Cen-Tex Newsletter April 2012 - the Cen


Cen-Tex Newsletter April 2012 - the Cen
Glass Sass April 2012
Cen-Tex Corvette Club
Meeting Times
Club meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month
At 7:00 pm, at Poppa Rollo’s Pizza Restaurant
703 N. Valley Mills Drive
Waco, Texas
NCCC Affiliation
The Cen-Tex Corvette Club is a member club of the
National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC), and as such,
offers several activities throughout the year that allow
its members to participate in NCCC-sanctioned events at the
local, regional, and national levels.
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2012 CTCC Officers
President – Richard Finley ref772@yahoo.com
VP and Events Director – Matt Herzog
Secretary – Janette Finley
Treasurer – Joe Reese
NCCC Governor – Craig Kamradt
Newsletter Editor – Colleen Kamradt
Membership Director – Scott Lloyd
Webmaster – Richard Finley
Historian – Jerome Carter
Museum Ambassador – Joe Reese
Board Members
Richard Pavelka – Emily Herzog – Ron Hensen
Tom Reynolds – Danny Rager – Doc DuLaney
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Cen-Tex Corvette Club
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President’s Report
April 2012
At our last board meeting, the subject of the Installation Banquet was brought up. The
discussion was centered around our gift exchange. The consensus was that we should
eliminate the tradition of bringing gifts. The reasons behind this were the costs of each
couple bringing 2 gifts and the fact that we all have enough “stuff” already. I don’t know
about you, but I have more “stuff” than places to put it all in. One of the suggestions
brought up was to replace the gifts with a “White Elephant” item - something useful that
you already have, but don’t want anymore. It was suggested that this might have to be a
Corvette related item. That does not mean an old worn out set of spark plugs that you
just dug out of the trash! It was also suggested that due to the cost of the plates (over
$30/plate), that there is a charge for the plates of about $15 or so. Since the costs of
$50-$60 per couple to bring gifts to the banquet would be eliminated, charging a little for
each plate would make it a little less expensive to attend. It was also brought up that
with the club being basically 100% financed by the autocrosses, this would help to level
out the contributions, whether it is time working the events or your dollars, of those who
attend the banquet. These were only suggestions and ideas that were brought up. We
decided to bring it up to the club and see what you thought. So, if you have any
comments, suggestions, or ideas – please come to the next meeting and let us know.
The Christmas Party gift exchange will be left unchanged.
We had our practice autocross on the 17th and had a really good time. Our new timing
equipment was tested out and worked great. No more wires to worry about running
over!! Be sure to thank Joe for all his work getting it going. There were a bunch of good
runs and a lot of good socializing. (I did find out that I have to get my saw out and cut
some more fender off.) The weather cooperated and turned out great. After the practice,
we all met up at Ninfa’s for some Mexican food. It was a really fun day.
Richard Finley
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Vice-President’s Report
April 2012
Hello Cen-Tex family!! I want to thank Jim for his hard work and dedication to the club
for the past three years. I will do my best to grow not only as your VP this year, but also
the club. I’m excited that I have been given this opportunity again, and with your help I
will try and find some fun for everyone to participate in. Great food, fellowship, and
memories are the key ingredients in having an exciting club.
On Saturday, Feb the 11th, nine Corvettes and a Tahoe took a long road trip to The Salt
Lick BBQ in Driftwood for lunch to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Please take a look at the
pics on the website.
Starting with the month of March, every first Sat in the month will begin the car show at
The Church of the Open Door in Bellmead (next to Whataburger). I believe it starts
around 6pm and ends around 9 or so.
We had a practice Autocross at TSTC Airport on March 17th. More details about how this
event played out will be at the next general meeting and in the Gov report.
If you happen to run across something that strikes your interest; whether you found it in
a magazine, newspaper, web, or somewhere else, please let me, or your Pres know, and
we’ll sure talk about it!!!
Thanks again for trusting in me, and I look forward to making fun memories this year.
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Governor’s Report
April 2012
NCCC Governor’s Report March 2012
March is here and we are getting in to the swing of the competition season. On
March 17th we had a practice autocross out at TSTC. I would like to thank those that
made it out there. We had about 15 people out there with a couple guests from the
Tejas Corvette Club down for a little practice. I know everyone that came out enjoyed
the ride around the course. Greenie didn’t make it out there, but Dean Adler let me tag
along for a couple rides. And yes, Blue Bird made an appearance at the track, but it was
only an appearance. Somebody hid the keys from me so Bluebird did not get her tires to
the track. Joe Reese had the new timing system out and it appeared to be working
perfectly, don’t know if we will use it at the May autocross but will definitely be a great
back up for the other system.
This year, the Southwest Region Awards Banquet will be in Waco, Texas on March
24, 2012. Social hour begins around 6:00 pm with a buffet dinner starting around 7:00
with the awards presented after dinner and the night finished with a little music and
dancing. I know we have a few members signed up and I am looking forward to nice
evening for our club and the Southwest Region to shine. No, Ron Hensen and Matt
Herzog, I am not talking about cleaning cars at the banquet, just everyone looking good.
The first event of the year is in Houston, Texas at the Houston Police Academy on March
31 and April 1 as 14 Low Speed Autocrosses will make up the. The next event is up at
Hallett for some high speed autocrosses. The end of April has 14 autocrosses at Mineral
The competition schedule is available below with the latest and greatest on the
Southwest Region Website. The Cen-Tex Autocross weekend is May 19 and 20, 2012.
Our sister club, has its event weekend scheduled for October 13 and 14, and we will be
running the Tejas Event here in Waco. I will be passing around a volunteer sheet at the
Cen-Tex Club Meeting. No events yet, so the there are no rankings for the Southwest
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Your NCCC Governor,
Craig Kamradt
Southwest Region 2012 Schedule
National Governors
SW Region Awards Banquet
SW Region Governor's
Hallet Weekend - Playday
Friday, Saturday and
Sunday 13 HS Autocrosses
*Hot Springs Arkansas
National Governors
Car Show and Drag Races
(not record Drags)
Waco, Texas
Waco, Texas
Houston, Tx
Hallet, Oklahoma
Waco, Tx
OK City & Noble, Ok
Record Drags
Car Show, Funkana, Ralleye,
and HS Autocross
Austin, Tx and San Marcos, Tx
Low Speed Autocrosses
National Convention
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Ok City
Topeka, Kansas
Secretary’s Report
General Meeting
March 6, 2012
President Richard Finley called the meeting to order at 7:14pm. There were 23 members
in attendance with no visitors.
Members sang Happy Birthday to Denise Carter, Willie Stillman, and Terri Henson. Terry
was not present so Ron Henson was “volunteered” to stand in tonight to receive Terry’s
birthday wishes.
Happy Anniversary wishes were given to Colleen and Craig Kamradt and to Judy and
Scott Lloyd. Scott said he and Judy have been married thirty-three years.
Jerome Carter suggested that the mystery hand shaker donations collected tonight be
given toward the medical expenses of Casey Whitehouse. Casey is a second grade boy
fighting Burkett’s Lymphoma, a rare cancer. His family has no insurance coverage.
Denise and Jerome Carter’s grandson knows Casey. Willie Stillman made a motion to
increase the collected amount to $50 with funds from the club treasury. Club members
added individual donations to the mystery hand shaker amount and a check for $270 will
be given to the Whitehouse family from Centex Corvette Club. Denise Carter drew Donna
Stillman as this month’s mystery hand shaker. Both Denise and Donna were given Texas
maps to use during road trips. Poppa Rollo’s is donating 15% of total sales this evening to
Casey’s family.
VICE-PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Matt Herzog: Centex Corvette Club’s practice autocross at
TSTC will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 17. Southwest Swap Meet will be held the last
weekend in April at Texas Motor Speedway. Club members will take a road trip this
summer to Ruidoso, New Mexico on the weekend of July 19-July 23. Members need to
call The Inn of the Mountain Gods to make their reservations. The phone number is
1-800-545-9011. The Inn is holding a block of rooms for our club.
GOVERNOR'S REPORT - CRAIG KAMRADT: Craig announced that an article in the last
issue of Blue Bars spotlights Centex Corvette Club. Craig attended the recent national
governors’ meeting. At that meeting an announcement was made regarding the death of
a former Centex Corvette Club member, Reggie Russell. Up-coming events and car shows
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will be held at the Hallett track in Oklahoma and in Mineral Wells. Craig reminded
members that our club is hosting the Southwest Region awards banquet at the Hilton
Hotel in Waco Saturday, March 24. Members were encouraged to attend.
There was a discussion regarding participation in the club’s March 17 autocross of a nonmember who was a former member. The board would have to approve this request.
Note: A brief board meeting was held following the general meeting. Former club
member, Carson Schwartz, will be allowed to be a guest driver at the practice autocross
on March 17, 2012.
It was announced that the upcoming autocross should have access to the area outside
the fence…the full course can be set up.
SECRETARY'S REPORT – JANETTE FINLEY: Tom Reynolds moved to accept last month’s
club minutes as posted in the newsletter. Jerome Carter seconded the motion and
members voted in favor of the motion.
TREASURER'S REPORT - JOE REESE: Joe reported that the club treasury is in good shape.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR - COLLEEN KAMRADT: Articles for the March newsletter need to be
sent to Colleen by March 20, 2012
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR - SCOTT LLOYD: No new members to report this month.
WEBMASTER – RICHARD FINLEY: Pictures of the trip to Salt Lick BBQ have been posted
on the Centex Corvette Club website.
MUSEUM AMBASSADOR – JOE REESE: Joe said to check out the Corvette museum site
regarding upcoming events and raffles for new Corvettes!
There was a general discussion regarding continuation of purchasing items for gift
exchange at the annual officer installation banquet. The club treasury has been paying
the entire cost of the food. Since that cost has risen to over $30 per plate, it was
suggested that each club member should pay about half of that cost ($10 -$15) instead of
bringing a gift to exchange. The club could buy a few Corvette related items to be given
out as door prizes. If club members want to continue gifts for everyone then Corvette
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related white elephant items could be exchanged. The Christmas party gift exchange
would be continued as usual. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Club president, Richard Finley, awarded several extra club t-shirts to members.
Kathey and Richard Pavelka won a shirt for being married the longest…51 years in August.
Ellie and Doc Dulaney received theirs for being married only 3 ½ years.
Jerome Carter drove the farthest to get to the meeting tonight. He drove from
Lewisville, TX today. Doc has the oldest car – continually owned since 1971. Joe and
Penny Reese won a shirt for Corvette with the highest mileage – 148,000 miles.
Meeting adjourned.
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Cen-Tex Birthdays and Anniversaries
April Birthdays
Jeff Lynn
April Anniversaries
Steve & Cathy Bearden
Bobby & Sue Carter
Joe & Penny Reese
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KNUDSON, MARY JANE (Schaefer); 88; of Southgate; passed away February 13, 2012.
There will be a two hour Memorial Visitation at the R.J. Nixon Funeral Home , Wyandotte
starting at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, followed by a Memorial Services at 3:30 p.m. Mary Jane
was born January 19, 1924 to George and Beatrice Evans in Wyandotte. She worked for
Coca Cola until her retirement. Mary Jane loved the lord Jesus Christ and loved looking
after others, especially her family. She loved to sing along to the "oldies" as well as all
gospel songs. Her joy was her children and grandchildren being able to play games with
them. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ervin Knudson; and her three sisters; Ivy, Lily and
Olive, whom she adored. Survivors include her two children, John Schaefer of Belleville; and wife, Dawn; Jane
Franklin of Waco TX and husband Don; five grandchildren, David Schaefer and wife Lia of Ypsilanti; Derek Schaefer
and wife, Santi of Louisville, KY; Jason Franklin and wife, Joy of Hewitt, TX; Alison Gullo and husband Randy of
Allen, TX and Andrea Thompson and husband, Kyle of Melissa TX; and nine great grandchildren. We would like to
thank the station 3 staff at Aberdeen Nursing Center for their loving care and support to our mother. In Lieu of
flowers, please make donations to the Alzheimers Society in the name of Mary Jane Knudson.
Published in Heritage on February 29, 2012
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Shots and Thoughts
from the Cen-Tex Practice Autocross
Joe is ready to race
Car Conference
Lined up and Ready to Go!
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NCCC Southwest Region Awards Banquet
Cen-Tex Corvette Members at the Banquet
Top 10 Men and Women and the Rookie of the Year for 2011
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Cen-Tex Table at the Banquet
Too sweet for words!
Richard & Janette with Denise
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Everything was calm, until Richard asked for dancing tips….
Then Joe busted a move!
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With a grin like that…something is up
Ron assisting Kathryn with taking pictures
Don and Jane with his award
Yeah – a free Autocross
Cliff – Rookie of the Year 2011
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Cen-Tex Racers: Ron (200+ points), Don (3rd place), Cliff (Rookie of the Year), Craig (5th
place), Joe (200+ points), Jerome (200+ points) and Colleen (7th place)
Kathryn presenting Cliff with his award
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Craig, “The Thinker”
Colleen presenting Don with his awards
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Cen-Tex Girls Dancing with their Daddies
The Ladies hit the dance floor
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The Regional Officers presented Marilyn Beckenhaus with the 2011 “Regional Member
of the Year” Award. Many of you know Marilyn as the “sticker lady”. She worked every
autocross in 2011 in good weather or bad and even when she was feeling under the
weather. Jeannie Ruston, Regional Executive; Marilyn Beckenhaus; Craig Kamradt,
Regional Competition Director and John Bradford, Regional Membership Director.
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The NCCC Southwest Region
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Cen-Tex Articles and Websites
If you have any articles or websites you would like to share with the club, please submit
same to me at colleenk@grandecom.net and I will publish them in the upcoming
Cen-Tex New Members
There were no new members at the March meeting
Cen-Tex Corvette Nursery
No new additions to report this month.
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