71 0.81 0.94 0.74 0.84 Bamboo + Turmeric 0.91 0.68 0.80 0.85 0.63 0.74 0.88 0.66 0.77 Mean 0.88 0.68 0.78 0.82 0.63 0.73 0.85 0.66 0.75 SEm(±) CD (P=0.05) Spacing (A) Bamboo (B) AxB Intercrop (C) 0.0029 0.0036 0.0071 0.0067 0.0176** 0.0219** NS 0.0408** NS – Non significant Yield of different intercrops AxC BxC AxBxC 0.0100 0.0100 NS 0.0288** 0.0142 NS The yield of all the four intercrops (viz., rice, pigeon pea, bottle gourd and turmeric) which were grown under two bamboo species with two different spacing during the kharif season of 2008, 2009 and 2010 were recorded as tabulated in table 10 to 13. The yield data of the four intercrops obtained were statistically analyzed for correct interpretation. The yield of the intercrops as affected by all the main and interactions effects during the kharif season of 2008, 2009 and 2010 are discussed below: Yield of rice The pooled analysis over two years for the yield of rice showed that all the main and interaction effects were non-significant (for factors like treatment, year vs. spacing, year vs. treatment and the three factor interaction effects) except for factors like year and spacing which are significant at 5% level of significance (Table 10). Like the first and second year of the experimentation, the pooled result showed that the yield of rice, irrespective of the bamboo species, was higher under wider spacing (12x10m) as compared with the closer spacing (10x10m). Also, the pooled result revealed that, irrespective of the spacing, higher rice yield were obtained when rice was intercropped with B. balcooa. Furthermore, it was observed during the period of experimentation that intercropping of rice with bamboo significantly reduces the rice yield. Nevertheless, it was observed from the pooled result that for obtaining maximum rice yield under intercropping situation, the best treatment combination was 12x10m vs. B. balcooa. Table 10. Effect of years and two species of bamboo with two different spacing on the yield of rice (t/ha) during three years of study Spacing Treatment code Kharif 2008 Kharif 2009 Kharif 2010 Pooled Sole Rice 1.95 2.01 2.00 1.98 MEAN 1.95 2.01 2.00 1.98 10 x10 m Bambusa tulda 1.80 1.90 1.88 1.85 10 x10 m Bambusa balcooa 1.85 1.88 1.86 1.87 MEAN 1.82 1.89 1.87 1.86 Q 12x10 m Bambusa tulda 1.88 1.92 1.90 1.90 12 x10 m Bambusa balcooa 1.90 1.95 1.94 1.92 MEAN 1.89 1.93 1.92 1.91 P 0 1 2 Overall Sole Rice 1.95 a 2.01 a 2.00 a 1.98 A Overall Bambusa tulda 1.84 b 1.91 b 1.89 b 1.87 B Overall Bambusa balcooa 1.87 b 1.91 b 1.90 b 1.89 B Grand MEAN 1.88 1.93 1.93 1.90 Where, the alphabets a, b, c are used as Duncan’s test at 5% level of significance to compare the main effects of two bamboo species and “without bamboo as main crop” where a > b > c significantly. Similarly, p and q are used to compare the spacing effect as Duncan’s result. A, B, C, P and Q have similar meaning as mentioned above but are only for pooled mean comparison. Yield of pigeon pea The pooled analysis over two years for the yield of pigeon pea showed that all the main effects were significant at 5% level of significance while all the interaction effects were non-significant (Table 11). Like the first and second year of the experimentation, the pooled result showed that the yield of pigeon pea, irrespective of the bamboo species, was higher under wider spacing (12x10m) than closer spacing (10x10m). Also, the pooled result revealed that, irrespective of the spacing, higher pigeon pea yield were obtained when pigeon pea was intercropped with B. balcooa. Furthermore, it was observed during the period of experimentation that intercropping of pigeon pea with bamboo significantly reduces the pigeon pea yield. Nevertheless, it was observed from the pooled result that for obtaining maximum pigeon pea yield under intercropping situation, the best treatment combination was 12m x 10m vs. B. balcooa. Table 11. Effect of years and two species of bamboo with two different spacing on the yield of pigeon pea (t/ha) during three years of study Kharif 2008 Kharif 2009 Kharif 2010 Pooled Sole Pigeon pea 2.20 2.25 2.22 2.22 MEAN 2.20 2.25 2.22 2.22 10 x10 m Bambusa tulda 1.92 1.96 1.94 1.94 10x10 m Bambusa balcooa 1.98 2.01 2.00 1.99 1.95 q 1.99 q 1.97 1.97 Q 12 x 10 m Bambusa tulda 2.10 2.15 2.10 2.12 12 x 10 m Bambusa balcooa 2.17 2.22 2.20 2.20 MEAN 2.14 p 2.19 p 2.15 2.16 P Overall Sole Pigeon pea 2.20 a 2.25 a 2.22 2.22 A Overall Bambusa tulda 2.01 c 2.06 c 2.02 2.03 C Overall Bambusa balcooa 2.08 b 2.12 b 2.10 2.10 B Grand MEAN 2.07 2.12 2.11 2.10 Spacing 0 1 2 Treatment code MEAN Yield of bottle gourd The pooled analysis over two years for the yield of bottle gourd showed that all the main effects and interaction effects were significant at 5% level of significance except for treatment, year vs. spacing and the three factor interaction effects were non-significant (Table 12). Like the first and second year of the experimentation, the pooled result showed that the yield of bottle gourd, when intercropped with B. tulda, were higher under wider spacing (12 x 10m) while it was the reverse when intercropped with B. balcooa. However, the mean of the two spacing revealed that the yield of bottle gourd was higher with 12m x 10m spacing. The pooled result revealed that, irrespective of the spacing, the yield of bottle gourd was higher when intercropped with B. balcooa. Furthermore, it was observed during the period of experimentation that intercropping of bottle gourd with bamboo significantly reduces the yield of bottle gourd. Nevertheless, it was observed from the pooled result that for obtaining maximum bottle gourd yield under intercropping situation, the best treatment combination was 12 x 10m vs. B. balcooa. Table 12. Effect of years and two species of bamboo with two different spacing on the yield of bottle gourd (t/ha) during three years of study Spacing Treatment code Kharif 2008 Kharif 2009 Kharif 2010 Pooled Sole Bottle gourd 11.50 12.50 12.20 12.00 MEAN 11.50 12.50 12.20 12.00 10 x 10 m Bambusa tulda 10.00 11.42 11.36 10.71 10 x 10 m Bambusa balcooa 11.15 11.25 11.16 11.20 10.57 q 11.33 11.26 10.95 Q 0 1 MEAN 12 x 10 m Bambusa tulda 11.01 11.56 11.44 11.29 12 x 10 m Bambusa balcooa 11.11 11.22 11.18 11.17 MEAN 11.06 p 11.39 11.31 11.23 P Overall Sole Bottle gourd 11.50 a 12.50 a 12.20 12.00 A Overall Bambusa tulda 10.51 b 11.49 b 1.40 11.00 B Overall Bambusa balcooa 11.13 ab 11.24 b 11.17 11.18 B Grand MEAN 10.95 11.59 11.59 11.27 2 Yield of turmeric Pooled analysis over two years for the yield of turmeric showed that all the main effects were significant at 5% level of significance except for treatment effect (Table 13). However, all the interaction effects were non-significant except for year vs. spacing interaction effect. Like the first and second year of experimentation, the pooled result showed that the yield of turmeric when intercropped with bamboo, irrespective of the species, was higher under wider spacing (12x10m) for both the species. Also, the yield, irrespective of the spacing, was higher when intercropped with B. balcooa. Maximum yield was obtained under sole turmeric cultivation. Pooled result showed that, irrespective of the spacing, the yield of turmeric was higher when intercropped with B. balcooa. The mean of the two spacing, irrespective of the species of bamboo, revealed higher yield of turmeric with 12x10m spacing. Furthermore, it was observed during the period of experimentation that intercropping of turmeric with bamboo significantly reduces its yield. It was thus observed from the pooled result that for obtaining maximum turmeric yield under intercropping situation, the best treatment combination was 12x10m vs. B. balcooa. Table 13. Effect of years and two species of bamboo with two different spacing on the yield of turmeric (t/ha) during three years of study Spacing Treatment code Kharif 2008 Kharif 2009 Kharif 2010 Pooled Sole Turmeric 25.05 15.32 15.40 20.19 MEAN 25.05 15.32 15.40 20.19 10 x10 m Bambusa tulda 21.90 14.66 14.80 18.28 10 x10 m Bambusa balcooa 22.16 14.88 14.96 18.52 22.03 q 14.77 q 14.88 18.40 Q 0 1 MEAN 12 x10 m Bambusa tulda 24.00 15.01 15.26 19.51 12 x10 m Bambusa balcooa 24.52 15.22 15.44 19.87 MEAN 24.26 p 15.12 p 15.35 19.69 P Overall Sole Turmeric 25.05 a 15.32 a 15.40 20.19 A Overall Bambusa tulda 22.95 b 14.84 b 15.03 18.90 B Overall Bambusa balcooa 23.34 b 15.05 b 15.20 19.20 B Grand MEAN 23.53 15.02 15.21 19.27 2 Soil fertility status under bamboo-based agroforestry system (after three years of cropping) Soil samples were collected at the end of two years of the experimentation at three different depths viz., 0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-60 cm under two different bamboo species after the intercrops had been harvested and analyzed for pH, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium status. The results obtained were statistically analyzed and presented in table 14 to 18. The various soil parameters of different depth as affected by the main effects and the interactions effect at the end of the third year of the study are discussed below: Soil pH The pooled analysis for the soil pH of the different soil depth revealed that all the main effects due to factors like depth, species of bamboo (as two species of bamboo and without bamboo) and the intercrops (as four intercrops along with no intercrop) and all the interaction effects were significant at 5% level except for bamboo vs. intercrop and the three factor interaction effect (Table 14). From the overall result, it was observed that bamboo have a significant effect in increasing the soil pH though the two bamboo species were statistically at par. It was also observed that all the intercrops (i.e., rice, turmeric, pigeon pea and bottle gourd) when intercropped with either of the bamboo species were statistically at par but resulted in a significant higher soil pH than that of the sole bamboo cultivation. Sole bamboo cultivation, however, resulted in significantly higher soil pH as compared to the without bamboo cultivation. The two factors (bamboo vs. intercrop) interaction effect was found insignificant. However, bamboo vs. initial interaction effects was found significant. Thus, the desirable treatment combination would be any intercrop with either of the bamboo species (i.e. either B. tulda or B. balcooa). The choice of the intercrop can, however be easily established from the interaction mean value. From the study it was observed that, as the depth of the soil increases, the soil pH increased significantly. Soil organic carbon The pooled data of soil organic carbon at different soil depth revealed that all the main effects due to factors like depth, species of bamboo (as two species of bamboo and without bamboo) and the intercrops (as four intercrops along with no intercrop) and all the interaction effects were significant at 5% level except for bamboo vs. intercrop and the three factor interaction effect significance (Table 15). From the pooled analysis, it was observed that bamboo have a significantly higher mean value for improving the soil organic carbon compared to the without bamboo (initial) cultivation. Though both the bamboo species were statistically homogeneous, both the bamboo species showed higher mean value compared to the without bamboo cultivation. From the study it was also observed that all the intercrops were statistically at par with each other as well as along with the sole bamboo cultivation. However, all the intercrops and the sole bamboo have significant higher mean for improving the soil organic carbon compared to the initial value. The two factor (bamboo vs. intercrop) interaction effect was found insignificant. However, Bamboo vs. Initial interaction effects was observed significant. Though the choice of the intercrop can be easily established from the interaction mean values, the desirable treatment combination would be any intercrop with either of the two bamboo species. From the study it was observed that, as the depth of the soil increases, the soil organic carbon decreases significantly. Soil available N It was revealed from pooled data on soil available nitrogen at different soil depth revealed that all the main effects and the interaction effects due to factors like depth, species of bamboo (as two species of bamboo and without bamboo) and intercrops (as four intercrops along with no intercrop) was significant at 1% level of significance (Table 16). From the pooled analysis, it was observed that the available N due to B. tulda was significantly higher compared to B. balcooa as main crop and without bamboo cultivation. B. balcooa also resulted significantly higher in available N than without bamboo cultivation. It was also observed that out of the four intercrops, pigeon pea showed significantly higher available N compared to the other intercrops. Bottle gourd again resulted in higher mean available N than rice and rice yielded higher available N than turmeric. The sole bamboo cultivation resulted in significantly the least mean for available N compared to the intercropping situation. The two factor (bamboo vs. intercrop) interaction effect was also found significant. Furthermore, bamboo vs. initial interaction effects was also observed significant. Thus, the desirable treatment combination would be any intercrop with B. tulda. The choice of the intercrop can, however, be easily established from the interaction mean value. From the study it was observed that, as the depth of the soil increases, the available N decreases significantly. Soil available P The pooled analysis for soil available P of the different soil depth revealed that all the main effect due to the depth, species of bamboo (as two species of bamboo and without bamboo) and intercrops (as four intercrops along with no intercrop) and all the interaction effects were significant at 1% level of significance (Table 17). From the pooled result, it was observed that out of the two bamboo species, B. tulda have significantly higher mean for available P than B. balcooa as main crop and without bamboo cultivation. B. balcooa was also observed to result in significantly higher mean for available P than without bamboo cultivation. Of the four intercrops, pigeon pea resulted in significantly higher mean for available P than all the other intercrops, followed by bottle gourd which resulted in higher mean for available P than turmeric while turmeric yielded higher mean for available P than rice. Sole bamboo cultivation, however, resulted in significantly the least mean for available P compared to the intercropping condition. It was also observed that the two factor (bamboo vs. intercrop) interaction effect was significant at 1% level. Furthermore, bamboo vs. initial interaction effects was also observed significant. Thus, the desirable treatment combination would be any intercrop with B. tulda. The choice of the intercrop can be easily ascertained from the interaction mean values. From the study it was observed that as the depth of the soil increases, the soil available P decreases significantly. Soil available K It was revealed from pooled analysis of soil available K for different soil depth that the main effect due to the depth, species of bamboo (as two species of bamboo and without bamboo) and the intercrops (as four intercrops along with no intercrop) and all the interaction effects were significant at 1% level of significance (Table 18). Of the two bamboo species, B. tulda resulted in significantly higher mean for available K than B. balcooa as main crop and without bamboo cultivation. B. balcooa was also observed to result in significantly higher available K than without bamboo cultivation. From the pooled result of the four intercrops, it was also observed that pigeon pea resulted in significantly higher mean for available K as compared with the other intercrops. It was also observed that rice resulted in higher mean for available K than bottle gourd while bottle gourd yielded higher mean than turmeric. Sole bamboo cultivation, however, resulted in significantly the least mean for available K as compared with the intercropping condition. The two factor (Bamboo vs. Intercrop) interaction effect was also observed significant at 1% level. In addition, bamboo vs. initial interaction effects was also significant. Thus, the desirable treatment combination would be any intercrop with B. tulda. The choice of the intercrop can, however be easily ascertained from the interaction mean value. From the study it was observed that, as the depth of the soil increases, the available K decreases significantly. Economics of the different bamboo-based agroforestry systems The economic analysis of bamboo-based agroforestry systems at the end of December, 2010 are tabulated (Table 19) and discussed below. It may be mentioned that since the bamboo were not at harvestable age even at the end of the third year of the experimentation, the economics of the different bamboo-based agroforestry systems were calculated by estimating the culm yield of bamboo under different agroforestry systems. The B:C ratio was calculated by estimating the bamboo culm yield (no. of culms/ha) for the different bamboo-based agroforestry systems, although the bamboo culms were still not at harvestable age. Estimate of bamboo culm yield was done by assuming 35–40% of the total culms/ clump as harvestable and the return from the bamboo was calculated as per the prevailing market prices (i.e., `40/culm for B. tulda and `60/culm for B. balcooa respectively). Employing this estimation, it was thus observed that, the B:C ratio ranges from 0.23 (B. balcooa 12×10 + rice) to 2.28 (B. tulda 10×10 + bottle gourd) under the different agroforestry system while the B:C ranges from 0.18 (sole rice) to 4.78 (sole bottle gourd) under the sole intercrops. The B:C ratio for sole B. tulda was 0.63 (12 x10m) and 0.72 (10x 10m) while it was 0.18 (12x10m) and 0.36 (10x10m) for B. balcooa. The highest B:C ratio (2.28) was obtained with B. tulda 10×10 + bottle gourd, closely followed by B. tulda 12×10 + bottle gourd (2.13) and B. balcooa 10×10 + bottle gourd (2.04). The next based agroforestry system was bamboo + pigeon pea which not only provide good return per unit area but also improve the soil health. Table 19. Economics of different bamboo-based agroforestry system at the end of December 2010 Systems of cropping B. tulda 10×10 + Rice Total cost 39,220.00 Total return Net return 59,000.00 19,780.00 B: C ratio 0.50 B. tulda 12×10 + Rice 39,220.00 51,200.00 11,980.00 0.31 B. tulda 10×10 + Pigeon pea 39,020.00 1,18,400.00 79,380.00 2.03 B. tulda 12×10 + Pigeon pea 39,020.00 1,18,000.00 78980.00 2.02 B. tulda 10×10 + Bottle gourd 39,420.00 1,29,360.00 89,940.00 2.28 B. tulda 12×10 + Bottle gourd 39,420.00 1,23,480.00 84,060.00 2.13 B. tulda 10×10 + Turmeric 41,420.00 70,320.00 28,900.00 0.70 B. tulda 12×10 + Turmeric 41,420.00 62,520.00 21,100.00 0.51 B. balcooa 10×10 + Rice 39,220.00 48,800.00 9,580.00 0.24 B. balcooa 12×10 + Rice 39,220.00 48,300.00 9,080.00 0.23 B. balcooa 10×10 + Pigeon pea 39,020.00 1,10,400.00 71,380.00 1.83 B. balcooa 12×10 + Pigeon pea 39,020.00 1,16,800.00 77,780.00 1.99 B. balcooa 10×10 + Bottle gourd 39,420.00 1,20,000.00 80,580.00 2.04 B. balcooa 12×10 + Bottle gourd 39,420.00 1,17,760.00 78,340.00 1.99 B. balcooa 10×10 + Turmeric 41,420.00 59,760.00 18,340.00 0.44 B. balcooa 12×10 + Turmeric 41,420.00 59,240.00 17,820.00 0.43 Sole B. tulda 10×10 22,120.00 38,000.00 15,880.00 0.72 Sole B. tulda 12×10 22,120.00 36,000.00 13,880.00 0.63 Sole B. balcooa 10×10 22,120.00 30,000.00 7,880.00 0.36 Sole B. balcooa 12×10 22,120.00 26,000.00 3,880.00 0.18 Sole Rice 17,100.00 20,100.00 3,000.00 0.18 Sole Pigeon pea 16,900.00 90,000.00 73,100.00 4.33 Sole Bottle gourd 17,300.00 1,00,000.00 82,700.00 4.78 Sole Turmeric 19,300.00 30,640.00 11,340.00 0.59 CONCLUSION Development and standardization of bamboo-based agroforestry system suitable for red & laterite zone of West Bengal involving two bamboo species (Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balcooa) and agricultural crops like paddy (upland), pigeon pea, bottle gourd and turmeric has immense potentiality of providing livelihood security to the poor farmers of western part of West Bengal through self employment and higher income. There is still a substantial need to promote bamboo-based agroforestry systems as well as utilization of bamboos to the extent possible in wasteland particularly in economic backward district West Midnapore, Bankura and Purulia. SALIENT FINDINGS OF THE PROJECT 1. In terms of growth performance, Bambusa tulda performed better than Bambusa balcooa irrespective of any planting geometry. 2. Survival and growth performance of culm cuttings of both the bamboo species was better than rhizome cutting. 3. Bamboo spacing 10m x 10m is suitable for both the species under agroforestry model. 4. Among different intercrops, both pigeon pea and bottle gourd gave higher return under bamboo based agroforestry system. 5. The yield of turmeric (shade loving crop) increased as the age of the bamboo plantation increases. 6. Pigeon pea intercropping helped to improve the soil health. 7. Mulching with water hyacinth /paddy straw at the initial stage of bamboo plantation helped to conserve moisture at the rhizosphere zone. 8. As regards to economic analysis, Bamboo tulda + pigeon pea and Bamboo tulda + bottle gourd with 10m x 10m spacing gave higher system productivity and livelihood security. BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM IN THE FARMER’S FIELD Five farmers of village Banstala under Jhargram block of Paschim Medinipur district had planted bamboo on the bunds around their cultivated land. Two of them planted Bambusa vulgaris and the others planted Bambusa balcooa along the field bunds. Many farmers of the nearby area have already shown their interest for planting bamboo during monsoon season. Recently, we have supplied culm cuttings of B.balcooa (200 nos.) to the farmers for planting in their own farm land. Furthermore, we have been providing the technological know-how for successful development of bamboo-based agroforestry system in red and laterite zone of West Bengal. The impact of the bamboo-based agroforestry system is expected to influence the general economic development of the farmer and the income will be much higher than other popular system of cropping in a particular area. Table: Growth performance of bamboo species in farmers’ field Sl. No. Name of the farmer Area/ location Growth of bamboo species Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Avg. height Avg. no. of Avg. height Avg. no. of of leading culms/clump of leading culms/clump clump clump 1. Kamal Mahato Lodhasuli 8.51 10 5.62 4 2. Bikash Mahato Lodhasuli 7.98 8 5.36 5 3. Sukumar Majhi Lodhasuli 8.26 11 5.26 4 4. Purnendu Pal Banstala 7.88 7 5.78 5 5. Ganadhar Mahato Banstala LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Research Articles 8.10 10 6.25 6 1. Banerjee, H. and Dhara, P.K. (2009). Evaluation of bamboo-based agroforestry system under rainfed upland situation. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 27 (3-4) : 439-445. 2. Banerjee, H., Dhara, P.K. and Mazumdar, D. (2009). Bamboo-based agroforestry systems under rainfed upland ecosystem. Journal of crop and weed, 5 (1) : 288292. Presentation in Seminar / Symposium / Workshop 1. Vanlalngurzauva, T., Dhara, P.K., Banerjee, H. And Mazumdar, D. 2010. Bamboo (Bambusa spp.) based agroforestry system in rainfed uplands under red and laterite zone of West Bengal. In Extended Summaries: XIX National Symposium on “Resource Management Approaches Towards Livelihood Security”, December 24, 2010 at University of Agricultural Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, pp. 373. 2. Vanlalngurzauva, T., Dhara, P.K., Banerjee, H. And Mazumdar, D. 2010. Agroforestry interventions in bamboo (Bambusa spp.) plantation to sustain productivity under fragile agro-ecosystem. In Book of Abstract: National Conference on “Horticulture for rural development – biotechnological and biochemical aspects”, September 25, 2010 at Department of Chemsitry, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, pp. 1. 3. Dhara P. K. And Banerjee, H. 2009. Bamboo (Bambusa spp.) based agroforestry systems under rainfed upland ecosystem. In Book of Abstracts: National Symposium on “Agriculture in the Paradigm of Intergenerational Equity”, May 2223, 2009 at Farmer’s Training Centre (FTC), BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal, pp, 20. Award: Dr. P. K. Dhara, PI, NBM Project and Dr. H. Banerjee, Co-PI, NBM Project have been honoured with ‘Best Poster Presentation’ for the topic “Bamboo (Bamboo spp.) based agroforestry systems under rainfed upland ecosystem”. Table 14. Effect of the two bamboo species intercropped with four agricultural crops on the soil pH after three years study 0 – 15 cm Depth 15 – 30 cm Depth 30 – 60 cm Depth Overall Intercr Initi Mea Initi Mea Initi Mea Initi Mea op B 1 B2 B1 B 2 B1 B2 B1 B2 al n al n al n al n 4.9 4.8 4.89 1 7 Rice 4.8 4.8 4.82 4 0 5.1 5.1 5.14 6 2 5.2 5.2 5.23 5 0 5.0 5.0 5.06 8 4 Pigeon pea 4.7 4.7 4.76 8 3 5.0 4.9 5.00 2 8 5.2 5.1 5.18 0 6 5.0 4.9 4.98 0 6 4.78 5.1 5.0 5.10 1 8 5.01 4.9 4.9 4.93 5 0 4.76 4.6 4.6 4.65 7 2 4.58 Sole bamboo Bottle gourd 4.7 4.7 4.73 5 0 5.1 5.0 5.10 2 8 5.1 5.1 5.16 8 4 5.0 4.9 5.00 2 7 Turmeri c 4.8 4.7 4.78 0 6 5.1 5.1 5.13 4 1 5.2 5.2 5.24 6 1 5.0 5.0 5.05 7 3 Mean 4.7 4.7 4.75 7 2 5.0 5.0 5.06 8 4 5.2 5.1 5.18 0 6 5.0 4.9 5.00 2 7 Where B1 = B. tulda and 0 – 15 cm Only for CD intercro SEm(± (P=0.05 p ) ) B2 = B. balcooa 15 – 30 cm CD SEm(± (P=0.05 ) ) 30 – 60 cm Overall SEm(± ) CD (P=0.05 ) CD SEm(± (P=0.05 ) ) Bamboo 0.011 0.042 0.006 0.022 0.009 0.036 0.004 0.017** Intercrop 0.011 0.032 0.009 0.026 0.012 0.034 0.006 0.019** Bamboo * Intercrop 0.015 NS 0.012 NS 0.016 NS 0.009 NS SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) 0.018 0.071 0.009 0.037 0.016 0.061 Bamboo*Initial Table 15. Effect of two bamboo species intercropped with four agricultural crops on the soil organic carbon (%) after three years study 0 – 15 cm Depth 15 – 30 cm Depth 30 – 60 cm Depth Overall Intercr Initi Mea Initi Mea Initi Mea Initi Mea op B 1 B2 B1 B 2 B1 B2 B1 B2 al n al n al n al n 0.3 0.3 0.34 7 1 Rice 0.4 0.4 0.44 5 2 0.3 0.3 0.36 7 4 0.3 0.2 0.31 3 9 0.3 0.3 0.37 8 5 Pigeon pea 0.4 0.4 0.46 8 4 0.3 0.3 0.36 9 3 0.3 0.3 0.33 5 0 0.4 0.3 0.39 1 6 0.28 0.3 0.2 0.29 2 5 0.22 0.3 0.3 0.36 8 3 0.29 0.4 0.3 0.39 1 6 0.33 Sole bamboo Bottle gourd 0.4 0.4 0.44 6 2 0.4 0.3 0.39 1 7 0.3 0.3 0.34 7 1 0.4 0.3 0.39 1 7 Turmeri c 0.4 0.4 0.43 4 1 0.3 0.3 0.35 7 3 0.3 0.2 0.30 1 8 0.3 0.3 0.36 7 4 Mean 0.4 0.4 0.43 5 1 0.3 0.3 0.36 8 4 0.3 0.2 0.32 4 9 0.3 0.3 0.37 9 5 where, B1 = B. tulda and B2 = B. balcooa 0 – 15 cm Only for intercrop SEm(±) 15 – 30 cm 30 – 60 cm Overall CD CD CD CD SEm(±) SEm(±) SEm(±) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) Bamboo 0.007 0.026 0.007 0.026 0.006 0.025 0.005 0.019** Intercrop 0.007 0.022 0.006 0.017 0.010 0.029 0.005 0.014** 0.011 NS 0.008 NS 0.014 NS Bamboo Intercrop * 0.007 NS SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) 0.011 0.043 0.011 0.043 0.011 0.042 Bamboo*Initial Table 16. Effect of two bamboo species intercropped with four agricultural crops on the soil available N (kg/ha) after three years study Intercro 0 – 15 cm Depth 15 – 30 cm Depth 30 – 60 cm Depth Overall p Initia Mea Initia Mea Initia Mea Initia Mea B 1 B2 B1 B 2 B1 B2 B1 B2 l n l n l n l n 15 14 149 0 7 Rice 21 19 202 1 3 17 16 167 4 0 15 13 145 5 6 18 16 171 0 3 Pigeon pea 22 20 214 6 2 19 17 183 3 4 17 14 160 4 5 19 17 186 7 4 134 12 11 119 0 7 105 15 15 157 9 5 139 17 16 171 2 9 159 Sole bamboo Bottlegourd 22 19 209 1 7 18 15 169 3 5 16 14 153 4 1 19 16 177 0 4 Turmeri c 20 19 200 7 3 17 15 164 4 5 15 13 141 0 1 17 16 168 7 0 Mean 20 19 199 7 1 17 16 168 6 0 15 13 143 3 4 17 16 170 9 1 30 – 60 cm Overall Where, B1 = B. tulda and 0 – 15 cm Only for intercrop SEm(±) B2 = B. balcooa 15 – 30 cm CD CD CD CD SEm(±) SEm(±) SEm(±) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) Bamboo 0.340 1.335 0.313 1.229 0.234 0.919 0.263 1.033** Intercrop 0.170 0.503 0.321 0.949 0.072 0.214 0.155 0.459 0.240 0.71 0.454 1.34 0.102 0.30 0.219 0.649 Bamboo Intercrop * Bamboo*Initial SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) 0.569 2.234 0.524 2.056 0.392 1.539 Table 17. Effect of two bamboo species intercropped with four agricultural crops on the soil available P (kg/ ha) after three years study Intercr eop 0 – 15 cm Depth 15 – 30 cm Depth 30 – 60 cm Depth Overall Rice 16. 13. 15.4 10. 9.9 10.4 96 2 4 13. 11. 12.7 9.6 8.7 9.22 8 6 10. 10. 10.7 9.98 12. 10. 11.9 86 94 0 9.37 10.56 Sole 10.02 Initi B1 B2 Me Initi B1 B2 Me Initi B1 B2 Me Initi B1 B2 Me al an al an al an al an 11. 9.8 10.5 17 7 2 13. 12. 12.9 97 93 5 58 82 0 98 48 3 84 08 6 Pigeon pea 17. 15. 16.6 34 86 0 15. 13. 14.5 86 28 7 12. 10. 11.6 64 69 7 15. 13. 14.2 28 28 8 Bottle gourd 16. 14. 15.8 78 84 1 13. 13. 13.3 47 27 7 10. 10. 10.6 83 37 0 13. 12. 13.2 69 83 6 Turmeri c 16. 14. 15.8 83 83 3 13. 11. 12.6 29 94 2 10. 10. 10.5 95 13 4 13. 12. 13.0 69 30 0 Mean 16. 14. 15.1 16 08 2 13. 12. 12.7 43 05 4 11. 10. 10.5 02 09 6 13. 12. 12.8 54 07 1 Where, B1 = B. tulda and B2 = B. balcooa 0 – 15 cm Only for intercrop SEm(±) 15 – 30 cm 30 – 60 cm Overall CD CD CD CD SEm(±) SEm(±) SEm(±) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) Bamboo 0.035 0.139 0.016 0.063 0.018 0.070 0.021 0.081 Intercrop 0.036 0.105 0.022 0.064 0.020 0.060 0.020 0.059 0.050 0.15 0.031 0.09 0.029 0.09 0.028 0.084 Bamboo Intercrop * Bamboo*Initial SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) 0.059 0.233 0.027 0.106 0.030 0.117 Table 18. Effect of two bamboo species intercropped with four agricultural crops on soil available K (kg/ ha) after three years study 0 – 15 cm Depth 15 – 30 cm Depth 30 – 60 cm Depth Overall Intercro Initia Mea Initia Mea Initia Mea Initia Mea p B 1 B2 B1 B 2 B1 B2 B1 B2 l n l n l n l n 11 10 111 3 9 Rice 14 13 141 2 9 13 13 137 8 5 13 12 130 2 8 13 13 136 8 4 Pigeon pea Bottle gourd 15 15 153 4 1 13 13 137 8 5 15 14 149 0 8 13 12 131 3 9 14 14 142 3 1 12 12 126 8 4 105 10 10 106 8 4 101 11 11 112 3 0 105 11 11 115 6 3 108 Sole 14 14 148 9 7 13 13 132 3 0 Turmeri c 13 13 135 6 3 13 12 129 1 7 12 12 124 6 1 13 12 129 1 7 Mean 13 13 136 8 5 13 13 132 3 0 12 12 126 8 4 13 13 131 3 0 30 – 60 cm Overall Where, B1 = B. tulda and 0 – 15 cm Only for intercrop SEm(±) B2 = B. balcooa 15 – 30 cm CD CD CD CD SEm(±) SEm(±) SEm(±) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) (P=0.05) Bamboo 0.011 0.042 0.006 0.022 0.009 0.036 0.067 0.264 Intercrop 0.011 0.032 0.009 0.026 0.012 0.034 0.085 0.252 0.015 NS 0.012 NS 0.016 NS 0.120 0.356 Bamboo Intercrop * Bamboo*Initial SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) SE (d) CD (P=0.05) 0.200 0.787 0.214 0.840 0.136 0.534 Jhargram Plates Plate 1. Initial land condition before starting of the experimentation Plate 2. Mulching with dry leaves & twigs for moisture conservation Plate 3. Bambusa tulda (2 months after planting) Plate 4. Bambusa balcooa (2 months after planting) Plate 5. Use of water hyacinth for conserving moisture (early stage) Plate 6. New culm emergence in Bambusa tulda Plate 7. Bambusa tulda at the end of December 2008 Plate 8. Emergence of new culms in Bambusa balcooa Plate 9. Bambusa balcooa at the end of March, 2011 Plate 10. Bambusa tulda at the end of March 2011 Plate 11. Bambusa balcooa at the end of December 2008 Plate 12. Bambusa balcooa at the end of October 2010 Plate 13. Bamboo + Rice intercropping system Plate 14. Bamboo + Pigeon pea intercropping system Plate 15. Bamboo + Bottle gourd intercropping system Plate 16. Bamboo + Turmeric intercropping system Plate 17. Matured bamboo stand (B. tulda) at the end of March 2011 year UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES DHARWAD FINAL PROGRESS REPORT ON “DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES” Dr.S.J.Patil Principal Investigator Principal Scientist Agroforestry ALL INDIA COORDINATED RESEARCH PROJECT ON AGROFORESTRY Introduction Bamboos (Bambusa bambos) are woody perennial grasses that occur in the tropical and subtropical evergreen and deciduous forest formations of Asia-Pacific. Important uses of bamboo include paper and pulp industry, fuel, food, feed, house construction, and scaffolding, making several articles of everyday use, besides controlling soil erosion. One hundred and thirty wild and cultivated bamboo species are reported to occur in India. They exist under diverse ecological conditions, often as an under-storey in many forest types. Bamboos are propagated either by seeds or vegetative means (offsets, division, culm/ rhizome cuttings or layering). They flower only once and die after producing seeds (monocarp). Most of the economically important bamboos flower gregariously at long intervals of 30-40 years. Although large quantities of seeds are produced during gregarious flowering, they are viable only for about six to eight months. Seeds can be germinated in nursery beds and pricked out into polybags of size 18 cm (flat width) x 22 cm. One yearold seedling can be used for planting. However, when seeds are not available, bamboos are propagated vegetatively. With this background the Adhoc Project “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems for Six Agro-climatic Zones” was implemented in our research form at ARS, Prabhunagar. Initially it was planned at the main campus only. But low rainfall received in the first fortnight of June-2008 compelled us to shift the place. Accordingly the crop was also changed to cotton. FIRST YEAR PROGRESS OF THE PROJECT Land Preparation: The shrubs / bushes in the experimental area were removed and with the receipt of pre monsoon shower in March – 2008, land was ploughed, harrowed and brought to fine tilth. Layout and pit digging: The pits of the size of 75x75x75 cm for bamboo at recommended spacing were dug in the month of April – 2008 and filled with FYM (5 kg/pit) and Pongamia leaf and were allowed to settle and decompose. Seedlings: Bamboosa bombos seedlings were raised in 20x30 cm poly bags in Farm Forestry nursery as the UAS, Dharwad campus following all scientific methods. The potting mixture consisted of 1:1:1 proportion of FYM Sand and Red soil. The seeds were sown in the month of September – 2007 and were nurtured in the nursery. Planting: Bamboo seedling raised in the UAS, nursery were planted as per the treatments of the project on 14.6.2008. At the time of planting pits were drenched with chlonopyriphos (@ 5ml / pit). Fertilizer at the rate of 10 gm of DAP was applied. After planting the seedlings were staked with bamboo stick (tied loosely with gunny thread). Around the seedlings basin was made by clearing the weed to collect the rain water. Field crops: The field crop finalized for the experimental is cotton BT cotton (Bikenari Nerma). Cotton seeds were dibbled on 14.6.2008 at the spacing of 90 x 60 cms as per the recommendation. Fertilizer applications: Out of 80:40: 40 kg NPK/ha recommended for the crop 40:40:40 kg NPK/ha is given as basal doze. After 45 days first top dressing with 20 kg N/ha was done. Plant protection: Cotton: To control trips, aphids, jassids & white fly chloropyriphos and confidor was sprayed at 30 day and 45 days after sowing. Bamboo: Chloriphyriphus was sprayed to bamboo to control leaf roller and leaf eating cater filler. Experimental design : Randomized Block Design Experimental area : 1.7 ha Chrorvations: (as on 31.7.2008) Bamboo: a) culm height : 70 cms b) nos of culms/seedling :5 Cotton: a) Height : 40 cm b) Nos. of Leaves : 18 c) Nos of primary branches : 2-3. Field Demonstrations: Demonstration on Farmers’ fields The planting of bamboo demonstration block is taken up in the field of Sri. S.B. Ganiger at village Shirur, Tq: Navalagund of Dharwad district and another in the field of Sri. M.V.Patil, at Guddadahulikatti, Tq:.Kalaghatagi of Dharwad district. Soil forking and soil mending for the seedlings is done to ensure better establishment. SECOND YEAR PROGRESS OF THE PROJECT Field crops: The field crop finalized for the experimental is cotton BT cotton (Britoneri Nerma). Cotton seeds were dibbled on 14.6.2008 at the spacing of 90x60 cms as per the recommendation. Fertilizer applications: Out of 80:40: 40 kg NPK/ha recommended for the crop 40:40:40 kg NPK/ha is given as basal doze. After 45 days first top dressing with 20 kg N/ha was done. Plant protection: Cotton: To control trips, aphids, jassids & white fly chloropyriphos and confidor was sprayed at 30 day and 45 days after sowing. Bamboo: Chlorophyriphos was sprayed to bamboo to control leaf roller and leaf eating caterpiller. Experimental design : Randomized Block Design Experimental area : 1.7 ha Observations: (as on 18.09.2008): The observations recorded in Bamboo and cotton are as follows Bamboo: New shoot sprouted (Rhizome), shoot died, number of new culms, total number of culms per clump, clump diameter, height of culms, Internode length and culm diameter. Cotton: Germination percent and growth parameters such as plant height, number of leaves and number of squares. Soil nutrient status of the experimental plot: For the nutrient analysis of the soil in the proposed experimental plot, the soil samples were colleted as per standard method and analyzed. The analysis of the soil samples revealed that, the pH of the soil was 6.10, EC, 0.13 ds/m, Organic carbon: 0.78%, N: 185.7 kg/ha, P; 21.6 kg/ha and K 220 kg/ha. Treatment details: T1: 10mX 10m Bamboo + Cotton, T2: 12m X10m Bamboo + Cotton, T3: 10m X10m Sole Bamboo, T4 : 12m X10m Sole Bamboo T5: Sole cotton Results of the experiment: Growth parameters of Bamboo The growth parameters of bamboo recorded on 18.09.2008 indicated that, number of new shoot sprouts (rhizomes) observed did not differed significantly. However, the maximum number of rhizomes was recorded in T4 (12X10m bamboo alone) (1.67). There was no significant variation in number of dried culms as the planting was taken up in monsoon season. The number of new culms also did not differ significantly, however maximum number of culms were recorded in both T3 and T4 (3.23). The number of culms per clump was non-significant but more number of culms per clump were recorded in T2 :12 X10m Bamboo +cotton (18.40). There was no significant difference in culm height recorded in treatment receiving T1: 10X 10m Bamboo +Cotton (120.2 cm) and significantly lowest was observed in T4 (108.8 cm). The internode length was found to be non significant however maximum internode length was registered in treatment receiving T1:10X10m Bamboo +Cotton (17.03 cm) and least was observed in T4 (11.67 cm). The observation on both culm collar and clump diameter did not differ significantly. The observations on Cotton was recorded which was sown as intercrop in the Bamboo based AF system. The per cent germination of cotton was observed to be cent percent in the initial periods of date of sowing. There was germination percent, average plant height, number of leaves and numbers of squares were highest in sole cotton (99.5, 153.8cm, 140.8 and 102.3, respectively). Table: Growth parameters of Bamboo and Cotton in Bamboo based AF system Treatment Bamboo No. of No. of No. of No. of Culm Internode Culm Clump New dried New culms height length collar diameter sprouts culms culms /clump (cm) (cm) diameter (cm) (cm) T1 1.36 2.85 2.60 15.32 120.2 12.03 0.92 26.16 T2 1.61 3.17 2.96 18.40 120.3 12.33 0.74 25.93 T3 1.30 3.00 3.23 11.13 110.4 11.78 0.74 21.20 T4 1.67 2.93 3.23 11.26 108.8 11.67 0.59 23.83 T5 Mean 1.36 2.99 3.01 14.03 116.70 13.70 0.75 24.28 0.14 0.57 0.19 2.98 3.74 0.72 0.12 1.61 SEm CD @5% NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Germin ation (%) 98.6 98.5 99.5 - Cotton Height No. of (cm) leaves 126.4 120.6 153.8 - 129.8 108.0 140.8 - T1: 10mX 10m bamboo +Cotton, T2 : 12m X10m Bamboo +cotton, T3: 10m X10m Sole Bamboo, T4 : 12m X10m Sole Bamboo, and T5 : sole cotton No. of squares 80.6 79.9 102.3 - THIRD YEAR PROGRESS OF THE PROJECT Irrigation: Protective irrigation was given for bamboo clumps (once in a week) with bore well which was connected to water tank in order to provide sufficient water to each bamboo clumps. (Copy of photograph is enclosed) Field crops: The field crop finalized for the experiment is cotton BT cotton (Britoneri Nerma). Cotton seeds were dibbled on 14.6.2008 at the spacing of 90x60 cms as per the recommendation. Cotton crop was harvested fortnightly from 13. 11. 2008 to 6 .01. 2009. Fertilizer applications: Out of 80:40: 40 kg NPK/ha recommended for the crop 40:40:40 kg NPK/ha is given as basal doze. After 45 days first top dressing with 20 kg N/ha was done. Plant protection: Bamboo: Chlorophyriphos was sprayed to bamboo to control leaf roller and leaf eating caterpiller and Zinc sulphide was placed in each clump to control rodents. In order to protect bamboo from grazing animals, tree guard was installed around the each bamboo clump. Cotton: To control trips, aphids, jassids & white fly chloropyriphos and confidor was sprayed at 30 day and 45 days after sowing. Observations: The observations recorded in Bamboo and cotton are as follows Bamboo: New shoot sprouted (Rhizome), shoot died, number of new culms, total number of culms per clump, clump diameter, height of culms, Internode length and culm diameter. Cotton: Cotton yield was recorded in each sample plot and expressed in q/ha. Soil nutrient status of the experimental plot: For the nutrient analysis of the soil in the proposed experimental plot, the soil samples were colleted as per standard method and analyzed. The analysis of the soil samples revealed that, the pH of the soil was 6.10, EC, 0.13 ds/m, Organic carbon: 0.78%, N: 185.7 kg/ha, P; 21.6 kg/ha and K 220 kg/ha. Treatment details: T1: 10X10 m Bamboo + Cotton, T2: 12X10 m Bamboo + Cotton, T3: 10X10 m Sole Bamboo T4 : 12X10 m Sole Bamboo T5: Sole cotton 81 Results of the experiment: Growth parameters of Bamboo The growth parameters of bamboo recorded on 28.01.2009 indicated that, number of new sprouts (rhizomes) significantly higher in treatment T4 (12X10 m Sole Bamboo), which was on par with T3 (10x10 m sole bamboo), and least was recorded in T1 (10 x 10 m bamboo + cotton). Growth parameter with respect to number of culms was significantly higher in T1 (10x10 m bamboo + cotton) and least was registered in T4. (12X10 m Sole Bamboo). Varition with respect to number of new culms and number of culms per clump was significantly higher in T3 and T4 and least was recorded in T1(10 m X 10m Bamboo + Cotton) in both parameters. Culm height and internode length did not differ significantly. However, maximum culm height was noticed in T3 (10X10m SoleBamboo) and least was observed in T2 (12X10m Bamboo + Cotton). Whereas, maximum internode length was recorded in T1 (10x10m bamboo+cotton). Culm diameter significantly higher in T2 (12X10m Bamboo+Cotton). Interestingly, clump diameter did not differ significantly. However maximum clump diameter was noticed in T4 (12X10m Sole Bamboo). Cotton was harvested in each sample plot and which was expressed in quintals per hectare. Maximum seed cotton yield was recorded in sole cotton (T5) followed by T2 (12X12m Bamboo+ Cotton) and least was recorded in T1 (10X 10m Bamboo + Cotton). Table: Growth parameters of Bamboo (At 6 MAT) and associated Cotton yield in Bamboo based AF system. Treatm ent T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Mean SEm CD@5 % No. of new sprouts 2.98 3.68 4.50 4.75 3.96 0.28 0.86 No. of dried culms 4.76 4.46 3.69 3.53 3.76 0.94 2.80 No. of New culms 8.47 10.40 11.20 11.35 10.35 1.22 3.64 Bamboo No. of Culm culms/ height clump (m) 17.62 1.12 20.50 1.01 20.56 1.38 20.53 1.26 19.71 1.44 1.83 0.26 5.35 NS Internode length (cm) 14.80 13.85 13.45 13.56 12.80 0.98 NS Culm diameter (cm) 1.50 1.84 1.18 1.20 1.03 0.18 0.64 Clump diameter (cm) 62.76 65.44 58.01 66.10 63.07 3.61 NS T1: 10mX 10m bamboo +Cotton, T2: 12m X10m Bamboo +cotton, T3: 10m X10m Sole Bamboo, T4: 12m X10m Sole Bamboo, and T5: Sole cotton MAT – Months After Treatment 82 Cotton Yield (q/ha) 10.9 12.50 19.61 - FINAL PROGRESS Field crops: The field crop sown for the experiment was BT cotton (Bikenari Nerma). Cotton seeds were dibbled in the Kharif 2009 (26.06.2009) at the spacing of 90 x 60 cms as per the recommended package of practice. Cotton crop was harvested fortnightly from 28. 11. 2009 to 15 .01 2010 Fertilizer applications: Out of 80:40: 40 kg NPK/ha recommended for the crop 40:40:40 kg NPK/ha is given as basal doze. After 45 days first top dressing with 20 kg N/ha was done. Plant protection: To control trips, aphids, jassids & white fly chloropyriphos and confidor was sprayed at 30 days and 45 days after sowing. Bamboo: Irrigation Protective irrigation was given for bamboo clumps at fortnight interval to each bamboo clumps. Mulching: Grasses and sedges were used for mulching each bamboo clump to retain soil moisture for longer period. Plant protection Chlorophyriphos was sprayed to bamboo to control leaf roller and leaf eating caterpiller and Zinc sulphide was placed in each clump to control rodents. Observations: The observations recorded in Bamboo and cotton are as follows Bamboo: Number of new culms, total number of culms per clump, clump diameter, clump height, Internode length and culm diameter. Cotton: Cotton yield was recorded in each sample plot and expressed in q/ha Treatment details: T1: 10X 10 m Bamboo + Cotton, T2: 12 X10 m Bamboo + Cotton, T3: 10 X10 m Sole Bamboo T4 : 12 X10 m Sole Bamboo T5: Sole cotton Results of the experiment Growth parameters of Bamboo: 83 The growth parameters of bamboo recorded on 28.02.2010 indicated that Number of new culms where significantly higher in treatment receiving 12 m x 10 m bamboo alone (T4) which is on par with treatment receiving 10 m x 10 m bamboo + cotton (T 1) Interestingly, number of culms per clump was not significant. However, maximum number of culms per clump was higher in treatment receiving 12m x10 m bamboo +cotton (T2) Variation with respect to clump height was significantly higher in treatment receiving 10 m x10 m bamboo alone (T3).Internode length and clump diameter where significantly higher in treatment receiving 12 m x10 m bamboo +cotton (T2). Clump diameter was significantly higher in treatment receiving 10 m x 10 m bamboo alone which is at par with 12 m x 10 m bamboo +cotton Cotton was harvested in each sample plot and which was expressed in quintals per hectare. Maximum seed cotton yield was recorded in sole cotton (T5) followed by 12 mX 10m Bamboo+ Cotton (T2) and least was recorded in 10mX 10m Bamboo + Cotton (T 1) Field Demonstrations: Demonstration on Farmers’ fields. The planting of bamboo demonstration block is taken up in the field of Sri. S.B. Ganiger at village Shirur, Tq: Navalagund of Dharwad district and another in the field of Sri. M.V.Patil, at Guddadahulikatti, Tq:.Kalaghatagi of Dharwad district. Soil working and regular watering was recommended during the summer season for better establishment of culms. 84 Table : Growth parameters of Bamboo and associated Cotton yield in Bamboo based AF system Treatment T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Mean SEm CD@5% No of New culms No. of culms/ clump Clump height (m) 14.07 12.69 12.93 14.55 13.05 0.45 1.37 21.99 23.10 21.93 21.63 22.16 1.34 NS 3.63 4.06 4.33 4.26 4.07 0.28 0.85 Bamboo Internode Clump length diameter (cm) (m) 20.62 23.45 19.68 18.02 20.44 0.86 2.57 1.57 2.77 2.16 1.77 2.06 0.19 0.59 Culm diameter (cm) 10.45 8.39 10.13 10.82 9.95 0.57 1.72 Cotton Yield q /ha 8.50. 11.15 15.61 T1: 10mX 10m bamboo +Cotton, T2: 12m X10m Bamboo +cotton, T3: 10m X10m Sole Bamboo, T4: 12m X10m Sole Bamboo, and T5: Sole cotton 85 Dharwar Plates Bamboo with Cotton as intercrop in 10x10m and 10x12m spacing 86 FINAL PROGRESS REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES From College of Forestry, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technilogy, Bhubaneswar-751003, Orissa, India 87 DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The adhoc project “Development of Bamboo based Agroforestry System for six Agroclimatic zones” functioned during September, 2007 and March, 2011 under Faculty of Forestry, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar. This was operated at Central Research Station, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar under East and South Eastern Central Plain Agroclimatic Zone of Orissa. In this project studies were carried to develop Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system. The bamboo plants (D. strictus) were planted at two spacings e.g. 1010 m and 1210 m in 3 replications in 1.0 ha area. The intercrops were raised with bamboo and without bamboo. Also there were bamboo clumps without crop as control. The field crops were grown as per standard practices. The demonstration programme of Dendrocalamus strictus in farmers’ field was also carried out in village Maniabandh in the district of Dhenkanal, Orissa. An area of 1.0 ha rainfed upland was selected and bamboo seedlings were planted on field bunds at 5m interval in single row. The farmers raised crops according to their own practices. The bamboo seedlings were planted both at Research station, Bhubaneswar and at Farmers’ field, Dhenkal in November, 2007 after launching of the project. The seedlings did not survive because of low temperature in succeeding months of December and January and hence, in both sites replanting was done in June-July, 2008. In 2007, only rabi crop was grown at the Research Station with the help of irrigation. No rabi crop could be taken in farmers’ field because of unavailability of irrigation facility. At Research Station, Toria (Brassica compestris) var. Anuradha was grown as rabi crop. The seed yield was 5.90 q/ha in pure stand while it was 5.46 q/ha under 10×10 m and 5.67 q/ha under 12×10 m spacing of D. strictus. The growth characters such as plant height, branches/plant, siliqua/plant and seeds/siliqua did not differ much as regards to variation in spacing as well as in pure crop stand. In kharif, 2008 sesamum was grown as intercrop. The bamboo seedlings were replanted on 30th June, 2008. The seed yield of sesamum under bamboo spacing of 10×10 m and 12× 10 m did not vary significantly as compared to the sole crop. Seed yield of 5.35 q/ha in sole crop and 5.20 q/ha and 5.30 q/ha as intercrop in 10×10 m and 12 ×10 m spacing of bamboo, respectively was recorded. The growth parameters such as plant height, branches/plant, capsules/plant and seeds/capsule did not differ much under two different spacings of bamboo and in pure crop. In rabi, 2008-2009 toria was grown as intercrop. The seed yield was 6.18 q/ha in pure stand while it was 5.68 q/ha under 10×10 m spacing of bamboo and 5.80 q/ha under 12×10 m spacing. The growth parameters such as plant height, branches/plant, 88 siliqua/plant and seeds/siliqua did not differ much as regards to variation in bamboo spacing as well as in pure stand of crop. By the end of rabi, 2008-2009 the bamboo plants could attain significantly higher growth in terms of height and dbh and also number of culms under agroforestry system in both the spacings of bamboo than the pure plantations without crop. However, the values under both the spacings of bamboo with crop and without crop separately remained similar.Maximum height and dbh of culms were recorded as 2.0m and1.24cm, respectively under 12x10m spacing with crop whereas the minium values were 1.5m and 0.97cm, respectively under 12x10m spacing pure plantation. At farmers’ field, Dhenkanal during kharif 2008 the bamboo seedlings were replanted in July, 2008 on field bunds. The farmers raised field crops and vegetables in kharif season only because the field becomes very dry in rabi season. In the first season, the growth of bamboo was not impressive on field bunds. The seedlings attained a height of 1m. The yield of different crops such a Rice (Khandagiri), Maize (Navjot), Arhar (Upas-120), Cowpea (SEB-2), Cluster bean (Local), Brinial (BB-46C), Chili (Utkal Ava), Okra (Utkal Gaurav), Cucumber (Local), Pumpkin (Loacal), Ridge Gourd (Local), Colocassia (Local) and Turmeric (Surama) were normal because there was no competition from bamboo. The farmers cultivated the crops according to their own practices. In kharif 2009, four intercrops such as cowpea (var. Utkal Manika), blackgram (var. Ujala), greengram (var. PDM 11) and sesamum (var. Uma) were grown. The yield and return of field crops; growth, yield and return of bamboo and root intensity of bamboo at four different distances from clump and three different depths were recorded. The yields of different crops were higher in pure than with bamboo. Cowpea resulted pod yield of 18.92 q/ha in pure crop while 17.48 q/ha with bamboo under 1210 m spacing and 17.21 q/ha with bamboo under 10 10 m spacing. Blackgram recorded maximum grain yield of 5.62 q/ha in pure while greengram recorded minimum grain yield of 3.99 q/ha with bamboo having spacing 1010 m. The yield of respective crops under both the spacings of bamboo was statistically at par. The yield of crops per unit area increased with increase of peripheral distance from bamboo clumps. The number of new bamboo culms recruited per hectare was more under intercropping than pure bamboo plantation. Further, the culm number was higher per hectare in 10 10 m spacing with particular crop than the corresponding 1210 m spacing. The number of new culms/ha ranged from 872 to 894 in 10 10 m spacing with crop while 746 to 776 in 1210 m spacing with crop. In pure bamboo plantation it was 700 and 588/ha in 1010 m and 12 10 m spacing, respectively. In kharif-2009, the gross return was maximum (` 21932/ha) under cowpea with bamboo at 10 m 10 m spacing which was at par with cowpea + bamboo of 12 10 m spacing. The gross returns under bamboo + crops were higher than the corresponding pure 89 crop. However, net return was maximum (` 5556/ha) under pure cowpea and minimum under pure geengram (` 1526/ha). In rabi 2009-2010, four intercrops were grown such as greengram (var. OBGG52), sunflower (var. KBG-11), toria (var. Anuradha) and blackgram (var. Ujala). The rabi crops suffered from moisture stress particularly at the time of flowering and fruiting, hence a lower yield and lower return were obtained. At farmers’ field, Dhenkanal in kharif-2009, the participating farmers raised the crops normally they grow in upland condition in kharif such as rice, arhar, ragi, colocassia, okra, brinjal, ridge gourd and bitter gourd. The reduction of crop yield was neglible with bamboo than pure crop. The growth of bamboo clumps was significantly less in field bund (2.54. height and in comparison to on station trial. In kharif-2010, Cowpea (Utkal Manika), Blackgram (Ujala), Greengram (Dhauli), Sesamum (Uma) were grown with and without bamboo.The seed yield of different crops varied significantly under different systems. The mean seed production (kg/ha) under pure condition was significantly higher over crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo. However, seed produced under both the spacings of Bamboo remained at par with each other. Irrespective of system/spacing, the yield was maximum under cowpea (493.92 kg/ha) followed by blackgram, sesamum and greengram (407.82 kg/ha). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the cowpea as pure crop yielded maximum (580.60 kg/ha) and greengram yielded the minimum (388.29 kg/ha) under Bamboo 10x 10m spacing. The yield of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo was very close. In kharif-2010, the number of new culms recruited per clump showed no significant difference among two spacings. However, irrespective of spacing it was higher under crops in comparison to pure bamboo plantation (16.62/clump). With regard to interaction of spacing and crop, the number of new culms recruited was remarkably higher under bamboo with intercrops than pure plantation in the both the spacings. Bamboo with blackgram under 10x10m spacing resulted maximum number of new culms (21.22/clump). But the values under the four intercrops in both the spacings remained at par. In kharif-2010, the net return (`/ha) under different crop combinations with bamboo and as pure crop differed significantly. Irrespective of crop, significantly higher net return was obtained under bamboo + crop in both the spacings in comparison to pure crop (` 4295/ha). The return under 10m x 10m spacing was maximum (` 8210). The net return under different crops irrespective of spacing/system varied remarkably with maximum of ` 8256/ha under blackgram followed by sesamum, greengram and cowpea (` 5622/ha). With regard to combination, blackgram with bamboo under both the spacings registered significantly higher net return over rest of combinations as well as pure crop. The highest 90 return (` 9787/ha) was obtained under blackgram with bamboo 10x10m spacing. Minimum return (` 3248/ha) was found under greengram as pure crop. The yield of different intercrops reduced with decrease of distance from the bamboo clumps in both the spacings of bamboo in different years. In 2nd and 3rd year of the plantation, the crop production was nil within the radius of 0.5m from the clump. In Kharif'- 2010, between the radius of 0 to 4m from the clumps, the grain yield (kg/ha) of cowpea, blackgram, greengram and sesamum ranged from 0 - 462.24, 0 - 480.32, 0-430.16 and 0-460.76 respectively under 10m x 10m spacing of bamboo while 0-464.22, 0-488.28. 0-435.12 and 0-470.36, respectively under 12m x 10m spacing. In rabi, 2010-11 horsegram was grown as intercrop. The rainfed situation of the site resulted poor yield of horsegram. The seed yield, stover yield and biological yield were remarkably higher in pure crop than the crop grown with bamboo in both the spacings. In pure crop, the mean seed yield, stover yield and biological yield were 205.1 kg/ha, 426.1 kg/ha and 631.8 kg/ha, respectively. The harvest index was found in the same order with 32.46% in pure crop and 30.22% under bamboo spacing of 10x10m.The growth parameters such as plant height, pod/plant and branches/plant were more in crop raised as pure stand than in crop grown with bamboo. The values of these parameters under the two spacings of bamboo were very close. The growth and yield of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) clumps steadily increased from date of planting to February, 2011 in different systems i.e. pure bamboo and bamboo with field crops in both the spacings of bamboo (10x10m and 12x10m). At the end of each growing season, the growth and yield of bamboo clumps in terms of height, canopy diameter, number of new culms recruited, total number of culms ad size of culms were higher in clumps grown with field crops than in pure bamboo. The performance of bamboo plants irrespective of system (with and without field crops) under both the spacings of bamboo was statistically at par with each other. By the end of February, 2011 the mean clump height, canopy diameter number of new culms of the year per clump, total number of culms per clump were 8.53m 7.07m, 21.25 and 34.40, respectively under 10x10m with crops and 7.15m, 6.34m, 18.18 and 28.68, respectively under 10x 10m pure plantation. The mean values of these parameters in 12x10m spacings were 9.46m, 7.52m, 20.40 and 34.03 with intercrops and 7.86m, 6.42m, 17.84 and 28.34 in pure plantation Root studies were carried out in two years old bamboo clumps to know the distribution of roots. The root intensity, irrespective of bamboo spacing, decreased with increase of distance from clump. The root intensity of bamboo was found to be 330/m2 at 1m distance while it was 20/m2 at 4m distance from the clump.The root intensity of bamboo with different crops was higher over the bamboo grown as pure. It decreased with 91 increase of distance from clump and increase of soil depth. Maximum rooting intensity was observed at 10-15 cm depth of soil. At Farmers’ demonstration field in kharif, 2010 crops such as groundnut, colocassia and okra were grown with bamboo successfully with slight reduction in yield. By the end of rabi, 2010-11, the bamboo clumps reached to a height of 5.12m and 768 number of annual culms on one hectare of field bund. The overall performance of bamboo clumps and imtercrops tried reflected that Dendrocalamus strictus with Blackgram in kharif under 10m x 10m spacing was found to be the best agroforestry system among the systems developed followed by Bamboo + Greengram, Bamboo + Sesamum and Bamboo + cowpea under 10 x 10m spacing. CONCLUSION The following conclusion may be drawn from the results obtained during 2007- 2011. - Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) based agroforestry systems are viable in rainfed upland condition of Orissa. - Bamboo based agroforestry systems were found more remunerative than pure crop production as well as pure bamboo plantation. - Among the two bamboo spacings tried 10x10m was more effective. - Out of several intercrops tried blackgram was found best followed by greengram, sesamum and cowpea with bamboo in kharif. - Bamboo + Blackgram under 10x10m spacing was found best agroforestry system followed by Bamboo+ Greengram, Bamboo + Sesamum and Bamboo + cowpea under 10 x10m spacing. - In such rainfed uplands rabi crops were found not economic. - Intercrops should not be raised within 0.5m radius of the bamboo clumps because it not only results a neglible or no yield of intercrop, but also may affect the root system of the clump. - More studies should be carried out on the developmemt of bamboo based agroforestry systems. GENERAL INFORMATION Name of the Project : Development of Bamboo based agroforestry 92 Name of the University : Division : Location of Experimental Field : Year of Start Year of Completion : : system for Six Agroclimatic zones. Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar Department of Forestry, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar (200 15’ N latitude, 850 52’ E longitude and 25.9 m above MSL) and Dhenkanal (200 3’ to 300 16’ N latitude, 840 6’ to 880 6’ E longitude and 300 m above MSL) The project is in operation since September, 2007 March, 2011 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. To develop and standardize bamboo based agroforestry systems suitable to different agro-climatic conditions. To demonstrate the scientific management practices and potential of bamboo based agroforestry systems at farmers’ field for economic gain. To evaluate production potential, economics and impact of bamboo based agroforestry system on natural resource base. LOCATION OF THE PROJECT Development of Bamboo based agroforestry system for six Agro-climatic zones, under Faculty of Forestry, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology functioned from September, 2007 to March, 2011 at Central Research Station, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar under East and South Eastern Coastal Plain Agroclimatic zone of the state. Geographically it is located at 20015’ N latitude and 85052’ E longitude at an altitude of 25.9 m above mean sea level. The soil is predominantly red lateritic, having loamy sand to sandy loam texture. It is rich in oxides of iron and aluminum but poor in dibasic cations and soluble salts. The normal rainfall of the station is 1493.7 mm with 113 rainy days in a year. The University provided a land area of 1 hectare inside Central Research Station to conduct field trials on Bamboo based Agroforestry Systems. The land is located around 6 km away from main campus of the University on the side of the Bhubaneswar-Chandaka Road. The demonstration programme of Dendrocalamus strictus in farmers’ field was carried out at Maniabandha village of Dhenkanal district under Mid Central Table Land Zones (20030’ N to 30016’ N latitude and 8406’ E to 8806’ E longitude at an altitude of 300 m above mean sea level). The soil is acidic, having loamy sand to sandy loam texture with poor water retentivity and deficient in organic carbon and phosphorus but medium in potassium availability. ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE 93 The adhoc project was headed by the Principal Investigator. In the first year it was assisted by two Co-PIs, one SRF and one Field Assistant. From July it was run by PI assisted by one Field Assistant and one Agricultural Overseer of the College of Forestry. The Project was run under the technical guidance of the Head of College of forestry and was administered by the Director of Research through Head of Forestry. TECHNICAL PROGRAMME At Research Station, O.U.A.T., Bhubaneswar a b Bamboo species Date of planting of bamboo c d Spacing of bamboo Number of clumps under intercropping e Intercrops taken Season and Year Rabi, 2007-2008 Kharif, 2008 Rabi, 2008-2009 Kharif, 2009 Rabi, 2009-2010 Kharif, 2010 Rabi, 2010-2011 f Control : g h i j Design Area Land situation Fertilizers applied : : : : : : : : Dendrocalamns strictus 19th November, 2007. However, clumps died because of low temperature during succeeding months of December and January and re-plating was done on 30th June, 2008 12 ×10 m and 10×10 m 72 (36 inch each spacing) Name of Intercrop Toria (Anuradha) Sesamum (Uma) Toria (Anuradha) Cowpea (Utkal Manika), Blackgram (Ujala), Greengram (PDM- 11), Sesamum (Uma) Greengram (OBGG- 52), Sunflower (KBS -11), Toria (Anuradha), Blackgram (Ujala) Cowpea (Utkal Manika), Blackgram (Ujala), Greengram (Dhauli), Sesamum (Uma) Horsegram (Local) Pure crop (without bamboo) and pure bamboo (without crop) RBD 1.0 ha Upland In each season (Kharif/Rabi), the fertilizers were applied @ 25 : 50 : 25 kg/ha for cowpea, 20 : 40 : 20 kg/ha for blackgram, 20 : 40 : 20 kg/ha for greengram, 30 : 15 : 15 kg/ha for sesamum, 60 : 80 : 60 : kg/ha for sunflower, 60 : 30 : 30 kg/ha for toria and 20 : 40 : 20 kg/ha for horsegram with one tonne of FYM per ha. In case of bamboo plants, fertilizers were applied @ 50 : 25 : 25 g/ N : P : K per plant to first year plants, 100 : 94 k Cultural practices : 50 : 50 g N : P : K to second year plants and 150 : 75 : 75 g N : P : K to third year plants. The normal cultural practices were carried out for the crops as well as bamboo plants Demonstration at Farmers’ Field, Dhenkanal a b Bamboo species Dendrocalamus strictus Date of planting of November 3rd week, 2007. However clumps died because of bamboo low temperature in succeeding months of December ad January. In July 1st week, 2008 replanting was done and further, 44 clumps were replanted in July, 2009) c Spacing of bamboo 5 m from clump to clump in single row on field bunds d Area of Field 1.0 ha Intercrops taken by farmers Season and Year Name of intercrop Kharif, 2008 Rice (Khandagiri), Maize (Navjot), Arhar (Upas-120), Cowpea (SEB-2), Cluster bean (Local), Brinial (BB-45C), Chili (Utkal Ava), Okra (Utkal Gaurav), Cucumber (Local), Pumpkin (Loacal), Ridge Gourd (Local), Colocassia (Local), Turmeric (Surama) Kharif, 2009 Rice (Khandagiri), Arhar (Upas-120), Ragi (Local), Colocassia (Local), Okra (Utkal Gaurav), Brinjal (BB-46C), Ridge Gourd (Local) and Bitter Gourd (Local) Kharif, 2010 Groundnut (Local), Colocassia(Local), Okra (Utkal Gaurav) e f g Land Situation Upland Location Village-Maniabandh, District-Dhenkanal Fertilizers and The farmers practiced their own cultural practices and own Cultural Practices dose of fertilizers and manures RESULTS OBTAINED The results obtained in kharif and rabi seasons during 2007-2011 at Research Station of O.U.A.T. Campus, Bhubaneswar and at the framers’ field, Dhenkanal are presented below. RESULTS OBTAINED IN 2007-2008 The project was launched in September, 2007. The bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) seedlings were planted in November, 2007 both at the Research Station, Bhubaneswar and farmers’ field, Dhenkanal. Only rabi crop was grown at the Research Station with help of irrigation. No rabi crop could be taken in farmers’ field because of unavailability of irrigation facility. At Research Station, Toria (Brassica compestris) var. Anuradha was grown as rabi crop. 95 Bamboo seedlings died both at Research Station, Bhubaneswar as well as at Farmers’ field, Dhenkanal, because very low temperature in December and January. Hence, no observation on its growth could be recorded. However, toria as intercrop in alleys of 10×10 m and 12×10 m bamboo planting showed no significant differences in seed yield. The seed yield was 5.90 q/ha in pure stand while it was 5.46 q/ha under 10×10 m and 5.67 q/ha under 12×10 m spacing of D. strictus (Table 1). The growth characters such as plant height, branches/plant, siliqua/plant and seeds/siliqua did not differ much as regards to variation in spacing as well as in pure crop stand. Table 1. Growth and yield of toria (var. Anuradha) during rabi, 2007-2008 Treatment Plant Branches/ Siliqua/ Seeds/ height (cm) Plant Plant Siliqua With Bamboo 10 m × 10 m spacing 78.7 6.8 82.4 12.4 12 m × 10 m spacing 79.0 6.2 86.6 12.8 Without Bamboo (Pure stand of toria) 78.0 7.2 86.0 13.6 Seed yield (q/ha) 5.46 5.67 5.90 RESULTS OBTAINED IN 2008-2009 At Research Station, Bhubaneswar Kharif, 2008 In kharif, 2008 sesamum was grown as intercrop. The bamboo seedlings were replanted on 30th June, 2008. The seed yield of sesamum under bamboo spacing of 10×10 m and 12 ×10 m did not vary significantly as compared to the sole crop. Seed yield Table Table 2. Growth and yield of sesamum (var. Uma) during kharif, 2008 Treatment Plant Branches/ Capsules/ Seeds/ height (cm) Plant Plant Capsule With Bamboo 10 m × 10 m spacing 93 6.2 54.3 28.4 12 m × 10 m spacing 89 6.9 58.8 30.0 Without Bamboo 102 7.2 60.0 27.6 (Pure stand of sesamum) Seed yield (q/ha) 5.20 5.30 5.35 of 5.35 q/ha in sole crop and 5.20 q/ha and 5.30 q/ha as intercrop in 10×10 m and 12 ×10 m spacing of bamboo, respectively was recorded (Table 2). The growth parameters such as plant height, branches/plant, capsules/plant and seeds/capsule did not differ much under two different spacings of bamboo and in pure crop. Rabi, 2008-09 In rabi, 2008-2009 toria was grown as intercrop. The seed yield was 6.18 q/ha in pure stand while it was 5.68 q/ha under 10 × 10 m spacing of bamboo and 5.80 q/ha under 12×10 m spacing (Table 3). The growth parameters such as plant height, branches/plant, 96 siliqua/plant and seeds/siliqua did not differ much as regards to variation in bamboo spacing as well as in pure stand of crop. Table 3. Growth and yield of toria (var. Anuradha) during rabi, 2008-2009. Treatment Plant height Branche/ Siliqua/ Seeds/ Seed yield (q/ha) (cm) Plant Plant Siliqua With Bamboo 10 × 10 m spacing 75.3 7.1 85.0 12.5 5.68 12 × 10 m spacing 75.0 6.8 88.5 12.2 5.80 Without Bamboo (Pure stand of toria) 76.2 7.0 92.1 12.7 6.18 Performance of Dendrocalamus strictus By the end of rabi, 2008-2009 the bamboo plants could attain significantly higher growth in terms of height and dbh and also number of culms under agroforestry system in both the spacings of bamboo than the pure plantations without crop (Table 4). However, the values under both the spacings of bamboo with crop and without crop separately remained similar. Table 4. Performance of D. strictus at Bhubaneswar with and without intercrop by the end of rabi, 2008-09 Treatment Total no. of No. of new Height (m) DBH (cm) shoots/ clump culms/ clump With intercrop 10 m × 10 m spacing 5.02 3.52 197.40 1.27 12 m × 10 m spacing 5.04 3.54 200.33 1.24 Without crop 10 m × 10 m spacing 4.0 2.50 150.20 0.97 12 m × 10 m spacing 4.0 2.50 154.00 0.98 At Farmers’ Field, Dhenkanal The bamboo seedlings were replanted in July,2008 on field bunds. The farmers raised field crops and vegetables in kharif season only because the field becomes very dry in rabi season. In the first season, the growth of bamboo was not impressive on field bunds.The seedlings attained a height of 1m. The yield of different crops grown is presented in Table 5. The farmers cultivated the crops according to their own practices. Table 5.Yield of different crops taken up by farmers along with Bamboo during kharif, 2009 at Dhenkanal Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Crop Rice (var. Khandagiri) Maize (var.Navjot) Arhar (var. Upas-120) Cluster bean (Local) Yield of Crop with Bamboo 26.14 q/ha (grain) 15600 (green cobs) 8.4 q/ha (grain) 110 q (green pod) 97 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Brinjal (var. BB-45C) Chilli (var. Utkal Ava) Okra (var. Utkal Gaurav) Cucumber (Local) Pumpkin (Local) Ridge gourd (Local) Colocassia (Local) Turmeric (var.Surama) 225 q (green pod) 120 q (green fruit) 65 q (green fruit) 160q (green fruit) 165 q (green fruit) 85 q (green fruit) 50 q (tuber) 83 q (rhizome) RESULTS OBTAINED IN 2009-10 At Research Station, Bhubaneswar Kharif, 2009 In Kharif, 2009 four field crops such as cowpea (var.Utkal Manika),blackgram (var.Ujala), Greengram(var. PDM-11) and sesamum(var.Uma) were grown as intercrop as well as pure crop. The performance of field crops and bamboo as pure as well as in combination is explained below. Yield of field crops The yield of different crops varied significantly under different systems. The mean crop production (q/ha) under pure condition was significantly higher over crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo (Table 6). However, crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo remained statistically at par with each other. Irrespective of system/spacing, the yield was maximum under cowpea (17.87 q pod/ha) followed by blackgram, sesamum and greengram (5.05 q grain/ha). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the cowpea as pure crop yielded maximum (18.92 q pod/ha) and greengram yielded the minimum (3.99 q grain/ha) under Bamboo 10x10m spacing. The yield of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo was statistically alike. Table 6. Yield of field crops (q/ha) with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2009 Spacing/System Crop Cowpea (pod) Blackgram (seed) Greengram (seed) Sesamum (seed) Mean With bamboo under 1010m spacing 17.21 5.17 3.99 4.91 7.82 With bamboo under 1210m spacing 17.48 5.24 4.04 4.96 7.93 Without Bamboo Mean 18.92 5.62 4.34 5.28 8.54 17.87 5.34 4.12 5.05 98 SE (m) for spacing/system=0.127, SE (m) for crop=0.202, SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.285, CD(0.05) for spacing/system=0.377 CD(0.05) for crop=0.600 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.846 Return from field crops The data in Table 7 reveals that the return of crop produced (Rs./ha) varied significantly under different treatments during kharif-2009. In case of spacing/system the return of crop produced as pure crop irrespective of crop was significantly higher over crop produced with Bamboo. However, return of crop produced under two different spacings did not differ much. Regarding return of different crops irrespective of spacing/system cowpea recorded maximum (` 19147/ha) followed by sesamum, blackgram and greengram. In case of interaction of crop and system the return of cowpea produced as pure crop was highest (` 20266/ha) while it was lowest in greengram with Bamboo under 10x10 m spacing. The return of crops under 12x10 m spacing of Bamboo was similar in respective crops under 10 x10 m spacing of Bamboo. Table 7. Return from field crops (Rs/ha) with and without D. strictus during kharif-2009 Spacing/ Sale price With bamboo With bamboo Without Me System (Rs/q) Bamboo an under 10m 10m under 12m Tot spacing 10m spacing Crop Seed Sto Seed Stov Tot Seed Sto Tot Seed Sto Tot al /Pod ver /Pod er al /Pod ver al /Pod ver al Cowpea 1000 80 1721 123 184 1748 12 187 1892 134 202 191 (pod) 0 4 44 0 51 31 0 6 66 47 Blackgr 2520 80 1302 131 143 1320 13 145 1416 135 155 147 am 8 8 46 5 23 28 2 2 14 96 (seed) Greengr 2760 80 1101 112 121 1115 11 122 1197 115 131 125 am 2 6 38 0 30 80 8 8 36 18 (seed) Sesamu 2850 80 1399 113 151 1413 11 152 1504 114 161 155 m (seed) 5 8 32 6 43 79 8 6 94 35 Mean 1381 120 150 1399 12 152 1502 125 162 1 4 15 3 12 05 7 1 78 99 Performance of Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2009 Number of new culms recruited per clump The observation presented in Table 8 reflects that the number of new culms recruited per clump showed no significant difference among two spacings. However, irrespective of spacing it was higher with crops in comparison to pure bamboo plantation (7.0/clump). With regard to interaction of spacing and crop, the number of new culms Table 8. Number of new culms recruited per clump of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Bamboo spacing of 10 10m Crop/Bamboo Cowpea 8.72 Blackgram 8.90 Greengram 8.94 Sesamum 8.80 Bamboo pure 7.00 Mean 8.47 SE (m) for spacing=0.127, SE (m) for crop=0.202, SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.285, Bamboo spacing of 12 10m 8.88 9.20 9.22 9.00 7.00 8.66 CD(0.05) for spacing=0.377 CD(0.05) for crop=0.600 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.846 Mean 8.80 9.05 9.09 8.90 7.00 recruited was remarkably higher under bamboo with intercrops than pure plantation in the both the spacings. But the values under the four intercrops in both the spacings remained statistically at par with each other. Total number of culms per clump The total number of culms per clump irrespective of crops was 12.0 and 11.79 under 12x10 m and 10x 10 m spacing, respectively and remained statistically at par (Table 9). However, it differed significantly under crops irrespective of spacing. The value was significantly lower (9.50) in case of pure Bamboo plantation in comparison to Bamboo with crops. Regarding interaction of spacing and crops, the number of culms in clump grown with crops was significantly higher over the clumps of pure plantation in both the spacings. However, no variation was found among the clumps grown with different crops in both the bamboo spacings. 100 Table 9. Total number of culms per clump of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Bamboo spacing of 10 10m Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean SE (m) for spacing=0.139, SE (m) for crop=0.220, SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.312, 12.24 12.42 12.46 12.32 9.50 11.79 Bamboo spacing of 12 10m 12.42 12.74 12.78 12.54 9.50 12.00 CD(0.05) for spacing=0.412 CD(0.05) for crop=0.653 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.926 Mean 12.13 12.58 12.62 12.43 9.50 Height of culm The height of culm was statistically alike under both the spacings of Bamboo (Table 10). In case of bamboo with intercrops irrespective of spacing, it was significantly Table 10. Height of culm (m) of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean SE (m) for spacing=0.065, SE (m) for crop=0.103, SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.145, Bamboo spacing of 10m 10m Bamboo spacing of 12m 10m 4.74 4.82 4.82 4.87 4.88 4.95 4.92 5.00 3.55 3.56 4.58 4.64 CD(0.05) for spacing=0.193 CD(0.05) for crop=0.306 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.430 Mean 4.78 4.85 4.92 4.96 3.56 higher over clumps grown as pure plantation. With respect to interaction of spacing and crop, the height was significantly more in clumps grown with intercrops over their respective pure bamboo plantation in both the spacings. But the values were similar among clumps with all four crops. 101 DBH of culm The data presented in Table 11 revealed that the DBH of dominating culms followed similar trend as that of height. The clumps grown with four intercrops recorded significantly higher values over their respective pure plantations. Table 11. DBH of culm (cm) of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Bamboo spacing of 1010m Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean SE (m) for spacing=0.034, SE (m) for crop=0.054, SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.076, Bamboo spacing of 1210m 2.16 2.18 2.18 2.20 2.22 2.24 2.24 2.26 1.57 1.58 2.07 2.09 CD(0.05) for spacing=0.101 CD(0.05) for crop=0.160 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.225 Mean 2.17 2.19 2.23 2.25 1.58 Total number of new culms recruited per hectare The number of new culms recruited per hectare of D. strictus varied significantly under two different spacings and under different crop combinations (Table 12). Irrespective of crops, 847 number of new culms /ha was recorded under 10x10 m spacing while it was 728 number under 12x10 m spacing. Irrespective of spacing all crops produced significantly higher number of new culms over pure bamboo (644 number /ha). With regard to crop combinations with bamboo, the bamboo clumps with all four intercrops under 10x10m spacing produced significantly higher number of new culms over rest of combinations. However, the values under four intercrops were statistically alike. The pure bamboo under 12x10m spacing recorded the minimum value (588 number/ha). Table 12. Total number of new culms per hectare of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Bamboo spacing of 1010m Bamboo spacing of 1210m Mean 872 890 894 746 773 776 809 832 835 102 Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean SE (m) for spacing=11, SE (m) for crop=18, SE (m) for spacing x crop=75, 880 756 700 588 847 728 CD(0.05) for spacing=33 CD(0.05) for crop=52 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=74 818 644 Return from new culms recruited per hectare during kharif-2009 The return of new culms recruited per hectare as reflected in Table 13 differed significantly under different spacings and crop combinations. Irrespective of crops, the Table 13. Return from new culms recruited per hectare (@ Rs. 4/culm) of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2009 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean SE (m) for spacing=48, SE (m) for crop=77, SE (m) for spacing x crop=108, Bamboo spacing of 10m 10m Bamboo spacing of 12m 10m 3488 2984 3560 3092 3576 3104 3520 3024 2800 2352 3389 2911 CD(0.05) for spacing=144 CD(0.05) for crop=227 CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=322 Mean 3236 3326 3340 3272 2576 return of new culms produced under 10 x 10m was ` 3389/ha while it was ` 2911/ha in 12 x10 m spacing. Irrespective of spacing the return of new culms produced under all four intercrops was significantly higher over bamboo planted as pure.Regarding bamboo with crops the clumps with all four intercrops under 10x10 m spacing produced culms of significantly higher return over 12x10 m spacing. The pure bamboo plantation at 12 x10 m spacing produced culms of minimum return (` 2352/ha). Gross return in kharif-2009 The gross return (` /ha) from different crop combinations with bamboo and as pure crop in kharif 2009 differed significantly (Table 14). Irrespective of crop, significantly higher return was obtained under bamboo +crop in both the spacings in comparison to pure crop (` 16278/ha). Although the return was maximum (` 18551/ha) in 10 m x 10 m 103 spacing, it was at par with the return from 12 m x10 m spacing (` 18200/ha). With regard to crop irrespective of system/ spacing, cowpea recorded Table 14. Gross return (Rs/ha) under different Bamboo based systems in 2nd year (kharif-2009) Spacing With Bamboo at spacing of 1010m With Bamboo at spacing of 1210m 21932 17906 15714 18652 18551 21715 17620 15384 18079 18200 Crop+Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean Pure field crop 20266 15514 13136 16194 16278 Mean 21304 17013 14745 17642 maximum return (` 21304/ha) followed by sesamum, blackgram and greengram (` 14745/ha). In respect to combination, cowpea with bamboo as well as pure resulted significantly higher return over rest of combinations as well as pure crop. Maximum return was obtained from bamboo+cowpea under 10 m x 10 m spacing (` 21932/ha) which was at par with bamboo+cowpea under 12 x 10 m spacing and cowpea pure. Minimum return was obtained from greengram pure (` 13136/ha). Net return in kharif-2009 The net return (`/ha) under different crop combinations with bamboo and as pure crop in kharif -2009 differed remarkably (Table 15). Irrespective crop, significantly higher net return was obtained under bamboo + crop in both the spacings in comparison to pure crop ` 3803/ha). The return under both spacings of bamboo were similar. The net return under different crops irrespective of spacing/system varied remarkably with maximum of Table 15. Net return (`/ha) under different bamboo based systems in 2nd year (kharif2009) Spacing/System Crop Cowpea (pod) Blackgram (seed) Greengram (seed) Sesamum (seed) Mean With bamboo under 1010m spacing With bamboo under 1210m Spacing Pure field crop Mean 5222 4296 2104 4682 4076 5325 4330 2094 4429 4045 5556 3904 1526 4224 3803 5368 4177 1908 4445 104 (` 5368/ha under cowpea followed by sesamum, blackgram and greengram (` 1908/ha). With regard to combination, cowpea as pure crop as well as with bamboo registered significantly higher net return over rest of combinations as well as pure crop. The highest return (` 5556/ha) was obtained under cowpea as pure crop which was statistically similar to return under both spacings of bamboo. Minimum return ` 1526/ha) was found under greengram as pure crop. Benefit : Cost ratio in kharif-2009 The benefit: cost ratio did not exhibit any significant differences under two spacings of bamboo as well as pure crop irrespective of crop (Table 16). However, the benefit: cost ratio irrespective of spacing/system, differed pronouncedly under different crops. Cowpea, sesamum and blackgramm recorded significantly higher benefit: cost ratio over greengram. The highest value of 1.34 was obtained under cowpea which was same assesamum (1.34) and blackgram (1.33). With regard to interaction of spacing/system with crop, significant variation was noticed among different combinations. Cowpea, sesamum and blackgram in both spacings of bamboo and as pure crop demonstrated significantly higher benefit: cost ratio over greengram. Table 16. Benefit : Cost ratio under different Bamboo based systems Spacing/System Crop Cowpea (pod) Blackgram (seed) Greengram (seed) Sesamum (seed) Mean With bamboo under 10 10m spacing With bamboo under 12 10m Spacing Pure field crop Mean 1.31 1.32 1.15 1.34 1.28 1.32 1.33 1.16 1.32 1.29 1.38 1.34 1.13 1.36 1.30 1.34 1.33 1.15 1.34 Yield of field crops during kharif-2009 at different distances from bamboo clumps The yield of crops at four different distances (0-1 m, 1.2 m, 2-3 m and 3-4 m) from centre of bamboo clumps under two spacings of bamboo (12 10 m and 10 10 m) has been depicted in Table 17. The data shows that there was no significant variation in overall yield within these distances under the two spacings (5.339 q/ha in S1 and 5.356 q/ha in S2). The crop yield irrespective of spacing and distance varied significantly under four crops. Cowpea recorded highest pod yield of 11.519 q/ha followed by blackgram grain yield (3.59 q/ha), sesamum grain yield (3.464 q/ha) and greengram grain yield (2.818 q/ha). 105 The interaction between spacing and crop (SC) revealed remarkable variation in yield. S1C1 and S2C1 recorded significantly higher yield over other combinations of SC and minimum was found under greengram in both the spacings (C3S1, C3S2). The crop yield varied significantly at four different distances irrespective of spacing and crop. Within one meter radius no crop yield occurred. This may be due to shade effect and high root net work of bamboo clumps within one meter radius. Within 12 m radius, the yield was drastically less (4.81 q/ha). The yield per unit were increased Table 17. Yield of field crops (q/ha) during kharif-2009 at different distances from bamboo clumps under two spacings Crop Cowpea pod (C1) Blackgram grain (C2) Greengram grain (C3) Sesamum grain (C4) Irrespective of crop Distance from clump Under bamboo Spacing 12 10m (S1) Under bamboo spacing 10 10m (S2) Mean Cd 0-1 m (d1) 1-2 m (d2) 2-3 m (d3) 3-4 m (d4) Mean SC 0-1 m (d1) 1-2 m (d2) 2-3 m (d3) 3-4 m (d4) Mean SC 0-1 m (d1) 1-2 m (d2) 2-3 m (d3) 3-4 m (d4) Mean SC 0-1 m (d1) 1-2 m (d2) 2-3 m (d3) 3-4 m (d4) Mean SC 0-1 m (d1) 1-2 m (d2) 2-3 m (d3) 3-4 m (d4) Mean SC 0.0 9.544 17.771 18.788 11.501 0.0 3.481 5.300 5.556 3.584 0.0 2.828 4.184 4.242 2.813 0.0 3.147 5.167 5.253 3.458 0.0 4.792 8.104 8.460 5.339 0.0 9.556 17.792 18.804 11.538 0.0 3.489 5.332 5.564 3.596 0.0 2.835 4.198 4.254 2.822 0.0 3.428 5.182 5.268 3.469 0.0 4.827 8.126 8.472 5.356 0.0 9.500 17.781 18.796 11.519 0.0 3.485 5.316 5.560 3.590 0.0 2.832 4.191 4.248 2.818 0.0 3.423 5.171 5.260 3.464 0.0 4.810 8.115 8.466 5.347 106 SE(m) for spacing = 0.056 SE(m) for crop = 0.080 SE(m) for spacing crop = 0.113 SE(m) for distance = 0.080 SE(m) for spacing distance = 0.113 SE(m) for crop distance = 0.160 SE(m) for spacing crop distance = 0.226 CD0.05 for spacing = 0.158 CD0.05 for crop = 0.226 CD0.05 for spacing crop = 0.319 CD0.05 for distance = 0.226 CD0.05 for spacing distance = 0.319 CD0.05 for crop distance = 0.452 CD0.05 for spacing crop distance = 0.639 with increase of distance from clump (8.115 q/ha at 2-3 m radius, 8.466 q/ha at 3-4 m radius). The interaction of spacing distance (Sd) resulted wide variation in yield under different combinations. In both the spacings, the crop yield was nil within 1 meter radius of clump. Within 1-2 m radius yield was obtained but very low (4.792 q/ha in S1 and 4.827 q/ha in S2). Beyond 2 m radius, the yield was significantly higher in both the spacings. The values at four different distances under S1 were statistically at par with corresponding values under S2. The interaction of crop distance (Cd) revealed significant variation in yield among various combinations. In all four crops irrespective of spacing, crop yield was nil within 0-1 m radius from clump. With increase of distance from clump, the yield increased in all four crops. However, values under d3 and d4 in blackgram, greengram and sesamum remained statistically at par with each other. In respect of the interaction of spacing crop distance (SCd), the crop yield differed significantly under various combinations. In both the spacings all four crops under d1 resulted zero yield. C1S2d4 resulted highest pod yield (11.538 q/ha) which was at par with C1S1d4 (11.501 q/ha). Under both S1 and S2 in all four crops (C1, C2, C3 and C4 ) the crop yield increased from d1 to d4 distance. However, the values under S1 were statistically at par with corresponding values under S2. Excepting cowpea, the values under d3 and d4 were statistically alike. Rabi, 2009-10 The rabi crops suffered from moisture stress particularly at the time of flowering and fruiting. Hence, a lower yield and lower return were obtained Yield of field crops The field crop yield in rabi 2009-10 has been presented in Table 18. It shows that irrespective of crop, the yield was significantly higher in pure crop (3.37 q/ha) than with bamboo in both spacings (3.06, 2.98 q/ha). Significant variation was also found between crops irrespective of spacing/system. Highest grain yield (3.79 q/ha) was noticed in sunflower while lowest yield (2.56 q/ha) in blackgram. Regarding interaction of crop and 107 system, sunflower in pure produced significantly higher yield (4.12 q/ha) over others and lowest value was recorded under balckgram at 1010m spacing (2.45 q/ha). The yield in both spacings of respective crops remained statistically at par with each other. Table 18. Yield of field crops (q/ha) with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during rabi, 2009-10 Spacing/System Crop With bamboo With bamboo Without Bamboo under 1210m under 1010m spacing spacing Greengram (seed) 2.61 2.53 2.82 Sunflower (seed) 3.66 3.59 4.12 Toria (seed) 3.49 3.37 3.84 Blackgram (seed) 2.50 2.45 2.73 Mean 3.06 2.98 3.37 SE (m) for spacing/system=0.038, CD(0.05) for spacing/system=0.112 SE (m) for crop=0.044, CD(0.05) for crop=0.130 SE (m) for spacing x crop=0.076, CD(0.05) for spacing x crop=0.225 Mean 2.65 3.79 3.56 2.56 Performance of D. strictus The growth performance of Bamboo clumps was similar in different crop combinations in both the spacings (Table 19). However, the values of growth parameters were slightly more under 12 × 10 m spacing. But the total number of new culms recruited per hectare was remarkably higher under 10 ×10 m spacing than 12×10m spacing. The growth of performance D. strictus clumps in pure plantation was significantly lower than the clumps in agroforestry systems with intercrops. All parameters such as total number of culms/clump, number of new culms recruited/clump, height of culm, DBH of culm, and total numbers of new culms recruited/ha were higher in agroforestry systems than pure plantation. With regard to spacing the values were similar. A. 12 × 10 m Spacing Cowpea-Greengram Blackgram-Sunflower 13.75 13.96 10.21 10.42 108 4.94 4.98 2.23 2.25 858 875 culms/ha @ `. 4/culm Total return of new Total number of new culms recruited/ha DBH of culm (cm) Height of culm (m) With intercrops Number of new culms recruited/clump Performance D. strictus with and without intercrops by the end of rabi, 2009-10 Total number of culms/clump Table 19. 3432 3500 Greengram-Toria Sesamum-Blackgram B. 10× 10 m Spacing Cowpea-Greengram Blackgram-Sunflower Greengram-Toria Sesamum-Blackgram Pure Plantation Pure Plantation (12m 10m) Pure Plantation (10mx10m) 14.11 13.76 10.57 10.22 5.08 5.15 2.28 2.30 888 858 3552 3432 13.57 13.64 13.79 13.54 10.05 10.12 10.27 10.02 4.88 4.95 5.02 5.08 2.20 2.23 2.26 2.29 1005 1012 1027 1002 4020 4048 4108 4008 10.50 10.50 8.00 8.00 3.67 3.65 1.63 1.61 672 800 2688 3200 At Farmers’ Field, Dhenkanal Yield of intercrops The farmers cultivated these crops according to their own practices. The yield of different crops so obtained is given in Table 20. The yield of different crops cultivated with Bamboo were almost similar as that of crops grown without Bamboo, although a negligible reduction was noticed under Bamboo. Table 20.Yield of different crops taken up by farmers along with and without Bamboo during kharif, 2009 at Dhenkanal. Sl. No. Crop 1. 2. 3. 4. Rice (Oryza sativa) Var. Khandagiri Arhar (Cajanus cajan) Var. Upas-120 Ragi (Eleusine coracona) Var. Local Colocassia (Colocassia esculanta) Var. Local Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Var. Utkal Gaurav Brinjal (Solanum melongena) Var. BB46C Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) Var. Local Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) Var. Local 5. 6. 7. 8. 109 Yield of Crop without Bamboo (q/ha) 26.36 grain 8.92 grain 16.25 grain 48.24 tuber Yield of Crop with Bamboo (q/ha) 26.14 grain 8.79 grain 15.96 grain 47.89 tuber 61.1 green fruit 60.7 green fruit 116.8 green fruit 116.0 green fruit 82.3 green fruit 82.0 green fruit 84.4 green fruit 84.1 green fruit Performance of D. strictus in Farmers’ field In July 2009, replanting of 44 clumps was again done because in last summer mortality of Bamboo clumps occurred due to dry situation. The average growth of Bamboo clumps in farmers’ field is given as below (Table 21). Table 21. Growth Performance of D. strictus in Farmers’ field Total Number of culms/clump Number of new culms recruited/clump Height of culm DBH of culm 110 4 2 2.54 m 1.1 cm Some photographs of 2009-10 Bamboo + Sesamum Bamboo + Blackgram Bamboo + Sunflower Bamboo + Upland Rice 111 RESULTS OBTAINED IN 2010-11 At Research Station, Bhubaneswar kharif, 2010: In kharif, 2010 four field crops such as cowpea (var.Utkal Manika), blackgram (var.Ujala), Greengram (var. Dhauli) and sesamum (var.Uma) were grown as intercrop as well as pure crop. The performance of field crops and bamboo as pure as well as in combination is presented below. Seed Yield of field crops The seed yield of different crops varied significantly under different systems. The mean seed production (kg/ha) under pure condition was significantly higher over crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo (Table 22). However, seed produced under both the spacings of Bamboo remained at par with each other. Irrespective of system / spacing, the yield was maximum under cowpea (493.92 kg/ha) followed by blackgram, sesamum and greengram (407.82 kg/ha). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the cowpea as pure crop yielded maximum (580.60 kg/ha) and greengram yielded the minimum (388.29 kg/ha) under Bamboo 10m x 10m spacing. The yield of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo were very close. Table 22. Seed Yield of field crops (kg/ha) with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2010 Spacing/System Crop Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean With bamboo under 1010m spacing 434.67 427.78 388.29 399.22 412.49 With bamboo under 1210m spacing 466.48 458.33 397.06 422.41 436.07 Without Bamboo Mean 580.60 558.24 438.12 522.02 524.75 493.92 481.45 407.82 447.88 Stover Yield of field crops The stover yield of different crops varied appreciably under different systems. The mean stover production (kg/ha) under pure condition was higher over crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo (Table 23). However, stover produced under both the spacings of Bamboo remained at par with each other. Irrespective of system/spacing, the 112 Table 23. Stover Yield of field crops (kg/ha) with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2010 Spacing/System Crop Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean With bamboo under 1010m spacing 1504.13 1372.64 1391.21 1253.18 1380.29 With bamboo under 1210m spacing 1583.12 1454.57 1394.74 1272.69 1426.28 Without Bamboo Mean 1860.70 1690.91 1470.08 1421.38 1610.77 1649.32 1506.04 1418.68 1315.75 stover yield was maximum under cowpea (1649.32 kg/ha) followed by blackgram, greengram and sesamum (1315.75 kg/ha). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the cowpea as pure crop yielded highest (1860.70 kg/ha) and sesamum yielded the lowest (1253.18 kg/ha) under Bamboo 10x10m spacing. The stover yield of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo were very close. Biological Yield of field crops The biological yield of different crops varied remarkably under different systems. The biological yield (kg/ha) under pure condition was appreciably higher over crop produced under both the spacings of bamboo (Table 24). However, the values under both the spacings of Bamboo remained at par with each other. Irrespective of system/spacing, the biological yield was maximum under cowpea (2125.2 kg/ha) followed by blackgram, greengram and sesamum (1764.6 kg/ha). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the cowpea as pure crop yielded maximum (2387.3 kg/ha) and sesamum yielded the minimum (1652.4 kg/ha) under Bamboo 10x10m spacing. The biological yield of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo were alike. Table 24. Biological Yield of field crops (kg/ha) with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during Kharif-2010 Spacing/System Crop Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean With bamboo under 10 10m spacing 1938.8 1800.4 1779.5 1652.4 1792.8 With bamboo under 12 10m spacing 2049.6 1912.9 1791.8 1695.1 1862.4 Without Bamboo Mean 2387.3 2249.2 1908.2 1946.4 2122.8 2125.2 1987.5 1826.5 1764.6 Harvest Index of field crops The harvest index of different crops did not vary much under different systems. However, the harvest index (%) under pure condition was higher over crop grown under 113 both the spacings of bamboo (Table 25). The values under both the spacings of Bamboo remained very close to each other. Irrespective of system/spacing, the harvest index (%) was maximum under sesamum (25.30%) followed by blackgram, cowpea and greengram (22.31%). With respect to interaction of crop and system/spacing, the sesamum as pure crop recorded maximum (26.82%) and greengram resulted the minimum harvest index (21.82%) under Bamboo 10x10m spacing. The harvest index of respective crops under both the spacings of Bamboo was similar. Table 25. Harvest Index (%) of field crops with and without Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2010 Spacing/System Crop Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean With bamboo under 1010m spacing 22.42 23.76 21.82 24.16 23.04 With bamboo under 1210m spacing 22.76 23.96 22.16 24.92 23.45 Without Bamboo Mean 24.32 24.82 22.96 26.82 24.73 23.17 24.18 22.31 25.30 Growth and yield attributes of Cowpea intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system The growth of cowpea plants such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and yield attributes per hectare were higher in plants grown as pure crop than plants grown with bamboo (Table 26). The average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha,biological yield/ha and harvest index were 62.2cm, 8.4, 4.1,10.24g, 31.68g, 580.60 kg/ha, 1860.74 kg/ha, 2367.34 kg/ha and 24.32 %, respectively in pure crop. Among two spacings of bamboo, the values under 12x10m were slightly more than the plants grown under 10x10m spacing. The average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index were 56.8cm, 8.1,3.8,8.62g, 30.01g, 434.67 kg/ha, 1504.09 kg/ha, 1938.76 kg/ha and 22.42%, respectively in crop under 10x10m spacing of bamboo. Growth and yield attributes of Cowpea intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings The growth and yield attributes of cowpea as intercrop with bamboo varied significantly at different distances from bamboo plants in both the spacings (Table 27).The values of different attributes such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and seed yield, stover yield, biological yield per hectare and harvest index increased with increase in distance from bamboo plant. However, the corresponding values in both the spacings of bamboo were almost similar. Within the distance of 0 to 0.5m from bamboo plant the growth and yield attributes were zero. This 114 may be due to high root intensity and shade effect of bamboo clumps near the base. Under 10m x 10m spacing of bamboo, the values of plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant and seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index ranged as 0-58.4cm, 0-8.2, 0-3.9, 0-8.68g, 0-32.24g, 0-462.24kg, 0-1593.99kg, 0-2056.23kg and 0-22.48%, respectively whereas under 12m x 10m spacing of bamboo these values were 0-60.1cm, 0-8.2, 0-3.9, 0-11.75g. 0-38.56g, 0464.22kg, 0-1566.48kg, 0-2030.7kg and 22.86 %, respectively. Table 26. Growth and yield attributes of Cowpea intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system Spac Plant Plant ing populatio height( n/m2 cm) Po ds/ pla nt Branc hes/ plant Seed weig ht/ plan t (g) 10x1 0m 12x1 0m Pure crop 6.7 56.8 8.1 3.8 8.62 7.0 57.2 8.2 4.0 8.70 8.2 62.2 8.4 4.1 10.2 4 Stov er weig ht/ plan t (g) 30.0 1 30.1 2 31.6 8 Seed Stov yiel er d yield (kg/ (kg/ ha) ha) Biolog Harv ical est yield inde (kg/ha x ) (%) 434. 67 466. 48 580. 60 1938.7 22.42 6 2049.5 22.76 6 2387.3 24.32 4 1504 .09 1583 .08 1860 .74 115 Table 27. Growth and yield attributes of Cowpea intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings Spacing & Plant Plant Pods/ Branches/ Seed Stover Seed Stover Biological Harvest distance from population/ height(cm) plant plant weight/ weight/ yield yield yield index 2 bamboo m plant (g) plant (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (%) 10x10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 4.2 20.2 4.8 2.6 3.62 14.08 50.42 195.77 246.19 20.48 1.0-2.0 5.4 35.4 6.2 3.4 6.36 23.02 152.64 561.97 714.61 21.36 2.0-3.0 6.8 52.8 8.0 3.7 8.64 31.96 290.36 1069.00 1359.36 22.14 3.0-4.0 7.4 58.4 8.2 3.9 8.68 32.24 462.24 1593.99 2056.23 22.48 12x10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 4.3 22.3 5.0 2.5 3.60 14.04 48.24 188.00 236.24 20.42 1.0-2.0 5.4 37.6 6.3 3.5 6.38 23.48 150..39 552.7 703.09 21.39 2.0-3.0 7.0 54.2 8.2 3.8 8.69 30.36 292.22 1015.09 1307.77 22.38 3.0-4.0 7.5 60.1 8.2 3.9 8.72 30.32 464.22 1566.49 2030.71 22.86 116 Growth and yield attributes of Blackgram intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system The growth of blackgram plants such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and yield attributes per hectare were higher in plants grown as pure crop than plants grown with bamboo (Table 28). In pure crop the average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index were 27.8cm, 14.2, 2.3,5.28g, 16.04g, 558.24 kg/ha, 1690.91 kg/ha,2249.2 and 24.82 %, respectively. Among two spacings of bamboo, the values under 12 x 10m were slightly higher than the plants grown under 10x10m spacing. In crop under 10 x 10m spacing of bamboo, the average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index were 26.1cm, 12.6,2.0,5.02g, 16.32g, 427.78 kg/ha, 1372.64 kg/ha, 1800.4 kg/ha and 23.76%, respectively. Growth and yield attributes of Blackgram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings The growth and yield attributes of blackgram as intercrop with bamboo varied significantly at different distances from bamboo plants in both the spacings (Table 29).The values of different attributes such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and seed yield, stover yield, biological yield per hectare and harvest index increased with increase in distance from bamboo plant. However, the corresponding values in both the spacings of bamboo were almost similar. Within the distance of 0 to 0.5m from bamboo plant the growth and yield attributes were zero. This may be due to high root intensity and shade effect of bamboo clumps near the base. Under 10 x 10m spacing of bamboo, the values of plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant and seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index ranged as 0-27.9cm, 0-13.8, 0-2.3, 0-5.12g, 0-16.1g, 0480.32kg, 0-1507.78kg, 0-1988.1kg and 0-24.16 %, respectively whereas under 12m x 10m spacing of bamboo these values were 0-28.1cm, 0-14.0, 0-2.3, 0-5.16g. 0-16.35g, 0488.28kg, 0-1526.12kg, 0-2014.4kg and 24.24 %, respectively. 117 Table 28. Growth and yield attributes of Blackgram intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system Spaci Plant Plant Po Branc Seed Stov Seed Stov Biolog Harv ng populati height( ds/ hes/ weig er yiel er ical est 2 on/m cm) pla plant ht/ weig d yield yield inde nt plan ht/ (kg/ (kg/ (kg/ha x t (g) plan ha) ha) ) (%) t (g) 10mx 20.1 26.1 12. 2.0 5.02 16.2 427. 1372 1800.4 23.7 10m 6 2 78 .64 2 6 12mx 20.7 26.7 13. 2.1 5.05 15.8 458. 1433 1892.0 23.9 10m 2 4 33 .70 3 6 Pure 24.4 27.8 14. 2.3 5.28 16.0 558. 1690 2249.1 24.8 crop 2 4 24 .91 5 2 118 Table 29. Growth and yield attributes of Blackgram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings Spacing & Plant Plant Pods/ Branches Seed Stover Seed Stover Biological Harvest distance from population/ height(cm) plant / plant weight/ weight/ yield yield yield index 2 bamboo m plant (g) plant (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (%) 10x10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 11.0 13.2 7.8 1.5 2.45 8.72 42.28 151.31 193.59 21.84 1.0-2.0 15.2 19.3 9.6 2.0 3.25 10.84 176.64 592.70 769.34 22.96 2.0-3.0 20.6 26.8 11.4 2.0 4.82 15.68 384.42 1252.80 1637.22 23.48 3.0-4.0 24.1 27.9 13.8 2.3 5.12 15.92 480.32 1507.76 1988.08 24.16 12x10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 10.8 13.1 7.7 1.6 2.48 8.88 41.86 149.72 191.58 21.85 1.0-2.0 15.4 18.6 9.8 2.0 3.51 11.67 178.28 590.83 769.11 23.18 2.0-3.0 20.2 26.9 11.8 2.1 4.92 15.96 390.14 1261.60 1651.74 23.62 3.0-4.0 24.4 28.1 14.0 2.3 5.16 16.20 488.28 1526.08 2014.36 24.24 119 Growth and yield attributes of Greengram intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system The growth of greengram plants such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and yield attributes per hectare were higher in plants grown as pure crop than plants grown with bamboo (Table 30). The average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index were 28.9cm, 12.92, 13.5,4.99g, 16.78g, 438.12kg,1470.08 kg, 1908.2 kg and 22.96 %, respectively in pure crop. Among two spacings of bamboo, the values under 12x10m were slightly more than the plants grown under 10x10m spacing. The average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index were 27.4cm, 12.82, 3.1,4.75g, 17.02g, 388.29 kg/ha, 1391.21 kg/ha, 1779.5 kg/ha and 21.82%, respectively in crop under 10x 10m spacing of bamboo. Growth and yield attributes of Greengram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings The growth and yield attributes of greengram as intercrop with bamboo varied significantly at different distances from bamboo plants in both the spacings (Table 31).The values of different attributes such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and seed yield, stover yield, biological yield per hectare and harvest index increased with increase in distance from bamboo plant. However, the corresponding values in both the spacings of bamboo were almost similar. Within the distance of 0 to 0.5m from bamboo plant the growth and yield attributes were zero. This may be due to high root intensity and shade effect of bamboo clumps near the base. Under 10m x 10m spacing of bamboo, the values of plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant and seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index ranged as 0-29.0cm, 0-12.97, 0-3.4, 0-4.85g, 016.42g, 0-430.16kg, 0-1449.94kg, 0-1880.1kg and 0-22.88%, respectively whereas under 12m x 10m spacing of bamboo these values were 0-28.9cm, 0-13.02, 0-3.4, 0-4.90g. 015.88g, 0-435.12kg, 0-1458.38 kg, 0-1893.5kg and 22.98 %, respectively. 120 Table 30. Growth and yield attributes of Greengram intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system Spaci Plant Plant Po Branc Seed Stov Seed Stov Biolog Harv ng populati height( ds/ hes/ weig er yiel er ical est on/m2 cm) pla plant ht/ weig d yield yield inde nt plan ht/ (kg/ (kg/ (kg/ha x t (g) plan ha) ha) ) (%) t (g) 10mx 19.3 27.4 12. 3.1 4.79 17.9 388. 1451 1779.5 21.8 10m 82 5 29 .22 1 2 12mx 20.6 27.8 12. 3.2 4.87 17.0 397. 1394 1791.7 22.1 10m 88 8 06 .73 9 6 Pure 24.2 28.9 12. 13.5 4.99 16.7 438. 1470 1908.1 22.9 crop 92 8 12 .07 9 6 121 Table 31. Growth and yield attributes of Greengram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings Spacing & Plant Plant Pods/ Branches/ Seed Stover Seed Stover Biological Harvest distance from population/ height(cm) plant plant weight/ weight/ yield yield yield index bamboo m2 plant (g) plant (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (%) 10mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 10.8 14.4 8.22 2.0 2.58 9.91 38.22 145.35 183.57 20.82 1.0-2.0 14.9 20.5 10.36 3.1 3.62 13.62 170.28 639.81 810.09 21.02 2.0-3.0 20.8 27.9 12.88 3.3 4.78 17.20 370.64 1332.67 1703.31 21.76 3.0-4.0 23.4 29.0 12.97 3.4 5.03 16.97 430.16 1449.91 1880.07 22.88 12mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 9.2 14.5 8.08 2.1 2.60 9.84 40.16 151.63 191.79 20.94 1.0-2.0 13.8 19.8 10.52 3.1 3.69 13.60 174.36 641.93 816.29 21.36 2.0-3.0 21.2 28.0 12.86 3.4 4.81 17.21 380.24 1357.60 1737.84 21.88 3.0-4.0 23.7 28.9 13.02 3.4 5.05 17.01 435.12 1458.35 1893.47 22.98 122 Growth and yield attributes of Sesamum intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system The growth of sesamum plants such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and yield attributes per hectare were higher in plants grown as pure crop than plants grown with bamboo (Table 32). In pure crop the average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index were 96.2cm, 59.6, 5.8,3.96g, 10.88g, 522.02 kg, 1424.38 kg,1946.4 kg and 24.82 %, respectively. Among two spacings of bamboo, the values under 12 x10m were slightly higher than the plants grown under 10m x 10m spacing. In crop under 10 x 10m spacing of bamboo, the average plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant, seed yield, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index were 85.3cm, 54.1,5.1,3.54g, 11.15g, 399.22 kg/ha, 1253.18 kg/ha, 16520.4 kg/ha and 24.16%, respectively. Growth and yield attributes of Sesamum intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings The growth and yield attributes of blackgram as intercrop with bamboo varied significantly at different distances from bamboo plants in both the spacings (Table 33).The values of different attributes such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and seed yield, stover yield, biological yield per hectare and harvest index increased with increase in distance from bamboo plant. However, the corresponding values in both the spacings of bamboo were almost similar. Within the distance of 0 to 0.5m from bamboo plant the growth and yield attributes were zero. This may be due to high root intensity and shade effect of bamboo clumps near the base. Under 10m x 10m spacing of bamboo, the values of plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant and seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index ranged as 0-92.8cm, 0-56.7, 0-5.2, 0-3.76g, 010.88g, 0-460.76kg, 0-1327.94kg,1788.7kg and 0-25.76 %, respectively whereas under 12m x 10m spacing of bamboo these values were 0-93.2cm, 0-57.2, 0-5.1, 0-3.86g, 010.82g, 0-470.36kg, 0-1330.44kg, 0-1800.8kg and 26.12 %, respectively. 123 Table 32. Growth and yield attributes of Sesamum intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system Spaci Plant Plant Po Branc Seed Stov Seed Stov Biolog ng populati height( ds/ hes/ weig er yiel er ical on/m2 cm) pla plant ht/ weig d yield yield nt plan ht/ (kg/ (kg/ (kg/ha t (g) plan ha) ha) ) t (g) 10mx 19.8 85.3 54. 5.1 3.02 9.51 399. 1253 1652.4 10m 1 22 .18 0 12mx 20.4 86.4 58. 5.3 3.16 9.55 422. 1272 1695.0 10m 3 41 .65 6 Pure 22.3 96.2 59. 5.8 3.52 9.56 522. 1388 1910.6 crop 6 02 .67 9 124 Harv est inde x (%) 24.1 6 24.9 2 27.3 2 Table 33. Growth and yield attributes of Sesamum intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings Spacing & Plant Plant Pods/ Branches/ Seed Stover Seed Stover Biological Harvest distance from population/ height(cm) plant plant weight/ weight/ yield yield yield index bamboo m2 plant (g) plant (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (%) 10mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 8.1 30.2 18.5 1.4 2.02 6.92 60.21 208.58 268.79 22.40 1.0-2.0 16.8 62.4 37.4 3.7 2.56 8.38 170.62 561.03 731.65 23.32 2.0-3.0 20.2 90.6 54.4 4.8 3.00 9.24 320.42 988.49 1308.91 24.48 3.0-4.0 20.1 92.8 56.7 5.2 3.12 9.02 460.76 1327.90 1788.66 25.76 12mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 8.0 30.5 18.4 1.5 2.04 7.02 60.28 208.59 268.87 22.42 1.0-2.0 16.4 62.0 37.6 3.8 2.52 8.22 174.62 567.18 741.80 23.54 2.0-3.0 20.4 91.2 54.2 5.0 3.02 9.18 328.64 1006.21 1334.85 24.62 3.0-4.0 20.5 93.2 57.2 5.1 3.10 8.92 470.36 1330.41 1800.77 26.12 125 Return from field crops during kharif -2010 The data in Table 34 reveals that the return of crop produced (Rs./ha) varied significantly under different treatments during Kharif-2010. In case of spacing/system the return of crop produced as pure crop irrespective of crop was significantly higher over crop produced with Bamboo. However, return of crop produced under two different spacings did not differ much. Regarding return of different crops irrespective of spacing /system cowpea recorded maximum (Rs 16467/ha) followed blackgram, greengram and sesamum. In case of interaction of crop and system the return of cowpea produced as pure crop was highest (Rs. 19279) while it was lowest in sesamum with Bamboo under 10m x 10 m spacing(Rs 12830). The return of crops under 12 m x 10 m spacing of Bamboo was similar in respective crops under 10 m x 10 m spacing of Bamboo with slightly higher in former.. Performance of Dendrocalamus strictus during kharif-2010 Number of new culms recruited per clump The observation presented in Table 35 reflected that the number of new culms recruited per clump showed no significant difference among two spacings. However, irrespective of spacing it was higher under crops in comparison to pure bamboo Table 35. Number of new culms recruited per clump of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2010 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean Bamboo spacing of 10 10m Bamboo spacing of 12 10m Mean 19.99 21.22 18.44 20.11 16.86 19.32 18.33 20.66 17.50 19.66 16.37 18.54 19.16 20.94 17.97 18.89 16.62 plantation (16.62/clump). With regard to interaction of spacing and crop, the number of new culms recruited was remarkably higher under bamboo with intercrops than pure plantation in the both the spacings. Bamboo with blackgram under 10x10m spacing resulted maximum number of new culms (21.22/clump). But the values under the four intercrops in both the spacings remained at par. 126 Table 34. Return from field crops (Rs/ha) with and without D. strictus during kharif2010 Spacin Sale price With bamboo With bamboo Without Bamboo Me g/ (Rs/q) an under 10 10m under 12 10m System Tot spacing spacing al See Stov See Stov Tot See Stov Tot See Stov Tot Crop d er d er al d er al d er al Cowpea 30 100 130 1504 145 139 1583 155 174 1861 192 164 00 40 44 94 77 18 79 67 Blackgr 29 100 124 1373 137 132 1455 147 161 1691 178 154 am 00 06 79 92 47 89 80 69 Greengr am 31 70 100 123 09 1391 137 00 125 87 1395 139 82 138 88 1470 153 58 143 47 Sesamu m 29 00 100 115 77 1253 128 30 122 50 1273 135 23 151 38 1424 165 62 143 05 Mean - - 123 33 1380 137 13 130 31 1426 144 57 156 59 1611 172 70 Total number of culms per clump The total number of culms per clump irrespective of crops were 31.94 and 31.51 under 10 m x 10 m and 12 m x 10 m spacing, respectively (Table 36). However, it differed significantly under crops irrespective of spacing. The value was significantly lower (27.12) in case of pure Bamboo plantation in comparison to Bamboo with crops. Regarding interaction of spacing and crops, the number of culms in clump grown with crops were significantly higher over the clumps of pure plantation in both the spacings. However, no variation was found among the clumps grown with different crops in both the bamboo spacings. Table 36. Total number of culms per clump of D. strictus with and without intercrops during Kharif-2010 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean Bamboo spacing of 1010m Bamboo spacing of 1210m Mean 33.74 32.18 32.55 33.87 27.36 31.94 31.90 34.30 31.29 33.20 26.87 31.51 32.82 33.24 31.92 33.54 27.12 127 Growth attributes of D.strictus during Kharif-2010 The growth of attributes of D. strictus clumps in terms of clump height, clump girth, length of internode, diameter of culm and canopy diameter were significantly higher with intercrops in agroforestry systems than pure plantation (Table 37). With regard to spacing the corresponding values were similar. But the values were similar among clumps with all four crops. The clump size and culm size were relatively higher in 12 x 10m spacing than 10 x 10m spacing. The maximum clump height (8.84m), clump girth (5.42), length of 3rd internode (17.93 cm), diameter of 3rd internode (35 mm) and canopy diameter (7.74 m) were recorded with blackgram under 12 x 10m spacing whereas the minimum values were 6.23m, 3.95m, 12.55cm, 26.6mm and 6.15m, respectively in pure bamboo under 10 x 10m spacing. Table 37. Growth and yield of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings during kharif-2010 Treatment & specing Clump height (m) Clump girth (m) New culms of the year / clump Total culms / clump Length of 3rd internode (cm) Diameter of 3rd internode (mm) Canopy diameter (m) 7.17 4.42 19.99 33.74 16.43 30.0 6.64 7.74 4.85 21.22 32.18 16.76 30.7 7.17 7.01 4.21 18.44 32.55 16.65 28.6 6.83 7.32 4.29 20.11 33.87 16.70 33.2 7.02 8.37 4.70 18.33 31.90 17.52 32.8 7.02 8.84 5.42 20.66 34.30 17.93 35.0 7.74 8.32 4.62 17.50 31.29 17.73 34.6 7.10 8.46 4.91 19.66 33.20 17.82 33.1 7.33 6.23 3.95 16.86 27.36 12.55 26.6 6.15 6.98 4.02 16.37 26.87 12.87 26.7 6.25 T1 (10x10m) Bamboo + Cowpea Bamboo + Blackgram Bamboo + Greengram Bamboo + Sesamum T2 (12x10m) Bamboo + Cowpea Bamboo + Blackgram Bamboo + Greengram Bamboo + Sesamum T3 (10x10m) Pure bamboo T4 (12x10m) Pure bamboo 128 Return from new culms recruited per hectare during kharif-2010 The return from new culms recruited per hectare as reflected in Table 38 differed significantly under different spacings and crop combinations. Irrespective of crops, the return from new culms produced under 10m x 10m was Rs. 9662/ha while it was Rs. 7771/ha in 12 m x 10 m spacing. Irrespective of spacing the return from new culms produced under all four intercrops was significantly higher over bamboo planted as pure. Table 38. Return from new culms recruited per hectare (@ Rs. 5/culm) of D. strictus with and without intercrops during kharif-2010 Spacing Crop/Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Bamboo pure Mean Bamboo spacing of 10 10m Bamboo spacing of 12 10m New culms/ha Rs/ha New culms/ha Rs/ha 1999 2122 1844 2011 1686 1932.4 9995 10610 9220 10055 8430 9662 1540 1735 1470 1681 1375 1554.2 7700 8675 7350 8255 6875 7771 Mean `/ha 8847.5 9642.5 8285.5 9155.0 7652.5 Regarding bamboo with crops the clumps with all four intercrops under 10m x 10 m spacing produced culms of significantly higher return over 12 m x 10 m spacing. The pure bamboo plantation at 12 m x 10 m spacing produced culms of minimum return (Rs. 6875/ha). Gross return in kharif-2010 The gross return (`/ha) from different crop combinations with bamboo and as pure crop in kharif 2010 differed significantly (Table 39). Irrespective of crop, significantly higher return was obtained under bamboo +crop in both the spacings in comparison to pure crop (` 17270/ha. The return was maximum (`/ 23685/ha) in 10 m x 10 m spacing followed return from 12 m x10 m spacing (` 22452/ha). With regard to crop irrespective of system/ spacing, cowpea recorded maximum return (` 22365/ha) followed by blackgram, sesamum and greengram (` 19870/ha). In respect to combination, cowpea with bamboo as well as blackgram with bamboo significantly higher return over rest of combinations as well as pure crop. Maximum return was obtained from bamboo+cowpea under 10x10 m spacing (` 24539/ha) closely followed by bamboo+blackgram under 10x10 m spacing (24397). Minimum return was obtained from greengram pure (`15358/ha). 129 Table 39. Gross return (Rs/ha) under different Bamboo based systems in 3rd year (kharif-2010) Spacing With Bamboo at spacing of 1010m With Bamboo at spacing of 12 10m 24539 24397 22920 22885 23685 23277 23422 21332 21778 22452 Crop+Bamboo Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean Pure field crop 19279 17880 15358 16562 17270 Mean 22365 21900 19870 20408 Net return in kharif-2010 The net return (`/ha) under different crop combinations with bamboo and as pure crop in kharif-2010 differed significantly (Table 40). Irrespective of crop, significantly higher net return was obtained under bamboo + crop in both the spacings in comparison Table 40. Net return (Rs/ha) under different bamboo based systems in 3rd year (kharif2010) Spacing/System Crop Cowpea Blackgram Greengram Sesamum Mean With bamboo under 10 10m spacing With bamboo under 12 10m Spacing Pure field crop Mean 6829 9787 8310 7915 8210 5969 9212 7122 7208 7378 4069 5770 3248 4092 4295 5622 8256 6227 6405 to pure crop (` 4295/ha). The return under 10m x 10m spacing was maximum (`8210). The net return under different crops irrespective of spacing/system varied remarkably with maximum of ` 8256/ha under blackgram followed by sesamum, greengram and cowpea (`5622/ha). With regard to combination, blackgram with bamboo under both the spacings registered significantly higher net return over rest of combinations as well as pure crop. The highest return (` 9787/ha) was obtained under blackgram with bamboo 10 x 10m spacing. Minimum return (` 3248/ha) was found under greengram as pure crop. 130 Benefit : Cost ratio in kharif-2010 The benefit: cost ratio irrespective of crop was higher under two spacings of bamboo with crop in comparison to pure crop (1.34) and highest ratio (1.54) was obtained under 10m x 10m spacing (Table 41). The benefit: cost ratio irrespective of spacing/system, differed pronouncedly under different crops. Blackgramm recorded significantly higher benefit : cost ratio over others. The lowest value of 1.33 was obtained under cowpea. With regard Table 41. Benefit : Cost ratio under different Bamboo based systems during kharif-2010 spacing/system crop cowpea blackgram greengram sesamum mean with bamboo under 10 10m spacing with bamboo under 12 10m spacing pure field crop mean 1.39 1.67 1.57 1.53 1.54 1.34 1.65 1.50 1.49 1.50 1.27 1.48 1.27 1.33 1.34 1.33 1.60 1.45 1.45 to interaction of spacing/system with crop, significant variation was noticed among different combinations. Blackgram in both spacings of bamboo demonstrated significantly higher benefit : cost ratio over other combinations and pure crops. Rabi, 2010-11 In rabi, 2010-11 horsegram (Local) was grown taking the experience in mind that other crops failed in that site last year due to dry situation. The crop also suffered from moisture stress particularly at the time of flowering and fruiting. Hence, a low yield was obtained. Growth and yield of horsegram during rabi, 2010-11 The growth and yield attributes of horsegram as intercrop in D.strictus based agroforestry system are presented in Table 42.The seed yield, stover yield and biological yield were remarkably higher in pure crop than the crop grown with bamboo in both the spacings. In pure crop, the mean seed yield, stover yield and biological yield were 205.1 kg/ha, 426.1 kg/ha and 631.8 kg/ha, respectively. The harvest index was found in the same order with 32.46% in pure crop and 30.22% under bamboo spacing of 10x10m.The growth parameters such as plant height, pod/plant and branches/plant were more in crop raised as pure stand than in crop grown with bamboo. The values of these parameters under the two spacings of bamboo were very close. 131 Growth and yield attributes of Horsegram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus The growth and yield attributes of horsegram as intercrop with bamboo varied significantly at different distances from bamboo plants in both the spacings (Table 43).The values of different attributes such as plant population, plant height, pods, branches, seed weight, stover weight per plant and seed yield, stover yield, biological yield per hectare and harvest index increased with increase in distance from bamboo plant. However, the corresponding values in both the spacings of bamboo were almost similar. Within the distance of 0 to 0.5m from bamboo plant the values of growth and yield attributes were zero. This may be due to high root intensity and shade effect of bamboo clumps near the base. Under 10x10m spacing of bamboo, the values of plant height, pods/plant, branches/plant, seed weight/plant, stover weight/plant and seed yield/ha, stover yield/ha, biological yield/ha and harvest index ranged as 0-30.6cm, 0-12.2, 0-2.32, 0-1.90g, 0-4.12 g, 0-190.2 kg, 0-405.7 kg,0-595.9 kg and 0-31.92 %, respectively whereas under 12m x 10m spacing of bamboo these values were 0-30.9 cm, 0-12.4, 0-2.38, 0-1.92g, 0-4.12g, 0193.4kg, 0-408.0 kg, 0-601.4 and 32.16 %, respectively. Table 42. Growth and yield attributes of Horsegram intercrop in Dendrocalamus strictus based agroforestry system Spacin g Plant populati on/m2 Plant height(c m) Pods / plan t Branc hes/ plant Seed weig ht/ plant (g) 10x10 m 12x10 m Pure crop 18.8 24.4 10.4 2.12 1.80 Stov er weig ht/ plant (g) 4.22 19.1 26.5 10.8 2.24 1.86 4.25 20.6 31.2 12.6 2.48 2.04 4.29 Seed yield (kg/ ha) Stov er yield (kg/ ha) Biologi cal yield (kg/ha) Harv est index (%) 168. 8 174. 5 205. 1 389. 8 395. 0 426. 7 558.6 30.22 569.5 30.64 631.8 32.46 132 Table 43. Growth and yield attributes of Horsegram intercrop at increasing distance from plants of Dendrocalamus strictus under different spacings Spacing & Plant Plant Pods/ Branches/ Seed Stover Seed Stover Biological Harvest distance from population/ height(cm) plant plant weight/ weight/ yield yield yield index bamboo m2 plant (g) plant (g) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (%) 10mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 7.6 10.2 3.2 1.08 0.32 0.86 12.1 32.0 44.1 27.24 1.0-2.0 16.2 20.5 8.1 2.12 0.76 1.81 66.2 157.0 223.2 29.66 2.0-3.0 18.1 27.8 10.1 2.24 1.42 3.21 138.4 311.2 449.6 30.78 3.0-4.0 19.6 30.6 12.2 2.32 1.90 4.12 190.2 405.7 595.9 31.92 12mx10m 0.0-0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5-1.0 7.5 10.0 3.1 1.02 0.28 0.77 12.0 32.3 44.3 27.08 1.0-2.0 16.0 20.2 8.4 2.10 0.72 1.74 65.3 156.2 221.5 29.48 2.0-3.0 18.2 28.1 10.3 2.30 1.48 3.33 138.6 310.5 449.1 30.86 3.0-4.0 19.8 30.9 12.4 2.38 1.92 4.12 193.4 408.0 601.4 32.16 133 Performance of Dendrocalamus strictus by the end of rabi, 2010-11 The growth and yield of bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) clumps by end of rabi, 2010-11 (February, 2011) in different systems i.e. pure bamboo and bamboo with field crops in both the spacings of bamboo (10x 10m and 12x 10m) differed significantly (Table 44). The growth and yield of bamboo clumps in terms of height, canopy diameter, number of new culms recruited, total number of culms, size of culms and return from new culms were higher in clumps grown with field crops than in pure bamboo. The performance of bamboo plants irrespective of system (with and without field crops) under both the spacings of bamboo was at par with each other. The clump height, clump girth, length of internode and diameter of culm were comparatively more under 12 x 10m spacing whereas the number of culms recruited per hectare was significantly higher under 10x10m spacing. By the end of February, 2011 the mean clump height, canopy diameter, length of 3rd internode, diameter of 3rd internode, number of new culms of the year per clump, total number of culms per clump and new culms of the year per hectare were 8.53m 7.07m, 16.71cm, 30.8mm, 21.25, 34.40 and 2125, respectively under 10m x 10m with crops whereas these values were 7.15m, 6.34m, 12.68cm, 26.7mm, 18.18, 28.68 and 1818, respectively under 10m x 10m pure plantation. The mean values of these parameters in 12m x 10m spacing were 9.46m, 7.52m,17.86cm, 34.1mm, 20.40, 34.03 and 1713 with intercrops while 7.86m, 6.42m,12.98cm, 26.8mm, 17.84, 28.34 and 1499 in pure plantation. Among different crop combinations , bamboo with blackgram-horsegram under 10m x 10m spacing resulted maximum number of culm production per hectare (2250) and maximum annual return from new culms (` 11250/ha) followed by greengram-horsegram and sesamum-horsegram under same spacing. The lowest performance in terms of culm production per hectare and return from culms were observed under 12x10m pure plantation. 134 Table 44. Performance Dendrocalamus strictus with and without intercrops by the end of rabi, 2010-11 With intercrop Clump height (m) Clump girth (m) New culms of the year / clump Total culms / clump Length of 3rd internode (cm) Diameter of 3rd internode (mm) Canopy diameter (m) New culms of the year / ha Return from new culms@ Rs 5/culm T1 (10mx10m) Cowpea-Horsegram Blackgram- Horsegram Greengram- Horsegram Sesamum- Horsegram Mean T1 T2 (12mx10m) Cowpea – Horsegram Blackgram- Horsegram 8.42 8.84 8.28 8.56 8.53 4.76 5.78 4.58 4.62 4.94 21.21 22.50 19.76 21.53 21.25 34.96 33.46 33.87 35.29 34.40 16.52 16.85 16.72 16.76 16.71 30.2 30.8 28.8 33.3 30.8 6.76 7.32 6.96 7.24 7.07 2121 2250 1976 2153 2125 10605 11250 9880 10765 10625 9.52 9.66 5.08 5.78 19.49 22.08 33.06 35.72 17.69 18.02 32.9 35.3 7.28 7.92 1637 1855 8185 9275 Greengram- Horsegram Sesamum-Horsegram Mean T2 T3 (10x10m) Pure bamboo T4 (12x10m) Pure bamboo 9.34 9.30 9.46 7.15 5.64 5.28 5.45 4.40 18.76 21.25 20.40 18.18 32.55 34.79 34.03 28.68 17.83 17.91 17.86 12.68 34.8 33.3 34.1 26.7 7.40 7.48 7.52 6.34 1576 1785 1713 1818 7880 8925 8565 9090 7.86 4.88 17.84 28.34 12.98 26.8 6.42 1499 7495 135 At Farmers’ Field, Dhenkanal Yield of intercrops The farmers cultivated groundnut, cowpea and okra in kharif-2010 according to their own practices. The yield of different crops so obtained is given in Table 45. Table 45.Yield of different crops taken up by farmers along with and without Bamboo during kharif, 2010 at Dhenkanal Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Crop Groundnut(Local) Colocassia (Local) Okra (var. Utkal Gaurav) Yield of Crop without Bamboo (kg/ha) 527(pod) 4928 (tuber) 6118(green fruit) Yield of Crop with Bamboo (kg/ha) 512 (pod) 4802 (tuber) 5910(green fruit) The yield of different crops cultivated with Bamboo were almost similar as that of crops grown without Bamboo, although a negligible reduction was noticed under Bamboo. Performance of D. strictus in Farmers’ field by end of rabi, 2010-11 The farmers did not raise rabi crops because of dry situation of the site. The average growth of Bamboo clumps in farmers’ field by end of rabi, 2010-11 is given as below (Table 46). Table 46. Growth Performance of D. strictus in Farmers’ field Clump height (m) Clump girth (m) New culms of the year / clump Total culms / clump Length of 3rd internode (cm) Diameter of 3rd internode (mm) Canopy diameter (m) New culms of the year / ha Return from new culms @ Rs 4.00 (Rs) 5.12 3.71 9.6 13.6 14.88 25.1 4.45 768 3072 Studies on Root Intensity of Dendrocalamus strictus Root intensity was studied to know the number of root faces per square metre of vertical side of soil. The root intensity of Bamboo clumps in both spacings (S1-1212m and S2-1010m) with intercrop and without intercrop (C0) was studied at the end of Rabi crop, 2009-10. It was 136 studied in four distances from base of clumps (1m-D1, 2m-D2, 3m-D3 and 4m-D4) and three depths of soil (0-15cm-d1, 15-30cm-d2 and 30-45cm-d3). The results of root intensity of D. strictus of 2 years old under different spacing, crops, distance from clump base and depth of soil are depicted in Table 47. Overall, there is no significant difference in rooting intensity under two spacings. The rooting intensity under different crops irrespective of spacing, distance and depth varied remarkably. The Bamboo clumps with all four intercrops recorded higher intensity over the clumps grown without crop (C0). It was maximum (197/m2) under C3 followed by C2, C1 and C4 (161/m2). Incase of spacing and crop interaction (SC) variation in root intensity was noticed under different combinations. It was significantly higher under greengram-toria in both the spacings (207 in S1C3 and 187 in S2C3). Lowest values were recorded in clumps without crop in both spacings (116 in S1C0 and 113 in S2C0). With regard to distance (D), root intensity differed significantly in different distances. The root intensity decreased with increase of distance from clump. At 1m distance it was 330/m2 while at 4m distance it was 20/m2. The interaction of spacing distance (SD) reflects a wide variation of root intensity under different combinations. In both the spacings, the values at closer distances were remarkably higher over the wider distances from base of clump. However, the values at a particular distance in both the spacings are statistically at par with each other. The value ranged from 19 to 335/m2. The root intensity under interaction of crop distance (CD) varied greatly ranging from 0 in C0D4 to 396 in C3D1. Table 47. Root intensity of D. strictus of 2 year old under different systems S1 S2 Treatment D1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C0 Mean SDd d1 533 565 607 541 450 539 521 559 565 522 446 522 d2 320 357 470 328 266 348 317 349 429 324 261 336 d3 65 142 170 127 84 118 123 128 132 126 72 116 306 355 416 332 266 335 320 345 375 324 260 325 454 493 520 483 250 440 418 489 480 428 237 410 139 186 252 146 122 169 143 183 231 146 121 165 Mean SCD d1 D2 d2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C0 Mean SDd S1 : Spacing 12m 10 m S2 : Spacing 10m 10 m C1 : Cowpea-Greengram C2 : Blackgram-Sunflower C3 : Greengram-Toria C4 : Sesamum-Blackgram C0 : Without Crop D1 : 1m distance from clump 137 d3 Mean SCD d1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 197 226 257 210 124 203 187 224 237 191 119 192 249 287 302 250 192 256 237 284 287 239 191 248 d2 37 41 41 40 27 37 39 33 39 39 25 35 d3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 109 114 97 73 98 92 106 109 93 72 94 58 85 124 59 0 65 57 83 83 58 0 56 d2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 28 41 20 0 22 19 28 28 19 0 19 155 180 207 164 116 164 155 176 187 157 113 157 Treatment C1 C2 C3 C4 C0 Mean Dd d1 527 562 586 532 448 531 d2 319 353 450 326 264 342 d3 94 135 151 127 78 117 D3 Mean SCD d1 D4 Mean SCD Mean SC Irrespective of S D2 : 2m distance from clump D3 : 3m distance from clump D4 : 4m distance from clump d1 : 0-15 cm depth of soil d2 : 15-30 cm depth of soil d3 : 30-45 cm depth of soil Irrespective of D C1 Irrespective of CD S1 S2 Mean Cd d1 323 308 316 d2 124 125 124 d3 16 31 SE (m) and CD (0.05) S1 S2 Mean d SE CD D1 325 309 317 S 3.72 10.3 D2 139 134 136 C 5.89 16.32 24 d3 29 29 29 SC 8.33 23.08 Mean S 164 157 D 5.27 14.60 D1 Mean CD 313 350 396 328 263 330 d1 436 491 500 455 244 425 d2 141 184 242 146 122 d1 357 354 356 d2 146 141 144 SD 7.45 20.62 167 d3 36 32 34 CD 11.78 32.64 d1 388 354 371 SCD 16.64 46.11 d2 191 175 183 d 4.56 12.63 C2 D2 d3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mean CD 192 225 247 200 122 197 d1 243 286 294 244 192 252 d3 43 33 38 Sd 6.45 17.87 d2 38 37 40 40 26 36 d1 333 312 322 Cd 10.20 28.26 d3 0 0 0 0 0 0 d2 129 127 128 SCd 14.43 39.99 Mean CD 94 108 111 95 73 96 d3 32 31 32 Dd 9.12 25.33 d1 57 84 104 58 0 60 d1 223 219 221 SDd 12.90 35.75 d2 0 0 0 0 0 0 d2 104 102 103 CDd 20.41 56.56 d3 0 0 0 0 0 0 d3 21 18 20 SCDd 28.86 79.98 Mean CD 19 28 35 19 0 20 155 178 197 161 114 C3 D3 C4 C0 D4 Mean C The interaction of spacing, crop and distance (SCD) resulted significant variation in root intensity which ranged from 416 (S1C3D1) to 0 (S1C0D4 and S2C0D4). The overall root density under three depths varied significantly. The highest root density was found in 0-15cm depth (317/m2) and lowest in 30-45 cm depth (29/m2). 138 The root intensity under the interaction of spacing density (Sd) reveals wide variation ranging from 325 in S1d1 to 29 both in S1d3 and S2d3. The interaction of crop depth (Cd) exhibits significant variation in root intensity. Maximum intensity (371) was recorded in C3d1 and minimum (20) in 30-45cm depth of pure Bamboo (C0d3). The interaction of spacing crop depth (SCd) reveals wide variation of root intensity ranging from 388 (S1C3d1) to 18 (S2C0d3 i.e. spacing 10m 10m of pure Bamboo in depth 30-45 cm). The root intensity under interaction of distance depth (Dd) ranged from 0 to 531 (D1d1). The interaction of spacing distance depth (SDd) influenced root intensity greatly varying from 0 to 539 (S1D1d1). The root intensity differed significantly under interaction of crop distance depth (CDd). It ranged from 0 to 586 (C3D1d1). The interaction of all four factors (SCDd) reveals significant variation in root intensity under different combinations which ranged from 0 to 607 (S1C3D1d1). The pure Bamboo clumps recorded lower values in comparison to clumps with crops in the respective spacing, distance and depth. Relative performance of different bamboo based agroforestry systems During the investigation period different crops were grown with bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) both in kharif and rabi seasons. It was experienced that in such rainfed upland condition of Orissa where investigation was carried out, growing of intercrops during kharif season was economical, but growing of intercrops during rabi was found not suitable because crops suffered from moisture stress. In kharif, Bamboo+Blackgram under 10x10m spacing performed best from net return point of view. The relative performance of different agroforestry systems studied was found to be in the order of Bamboo+Blackgram followed by Bamboo+Greengram, Bamboo+Sesamum and Bamboo+Cowpea under 10x10m spacing of bamboo. 139 Some Photographs of 2010-11 Bamboo + Sesamum 140 Bamboo + Blackgram 141 Bamboo + Greengram Bamboo + Groundnut in Farmer’s field ANNEXURE – I Month September,2007 October,2007 November,2007 December,2007 January, 2008 February, 2008 March, 2008 April, 2008 May, 2008 June,2008 July, 2008 August ,2008 September,2008 Meteorological Data during Crop Growth Period Max Min Temp RH% RH% Rainfall Rainy Evaporation BSH Temp 0 C 7 hr 14 hr (mm) days (mm) (hrs) 0 C 30.9 32.3 31.7 29.2 29.5 29.2 34.9 37.1 37.4 32.5 32.2 31.4 32.0 25.4 22.9 19.2 15.0 14.6 17.1 22.5 26.6 25.8 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.0 96 92 90 86 92 91 93 91 90 92 94 94 94 83 60 46 38 42 48 48 50 56 73 75 79 78 535.3 131.1 15.9 0.0 24.4 33.8 5.10 29.4 129.8 341.5 227.3 297.6 217.8 25 9 3 0 3 2 2 2 8 19 21 23 20 3.5 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.8 7.8 7.6 4.8 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.3 7.9 8.8 7.7 8.0 7.2 7.6 8.8 8.3 3.8 2.6 2.6 5.6 142 October,2008 November,2008 December,2008 January, 2009 February, 2009 March, 2009 April, 2009 May, 2009 June,2009 July,2009 August ,2009 September,2009 October,2009 November,2009 December,2009 January, 2010 February, 2010 March, 2010 April, 2010 May, 2010 June, 2010 July, 2010 August , 2010 September,2010 October, 2010 November,2010 December,2010 January, 2011 February, 2011 32.6 30.9 30.0 30.9 34.3 36.4 38.7 37.5 38.3 31.4 33.1 33.2 32.4 31.2 29.3 28.3 33.3 37.4 39.1 37.0 35.5 23.0 33.3 32.8 31.8 31.0 27.0 28.7 31.9 23.4 18.9 17.1 16.9 19.9 21.9 25.8 26.5 26.6 25.6 26.0 25.9 21.9 20.0 15.3 14.1 18.4 24.3 26.7 26.7 26.9 26.2 26.4 25.7 24.5 21.5 14.9 13.9 17.5 92 90 96 96 95 92 91 86 87 94 94 96 90 89 93 88 94 92 88 87 91 92 92 94 92 91 90 87 92 57 51 48 44 37 39 43 53 52 79 75 72 53 51 40 38 34 48 48 61 70 54 75 72 71 60 51 35 43 31.8 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 66.1 86.6 407.3 392.3 252.4 135.0 32.8 T 5.6 T 5.4 0.0 203.8 196.1 209.2 253.5 286.2 188.3 52.6 41.5 0.0 24.6 4 2 0 0 0 0 1 4 8 25 21 16 7 5 1 4 1 2 0 11 10 18 15 18 13 4 6 0 2 4.1 3.8 3.7 3.9 4.6 6.0 7.5 8.4 8.0 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.8 5.4 7.6 7.2 8.5 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.6 4.0 7.7 7.2 6.7 7.5 8.5 7.9 8.7 8.1 7.3 2.3 4.0 5.0 7.5 7.6 7.9 7.8 8.4 8.5 8.6 7.2 6.1 5.4 4.7 5.4 3.7 5.9 6.2 7.2 6.9 ANNEXURE-II Staff Position Sl No. i Name Dr A.K.Mohapatra ii Mr N. Bhol iv Mr N. Bhol v Dr A.K.Patra Designation Professor (Agronomy),AICRPAF & Principal Investigator Assistant Professor (SG) & Co-Principal Investigator Assistant Professor (SG) & Principal Investigator Associate Professor Date of joining 1.9.2007 to 30.6.2009 1.9.2009 to 30.6.2009 1.9.2009 to 31.3.2011 1.9.2007 to 30.6.2009 143 vi vii viii Ms B,Badajena Mr P.K.Sahoo Mr M. Rout (Agronomy),AICRPAF & Co-Principal Investigator Senior Research Fellow Senior Research Fellow Field Assistant 26.12.2007 to 21,4.2008 5.6.2008 to 9.1.2009 17.12.2007 to 31.3.2011 FINAL PROGRESS REPORT 144 ON DEVELOPMENT OF BAMBOO BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS FOR SIX AGROCLIMATIC ZONES From College of Forestry, DBSKKV, Dapoli, India The coordinated research project was conducted at Dapoli (Maharashtra), under BSKKV. Project aims to develop bamboo based agroforestry models for tropical agroclimatic zone. Bamboo species viz. Pseudo-oxytenenthera and Dendrocalamus stocksii and crops Nagli (Eleusine corasana) and sweet potato (Ipomea batata) in kharif and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in rabi suitable to the agroclimatic conditions weree selected for each centre. Objectives: 145 1. To develop and standardize bamboo based agroforestry systems suitable to the agroclimatic conditions. 2. To demonstrate the scientific management practices and potential of bamboo based agroforestry systems at farmers fields for economic gain. 3. To evaluate production potential, economics and impact of bamboo based agroforestry system on natural resource base. Technical Programme To achieve the above objectives, the study was proposed at the research farm of each centre (six centres) and at farmer’s fields in the respective region. Technical programme was accordingly made to suite for both type of conditions in order to develop the best suitable system. Following experimental treatments were proposed for both the conditions and farms. Research trial at the Institute The experiment was initiated in November, 2007 to evaluate growth performances and to measure the benefits of growing bamboo and agricultural crops together. The bamboo (Pseudoxytenanthera stocksii) was planted in two spacings (10 x 10 m and 12 x 10 m). The planted bamboos were intercropped with two different agricultural systems prominently cultivated in the region and having different commercially important parts (vegetative and reproductive). In first system (reproductive part), finger millet was cultivated in kharif followed by cowpea in rabi and only sweet potato was intercropped in Bamboo in kharif in the second system (Vegetative part). After two years, it was observed that bamboo grew luxuriantly when intercropped with agricultural crops. After the end of the 2009 growing season, more number of new culms emerged from the bamboos intercropped with finger millet/cow pea (seven bamboos), followed by sweet potato (five bamboos) and without intercrop (three bamboos). Moreover, only one bamboo of seedling stage was observed in the dead, decayed and diseased condition in each clump. However, the growth parameters viz., culm basal diameter, culm height, internode length between 4th and 5th internode and mid-diameter of 4th and 5th internode did not vary among the various bamboo-agricultural crop combinations. Among the agricultural crops, the yield of finger millet ranged from 7.40 to 10.03 quintals ha-1 when intercropped with bamboos. However, light availability influenced the yield of finger millet and it was highest in the centre of the plot (130g m-2), where the canopy effect was absent. Interestingly, grain yield near the bamboo clumps was reduced by 50 percent than 146 observed in the open canopy. Under the canopy, lower yields were observed in the East (76.52g m-2) and West (78.28g m-2) sides of the canopy compared to North (78.91 g m-2) and South (79.12 g m-2) directions. The harvest index of finger millet ranged form 32.67 percent to 37.55 percent. The yield of sweet potato ranged from 6.09 quintals ha-1 to 6.71quintals ha-1. However, shade of bamboo had no effect on the tuber growth of sweet potato, which is reflected by the non-significant differences of yield of sweet potato between the open area (centre) and under the bamboo canopy (North, East, West and South direction) and ranged from 51.99 g plant-1 to 78.11g plant-1. The fertility of soil of the bamboo-agricultural crop combinations was slightly higher than the sole bamboo. However, presently there is no variation among the various bamboo crop combinations; there is a possibility of variation in the future. At Farmers Field The bamboo based agroforestry system have been established in the farmers field at Deogarh, Dapoli and Wada. The growth of bamboo these plots are satisfactory, as there plots are unirrigated. The intercrops namely Nagli, groundnut and turmeric have been taken as intercrop by these farmers. The results of the experimentation is presented in the following tables. 147 College of Forestry, DBSKKV., Dapoli Bamboo Sp = Dendrocalamus stocksii Crops Taken: Finger millet, Sweet Potato and Cowpea 148 149 150 151 152 153