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IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY In Cooperation with U# S. Geological Survey W-c i RECORD OF WELL 1 Location- ( _• Town: N E) ' (__S__W); County K.,R..:,, W. A70++- t i i i 9. " .A>L'Seo# j-^T. • •,. ., • ,' - Twp, + —1 I I 1 Well name and number •^ - __ Address Owner Tenant Address Contractor Address Drillers Drilling dates Well data: Elevations: Drilling curb //&p, 7 feet; Land surface p , //##.? feet .5 7^3 7^/ C tJ ... Determined by ~ - Topographic position Total depth: Reported 77pL7' feet, Measured feet Drilling method Holo and casing data . ' (Give amount, size, kind* and depth of all casing; type and "position of seals and packers; cementing; how finished—perforated pipe, screen, gravel pack, open hole, etc.) Original depth to water above ft- below Original elevation of water level Sources of water: Principal Date ft#; Source of data ; Others Production data: Date Static depth to water /:•: .':• Measuring point _______^____ ^ Pumping level Specific capacity -'"'•' i g.p.m. g.p.ra. per ft. drawdown; Temperature^ Pump data; Type pump Cylinder or bov;ls: Dia. Column Dia. Length Pover °F, Length Suction pipe ^_^^_____ Airline Estimated rate of production: ,g.p.m. for hrs. a daj Use of v/ater WATER ANALYSES (in parts per million) /// - /. Date sampled Sampled by Total solids Insoluble matter Alkalinity (l.ieo) Alkalinity (Phn) PH ~ ~ Fe203+ P/ln203+Al203 /,.: Alkali as sodium '••", Calcium ; Magnesium ___. Iron (unfiltered) .£' Manganese Nitrate _ / •> Fluoride Chloride , Sulfate Bicarbonate Ha'rdness (ppm) Hardness (gpg) Remarks j _^_„_____ Laboratory data: Sample storage location_ Sample range Spls. prepared by ' No. spls. Washed range i No. dupls. & cond, by Driller's log and cond. Insoluble residues: Microscopic study Gen. log Prepared by ^ Studied by strip log &<*^. "3 <? /<?5~0 Correl. by Strip log ^amJ& March 1, 1948 Mr. £. L. Patera 625 Royal Union Building Des Moines 9, Iowa Dear Mr. Patera: Re: General geology and ground-water conditions in the vicinity of Hampton. Iowa. In response to your request of February 23, we have prepared the following discussion of the general ground-water conditions at Hampton from data in the open files of the Geological Survey. The City of Hampton is located in the central part of Franklin County in sections 27, 28, 29, 32, 33 and 34, T. 92 H., R. 20 W. The population of the city was A,006 in 1940. The upland surface in the main part of town is about 1,145 feet above sea level. Since 1900, most of the city's supply has been secured from deep wells. Well No. 1 was completed in 1900 in the Jordan sandstone at a reported depth of 1,709 feet. In 1920, the non-pumping level was about 50 feet below land surface. The veil was pumped at the rate of about 160 gallons per minute. The main supply was reported to have been encountered at a depth of 1,100 feet, about 65 feet above the top of the St. Peter sandstone. The curb elevation of the well is about 1,100 feet above sea level. Veil Mo. 2 was completed in 1926 at a depth of 1,700 feet. The curb elevation is about level with well No. 1. The principal supply was reported to have been encountered in the Jordan sandstone. At that time, the nonpumping level was reported to be 153 feet below the surface. At a pumping rate of 1,000 gallons per minute, the drawdown was 23 feet. In March 1947, the non-pumping level was 142 feet below the pump base. At a pumping rate of between 475 and 490 gallons per minute, the drawdown was about 30 feet. Thus, while the well is still capable of being pumped at a large rate, the specific capacity has fallen off considerably. This may be due to sand having filled in the lover part of the hole and retarding the movement of water into and up the well bore. The non-pumping water level may be affectod by other aquifers open to the well which have a higher head than that of the Jordan sandstone. In the vicinity of Hampton, the drift is thin. In the shallow stream valleys, there are numerous rock outcrops. The following tabulation of the anticipated geologic section at Hampton to the St. Lawrence formation is based on a starting elevation of 1,145 feet, the elevation of the upland slope. Mr. E. L. Patera -2- Formation and Description March 1, 1948 Thickness From To 50 0 50 -45 50 95 30 95 125 60 125 185 40 50 185 60 225 275 225 275 335 formations (limestone and dolomite) 300 335 635 635 695 695 Pleistocene system (undifferentiated) (clay with thin gravel bed at base) Missi3sippian system Prospect Hill formation (siltstone) Hannibal formation (dolomite, gray to yellow) Maple Mill formation) Devonian system ) (shale) Sheffield formation ) Lime Creek formation (dolomite) (dolomite and shale) (shale) Shell Rock-Cedar Valley-Wapsipinicon Ordovician system Maquoketa formation (shale) (dolomite) (shale) (dolomite) Galena formation (limestone) 60 50 30 140 240 Decorah-Platteville formations (lime stone) (shale) St. Peter formation (sandstone) Prairie du Chien formation (dolomite sandy) (sandstone, dolomitlc) (dolomite) 745 775 915 745 775 915 1155 1155 1175 1215 1175 1215 1275 160 1275 1415 1515 1415 1515 1675 30 1675 1755 20 40 60 140 100 Cambrian system Jordan formation (sandstone) St. Lawrence formation (dolomite) 1755 The drift material and the consolidated rocks above the Shell Rock forma tion are composed mostly of clay and shale. Appreciable water has not been encountered in the limestone and dolomite beds in this interval and in places where a large supply of water is requirei, the wells have been cased to the top of the Shell Rock formation in this locality. The Shell Rook, Cedar Valley and Wapsipinicon formations are potentially water bearing. However, in general, no large supplies of water have been encountered in these rocks in the vicinity of Hampton. The Hemp Mill well located in the south part of Hampton was finished in rocks of Devonian age at a depth of -4-83 feet. a drawdown of 40 feet. A supply of 12 gallons per minute was secured with A well drilled at Seeds Lake State Park to an equivalent depth of about 600 feet at Haapton, obtained a supply of 50 gallons per minute with a drawdown of about 30 feet. At Hampton, the static water level would probably stand within 60 feet of the surface on the upland in a well finished in rocks of Devonian age. The quality of the water pumped from the Hemp Mill and State Park well is shown on the attaohed data sheet. Mr. E. L. Patera -3- March 1, 1948 The next lower promising horizon is the limestone strata belonging to the Galena and Decorah formations. These strata usually yield some water but no large yields of water have been reported from the^e aquifers except in city well Uo. 1. Here a production rate of 160 gallons per minute was reported but the accompanying drawdown was not given. In Mason City, to the north of Hampton, a well finished in the St. Peter formation produced 220 gallons per minute with a drawdown of 68 feet. Large supplies of water have been developed from wells finished in the Jordan sandstone and the underlying St. Lawrence dolomite. Analyses of waters from wells finished in the Jordan sandstones are shown 6n the attached data sheet. In summary, there is a possibility of developing a supply of 100 gallons per minute from aquifers in the Devonian system of rocks at a depth of 635 feet or less. A supply of 200 gallons per ainute might be developed from aquifers in the St. Peter and higher formations. The most consistently large yielding aquifers arethe Jordan sandstone and the St. Lawrence dolomite. If we can be of further assistance to you in this matter, please let us know. Very truly youre, H. G. Her3hey HGH:WEH:ASH Enc. 1 Sheet No; I Location Name of Well ...J....M.*.JL..&..^Jrrr. .^.... Date Drilled £fc. Survey No 7^TT. '...... Analyst 00 Cx,. 10- IJ00,^7 -f+ - H&-M leyjti *e r'- Li 20- ±. - 5 \ *a. 2o 30- -Hc'cjh- Sis. Q?% : 40. Wx1 " So^o 50. •'. 42% tfatiLtWL) 60- ) ...-. • ^ KL1 * w - tv> M»«/ Ool. 70. '*% •• % ' 80- <jo .' ' ..(h/?id:...&& mh a.M^..../f£...f.^.H. fry*' 90 bsac In. //•«£*,, ^u^***., crmoM'**»• - 5^ 9Mm t<$l ry,} 00 -'r^S.' Ca >C /H-/tP7c $<~f. $*•£-£. -^> Sheet No 3: Name of Well Clhi \AjPJl. -4i^^-« Location ...&&XK.fidl}.Jcl1....l.XiJKAJ.. 00 Date Drilled $'5. <?2% hjl yj 10- +4 0 20- Ho 30- P3a 40. **o 60- fO~Z*% - Analyst.JAJjjt?.£A. 50*+, 5($. __ I**?* '^ "}"]• fc-20°*> ***! do £4, 5/5 W*}o 'd^ 4"t)' '^ ''2<,^0 Hi <**.&&*; , triable * ' /**"/*£/• • w_ 50. Survey No.j4^£.<?.£./ pA. DKivn. t±A<Pc/, Sin. %% l*)l tfmj. talc. /5 Z^. ±» ICe-llfi v /'.'. . ', jDaroets 7 J, -AmM* -• 4*> 80" ?f 44o ...Jj-i..&.8.4& 90- f.&a...t &.r.ff.k£jg/v g*»K!s! _ £s. 00 Sin',far :•-• •H. Sheet No. .3 Name of WeU..W.'.T^. W.£l± ALjL^ Location ....UAMfP.i?.tt.<.Jr. Survey NoJtt~&&& Date Drilled Analyst./*!.'4..-./ — _. 00 5, If 10- — L$, tfCf0f° fcft ^ top*-*-. &>rwn jDorouS) 20 *»* is. Qtfic P Sh. itiuP, <ArA„utfs I&4-. QK44, /<%, rt* f> /*> h*.om fop • *> dK. k>»"^*»<** /?'*', J /a y, -fr i * f>/fi orou*> 30- % /qlG'J C(-\i f&'?S*>p 5*/ £°-P-f, r 40. 5In. 5<^( Ur -r© 2 to ' /Yp 50. - Sk 60- ' 80" h \\ar -h 9Z% lf-yy d*fc i«^»% o — \iJioJ.£..t....^.r.M^..:. 00 t>d> ' teo 5A 90 Z> i — Sh. 1f% y- vr c 70. o ' 3t>o •f<o Sheet No ::/. Location :.~.l..;..: I ... Name of Well '. 00 ~~ '/....M...jLrrr.. Survey NoJl&AAAl Date Drilled / Ls. 92% c >f;.. Analyst../.-.: r^'*o^>, •••••• " -£"/'d bs* 10- 20- /?& r-o of$. 30. -•• /r/a 4? /*>. Li U% irfiA****** &S a«t</S£j")i **"( */'*»?r jr***/": ?J.*jf?J.~2..../?.£.£.?..*fJx>t.. 40- TTTTp ~ Ls, in cm^Uk* ***** ^ c"'^ q ir A*i 1/ /<* < 50. ,...Ac^....p.MA^.....6^ •. 60- 70. ~ U6 '4$°/* b~c. ^ tq4-1"*-* *«J />"<v/ 3'y-> ^^^ •**> •A-"->jc r<* 1 hy 5 i/5 C* - */o 80" 90- 00 Zs m si^i*- •*-• i^-310 J!jhU6lelL^^ f Sheet No.....v' Location ...M.*.2?.Jpi$.!£i.*...Ar...*l£$i:. 00 10- Survey No.i^.?.*/. Name of Well. Date Drilled Analyst!.//?.././^.. >-too DoL %% Iff- i^/ql br*». a 4*> *d fry **ed ^ AW+ v/*»p &l *«J ts <HT*7* . 6/. A> ty. **><* ***** TV "** ** "J'J "icTl TTTmSWT 20- —: Do I. q«J. It 30- ¥* 40. *,: 50. <-; 60- 70- 80" 90- 00 %M. 4 ^^ "* U 1i% U*o V " 1 U !*/« !*>*,„ *""'• u" iv py. thnP, r-ty** {?r*. S^i IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TABULATION OF WATER ANALYSES COUNTY '•*-• ••« (parts per million) LTOWN Well No. Use & location Depth' Geol.jDiss. jlns. Ft., form. •Solids!Mat. N03 Na , I&Bpton H«mp Ml 11 teeds Lake J.-._£i»te ?aj*__ /,**• L per. 292 600* ]&••• 3t.Peter laaptoa City Ho. 2 i/to/vi? // , . ill Fe 1Mn j Al F ... 26.0 0.23 3.9 27.8 75.0 ' 494 |Jfp Jordan fflffl Jordan 709 J12.0 0.0 1.1 io.o ! b.4 po4|bos , 304 1 11.0 Calc. Hard. I 0.6 ,41.5 i 64.1 |U5.5 4.2 i 0.1 1 9.0 0.0 22.4 !105.1 33.6 | 0.2 625 25.1 0.0 65.0 0 (j? / _ | 357 73.9 1396.5 "T 430 o#<! g.5 . HCO* 1.0j 6.0 1353.8 -i 27.4 0.5_!p.o4 i29-3 j 97.6 > Cl i S04 -. 1 • -—r- i iaaaa city Mn. 11 Mg Ca 54.5 65.4 1 0.5 ftrp '• tJ &*0 JO.O |46.0,172.4 0.0 380.8 370.9 i 1 0.0 1.2 12.01 35.0 475.8 0.9 1.0 10.0 192.0 397.7 406 3% JJm~ r o f9f /• UL i 1 •1 422 i j 1 1 .. .. (.. ! j i i i I i £>£/£? t>¥ Y i 2. /\ i }<rt> - k4/ 0 'ho Iff H&Tt 1 ?£-? 1 NOEns; ^ Hampton (FRANKLIN) Location of City Wells 1 & 2 SW/c-NE-SW-SE-NW-54-92-20 In the pumping station, E. of town Ground level at wells est. 40' below ground at standpipe on basis of pressure readings, according to city clerk. 11/25/41 K.E.A. Elevation of Oity Wells 1 & 2 Pumps set in pit in pumping station, curb (air gage, etc.) 4' below ground level Ground level at pumping station is 45.2' below U.S.C.& G.S B.M. at City Hall, dete mined by hand level from city datum bench marks. City Hall B.M. » 1147.888' Ground Elev. = 1104.7' Curb Elev. - 1100.7' ld^CUU.fj£^*d-£- it^HLINVESTIGATION OF THE GROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Mount Vernon, Iowa, m w: M&™^^ Deab Sir:— In the investigation of the deep wells of Iowa, we wish to obtain all facts relating to their present condition and especially to any failure or deterioration and its causes. The importance of this inquiry, will I trust, en list your cooperation. Will you kindly fill out as fully as possible the following blank as to your own well, and return it in the enclosed envelope which requires no postage. The results of these replies will be published to gether with much other valuable information for the information of well owners in a bulletin, a copy of which wll be sent you gratis. Thanking you for any help you can give us. Yours very truly, W. H. Norton. 1. Is your deep well still in use? kx.fv* 2. Has there been any loss of head or pressure, or diminution of flow or pumping capacity? 3. If so, when was it first noticed? .' ;. Or the height above curb to which water will now rise in tube? What is the discharge? 5. If non-flowing, how far below the curb docs the water now stand? 6. What is its present pumping capacity in gallons per minute? l.r^?....-Ll.. £..l£..l^ Is the capacity of the pumps the same as when the well was first used? 8. Has the well been repaired by deepening by repacking 9. „ „ i..>...V- by cleaning out J..I/D When were such repairs made and what was their effect? or" sudden 11. Is the cause of such loss known to be either leakage around old packing sediment LWfy ^J.....by rimming out '.Z.v^l?.. , by recasing, (if so, mention lengths and place of new casing.) 10. In case of loss of head, was the loss gradual....;.....-:.... , rusting out of casing and when did it occur? tr-.Ni i::\...i:^Af7&^h£^l latter, mention new well and date of its completion).....J.!\..Ju4/£..J^y*kJLJ!^..^ 12. : .' 4. If flowing, what is the present pressure of the well in pounds? 7. '.....'. '..S^..D..... .^._.L.i..._ , filling up with , interference of new well or wells, (if the ^..!Z>^^-—/-4—'—%- Names of owners of deep wells drilled the last ten years years in your town and county and such wells in prospect M?^a^..Zilh^ INVESTIGATION OF THE GROUND WATER RESOURCES OF IOWA IOWA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY .Mount Vernon, Iowa,...A.pr-il-S&,-•••'-25 M fJfee..J.ftP.SMJ!lJLfta$.ft^tt.„Af.„.»a.tjajRKarkB ...HzffiptorAji....Ia.f Dear Sir:— In the investigation of the deep wells of Iowa, we wish to obtain all facts relating to their present condition and especially to any failure or deterioration and its causes. The importance of this inquiry, will I trust, en list your cooperation. Will you kindly fill out as fully as possible the following blank as to your own well, and return it in the enclosed envelope which requires no postage. The results of these replies will be published to gether with much other valuable information for the information of well owners in a bulletin, a copy of which wll be sent you gratis. Thanking you for any help you can give us. Yours very truly, W. H. Norton. 1. Is your deep well still in use? s.M..LiJ 2. Has there been any loss of head or pressure, or diminution of flow or pumping capacity? 3. If so, when was it first noticed? A. (£££:...:.?f<L: If flowing, what is the present pressure of the well in pounds? Or the height above curb to which water will now rise in tube? 5. What is the discharge? If non-flowing, how far below the curb does the water now stand? 6. What is its present pumping capacity in gallons per minute? L.i:...'~. r. 8. Has the well been repaired by deepening by repacking -..<.:!. <M41 by cleaning out ^..:. „/..\....s. ?:.V&Jr4r: &k$. by rimming out , by recasing, (if so, mention length:, and place of new casing.) When were such repairs made 10. In case of loss of head, was the loss gradual..../^!^ sMdd. rusting out of casing \C*Ai. ^>.lr'.?.'^r: and what was their effect? or sudden 11. Is the cause of such loss known to be either leakage around old packing sediment ./^x. ........Jr^t~. 7. Is the capacity of the pumps the same as when the well was first used? 9. ^}£^y.. $i.<<*2. latter, mention new well and date of its completion.).....*^. QiQtrr. , and when did it occur? £^.... -r^^L-S?.. , filling up with , interference of new well or wells, (if the iifSL^fbi. **<t ^u^-, 12. Names of owners of deep wells drilled the last ten years years in your town and county and such wells in prospect r I Name of WellHatopttH l/K-GQZ L Sheet No. J_ Depth Range ^ioo - tT^ o Scales 1 inch=10 feet 4c- k lo do. /? - /*//c.0?es Sex. cU&t« c.e i< hike/ _ _ _ \--tfo •I' • to- J& '**fcefcu.' - /N # § (f/-• ' 1gj - v 9c-. ^5^^ -5"0*5 Ooftfu* d, • , v \mT/,H^ Cu/ci'/* , cU-Iffe ; ?C-100 % Cj'O^ 1* f/K brousu +%Ttt*+ dole, t-lojo Name of Well Hai-u pfbh l/f/'OOZJ Depth Range £~oo- roc- 6? r - Sheet No. 2z Scale: 1 inch=lO feet* CblQ*+'Ct* ^7o* £f ;. "> *> rrrK'"^7cZ7h'yiyio, 2.0- ^- <u /*" f'"* /« >~ to- Oofc'. '• O'tfv *}o "'" .ArvwH, *.S/7%t> dc/:-'<**'t% fO'l-oJo U Jr«i*TL bftuit* VJCS7#*> 'iofou.Ve- ./o-l0^d /s #„J OcTou^y^c 2o. 4-Q- f+jK*j/$ v jrsrt/L* cz*/*,r*. 6-P-ee*. sW<», deTnttf ffi, f-/^ rsr/s t-jyp, f* /+- l\^cw fk 4- *£Tfi>*'+ *•*•**+ Most- Jo/tii~r+v : C<r& coTT** - ko {"<* 5 fi i r-%77/*.? ca/,'i(> r£-rzfrt+rz> c c&i* /J^ *4/ &*/<*•> Q.r%. > !*• fa tftt ty^ay dote. Offt^uffi p*-«5^wt. ... CjM,^ in b^ou/if ilofo. Oe ti'rfc'i qTL p, h! looo Name of Wellf/^, p7^ U*-p$^/ 7/-V Sheet No. 3 Depth Range (co0-7co> Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. 5A&/o'. -Jh>-£o cp0 //ft" 6^0 wi* 7% ++cf<//s& /£>*ou/* SA<?/>, IjO-^ok^ ^Gcxp ' /o /'ifAt #r#tf /s +eAfc, ft. /e> ->o^£> Afc j Ua u To bi/^lA eioU. &©7wt , ;>ru f *« 7 /s , s/o/ob* It* it(ttufa +st+fcthf / 4 ft. y •' •-- loojo Cdfc-O'rrcuS, *+S #**{ $r+f** &6£et&. /- 4+ SkG(c>', €/^'dor % S*<««p/e o*- (0$ ~ £c (cat. foes S $4 #4*. 7 > 6. p, /<: &<S /±r//*> c#Uit* 'f'^v \r*tt »^(»pu %(*«/r. 'T'7* _T>lA» & » «* •+, 9 * I-— <oo Name of Well (iCttyf>tou LV-QO^l Sheet No. 4 Depth Range ~7gO- 8&o Scale: 1 inch=10_feet. ya 7 h Sk4te>'r toe &?0 f+.frAu i ftsppt^ +* r&tfet/tk StyAtfy *-&(Cah&#^ 1X3 $A*f+\ S/L/fa* K sp^le «r '"> <£+**:' boto^Xe \ do-to *)0 */T fr<h f 3 '""h *t7fi&d*U* 2.* 3 3 ^-o $^4(ef py^r* Qtoet e/pi^tt»t f?Z Pre ±01*+. r* Oo t fratj'ts. 4*/ °<z*tc/'te./o-2o^ yee/c/n'A a»/ ?~ Pf* $£*&./«», •tz ^tvf-f ot $fc / tfr*"?r p,"*""* Oo/o i-v i'1<s ', Qo-fo fa dk quA c.7o browhs yt&.rtlH<* dolo^r-it* S""-/o*?0 t*ktte 71 f^j /s &ui*/c a/c tfo* £~~/oy0 r-r^y-iA <£*-* <=/ ?e&e^. ;*-•• fc>- ' ? </0 - I ,00 h-f £0-90 ^e'/k" ^fttj"te ^u-eu>n (*i/7<i** r/o/ctu/tP /0-a.e^-o Name of Well HCom f>/hiA Mt-00 2.1 Depth Range ftoo- ^/op Sheet No. ,-r __Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. froc V /0--U* -70' f* h^.w^ /^; ••*-* _: /o- LtHtPi/tHi<<?; S'-loy 2-ZJ...--- ^f**** , ?o^?f-?m to/«.^ • ^/>'7 '•fc.-'Vrf'**'**' 0,/bmrt*', tv-dv^M <im^ To i^«w*, xi*-?*',- tfWo. £o-_jo cyJul* beTrii'cif /•.>£. bud pft*4u.p* p*p>&aet*r1L' , Dt»/e<-i.iffc ; 3o~4oyo 'r/tl frtyTo b^ou/u, tZTf/u'e doto- *o~4oy0uj{1\% 4~ bi/ouu/Tp: S~o-Uo*)0 4k <?*'* ft brd"^, f%777k± do/t>> 3°-'»« po U*iTe cA»-?- _o~$©^0 *vltt(>*t M ***«7 A/ > ^ys-***—- <To. • Hi6r**jc6ip~4. /-S'tjo die- hfouji+ Aofo, 7b- bo(ou*ifp', (ro-icol)0 i*jI-uT(*> ~1u It.a^px- Ado* so<*** AK )irowk 1 L\ <-*lolf, 1-$"$, us kite <>JjLkk(A /p czOASw/e '-S% i*hi'7pmkt+ frPytz ___ . bo/ol<tt/7p l £o-?o«f0 /^ ^ftf-y, rfVf" ^^^«7 -* fore**'**, t±ttt*'& do/o - /-r^>0 L^t-tiT^ tUe^i. I-S70 I+" *|^^ Ovu»/ln> /_ + KS.71/*? Ci\U\h, - <?o- I ?60 «- Mtcs./Mf , Name of Well ff aiMpfau j/A-OQ^I Sheet No. Depth Range $00. 9oo —(ooo C Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. too /olu _X__i__e-. t* OoloUAi'tt'. %o~t(o /0 *"kit* t4 /a f^7; Y.id/'d<> dolo. S^/o^o H-Ar«tf A, v- /TS77/^'e> <zc,U,'rp, £~-to jo *+ddt\i lb* *r*pu 2.0. *ST7/«g/do/qj T-lo 1o'+9***1 '* f *-~77'^ <z*(ciTp -Op^fuP^ 0*t*Y £-/rrfr />*~p*s + *<.•&- boloiiSfte '. SWla.* •%, _,4h~p!* &*• ?2u Cp*C - 4» ko/Wi t+ ,' S/*»//fe ^r^ f ^ o f ^ S"S- (fO-\ ^ l_WoU</T> '. ^^f. /oo <*>-, U, In (T> ife" tf^fc ^A~0 t*/^ /CS./&*, <_. ^afo ,0~l<» *A\tc.jZ0 4*lp7/$. cLia>^A, c7*7^t'~t*C tftL ,6^,7 &P#f6c<~ f^o/otoi^ ; &-o~fo % ophite Wk/i <7V©. <5^/°/o /<, PCpt&i?*; &-tdp0 &£**?*-¥-. Of*ffrt, <i*~/**/_*-*/_ pr<b±pi<+. Ho looo L Name of Well-H CtLu hfhu W~0p2-{ Depth Range fh oo - 7/c a Sheet No. 7 Scale: 1 lnch=10 feet. too O, do(ouH\T* . &z-7c>90 4r#<-. c~ke>*-i~ . C^/o <*)& A ^C*/e/'/> OofolulU ', $rO -to % /A 76 //kfr**f ~fe /-r1- 6. - *&77/*etfo/o, ~5~-7o<70 <?r« uj <^7i *>*-1. 5"~-y_> % /s / Xs77/m/> c«/c f'A c("f>AP*f S> hp>7?,'h>t {7d,tQ**p/tp + o/&Vm as***** preset. /• 7a 70 f*e"G, /A?aW/7<* ; ^inHa ^ -fn~ Sp ~ - bo[o\M\te\<?G~ /Coy0 tf.fb ///f <tri\4tfibtft*0eto/o,t C% fjisay CKp*-1. I-S()o d O'AH /* 4»/t&ftwe *•# tufa >0•/£/f qfx, Pypdp • •* artti»s~ &,<>£>fur* p^P'Se^td. ' - /~s°)e /+ fr*tf t% i*- fstf/tt'p cL4 7c<r*. £4 ,»***, <t*7*>'i q/% * £f6t/tiP, {,{a /If&ts-g/_ 7 /") /-•"P>&^><_-^ hiloHn'te : f5^/oo% l+,/tfr*i Ir/J• 6p*t"e*>*W'*e 4ota> - t~& )o t-t fr#y /i 4- 7*7//di& _h tc, t+ •Grp Qui lAa fa ,&A *I *. ft i> t^tTc f ia^tj a_^/*t £f&ji*>tP>tf'T& r>rp _»->*•*?•> Ooti**!f+: f°'(eo% t+fc S/T 4 *aI? orb-**, •'; ••-./:. 77 fMij/s, t;5~7* £jre**\ *£tite, ffi t£££jg&//'" C*f**/eji wP/7* 7 Lc/kf** c>no5u& % h />^es$ wt-. " hirtivh xi77/*> do/+. h S^o I^P'P^ J/,4/0, ApTn'tetftt.PhI'TIp />4>//> , cote/ft 7 9<H p^es'f* i*i. •Jt>Hw»-fe«fr <• ilo/biMiU ; /oo^o A" ^ ^T l^i( /. f ^0/0. Abu* c a (c fyp - lr >f .'foci- ct*6 /•fA'^^^dT* {'is*, q t+i p u 71 tl^p& pw^, 2__ . Name of Well f-( tilths flu W-00"l.\ Sheet ft), Depth Range /loo ~/.^-oo $ Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. /(OO 4oto •/*-***>* I* 1"**/,'* + "'*>* '" ***' £-**?<"?«* . ckppd- at*st P^p/Yp> erese***!. to- /*» at+d cfttc-,% /« c/</f f^ppms/rfr. fkfr*^ dfl^tai tti , +• OCiGc{ i> . -• ^••-> I_ pi!>(f:ii •f •=>S6//1f& t-oto-s. ' 7 Z& P>w-i f. brptc.tl5* <zeU*t**o*\ . 2-y'lo^of/Aif^i, ^ browh du/u tr-'/o *&rl ^i^fifu %.Utde..bet.fti .cUp*** *• 6P*#u">± flffi&Put: J *3*|~ %Ua le; &&tyfi^ wtd i- ^^Pk Ik*./*'' blte/klttf <z«!c-Ahfi>ou *, "j pi'fe^c/,*.^^ r7fi>-tu/tt, 7g-tL\ (pi-e5 (3*') ** «>£»*/*, /-tzfot+f'tv ^p/^lrisA ^ + c rki*c-- e>it>&Aj4. e~ S '*' vS*iU <0^f>S<?^-&^ Til/ it C_<g£ jH^tf>J<»*i't'l - sA<?/e, $-so?, Acs&'///,-•<•«-**_ fy«fh*p«+s op- }/<TTfidtllp ts *<-d tf t ~2 C- f i-^tv"^. ~~-5j% *i!nrfir< +?r -fc + ctlcCoutPtoP t\ fro79*6!i, due 71 S>A,*7* 6e/»9 <?oare»ad k)L, ChliPbU;* */* 4>/'// . £*/>/ /- epc4U.P>$ f>^P>SPUJ. r~> ? 7c - Ss.: Uo-iofa Sub-***/ 7b &t,£. lrdLe:7e&+- p fV< ttutf do to- cU€> trf (P^rite f "PS?*/. ftt/Qlr stfJfpp/pk"~$. -^ »/. h^__ fo- _^l.,/ A<4/^ trad* ^^J* ' }«6s>fr*dp A£. /o~'fy0 f£~-ee*t •>lxc,.(t. fJS<?a'S L/pto. b^rite i-^Tkp^ cr^t t^^ __.__. - rd,tl*0i» \r*t»OoCpdr,qTx *,Gt*J. toCtfty fad"? )-~^, S«6S"frS,/9 \~\* 0'X^>o frrptt sUcttv - - - - /2001 \?uyifp f t*P£<e'i-i't. Name of WellH4u+kTou ltt/-0O2*l Depth Range /,-<'-• ' . - Sheet N$. f Scale: 1 inch~10 feet. /lock. ?n ***.<€' Ma/0>. $ra/e £^, ^6sf+*'*>JZ^. 6'/07o ft*** m/Pj_ ?/• /_____ /'/*« p?fd?p<. f< SfoPTW'tO0?* H * S* qr&p« ,37^7^ ,*r*t*. *Uet !<?; &-v70 t-\*o%T»'f,etp7»t T,fs**e £'l jTl. S/ttidi' X^oui ayutf t dTt* +t~ 2*. _>— — - - 5&'/ 98 -t°oc}a /f-. <j^o«- to ^*noM>, dfo /-. &/p*(s i frtsTpAf AfTl , 2&*/, O-fujz a^eet* ****. \*.&~l°fo i^J**^ l(fMS* p(o(9 fatk 4- Si; fo~>C'cL]0 /f jMufc y*//, 4-fe f, -/«**- hf-rtSTeJifti -<?;-/. i-fj* Ui.tjrtn. i\ <6tJ, ys77?*-p eW#, l-Cfo ^rptw i^ct (p. cu^t-T, I^r C^/_?To /- o-P ev*t< » i fires?*./ M6/Q rSfiuj#** ^ "glA'-/ £*• fr-l , ^/ti/ f-^i>fii\\f'.'(7eil do\o\ 7 fret cjfo. touef. ^uAUtf ,dUgv1,cp pfre*i<S, 1253' •••••• <M§) t &o(ou*,T* ' ^^'o')o'+/dh fy R br-ivHTi't fri . c^p^t,ct,/f ."ho 7».- ^oloUtVtc. : &*«*Uafc< •< <h«^iTP d>u, ,y f^sef-cr: D'c ^f/Idio^t- ?*• f*-^^^ i^i^z-ir^o ftufio'**- p/%; {ifrf, t*t<ste\ fir,t •- /^d- bo(ou,t1e ; ">o-&-V f+.fisau ^ Wccb, den* Aoto', (o -1 o<;0 Name of Well \\oiu pfcn \AJ-oo 7.1 Depth Range /'ioo — /4 oo Sheet tie. /o Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. $oq hLul*) :T-loe?0 Jp7»d*( qTi^P/t'f'd*, pl'd*. /©. (STITikfrp : *>-<jo% n-,di* Cfutu i&^ouuidb de^&.do/o'j i°ri*% <_*>••--• bt>(ou,tt9\ bo-iofo /t.qpttj + //K ^^^ dP+ t+ 4-«l« ,*-& n £>£; £"6s' +*-*-d* I'^'i C~io*i± •r ip}0 *eh <,&# It *> 7 no bofoluiU \ SO-(eC*>n t+- dK fw7 "*> 0rtusk fib. r(Qb l£+-tltfft& /* k>( Ofcuite ' ', ^o-^^j, 1+frt,^ irr if- hirowh, Yt7Ttd& doto', lo'^°% >^ do/o ' Cutn't* , Pirit+Jiirc* e f(de , pirpfs*><.<,t> footvu<fle • To-toofyf+iraiidttir Sr'ou!^ dewig> - •>'o ', l-io^ 6ip*eu \Ccd.p', OVfr.7 ??_/«<<-'?<?, tUouf, jb^/ft {>*•<<_<• <<.-<s. bo/ Sep tto/d. 1-iT^o *&eu. tfctl*) cuo^t, caUtte , p*f*-/'r* * <>Tu* ?o- f^«*^ <>t->cjp' i-c»}2> li&p M*ftt*\ fr ^^(ju^****/' 'r{> n/n'te gkfrfc**; 'ca/cfo, Rifi"'/* .fiPfiZ&t***. ih^T- o*tihC ~&*y '-**» ^dsax&* ' 5- dL /A ^^JZ. -^ dR, Drouth cr«Ki(M h- aaT/ih>Wo/o', /-S^e <^£*>*. &i%to\ (-&% f"^ d*T»ihI ,lt. 1**^,112. &«/; h&A aa/.'fu LvU'ite cUq^-4. cu /cii> ip^^^r^o p^^s<»^t-f- K ^4* - /4©o U . Name of Well /"^lu^fcu IM-oq^I ^ Sheet No. // Depth Range /4oo - 7£7'ot> ^Sca^e; 1 inch=10 feet. Ss'. S~o -6, o% /-P. rr r*uj'arfbY^' ede*"^ f~o±7Pf, f/t S4*J[7y<>>>a~& de J- -X .3>o<6s •f •"•>(*• £ "ii ho-4° °f0 I+ /£ -^ ?""*"7 ^PH^e c*° !°J,0o/7l>'Ct tf-Jptfr ^sr*" sLU . c%+!dt. *c*Jsj tP ..flr.-gS**--!-' /4oo to- SS't 7<o~fr7i3 77. frAtf oPfttf'f*, c, %t~, cfeay wo sTry 7^o%lpS 2&- Si ' Lc-io <oc 7*- fr**, ov l^Affe ,6-fb rt c 7eois, Vuosdf {ro%T?/, </7i s'*«/; *£,*» frtdi i-b>S«*'' ?"* b-y,**-**?*?'* d*7ut.il — ? -j ~jf- ', <dX/o Ja ttJ-e+i*. W.*/e rtrotA <Hide .f^ife ^TUp* CR&4HP& pPPSPtrf. 4t> >A*/* ., r-/o *>«, /ft ?** v, W*dw* *"*t*p/ Cf1Z4><e>J,.e0 (tltl rS* 5 ST 70-&O <)0 i»U{rp-ro /+> (vlZ , Q~fo ir,c(eais /• {-l^os'T+dj 4? -^ \~S^)p fi/A*>* S^/f! cliP^Z, cbfcTp foP^^uf^ fi^Srwt^ (,10- 5SV &c~?of0 usU,Te rs /+.fp*y, (Uto^Clrui, ^ei/^ f^s7?/y ffe itfw(' k°(0*~<fW«dP t'i.-4^^4 k~&1 ^'f0C?0 I* "^ ^^' ^^<&C| ,v . • v » » 7v- Utifp ' ^c-So% /^,4fr\.paL,To ^'ci"L>!\tij 7«.i77^> 4d*P**f,dof6\ 2D •^rjyn , b -oo*)0 Uhft ftotf, frotftd'CfYl W.V^fl^||Wi^ J -^•^lo gyp* iL'qJp '.tUert t'ttifa 4- cie><fuPi pK^t*^^ r-r. 7 %*> de<«S& /oto\ S'~(0eJO jvPP* ll«at*(lor-nc^ao\ ', Cu(cife,cb+r^opPfAV'£jj)rPSPt4t' 90 \)ISOUl\As Aldi>7Lj fP/'fl«*!'.!$•'i Vf^S (oU\ f-(b c)0 f-iup ftpfatTed t n- ] Jr-Uf»f* do/ \f~- ^\f»^t.Ut*idt ' Cfricilc t pL.^>7»,n/ou ^ />So_ L Name of WzllnUUidVcu W-OOT-l Depth Range. /$.< \ 12- Sheet Mo. Scale: 1 inch= 10 feet. fSoa, 4o/»j fVu rj0 y," +M.Jkd*fr\ Ody.j £ ._; Ctv^f, ^f f-tT> ,p^jft?>,bTU.ep*.prA.pa.PS . j?_*^*»_*"•-.?'. 5A.j Id. ^pmSc do!o' i»-flu^ '+4fr**t &!$ r-] clppr 4 l*he>w+4'ffc S*f«d> i**/or f*W>^J,,Ws,^,j \de-^y+**et*rJpt"erfes ^^^pifyculab . I'P -X Zd£-tu* .rt-e/uitf, 3*- 0/06* /7«. ', £o- ?e> ?o /V-, '** ?*-« / 7^ ^ ^ *^i **< ^*** 5S/5] fco/i f/uxrltf f^a<fu*pu72t( \ 5~-7o *j0 ft/pjpc* tApfp', ^"'(0% (• ii^e dginK^^; r^f^tS dy/ • '. 'text? tr&£ Oo/oLu,?, ; ^- PO* //, ^ f**y?t 4*> /_/7^> *"*/* ; A3>„ l\j\Jl^.fi ^q! % p ^ <° £ /C-- -'^ /ft..-. bofcUtih ', ?<t- 9f *?0 7+t Wfc'f**ifTfc hrouju, Y<zr?/de do7o ; •'"• . . •'' (e o- ' ••• • ' •• •' r (. ,- A:' ' ' •-• _ d. bdcu/ifp : S/^ii^^ "*> 6^^p/p^t /-sr^-o ^<pc- *• CCTo -<? ; ?/%> /f- "^ f""<f ,//*"<$*; r??/7hp dado; £-/^c q>pp botoiv'lt* '^70~8ofU> (+" ^ ^* ?^< y fi&<>7tf f^«fu-pt-itht,rt(>«s.r - d0lo CfvtfVt* ecchxP b^ c\au\/\a\^\i /o-_o^u ^re*t* \>U«tP>; /-^^ • ^|KP defaTp/ 4 h ' cliPiS?f c-ldt i tee, 6V*fUP>J p<-^5^.^>. ' ?o,- 'ptptf/ffe', !-^% P>'^e dk7*>7*( ^7Ll *4 frt^ py^?-, I— /6ooL c 4(ate ^ o-tU&u- C3 nor. U * _; /f> A"*C- <5- i^"H Name orWellMa^/^ Id/-Co 7-1. /(OO CL 7 Depth Range /(ooo - Use' Sheet No. /3 Scale: 1 inch=10 feet. boloiMit*'•%€>-?*>%!+. WWW^fdl9lxtrz7^i fr?-f?c?'f do/,' i-sy* tree* s^<" ' ''* 7o f-t»* d+n-ifcl frx, f-Oe hr.Cftfiy ckPi'Tt Cuicife . >_ 0J*f k,-__ 3^*.f/ \+, IO TSt do/.', l-6-%flSfi rT*t>'kl ffi.', 1-i.^o ^f*. U*^; (cl\<?'ri t cutcitev fyr/Tp> )d7/t pp~ Qptfi**** > 2o (Solo1^1 ^^U If(si* foc>(crfto,dfi~J*. \k6<>. t\ -i \ r-hfo \r**i\ \l\e,lfi>\cntati , dpafxrs. it, 6) Av 7 ') ? _^- \ SS: 4t~7e>e>'fo 1*4/f? p? /* fp**ji c/*>A>P- pu*<£??? </-»*&7e<tf ^7? t. fi^Ajtr fi*/te d£-^,S«/>s.fr0d'e>7-l^:i G-reet* &&fiU, do/o, 6 p o Ci (.< ^ _; P >• *» .a f&/y'4_. _._>« ^S \ !o Of-\0 <vA'(i*f /•+ fi"* «i ** 4 tr , ^ £> *-, f~i'0%7~df ffi. S4^/, *)* t/i'j-#!s i inPtPt-i £4.#te> __________ ..... MA/t^ jhc*d* -t~^' s^<5-- f*p</< %-\\Grp>**t S7i*7pt do t* _^_T', (00 fo ^ttrfe , Tft jP4u/C h H/•PoSfr'f ffl 2*?^ /, - C!odo f -k o PA PU C Y*lKei^pis. . - - '— 53; 57P*t/!*p Xr S>4 uTTTi ^7~ /^Eof-^ct- / Name of V/ell l\ auitfofr W~0p2.\ n®°> Sheet No. JA- Pepth Range /7oo- / goo ' Scale: 1 inch=10 feet« S5 ' <f f- too*] o (•*-•* ^ y~," "^"^^ Lilt*'*/, 7i 7l> r, £-/<*>**> i*MPi777 testis ?ns*«/' ^rrs^/p±^,z»Ufr«dP%-L;A~L% qrpets. \>l**t<p! d^Tiu vbh. do/*.\ ^0i_>-U-Li.e-.' _U fsSi<?4-'/*0&e f+<4*AH 41*** St*s**df A} 75 P~t*/&0P* *f^e>5/W J AfP\ utoddiWA/c*. jrla/r ^'i/i/"^' k~* \ 6-',c)o yee* $^/C/ '(O. 2>cv 10- 4*. m. - -• - ^o. I—