Lagrangian tessellations of large-scale N-body simulations
Lagrangian tessellations of large-scale N-body simulations
MXXL // Angulo et al (2012) A new way of thinking about DM simulations Raul E. Angulo Oliver Hahn (ETH, Zürich) Tom Abel (SLAC/Stanford) Abel et al (2012) – Analysis Hahn et al (2013) – Simulation Kaehler et al (2013) – Visualization Angulo et al (2013a) – Baryons Angulo et al (2013b) – WDM Angulo et al (2013c) – Lensing Hanh, Angulo & Abel (2014) – Refinement Hanh, Angulo & Abel (2014) – Velocity Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA ~8500 deg2 54 narrow, 2 broad band filters width ~100A Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey 10 intermediate/broad band 2 narrow band Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Infla tion Simulating the growth of dark matter structures Properties of a WIMP (e.g. neutralino) ● ● ● ● Perturbations down to earth mass Cold (almost no velocity dispersion) Almost uniform in space Only gravitational interactions Kuhlen, Vogelsberger & Angulo 2012 A 3D surface embedded in a 6D space Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Softening length prevents forces from diverging, which would cause large angle scatterings and two-body interactions Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Two-fluid simulations Artificially strong coupling between baryons and dark matter particles Angulo, Hahn, Abel (2013) Angulo et al (2013a) Standard Runs Standard Runs FFT = Npart Adaptive Softening Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Why it is so hard? Small scale coupling quickly propagates to large scales It is alleviated only by a strong suppression of the force resolution Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Two-fluid simulations Baryons can not be neglected if 1% precision is desired for the P(k)/BAO Angulo, Hahn, Abel (2013) Redshift = 1 Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Cold-vs-Warm Dark Matter Properties of collapsed objects could provide an insight into the properties of the dark matter particle A WDM model alleviates several small-scale issues with CDM Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Artificial filament fragmentation Problem known for more than 25 years! Wang and White (2007) Hot/Warm DM models are hard to simulate. Thus, it is hard to make robust predictions. No suppression of the mass function Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Why it is so hard? Anisotropic compression in triaxial collapse Noise in the 1D projected density field Convergence is very slow Npart^1/3 Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA A new way of thinking about DM simulations CDM forms continuous 3D surface embedded in a 6D space Properties of a WIMP (e.g. neutralino) ● ● ● ● Perturbations down to earth mass Cold (almost no velocity dispersion) Almost uniform in space Only gravitational interactions From O. Hahn Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CDM forms continuous 3D surface embedded in a 6D space Kaehler et al (2012) Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Hahn et al (2012) Two representations of the same N-body data Kaehler et al (2012) Full rendering of tetrahedra Adaptive-kernel smoothing Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Applications> Strong Lensing Velocity Fields Warm Dark Matter Substructures and strong lensing CDM WDM Noise in convergence maps of the inner 0.6Mpc/h regions of a cluster Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Inverse of the magnification maps Topology of the magnification depends on the CDM properties Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Iso-magnification contours CDM Nov 26th, 2013 WDM Raul E. Angulo The cumulative number of convergence peaks Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Velocity Fields Density Divergence Vorticity Hahn, Angulo, Abel (2014) Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Velocity divergence and vorticity power spectra Jennings et al (2011) Hahn, Angulo, Abel (2014) Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Vorticity in a slice trough the center of a DM halo Vorticity is generated in the caustics of filaments and halos Vorticity profile Hahn, Angulo, Abel (2014) Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo Artificial filament without fragmentation Lagrangian Tessellation can be coupled with a Poisson solver Angulo, Hahn, Abel (2013b) L=80 Mpc/h 1 billion DM particles L-Gadget 3 code (MXXL) Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Artificial filament fragmentation Hot/Warm DM models are hard to simulate numerically. Thus, it is hard to make robust predictions. Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA Angulo, Hahn & Abel 2013b Angulo, Hahn & Abel 2013b Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA WDM structure formation without fragments Halos of different masses are at different stages of formation Angulo, Hahn & Abel 2013 Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA A new way of thinking of DM simulations Tetrahedron-based density estimates are in principle noiseless and fully track the distortion of initial phase-space volume elements. First direct measurements of the WDM halo mass function below the cut-off scale Improved predictions for the spacial distribution of the DM, and its associated velocity field and lensing signal. Nov 26th, 2013 Raul E. Angulo CEFCA