Cen-Tex Newsletter Sept 2012 - the Cen
Cen-Tex Newsletter Sept 2012 - the Cen
Glass Sass September 2012 Cen-Tex Corvette Club Meeting Times Club meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month At 7:00 pm, at Poppa Rollo’s Pizza Restaurant 703 N. Valley Mills Drive Waco, Texas NCCC Affiliation The Cen-Tex Corvette Club is a member club of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC), and as such, offers several activities throughout the year that allow its members to participate in NCCC-sanctioned events at the local, regional, and national levels. www.cen-texcorvetteclub.com Page 1 2012 CTCC Officers President – Richard Finley ref772@yahoo.com VP and Events Director – Matt Herzog Secretary – Janette Finley Treasurer – Joe Reese NCCC Governor – Craig Kamradt Newsletter Editor – Colleen Kamradt Membership Director – Scott Lloyd Webmaster – Richard Finley Historian – Jerome Carter Museum Ambassador – Joe Reese Board Members Richard Pavelka – Emily Herzog – Ron Hensen Tom Reynolds – Danny Rager – Doc DuLaney Page 2 Cen-Tex Corvette Club Sponsor Page 3 President’s Report September 2012 I would like to thank all the folks that came to the August meeting. That was a GREAT turnout. The place was packed and Poppa Rollo’s almost ran out of pizza. (That’ll never really happen!). Things are starting to get busier. Our car show is just around the corner and in a couple of months; we’ll be electing new officers, and then the Christmas party and Installation Banquet. Just as a reminder, the Christmas party gift exchange will be a “white elephant” Corvette item or a new item if you don’t have enough Corvette stuff already lying around. The Installation Banquet will not have a gift exchange this year, but the Club will purchase some gifts to be door prizes. There will also be a $15.00 charge per plate due to the increased cost of the dinner and facilities. But, you don’t have to bring a gift. Please remember to pitch in with the gathering of auction items and door prizes for the Great American Corvette & Chevy Day. We have a picked out a very deserving family this year for our car show and John McClaren Chevrolet is excited about having it again this year. So, please help make this year’s show another success. Thanks to all, Richard Finley Page 4 Vice-President’s Report September 2012 I really thought we were stepping out of summer and into fall, but I see in our near future a few more triple digits. I’m not complaining, this summer was very mild compared to last year. I’m also thankful for the timing of the rain showers we received. I still have some green grass!! August was a slow month, but I know September will fill our cups up quickly. Am I right? I want to thank everyone that is pitching in and pulling our charitable car show together for the 22nd of September that’s quickly coming our way. Sponsors are slowly filling up the back of the T-Shirt and Mark Stewart is very gung-ho! We couldn’t ask for a more personable and willing Club Sponsor. Please let me know if you are going to register, and let me know your T-Shirt size(s). I plan on ordering the T-Shirts the day after our Sept general meeting. For any questions/concerns/ideas, please email me at mherzog@trane.com. See ya’ll at the Sept Meeting and hopefully at our Car Show!!! Get to shining…..Ron…. Your VP, Matt Herzog Page 5 Governor’s Report September 2012 August is come and is about gone by the time you read this. The heat of summer is here, hopefully the heat will be dissipating soon… I at least hope so. The competition season is about to heat back up with a regional fundraiser on Labor Day weekend. Working on the car time is over, time for some more competition. September starts off the 2nd half of the competition season. Right now a regional fund raiser is set up in Arlington, Texas to be run at the GM Assembly plant on Labor Day weekend, the flyer is available on the SW Region Website. After that, the next big event for the SW Region is at Texas Motor Speedway in mid-September, they run a good event and the flyer is available. They are running 12 low speed events this year instead of the usual 10, the first cutoff has passed but early registration goes until September 1. The next weekend is our Cen-Tex Car Show and then a car show/funkhana/ralleye up in the Dallas Ft Worth area the weekend of September 29. All Flyers are on the Southwest Region Website if someone needs one. The competition schedule is available below with the latest and greatest on the Southwest Region Website. Our sister club, has its’ event weekend scheduled for October 13 & 14, and we will be running the Tejas Event here in Waco at the end of October. In September, I will start sending around volunteer list for the events in October. Here are the latest rankings for the NCCC Southwest Region for Cen-Tex members. LADIES - Colleen Kamradt – 13th, Penny Reese – 26th, Jane Franklin – 33rd, Janette Finley – 34th, and Emily Herzog – 35th. MEN – Craig Kamradt – 13th , Don Franklin – 31st, Dean Adler – 46th, Cliff Prater – 49th , Mickey Nelson – 52nd, Joe Reese – 54th, Jerome Carter – 55th. CLUBS – Cen-Tex – 6th , TCCC -15th Your NCCC Governor, Craig Kamradt Page 6 Southwest Region 2012 Schedule Date Sept 15, 2012 Sept 22, 2012 Sept 30, 2012 13-Oct-12 Oct 20-21, 2012 Oct 27-28, 2012 Nov 3-4, 2012 Nov 16-17, 2012 Event Autocrosses Car Show Car Show, Funkana, and Ralleyes Autocrosses Autocrosses and Drag Races Autocrosses Autocrosses Autocrosses Page 7 Location Fort Worth, Texas Waco, Texas Mansfield, Texas Waco, Texas Oklahoma Waco, Texas Oklahoma ? Secretary’s Report General Meeting August 7, 2012 President Richard Finley called the meeting to order at 7:20 pm. There were 37 members in attendance with no visitors. Club members sang Happy Birthday to Jane Franklin, Joy Franklin, Judy Lloyd, Jerome Carter, Tom Reynolds, Clayton Johnston, Geoff Schwere, and Richard Pavelka. Members wished Happy Anniversary to Cathy and Richard Pavelka, Terri and Ron Henson and Teri and Mike Myers. Centex club members congratulated Joy and Jason Franklin on their announcement of a new addition to their family arriving February 2013! VICE-PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Matt Herzog: Centex Corvette Club now has business cards that can be given to Corvette owners to let them know about our club. Copies of the events calendar were handed out to members. Worker sign up and T-shirt size sheets for Great American Corvette and Chevy Day were passed around. Members need to let Matt know the quantity and required sizes for these t-shirts by August 31st. Registration cost for the show is $25 by September 1, 2012. After that date the cost will be $30. Centex is seeking sponsors for the Great American Corvette and Chevy Day. The cost for each sponsor is $100. Securing nine sponsors would cover the cost of the t-shirts. A signed release is required for each sponsor’s ad. Members were encouraged to seek donations of door prizes and auction items for the show. The flyer for the show is on the club website and can be printed and shown to potential donors. Members can also pass out copies of the flyer at the Cruise Night being held just prior to our event. Regina and Edward Davis and family have been selected as recipients of the proceeds from the Great American Corvette and Chevy Show. The father is retired military and is now a full time student at TSTC. The family attends Church of the Open Door and was recommended by the pastor, Ronnie Holmes. The family includes five children. The mother, Regina, must stay home to care for the youngest child, three year old Aiden. He was born with a rare condition of chromosome twenty-two called Cat Eye Syndrome. He has had eighteen surgeries and is often hospitalized. Aiden is legally blind and has an ileostomy and a G-tube. Some of the ladies suggested that we look into the need by the Page 8 Davis family for money or gift cards for school clothes. Centex Corvette Club received a thank you from the Casey Whitehouse family for donations made by club members at a previous meeting. GOVERNOR'S REPORT - CRAIG KAMRADT: Centex Corvette Club’s website won 3rd place at the NCCC convention in June. The plaque awarded will be displayed in the Poppa Rollo’s Meeting room. Club members thanked Richard Finley for the creativity and work involved with constructing the club’s website. Some upcoming events that Craig mentioned include: September 1-2 - Regional Fundraiser in Arlington September 15-16 – 12 Low speed autocross events on the infield course at Texas Motor Speedway - Register by August 1st to get dinner free one night Cowtown car show and Funkana at the end of September Centex Autocross at TSTC October 13-14 SECRETARY'S REPORT - JANETTE FINLEY: Colleen Kamradt moved to accept the minutes of the July meeting as posted in the Centex newsletter. Willie Stillman seconded the motion and members voted in favor of the motion. TREASURER'S REPORT - JOE REESE: The club treasury is in good standing. NEWSLETTER EDITOR - COLLEEN KAMRADT: President Richard complimented Colleen for the nice format and appearance of the newsletter. Colleen needs articles for the next newsletter in two weeks. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR - SCOTT LLOYD: Nothing new to report. WEBMASTER – RICHARD FINLEY: Richard gave a report about the Ruidoso, New Mexico road trip. Six couples (Judy & Scott Lloyd, Teri & Mike Myers, Sandy & Tommy Thompson, Jane & Don Franklin, Kathey & Richard Pavelka and Janette & Richard Finley} enjoyed cooler weather and a great visit. Saturday three cars took a side trip to White Sands National monument. The white sand can be seen for miles before arriving at the location. On Sunday four cars traveled to Old Fort Davis. The Corvettes passed a herd of elk with huge antlers grazing in the cool morning air. The group looked for the “Marfa Lights” while in this area, but only saw stars in the night sky. Mike Myers won a mileage contest getting 28.2 mpg. He received a small club logo made by Richard as a reward. Richard will post a slide show of pictures from the trip on the Centex website. The only problem during the Page 9 trip was with the AC in the Pavelka’s car. It was either off or blasting cold air. Kathey said she nearly froze! MUSEUM AMBASSADOR – JOE REESE: Patrick Dolan will be installed in the Corvette Museum Hall of Fame. HOW I GOT MY FIRST CORVETTE: Randy Ewers became a fan of Corvettes through his older brother. He said he went to a Civil Air Patrol meeting with his brother so that after the meeting they could go to Chatham’s Drive-in in Waco. He wanted to be seen riding in a Corvette. Randy knew that “cool cars and cool girls were associated with Corvettes!” After he and Jocelyn married he found a 1964 “rag top” Corvette in Dallas. Jocelyn told him they could not afford the $500 cost for the Vette! Years later he read an article in Hot Rod Magazine about cars that would appreciate in value. As a member of a teacher’s credit union Randy qualified for a $1600 loan for the purchase of a car. He scoured newspaper “Cars for Sale” ads for a Corvette. There were two in nearby Vidor, Texas and he went to look at them. A 1966 Vette that had been used as a drag car was too rough. The other Vette was also a bit rough. It was a 1967 4-speed convertible. Randy and his brother took it out for a drive. The owner was asking $1595 for it and Randy wrote him a check! He still has the car and is in the process of restoring it! MYSTERY HANDSHAKER: Denise and Jerome’s grandson, Mason, drew Kathy Pavelka as the mystery hand shaker. Kathy drew Scott Lloyd as the winner. Scott said the last time he won was at the first meeting he attended…six years ago! Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Page 10 Cen-Tex Birthdays and Anniversaries September Birthdays Jason Franklin DeWayne Garrett Ken Griffin Mamie Johnston Scott Lloyd Mike Meyers Mickey Nelson Mike Schmoyer Mike Stewart September Anniversaries Jerome & Denise Carter Doc & Ellie DuLaney Page 11 Ruidoso Trip – Inn of the Mountain Gods Morning Line-Up The Cen-Tex Crew The 2nd favorite thing the Club likes to do….eat great food! Page 12 Gotta LOVE the Grand Sports! What kind of view could Kathey & Jane be enjoying? Page 13 So pretty! The cute couple! Thanks again to Don for providing such great pictures of the trip!! Page 14 Cen-Tex Articles and Websites If you have any articles or websites you would like to share with the club, please submit same to me at colleenk@grandecom.net and I will publish them in the upcoming newsletter. Cen-Tex New Members No new club members in August. Please make them feel welcome and a part of the CenTex family. Cen-Tex Corvette Nursery No new additions to report this month. Page 15