IRS Headquarters Directory
IRS Headquarters Directory
T r e a s u r y - B u r e a uo f E n g r a v i n ga n d P r i n t i n g Officeof EnvlronmentHealth and Safety (continued) Safety and Health Division Manager John Roberts R o o m6 4 8 - 8 4 . . . . gov E-mail: j ohn.roberts@bep.treas. . ..(202\874-2463 Office of Facilities Support TOFSI Bureau of Engraving and Printing Annex, 14th and C Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20228 Fax: (202) 874-4680 q, F z uI = F E G ul o l4th and C Streets, SW, (202) 874-2546 Chief James Sirinakis Room 305-4 Assistant Chief Daniel Carver Room 305-A (202) 874-2606 Asset Management Division Manager .: C h e r y l R . M o l o c k R o o m3 0 5 - 1 7 4 . . . . ...(202)874-2571 Facilities Maintenance Manager Richard Popp R o o m3 0 5 - A : . . . . . : . . . . . . . : . . . . ( 2 0 2 )9 7 4 - 2 1 6 4 Planning and Management Division Manager Afvin Smith Room 305-057A . . . . .(202) 874-6286 Facilities Assessment, Master Planning and Energy Staff Manager Joseph Corbo Room 305-41A : .. . . . . . (202) 874-3431 Facilities Engineering Manager (Vacant) Room305-061A...:.... ....:. ..(202)874-2571 Office of Human Resources tOXnl Bureau of Engraving and Printing Annex, 14th and C Sheets, SW, Washington, DC 20228 Fax: (202) 874-3182 Chief Karen Bickle Room 202-A E-mail; Employment Services Manager Addrienne Jones Room 446-Po. .. . E-mail: ,: ' Labor/Ivlanagement Relations Manager R u s s e l lC a r p e n t e r R o o m 4 3 4 - 4 ...... E-maiI : Performance Management Division Manager Wendala Bradley Room 100-4. . . . (2O2) 874-2781 , ,..'; , : ..(202) 874-2445 ' | . . (202) 874-7413 Product and Technology Development [PTD] Bureau of Engraving and Printing Annex, 14th and C Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20228 Fax: (817) 847-2009 Associate Director Judith DiazMyers Room 106-M (202) 874-2007 E-mail:j Deputy Associate Director Gregory E. Boutin Room104-6M,.... .......(202)874-209i,7 Office of Product Development [OPD] ' Bureau of Engraving and Printing Annex, l4th and C Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20228 Fax: (202) 874-3334 rftffi.Xi';i$;*.,ing c;; M;;;s*'''''' ...... (202)874-203,9 Officeof the Commissioner IOCI l l l l Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-5756 * CommissionerDouglas H. "Doug" Shulman Room 3000 . .Q02) 622-9511 Education: Williams BA; JFK School Govt 1996 MPA; GeorgetownJD o Senior Advisor J. Richard "Dick" Harvey, Jr. R o o m3 0 0 7. ...:.. ....:. . . . . . ( 2 0 2 )6 2 2 - 9 5 1 1 E-mail: richard.harvey@irs. gov Education: Bucknell; York (JK) MEcon Chief of Staff Jonathan Davis Room 3003 . (202) 927-5600 Deputy Chief of Staff Ruth Perez Room 3007 . . . . (202) 927-5600 Employee Conduct and Compliance Associate Director Christina Adams Room 7213 . ... (202) 622-6383 Fax: (202) 6224988 r Director. Executive Secretariat Linda K. Hurd R o o m3 3 1 6 . . . .. ... (202) 622-1320 E-mail: Fax: (202) 622-4973 o Research, Analysis and Statistics of Income Director M a r k J . M a z u r R o o m7 1 1 1. . . . . .(202)874-0100 E-mail: Fax: (202) 874-0634 Education: Michigan State 1978 BA; StanfordMA, 1 9 8 6P h D Appeals 1099l4th Street, NW, Suite4200-E, Washington, DC 20005 Fax:(202)435-5608 o C h i e fS a r a hH a l l I n g r a m E-mail: Staff Assistant Joann Milton E-mail: Deputy Chief W. Kurt Meier * Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment .....;..:... 33lr:T.,"'ff i,i;j,l'ilHn Staff Assistant Carol Livengood . Strategy and Finance Director Tommy DeWeese Information Officer Susan Carlton "'' :''' (202) 874-0108 Corneliuseiiley 602-13,A ...... ProcessEngineeringGroup ManagerSteve Davis R o o m6 0 2 - 2 5 A . . . . Spring2009 1111 Constitution Avenue, N-W, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Tel: (202) 622-5164 (Freedom of InformationlPrivacy Act) Tel: (202) 622-4000 (Media Relations) Tel: (800) 386-4484 (Fraud, Waste and Abuse Inspection Hot Line) Tel: (800) 829-3676 (Tax Forms and Publications) Tel: (800) 829-1040 (Taxpayer Assistance and Information) Tel: (800) 829-4447 (Teletax Retund Information) TTY (800) 8294059 Internet: ..(202)874-3573 Office of Security [OS] Bureau of Engraving and Printing Annex, 14th and C Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20228 Fax: (202) 874-3614 "Will" Chief William P Levy lll Room 510-,4. . . . ..(202) 874-3633 E-mail: Special Assistant to the Chief Debra Etkins Room 510-,4' E-mail: Fax: (202) 874-2114 Personnel Security Division Manager Harold Weber Room 522-4 ..:......... E-mail: gov Police Operations Division Manager Anthony J. Holloway Room 505-A . E-maiI : anthony.holloway@bep.treas. gov Product and Physical Security Division Manager ' T h o m a s B r y a n tR o o m 510-A ....;. ....Q02)874-0894 E-mail: Fax: (202) 874-0894 C h i e f D o u g f a s B e r n i a R o o m6 0 8 - 7 4 Chief, Office of the Engineer David Fenis lnternal Revenue Service IIRSI ...(202)435-5600 . . . . (202) 435-5600 (202) 435-5600 43s-s65 ....(202) .(202) 435-5600 . .(202) 435-5600 . (202) 435-5672 ; I .(202)874-3433 ! Schedule CAppointment O Career Senior Foreign Service Appointment @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc o Career (SES) Senior Executive Service Appointment o Non-Career (SES) Senior Executive Service Appointment Federal Yellow BooK Treasury- InternalRevenueService Communications and Liaison [CL] Office of National Public Liaison IONPL] l l l I Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax:Q02) 622-5067 . . . (202) 622-5440 o Chief Frank Keith Room 3116 . . E-mail: ...(202) 622-5440 D e p u t yC h i e f J a n S . D e n e r o f f R o o m 3 1 1 6 . . . . E-mail:j Finance and Education Office Director .(202) 622-4683 Anthony M. Chaffier Room 7517 gov Fax: (202) 622-8838 E-mail: anthony.m.chaffier@irs. Officeof Communications 11l1 ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224-0002 Fax:(202)622-5707 . . . .. . .. ..(202) 622-4010 Teny L. LemonsRoom7032 Director gov Fax:(202) 622-5707 E-mail: terry.l.lemons@irs. Staff Advisor Betti L. Daniels Room 7009 gov E-mail: betti.daniels@irs. CorporateTelevision Branch Chief Dianne White New Carrollton Federal Building, 5000 Ellin Road, Room C-1520 PL, Lanham,MD 20706 E-mail: Fax: (202) 283-6569 (Studio) Internal Communications Branch Chief Mary L. Manton Room 7018 E-mail: Marketing and Taxpayer Information Branch Chief G a i f E . E l l i s R o o m 7 0 1 7. . (202) 622-4010 Fax: (202) 622-5707 . (202) 283-7194 Fax: (202) 283-6514 . .. ..(202) 927-3559 Fax: (202) 622-9875 Fax: (202) 622-9096 NationalMedia RelationsBranch Chief Michelle L. Eldridge Room 7032 ..(202) 622-4000 Fax: (202) 622-4355 Field Media Relations TFMRI .....(215) 861-1550 C h i e fW i f l i a m M . C r e s s m a n . Fax:(215)861-1632 600 Arch Street,Room 7420, Philadelphia,PA 19106 gov E-mail: william.m.cressman@irs. (513) 263-3078 Area I Manager Chris Kerns Fax:(513)263-3756 550 Main Street.Cincinnati. OH 45202 gov E-mail: chris.d.kerns@irs. (414) 231-2251 Area II Manager Donna J. Migazzi 310 West WisconsinAvenue,Mail Stop I020MIL, Fax: (414) 231-2248 Milwaukee,WI 53203 E-mail: t u e a I I I M a n a g e rL a r r y W r i g h t . . . . . . . . . . ( 5 1 0 )6 3 7 - 2 8 0 0 1301Clay Street,Room 16305,Oakland,CA94612 Fax: (510) 637-2708 E-mail: tuea IV Manager (Spanish Media) Maritza R. Michaud . . (954) 423-7630 7850 SW 6th Court, Mail Stop 6020, Fax:(954) 423-7631 Plantation.FL 33324-3202 E-mail: maritza.michaud@irs. gov Director Gandice V. Cromling Room 7559 E-mail: Staff Advisor Brenda B. Matthews Room 7559 gov E-mail : brenda.b.matthews@irs. Technical Advisor (Vacant) Room 7567 Strategic Relationship Management Branch Chief (Acting) Mark J. Kirbabas Room 7567 E-mail: Liaison and Tax Forum Branch Chief (Acting) Carl L. Medley Room 7563 E-mail: . (202) 622-2ll"l . (202) 622-$A5 .: (202) 622-4037 . . .(202) 622-4037 Fax: (202) 622-8345 (202) 622-5138 Fax: (202) 927-4123 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington,DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-4'133 . . . . (202) 622-3720 . . ...(202) 622-5179 ....(202)622-3740 Fax: (202) 622-4739 tu E F E I I 11 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-6529 Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Chief (Vacant) Room2422 (202) 622-5400 ExecutiveAssistant(Vacant) ... .(404) 338-7755 Fax: (404) 338-9088 Secretary Loretta J. Tumer Room 2422 . . (202) 622-5400 E-mail: (202) 622-5400 Deputy Chief (Vacant) Room 2422. . Staff Assistant Anne N. Roberts . (202\ 622-4968 Education: SeattleBA Office of the Ghief Gounsel TOCCI 1111Constitution Avenue, NW,Washington, DC 20224-0002 Tel:(202)622-3300Fax:(202)622-427'l Chief Counsel and Assistant General Counsel for Tax (Acting) Clarissa C. Potter Room 3026 . . (202) E-mail; Education: Miami U (OH) AB; Yale JD Special Counsel David F. P O'Connor Room 3501 . . .. . (202) E-mail: david.oconnor@irscouncil.treas. gov Special Counsel (Vacant) Room 3034 .. . . (202) Deputy Chief Counsel (Operations) Stephen Kesselman Room 3026 .Q02) o Depu8 Chief Counsel (Technical) Cladssa C. Potter Room 3034 ..(202) E-mail: Education: Miami U (OH) AB; Yale JD Librarian Gail Henderson-Green Room 4324 . ... .(202) E-mail: Fax: (202) (202) Professor in Residence David Hasen Education: Reed 1984 BA: Harvard 1993 PhD: Yale 1996 JD 62243A0 622-3300 622-3300 622-3300 622-3300 622-8050 622-5844 622-3300 Corporate o Associate Chief Counsel William D. Alexander Room5408 ..: . .. ,.(202) 622-7700 E-mail: o Deputy Associate Chief Counsel Lee A. Kelley . . . (202) 622-7700 Administrative Officer Dorothea Woolfolk (202) 622-8114 Room 5028 E-mail : Senior Staff Assistant Paul Arends Room 5402 . . (202) 622-7700 gov E-mail: paul.arends@irscounsel.treas. Counsel to the Associate Chief Counsel Theresa Abell Room 5408. . . . . ..(202) 622-7700 gov E-mail: theresa.abell@irscounsel.treas. Counsel to the Associate Chief Counsel (202) 622-7700 Lawrence M. Axelrod Room 5408 gov E-mail: lawrence.m.axelrod@irscounsel.treas. Counsel to the Associate Chief Counsel Stephen Fattman Room 5408 . . ..(202) 622-7700 E-mail: Computer Specialist Carla Thomas Room 5415 . . . (202) 622-7621 gov E-mail: carla.thomis@irscounsel.treas. Publications ManaglerRichard Todd Room 5404. . .(202) 622-7700 E-mail: (continued on next page) * Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment Federal Yeltow Book o F z Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Division [EEODDI l11l Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-'1707 Office of Legislative Affairs [OLA] o Director Floyd Williams Room 3241 . . E-mail: fl StaffAdvisor Stephanie Burch Room 3241 E-mail: Congressional Affairs Branch Chief Wilfiam "Bill" Norton Room3230.. l11l Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-5886 ! Schedule CAppointment o Career Foreign Appointment Senior Service @ L e a d e r s h i pD i r e c t o r i e sI,n c . o Career (SES) Senior Executive Service Appointment o Non-Career Appointment Senior Executive Service {SES) Spring2009 r ul o Treasury- Internal RevenueService Corporate (continued) Branch I chief Mark Jennings Room 5421. . E-mail: markjennings@irscounsel.treas'gov Branch II Chief Alison Burns Room 5140 .. gov E-mail: alison.burns@irscounsel.treas' -Branch III Chief FiliiSerbes Room 5429 gov E-rn"if'-nfir.serbes@irscounsel.treas. Branch IV Chief tewis K. Brickates Branch V Chief Debra Garlisle Room 5032 E-mail: debra.carlisle@irscounsel.treas'gov Branch vI chief Alfred Bishop Room 5040 E-mail: alfred.bishop@irscounsel.treas'gov o F z ul E F E c ul o . . . (20?) 622-7754 (202) 622-3900 " " (202) 622-7770 '(202\ 622-7790 . . . . .(202) 622-7930 Criminal Tax [CT] Fax:(202)622-6302 Division CounseVAssociateChief Counsel Edward E Cronin Room 2575 gov E-mail: edward.cronin@irscounsel.treas' Division Counsel/Deputy Associate Chief Deputy iounsel Janet Johnson lioom 2575 FinancialInstitutionsand Products(continued) Staff Assistant sharon Yvonne Hgm Room 3559 . gov E-mail: sharon.yvonne.horn@irscounsel.treas. " " '(202) 622-4460 Leatha Gannon Secretary General Legal Services IGLSI 1111ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Room 6404,Washington,Dc 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 927-0912 . . Q02) 927_0900 Associatechief counselMad<s. Kaizen E-mail: DepuryAssociatechiif counselLinda R. Horowit? . . . . . (202) 927-090a E-mail:linda.horowitz@irscounsel.treas'gov . . . (202) 927-0900 DeputyAssociatechief counsel E. Lee Patton E-mail:e.patton@irscounsel' Income Tax and Accounting [lTAl 1111ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-6316 . AssociateChief CounselGeorge J. Blaine Room4052. . . (202) 622-4800 E-mail:george ' ' Q02) 622-4800 SecretaryCneryt L. Rogers Room4052 gov E-mail:'treas. o DeputyAssociateChiefCounselEdward S' Cohen ..Q02) 622-4800 {oom 4501 o DeputyAssociateChief CounselAndrew J' Keyso,Jr' ..Q02) 622-4800 doom4044 E-mail:andrew ' ' ' '(202) 622-4800 Secretary(Vacant)Room4046 (202) 622-4800 TechnicalAdvisor Brenda D. wilson Room4046 -Special ' D o uCounsel g l a s Ato. the AssociateChief Counsel " ' ( 2 0 26) 2 2 - 4 8 0 0 FaheyRoom4050'."" gov E-mail:douglas.a.fahey@irscounsel.treas. Specid Counse)to tbe AssociateChiefCounsel '(202) 622-4800 .....: bliforA M. HarbourtRoom4505 gov E-mail: clifford.m.harbourt@irscounsel.treas. Villanova1969BS Education: SpecialCounselto the AssociateChief Counsel '''"' "''(202\622-4800 b o n n " M . G r i s a l lRi o o m 4 0 5 2 gov E-mail:donna.m.crisalli@irscounsel.treas. SpecialCounselto the AssociateChief Counsel -'{Vacant) Q02) 622-4800 Room4052 622-4800 SpecialCounsel(Field Service)(Vacant)Room4045' ' \?02-l ...(202)622-5020 BianchI ChiefJohn P MoriartyRoom4509.. . . . (202) 622-7900 BranchII Chief Thomas D. Moffitt Room4525 gov E-mail:thomas.d.moffitt@irscounsel.treas. . QA\ 622-4950 BranchIII Chiefchdstopher F.Kane Room4537 gov E-mail: christopher.f.kane@irscounsel.treas' BranchIV Chief Michael J. Montemuno Room4243. . . (202) 622-4920 gov j.montemurro@irscounsel.treas' E-mail:michael ..(202) 622-4960 Branchv chief william A. JacksonRoom4236 gov E-mail:william.aj ackson@irscounsel.treas' . . (202) 622-4970 BranchVI Chief Jeffery G. Vtitcnelt Room4528 gov E-mail:jeffery.g.mitchell@irscounsel.treas' . . .(202) 622-4930 BranchvII chief KathleenReed Room4136.. gov E-mail:kathleen.reed@irscounsel.treas. BranchVIII Chiefwenay L. MacDonaldRoom4038. . . .(202) 622-4980 E-mail: wendy.l.macdonald@irscounsel.treas'gov Q02\ 622-4800 Management Analyst Terry L. Philippy Room 4510 Manalement Analyst Laura D' Stringfellow Room 4142"Q9? t??4"299 Fax: (202) 622-6885 ..(202) 622-3970 C0nfirmation * Presidential Senate Bequiring Appointment * Presidential AOpointment D Schedule CApPointment Appointment Service Foreign Senior O Career (SES) Appointment . Career Service Executive Senior Appointmenl Service o Non-Career Executive Senior {SES) r^)^-^t W^ll^,", Q^^l/ Treasury- InternalRevenueService Passthroughs and SpecialIndustries(continued) lnternational 111I Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Tel:(202) 622-3800 Fax: (202) 622-4484 1[ssociateChief Counsel Steven A. Musher Room 4619 ..(202) 622-3800 E-mail: Education:Yale 1975BA rDeputyAssociate Chief Counsel Michael A. DiFronzo ..(202) 622-3800 Room4613 gov E-mail: michael.difronzo@irscounsel.treas. lDepufy Associate Chief Counsel Bettie N. Ricca ..(202) 622-3800 Room4613 Fax: (242) 622-4408 E-mail: rDeputy Associate Chief Counsel Benedetta A. Kissel ..(202) 622-3800 Room4619 ExecutiveAssistant Nancy Watkins Room 4554 . .: . . . . (202) 622-3820 Fax: (202) 622-4476 S p e c i aCl o u n s eJl o h n M e n i c k R o o m 4 6 1 9 . . . . . : . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 6 2 2 - 3 8 0 0 gov E-mail: john.merrick@irscounsel.treas. . . . (202) 622-3880 Branch I Chief Elizabeth Karzon Room 4607 E-mail: Fax: (242) 622-4408 . . (202\ 622-3840 Branch II Chief Phyllis E. Marcus Room 4710 gov E-mail: phyllis.marcus@irscounsel.treas. Fax: (202) 622-4408 . (202) 622-3850 Branch III Chief Barbara A. Felker Room 4555 gov E-mail: barbara.felker@irscounsel.treas. Fax: (202\ 622-4476 . . (202) 622-3860 Branch IV Chief Charles Besecky Room 4567 E-mail: Fax: (202)622-4476 Branch V Chief Jeffrey L. Dorfman Room 4562 . (202) 622-3870 gov E-mail: j effrey.dorfman@irscounsel.treas. Fax: (202) 622-4476 . . . (202) 435-5265 Branch VI Chief Christopher J. Bello U.S. Mint Annex Building, 799 Ninth Street,NW, Fax: (202) 435-5267 SecondFloor, Washinglon,DC 20220 Branch VII Chief Ricardo A. Cadenas . . (202) 435-5262 U.S. Mint Annex Building, 799 Ninth Street,NW, Fax: (202) 435-5150 SecondFloor, Washingfon,DC 20220 E-mail: Advance Pricing Agreement Program Director C r a i gS h a r o n . . . . .(202)435-5220 Advanced Pricing Agreement Program Deputy Director J. Clark Armitage . (202) 435-5262 U.S. Mint Annex Building, 799 Ninth Street,NW, 2nd Floor, Washington,DC 20239 Advanced Pricing Agreement Program Branch #1 ChiefPeter Rock. (202) 435-5220 E-mail: Advanced Pricing Agreement Program Branch #2 Chief Russell Kwiat ....(202)435-5220 U.S. Mint Annex Building, 799 Ninth Street,NW, 2nd Floor, Washington,DC 20220 E-mail: Advanced Pricing Agreement Program Branch #3 ChiefRichardOsbome ...... .(202)435-5220 U.S. Mint Annex Building, 799 Ninth Street,NW, Fax: (202) 435-5238 2nd Floor, Washington,DC 20220 E-maiI : t974ID; * Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Aooointment FederalYellow Book Publications Manager (Vacant) Room 5313 .Q02) 622-3010 Branch I Chief Dianna K. Miosi Room 5006 . . . . (202) 622-3050 E-mail : dianna.k.miosi@irscounsel.treas. gov B r a n c hI I C h i e f T h o m a s J . H i n e s R o o m 5 0 1 1 .. . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 6 2 2 - 3 0 6 0 E-mail: B r a n c hI I I C h i e f C h r i s t i n e E . E l l i s o n R o o m5 0 1 6 . : . . . . ( 2 0 2 \ 6 2 2 - 3 0 7 0 E-mail: christine.e.ellison@irscounsel.treas. gov Branch IV Chief George L. Masnik Room 5431 . (202) 622-3090 E-mail: george.l.masnik@irscounsel.treas. gov Branch V Chief Paul E Handleman Room 5105 . (202) 622-3040 E-mail: Branch VI Chief Charles B. Ramsey Room 5112 . . . . . . (202) 622-3110 E-mail: Branch VII Chief Frank Boland Room 5420 . . . . (202) 622-3120 E-mail: frank.k.boland@irscounsel.treas. gov Information Technology Specialist Steve L. Moore (202) 622.4052 E-mail: steve.l.moore@irscounsel.treas. gov 1l I I Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-4914 . Associate Chief Counsel Deborah A. Butler Room 5503. .(202) 622-3400 Executive Assistant William Pratt Room 5513.. .(202) 622-3400 Management Assistant Thelma Taylor . . . (202) 622-7658 E-mail: . Deputy Associate Chief Counsel (Enforcement) Gary D. Gray Room 5549. . (202) 622-3600 E-mail: gary.gray@irscounsel.treas. gov o DepuV Associate Chief Counsel (Guidance) Dominic A. Paris Room 5503 . . .. (202) 622-3400 Deputy Associate Chief Counsel (Legislation and Privacy) Margo Stevens Room 5212 . . . . (202) 622-4560 E-mail: Special Counsel George Bowden Room 5503 . .. . Q02) 622-3400 Special Counsel Richard Goldstein Room 5503 . . . (202) 622-3400 Special Counsel Thomas Kane Room 5503. . . . . . .(202) 622-3400 Special Counsel Philip Lindenmuth Room 5212 . . (202) 622-3400 E-mail : Special Counsel Peter Reilly Room 5514 . . .(202) 622-3400 E-mail: peter.reilly@irscounsel.treas. gov Special Counsel Henry Schneiderman Room 5503 . . . . . . (202) 622-3400 Special Counsel Kathryn A. Zuba Room 5503 . . . . (202) 622-3400 (202) 622-4910 Branch I Chief James Gibbons Room 5533 'E-mail : j Senior Technical Reviewer Blaise Dusenberry (202) 622-4910 Room 5517 E-mail: Senior Technical Reviewer Charles Hall Room 5131 . . . . (202) 622-4910 E-mail: Branch II Chief Ashton Trice Room 5135 . . (202) 622-4940 E-mail: Senior Technical Reviewer Lawrence Mack Room 5543 (202) 622-4940 Senior Technical Reviewer Carol Nachman Room 5517 Q02) 622-4940 E-mail: carol.nachman@irscounsel.treas. gov Branch III Chief (Acting) Pamela W. Fuller Room 5553 . . (202) 622-3600 E-mail: pamela.fu Senior Technical Reviewer (Acting) Mitchel Hyman (202) 622-36rc R o o m5 5 4 5 ....;. E-mail: Branch IV Chief Peter J. Devliq Room 5243 . . . . . (202) 622-3630 E-mail: Senior Technical Reviewer (Acting) Joseph Clark Room5545 ;..... (202)622-3610 gov E-mail: joseph.clark@irscounsel.treas. Senior Technical Reviewer Nancy M. Galib ( 2 0 2 )6 2 2 - 3 6 1 0 R o o m5 5 1 0 ...;.. Branch V C h i e fG l e n nJ . M e l c h e r ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . ( 2 0 2 ) 6 2 2 - 3 6 2 0 Senior Technical Reviewer William Beard Room 5566 . . (202) 622-3620 gov E-mail : william.beard@irscounsel.treas. Senior TechnicalReviewerJoseph Conley Room 5228. .(202) 622-3620 Branch VI Chief Richard Goldman Room 5516 . . . (202) 622-7950 page) onnext ftontinued @ L e a d e r s h i pD i r e c t o r i e sI,n c . F z ul E F tr tr ul o Procedureand Administration [PA] D Schedule CAppointment O Career Senior Foreign Service Appointment o o Career (SES) Senior Executive Service Appointment o Non-Career (SESI Senior Executive Service Appointment Spring2009 Treasury- | nternal RevenueService o F z ul E F Procedureand Administration(continued) Office of the National TaxpayerAdvocate (continued) Senior Technical Reviewer Brinton Warren : ( 2 0 2 )6 2 2 - 7 9 5 0 R o o m5 2 2 1: . . . , . : . . . . . E-mail: Senior Technical Reviewer Donald M. Squires Room 5221 E-mail: Education:Yale 1981JD Branch VII Chief Charles Christopher Room 5219 . . . . . . (202) 6224580 E-mail : Senior Technical Reviewer Susan Mosley Room 5045 . . (202) 622-4580 E-mail: Education:Yale 1975BA Senior Technical Reviewer Gerald Ryan Room 5233. . . .(202) 622-4570 E-mail: gerald.ryan@irscounsel.treas.goy. l Senior Technical Reviewer Andrea Tucker Room 5233 . : (202) 622-4570 gov E-mail: andrea.tucker@irscounsel.treas. Systemic Advocacy Executive Director Rebecca A. Chiaramida Room 3219 .. E-mail: Taxpayer Advocacy Panel Director Bernie E. Coston Room 1314 Technical Analysis and Guidance Director Richard J. Monis Vision and Strategy Director Cecilia Scott. 65 North Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-9226 tr A ]|I o Legal Processing Division Fax: (202) 622-0931 . . . . .(202) 622.4528 Division Director Michael Parker Room 5324 E-mail: . ..Q02) 622-4528 Assistant Director Alvin Hall Room 5322 E-mail: . . . . (202) 622-4527 Secretary Debbie Powell Room 5324 E-mail: debbie.powell Disclosure and Litigation Support Branch Chief .Q02) 622-7560 M e l v a T y l e r . R o o m5 2 0 1. . . : . . . . : : . . ' . . E-mail: Docket, Records and User Fee Branch Chief . . (202) 622-7960 Merle Edney Room 5336 : ' E-mail: Regulations Branch Chief Lanita Van Dyke Room 5203 . . (202) 622-7180 Technical Services Branch Chief Raymond Kendricks ...... R o o m5 3 3 1 Federal Register Liaison Guy Traynor Room 5209 . . . . . . ". (202)'622-7180 Office of the National Taxpayer Advocate INTAI I I I I Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-'7854 Fax: (202) 894-8753 oNational TaxpayerAdvocate Nina E. Olson Room 3031 .. (202) 622-6100 E-maiI : Education: Bryn Mawr AB; North Carolina Central JD; GeorgetownMlaws E x e c u t i v eA s s i s t a n tK a r e n T o b e r R o o m 3 0 3 1. , . . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 6 2 2 6 1 0 0 E-mail: (202) 622-6100 Staff AssistantSelini D. Robinson Room 3031. . E-mail: Deputy National TaxpayerAdvocate Melissa R. Snell R o o m3 0 3 1 ..(202)622-6100 :.r... ExecutiveAssistantAlfredo Esannason Room 3031....(202) 622-6100 gov E-mail : alfredo.esannason@irs. SecretaryTracey Moore Room 3031 .....(202) 622-6100 gov E-mail: tracey.r.moore@irs. . (202) 622:6140 Staff Assistant Antoinette M. Ross Room 3031 E-mail; o Special Counsel Judith M. Wall Room 3047 (202) 622-4947 Advocacy Projects Director Matthew A. Weir R o o m3 2 1 9 :.r... Business AssessmentDirector Charles McLeod . . . (202) 622-6100 Business SystemsPlanning Director Elizabeth Vogt Room 1029 ..(202) 622-3907 Communication and Liaison Director Rena C. Girinakis ..:... Room1026 ..(317)685-7573 E-mai| : Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Director P a u l aT h o m a s R o o m1 5 1 5. . , i . . . : . E-maiI : Financial Operations Director Renee Brandon , , ,: . R o o m1 0 4 2 ...... E-mail: Immediate Intervention Director Laurel M. Cummings "n;;lot':..^ .. (202) 622-7175 ..(202) 622-5001 (405) 297-4177 Operations Support IOSI 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 . (202) 622-4255 Deputy Commissioner Mark A. Emst Room 3000 Education:Drake 1980 BS; Chicago 1986MBA Senior Advisor Robert B. Buggs Assistant Deputy Commissioner Beverfy Ortela Babers Room 3000 Education:Boalt Hall 1989JD . (202) 622-4425 . . . . . (202) 622-4255 Agency-Wide Shared Services IAWSSI 1l1l Constitution Avenue, N-W, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Tel: (202) 622-7500 Fax: (202) 622-0829 Chief (Acting) David Grant Room 3573 . . . (202) 622-7500 Executive Assistant Mary Jo LaBfola Room 3573 . . . . . (202) 927-9265 Staff Assistant Annie Hoang Room 3573 . (202) 622-7500 ' E-mail: Customer Relations Manager Sadtha Harden . . . . (404) 338-7290 Fax: (404) 338-9108 I 111 ConstitutionAvenueNW, Room 3573, Washington,'DC 20224-0002 Customer Relations Manager Victor Onorato Room 3573 ,.(202) 622-7500 . . (510) 637-4590 Senior Program Analyst Mariode Louis . 1301Clay Street,Room 15805,Oakland,CA94612 Fax: (510) 637-2768 , Administrative Services [AS] l11l Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 3605, Washington,DC 20224 Fax: (202) 927-2979 Administrative Services Director Susan Greer . . . . (202') 622-1420 ...(202) 622-6964 Secretary(Vacant) Employee Support Services IESSI 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 2404, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-3811 (202) 622-3811 Director Stephen M. Kunze gov E-mail: stephen.m.kunze@irs. . . (202) 622-3811 Executive Assistant Lawrence C. Pugh E-mail: (202) 622-3811 Secretary Andera C. Taylor E-mail: Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity TEEODI l l l l Constitution Avenue NW, Room 3601, Washington, DC 20224 Fax: (202) 622-4157 . (202) 622-8366 Director Mariane Williams E-mail: .....(202)622-8366 S t a f f A s s i s t a n t( V a c a n t ) Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Field Services 4050 Alpha Road, Room 1272, Dallas, TX 7 5244-4201 . . . . . ( 9 7 2 )3 0 8 - 1 5 1 4 D i r e c t o rD o r a A . T r e v i n o k o o m 2 4 2 2 gov E-mail: dora.a.trevino@irs. . . . . . (972) 308-1522 Secretary Liz A. Velez Room 2422 . E-mail : Personnel Security and Investigation [PSl] 8100 Corporate Drive, Suite 215, Lanham, MD 20785 Fax: (202) 283-2129 Director Raymona Stickell E-rnail: ...:.. Secretary{athyBundy E-maiI : . (202) 283-2702 .....(859)647-3402 ..(2oz)6zz-7t7s E-mail: * Presidential Requiring Appointment Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment ! Schedule CAppointment Appointment Service O Career Senior Foreign o Career (SESI Executive Appointment Senior Service o Non-Career (SES) Appointment Senior Executive Service Treasury- Internal Revenue Service Office of the Ghief Financial Officer TOCFOI DC 20224-0002 I 111ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington, Fax:(202) 622-2261 oChief FinancialOfficerAlison L. DooneRoom3110.... .(202) 622-6400 E-mail: BusinessSystemsPlannerCarl CreagerRoom3107. . . . (202) 927-6185 Fax: (202) 622-4636 . . . . (202)622-6672 ExecutiveAssistantLinda Mann Room3109 Fax: (202) 622-4636 E-mail: Staff Assistant (Acting) Rochelle Lewis Room 3110. . . .(202) 622-6400 E-mail : e Deputy Chief Financial Officer Greg Kane Room 3110 . . . (202) 622-6400 E-mail: Chief of Staff Apdl Winfree-Daniels Room 3107. . E-mail: Feal Estate and Facilities Management IREFMI 2221South Clark Street, 10th Floor, Arlington, VA22202 Fax:(202) 283-9360 (202) 283-9400 Director Stuart Burns . (202) 283-9400 Deputy Director Leslie Lehrkinder (215) 828-9837 Facilities Operations Director Leroy Davis . 11601RooseveltBoulevard,Philadelphia"PA 19154 SecretaryChevaughn K. Gilbert Crystal Plaza, ...(202)283-9352 B u i t d i n g6 . . . . E-mail: chevaughn.k. Strategy and Finance [SFl Fax: (202) 622-8705 (202) 622-7637 DirectorVanessa D. Perkins 1111ConstitutionAvenueNW, Room 1528,Washington,DC 20224 E-mail: '....(202)622-6696 S e c r e t a r y A m a n d aJ a c k s o n E-mail: ManagementControls Coordinator Gregory T. Rehak ..(202) 622-3702 noom tszs E-mail: Human Gapital Office THCOI l l l I Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Fax: (202) 622-0322 "Jim" Falcone Human Capital Officer James P . .Q02) 622-7676 Room2413 Fax: (202) 622-0322 E-mail: ...(202)622-7676 SecretaryAnnetteTirado-Flores.... E-mail: Deputy Human Capital Officer (202) 622-7676 Rebeeca Mack Johnson. . ..... (202) 622-7676 StaffAssistantSharon S. Stdppoli . (202) 622-1210 Executive Services Director Mellinee Armstrong Leadership,Education and Delivery Director . . .(202) 927-3956 David Kdeg Room 2023 Fax: (202) 622-2675 E-mail: Planningand MeasuresDirector Tonya Burton ...(202)927-4257 R o o m1 0 1 1 . . . . . Fax: (202) 622-0820 ResourcesManagement Director Nicole L. Myers ..(202) 622-4935 Room 1408 Fax: (202) 6224545 Talent, Hiring and Recruitment Director . . . . . (202) 622-5773 Annie D. Brown Room 7207 Fax: (202) 622-8230 E-mail: annie.d.brown@irs. gov Workforce Progression and Management Director . . ..(202) 6224341 Richard J. Cronin Room 5579 Fax: Q02) 622'1096 E-mail: . . .(202) 622-8782 Executive Assistant (Acting) Sherry M. Davis E-mail: Workforce Relations Director Barbara Pabotoy ..(202) 6224647 Room 1409 E-mail: Fax: (202) 927-5330 ExecutiveAssistant Bemadine Doyle Room 2407 . (202) 622-2620 gov E-mail: bernadine.doyle@irs. * Presidential Senate Confirmation Appointment Requiring * Presidential Appointment FederalYellowBook ur E (202) 622-6763 Gorporate Planning and Intemal Control Unit ICPICUI Fax: (202) 622-8988 AssociateChief FinancialOfficer(Acting) Peter Rose . . . (202) 622-4508 . . (202) 927-5656 ExecutiveAssistantEllen Crane . . . (202) 435-5334 Staff Assistant(Vacant) Intemal Control Office IICOI 1l l l ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224 Fax:(202) 622-8988 .(202)622-7799 DirectorPeterMeade..... . . . . .(202) 622-8974 ManagementAssistantTamiko McCormick . (202) 622-4508 Internal Financial Management Unit [lFMUl DC 20224-0002 I111 ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington, Fax:(202) 435-5489 . AssociateChief FinancialOfficer (202\435-5499 Wilfiam "Bill" Maglin. . . . . . (202) 435-553'1 ExecutiveAssistantAnita Davis gov E-mail:anita.davis@irs. ..(202\ 435-5340 Walida Newby Secretary . .(301) 731-2705 Office of FinancialManagementPolicy and BusinessAnalysis Fax: (202) 435-5491 ' . Q02) 435-5513 DirectorKathleen Downs NE, RoomNE-650, CNN Building,820FirstSffeet, washington' DC 20002 D Schedule CAppointment Appointment Service Foreign O Career Senior @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc. i tr o o AssociateChief FinancialOfficer . ..(202) 622-4663 Robert F. "Bob" Mahaffie Room3205 gov E-mail: robert.f.mahaffie@irs. BudgetExecutionDirector Ursula S. Gillis Room3205. . .(202) 622-8208 BudgetFormulationand SystemsIntegrationDirector .(202) 622-8978 Sue Amold BudgetIntegrationand SystemsSectionChief . .. . . (202) 622-8995 Bifl Ghdstman Room3338. Fax: (202) 622-7816 ExecutionAnalysisSectionChiefAfzaal Shamsie ..(202) 622-6192 Room3334 ExecutionOperationsSectionChief (202)622-4726 DebbieFairweather..... FormulationAnalysisand ReviewSectionChief ...(202) 622-4571 Bddgett Kellei. .(202) 622-8978 ManagementAssistantMargie Stamp Room3338 Office of Gost Accounting DirectorEric Baltas F G t|r Gorporate PerformanceBudgeting Unit [CPBU] Fax:(202)622-2767 Corporate Planning Office ICPOI Fax:(202) 622-2767 Director Peter Rose 6 F z Ghief of Staff Office ICSOI Fax:(202)622-4636 Gontinuedon nextpage) (SES) o Career Appointment Senior Executive Service o Non-Career Appointment Executive Service Senior {SES) Spring2009 Treasury- lnternal RevenueService Office of the Ghief Technology Officer [CTO] Chief Technology Officer T e r e n c ev . " T e r r y - M i r h o i l a n d R o o m 3 1 2 9 .....e02) 622-4srl Education: Maryland 1969 BS; George Washingtonf SZZMSbIS ' Staff Assistant Karen D. cheek Room 3407 . . . . . (202) 622-4511 Ass T Tes T T As Re 1l o F Fa: z (202) 622-7004 ur E Q02)43s-s4e9 As I F t tr Bu t G Irl o Se I I r A: 11 As I Dr I fr i;;;83?233.1?2 C' Associatechief Information officer for Apprications Development New carrollton Federal Building, 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Associate Chief Information Officer Gina Garza llll ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Room 3431, fax: iZOZ1622_2475 Washington,DC 20224-0002 E-mail: Dgpury Associate Chief Information Officer , :i, Katherine "Kateo Miller Room 47-402 .. . . . . . . (202) 2g3-1926 AMS Director Darrell White 825 East RundbergLane, Austin, TX 7g753 CADE Project Director Amos Townsend . .(202) 2g3-6g31 D e p u t y D i r e c t o r( V a c a n t ) .. j... .-e02)283_6g31 ^CAD_E Compliance Director G19S BarW ...e02) ZB3_7758 New carrollton Federal rax: izozj 2g3-0109 lu1lding, 5000 Ellin Road Room A9-2Q2,Lanham, MD 20787 corporate Data Director Gene Barbato Room 46-202. . . .(202) 2g3-33s1 Customer Service Director Nancy Sieger ' - -- -- -tl Data Strategylmprovement Director Liny Grimes Room A7-202.. . . . .(Z0Z) 2g3.3g01' E-nre Systems Director KenNesbit Room Be-40r :::. 8Bli31:1+Sl '::'.[i3:]'r3tr-:irii KimMcDonatd plp*"*.rl, Director Room Ae-40r Office of Revenue Reporting IORRI D i r e c t o r( A c t i n g ) B a r r y B i x t e r . . . . . . . . ; . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 435-5365 Fax:(202) 435-5525 Ftng and Payment Compliance Director Rob Ragano Room A8-202 Individual Master.File Director (Vacantl lnternal Management Director Anne Shepherd ,Room A8-401 (202) 283_5303 . .e02) 622_6g00 Fax: (202) 283-3714 Office of Revenue Systems ;n":::'lJ"'j,"'"'ilu",","n * Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment Spring2009 D Schedule CAppointment O Career Senior Foreign Service Appointment @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc. o Career Senior Executive (SES) Service Appointment o Non-Career Senior (SES) Executive Service Appointment FederalYellow Book In A a I A D Treasury- InternalRevenueService Associatechief tnformationofficer for ApplicationsDevelopment(continued) Test Assurance and Documentation Director ( V a c a n t )R o o m 8 5 - 4 0 1' . . . ."\?92-)283-6102 Fax: (202) 283-6610 Director Documentation and Assurance Test, .-(202) 283-3503 T i m C o r b e t t R o o m 8 6 - 4 0 1. . . . Fax: (202) 283-6105 "'(202) 283-3503 D e p u t y D i r e c t o r( V a c a n t )R o o m 8 6 - 4 0 1. . . . . Associate chief Information officer for Enterprise Networks (continued) Contact Center Support Director Robin Moses . .. . ... . (qzq) Fax: (678) 2385 ChambleeTiriker Road, Chamblee,GA 30341-3446 (202) Enterprise voice Nerworks Director Garlene lleto . New Carrollton FederalBuilding, 5000 Ellin Road, Room 88-100, Lanham,MD 20706 Network Enterprise Architecture and Engineering ....'Q02) DirectorBobDraughon... New Carrollton FederalBuilding, 5000 Ellin Road, Room B5-207, Lanham,MD 20706 E-mail: Associate Chief Information $0-6217 530-6610 283-3211 283-5806 Officer for Enterprise o F Operations Niw Carrollton Federal Building, 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 o Associate Chief Information Officer "Bob" Odenheimer..... (202)622-25"14 Robert 1111ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Room 3462, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Deputy Associate Chief Information Officer .. ... (202) 283-6345 t"uien Buschor Room A3-202 . '. . gov E-mail: lauren.duschor@irs. . .(202) 622-3378 StaffAssistant Orretta Johnson E2E Project Director Ron Rosh Room A2-401. . . . . . . . .Q9? 283-6102 Fax: (202) 283-5684 E-mail: Customer Relationship and Integration Division "Gene" Builer Room 4'3-401 . . . . . . Director Eugene QqD 2ql-qgf l Fax: (202) 283-6411 Information Technology Infr astructure Director . '(202) 283-5976 Karla Tropea Room A2-401. ' . gov E-mail: karla.troPea@irs. Operational Security Program Management Office . (202) 283-4501 hose Hernandei Room A4-401 Associatechief Informationofficer for End-UserEquipment and Services l1l1 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 3425, Washington,DC 20224-0002 Associate chief lnformation officer carl T Froehlich . . . . (202) 622-2540 Fax: (202) 622-2588 Deputy Associate Chief Information Officer 283-6101 riariirsTaylor :......-.-.A94 New CarrolltonFederalBuilding, 5000 Ellin Road, Room 84-101, Lanham,MD 20706 gov E-mail: darius.taylor@irs. Enterprise Systems Management Director '(304)264'7119 .;.... RichardF.Trainor Fax: (801) 680-3761 250 Murall Drive, 1000,Kearneysville,WV 25430 gov E-mail: richard.f.trainor@irs. ManagementServicesand Security Director ....(925)92'1-4760 C a r 6 l y nL e e . . 450 GoldenGateAvenue,San Francisco,CA94102 . . . . (212) 298-2050 Eastern Area Director (Vacant) Fax: (212) 298-2595 BPR Project Director William Ankrum Fax: (202) 283-6370 New Cirrollton FederalBuilding, 5000 Ellin Road, Room 84-203,Lanham,MD 20706 . . (415) 522-4370 Western Area Director Bill Moss. 450 Golden GateAvenue,San Francisco,CA94102 E-mail: Associatechief Informationofficer for EnterpriseNetworks 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 3422,Washington, DC 20224-0002 Associate Chief Information Officer "Ken" Riccini ' . .(202) 622-2495 Kenneth Education: Maryland MBA .. '..(202)283-7401 S e n i o r A d v i s o r T r i s hH a g e n New Carrollton FederalBuilding, 5000 Ellin Road, Room 8'7-402, Lanham,MD 20706 E-mail: * Presidential Senate Confirmation Requiring App0intment Jr Presidential Aopointment FederalYellow Book Enterprise Computing Center IECCI 250 Murall Drive, Mail Stop 1000, Kearneysville, WV 25430-5200 Tel: (304) 264-7000 Fax: (304) 264-7013 "TonY" McMahon Director AnthonY ' ' ' ' (304) 264-7112 Deputy Director Warren Gove. .(304) 264-7lll Elecutive Secretaryto the Director Kim Bloyer. . . . . (313) 234-1040 Assistant Director (Detroit) Dennis schnabel Executive Secretary to the Assistant Director ' (313) 234-1040 Rhonda Sterlins . . . . (901) 546-3197 Assistant Director (Memphis) Calvin Roussell Executive Secretary to the Assistant Director . . " ' ( 9 0 1 )5 4 6 - 3 1 6 4 Kim Sprayberry.. . (304) 264-7605 Technical Advisor Linda J. Reiss . Program Manager,security Management Office ' (901) s46-3163 K6n Todd. .. . .. . . "' (394) ?61:7-7^1L Site Coordinator Craig Lopp . Fax: (304) 264-7007 ' ' ' ' (304) 264-5559 Executive Assistant Mark Day . . . . (901) 546-3190 Data Management Branch chief Frank Austin "' (901) 546-3130 S e c r e t a r y D a n i t aB r a d f o r d . ' . (304) 264-7450 Mainframe operations Branch chief Dottie Lorenz ' (304) 264-7450 SecretaryClrolyn Frye . . Services, Scheduling and Validation Branch Operations -'crrl"f ... '.(304) 264-7120 Cindy Calhoun '(304) 264-7113 SecretaryBarb Fox -Service Delivery Command Center Branch Chief .. " '(304) 264-7108 Annieanette"Weddle "(304) 264-7120 Secrltary Penny Dodson ... (317) 685-7628 TechnicalServicesBranch chief Donna Mann ' ' (859) 669-5515 SecretaryDenlse Daly. ' (901) 546-3857 Tier 2 Oplrations Branch Chief Greg Joines. . . . . (313) 234-1107 ' " " Davis Terry Secretary Systems Integration and Coordination Branch Chief ' (304) 260-3034 bon Palmer ... . . Associatechief Informationofficer for Enterpriseservices New Carrollton Federal Building, 5000 Ellin Road, Room A2-202, Lanham, MD 20706. ' ' ' ' ' (202) 622-170'7 Associate Chief Information Officer (Vacant) D Schedule CAppointment Appointment Service Foreign Senior O Career @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc I ContinuedonnetPage) (SES) Appointment o Career Service Executive Senior (SES) Appointment Service o Non-Career Executive Senior Spring2009 z r,l E F E c ul o Treasury- Internal RevenueService Services and Enforcement ISEI I o F z ul E F tr c u o Enterprise Architecture Director Avi Bender Room88-202.... E-mail: avi.bender@i;r.g;; Education; Brooklyn BSc Program Management Office Director Ray LeFebvre R o o m B 4 - 4 0.1. . . . .e02)283_IgZ6 Program Control and Process Management Director K a r e n F r e e m a nR o o mc 8 - 3 0 0 . . . . . .....(202)2g3-6741 Technical Director Nitin Niak Room 84-300. . .. . .izozi zg3_47g2 E-mail: Deputy Associate Chief Information Officer (Systems Integration) Michaet Griffin Room B7-t0l . .". . . . (202) 2g3-2g30 tu*' Q02) 283-4229 Assistant Deputy Associate chief Information office, (SystemsIntegration) George Jakabcin Room B7-100 . (202) . zg3-517g Fax: (202) 2834432 Portal Pmgram Management Director Cecil T. Hua R o o m8 7 - 4 0 1 . . . . . .(202) 283_5933 Fax: Q02) 283'5795 program Business systems Modernization control ProcessManagement Director Gene Butler , (202) 283-605I fa^: QOij 2$_0049 ^E-mail: Change Management and Release Management Director ( V a c a n tR ) oomBg-301..... .:.... .....(202)283_5329 Q02) 283-0109 Enterprise Data Management Director Dan chaddo"kF*' R o o m8 8 - 3 0 1 . . . . . .(202)283_t7g8 In formati on Technol ogy Security Architecture and Engineering Director Matt Mtcormack . .e02) 2g3-2g43 E-mail: Infrastructure Architecture and Engineering Director Harry Lee .. e02) 283_1551 SystemsArchitecture and Engineering Director ( V a c a n tR ) o o m8 7 - 4 0 1 . . . : . . . . . . : .....(202)253-5933 I I I ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224_0002 Fax:(202)622-5i56 r DeputycommissionerLinda stiff Room3308. . . . .(202)622_6g60 Education: RollinsBS SeniorAdvisorDianne Grant Room3306 AssistantDeputycommissionerLinda Kroening 3016. . . izozl 622_6g60 DC 20224-0002 ...(202)927-33e7 Whistlebtower Office IWOI I l1l ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224_0002 TeI: (202) 622-0351Fax: e02) Directorstephen A. whitrock .. . . (z0z) 622-0351 Education: AuburnBA; CatholicU JD; GeorgeMasonMBA SeniorAdvisorLucy Hoffmann. . . .(202) 622-0351 Griminal Investigation [Gl] 1l l l ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224_0002 Internet:www.ustreas .govlirslci r chief Eileenc. Mayer Room250r . e02) 622-3200 Deputychief victor s.o. song Room2s0r. . . . . .e02) 622-6190 Communication and Education [CE] 1111 ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224_A002 DirectorPatricias. Reid Room2528 eo2) 622-7796 E_gu"! EmploymentOpportunityIEEOI ....Q02)283-6003 Protection and Data 1l I I ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington , DC 20224_0002 DirectorM. charod oriphant Room253r . .(202) 622-7g03 Operations Policy and Support [OpS] I l l l ConstitutionAvenue,N'W, Washington,DC 20224-0002 o DirectorRick Raven . e02) 622_4100 DeputyDirectorRebeccaSparkman . . . . .e02) 622_4100 InternationalSectionDirector(Vacant) . . . . (202) 622_4059 FinancialCrimesSectionDirectorThomas Kelly R o o m2 5 1 5 ...... . . ( 2 0 2 )6 2 2 _ 3 2 1 0 Narcoticsand Counterterrorism SectionDirector Marsha criffith .. . (202) 622_fi07 Segritl and TechnicalOperationsDirector (Acting) Guy PetrilloRoom2424.. ' ' (202) 622-4059 Sp-ecial InvestigativeTechniques SecrionDi;.;;;; Scott RebeinRoom2328.. eO2) 622_4140 Warrantsand ForfeitureSectionDirector Susan DukesRoom2535 . .eO2) 622-4110 Refund Crimes [RC] I I l1 ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224-0002 o DirectorJohn s. Fowler Room2108 e02) 622-7140 DepuryDirectorDeborahw. King Room2108 . . . izozl622_7140 Strategy , I111 Constitution ,{venue,NW, Washington , DC 20224_0002 o DirectorDouglas Bricker . . . (202) 622-5g:16 * Presidential Appointment Bequiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment Spring2009 f] Schedule CAppointment O Career Senior Foreign Service Appointment @ LeadershipDirectories,lnc. o Career Senior Executive (SES) Service Appointment o Non-Career Senior Executive (SES) Service Appointment FederalYellow Book Treasury- Internal Revenue Service StrategY (continued) ;0 t9 ;0 '(202) 622-5876 . . .:'' Deputy Director Peter S' Alvarado Training Investigation Criminal National of Director "A;;a;y ' ' (912) 267-2123 rerrv r-. Stuart 113l Chipel CrossingRoad,Glynco,GA 31524 . . .' . (202) 622-4927 Finance Diiector Jeffrey Stark Room 2425. . 622-3109 H*un ResourcesDirector Debi Popoli Room 2519. . . . . .Q02\ Timm M' Lane Director Strategy and Planning ' 'Q02) 622-3230 Room 2135 and MediaIndustry(continued) Technology, ications, Gommun ExecutiveAssistantto the Director "Tom" Brandt ' (510) 637-4343 Thomas Fax:(510)637-2903 Financial Services Industry IFSl] 290 Broadway,l2thFloor,New York,NY 10007 r IndustryDirectorWalter L. Hanis ExecutiveAssistantGrete Caro Criminal -Angela Investigation Legislative Liaison " "1202) 622-4538 Oliver-. I 111 ConstitutionAvenue, NW, Room 22 I 5, Washinglon, DC 20224 . . (202) 622-5205 Research Director Patty B. Capozoli Room 2513 Director Evaluation Review and Program ' (202) 622-2732 Salf ie CoopeiRoom 202'7 National Criminal Investigation Training Academy Building 67, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Brunswick, GA 31524 Tel: (912) 267-2123 Fax: (912) 267-2399 ' ' ' ' (912) 267-2123 Director Terry L. Stuart ' 'Ql2) 298-2130 '' ' 'Ql2) 298-2182 o F z UJ E Director lE 4 ul o Natural Resources and Gonstruction Industry tNR/Cl 1919SmithStreet,MS 1000-HOU,Houston,TX 77002 Tel: (713)209-3704Fax:(713)209-3723 . . (713)209-3704 IndustryDirectorKeith M. Jones ExecutiveAssistantto the Director(Acting) Janet Gordon Retailers, Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Healthcare Industry 1901ButterfieldRoad,Suite310,DownersGrove,IL 60515 Tel: (630)493-5900Fax:(630) 493-5910 IndustryDirectorSergio Arellano (630)493-5904 ExecutiveAssistantio the DirectorJeff Doucefte Field Specialists [FS] DC 20001 801 Ninth Street,NW, Washington, o D i r e c t oLr a u r aM . P r e n d e r g a s t . . . . . o Director,Field Specialist(East)(Acting) Susan"sue" iatham Business Systems Planning TBSPI o Director Pam Carlson Room M4-190. . . . . (202) 283-8610 .....(202)283-8465 . . . ( 2 0 2 )4 3 5 - 5 0 0 0 Communications and Liaison [CU D i r e c t o r( A c t i n g ) H e n r y H o l m e s R o o m M 4 - 4 4 3 . . . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 2 8 3 - 8 5 8 9 Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity 801 Ninth Street,NW, Washington, DC 20001 D i r e c t o r( A c t i n g )B r e n d a K e s s e lR o o mM 4 - 1 6 5 . . . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 2 8 3 - 8 3 1 5 . (202)622-0600 (202) 622-0600 Information Systems [lS] o Division Information Officer (Vacant) Room M4-191 . . . . . (202) 283-8601 Management and Finance [MEl o Director Helen Bolton Room M4-310 .....(202)283-8s06 Planning, Ouality, Analysis and Support IPOAS] o Director Robert Trujillo Room M3-10'7 . . , . (202) 283-8334 Pre-Filing and Technical Guidance [PFTG] . -..Q02) 283-8280 o D i r e c t o rC f r e r y lC l a y b o u g h R o o mM 3 - 4 4 3 . . . . . . : . o D e p u t y D i r e c t o rR o s e m a r y S e r e t i R o o m M 3 - 4 4 2 . . . . . . . . ( 2 0 2 ) 2 8 3 - 8 2 8 0 Research and Workload ldentifi cation o Director Don McPartland Room M3-106' . gov E-mail: don.mcPartland@irs. Business SYstems Planning IBSPI 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Fax: (202) 283-2837 oBusiness SystemsPlanning Director Del Rey Jenkins . ...(202) 283-2650 E-mail: delreyj , . ( 5 1 06 ) 37-219r Communications, Technology, and Media Industry ICTMI] 1301ClayStreet,Suite16503,Oakland'CA94612 Tel: (510) 637-4600Fax:(510) 637-2539 ' (510) 637-4600 IndustryDirectorPatriciaChaback Confirmation * Presidential Senate Bequiring Appointment * Presidential APPointment FederalYellow Book tr Schedule CAopointment Appointment Servlce Foreign Senior O Career @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc. (SES) Appointment Service o Career Executive Senior (SES) Appointment Service o Non-Career Executive Senior Spring2009 Treasury- InternaI RevenueService Collection 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Fax: (202) 283-4544 o D i r e c t o rD a v i d P A l i t o E-mail: (202) 283_2100 .....(202)2g3-7660 Communications, Government Liaison and Disctosure I I I 1 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20224_0002 DirectorRobWilkerson.. ...... ..(636) Z5S-1371 Data Strategy lmplementation 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham. MD 20706 o F Director Wilfiam H. Holmes . .: .. . e.02) 2g3-7654 z ql E F Employee Plans Technical Penn Building, Room 4G6 tr G l! o Examination 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 D i r e c t oM r onicaL. Baker...... E-mail: monica.l.baker@irs. gov Fraud/Bank Director Beth Secrecy Act M. Elfrey Human Gapital Office THCOI 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Fax: (202) 283-0055 , :j Director Michael Culpepper E-mail: Technical Guidance and euality Assurance Manager M a r t i n P i p p i n s P e n nB u i l d i n g R , oom 4T3..... .. . . . ...(202) 2g3_969g Fax: (202) 283-9654 Technical Group 1 Manager Carlton Watkins penn Building, Room 4J2 Fax: (202) 283-9598 Te_chnical penn Building, 9roup 3 Manager Fran Sloan Room 4T2 Fax: Q02) 283-9654 Te_chnicalGroup 4 Manager Donnie Littlejohn penn Building, Room 4R6 Fax: (202) 283-9654 Voluntary Compliance Manager Joyce Kahn penn Building, Room 4Gl .e02) 2g3_95g6 Fax: e02) 283_9598 Research 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Fax: (202) 283-0810 D i r e c t o rK e i t h T a y l o r . . . . . Exempt Organizations I I l1 Constitution Avenue, N.W, Washington, DC 20224_0002 Fax: Q02) 283-8858 Internet: wwwirs.sov/eo Director Lois G. Lerner SE:T:EOpE-34; .(202)2g3-2620 . ..(202) 2g3-02gg E-mail: lois.g.lerner@irs. gov Specialty Programs [Sp] Executive Assistant Jeanne Callahan 5000 E]lin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 SE:T:EOPE-3A5 ' '(202) 283-0289 E-mail: jeanne.callah"roi.r.g"" D i r e c t o r J o h nH . l m h o f f , J r . . . . ...(202)2g3-6g74 Education:Notre Dame BBA Executive Assistant (Acting) Sue Lehman. . . . . .(20T 2g3_gg57 o Rulings and Agreements Director Robert Choi Strategy and Finance S E : T : E O : R & AP E - 3 8 2 .....(202)ZB3_4g05 1650 Mission Street, San Francisco,CA 94105 Customer Education and Outreach Group Manager Fax: (415) 848-4758 R o b e r t a Z a r i n S E : T : E O : C E &.O . ... .. . . ... . .. e02)2g3_gg6g .DirectorDirkHeit Eryqft Orga-nizationsTechnical Manager .........,1+tS; g,4g_4751 E-mail: Deborah Kant SE:T:EO;RA:TpA_3T1., . .(202) 2g3_g575 ft^"Iry.:! Group I Manager Steven Grodnitzy Taxpayer Burden Reduction ffBR] S E : T : E O : R A : T :PI E - 3 G 6 . .. . .. 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706 Technical Group II Manager Ronald Shoemaker Director Jodi L. Patterson SE:T:EO:RA:T:2PE-3T3 . . e}Z) Zg3-3g33 . . .e02) 2g3_gg01. Te_clmicalGroup III Manager Robert T. Harper S E : T : E O : R A : T :P3E - 3 G 7 ...(202) 2g3_g915 Technical Guidance and Quality Assurance Group M a n a g e rD a v i d L . F i s h S E : T : E O : R A : G pE_3J2:..... ...(202) 2g3_g909 Quality Assurance Group I Manager Michael Seto S E : T : E O : R A : G :PI E - 3 J 3 . . . ( 2 0 2 )2 g 3 _ 8 8 g 6 Quality Assurance Group II Manager Holly paz SE;EO:RA:GP : 2E - 3 J 1 .....(202)ZB3_g473 Room652 . . ..(202) ZB3-2500 Government Entities [GE] Fax: (202) 283-9160 Director Moises C. Medina Executive As5istant Mabel A. euinto E-mail: ma$l.a.quinto@irs. gov * Presidential Appointment Requiring Senate Confirmation * Presidential Appointment Spring2009 ! Schedule CAppointment O Career Senior Fqreign Service Appointment @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc. . . .Q02) 283-9738 ...(202)283-2900 o Career Senior Executive (SES) Service Appointment o Non-Career Senior Executive (SESlAppointmenr Service FederalYellow Book' Treasury-Comptroller of the Currency lndian Tribal Governments [TG] Fax: (202) 283-9760 Internet: Director Christie Jacobs 600 lTth Street,Denver, CO 80202 . . , (720) 956-0504 Tax Exempt Bonds Fax: (202) 283-9797 o Director Glifford Gannett Room 583 (202) 283-2999 E-mail: clifford.gannett@irs. gov Executive Assistant Stephen Wharton Room 5T3. . . . .(202) 283-2999 Wage and Investment Division twlOl 401 West Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 Fax: (404) 338-7054 r C o m m i s s i o n e rR i c h a r d E . B y r d , J r . M a i l S t o p l l - W I . . . . . ( 4 0 4 ) 3 3 8 - 7 0 6 0 E-mail: richard.e.byrd@irs. gov Education:Wisconsin(Platteville) Senior Advisor Frank Spiegelberg. . . . . .(202) 622-5054 1111ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Room 3407, Washington, DC 20224-0002 Chief of Staff Mary Ray . . Executive Assistant Debbie Blahut Q02\ 338-8972 Staff Assistant Pamela Lowe . . . . (404) 338-7060 Deputy Commissioner Pamela G. Watson M a i l S t o pl l - w l . ...(404) 338-8106 SecretaryGloda Palmer . . (404) 338-7133 Staff Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner Pamela Lowe Mail Stop ll-WI Project Manager Dorene Viglione Mail Stop I I -WI . . . . (404) 338-8911 Human ResourcesDirector Vickie D. Faidey . . . . . (404) 338-8955 E-mail: Fax: (404) 338-8427 CustomerAssistance,Relationshipsand Education . ICARE] Summit Building, 401 West Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30308 Fax: (404) 338-8427 Director Susan W. Canoll 3lst Floor,Mail Stop 32-WI . . . (404) 338-7100 E-mail: susan.w.carroll@irs. gov Senior OperationsAdvisor Wanda Edmondson 31st Floor, Mail Stop 32-WI . . . . . (404) 338-8305 SecretaryKaren Wilson 3lst Floor, Mail Stop 32-WI. . . . (404) 338-7100 E-mail: StaffAssistant Karen Hooper 31st Floor, Mail Stop 32-wI . . (404) 338-7101 E-mail: Field AssistanceDirector Leslye Baronich l5th Floor, Mail Stop 39-wI . . . .(404) 338-7141 Media and Publications Director Karen Becton-Johnson . . (202) 622-2875 1l l1 ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Room 6710, Washington,DC 20224-0002 E-mail: SPEC Director Julietta Garcia 15th Floor. M a i l S t o p4 2 - w I ....(404) 338-7104 Program Management Chief Ed Gulasy l5th Floor, M a i l S t o p3 4 - w I ....(404) 338-7055 Program and Process Assurance Chief Gregory Ford 12th Floor, Mail Stop 35-WI (404) 338-8152 BusinessSystems Planning IBSPI 1500Pennsylvania Avenue,NW, Washington,DC 20220 D i r e c t oCr e c i l l eJ o n e s .....(202) 2834850 S e c r e t a r y T eB r rray a n t . . . . . .....(202)338-8922 Compliance SummitBuilding,401 WestPeachtree Street,NW, Atlanta,GA 30308 Mail: SummitBuilding, 401 WestPeachtreeStreet,NW, Mail Stop72-WI,Atlanta,GA 30308 Fax:(404)338-9905 r DirectorBrady Bennett . . . . (404)338-9904 Secretary AdrienneTaylor .(404)338-8687 E-mail: adrienne.taylor@irs. gov Gounsel I l1l ConstitutionAvenue,NW, Washington,DC 20224-0002 Tel: (202) 622-5777 DivisionCounselCarol A. Campbell ... . . (202) 622-3300 SecretaryMontique King . (202) 622-3300 Customer Account Services TCASI SummitBuilding, 401 WestPeachtree Street,NW, Atlanta,GA 30308 Fax: (404) 338-8924 o DirectorPete Stipek . (404)339-9910 Secretary Gail Johnson. . . (404)338-8910 Electronic Tax Administration and Refundable Gredits Fax:(202)622-6264 ElectronicTax AdministrationDirector David R. Williams . (202\ 283-2610 E-mail:david.r.williams@irs. gov Education: ColoradoStateBSBA HarvardMPP AdministrativeAssistantBonnie McKee . (202\ 283-2610 EarnedIncomeTax CreditDirectorDebra Holland (202) 622-9630 Administrative Assistant TracyDavis., . . . . . . . . (202)622-9630 Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity SummitBuilding, 401 WestPeachtree Street,NW, Atlanta,GA 30308 Fax:(404)338-7998 Director Larry Mayfield Mail Stop23WI . . . (404) 338-7999 SecretaryPatricia D. YanceyMail Stop23WI. . . .(404) 338-7999 E-mail:patricia.d.yancey@irs. gov Strategy and Finance [SFl SummitBuilding, 401 WestPeachtree Street,NW, Atlanta,GA 30308 Fax: (404) 338-7557 o DirectorRobin CanadyRoom3100 .(404)338-8800 o Research DirectorSusan Boehmer , (404)338-8887 gov E-mail:susan.boehmer@irs. SecretaryKimThomas.... ... .. .....(404)338-7103 Office of the Gomptroller of the Gurrency [OCC] lndependence Square, 250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219-0001 Tel: (202) 874-5000 (General Information) Tel: (800) 613-6743 (Customer Assistance Group/Complaint Hotline) Fax: (202) 87 4-4950 Internet: Office of the Gomptroller Independence Square, 250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219-0001 Fax: (202) 874-4950 Note: The Comptroller may continue to serve until reappointed or replaced. * Comptroller of the Currency (202) 874-4900 John Cunningham Dugan Education:Michigan 1977 AB; Harvard 1981 JD ExecutiveAssistantNancy K. Jones Mail Stop9-1 ... ..(202) 874-4900 E-mail: Deputy to the Comptroller for FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) Matters (202) 874-5030 William A. Rowe lll Mail Stop 9-2 . . . . . . E-mail: Ghief of Staff and Public Affairs [CSPA] Independence Square, 250 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219-0001 Chief of Staff and Public Affairs Director John G. Walsh Mail Stop 9-2 . . . gov E-mail: john.walsh@occ.treas. Education:Notre Dame 1973BA; Harvard 1978MPP Deputy to the Chief of Staff William A. Rowe lll M a i l S t o p9 - 2 . . . . . \ . E_mail: william.rowe( .Q02) 874-5030 ...(202)874-5030 onnextpage) @onfinued * Presidential Appointment Requiring Confirmation Senate * Presidential Aooointment Federal Yellow Book E Schedule CAppointment O Career Foreign Service Appointmenl Senior @ LeadershipDirectories,Inc. o Career Senior Executive Service Appointment {SES) o Non-Career (SES) Senior Executive Service Appointment Spring2009 o F z ul E F tr 4 |r| o
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