March, 2009


March, 2009
T h e
% e w s l e t t e r
o f
t h e
S tanford P rofessional W omen of L os A ngeles
MAR 2009
Volume 34
Issue 7
Diana Sedenquist
Designer: Sheri Lee
F o r u m
f o r
A l l
W o m e n
Th+rs.&/0 $&r1h 230 4553
n 2003, reflecting a profound commitment to public
museums and to the city of Los Angeles as one of the great
arts capitals in the world, Eli and Edythe Broad donated
$?0 million to build the Broad Contemporary Art Museum
at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA).
The Broads are among the world’s most generous
philanthropists and this was their largest gift to a single arts
institution (it was also the largest donation ever made to
BCAM is the Phase One centerpiece of LACMA’s ambitious
overall program to expand and renovate. Designed by
Pritzker Prize-winning architect, Renzo Piano, BCAM
opened its doors in February 2008 and provides the
LACMA campus with an extraordinary three-story, lightfilled building dedicated to art from 19T5 to the present.
The new museum is one of the largest column-free art
spaces in the United States, with loft-like galleries
and a skylit top floor. With sixty thousand square
feet of exhibition space featuring artists such as Robert
Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Ed Ruscha,
Andy Warhol, Ellsworth Kelly, John Baldessari, Jeff Koons,
!"#$ &t (#"$#
Th+rs.&/0 $&r1h 230 4553
5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 9003?
6755 89:9 sh&r89 #rt To+r !e=>?s @Ale&se &rr>Ce o? t>:eD
E755 F G755 89:9 He1e8t>o? &t Ae?t>:e?to
There is parking available for $c at the corner of Wilshire and
Spaulding. Walk past the Urban Lights installation on your way
to BCAM’s main square where you will see our \uick Culture art
guides and a sign that says, “Stanford Alumni BCAM Museum
Tour.” It’s important to be prompt as the tours will begin on time
(there will be two groups).
Ale&se HIJA K/ I+?.&/0 $&r1h 2L9
Mr>e?.s &?. M&:>l/ &re wel1o:eO
March 2009
!"b$n '()ht,
Chris Burden, and Richard Serra, BCAM holds many
important, iconic works of contemporary art. Several of the
pieces come from the renowned Broad Art Foundation and
the Broads’ personal collection.
SPWLA is pleased to offer our members a unique tour of
BCAM. We have enlisted the talent of two knowledgeable
and entertaining art guides from \uick Culture Art Tours,
Ellen Greenberg and Charlotte Robinson. Charlotte and
Ellen graduated from LACMA’s docent program in 2003,
and they have provided tours to hundreds of art lovers.
You can expect a conversation that is peppered with
amusing anecdotes and interesting facts about BCAM’s
collection, the roots of contemporary art, the inspiration
and lives of the artists, and the beautiful new building.
After the tour, a reception will be held at LACMA’s
Pentimento Caf_, a venture of “super chef“ Joachim
Splichal. In addition to his flagship Patina, Chef Splichal
oversees a half-dozen Pinot restaurants in Southern
California and Las Vegas. Delicious appetizers and
beverages will be served.
Stanford Professional Women of Los Angeles Newsletter
!"ontinue) on +a-e ./
Page 1
Lisa Clar) *+,
President’s Letter
Robin Mac)enroth *+6
2008 — 2009 BOARD MEMBERS
Marie 7illiams Shi:man *6+
Please note: This event is limited to 42 participants.
To ensure your space on the tour, we recommend early
registration. The reception will be held outdoors, so
please dress appropriately. If we have cool weather,
outdoor heaters will be used. Photographs and food are
not allowed in the museum. Latecomers can join up with
a tour group on the third floor of BCAM. The guides will
carry a tote bag with the \uick Culture logo and all
participants will be wearing a \uick Culture logo pin.
Page 2
!"ontinue) 0rom +a-e 3/ 4"56 at 75"65
Lisa 7il;er MBA *>?
Robin Mac)enroth *+6
@une Sobel MFA *6,
Diana Se;enDuist *+E
@ean Shi *>F
I enjoyed seeing many of you in January at the Leading Matters
event put on by the University. I hope to see you at upcoming
SPWLA events as well.
It’s a good time to mention that we are still collecting donations for
our 2009 Community Service Fellowship Fund. We will start to
review applications from current Stanford students soon. You can
donate when you register for any of our events, or you can just
send a check to Neville Anderson if you are not able to attend
any of our upcoming events. You can also donate online using
PayPal - go to and click on the “Announcements”
section to learn more. We are delighted to be able to help
talented young women explore their professional interests while
they are still in school. These internships reap important dividends
in many different ways -- both in the lives of the interns and in the
Los Angeles community. Also, if you contribute $50 or more, you
will be invited to our summer luncheon where we will get to know
our fellowship recipient.
My mother has a fridge magnet that says,
“I have not yet begun to procrastinate.”
Ever since I became aware of the concept,
(>s& "l&rP
I have known that I am a procrastinator.
I have been meaning to get a group of friends together to see the
new Broad Contemporary Art Museum (BCAM) at LACMA, but
haven’t yet organized it. This time, my procrastination paid off,
because SPWLA has organized an event at BCAM! The evening
includes an expert art guide to show us the highlights, appetizers
to snack on, and an opportunity to mingle. I’m looking forward to
mixing modern art with old and new friends.
NeHille An;erson *I6
Carrie Jim *+,
Ma;eline Fiel; *+K
@eanne 7anlass *I>
Lin;a Christie *+KL MA *+6
Barbara LeHenson *+E
@ac)i 7illiamsM@ones *6,L MA *66
Stanford Professional Women of Los Angeles Newsletter
March 2009
SPWLA '(')(RS’ AL'A,A-
A-T/V/T/(S A,1 A1V(,T2R(S 34 ,3T(
!ac$i Williams+!ones + /rench Teacher3 /lintrid6e Prep
Backstage 7ith Josh ;roban at the Los Angeles Convention Center. ?n @ebruary B; Ca:ki Wi''iamsDCones per/ormed
at the EusiCares 8a'a eFent honorin8 its Person o/ the Hear; Iei' <iamond6 EusiCares; an or8anization that o//ers
assistan:e to members o/ the musi: industry durin8 times o/ need; ho'ds an annua' 8a'a durin8 Krammy $eekend6 Ls
part o/ a MND$oman Fo:a' 8roup O$hi:h $as a subset o/ Ca:kiPs 'ar8er 8ospe' ensemb'e; Cubi'ant Qoi:es; o/ Ho'man
Snited Eethodist Chur:hT; Ca:ki san8 ba:kup /or Kid Vo:k as he per/ormed; WXhank the Lord /or the Ii8httime6Z Xhe
opportunity :ame up $hen Ca:kiPs :hoir dire:tor; Ee'ida SkeetsDSmith; re:eiFed a :a'' /rom the EusiCares o//i:e
re=uestin8 ten ba:kup sin8ers; and Ca:ki
$as se'e:ted /or the 8i86 ?n the ni8ht o/ the
per/orman:e; Ca:ki $as e[:ited to meet many
o/ the artists ba:ksta8e $ho $ere there to
honor Iei' <iamond; su:h as Cosh Kroban;
@aith Hi'' and Xim E:Kra$; \ri: ]enet; and
the Conas ]rothers6 L'thou8h she had a
/abu'ous time; Ca:ki p'ans to ^keep _her` day
To all SPWLA Members: We $ou'd 'ike to
hear /rom you as 'i/e o//ers up its 4oys and
surprises6 Send us your items o/ interest and
$e $i'' share them $ith the 8roup6 Conta:t
ne$s'etter editor; <iana Seden=uist;
!"#$% '%((%")*+!,-.* "-/ 01%.-/* 2%34 !,*4 51,6"-
!"e SPWLA Comm-nit1 Ser3i4e Fe66o7s"i9 :eeds <o-r =e69
\a:h year; $e se'e:t one student /rom a poo' o/ impressiFe
app'i:ants to re:eiFe our Community SerFi:e
@e''o$ship6 Xhese /e''o$ships make it possib'e /or an outD
standin8 Stan/ord student to spend a summer in Los
Ln8e'es $orkin8 /or a nonDpro/it or8anization6 Xhe 8rants
are Fery meanin8/u' to the students $ho re:eiFe them; and our
:ity bene/its as $e''6
We haFe raised bc;cdN to
bd;NNN by the end o/ Eay6
@e''o$ship /und so that $e
important $ork e[perien:e
date and $e need to raise
P'ease 8iFe 8enerous'y to our
:an :ontinue to /a:i'itate an
/or a deserFin8 Stan/ord
Stan/ord 4unior; \Fa Sheridan; $as our /e''o$ship re:ipient in
She $orked $ith the \du:ation LdFanta8e
@oundation DD an or8anization that he'ps underpriFi'e8ed
youth by proFidin8 edu:ationa' resour:es $ithin residentia'
units6 \Fa had this to say about her summer internshipf
March 2009
@My summer 7ith EAF 7as
amaEingF not amaEing in your
fairytale Cinderella perfect 7orld
amaEing, but amaEing in the 7ay
things are in this 7orld -- compleL
and challenging, but ultimately
re7arding. Looking back on my
eLperience, it is hard to see, much
less eLplain, ho7 so much
information and eLperience can come in one
summer. The SPWLA sponsorship allo7ed me not
only to 7itness, but also to actively participate and
contribute to the building and success of a Los
Angeles non-profit. I 7ill carry my eLperience 7ith
me foreverF 7ithout your support, it 7ould have
been just a dream.O
P'ease use the :oupon on pa8e g to send in your donation6
L'' :ontributions are 8reat'y appre:iated6
Stan-ord Pro-essional Women o- Los Angeles Newsletter
Page <
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!hotographs +, -iana Seden3uist
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April ;;
Page =
Spring (egionals. An opportunity to have a warm1 informal dinner with SPWLA
friends from your neighborhood. Locations will be listed in our newsletter for
Stan-ord Pro-essional Women o- Los Angeles Newsletter
March 2009
RESERVATION FORM: “BCAM at LACMA” — Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:00 — 8:00 p.m.
Name/Class Year:
e-mail address:
& Guests
X $30.00 = $
Due to venue reservation requirements,
refunds are not available.
X $35.00 = $
Donation to SPWLA’s Community Service Fellowship = $
Registration by mail must be received no later than Sunday, March 1O, 2009
Deadline to register online using PayPal: Sunday, March 1O, 2009
Make your check payable to SPWLA and contact June Sobel for more information.
Yes! I Want to Help a Stanford Student
Gain Work Experience in Los Angeles.
Qe &re here
! #$%%&'( )*+,-.# /&001(023( (& 4$35 4266&7#81%# 4&' 52#2'913:
$352':';5$;(2 )(;34&'5 7&023 78& 71#8 (& 529&(2
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>3/6&#25 1# 0< /&3('1?$(1&3 13 (82 ;0&$3( &4@
" $ 50
" $ 75
Other _________
All contributions are greatly appreciated.
&#'e (o*r ,he,' .#(#/le to 23456 #"7 ,o"t#,t Ne9:lle 6"7erso"
for $ore :"for$#t:o"= "e9:lle#"7erso">(#hoo?,o$
March 2009
IAQ(#Rs "o::+?>t/
IerC>1e Mellowsh>8 455GS53
Stanford Professional Women of Los Angeles Newsletter
Page 5
Stanford Professional Women
of Los Angeles County
A Forum for All Women
w w w. s p w l a . c o m
The IAQ(# V>re1tor/ 455GW4553 w>ll &rr>Ce >? /o+r :&>lKoXes shortl/0
th&?Ps to $e:Kersh>8 "h&>r NeC>lle #?.erso?9 Zt >s worth /o+r t>:e to
fl>8 thro+=h the 8&=es &?. Ke1o:e :ore f&:>l>&r w>th the
:e:Kers of o+r =ro+89 $&?/ of /o+ h&Ce >?.>1&te. /o+r w>ll>?=?ess to
&1t &s & 2LW:>?+te :e?tor to /o+r fellow :e:Kers9 Zf /o+ &re
1o?s>.er>?= & 1&reer 1h&?=e th>s /e&r or wo+l. l>Pe to le&r? :ore &Ko+t
/o+r 1+rre?t f>el.0 we e?1o+r&=e /o+ to t&Pe &.C&?t&=e of the
=e?eros>t/0 P?owle.=e0 &?. eX8er>e?1e of o+r :e:Kersh>89
1o?s>.er&t>o? &?. 8&tro?>]&t>o? of o+r .>re1tor/ s8o?sors >s =re&tl/
&88re1>&te. &s well9
Page 6
Stanford Professional Women of Los Angeles Newsletter
March 2009