HERE - Brookwood Village
HERE - Brookwood Village
Project Leasing Broker: 780 brookwood village birmingham, al 35209 Managed by: Brookwood Village, is one of Birmingham’s most popular shopping destinations. /RFDWHG DGMDFHQW WR %LUPLQJKDP·V DIÁXHQW 0RXQWDLQ %URRN DUHD ZKHUH WKH DYHUDJH KRXVHKROG income is $107,000, Brookwood Village features a 603,857-square-foot, two-level enclosed mall, a 41,900-square-foot grocery-anchored retail component, plus a nine-story 170,270-square-foot Class ´$µ RIÀFH EXLOGLQJ 7KH UHWDLO SRUWLRQ RI WKH SURMHFW LV DQFKRUHG E\ 0DF\·V %HON 7DUJHW 7KH )UHVK Market, DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse and Books-A-Million, and also features such top brand names DV&KDUORWWH5XVVH)RRW/RFNHU-RXUQH\V/2)71HZ<RUN&RPSDQ\9LFWRULD·V6HFUHWDQG=*DOOHULH Brookwood Village is currently undergoing a $25 million renovation that includes the addition of new tenants, an interior renovation and reimagined food hall. Location 780 Brookwood Village Birmingham, AL 35209 7KH RIÀFH EXLOGLQJ LV OHDVHG DQG IHDWXUHV ZLGHO\ UHFRJQL]HG OHDVHKROGHUV LQFOXGLQJ .LQGHU Morgan, Merrill Lynch and PWC. Demographics Comparison by Drive Time ~ 10 Minutes Property Type Mixed-Use Center Year Opened 1973 (Renovated in 2001) Currently Under Renovation (Completion 2017) Nearest Metro Center Birmingham Interstate Access • Direct Access to US Highway 280 with 91,480 VPD (ALDOT 2014) • Convenient to I-459, I-20, I-65 Gross Leasable Area 816,027 square feet Parking 3,064 spaces 10 Min. Drive Time Brookwood Village The Summit Riverchase Galleria Residential Population 73,948 48,473 54,359 Average Household Income $98,348 $69,636 $81,298 Daytime Population 121,631 69,509 51,419 Demographics Population Daytime Population 1-Mile Radius 4,110 3-Mile Radius 70,669 5-Mile Radius 164,714 18,895 71,090 210,336 $121,882 $101,500 $85,758 White 95.7% 80.8% 65.5% Black or African-American 2.0% 12.6% 27.8% Asian 0.7% 2.5% 2.6% Average Household Income Source Esri, 2015 )RU/HDVLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW Angie Kory 602.682.6005 )RU/HDVLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQFRQWDFW Martin Smith 205.776.6151 3131 East Camelback Road, Suite 110 3KRHQL[$= Hamilton Huber 205.776.6153 304 20th Street South Birmingham, AL 35233 Brookwood Village is located in the affluent areas of mountain brook & homewood Brookwood Village is located at the intersection of Highway 280 and Shades Creek Parkway. The surrounding areas of Mountain Brook, Homewood and Vestavia Hills offer a highdensity setting for the property with the highest incomes in the state. Brookwood Village is located less than two miles from Samford University, a top nationally ranked private university with enrollment topping 5,200 undergraduate and graduate students. The university has a $335 million annual economic impact on the region. Adjacent to Brookwood Medical Center, the Brookwood Village immediate trade area enjoys more than 150,000 daytime workers and PLOOLRQ VTXDUH IHHW RI RIÀFH VSDFH ZLWKLQ D ÀYHPLOHUDGLXVRIWKHSURSHUW\ V ICTORIA’S S ECRET The new Brookwood Village envisions a space not unlike Birmingham itself. &UHDWLQJDUHÁHFWLRQRIKRPH%URRNZRRG9LOODJHWUDQVIRUPVLQWRDZDUP JDWKHULQJSODFHIRUIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\ZLWKULFKWH[WXUHVDQGPRGHUQÀQLVKHV The property is comprised of multiple uses including an enclosed mall, a threeWHQDQWSRZHUFHQWHUDQGD&ODVV$PXOWLWHQDQWRIÀFHEXLOGLQJ,WLVDQFKRUHG by Macy’s, Belk, Target, Fresh Market, and DSW and includes approximately 50 specialty shops and restaurants. Specialty shops include Z Gallerie, Victoria’s Secret, LOFT, and Altar’d State. 7KHRIÀFHEXLOGLQJLVOHDVHGDQGIHDWXUHVZLGHO\UHFRJQL]HGOHDVHKROGHUV including Kinder Morgan, Merrill Lynch, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Brookwood Village is an 816,027-square-foot property located in the cities of Mountain Brook and Homewood, immediately outside the Birmingham city limits. The property was originally constructed in 1974 and has undergone several renovations spanning from 1998 to 2007, which included the addition of approximately 82,000 square feet of retail GLA and a 170,000-square-foot RIÀFHEXLOGLQJ%URRNZRRG9LOODJHLVFXUUHQWO\XQGHUJRLQJDUHQRYDWLRQZKLFK will include new fashion tenants. More than one-third of Brookwood Village shoppers are FODVVLÀHGDV6ZD\DEOH6KRSDKROLFVWKRVHZKRVKRSIRUQRRWKHUUHDVRQWKDQWKDWWKH\ZDQWWRDQG for the emotional payoff from a purchase. These consumers tend to be impulse buyers, are not brand loyal and will pay extra for image-enhancing products. Almost 20% of Brookwood Village customers DUH+DELWXDOL]HG+DYHUVFRQVXPHUVZKRÀQGFRPIRUWLQWUDGLWLRQZLWKOLWWOHUHDVRQWRFKDQJH7KHVH shoppers are brand loyal, but only because once they’ve found a brand, they stop looking. Site Plan : Lower Level Occupied Deal Pending Available Site Plan : Upper Level Occupied Deal Pending Available 7RWDO*/$6) Tenant Directory No. Tenant (SF) No. Tenant (SF) No. Tenant (SF) 101 %ULR7XVFDQ*ULOOH 8,000 208 Books-A-Million 8,728 226 Becky’s 2,600 102-A Cocina Superior 5,000 209 Brookstone 4,039 227 AVAILABLE 4,000 102-B )LYH*X\V%XUJHUDQG)ULHV 2,546 210-A Sunglass Hut 659 228 AVAILABLE 3,560 103 -DVRQ·V'HOL 5,000 210-B *UHDW$PHULFDQ&RRNLHV 874 229 AVAILABLE 4,490 104 Hickory Tavern 6,000 211 AVAILABLE 1,650 230 &URZQ-HZHOV 3,600 105 /2)7 5,500 212 Monsoon Children 1,925 231 Altar’d State 6,510 106-A Victoria’s Secret 6,530 212-B AVAILABLE 1,560 232 AVAILABLE 900 106-B AVAILABLE 2,000 213 %DWK%RG\:RUNV 3,000 233 Manchu Wok 900 107 LOI 6,500 214 Earthbound Trading Co. 3,500 234 AVAILABLE 1,530 108 Books-A-Million 12,576 215 -RXUQH\V 1,535 236 Teriyaki Express 1,205 109 AVAILABLE 3,265 215-A Moon’s Day Spa 750 237 %HOOLVPR3L]]D:LQJV 1,000 110 AVAILABLE 14,300 216 Things Remembered 1,670 238 Subway 1,436 110-A LOI 1,800 217 ABC Toys 4,860 239 &KDUOH\·V*ULOOHG6XEV 113 AVAILABLE 20,416 218 AVAILABLE 2,504 240 &KLFNÀO$ 1,310 201 Indigo 2,293 219 )RRW/RFNHU 2,810 241 .D\-HZHOHUV 1,575 202 1HZ<RUN-HZHOHUV 780 220 *1& 1,200 242 =*DOOHULH 8,500 203 .QRZ6W\OH 4,045 220-B Regis Salon 1,340 243 AVAILABLE 4,000 204-A 1st1DLOV 1,921 221 AVAILABLE 1,495 244 1HZ<RUN&RPSDQ\ 6,000 204-B AVAILABLE 1,579 222 Perry Computer 3,800 244-A Charlotte Russe 6,750 205-A Perfume Point 1,000 223 LensCrafters 4,500 247 Hibbett Sports 6,700 205-B AVAILABLE 3,230 224 LOI 3,420 248 LOI 3,000 206 Claire’s 1,125 225 LOI 4,500 249 LOI 3,430 920 AROUND BROOKWOOD VILLAGE BROOKWOOD VILLAGE TRADE AREA 229,134 $100,584 population average household income 139,740 $453,495 daytime population average home value 94,294 20% households household income growth expected over the next 10 years Source: Esri Shopper Profile Annual Total Spending Apparel and Accessories $2,607.01 Home Furnishings $6,496.55 Food and Restaurants $7,165.60 11 average number of restaurant visits per month $13 billion spent on retail and food services in the Birmingham-Hoover MSA each year Brookwood Village : Aerial Overview : Major Competitors & Distance Comparison by Drive Time ~ 15 Minutes 1 2 3 NEW MERCHANDISING MIX A new merchandising mix makes Brookwood Village a unique shopping and dining destination in Birmingham. New national fashion tenants and local boutiques, including an entertainment hotspot, are the centerpiece of the new Brookwood Village. INTERIOR RENOVATION Inside, Brookwood Village is underway with a total remodel, including upgraded access from the SDUNLQJVWUXFWXUHV1HZÁRRULQJIXUQLWXUHÀ[WXUHV and amenities will be displayed throughout the mall. As the primary gathering place in the area, WKHQHZ%URRNZRRG9LOODJHZLOOUHÁHFWWKHZDUPWK and comfort of home. REIMAGINED FOOD HALL Inspired by the best marketplaces and food halls WKURXJKRXWWKHQDWLRQDQG(XURSHWKLVRSHQÁRRU plan experience will bring together a variety of quick-serve concepts. Presented with a Southern twist in an upscale setting, the Food Hall will showcase casual food and beverage concepts, all created by the most innovative culinary artists. Project Leasing Broker: 780 brookwood village birmingham, al 35209 Managed by:
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