Volume 4, Issue I - Christ the King Catholic Secondary School
Volume 4, Issue I - Christ the King Catholic Secondary School
BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS JAG-WIRE Volume 4, Issue 1 Newsletter Date Ctk Writers Friend Fest 2006 Editors Melanie Bechard Imre Gams By Amber Bannerman-Maxwell Assistant Editor Allison Hill Staff Amber BannermanMaxwell Larura Broadley Fabiana Claire Faver Steven Kanichis Adam Lannan Evan Read Meagan Rodi J.D. Shippel Kristen VanHaeren Inside this issue: Claire Faver’s journey from South Africa 6 An Ode to Jaguars 3 The Forgotten Grade 2 Le Club Français 5 Senior Girls Basketball 9 Candid Camera 9 A Contribution to Make You Cry 11 Friend Fest, an exciting event designed for the grade nine students. In the past this event has gone by other names such as Fun Fest, but even though the name changed the tradition of exciting games did not. This year’s activities included nineteen creative stations such as Blind Obstacle Race, Hoop Soccer, Assembly Line, and Pipe Game. All of these games were run and designed to help spark and build friendship between the newest members of our school family. The day was a blast for those involved due to the lovely weather, the fact that they were out of class, and the air of friendly competition. In the midst of all Enjoying Friend Fest the fun, each grade nine class had to present their cheer at the Cheer Station. A big congratulations and a pizza party goes to Ms. Bailey’s Beauties who were voted as the best cheer. Two more pizza parties were awarded for the most points accumulated thoughout competing in the games. With forty-one points each, Ms. Santoni’s class and Ms. Zamperin’s class both won the pizza party for most points. A big congratulations goes out to all those who participated and had fun doing their best, and a large thank you to all those who spent time and effort organizing and running this successful event. Thanks especially goes to Mr. Edwards and his Peer Tutoring Class who organized and ran Friend Fest, and to Mr. VandeValk’s grade ten class. Call for Writers Do you like to write stories, articles, or poetry? Have you ever considered a career in journalism? If so, the Jag-Wire is the perfect way to pad your portfolio and impress future schools and employers. Joining the newspaper staff guarantees article ideas and a very im- pressive by-line. Students who cannot commit to meetings are welcome to e-mail ideas or articles to ctknewspaper@hotmail.com at any time. Being part of the JagWire is a great way to get involved and informed about a place where you will be spending four years of your life. Everyone is welcome to participate. Regardless of your Literacy Test score, you can have an opportunity to speak to the entire school. The Jag-Wire always has been and always will be the newspaper by students, for students. PAGE 2 J A G -W IR E V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 Music Downloading By J.D. Shippel The music industry generated eleven billion dollars last year. In this industry, there are many different levels of power and occupation. On the top are the record companies, followed by artists and their agents, and so on. At the bottom of this pyramid of power are usthe consumers. While we may be on the bottom, we do make a big difference. We go to the concerts, we buy the CD’s, we buy the movies and merchandise, etc. If the consumer didn’t exist, neither would the industry itself. The record companies realize how important our money is… and they get angry when we don’t give it to them. “Illegal” music downloading is becoming an issue in music culture. these networks, it’s easy to see why The RIAA (Recording Industry Asthe music industry is getting on the sociation of America) has been suoffensive. ing people for illegally sharing thouAs far as anyone knows, this sands of music files practice is illegal in with thousands of Canada as well. I other people. can see why many “To fill a thirty GB IPOD it could Though people are people may turn to being sued, only this option, though. cost around $6000– if you people that share Songs can get very choose to do it legally”. 1000 songs or more expensive, at least were ever charged. in my opinion. WebThe way they do sites like Puretracks this is by P2P (peer to peer) proand Napster sell songs for ninetygrams that let people download nine cents each. If you love music songs from other user’s computers, and want to fill up your IPOD, it’ll for little or no cost. The record comcost a lot of money. To fill Continued on page 3 panies don’t make any profit. Since Continued from page 2 there are so many people that use Welcome to Christ the King All Grade Nine Students Welcome back…everyone who is coming back, of course. To the grade nines- welcome to CtK. Although many of you had already heard about this fabulous school, it just isn’t the same until you are a part of it, and we are happy to welcome all of you to grade nine. I’m sure you have discovered already just how great it is to be here at Christ the King. With the school year already in full swing, I’m sure you have found plenty of activities to join. Football season has started, as well as art club and more. We love spirit at this school, so make sure you come to the games and are a part of it! Be involved, grade nines! This is the year to try out for anything and everything. If you don’t now, you will probably (as many former grade nines have) regret it. Also, work hard, many perks come with that. Honour roll students get a free brunch, and some field trips go downtown to Toronto. Voice your opinions! If you have something on your mind, say it. Let your grade representatives know because we love hearing what you have to say! So welcome to Christ the King! It’s going to be a great year. Grade Thirteen By Laura Broadley As I try to understand the stress that I have placed upon myself by coming back for a fifth (and hopefully final) year of high school, I realize that I'm not really sure of where we stand as the "grade thirteens" of CtK. The majority of us are eighteen years old and can sign ourselves out. I don't really know what to think about that, because it’s the last scholastic responsibility that our parents have passed onto us. We get to decide if we come to school or not and that responsibility is a major wake-up call saying that we are accountable for the path of our own lives. That anxiety about adulthood that most of us had is evident in the fact that we are all back at the place where we feel if we're still here then we haven't really grown up yet. Although I've heard the regret about this fifth year flying through the atrium, there was a reason why they decided to stay. Yes, some of us didn't graduate, but I saw most of the grade thirteens standing in the gym Continued on page 3 V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 a thirty GB IPOD it could cost around $6000- if you choose to do it legally. On the other hand, you could turn to P2P programs, some of which, like Limewire, are free. Then, you could fill up that IPOD for no cost. I’m sure most people would lean toward the cheapest route I think that the answer to this dilemma is to drastically lower the costs of music. Suing people isn’t going to make much of a difference because there is always going to be someone that continues to risk a lawsuit because they just can’t afford to spend all that money on music. I think that the music industry should rethink its strategy. I would be perfectly happy to purchase songs that were ten to twenty-five cents. I don’t think that Usher or U2 would notice the difference if music was dropped to twenty-five J A G -W IR E PAGE 2 cents. Why do we need to give them all of our money when they already have millions and millions of dollars in their bank accounts? I think the industry has to remember that we are their customers, and should be valued. The consumer should be able to negotiate with the vendor. Obviously, there are many people who are unhappy with the standard the industry has set. These illegal programs wouldn’t exist if they were perfectly happy with paying ninety-nine cents a song. I think that we need to be appreciated a little more. Besides, I think those companies owe us a little something for that eleven billion dollars. Most students can hardly afford to purchase music legally… can the music industry offer an alternative to illegal downloading? What is a Jaguar? By Kristen Van Haeren The Jaguar is the largest and most powerful cat of the Western Hemisphere, especially on Guelph Street. They are powerfully built and contain all the required elements for victory- muscular shoulders and legs to carry the weight of heavy burdens and stresses of any game or practice, and a thick coat, tan in colour spotted with black rings and blue uni- Grade Thirteen Continued from page 2 last June. I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that it is rough coming back, but I can also say with confidence that if we do what we came here to do and finish, we will realize that we didn't really do it any differently than anyone else; it just took us a year longer. forms, which keeps them camouare losing and run the drills until flaged when they are trying to the buzzer rings. The Jaguar is also sneak up on their opponents. a symbol of beauty, reaching victory The Jaguar with style and is a symbol of power, originality and not able to push themrubbing it in “The Jaguar is a symbol of selves to the limits other’s faces. power, able to push themselves Continued on and give every chalpage 4 lenge all they’ve got. to the limits and give every They keep their challenge all they’ve got”. heads up when they Write All About It! E-mail your articles, comments or ideas to: ctknewspaper@hotmail.com For a “spot” in the Jag-wire PAGE 4 J A G -W IR E V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 Ode to Jaguars Continued from page 3 The Jaguar was worshiped and honored as a god years ago by the Aztecs, the Olmecs, and the Maya for their playing ability and ways of their game. The name “Jaguar” comes from a native Indian word meaning “the killer that takes its prey in a single bound”, looking at each challenge as an opportunity for success, and working toward each goal to the best of their ability. Since the Jaguar is such a powerful cat and skilled at staying out of sight and hunting, they have a dinner menu with many choices, ranging from monkeys, deer, birds, snakes, to a GDHS school mascot or two. The Jaguar’s hunting strategy is to remain low to the ground and keep their eye on the prey, or the ball, at all times. Their regular hunting times are around dusk and dawn, but they throw in a few three o’clock games every now and then. Jaguars catch their prey by ambushing them single handedly or as a team, and once they are committed, they never look back. The Jaguar’s unique hunting ability leaves little room for op- ponents and is usually only threatened by human activities that endanger their school or their team, in which case no human or animal could stand in the way of the Jaguars fighting for what they want. So now you know what a Jaguar is, but now you must answer the question…are you a Jaguar? Christ the King is filled with over 1500 students each containing a part of what a Jaguar truly is. This school needs each and every student to take a stand, work hard, and never give up just like the Jaguar has been known to do throughout history. So let’s relive history and be the original, powerful, and hardworking Jaguars that we are and lead our school to victory. Pirates! By Evan Read Many see the Caribbean as a gorgeous vacation spot with sandy beaches and lush vegetation providing a peaceful place to relax. However, a few hundred years ago the Caribbean was hardly as tranquil a place. In fact, it was kept quite active and full of adventure with a sea full of treasure-laden Spanish Galleons and privateers. This is the setting for Sid Meier’s Pirates!, an action-packed and adventure-filled game sailing the high seas of the Caribbean. With Pirates! gamers can now immerse themselves in a world of sailing and high seas robbery in a beautifully rendered Caribbean environment, brought to life with a soundtrack of marvelous music from the time period. Pirates! takes place during the 1600’s at the peak of piracy in the Caribbean when Spanish Galleons were routinely captured and looted. However, such activities are made greater in Pirates! with a very open ended gameplay style to suit any pirate. The game places you in command of a small pirate sloop in the middle of the Caribbean, where you must loot sailing ships, raid cities and towns, search for hidden treasure and court the daughters of the Caribbean Governors, to make a name for yourself so as to become the most renowned pirate in all the Isles. The game provides players with highly realistic naval combat using beautifully detailed sailing vessels of various sizes and types, from tiny 8-gun Sloops, to 48-gun Man-of-Wars. In order to truly take in the scope of this game, one needs a very well rendered gameplay environment, and Pirates! provides exactly that. The sailing vessels are quite acutely detailed as well; with much effort put into rendering the ships to look perfect, with full rigging, multiple gun ports, and wonderfully adorned stern cabins. If ever one was to feel like they were in the period, this game truly does it. To accompany the great gameplay, and shining graphics, is a nice, appropriate soundtrack of period songs and invigorating battle marches. When entering any settlement a piece is played in accompaniment to the factional alignment of that community, such as a religious hymn when entering a Jesuit Missionary or French accordion tunes playing upon entering a French port. And what sailing adventure would be complete without a grand drum march when your mighty warship Continued on page 5 A screen shot of Pirates! V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 J A G -W IR E PAGE 4 Le Club Français By Steven Kanichis and Melanie Bechard Le Club français a commencé avec un rêve- un rêve de faire cette école non seulement anglaise, mais française aussi. Maintenant, ce rêve est une réalité. Dans notre école vous aurez la chance d’apprendre les avantages de parler une deuxième langue. Avec nos membres, le Club français a choisi un comité. Félicitations au comité et aux membres du Club français! Premièrement, le Club français organise une journée de carrières. Les élèves de neuvième et dixième années pourront parler aux professionnels qui utilisent le français et l’anglais dans leur emploi. Aussi, nous faisons la promotion pour l’organisation d’échanges étudiants avec les pays d’Europe. Si vous voulez organiser des activités et apprendre de la langue et la culture françaises, écoutez aux annonces pour la prochaine réunion du Club français. Des nouveaux membres sont toujours bienvenus, et vous ne devez pas pouvoir lire cet article pour vous joindre. The French Club is organising a French-themed Career Day. Students from Grades Nine and Ten will be able to speak to professionals who use both the French and English languages for their jobs. Also, it promotes student exchanges to countries across Europe. If you would like to help organize activities for your school or learn more about French language and culture, listen to the announcements for the next meeting of the French Club. New members are always welcome, and you do not need to be able to speak or even understand French to join. French lives on at CtK Difficult Courses By Melanie Bechard We all have one- a certain subject that will always be our weakest, no matter how many hours we spend highlighting notes, memorizing formulas, or begging our older brothers and sisters for help. Sometimes, it seems that there’s pretty much nothing you can do to improve your situation; after all, everyone has his or her own talents or lack thereof. Fortunately, you’re not Continued from page 4 comes crashing down upon your foes? Pirates! brings together all that Sid Meier’s known for in a remake of a classic computer game. Not only are you given a nice little history lesson, but you are given the opportunity to live out the pirate in all of us. Whether pillaging or fencing is your forte, one will be truly immersed in the world of Privateers and sailing vessels with Sid Meier’s Pirates!. alone- the Jag-Wire has consulted understand it regardless of their both staff and students for tips on willingness to stay out of summer how to resurrect the mark of your school. Most of us have probably worst subjects. grouped ourselves into the second Math category one time or another, but When it comes to don’t give up the math, it seems there “… everyone has his or her war against Pascal are two types of people: and Gauss just yet. those who are natuown talents or lack thereof”. Continued on rally gifted at it, and page 6 those who will never PAGE 6 J A G -W IR E V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 Difficult Courses Continued from page 5 Math help is available every Wednesday for one hour after school. Even if your marks don’t improve much as a result, showing your dedication just might be the reason your teacher was looking for to bump your mark from a 49% to a 50%. Also, don’t forget that all teenagers need three important things: sleep, food, and community service hours. There are usually many students willing to tutor their peers for a small fee or simply for community service. Student Services will try to pair you with a tutor in your neighbourhood, so you have a great opportunity to make a friend and get the mark you were hoping for. English Whether you love it or love to hate it, no one can deny that reading a wide variety of books improves your comprehension and writing skills, so if you finish this article, you’re already on the way to tackling Shakespeare. Also, try and finish your essays and projects early so your teacher can briefly look them over before you hand them in. French and Italian Watch your favourite movies in another language. Buy a novel or magazine and read it over. Basically, the more you see and hear another language, the better your accent and comprehension become. Lucky you- finally, a valid excuse to study and watch television at the same time. Social Studies Memorizing your notes is the most useful thing you can do to help yourself when studying subjects like history or geography. Of course, even if these are your favourite classes, we all know that attempting to read and memorize a textbook generates about the same amount of excitement as reading the dictionary. Study with a motivated pal to keep you on task, and highlight your notes in different colours. Not only is it harder to fall asleep when looking at a fluorescent pink and yellow page, but you also don’t waste time reading things that you don’t need to know. Remember that although everyone has some weaknesses, we all have the equal opportunity to do our best and achieve our goals. Good luck with this semester, and never forget that hard work beats brilliance and talent any day of the week. Out of Africa By Claire Faver I am out of Africa. South Africa, to be specific, and I have never in my life been more out of Africa. When I first stepped out of the airport to walk beneath that threatening March Canadian sky, I was overwhelmed by emotions which I have never felt before… I have learned a great many things since that cold night in March, when I first set foot in this country. I have learned that when excitement and apprehension combines, it creates the most venomous concoction of feelings which humankind has yet to find names for. I have learned that there is such a thing as a “snow shovel,” and that pumpkin could be put into a pie and eaten as dessert. I have learned that people all over the world are different, and yet still so much the same… I have learned to say “Wassup” instead of “Howzit,” to say “Seeya” rather than “Cheers.” I have learned that a “braai” is in fact called a “barbeque,” and that a “jersey” is actually a “sweater.” I “snow tires” or “snow anything” is. I have learned that you could get even hated that little red maple leaf funny looks from people when you that seemed to be sniggering at me say “litter” insnidely wherever I s t e a d o f went. All of my initial “...home, just like beauty, “garbage,” when enmity, however, can also be found in all you say “Come slowly began to dissiand fetch me” pate this summer, on a corners of the world; one instead of “Come trip to our nation’s just has to know how to and pick me up,” capital: Ottawa. It was and I have here where I not only embrace it”. learned a lot of learnt the most valuother things too, but I’m sure you able lesson of my journey into Canget the gist of it now! ada thus far, but also where I made To put it mildly-and I’m not a rather profound deduction about going to lie, lying only complicates life itself. . matters- I hated it here at first. Beauty can indeed be found How I missed my old school and my in all corners of the world; one just family and friends back home. How has to know how to look for it. By I missed just simply blending in, the end of the first day of our trip, without getting peculiar looks each my parents suggested that we take time I opened my mouth. How I tour a of the city. Of course, I opmissed having a conversation that posed fervently, but due to adamant contained at least less than twenty persuasion I was forced to relent. Continued on page 7 “pardons?” I hated the weather here and I hated having to know what “snow shovels” or “snow boots” or V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 J A G -W IR E PAGE 6 Out of Africa– Life in a New Country Our tour took us to this park that just seemed to appear before us miraculously, and it was here where I made my marvelous deduction. The crazy thing is, it wasn’t even anything I’ve never seen before; guess you could say it was one of those mysterious moments of clarity that dawns upon you every once in a while; where everything in this incoherent world momentarily makes sense. . There were sets of lovers strolling hand in hand under the bruised and bleeding sky, savouring that last bit of sunset. When I looked skywards I saw that the clouds had formed into long white swirls, resembling thin straws. Even God seemed to be embracing the deceiving Canadian sky, because He was sipping up the sunset as though it were some exotic cocktail. And then there was a fountain: the sound of water lapping against stone created a kind of soundtrack to this unlikely heaven that was the park, deep in the heart of Ottawa, with the distant chime of church bells reminding me that time waits for no-one. In the midst of it all, holding it all together like the centre-piece of a dream catcher was this homeless man. I saw that even he had a kind of “beauty” about him: he just seemed to be at such peace with the world, despite his circumstances, and then I saw that he wasn’t really homeless-not entirely, because the park was his home, and it was beautiful. And then it hit me: home, just like beauty, can also be found in all corners of the world; one just has to know how to embrace it. Since that day, I am slowly learning to embrace all that is Canadian. Instead of fighting the waves of change, I am now beginning to “surf” the tide of the white and navy-blue sea that is Christ the King School. I am even making friends with the delightful little maple leaf that is always displayed so proudly for all to see. Everyone here is so proud to be Canadian; the pride is so contagious that it eventually just has to rub off on people… I still call a “text message” an “sms,” and I still say “about” instead of “aboot,” and why say “nice” when “lekker” just sounds so much more colourful? I still haven’t mastered the art of the North American twang and I still haven’t used a snow shovel, but I am sure that in time all of the above will change… One thing that will never change though, are my roots. To have grown up in Africa is a privilege; an experience which I would have never traded for the world… therefore, I will always proudly be a child out of Africa. A Word on Friend Fest By Fabiana It was my privilege to have been able to interview some grade nines about how Friend Fest 2006 went. I found out that everyone who participated had a great time. Interview with Brittany Adams, grade nine What was your favorite part of the day? “I enjoyed hoop soccer, station 13”. If you could describe Friend Fest in one sentence how would you describe it? “Friend Fest was a great way for all the grade nines to interact with each other and to make new friends”. Interview with Monica Ponte, grade nine Did you enjoy Friend Fest this year? “Yes, Friend Fest was a blast”. What was your favorite part of the day? “I liked the Pictionary game; it was the funniest”. To Be Continued PAGE 8 J A G -W IR E V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 A Unique Adventure By (Flight Sergeant) Evan Read At first glance the Air Caunique opportunity det Program may appear to be just to train to receive a group of people who meet once a your Glider and week to march around and polish Power Pilot’s licenses boots. Those of us who have experito truly let you soar enced the program firsthand know the skies above. that is far more than that; it proAs Air Cavides youth with important skills dets, you are put into that help further them in their lives a team-based envinow and in the future. The Royal ronment where eveCanadian Air Cadets is one of the rything is accomleading youth groups in Canada plished through acLearning to fly with Air Cadets– fun, free, with thousands of members across and tions as a team unthe country, offering membership to der the direction and anyone from age 12-19. Joining is supervision of a few individuals. It ment in the world’s job market. quite easy to do and opens the gateis this time spent with others that On top of providing valuable skills, way to an incredible adventure. ultimately results in the formation the Air Cadet program provides a The Air Cadet program of a camaraderie that cannot be number of unique experiences. does a marvelous job of advancing obtained anywhere else. Through cadets you are and improving a number of skills of The Royal Canadian Air given many opportunities to travel each and every cadet. Air Cadets Cadets is a youth organization that across the country through cadet teaches its members to become provides local teenagers with imporsummer courses. Not only are these strong confident leaders through tant life skills, unique and incredicamps free; they also teach you classes and a hierarchal structure ble experiences, and a wide array of teamwork skills, and allow you to with ranks similar to those in the strong friendships. In our times, make many new friends and even Canadian Forces. It gives youth the finding a career requires a lengthy some money. These camps can take confidence to stand in front of their and distinguished résumé, and with you to Alberta, Quebec, and Nova peers and subordinates and lead Cadets service that can be quite Scotia, and if you are lucky, Britain, them- a valuable skill that is imporeasily achieved with a plethora of France, Germany, the United tant to have in any career. Through volunteer time and community States, Singapore and many more. nationwide competitions cadets work. Whether you are looking to In addition to the ability to travel, master the art of public speaking become a strong leader, a confident cadets can also participate in many and learn to perfect their dress and speaker, a skilled pilot, or just activities and teams including a deportment. It is such skills that someone looking to make new Cadet Band, Air Rifle team, Drill help build cadets into strong indifriends, Air Cadets is the place for Team, and Bush Survival exercises viduals bound to become very sucyou. just to name a few. To cap it all off, cessful when they look for employas an Air Cadet you are given the What You Said About Friend Fest Continued from page 7 If you could describe friend fest in one sentence, how would you describe it? “Friend Fest was a good way to meet new friends and have fun with old friends”. Interview with a Station Leader Why did you decide to help out with the activities this year? “I wanted to help out and give back. I wanted to welcome the grade nines to their new school”. If you could describe friend fest in one sentence, how would you describe it? “Friend fest was a fun experience even though I didn’t get to participate. Helping out is nice”. It was unanimous that Friend Fest was a success for another year. Everyone enjoyed himself or herself and had fun while participating in the games and getting out of class. V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 J A G -W IR E PAGE 8 The New Recruits By Allison Hill It was like being in a dream; the haziness of reality blurred on the edge of my vision as I soaked in that glorious Bermudian sun. The beaches were soft, with a rose tint, and I had never seen water so blue. I lazed all day…every day, soaking up the sun, the culture, and quite gluttonously taking in the cuisine. I was in no way prepared for what waited for me when I got back from my relaxing vacation. I had received the call, the letter from Mr. Bertin at the beginning of August calling for some “fun” preliminary basketball practices the week before school started. Bermuda had refreshed me, mind and soul. (Notice how I left out body, because I basically became walking jelly). It was fun! More fun than I had all summer! It felt so good to have that mass of rubber and air in my hands, feeling the familiar ridges and joyously listening to the sound it made contacting the floor of the court…but apparently simply admiring the equipment of the game did not constitute a ‘practice’. There was the running, the jumping, and the simultaneous running and jumping. Before that practice started, I figured I was in pretty good shape; it turns out I was delusional. Every practice left me huffing and puffing, and badly in need of a shower! There were only four senior The Year So Far... basketball veterans on the court; three former eleventh graders, and one victory lap grade twelve coming back to play a final season. It was a bizarre feeling, being the senior girl on the team. I always had someone to give me direction, to tell me what to do. I regret to say this, but it left me free of initiative and I became lazy in the leadership department. I then realized that it was my responsibility to start stepping up, to take initiative. I started to wonder, how did the other girls make it look so easy? Last years seniors only had a handful of us to deal with; this year there was an astounding turnout and I realized that the veterans were greatly outnumbered. PAGE 10 J A G -W IR E V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 Senior Girls Basketball As anyone should know, Senior Girl’s Basketball has been lacking in popularity in the last few years in terms of tryouts. There has been low attendance rates, which made me believe that I wouldn’t have to work as hard. I figured that I just had to show up and I was guaranteed a spot on the team. Again, my delusions returned to me. Upon attending that first practice I quickly had to detoxify my thinking and start competing. These girls fresh from “Camp Bailey” were athletes in every sense of the word. Well-coached from their junior years, they did very well in each one of those tryouts, and they made me work harder then I ever believed I had to. The attitude they brought to the team was inspiring! They were so positive, upbeat and showed an obvious love of the sport. They were basketball players through and through. Not only did they bring a great attitude, but they also brought new talent. I can watch Brittney Metcalfe swish the ball from behind the three point line! New talent, attitudes, and camaraderie aside, we still have a long way to go before success. We have the makings of a great team, but we still have to shake off the summer rust. From what I can see of the “New Recruits”, there is potential as to give me hope of a spectacular season. Senior Girl’s Basketball in action New Season, New Chances By Adam Lannan Later this February, Miami, Florida is going to host one of the year’s biggest parties… Super Bowl 41. However, we first have to make our way through the regular season and eventual playoffs and focus on a season which has already begun. Living near a major city (Toronto) without an NFL team, local sports fans are provided with an interesting opportunity, the chance to devote their loyalty to one of any of the NFL’s 32 teams for any reason. However, before you start jumping on the Steeler’s bandwagon just because they won last year, bare in mind this is a new year and a new season which will likely produce new results and a new champion. In my opinion this year’s AFC champion and Super Bowl team is bound to be the Cincinnati Bengal’s. This Cinderella team will likely make it to the Super Bowl because of its talented tandem of QB Carson Palmer and WR Chad Chad Johnson of the Bengals (left) and Shaun Alexander of the Seahawks (right). Johnson. Together these two players will likely carry the Bengal’s to a championship because of a passing display which is unrivalled by any other quarterback/wide receiver tandem in the league. On the other hand, this year’s NFC champion and other Super Bowl team is going to be the Seattle Seahawks. Now before you start calling this an easy pick because of their Super Bowl appearance last year, remember that Seattle is also home to an equally im- pressive one-two punch… QB Matt Hasselbeck and RB Shaun Alexander. Together this quarterback/running back duo will step up and come through when it’s crunch time. However, in terms of the overall champion, my pick is the Bengal’s. I think if the Super Bowl came down to these two teams Cincinnati’s air display would outdo a talented Seattle ground attack. That’s right- the Seahawks are destined to be the runner-up for a sec- V O L U ME 4 , I SSUE 1 J A G -W IR E PAGE 10 A Poetic Contribution, Jennifer By Meagan Rodi Don’t try to tell me no one loves you. Don’t try to say you’re alone when I’m standing right beside you. Stop hating yourself for who you are. If you could just see yourself in my eyes… It’s so frustrating for me to stand back and watch you hurt yourself so horribly. I know you’re hurting and can’t seem to find anyone who will listen. Sure, everyone hears you, but no one ever really listens. I’m not going to tell you you’re not alone or that I know exactly what you’re feeling, because we both know that’s not true. I have ‘dark days’ as you always called them, but they never lasted two years, like yours. I know everyone thinks you’re just like James, going to commit suicide any day now. I know James was your best friend for six years, and neither of us really know why he did it. I do know that your life doesn’t have to be the same. He couldn’t see a way out, but I’m showing you the path you can take right now. All I’m asking you to do is trust me because you can’t trust yourself right now and I think you know that too. All your nights of tears and suffering, I’ve experienced too, whether you choose to believe me or not. ‘Why are you crying?’ mom would ask every night she caught me alone on my knees. ‘I don’t know,’ I’d say, and it was the truth. I did try. I tried everything; praying, talking, thinking on my own. But every challenge ultimately gave me the same answer- I’m so miserable and I have no idea why. I live in a safe house, go to a nice school, if any school can be called that, and have parents who love me, right? I never did discover why I cried so much, but it doesn’t matter to me now. Now I can go months without shedding a single tear. Work doesn’t make me cry, not being able to reach the glasses doesn’t make me cry, not being able to run further doesn’t depress me. It took me five years to realize that no one else cried themselves to sleep at night, thinking about that book they had to read, or the work they had to do the next week. Everyone else slept at night, had real friends, took time out for themselves. I never could understand how anyone could enjoy this hell we call life. Now I realize that everyone experiences loss, stress, and frustration, just as you and I do. You may believe that life is not worth the agony and pain you feel when you watch the rain, see an old woman struggle, or listen to the cries of a hungry child. But you have to trust me, the sun does shine. We may not see it very often, but we have to have faith in this horrible place, how else could we be expected to survive? We have to remember our days on the beach, those cheesy blonde jokes mom used to tell, and of course, our days as Indians and Cowboys (I always knew when you were cheating). We have to give time to our chances of love and happiness. We have to believe that if we can get through this day, the next won’t be so hard. We have to have strength for those who need it more than we do. We have to fight for justice whenever we see the chance, and raise our children to do the same. We must accept that we cannot face this cruel world alone, and take the offers of help whenever we receive them. We must appreciate the colour of the trees in the fall, the special moments we share with others, and each and every minute we have to spend with the ones we love. You have to be strong for me, for mom and dad, for James, but especially for yourself. Next time you pass a struggling woman with nothing to live for, realize the ‘paradise’ it is we truly live each day. Think of the thousands of children who die every day without the choice to go on. Think of the soldiers risking their lives, and the many who are dying this very second to give you the opportunity to even make the decision you are considering. Think of the abused children who try to see the beauty of life past the bruises and screaming, the babies who aren’t even given the chance to take their first breath of life, their last having preceded it. I’m not calling you selfish or wrong, I’m just asking you to realize just how good we both have it. If you take nothing else from this attempt to reach you, please take this; you cannot fight who you are, and there’s really no use in trying. I know you can survive what you think is this torture you feel you have to endure every day as soon as you wake up every morning, but I don’t know if you appreciate just how much you’ve already overcome, and how little you have left to struggle through. Whether this leads to the end or not, please know how much you’re hurting us all right now, and how you’re scarring yourself. Consider our love for you, even if you doubt it, and allow yourself one more chance, whether you feel you deserve it or not. Your scared but loving sister, Monica.